Translated) Brita Green TV

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Preparing Green TV, IPB Holds Training and Workshop on Television Program


Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) is preparing to launch a Green TV. Rector of IPB, Prof.
Dr. Ir. Herry Suhardiyanto, MSc says, to help get closer to wider community, IPB in the
future will produce various educative TV programs, especially related to agriculture in a
broad sense, including food security, bioenergy, environmental sustainability, poverty
reduction, and others.

Green TV is part of IPB's effort in introducing agricultural education. The media often
describes agriculture as something dirty, smell of mud, skin wrinkles out of sunburn, concave
forehead because of life hardship. Why is agricultural activity rarely perceived as something
interesting to young people and something they are proud of ? This is certainly the challenge
- how to change the perception of the younger generation towards agriculture. "If the national
televisions gave a good attention to the agricultural education, IPB would not really need to
introduce this green TV, " Rector said.

According to Rector, TV is very effective in implanting values to the community. We hope

we can introduce program packages (certain features or short films) about agriculture and
environment that can be enjoyed by the public. "Through the Green TV we will continue to
develop the public education concerning food and environmental issues. The name “Green
TV has been registered to Kemenkumham (Ministry of Laws and Human Rights) for its
patented rights. Green TV raises the tag-line "Innovation of the New Civilization."

Green TV will focus on the aspects of production. It will broadcast without a transmitter.
Why? Because the permit procedure in getting the frequency is not simple. For this reason, in
2011 it is targeted that the Green TV will operate on a Pay System of TV. It will be launched
to coincide with the 48th Anniversary of IPB in 2011 and needs some preparation for the
program content of 400-hour casting per year. Approximately 800 episodes are required for
one-year running.

As one of the preparation stages for Green TV, Training and Workshops on Production of TV
programs are conducted by the Laboratory of Electronic Media in two periods. Period I is
scheduled on 21 to 22 October and 2 November 2010, and Period II is set on 28 to 29
October and 4 November 2010. This training is to involve some representatives of the
working units in IPB. "It is expected to be a means of practice to create an interesting
package of agricultural education. Participants will be trained as executive producers who
will later push their respective working units to contribute TV casting content to the Green
TV show," said the Chairman of the Training Committee, Ir. Yatri Indah Kusumastuti, M.Si.
As for the training output, Riza Primadi, one of the instructors, says that the training is
intended to change the academic attitude into that of an executive producer, that is, one who
is engaged in the stage of producing ideas.

Concerning the creation of ideas as the main 'job" of an executive producer, Riza advised not
to worry much about generating ideas for TV casting. What is done everyday in each of the
working units are valuable sources of ideas. An idea that we may view as old and unattractive
can be a very interesting idea to process into a TV casting. Obviously, when creating the
program we must know to whom the program is aimed. "Do not make a program that is
interesting to IPB academic communities, but not so to the millions of viewers in Indonesia,"
said Riza.
The training is guided by a team of Creative Content Indonesia (CCI) with the well-known
instructors such as Riza Primadi, Rizal Mustary, Endah Saptorini, Imam Wahyudi, and Dewi
Fadjar. (mtd)

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