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When undertaking a research or enterprise project, Cardiff Met staff and students are obliged to complete this form
in order that the ethics implications of that project may be considered.

If the project requires ethics approval from an external agency (eg NHS), you will not need to seek additional ethics
approval from Cardiff Met. You should however complete Part One of this form and attach a copy of your ethics
letter(s) of approval in order that your School has a record of the project.

The document Ethics application guidance notes will help you complete this form. It is available from the Cardiff
Met website. The School or Unit in which you are based may also have produced some guidance documents, please
consult your supervisor or School Ethics Coordinator.

Once you have completed the form, sign the declaration and forward to the appropriate person(s) in your School or

Participant recruitment or data collection MUST NOT commence until ethics approval has been obtained.


Name of applicant: Fathima fazla faizal

Supervisor (if student project): DR.Kalharie pitigala
School / Unit: ICBT campus
Student number (if applicable): CL/BSC PSY/08/23
Programme enrolled on (if applicable): BSc (Hons) psychology
Project Title: The relationship between self-esteem, subjective
happiness and overall life satisfaction among young
Expected start date of data collection: 20/12/2019
Approximate duration of data collection: 3 months
Funding Body (if applicable): N/A
Other researcher(s) working on the project: N/A

Will the study involve NHS patients or staff? No

Will the study involve human samples No

and/or human cell lines?

Does your project fall entirely within one of the following categories:
Paper based, involving only documents in No
the public domain
Laboratory based, not involving human No
participants, human samples, animals or
animal derived material

Application for ethics approval v7 September 2018 1


Practice based not involving human No

participants (eg curatorial, practice audit)
Compulsory projects in professional practice No
(eg Initial Teacher Education)
A project for which external approval has No
been obtained (e.g., NHS)
If you have answered YES to any of these questions, expand on your answer in the non-technical
summary. No further information regarding your project is required.
If you have answered NO to all of these questions, you must complete Part 2 of this form
In no more than 150 words, give a non-technical summary of the project
What is self-esteem? Self-esteem is the thing that we consider ourselves. At the point when it’s
sure, we have certainty and sense of pride. We’re content with ourselves and our capacities, in
what our identity is and our skill. Self-esteem is generally steady and suffering, however it can
vacillate. Healthy self-esteem makes us versatile and confident about existence.
(Darlene Lancer, 2019)

This study will look at the relationship between the person's happiness levels, satisfaction with life
levels and self-esteem levels. This investigation plans to give a more noteworthy knowledge into
why individuals with high self-esteem will in general be more joyful and increasingly happy with
their life than individuals with low self-esteem. It will take a gander at numerous ideas including
upward and descending examinations, inevitable outcome, achievement and disappointment.
The dependent variable as part of this study is self-esteem and the independent variables are age, sex,
education level, employment level, subjective happiness level and life satisfaction level.

1. To investigate the relationship between self-esteem, subjective happiness with the
prediction that along with recent research to support the idea there will be a positive
correlation between the two variables.
2. To develop with support from relevant research prediction of a positive correlation
between subjective happiness and life satisfaction, to investigate whether there is a
relationship between high- levels of self-esteem and life satisfaction.
3. Final objective is to investigate whether there is a gender differences among the
relationship between all three variables.

Darlene Lancer, J. M. (2019). what is self-esteem.

Application for ethics approval v7 September 2018 2


I confirm that this project conforms with the Cardiff Met Research Integrity & Governance

I confirm that I will abide by the Cardiff Met requirements regarding confidentiality and
anonymity when conducting this project.

STUDENTS: I confirm that I will not disclose any information about this project without the prior
approval of my supervisor.
Signature of the applicant: Date:
f.fazla faizal 21/12/2019


Name of supervisor: Date:
DR.kalharie pitigala 21/12/2019

Signature of supervisor:

Research Ethics Committee use only

Decision reached: Project approved
Project approved in principle
Decision deferred
Project not approved
Project rejected
Project reference number: Click here to enter text.
Name: Click here to enter text. Date: Click here to enter a date.

Details of any conditions upon which approval is dependant:

Click here to enter text.

A1 Will you be using an approved protocol in your project? No
A2 If yes, please state the name and code of the approved protocol to be used1
Click here to enter text.

An Approved Protocol is one which has been approved by Cardiff Met to be used under supervision of designated members of
staff; a list of approved protocols can be found on the Cardiff Met website here

Application for ethics approval v7 September 2018 3

A3 Describe the research design to be used in your project

In this study it undertakes Quantitative research design and will be including three scales.
Rosenberg self-esteem scale (RSES), The satisfaction with life scale (SWLS), The subjective happiness
scale (SHS). A demographic questionnaire will also be given to the participants and will be include
questions like their gender, age, religion, and marital status.

The sample selected will be 80 participants from (ICBT CAMPUS). The sample will be 40 males and 40
females. The participant selected will be 18-25 years of age. All participants will be sri Lankan and other
nationalities excluded from the sample.

The study will take place in ICBT campus where permission will be obtained from the lecturer prior to data
collection. Participants informed will be obtained where the participants will be given a consent form to be signed
and handed over to the researcher. Also, the participants will be informed that they have all rights to not take part
in the study and that all information given will be kept confidential. Therefore, the participant will also be
explained the reason for the proposed study by using a participant information sheet. The data provided in each
questionnaire will be captured in statistical package for social science software for further analysis. Questionnaires
will be administrated as hard copy by hand. The choice for collection of data with the traditional paper-and-pencil
survey. After participants accessed the questionnaire, they will be provided with information about the study and
will also be requested to complete the questionnaire by responding to all statements fairly. Individuals will also be
asked to forward the invitation email to people they know who they thought might be willing to participate in the
study. Participants will be assured of anonymity and confidentiality of the information provided by them as it will
be strictly used for academic/research purposes. Scale items will then be presented along with detailed
instructions for completing each part of the questionnaire. After participants submitted their responses, they were
redirected to a webpage that thanked them for their participation.

A consent form and a participant information sheet will be given to the participant. The participant information
sheet will comprise of why the present investigation should be directed and the idea of how it will be led. The
information sheet will likewise clarify the dangers and advantages of them partaking in the study. If the students
are willing to take part then a consent form will be marked by them, affirming that it is their own choice to
participate in the study. In conclusion, there are no such potential dangers, which would make the member to
deny participation.

Application for ethics approval v7 September 2018 4


Anonymity/ confidentiality
All participants will be given a reference number and therefore no names will be required or used. All information
that has been given by the participants will always be confidential even after the people who participated decide to
withdraw from the study. Filled in questionnaires will be collected in a separate file with a reference number and
therefore no personal identifiers will be collected. All data collected will be stored securely in a locked cupboard
until it is analysed where only the supervisor and the researcher will have access to the data collected.

Right to withdraw from the study and right to withdraw data

All participants will be given the right to withdraw at any point of the study. If participants require withdrawing from
the study once data is already collected, then it is a must that they contact the researcher before 5 days after the
data collection procedure. If the participants require withdrawing from the study after the data is collected, he/she
is expected to remember their reference number for the researcher to delete or withdraw information given by that
participant. The researcher can be contacted via email.

Method of analysis
SPSS would be used to explore and unravel the information gathered from the surveys. Diagrams, frequencies,
outlines, and so forth, etc. will be appeared in the tables and figures section. A parametric or non-parametric test
would be embraced relying upon the outcomes gathered from the participants.

A4 Will the project involve deceptive or covert research? No

A5 If yes, give a rationale for the use of deceptive or covert research
Click here to enter text.
A6 Will the project have security sensitive implications? No
A7 If yes, please explain what they are and the measures that are proposed to address them
Click here to enter text.

B1 What previous experience of research involving human participants relevant to this project do you
I have taken part in a quantitative research HOW COLLEGE STUDENTS MANAGE STRESS, AND HOW THEY
COPE UP WITH THEIR SELF-ESTEEM and I have interviewed few students.
B2 Student project only
What previous experience of research involving human participants relevant to this project does your
supervisor have?
Supervisor of this research study is Dr. Kalharie Pitigala. Her main research area pertains to qualitative
research. She has five years of experience in supervising qualitative research projects. The most recent

Application for ethics approval v7 September 2018 5

research that she has conducted has been on anaemic pregnant women. The title of her most recent
research is “A qualitative approach to understand anaemia in pregnancy”.

Currently she is involved in post- doctoral research and working on measuring the therapeutic effect of
mindfulness in treating mental disorders

C1 What potential risks do you foresee?
Participant might not be honest with their answers and also participants will get to know their personality
type also what causes the deviant behaviour .This may cause a certain amount of emotional distress in the
participant as he/she may associate their personality type to negative aspects.

C2 How will you deal with the potential risks?

Participants will be assured that completing the questionnaire on a scale will not mean that there is a
negative and positive personality. Results obtained from the study will also be strictly confidential and
anonymity will always be maintained.

Application for ethics approval v7 September 2018 6





Name of the researcher: FATHIMA FAZLA FAIZAL

E- mail:

Background: this study will look at the relationships between the individual’s self-esteem, happiness levels and
satisfaction with life levels. This study is done in order to complete the final year BSc (Hons) psychology program
offered by ICBT campus- an association of the Cardiff Metropolitan University.


Main motive of the study:

The main motive of the study is to investigate the individual’s self-esteem, happiness level and satisfaction with life
levels among young adults. this study hopes to give a greater insight into why people with high self-esteem tend to
be happier and more satisfied with their life than people with low-self-esteem. It will look at many concepts
including upwards and downwards comparisms, self-fulfilling prophecy, success and failure.

This study will be handed in as a final year dissertation to complete the BSc (Hons) Psychology program.

Your participation in the research project

Why you have been asked to part of the study -The study aims to look at the relationship between the individual’s
self-esteem, happiness level and satisfaction with life levels among young adults. And it is thought that I am suitable
for the study as you have just completed your Higher National Diploma.

What would happen if you agree to take part in the study? - If you agree to take part in the study, you will be
handed a questionnaire to be filled regarding your personality type. Once you fill the questionnaire the data will be
recorded for analysis.

Are there any risks? - The researcher does not think there are any significant risks to you when taking part in the
study. However, if you feel uncomfortable taking part in the study you have the right to withdraw at any given time
during the study.

What happens to the results of the study? - The data recorded will be analysed using SPSS to examine any
relationship between the two variables. Your responses will always be treated as highly confidential. Your response

Application for ethics approval v7 September 2018 7

sheets will be coded with a reference number and therefore your names will not be required. We will present this
study to ICBT campus as a final dissertation in order to complete the BSc (Hons) Psychology program.

Are there any benefits from taking part? The benefits of the study are that it will provide further knowledge and
understanding of why people with high life satisfaction tend to be happier and more satisfies than people with low-

What happens next?

With this letter you’ll find a consent form where you must sign to confirm that you are willing to take part in the
study. Once completed it must be handed over to the researcher conducting the study.

How we protect your privacy: As you can see, everyone working on the study will respect your privacy. We have
taken very careful steps to make sure that you cannot be identified from any of the information that we have about
you as no names will be used.

If you decide to withdraw from the study at any point, even after the data collection procedure you are expected to
remember you reference number for the researcher to destroy your respective data. However, data can only be
removed if you inform the researcher within 5 days after the data has been collected.

Once the data has been analysed, all information will be kept to a maximum of up to 6 months and thereafter will be

Further information

If you have any questions about the research or how we intend to conduct the study, please contact: (fazla faizal)

Application for ethics approval v7 September 2018 8



Participant to complete this section: Please initial each box.

I. I confirm that I have read and understand the information sheet for the above study. I have
had the opportunity to consider the information, ask questions and have had these
answered satisfactorily.

II. I understand that my participation is voluntary and that I am free to withdraw at any time,
without giving any reason.

III. I agree to take part in the above study.

_______________________________________ ___________________

Signature of Participant Date

_______________________________________ ___________________

Name of person taking consent Date


Signature of person taking consent

Application for ethics approval v7 September 2018 9


Please complete the following questions:

HND Student ID number: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Gender: M F

Age: …………………………………………………….

HND course that you followed: ……………………………………………………..

Nationality: …………………………………………………………………………

Religion: Buddhist Christian Hindu Muslim

Are you currently employed? Yes No

Marital Status: Single Married Divorced Other

Application for ethics approval v7 September 2018 10


Debrief sheet

Thank you for taking time to participate in the study. The purpose of the study is to investigate the relationship
between self-esteem, subjective happiness and overall life satisfaction among young adults. Previous studies have
shown a link between the insight into why people with high self-esteem tend to be more satisfied and happier with
their life than people with low-self-esteem. Therefore, this proposed study will explore self-esteem and how high
levels of happiness and satisfaction in life. High levels of satisfaction may lead to an increase in happiness levels and
life satisfaction. The “Dependant” variable as part of this study is self-esteem and the “Independent” variable are
age, sex, education level, employment level, and life satisfaction level that will be studied in the research topic.

However, you can be assured that no names or any personal identifiers will be revealed by the coordinator and
therefore all information about you is anonymous and highly confidential. Once the filled in questionnaires are
collected and the academic grade is obtained, they will be analysed through a few statistical techniques in order to
conclude about the relationship between self-esteem, subjective happiness and overall life satisfaction among young

If you wish to withdraw from the study you are free to do so, please feel free to contact the researcher within 05
days after data collection in order to remove your data from the sample.

If you wish to clarify anything related to the study, feel free to contact:

(Researcher) (fazla faizal)

Application for ethics approval v7 September 2018 11

Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSE)

Please record the appropriate answer for each item, depending on whether you Strongly agree, agree, disagree, or
strongly disagree with it.
1 = Strongly agree
2 = Agree
3 = Disagree
4 = Strongly disagree

_____ 1. Overall, I am satisfied with myself.

_____ 2. At times I think I am no good at all.

_____ 3. I feel that I have several good qualities.

_____ 4. I can do things as well as most other people.

_____ 5. I feel 1do not have much to be proud of.

_____ 6. I certainly feel useless at times.

_____ 7. I feel that I'm a person of worth.

_____ 8. I wish I could have more respect for myself.

_____ 9. All in all, I am inclined to think that I am a failure.

_____ 10. I take a positive attitude toward myself.

Application for ethics approval v7 September 2018 12


Satisfaction with life scale (SWLS)

Instructions: Below are five statements that you may agree or disagree with. Using the 1 - 7 scale below, indicate
your agreement with each item by placing the appropriate number on the line preceding that item. Please be open
and honest in your responding.
• 7 - Strongly agree
• 6 – Agree
• 5 - Slightly agree
• 4 - Neither agree nor disagree
• 3 - Slightly disagree
• 2 – Disagree
• 1 - Strongly disagree

____ In most ways my life is close to my ideal.

____ The conditions of my life are excellent.

____ I am satisfied with my life.

____ So far, I have gotten the important things I want in life.

____ If I could live my life over, I would change almost nothing.

Application for ethics approval v7 September 2018 13


Subjective happiness scale (also known as General Happiness Scale SHS)

Instructions: For each of the following statements and/or questions, please circle the point on the scale that you feel
is most appropriate in describing you.

1. In general, I consider myself: not a very happy person 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a very happy person

2. Compared to most of my peers, I consider myself: less happy 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 more happy

3. Some people are generally very happy. They enjoy life regardless of what is going on, getting the most out of
everything. To what extent does this characterization describe you? not at all 1 2 3 4 5 6 7a
great deal

4. Some people are generally not very happy. Although they are not depressed, they never seem as happy as they
might be. To what extend does this characterization describe you? not at all 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a great

Application for ethics approval v7 September 2018 14

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