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Tender No. : 19000472-HD-10120 Tender Published On : 30-Dec-2019 21:43

Basic Information Of Tender

Title HCPL Laying-Sch 1
Description Pipe Laying and Associated Works- Schedule-1, for Hassan - Cherlapally LPG Pipeline (HCPL)Project.
Tender Type Public
Tender Scope Domestic
Bid Type Two Bid
Evaluation Criteria Schedule Wise
Tender Due Date & Time 28-Jan-2020 15:00
Reverse Auction Applicable Yes
Pre Bid Conference Start Date & Time 16-Jan-2020 14:00
Pre Bid Conference End Date & Time 16-Jan-2020 15:00
Queries Start Date & Time 30-Dec-2019 22:30
Quries End Date & Time 17-Jan-2020 15:00
Un Priced Bid Open Date & Time 28-Jan-2020 15:30
Purchase Deptt. PURCHASE DEPT-Pipeline Dept HB
Fax No. 22613631
Office Address Hindustan Bhavan ,P&P HQO-HB1 ,No 8, SV Marg
,Ballard Estate ,MUMBAI ,400001 , ,MH , ,
TF/EMD Drop Box Address As mentioned in tender document.
Tender Description WorleyParsons on behalf of Ms Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL) invites bids through e-
tendering on Public Domestic Competitive Bidding basis for Pipe Laying and Associated Works for
Hassan-Cherlapally LPG Pipeline (HCPL)Project, HPCL under single stage two envelopes system as
detailed given in tender. Bids submitted online shall only be considered for processing.Digitally signed and
sealed (encrypted) e-tender are invited under two bid system at Tender No.
19000472-HD-10120, 19000473-HD-10120, 19000474-HD-10120, 19000475-HD-10120 and 19000476-
HD-10120, all these tender numbers shall be treated as single complete tender.Tender submission due
date: Upto 28.01.2020 (15:00 Hrs.) Online Unpriced Bid opening : From 15:30 Hours on 28.01.2020.The
tender details including EMD, etc. can also be viewed at HPCL website
under tender section: link-Tenders and Contracts.ALL REVISIONS,
TENDER WILL BE HOSTED ON WEBSITE along with website mentioned
Currency Type Tender Fee EMD
INR 0.0 8100000.0
Delivery Terms - Free to Destination location unless specified otherwise. Validity of offer - 120 days from the initial or extended Due Date for submission
of Tender whichever is later unless specified otherwise. Liquidated Damages/Price Reduction clause accepted unless specified otherwise.

In case bidder does not deviate from the standard offer validity in on line deviation form, bid’s offer validity shall be considered as mentioned above.

In case a Revised priced bid is initiated for this tender, at a later date (eg Technical evaluation stage etc), it shall be incumbent upon the bidder to submit
revised bids for the specified items/entire tender. In the absence of revised bids rom the bidder within specified time period, the original bid submitted by
the bidder shall not be considered for evaluation.

Organization reserves the right to reveal the contents of the bid documents submitted by the vendor during the witness bid opening process as per
prevailing policy of the corporation.

Please quote all the taxes, if applicable, only in percentage terms and not in Per unit(Amount) basis. The Per unit option is provided only to quote for
extras like Loading charges, packing charges, TPI charges etc. In case, it is found that you have quoted taxes in amount basis, your bid may be liable for

Digitally signed by Amol

Ramesh Gosavi
Date: 2019.12.30 21:45:44 IST

Reverse Auction – Terms & Conditions and Procedure

HPCL proposes to conduct Reverse auction for the items or schedules or on overall basis as
specified in the tender. Please go through the Terms & Conditions and Procedure given below
and submit your acceptance to the same by signing and uploading this document along with
unpriced bid.

Terms & Conditions

1. HPCL reserves the right to carryout ‘Online Reverse Auction’ with techno-commercially
accepted bidders for determining the lowest bidder for the requirements mentioned in this
tender enquiry. Reverse auction shall be conducted only when there are at least two or
more “Techno-commercially” accepted vendors at Technical evaluation stage.

2. Online reverse auction shall be conducted by HPCL on a specified date and time. The
vendors shall be participating in the reverse auction from their own offices / place of their
choice. Internet connectivity shall have to be ensured by the bidders themselves. HPCL shall
not be held responsible for local issues, such as loss of connectivity, Internet discontinuity,
and discrepancy in browser which may result in non-display of latest bid in client PC.

3. In extreme case of Server outage, network outage or failure of Internet connectivity, (or any
other unforeseen conditions) from HPCL’s end, fax/ E-Mail communication shall have to be
made immediately, to concerned purchase officer of HPCL. No such request shall be
entertained beyond one hour of the RA closing time. To provide equal opportunity, HPCL may
decide to extend the Reverse auction at their discretion, but not as the right of the bidder.
The vendors participating in Reverse Auction process shall be kept on standby for 1 Hour after
RA closing time.

4. HPCL shall investigate the above matter and decision for extension of Reverse Auction shall be
based on the merit of the issues pointed out and verified by HPCL and same shall be final and
binding on the vendor.

5. HPCL shall complete the investigation within two working days of receiving complaint from
any of the vendor.

6. In case of decision to extend Reverse Auction, intimation mail may go out to all vendors
within a day of investigation closure. Vendors shall generally be given intimation, a day in
advance before extended Reverse Auction is commenced. The Reverse Auction shall
commence from the last saved decrement value and shall be open for period of original
duration from commencement.

Business Rules and Terms & Conditions of Reverse Auction

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7. Bidders are requested to confirm their willingness to participate in ‘Online Reverse Auction’
during their bid submission by ensuring compliance to the Terms & Conditions and
Procedure specified herewith. Please note that non acceptance to participate in the Reverse
Auction process may lead to rejection of the bid without any further evaluation.

8. HPCL will pre-decide the commercial loading, if any, on the basis of the taxes & duties
quoted by the bidder, and loading on account of commercial deviations, if any. The loading
factors shall be displayed in the portal prior to the date scheduled for Reverse Auction

9. Bidders are encouraged to understand the Loading factors applied on their bids at the
earliest, on getting intimation regarding same. In case of any objection to the applied
loading factor same shall be brought to the notice of Purchase officer immediately. No
further communication on this ground will be entertained after publishing of Reverse

10. As part of Reverse Auction process, the Start Bid price (Leading Bid) shall be specified
by HPCL on Reverse Auction Portal. The Lowest of the {Price Bid or the estimate} will be
considered as the benchmark price (Start bid price). Please note that such priced bid
opening shall be system driven and therefore bidder’s identity vis-à-vis quoted price shall
be confidential.

11. In case of overall evaluation tenders or schedule wise evaluation tender, the Reverse
auction shall be conducted on the bottom line, net delivered cost.

12. In case of tenders, which are evaluated on Schedule wise or Overall L1 basis, the individual
item rates with get reduced on pro-rated basis as the decrements are effected during
reverse auction event.

13. During the Reverse auction event, the taxes which are quoted in percentage basis will get
reduced proportionately as the RA progresses. However, Extras like Loading
charges/packing charges/TPI which are quoted in per unit basis (amount terms) remains
constant as the decrements are effected.

14. Vendors shall ensure to quote the statutory taxes only in percentage basis and not in
amount terms. In case of non-compliance to this clause, bids shall be liable for rejection.

15. System shall allow to conduct Reverse Auction on multi-currency tender/bidding. In such
cases the basic reverse Auction shall be carried out in INR currency only. However bidders

Business Rules and Terms & Conditions of Reverse Auction

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having submitted bids in any of the following four currencies – USD, EUR, GBP, JPY shall be
able to view the basic rates (in original currency) corresponding to contemplated decrement
in the “show” screen.

16. The exchange rate for converting the INR value to originally quoted currency (USD, EUR,
GBP, JPY) shall be the one which was prevailing on the date of unpriced bid opening in line
with tender condition.

17. Reverse auction shall be held for a period of 60 minutes and shall be automatically
extended by a further period of 5 minutes in case of receipt of any bid during the last 5
minutes of the auction period. This process shall continue until no bids are received in the
last 5 minutes of the auction. Thereafter reverse auction shall get automatically closed. This
shall be an automated process.

18. Order may be placed on the lowest bidder, emerging out of the reverse auction process and
HPCL’s decision on award of contract shall be final and binding on all the bidders.

19. HPCL reserves the right to further rationalize the prices with lowest bidder for reducing the
price at any time before ordering.

20. HPCL reserves the right to cancel the reverse auction after event is scheduled but before
actual event taking place or after the reverse auction has completed in case of failure or any
other reason. The reasons for cancellation shall be conveyed to all vendors.

21. In cases where tender is required to be cancelled after opening of priced bid and
identification of L1 vendor and Reverse Auction was also part of tender, reasons for
cancellation shall be conveyed to all vendors.

22. During Reverse Auction Process, if no bids are received within the scheduled/rescheduled
date & specified time of the reverse auction, HPCL at its discretion can scrap the reverse
auction and proceed with the opening of the Electronic priced bids submitted by the
bidders. In such case HPCL shall display the bidder’s identity and original rates.

23. The bid on the Reverse Auction Portal will be taken as an offer to sell. Bids once made,
cannot be cancelled / withdrawn and the bidder shall be bound to sell the material/services
at the final bid price, and as per the specifications mentioned in the tender. Should the
bidder back out and not make the supplies as per the rates quoted or in case the material
supplied/services is not as per specifications mentioned in the tender, HPCL shall take
appropriate action as per the terms & conditions mentioned in the tender.

Business Rules and Terms & Conditions of Reverse Auction

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24. At the end of the Reverse Auction, HPCL will decide the successful bidder, basis the
evaluation criteria specified in the tender. HPCL’s decision on award of Contract shall be
final and binding on all the Bidders.

25. HPCL shall not have any liability to bidders for any interruption or delay in access to the
reverse auction portal irrespective of the cause.

26. The participation of vendors in the tendering process shall be construed as acceptance to
the terms & conditions and procedure for the reverse auction (until and unless the contrary
is explicitly mentioned in the deviation sheet). This compliance also shall be deemed as
participation in Reverse auction.

27. In case a bidder agrees for reverse auction in the un-priced bid but withdraws acceptance
any time after tender due date & time, the EMD of such bidder may be forfeited along with
rejection of offer at the sole discretion of HPCL.

28. Once Auction is started, no communication from vendor shall be entertained unless it is of
the nature of any serious issue in the portal.

29. The yellow color back ground on RA page indicates the due date and time of respective
Reverse Auction is over. (However, this will happen only if the vendor’s PC is connected to
the HPCL server). RA shall be concluded after standby period is over and auto generated
mail is received by vendor.

30. The Bidder shall not involve himself or any of his representatives in Price manipulation of
any kind directly or indirectly by communicating with other suppliers / bidders.

31. The Bidder shall not divulge either his Bids or any other exclusive details of HPCL to any
other party.

32. HPCL’s decision on award of Contract shall be final and binding on all the Bidders.

33. HPCL can decide to extend, reschedule or cancel any Auction. If any changes are made by
HPCL after the first posting and the Bidder continues to access the site after that time, it
shall be presumed that the bidder has accepted the changes.

34. HPCL shall not be responsible for any damages, including damages that result from, but are
not limited to negligence. HPCL will not be held responsible for consequential damages,
including but not limited to systems problems, inability to use the system, loss of electronic
information etc.

Business Rules and Terms & Conditions of Reverse Auction

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Reverse Auction Procedure

1. In case HPCL decides to conduct Reverse Auction, the qualified bidders would be
communicated on the same thru E-mails about the date and time of the Reverse Auction
event. The Reverse auction event shall be conducted in the HPCL e-tender portal under
link “Reverse auction”.

2. Reverse Auction shall be available to Bidder only after two factor authentication. Initially
vendor will login to the site with his Login Id and password.
Thereafter they shall click on the “Reverse auction” link in the portal to view/participate
in ongoing/upcoming reverse auctions.

3. Brief procedure to participate in RA:

I. Bidders may click on “Reverse Auction document”, and download the same
to their local PC.
II. The downloaded document shall be digitally signed and uploaded after the
RA event becomes active". The signed document may be kept ready for
upload beforehand.
III. Click on the Check box followed by “Participate in Reverse auction”.

3. HPCL will display Start Bid price i.e., Bench Mark price which shall be the lower of the
{price bids submitted by the bidders on the e-procurement portal i.e. ‘Bids opened for RA
event’ or HPCL’s in-house estimate}, which shall be visible to all the vendors at the start
of the Reverse Auction.

4. Identity of bidders never gets disclosed to anyone, during reverse auction process

5. HPCL shall specify the minimum amount/percentage by which the bidders can reduce
their bids at a time on the Reverse Auction Portal. This amount is referred as the ‘bid
decrement factor’ and shall be specified by HPCL.

6. Bidders shall start bidding from this Bench Mark Price. The bidder can bid lower than the
prevailing Lowest Bid at any time during the event by one decrement or multiples of the
Bid decrement.

7. In case the “SUBMIT QUOTE” button is not enabled after a few seconds of clicking,
vendors are urged to Re-Login to the page for viewing the latest leading bid and submit
fresh quotes. The process takes less than a few seconds.

Business Rules and Terms & Conditions of Reverse Auction

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8. The bidder shall be able to view the following values on his screen along with the other
necessary fields in the Reverse Auction:

 Item-wise Leading Bid in the Auction (Delivered Cost)

 Bid Placed by bidder (Delivered Cost)
 Bid value contemplated by bidder before submission(Delivered Cost)

34.8.1. Bidder can reduce his bid repeatedly during the auction period

9. Bidders shall be provided information on item wise pro-rated reduction in the rates, for

10. The confirmed bid submitted by vendor during the RA process shall always reflect in the
“Previous Bid” field only (red font). The field “Current bid” shall display the
contemplated bid value and “Leading Bid” shall show the current lowest bid value as
submitted by any of the vendors.

11. The Closing Price(s) offered by the bidders at the conclusion of the Reverse Auction shall
be valid for a minimum period of 30 days or as mentioned in tender, from the date of
conclusion of the Reverse Auction.

12. After the Reverse auction is over successfully and closed by purchase officer, vendor can
witness the lowest rate submitted by other vendors in “Witness bid opening” link.

13. In case of Item-wise evaluation tenders, any or all items may undergo Reverse Auction
separately at the discretion of HPCL.

14. In case of Schedule-wise evaluation tenders, any or all schedules may undergo Reverse
Auction separately at the discretion of HPCL.

15. In case of SOR type tenders, where vendor has quoted a single percentage plus or minus
against the offered rate, the decrement shall be applicable on the bench mark value on
base of 100 (i.e. it could be 107 in case of plus 7% or 94 in case of minus 6 percent). This
value shall be delivered cost i.e. inclusive of taxes and loading factor.

16. HPCL reserves right to conduct single reverse auction for multiple items with separate
decrement option.

17. Vendor shall have option to participate in multiple reverse auction if it is scheduled at the
same time.

Business Rules and Terms & Conditions of Reverse Auction

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18. Successful vendor shall be required to submit the final prices digitally signed and
uploaded as token of acceptance without any new condition other than those already
agreed to before start of auction.

19. Vendors may seek telephonic guidance before or during the Reverse auction process
from Helpdesk support at 022-41146666 or 022-61548595, between 8.00 AM to 8.00
PM on any working day, except Sundays and Public holiday.

E-Reverse Auction procedure for POL Transporters Tender

In case the Reverse auction is carried out for POL transport tender, the following procedure,
terms and conditions shall apply over and above the other RA terms and condition. In case of
any contradiction between the “RA procedure for POL transport tender” and “RA terms and
condition or procedure” the provisions of “RA procedure for POL transport tender” shall
supersede the latter.

I. The Tender for POL transport shall be floated with two covers Technical Bid and Priced
II. Bidders will have option to upload their complete truck details in Excel format (converted
to pdf) during bid submission.
III. There will be system based validation to ensure that bidders quote their rate for each
sector only within the specified priced band.
IV. At techno-commercial evaluation stage, user department will be able to accept or reject
trucks based on tender criteria. There will be feature to reject bidders also based on
tender criteria.
V. Post completion of Techno-commercial evaluation, there will be option to
a. Open Priced bid and generate Recap, followed by 2nd layer Recap for Truck
ranking. OR
b. Configure Schedule wise Reverse Auction (Separate RA for 12KL and 18KL
VI. RA shall commence with benchmark price which is lower of the two - {Estimated rate or
L1 rate}. RA decrement shall start from previous bid of bidder.
VII. In the proposed RA process, bidder will get to see his quoted rate for each of the line
items for a schedule, with option to reduce rate in any of the line items individually or all.
VIII. Line item wise Leading Bid(rate) will be displayed dynamically on the Screen.
IX. Bidders will not be allowed to quote below the Lower Price band for each line item,
configured in the tender.
X. Subject to IX above, Bidder will be allowed to bid lower than the leading bid for each line
item of the Schedule and his bid will then become leading bid for that line item.

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XI. Additionally, bidder will also get option to submit his bid lower than his Previous bid for
each line item, even if it is not lower than the leading bid value.
XII. RA shall be configured for a period of one hour and may get extended by 5 minutes in
case any bid lower than prevailing lowest bid for any line item is received in the last 5
XIII. In case, one of the bidders have already quoted at the lowest of the band for all line items
within the first 55 minutes of the RA event, there will be no extension of RA, even if bids
are submitted in the last 5 minutes of RA event. However, the RA will be open for full one
hour for other bidders to quote lower than their previous bid, in order to improve their
XIV. Bidders will be allowed to match line item wise lowest of the band, even if one of the
bidders have previously quoted at the lowest of the band for the line item.
XV. At the end of Reverse auction, there shall be option to close RA event. In such case,
system generated recap can be obtained providing the ranking of all bidders.
XVI. In case, there is no participation from any of the bidders during RA process, there shall be
option to cancel the RA event and go for opening of Priced bids followed by System
generated Recap.
XVII. There shall be feature to postpone or extend the RA, based on user requirement or in
case of exigency.
XVIII. The "Set of L1" shall be identified from the system recap based on the net outgo to the
Corporation and the total number of tank trucks required as per the tender.
XIX. In case the total No of trucks required are lesser than No of trucks offered by Set of L1,
the truck sub ranking clause shall be utilized to limit induction of trucks up to tender
XX. Post identification of Set of L1 bidders, either of the following process to be carried out
with these selected bidders
a. Offline Counter offer to these bidders to match lowest rate or reduce from their
quoted rate.
b. Counter offer through Online platform, to selected bidders, to match lowest rate
or reduce from their quoted rate

Business Rules and Terms & Conditions of Reverse Auction

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Tender No. : 19000472-HD-10120 Tender Published On : 30-Dec-2019 21:43

Line Details Of Tender

Srl. Line Description Ship To Location UOM Quantity HSN Code Location Mandatory
Schedule 1 Manadatory: No
1 UG-NORMAL LYN 14"-6.35MM 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 109708.53 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Mainline laying works 14" OD, API 5L Grade X65,PSL2, HFW,3LPE Coated line pipe for Hassan Cheralapalli LPG Pipeline Project:The works shall include, but
not limited to, the following;PIPELINE LAYING/ INSTALLTION : Laying/ installation of 3LPE externally coated carbon steel line pipes and bare line pipe, associated fittings and
accessories, etc. as per specifications, drawings, other provisions of contract and instructions of Engineer-in-Charge, including but not limited to carrying out the following: "Receiving
and taking-over", handling, loading, transportation and unloading of Owner supplied 3LPE coated and bare line pipes from designated place(s) of issue/ dump site(s) to Contractor's own
stock-yard(s)/ workshop(s)/ work-site(s) including stringing on the pipeline Right-of-Use (ROU)/ Right of way (ROW); the pipeline laying contractor shall get the bare/coated linepipe
demagnetized before taking handover of the same from the designated place(s) of issue/ dump site(s), failing to do so the pipeline laying contractor shall get the bare/coated linepipe
demagnetized before stringing activity is carried out on field with no extra cost and time implication to the company."Receiving and taking over", handling, including loading and
unloading, transportation of owner supplied materials other than line pipe from owner's designated place(s) of issue to worksite(s); Arrangement of all additional land required for
Contractor's storage, fabrication, access for construction (other than Owner provided ROU/ROW); supply of all materials (except owner supplied materials), consumables, arranging all
construction equipment, labour, etc. as per tender for completing the job in all respects.Pre-construction survey, staking, clearing, grubbing, grading (as required) of Right of Use (ROU
width 18 meters), obtaining work permits/ working permissions (as required) from various statutory authorities/other agencies owning utilities across ROU having jurisdiction before
execution of work and complying with all stipulations/ conditions/ recommendation of the said authorities-construction survey based on site visit, collection of data (if required) from
concerned Authority including validation of crossing details / drawings issued by Owner /EPMC Consultant, making of crossing drawings (if required) for obtaining work permits from
concerned statutory / government Authorities. Clearing and grading of ROU in forest areas (with restricted ROU ) including counting the number and type of trees cut in presence of
DFO/concerned authorities and co-ordination with forest authorities for tree cutting, removal of left-over trunks and roots, stacking and disposal including keeping records
thereof.Cutting of "Scheduled Trees" as per applicable tree felling Acts / local authoritys guidelines shall be done by the Contractor in non-forest areas. Felling of trees beyond and incl.
5.5 cm girth and above (measured at a height of 1 m above ground level) including cutting of trunks and branches and removing the roots up to 2m and stacking serviceable material
inside HPCL premises as directed and disposal of unserviceable material outside HPCL premises.The number & type of trees shall be listed against the cadastral survey by the
contractor and submitted to the authorities for approval (lisioning for the approval shall be paid separately as mentioned in seprate line item). The stacking and disposal of the cut trees
as per the requirement of concerned statutory bodies /company / Engineer-In-Charge shall be done by contractor. Final NOC has to be provided from the authorities for the fell
trees.Trenching to all depths to maintain clear earth cover & to a width including pre/post padding (Engineered Sand/Graded earth as applicable) as per drawing no.(15963-000-PL-
DST-0001) ,scope of work & as per relevant standards/specifications to accommodate line pipe and 1 no. HDPE duct/conduit for 1 nos. OFC and to fit minimum bend radius, by
excavation in all kinds of terrain & soil (including soft & hard rock) including blasting/chiseling (including taking statutory permission for blasting) or otherwise cutting etc., including
stripping top soil to a depth of 30cm to the full width of the trench and storing this material separately along the ROU to allow re-depositing of the same on top of the backfilled trench
(in cultivable and other areas specially designated by Owner), during execution of laying work in rocky area and working at critical location safety barricading on affected region, part
of road, etc. is in contractor scope.Stringing of line pipes along Right of Use (ROU)/ pipeline corridor, including providing straw / soft soil / sand bags below pipe. (in Rocky areas
requiring blasting for preparation of trench, pipes shall be strung after the blasting operation and clearing of trench as per instructions of Site Engineer/ Engineer-in-Charge) Aligning,
bending (cold bends), lining up, cutting and bevelling (as required) of pipes for welding & field adjustments, NDT of rebevelled area.Welding, visual inspection and NDT of all weld
joints by qualified welding engineer/ inspector & carrying out repair of weld-joints found defective, Carrying out 100% radiographic inspection (by X-Ray) of all field weld joints, and
destructive testing (production test) of one weld joint on completion of 1000 weld joints as per specification and direction of Site Engineer/ Engineer-in-Charge, including providing
Crawler type Automatic X-Ray machine / external X-Ray machine/ Gamma Ray /UT and other requisite equipment, labour, supervision, materials, approved films, approved
consumables, all facilities and personnel to process, develop, examine and interpret radiographs & other tests as required (by qualified and experienced Radiography Inspector),
providing all facilities to Owner's representative(s) for examining radiographs and other tests as required, carrying out repair of weld-joints found defective by EIC/consultant, carrying
out re-radiography and other non-destructive tests as required on repaired joints etc., Carrying out coating of all field weld joints by qualified coating insulators, including supply of
approved joint coating materials (Heat shrink sleeves), providing all equipment, materials and consumables necessary to carry out the job as per manufacturer's
recommendation.Installation of hot bends at required locations in mainline (bends to be fabricated & Installed from Owner-supplied bare /coated pipes and coated as per scope of work
/specifications and paid as per separate line item) including cutting, bevelling, fitment, carrying out holiday detection at specified voltage level corresponding to coating type and as per
specifications, and repair of coating, gauging if any. Lowering the pipeline in trench, pre-padding (as required), backfilling with available approved excavated material and/or other
suitable soil (if required) approved by Engineer-In-Charge in normal terrain; providing required padding over and around the pipeline with Engineered Soil /graded material approved
by Engineer-In-Charge and as per (15963-000-PL-DST-0001), Tie-ins, golden joints etc. Top soil stored separately during trenching shall be backfilled on top of the trench as
directed by Site-Engineer/ Engineer-in-ChargeCarrying out hydrostatic testing including air cleaning, flushing, filling water, gauge pigging and pressurization (to specified pressure) of
the complete pipeline in various test section as approved by Engineer In-charge in line with the standard specifications of hydro testing of pipelines provided in the tender including
providing 'pre-testing' of designated sections as approved by Engineer-in-Charge, providing all equipment, pumps, fittings, instruments, dead weight tester etc. and services, supervision,
labour, consumables, testing of water, supply & injection of corrosion inhibitor, locating leaks, if any, and rectification of defects attributable to Contractor, re-testing after rectification
etc. and cleaning the pipeline section including de-watering, swabbing after successful hydro testing to the specified acceptance criteria , All tie-ins with the pipeline / piping, including
tie-in with HDD sections including cutting of test header, re-beveling as required; Carrying out all temporary, ancillary, auxiliary works and all incidental works required to make the
pipeline ready for pre-commissioning; Repair of defects recorded during EGP/gauge plate run or otherwise including cutting, bevelling, welding, radiography, field joint coating etc.; as
applicable.Final clean-up and restoration of ROU/ construction corridor including reinstatement of stripped top soil on the excavated trench, tamping of backfilled soil, restoration of
field bunds to the original position etc., obtaining NOC from respective statutory authorities (as required) and obtaining NOC from respective land owners in respect of final restoration
of their land etc., disposal of debris and returning surplus material to designated disposal areas/ storage location, as directed by Engineer-in-Charge, restoration of land, re-instate of
breakage road, facilities and boundary wall etc. for facilities dismantled/ damaged by Contractor during construction, Construction of retaining walls(as applicable), Preparation of as-
built drawings, pipe book and other records as per specifications etc. SOR shall be read in conjunction with scope of work (document No. 15963-000-PL-SOW-0002 and 15963-000-
PL-SOW-0006), job specific requirements, specifications, standards, drawings and other provision of contract document. For soft / normal soil and rocky area details refer enclosed
Alignment Sheets and Soil Investigation Report attached with Tender. The above shall also include the following; 1. Supply and installation of 1 No. 40mm Dia. HDPE Duct including
FAT for entire stretch of schedule including all types of crossing, storage, transportation to site, loading, unloading etc. as per specification (Doc. No. 15963-000-TE-SPC-0004).2.
Supply of all materials (other than those specifically undertaken to be supplied by the Owner under the contract) necessary for performance of work or for temporary or permanent
incorporation in the works, and - All other acts, deeds, matters and things necessary to make the pipeline ready for commissioning and completing the works in all respects as per scope
of work, drawings, specifications and instructions of Engineer-in-Charge. 3. Restoration of road and water bodies to their original condition is covered under this line item.4. The
Pipeline laying contractor to coordinate with other utility authorities and enable crossing of such utilities and ensure no disruption in their activities by taking necessary precaution and
in case of breakage the repairs to be done by contractor themselves at no additional cost to owner.NOTES: 1. The Mainline work also covers the work in all types of open cut crossings
(diffrential payment for additional works is covered separately) viz., roads, drains, minor water courses (MWC), rivers, nalas, minor canals, low lying areas, ponds, plant area,
underground utilities, pedestrian crossings, Insertion of Line/Carrier pipe & 1 no. HDPE ducts except for those crossings identified as "HDD" and jacking/boring crossings for which
relevant item of SOR shall be applicable. 2. Rates for Concrete coating of pipeline as required across minor rivers, ponds, low lying areas etc. shall be paid separately as per different
line item. 3. Bidder to note that the rates are inclusive of supply & laying of HDPE duct in same trench of pipeline laying as per Dwg.No.15963-000-PL-DST-0001. 4. Rate for laying /
blowing of OFC shall be paid as per separate SOR line item of this tender.5. Refer Document / Drawing nos. (Spec. No. 15963-000-PL-SPC-0014 and Dwg.No.15963-000-PL-DST-
0001 to 0035)
2 UG-NORMAL LYN 14"-7.14MM 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 9657.53 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Mainline laying works 14" OD, API 5L Grade X65,PSL2, HFW,3LPE Coated line pipe for Hassan Cheralapalli LPG Pipeline Project:The works shall include, but
not limited to, the following;PIPELINE LAYING/ INSTALLTION : Laying/ installation of 3LPE externally coated carbon steel line pipes and bare line pipe, associated fittings and
accessories, etc. as per specifications, drawings, other provisions of contract and instructions of Engineer-in-Charge, including but not limited to carrying out the following: "Receiving
and taking-over", handling, loading, transportation and unloading of Owner supplied 3LPE coated and bare line pipes from designated place(s) of issue/ dump site(s) to Contractor's own
stock-yard(s)/ workshop(s)/ work-site(s) including stringing on the pipeline Right-of-Use (ROU)/ Right of way (ROW); the pipeline laying contractor shall get the bare/coated linepipe
demagnetized before taking handover of the same from the designated place(s) of issue/ dump site(s), failing to do so the pipeline laying contractor shall get the bare/coated linepipe
demagnetized before stringing activity is carried out on field with no extra cost and time implication to the company."Receiving and taking over", handling, including loading and
unloading, transportation of owner supplied materials other than line pipe from owner's designated place(s) of issue to worksite(s); Arrangement of all additional land required for
Contractor's storage, fabrication, access for construction (other than Owner provided ROU/ROW); supply of all materials (except owner supplied materials), consumables, arranging all
construction equipment, labour, etc. as per tender for completing the job in all respects.Pre-construction survey, staking, clearing, grubbing, grading (as required) of Right of Use (ROU
width 18 meters), obtaining work permits/ working permissions (as required) from various statutory authorities/other agencies owning utilities across ROU having jurisdiction before
execution of work and complying with all stipulations/ conditions/ recommendation of the said authorities-construction survey based on site visit, collection of data (if required) from
concerned Authority including validation of crossing details / drawings issued by Owner /EPMC Consultant, making of crossing drawings (if required) for obtaining work permits from
concerned statutory / government Authorities. Clearing and grading of ROU in forest areas (with restricted ROU ) including counting the number and type of trees cut in presence of
DFO/concerned authorities and co-ordination with forest authorities for tree cutting, removal of left-over trunks and roots, stacking and disposal including keeping records
thereof.Cutting of "Scheduled Trees" as per applicable tree felling Acts / local authoritys guidelines shall be done by the Contractor in non-forest areas. Felling of trees beyond and incl.
5.5 cm girth and above (measured at a height of 1 m above ground level) including cutting of trunks and branches and removing the roots up to 2m and stacking serviceable material
inside HPCL premises as directed and disposal of unserviceable material outside HPCL premises.The number & type of trees shall be listed against the cadastral survey by the
contractor and submitted to the authorities for approval (lisioning for the approval shall be paid separately as mentioned in seprate line item). The stacking and disposal of the cut trees
as per the requirement of concerned statutory bodies /company / Engineer-In-Charge shall be done by contractor. Final NOC has to be provided from the authorities for the fell
trees.Trenching to all depths to maintain clear earth cover & to a width including pre/post padding (Engineered Sand/Graded earth as applicable) as per drawing no.(15963-000-PL-
DST-0001) ,scope of work & as per relevant standards/specifications to accommodate line pipe and 1 no. HDPE duct/conduit for 1 nos. OFC and to fit minimum bend radius, by
excavation in all kinds of terrain & soil (including soft & hard rock) including blasting/chiseling (including taking statutory permission for blasting) or otherwise cutting etc., including
stripping top soil to a depth of 30cm to the full width of the trench and storing this material separately along the ROU to allow re-depositing of the same on top of the backfilled trench
(in cultivable and other areas specially designated by Owner), during execution of laying work in rocky area and working at critical location safety barricading on affected region, part
of road, etc. is in contractor scope.Stringing of line pipes along Right of Use (ROU)/ pipeline corridor, including providing straw / soft soil / sand bags below pipe. (in Rocky areas
requiring blasting for preparation of trench, pipes shall be strung after the blasting operation and clearing of trench as per instructions of Site Engineer/ Engineer-in-Charge) Aligning,
bending (cold bends), lining up, cutting and bevelling (as required) of pipes for welding & field adjustments, NDT of rebevelled area.Welding, visual inspection and NDT of all weld
joints by qualified welding engineer/ inspector & carrying out repair of weld-joints found defective, Carrying out 100% radiographic inspection (by X-Ray) of all field weld joints, and
destructive testing (production test) of one weld joint on completion of 1000 weld joints as per specification and direction of Site Engineer/ Engineer-in-Charge, including providing
Crawler type Automatic X-Ray machine / external X-Ray machine/ Gamma Ray /UT and other requisite equipment, labour, supervision, materials, approved films, approved
consumables, all facilities and personnel to process, develop, examine and interpret radiographs & other tests as required (by qualified and experienced Radiography Inspector),
providing all facilities to Owner's representative(s) for examining radiographs and other tests as required, carrying out repair of weld-joints found defective by EIC/consultant, carrying
out re-radiography and other non-destructive tests as required on repaired joints etc., Carrying out coating of all field weld joints by qualified coating insulators, including supply of
approved joint coating materials (Heat shrink sleeves), providing all equipment, materials and consumables necessary to carry out the job as per manufacturer's
recommendation.Installation of hot bends at required locations in mainline (bends to be fabricated & Installed from Owner-supplied bare /coated pipes and coated as per scope of work
/specifications and paid as per separate line item) including cutting, bevelling, fitment, carrying out holiday detection at specified voltage level corresponding to coating type and as per
specifications, and repair of coating, gauging if any. Lowering the pipeline in trench, pre-padding (as required), backfilling with available approved excavated material and/or other
suitable soil (if required) approved by Engineer-In-Charge in normal terrain; providing required padding over and around the pipeline with Engineered Soil /graded material approved
by Engineer-In-Charge and as per (15963-000-PL-DST-0001), Tie-ins, golden joints etc. Top soil stored separately during trenching shall be backfilled on top of the trench as
directed by Site-Engineer/ Engineer-in-ChargeCarrying out hydrostatic testing including air cleaning, flushing, filling water, gauge pigging and pressurization (to specified pressure) of
the complete pipeline in various test section as approved by Engineer In-charge in line with the standard specifications of hydro testing of pipelines provided in the tender including
providing 'pre-testing' of designated sections as approved by Engineer-in-Charge, providing all equipment, pumps, fittings, instruments, dead weight tester etc. and services, supervision,
labour, consumables, testing of water, supply & injection of corrosion inhibitor, locating leaks, if any, and rectification of defects attributable to Contractor, re-testing after rectification
etc. and cleaning the pipeline section including de-watering, swabbing after successful hydro testing to the specified acceptance criteria , All tie-ins with the pipeline / piping, including
tie-in with HDD sections including cutting of test header, re-beveling as required; Carrying out all temporary, ancillary, auxiliary works and all incidental works required to make the
pipeline ready for pre-commissioning; Repair of defects recorded during EGP/gauge plate run or otherwise including cutting, bevelling, welding, radiography, field joint coating etc.; as
applicable.Final clean-up and restoration of ROU/ construction corridor including reinstatement of stripped top soil on the excavated trench, tamping of backfilled soil, restoration of
field bunds to the original position etc., obtaining NOC from respective statutory authorities (as required) and obtaining NOC from respective land owners in respect of final restoration
of their land etc., disposal of debris and returning surplus material to designated disposal areas/ storage location, as directed by Engineer-in-Charge, restoration of land, re-instate of
breakage road, facilities and boundary wall etc. for facilities dismantled/ damaged by Contractor during construction, Construction of retaining walls(as applicable), Preparation of as-
built drawings, pipe book and other records as per specifications etc. SOR shall be read in conjunction with scope of work (document No. 15963-000-PL-SOW-0002 and 15963-000-
PL-SOW-0006), job specific requirements, specifications, standards, drawings and other provision of contract document. For soft / normal soil and rocky area details refer enclosed
Alignment Sheets and Soil Investigation Report attached with Tender. The above shall also include the following; 1. Supply and installation of 1 No. 40mm Dia. HDPE Duct including
FAT for entire stretch of schedule including all types of crossing, storage, transportation to site, loading, unloading etc. as per specification (Doc. No. 15963-000-TE-SPC-0004).2.
Supply of all materials (other than those specifically undertaken to be supplied by the Owner under the contract) necessary for performance of work or for temporary or permanent
incorporation in the works, and - All other acts, deeds, matters and things necessary to make the pipeline ready for commissioning and completing the works in all respects as per scope
of work, drawings, specifications and instructions of Engineer-in-Charge. 3. Restoration of road and water bodies to their original condition is covered under this line item.4. The
Pipeline laying contractor to coordinate with other utility authorities and enable crossing of such utilities and ensure no disruption in their activities by taking necessary precaution and
in case of breakage the repairs to be done by contractor themselves at no additional cost to owner.NOTES: 1. The Mainline work also covers the work in all types of open cut crossings
(diffrential payment for additional works is covered separately) viz., roads, drains, minor water courses (MWC), rivers, nalas, minor canals, low lying areas, ponds, plant area,
underground utilities, pedestrian crossings, Insertion of Line/Carrier pipe & 1 no. HDPE ducts except for those crossings identified as "HDD" and jacking/boring crossings for which
relevant item of SOR shall be applicable. 2. Rates for Concrete coating of pipeline as required across minor rivers, ponds, low lying areas etc. shall be paid separately as per different
line item. 3. Bidder to note that the rates are inclusive of supply & laying of HDPE duct in same trench of pipeline laying as per Dwg.No.15963-000-PL-DST-0001. 4. Rate for laying /
blowing of OFC shall be paid as per separate SOR line item of this tender.5. Refer Document / Drawing nos. (Spec. No. 15963-000-PL-SPC-0014 and Dwg.No.15963-000-PL-DST-
0001 to 0035)
3 UG-NORMAL LYN 14"-8.74MM 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 384.03 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Mainline laying works 14" OD, API 5L Grade X65,PSL2, HFW,3LPE Coated line pipe for Hassan Cheralapalli LPG Pipeline Project:The works shall include, but
not limited to, the following;PIPELINE LAYING/ INSTALLTION : Laying/ installation of 3LPE externally coated carbon steel line pipes and bare line pipe, associated fittings and
accessories, etc. as per specifications, drawings, other provisions of contract and instructions of Engineer-in-Charge, including but not limited to carrying out the following: "Receiving
and taking-over", handling, loading, transportation and unloading of Owner supplied 3LPE coated and bare line pipes from designated place(s) of issue/ dump site(s) to Contractor's own
stock-yard(s)/ workshop(s)/ work-site(s) including stringing on the pipeline Right-of-Use (ROU)/ Right of way (ROW); the pipeline laying contractor shall get the bare/coated linepipe
demagnetized before taking handover of the same from the designated place(s) of issue/ dump site(s), failing to do so the pipeline laying contractor shall get the bare/coated linepipe
demagnetized before stringing activity is carried out on field with no extra cost and time implication to the company."Receiving and taking over", handling, including loading and
unloading, transportation of owner supplied materials other than line pipe from owner's designated place(s) of issue to worksite(s); Arrangement of all additional land required for
Contractor's storage, fabrication, access for construction (other than Owner provided ROU/ROW); supply of all materials (except owner supplied materials), consumables, arranging all
construction equipment, labour, etc. as per tender for completing the job in all respects.Pre-construction survey, staking, clearing, grubbing, grading (as required) of Right of Use (ROU
width 18 meters), obtaining work permits/ working permissions (as required) from various statutory authorities/other agencies owning utilities across ROU having jurisdiction before
execution of work and complying with all stipulations/ conditions/ recommendation of the said authorities-construction survey based on site visit, collection of data (if required) from
concerned Authority including validation of crossing details / drawings issued by Owner /EPMC Consultant, making of crossing drawings (if required) for obtaining work permits from
concerned statutory / government Authorities. Clearing and grading of ROU in forest areas (with restricted ROU ) including counting the number and type of trees cut in presence of
DFO/concerned authorities and co-ordination with forest authorities for tree cutting, removal of left-over trunks and roots, stacking and disposal including keeping records
thereof.Cutting of "Scheduled Trees" as per applicable tree felling Acts / local authoritys guidelines shall be done by the Contractor in non-forest areas. Felling of trees beyond and incl.
5.5 cm girth and above (measured at a height of 1 m above ground level) including cutting of trunks and branches and removing the roots up to 2m and stacking serviceable material
inside HPCL premises as directed and disposal of unserviceable material outside HPCL premises.The number & type of trees shall be listed against the cadastral survey by the
contractor and submitted to the authorities for approval (lisioning for the approval shall be paid separately as mentioned in seprate line item). The stacking and disposal of the cut trees
as per the requirement of concerned statutory bodies /company / Engineer-In-Charge shall be done by contractor. Final NOC has to be provided from the authorities for the fell
trees.Trenching to all depths to maintain clear earth cover & to a width including pre/post padding (Engineered Sand/Graded earth as applicable) as per drawing no.(15963-000-PL-
DST-0001) ,scope of work & as per relevant standards/specifications to accommodate line pipe and 1 no. HDPE duct/conduit for 1 nos. OFC and to fit minimum bend radius, by
excavation in all kinds of terrain & soil (including soft & hard rock) including blasting/chiseling (including taking statutory permission for blasting) or otherwise cutting etc., including
stripping top soil to a depth of 30cm to the full width of the trench and storing this material separately along the ROU to allow re-depositing of the same on top of the backfilled trench
(in cultivable and other areas specially designated by Owner), during execution of laying work in rocky area and working at critical location safety barricading on affected region, part
of road, etc. is in contractor scope.Stringing of line pipes along Right of Use (ROU)/ pipeline corridor, including providing straw / soft soil / sand bags below pipe. (in Rocky areas
requiring blasting for preparation of trench, pipes shall be strung after the blasting operation and clearing of trench as per instructions of Site Engineer/ Engineer-in-Charge) Aligning,
bending (cold bends), lining up, cutting and bevelling (as required) of pipes for welding & field adjustments, NDT of rebevelled area.Welding, visual inspection and NDT of all weld
joints by qualified welding engineer/ inspector & carrying out repair of weld-joints found defective, Carrying out 100% radiographic inspection (by X-Ray) of all field weld joints, and
destructive testing (production test) of one weld joint on completion of 1000 weld joints as per specification and direction of Site Engineer/ Engineer-in-Charge, including providing
Crawler type Automatic X-Ray machine / external X-Ray machine/ Gamma Ray /UT and other requisite equipment, labour, supervision, materials, approved films, approved
consumables, all facilities and personnel to process, develop, examine and interpret radiographs & other tests as required (by qualified and experienced Radiography Inspector),
providing all facilities to Owner's representative(s) for examining radiographs and other tests as required, carrying out repair of weld-joints found defective by EIC/consultant, carrying
out re-radiography and other non-destructive tests as required on repaired joints etc., Carrying out coating of all field weld joints by qualified coating insulators, including supply of
approved joint coating materials (Heat shrink sleeves), providing all equipment, materials and consumables necessary to carry out the job as per manufacturer's
recommendation.Installation of hot bends at required locations in mainline (bends to be fabricated & Installed from Owner-supplied bare /coated pipes and coated as per scope of work
/specifications and paid as per separate line item) including cutting, bevelling, fitment, carrying out holiday detection at specified voltage level corresponding to coating type and as per
specifications, and repair of coating, gauging if any. Lowering the pipeline in trench, pre-padding (as required), backfilling with available approved excavated material and/or other
suitable soil (if required) approved by Engineer-In-Charge in normal terrain; providing required padding over and around the pipeline with Engineered Soil /graded material approved
by Engineer-In-Charge and as per (15963-000-PL-DST-0001), Tie-ins, golden joints etc. Top soil stored separately during trenching shall be backfilled on top of the trench as
directed by Site-Engineer/ Engineer-in-ChargeCarrying out hydrostatic testing including air cleaning, flushing, filling water, gauge pigging and pressurization (to specified pressure) of
the complete pipeline in various test section as approved by Engineer In-charge in line with the standard specifications of hydro testing of pipelines provided in the tender including
providing 'pre-testing' of designated sections as approved by Engineer-in-Charge, providing all equipment, pumps, fittings, instruments, dead weight tester etc. and services, supervision,
labour, consumables, testing of water, supply & injection of corrosion inhibitor, locating leaks, if any, and rectification of defects attributable to Contractor, re-testing after rectification
etc. and cleaning the pipeline section including de-watering, swabbing after successful hydro testing to the specified acceptance criteria , All tie-ins with the pipeline / piping, including
tie-in with HDD sections including cutting of test header, re-beveling as required; Carrying out all temporary, ancillary, auxiliary works and all incidental works required to make the
pipeline ready for pre-commissioning; Repair of defects recorded during EGP/gauge plate run or otherwise including cutting, bevelling, welding, radiography, field joint coating etc.; as
applicable.Final clean-up and restoration of ROU/ construction corridor including reinstatement of stripped top soil on the excavated trench, tamping of backfilled soil, restoration of
field bunds to the original position etc., obtaining NOC from respective statutory authorities (as required) and obtaining NOC from respective land owners in respect of final restoration
of their land etc., disposal of debris and returning surplus material to designated disposal areas/ storage location, as directed by Engineer-in-Charge, restoration of land, re-instate of
breakage road, facilities and boundary wall etc. for facilities dismantled/ damaged by Contractor during construction, Construction of retaining walls(as applicable), Preparation of as-
built drawings, pipe book and other records as per specifications etc. SOR shall be read in conjunction with scope of work (document No. 15963-000-PL-SOW-0002 and 15963-000-
PL-SOW-0006), job specific requirements, specifications, standards, drawings and other provision of contract document. For soft / normal soil and rocky area details refer enclosed
Alignment Sheets and Soil Investigation Report attached with Tender. The above shall also include the following; 1. Supply and installation of 1 No. 40mm Dia. HDPE Duct including
FAT for entire stretch of schedule including all types of crossing, storage, transportation to site, loading, unloading etc. as per specification (Doc. No. 15963-000-TE-SPC-0004).2.
Supply of all materials (other than those specifically undertaken to be supplied by the Owner under the contract) necessary for performance of work or for temporary or permanent
incorporation in the works, and - All other acts, deeds, matters and things necessary to make the pipeline ready for commissioning and completing the works in all respects as per scope
of work, drawings, specifications and instructions of Engineer-in-Charge. 3. Restoration of road and water bodies to their original condition is covered under this line item.4. The
Pipeline laying contractor to coordinate with other utility authorities and enable crossing of such utilities and ensure no disruption in their activities by taking necessary precaution and
in case of breakage the repairs to be done by contractor themselves at no additional cost to owner.NOTES: 1. The Mainline work also covers the work in all types of open cut crossings
(diffrential payment for additional works is covered separately) viz., roads, drains, minor water courses (MWC), rivers, nalas, minor canals, low lying areas, ponds, plant area,
underground utilities, pedestrian crossings, Insertion of Line/Carrier pipe & 1 no. HDPE ducts except for those crossings identified as "HDD" and jacking/boring crossings for which
relevant item of SOR shall be applicable. 2. Rates for Concrete coating of pipeline as required across minor rivers, ponds, low lying areas etc. shall be paid separately as per different
line item. 3. Bidder to note that the rates are inclusive of supply & laying of HDPE duct in same trench of pipeline laying as per Dwg.No.15963-000-PL-DST-0001. 4. Rate for laying /
blowing of OFC shall be paid as per separate SOR line item of this tender.5. Refer Document / Drawing nos. (Spec. No. 15963-000-PL-SPC-0014 and Dwg.No.15963-000-PL-DST-
0001 to 0035)
4 UG-NORMAL LYN 14"-10.31MM 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 14280.31 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Mainline laying works 14" OD, API 5L Grade X65,PSL2, HFW,3LPE Coated line pipe for Hassan Cheralapalli LPG Pipeline Project:The works shall include, but
not limited to, the following;PIPELINE LAYING/ INSTALLTION : Laying/ installation of 3LPE externally coated carbon steel line pipes and bare line pipe, associated fittings and
accessories, etc. as per specifications, drawings, other provisions of contract and instructions of Engineer-in-Charge, including but not limited to carrying out the following: "Receiving
and taking-over", handling, loading, transportation and unloading of Owner supplied 3LPE coated and bare line pipes from designated place(s) of issue/ dump site(s) to Contractor's own
stock-yard(s)/ workshop(s)/ work-site(s) including stringing on the pipeline Right-of-Use (ROU)/ Right of way (ROW); the pipeline laying contractor shall get the bare/coated linepipe
demagnetized before taking handover of the same from the designated place(s) of issue/ dump site(s), failing to do so the pipeline laying contractor shall get the bare/coated linepipe
demagnetized before stringing activity is carried out on field with no extra cost and time implication to the company."Receiving and taking over", handling, including loading and
unloading, transportation of owner supplied materials other than line pipe from owner's designated place(s) of issue to worksite(s); Arrangement of all additional land required for
Contractor's storage, fabrication, access for construction (other than Owner provided ROU/ROW); supply of all materials (except owner supplied materials), consumables, arranging all
construction equipment, labour, etc. as per tender for completing the job in all respects.Pre-construction survey, staking, clearing, grubbing, grading (as required) of Right of Use (ROU
width 18 meters), obtaining work permits/ working permissions (as required) from various statutory authorities/other agencies owning utilities across ROU having jurisdiction before
execution of work and complying with all stipulations/ conditions/ recommendation of the said authorities-construction survey based on site visit, collection of data (if required) from
concerned Authority including validation of crossing details / drawings issued by Owner /EPMC Consultant, making of crossing drawings (if required) for obtaining work permits from
concerned statutory / government Authorities. Clearing and grading of ROU in forest areas (with restricted ROU ) including counting the number and type of trees cut in presence of
DFO/concerned authorities and co-ordination with forest authorities for tree cutting, removal of left-over trunks and roots, stacking and disposal including keeping records
thereof.Cutting of "Scheduled Trees" as per applicable tree felling Acts / local authoritys guidelines shall be done by the Contractor in non-forest areas. Felling of trees beyond and incl.
5.5 cm girth and above (measured at a height of 1 m above ground level) including cutting of trunks and branches and removing the roots up to 2m and stacking serviceable material
inside HPCL premises as directed and disposal of unserviceable material outside HPCL premises.The number & type of trees shall be listed against the cadastral survey by the
contractor and submitted to the authorities for approval (lisioning for the approval shall be paid separately as mentioned in seprate line item). The stacking and disposal of the cut trees
as per the requirement of concerned statutory bodies /company / Engineer-In-Charge shall be done by contractor. Final NOC has to be provided from the authorities for the fell
trees.Trenching to all depths to maintain clear earth cover & to a width including pre/post padding (Engineered Sand/Graded earth as applicable) as per drawing no.(15963-000-PL-
DST-0001) ,scope of work & as per relevant standards/specifications to accommodate line pipe and 1 no. HDPE duct/conduit for 1 nos. OFC and to fit minimum bend radius, by
excavation in all kinds of terrain & soil (including soft & hard rock) including blasting/chiseling (including taking statutory permission for blasting) or otherwise cutting etc., including
stripping top soil to a depth of 30cm to the full width of the trench and storing this material separately along the ROU to allow re-depositing of the same on top of the backfilled trench
(in cultivable and other areas specially designated by Owner), during execution of laying work in rocky area and working at critical location safety barricading on affected region, part
of road, etc. is in contractor scope.Stringing of line pipes along Right of Use (ROU)/ pipeline corridor, including providing straw / soft soil / sand bags below pipe. (in Rocky areas
requiring blasting for preparation of trench, pipes shall be strung after the blasting operation and clearing of trench as per instructions of Site Engineer/ Engineer-in-Charge) Aligning,
bending (cold bends), lining up, cutting and bevelling (as required) of pipes for welding & field adjustments, NDT of rebevelled area.Welding, visual inspection and NDT of all weld
joints by qualified welding engineer/ inspector & carrying out repair of weld-joints found defective, Carrying out 100% radiographic inspection (by X-Ray) of all field weld joints, and
destructive testing (production test) of one weld joint on completion of 1000 weld joints as per specification and direction of Site Engineer/ Engineer-in-Charge, including providing
Crawler type Automatic X-Ray machine / external X-Ray machine/ Gamma Ray /UT and other requisite equipment, labour, supervision, materials, approved films, approved
consumables, all facilities and personnel to process, develop, examine and interpret radiographs & other tests as required (by qualified and experienced Radiography Inspector),
providing all facilities to Owner's representative(s) for examining radiographs and other tests as required, carrying out repair of weld-joints found defective by EIC/consultant, carrying
out re-radiography and other non-destructive tests as required on repaired joints etc., Carrying out coating of all field weld joints by qualified coating insulators, including supply of
approved joint coating materials (Heat shrink sleeves), providing all equipment, materials and consumables necessary to carry out the job as per manufacturer's
recommendation.Installation of hot bends at required locations in mainline (bends to be fabricated & Installed from Owner-supplied bare /coated pipes and coated as per scope of work
/specifications and paid as per separate line item) including cutting, bevelling, fitment, carrying out holiday detection at specified voltage level corresponding to coating type and as per
specifications, and repair of coating, gauging if any. Lowering the pipeline in trench, pre-padding (as required), backfilling with available approved excavated material and/or other
suitable soil (if required) approved by Engineer-In-Charge in normal terrain; providing required padding over and around the pipeline with Engineered Soil /graded material approved
by Engineer-In-Charge and as per (15963-000-PL-DST-0001), Tie-ins, golden joints etc. Top soil stored separately during trenching shall be backfilled on top of the trench as
directed by Site-Engineer/ Engineer-in-ChargeCarrying out hydrostatic testing including air cleaning, flushing, filling water, gauge pigging and pressurization (to specified pressure) of
the complete pipeline in various test section as approved by Engineer In-charge in line with the standard specifications of hydro testing of pipelines provided in the tender including
providing 'pre-testing' of designated sections as approved by Engineer-in-Charge, providing all equipment, pumps, fittings, instruments, dead weight tester etc. and services, supervision,
labour, consumables, testing of water, supply & injection of corrosion inhibitor, locating leaks, if any, and rectification of defects attributable to Contractor, re-testing after rectification
etc. and cleaning the pipeline section including de-watering, swabbing after successful hydro testing to the specified acceptance criteria , All tie-ins with the pipeline / piping, including
tie-in with HDD sections including cutting of test header, re-beveling as required; Carrying out all temporary, ancillary, auxiliary works and all incidental works required to make the
pipeline ready for pre-commissioning; Repair of defects recorded during EGP/gauge plate run or otherwise including cutting, bevelling, welding, radiography, field joint coating etc.; as
applicable.Final clean-up and restoration of ROU/ construction corridor including reinstatement of stripped top soil on the excavated trench, tamping of backfilled soil, restoration of
field bunds to the original position etc., obtaining NOC from respective statutory authorities (as required) and obtaining NOC from respective land owners in respect of final restoration
of their land etc., disposal of debris and returning surplus material to designated disposal areas/ storage location, as directed by Engineer-in-Charge, restoration of land, re-instate of
breakage road, facilities and boundary wall etc. for facilities dismantled/ damaged by Contractor during construction, Construction of retaining walls(as applicable), Preparation of as-
built drawings, pipe book and other records as per specifications etc. SOR shall be read in conjunction with scope of work (document No. 15963-000-PL-SOW-0002 and 15963-000-
PL-SOW-0006), job specific requirements, specifications, standards, drawings and other provision of contract document. For soft / normal soil and rocky area details refer enclosed
Alignment Sheets and Soil Investigation Report attached with Tender. The above shall also include the following; 1. Supply and installation of 1 No. 40mm Dia. HDPE Duct including
FAT for entire stretch of schedule including all types of crossing, storage, transportation to site, loading, unloading etc. as per specification (Doc. No. 15963-000-TE-SPC-0004).2.
Supply of all materials (other than those specifically undertaken to be supplied by the Owner under the contract) necessary for performance of work or for temporary or permanent
incorporation in the works, and - All other acts, deeds, matters and things necessary to make the pipeline ready for commissioning and completing the works in all respects as per scope
of work, drawings, specifications and instructions of Engineer-in-Charge. 3. Restoration of road and water bodies to their original condition is covered under this line item.4. The
Pipeline laying contractor to coordinate with other utility authorities and enable crossing of such utilities and ensure no disruption in their activities by taking necessary precaution and
in case of breakage the repairs to be done by contractor themselves at no additional cost to owner.NOTES: 1. The Mainline work also covers the work in all types of open cut crossings
(diffrential payment for additional works is covered separately) viz., roads, drains, minor water courses (MWC), rivers, nalas, minor canals, low lying areas, ponds, plant area,
underground utilities, pedestrian crossings, Insertion of Line/Carrier pipe & 1 no. HDPE ducts except for those crossings identified as "HDD" and jacking/boring crossings for which
relevant item of SOR shall be applicable. 2. Rates for Concrete coating of pipeline as required across minor rivers, ponds, low lying areas etc. shall be paid separately as per different
line item. 3. Bidder to note that the rates are inclusive of supply & laying of HDPE duct in same trench of pipeline laying as per Dwg.No.15963-000-PL-DST-0001. 4. Rate for laying /
blowing of OFC shall be paid as per separate SOR line item of this tender.5. Refer Document / Drawing nos. (Spec. No. 15963-000-PL-SPC-0014 and Dwg.No.15963-000-PL-DST-
0001 to 0035)
DESCRIPTION => Unit rate for additional work payment over and above Item No. 1 to 4 for excavation in the hard rock / boulders up to 3 meters from the N.G.L. The excavation
shall be done by controlled blasting / chiseling / sledge hammer or otherwise cutting etc. The contractor shall prepare the work execution plan (WEP to be approved by
Owner/Consultant) for the said location stating items such as but not limited to execution methodology, type of blasting, safety measures for site personals & surrounding area, no. of
permission required, disposal method of the blasted rock, Potential Hazards likely to be encountered during Excavation/Trenching with tier mitigation shall be identified in WEP,
requirement of barricading, warning lights, warning signs, types of protection if trench left open at any time of the day, Risk Assessment and plan of action in case of emergency, etc.
For type of trench refer standard drawing no. 15963-000-PL-DST-0001.Notes:1. Blasting (by controlled method only) of Rock for laying of Pipeline shall be done if approved by all the
concerned authorities for Schedule 1, Schedule 2, Schedule 3 & Schedule 4.2. Blasting (in any form) of Rock for laying of Pipeline shall not be considered for Schedule 5.3. This item
shall be applicable only in case of the conventional method is not feasible for excavation (To be agreed and approved by Owner/Consultant).
DESCRIPTION => Unit rate for additional work payment over and above Item No. 1 to 4. This clause shall refer for unit rate for Laisoning for takeing statutory approval for felling of
"Scheduled Trees" from the forest/concerned authorities of respective states as applicable. The statutory payment required for the same shall be paid by company. Even if there are
multiple authorities single unit payment will be considered for each schedule.
DESCRIPTION => Unit rate for additional work payment over and above Item No. 1 to 4. Open cut road crossings (Asphalt Roads / Metalled Roads/ Service Roads/ R.C.C. Road).
Contractor shall obtain final NOC from all the concerned Autorities for each of the crossing.Notes: 1. Mud roads/ Cart Track and Village roads is excluded and shall be paid under line
item 1 to 4
8 DIF PMT LYN-PRL 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 10000 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Unit rate for additional work payment over and above Item No. 1 to 4, Depth of Cover (D.O.C.) for pipeline shall be minimum 2meter at pipeline laying parallel to
existing pipeline, National Highway, State Highway, Outer Ring Road (ORR) or any other road & pipeline laying in restricted area as specified by the concerned authority/company.
Any existing facility / utilities crossing such as but not limited to water pipeline, cables, drains, etc. shall be done as per approved standard drawings and as directed by Engineer-In-
Charge. For congested area, same shall be brought to the notice of the Engineer-In-Charge / Company. The written approval from Company / Engineer-In-Charge shall be binding to the
contractor without any extra cost and time implication. The trench shall be backfilled in line to the approved pipeline standard drawing and the road top or the ground surface shall be
restored as per the requirement & satisfaction of the concerned authorities/owner. The contractor shall be responsible for liasioning from concerned authorities.A) If laid parallel to
Roads;A concrete reverse "C" type slab/ structure if required (Additional payment shall be as per separate line item mentioned in SOR elsewhere) shall be provided over the length of
pipeline to be laid parallel to the road/below road as per standard drawing no. 15963-000-PL-DST-0023. Contractor shall obtain final NOC from all the concerned Autorities.Work Zone
Traffic Management Plan (WTMP) with supporting drawings shall be prepared by contractor along with the Pipeline Construction Work Execution Plan for the locations where the
excavation is done inside or adjacent to the ROW of any road and submitted for approval to all the concerned authorities / Company / Engineer-In-Charge before execution. Type IV
Temporary Barricades with light illumination & Sign boards as per Guidelines on Traffic Management in Work Zones IRC:SP:55 shall be used. Roadway occupancy (i.e. using the
roadway for construction activities) should be scheduled during off-peak hours, and if necessary, night work should be considered after carefully assessing its pros and cons. Bicyclists
and pedestrians including Divyaang, emergency services vehicles should be provided with access and safe passage through the work zones all the item.Excavation shall be done for
maximum up to 200 meters. At any point of time during pipeline laying work, the length of excavation for pipeline laying shall not be more than 200 meters. (It is applicable only if
pipeline is running parallel to Highway or Road)B) If laid parallel to esisting hydrocarbon pipeline;Contrator shall take engough care so that damage to the existing pipeline is avoided.
Pipeline has to be laid as per dwg. no. 15963-000-PL-DST-0005. In case pipeline has to be laid within three(3) meters distance of existing pipeline bonding has to be done at no extra
cost to company. Contractor shall obtain final NOC from all the concerned Autorities.Exposure of foreign pipeline has to be avoided.This line item shall be only applicable if pipeline is
laid parallel to existing hydrocarbon pipeline. Crossing shall not be payable under this pipeline.Pipeline Size 14"
9 DIF PMT LYN-PRL 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 50 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Unit rate for additional work payment over and above Item No. 1 to 4. Depth of Cover (D.O.C.) for pipeline shall be minimum 1.5 meter or as specified by the
concerned authority/company. Any existing facility / utilities crossing shall be done as per approved standard drawings. For congested area, same shall be brought to the notice of the
Engineer-In-Charge / Company. Pipeline shall be protected against any induced stray current. Protective measures such as metallic bonding, increased protection current, supplementary
coating, electrical isolation, galvanic anodes, De-coupling devices such as Polarization cell or any other suitable method may be adopted for such interference mitigation. After
installation of electrical interference mitigation measures, interference survey shall be carried out again to determine the effectiveness of the measures. The written approval from
Company / Engineer-in-Charge shall be binding to the contractor without any extra cost and time implication.The contractor shall be responsible for liasioning from concerned
authorities.Usage of Side Boom Crane for laying the pipeline parallel, across and in the Row of Railway is strictly prohibited.Contractor shall obtain final NOC from all the concerned
Autorities.A concrete reverse "C" type slab/ structure if required (Additional payment shall be as per separate line item mentioned in SOR elsewhere) shall be provided over the length
of pipeline to be laid parallel to the road/below road as per standard drawing no. 15963-000-PL-DST-0023.
10 SUPPLY & INST. OF PVC 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 1938 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Unit rate for additional work payment over and above Item No. 1 to 4 for supply and installation of minimum 6mm thick and 5-meter width, Non-Toxic Rodent
Resistant PVC sheet shall be done as per OISD, PNGRP Guidelines, any other applicable statutory norms and as directed by Engineer in Charge.
DESCRIPTION => Unit rate for additional work payment over and above Item No. 1 to 4. Supply, Design and installation of pipeline warning mat of 1000 mm width & 500 micron
thickness as per approved specification and drawing along the route as per standard drawing no. 15693-000-PL-DST-0026 & specification no. 15963-000-PL-SPC-0013.
DESCRIPTION => Planting of Trees for certain locations and maintenance of the same for three years as instructed by Owner / EPMC Engineer in-charge and relevant authorities
shall also be in the scope of the contractor. Contractor shall note that this activity is applicable for planting Forest trees in non-forest areas (both Govt. and Private). This is against
number oftrees noted down in in panchanama and cut during ROU grading.Type of trees to be planted shall be asper forest / Revenue authorities and instructions from Engineer in
charge. The Contractor's scope of work shall be not only limited to above described works but also liase with Govt. bodies / statutory authorities and obtain NOC for areas of
afforestation (which can be along the road sides, medians, govt. buildings, etc.). In case the forest department wish to do afforestation themselves, the charges payable to them will be
payable by the contractor. If they do not agree then vendor needs to do afforestation themselves.
13 BANK STABILIZATION-14" 12801-HCPL HASSAN Square Meters 12408 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Unit rate for additional work payment over and above Item No. 1 to 4 for supply, fabrication and installation for protection and stabilization of banks of water
crossings including supply of all materials, consumables, manpower and performing works as per drawings, specifications, instructions of Engineer-in-Charge and provisions of
Contract. as per (Dwg. No.15963-000-PL-DST-0025)Pipes as per following details : 14" Dia. Pipeline (for all thickness)
14 SOIL STABILIZATION-14" 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 1000 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Unit rate for additional work payment over and above Item No. 1 to 4 for supply, fabrication and installation for protection and stablisation of soil in hilly areas
having slope greater than 10% including supply of all materials (including concrete if required), equipment, consumables, manpower and performing works as per drawings,
specification, instruction of Engineer in Charge and provisions of contract document. as per (Dwg. No.15963-000-PL-DST-0027 and 15963-000-PL-DST-0014)Pipes as per following
details : 14" Dia. Pipeline (for all thickness)
15 SUPPLY & INSTALL. NET 12801-HCPL HASSAN Square Meters 50 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Unit rate for additional work payment over and above Item No. 1 to 4 Supply and Installation of Company/ Engineer-In-Charge approved suitable and durable
material net of essential mesh shall be fixed at the location such as but not limited to the areas where the possibility of the rock falling, landslide, etc. is envisaged by the Engineer-In-
Charge / Company. The identifying of such location shall be the responsibility of the Pipeline Laying Contractor also. The identified location shall be brought to the notice of the
Engineer-In-Charge / Company and application of the durable material net shall be done in such region with prior permission of the Engineer-In-Charge / Company. The area shall be
calculated and paid on basis of per sq.m of net installed.Failing to do so, any such location if identified by any another institution/agency/ Engineer-In-Charge/Company/person (other
than the worker or any representative of laying contractor)/or Laying contractor himself after Final clean-up and restoration of ROU (for that identified stretch) and before the final
commission of entire pipeline i.e. from Hassan to Cheralapalli, shall be done by Laying contractor. The entire cost for the such unidentified work done shall be borne by the Laying
contractor himself.
DESCRIPTION => Unit rate for additional work payment over and above Item No. 1 to 4 Providing of specified and approved quality of backfill material as defined in tender
document at seismic zone along pipeline route as per standards/ specifications over and above item No. 1 to 4, including supply of select backfill in place of available excavated
material and/or other suitable soil including backfilling of excavated trench after laying of pipeline and optical fiber cables/ cable conduit (where applicable) including transportation of
such special backfill material over all distances and disposal of surplus excavated soil, complete. as per (Dwg.No. 15963-000-PL-DST-0029).The soil would be required to be laid for
minimum 500m on both side of crossing or as per seismic analysis report. The excavated soil shall be disposed as per the requirement of the concerned autorities or as per the instruction
of Engineer in Charge and proof of the same shall be submitted to Company. Line item will be executed only if excavated earth is not found cohesionless. The test report for excavated
earth shall be submited to Engineer-In-Charge.Type of Soil: Engineered soil (cohesionless soil) at seismic location . The certification for cohesion factor of soil, certified by a reputed
or company approved lab shall be submitted to company before execution of the line item. minimum testing requiremnt of cohesionless soil such as cohesive strength, angle of internal
friction, dilatancy angle,etcPipes as per following details : 14" Dia. Pipeline (for all thickness)
17 SOFT PADDING-14" 12801-HCPL HASSAN Cubic Meters 36.4 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Unit rate for additional work payment over and above Item No. 1 to 4 for Supplying, providing and filling soft soil in trenches in rocky stretches around mainline
pipe for providing a minimum padding thickness of 150mm on top as well as 150mm at bottom of the mainline pipe. as per (Dwg. No. 15963-000-PL-DST-0001)NOTE: 1) Item to be
operated only when excavated earth is not suitable for soft padding (passing through sieve size ASTM-10 or IS0-2.00) to under specific instructions from Engineer-in-Charge 2) No
additional cost for trenching for this item shall be paid separetly under this item and trenching is covered in item no. 1 to 4 above. Soft Soil Padding materials that are approved by the
OWNER shall be graded soil/other suitable material containing no gravel, rock, or lumps of hard soil. The graded soil for padding shall pass through sieve size ASTM-10 or IS0-
2.00.3) Only in the event of soft soil being not avialable in particular area and the same is endorsed and accepted by EIC against supporting document only then contractor can use
rockshield as directed and advised by EIC without any additional cost to company and shall be executed in the same rate as refered under this line itemPipes as per following details :
14" Dia. Pipeline (for all thickness)
DESCRIPTION => Unit rate for additional work payment over and above Item No. 1 to 4 for the complete work of the minor water crossings (between the limits as defined in the
drawings) and execution of, but not limited to, the following works including supply of all consumables and materials in accordance with specifications and instructions of Engineer-in-
Charge and all provisions of Contract document; "Receiving and taking over" Owner supplied corrosion coated line pipes from Owner's designated places of issue/dump site(s) and
transportation to Contractor's stock yard/ workshop/ worksite including all handling, loading, unloading, etc.Supply of all Contractor supplied materials to worksite(s), manpower, other
resources and acquiring the required land for site preparations; Complete site preparation including arranging of required land for construction purposes, preparation of working area,
etc.; String preparation including continuous concrete coating, repair of corrosion and concrete coating damages, NDT of re-bevelled area, welding, testing, radiography, weld repair
and retest, corrosion coating and concrete coating of field joints, pretest of completed strings, etc.; Preconstruction surveys; Preparation of detailed construction method statements for
Company Approval. Trenching to the required depth on the banks and bed including maintenance of the trench in all types of strata, all depths and all conditions of minor water
crossings by various methods, etc. to a width to accommodate the pipeline with 1nos. HDPE ducts as per the relevant standards, specifications, etc.; Laying of pipeline in approved
trench and across the minor water crossings, Backfilling of the trench including supply and padding by select backfill as required, consumables, restoration and clean up etc.; tie-in with
pipeline at either banks etc.; All other works required as per specifications, drawings and instruction of Engineer in Charge, continuous pumping out the water from the trench, Provision
of coffer dam / temporary water diversion if envisaged to be managed by construction contractor at no additional cost to client. Concrete coating if required shall be paid under separate
line item. as per Dwg. No. 15963-000-PL-DST-0010 & 0013The depth of the crossing shall be as per relevant OISD code / Specifications or as per statutory approval, whichever is
greater.All above work for crossing by open cut method for Nala, Drain, perennial water logged areas :1. HDPE ducts 1 no. shall be tied up with a strap ( strap shall be non-degradable)
to the pipeline string before laying.2. Contractor shall obtain final NOC from all the concerned Autorities for each of the crossing.Open cut water crossings (Nala, Drain, Field channels,
Perennial water logged areas) Notes: 1. Rate for Bank Stabilization & Concrete Coating of Pipeline shall be quoted sperately as per diffrent line itemPipes as per following details : 14"
Dia. Pipeline (for all thickness)
19 CONTINUOUS CONCRETE-14" 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 568.86 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => CONCRETE COATING- OPEN CUTUnit rate for over and above Item (Short = OPEN CUT WATER CROSSING 14") for providing Continuous Concrete
coating on the carrier pipe including supply of all consumables and materials and application of continuous concrete weight coating on pipes of all wall thicknesses and concrete
coating of the field joints thereof,in all areas of NALA crossings, and performing all works as per specifications and instructions of Engineer-in-Charge and other provisions of Contract
document. i.e., continuous concrete coating (mix 1:1.5:3) using specified (approved) wire mesh reinforcement as per approved drawing and technical specifications, including supply of
cement, steel wire mesh, aggregate, sand, shuttering and all other materials, consumables, inputs, equipment for concrete sheathing required to complete the job, testing of concrete
coated pipes etc. as per 15963-000-PL-DST-0024 and as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge. NOTE: 1. Payment shall be made for the actual length of pipe coated with
concrete. Ends of pipe left uncoated/ shall not be considered in the concrete coating length. 2. The rates shall include the concrete sheathing / coating over weld joints in order to arrive
at continuously concrete coated pipeline. This weld joint concrete sheathing / coating shall be applied after the hydrostatic pre-test.3. Any other unspecified crossings, as required for
execution and as directed by EIC, other than mentioned under this line item shall be executed by contractor at same unit rate for this item.Pipes as per following details :( 14" Dia.
Pipeline(all thickness), Continuous Concrete Coating Thickness - 75mm )
DESCRIPTION => Complete work of crossings for 14" carrier pipe along with supply and installation of 1 no. HDPE duct and installation of 20" casing pipe (between the ROW
limits as defined in Crossing Drawings enclosed with Bid Document) by jacking /boring for canal and other waterbodies crossings wherever required in all types of soils and terrain
inclusive of supply & installation of all other materials viz. casing insulators, casing end seals as per enclosed reference drawing, materials for casing vents and drain, etc. and supply of
all other materials, equipments, consumables, manpower, welding including visual inspection of all weld joints, installation of casing insulators, end seals, vents and drain off pipes,
back fillings and restoration as original of the facility crossed and performing all works as per drawings, specifications and instructions of Engineer-In-Charge and provisions of
Contract document.The scope also includes "Receiving and taking over" owner supplied 3LPE coated line pipes from Owner's designated place of issue/dump site(s) and transportation
to Contractor's stock yard/ work shop/ work site including all handling loading, unloading, aligning etc. supply of all Contractor supplied material to work site(s), manpower, equipment,
other resources and acquiring the required land for storage, fabrication including string preparation of pipes, welding, welding repair, radiography, coating of field joints with special
type Heat Shrink Sleeve and repair of pipeline coating with special repair patch materials as per Specification, pre-test, hardware / software required for commissioning the above
system.Right of use Boundary Markers shall be provided as per Drg. No. 15963-000-PL-DST-0021. Supply of 1 no. 40mm Dia. HDPE Duct shall be as per specification no. 15963-000-
TE-SPC-0005 and installation shall be as per specification no. 15963-000-PL-DST-0028, Supply of all materials (other than those specifically undertaken to be supplied by the Owner
under the contract) necessary for performance of work or for temporary or permanent incorporation in the works.In-situ pre-construction survey including auger bore(s) to establish bed
strata, its bore log by soil testing; obtaining historical data/ scour depth from concerned authority ascertaining underneath soil & strata, necessary cover required over the carrier pipeline
from lowest bed level of the stipulated water crossing including design & calculation and detail engineering and making of crossing drawing for getting the approval from concerned
Authority/ Engineer-in-charge, getting work permit/ NOC for water crossings as well as utility crossings (if any) encountered during water crossing prior to start the execution of
work.Drilling to the required depth on the banks and if possible bed including maintenance of drill hole in all types of strata, all depth to accommodate the pipeline and OFC laying at
all conditions of the water crossings by AUGER BORING method for providing with minimum cover either as indicated in Tender Documents or as required by concerned authority or
site & technical requirement and In case of multiple combined crossing i.e. canal along with road/ drain, minimum cover requirement as per specification/ concerned authority for each
type of crossing has also to fulfilled.Laying of the pipeline by the approved AUGER BORING method across the water crossing including, entry and exit pit preparation, strings
preparation of pipes (as required), welding, testing, radiography, welding repair and retest, coating of field joints with special type Heat Shrink Sleeve and repair of pipeline coating with
special repair patch as per specification, prehydrotest of complete strings made for crossing etc. Backfilling of the ditch / trench including restoration and clean-up of area etc. to the
satisfaction of Engineer-in-charge/ Concerned Authority.Post installation hydrotest dewatering and tie-in with pipeline at either bank etc.All other works including pigging, cleaning,
final hydrotesting etc. along with mainline works (as mentioned in Item No. 1 to 4 above) including repair of defects and retesting, etc. for defects attributed to Contractor's faulty work,
Supply, fabrication and construction of protective fencing as required, Supply fabrication and erection of pipeline markers, Restoration and clean-up etc., Preparation of as-built
drawings and other records etc., required as per specification, and all other works in accordance with approved drawings, calculations, methods and to the satisfaction of Engineer-in-
charge and/ or as directed by concerned Authority.Preparation of detailed construction method statements and calculations for Company Approval. The depth of the crossing shall be as
per relevant OISD code / Specifications or as per statutory approval, whichever is greater.Note:-1. Width of below crossings shall be as per requirement at site for crossing at different
locations.2. Width of the crossings are indicated in respective Crossing drawing enclosed with the tender document. Crossing width may vary as per site condition. String length for
auger boring shall vary as per design calculations so that pipe is not under stress as permitted by codes/specifications. However final length of string & cover from top of pipe shall be
decided and approved by concerned Authority / Engineer-in-charge.3. It is sole discretion of the Contractor to do Auger boring / Jacking of mainline pipe as well as OFC cable with
HDPE duct either by suitably strapping together both the carrier pipe & OFC cable with HDPE duct and pulled through the same drill hole. No separate payment for installation of
HDPE duct shall be paid.4. Payment for the length of final tied-in carrier pipeline string with mainline and HDPE duct laid by Auger boring / Jacking method are inclusive in the above
item rate and no separate payment shall be made under other clause mentioned elsewhere.5. Payment for supply of Casing Pipe shall be as per another item no. mentioned elsewhere.6.
Payment for supply, installation of Right of use boundary markers & OFC cable shall be done as per another item no. mentioned elsewhere.7. Contractor shall obtain final NOC from
all the concerned Autorities for each of the crossing.All above work for Canal crossing by boring method for 14" Dia. Pipeline of all thickness as per following details : All Canals
(Major / Minor Lined, etc.), Refer Typical Pipeline Drawing No.15963-000-PL-DST-0009
21 AUGERBORING- ROADS & 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 484.62 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Complete work of crossings for 14" carrier pipe along with supply and installation of 1 no. HDPE duct and installation of 20" casing pipe (between the ROW
limits as defined in Crossing Drawings/Crossing List/Casing Pipe MTO enclosed with Bid Document) by AUGER BORING/JACKING method., crossings wherever required in all
types of soils and terrain inclusive of supply & installation of all other materials viz. casing insulators, casing end seals as per enclosed reference drawing, materials for casing vents and
drain, etc. and supply of all other materials, equipment's, consumables, manpower, welding including visual inspection of all weld joints, installation of casing insulators, end seals,
vents and drain-off pipes, back fillings and restoration as original of the facility crossed and performing all works as per drawings, specifications and instructions of Engineer-In-Charge
and provisions of Contract document.The scope also including "Receiving and taking over" owner supplied 3LPE/ coated line pipes from Owner's designated place of issue/dump site(s)
and transportation to Contractor's stock yard/ work shop/ work site including all handling loading, unloading, aligning etc. supply of all Contractor supplied material to work site(s),
manpower, equipment, other resources and acquiring the required land for storage, fabrication including string preparation of pipes, welding, welding repair, radiography, coating of
field joints with special type Heat Shrink Sleeve and repair of pipeline coating with special repair patch materials as per Specification, pre-test, hardware / software required for
commissioning the above system.Right of use Boundary Markers shall be provided as per Drg. No. 15963-000-PL-DST-0021. Supply of 1 no. 40mm Dia. HDPE Duct shall be as per
specification no. 15963-000-TE-SPC-0005 and installation shall be as per specification no. 15963-000-PL-DST-0028, Supply of all materials (other than those specifically undertaken
to be supplied by the Owner under the contract) necessary for performance of work or for temporary or permanent incorporation in the works.In-situ pre-construction survey including;
obtaining soil & strata, necessary cover required over the carrier pipeline at crossing including design & calculation and detail engineering and making of crossing drawing for getting
the approval from concerned Authority/ Engineer-in-charge, getting work permit/ NOC for crossings as well as utility crossings (if any) encountered, prior to start the execution of
work.Drilling to the required depth including maintenance of drill hole in all types of strata, depth to accommodate the pipeline and OFC laying at all conditions of the crossings by
AUGER BORING/JACKING method for providing with minimum cover either as indicated in Tender Documents or as required by concerned authority or site & technical requirement
and In case of multiple combined crossing i.e. canal along with road/ drain, minimum cover requirement as per specification/ concerned authority for each type of crossing has also to
fulfilled.Laying of the pipeline by the approved method across the crossing including, entry and exit pit preparation, strings preparation of pipes (as required), welding, testing,
radiography, welding repair and retest, coating of field joints with special type Heat Shrink Sleeve and repair of pipeline coating with special repair patch as per specification,
prehydrotest of complete strings made for crossing etc. Backfilling of the ditch/ trench including restoration and clean-up of area etc. to the satisfaction of Engineer-in-charge/
Concerned Authority.Post installation hydrotest dewatering and tie-in with pipeline at either side of the crossing entity row.All other works including pigging, cleaning, final
hydrotesting etc. along with mainline works (as mentioned in Item No. 1 to 4 above) including repair of defects and retesting, etc. for defects attributed to Contractor's faulty work,
Supply, fabrication and construction of protective fencing as required, Supply fabrication and erection of pipeline markers, Restoration and clean-up etc., Preparation of as-built
drawings and other records etc., required as per specification, and all other works in accordance with approved drawings, calculations, methods and to the satisfaction of Engineer-in-
charge and/ or as directed by concerned Authority.Preparation of detailed construction method statements and calculations for Company Approval. (Reference Drawing No.15963-000-
PL-DST-0007) The depth of the crossing shall be as per relevant OISD code / Specifications or as per statutory approval, whichever is greater.Note:-1. Width of below crossings shall
be as per requirement at site for crossing at different locations.2. Width of the crossings are indicated in respective Crossing drawing enclosed with the tender document. Crossing width
may vary as per site condition. String length for auger boring shall vary as per design calculations so that pipe is not under stress as permitted by codes/specifications. However final
length of string & cover from top of pipe shall be decided and approved by concerned Authority / Engineer-in-charge.3. It is sole discretion of the Contractor to do Auger boring /
Jacking of mainline pipe as well as HDPE duct either by suitably strapping together both the carrier pipe & HDPE duct and pulled through the same drill hole. No separate payment for
installation of HDPE duct shall be paid.4. Payment for the length of final tied-in carrier pipeline string with mainline and HDPE duct laid by Auger boring / Jacking method are
inclusive in the above item rate and no separate payment shall be made under other clause mentioned elsewhere.5. Payment for supply of Casing Pipe shall be as per another item no.
mentioned elsewhere.6. Payment for supply, installation of Right of use boundary markers & OFC cable shall be done as per another item no. mentioned elsewhere.7. Contractor shall
obtain final NOC from all the concerned Autorities for each of the crossing.
22 AUGER BORING-RLWY 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 171.08 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Complete work of crossings for 14" carrier pipe along with supply and installation of 1 no. HDPE duct and installation of 20" /24" casing pipe (between the ROW
limits as defined in Crossing Drawings / Crossing List / Casing Pipe MTO enclosed with Bid Document) by AUGER BORING / JACKING method., crossings wherever required in all
types of soils and terrain inclusive of supply & installation of all other materials viz. casing insulators, casing end seals as per enclosed reference drawing, materials for casing vents and
drain, etc. and supply of all other materials, equipment's, consumables, manpower, welding including visual inspection of all weld joints, installation of casing insulators, end seals,
vents and drain-off pipes, back fillings and restoration as original of the facility crossed and performing all works as per drawings, specifications and instructions of Engineer-In-Charge
and provisions of Contract document.The scope also including "Receiving and taking over" owner supplied 3LPE / coated line pipes from Owner's designated place of issue / dump
site(s) and transportation to Contractor's stock yard/ work shop / work site including all handling loading, unloading, aligning etc. supply of all Contractor supplied material to work
site(s), manpower, equipment, other resources and acquiring the required land for storage, fabrication including string preparation of pipes, welding, welding repair, radiography,
coating of field joints with special type Heat Shrink Sleeve and repair of pipeline coating with special repair patch materials as per Specification, pre-test, hardware / software required
for commissioning the above system.Right of use Boundary Markers shall be provided as per Drg. No. 15963-000-PL-DST-0021. Supply of 1 no. 40mm Dia. HDPE Duct shall be as
per specification no. 15963-000-TE-SPC-0005 and installation shall be as per specification no. 15963-000-PL-DST-0028, Supply of all materials (other than those specifically
undertaken to be supplied by the Owner under the contract) necessary for performance of work or for temporary or permanent incorporation in the works.In-situ pre-construction survey
including; obtaining soil & strata, necessary cover required over the carrier pipeline at crossing including design & calculation and detail engineering and making of crossing drawing
for getting the approval from concerned Authority/ Engineer-in-charge, getting work permit/ NOC for crossings as well as utility crossings (if any) encountered, prior to start the
execution of work.Drilling to the required depth including maintenance of drill hole in all types of strata, depth to accommodate the pipeline and OFC laying at all conditions of the
crossings by AUGER BORING/JACKING method for providing with minimum cover either as indicated in Tender Documents or as required by concerned authority or site & technical
requirement and In case of multiple combined crossing i.e. canal along with road/ drain, minimum cover requirement as per specification/ concerned authority for each type of crossing
has also to fulfilled.Laying of the pipeline by the approved method across the crossing including, entry and exit pit preparation, strings preparation of pipes (as required), welding,
testing, radiography, welding repair and retest, coating of field joints with special type Heat Shrink Sleeve and repair of pipeline coating with special repair patch as per specification,
prehydrotest of complete strings made for crossing etc. Backfilling of the ditch / trench including restoration and clean-up of area etc. to the satisfaction of Engineer-in-charge /
Concerned Authority.Post installation hydrotest dewatering and tie-in with pipeline at either side of crossing entity row etc.All other works including pigging, cleaning, final
hydrotesting etc. along with mainline works (as mentioned in Item No. 1 to 4 above) including repair of defects and retesting, etc. for defects attributed to Contractor's faulty work,
Supply, fabrication and construction of protective fencing as required, Supply fabrication and erection of pipeline markers, Restoration and clean-up etc., Preparation of as-built
drawings and other records etc., required as per specification, and all other works in accordance with approved drawings, calculations, methods and to the satisfaction of Engineer-in-
charge and/ or as directed by concerned Authority.Preparation of detailed construction method statements and calculations for Company Approval. (Reference Drawing No.15963-000-
PL-DST-0011) The depth of the crossing shall be as per relevant OISD code / Specifications or as per statutory approval, whichever is greater.Usage of Side Boom Crane for laying the
pipeline parallel, across and in the Row of Railway to be avoided.Note:-1. Width of below crossings shall be as per requirement at site for crossing at different locations.2. Width of the
crossings are indicated in respective Crossing drawing enclosed with the tender document. Crossing width may vary as per site condition. String length for auger boring shall vary as per
design calculations so that pipe is not under stress as permitted by codes/specifications. However final length of string & cover from top of pipe shall be decided and approved by
concerned Authority / Engineer-in-charge.3. It is sole discretion of the Contractor to do Auger boring / Jacking of mainline pipe as well as HDPE duct either by suitably strapping
together both the carrier pipe & HDPE duct and pulled through the same drill hole. No separate payment for installation of HDPE duct shall be paid.4. Payment for the length of final
tied-in carrier pipeline string with mainline and HDPE duct laid by Auger boring / Jacking method are inclusive in the above item rate and no separate payment shall be made under
other clause mentioned elsewhere.5. Payment for supply of Casing Pipe shall be as per another item no. mentioned elsewhere.6. Payment for supply, installation of Right of use
boundary markers & OFC cable shall be done as per another item no. mentioned elsewhere.7. Contractor shall obtain final NOC from all the concerned Autorities for each of the
23 A/G. INST OF 14" PIPELINE 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 36 29AAACH1 Yes
Owner supplied materials from Owner's designated place(s) of issue, transportation including loading, unloading, handling from Owner's designated place(s) of issue to Contractor's
own stock yard(s)/ work site(s)/ work shop(s) including arranging all necessary intermediate storage area(s) thereof, as required; supply of all materials (except those specified
subsequently in SOR), equipment, consumables as defined in Contractor's scope of supply and their transportation to the work site(s); performing all above ground/buried piping
fabrication works including cutting, edge preparation (inclusive of grinding the edges of pipes, fittings, flanges etc. to match with the matching edges of uneven/ different thickness
wherever required), fit up, bending, pre-heating wherever required, welding, etc.;Installation of Pipeline and all inline (aboveground / underground) items (such as but not limited to
MOV along with pup piece, valves, fittings, i.e. flow tees, insulating joints, LR bends, pig signalers, temparature elements, elbows, reducers, tees, 'o' lets, flanges, blind flanges, fixing
of gaskets, bolts, studs & nuts of all sizes and other associated piping facility as per battery limit given in scope of work doc. no. 15963-000-PL-SOW-0002, mark-up P&ID drawings
and relative piping GA drawings at scrapper trap) payment for installation of each of these inline items shall be made as per the individual line item mentioned in the SOR elsewhere;
carrying out non-destructive testing, magnetic particle / liquid penetration / hardness including 100% radiography and providing all requisite equipment, labor, supervision, materials,
films, consumables, all facilities and personnel to process, develop, examine and interpret radiographs and other tests, as required; carrying out repairs of weld joints found defective by
Engineer-In-Charge, carrying out re-radiography and other nondestructive tests as required on repaired joints, etc.; hook-up with existing piping/pipeline, contractor to provide
temporary supports at wherever required.Supply of paints, solvents and primers, preparation of surfaces and application of primer and finish paints suitable for highly
corrosive/corrosive/ normal corrosive painting environment as defined in contract document and on pipes as per Painting Specification and Specification for Coating and Wrapping of
Under Ground Piping, lettering/ numbering, colour coding etc. as specified including rub down and touch up of shop primer or scrapping of shop primer wherever required and
providing of scaffolding for all heights, labour, materials, tools and tackles, consumables, supervision etc. to complete the work in all respect as per Specification, Drawings, Standards
and instruction of Engineer-in-Charge. Cleaning and flushing by water/ compressed air, carrying out hydrostatic test, pneumatic test, valve functional test and any other type of testing
as specified, de-pressurising, dewatering, drying by compressed air if applicable; cutting/ rebeveling (as required), pre-commissioning and providing commissioning assistance to
Commissioning Contractor/Agency for process piping and commissioning of non-process piping if applicable; clean-up and restoration of site, preparation of as built drawings,
documents and project records; completing all works in all respects as per the drawings, specifications, standards and other provisions of Contract and instruction of Engineer-in-
Charge.Pipeline Size 14 INCH, Rating - 600#
24 INST OF 14" PL-SV Station 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 10 29AAACH1 Yes
Owner supplied materials from Owner's designated place(s) of issue, transportation including loading, unloading, handling from Owner's designated place(s) of issue to Contractor's
own stock yard(s)/ work site(s)/ work shop(s) including arranging all necessary intermediate storage area(s) thereof, as required; supply of all materials (except those specified
subsequently in SOR), equipment, consumables as defined in Contractor's scope of supply and their transportation to the work site(s); performing all above ground/buried piping
fabrication works including cutting, edge preparation (inclusive of grinding the edges of pipes, fittings, flanges etc. to match with the matching edges of uneven/ different thickness
wherever required), fit up, bending, pre-heating wherever required, welding, etc.;Installation of Pipeline and all inline (aboveground / underground) items (such as but not limited to
MOV along with pup piece, valves, fittings, i.e. flow tees, insulating joints, LR bends, pig signalers, temparature elements, elbows, reducers, tees, 'o' lets, flanges, blind flanges, fixing
of gaskets, bolts, studs & nuts of all sizes and other associated piping facility as per battery limit given in scope of work doc. no. 15963-000-PL-SOW-0002, mark-up P&ID drawings
and relative piping GA drawings at scrapper trap) payment for installation of each of these inline item shall be made as per the individual line item mentioned in the SOR elsewhere;
carrying out non-destructive testing, magnetic particle / liquid penetration / hardness including 100% radiography and providing all requisite equipment, labor, supervision, materials,
films, consumables, all facilities and personnel to process, develop, examine and interpret radiographs and other tests, as required; carrying out repairs of weld joints found defective by
Engineer-In-Charge, carrying out re-radiography and other nondestructive tests as required on repaired joints, etc.; hook-up with existing piping/pipeline, contractor to provide
temporary supports at wherever required.Supply of paints, solvents and primers, preparation of surfaces and application of primer and finish paints suitable for highly
corrosive/corrosive/ normal corrosive painting environment as defined in contract document and on pipes as per Painting Specification and Specification for Coating and Wrapping of
Under Ground Piping, lettering/ numbering, colour coding etc. as specified including rub down and touch up of shop primer or scrapping of shop primer wherever required and
providing of scaffolding for all heights, labour, materials, tools and tackles, consumables, supervision etc. to complete the work in all respect as per Specification, Drawings, Standards
and instruction of Engineer-in-Charge. Cleaning and flushing by water/ compressed air, carrying out hydrostatic test, pneumatic test, valve functional test and any other type of testing
as specified, de-pressurising, dewatering, drying by compressed air if applicable; cutting/ rebeveling (as required), pre-commissioning and providing commissioning assistance to
Commissioning Contractor/Agency for process piping and commissioning of non-process piping if applicable; clean-up and restoration of site, preparation of as built drawings,
documents and project records; completing all works in all respects as per the drawings, specifications, standards and other provisions of Contract and instruction of Engineer-in-
Charge.Pipeline Size 14 INCH, Rating - 600#
DESCRIPTION => Receiving and taking over of all Owner supplied materials, equipments from Owner's designated place(s) of issue, transportation including loading, unloading,
handling from Owner's designated place(s) of issue to Contractor's own stock yard(s)/ work site(s)/ work shop(s) including arranging all necessary intermediate storage area(s) thereof,
as required; supply of all materials, equipment, consumables as defined in Contractor's scope of supply and its transportation to the work site(s); installation of valves, fixing of
gaskets, bolts, studs, nuts wherever required, levelling, aligning, installation, by bolting or welding of pipes at all elevations, testing, completing all works in all respects as per drawings,
specification, other provisions of Contract and directions of the Engineer-in-Charge. Installation of Scraper Launcher / Receiver with Quick Opening End Closure (QOEC), Pig Trolley,
Jib Crane, Pig Signallers -2Nos. (1 no. on Pig trap & 1 no. on Pipeline), Door Limit Switch(close), etc. as per details given in Tender. ( Pipeline Size 14 INCH, Rating - 600# )
26 SUPPLY & INSTALL OF 12801-HCPL HASSAN Metric Ton 1 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply, fabrication and erection of pipe & equipment (mainly Scraper Traps) supports (for all sizes/ thickness) including shoes, pipes, cradles, turn buckles, T-
posts for all types of guides, anchors, etc. if applicable, all necessary equipment, consumables, labour etc. for completing all works including supply of bolts, nuts, washers, U-clamps,
wooden blocks etc. as required for supporting, supply and application of paints and primers suitable for highly corrosive/normal corrosive painting environment as defined in contract
document and as per Specification for Painting, Doc. No. 15963-000-PE-SPC-0005 , Drawings, Specification, Standards, other provisions of Contract and instruction of Engineer-in-
Charge.CS Structural Steel
DESCRIPTION => Supply, fabrication and installation of following types of permanent markers for pipeline and OFC along the route including all associated civil works such as
excavation in all types of soil, construction of pedestals and grouting with concrete, clearing, supply and application of approved colour and quality of primer and paint, stencil letter
cutting for numbers, direction, chainage etc. restoration of area to original condition and performing all works as per drawings, specifications and instructions of Engineer-In-
Charge.Note: The painting of all markers shall conform to Specification for Painting, Doc. No. 15963-000-PE-SPC-0005 & irrespective of whatever shown on respective
standards.Direction Markers Drg. No. 15963-000-PL-DST-0015
DESCRIPTION => Supply, fabrication and installation of following types of permanent markers for pipeline and OFC along the route including all associated civil works such as
excavation in all types of soil, construction of pedestals and grouting with concrete, clearing, supply and application of approved colour and quality of primer and paint, stencil letter
cutting for numbers, direction, chainage etc. restoration of area to original condition and performing all works as per drawings, specifications and instructions of Engineer-In-
Charge.Note: The painting of all markers shall conform to Specification for Painting, Doc. No. 15963-000-PE-SPC-0005 & irrespective of whatever shown on respective
standards.Pipeline Warning Signs Drg. No. 15963-000-PL-DST-0016
DESCRIPTION => Supply, fabrication and installation of following types of permanent markers for pipeline and OFC along the route including all associated civil works such as
excavation in all types of soil, construction of pedestals and grouting with concrete, clearing, supply and application of approved colour and quality of primer and paint, stencil letter
cutting for numbers, direction, chainage etc. restoration of area to original condition and performing all works as per drawings, specifications and instructions of Engineer-In-
Charge.Note: The painting of all markers shall conform to Specification for Painting, Doc. No. 15963-000-PE-SPC-0005 & irrespective of whatever shown on respective
standards.Kilometer Posts Drg. No. 15963-000-PL-DST-0019
DESCRIPTION => Supply, fabrication and installation of Right of use Boundary pillars of RCC at every 250 meters/nearest bunds on either side of ROU, at every turning point and/or
as directed by EIC including supply of all materials necessary for the fabrication of the pillars, casting and inscribing the pillars, excavation of earth, fixing the pillars & backfilling,
applying two coats of oil paint over one coat of cement based primer on exposed surface and work, labour, inputs & materials/ consumables necessary to perform and complete the work
in all respect under the contract and as per directions of Site Engineer.Note: The painting of all markers shall conform to Specification for Painting, Doc. No. 15963-000-PE-SPC-0005
& irrespective of whatever shown on respective standards.RCC Precast Boundary Stone Drg. No. 15963-000-PL-DST-0021
DESCRIPTION => Supply, fabrication and installation of following types of permanent markers for pipeline and OFC along the route including all associated civil works such as
excavation in all types of soil, construction of pedestals and grouting with concrete, clearing, supply and application of approved colour and quality of primer and paint, stencil letter
cutting for numbers, direction, chainage etc. restoration of area to original condition and performing all works as per drawings, specifications and instructions of Engineer-In-
Charge.Note: The painting of all markers shall conform to Specification for Painting, Doc. No. 15963-000-PE-SPC-0005 & irrespective of whatever shown on respective
standards.Aerial Markers Drg. No. 15963-000-PL-DST-0020
DESCRIPTION => Major Leak (Detected by Visual Method):All works for locating major leak/burst (occurred during hydrostatic testing) including necessary repairing /replacing
defective pipe length, including cutting and removing out defective pipes, pretesting of replacement pipe and welding into mainline, NDT of welds and re-beveled area, repair and re-
testing of defective welds, coating of welded joints, clean up retesting the pipeline including providing all necessary equipments, labour, materials, consumables and inputs other than
Owner supplied materials and performing all works as per drawings, specifications enclosed with the Contract and directions of Engineer-In-charge.Note: 1) This rate is applicable for
manufacturing defects in Company supplied material only.2) In the course of hydrostatic testing of the mainline section, if any defective portion/ pipe/ work is found to be due to a
defect in the pipe attributable to the Owner, the Owner shall supply the additional necessary pipes at Owner issue point required for the work free of cost to the Contractor, but the
Contractor shall supply all other materials and inputs at his own cost for replacement of pipe section. The Contractor shall be paid a lump sum amount for each such failure for the work
involved in locating & identifying the defects in the mainline and in their repair/rectification as per the specification. Failure in one or more pipes in a section during a single
pressurization cycle shall be considered as a single failure for the purpose of compensation for hydrostatic test failure on account of manufacturing defect.(Pipeline Size 14 INCH)
33 MINOR LEAKS-14" 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 2 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Minor Leak (Detected by Sectionalizing):All works for locating leak by sectionalizing or any other methods which cannot be located by visual means, including
necessary repairing /replacing defective pipe length , including cutting and removing out defective pipes, pretesting of replacement pipe and welding into mainline , NDT of welds and
re-bevelled area, repair and re-testing of defective welds, coating of welded joints, clean-up , retesting the pipeline including providing all necessary equipments , labour , materials ,
consumables and inputs other than Owner supplied materials and performing all works as per drawings, specifications enclosed with the Contract and directions of Engineer-In-
Charge.Note: 1) This rate is applicable for manufacturing defects in Company supplied material only.2) In the course of hydrostatic testing of the mainline section, if any defective
portion/ pipe/ work is found to be due to a defect in the pipe attributable to the Owner, the Owner shall supply the additional necessary pipes at Owner issue point required for the work
free of cost to the Contractor, but the Contractor shall supply all other materials and inputs at his own cost for replacement of pipe section. The Contractor shall be paid a lump sum
amount for each such failure for the work involved in locating & identifying the defects in the mainline and in their repair/rectification as per the specification. Failure in one or more
pipes in a section during a single pressurization cycle shall be considered as a single failure for the purpose of compensation for hydrostatic test failure on account of manufacturing
defect.(Pipeline Size 14 INCH)
34 LEAKS(OWNER 12801-HCPL HASSAN Inch Meter 40 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Leak / Bursts (Attributable to Owner):All works for leak/burst (occurring during hydrostatic testing) including necessary repair/replacement of defective pipe
length, including cutting and removing out defective pipes, welding, NDT of welds, repair and re-testing of defective welds, painting of welded joints, clean-up, re hydro testing
of the pipe segment including providing all necessary equipments, labour, materials, consumables and inputs other than Owner supplied materials and performing all works as per
drawings, specifications enclosed with the Contract and directions of Engineer-in- Charge.Note : This rate shall be applicable for manufacturing defects in Contractor supplied materials
only.If leak is attributale to owner only then the said line item shall be applicable.
DESCRIPTION => Supply of High Pressure Leak Clamps for 14" - 600# OD Pipeline
DESCRIPTION => Supply of Composite Leak Clamps for 14" - 600# OD Pipeline
37 IDLE TIME PRES.-3 MONTH 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 134000 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Preservation of complete pipeline including scraper traps and associated facilities by filling and pressurizing with nitrogen pressure 2 bar(g) and its maintenance
including supply of all consumables, all equipment , man-power, etc. complete as per the requirements of specifications, other provisions of Contract document and instructions of
Engineer-In-Charge1. This rate is for filling & preservation of pipeline for the three months period from & including Pig Launcher to Pig Receiver and associated facilities at respective
stations (as applicable)
38 IDLE TIME PRES.-3-6 MONTH 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 134000 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Unit rate for maintenance of pressurised Pipeline as per item above (Short - IDLE TIME PRES.-3 MONTH)(post completion of 3 months period) ,including
supply of all consumables, all equipment , man-power, pigs, barrels (if required) complete in all respects. etc. as per the requirements of specifications, other provsions of Contract
document and instructions of Engineer-In-Charge. Note: 1. The payment for same unit rate shall apply for any extended period, if required to maximum of 9 months after completion of
39 IDLETIME PRES.-POST 6 MNT 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 134000 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Unit rate for preservation of pipeline including scraper traps and associated facilities by filling and pressurizing with nitrogen pressure 2 bar(g) and its maintenance
including supply of all consumables, all equipment , man-power, etc. complete as per the requirements of specifications, other provisions of Contract document and instructions of
Engineer-In-Charge1. This rate is for filling & preservation of pipeline for the three months period from & including Pig Launcher to Pig Receiver and associated facilities at respective
stations (as applicable)
40 SUPPLY-CASING-20" 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 1181 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Casing pipe details for Railway Crossings (For Karnataka State only), Highways (NH/SH) / Major District Roads / Other District Roads / Ring Roads Lined
Canals / Major Canals: Supply including handling, loading, transportation and unloading of casing pipes from Contractors storage point to worksite. Casing pipe shall conform to
specification no. 15963-000-PL-SPC-0033.( Casing pipe OD : 20"(508 mm), Material :- API5L Gr B, PSL 1, Wall Thk. : 8.74 mm, Casing pipe shall be two component epoxy coated. )
41 BENTONITE FILLING 12801-HCPL HASSAN Cubic Meters 100 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply and installation including transportation of bentonite as per standard statutory requirement and as per the Tender if mentioned elsewhere, The annulus
space between the casing and the carrier pipe to be filled with a Bentonite as the casing filler at all cased crossings such as but not limited to Lined Canals, Major Canals, Railways,
National Highways, State Highways, Major District Roads, Other District Roads, Ring Roads and other unidentified crossings if required or as directed by the Engineer-In-Charge
:Preparation of detailed handling, transportation, storage, usage method /statements and calculations (If any) for Owner's Approval.Note : This Item includes only for Casing Filler and
installation i.e. Bentonite Filling considered in Cased crossing Items executed with Auger Boring or Open Cut methodology.
42 MAGNETIC PIGGING-14" 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 134000 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Magnetic Pigging-14"Mobilisation/demobilisation of pigging tools, tackles, consumables, accessories and personnel by contractor at work site including but not
limited to magnet pig and pig tracking device, temporary launcher and receiver as per specification and other provision of the bid document including supply of material, equipment,
manpower, etc. as required for magnet pigging cleaning of 14" diameter mainline. Including running of adequate runs of magnet pigs for pipeline including pig tracking at 5 to 10 km
interval for each segment, preparation of site report as per specification and provision of BID DOCUMENT for 14" diameter mainline.This should facilitate ,Preparation and cleaning of
the complete ,Mainline / Mainline sections including HDD sections, Scrappe Traps by running series of pigs for cleaning the line from debris, water & making it dry for launching
Magnetic pigs.
43 EGP-14" 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 134000 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Electronic Geometry Pigging (EGP)-14"Mobilisation/demobilisation of pigging tools, tackles, consumables, accessories and personnel by contractor at work site
including but not limited to electronic geometry pigs and pig tracking device, temporary launcher and receiver as per specification and other provision of the bid document including
supply of material, equipment, manpower, etc. as required for geometry inspection of 14" diameter mainline.Running adequate runs of electronic geometry pig (caliper) including pig
tracking at 5 to 10 Km interval for each segment, preparation of site report on pipeline, data analysis at Contractors facility as per specification and provisions of the BID DOCUMENT
for 14" diameter mainline.Rectification works of excavation, cutting, welding, testing and backfilling, the acceptance tolerance criteria as per (refer doc no. 15963-000-PL-SPC-0029)
DESCRIPTION => Defect Verification & Rectification not attributal to contractor-14"Defect verification at a max. of 3 locations for each segment inspected including rectification of
defects observed from EGP (caliper) survey, including supply of all tools, tackles, instruments, personnel and their transportation, all earth work, repair of pipeline coating wherever
exposed, backfilling, work complete in all respect as per direction of Engineer-In-Charge.Vendor shall rectify the defect beyond 2% Dent (i.e Dent depth = 2% of I.D. of
Pipeline.)Repair of defects recorded during EGP/gauge plate run or otherwise including cutting, bevelling, welding, radiography, field joint coating etc.; as applicable.Note:- 1. Unit
EACH signifies each schedule of the pipeline.
DESCRIPTION => Preparation of final WORK report as per pre agreed format and submission to CONSULTANT / COMPANY as per Doc. No. 15963-000-PL-SPC-0025 for
pipeline. Minimum 3 Hard Copies and 3 reproducable copy in 3 nos. of HardDrives for each scheduleand each pipeline/spurline.
46 PRE-COMM. CHECK-14"- KAR 12801-HCPL HASSAN Lump Sum 1 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Pre-commissioning activities and pre-commissioning checks to the specified acceptance criteria, making the entire pipeline system ready for commissioning,
providing assistance during the complete duration of commissioning operations, supply of all equipment, manpower, consumables (including pigs) materials for all temporary works and
performing all associated works, complete as per the relevant specifications, other provisions of Contract document and instructions of Engineer-in-Charge. Note:-1. Precommissioning
checks for the pipeline and associated facilities for entire pipeline as per Specification no. 15963-000-PL-SPC-00212. Precommissioning checks for the pipeline and associated facilities
for 14" diameter Pipeline section.
47 DEWATERING-14"- KAR 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 134000 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of all equipment, manpower, consumablesmaterials for all temporary works and performing all associated works, complete as per the relevant
specifications, other provisions of Contract document and instructions of Engineer-in-Charge Dewatering of the entire pipeline and associated facilities as per Specification no. 15963-
000-PL-SPC-0021Note:- 1. Dewatering of the entire pipeline and associated facilities for 14" diameter Pipeline section.
48 SWABBING-14"- KAR 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 134000 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of all equipment, manpower, consumables (including pigs) materials for all temporary works and performing all associated works, complete as per the
relevant specifications, other provisions of Contract document and instructions of Engineer-in-Charge Swabbing of the entire pipeline and associated facilities as per Specification no.
15963-000-PL-SPC-0021Note:- 1. Swabbing of the entire pipeline and associated facilities for 14" diameter Pipeline section.
49 COMM. WITH WATER-14"- KAR 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 134000 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Commissioning assistance for entire Pipeline with water pressurize upto MAOP, including all station piping being installed to the specified acceptance criteria,
carrying out the pre-commissioning works, Providing all necessary assistance during the complete duration of commissioning operations for entire pipeline and making the entire
pipeline system ready for commissioning including supply of all equipment, man-power, consumables materials for all temporary works and performing all associated works, complete
as per the relevant specifications, approved method statements and other provisions of Contract document and instructions of Engineer-in-Charge. as per Specification no. 15963-000-
PL-SPC-0021Note:- 1. Commissioning assistance for the commissioning of 14" diameter Pipeline section and associated facilities being carried out by Company.
50 SUP WATER COMM.14"- KAR 12801-HCPL HASSAN Kiloliter 5400 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of water for commissioning and pressurisation up to MAOP of pipeline
DESCRIPTION => Transportation of surplus bare /coated line pipes from the dump sites and site area to Companys designated storage area, including loading/ unloading /handling
and carrying out all associated works like arranging for cranes, manpower, trailers, loading and unloading equipment; preparation of storage area at unloading point including providing
all consumables, sand ridges, wooden sleepers, plastic sheets, etc; preparation of material reconciliation statement for following Pipeline sizes.Pipeline Size 14" Dia. (Any thickness)
52 VIDEOGRAPHY & 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 134000 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Part-1: Preparation of High-resolution videography (4K) of ROU during ROU opening (cleaning and grading) to capture all existing facilities in ROU which is
going to be damaged in construction activities within ROU limits. This will also include the entire videography of ROU restoration (chainage wise) and shall be submitted on monthly
basis. Geo-tagged photography also needs to be carried out during ROU opening (cleaning and grading activity) and ROU restoration.Part-2: Preparation of High-resolution video film
(4K) (minimum 2 hours) with professional audio commentary covering all aspects / activity of pipeline construction annotated as required.Part-3: Preparation of High-resolution
videography (4K) of Panchanama (capturing the eniter activity with vocals of officals & persons involved) and Restoration for the entire length (minimum 2 hours) also shall be
provided. The work shall be carried out in three Parts. Videography of the entire route prior to construction activities (Panchanama) i.e. pipeline route, location of various stations, IP
station, TOP, SV's, all crossing like road / railways, river, etc. and String, Welding, Radiography, Joint Coating, Lowering, Backfilling, all major crossings etc. Videography during all
above work restoration and third complete project execution i.e.performing all works as per specification, instruction of engineer-in-charge and other provision of contract document.
Conversion of the filmed videography for above all parts, submitting three (3) sets of the of pipeline & spurline for each part, in a 3 nos. of Hard Drive for each schedule and as per
details in Specification for Documentation for Pipeline Construction, Doc. No. 15963-000-PL-SPC-0014. This should be with professional audio commentary, titles & sub-titles.
Contractor to deploy an external agency, who has shot professional Short films.Photographs for all the 3 (three) Parts as mentioned above with DSLR or equivalent professional camera
(with minimum 20 megapixel) shall be taken and submitted in 3 (three) nos. of reproduceable format (in Hard Drive as per company requirement) & 3 (three) nos. of Hardcopies
arranged in an album (album should not be flip book/magazine type) sequence wise with a short below for the activity being carried out in the photograph with date, chainage and
location for each part. Album shall be prepared in such a way that the photographs take shall not stick to each other or pages of album if kept untouched. All the main stages during
laying for all the parts or as required by Engineer-In-Charge/ Company shall be captured in photographs and pasted in Album.
53 UNSPECIFIED HDD W: 200 - 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 250 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Complete work of the unspecified crossing of width above 200 meters, up to & inclusive of 500 meters, such as but not limited to any type of plantation/field/farm
crossing, Road Crossing (NH, SH, etc.), Water body crossing and/or Rail Crossing (between the limits are defined as approved drawings) (between the limits are defined as approved
drawings) by HDD method including "Receiving and taking over" owner supplied three layer PP coated line pipes from Owner's designated place to issue/ dump site(s) and
transportation to contractor's stock yard/ work shop/ work site including all handling loading, unloading, aligning etc. supply of all Contractor supplied material, required length of CS
conduit for OFC laying of size 6"; 6.4mm thk. of API 5L Gr.B or equivalent ERW pipe including the Supply and installation of 2nos. 40mm HDPE conduit in 6" CS pipe to work
site(s), manpower, equipment, other resources and acquiring the required land for storage, fabrication including string preparation of pipes, welding, welding repair, radiography,
coating of field joints with special type Heat Shrink Sleeve and repair of pipeline coating with special repair patch materials as per Specification hardware / software required for
commissioning the above system. Pre-construction survey based on site visit, collection of data (if required) from concerned Authority including design and detail engineering and
making of crossing drawings for getting their approval from concerned Authority/ Engineer-in-charge, getting work permit/ NOC for crossing as well as utility crossings (if any)
encountered at crossing section prior to start the execution of work. Drilling to required depth from top of NGL./ road/ rail and from scour level of water body crossing, including
maintenance of drill hole in all types of strata, all depth to accommodate the pipeline and CS conduit for OFC laying at all conditions encountered during crossing by approved HDD
methods for providing minimum cover specified in code/ specification or the actual depth as decided by concerned authority, whichever is more.Backfilling of the ditch/ trench
including restoration and cleanup of area and all other works including pigging, cleaning, final hydrotesting etc. along with mainline works (as mentioned in Item No. 1 to 5 above)
including repair of defects and retesting, etc. for defects attributed to Contractor's faulty work, Supply, fabrication and construction of protective fencing as required, Supply fabrication
and erection of pipeline markers, Restoration and clean-up etc., Preparation of as-built drawings and other records etc., required as per specification, and all other works in accordance
with approved drawings, calculations, methods and to the satisfaction of Engineer-in-charge and/ or as directed by concerned Authority. The depth of the crossing shall be as per
relevant OISD code / Specifications or as per statutory approval, whichever is greater.Note:-1. Width of above crossings indicated are tentative. The width indicated are not for any
single crossings. This shall be as per requirement at site for crossing at different locations.2. Width of the crossings are indicated in respective Crossing drawing enclosed with the tender
document or contractor shall verify the crossing (unspecified) and its length at site. Crossing width may vary as per site condition. String length for HDD shall vary as per design
calculations so that pipe is not under stress as permitted by codes/ specifications. However final length of string & cover from top of pipe shall be decided and approved by concerned
Authority/ Engineer-in-charge.3. The Contractor to make separate HDD for 6" CS conduit for OFC laying at minimum 6m interdistance between mainline & 6" CS conduit for OFC. No
separate payment for HDD for 6" CS conduit shall be paid.4. Payment for the length of final tied-in carrier pipeline string with mainline and CS conduit laid by HDD method are
inclusive in the above item rate and no separate payment shall be made under other clause mentioned elsewhere.5. It is sole discretion of the Contractor to do HDD crossing of mainline
pipe with OFC cables. No separate payment for OFC cables laying at these crossings6. Contractor shall obtain final NOC from all the concerned Autorities for each of the crossing.7.
The rates shall be inclusive of supply of CS conduit for OFC laying of size 6"; 6.4mm thk. of A106 Gr.B/API 5L Gr.B/IS1239 or equivalent ERW pipe.Pipeline Size = 8" / 14" NPS,
API 5L Gr.X65, PSL2
54 CONCRETE SLAB / C-SECTION 12801-HCPL HASSAN Cubic Meters 87.92 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => MECHANICAL PROTECTION CONCRETE SLAB OR C-SECTIONUnit rate for over and above the all other Items for Providing, Casting, Supplying,
Transporting & Erecting In Position RCC Precast Concrete for Mechanical Protection Concrete Slab / C-shaped structural slab over pipeline as per standard drawing no. 15963-000-PL-
DST-0023. M30 Grade With 20 mm & Down Graded Stone Aggregates For All Leads & Levels Including All Moulds, Shuttering & Centering, Vibrating, Tamping, Curing, Finishing
The Top Surface To Give A Smooth & Even Surface, Providing Lifting Lugs, Aligning & Fixing In Position With Cement Mortar 1:3 (1 Cement : 3 Sand) Breaking Bricks & Or
Concrete Surfaces & Making Good The Same Etc. Complete As Specified. NOTE: 1. Payment shall be made for the actual volume of concrete used. 2. Rate of Supply and Fixing
Reinforcement Steel and any Other Embedded Steel Items Shall Be Measured and Paid Seperately.2. The C- Shape Structure as per drawing no. 15963-000-PL-DST-0023 shall be
provided at Village Road Crossings, for crossing width or road ROW width which ever is greater or as directed by Engineer-In-Charge with approval prior to construction.
55 ROCKSHIELD MESH/PAD 12801-HCPL HASSAN Square Meters 650 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Rock shield Mesh/Pad shall be made of HDPE / PVC material. The thickness of the sheet shall be minimum 10mm. The Rock shield Mesh/Pad shall be bought out
in sheets, pads or rolls to cover the entire pipeline when applied with a overlap. It shall be Porous, does not trap water, shall allows accurate cathodic testing and protect pipe coating
from protruding rocks in trench. It shall be easy to install type, typically tied with Filament tape or approriate non-metallic substitute or as per recommendation of the manufacturer.
Rate shall be inclusive of supply transport of the Rock shield Mesh/Pad and straps used for fixing it. The details of Rock shield Mesh/Pad shall be provided for review and approval of
company before purchase, only company approved Rock shield Mesh/Pad shall be used. NOTE: 1. Payment shall be made for the actual length for which Rock Shield mesh is
provided. (Reference Drawing No. 15963-000-PL-DST-0035)
56 SUPPLY HIB - 14"-8.74MM 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 40 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Fabrication, of Long Radius (R=6D) Bends including coating from free issue Bare/Coated line pipe of Size 14 dia, thickness 8.74 mm, API 5L Gr.X65 PSL2 as per
in scope of work (15963-000-PL-SOW-0002) & Specification for Hot Induction Bends (15963-000-PL-SPC-0008) for different TPs, terminals, stations from 40 to 90 Deg. This
includes taking delivery, and transportation of bare pipes from Line pipe dumpsites (as applicable) , transportation, unloading the pipes at manufacturer's work and delievery of the LR
bends back to designated project site location including transportation/loading/unloading/ all incidental expenses incurred in this regard, visual examination, manual U.T. on the entire
weld seam, bevelling of ends as per API 5L, supply of all materials, consumables, labour etc. as per specifications and direction of Site Engineer / Engineer-in-Charge.
57 SUPPLY HIB - 14"-11.91MM 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 6 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Fabrication, of Long Radius (R=6D) Bends including coating from free issue Bare/Coated line pipe of Size 14 dia, thickness 11.91 mm, API 5L Gr.X65 PSL2 as
per in scope of work (15963-000-PL-SOW-0002) & Specification for Hot Induction Bends (15963-000-PL-SPC-0008) for different TPs, terminals, stations from 40 to 90 Deg. This
includes taking delivery, and transportation of bare pipes from Line pipe dumpsites (as applicable) , transportation, unloading the pipes at manufacturer's work and delievery of the LR
bends back to designated project site location including transportation/loading/unloading/ all incidental expenses incurred in this regard, visual examination, manual U.T. on the entire
weld seam, bevelling of ends as per API 5L, supply of all materials, consumables, labour etc. as per specifications and direction of Site Engineer / Engineer-in-Charge.
58 SUPPLY PIPE-2"-SCH-80 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 12 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of Carbon Steel Seamless Pipes as per details below:( D0Z Spec, Size - 2 INCH, Rating/Sch 80, Ends- BE, Material - ASTM A106 GR. B, SEAMLESS,
TO ASME B36.10M )
59 SUPPLY PIPE-4"-SCH-80 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 12 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of Carbon Steel Seamless Pipes as per details below:( D0Z Spec, Size - 4 INCH, Rating/Sch 80, Ends- BE, Material - ASTM A106 GR. B, SEAMLESS,
TO ASME B36.10M )
60 SUPPLY PIPE-6"-SCH-80 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 12 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of Carbon Steel Seamless Pipes as per details below:( D0Z Spec, Size - 6 INCH, Rating/Sch 80, Ends- BE, Material - ASTM A106 GR. B, SEAMLESS,
TO ASME B36.10M )
61 SUPPLY 90D ELBOW-2"-SCH80 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 2 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 1.5 D 90 BW Elbow as per details given below:( D0Z Spec, Size - 2" INCH, Rating/Sch - 600#/SCH 80, Ends- BW, Material - ASTM A234 Gr.
WPB,Seamless, ASME B16.9)
62 SUPPLY 90D ELBOW-4"-SCH80 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 4 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 1.5 D 90 BW Elbow as per details given below:( D0Z Spec, Size - 4" INCH, Rating/Sch - 600#/SCH 80, Ends- BW, Material - ASTM A234 Gr.
WPB,Seamless, ASME B16.9)
63 SUPPLY 90D ELBOW-6"-SCH80 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 8 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 1.5 D 90 BW Elbow as per details given below:( D0Z Spec, Size - 6" INCH, Rating/Sch - 600#/SCH 80, Ends- BW, Material - ASTM A234 Gr.
WPB,Seamless, ASME B16.9)
DESCRIPTION => Supply of Reducing Tee for underground application as per details given below:( D0Z Spec, Size1 6 INCH, Size 2 - 4 INCH, Thk1/Sch1-10.97mm x Thk2/Sch2-
8.56mm, Rating 600, Ends- BW, Material - ASTM A860 Gr. WPHY65, Seamless, MSS SP 75 )
DESCRIPTION => Supply of Weldolet conforming to as per details given below:( D0Z Spec, Size - 2" INCH, Rating/Sch - 600#/5.54mmThk., Ends- BW, Material - ASTM A694 Gr.
F65, MSS SP 97 )
66 SUPPLY WNRF FLG.-4" 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 4 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of Weld Neck (WN) Flanges as per details below:( D0Z Spec, Size 4" INCH, Face / Finish RF/125AARH, Rating - 600#, Sch 80 , Material ASTM
A105, ASME B16.5 )
67 SUPPLY WNRF FLG.-2" 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 4 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of Weld Neck (WN) Flanges as per details below:( D0Z Spec, Size 2" INCH, Face / Finish RF/125AARH, Rating - 600#, Sch 80 , Material ASTM
A105, ASME B16.5 )
DESCRIPTION => Supply of Blind Flanges as per details given below:( D0Z Spec, Size - 2" INCH ,Face / Finish RF/125AARH, Rating 600# , Material ASTM A105, ASME B16.5
DESCRIPTION => Supply of Blind Flanges as per details given below:( D0Z Spec, Size - 4" INCH ,Face / Finish RF/125AARH, Rating 600# , Material ASTM A105, ASME B16.5
70 SUPPLY WNRF FLG.-14"- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 8 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of Weld Neck (WN) Flanges as per details below:( D0Z Spec, Size 14" INCH, Face / Finish RF/125AARH, Rating - 600#, Thickness-7.14mm , Material
ASTM A694 Gr. F65, ASME B16.5 )
DESCRIPTION => Supply of Blank and Spacer Flanges as per details below:( D0Z Spec, Size 14" INCH, Face / Finish RF/125AARH, Rating - 600#, Material ASTM A516 Gr.65,
ASME B16.48 )
72 SUPPLY BV-2"LO, BE 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 2 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of Valves as per details below:D0Z Spec, Size - 2" Inch, Ball Valve, Two Piece body, Fully welded, Class 600, Both End Welded, Body ASTM A216
WCB / WCC, Trim - SS 316, Seat & Seal RPTFE, Dimensions / Design As Per ASME B16.10 / BS EN ISO 17292, API 6D. Floating Ball, Full Bore, LO, Data Sheet No. 15963-000-
73 SUPPLY BV-2"LC, BE 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 2 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of Valves as per details below:D0Z Spec, Size - 2" Inch, Ball Valve, Two Piece body, Fully welded, Class 600, Both End Welded, Body ASTM A216
WCB / WCC, Trim - SS 316, Seat & Seal RPTFE, Dimensions / Design As Per ASME B16.10 / BS EN ISO 17292, API 6D. Floating Ball, Full Bore, LC, Data Sheet No. 15963-000-
74 SUPPLY BV-4"LO, BE 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 2 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of Valves as per details below:D0Z Spec, Size - 4" Inch, Ball Valve, Two Piece body, Fully welded, Class 600, Both End Welded, Body ASTM A216
WCB / WCC, Trim - SS 316, Seat & Seal RPTFE, Dimensions / Design As Per ASME B16.10 / BS EN ISO 17292, API 6D. Trunnion Ball, Reduced / Full Bore, Gear Operated, LC,
Data Sheet No. 15963-000-PL-DAS-0007
75 SUPPLY BV-4"LO , FLGD 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 2 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of Valves as per details below:D0Z Spec, Size - 4" Inch, Ball Valve, One/ Two Piece body Bolted, Class 600, Both End Flanged, Body ASTM A216 WCB
/ WCC, Trim - SS 316, Seat & Seal RPTFE, Dimensions / Design As Per ASME B16.10 / BS EN ISO 17292, API 6D. Trunnion Ball, Reduced / Full Bore, Gear Operated, LO, Data
Sheet No. 15963-000-PL-DAS-0007
76 SUPPLY MIJ-14" 7.14 THK. 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 4 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of Monolithic Insulating Joints as per details given below:Size 14 INCH, 7.14mm W.T, Rating 600, Data sheet No. 15963-000-PL-DAS-0002
77 SUPPLY MIJ-4" 8.56 THK. 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 2 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of Monolithic Insulating Joints as per details given below:Size 4 INCH, 8.56mm W.T, Rating 600, Data sheet No. 15963-000-PL-DAS-0002
78 SUPPLY MIJ-2" 5.54 THK. 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 2 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of Monolithic Insulating Joints as per details given below:Size 2 INCH, 5.54mm W.T, Rating 600, Data sheet No. 15963-000-PL-DAS-0002
79 SUP F.TEE-14" 7.14THK 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 2 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of Flow Tees as per Following details :Size1 14 INCH, Size 2 - 14 INCH, Thk1/Sch1-7.14mm x Thk2/Sch2-19.05mm, Rating 600, Data Sheet No.
15963-000-PL-DAS- 0003
80 SUP F.TEE-14"x10" 7.14THK 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 13 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of Flow Tees as per Following details :Size1 14 INCH, Size 2 - 10 INCH, Thk1/Sch1-7.14mm x Thk2/Sch2-15.09mm, Rating 600, Data Sheet No.
15963-000-PL-DAS- 0003
81 SUP F.TEE-14"x10" 10.31THK 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 2 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of Flow Tees as per Following details :Size1 14 INCH, Size 2 - 10 INCH, Thk1/Sch1-10.31mm x Thk2/Sch2-15.09mm, Rating 600, Data Sheet No.
15963-000-PL-DAS- 0003
82 SUP F.TEE-14"x6" 7.14THK 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 8 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of Flow Tees as per Following details :Size1 14 INCH, Size 2 - 6 INCH, Thk1/Sch1-7.14mm x Thk2/Sch2-10.97mm, Rating 600, Data Sheet No. 15963-
000-PL-DAS- 0003
83 SUPPLY GASKET-14"-600# 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 12 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of Spiral Wound Gaskets 4.5 mm Thk., Spiral Wound, SS316+Graphite with Soft Steel Centering Ring to ASME B16.20 and details given below:Size
14" INCH, Rating - 600
84 SUPPLY GASKET-4"-600# 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 6 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of Spiral Wound Gaskets 4.5 mm Thk., Spiral Wound, SS316+Graphite with Soft Steel Centering Ring to ASME B16.20 and details given below:Size 4"
INCH, Rating - 600
85 SUPPLY GASKET-2"-600# 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 4 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of Spiral Wound Gaskets 4.5 mm Thk., Spiral Wound, SS316+Graphite with Soft Steel Centering Ring to ASME B16.20 and details given below:Size 2"
INCH, Rating - 600
86 SUPPLY STUD BOLT-1 3/8" 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 160 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of STUD BOLT with 2 Heavy Hex Nuts as per Std. ASME B18.2.1 & ASME B18.2.2, Bolt Material - A193 Gr. B7, Full length thread, Nut Material
A194 Gr. 2H as per details given:Bolt Dia. 1 3/8 INCH, Length 250mm, Nos.-20
87 SUPPLY STUD BOLT-1 3/8" 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 40 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of STUD BOLT with 2 Heavy Hex Nuts as per Std. ASME B18.2.1 & ASME B18.2.2, Bolt Material - A193 Gr. B7, Full length thread, Nut Material
A194 Gr. 2H as per details given:Bolt Dia. 1 3/8 INCH, Length 300mm, Nos.-20
88 SUPPLY STUD BOLT-7/8" 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 48 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of STUD BOLT with 2 Heavy Hex Nuts as per Std. ASME B18.2.1 & ASME B18.2.2, Bolt Material - A193 Gr. B7, Full length thread, Nut Material
A194 Gr. 2H as per details given:Bolt Dia. 7/8 INCH, Length 155mm, Nos.-8
89 SUPPLY STUD BOLT-5/8" 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 32 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of STUD BOLT with 2 Heavy Hex Nuts as per Std. ASME B18.2.1 & ASME B18.2.2, Bolt Material - A193 Gr. B7, Full length thread, Nut Material
A194 Gr. 2H as per details given:Bolt Dia. 5/8 INCH, Length 115mm
DESCRIPTION => Supply of Temparature Transmitter - Skin Type for Pipeline part such as but not limited to weldolet, pipe, IJ, flange, gasket, Stud Bolts & Nuts, etc. as per
Instrument Hook up Drawings No. 15963-000-IC-DHU-0001
91 INSTALLATION HIB 14"-8.74MM 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 40 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of fabricated Long Radius (R=6D) Bends including coating from free issue Bare/Coated line pipe of Size 14 dia, thickness 8.74 mm, API 5L Gr.X65
PSL2 as per scope of work (15963-000-PL-SOW-0002) & Specification for Hot Induction Bends (15963-000-PL-SPC-0008) for different TPs, stations, pipeline route for angle 40 to 90
Deg and whereve required due to space constraint. This includes taking delivery, and transportation of LR bends from storage area of contractor to work site location including
transportation/loading/unloading/ all incidental expenses incurred in this regard, welding it to the line pie at the required places as per alignment sheet or as directed by Engineer In
Charge, visual examination, manual U.T. on the entire weld seam, supply of all materials, consumables, labour etc. as per specifications and direction of Site Engineer / Engineer-in-
DESCRIPTION => Installation of fabricated Long Radius (R=6D) Bends including coating from free issue Bare/Coated line pipe of Size 14 dia, thickness 11.91 mm, API 5L Gr.X65
PSL2 as per scope of work (15963-000-PL-SOW-0002) & Specification for Hot Induction Bends (15963-000-PL-SPC-0008) for different TPs, stations, pipeline route for angle 40 to 90
Deg and whereve required due to space constraint. This includes taking delivery, and transportation of LR bends from storage area of contractor to work site location including
transportation/loading/unloading/ all incidental expenses incurred in this regard, welding it to the line pie at the required places as per alignment sheet or as directed by Engineer In
Charge, visual examination, manual U.T. on the entire weld seam, supply of all materials, consumables, labour etc. as per specifications and direction of Site Engineer / Engineer-in-
93 INSTAL. 14" MOV A/G 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 4 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Receiving and taking over of owner supplied motor operated avcuated valves with flanged / butt welded end from owner's storage points to contractors stores /
worksite and installation of these motor operated avcuated valves along with the actuater in line with the Manufacturer Installation Manual & as per applicable P&ID and the piping
GAD at above ground location. Size of Valve = 14" 600 #
94 INSTAL. 14" MOV U/G 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 9 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Receiving and taking over of owner supplied motor operated avcuated valves with butt welded ends & extended stem from owner's storage points to contractors
stores / worksite and installation of these motor operated avcuated valves along with the actuater in line with the Manufacturer Installation Manual & as per applicable P&ID and the
piping GAD at underground location. Size of Valve = 14" 600 #
95 INSTAL. 14" VALVE A/G 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 1 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Receiving and taking over of owner supplied valves with flanged / butt welded end from owner's storage points to contractors stores / worksite and installation of
these motor operated avcuated valves along with the actuater or manual valves in line with the Manufacturer Installation Manual & as per applicable P&ID and the piping GAD at above
ground location. Size of Valve = 14" 600 #
96 INSTAL. 14" HV U/G 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 1 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Receiving and taking over of owner supplied HV (with proximity switch), butt welded ends & extended stem from owner's storage points to contractors stores /
worksite and installation of these motor operated avcuated valves along with the actuater or manual valve in line with the Manufacturer Installation Manual & as per applicable P&ID
and the piping GAD at underground location.Size of Valve = 14" 600 #
97 INSTAL. 6" HV A/G 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 2 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Receiving and taking over of owner supplied HV (with proximity switch), flanged / butt welded end from owner's storage points to contractors stores / worksite
and installation of these motor operated avcuated valves along with the actuater or manual valves in line with the Manufacturer Installation Manual & as per applicable P&ID and the
piping GAD at above ground location. Size of Valve = 6" 600 #
98 INSTAL. 6" HV U/G 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 2 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Receiving and taking over of owner supplied HV (with proximity switch), butt welded ends & extended stem from owner's storage points to contractors stores /
worksite and installation of these motor operated avcuated valves along with the actuater or manual valve in line with the Manufacturer Installation Manual & as per applicable P&ID
and the piping GAD at underground location. Size of Valve = 6" 600 #
99 INSTAL. 6" VALVE A/G 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 3 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Receiving and taking over of owner supplied valve, flanged / butt welded end from owner's storage points to contractors stores / worksite and installation of these
manual valves in line with the Manufacturer Installation Manual & as per applicable P&ID and the piping GAD at above ground location. Size of Valve = 6" 600 #
100 INSTAL. 6" VALVE U/G 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 3 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Receiving and taking over of owner supplied valve, butt welded ends & extended stem from owner's storage points to contractors stores / worksite and installation
of these manual valves in line with the Manufacturer Installation Manual & as per applicable P&ID and the piping GAD at underground location. Size of Valve = 6" 600 #
101 INSTAL. PIPE-2"-SCH-80 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 12 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of Carbon Steel Seamless Pipes as per details below:( D0Z Spec, Size - 2 INCH, Rating/Sch 80, Ends- BE, Material - ASTM A106 GR. B,
SEAMLESS, TO ASME B36.10M )Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All
(Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated
Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply:
Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work
Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To
Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading.
Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All
Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets,
Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including
Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As
Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By
Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying
By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning
Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents
And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC
Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At
Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint
And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange
Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At
Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost
Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All
Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety
Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of
Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All
Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety
Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again
For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the
pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space
102 INSTAL. PIPE-4"-SCH-80 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 12 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of Carbon Steel Seamless Pipes as per details below:( D0Z Spec, Size - 4 INCH, Rating/Sch 80, Ends- BE, Material - ASTM A106 GR. B,
SEAMLESS, TO ASME B36.10M )Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All
(Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated
Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply:
Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work
Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To
Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading.
Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All
Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets,
Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including
Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As
Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By
Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying
By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning
Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents
And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC
Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At
Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint
And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange
Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At
Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost
Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All
Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety
Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of
Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All
Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety
Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again
For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the
pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space
103 INSTAL. PIPE-6"-SCH-80 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 12 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of Carbon Steel Seamless Pipes as per details below:( D0Z Spec, Size - 6 INCH, Rating/Sch 80, Ends- BE, Material - ASTM A106 GR. B,
SEAMLESS, TO ASME B36.10M )Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All
(Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated
Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply:
Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work
Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To
Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading.
Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All
Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets,
Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including
Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As
Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By
Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying
By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning
Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents
And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC
Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At
Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint
And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange
Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At
Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost
Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All
Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety
Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of
Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All
Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety
Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again
For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the
pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space
104 INSTAL. 90D ELBOW-2"-SCH80 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 2 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of 1.5 D 90 BW Elbow as per details given below:( D0Z Spec, Size - 2" INCH, Rating/Sch - 600#/SCH 80, Ends- BW, Material - ASTM A234 Gr.
WPB,Seamless, ASME B16.9)Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner
And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S)
Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of
All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S).
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes,
Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of
Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of
Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges,
Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of
All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic
Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water /
Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By
Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor /
Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project
Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings,
Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves,
Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And
Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever
Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two
Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply
Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As
Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements.
Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All
Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per
Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement
Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is
Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and
gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space
105 INSTAL. 90D ELBOW-4"-SCH80 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 4 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of 1.5 D 90 BW Elbow as per details given below:( D0Z Spec, Size - 4" INCH, Rating/Sch - 600#/SCH 80, Ends- BW, Material - ASTM A234 Gr.
WPB,Seamless, ASME B16.9)Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner
And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S)
Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of
All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S).
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes,
Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of
Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of
Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges,
Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of
All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic
Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water /
Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By
Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor /
Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project
Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings,
Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves,
Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And
Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever
Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two
Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply
Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As
Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements.
Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All
Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per
Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement
Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is
Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and
gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space
106 INSTAL. 90D ELBOW-6"-SCH80 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 8 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of 1.5 D 90 BW Elbow as per details given below:( D0Z Spec, Size - 6" INCH, Rating/Sch - 600#/SCH 80, Ends- BW, Material - ASTM A234 Gr.
WPB,Seamless, ASME B16.9)Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner
And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S)
Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of
All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S).
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes,
Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of
Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of
Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges,
Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of
All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic
Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water /
Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By
Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor /
Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project
Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings,
Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves,
Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And
Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever
Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two
Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply
Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As
Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements.
Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All
Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per
Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement
Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is
Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and
gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space
107 INSTAL. REDUCING TEE-6"x4" 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 2 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of Reducing Tee for underground application as per details given below:( D0Z Spec, Size1 6 INCH, Size 2 - 4 INCH, Thk1/Sch1-10.97mm x
Thk2/Sch2-8.56mm, Rating 600, Ends- BW, Material - ASTM A860 Gr. WPHY65, Seamless, MSS SP 75 )Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above
Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. Transport:
Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including
Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment,
Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication
Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different
Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And
At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves
(Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All
Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items,
Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With
Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test,
Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required,
Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process
Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor
Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract
And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud
And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads
Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper
Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity
Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-
Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size
Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The
Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The
Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping.
In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair,
Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in
piping space
DESCRIPTION => Installation of Weldolet conforming to as per details given below:( D0Z Spec, Size - 2" INCH, Rating/Sch - 600#/5.54mmThk., Ends- BW, Material - ASTM A694
Gr. F65, MSS SP 97 )Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And
Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of
Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All
Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S).
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes,
Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of
Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of
Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges,
Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of
All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic
Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water /
Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By
Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor /
Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project
Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings,
Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves,
Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And
Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever
Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two
Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply
Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As
Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements.
Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All
Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per
Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement
Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is
Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and
gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space
109 INSTAL. WNRF FLG.-4" 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 4 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of Weld Neck (WN) Flanges as per details below:( D0Z Spec, Size 4" INCH, Face / Finish RF/125AARH, Rating - 600#, Sch 80 , Material ASTM
A105, ASME B16.5 )Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And
Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of
Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All
Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S).
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes,
Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of
Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of
Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges,
Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of
All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic
Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water /
Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By
Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor /
Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project
Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings,
Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves,
Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And
Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever
Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two
Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply
Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As
Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements.
Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All
Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per
Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement
Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is
Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and
gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space
110 INSTAL. WNRF FLG.-2" 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 4 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of Weld Neck (WN) Flanges as per details below:( D0Z Spec, Size 2" INCH, Face / Finish RF/125AARH, Rating - 600#, Sch 80 , Material ASTM
A105, ASME B16.5 )Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And
Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of
Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All
Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S).
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes,
Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of
Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of
Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges,
Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of
All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic
Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water /
Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By
Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor /
Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project
Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings,
Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves,
Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And
Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever
Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two
Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply
Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As
Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements.
Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All
Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per
Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement
Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is
Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and
gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space
111 INSTAL. BLIND FLG.-2" 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 2 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of Blind Flanges as per details given below:( D0Z Spec, Size - 2" INCH ,Face / Finish RF/125AARH, Rating 600# , Material ASTM A105, ASME
B16.5 )Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied)
Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's
Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except
Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing
All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match
With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And
Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online
Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges,
Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of
Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air,
Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If
Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process
Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records;
Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings,
Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves,
Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And
Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever
Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two
Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply
Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As
Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements.
Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All
Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per
Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement
Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is
Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and
gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space
112 INSTAL. BLIND FLG.-4" 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 2 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of Blind Flanges as per details given below:( D0Z Spec, Size - 4" INCH ,Face / Finish RF/125AARH, Rating 600# , Material ASTM A105, ASME
B16.5 )Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied)
Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's
Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except
Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing
All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match
With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And
Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online
Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges,
Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of
Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air,
Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If
Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process
Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records;
Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings,
Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves,
Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And
Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever
Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two
Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply
Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As
Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements.
Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All
Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per
Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement
Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is
Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and
gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space
113 INSTAL. WNRF FLG.-14"- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 8 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of Weld Neck (WN) Flanges as per details below:( D0Z Spec, Size 14" INCH, Face / Finish RF/125AARH, Rating - 600#, Thickness-7.14mm ,
Material ASTM A694 Gr. F65, ASME B16.5 )Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over
Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner'
Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required.
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To
The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not
Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding,
Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of
Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers,
Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As
Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered
Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever
Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified,
De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning
Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of
As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In
All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For
Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be
Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper.
Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The
Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-
Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out
Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The
Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray),
Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair,
Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And
Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured
Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All
the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space
DESCRIPTION => Installation of Blank and Spacer Flanges as per details below:( D0Z Spec, Size 14" INCH, Face / Finish RF/125AARH, Rating - 600#, Material ASTM A516
Gr.65, ASME B16.48 )Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And
Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of
Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All
Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S).
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes,
Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of
Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of
Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges,
Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Blank & Spacers, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable.
Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR)
Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And
Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing,
Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To
Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built
Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All
Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation
Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided
Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of
Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be
Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning
Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair,
Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And
Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The
Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc.
All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety
Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again
For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the
pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space
115 INSTAL. BV-2"LO, BE 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 2 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of Valves as per details below:D0Z Spec, Size - 2" Inch, Ball Valve, Two Piece body, Fully welded, Class 600, Both End Welded, Body ASTM A216
WCB / WCC, Trim - SS 316, Seat & Seal RPTFE, Dimensions / Design As Per ASME B16.10 / BS EN ISO 17292, API 6D. Floating Ball, Full Bore, LO, Data Sheet No. 15963-000-
PL-DAS-0007Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor
Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To
Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials
(Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation:
Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges
To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All
Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And
Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind
Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All
Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic
Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water /
Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By
Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor /
Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project
Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings,
Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves,
Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And
Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever
Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two
Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply
Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As
Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements.
Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All
Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per
Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement
Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is
Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and
gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space
116 INSTAL. BV-2"LC, BE 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 2 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of Valves as per details below:D0Z Spec, Size - 2" Inch, Ball Valve, Two Piece body, Fully welded, Class 600, Both End Welded, Body ASTM A216
WCB / WCC, Trim - SS 316, Seat & Seal RPTFE, Dimensions / Design As Per ASME B16.10 / BS EN ISO 17292, API 6D. Floating Ball, Full Bore, LC, Data Sheet No. 15963-000-
PL-DAS-0007Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor
Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To
Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials
(Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation:
Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges
To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All
Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And
Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind
Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All
Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic
Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water /
Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By
Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor /
Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project
Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings,
Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves,
Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And
Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever
Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two
Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply
Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As
Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements.
Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All
Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per
Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement
Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is
Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and
gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space
117 INSTAL. BV-4"LO, BE 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 2 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of Valves as per details below:D0Z Spec, Size - 4" Inch, Ball Valve, Two Piece body, Fully welded, Class 600, Both End Welded, Body ASTM A216
WCB / WCC, Trim - SS 316, Seat & Seal RPTFE, Dimensions / Design As Per ASME B16.10 / BS EN ISO 17292, API 6D. Trunnion Ball, Reduced / Full Bore, Gear Operated, LC,
Data Sheet No. 15963-000-PL-DAS-0007Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All
(Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated
Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply:
Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work
Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To
Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading.
Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All
Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets,
Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including
Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As
Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By
Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying
By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning
Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents
And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC
Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At
Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint
And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange
Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At
Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost
Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All
Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety
Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of
Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All
Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety
Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again
For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the
pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space
118 INSTAL. BV-4"LO, FE x BE 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 2 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of Valves as per details below:D0Z Spec, Size - 4" Inch, Ball Valve, One/ Two Piece body Bolted, Class 600, One End Welded X One End Flanged,
Body ASTM A216 WCB / WCC, Trim - SS 316, Seat & Seal RPTFE, Dimensions / Design As Per ASME B16.10 / BS EN ISO 17292, API 6D. Trunnion Ball, Reduced / Full Bore,
Gear Operated, LO, Data Sheet No. 15963-000-PL-DAS-0007Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And
Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From
Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As
Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their
Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The
Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever
Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles;
Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All
Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-
Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography
Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings
Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As
Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing
Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site,
Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing
All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible
For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall
Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper.
Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The
Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-
Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out
Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The
Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray),
Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair,
Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And
Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured
Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All
the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space
119 INSTAL. BV-4"LO , FLGD 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 2 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of Valves as per details below:D0Z Spec, Size - 4" Inch, Ball Valve, One/ Two Piece body Bolted, Class 600, Both End Flanged, Body ASTM A216
WCB / WCC, Trim - SS 316, Seat & Seal RPTFE, Dimensions / Design As Per ASME B16.10 / BS EN ISO 17292, API 6D. Trunnion Ball, Reduced / Full Bore, Gear Operated, LO,
Data Sheet No. 15963-000-PL-DAS-0007Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All
(Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated
Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply:
Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work
Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To
Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading.
Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All
Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets,
Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including
Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As
Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By
Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying
By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning
Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents
And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC
Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At
Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint
And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange
Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At
Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost
Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All
Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety
Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of
Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All
Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety
Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again
For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the
pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space
120 INSTAL. MIJ-14" 7.14 THK. 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 4 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of Monolithic Insulating Joints as per details given below:Size 14 INCH, 7.14mm W.T, Rating 600, Data sheet No. 15963-000-PL-DAS-
0002Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied)
Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's
Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except
Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing
All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match
With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And
Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online
Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, MIJs, Flow Tees, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges,
Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of
All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic
Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water /
Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By
Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor /
Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project
Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings,
Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves,
Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And
Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever
Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two
Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply
Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As
Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements.
Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All
Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per
Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement
Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is
Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and
gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space
121 INSTAL. MIJ-4" 8.56 THK. 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 2 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of Monolithic Insulating Joints as per details given below:Size 4 INCH, 8.56mm W.T, Rating 600, Data sheet No. 15963-000-PL-DAS-
0002Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied)
Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's
Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except
Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing
All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match
With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And
Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online
Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, MIJs, Flow Tees, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges,
Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of
All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic
Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water /
Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By
Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor /
Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project
Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings,
Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves,
Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And
Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever
Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two
Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply
Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As
Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements.
Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All
Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per
Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement
Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is
Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and
gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space
122 INSTAL. MIJ-2" 5.54 THK. 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 2 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of Monolithic Insulating Joints as per details given below:Size 2 INCH, 5.54mm W.T, Rating 600, Data sheet No. 15963-000-PL-DAS-
0002Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied)
Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's
Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except
Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing
All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match
With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And
Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online
Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, MIJs, Flow Tees, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges,
Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of
All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic
Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water /
Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By
Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor /
Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project
Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings,
Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves,
Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And
Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever
Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two
Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply
Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As
Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements.
Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All
Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per
Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement
Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is
Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and
gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space
123 INST. F.TEE-14" 7.14THK 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 2 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of Flow Tees as per Following details :Size1 14 INCH, Size 2 - 14 INCH, Thk1/Sch1-7.14mm x Thk2/Sch2-19.05mm, Rating 600, Data Sheet No.
15963-000-PL-DAS- 0003Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And
Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of
Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All
Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S).
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes,
Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of
Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of
Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, MIJs, Flow Tees, Elbows, Reducers, Tees,
O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable.
Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR)
Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And
Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing,
Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To
Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built
Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All
Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation
Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided
Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of
Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be
Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning
Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair,
Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And
Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The
Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc.
All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety
Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again
For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the
pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space
124 INST. F.TEE-14"x10" 7.14THK 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 13 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of Flow Tees as per Following details :Size1 14 INCH, Size 2 - 10 INCH, Thk1/Sch1-7.14mm x Thk2/Sch2-15.09mm, Rating 600, Data Sheet No.
15963-000-PL-DAS- 0003Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And
Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of
Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All
Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S).
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes,
Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of
Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of
Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, MIJs, Flow Tees, Elbows, Reducers, Tees,
O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable.
Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR)
Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And
Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing,
Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To
Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built
Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All
Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation
Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided
Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of
Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be
Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning
Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair,
Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And
Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The
Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc.
All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety
Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again
For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the
pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space
125 INST. F.TEE-14"x10" 10.31THK 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 2 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of Flow Tees as per Following details :Size1 14 INCH, Size 2 - 10 INCH, Thk1/Sch1-10.31mm x Thk2/Sch2-15.09mm, Rating 600, Data Sheet No.
15963-000-PL-DAS- 0003Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And
Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of
Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All
Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S).
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes,
Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of
Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of
Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, MIJs, Flow Tees, Elbows, Reducers, Tees,
O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable.
Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR)
Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And
Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing,
Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To
Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built
Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All
Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation
Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided
Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of
Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be
Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning
Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair,
Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And
Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The
Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc.
All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety
Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again
For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the
pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space
126 INST. F.TEE-14"x6" 7.14THK 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 8 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of Flow Tees as per Following details :Size1 14 INCH, Size 2 - 6 INCH, Thk1/Sch1-7.14mm x Thk2/Sch2-10.97mm, Rating 600, Data Sheet No.
15963-000-PL-DAS- 0003Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And
Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of
Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All
Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S).
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes,
Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of
Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of
Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, MIJs, Flow Tees, Elbows, Reducers, Tees,
O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable.
Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR)
Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And
Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing,
Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To
Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built
Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All
Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation
Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided
Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of
Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be
Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning
Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair,
Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And
Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The
Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc.
All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety
Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again
For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the
pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space
127 INSTAL. GASKET-14"-600# 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 12 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of Spiral Wound Gaskets 4.5 mm Thk., Spiral Wound, SS316+Graphite with Soft Steel Centering Ring to ASME B16.20 and details given below:Size
14" INCH, Rating - 600Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And
Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of
Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All
Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S).
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes,
Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of
Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of
Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, MIJs, Flow Tees, Elbows, Reducers, Tees,
O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable.
Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR)
Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And
Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing,
Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To
Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built
Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All
Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation
Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided
Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of
Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be
Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning
Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair,
Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And
Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The
Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc.
All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety
Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again
For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the
pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space
128 INSTAL. GASKET-4"-600# 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 6 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of Spiral Wound Gaskets 4.5 mm Thk., Spiral Wound, SS316+Graphite with Soft Steel Centering Ring to ASME B16.20 and details given below:Size
4" INCH, Rating - 600Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And
Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of
Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All
Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S).
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes,
Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of
Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of
Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, MIJs, Flow Tees, Elbows, Reducers, Tees,
O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable.
Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR)
Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And
Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing,
Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To
Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built
Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All
Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation
Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided
Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of
Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be
Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning
Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair,
Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And
Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The
Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc.
All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety
Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again
For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the
pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space
129 INSTAL. GASKET-2"-600# 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 4 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of Spiral Wound Gaskets 4.5 mm Thk., Spiral Wound, SS316+Graphite with Soft Steel Centering Ring to ASME B16.20 and details given below:Size
2" INCH, Rating - 600Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And
Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of
Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All
Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S).
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes,
Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of
Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of
Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, MIJs, Flow Tees, Elbows, Reducers, Tees,
O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable.
Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR)
Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And
Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing,
Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To
Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built
Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All
Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation
Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided
Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of
Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be
Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning
Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair,
Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And
Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The
Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc.
All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety
Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again
For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the
pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space
130 INSTAL STUD BOLT-1 3/8" 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 160 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of STUD BOLT with 2 Heavy Hex Nuts as per Std. ASME B18.2.1 & ASME B18.2.2, Bolt Material - A193 Gr. B7, Full length thread, Nut Material
A194 Gr. 2H as per details given:Bolt Dia. 1 3/8 INCH, Length 250mm, Nos.-20Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping:
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading,
Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate
Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of
Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of
Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating
Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment
Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings
Of All Sizes I.E, MIJs, Flow Tees, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required
For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing
(Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others
As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type
Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And
Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And
Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated
Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge.
Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material
Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut
For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The
Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro
Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT
Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be
Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints
Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified
Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out
Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-
Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall
Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space
131 INSTAL STUD BOLT-1 3/8" 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 40 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of STUD BOLT with 2 Heavy Hex Nuts as per Std. ASME B18.2.1 & ASME B18.2.2, Bolt Material - A193 Gr. B7, Full length thread, Nut Material
A194 Gr. 2H as per details given:Bolt Dia. 1 3/8 INCH, Length 300mm, Nos.-20Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping:
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading,
Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate
Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of
Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of
Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating
Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment
Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings
Of All Sizes I.E, MIJs, Flow Tees, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required
For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing
(Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others
As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type
Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And
Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And
Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated
Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge.
Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material
Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut
For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The
Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro
Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT
Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be
Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints
Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified
Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out
Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-
Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall
Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space
132 INSTAL STUD BOLT-7/8" 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 48 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of STUD BOLT with 2 Heavy Hex Nuts as per Std. ASME B18.2.1 & ASME B18.2.2, Bolt Material - A193 Gr. B7, Full length thread, Nut Material
A194 Gr. 2H as per details given:Bolt Dia. 7/8 INCH, Length 155mm, Nos.-8Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving:
Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading,
Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage
Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply
And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of
Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating
Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment
Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings
Of All Sizes I.E, MIJs, Flow Tees, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required
For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing
(Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others
As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type
Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And
Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And
Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated
Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge.
Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material
Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut
For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The
Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro
Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT
Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be
Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints
Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified
Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out
Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-
Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall
Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space
133 INSTAL. STUD BOLT-5/8" 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 32 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of STUD BOLT with 2 Heavy Hex Nuts as per Std. ASME B18.2.1 & ASME B18.2.2, Bolt Material - A193 Gr. B7, Full length thread, Nut Material
A194 Gr. 2H as per details given:Bolt Dia. 5/8 INCH, Length 115mmFabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving:
Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading,
Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage
Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply
And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of
Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating
Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment
Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings
Of All Sizes I.E, MIJs, Flow Tees, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required
For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing
(Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others
As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type
Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And
Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And
Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated
Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge.
Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material
Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut
For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The
Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro
Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT
Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be
Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints
Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified
Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out
Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-
Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall
Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space
DESCRIPTION => Installation of Temperature Transmitter - Skin Type for Pipeline part such as but not limited to weldolet, pipe, IJ, flange, gasket, Stud Bolts & Nuts, etc. as per
Instrument Hook up Drawings No. 15963-000-IC-DHU-0001
135 SPECIAL TOOL 12801-HCPL HASSAN Lump Sum 1 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => The following measuring and calibration instruments with certificates traceable to national/international standards to be procured by linepipe laying contractor.1.
Holiday detectors -1 no.2. Pipeline Locators -1 no3. Pipeline Defect Mappers -1 nos4. Half Cells -4 nos5. Ultrasonic thickness meter (for detecting upto 25 mm thickness) - 1 nos6.
Explosive meters, specifically suitable for LPG application-5 nos7. Pit Gauge -1 no.8. Digital Multi-meter -5 nos.9. AC-DC-Clamp Meter -5 nos.10. Data Logger for complete CP-
System maintenance including CIPL survey-1 no.11. Demagnitizing Kit - 1no.12. Gauss meter-1 no.
136 TEMPORARY CATHODIC-14" 12801-HCPL HASSAN Kilometers 134 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Design, Engineering, Supply, Installation , testing and commissioning of Temporary Cathodic protection system for a life of 2 years or till the commissioning of
PCP system, whichever is later, including site survey for design data generation from pipeline ROW, soil resistivity survey and soil chemical analysis, casing and carrier short surveys
etc. as per the tender specification and scope of work. Job also includes monthly monitoring of TCP till PCP commisioning & handing over the TCP related works in good condition
including its documents to the satisfaction of Clinet/EPMC Consultant/PCP VENDOR.
DESCRIPTION => Design, Engineering, Supply, Installation , testing and commissioning of Explosion proof spark gap surge diverter shall be provided across each insulating joint to
protect it from high voltage surges. Surge diverters shall be suitable for installation in classified areas. Refer for details SPECIFICATION FOR CATHODIC PROTECTION SYSTEM
FOR PIPELINES (15963-000-EL-SPC-0017)
138 SUP.IC.CABLE:1Px1.5mm²IS(A 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 850 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT
cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable
schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110- IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc.
No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002,
15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with
directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route
markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001).Supply of 1Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, IS CABLE, BLUE
139 SUP.IC.CABLE:1Px1.5mm²- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 150 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT
cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable
schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110- IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc.
No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002,
15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with
directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route
markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001).Supply of 1Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, IS CABLE, BLUE
140 SUP.IC.CABLE:2Px1.5mm²- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 50 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT
cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable
schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110- IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc.
No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002,
15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with
directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route
markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001).Supply of 2Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/IOSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, IS CABLE, BLUE
141 SUP.IC.CABLE:2Px1.5mm²- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 50 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT
cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable
schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110- IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc.
No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002,
15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with
directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route
markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001).Supply of 2Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/IOSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, IS CABLE, BLUE
142 SUP.ICCABLE:2Px1.5mm²- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 510 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT
cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable
schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110- IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc.
No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002,
15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with
directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route
markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001).Supply of 2Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, IS CABLE, BLUE
143 SUP.IC CABLE:6Px1.5mm²- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 175 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT
cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable
schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110- IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc.
No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002,
15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with
directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route
markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001).Supply of 6Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/IOSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, IS CABLE, BLUE
144 SUP.IC.CABLE:6Px1.5mm²- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 525 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT
cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable
schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110- IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc.
No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002,
15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with
directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route
markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001).Supply of 6Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/IOSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, IS CABLE, BLUE
145 SUP.IC.CABLE:6Px1.5 mm²- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 50 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT
cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable
schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110- IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc.
No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002,
15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with
directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route
markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001).Supply of 6Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, IS CABLE, BLUE
146 SUP.ICCABLE:6Px1.5mm²- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 50 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT
cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable
schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110- IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc.
No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002,
15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with
directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route
markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001).Supply of 6Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, IS CABLE, BLUE
147 SUP.IC.CABLE:12Px1.5mm²- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 10 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT
cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable
schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110- IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc.
No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002,
15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with
directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route
markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001).Supply of 12Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/IOSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, IS CABLE, BLUE
148 SUP.IC.CABLE:12Px1.5mm²- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 90 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT
cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable
schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110- IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc.
No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002,
15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with
directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route
markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001).Supply of 12Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/IOSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, IS CABLE, BLUE
149 SUP.ICCABLE:12Px1.5mm²- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 275 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT
cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable
schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110- IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc.
No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002,
15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with
directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route
markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001).Supply of 12Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, IS CABLE, BLUE
150 SUP.ICCABLE:12Px1.5mm²- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 825 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT
cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable
schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110- IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc.
No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002,
15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with
directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route
markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001).Supply of 12Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, IS CABLE, BLUE
151 SUP.IC.CABLE:24Px1.5mm²- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 10 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT
cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable
schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110- IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc.
No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002,
15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with
directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route
markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001).Supply of 24Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC,FLAME RETARDANT, IS CABLE, BLUE
152 SUP.IC.CABLE:24Px1.5mm²- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 10 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT
cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable
schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110- IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc.
No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002,
15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with
directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route
markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001).Supply of 24Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC,FLAME RETARDANT, IS CABLE, BLUE
153 SUP.IC.CABLE:1Px1.5mm²- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 50 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT
cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable
schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110- IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc.
No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002,
15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with
directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route
markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001).Supply of 1Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, NIS CABLE, BLACK
154 SUP.IC.CABLE:1Px1.5mm²- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 50 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT
cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable
schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110- IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc.
No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002,
15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with
directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route
markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001).Supply of 1Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, NIS CABLE, BLACK
155 SUP.IC.CABLE:2Px1.5mm²- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 525 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT
cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable
schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110- IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc.
No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002,
15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with
directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route
markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001).Supply of 2Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/IOSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, NIS CABLE, BLACK
156 SUP.IC.CABLE:2Px1.5mm²- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 1085 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT
cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable
schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110- IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc.
No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002,
15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with
directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route
markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001).Supply of 2Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/IOSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, NIS CABLE, BLACK
157 SUP.ICCABLE:2Px1.5mm²- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 175 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT
cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable
schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110- IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc.
No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002,
15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with
directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route
markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001).Supply of 2Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, NIS CABLE, BLACK
158 SUP.ICCABLE:2Px1.5mm²- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 525 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT
cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable
schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110- IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc.
No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002,
15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with
directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route
markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001).Supply of 2Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, NIS CABLE, BLACK
159 SUP.IC.CABLE:6Px1.5mm²- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 50 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT
cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable
schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110- IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc.
No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002,
15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with
directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route
markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001).Supply of 6Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/IOSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, NIS CABLE, BLACK
160 SUP.IC.CABLE:6Px1.5mm²- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 50 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT
cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable
schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110- IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc.
No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002,
15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with
directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route
markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001).Supply of 6Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/IOSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, NIS CABLE, BLACK
161 SUP.ICCABLE:6Px1.5mm²- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 525 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT
cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable
schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110- IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc.
No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002,
15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with
directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route
markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001).Supply of 6Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, NIS CABLE, BLACK
162 SUP.ICCABLE:6Px1.5mm²- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 525 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT
cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable
schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110- IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc.
No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002,
15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with
directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route
markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001).Supply of 6Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, NIS CABLE, BLACK
163 SUP.IC.CBLE:12Px1.5mm²- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 100 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT
cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable
schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110- IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc.
No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002,
15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with
directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route
markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001).Supply of 12Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/IOSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, NIS CABLE, BLACK
164 SP.ICCABLE:12Px1.5mm²- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 300 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT
cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable
schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110- IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc.
No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002,
15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with
directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route
markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001).Supply of 12Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/IOSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, NIS CABLE, BLACK
165 SUP.ICCBLE:12Px1.5mm²- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 10 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT
cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable
schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110- IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc.
No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002,
15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with
directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route
markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001).Supply of 12Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, NIS CABLE, BLACK
166 SUP.ICCABLE:12Px1.5mm²- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 10 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT
cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable
schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110- IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc.
No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002,
15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with
directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route
markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001).Supply of 12Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, NIS CABLE, BLACK
167 SUP.IC.CBLE:24Px1.5mm²- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 100 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT
cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable
schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110- IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc.
No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002,
15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with
directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route
markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001).Supply of 24Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC,FLAME RETARDANT, NIS CABLE, BLACK
168 SUP.IC.CBLE:24Px1.5mm²- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 400 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT
cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable
schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110- IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc.
No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002,
15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with
directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route
markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001).Supply of 24Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC,FLAME RETARDANT, NIS CABLE, BLACK
169 SUP.F&G.CBLE:1Px1.5mm²(AG) 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 4350 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT
cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable
schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110- IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc.
No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002,
15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with
directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route
markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001).Supply of 1Px1.5 mm²/XLPE /OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC-FIRE RESISTANT WITH MICA GLASS TAPE,
170 SUP.F&G.CBLE:1Px1.5mm²(UG) 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 450 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT
cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable
schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110- IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc.
No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002,
15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with
directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route
markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001).Supply of 1Px1.5 mm²/XLPE /OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC-FIRE RESISTANT WITH MICA GLASS TAPE,
171 SUP.F&G.CABLE:6Px1.5mm²(A 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 425 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT
cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable
schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110- IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc.
No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002,
15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with
directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route
markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001).Supply of 6PX1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC-FIRE RESISTANT WITH MICA GLASS TAPE,
172 SUP.F&G.CBLE:6Px1.5mm²(UG) 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 225 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT
cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable
schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110- IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc.
No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002,
15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with
directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route
markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001).Supply of 6PX1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC-FIRE RESISTANT WITH MICA GLASS TAPE,
173 SUP.F&G.CABLE:12Px1.5mm²(A 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 25 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT
cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable
schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110- IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc.
No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002,
15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with
directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route
markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001).Supply of 12PX1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC-FIRE RESISTANT WITH MICA GLASS TAPE,
174 SUP.F&G.CABLE:12Px1.5mm²(U 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 75 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT
cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable
schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110- IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc.
No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002,
15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with
directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route
markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001).Supply of 12PX1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC-FIRE RESISTANT WITH MICA GLASS TAPE,
175 SUP.F&G.CABLE:2Cx2.5mm²(A 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 860 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT
cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable
schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110- IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc.
No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002,
15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with
directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route
markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001).Supply of 2Cx2.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC-FIRE RESISTANT WITH MICA GLASS TAPE,
176 SUP.F&G.CABLE:12Cx2.5.mm²( 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 400 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT
cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable
schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110- IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc.
No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002,
15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with
directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route
markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001).Supply of 12Cx2.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC-FIRE RESISTANT WITH MICA GLASS TAPE,
177 SUP.F&G.CABLE:12Cx2.5mm²( 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 1250 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT
cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable
schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110- IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc.
No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002,
15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with
directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route
markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001).Supply of 12Cx2.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC-FIRE RESISTANT WITH MICA GLASS TAPE,
178 SUP.F&G.CABLE:1Tx1.5mm²(A 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 690 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT
cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable
schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110- IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc.
No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002,
15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with
directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route
markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001).Supply of 1Tx1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC-FIRE RESISTANT WITH MICA GLASS TAPE,
179 SUP.F&G.CABLE:1Tx1.5mm²(U 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 10 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT
cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable
schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110- IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc.
No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002,
15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with
directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route
markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001).Supply of 1Tx1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC-FIRE RESISTANT WITH MICA GLASS TAPE,
180 SUP.F&G.CABLE:8Tx1.55mm²(A 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 400 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT
cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable
schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110- IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc.
No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002,
15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with
directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route
markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001).Supply of 8Tx1.5 mm²/XLPE/IOSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC-FIRE RESISTANT WITH MICA GLASS TAPE,
181 SUP.F&GCABLE:8Tx1.5mm²(UG 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 1200 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT
cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable
schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110- IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc.
No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002,
15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with
directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route
markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001).Supply of 8Tx1.5 mm²/XLPE/IOSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC-FIRE RESISTANT WITH MICA GLASS TAPE,
182 SUP.F&GCABLE:12Tx1.5mm²(A 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 25 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT
cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable
schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110- IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc.
No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002,
15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with
directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route
markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001).Supply of 12Tx1.5 mm²/XLPE/IOSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC-FIRE RESISTANT WITH MICA GLASS TAPE,
183 SUP.F&GCABLE:12Tx1.5mm²(U 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 75 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT
cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable
schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110- IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc.
No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002,
15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with
directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route
markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001).Supply of 12Tx1.5 mm²/XLPE/IOSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC-FIRE RESISTANT WITH MICA GLASS TAPE,
184 SUP.SERIALCABLES-4P 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 1440 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT
cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable
schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110- IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc.
No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002,
15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with
directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route
markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001).Supply of 4Px0.25 mm² (RS-485)
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT
cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable
schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110- IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc.
No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002,
15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with
directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route
markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001).Supply of CAT 6 Cable
186 SUP.PCT:50X50X3x3000mm 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 645 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed Pre-fabricated Hot Dip Galvanized Perforated & Ladder type of Cable trays of 100 microns galvanization sheet steel Including Cable Tray
Covers, Coupling Plates, Fittings and Accessories (i.e. Tray Holding Clamps, Couplers, Elbow - 45° & 90°, Tees, Crosses, Reducers, Risers, Hold-down clamps, Unistrut bolts,
Separators etc.) as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0009), Instrument and Fire & Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-
IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001,
15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001) and , Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002,
15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002) . Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer-in-
Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.Supply of Hot Dip Galvanized Steel Perforated Cable Trays With cover & of 50mm Width X 50mm
Height X 3mm Thick, 3000mm Long
187 SUP.PCT:100X50X3x3000mm 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 290 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed Pre-fabricated Hot Dip Galvanized Perforated & Ladder type of Cable trays of 100 microns galvanization sheet steel Including Cable Tray
Covers, Coupling Plates, Fittings and Accessories (i.e. Tray Holding Clamps, Couplers, Elbow - 45° & 90°, Tees, Crosses, Reducers, Risers, Hold-down clamps, Unistrut bolts,
Separators etc.) as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0009), Instrument and Fire & Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-
IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001,
15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001) and , Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002,
15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002) . Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer-in-
Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.Supply of Hot Dip Galvanized Steel Perforated Cable Trays With cover & of 100mm Width X 50mm
Height X 3mm Thick, 3000mm Long
188 SUP.PCT:200X50X3x3000mm 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 90 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed Pre-fabricated Hot Dip Galvanized Perforated & Ladder type of Cable trays of 100 microns galvanization sheet steel Including Cable Tray
Covers, Coupling Plates, Fittings and Accessories (i.e. Tray Holding Clamps, Couplers, Elbow - 45° & 90°, Tees, Crosses, Reducers, Risers, Hold-down clamps, Unistrut bolts,
Separators etc.) as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0009), Instrument and Fire & Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-
IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001,
15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001) and , Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002,
15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002) . Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer-in-
Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.Supply of Hot Dip Galvanized Steel Perforated Cable Trays With cover & of 200mm Width X 50mm
Height X 3mm Thick, 3000mm Long
189 SUP.PCT:300X50X3x3000mm 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 55 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed Pre-fabricated Hot Dip Galvanized Perforated & Ladder type of Cable trays of 100 microns galvanization sheet steel Including Cable Tray
Covers, Coupling Plates, Fittings and Accessories (i.e. Tray Holding Clamps, Couplers, Elbow - 45° & 90°, Tees, Crosses, Reducers, Risers, Hold-down clamps, Unistrut bolts,
Separators etc.) as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0009), Instrument and Fire & Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-
IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001,
15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001) and , Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002,
15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002) . Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer-in-
Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.Supply of Hot Dip Galvanized Steel Perforated Cable Trays With cover & of 300mm Width X 50mm
Height X 3mm Thick, 3000mm Long
190 SUP.LCT:450X100x3000mm 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 27 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed Pre-fabricated Hot Dip Galvanized Perforated & Ladder type of Cable trays of 100 microns galvanization sheet steel Including Cable Tray
Covers, Coupling Plates, Fittings and Accessories (i.e. Tray Holding Clamps, Couplers, Elbow - 45° & 90°, Tees, Crosses, Reducers, Risers, Hold-down clamps, Unistrut bolts,
Separators etc.) as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0009), Instrument and Fire & Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-
IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001,
15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001) and , Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002,
15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002) . Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer-in-
Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.Supply of Hot Dip Galvanized Steel Ladder Cable Trays With cover & of 450 mm Width X 100mm
Height, 3000mm Long
191 SUP.JB:6PX1.5mm²,25Terminals 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 17 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed Ex'd' certified junction boxes & pull boxes including Cable glands for branch & homerun cables including blanking plugs (Ex'd' certified)
for spare cable entries, tag plates and other accessories as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0009) & Instrumentation and Fire &
Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001)Contractors scope also includes transportation,
storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.Supply of 6PX1.5 mm², 25
Terminals, LM6, Explosion proof (IP65)
192 SUP.JB:12PX1.5mm²,40Terminal 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 17 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed Ex'd' certified junction boxes & pull boxes including Cable glands for branch & homerun cables including blanking plugs (Ex'd' certified)
for spare cable entries, tag plates and other accessories as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0009) & Instrumentation and Fire &
Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001)Contractors scope also includes transportation,
storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.Supply of 12PX1.5 mm², 40
Terminals, LM6, Explosion proof (IP65)
193 SUP.JB:24PX1.5mm²,80Terminal 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 5 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed Ex'd' certified junction boxes & pull boxes including Cable glands for branch & homerun cables including blanking plugs (Ex'd' certified)
for spare cable entries, tag plates and other accessories as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0009) & Instrumentation and Fire &
Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001)Contractors scope also includes transportation,
storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.Supply of 24PX1.5 mm², 80
Terminals, LM6, Explosion proof (IP65)
194 SUP.JB:12CX2.5mm²,25Terminal 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 17 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed Ex'd' certified junction boxes & pull boxes including Cable glands for branch & homerun cables including blanking plugs (Ex'd' certified)
for spare cable entries, tag plates and other accessories as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0009) & Instrumentation and Fire &
Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001)Contractors scope also includes transportation,
storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.Supply of 12Cx2.5 mm², 25
Terminals, LM6, Explosion proof (IP65)
195 SUP.JB:12TX1.5mm²,50Terminal 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 1 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed Ex'd' certified junction boxes & pull boxes including Cable glands for branch & homerun cables including blanking plugs (Ex'd' certified)
for spare cable entries, tag plates and other accessories as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0009) & Instrumentation and Fire &
Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001)Contractors scope also includes transportation,
storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.Supply of 12Tx1.5 mm², 50
Terminals, LM6, Explosion proof (IP65)
196 SUP.JB:8TX1.5mm²,36Terminals 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 16 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed Ex'd' certified junction boxes & pull boxes including Cable glands for branch & homerun cables including blanking plugs (Ex'd' certified)
for spare cable entries, tag plates and other accessories as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0009) & Instrumentation and Fire &
Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001)Contractors scope also includes transportation,
storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.Supply of 8Tx1.5 mm², 36
Terminals, LM6, Explosion proof (IP65)
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed Ex'd' certified junction boxes & pull boxes including Cable glands for branch & homerun cables including blanking plugs (Ex'd' certified)
for spare cable entries, tag plates and other accessories as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0009) & Instrumentation and Fire &
Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001)Contractors scope also includes transportation,
storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.Supply of Ex'd' certified
pullboxes suitable for Zone 1, Gr. IIA/IIB, T3 and weatherproof to IP 65 minimum approved from PESO.
198 SUP. CABLE GLANDS - 1/2" 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 101 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed NPT Cable Glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs of Double Compression type, Nickel plated brass material, Ex'd' certified, suitable for
installation in Zone 1, Gr. IIA/IIB, T3 and weatherproof to IP 65 minimum, having valid PESO certificate as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-
000-IC-SPC-0009) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-
0001).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying
Tender- Instrumentation.Supply of 1/2" NPT Cable Gland, Nickel Plated Brass, Ex'd' Certified, IP65
199 SUP. CABLE GLANDS - 3/4" 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 345 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed NPT Cable Glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs of Double Compression type, Nickel plated brass material, Ex'd' certified, suitable for
installation in Zone 1, Gr. IIA/IIB, T3 and weatherproof to IP 65 minimum, having valid PESO certificate as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-
000-IC-SPC-0009) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-
0001).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying
Tender- Instrumentation.Supply of 3/4" NPT Cable Gland, Nickel Plated Brass, Ex'd' Certified, IP65
200 SUP. CABLE GLANDS - 1" NPT 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 87 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed NPT Cable Glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs of Double Compression type, Nickel plated brass material, Ex'd' certified, suitable for
installation in Zone 1, Gr. IIA/IIB, T3 and weatherproof to IP 65 minimum, having valid PESO certificate as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-
000-IC-SPC-0009) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-
0001).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying
Tender- Instrumentation.Supply of 1" NPT Cable Gland, Nickel Plated Brass, Ex'd' Certified, IP65
201 SUP. CABLE GLANDS - 1 1/4" 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 26 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed NPT Cable Glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs of Double Compression type, Nickel plated brass material, Ex'd' certified, suitable for
installation in Zone 1, Gr. IIA/IIB, T3 and weatherproof to IP 65 minimum, having valid PESO certificate as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-
000-IC-SPC-0009) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-
0001).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying
Tender- Instrumentation.Supply of 1 1/4" NPT Cable Gland, Nickel Plated Brass, Ex'd' Certified, IP65
202 SUP. CABLE GLANDS - 1 1/2" 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 22 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed NPT Cable Glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs of Double Compression type, Nickel plated brass material, Ex'd' certified, suitable for
installation in Zone 1, Gr. IIA/IIB, T3 and weatherproof to IP 65 minimum, having valid PESO certificate as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-
000-IC-SPC-0009) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-
0001).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying
Tender- Instrumentation.Supply of 1 1/2" NPT Cable Gland, Nickel Plated Brass, Ex'd' Certified, IP65
203 SUP. CABLE GLANDS - 2" NPT 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 1 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed NPT Cable Glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs of Double Compression type, Nickel plated brass material, Ex'd' certified, suitable for
installation in Zone 1, Gr. IIA/IIB, T3 and weatherproof to IP 65 minimum, having valid PESO certificate as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-
000-IC-SPC-0009) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-
0001).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying
Tender- Instrumentation.Supply of 2" NPT Cable Gland, Nickel Plated Brass, Ex'd' Certified, IP65
204 SUP. REDUCERS - 1/2" X 3/4" 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 24 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed NPT Cable Glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs of Double Compression type, Nickel plated brass material, Ex'd' certified, suitable for
installation in Zone 1, Gr. IIA/IIB, T3 and weatherproof to IP 65 minimum, having valid PESO certificate as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-
000-IC-SPC-0009) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-
0001).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying
Tender- Instrumentation.Supply of 1/2" NPTM X 3/4" NPTF Reducers, Nickel Plated Brass, Ex'd' Certified, IP65
205 SUP. REDUCERS - 1/2" X 1" 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 24 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed NPT Cable Glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs of Double Compression type, Nickel plated brass material, Ex'd' certified, suitable for
installation in Zone 1, Gr. IIA/IIB, T3 and weatherproof to IP 65 minimum, having valid PESO certificate as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-
000-IC-SPC-0009) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-
0001).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying
Tender- Instrumentation.Supply of 1/2" NPTM X 1" NPTF Reducers, Nickel Plated Brass, Ex'd' Certified, IP65
206 SUP. REDUCERS - 3/4" X 1" 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 24 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed NPT Cable Glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs of Double Compression type, Nickel plated brass material, Ex'd' certified, suitable for
installation in Zone 1, Gr. IIA/IIB, T3 and weatherproof to IP 65 minimum, having valid PESO certificate as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-
000-IC-SPC-0009) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-
0001).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying
Tender- Instrumentation.Supply of 3/4" NPTM X 1" NPTF Reducers, Nickel Plated Brass, Ex'd' Certified, IP65
207 SUP. REDUCERS - 1" X 1 1/4" 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 24 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed NPT Cable Glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs of Double Compression type, Nickel plated brass material, Ex'd' certified, suitable for
installation in Zone 1, Gr. IIA/IIB, T3 and weatherproof to IP 65 minimum, having valid PESO certificate as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-
000-IC-SPC-0009) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-
0001).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying
Tender- Instrumentation.Supply of 1" NPTM X 1 1/4" NPTF Reducers, Nickel Plated Brass, Ex'd' Certified, IP65
208 SUP.REDUCERS -1 1/4"X1 1/2" 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 24 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed NPT Cable Glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs of Double Compression type, Nickel plated brass material, Ex'd' certified, suitable for
installation in Zone 1, Gr. IIA/IIB, T3 and weatherproof to IP 65 minimum, having valid PESO certificate as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-
000-IC-SPC-0009) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-
0001).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying
Tender- Instrumentation.Supply of 1 1/4" NPTM X 1 1/2" NPTF Reducers, Nickel Plated Brass, Ex'd' Certified, IP65
209 SUP. ADAPTORS - M20 X 1/2" 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 24 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed NPT Cable Glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs of Double Compression type, Nickel plated brass material, Ex'd' certified, suitable for
installation in Zone 1, Gr. IIA/IIB, T3 and weatherproof to IP 65 minimum, having valid PESO certificate as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-
000-IC-SPC-0009) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-
0001).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying
Tender- Instrumentation.Supply of M20 M X 1/2" NPTF Adaptors, Nickel Plated Brass, Ex'd' Certified, IP65
210 SUP. ADAPTORS - M25 X 3/4" 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 24 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed NPT Cable Glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs of Double Compression type, Nickel plated brass material, Ex'd' certified, suitable for
installation in Zone 1, Gr. IIA/IIB, T3 and weatherproof to IP 65 minimum, having valid PESO certificate as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-
000-IC-SPC-0009) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-
0001).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying
Tender- Instrumentation.Supply of M25 M X 3/4" NPTF Adaptors, Nickel Plated Brass, Ex'd' Certified, IP65
211 SUP. ADAPTORS - M32 X 1" 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 24 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed NPT Cable Glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs of Double Compression type, Nickel plated brass material, Ex'd' certified, suitable for
installation in Zone 1, Gr. IIA/IIB, T3 and weatherproof to IP 65 minimum, having valid PESO certificate as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-
000-IC-SPC-0009) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-
0001).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying
Tender- Instrumentation.Supply of M32 M X 1" NPTF Adaptors, Nickel Plated Brass, Ex'd' Certified, IP65
212 SUP. CABLE GLANDS - 3/4" ET 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 1 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed ET Cable Glands, Reducers/Adapters, Blind plugs of Double Compression type, Nickel plated brass material & IP 42 minimum as per
Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0009) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-
090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of
Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.Supply of 3/4" ET Cable Gland, Nickel Plated Brass, IP42
213 SUP. CABLE GLANDS - 1" ET 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 59 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed ET Cable Glands, Reducers/Adapters, Blind plugs of Double Compression type, Nickel plated brass material & IP 42 minimum as per
Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0009) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-
090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of
Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.Supply of 1" ET Cable Gland, Nickel Plated Brass, IP42
214 SUP. CABLE GLANDS - 1 1/4" 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 31 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed ET Cable Glands, Reducers/Adapters, Blind plugs of Double Compression type, Nickel plated brass material & IP 42 minimum as per
Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0009) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-
090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of
Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.Supply of 1 1/4" ET Cable Gland, Nickel Plated Brass, IP42
215 SUP. CABLE GLANDS - 1 1/2" 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 26 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed ET Cable Glands, Reducers/Adapters, Blind plugs of Double Compression type, Nickel plated brass material & IP 42 minimum as per
Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0009) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-
090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of
Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.Supply of 1 1/2" ET Cable Gland, Nickel Plated Brass, IP42
216 SUP. CABLE GLANDS - 2" ET 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 22 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed ET Cable Glands, Reducers/Adapters, Blind plugs of Double Compression type, Nickel plated brass material & IP 42 minimum as per
Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0009) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-
090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of
Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.Supply of 2" ET Cable Gland, Nickel Plated Brass, IP42
217 SUP. CABLE GLANDS - 2 1/4" 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 1 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed ET Cable Glands, Reducers/Adapters, Blind plugs of Double Compression type, Nickel plated brass material & IP 42 minimum as per
Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0009) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-
090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of
Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.Supply of 2 1/4" ET Cable Gland, Nickel Plated Brass, IP42
218 SUP. BLIND PLUGS - 3/4" ET 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 24 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed ET Cable Glands, Reducers/Adapters, Blind plugs of Double Compression type, Nickel plated brass material & IP 42 minimum as per
Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0009) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-
090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of
Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.Supply of 3/4" ET Blind Plug, Nickel Plated Brass, IP42
219 SUP. BLIND PLUGS - 1" ET 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 24 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed ET Cable Glands, Reducers/Adapters, Blind plugs of Double Compression type, Nickel plated brass material & IP 42 minimum as per
Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0009) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-
090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of
Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.Supply of 1" ET Blind Plug, Nickel Plated Brass, IP42
220 SUP. BLIND PLUGS - 1 1/4" ET 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 24 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed ET Cable Glands, Reducers/Adapters, Blind plugs of Double Compression type, Nickel plated brass material & IP 42 minimum as per
Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0009) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-
090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of
Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.Supply of 1 1/4" ET Blind Plug, Nickel Plated Brass, IP42
221 SUP. BLIND PLUGS - 1 1/2" ET 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 24 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed ET Cable Glands, Reducers/Adapters, Blind plugs of Double Compression type, Nickel plated brass material & IP 42 minimum as per
Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0009) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-
090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of
Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.Supply of 1 1/2" ET Blind Plug, Nickel Plated Brass, IP42
222 SUP. BLIND PLUGS - 2" ET 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 24 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed ET Cable Glands, Reducers/Adapters, Blind plugs of Double Compression type, Nickel plated brass material & IP 42 minimum as per
Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0009) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-
090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of
Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.Supply of 2" ET Blind Plug, Nickel Plated Brass, IP42
223 SUP. BLIND PLUGS - 2 1/4" ET 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 24 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed ET Cable Glands, Reducers/Adapters, Blind plugs of Double Compression type, Nickel plated brass material & IP 42 minimum as per
Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0009) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-
090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of
Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.Supply of 2 1/4" ET Blind Plug, Nickel Plated Brass, IP42
224 CANOPY-IC 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 99 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of canopies for field instruments made of FRP material with fitting accessories for 2" NB pipe mounting as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk
Material (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0009) & Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001)Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site,
manpower in line with directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.
225 SUP. MCT: FRAME: S 4X2 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 14 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed Fire resistant, steel or mild steel multi cable transit frame along with Fire resistant MCT Blocks, Weather proof to IP65 and all the required
accessories like wedges, stayplates etc. In control room as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0009) & Control Room Layout (Doc.
No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0001, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0001, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0001 & 15963-150-IC-DAL-0001).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at
site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.Supply of MCT Frame: S 4X2
226 SUP. MCT:FRAME: S 4+4X2 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 1 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed Fire resistant, steel or mild steel multi cable transit frame along with Fire resistant MCT Blocks, Weather proof to IP65 and all the required
accessories like wedges, stayplates etc. In control room as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0009) & Control Room Layout (Doc.
No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0001, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0001, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0001 & 15963-150-IC-DAL-0001).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at
site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.Supply of MCT Frame: S 4+4X2
227 SUP. MCT: FRAME: S 6X3 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 1 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed Fire resistant, steel or mild steel multi cable transit frame along with Fire resistant MCT Blocks, Weather proof to IP65 and all the required
accessories like wedges, stayplates etc. In control room as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0009) & Control Room Layout (Doc.
No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0001, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0001, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0001 & 15963-150-IC-DAL-0001).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at
site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.Supply of MCT Frame: S 6X3
228 SUP. MCT BLOCK - RM20 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 49 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed Fire resistant, steel or mild steel multi cable transit frame along with Fire resistant MCT Blocks, Weather proof to IP65 and all the required
accessories like wedges, stayplates etc. In control room as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0009) & Control Room Layout (Doc.
No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0001, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0001, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0001 & 15963-150-IC-DAL-0001).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at
site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.Supply of MCT Block RM20 Or Equivalent
229 SUP. MCT BLOCK - RM30 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 79 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed Fire resistant, steel or mild steel multi cable transit frame along with Fire resistant MCT Blocks, Weather proof to IP65 and all the required
accessories like wedges, stayplates etc. In control room as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0009) & Control Room Layout (Doc.
No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0001, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0001, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0001 & 15963-150-IC-DAL-0001).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at
site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.Supply of MCT Block RM30 Or Equivalent
230 SUP. MCT BLOCK - RM40 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 34 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed Fire resistant, steel or mild steel multi cable transit frame along with Fire resistant MCT Blocks, Weather proof to IP65 and all the required
accessories like wedges, stayplates etc. In control room as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0009) & Control Room Layout (Doc.
No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0001, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0001, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0001 & 15963-150-IC-DAL-0001).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at
site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.Supply of MCT Block RM40 Or Equivalent
231 SUP. MCT BLOCK - RM60 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 20 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed Fire resistant, steel or mild steel multi cable transit frame along with Fire resistant MCT Blocks, Weather proof to IP65 and all the required
accessories like wedges, stayplates etc. In control room as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0009) & Control Room Layout (Doc.
No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0001, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0001, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0001 & 15963-150-IC-DAL-0001).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at
site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.Supply of MCT Block RM60 Or Equivalent
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed Fire resistant, steel or mild steel multi cable transit frame along with Fire resistant MCT Blocks, Weather proof to IP65 and all the required
accessories like wedges, stayplates etc. In control room as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0009) & Control Room Layout (Doc.
No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0001, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0001, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0001 & 15963-150-IC-DAL-0001).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at
site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.Supply of MCT Block RM20 Or Equivalent
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed Fire resistant, steel or mild steel multi cable transit frame along with Fire resistant MCT Blocks, Weather proof to IP65 and all the required
accessories like wedges, stayplates etc. In control room as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0009) & Control Room Layout (Doc.
No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0001, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0001, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0001 & 15963-150-IC-DAL-0001).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at
site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.Supply of MCT Block RM30 Or Equivalent
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed Fire resistant, steel or mild steel multi cable transit frame along with Fire resistant MCT Blocks, Weather proof to IP65 and all the required
accessories like wedges, stayplates etc. In control room as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0009) & Control Room Layout (Doc.
No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0001, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0001, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0001 & 15963-150-IC-DAL-0001).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at
site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.Supply of MCT Block RM40 Or Equivalent
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed Fire resistant, steel or mild steel multi cable transit frame along with Fire resistant MCT Blocks, Weather proof to IP65 and all the required
accessories like wedges, stayplates etc. In control room as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0009) & Control Room Layout (Doc.
No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0001, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0001, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0001 & 15963-150-IC-DAL-0001).Contractors scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at
site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.Supply of MCT Block RM60 Or Equivalent
236 SUP.:1"Dia.X3Mtr.LONG(UPVC) 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 74 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed conduit pipe made of galvanized iron or UPVC material for cables going from below ground to above ground & required accessories as per
Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) & Specification for Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010).Contractors scope also includes
transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.Supply of 1"
Diameter X 3 Mtr. Long
237 SUP.:2"DiaX3Mtr.LONG(UPVC) 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 17 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed conduit pipe made of galvanized iron or UPVC material for cables going from below ground to above ground & required accessories as per
Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) & Specification for Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010).Contractors scope also includes
transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.Supply of 2"
Diameter X 3 Mtr. Long
238 SUP.:3"DiaX3Mtr.LONG(UPVC) 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 9 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed conduit pipe made of galvanized iron or UPVC material for cables going from below ground to above ground & required accessories as per
Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) & Specification for Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010).Contractors scope also includes
transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.Supply of 3"
Diameter X 3 Mtr. Long
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed conduit pipe made of galvanized iron or UPVC material for cables going from below ground to above ground & required accessories as per
Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) & Specification for Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010).Contractors scope also includes
transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.Supply of 1"
Diameter Flexible Metallic Conduit X 3 Mtr. Long
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed conduit pipe made of galvanized iron or UPVC material for cables going from below ground to above ground & required accessories as per
Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) & Specification for Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010).Contractors scope also includes
transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer-in-Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.Supply of 1"
Casing N Capping trunking X 3 Mtr. Long
241 Sup of HDPE Duct 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 1000 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed items including design, supply, testing, transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer-in-Charge
and as per Scope of Work (Doc. No. 15963-000-TE-SOW-0001).Supply, Handling, testing, Transportation to site, loading & unloading, storage of equipment at site etc. of Permanently
lubricated HDPE ducts of Light Blue Color( 40mm/33mm) including supply of all materials/consumables required like push fit couplers & end plugs for jointing of HDPE duct as per
specification (Doc. No. 15963-000-TE-SPC-0004). Note:1.Bidder to note that the above line item for supply of HDPE (40/33mm) is applicable only for laying HDPE conduit through
separate trench at Despatch/Recieving/Pumping/TOP/IP- Stations/Bottling Plant.2. Supply of HDPE duct in pipeline trenches/6" CS conduit and supply of HDPE duct through separate
trenches at SV locations are covered else where in SOQ.3. Bidder to consider all items applicable for laying of HDPE such as pits, sand etc. No separate payment shall be made for
supply of these items.
242 Sup of Joint Closure 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 107 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed items including design, supply, testing, transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer-in-Charge
and as per Scope of Work (Doc. No. 15963-000-TE-SOW-0001).Supply, Handling, testing, Transportation to site, loading & unloading, storage of equipment at site etc. of OFC
Jointing closures having 4 entry ports and supply of pigtails, connectors, splice trays, splice protection sleeves etc. and any other items required for jointing of 12 core OFC cable
(Fusion splicing only) as per specification mentioned in Scope of Work(Doc. No. 15963-000-TE-SOW-0001).
243 Sup-OFC Jointing/Trans. Pits 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 107 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed items including design, supply, testing, transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer-in-Charge
and as per Scope of Work (Doc. No. 15963-000-TE-SOW-0001).Supply, Handling, testing, Transportation to site, loading & unloading, storage of equipment at site etc. of OFC
Jointing / Transition pits including all civil & structural material, sand, removable RCC cover, with insert plates as required, seals for sealing of pits & conduit entry, finishing as per
drawings and specification mentioned in Scope of Work(Doc. No. 15963-000-TE-SOW-0001).
244 Sup of OFC Blowing Pit 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 33 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed items including design, supply, testing, transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer-in-Charge
and as per Scope of Work (Doc. No. 15963-000-TE-SOW-0001).Supply, Handling, testing, Transportation to site, loading & unloading, storage of equipment at site etc. of OFC
Blowing / Pull Pits pits including all civil & structural material, sand, removable RCC cover, with insert plates as required, seals for sealing of pits & conduit entry, finishing as per
drawings and specification mentioned in Scope of Work(Doc. No. 15963-000-TE-SOW-0001).
245 Sup-OFC Joint Perm.Marker 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 107 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed items including design, supply, testing, transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer-in-Charge
and as per Scope of Work (Doc. No. 15963-000-TE-SOW-0001).Supply, Handling, testing, Transportation to site, loading & unloading, storage of equipment at site etc. of Joint
identification permanent markers (For all type of OFC jointing location) along the route as per drawings and specification mentioned in Scope of Work(Doc. No. 15963-000-TE-SOW-
246 Sup of Electronic Marker 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 107 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed items including design, supply, testing, transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer-in-Charge
and as per Scope of Work (Doc. No. 15963-000-TE-SOW-0001).Supply, Handling, testing, Transportation to site, loading & unloading, storage of equipment at site etc. of Electronic
marker / transmitter at all type of OFC jointing location as per the specifications mentioned in Scope of Work(Doc. No. 15963-000-TE-SOW-0001).
247 Sup of Elec. Marker Locator 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 1 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed items including design, supply, testing, transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer-in-Charge
and as per Scope of Work (Doc. No. 15963-000-TE-SOW-0001).Supply, Handling, testing, Transportation to site, loading & unloading, storage of equipment at site etc. of Portable
Electronic Marker Identification kit / Marker Detecting Instruments /Indicator with beep sound with Battery Charger & Leather Casing & Belt as per specification mentioned in Scope
of Work (Doc. No. 15963-000-TE-SOW-0001).
248 Sup of Wire mesh/OFC Loop Box 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 8 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed items including design, supply, testing, transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer-in-Charge
and as per Scope of Work (Doc. No. 15963-000-TE-SOW-0001).Supply, Handling, testing, Transportation to site, loading & unloading, storage of equipment at site etc. of Wire Mesh /
Closed loop box for OFC as per specification mentioned in Scope of Work(Doc. No. 15963-000-TE-SOW-0001).Notes:1. Bidder to consider supply of Wire mesh/OFC loop at all the
stations Despatch/Recieving/IP/TOP/SV/Bottling Plant.
249 Sup of FTC for OFC 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 8 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed items including design, supply, testing, transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer-in-Charge
and as per Scope of Work (Doc. No. 15963-000-TE-SOW-0001).Supply, Handling, testing, Transportation to site, loading & unloading, storage of equipment at site etc. of 24 Port Wall
Mount FTC with SC connectors suitable for 2 number of 12 Core G.655 OFC Cable including pigtails , Splice protection sleeve , splice tray and splicing the cables with pigtails, Cable
glands, termination of OFC as per specification mentioned in Scope of Work(Doc. No. 15963-000-TE-SOW-0001).Notes:1. Bidder to consider supply of FTC at all the stations
Despatch/Recieving/IP/TOP/SV/Bottling Plant.
250 Sup of OFC Warning Mat 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 2400 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed items including design, supply, testing, transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer-in-Charge
and as per Scope of Work (Doc. No. 15963-000-TE-SOW-0001).Supply, Handling, testing, Transportation to site, loading & unloading, storage of equipment at site etc. of OFC
warning MAT - PVC Sheet (150 mm x 0.1 mm) Red Color as per the specifications mentioned else where in the Tender.1. Bidder to note that the above warning mat shall be required
for separate routing of OFC through trench inside terminals / SV stations. For OFC routed inside pipeline trench, a common warning mat shall be provided for pipeline and OFC as per
specification mentioned else where in tender.2. Bidder to note that supply of Warning mat shall be considered at all the stations Despatch/Recieving/IP/TOP/SV/ Bottling Plant.
251 Sup of Earthing Cable for OFC 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 400 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed items including design, supply, testing, transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer-in-Charge
and as per Scope of Work (Doc. No. 15963-000-TE-SOW-0001).Supply, Handling, testing, Transportation to site, loading & unloading, storage of equipment at site etc. of 6mm² and
all required hardware for earthing of OFC cableNotes:1. Bidder to note that for supply of earthing cable for OFC earthing shall be at all the stations
Despatch/Recieving/IP/TOP/SV/Bottling Plant.
252 Sup of Installation material 12801-HCPL HASSAN Lot 7 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of below listed items including design, supply, testing, transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer-in-Charge
and as per Scope of Work (Doc. No. 15963-000-TE-SOW-0001).Supply, Handling, testing, Transportation to site, loading & unloading, storage of equipment at site etc. of cable tags,
PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. for telecom cable installation at site including supply of sand & cable route markers for underground cables.Note:1. Bidder to note that Telecom cables shall
be free issued to bidder.2. Type of Cable and cable quantity for installation are covered under separate line item.3. Bidder shall consider all items required for installation and laying of
Telecom cables at site.
253 INS.ICCABLE:1Px1.5mm²- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 850 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable
Schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS -0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as
specified In Instrument And Fire & Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002),
Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002) with Proper clamping and
dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification and drawings or Engineer-in-charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking,
transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with
the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel
end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as
directed by Engineer-in-Charge at site.Installation of 1Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, IS CABLE, BLUE COLOURED.
254 INS.IC.CABLE:2Px1.5mm²- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 50 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable
Schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS -0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as
specified In Instrument And Fire & Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002),
Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002) with Proper clamping and
dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification and drawings or Engineer-in-charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking,
transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with
the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel
end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as
directed by Engineer-in-Charge at site.Installation of 2Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/IOSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, IS CABLE, BLUE COLOURED.
255 INS.ICCABLE:2Px1.5mm²- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 510 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable
Schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS -0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as
specified In Instrument And Fire & Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002),
Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002) with Proper clamping and
dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification and drawings or Engineer-in-charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking,
transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with
the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel
end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as
directed by Engineer-in-Charge at site.Installation of 2Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, IS CABLE, BLUE COLOURED.
256 INS.IC.CABLE:6Px1.5mm²- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 175 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable
Schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS -0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as
specified In Instrument And Fire & Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002),
Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002) with Proper clamping and
dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification and drawings or Engineer-in-charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking,
transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with
the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel
end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as
directed by Engineer-in-Charge at site.Installation of 6Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/IOSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, IS CABLE, BLUE COLOURED.
257 INS.ICCABLE:6Px1.5mm²- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 50 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable
Schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS -0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as
specified In Instrument And Fire & Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002),
Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002) with Proper clamping and
dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification and drawings or Engineer-in-charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking,
transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with
the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel
end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as
directed by Engineer-in-Charge at site.Installation of 6Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, IS CABLE, BLUE COLOURED.
258 INS.IC.CABLE:12Px1.5mm²- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 10 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable
Schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS -0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as
specified In Instrument And Fire & Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002),
Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002) with Proper clamping and
dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification and drawings or Engineer-in-charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking,
transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with
the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel
end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as
directed by Engineer-in-Charge at site.Installation of 12Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/IOSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, IS CABLE, BLUE COLOURED.
259 INS.ICCABLE:12Px1.5mm²- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 275 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable
Schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS -0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as
specified In Instrument And Fire & Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002),
Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002) with Proper clamping and
dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification and drawings or Engineer-in-charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking,
transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with
the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel
end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as
directed by Engineer-in-Charge at site.Installation of 12Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, IS CABLE, BLUE COLOURED.
260 INS.ICCABLE:24Px1.5mm²- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 10 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable
Schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS -0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as
specified In Instrument And Fire & Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002),
Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002) with Proper clamping and
dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification and drawings or Engineer-in-charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking,
transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with
the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel
end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as
directed by Engineer-in-Charge at site.Installation of 24Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC,FLAME RETARDANT, IS CABLE, BLUE COLOURED.
261 INS.ICCABLE:1Px1.5mm²- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 50 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable
Schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS -0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as
specified In Instrument And Fire & Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002),
Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002) with Proper clamping and
dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification and drawings or Engineer-in-charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking,
transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with
the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel
end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as
directed by Engineer-in-Charge at site.Installation of 1Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, NIS CABLE, BLACK COLOURED.
262 INS.IC.CABLE:2Px1.5mm²- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 525 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable
Schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS -0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as
specified In Instrument And Fire & Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002),
Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002) with Proper clamping and
dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification and drawings or Engineer-in-charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking,
transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with
the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel
end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as
directed by Engineer-in-Charge at site.Installation of 2Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/IOSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, NIS CABLE, BLACK COLOURED.
263 INS.ICCABLE:2Px1.5mm²- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 175 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable
Schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS -0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as
specified In Instrument And Fire & Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002),
Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002) with Proper clamping and
dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification and drawings or Engineer-in-charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking,
transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with
the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel
end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as
directed by Engineer-in-Charge at site.Installation of 2Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, NIS CABLE, BLACK COLOURED.
264 INS.IC.CABLE:6Px1.5mm²- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 50 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable
Schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS -0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as
specified In Instrument And Fire & Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002),
Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002) with Proper clamping and
dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification and drawings or Engineer-in-charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking,
transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with
the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel
end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as
directed by Engineer-in-Charge at site.Installation of 6Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/IOSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, NIS CABLE, BLACK COLOURED.
265 INS.ICCABLE:6Px1.5mm²- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 525 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable
Schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS -0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as
specified In Instrument And Fire & Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002),
Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002) with Proper clamping and
dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification and drawings or Engineer-in-charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking,
transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with
the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel
end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as
directed by Engineer-in-Charge at site.Installation of 6Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, NIS CABLE, BLACK COLOURED.
266 INS.ICCBLE:12Px1.5mm²- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 100 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable
Schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS -0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as
specified In Instrument And Fire & Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002),
Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002) with Proper clamping and
dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification and drawings or Engineer-in-charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking,
transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with
the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel
end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as
directed by Engineer-in-Charge at site.Installation of 12Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/IOSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, NIS CABLE, BLACK COLOURED.
267 INS.IC.CBLE:12Px1.5mm²- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 10 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable
Schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS -0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as
specified In Instrument And Fire & Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002),
Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002) with Proper clamping and
dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification and drawings or Engineer-in-charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking,
transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with
the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel
end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as
directed by Engineer-in-Charge at site.Installation of 12Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, NIS CABLE, BLACK COLOURED.
268 INS.ICCBLE:24Px1.5mm²- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 100 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable
Schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS -0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as
specified In Instrument And Fire & Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002),
Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002) with Proper clamping and
dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification and drawings or Engineer-in-charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking,
transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with
the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel
end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as
directed by Engineer-in-Charge at site.Installation of 24Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC,FLAME RETARDANT, NIS CABLE, BLACK COLOURED.
269 INS.F&GCABLE:1Px1.5mm²(AG) 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 4350 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable
Schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS -0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as
specified In Instrument And Fire & Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002),
Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002) with Proper clamping and
dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification and drawings or Engineer-in-charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking,
transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with
the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel
end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as
directed by Engineer-in-Charge at site.Installation of 1Px1.5 mm²/XLPE /OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC-FIRE RESISTANT WITH MICA GLASS TAPE, RED COLOURED.
270 INS.F&GCABLE:6Px1.5mm²(AG) 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 425 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable
Schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS -0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as
specified In Instrument And Fire & Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002),
Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002) with Proper clamping and
dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification and drawings or Engineer-in-charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking,
transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with
the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel
end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as
directed by Engineer-in-Charge at site.Installation of 6PX1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC-FIRE RESISTANT WITH MICA GLASS TAPE, RED COLOURED.
271 INS.F&GCABLE:12Px1.5mm²(A 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 25 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable
Schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS -0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as
specified In Instrument And Fire & Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002),
Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002) with Proper clamping and
dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification and drawings or Engineer-in-charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking,
transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with
the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel
end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as
directed by Engineer-in-Charge at site.Installation of 12PX1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC-FIRE RESISTANT WITH MICA GLASS TAPE, RED COLOURED.
272 INS.F&GCABLE:2Cx2.5mm²(AG) 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 860 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable
Schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS -0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as
specified In Instrument And Fire & Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002),
Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002) with Proper clamping and
dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification and drawings or Engineer-in-charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking,
transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with
the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel
end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as
directed by Engineer-in-Charge at site.Installation of 2Cx2.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC-FIRE RESISTANT WITH MICA GLASS TAPE, RED COLOURED.
273 INS.F&GCABLE:12Cx2.5mm²(A 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 400 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable
Schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS -0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as
specified In Instrument And Fire & Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002),
Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002) with Proper clamping and
dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification and drawings or Engineer-in-charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking,
transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with
the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel
end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as
directed by Engineer-in-Charge at site.Installation of 12Cx2.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC-FIRE RESISTANT WITH MICA GLASS TAPE, RED COLOURED.
274 INS.F&GCABLE:1Tx1.5mm²(AG) 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 690 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable
Schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS -0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as
specified In Instrument And Fire & Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002),
Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002) with Proper clamping and
dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification and drawings or Engineer-in-charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking,
transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with
the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel
end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as
directed by Engineer-in-Charge at site.Installation of 1Tx1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC-FIRE RESISTANT WITH MICA GLASS TAPE, RED COLOURED.
275 INS.F&GCABLE:8Tx1.5mm²(AG) 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 400 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable
Schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS -0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as
specified In Instrument And Fire & Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002),
Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002) with Proper clamping and
dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification and drawings or Engineer-in-charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking,
transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with
the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel
end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as
directed by Engineer-in-Charge at site.Installation of 8Tx1.5 mm²/XLPE/IOSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC-FIRE RESISTANT WITH MICA GLASS TAPE, RED COLOURED.
276 INS.F&GCABLE:12Tx1.5mm²(AG 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 25 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable
Schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS -0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as
specified In Instrument And Fire & Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002),
Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002) with Proper clamping and
dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification and drawings or Engineer-in-charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking,
transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with
the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel
end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as
directed by Engineer-in-Charge at site.Installation of 12Tx1.5 mm²/XLPE/IOSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC-FIRE RESISTANT WITH MICA GLASS TAPE, RED COLOURED.
277 INS.SERIALCABLES-4P 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 1440 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable
Schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS -0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as
specified In Instrument And Fire & Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002),
Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002) with Proper clamping and
dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification and drawings or Engineer-in-charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking,
transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with
the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel
end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as
directed by Engineer-in-Charge at site.Installation of 4Px0.25 mm² (RS-485)
DESCRIPTION => Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable
Schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS -0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as
specified In Instrument And Fire & Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002),
Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002) with Proper clamping and
dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification and drawings or Engineer-in-charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking,
transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with
the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel
end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as
directed by Engineer-in-Charge at site.Installation of CAT 6 Cable
279 INS.ICCABLE:1Px1.5mm²- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 150 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable
Schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS -0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as
specified In Instrument And Fire & Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002),
Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002) with Proper clamping and
dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification and drawings or Engineer-in-charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking,
transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with
the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Underground(UG) installation shall include Laying of cables, excavation, sand filling, back filling, separation etc. & installation of cable
route marker as per Instrument /Fire and Gas Installation details (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) for all trenches, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (Instrument
end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling, including the cost of all labor, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and
standards and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge at site.Installation of 1Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, IS CABLE, BLUE COLOURED.
280 INS.ICCABLE:2Px1.5mm²- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 50 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable
Schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS -0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as
specified In Instrument And Fire & Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002),
Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002) with Proper clamping and
dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification and drawings or Engineer-in-charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking,
transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with
the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Underground(UG) installation shall include Laying of cables, excavation, sand filling, back filling, separation etc. & installation of cable
route marker as per Instrument /Fire and Gas Installation details (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) for all trenches, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (Instrument
end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling, including the cost of all labor, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and
standards and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge at site.Installation of 2Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/IOSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, IS CABLE, BLUE COLOURED.
281 INS.IC.CABLE:6Px1.5mm²- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 525 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable
Schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS -0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as
specified In Instrument And Fire & Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002),
Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002) with Proper clamping and
dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification and drawings or Engineer-in-charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking,
transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with
the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Underground(UG) installation shall include Laying of cables, excavation, sand filling, back filling, separation etc. & installation of cable
route marker as per Instrument /Fire and Gas Installation details (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) for all trenches, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (Instrument
end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling, including the cost of all labor, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and
standards and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge at site.Installation of 6Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/IOSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, IS CABLE, BLUE COLOURED.
282 INS.ICCABLE:6Px1.5mm²- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 50 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable
Schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS -0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as
specified In Instrument And Fire & Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002),
Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002) with Proper clamping and
dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification and drawings or Engineer-in-charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking,
transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with
the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Underground(UG) installation shall include Laying of cables, excavation, sand filling, back filling, separation etc. & installation of cable
route marker as per Instrument /Fire and Gas Installation details (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) for all trenches, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (Instrument
end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling, including the cost of all labor, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and
standards and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge at site.Installation of 6Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, IS CABLE, BLUE COLOURED.
283 INS.IC.CABLE:12Px1.5mm²- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 90 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable
Schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS -0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as
specified In Instrument And Fire & Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002),
Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002) with Proper clamping and
dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification and drawings or Engineer-in-charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking,
transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with
the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Underground(UG) installation shall include Laying of cables, excavation, sand filling, back filling, separation etc. & installation of cable
route marker as per Instrument /Fire and Gas Installation details (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) for all trenches, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (Instrument
end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling, including the cost of all labor, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and
standards and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge at site.Installation of 12Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/IOSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, IS CABLE, BLUE COLOURED.
284 INS.ICCABLE:12Px1.5mm²- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 825 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable
Schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS -0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as
specified In Instrument And Fire & Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002),
Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002) with Proper clamping and
dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification and drawings or Engineer-in-charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking,
transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with
the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Underground(UG) installation shall include Laying of cables, excavation, sand filling, back filling, separation etc. & installation of cable
route marker as per Instrument /Fire and Gas Installation details (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) for all trenches, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (Instrument
end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling, including the cost of all labor, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and
standards and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge at site.Installation of 12Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, IS CABLE, BLUE COLOURED.
285 INS.ICCABLE:24Px1.5mm²- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 10 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable
Schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS -0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as
specified In Instrument And Fire & Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002),
Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002) with Proper clamping and
dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification and drawings or Engineer-in-charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking,
transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with
the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Underground(UG) installation shall include Laying of cables, excavation, sand filling, back filling, separation etc. & installation of cable
route marker as per Instrument /Fire and Gas Installation details (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) for all trenches, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (Instrument
end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling, including the cost of all labor, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and
standards and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge at site.Installation of 24Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC,FLAME RETARDANT, IS CABLE, BLUE COLOURED.
286 INS.ICCABLE:1Px1.5mm²- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 50 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable
Schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS -0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as
specified In Instrument And Fire & Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002),
Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002) with Proper clamping and
dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification and drawings or Engineer-in-charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking,
transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with
the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Underground(UG) installation shall include Laying of cables, excavation, sand filling, back filling, separation etc. & installation of cable
route marker as per Instrument /Fire and Gas Installation details (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) for all trenches, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (Instrument
end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling, including the cost of all labor, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and
standards and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge at site.Installation of 1Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, NIS CABLE, BLACK COLOURED.
287 INS.IC.CABLE:2Px1.5mm²- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 1085 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable
Schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS -0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as
specified In Instrument And Fire & Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002),
Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002) with Proper clamping and
dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification and drawings or Engineer-in-charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking,
transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with
the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Underground(UG) installation shall include Laying of cables, excavation, sand filling, back filling, separation etc. & installation of cable
route marker as per Instrument /Fire and Gas Installation details (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) for all trenches, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (Instrument
end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling, including the cost of all labor, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and
standards and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge at site.Installation of 2Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/IOSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, NIS CABLE, BLACK COLOURED.
288 INS.ICCABLE:2Px1.5mm²- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 525 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable
Schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS -0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as
specified In Instrument And Fire & Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002),
Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002) with Proper clamping and
dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification and drawings or Engineer-in-charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking,
transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with
the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Underground(UG) installation shall include Laying of cables, excavation, sand filling, back filling, separation etc. & installation of cable
route marker as per Instrument /Fire and Gas Installation details (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) for all trenches, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (Instrument
end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling, including the cost of all labor, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and
standards and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge at site.Installation of 2Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, NIS CABLE, BLACK COLOURED.
289 INS.IC.CABLE:6Px1.5mm²- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 50 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable
Schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS -0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as
specified In Instrument And Fire & Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002),
Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002) with Proper clamping and
dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification and drawings or Engineer-in-charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking,
transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with
the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Underground(UG) installation shall include Laying of cables, excavation, sand filling, back filling, separation etc. & installation of cable
route marker as per Instrument /Fire and Gas Installation details (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) for all trenches, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (Instrument
end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling, including the cost of all labor, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and
standards and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge at site.Installation of 6Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/IOSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, NIS CABLE, BLACK COLOURED.
290 INS.ICCABLE:6Px1.5mm²- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 525 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable
Schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS -0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as
specified In Instrument And Fire & Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002),
Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002) with Proper clamping and
dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification and drawings or Engineer-in-charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking,
transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with
the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Underground(UG) installation shall include Laying of cables, excavation, sand filling, back filling, separation etc. & installation of cable
route marker as per Instrument /Fire and Gas Installation details (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) for all trenches, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (Instrument
end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling, including the cost of all labor, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and
standards and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge at site.Installation of 6Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, NIS CABLE, BLACK COLOURED.
291 INS.IC.CBLE:12Px1.5mm²- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 300 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable
Schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS -0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as
specified In Instrument And Fire & Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002),
Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002) with Proper clamping and
dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification and drawings or Engineer-in-charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking,
transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with
the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Underground(UG) installation shall include Laying of cables, excavation, sand filling, back filling, separation etc. & installation of cable
route marker as per Instrument /Fire and Gas Installation details (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) for all trenches, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (Instrument
end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling, including the cost of all labor, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and
standards and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge at site.Installation of 12Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/IOSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, NIS CABLE, BLACK COLOURED.
292 INS.ICCABLE:12Px1.5mm²- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 10 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable
Schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS -0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as
specified In Instrument And Fire & Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002),
Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002) with Proper clamping and
dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification and drawings or Engineer-in-charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking,
transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with
the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Underground(UG) installation shall include Laying of cables, excavation, sand filling, back filling, separation etc. & installation of cable
route marker as per Instrument /Fire and Gas Installation details (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) for all trenches, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (Instrument
end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling, including the cost of all labor, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and
standards and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge at site.Installation of 12Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, NIS CABLE, BLACK COLOURED.
293 INS.ICCABLE:24Px1.5mm²- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 400 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable
Schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS -0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as
specified In Instrument And Fire & Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002),
Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002) with Proper clamping and
dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification and drawings or Engineer-in-charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking,
transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with
the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Underground(UG) installation shall include Laying of cables, excavation, sand filling, back filling, separation etc. & installation of cable
route marker as per Instrument /Fire and Gas Installation details (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) for all trenches, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (Instrument
end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling, including the cost of all labor, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and
standards and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge at site.Installation of 24Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC,FLAME RETARDANT, NIS CABLE, BLACK COLOURED.
294 INS.F&GCABLE:1Px1.5mm²(UG) 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 450 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable
Schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS -0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as
specified In Instrument And Fire & Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002),
Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002) with Proper clamping and
dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification and drawings or Engineer-in-charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking,
transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with
the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Underground(UG) installation shall include Laying of cables, excavation, sand filling, back filling, separation etc. & installation of cable
route marker as per Instrument /Fire and Gas Installation details (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) for all trenches, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (Instrument
end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling, including the cost of all labor, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and
standards and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge at site.Installation of 1Px1.5 mm²/XLPE /OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC-FIRE RESISTANT WITH MICA GLASS TAPE, RED
295 INS.F&GCABLE:6Px1.5mm²(UG) 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 225 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable
Schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS -0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as
specified In Instrument And Fire & Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002),
Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002) with Proper clamping and
dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification and drawings or Engineer-in-charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking,
transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with
the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Underground(UG) installation shall include Laying of cables, excavation, sand filling, back filling, separation etc. & installation of cable
route marker as per Instrument /Fire and Gas Installation details (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) for all trenches, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (Instrument
end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling, including the cost of all labor, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and
standards and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge at site.Installation of 6PX1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC-FIRE RESISTANT WITH MICA GLASS TAPE, RED
296 INS.F&GCABLE:12Px1.5mm²(U 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 75 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable
Schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS -0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as
specified In Instrument And Fire & Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002),
Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002) with Proper clamping and
dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification and drawings or Engineer-in-charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking,
transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with
the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Underground(UG) installation shall include Laying of cables, excavation, sand filling, back filling, separation etc. & installation of cable
route marker as per Instrument /Fire and Gas Installation details (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) for all trenches, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (Instrument
end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling, including the cost of all labor, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and
standards and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge at site.Installation of 12PX1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC-FIRE RESISTANT WITH MICA GLASS TAPE, RED
297 INS.F&GCABLE:12Cx2.5mm²(U 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 1250 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable
Schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS -0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as
specified In Instrument And Fire & Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002),
Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002) with Proper clamping and
dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification and drawings or Engineer-in-charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking,
transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with
the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Underground(UG) installation shall include Laying of cables, excavation, sand filling, back filling, separation etc. & installation of cable
route marker as per Instrument /Fire and Gas Installation details (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) for all trenches, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (Instrument
end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling, including the cost of all labor, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and
standards and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge at site.Installation of 12Cx2.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC-FIRE RESISTANT WITH MICA GLASS TAPE, RED
298 INS.F&GCABLE:1Tx1.5mm²(UG) 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 10 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable
Schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS -0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as
specified In Instrument And Fire & Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002),
Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002) with Proper clamping and
dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification and drawings or Engineer-in-charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking,
transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with
the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Underground(UG) installation shall include Laying of cables, excavation, sand filling, back filling, separation etc. & installation of cable
route marker as per Instrument /Fire and Gas Installation details (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) for all trenches, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (Instrument
end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling, including the cost of all labor, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and
standards and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge at site.Installation of 1Tx1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC-FIRE RESISTANT WITH MICA GLASS TAPE, RED
299 INS.F&GCABLE:8Tx1.5mm²(UG) 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 1200 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable
Schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS -0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as
specified In Instrument And Fire & Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002),
Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002) with Proper clamping and
dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification and drawings or Engineer-in-charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking,
transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with
the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Underground(UG) installation shall include Laying of cables, excavation, sand filling, back filling, separation etc. & installation of cable
route marker as per Instrument /Fire and Gas Installation details (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) for all trenches, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (Instrument
end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling, including the cost of all labor, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and
standards and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge at site.Installation of 8Tx1.5 mm²/XLPE/IOSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC-FIRE RESISTANT WITH MICA GLASS TAPE, RED
300 INS.F&GCABLE:12Tx1.5mm²(U 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 75 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable
Schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS -0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as
specified In Instrument And Fire & Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-150-IC-DAL-0002),
Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002) with Proper clamping and
dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification and drawings or Engineer-in-charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking,
transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with
the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Underground(UG) installation shall include Laying of cables, excavation, sand filling, back filling, separation etc. & installation of cable
route marker as per Instrument /Fire and Gas Installation details (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) for all trenches, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (Instrument
end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling, including the cost of all labor, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and
standards and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge at site.Installation of 12Tx1.5 mm²/XLPE/IOSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC-FIRE RESISTANT WITH MICA GLASS TAPE, RED
301 INS. PCT: 50X50X3x3000mm 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 645 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Laying and installation of below listed hot dip galvanized steel perforated & ladder type cable trays with covers as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk
Material (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0009), Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Instrument and Fire & Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc.
No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002,Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002,
15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002). 15963-150-IC-DAL -0002), Instrument /Fire and Gas Installation details (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) & Instrumentation
and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001) on structural support as per the
drawing or Engineer-in-charge at site with proper clamping, cable clamps, necessary bends, jointing and necessary coupling. Structural support will be measured and paid for separately,
including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge at site.Rate shall also include
installation of supporting arrangements as per installation drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001).Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading,
unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work (including
chipping of concrete (as required) and making it good again), manpower in line with the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Installation of Hot Dip Galvanized Steel Perforated
Cable Trays With cover & of 50mm Width X 50mm Height X 3mm Thick, 3000mm Long
302 INS. PCT:100X50X3x3000mm 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 290 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Laying and installation of below listed hot dip galvanized steel perforated & ladder type cable trays with covers as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk
Material (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0009), Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Instrument and Fire & Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc.
No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002,Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002,
15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002). 15963-150-IC-DAL -0002), Instrument /Fire and Gas Installation details (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) & Instrumentation
and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001) on structural support as per the
drawing or Engineer-in-charge at site with proper clamping, cable clamps, necessary bends, jointing and necessary coupling. Structural support will be measured and paid for separately,
including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge at site.Rate shall also include
installation of supporting arrangements as per installation drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001).Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading,
unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work (including
chipping of concrete (as required) and making it good again), manpower in line with the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Installation of Hot Dip Galvanized Steel Perforated
Cable Trays With cover & of 100mm Width X 50mm Height X 3mm Thick, 3000mm Long
303 INS. PCT:200X50X3x3000mm 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 90 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Laying and installation of below listed hot dip galvanized steel perforated & ladder type cable trays with covers as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk
Material (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0009), Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Instrument and Fire & Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc.
No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002,Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002,
15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002). 15963-150-IC-DAL -0002), Instrument /Fire and Gas Installation details (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) & Instrumentation
and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001) on structural support as per the
drawing or Engineer-in-charge at site with proper clamping, cable clamps, necessary bends, jointing and necessary coupling. Structural support will be measured and paid for separately,
including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge at site.Rate shall also include
installation of supporting arrangements as per installation drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001).Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading,
unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work (including
chipping of concrete (as required) and making it good again), manpower in line with the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Installation of Hot Dip Galvanized Steel Perforated
Cable Trays With cover & of 200mm Width X 50mm Height X 3mm Thick, 3000mm Long
304 INS. PCT:300X50X3x3000mm 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 55 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Laying and installation of below listed hot dip galvanized steel perforated & ladder type cable trays with covers as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk
Material (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0009), Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Instrument and Fire & Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc.
No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002,Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002,
15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002). 15963-150-IC-DAL -0002), Instrument /Fire and Gas Installation details (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) & Instrumentation
and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001) on structural support as per the
drawing or Engineer-in-charge at site with proper clamping, cable clamps, necessary bends, jointing and necessary coupling. Structural support will be measured and paid for separately,
including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge at site.Rate shall also include
installation of supporting arrangements as per installation drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001).Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading,
unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work (including
chipping of concrete (as required) and making it good again), manpower in line with the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Installation of Hot Dip Galvanized Steel Perforated
Cable Trays With cover & of 300mm Width X 50mm Height X 3mm Thick, 3000mm Long
305 INS. LCT:450X100x3000mm 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 27 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Laying and installation of below listed hot dip galvanized steel perforated & ladder type cable trays with covers as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk
Material (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0009), Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Instrument and Fire & Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc.
No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0002, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0002,Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002,
15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002). 15963-150-IC-DAL -0002), Instrument /Fire and Gas Installation details (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) & Instrumentation
and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001) on structural support as per the
drawing or Engineer-in-charge at site with proper clamping, cable clamps, necessary bends, jointing and necessary coupling. Structural support will be measured and paid for separately,
including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge at site.Rate shall also include
installation of supporting arrangements as per installation drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001).Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading,
unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work (including
chipping of concrete (as required) and making it good again), manpower in line with the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Installation of Hot Dip Galvanized Steel Ladder Cable
Trays With cover & of 450 mm Width X 100mm Height, 3000mm Long
306 INS.JB:6PX1.5mm²,25Terminals 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 17 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of below listed explosion proof junction boxes & pull boxes including, fabrication and installation of supports, installation of junction boxes with
earthing cable, tag plates, screwing certified blanking plugs for unused entries as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0009),
Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable
schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001) including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc.
as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading,
unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower
in line with the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Rate shall also include supply & installation of supporting arrangements such as concrete, excavation, structural steel including
anchor bolt with hex nut & flat, shake proof washer, CS base plate, CS plate, CS channel, cable tray, earthing boss, nut & washer, complete as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No.
15963-000-IC-DID-0001).Installation of 6PX1.5 mm², 25 Terminals, LM6, Explosion proof (IP65)
307 INS.JB:12PX1.5mm²,40Terminal 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 17 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of below listed explosion proof junction boxes & pull boxes including, fabrication and installation of supports, installation of junction boxes with
earthing cable, tag plates, screwing certified blanking plugs for unused entries as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0009),
Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable
schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001) including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc.
as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading,
unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower
in line with the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Rate shall also include supply & installation of supporting arrangements such as concrete, excavation, structural steel including
anchor bolt with hex nut & flat, shake proof washer, CS base plate, CS plate, CS channel, cable tray, earthing boss, nut & washer, complete as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No.
15963-000-IC-DID-0001).Installation of 12PX1.5 mm², 40 Terminals, LM6, Explosion proof (IP65)
308 INS.JB:24PX1.5mm²,80Terminal 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 5 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of below listed explosion proof junction boxes & pull boxes including, fabrication and installation of supports, installation of junction boxes with
earthing cable, tag plates, screwing certified blanking plugs for unused entries as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0009),
Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable
schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001) including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc.
as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading,
unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower
in line with the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Rate shall also include supply & installation of supporting arrangements such as concrete, excavation, structural steel including
anchor bolt with hex nut & flat, shake proof washer, CS base plate, CS plate, CS channel, cable tray, earthing boss, nut & washer, complete as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No.
15963-000-IC-DID-0001).Installation of 24PX1.5 mm², 80 Terminals, LM6, Explosion proof (IP65)
309 INS.JB:12CX2.5mm²,25Terminal 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 17 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of below listed explosion proof junction boxes & pull boxes including, fabrication and installation of supports, installation of junction boxes with
earthing cable, tag plates, screwing certified blanking plugs for unused entries as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0009),
Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable
schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001) including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc.
as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading,
unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower
in line with the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Rate shall also include supply & installation of supporting arrangements such as concrete, excavation, structural steel including
anchor bolt with hex nut & flat, shake proof washer, CS base plate, CS plate, CS channel, cable tray, earthing boss, nut & washer, complete as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No.
15963-000-IC-DID-0001).Installation of 12Cx2.5 mm², 25 Terminals, LM6, Explosion proof (IP65)
310 INS.JB:12TX1.5mm²,50Terminals 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 1 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of below listed explosion proof junction boxes & pull boxes including, fabrication and installation of supports, installation of junction boxes with
earthing cable, tag plates, screwing certified blanking plugs for unused entries as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0009),
Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable
schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001) including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc.
as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading,
unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower
in line with the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Rate shall also include supply & installation of supporting arrangements such as concrete, excavation, structural steel including
anchor bolt with hex nut & flat, shake proof washer, CS base plate, CS plate, CS channel, cable tray, earthing boss, nut & washer, complete as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No.
15963-000-IC-DID-0001).Installation of 12Tx1.5 mm², 50 Terminals, LM6, Explosion proof (IP65)
311 INS.JB:8TX1.5mm²,36Terminals 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 16 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of below listed explosion proof junction boxes & pull boxes including, fabrication and installation of supports, installation of junction boxes with
earthing cable, tag plates, screwing certified blanking plugs for unused entries as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0009),
Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable
schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001) including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc.
as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading,
unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower
in line with the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Rate shall also include supply & installation of supporting arrangements such as concrete, excavation, structural steel including
anchor bolt with hex nut & flat, shake proof washer, CS base plate, CS plate, CS channel, cable tray, earthing boss, nut & washer, complete as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No.
15963-000-IC-DID-0001).Installation of 8Tx1.5 mm², 36 Terminals, LM6, Explosion proof (IP65)
DESCRIPTION => Installation of below listed explosion proof junction boxes & pull boxes including, fabrication and installation of supports, installation of junction boxes with
earthing cable, tag plates, screwing certified blanking plugs for unused entries as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0009),
Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable
schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001) including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc.
as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading,
unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower
in line with the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Rate shall also include supply & installation of supporting arrangements such as concrete, excavation, structural steel including
anchor bolt with hex nut & flat, shake proof washer, CS base plate, CS plate, CS channel, cable tray, earthing boss, nut & washer, complete as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No.
15963-000-IC-DID-0001).Installation of Supply of Ex'd' certified pullboxes suitable for Zone 1, Gr. IIA/IIB, T3 and weatherproof to IP 65 minimum approved from PESO.
313 INS. CABLE GLANDS - 1/2" NPT 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 101 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of below listed cable glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs at instrument, junction box/field mounted panels & Control room panel side as per
Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0009), Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Installation
Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-
0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001) including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. As per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by the Engineer-in-
Charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within
the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Installation of 1/2" NPT Cable Gland,
Nickel Plated Brass, Ex'd' Certified, IP65
314 INS. CABLE GLANDS - 3/4" NPT 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 345 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of below listed cable glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs at instrument, junction box/field mounted panels & Control room panel side as per
Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0009), Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Installation
Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-
0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001) including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. As per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by the Engineer-in-
Charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within
the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Installation of 3/4" NPT Cable Gland,
Nickel Plated Brass, Ex'd' Certified, IP65
315 INS. CABLE GLANDS - 1" NPT 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 87 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of below listed cable glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs at instrument, junction box/field mounted panels & Control room panel side as per
Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0009), Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Installation
Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-
0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001) including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. As per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by the Engineer-in-
Charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within
the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Installation of 1" NPT Cable Gland,
Nickel Plated Brass, Ex'd' Certified, IP65
316 INS. CABLE GLANDS - 1 1/4" 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 26 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of below listed cable glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs at instrument, junction box/field mounted panels & Control room panel side as per
Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0009), Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Installation
Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-
0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001) including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. As per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by the Engineer-in-
Charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within
the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Installation of 1 1/4" NPT Cable Gland,
Nickel Plated Brass, Ex'd' Certified, IP65
317 INS. CABLE GLANDS - 1 1/2" 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 22 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of below listed cable glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs at instrument, junction box/field mounted panels & Control room panel side as per
Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0009), Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Installation
Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-
0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001) including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. As per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by the Engineer-in-
Charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within
the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Installation of 1 1/2" NPT Cable Gland,
Nickel Plated Brass, Ex'd' Certified, IP65
318 INS. CABLE GLANDS - 2" NPT 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 1 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of below listed cable glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs at instrument, junction box/field mounted panels & Control room panel side as per
Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0009), Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Installation
Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-
0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001) including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. As per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by the Engineer-in-
Charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within
the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Installation of 2" NPT Cable Gland,
Nickel Plated Brass, Ex'd' Certified, IP65
319 INS. REDUCERS - 1/2" X 3/4" 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 24 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of below listed cable glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs at instrument, junction box/field mounted panels & Control room panel side as per
Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0009), Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Installation
Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-
0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001) including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. As per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by the Engineer-in-
Charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within
the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Installation of 1/2" NPTM X 3/4" NPTF
Reducers, Nickel Plated Brass, Ex'd' Certified, IP65
320 INS. REDUCERS - 1/2" X 1" 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 24 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of below listed cable glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs at instrument, junction box/field mounted panels & Control room panel side as per
Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0009), Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Installation
Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-
0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001) including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. As per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by the Engineer-in-
Charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within
the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Installation of 1/2" NPTM X 1" NPTF
Reducers, Nickel Plated Brass, Ex'd' Certified, IP65
321 INS. REDUCERS - 3/4" X 1" 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 24 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of below listed cable glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs at instrument, junction box/field mounted panels & Control room panel side as per
Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0009), Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Installation
Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-
0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001) including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. As per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by the Engineer-in-
Charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within
the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Installation of 3/4" NPTM X 1" NPTF
Reducers, Nickel Plated Brass, Ex'd' Certified, IP65
322 INS. REDUCERS - 1" X 1 1/4" 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 24 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of below listed cable glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs at instrument, junction box/field mounted panels & Control room panel side as per
Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0009), Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Installation
Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-
0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001) including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. As per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by the Engineer-in-
Charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within
the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Installation of 1" NPTM X 1 1/4" NPTF
Reducers, Nickel Plated Brass, Ex'd' Certified, IP65
323 INS.REDUCERS -1 1/4" X 1 1/2" 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 24 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of below listed cable glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs at instrument, junction box/field mounted panels & Control room panel side as per
Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0009), Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Installation
Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-
0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001) including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. As per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by the Engineer-in-
Charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within
the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Installation of 1 1/4" NPTM X 1 1/2"
NPTF Reducers, Nickel Plated Brass, Ex'd' Certified, IP65
324 INS. ADAPTORS - M20 X 1/2" 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 24 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of below listed cable glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs at instrument, junction box/field mounted panels & Control room panel side as per
Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0009), Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Installation
Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-
0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001) including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. As per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by the Engineer-in-
Charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within
the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Installation of M20 M X 1/2" NPTF
Adaptors, Nickel Plated Brass, Ex'd' Certified, IP65
325 INS. ADAPTORS - M25 X 3/4" 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 24 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of below listed cable glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs at instrument, junction box/field mounted panels & Control room panel side as per
Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0009), Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Installation
Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-
0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001) including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. As per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by the Engineer-in-
Charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within
the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Installation of M25 M X 3/4" NPTF
Adaptors, Nickel Plated Brass, Ex'd' Certified, IP65
326 INS. ADAPTORS - M32 X 1" 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 24 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of below listed cable glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs at instrument, junction box/field mounted panels & Control room panel side as per
Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0009), Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Installation
Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-
0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001) including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. As per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by the Engineer-in-
Charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within
the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Installation of M32 M X 1" NPTF
Adaptors, Nickel Plated Brass, Ex'd' Certified, IP65
327 INS. CABLE GLANDS - 3/4" ET 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 1 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of below listed cable glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs at instrument, junction box/field mounted panels & Control room panel side as per
Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0009), Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Installation
Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-
0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001) including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. As per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by the Engineer-in-
Charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within
the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Installation of 3/4" ET Cable Gland,
Nickel Plated Brass, IP42
328 INS. CABLE GLANDS - 1" ET 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 59 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of below listed cable glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs at instrument, junction box/field mounted panels & Control room panel side as per
Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0009), Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Installation
Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-
0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001) including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. As per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by the Engineer-in-
Charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within
the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Installation of 1" ET Cable Gland,
Nickel Plated Brass, IP42
329 INS. CABLE GLANDS - 1 1/4" ET 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 31 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of below listed cable glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs at instrument, junction box/field mounted panels & Control room panel side as per
Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0009), Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Installation
Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-
0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001) including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. As per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by the Engineer-in-
Charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within
the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Installation of 1 1/4" ET Cable Gland,
Nickel Plated Brass, IP42
330 INS. CABLE GLANDS - 1 1/2" ET 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 26 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of below listed cable glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs at instrument, junction box/field mounted panels & Control room panel side as per
Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0009), Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Installation
Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-
0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001) including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. As per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by the Engineer-in-
Charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within
the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Installation of 1 1/2" ET Cable Gland,
Nickel Plated Brass, IP42
331 INS. CABLE GLANDS - 2" ET 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 22 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of below listed cable glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs at instrument, junction box/field mounted panels & Control room panel side as per
Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0009), Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Installation
Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-
0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001) including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. As per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by the Engineer-in-
Charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within
the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Installation of 2" ET Cable Gland,
Nickel Plated Brass, IP42
332 INS. CABLE GLANDS - 2 1/4" ET 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 1 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of below listed cable glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs at instrument, junction box/field mounted panels & Control room panel side as per
Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0009), Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Installation
Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-
0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001) including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. As per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by the Engineer-in-
Charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within
the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Installation of 2 1/4" ET Cable Gland,
Nickel Plated Brass, IP42
333 INS. BLIND PLUGS - 3/4" ET 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 24 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of below listed cable glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs at instrument, junction box/field mounted panels & Control room panel side as per
Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0009), Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Installation
Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-
0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001) including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. As per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by the Engineer-in-
Charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within
the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Installation of 3/4" ET Blind Plug,
Nickel Plated Brass, IP42
334 INS. BLIND PLUGS - 1" ET 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 24 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of below listed cable glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs at instrument, junction box/field mounted panels & Control room panel side as per
Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0009), Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Installation
Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-
0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001) including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. As per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by the Engineer-in-
Charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within
the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Installation of 1" ET Blind Plug, Nickel
Plated Brass, IP42
335 INS. BLIND PLUGS - 1 1/4" ET 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 24 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of below listed cable glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs at instrument, junction box/field mounted panels & Control room panel side as per
Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0009), Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Installation
Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-
0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001) including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. As per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by the Engineer-in-
Charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within
the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Installation of 1 1/4" ET Blind Plug,
Nickel Plated Brass, IP42
336 INS. BLIND PLUGS - 1 1/2" ET 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 24 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of below listed cable glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs at instrument, junction box/field mounted panels & Control room panel side as per
Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0009), Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Installation
Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-
0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001) including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. As per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by the Engineer-in-
Charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within
the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Installation of 1 1/2" ET Blind Plug,
Nickel Plated Brass, IP42
337 INS. BLIND PLUGS - 2" ET 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 24 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of below listed cable glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs at instrument, junction box/field mounted panels & Control room panel side as per
Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0009), Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Installation
Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-
0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001) including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. As per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by the Engineer-in-
Charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within
the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Installation of 2" ET Blind Plug, Nickel
Plated Brass, IP42
338 INS. BLIND PLUGS - 2 1/4" ET 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 24 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of below listed cable glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs at instrument, junction box/field mounted panels & Control room panel side as per
Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0009), Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Installation
Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-090-IC-DCS-0001, 15963-110-IC-DCS-
0001, 15963-150-IC-DCS-0001) including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. As per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by the Engineer-in-
Charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within
the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Installation of 2 1/4" ET Blind Plug,
Nickel Plated Brass, IP42
339 INS.CANOPY 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 99 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of canopies for field instruments made of FRP material with fitting accessories for 2" NB pipe mounting as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-
000-IC-DID-0001)Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location
within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.
340 INSTAL. MCT: FRAME: S 4X2 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 14 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of below listed Multi cable transit frame along with Fire resistant MCT Blocks and all the required accessories like wedges, stayplates etc. In control
room as per Control Room Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0001, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0001, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0001 & 15963-150-IC-DAL-0001) & Specification For
Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010).Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories
from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer-in-Charge
at site.Installation of MCT Frame: S 4X2
341 INSTAL. MCT: FRAME: S 4+4X2 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 1 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of below listed Multi cable transit frame along with Fire resistant MCT Blocks and all the required accessories like wedges, stayplates etc. In control
room as per Control Room Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0001, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0001, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0001 & 15963-150-IC-DAL-0001) & Specification For
Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010).Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories
from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer-in-Charge
at site.Installation of MCT Frame: S 4+4X2
342 INSTAL. MCT: FRAME: S 6X3 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 1 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of below listed Multi cable transit frame along with Fire resistant MCT Blocks and all the required accessories like wedges, stayplates etc. In control
room as per Control Room Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0001, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0001, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0001 & 15963-150-IC-DAL-0001) & Specification For
Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010).Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories
from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer-in-Charge
at site.Installation of MCT Frame: S 6X3
343 INSTAL. MCT BLOCK - RM20 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 49 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of below listed Multi cable transit frame along with Fire resistant MCT Blocks and all the required accessories like wedges, stayplates etc. In control
room as per Control Room Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0001, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0001, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0001 & 15963-150-IC-DAL-0001) & Specification For
Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010).Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories
from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer-in-Charge
at site.Installation of MCT Block RM20 Or Equivalent
344 INSTAL. MCT BLOCK - RM30 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 79 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of below listed Multi cable transit frame along with Fire resistant MCT Blocks and all the required accessories like wedges, stayplates etc. In control
room as per Control Room Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0001, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0001, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0001 & 15963-150-IC-DAL-0001) & Specification For
Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010).Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories
from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer-in-Charge
at site.Installation of MCT Block RM30 Or Equivalent
345 INSTAL. MCT BLOCK - RM40 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 34 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of below listed Multi cable transit frame along with Fire resistant MCT Blocks and all the required accessories like wedges, stayplates etc. In control
room as per Control Room Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0001, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0001, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0001 & 15963-150-IC-DAL-0001) & Specification For
Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010).Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories
from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer-in-Charge
at site.Installation of MCT Block RM40 Or Equivalent
346 INSTAL. MCT BLOCK - RM60 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 20 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of below listed Multi cable transit frame along with Fire resistant MCT Blocks and all the required accessories like wedges, stayplates etc. In control
room as per Control Room Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0001, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0001, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0001 & 15963-150-IC-DAL-0001) & Specification For
Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010).Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories
from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer-in-Charge
at site.Installation of MCT Block RM60 Or Equivalent
DESCRIPTION => Installation of below listed Multi cable transit frame along with Fire resistant MCT Blocks and all the required accessories like wedges, stayplates etc. In control
room as per Control Room Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0001, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0001, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0001 & 15963-150-IC-DAL-0001) & Specification For
Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010).Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories
from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer-in-Charge
at site.Installation of MCT Block RM20 Or Equivalent
DESCRIPTION => Installation of below listed Multi cable transit frame along with Fire resistant MCT Blocks and all the required accessories like wedges, stayplates etc. In control
room as per Control Room Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0001, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0001, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0001 & 15963-150-IC-DAL-0001) & Specification For
Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010).Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories
from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer-in-Charge
at site.Installation of MCT Block RM30 Or Equivalent
DESCRIPTION => Installation of below listed Multi cable transit frame along with Fire resistant MCT Blocks and all the required accessories like wedges, stayplates etc. In control
room as per Control Room Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0001, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0001, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0001 & 15963-150-IC-DAL-0001) & Specification For
Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010).Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories
from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer-in-Charge
at site.Installation of MCT Block RM40 Or Equivalent
DESCRIPTION => Installation of below listed Multi cable transit frame along with Fire resistant MCT Blocks and all the required accessories like wedges, stayplates etc. In control
room as per Control Room Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-IC-DAL-0001, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0001, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0001 & 15963-150-IC-DAL-0001) & Specification For
Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010).Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories
from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer-in-Charge
at site.Installation of MCT Block RM60 Or Equivalent
351 INS.:1"Dia.X3Mtr.LONG(UPVC) 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 74 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of below listed conduit pipe made of galvanized iron & UPVC material for cables going from below ground to above ground & required accessories as
per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-
0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002) & Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010).Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading,
unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work,
manpower in line with the directions of Engineer-in-charge at site.Installation of 1" Diameter X 3 Mtr. Long
352 INS.:2"DiaX3Mtr.LONG(UPVC) 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 17 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of below listed conduit pipe made of galvanized iron & UPVC material for cables going from below ground to above ground & required accessories as
per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-
0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002) & Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010).Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading,
unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work,
manpower in line with the directions of Engineer-in-charge at site.Installation of 2" Diameter X 3 Mtr. Long
353 INS.:3"DiaX3Mtr.LONG(UPVC) 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 9 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of below listed conduit pipe made of galvanized iron & UPVC material for cables going from below ground to above ground & required accessories as
per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-
0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002) & Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010).Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading,
unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work,
manpower in line with the directions of Engineer-in-charge at site.Installation of 3" Diameter X 3 Mtr. Long
354 INS.:1"Dia,FLEXIBLE(MELIC) 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 18 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of below listed conduit pipe made of galvanized iron & UPVC material for cables going from below ground to above ground & required accessories as
per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-
0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002) & Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010).Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading,
unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work,
manpower in line with the directions of Engineer-in-charge at site.Installation of 1" Diameter Flexible Metallic Conduit X 3 Mtr. Long
DESCRIPTION => Installation of below listed conduit pipe made of galvanized iron & UPVC material for cables going from below ground to above ground & required accessories as
per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-
0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002) & Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010).Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading,
unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work,
manpower in line with the directions of Engineer-in-charge at site.Installation of 1" Casing N Capping trunking X 3 Mtr. Long
DESCRIPTION => Installation, calibration, pre-commissioning & commissioning of below listed instruments including installation of required piping & tubing materials such as
fittings, pipes, tubes, unions, end plugs, compression fittings, supports for capillary etc. as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Hookups
(Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DHU-0001), Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) and Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation. Contractor's Scope
also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment,
assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Rate shall also include supply & installation of supporting
arrangements such as concrete, excavation, structural steel including anchor bolt with hex nut & flat, shake proof washer, CS base plate, CS plate, CS pipe seamless, CS channel, end
cap, cable tray, earthing boss, nut & washer, complete as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001).Installation of 2" Flanged, Flow switch
DESCRIPTION => Installation, calibration, pre-commissioning & commissioning of below listed instruments including installation of required piping & tubing materials such as
fittings, pipes, tubes, unions, end plugs, compression fittings, supports for capillary etc. as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Hookups
(Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DHU-0001), Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) and Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation. Contractor's Scope
also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment,
assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Rate shall also include supply & installation of supporting
arrangements such as concrete, excavation, structural steel including anchor bolt with hex nut & flat, shake proof washer, CS base plate, CS plate, CS pipe seamless, CS channel, end
cap, cable tray, earthing boss, nut & washer, complete as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001).Installation of 2" Flanged, Pressure Gauge with diaphragm seal
358 INS. PRESSURE 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 18 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation, calibration, pre-commissioning & commissioning of below listed instruments including installation of required piping & tubing materials such as
fittings, pipes, tubes, unions, end plugs, compression fittings, supports for capillary etc. as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Hookups
(Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DHU-0001), Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) and Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation. Contractor's Scope
also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment,
assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Rate shall also include supply & installation of supporting
arrangements such as concrete, excavation, structural steel including anchor bolt with hex nut & flat, shake proof washer, CS base plate, CS plate, CS pipe seamless, CS channel, end
cap, cable tray, earthing boss, nut & washer, complete as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001).Installation of 2" Flanged, Pressure Transmitter with diaphragm
DESCRIPTION => Installation, calibration, pre-commissioning & commissioning of below listed instruments including installation of required piping & tubing materials such as
fittings, pipes, tubes, unions, end plugs, compression fittings, supports for capillary etc. as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Hookups
(Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DHU-0001), Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) and Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation. Contractor's Scope
also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment,
assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Rate shall also include supply & installation of supporting
arrangements such as concrete, excavation, structural steel including anchor bolt with hex nut & flat, shake proof washer, CS base plate, CS plate, CS pipe seamless, CS channel, end
cap, cable tray, earthing boss, nut & washer, complete as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001).Installation of 2" Flanged, Head Mounted Temperature
Transmitter with Temperature element and Thermowell
DESCRIPTION => Installation, calibration, pre-commissioning & commissioning of below listed instruments including installation of required piping & tubing materials such as
fittings, pipes, tubes, unions, end plugs, compression fittings, supports for capillary etc. as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Hookups
(Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DHU-0001), Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) and Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation. Contractor's Scope
also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment,
assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Rate shall also include supply & installation of supporting
arrangements such as concrete, excavation, structural steel including anchor bolt with hex nut & flat, shake proof washer, CS base plate, CS plate, CS pipe seamless, CS channel, end
cap, cable tray, earthing boss, nut & washer, complete as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001).Installation of Remote Mounted Temperature Transmitter with
Temperature element (Skin Type)
DESCRIPTION => Pre-commissioning & commissioning of below listed instruments as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.Installation of Hand operated
Valve with Limit Switches.
DESCRIPTION => Pre-commissioning & commissioning of below listed instruments as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.Installation of Motor operated
DESCRIPTION => Pre-commissioning & commissioning of below listed instruments as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation.Installation of Non-intrusive
type pig signaller
DESCRIPTION => Installation, calibration, pre-commissioning & commissioning of below listed F&G instruments including installation of required accessories as per Specification
For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) and Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender-
Instrumentation. Contractor's Scope also Include receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location
within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Rate shall also include supply &
installation of supporting arrangements such as concrete, excavation, structural steel including anchor bolt with hex nut & flat, shake proof washer, CS base plate, CS plate, CS pipe
seamless, CS channel, end cap, cable tray, earthing boss, nut & washer, complete as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001).Installation of Hydrocarbon gas
detector-IR type outside building
DESCRIPTION => Installation, calibration, pre-commissioning & commissioning of below listed F&G instruments including installation of required accessories as per Specification
For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) and Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender-
Instrumentation. Contractor's Scope also Include receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location
within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Rate shall also include supply &
installation of supporting arrangements such as concrete, excavation, structural steel including anchor bolt with hex nut & flat, shake proof washer, CS base plate, CS plate, CS pipe
seamless, CS channel, end cap, cable tray, earthing boss, nut & washer, complete as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001).Installation of Audible alarm outside
DESCRIPTION => Installation, calibration, pre-commissioning & commissioning of below listed F&G instruments including installation of required accessories as per Specification
For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) and Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender-
Instrumentation. Contractor's Scope also Include receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location
within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Rate shall also include supply &
installation of supporting arrangements such as concrete, excavation, structural steel including anchor bolt with hex nut & flat, shake proof washer, CS base plate, CS plate, CS pipe
seamless, CS channel, end cap, cable tray, earthing boss, nut & washer, complete as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001).Installation of Audible alarm inside
DESCRIPTION => Installation, calibration, pre-commissioning & commissioning of below listed F&G instruments including installation of required accessories as per Specification
For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) and Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender-
Instrumentation. Contractor's Scope also Include receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location
within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Rate shall also include supply &
installation of supporting arrangements such as concrete, excavation, structural steel including anchor bolt with hex nut & flat, shake proof washer, CS base plate, CS plate, CS pipe
seamless, CS channel, end cap, cable tray, earthing boss, nut & washer, complete as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001).Installation of Heat detector-Rate of
rise inside building
DESCRIPTION => Installation, calibration, pre-commissioning & commissioning of below listed F&G instruments including installation of required accessories as per Specification
For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) and Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender-
Instrumentation. Contractor's Scope also Include receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location
within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Rate shall also include supply &
installation of supporting arrangements such as concrete, excavation, structural steel including anchor bolt with hex nut & flat, shake proof washer, CS base plate, CS plate, CS pipe
seamless, CS channel, end cap, cable tray, earthing boss, nut & washer, complete as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001).Installation of Linear Heat sensing
cable inside building
DESCRIPTION => Installation, calibration, pre-commissioning & commissioning of below listed F&G instruments including installation of required accessories as per Specification
For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) and Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender-
Instrumentation. Contractor's Scope also Include receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location
within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Rate shall also include supply &
installation of supporting arrangements such as concrete, excavation, structural steel including anchor bolt with hex nut & flat, shake proof washer, CS base plate, CS plate, CS pipe
seamless, CS channel, end cap, cable tray, earthing boss, nut & washer, complete as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001).Installation of Manual alarm call
point outside building
DESCRIPTION => Installation, calibration, pre-commissioning & commissioning of below listed F&G instruments including installation of required accessories as per Specification
For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) and Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender-
Instrumentation. Contractor's Scope also Include receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location
within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Rate shall also include supply &
installation of supporting arrangements such as concrete, excavation, structural steel including anchor bolt with hex nut & flat, shake proof washer, CS base plate, CS plate, CS pipe
seamless, CS channel, end cap, cable tray, earthing boss, nut & washer, complete as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001).Installation of Manual alarm call
point inside building
DESCRIPTION => Installation, calibration, pre-commissioning & commissioning of below listed F&G instruments including installation of required accessories as per Specification
For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) and Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender-
Instrumentation. Contractor's Scope also Include receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location
within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Rate shall also include supply &
installation of supporting arrangements such as concrete, excavation, structural steel including anchor bolt with hex nut & flat, shake proof washer, CS base plate, CS plate, CS pipe
seamless, CS channel, end cap, cable tray, earthing boss, nut & washer, complete as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001).Installation of Smoke Detector inside
DESCRIPTION => Installation, calibration, pre-commissioning & commissioning of below listed F&G instruments including installation of required accessories as per Specification
For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) and Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender-
Instrumentation. Contractor's Scope also Include receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location
within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Rate shall also include supply &
installation of supporting arrangements such as concrete, excavation, structural steel including anchor bolt with hex nut & flat, shake proof washer, CS base plate, CS plate, CS pipe
seamless, CS channel, end cap, cable tray, earthing boss, nut & washer, complete as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001).Installation of Smoke Detector with
response indicator inside building
DESCRIPTION => Installation, calibration, pre-commissioning & commissioning of below listed F&G instruments including installation of required accessories as per Specification
For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) and Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender-
Instrumentation. Contractor's Scope also Include receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location
within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Rate shall also include supply &
installation of supporting arrangements such as concrete, excavation, structural steel including anchor bolt with hex nut & flat, shake proof washer, CS base plate, CS plate, CS pipe
seamless, CS channel, end cap, cable tray, earthing boss, nut & washer, complete as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001).Installation of Visual alarm outside
DESCRIPTION => Installation, calibration, pre-commissioning & commissioning of below listed F&G instruments including installation of required accessories as per Specification
For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-SPC-0010), Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001) and Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender-
Instrumentation. Contractor's Scope also Include receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location
within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Rate shall also include supply &
installation of supporting arrangements such as concrete, excavation, structural steel including anchor bolt with hex nut & flat, shake proof washer, CS base plate, CS plate, CS pipe
seamless, CS channel, end cap, cable tray, earthing boss, nut & washer, complete as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963-000-IC-DID-0001).Installation of Visual alarm inside
DESCRIPTION => Installation of Fire Alarm Panel including supports, laying of cables as per the approved cable layout between indoor F&G devices and LFAP and interface with
SCADA RTU including cable terminations as required, Testing & Commissioning as per the scope of work for Pipeline Laying Tender- Instrumentation, specifications and directions of
376 INS.RTU-2100x800x800MM 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 16 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of cabinets of below listed sizes, laying of cables, supply of base frames & supports as per system vendor drawings, Control Room Layout (Doc. No.
15963-070-IC-DAL-0001, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0001, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0001 & 15963-150-IC-DAL-0001) & the approved cable layout between indoor units and from field
instruments to indoor units including cable terminations as required, all necessary assistance to package/system vendors for Testing & Commissioning as per the scope of work,
specifications and directions of Engineer-in-Charge.Installation of CABINET OF SIZE 2100 (H) X 800(W) X 800(D)
377 INS.RTU-2100x1200x800MM 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 16 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of cabinets of below listed sizes, laying of cables, supply of base frames & supports as per system vendor drawings, Control Room Layout (Doc. No.
15963-070-IC-DAL-0001, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0001, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0001 & 15963-150-IC-DAL-0001) & the approved cable layout between indoor units and from field
instruments to indoor units including cable terminations as required, all necessary assistance to package/system vendors for Testing & Commissioning as per the scope of work,
specifications and directions of Engineer-in-Charge.Installation of CABINET OF SIZE 2100 (H) X 1200(W) X 800(D)
378 INS.RTU-2100x800x1000MM 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 1 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of cabinets of below listed sizes, laying of cables, supply of base frames & supports as per system vendor drawings, Control Room Layout (Doc. No.
15963-070-IC-DAL-0001, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0001, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0001 & 15963-150-IC-DAL-0001) & the approved cable layout between indoor units and from field
instruments to indoor units including cable terminations as required, all necessary assistance to package/system vendors for Testing & Commissioning as per the scope of work,
specifications and directions of Engineer-in-Charge.Installation of CABINET OF SIZE 2100 (H) X 800(W) X 1000(D)
379 INS.RTU-600x800x15RUMM 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 8 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of cabinets of below listed sizes, laying of cables, supply of base frames & supports as per system vendor drawings, Control Room Layout (Doc. No.
15963-070-IC-DAL-0001, 15963-090-IC-DAL-0001, 15963-110-IC-DAL-0001 & 15963-150-IC-DAL-0001) & the approved cable layout between indoor units and from field
instruments to indoor units including cable terminations as required, all necessary assistance to package/system vendors for Testing & Commissioning as per the scope of work,
specifications and directions of Engineer-in-Charge.Installation of CABINET OF SIZE 600 (W) x 800 (D) x 15RU (H) mm
380 Inst. of OFC 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 142000 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of OFC, HDPE and associated accessories . Bidders Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment /
accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, testing, manpower in line with the directions of
Engineer-in-Charge at site.-Installation & laying of OFC through HDPE ducts in pipeline trench / CS conduit (including Open cut, HDD & augur boring crossings)/separate trench by
blowing method, restoration of land & other constructions as applicable to original conditions etc.; including use of all materials/consumables required like couplers, end plugs etc. for
blowing., transportation of free issued OFC from store/dump site to project site including loading, unloading and transportation, SAT of laid OFC and handing over of the same to
Telecom vendor after meeting the prescribed loss acceptance criteria as per specification and direction of CLIENT/CONSULTANT and returing back the unutilized qty. of OFC to
HPCL designate stores.Notes:1. Bidder to note that OFC shall be free issued to bidder.2. Bidder to note that payments for OFC blowing will be based on OTDR readings from station
to station.
381 Inst. of HDPE Duct 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 1000 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of OFC, HDPE and associated accessories . Bidders Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment /
accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, testing, manpower in line with the directions of
Engineer-in-Charge at site.-Installation, testing & laying of HDPE ducts at stations through separate trench including trenching and excavation as required, padding, backfilling,
restoration of land & other constructions as applicable to original conditions etc.Notes:1. Separate line item for supply and installation of OFC and 6"CS conduit pipe are covered in
SOR elsewhere. 2. Bidder to consider the cost of separate trenching at stations in the same line item. No separate payment shall be made for laying of HDPE through separate trenches
at SV stations.
382 Inst. of Joint Closure 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 107 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of OFC, HDPE and associated accessories . Bidders Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment /
accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, testing, manpower in line with the directions of
Engineer-in-Charge at site.-Installation of OFC Jointing closures having 4 entry ports in OFC jointing/transition pit along with installation of pigtails, connectors, splice trays, splice
protection sleeves etc. and any other items required for jointing of 12 OFC cable (Fusion splicing only) as per specification mentioned in Scope of Work.( 15984-BP-10-TE-
SOW-0002 )Notes:1. Bidders scope shall also include splicing/jointing of 12 core G.655 OFC at field using fusion splicing method at all OFC jointing locations. Charges for the same
shall be included in the same line item. No separate payment shall be made for splicing of cable.
383 Inst.-OFC Jointing/Trans. Pits 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 107 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of OFC, HDPE and associated accessories . Bidders Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment /
accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, testing, manpower in line with the directions of
Engineer-in-Charge at site.-Installation of OFC Jointing / Transition pits including all civil & structural material, sand, removable RCC cover, with insert plates as required, seals for
sealing of pits & conduit entries , finishing as per drawings and specification mentioned in Scope of Work.( 15984-BP-10-TE-SOW-0002 )
384 Inst. of OFC Blowing Pit 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 33 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of OFC, HDPE and associated accessories . Bidders Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment /
accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, testing, manpower in line with the directions of
Engineer-in-Charge at site.-Installation of OFC Blowing / pull pits pits including all civil & structural material, sand, removable RCC cover, with insert plates as required, seals for
sealing of pits & Conduit entry, finishing as per drawings and specification mentioned in Scope of Work.( 15984-BP-10-TE-SOW-0002 )
385 Inst.-OFC Joint Perm. Marker 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 107 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of OFC, HDPE and associated accessories . Bidders Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment /
accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, testing, manpower in line with the directions of
Engineer-in-Charge at site.-Installation of Joint identification permanent markers (For all type of OFC jointing location) at all OFC jointing/transition pit location along the route as per
drawings and specification mentioned in Scope of Work.( 15984-BP-10-TE-SOW-0002 ).
386 Inst. of Electronic Marker 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 107 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of OFC, HDPE and associated accessories . Bidders Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment /
accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, testing, manpower in line with the directions of
Engineer-in-Charge at site.-Installation of Electronic marker / transmitter at all type of OFC jointing location in OFC jointing/transition pit as per the specifications mentioned in Scope
of Work.( 15984-BP-10-TE-SOW-0002 )
387 Inst.-Elec. Marker Locator 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 1 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of OFC, HDPE and associated accessories . Bidders Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment /
accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, testing, manpower in line with the directions of
Engineer-in-Charge at site.-Installation & testing of Portable Electronic Marker Identification kit / Marker Detecting Instruments /Indicator with beep sound with Battery Charger &
Leather Casing & Belt as per specification mentioned in Scope of Work.( 15984-BP-10-TE-SOW-0002 )
388 Inst.-Wire mesh/OFC Loop Box 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 8 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of OFC, HDPE and associated accessories . Bidders Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment /
accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, testing, manpower in line with the directions of
Engineer-in-Charge at site.-Installation of Wire Mesh / Closed loop box for OFC including looping of OFC at all stations as per specification mentioned in Scope of Work.(
15984-BP-10-TE-SOW-0002 )
389 Inst. of FTC for OFC 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 8 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of OFC, HDPE and associated accessories . Bidders Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment /
accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, testing, manpower in line with the directions of
Engineer-in-Charge at site.-Installation of 24 Port Wall Mount FTC with SC connectors suitable for 2 number of 12 Core G.655 OFC Cable including pigtails , Splice protection sleeve
, splice tray and splicing the cables with pigtails, Cable glands, termination of OFC at all stations as per specification mentioned in Scope of Work.( 15984-BP-10-TE-SOW-
0002 )
390 Inst. of OFC Warning Mat 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 2400 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of OFC, HDPE and associated accessories . Bidders Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment /
accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, testing, manpower in line with the directions of
Engineer-in-Charge at site.-Installation of OFC warning MAT - PVC Sheet (150 mm x 0.1 mm) Red Color as per the specifications mentioned else where in the Tender.Notes:1. Bidder
to note that the above warning mat shall be required for separate routing of OFC through trench inside terminals / SV stations. For OFC routed inside pipeline trench, a common
warning mat shall be provided for pipeline and OFC as per specification mentioned else where in tender.2. Bidder to note that for laying of Warning mat through separate trench shall
be considered at Despatch/Recieving/IP/TOP/SV/ Bottling Plant.
DESCRIPTION => Installation of OFC, HDPE and associated accessories . Bidders Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment /
accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, testing, manpower in line with the directions of
Engineer-in-Charge at site.-Installation of Dual CAT-6A Outlet with faceplate, backbox (Floor/wall mount as per directions from EIC)Notes:1. Bidder to note that cat-6A Outlet shall
be free issued to Bidder
392 Inst.ofTELE.CABLE:2Px.5mm(A 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 50 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Telecom cables including Installation on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In
Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002) with Proper clamping and
dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification and drawings or Engineer-in-charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking,
transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with
the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with
proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer-
in-Charge at site.Underground(UG) installation shall include Laying of cables, excavation, sand filling, back filling, separation etc. & installation of cable route marker for all trenches,
termination of the cables at both the ends (Instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling, including the cost of all labor, materials,
equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge at site.-2Px0.5 mm/XLPE/GSWA/LSZH, FLAME RETARDANT,
TELEPHONE CABLELaying of (2Px0.5 mm) Telephone Cables as per Specification For Telecom cables including Installation on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as
specified In Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002) with Proper
clamping and dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification and drawings or Engineer-in-charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading,
unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower
in line with the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel
end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as
directed by Engineer-in-Charge at site.
393 Inst.ofTELE.CABLE:2Px.5mm(U 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 150 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Telecom cables including Installation on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In
Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002) with Proper clamping and
dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification and drawings or Engineer-in-charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking,
transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with
the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with
proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer-
in-Charge at site.Underground(UG) installation shall include Laying of cables, excavation, sand filling, back filling, separation etc. & installation of cable route marker for all trenches,
termination of the cables at both the ends (Instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling, including the cost of all labor, materials,
equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge at site.-2Px.5 mm/XLPE/GSWA/LSZH, FLAME RETARDANT,
TELEPHONE CABLELaying of (2Px0.5 mm) Telephone Cables as per Specification For Telecom cables including Installation on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as
specified In Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002) with Proper
clamping and dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification and drawings or Engineer-in-charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading,
unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower
in line with the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Underground(UG) installation shall include Laying of cables, excavation, sand filling, back filling, separation etc. & installation
of cable route marker for all trenches, termination of the cables at both the ends (Instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling, including
the cost of all labor, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge at site.
394 Inst.ofTELE.CABLE:3Cx4mm²(A 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 550 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Telecom cables including Installation on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In
Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002) with Proper clamping and
dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification and drawings or Engineer-in-charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking,
transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with
the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with
proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer-
in-Charge at site.Underground(UG) installation shall include Laying of cables, excavation, sand filling, back filling, separation etc. & installation of cable route marker for all trenches,
termination of the cables at both the ends (Instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling, including the cost of all labor, materials,
equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge at site.-3C x 4 mm²/XLPE/GSWA/LSZH, FLAME RETARDANT, POWER
CABLELaying of (3Cx4mm²) Power Cables as per Specification For Telecom cables including Installation on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In Telecom
Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002) with Proper clamping and dressing of
the cable on the tray as per specification and drawings or Engineer-in-charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting
equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the
directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with
proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer-
in-Charge at site.
395 Inst.ofTELE.CABLE:3Cx4mm²(U 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 3000 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Telecom cables including Installation on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In
Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002) with Proper clamping and
dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification and drawings or Engineer-in-charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking,
transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with
the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with
proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer-
in-Charge at site.Underground(UG) installation shall include Laying of cables, excavation, sand filling, back filling, separation etc. & installation of cable route marker for all trenches,
termination of the cables at both the ends (Instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling, including the cost of all labor, materials,
equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge at site.-3C x 4 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/GSWA/LSZH, FLAME RETARDANT,
POWER CABLELaying of (3Cx4mm²) Power Cables as per Specification For Telecom cables including Installation on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In
Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002) with Proper clamping and
dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification and drawings or Engineer-in-charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking,
transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with
the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Underground(UG) installation shall include Laying of cables, excavation, sand filling, back filling, separation etc. & installation of cable
route marker for all trenches, termination of the cables at both the ends (Instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling, including the cost
of all labor, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge at site.
396 Inst.ofTELE.CABLE:CAT-6A 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 3500 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Telecom cables including Installation on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In
Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002) with Proper clamping and
dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification and drawings or Engineer-in-charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking,
transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with
the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with
proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer-
in-Charge at site.Underground(UG) installation shall include Laying of cables, excavation, sand filling, back filling, separation etc. & installation of cable route marker for all trenches,
termination of the cables at both the ends (Instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling, including the cost of all labor, materials,
equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge at site.-23 AWG / PVC / UTP / LSZH CAT-6A CABLE- INDOORLaying of
(CAT-6A -Indoor) Cables as per Specification For Telecom cables including Installation on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In Telecom Cable Routing
Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002) with Proper clamping and dressing of the cable on the
tray as per specification and drawings or Engineer-in-charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment /
accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of
Engineer-in-Charge at site.Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with proper plastic
shrouds and cable tag, ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge at
397 Inst.ofTELE.CABLE:CAT-6A(AG) 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 280 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Telecom cables including Installation on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In
Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002) with Proper clamping and
dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification and drawings or Engineer-in-charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking,
transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with
the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with
proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer-
in-Charge at site.Underground(UG) installation shall include Laying of cables, excavation, sand filling, back filling, separation etc. & installation of cable route marker for all trenches,
termination of the cables at both the ends (Instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling, including the cost of all labor, materials,
equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge at site.-23 AWG / PVC / UTP / LSZH CAT-6A CABLE- OUTDOOR
ARMOUREDLaying of (CAT-6A- Outdoor Armoured) Cables as per Specification For Telecom cables including Installation on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as
specified In Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002) with Proper
clamping and dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification and drawings or Engineer-in-charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading,
unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower
in line with the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel
end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as
directed by Engineer-in-Charge at site.
398 Inst.ofTELE.CABLE:CAT-6A(UG) 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 1820 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Telecom cables including Installation on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In
Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002) with Proper clamping and
dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification and drawings or Engineer-in-charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking,
transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with
the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with
proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer-
in-Charge at site.Underground(UG) installation shall include Laying of cables, excavation, sand filling, back filling, separation etc. & installation of cable route marker for all trenches,
termination of the cables at both the ends (Instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling, including the cost of all labor, materials,
equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge at site.-23 AWG / PVC / UTP / LSZH CAT-6A CABLE- OUTDOOR
ARMOUREDLaying of (CAT-6A- Outdoor Armoured) Cables as per Specification For Telecom cables including Installation on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as
specified In Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002) with Proper
clamping and dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification and drawings or Engineer-in-charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading,
unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower
in line with the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Underground(UG) installation shall include Laying of cables, excavation, sand filling, back filling, separation etc. & installation
of cable route marker for all trenches, termination of the cables at both the ends (Instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling, including
the cost of all labor, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge at site.
399 Inst.ofTELE.:4COREOFC(AG) 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 560 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Telecom cables including Installation on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In
Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002) with Proper clamping and
dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification and drawings or Engineer-in-charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking,
transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with
the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with
proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer-
in-Charge at site.Underground(UG) installation shall include Laying of cables, excavation, sand filling, back filling, separation etc. & installation of cable route marker for all trenches,
termination of the cables at both the ends (Instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling, including the cost of all labor, materials,
equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge at site.-4 CORE FIBER OPTIC CABLE/CSTA/LSZH FIBER CABLELaying
of 4C OFC Cables as per Specification For Telecom cables including Installation on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc.
No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002) with Proper clamping and dressing of the cable on the tray as per
specification and drawings or Engineer-in-charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from
storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at
site.Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag,
ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge at site.
400 Inst.ofTELE.:4COREOFC(UG) 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 2570 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Telecom cables including Installation on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In
Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002) with Proper clamping and
dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification and drawings or Engineer-in-charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking,
transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with
the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at site.Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with
proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer-
in-Charge at site.Underground(UG) installation shall include Laying of cables, excavation, sand filling, back filling, separation etc. & installation of cable route marker for all trenches,
termination of the cables at both the ends (Instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling, including the cost of all labor, materials,
equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge at site.-4 CORE FIBER OPTIC CABLE/CSTA/LSZH FIBER CABLELaying
of 4C OFC Cables as per Specification For Telecom cables including Installation on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc.
No. 15963-070-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-090-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-110-TE-DAL-0002, 15963-150-TE-DAL-0002) with Proper clamping and dressing of the cable on the tray as per
specification and drawings or Engineer-in-charge at site.Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from
storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer-in-Charge at
site.Underground(UG) installation shall include Laying of cables, excavation, sand filling, back filling, separation etc. & installation of cable route marker for all trenches, termination
of the cables at both the ends (Instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling, including the cost of all labor, materials, equipment etc. as
per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge at site.
401 DEMOLITION 12801-HCPL HASSAN Cubic Meters .8 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Demolition of existing structures, walls including foundations, paving, trenches, underground pipes, cables if any etc. as per specification and instruction from
engineer in charge, irrespective of its material of construction, height/depth, thickness etc. work shall be carried out in compliance with project specification for demolition work,
clearing of debris from demolition site and disposing it to local authority approved location. This is inclusive of machinery, labor, temporary supports, scaffolding and transportation
irrespective of distance to disposal point. This also includes back filling with borrowed soil/sand/murum at foundation location where required and all necessary measures to prevent
damage to activities / facilities in the adjoining areas during demolition, and transportation as per the requirements of premises & statutory regulations. Complete as per project drawing,
specification and as directed by engineer in charge.Note 1 : Rate shall be inclusive of all royalties / obtaining clearance of local authorities required for disposal & borrow area and no
extra cost whatsoever than the quoted rates shall be paid by HPCL.Note 2 : Contractor shall select the location for dumping in local authority approved area with documentary proof.
402 FILLING WITH INSIDE PREM. 12801-HCPL HASSAN Cubic Meters 3141.36 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Filling With Selected Excavated Approved Quality Earth Available & Stacked Elsewhere Within HPCL'S Plant Premises In Land Development And Also Under
PCC, backfilling the sides of foundations, sub-structures Or Wherever As Directed By Engineer -In-Charge Including Spreading In Layers Of 200 mm Thick, Watering And
Compacting With Vibrator Roller Till Maximum Compaction That Is 95% Modified Proctor Density Is Achieved. Complete In All Respect As Per Tender Specification / Scope Of
Work Etc., As Directed By Engineer -In-Charge, Complete In All Respect As Per Tender Specification/Scope Of Work Etc., As Directed By Engineer -In-Charge. Contractor Has To
Send The Soil Samples From Site For Testing At HPCL Approved Lab. Degree Of Compaction Of Each Layer Has To Be Tested At Site Using Core Cutting Test. The Rate Quoted By
The Contractor Shall Include The Cost Of The Above Tests.
DESCRIPTION => Supply and Filling With Selected Excavated Approved Quality Earth Available & Stacked Elsewhere outside HPCL'S Plant Premises In Land Development And
Also Under PCC Or Wherever As Directed By Engineer -In-Charge Including Spreading In Layers Of 200 mm Thick, Watering And Compacting With Vibrator Roller Till Maximum
Compaction That Is 95% Modified Proctor Density Is Achieved. Complete In All Respect As Per Tender Specification / Scope Of Work Etc., As Directed By Engineer -In-Charge,
Complete In All Respect As Per Tender Specification/Scope Of Work Etc., As Directed By Engineer -In-Charge. Contractor Has To Send The Soil Samples From Site For Testing At
HPCL Approved Lab. Degree Of Compaction Of Each Layer Has To Be Tested At Site Using Core Cutting Test. The Rate Quoted By The Contractor Shall Include The Cost Of The
Above Tests.
404 EXCAVATION UPTO 1.5 M 12801-HCPL HASSAN Cubic Meters 6098.25 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Excavation By Manual Or Mechanised Method Upto 1.5 M Below NGL/FGL Around Foundation, Duct Banks, Culverts And Trenches/VALVE Pits,
Miscellaneous Pits In All Types Of Soil Viz. Earth, Sand,Gravel, Clay, Soft & Hard Murum Etc. (Excluding Hard Rock) For Footings, Steps, Plinth Beams, Equipment Foundations,
Drains, Trenches, Culverts, Duct Banks, Manholes, Underground Tanks/Pits, site grading Etc Including Shoring Strutting, Dewatering Where Required (Until Foundation Work Is
Complete). Item Also Includes Carting Of Surplus Excavated Earth, Stacking,Spreading, Levelling And Compacting/Consolidating Surplus Materials Within HPCL'S Premises Or
Outside At An Approved Place For All Leads As Per Instructions Of Engineer In Charge (Rate Includes Removal Of Any Vegetation, Small Shrubs, trees Etc. Having Girth Of 300 mm
Or Less). Complete As Per Project Drawings, Specifications And As Directed By Engineer In ChargeNote 1: Top Soil To Be Cleared Of Shrubs Grass, tress less than 30 cm girth Etc
Including Roots And 150 mm Top Soil To Be Stored Separately Within HPCL'S Premises Or Outside For All Leads And To Be Used For Micrograding As Required.Note 2 : The
quoted rate shall include clearing & disposal of all Vegetation stumps, bushes, logs and other perishable and objectionable organic materials. It also covers clearing and disposal of
jungle including uprooting rank vegetation, grass, brush wood, trees and saplings of girth upto 30cm, removal of all rubbish and disposal of the same.Note 3 : Rate Shall Be Inclusive Of
All Royalties / Obtaining Clearance Of Local Authoraties For Disposal & Borrow Area, No Extra Cost Whatsoever Than The Quoted Rates Shall Be Paid.Note 4 : Rate Shall Be
Inclusive Of Test Pits Required To Locate Existing Under Ground Utilities In The Excavation Area As Per The Engineer Incharge InstructionsNote 5 : Contractor Shall Select The
Location For Dumping In Local Authority Approved Area With Documentary Proof.Note 6 : Rate Shall Be Inclusive Of Cut And Fill Slope As Per Project Specification Required At
Site During Excavation However Excavated Volume As Per Approved Drawing (Foundation/Structure Size) Shall Only Be Considered For Measurement.
405 EXC. 1.5M TO 3M 12801-HCPL HASSAN Cubic Meters 848 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Excavation By Manual Or Mechanised Method From 1.5 M To 3.0M Below NGL/FGL Around Foundation, Duct Banks, Culverts And Trenches/VALVE Pits,
Miscellaneous Pits In All Types Of Soil Viz. Earth, Sand,Gravel, Clay, Soft & Hard Murum Etc. (Excluding Hard Rock) For Footings, Steps, Plinth Beams, Equipment Foundations,
Drains, Trenches, Culverts, Duct Banks, Manholes, Underground Tanks/Pits, Etc Including Shoring Strutting, Dewatering Where Required (Until Foundation Work Is Complete). Item
Also Includes Carting Of Surplus Excavated Earth, Stacking,Spreading, Levelling And Compacting/Consolidating Surplus Materials Within HPCL'S Premises Or Outside At An
Approved Place For All Leads As Per Instructions Of Engineer In Charge (Rate Includes Removal Of Any Vegetation, Small Shrubs Etc. Having Girth Of 300 mm Or Less).Complete
As Per Project Drawings, Specifications And As Directed By Engineer In ChargeNote 1 : Rate Shall Be Inclusive Of All Royalties / Obtaining Clearance Of Local Authoraties For
Disposal & Borrow Area, No Extra Cost Whatsoever Than The Quoted Rates Shall Be Paid.Note 2 : Rate Shall Be Inclusive Of Test Pits Required To Locate Existing Under Ground
Utilities In The Excavation Area As Per The Engineer Incharge InstructionsNote 3 : Contractor Shall Select The Location For Dumping In Local Authority Approved Area With
Documentary Proof.Note 4 : Rate Shall Be Inclusive Of Cut And Fill Slope As Per Project Specification Required At Site During Excavation However Excavated Volume As Per
Approved Drawing (Foundation/Structure Size) Shall Only Be Considered For Measurement.
406 EXC. BELOW 3M 12801-HCPL HASSAN Cubic Meters 224 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Excavation By Manual Or Mechanised Method Below 3.0 M Below NGL/FGL Around Foundation, Duct Banks, Culverts And Trenches/VALVE Pits,
Miscellaneous Pits In All Types Of Soil Viz. Earth, Sand,Gravel, Clay, Soft & Hard Murum Etc. (Excluding Hard Rock) For Footings, Steps, Plinth Beams, Equipment Foundations,
Drains, Trenches, Culverts, Duct Banks, Manholes, Underground Tanks/Pits, Etc Including Shoring Strutting, Dewatering Where Required (Until Foundation Work Is Complete). Item
Also Includes Carting Of Surplus Excavated Earth, Stacking,Spreading, Levelling And Compacting/Consolidating Surplus Materials Within HPCL'S Premises Or Outside At An
Approved Place For All Leads As Per Instructions Of Engineer In Charge (Rate Includes Removal Of Any Vegetation, Small Shrubs Etc. Having Girth Of 300 mm Or Less). Complete
As Per Project Drawings, Specifications And As Directed By Engineer In ChargeNote 1: Rate Shall Be Inclusive Of All Royalties / Obtaining Clearance Of Local Authoraties For
Disposal & Borrow Area, No Extra Cost Whatsoever Than The Quoted Rates Shall Be Paid.Note 2 : Rate Shall Be Inclusive Of Test Pits Required To Locate Existing Under Ground
Utilities In The Excavation Area As Per The Engineer Incharge InstructionsNote 3 : Contractor Shall Select The Location For Dumping In Local Authority Approved Area With
Documentary Proof.Note 4 : Rate Shall Be Inclusive Of Cut And Fill Slope As Per Project Specification Required At Site During Excavation However Excavated Volume As Per
Approved Drawing (Foundation/Structure Size) Shall Only Be Considered For Measurement.
407 230 MM THICK RUBBLE 12801-HCPL HASSAN Cubic Meters .8 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Providing And Laying Of 230 mm Thick Dry Rubble Stone Packing/Soling Below Floor, Steps, Ramp, Foundations, Pit, Tank, Culvert, Duct Bank Etc. As Per
Standard Drawing/Specification. Rate Shall Be Inclusive Of Blinding Layer, Watering, Compacting/Consolidating & Finishing To The Required Levels And Lines Etc. With
Mechanical Rammers Complete As Directed. (Blinding Layer Shall Be Of Metal, Sand Or Murrum.)
408 SAND FILLING 12801-HCPL HASSAN Cubic Meters 600 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply, Transportation, Laying, Filling And Spreading, Clean Locally Available River / M Sand / Crushed Sand Conforming To IS 383-Zone (Ii) Or (Iii) In Layers
Of 150 Mm Each Including Compacting By Roller, Plate Compactor, Hand Rammer And By Water Saturation, Compacting To Obtain 95% Of Maximum Dry Density All Complete As
Per Specifications And As Directed And Instructed By Engineer In Charge. (Including Pre/Post Padding Wherever Applicable)
409 PERMEABLE SAND -GRAVEL 12801-HCPL HASSAN Cubic Meters 1.7 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply Transportation, Laying, Filling & Spreading Stable Permeable Sand-Gravel Layer & Compacting To 95 % Of Maximum Dry Density As Per Specification
& Drawing
410 LANDSCAPING & 12801-HCPL HASSAN Square Meters 450 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Landscaping Of The Area Surrounding The Buildings, Along The Internal Roads / Walkways And Open Area, As Directed By Engineer In Charge, Shall Be
Taken Up By The Contractor. Landscaping Theme And Types Of Plantation Shall Be Carefully Selected Considering The Green Certified Norms. Items Indicated In The Specifications
Under Hardscape And Softscape Shall Be Considered To Complete The Landscape Within The Plant. Entire Scheme Shall Be Approved By The Engineer In Charge Prior To Execution
At Site. Excavation In Ordinary Soil Up To An Average Depth Of 60 Cm Including Removal, Disposing Of Surplus/ Unusable Soil, Screening Of Serviceable Materials Soil,
Spreading And Dressing Of Screened Soil By Neatly Leveling And Making Up The Area To Proper Levels By Filling With Earth Or Earth Mixed With Cow Dung Or/And Manure
Before And After Flooding With Water (Including Cost Of Imported Earth, Cow Dung Or Manure), Watering, Dressing, Levelling, Spreading A Thin Layer Of Fine Earth 50mm
Thick Average Mixed With Cow Dung Or/And Manure Before And After Flooding Uprooting Weeds From The Dressed Area After 10 To 15 Days Of Its Flooding With Water
Including Disposal Of Uprooted Vegetation. Grassing With Indian Doab / Bermuda / Bahamas Grass, Trees Like Mango,Guava,Sweet Lime,Sapota,Jack Fruit,Custard
Apple,Badam,Jamun,Ashoka Etc And, Plants Like Bouganvilla Of Minimum Height Of 1 Mtr (One Tree Shall Be Planted For Every 10 Sqm Area Of Garden), Locally Available
Flowering Plants Of Differnt Types And Colors Like Hybiscus, Nagachampa, Crysanthimum, Jasmine, Roses,Etc., Hedges On Boundary As Per Approved Scheme Including Watering
And Maintenance Of The Lawn For 3 Months Or More Till The Grass Forms A Thick Lawn. Edging With Bricks Laid Dry Length Wise, Including Required Excavation, Refilling,
Consolidating With Hand Packing And Spreading Surplus Earth Neatly Common Burnt Clay F.P.S. (Non Modular) Bricks Of Class Designation 5.0. Rate To Include For Providing 80
Numbers Indoor Plants In Pots With Water Level Indicators (Self Watering Type) Of Minimum Dia 300mm To 450 Mm Of Upvc/ Pvc Make (Different Colors) With Suitable Manure,
Borrow Earth, Base Plate And Approved Plants.Rate To Include For Borrow Earth, As Required, Plants, Hedges, Trees, Cow Dung, Manure, Brick Etc. As Required To Complete The
411 M15 BELOW PLINTH LEVEL 12801-HCPL HASSAN Cubic Meters 514.49 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => For M15 Grade Concrete With 20 mm Max Size & Down Graded Aggregate Under Foundations,Culvert,Drains, Paving,Base Slab, Plinth Beams, Walls,
Manholes,VALVE Pits, Miscellaneous Pits, Tanks & Rafts Etc.The Rates For All Items Covered In This Section Shall Include Cost Of Dewatering, If Required Till Completion Of
Works Upto Ground Level And Champhers In Concrete Works Shall Be Provided Wherever Required. Rate Of Concrete Work Shall Be Inclusive Of Materials Such As Cement, Sand,
Aggregates, Water, Admixtures, Manpower, Machinery, Consumables etc. PCC - Providing & Laying Plain Cement Concrete Conforming To IS:456-2000, Using Specified Graded
Coarse Aggregate Of Approved Quality At Various Locations Etc. Including Machine Mixing / RMC, Shuttering, Consolidating With Rammers/ Vibrators & Curing etc. Complete As
Directed And Instructed By Engineer In Charge. Note 1 : Rate Shall Be Inclusive Of Supply & Laying Polythene Sheet As Per Drawing.
412 M15 FOR COPING,ETC 12801-HCPL HASSAN Cubic Meters .8 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => For M15 Grade Concrete With 20 mm Max Size & Down Graded Aggregate For Coping, Sill, Base Of Brick Wall Foundation, Concrete Block For Fence Etc.The
Rates For All Items Covered In This Section Shall Include Cost Of Dewatering, If Required Till Completion Of Works Upto Ground Level And Champhers In Concrete Works Shall Be
Provided Wherever Required. Rate Of Concrete Work Shall Be Inclusive Of Materials Such As Cement, Sand, Aggregates, Water, Admixtures, Manpower, Machinery, Consumables,
Etc. PCC - Providing & Laying Plain Cement Concrete Conforming To IS:456-2000, Using Specified Graded Coarse Aggregate Of Approved Quality At Various Locations etc.
Including Machine Mixing / RMC, Shuttering, Consolidating With Rammers/ Vibrators & Curing Etc. Complete As Directed And Instructed By Engineer In Charge.
413 PLUM CONCRETE 12801-HCPL HASSAN Cubic Meters .8 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Plum Concrete Using 1:5:10 Mix PCC And Using Rubble Aggregate Below Foundations etc.The Rates For All Items Covered In This Section Shall Include Cost
Of Dewatering, If Required Till Completion Of Works Upto Ground Level And Champhers In RCC Works Shall Be Provided Wherever Required. Rate Of Concrete Work Shall Be
Inclusive Of Materials Such As Cement, Sand, Aggregates, Water, Admixtures, Manpower, Machinery, Consumables, Etc. PCC - Providing & Laying Plain Cement Concrete
Conforming To IS:456-2000, Using Specified Graded Coarse Aggregate Of Approved Quality At Various Locations Etc. Including Machine Mixing / RMC, Shuttering, Consolidating
With Rammers/ Vibrators & Curing Etc. Complete As Directed And Instructed By Engineer In Charge.
414 RCC M25 WITHOUT 12801-HCPL HASSAN Cubic Meters 12.8 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => For M25 Grade Concrete Without Water Proofing Admixtures For Above Ground Works For Columns, Beams, Slabs, Canopy, Chajja, Wall, Encasing Of Pipes
Etc ..RCC - Providing & Laying In Position Controlled Grade Reinforced Cement Concrete Conforming To IS:456-2000, With Design Mix Of Required Grade At All Locations And
Levels Using 20 mm And Down Size Graded Aggregates In All Types Of Works [Including Leaving Pockets, Placing Of Conduits, Making Openings, Inserts/ Sleeves In Columns/
Beams/ Slabs Etc.] ,Shuttering, All Construction, Isolation, Expansion Joints, Testing, Curing, Using Admixtures As Required, Lifting, Placing, Machine Vibrating, Tamping, Curing
Etc. As Specified, Complete As Per Drawings & / Or As Directed By Engineer In Charge.Ready Mix Concrete Shall Be Used By Contractor With Concrete Having Required Quality At
No Extra Cost. Note: (1) The Rate Also Includes Cost Of Providing Offsets, Groove, Cutouts, Curved & Straight Formwork, Construction Joints, Expansion Joint, Making Holes In Or
Cutting Formwork For Taking Out Dowel Bars, Hacking The Exposed Surfaces To Receive Plaster As Necessary. (2) Rate Of Supply And Fixing Reinforcement Steel And
Any Other Embedded Items Shall Be Measured And Paid Seperately.
415 RCC M25 WITHOUT 12801-HCPL HASSAN Cubic Meters 2028.53 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => For M25 Grade Concrete Without Water Proofing Admixtures For Below Ground Works For Duct Bank, Footings/Foundations, Plinth Beams, Raft Slabs,
Pedestals, Trenches, Manhole Pit, Culverts, Drains, Sumps, VALVE Pits, Miscellaneous Pits , Tanks, Equipment Foundations, Encasing Of Pipes Etc At Depth Below And Upto Plinth
Level/Top Of Pedestal. Note : Rate Shall Be Inclusive Of Supply & Laying/Applying 3 Coats Of Modified Bituminous Paint As Per Drawing.RCC - Providing & Laying In Position
Controlled Grade Reinforced Cement Concrete Conforming To IS:456-2000, With Design Mix Of Required Grade At All Locations And Levels Using 20 mm And Down Size Graded
Aggregates In All Types Of Works [Including Leaving Pockets, Placing Of Conduits, Making Openings, Inserts/ Sleeves In Columns/ Beams/ Slabs Etc.] ,Shuttering, All Construction,
Isolation, Expansion Joints, Testing, Curing, Using Admixtures As Required, Lifting, Placing, Machine Vibrating, Tamping, Curing Etc. As Specified, Complete As Per Drawings & /
Or As Directed By Engineer In Charge.Ready Mix Concrete Shall Be Used By Contractor With Concrete Having Required Quality At No Extra Cost. Note: (1) The Rate Also Includes
Cost Of Providing Offsets, Groove, Cutouts, Curved & Straight Formwork, Construction Joints, Expansion Joint, Making Holes In Or Cutting Formwork For Taking Out Dowel Bars,
Hacking The Exposed Surfaces To Receive Plaster As Necessary. (2) Rate Of Supply And Fixing Reinforcement Steel And Any Other Embedded Items Shall Be Measured
And Paid Seperately
416 P.CAST M30(C-SHP 12801-HCPL HASSAN Cubic Meters 8 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Providing, Casting, Supplying, Transporting & Erecting In Position RCC Precast Concrete for C shaped structural slab over pipeline as per standard drawing and
for COVERS OVER TRENCH Of M30 Grade With 20 mm & Down Graded Stone Aggregates For All Leads & Levels Including All Moulds, Shuttering & Centering, Vibrating,
Tamping, Curing, Finishing The Top Surface To Give A Smooth & Even Surface, Providing Lifting Lugs, Aligning & Fixing In Position With Cement Mortar 1:3 (1 Cement : 3 Sand)
Breaking Bricks & Or Concrete Surfaces & Making Good The Same Etc. Complete As Specified. Note:(1) Rate Of Supply And Fixing Reinforcement Steel And Any Other Embedded
Steel Items Shall Be Measured And Paid Seperately
417 PVC PIPE SLEEVES-75MM 12801-HCPL HASSAN Running Meter 40 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply And Laying Pvc Pipe Sleeves Of 75mm Dia. Pvc Pipe Shall Conform To Class-I As Per Is:4985. The Jointing Of Pipes Shall Be Done By Expanding One
End After Heating And Using Solvent Cement. They Shall Be Encased In Concrete As Shown In Standard Drawings (Encasement Work Shall Be Paid Separately Under Concrete Item)
418 PVC PIPE SLEEVES-100MM 12801-HCPL HASSAN Running Meter 760 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply And Laying Pvc Pipe Sleeves Of 150mm Dia. Pvc Pipe Shall Conform To Class-I As Per Is:4985. The Jointing Of Pipes Shall Be Done By Expanding One
End After Heating And Using Solvent Cement. They Shall Be Encased In Concrete As Shown In Standard Drawings (Encasement Work Shall Be Paid Separately Under Concrete Item)
419 HYSD FE 500D 12801-HCPL HASSAN Metric Ton 195.2 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => HYSD Conforming To IS:1786 Of Grade Fe500D . Providing , Laying & Fixing In Position Reinforcement As Per Drawings. Locations & Levels Including Bar
Bending Schedules & Obtaining Their Approval, Cutting, Bending & Binding With 16 Or 18 Gauge Annealed Wire Conforming To IS 280 Incl. Placing Proper Concrete Cover Blocks,
Chair Supports Etc Complete As Specified And Directed By Engineer In Charge.
420 INSERT PLATES 12801-HCPL HASSAN Metric Ton 4.28 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Embedded Insert Plates, Insert/Corner Angles/Channels, Pipesleeves Along With Lugs/Holdfast Including Painting As Per Painting Specifications For Steel
Structures. Plate/Angle/Channels Shall Be Conforming To IS 2062. Lugs Shall Be Ms Rounds Conforming To IS 2062 And IS 432 Grade 1. Providing, Fabricating And Fixing In
Position At Required Locations To Correct Lines And Levels, Angles, Inserts, Pipe Sleeves, For Columns, Floors, Machine Foundations, Cable Trenches And All Types Of RCC, PCC
& Masonry Incl. Necessary Welding, Machining, Grinding, Threading Etc. Rate Shall Include Providing, Making And Positioning Templates. (All Materials & Accessories Required
Shall Be Provided By Contractor).
421 ANCHOR BOLTS 12801-HCPL HASSAN Metric Ton 1.99 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Anchor Bolt - Supply, Fabricating And Fixing In Position As Per Drawing (Complete Assembly), Incl. Necessary Coating, Galvanizing, Welding, Machining,
Grinding, Threading Etc. Rate Shall Include Supply, Making And Positioning Templates. (All Materials & Accessories Required Shall Be Provided By Contractor). Note : Refer
Standard Drawing ( 15963-000-CI-DST-0001) For Anchor Bolt Materail,Coating & Details.Providing, Fabricating And Fixing In Position At Required Locations To Correct Lines And
Levels, Pipe Sleeves, Anchor Bolts For Columns, Floors, Machine Foundations, Cable Trenches And All Types Of RCC, PCC & Masonry Incl. Necessary Welding, Machining,
Grinding, Threading Etc. Rate Shall Include Providing, Making And Positioning Templates. (All Materials & Accessories Required Shall Be Provided By Contractor).
422 GROUT 40 MPA CEMENT 12801-HCPL HASSAN Cubic Meters 2.38 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Providing, Laying And Curing Non-Shrink Cement Based Grout Having Minimum Compressive Strength Of 40N/mm2 Including Providing Necessary Formwork
As Required.
423 CEMENT SAND GROUT 12801-HCPL HASSAN Cubic Meters 1.2 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Providing, Laying And Curing Cement Sand Grout (1:2) Including Providing Necessary Formwork As Required.
424 STRUCTURAL STEEL 12801-HCPL HASSAN Metric Ton 39.72 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Providing, Fabricating, Bending, Welding And/Or Bolting, As Required, Erecting And Fixing In Position All Types Of Structural Steel Works (E250 B) (Including
Painting As Per Specifications) Viz. Columns,Beams, Rafters, Trusses, Purlins, Bracing, Ladders And Cage Ladders, Sag Rods, Metal Sheet, View Cutter, Cable Trey/ Instrument/ Jb/
Pannel/ Lcs Supports & Base Frames, Cross Over, Platform, Structural Supports (Except Cheqd. Plates, Grating & Pipe Railing Only) Made Up Of Rolled, Hollow & Built Up Sections
With Moment Or Shear Connections, Shop/Site Fabricated Including All Accessories Viz. Anchor Fasteners, Nuts, Bolts, Cleats, Gussets, Suspenders Etc As Per Specification
Complete As Directed By Engineer In Charge. The Rate To Include For Welding Weights, Site Connection, Anchor Fasteners, Nut & Bolts And Same Will Not Be Measured For
Payment.(Painting & Shot Blasting Shall Be Included In This Item.) The Rate Shall Include For Preparing & Providing Detailed Fabrication Drawings Based On Design Drawings &
Specifications And Getting The Same Approved From The Engineer In Charge. Painting With Primer & Paint Of Approved Quality & Make Including Preparation Of Surface Shall Be
As Per Sa 2.5, Primer Coat Shall Be Inorganic Zinc Silicate Coating Of 75 DFT In Micron, Intermediate Coat Shall Be 2 Coats Of High Built Two-Pack Polyamide Cured Epoxy Paint
@ 120 Micron DFT/Coat = 2X120 = 240 Micron & Finish Coat Shall Be Single Coats Of Aliphatic Acrylic Modified ( Isocynate Cured) Recotable Two-Pack Polyurethane Of 50 DFT
In Micron, Work Shall Be Including Scaffolding Etc. All Complete As Directed & Instructed By Engineer In Charge. (Rate Shall Include Cost Of Supply Of Paint.) Payment Will Be
On The Basis Of Weight Of Structural Steel Erected.
425 MS HANDRAIL 12801-HCPL HASSAN Metric Ton .08 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Provide, Fabricate, Transport, Erect And Fix Complete Ms Handrail Made Out Of MS Pipes (Appr. 1050 mm High) With 32Nb(M) Dia. Pipe Hand Rail, 25 mm
Nb(M) Dia Pipe Mid Rail And 100 X 6 mm Thk. Toe Plate With 32Nb Pipe Rail Post Spaced At Approx.1500 C/C And At Corners & Change Of Direction As Per Specifications &
Standard Drawing (15963-000-ST-DST-0004). Also Including Assembly For Fixing To Inserts Or Stringer Beams Complete In All Respects Including Surface Preparation And
Painting As Per Specifications For Painting On Steel Structures As Directed & Instructed By Engineer In Charge.
DESCRIPTION => Provide, Fabricate, Transport, Erect Hot Dip Galvanised Grating 25 mm Thick Including Providing & Fixing In Position, Galvanising, Etc. Complete As Per
Specifications & Standard Drawing (15963-000-ST-DST-0002)On Floors, Walkways, Platforms, Landings, Trenches & Grated Treads At All Levels Etc.
DESCRIPTION => Provide, Fabricate, Transport, Erect 6 mm Thick Ms Chequered Plates With Stiffners. Including Providing & Fixing In Position (Welded/Bolted) Etc. Complete As
Per Specifications & Standard Drawing (15963-000-ST-DST-0002) On Floors, Walkways, Platforms, Landings, Trenches At All Levels Etc.
428 BRICKWORK (AG) 12801-HCPL HASSAN Cubic Meters 40 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Brickwork In CM 1:6 (1 Cement: 6 Coarse Sand) For Superstructure (Thickness As Per Drawings). Providing, Storage And Constructing Brick Masonry With
Cement Mortar To The True Line, Level Using Best Quality Locally Available Bricks Of Class Designation 5.0 (Minimum) And Conforming To IS : 1077 Including Providing All
Openings And Projections, Raking The Joints To 1 cm Deep, Scaffolding, Curing , Working At All Height, Treatment For Efflorescence If Required, Etc. Complete As Per Project
429 BRICKWORK (BG) 12801-HCPL HASSAN Cubic Meters 40 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Brickwork In CM 1:4 (1 Cement: 4 Coarse Sand) For Foundation, Trenches And Storm Water Drains (Thickness As Per Drawings).Providing, Storage And
Constructing Brick Masonry With Cement Mortar To The True Line, Level Using Best Quality Locally Available Bricks Of Class Designation 5.0 (Minimum) And Conforming To IS :
1077 Including Providing All Openings And Projections, Raking The Joints To 1 cm Deep, Scaffolding, Curing , Working At All Height, Treatment For Efflorescence If Required, Etc.
Complete As Per Project Specification.
430 RR MASONRY 12801-HCPL HASSAN Cubic Meters 3.2 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Providing And Constructing Random Rubble Stone Masonry In Cm 1:4 above and below FGL/NGL, Raking The Joints To 1cm Deep, And Also Flush/Raised
Pointing With 1:3 Cement Mortar , Scaffolding, Soaking Of Stones Prior To Use Curing And Providing Key Stones Etc. As Per Instructions Of Engineer-In-Charge. No Separate Rate
Shall Be Paid For Flush/ Raised Pointing (Flush Pointing Shall Be Done Till Ground Level Only And Above This Raised Pointing Shall Be Done)
DESCRIPTION => Provide And Fixing Light Duty CI Covers Conforming To IS:1726 For 600 mm X 600 mm Inspection Chamber As Per Specification, Drawing And Instruction By
Engineer In Charge.
432 UPVC 110 DIA 12801-HCPL HASSAN Running Meter 200 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply And Laying 110mm Dia UPVC Pipe Along With Bends & Sockets Confirming To Class-III As Per IS:4985. The Jointing Of Pipes Shall Be Done By
Expanding One End After Heating And Using Solvent Cement. They Shall Be Encased In Concrete As Shown In Standard Drawings (Encasement Work Shall Be Paid Separately
Under Concrete Item)
433 UPVC 160 DIA 12801-HCPL HASSAN Running Meter 200 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply And Laying 160mm Dia UPVC Pipe Along With Bends & Sockets Confirming To Class-III As Per IS:4985. The Jointing Of Pipes Shall Be Done By
Expanding One End After Heating And Using Solvent Cement. They Shall Be Encased In Concrete As Shown In Standard Drawings (Encasement Work Shall Be Paid Separately
Under Concrete Item)
434 UPVC 200 DIA 12801-HCPL HASSAN Running Meter 40 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply And Laying 200mm Dia UPVC Pipe Along With Bends & Sockets Confirming To Class-III As Per IS:4985. The Jointing Of Pipes Shall Be Done By
Expanding One End After Heating And Using Solvent Cement. They Shall Be Encased In Concrete As Shown In Standard Drawings (Encasement Work Shall Be Paid Separately
Under Concrete Item)
435 RCC LIGHT DUTY 150 DIA PIPE 12801-HCPL HASSAN Running Meter 40 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply And Laying Reinforced Concrete Light Duty 150 Dia Pipe Conforming To Class NP2 ( As Per IS 458), Non Pressure Pipes Including Excavation,
Drilling/Chipping In Masonry Wall, Laying Of Pipe, Encasement Of Pipe As Required, Joints In Pipe , Etc. Complete. (Encasement Work, If Required, Shall Be Paid Separately Under
Concrete Item)
436 HDPE PIPES FOR 150MM DIA 12801-HCPL HASSAN Running Meter 40 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply , Laying And Fitting High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Pipes For 150 mm Dia Conforming To IS: 14333 Below Ground As Per Specifications &
Drawings Including Supply Of Necessary Sockets, Couplings, Excavation, Drilling/Chipping, Laying Of Pipe, Encasement Of Pipe As Required, Joints In Pipe , Back Filling Where
Required Etc. Complete.(Encasement Work Shall Be Paid Separately Under Concrete Item)
437 HDPE PIPES FOR 200MM DIA 12801-HCPL HASSAN Running Meter 40 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply , Laying And Fitting High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Pipes For 200 mm Dia Conforming To IS: 14333 Below Ground As Per Specifications &
Drawings Including Supply Of Necessary Sockets, Couplings, Excavation, Drilling/Chipping, Laying Of Pipe, Encasement Of Pipe As Required, Joints In Pipe , Back Filling Where
Required Etc. Complete.(Encasement Work Shall Be Paid Separately Under Concrete Item)
438 GRAVEL FILL 12801-HCPL HASSAN Cubic Meters 52 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Providing, Filling, Spreading & Leveling Gravels Of Size Range 30 mm To 40mm In The Recharge Pit, Over The Existing Layer Of Boulders/Paving, In Required
Thickness, For All Leads & Lifts, All Complete As Per Direction Of Engineer-In-charge.
439 GREY CEMENT CONCRETE 12801-HCPL HASSAN Square Meters 200 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Providing & Fixing Interlocking 80 mm Thick Grey Cement Concrete Unishape Pavers In Red ( Terra Cotta), Black, Brown Or Any Colour Unishape (Monolithic-
Single Layer Precast Concrete Blocks) With Pigment @ 5% By Weight Of Cement Having Average Crushing Strength Of 30N/, Placed On Uniformly Graded River Sand
Cushioning Of Average Compacted Thickness 50 mm With Proper Compacting With Mechanical Compactor With The Proper Level, Grade And Camber Etc.Complete As Specified
And As Directed By The Engineer. Note 1 : Rate Shall Be Inclusive Of Supply & Laying Of Sand Bed & Sub-Base Preparation.
440 SUP OF 0.5" PIPE, CS, 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 24 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 0.5" Pipe,A106 Gr.B,Seamless,ASME B36.10M, PEContractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors
Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification,
Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional
Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
441 SUP OF 0.75" PIPE, CS, 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 30 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 0.75" Pipe,A106 Gr.B,Seamless,ASME B36.10M, PEContractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors
Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification,
Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional
Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
442 SUP OF 1" PIPE, CS, 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 102 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 1" Pipe, A106 Gr.B, Seamless, ASME B36.10M,, PEContractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors
Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification,
Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional
Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
443 SUP OF 2" PIPE, CS, 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 114 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 2" Pipe,A106 Gr.B,Seamless,ASME B36.10M, BEContractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors
Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification,
Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional
Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
444 SUP OF 3" PIPE, CS, SCH 40 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 96 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 3" Pipe, A106 Gr.B, Seamless, ASME B36.10M,, BEContractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors
Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification,
Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional
Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
445 SUP OF 3" PIPE, CS, SCH 80 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 72 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 3" Pipe,A106 Gr.B,Seamless,ASME B36.10M, BEContractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors
Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification,
Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional
Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
446 SUP OF 4" PIPE, CS, SCH 40 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 144 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 4" Pipe, A106 Gr.B, Seamless, ASME B36.10M,, BEContractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors
Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification,
Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional
Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
447 SUP OF 4" PIPE, CS, SCH 80. 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 678 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 4" Pipe,A106 Gr.B,Seamless,ASME B36.10M, BEContractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors
Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification,
Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional
Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
448 SUP OF 0.75" ELBOW 90, CS, 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 14 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 0.75" 90 Elbow LR,ASTM A105,Class 3000,ASME B16.11, SWContractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved
Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material
Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any
Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
449 SUP OF 1" ELBOW 90, CS, 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 70 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 1" 90 Elbow LR, ASTM A105, Class 3000, ASME B16.11,, SWContractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved
Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material
Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any
Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
450 SUP OF 2" ELBOW 90, CS, 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 62 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 2" 90 Elbow LR,ASTM A234 Gr. WPB,Seamless,ASME B16.9, BWContractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL
Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material
Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any
Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
451 SUP-3" ELBOW 90, SCH 40, CS, 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 14 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 3" 90 Elbow LR, ASTM A234 Gr. WPB, Seamless, ASME B16.9,, BWContractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL
Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material
Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any
Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
452 SUP-3" ELBOW 90, SCH 80, CS, 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 28 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 3" 90 Elbow LR,ASTM A234 Gr. WPB,Seamless,ASME B16.9, BWContractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL
Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material
Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any
Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
453 SUP-4" ELBOW 90, SCH 40, CS, 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 35 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 4" 90 Elbow LR, ASTM A234 Gr. WPB, Seamless, ASME B16.9,, BWContractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL
Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material
Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any
Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
454 SUP-4" ELBOW 90, SCH 40,CS, 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 5 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 4" 90 Elbow LR,ASTM A234 Gr. WPB,Seamless,ASME B16.9, BWContractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL
Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material
Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any
Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
455 SU4" ELBOW 90, SCH 40, CS, 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 50 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 4" 90 Elbow LR,ASTM A234 Gr. WPB,Seamless,ASME B16.9, BWContractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL
Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material
Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any
Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
456 SUP OF 4" CAP, CS, 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 17 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 4" Cap,ASTM A234 Gr. WPB,Seamless,ASME B16.9, BWContractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved
Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material
Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any
Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
457 SUP4" SPEC. BLIND, CS, CL. 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 4 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 4" Spectacle Blind Or Fig.8, A105 , ASME B16.48,, RFContractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors
Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification,
Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional
Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
458 SUP-4" SPEC.BLIND, CS, 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 14 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 4" Spectacle Blind Or Fig.8, A105 , ASME B16.48,, RFContractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors
Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification,
Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional
Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
459 SUP OF 0.5" Sockolet, CS 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 37 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 2"x0.5" Sockolet,ASTM A105,Class 3000,MSS SP 97Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors
Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification,
Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional
Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
460 SUP-0.75" Sockolet, CS 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 14 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 4"x0.75" Sockolet,ASTM A105,Class 3000,MSS SP 97Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors
Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification,
Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional
Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
461 SUP-2" EQ. TEE, SCH 80, CS, 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 28 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 2" Tee Equal,ASTM A234 Gr. WPB,Seamless,ASME B16.9, BWContractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved
Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material
Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any
Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
462 SUP-4" EQ. TEE, SCH 80, CS, 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 14 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 4" Tee Equal,ASTM A234 Gr. WPB,Seamless,ASME B16.9, BWContractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved
Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material
Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any
Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
463 SUP-4"x2",SCH 80,CS 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 32 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 4"x2" Tee Reducing, ASTM A234 Gr. WPB, Seamless, ASME B16.9Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL
Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material
Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any
Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
464 SUP-4"x3" Red.Tee, SCH 40,CS 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 7 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 4"x3" Tee Reducing, ASTM A234 Gr. WPB, Seamless, ASME B16.9,Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL
Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material
Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any
Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
465 SUP-4"x3" Red.Tee, SCH 80,CS 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 7 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 4"x3" Tee Reducing,ASTM A234 Gr. WPB,Seamless,ASME B16.9Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL
Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material
Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any
Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
466 SUP-0.5" FLANGE,CS, CL.600 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 12 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 0.5" Flange Socket Weld,A105 ,ASME B16.5, RFContractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors
Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification,
Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional
Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
467 SUP-0.75" FLANGE, CS, CL. 600 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 26 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 0.75" Flange Socket Weld,A105 ,ASME B16.5, RFContractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors
Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification,
Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional
Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
468 SUP-1" FLANGE, CS, CL. 300 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 13 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 1" Flange Socket Weld,A105 ,ASME B16.5, RFContractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors
Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification,
Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional
Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
469 SUP-2" FLANGE, CS, CL. 600 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 204 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 2" Flange Weld Neck,A105 ,ASME B16.5, RFContractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including
Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard
Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials
Required For Completion Of The Work.
470 SUP-3" FLANGE, CS, CL. 300 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 7 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 3" Flange Weld Neck, A105 , ASME B16.5,, RFContractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors
Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification,
Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional
Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
471 SUP-3" FLANGE, CS, CL. 600 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 42 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 3" Flange Weld Neck,A105 ,ASME B16.5, RFContractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including
Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard
Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials
Required For Completion Of The Work.
472 SUP-4" FLANGE, CS, CL. 300 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 77 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 4" Flange Weld Neck, A105 , ASME B16.5,, RFContractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors
Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification,
Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional
Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
473 SUP-4" FLANGE, CS, CL. 600 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 14 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 4" Flange Weld Neck,A105 ,ASME B16.5, RFContractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including
Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard
Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials
Required For Completion Of The Work.
474 SUP-0.5" BL. FLG, CS, CL. 600 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 6 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 0.5" Flange Blind,A105 ,ASME B16.5, RFContractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including
Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard
Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials
Required For Completion Of The Work.
475 SUP-0.75" BL. FLG, CS, CL. 600 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 1 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 0.75" Flange Blind,A105 ,ASME B16.5Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including
Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard
Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials
Required For Completion Of The Work.
476 SUP-2" BL. FLG, CS, CL. 600 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 2 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 2" Flange Blind,A105 ,ASME B16.5, RFContractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including
Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard
Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials
Required For Completion Of The Work.
477 SUP-1" BL. FLG, CS, CL. 600 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 1 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 1" Flange Blind,A105 ,ASME B16.5, RFContractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including
Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard
Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials
Required For Completion Of The Work.
478 SUP-3" BL. FLG, CS, CL. 300 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 7 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 3" Flange Blind, A105 , ASME B16.5,, RFContractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including
Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard
Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials
Required For Completion Of The Work.
479 SUP-4" BL. FLG, CS, CL. 300 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 7 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 4" Flange Blind, A105 , ASME B16.5,, RFContractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including
Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard
Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials
Required For Completion Of The Work.
480 SUP-4" BL. FLG, CS, CL. 600 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 2 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 4" Flange Blind,A105 ,ASME B16.5, RFContractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including
Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard
Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials
Required For Completion Of The Work.
481 SUP-0.5" GASKET, CL 600 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 68 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 0.5" Spiral Wound Gasket, SS316 Winding with Graphite Filler, 600, ASME B16.20,Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement
From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings,
Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of
Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
482 SUP-0.75"GASKET, CL 600 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 1 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 0.75" Spiral Wound Gasket, SS316 Winding with Graphite Filler, 600, ASME B16.20,Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement
From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings,
Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of
Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
483 SUP-2" GASKET, CL 600 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 210 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 2" Spiral Wound Gasket, SS316 Winding with Graphite Filler, 600, ASME B16.20,Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From
HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe
Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of
Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
484 SUP-3" GASKET, CL 300 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 21 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 3" Spiral Wound Gasket, SS316 Winding with Graphite Filler, 300, ASME B16.20,Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From
HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe
Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of
Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
485 SUP-3" GASKET, CL 600 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 42 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 3" Spiral Wound Gasket, SS316 Winding with Graphite Filler, 600, ASME B16.20,Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From
HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe
Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of
Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
486 SUP-4" GASKET, CL 300 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 84 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 4" Spiral Wound Gasket, SS316 Winding with Graphite Filler, 300, ASME B16.20,Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From
HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe
Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of
Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
487 SUP-4" GASKET, CL 600 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 16 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 4" Spiral Wound Gasket, SS316 Winding with Graphite Filler, 600, ASME B16.20,Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From
HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe
Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of
Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
488 SUP-2"INSU.GASKET, CL 600 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 34 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 2" INSULATING GASKETContractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection,
Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications,
Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For
Completion Of The Work.
489 SUP-1" GASKET, CL 300 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 14 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 1" Spiral Wound Gasket, SS316 Winding with Graphite Filler, 300, ASME B16.20,Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From
HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe
Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of
Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
490 SUP-0.75" GASKET, CL 600 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 14 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 0.75" Spiral Wound Gasket, SS316 Winding with Graphite Filler, 600, ASME B16.20,Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement
From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings,
Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of
Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
491 SUP-0.5"x75 mm long STUDS 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 48 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 0.5" x 75mm Stud & Nuts, ASTM A193 Gr. B7/ ASTM A194 Gr. 2H,Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL
Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material
Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any
Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
492 SUP-0.625"x90 mm long STUDS 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 100 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 0.625" x 90mm Stud & Nuts, ASTM A193 Gr. B7/ ASTM A194 Gr. 2H,Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL
Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material
Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any
Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
493 SUP-0.625"x110mm long STUDS 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 1632 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 0.625" x 110mm Stud & Nuts, ASTM A193 Gr. B7/ ASTM A194 Gr. 2H,Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL
Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material
Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any
Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
494 SUP-0.75"x120 mm long STUDS 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 56 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 0.75" x 120mm Stud & Nuts, ASTM A193 Gr. B7/ ASTM A194 Gr. 2H,Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL
Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material
Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any
Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
495 SUP-0.75"x 125mm long STUDS 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 952 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 0.75" x 125mm Stud & Nuts, ASTM A193 Gr. B7/ ASTM A194 Gr. 2H,Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL
Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material
Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any
Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
496 SUP-0.875"x145 mm long 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 112 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 0.875" x 145mm Stud & Nuts, ASTM A193 Gr. B7/ ASTM A194 Gr. 2H,Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL
Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material
Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any
Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
497 SUP-0.5"x75mm long STUDS 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 56 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 0.5" x 75mm Stud & Nuts, ASTM A193 Gr. B7/ ASTM A194 Gr. 2H,Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL
Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material
Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any
Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
498 SUP-0.625"x110 mm long 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 1632 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 0.625" x 110mm Stud & Nuts, ASTM A193 Gr. B8/ ASTM A194 Gr. 8,Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL
Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material
Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any
Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
499 SUP-2"-MIJ 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 7 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 2" MONO BLOCK INSULATION JOINTContractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including
Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard
Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials
Required For Completion Of The Work.
500 SUP-4"-MIJ 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 35 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 4" MONO BLOCK INSULATION JOINTContractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including
Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard
Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials
Required For Completion Of The Work.
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 4" FLAME ARRESTOR, FLANGEDContractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including
Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard
Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials
Required For Completion Of The Work.
502 SUP-4" Special Item, CL 300 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 7 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 4" FLEXIBLE HOSEE, FLANGEDContractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection,
Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications,
Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For
Completion Of The Work.
503 SUP-4" Rest. Orifice, CL 300 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 7 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 4" Restricted OrificeSupply of 4" FLEXIBLE HOSEE, FLANGED
504 SUP OF 10" PIPE, SCH 80, CS, 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 155 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 10" Pipe, A106 Gr.B, Seamless, ASME B36.10M, Impact Tested, BEContractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL
Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material
Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any
Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
505 SUP OF 14" PIPE, SCH 80, CS, 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 4 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 14" Pipe, A106 Gr.B, Seamless, ASME B36.10M, Impact Tested, BEContractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL
Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material
Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any
Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
506 SUP-10" ELBOW 90, SCH 80, 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 18 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 10" 90 Elbow LR, ASTM A234 Gr. WPB, Seamless, ASME B16.9, Impact Tested, BWContractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement
From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings,
Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of
Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
507 SUP-14" ELBOW 90, SCH 80, 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 3 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 14" 90 Elbow LR, ASTM A234 Gr. WPB, Seamless, ASME B16.9, Impact Tested, BWContractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement
From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings,
Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of
Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
508 SUP-10"SPEC.BLIND,CS,CL.600 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 1 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 10" (HOLD) Spacer & Blind (Blank & Spacer),A516 Gr. 70,ASME B16.48, RFContractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From
HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe
Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of
Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
509 SUP-0.75"Sockolet,CS 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 1 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 14"x0.75" Sockolet,ASTM A105,Class 3000,MSS SP 97Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors
Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification,
Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional
Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
510 SUP-2"Weldolet,CS. 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 3 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 14"x4" Weldolet,ASTM A105,MSS SP 97, BWContractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors
Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification,
Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional
Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
511 SUP-4"Weldolet,CS. 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 2 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 14"x4" Weldolet,ASTM A105,MSS SP 97, BWContractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors
Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification,
Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional
Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
512 SUP-14"EQ.TEE,CS, 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 1 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 14" Tee Equal, ASTM A234 Gr. WPB, Seamless, ASME B16.9, Impact Tested, BWContractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From
HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe
Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of
Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
513 SUP-10"EQ.TEE,CS, 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 2 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 10" Tee Equal, ASTM A234 Gr. WPB, Seamless, ASME B16.9, Impact Tested, BWContractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From
HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe
Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of
Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
514 SUP-2"Weldolet,CS 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 14 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 10"x2" Weldolet,ASTM A105,MSS SP 97, BWContractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors
Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification,
Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional
Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
515 SUP-3"Weldolet,CS 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 14 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 10"x3" Weldolet,ASTM A105,MSS SP 97, BWContractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors
Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification,
Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional
Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
516 SUP-4"Weldolet,CS 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 14 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 10"x4" Weldolet,ASTM A105,MSS SP 97, BWContractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors
Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification,
Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional
Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
517 SUP-10"FLANGE,CS,CL.600 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 4 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 10" Flange Weld Neck, A105 , ASME B16.5, Impact Tested, RFContractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved
Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material
Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any
Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
518 SUP-14"FLANGE,CS,CL.600 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 3 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 14" Flange Weld Neck, A105 , ASME B16.5, Impact Tested, RFContractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved
Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material
Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any
Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
519 SUP-14"BL.FLG,CS,CL.600 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 3 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 14" Flange Blind, A105 , ASME B16.5, Impact Tested, RFContractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved
Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material
Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any
Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
520 SUP-10"GASKET,CL600 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 5 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 10" Spiral Wound Gasket, SS316 Winding with Graphite Filler, 600, ASME B16.20,Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement
From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings,
Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of
Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
521 SUP-14"GASKET,CL600 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 4 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 14" Spiral Wound Gasket, SS316 Winding with Graphite Filler, 600, ASME B16.20,Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement
From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings,
Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of
Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
522 SUP-1.25"x215mmlongSTUDS 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 64 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 1.25" x 215mm Stud & Nuts, ASTM A193 Gr. B7/ ASTM A194 Gr. 2H,ASME B18.2.1 / ASME B18.2.2,Contractor To Supply Above Material
Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per
Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract
And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
523 SUP-1.375"x235mmlongSTUDS 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 60 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 1.375" x 235mm Stud & Nuts, ASTM A193 Gr. B7/ ASTM A194 Gr. 2H,ASME B18.2.1 / ASME B18.2.2,Contractor To Supply Above Material
Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per
Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract
And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
524 SUP- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 42 29AAACH1 Yes
CopperJumperstrip25mmx3mm PUMPING STATION 118B1Z8
DESCRIPTION => Supply of Copper Jumper stripContractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing
Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-
Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion
Of The Work.
525 SUP-10"-MIJ 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 1 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 10" MONO BLOCK INSULATION JOINTContractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including
Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard
Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials
Required For Completion Of The Work.
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 14"x1" INJECTION QUILLContractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection,
Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications,
Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For
Completion Of The Work.
527 SUP-0.5"BALLVAL- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 34 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 0.5" Ball Valve,ASTM A105,CL. 800,API 608,Trim SS316 SeatRPTFE, Lever Op.,SW, Val Tag BA-C804-R-1Contractor To Supply below Material
Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per
Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract
And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
528 SUP-1"BALLVAL-RB,CS,CL.800 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 14 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 1" Ball Valve,ASTM A105,CL. 800,API 608,Trim 13 Cr Seat PTFE, Lever Op.,SW, Val Tag BA-C804-RContractor To Supply below Material
Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per
Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract
And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
529 SUP-2"BALLVAL-RB,CS,CL.600 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 69 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 2" Ball Valve,ASTM A216 Gr. WCB,CL. 600,API 6D,TrimSS316 Seat RPTFE, Lever Op.,RF, Val Tag BA-C600-RContractor To Supply below
Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As
Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of
Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
530 SUP-4"WEL.BALL- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 14 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 4" Ball Valve, ASTM A216 Gr. WCB, CL. 600, API 6D, Trim SS316 Seat RPTFE, Gear Op.,BE, Val Tag BA-C612-RGContractor To Supply below
Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As
Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of
Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
531 SUP-0.75"BALLVAL- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 12 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 0.75" Ball Valve,ASTM A105,CL. 800,API 608,Trim SS316 SeatRPTFE, Lever Op.,SW, Val Tag BA-C804-F-1Contractor To Supply below Material
Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per
Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract
And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
532 SUP-2"WELD.BALL- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 2 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 2" Ball Valve, ASTM A216 Gr. WCB, CL. 600, API 6D, Trim SS316 Seat RPTFE, Lever Op.,BE, Val Tag BA-C602-FContractor To Supply below
Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As
Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of
Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
533 SUP- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 2 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 2" Ball Valve, ASTM A216 Gr. WCB, CL. 600, API 6D, Trim SS316 Seat RPTFE, Lever Op.,BE, Val Tag BA-C602-RContractor To Supply below
Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As
Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of
Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
534 SUP-2"WELD.BALL- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 7 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 4" Ball Valve, ASTM A216 Gr. WCB, CL. 600, API 6D, Trim SS316 Seat RPTFE, Lever Op.,BE, Val Tag BA-C602-RContractor To Supply below
Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As
Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of
Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
535 SUP-4"BALLVAL-RB,CS,CL.600 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 7 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 4" Ball Valve,ASTM A216 Gr. WCB,CL. 600,API 6D,Trim SS316 Seat RPTFE, Gear Op.,RF, Val Tag BA-I610-RGContractor To Supply below
Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As
Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of
Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
536 SUP-4"WELD.BALL- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 7 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 4" Ball Valve, ASTM A216 Gr. WCB, CL. 300, API 6D, Trim 13Cr Seat PTFE, Lever Op.,BE, Val Tag BA-C302-RContractor To Supply below
Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As
Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of
Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
537 SUP-4"WELD.BALL- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 21 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 4" Ball Valve, ASTM A216 Gr. WCB, CL. 300, API 6D, Trim 13Cr Seat PTFE, Lever Op.,BE, Val Tag BA-C302-RContractor To Supply below
Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As
Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of
Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
538 SUP-4"WELD.BAL- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 7 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 4" Ball Valve, ASTM A216 Gr. WCB, CL. 600, API 6D, Trim SS316 Seat RPTFE, Gear Op.,BE, Val Tag BA-C612-RGContractor To Supply below
Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As
Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of
Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
539 SUP-4"WEL.BAL.RB,CS,CL.600 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 2 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 4" Ball Valve, ASTM A216 Gr. WCB, CL. 600, API 6D, Trim SS316 Seat RPTFE, Gear Op.,BE, Val Tag BA-C612-RGContractor To Supply below
Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As
Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of
Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
540 SUP-SP.VALVE 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 34 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 2" , Excess flow check valveContractor To Supply below Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing
Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-
Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion
Of The Work.
541 SUP-2"CHECKVAL,CS,CL.600 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 7 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 2" Check Valve,ASTM A216 Gr. WCB,CL. 600,API 594,Trimno. 5,RF, Val Tag CH-L600Contractor To Supply below Material Including Procurement
From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings,
Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of
Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
542 SUP-4"CHECKVAL,CS,CL.600 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 7 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 4" Check Valve,ASTM A216 Gr. WCB,CL. 600,API 594,Trimno. 5,RF, Val Tag CH-L600Contractor To Supply below Material Including Procurement
From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings,
Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of
Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
543 INST-0.75"x1"TSV 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 14 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, TSVReceiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Material From Owners Designated Place Of Issue, Transportation Including
Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner Designated Place Of Issue To Contractors Own Stock Yard/Work Site/Work Shop Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage
Thereof, As Required; Supply Of All Material, Equipments, Consumable As Defined In Contractors Scope Of Supply And Its Transportation To The Work Site; Installation Of Valves,
Including Fixing Of Gaskets, Bolts, Studs, Nuts, Leveling, Aligning, Installation And Assembly Of Accessories Including Accessories For Actuators, If Any By Bolting/Threading Or
Welding Of Pipes At All Elevations, Testing, Completing All Work In All Respect As Per Drawings, Specifications, Other Provisions Of Contract And Direction Of The Engineer-In-
Charge. Installation Of Valve With Flange, Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads
Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper Including Gasket. Stud/Nuts and Gasket shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping
spce.Stud Bolt Lengths Will Be Calculated Using The Basis Outlined In ASME B16.5 And Rounded Up To The Nearest 10mm. Flanged Joints Requiring Hydraulic Bolt Tensioning
(For Bolt Diameters 1¼ And Larger. These Joints Are Supplied With A Longer Stud Bolt Designed To Accommodate 3 Heavy Hex Head Nuts).
544 INST-0.5"PIPE,CS, 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 24 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 0.5" Pipe,A106 Gr.B,Seamless,ASME B36.10M, PEFabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping:
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading,
Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate
Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of
Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of
Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating
Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment
Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings
Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tapping's For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And
Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding
Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per
Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of
Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And
Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And
Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated
Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge.
Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment's, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material
Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut
For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The
Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro
Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT
Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be
Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints
Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified
Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out
Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-
Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall
Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce
545 INST-0.75"PIPE,CS, 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 30 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 0.75" Pipe,A106 Gr.B,Seamless,ASME B36.10M, PEFabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping:
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading,
Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate
Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of
Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of
Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating
Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment
Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings
Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And
Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding
Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per
Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of
Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And
Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And
Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated
Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge.
Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material
Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut
For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The
Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro
Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT
Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be
Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints
Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified
Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out
Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-
Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall
Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce
546 INST-1"PIPE,CS, 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 102 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 1" Pipe, A106 Gr.B, Seamless, ASME B36.10M,, PEFabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping:
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading,
Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate
Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of
Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of
Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating
Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment
Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings
Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And
Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding
Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per
Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of
Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And
Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And
Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated
Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge.
Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material
Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut
For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The
Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro
Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT
Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be
Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints
Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified
Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out
Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-
Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall
Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce
547 INST-2"PIPE,CS, 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 114 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 2" Pipe,A106 Gr.B,Seamless,ASME B36.10M, BEFabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping:
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading,
Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate
Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of
Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of
Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating
Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment
Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings
Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And
Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding
Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per
Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of
Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And
Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And
Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated
Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge.
Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material
Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut
For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The
Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro
Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT
Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be
Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints
Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified
Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out
Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-
Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall
Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce
548 INST-3"PIPE,CS,SCH40 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 96 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 3" Pipe, A106 Gr.B, Seamless, ASME B36.10M,, BEFabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping:
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading,
Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate
Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of
Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of
Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating
Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment
Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings
Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And
Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding
Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per
Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of
Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And
Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And
Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated
Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge.
Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material
Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut
For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The
Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro
Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT
Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be
Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints
Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified
Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out
Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-
Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall
Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce
549 INST-3"PIPE,CS,SCH80 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 72 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 3" Pipe,A106 Gr.B,Seamless,ASME B36.10M, BEFabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping:
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading,
Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate
Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of
Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of
Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating
Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment
Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings
Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And
Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding
Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per
Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of
Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And
Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And
Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated
Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge.
Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material
Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut
For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The
Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro
Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT
Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be
Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints
Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified
Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out
Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-
Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall
Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce
550 INST-4"PIPE,CS,SCH40 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 144 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 4" Pipe, A106 Gr.B, Seamless, ASME B36.10M,, BEFabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping:
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading,
Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate
Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of
Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of
Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating
Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment
Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings
Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And
Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding
Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per
Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of
Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And
Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And
Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated
Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge.
Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material
Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut
For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The
Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro
Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT
Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be
Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints
Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified
Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out
Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-
Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall
Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce
551 INST-4"PIPE,CS,SCH80 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 678 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 4" Pipe,A106 Gr.B,Seamless,ASME B36.10M, BEFabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping:
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading,
Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate
Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of
Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of
Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating
Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment
Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings
Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And
Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding
Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per
Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of
Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And
Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And
Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated
Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge.
Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material
Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut
For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The
Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro
Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT
Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be
Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints
Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified
Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out
Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-
Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall
Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce
552 INST-0.75"ELBOW90,CS, 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 14 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 0.75" 90 Elbow LR,ASTM A105,Class 3000,ASME B16.11, SWFabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground
Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including
Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary
Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In
Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge
Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever
Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations,
Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those
Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And
Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-
Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline
Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test
And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By
Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable;
Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To
Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of
Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per
Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed
After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be
Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper.
Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The
Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The
Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping.
Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films,
Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography
Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of
Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot,
Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce
553 INST-1"ELBOW90,CS, 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 70 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 1" 90 Elbow LR, ASTM A105, Class 3000, ASME B16.11,, SWFabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground
Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including
Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary
Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In
Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge
Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever
Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations,
Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those
Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And
Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-
Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline
Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test
And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By
Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable;
Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To
Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of
Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per
Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed
After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be
Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper.
Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The
Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The
Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping.
Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films,
Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography
Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of
Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot,
Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce
554 INST-2"ELBOW90,CS, 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 62 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 2" 90 Elbow LR,ASTM A234 Gr. WPB,Seamless,ASME B16.9, BWFabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above
Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport:
Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including
Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment,
Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication
Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different
Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And
At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves
(Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All
Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items,
Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With
Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test,
Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required,
Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process
Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor
Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract
And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud
And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads
Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper
Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity
Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-
Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size
Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The
Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The
Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping.
In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair,
Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in
piping spce
555 INST-3"ELBOW90,SCH40,CS, 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 14 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 3" 90 Elbow LR, ASTM A234 Gr. WPB, Seamless, ASME B16.9,, BWFabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above
Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport:
Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including
Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment,
Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication
Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different
Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And
At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves
(Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All
Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items,
Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With
Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test,
Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required,
Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process
Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor
Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract
And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud
And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads
Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper
Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity
Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-
Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size
Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The
Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The
Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping.
In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair,
Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in
piping spce
556 INST-3"ELBOW90,SCH80,CS 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 28 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 3" 90 Elbow LR,ASTM A234 Gr. WPB,Seamless,ASME B16.9, BWFabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above
Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport:
Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including
Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment,
Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication
Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different
Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And
At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves
(Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All
Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items,
Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With
Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test,
Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required,
Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process
Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor
Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract
And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud
And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads
Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper
Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity
Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-
Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size
Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The
Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The
Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping.
In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair,
Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in
piping spce
557 INST-4"ELBOW90,SCH40,CS 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 35 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 4" 90 Elbow LR, ASTM A234 Gr. WPB, Seamless, ASME B16.9,, BWFabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above
Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport:
Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including
Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment,
Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication
Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different
Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And
At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves
(Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All
Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items,
Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With
Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test,
Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required,
Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process
Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor
Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract
And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud
And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads
Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper
Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity
Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-
Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size
Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The
Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The
Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping.
In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair,
Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in
piping spce
558 INST-4"ELBOW90,SCH40,CS.. 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 5 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 4" 90 Elbow LR,ASTM A234 Gr. WPB,Seamless,ASME B16.9, BWFabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above
Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport:
Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including
Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment,
Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication
Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different
Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And
At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves
(Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All
Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items,
Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With
Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test,
Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required,
Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process
Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor
Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract
And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud
And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads
Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper
Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity
Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-
Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size
Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The
Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The
Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping.
In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair,
Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in
piping spce
559 INST-4"ELBOW90,SCH40,CS, 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 50 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 4" 90 Elbow LR,ASTM A234 Gr. WPB,Seamless,ASME B16.9, BWFabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above
Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport:
Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including
Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment,
Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication
Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different
Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And
At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves
(Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All
Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items,
Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With
Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test,
Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required,
Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process
Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor
Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract
And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud
And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads
Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper
Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity
Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-
Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size
Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The
Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The
Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping.
In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair,
Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in
piping spce
560 INST-4"CAP,CS, 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 17 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 4" Cap,ASTM A234 Gr. WPB,Seamless,ASME B16.9, BWFabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping:
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading,
Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate
Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of
Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of
Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating
Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment
Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings
Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And
Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding
Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per
Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of
Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And
Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And
Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated
Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge.
Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material
Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut
For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The
Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro
Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT
Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be
Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints
Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified
Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out
Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-
Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall
Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce
561 INST- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 4 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 4" Spectacle Blind Or Fig.8, A105 , ASME B16.48,, RFFabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping:
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading,
Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate
Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of
Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of
Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating
Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment
Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings
Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And
Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding
Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per
Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of
Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And
Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And
Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated
Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge.
Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material
Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut
For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The
Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro
Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT
Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be
Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints
Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified
Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out
Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-
Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall
Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce
562 INST- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 14 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 4" Spectacle Blind Or Fig.8, A105 , ASME B16.48,, RFFabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping:
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading,
Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate
Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of
Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of
Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating
Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment
Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings
Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And
Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding
Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per
Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of
Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And
Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And
Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated
Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge.
Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material
Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut
For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The
Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro
Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT
Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be
Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints
Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified
Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out
Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-
Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall
Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce
563 INST-0.5"Sockolet,CS 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 37 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 2"x0.5" Sockolet,ASTM A105,Class 3000,MSS SP 97Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping:
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading,
Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate
Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of
Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of
Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating
Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment
Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings
Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And
Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding
Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per
Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of
Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And
Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And
Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated
Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge.
Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material
Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut
For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The
Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro
Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT
Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be
Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints
Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified
Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out
Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-
Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall
Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce
564 INST-0.75"Sockolet,CS. 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 14 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 4"x0.75" Sockolet,ASTM A105,Class 3000,MSS SP 97Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping:
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading,
Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate
Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of
Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of
Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating
Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment
Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings
Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And
Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding
Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per
Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of
Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And
Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And
Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated
Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge.
Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material
Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut
For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The
Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro
Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT
Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be
Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints
Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified
Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out
Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-
Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall
Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce
565 INST-2"EQ.TEE,SCH80,CS, 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 28 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 2" Tee Equal,ASTM A234 Gr. WPB,Seamless,ASME B16.9, BWFabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground
Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including
Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary
Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In
Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge
Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever
Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations,
Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those
Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And
Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-
Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline
Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test
And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By
Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable;
Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To
Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of
Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per
Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed
After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be
Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper.
Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The
Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The
Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping.
Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films,
Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography
Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of
Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot,
Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce
566 INST-4"EQ.TEE,SCH80,CS, 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 14 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 4" Tee Equal,ASTM A234 Gr. WPB,Seamless,ASME B16.9, BWFabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground
Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including
Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary
Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In
Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge
Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever
Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations,
Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those
Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And
Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-
Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline
Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test
And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By
Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable;
Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To
Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of
Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per
Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed
After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be
Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper.
Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The
Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The
Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping.
Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films,
Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography
Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of
Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot,
Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce
567 INST- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 32 29AAACH1 Yes
4"x2"ReducingTee,SCH80,CS PUMPING STATION 118B1Z8
DESCRIPTION => Install, 4"x2" Tee Reducing, ASTM A234 Gr. WPB, Seamless, ASME B16.9Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above
Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport:
Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including
Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment,
Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication
Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different
Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And
At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves
(Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All
Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items,
Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With
Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test,
Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required,
Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process
Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor
Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract
And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud
And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads
Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper
Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity
Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-
Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size
Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The
Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The
Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping.
In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair,
Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in
piping spce
568 INST- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 7 29AAACH1 Yes
4"x3"ReducingTee,SCH40,CS PUMPING STATION 118B1Z8
DESCRIPTION => Install, 4"x3" Tee Reducing, ASTM A234 Gr. WPB, Seamless, ASME B16.9,Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above
Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport:
Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including
Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment,
Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication
Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different
Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And
At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves
(Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All
Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items,
Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With
Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test,
Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required,
Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process
Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor
Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract
And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud
And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads
Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper
Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity
Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-
Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size
Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The
Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The
Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping.
In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair,
Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in
piping spce
569 INST- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 7 29AAACH1 Yes
4"x3"ReducingTee,SCH80,CS PUMPING STATION 118B1Z8
DESCRIPTION => Install, 4"x3" Tee Reducing,ASTM A234 Gr. WPB,Seamless,ASME B16.9Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above
Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport:
Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including
Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment,
Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication
Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different
Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And
At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves
(Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All
Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items,
Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With
Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test,
Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required,
Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process
Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor
Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract
And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud
And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads
Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper
Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity
Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-
Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size
Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The
Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The
Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping.
In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair,
Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in
piping spce
570 INST-0.5"FLANGE,CS,CL.600 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 12 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 0.5" Flange Socket Weld,A105 ,ASME B16.5, RFFabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping:
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading,
Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate
Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of
Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of
Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating
Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment
Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings
Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And
Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding
Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per
Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of
Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And
Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And
Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated
Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge.
Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material
Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut
For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The
Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro
Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT
Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be
Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints
Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified
Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out
Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-
Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall
Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce
571 INST-0.75"FLANGE,CS,CL.600 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 26 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 0.75" Flange Socket Weld,A105 ,ASME B16.5, RFFabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping:
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading,
Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate
Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of
Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of
Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating
Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment
Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings
Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And
Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding
Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per
Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of
Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And
Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And
Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated
Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge.
Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material
Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut
For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The
Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro
Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT
Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be
Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints
Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified
Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out
Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-
Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall
Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce
572 INST-1"FLANGE,CS,CL.300 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 13 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 1" Flange Socket Weld,A105 ,ASME B16.5, RFFabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving:
Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading,
Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage
Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply
And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of
Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating
Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment
Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings
Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And
Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding
Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per
Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of
Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And
Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And
Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated
Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge.
Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material
Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut
For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The
Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro
Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT
Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be
Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints
Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified
Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out
Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-
Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall
Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce
573 INST-2"FLANGE,CS,CL.600 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 204 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 2" Flange Weld Neck,A105 ,ASME B16.5, RFFabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving:
Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading,
Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage
Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply
And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of
Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating
Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment
Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings
Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And
Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding
Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per
Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of
Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And
Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And
Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated
Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge.
Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material
Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut
For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The
Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro
Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT
Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be
Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints
Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified
Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out
Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-
Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall
Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce
574 INST-3"FLANGE,CS,CL.300 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 7 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 3" Flange Weld Neck, A105 , ASME B16.5,, RFFabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping:
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading,
Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate
Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of
Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of
Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating
Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment
Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings
Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And
Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding
Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per
Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of
Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And
Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And
Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated
Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge.
Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material
Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut
For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The
Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro
Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT
Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be
Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints
Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified
Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out
Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-
Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall
Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce
575 INST-3"FLANGE,CS,CL.600 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 42 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 3" Flange Weld Neck,A105 ,ASME B16.5, RFFabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving:
Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading,
Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage
Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply
And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of
Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating
Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment
Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings
Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And
Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding
Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per
Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of
Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And
Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And
Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated
Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge.
Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material
Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut
For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The
Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro
Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT
Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be
Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints
Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified
Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out
Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-
Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall
Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce
576 INST-4"FLANGE,CS,CL.300 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 77 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 4" Flange Weld Neck, A105 , ASME B16.5,, RFFabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping:
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading,
Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate
Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of
Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of
Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating
Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment
Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings
Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And
Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding
Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per
Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of
Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And
Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And
Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated
Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge.
Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material
Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut
For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The
Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro
Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT
Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be
Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints
Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified
Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out
Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-
Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall
Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce
577 INST-4"FLANGE,CS,CL.600 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 14 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 4" Flange Weld Neck,A105 ,ASME B16.5, RFFabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving:
Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading,
Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage
Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply
And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of
Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating
Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment
Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings
Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And
Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding
Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per
Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of
Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And
Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And
Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated
Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge.
Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material
Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut
For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The
Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro
Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT
Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be
Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints
Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified
Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out
Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-
Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall
Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce
578 INST-0.5"BL.FLG,CS,CL.600 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 6 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 0.5" Flange Blind,A105 ,ASME B16.5, RFFabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving:
Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading,
Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage
Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply
And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of
Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating
Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment
Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings
Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And
Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding
Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per
Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of
Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And
Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And
Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated
Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge.
Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material
Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut
For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The
Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro
Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT
Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be
Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints
Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified
Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out
Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-
Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall
Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce
579 INST-0.75"BL.FLG,CS,CL.600 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 1 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 0.75" Flange Blind,A105 ,ASME B16.5Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving:
Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading,
Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage
Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply
And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of
Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating
Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment
Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings
Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And
Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding
Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per
Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of
Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And
Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And
Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated
Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge.
Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material
Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut
For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The
Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro
Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT
Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be
Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints
Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified
Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out
Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-
Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall
Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce
580 INST-2"BL.FLG,CS,CL.600 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 2 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 2" Flange Blind,A105 ,ASME B16.5, RFFabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving:
Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading,
Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage
Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply
And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of
Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating
Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment
Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings
Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And
Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding
Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per
Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of
Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And
Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And
Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated
Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge.
Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material
Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut
For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The
Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro
Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT
Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be
Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints
Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified
Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out
Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-
Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall
Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce
581 INST-1"BL.FLG,CS,CL.600 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 1 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 1" Flange Blind,A105 ,ASME B16.5, RFFabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving:
Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading,
Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage
Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply
And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of
Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating
Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment
Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings
Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And
Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding
Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per
Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of
Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And
Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And
Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated
Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge.
Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material
Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut
For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The
Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro
Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT
Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be
Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints
Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified
Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out
Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-
Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall
Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce
582 INST-3"BL.FLG,CS,CL.300 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 7 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 3" Flange Blind, A105 , ASME B16.5,, RFFabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving:
Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading,
Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage
Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply
And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of
Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating
Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment
Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings
Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And
Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding
Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per
Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of
Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And
Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And
Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated
Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge.
Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material
Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut
For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The
Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro
Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT
Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be
Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints
Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified
Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out
Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-
Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall
Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce
583 INST-4"BL.FLG,CS,CL.300 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 7 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 4" Flange Blind, A105 , ASME B16.5,, RFFabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving:
Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading,
Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage
Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply
And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of
Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating
Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment
Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings
Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And
Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding
Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per
Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of
Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And
Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And
Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated
Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge.
Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material
Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut
For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The
Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro
Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT
Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be
Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints
Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified
Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out
Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-
Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall
Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce
584 INST-4"BL.FLG,CS,CL.600 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 2 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 4" Flange Blind,A105 ,ASME B16.5, RFFabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving:
Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading,
Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage
Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply
And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of
Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating
Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment
Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings
Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And
Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding
Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per
Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of
Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And
Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And
Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated
Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge.
Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material
Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut
For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The
Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro
Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT
Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be
Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints
Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified
Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out
Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-
Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall
Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce
585 INST-0.5"GASKET,CL600 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 68 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 0.5" Spiral Wound Gasket, SS316 Winding with Graphite Filler, 600, ASME B16.20,Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above
Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport:
Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including
Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment,
Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication
Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different
Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And
At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves
(Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All
Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items,
Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With
Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test,
Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required,
Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process
Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor
Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract
And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud
And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads
Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper
Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity
Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-
Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size
Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The
Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The
Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping.
In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair,
Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in
piping spce
586 INST-0.75"GASKET,CL600. 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 1 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 0.75" Spiral Wound Gasket, SS316 Winding with Graphite Filler, 600, ASME B16.20,Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above
Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport:
Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including
Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment,
Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication
Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different
Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And
At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves
(Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All
Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items,
Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With
Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test,
Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required,
Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process
Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor
Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract
And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud
And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads
Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper
Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity
Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-
Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size
Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The
Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The
Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping.
In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair,
Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in
piping spce
587 INST-2"GASKET,CL600 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 210 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 2" Spiral Wound Gasket, SS316 Winding with Graphite Filler, 600, ASME B16.20,Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above
Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport:
Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including
Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment,
Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication
Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different
Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And
At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves
(Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All
Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items,
Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With
Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test,
Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required,
Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process
Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor
Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract
And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud
And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads
Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper
Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity
Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-
Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size
Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The
Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The
Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping.
In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair,
Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in
piping spce
588 INST-3"GASKET,CL300 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 21 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 3" Spiral Wound Gasket, SS316 Winding with Graphite Filler, 300, ASME B16.20,Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above
Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport:
Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including
Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment,
Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication
Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different
Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And
At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves
(Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All
Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items,
Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With
Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test,
Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required,
Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process
Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor
Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract
And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud
And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads
Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper
Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity
Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-
Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size
Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The
Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The
Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping.
In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair,
Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in
piping spce
589 INST-3"GASKET,CL600 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 42 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 3" Spiral Wound Gasket, SS316 Winding with Graphite Filler, 600, ASME B16.20,Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above
Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport:
Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including
Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment,
Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication
Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different
Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And
At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves
(Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All
Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items,
Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With
Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test,
Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required,
Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process
Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor
Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract
And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud
And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads
Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper
Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity
Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-
Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size
Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The
Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The
Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping.
In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair,
Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in
piping spce
590 INST-4"GASKET,CL300 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 84 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 4" Spiral Wound Gasket, SS316 Winding with Graphite Filler, 300, ASME B16.20,Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above
Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport:
Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including
Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment,
Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication
Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different
Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And
At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves
(Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All
Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items,
Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With
Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test,
Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required,
Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process
Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor
Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract
And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud
And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads
Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper
Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity
Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-
Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size
Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The
Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The
Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping.
In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair,
Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in
piping spce
591 INST-4"GASKET,CL600 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 16 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 4" Spiral Wound Gasket, SS316 Winding with Graphite Filler, 600, ASME B16.20,Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above
Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport:
Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including
Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment,
Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication
Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different
Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And
At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves
(Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All
Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items,
Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With
Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test,
Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required,
Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process
Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor
Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract
And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud
And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads
Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper
Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity
Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-
Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size
Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The
Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The
Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping.
In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair,
Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in
piping spce
592 INST- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 34 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 2" INSULATING GASKETFabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And
Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From
Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As
Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their
Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The
Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever
Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles;
Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All
Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-
Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography
Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings
Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As
Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing
Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site,
Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing
All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible
For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall
Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper.
Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The
Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-
Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out
Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The
Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray),
Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair,
Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And
Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured
Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All
the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce
593 INST-1"GASKET,CL300 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 14 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 1" Spiral Wound Gasket, SS316 Winding with Graphite Filler, 300, ASME B16.20,Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above
Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport:
Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including
Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment,
Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication
Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different
Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And
At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves
(Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All
Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items,
Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With
Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test,
Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required,
Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process
Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor
Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract
And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud
And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads
Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper
Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity
Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-
Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size
Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The
Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The
Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping.
In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair,
Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in
piping spce
594 INST-0.75"GASKET,CL600 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 14 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 0.75" Spiral Wound Gasket, SS316 Winding with Graphite Filler, 600, ASME B16.20,Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above
Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport:
Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including
Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment,
Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication
Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different
Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And
At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves
(Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All
Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items,
Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With
Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test,
Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required,
Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process
Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor
Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract
And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud
And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads
Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper
Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity
Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-
Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size
Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The
Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The
Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping.
In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair,
Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in
piping spce
595 INST-0.5"x75mmlongSTUDS 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 48 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 0.5" x 75mm Stud & Nuts, ASTM A193 Gr. B7/ ASTM A194 Gr. 2H,Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above
Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport:
Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including
Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment,
Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication
Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different
Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And
At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves
(Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All
Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items,
Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With
Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test,
Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required,
Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process
Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor
Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract
And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud
And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads
Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper
Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity
Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-
Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size
Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The
Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The
Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping.
In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair,
Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in
piping spce
596 INST-0.625"x90mmlongSTUDS 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 100 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 0.625" x 90mm Stud & Nuts, ASTM A193 Gr. B7/ ASTM A194 Gr. 2H,Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above
Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport:
Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including
Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment,
Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication
Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different
Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And
At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves
(Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All
Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items,
Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With
Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test,
Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required,
Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process
Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor
Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract
And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud
And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads
Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper
Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity
Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-
Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size
Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The
Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The
Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping.
In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair,
Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in
piping spce
597 INST-0.625"x110mmlongSTUDS 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 1632 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 0.625" x 110mm Stud & Nuts, ASTM A193 Gr. B7/ ASTM A194 Gr. 2H,Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above
Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport:
Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including
Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment,
Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication
Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different
Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And
At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves
(Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All
Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items,
Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With
Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test,
Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required,
Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process
Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor
Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract
And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud
And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads
Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper
Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity
Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-
Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size
Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The
Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The
Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping.
In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair,
Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in
piping spce
598 INST-0.75"x120mmlongSTUDS 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 56 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 0.75" x 120mm Stud & Nuts, ASTM A193 Gr. B7/ ASTM A194 Gr. 2H,Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above
Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport:
Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including
Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment,
Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication
Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different
Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And
At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves
(Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All
Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items,
Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With
Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test,
Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required,
Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process
Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor
Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract
And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud
And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads
Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper
Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity
Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-
Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size
Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The
Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The
Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping.
In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair,
Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in
piping spce
599 INST-0.75"x125mmlongSTUDS 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 952 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 0.75" x 125mm Stud & Nuts, ASTM A193 Gr. B7/ ASTM A194 Gr. 2H,Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above
Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport:
Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including
Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment,
Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication
Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different
Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And
At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves
(Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All
Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items,
Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With
Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test,
Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required,
Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process
Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor
Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract
And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud
And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads
Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper
Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity
Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-
Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size
Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The
Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The
Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping.
In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair,
Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in
piping spce
600 INST-0.875"x145mmlongSTUDS 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 112 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 0.875" x 145mm Stud & Nuts, ASTM A193 Gr. B7/ ASTM A194 Gr. 2H,Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above
Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport:
Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including
Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment,
Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication
Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different
Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And
At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves
(Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All
Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items,
Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With
Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test,
Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required,
Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process
Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor
Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract
And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud
And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads
Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper
Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity
Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-
Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size
Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The
Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The
Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping.
In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair,
Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in
piping spce
601 INST-0.5"x75mmlongSTUDS. 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 56 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 0.5" x 75mm Stud & Nuts, ASTM A193 Gr. B7/ ASTM A194 Gr. 2H,Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above
Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport:
Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including
Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment,
Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication
Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different
Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And
At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves
(Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All
Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items,
Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With
Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test,
Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required,
Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process
Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor
Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract
And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud
And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads
Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper
Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity
Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-
Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size
Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The
Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The
Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping.
In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair,
Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in
piping spce
602 INST-0.625"x110mmlongSTUDS. 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 1632 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 0.625" x 110mm Stud & Nuts, ASTM A193 Gr. B8/ ASTM A194 Gr. 8,Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above
Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport:
Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including
Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment,
Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication
Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different
Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And
At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves
(Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All
Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items,
Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With
Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test,
Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required,
Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process
Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor
Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract
And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud
And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads
Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper
Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity
Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-
Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size
Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The
Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The
Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping.
In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair,
Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in
piping spce
603 INST-2"-MIJ 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 7 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 2" MONO BLOCK INSULATION JOINTFabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving:
Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading,
Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage
Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply
And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of
Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating
Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment
Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings
Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And
Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding
Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per
Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of
Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And
Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And
Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated
Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge.
Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material
Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut
For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The
Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro
Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT
Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be
Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints
Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified
Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out
Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-
Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall
Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce
604 INST- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 42 29AAACH1 Yes
CopperJumperstrip25mmx3mm PUMPING STATION 118B1Z8
DESCRIPTION => Install, Copper Jumper strip for each flange connection.Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's
Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/
Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified
Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: . Copper Jumper Shall Be
Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper.
Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating.
605 INST-4"-MIJ 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 35 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 4" MONO BLOCK INSULATION JOINTFabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving:
Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading,
Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage
Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply
And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of
Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating
Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment
Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings
Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And
Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding
Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per
Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of
Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And
Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And
Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated
Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge.
Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material
Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut
For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The
Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro
Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT
Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be
Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints
Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified
Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out
Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-
Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall
Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce
606 INST- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 7 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 4" FLAME ARRESTOR, FLANGEDFabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving:
Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading,
Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage
Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply
And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of
Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating
Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment
Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings
Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And
Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding
Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per
Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of
Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And
Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And
Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated
Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge.
Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material
Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut
For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The
Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro
Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT
Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be
Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints
Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified
Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out
Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-
Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall
Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce
607 INST-4"SpecialItem,CL300 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 7 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 4" FLEXIBLE HOSEE, FLANGEDFabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving
And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling
From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S)
Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And
Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding
The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever
Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles;
Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All
Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-
Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography
Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings
Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As
Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing
Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site,
Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing
All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible
For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall
Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper.
Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The
Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-
Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out
Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The
Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray),
Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair,
Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And
Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured
Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All
the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce
608 INST-4"RestrictedOrifice,CL300 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 7 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 4" Restricted OrificeFabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking
Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner'
Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required.
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To
The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not
Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding,
Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of
Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers,
Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As
Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered
Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever
Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified,
De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning
Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of
As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In
All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For
Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be
Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper.
Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The
Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-
Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out
Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The
Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray),
Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair,
Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And
Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured
Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All
the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce
609 INST-10"PIPE,SCH80,CS, 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 174 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 10" Pipe, A106 Gr.B, Seamless, ASME B36.10M, Impact Tested, BEFabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above
Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport:
Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including
Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment,
Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication
Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different
Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And
At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves
(Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All
Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items,
Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With
Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test,
Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required,
Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process
Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor
Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract
And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud
And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads
Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper
Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity
Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-
Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size
Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The
Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The
Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping.
In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair,
Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in
piping spce
610 INST-14"PIPE,SCH80,CS, 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 6 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 14" Pipe, A106 Gr.B, Seamless, ASME B36.10M, Impact Tested, BEFabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above
Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport:
Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including
Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment,
Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication
Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different
Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And
At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves
(Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All
Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items,
Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With
Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test,
Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required,
Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process
Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor
Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract
And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud
And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads
Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper
Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity
Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-
Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size
Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The
Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The
Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping.
In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair,
Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in
piping spce
611 INST-10"ELBOW90,SCH80,CS, 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 18 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 10" 90 Elbow LR, ASTM A234 Gr. WPB, Seamless, ASME B16.9, Impact Tested, BWFabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above
Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport:
Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including
Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment,
Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication
Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different
Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And
At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves
(Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All
Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items,
Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With
Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test,
Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required,
Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process
Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor
Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract
And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud
And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads
Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper
Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity
Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-
Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size
Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The
Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The
Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping.
In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair,
Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in
piping spce
612 INST-14"ELBOW90,SCH80,CS, 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 3 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 14" 90 Elbow LR, ASTM A234 Gr. WPB, Seamless, ASME B16.9, Impact Tested, BWFabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above
Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport:
Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including
Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment,
Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication
Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different
Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And
At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves
(Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All
Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items,
Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With
Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test,
Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required,
Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process
Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor
Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract
And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud
And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads
Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper
Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity
Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-
Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size
Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The
Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The
Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping.
In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair,
Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in
piping spce
613 INST- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 1 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 10" (HOLD) Spacer & Blind (Blank & Spacer),A516 Gr. 70,ASME B16.48, RFFabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above
Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport:
Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including
Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment,
Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication
Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different
Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And
At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves
(Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All
Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items,
Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With
Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test,
Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required,
Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process
Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor
Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract
And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud
And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads
Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper
Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity
Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-
Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size
Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The
Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The
Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping.
In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair,
Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in
piping spce
614 INST-0.75"Sockolet,CS 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 1 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 14"x0.75" Sockolet,ASTM A105,Class 3000,MSS SP 97Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping:
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading,
Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate
Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of
Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of
Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating
Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment
Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings
Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And
Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding
Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per
Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of
Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And
Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And
Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated
Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge.
Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material
Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut
For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The
Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro
Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT
Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be
Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints
Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified
Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out
Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-
Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall
Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce
615 INST-2"Weldolet,CS. 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 3 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 14"x4" Weldolet,ASTM A105,MSS SP 97, BWFabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving:
Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading,
Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage
Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply
And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of
Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating
Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment
Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings
Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And
Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding
Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per
Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of
Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And
Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And
Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated
Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge.
Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material
Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut
For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The
Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro
Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT
Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be
Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints
Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified
Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out
Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-
Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall
Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce
616 INST-4"Weldolet,CS. 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 2 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 14"x4" Weldolet,ASTM A105,MSS SP 97, BWFabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving:
Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading,
Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage
Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply
And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of
Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating
Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment
Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings
Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And
Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding
Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per
Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of
Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And
Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And
Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated
Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge.
Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material
Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut
For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The
Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro
Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT
Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be
Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints
Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified
Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out
Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-
Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall
Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce
617 INST-14"EQ.TEE,CS, 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 1 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 14" Tee Equal, ASTM A234 Gr. WPB, Seamless, ASME B16.9, Impact Tested, BWFabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above
Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport:
Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including
Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment,
Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication
Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different
Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And
At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves
(Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All
Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items,
Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With
Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test,
Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required,
Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process
Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor
Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract
And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud
And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads
Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper
Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity
Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-
Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size
Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The
Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The
Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping.
In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair,
Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in
piping spce
618 INST-10"EQ.TEE,CS, 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 2 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 10" Tee Equal, ASTM A234 Gr. WPB, Seamless, ASME B16.9, Impact Tested, BWFabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above
Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport:
Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including
Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment,
Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication
Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different
Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And
At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves
(Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All
Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items,
Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With
Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test,
Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required,
Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process
Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor
Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract
And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud
And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads
Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper
Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity
Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-
Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size
Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The
Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The
Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping.
In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair,
Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in
piping spce
619 INST-2"Weldolet,CS 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 14 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 10"x2" Weldolet,ASTM A105,MSS SP 97, BWFabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving:
Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading,
Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage
Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply
And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of
Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating
Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment
Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings
Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And
Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding
Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per
Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of
Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And
Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And
Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated
Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge.
Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material
Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut
For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The
Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro
Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT
Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be
Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints
Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified
Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out
Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-
Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall
Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce
620 INST-10"x4"Red.Tee,CS,sch80 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 35 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 10"x4" Reducing Tee, CS. sch 80Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And
Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From
Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As
Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their
Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The
Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever
Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles;
Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All
Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-
Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography
Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings
Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As
Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing
Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site,
Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing
All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible
For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall
Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper.
Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The
Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-
Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out
Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The
Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray),
Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair,
Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And
Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured
Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All
the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce
621 INST-4"Weldolet,CS 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 14 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 10"x4" Weldolet,ASTM A105,MSS SP 97, BWFabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving:
Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading,
Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage
Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply
And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of
Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating
Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment
Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings
Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And
Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding
Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per
Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of
Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And
Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And
Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated
Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge.
Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material
Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut
For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The
Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro
Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT
Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be
Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints
Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified
Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out
Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-
Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall
Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce
622 INST-10"FLANGE,CS,CL.600 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 4 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 10" Flange Weld Neck, A105 , ASME B16.5, Impact Tested, RFFabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground
Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including
Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary
Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In
Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge
Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever
Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations,
Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those
Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And
Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-
Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline
Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test
And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By
Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable;
Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To
Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of
Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per
Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed
After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be
Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper.
Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The
Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The
Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping.
Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films,
Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography
Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of
Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot,
Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce
623 INST-14"FLANGE,CS,CL.600 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 3 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 14" Flange Weld Neck, A105 , ASME B16.5, Impact Tested, RFFabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground
Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including
Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary
Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In
Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge
Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever
Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations,
Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those
Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And
Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-
Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline
Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test
And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By
Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable;
Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To
Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of
Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per
Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed
After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be
Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper.
Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The
Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The
Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping.
Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films,
Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography
Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of
Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot,
Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce
624 INST-14"BL.FLG,CS,CL.600 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 3 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 14" Flange Blind, A105 , ASME B16.5, Impact Tested, RFFabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping:
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading,
Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate
Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of
Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of
Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating
Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment
Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings
Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And
Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding
Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per
Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of
Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And
Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And
Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated
Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge.
Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material
Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut
For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The
Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro
Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT
Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be
Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints
Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified
Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out
Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-
Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall
Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce
625 INST-10"GASKET,CL600 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 5 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 10" Spiral Wound Gasket, SS316 Winding with Graphite Filler, 600, ASME B16.20,Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above
Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport:
Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including
Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment,
Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication
Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different
Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And
At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves
(Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All
Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items,
Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With
Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test,
Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required,
Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process
Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor
Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract
And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud
And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads
Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper
Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity
Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-
Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size
Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The
Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The
Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping.
In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair,
Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in
piping spce
626 INST-14"GASKET,CL600 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 4 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 14" Spiral Wound Gasket, SS316 Winding with Graphite Filler, 600, ASME B16.20,Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above
Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport:
Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including
Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment,
Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication
Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different
Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And
At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves
(Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All
Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items,
Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With
Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test,
Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required,
Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process
Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor
Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract
And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud
And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads
Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper
Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity
Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-
Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size
Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The
Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The
Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping.
In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair,
Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in
piping spce
627 INST-1.25"x215mmlongSTUDS 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 64 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 1.25" x 215mm Stud & Nuts, ASTM A193 Gr. B7/ ASTM A194 Gr. 2H,ASME B18.2.1 / ASME B18.2.2,Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation &
Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of
Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S)
Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment,
Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication
Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different
Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And
At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves
(Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All
Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items,
Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With
Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test,
Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required,
Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process
Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor
Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract
And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud
And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads
Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper
Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity
Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-
Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size
Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The
Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The
Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping.
In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair,
Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in
piping spce
628 INST-1.375"x235mmlongSTUDS 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 60 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 1.375" x 235mm Stud & Nuts, ASTM A193 Gr. B7/ ASTM A194 Gr. 2H,ASME B18.2.1 / ASME B18.2.2,Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation &
Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of
Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S)
Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment,
Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication
Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different
Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And
At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves
(Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All
Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items,
Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With
Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test,
Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required,
Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process
Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor
Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract
And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud
And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads
Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper
Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity
Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-
Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size
Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The
Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The
Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping.
In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair,
Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in
piping spce
629 INST-10"-MIJ 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 1 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 10" MONO BLOCK INSULATION JOINTFabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving:
Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading,
Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage
Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply
And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of
Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating
Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment
Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings
Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And
Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding
Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per
Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of
Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And
Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And
Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated
Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge.
Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material
Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut
For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The
Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro
Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT
Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be
Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints
Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified
Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out
Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-
Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall
Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce
DESCRIPTION => Install, 14"x1" INJECTION QUILLFabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And
Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From
Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As
Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their
Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The
Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever
Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles;
Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All
Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-
Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography
Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings
Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As
Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing
Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site,
Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing
All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible
For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall
Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper.
Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The
Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-
Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out
Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The
Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray),
Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair,
Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And
Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured
Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All
the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce
631 INST-10"DIBV,CS,CL.600 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 1 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 10" Double Block & Bleed and Double Isolation Valve, ASTM A216 Gr. WCB, CL. 600, API 6D, Gear Op., Impact TestedRF, Val Tag DI-L600-GSpec:
D1X, Datasheet : 15963-000-PE-DAS-0013Receiving and taking over of owner supplied valve, flanged / butt welded end from owner's storage points to contractors stores / worksite
and installation of these motor operated avcuated valves along with the actuater in line with the Manufacturer Installation Manual & as per applicable P&ID and the piping GAD at
above ground location.
632 INST-10"CHECKVAL,CS,CL.600 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 1 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 10" Check Valve,ASTM A216 Gr. WCB,CL. 600,API 594,Trim no. 5, Impact TestedRF, Val Tag CH-L630Spec: D1X, Datasheet : 15963-000-PE-DAS-
0007Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving and taking over of owner supplied valve, flanged / butt welded
end from owner's storage points to contractors stores / worksiteTransport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To
Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials
(Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation:
Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges
To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All
Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And
Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind
Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All
Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic
Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water /
Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By
Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor /
Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project
Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings,
Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves,
Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And
Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever
Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two
Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply
Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As
Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements.
Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All
Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per
Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement
Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is
Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and
gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space
633 INST- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 8 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 10", Globe Valve,ASTM A216 Gr. WCB,CL. 600,API 623,Trim no. 5, Gear Op., Extended stem, Val Tag DA-I612-GESpec: D1X, Datasheet : 15963-
000-PE-DAS-0005Receiving and taking over of owner supplied valve, flanged / butt welded end from owner's storage points to contractors stores / worksite and installation of these
motor operated avcuated valves along with the actuater in line with the Manufacturer Installation Manual & as per applicable P&ID and the piping GAD at under ground location.
634 INST-10"HV,CL600,CS 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 1 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 10" HV, CL. 600Receiving and taking over of owner supplied HV (with proximity switch), butt welded ends & extended stem from owner's storage points
to contractors stores / worksite and installation of these motor operated avcuated valves along with the actuater in line with the Manufacturer Installation Manual & as per applicable
P&ID and the piping GAD at underground location.
635 INST-10"HV,CL600,LC,CS 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 8 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 10" HV, CL. 600Receiving and taking over of owner supplied HV (with proximity switch), butt welded ends & extended stem from owner's storage points
to contractors stores / worksite and installation of these motor operated avcuated valves along with the actuater in line with the Manufacturer Installation Manual & as per applicable
P&ID and the piping GAD at underground location.
636 INST-14"MOV,CL.600,CS. 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 1 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, MOV-1302Receiving and taking over of owner supplied motor operated avcuated valves with flanged / butt welded end from owner's storage points to
contractors stores / worksite and installation of these motor operated avcuated valves along with the actuater in line with the Manufacturer Installation Manual & as per applicable
P&ID and the piping GAD at above ground location.
637 SUP-2"PIPE,CS,SCH80 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 210 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 2" Pipe, A53 Gr.B, Electric Fusion Weld, Single butt weld, ASME B36.10M, BEContractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From
HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe
Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of
Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
638 SUP-2"ELBOW90,SCH80,CS, 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 35 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 2" 90 Elbow LR, ASTM A234 Gr. WPB, Welded, ASME B16.9, BWContractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL
Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material
Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any
Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
639 SUP- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 7 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 4"x2" Concentric Reducer, ASTM A234 Gr. WPB, Welded, ASME B16.9, BWContractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From
HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe
Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of
Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
640 SUP- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 14 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 2" Flange Blind, A105 , ASME B16.5, RFContractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including
Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard
Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials
Required For Completion Of The Work.
641 SUP- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 7 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 2" Flange Blind, A105 , ASME B16.5, RFContractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including
Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard
Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials
Required For Completion Of The Work.
642 SUP- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 7 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 4" Flange Blind, A105 , ASME B16.5, RFContractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including
Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard
Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials
Required For Completion Of The Work.
643 SUP-2"GASKET,CL150 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 14 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 2" Spiral Wound Gasket, SS316 Winding with Graphite Filler, CL. 150, ASME B16.20,Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement
From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings,
Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of
Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
644 SUP-4"GASKET,CL150 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 7 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 2" Spiral Wound Gasket, SS316 Winding with Graphite Filler, CL. 150, ASME B16.20,Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement
From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings,
Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of
Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
645 SUP-2"GATEVALVE,CS,CL.150 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 7 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 2" Gate Valve,ASTM A216 Gr. WCB,CL. 150,API 600,Trim 13Cr, Handwheel Op., TAG: GA-C110Contractor To Supply below Material Including
Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC
Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of
Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
646 SUP-0.625"x95mmlongSTUDS 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 56 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 0.625" x 95mm Stud & Nuts, ASTM A193 Gr. B7/ ASTM A194 Gr. 2H,Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL
Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material
Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any
Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
647 SUP-0.625"x100mmlongSTUDS 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 28 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 0.625" x 100mm Stud & Nuts, ASTM A193 Gr. B7/ ASTM A194 Gr. 2H,Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL
Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material
Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any
Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
648 INSTOF2"PIPE,CS,SCH80 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 210 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 2" Pipe, A53 Gr.B, Electric Fusion Weld, Single butt weld, ASME B36.10M, BEFabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above
Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport:
Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including
Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment,
Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication
Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different
Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And
At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves
(Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All
Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items,
Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With
Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test,
Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required,
Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process
Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor
Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract
And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud
And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads
Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper
Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity
Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-
Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size
Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The
Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The
Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping.
In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair,
Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in
piping spce
649 INSTOF2"ELBOW90,SCH80,CS, 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 35 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 2" 90 Elbow LR, ASTM A234 Gr. WPB, Welded, ASME B16.9, BWFabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above
Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport:
Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including
Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment,
Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication
Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different
Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And
At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves
(Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All
Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items,
Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With
Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test,
Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required,
Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process
Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor
Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract
And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud
And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads
Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper
Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity
Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-
Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size
Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The
Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The
Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping.
In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair,
Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in
piping spce
650 INSTOF4"x2"CON.RED.,SCH80, 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 7 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 4"x2" Concentric Reducer, ASTM A234 Gr. WPB, Welded, ASME B16.9, BWFabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above
Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport:
Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including
Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment,
Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication
Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different
Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And
At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves
(Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All
Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items,
Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With
Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test,
Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required,
Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process
Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor
Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract
And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud
And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads
Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper
Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity
Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-
Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size
Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The
Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The
Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping.
In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair,
Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in
piping spce
651 INSTOF2"FLANGE,CS,CL.150,S 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 14 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 2" Flange Weld Neck, A105 , ASME B16.5,, RFFabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping:
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading,
Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate
Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of
Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of
Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating
Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment
Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings
Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And
Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding
Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per
Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of
Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And
Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And
Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated
Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge.
Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material
Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut
For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The
Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro
Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT
Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be
Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints
Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified
Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out
Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-
Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall
Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce
652 INSTOF4"FLANGE,CS,CL.150,S 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 7 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 4" Flange Weld Neck, A105 , ASME B16.5,, RFFabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping:
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading,
Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate
Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of
Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of
Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating
Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment
Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings
Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And
Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding
Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per
Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of
Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And
Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And
Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated
Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge.
Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material
Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut
For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The
Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro
Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT
Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be
Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints
Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified
Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out
Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-
Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall
Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce
DESCRIPTION => Install, 4" Flange Weld Neck, A105 , ASME B16.5,, RFFabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping:
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading,
Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate
Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of
Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of
Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating
Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment
Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings
Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And
Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding
Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per
Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of
Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And
Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And
Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated
Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge.
Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material
Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut
For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The
Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro
Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT
Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be
Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints
Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified
Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out
Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-
Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall
Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce
654 INSTOF2"GASKET,CL150 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 14 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 2" Spiral Wound Gasket, SS316 Winding with Graphite Filler, CL. 150, ASME B16.20,Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above
Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport:
Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including
Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment,
Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication
Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different
Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And
At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves
(Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All
Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items,
Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With
Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test,
Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required,
Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process
Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor
Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract
And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud
And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads
Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper
Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity
Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-
Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size
Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The
Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The
Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping.
In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair,
Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in
piping spce
655 INSTOF4"GASKET,CL150 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 7 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 2" Spiral Wound Gasket, SS316 Winding with Graphite Filler, CL. 150, ASME B16.20,Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above
Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport:
Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including
Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment,
Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication
Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different
Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And
At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves
(Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All
Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items,
Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With
Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test,
Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required,
Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process
Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor
Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract
And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud
And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads
Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper
Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity
Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-
Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size
Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The
Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The
Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping.
In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair,
Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in
piping spce
656 INS-2"GATEVALVE,CS,CL.150 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 7 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 2" Gate Valve,ASTM A216 Gr. WCB,CL. 150,API 600,Trim 13Cr, Handwheel Op., TAG: GA-C110Spec: A3U, Datasheet : 15963-000-PE-DAS-
0003Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied)
Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's
Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except
Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing
All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match
With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And
Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online
Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges,
Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of
Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air,
Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If
Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process
Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records;
Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings,
Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves,
Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And
Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever
Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two
Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply
Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As
Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements.
Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All
Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per
Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement
Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is
Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and
gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space
657 INSTOF0.625"x95mmlongSTUD 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 56 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 0.625" x 95mm Stud & Nuts, ASTM A193 Gr. B7/ ASTM A194 Gr. 2H,Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above
Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport:
Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including
Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment,
Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication
Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different
Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And
At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves
(Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All
Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items,
Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With
Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test,
Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required,
Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process
Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor
Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract
And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud
And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads
Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper
Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity
Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-
Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size
Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The
Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The
Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping.
In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair,
Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in
piping spce
658 INSTOF0.625"x100mmlongSTUD 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 28 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 0.625" x 100mm Stud & Nuts, ASTM A193 Gr. B7/ ASTM A194 Gr. 2H,Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above
Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. Transport:
Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including
Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment,
Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication
Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different
Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And
At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves
(Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All
Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items,
Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With
Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test,
Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required,
Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process
Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor
Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract
And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud
And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads
Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper
Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity
Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-
Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size
Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The
Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The
Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping.
In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair,
Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in
piping spce
659 INST-4"WEL.BAL- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 14 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 4" Ball Valve, ASTM A216 Gr. WCB, CL. 600, API 6D, Trim SS316 Seat RPTFE, Lever Op.,BE, Val Tag BA-C602-RSpec: D1X, Datasheet : 15963-
000-PE-DAS-0001Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And
Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of
Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All
Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S).
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes,
Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of
Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of
Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges,
Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tapping's For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable.
660 INST-4"GLOBEVAL- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 7 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 4" Globe Valve, ASTM A216 Gr. WCB, CL. 600, API 623, Trim, Impact Tested, Valve Tag. GL-L600G,Spec: D1X, Datasheet : 15963-000-PE-DAS-
0005Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied)
Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's
Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except
Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing
All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match
With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And
Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online
Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges,
Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of
Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air,
Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If
Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process
Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records;
Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings,
Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves,
Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And
Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever
Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two
Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply
Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As
Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements.
Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All
Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per
Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement
Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is
Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and
gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space
661 INST-0.5"BALLVAL- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 34 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 0.5" Ball Valve,ASTM A105,CL. 800,API 608,Trim SS316 Seat, RPTFE, Lever Op.,SW, Val Tag BA-C804-R-1Spec: D1X, Datasheet : 15963-000-PE-
DAS-0001Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor
Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To
Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials
(Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation:
Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges
To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All
Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And
Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind
Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable.
662 INST-1"BALLVAL-RB,CS,CL.800 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 14 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 1" Ball Valve,ASTM A105,CL. 800,API 608,Trim 13 Cr Seat PTFE, Lever Op.,SW, Val Tag BA-C804-RSpec: D1X, Datasheet : 15963-000-PE-DAS-
0001Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied)
Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's
Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except
Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing
All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match
With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And
Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online
Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges,
Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable.
663 INST-2"BALLVAL-RB,CS,CL.600 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 69 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 2" Ball Valve,ASTM A216 Gr. WCB,CL. 600,API 6D,Trim SS316, Seat RPTFE, Lever Op.,RF, Val Tag BA-C600-R,Spec: D1X, Datasheet : 15963-000-
PE-DAS-0001Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor
Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To
Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials
(Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation:
Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges
To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All
Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And
Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind
Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All
Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic
Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water /
Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By
Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor /
Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project
Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings,
Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves,
Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And
Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever
Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two
Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply
Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As
Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements.
Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All
Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per
Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement
Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is
Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and
gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space
664 INS-4"WEL.BALL- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 14 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install 4" Ball Valve, ASTM A216 Gr. WCB, CL. 600, API 6D, Trim SS316, Seat RPTFE, Gear Op.,BE, Val Tag BA-C612-RGSpec: D1X, Datasheet : 15963-
000-PE-DAS-0001Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And
Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of
Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All
Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S).
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes,
Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of
Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of
Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges,
Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable.
665 INST-0.75"BALLVAL- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 12 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 0.75" Ball Valve,ASTM A105,CL. 800,API 608,Trim SS316, Seat RPTFE, Lever Op.,SW, Val Tag BA-C804-F-1Spec: D1X, Datasheet : 15963-000-PE-
DAS-0001Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor
Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To
Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials
(Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation:
Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges
To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All
Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And
Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind
Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable.
666 INST-2"WELD.BAL.- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 2 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 2" Ball Valve, ASTM A216 Gr. WCB, CL. 600, API 6D, Trim SS316 Seat RPTFE, Lever Op.,BE, Val Tag BA-C602-FSpec: D1X, Datasheet : 15963-000-
PE-DAS-0001Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor
Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To
Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials
(Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation:
Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges
To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All
Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And
Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind
Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable.
667 INST-2"WELD.BALL- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 2 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install 2" Ball Valve, ASTM A216 Gr. WCB, CL. 600, API 6D, Trim SS316 Seat RPTFE, Lever Op.,BE, Val Tag BA-C602-RSpec: D1X, Datasheet : 15963-000-
PE-DAS-0001Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor
Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To
Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials
(Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation:
Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges
To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All
Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And
Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind
Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable.
668 INST-2"WELD.BAL- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 7 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 2" Ball Valve, ASTM A216 Gr. WCB, CL. 600, API 6D, Trim SS316 Seat RPTFE, Lever Op.,BE, Val Tag BA-C602-RSpec: D1X, Datasheet : 15963-
000-PE-DAS-0001Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And
Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of
Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All
Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S).
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes,
Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of
Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of
Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges,
Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable.
669 INST-4"WELD.BAL- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 7 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 4" Ball Valve, ASTM A216 Gr. WCB, CL. 600, API 6D, Trim SS316 Seat RPTFE, Lever Op.,BE, Val Tag BA-C602-RSpec: D1X, Datasheet : 15963-
000-PE-DAS-0001Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And
Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of
Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All
Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S).
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes,
Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of
Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of
Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges,
Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable.
670 INST-4"BALLVAL-RB,CS,CL.600 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 7 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 4" Ball Valve,ASTM A216 Gr. WCB,CL. 600,API 6D,Trim SS316 Seat RPTFE, Gear Op.,RF, Val Tag BA-I610-RG, Spec: D1X, Datasheet: Spec: D1X,
Datasheet : 15963-000-PE-DAS-0001Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All
(Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated
Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply:
Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work
Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To
Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading.
Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All
Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets,
Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including
Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As
Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By
Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying
By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning
Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents
And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC
Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At
Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint
And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange
Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At
Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost
Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All
Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety
Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of
Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All
Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety
Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again
For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the
pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space
671 INST-4"WELD.BALL- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 21 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 4" Ball Valve, ASTM A216 Gr. WCB, CL. 300, API 6D, Trim 13Cr, Seat PTFE, Lever Op.,BE, Val Tag BA-C302-RSpec: B1X, Datasheet : 15963-000-
PE-DAS-0001Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor
Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To
Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials
(Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation:
Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges
To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All
Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And
Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind
Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable.
672 INS-4"WELD.BAL- 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 7 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 4" Ball Valve, ASTM A216 Gr. WCB, CL. 600, API 6D, Trim SS316, Seat RPTFE, Gear Op.,BE, Val Tag BA-C612-RGSpec: D1X, Datasheet : 15963-
000-PE-DAS-0001Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And
Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of
Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All
Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S).
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes,
Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of
Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of
Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges,
Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable.
673 INS-4"WELD.BAL-RB,CS,CL.600 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 2 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 4" Ball Valve, ASTM A216 Gr. WCB, CL. 600, API 6D, Trim SS316, Seat RPTFE, Gear Op.,BE, Val Tag BA-C612-RGSpec: D1X, Datasheet : 15963-
000-PE-DAS-0001Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And
Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of
Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All
Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S).
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes,
Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of
Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of
Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges,
Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable.
674 INST-SP.VALVE 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 34 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 2" , Excess flow check valveFabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And
Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From
Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As
Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their
Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The
Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever
Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles;
Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All
Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-
Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography
Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings
Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As
Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing
Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site,
Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing
All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible
For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall
Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper.
Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The
Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-
Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out
Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The
Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray),
Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair,
Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And
Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured
Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All
the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space
675 INST-4"CHECKVAL,CS,CL.300 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 7 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 4" Check Valve,ASTM A216 Gr. WCB,CL. 300,API 594,Trim 13Cr,RF, Val Tag CH-C300Spec: B1X, Datasheet : 15963-000-PE-DAS-0007Fabrication,
Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From
Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock
Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those
Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All
Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With
The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And
Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online
Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges,
Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of
Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air,
Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If
Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process
Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records;
Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings,
Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves,
Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And
Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever
Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two
Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply
Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As
Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements.
Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All
Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per
Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement
Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is
Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and
gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space
676 INST-2"CHECKVAL,CS,CL.600 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 7 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 2" Check Valve,ASTM A216 Gr. WCB,CL. 600,API 594,Trim no. 5,RF, Val Tag CH-L600Spec: D1X, Datasheet : 15963-000-PE-DAS-0007Fabrication,
Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From
Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock
Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those
Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All
Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With
The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And
Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online
Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges,
Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of
Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air,
Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If
Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process
Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records;
Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings,
Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves,
Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And
Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever
Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two
Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply
Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As
Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements.
Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All
Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per
Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement
Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is
Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and
gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space
677 INST-4"CHECKVAL,CS,CL.600 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 7 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 4" Check Valve,ASTM A216 Gr. WCB,CL. 600,API 594,Trim no. 5,RF, Val Tag CH-L600Spec: D1X, Datasheet : 15963-000-PE-DAS-0007Fabrication,
Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From
Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock
Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those
Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing All
Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With
The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And
Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online
Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges,
Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of
Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air,
Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If
Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process
Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records;
Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings,
Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves,
Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And
Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever
Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two
Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply
Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As
Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements.
Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All
Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per
Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement
Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is
Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and
gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space
678 INST-2"GATEVALVE,CS,CL.150 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 7 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 2" Gate Valve,ASTM A216 Gr. WCB,CL. 150,API 600,Trim 13Cr, Handwheel Op., TAG: GA-C110Spec: A3U, Datasheet : 15963-000-PE-DAS-
0003Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied)
Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's
Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except
Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). Installation: Performing
All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match
With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre-Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of All Types And
Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook-Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online
Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O-Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges,
Spectacle Blinds, Tappings For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro-Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of
Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non-Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook-Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water / Compressed Air,
Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De-Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If
Applicable; Cutting/ Re-Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process
Piping And Commissioning Of Non-Process Piping If Applicable; Clean - Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records;
Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings,
Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer-In-Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves,
Equipments, Tie-In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And
Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever
Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two
Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre-Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply
Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As
Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements.
Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X-Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All
Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re-Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per
Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer-In-Charge. The Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement
Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is
Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re-Shoot, Re-Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and
gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space
679 INS-10"WELD.BALL,CS,CL.600 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 7 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Install, 10" Ball Valve, ASTM A216 Gr. WCB, CL. 600, API 6D, Trim SS316 Seat RPTFE, Gear Op.,BE, Val Tag BA-I612-RGESpec: D1X, Datasheet : 15963-
000-PE-DAS-0001Receiving and taking over of owner supplied valve, flanged / butt welded end from owner's storage points to contractors stores / worksite and installation of these
motor operated avcuated valves along with the actuater in line with the Manufacturer Installation Manual & as per applicable P&ID and the piping GAD at under ground location.
680 CO2 EXTINGUISHER - 4.5 KG 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 80 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => SUPPLY & INSTALLATION OF CO2 EXTINGUISHER - 4.5 KGContractor To Supply & Install Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL
Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material
Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any
Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
681 CO2 EXTINGUISHER - 6.5 KG 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 5 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => SUPPLY & INSTALLATION OF CO2 EXTINGUISHER - 6.5 KGContractor To Supply & Install Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL
Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material
Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any
Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per
Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract
And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per
Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract
And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC
Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of
Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
DESCRIPTION => SUPPLY & INSTALLATION OF FIRST AID BOXContractor To Supply & Install Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors
Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification,
Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional
Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
DESCRIPTION => SUPPLY & INSTALLATION OF SAND DRUM WITH SCOOPContractor To Supply & Install Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved
Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material
Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any
Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC
Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of
Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
688 SAFETY SIGNAGES 12801-HCPL HASSAN Square Feet 1800 29AAACH1 Yes
Install Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard,
Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other
Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
689 WINDSOCK 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 8 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => SUPPLY & INSTALLATION OF WINDSOCKContractor To Supply & Install Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including
Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard
Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials
Required For Completion Of The Work.
NON CLOG TYPE Contractor To Supply & Install Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading,
Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards,
Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
OUTLET 4" NB FLANGEDContractor To Supply & Install Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading,
Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data-Sheets, Standards,
Instructions Of Owner/Engineer-In-Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.
DESCRIPTION => Design and Supply of outdoor type Galvanised Two Pole Structure suitable for pole mounting distribution transformer(Rating of the transformer as indicated in
below line items) with 11kV Air break on Load Isolator with 3 Pole earth Switch, CT and PT's(Class 0.2S) for SEB metering, Lightning arrestors, 11kV Drop out Fuse, insulators etc.
including the transportation upto the site/yard, Unloading, Storage at site including all material & accessories as per approved drawings & any material as per local SEB guidlines shall
be provided. Chain link fence around the 2 pole structure and entry gate shall be provided. The galvanization of the 2 pole structure shall be min. 100 microns thick. 2 Pole structure and
associated equipments shall be supplied as per SEB approved make. Liasoning with SEB shall be done by PL contractor. Trivector meter shall be provided suitable for outdoor
installation with IP55 enclosure
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 63kVA, 11/0.433kV, 3Ph, 4Wire, 50Hz, Dyn11, Z=4%, OCTC, Oil Filled, pole mounted, distribution transformer with primary side overhead line
termination bushings and secondary side 0.6/1.1kV cable termination with all other accessories and supports as required and as per the datasheet number: 15963-070-EL-DAS-0004 OR
15963-150-EL-DAS-0004. The pole mounted transformer shall be supplied as per SEB approved make. Liasoning with SEB shall be done by PL contractor.
694 SUP OF 11kV POWER TRANS. 12801-HCPL HASSAN Kilometers 40 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Design and Supply of 11kV, 3Phase, 3wire, 50Hz overhead power transmission line including but not limited to RCC Poles, pin insulators, strain insulators, GI
cross arms, nuts, bolts, cross arm mouting clamps etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, Unloading, Storage at site including all material & accessories as per approved
drawings & any material as per local SEB guidlines shall be provided. The overhead line shall be supplied as per SEB approved make. Liasoning with SEB shall be done by PL
contractor. The overhead line route survey and Liasoning with landlord, Govt authorities shall be done by PL contractor. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed
quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to
Purchaser and/or Consultant.
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 415 V, TPN, Single front, wall mount, Industrial type, indoor, IP42, 9 ways (each of 415V, TPN, 50Hz) Normal Lighting DB for outdoor lighting with 1
no. 63A, 10kA, 4P MCB+ELCB 100mA as incomer and 9 nos 16A, 10kA 4P MCB and Contactor for controlling through a photocell, auto-manual selector switch & 24 hrs timer as
outgoing feeders. The DB shall be suitable for termination of 3.5C x 35, A2XFY as incomer cable and 4C X 10, 2XWY as outgoing cablesSupply of above material with
all accessories as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, approved vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and
including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of site-in-charge etc. so as to ensure the
completeness of installation work. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site
conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for Construction) documents and actual site requirements.
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 415 V, TPN, Single front, wall mount, Industrial type, indoor, IP42, 6ways (each of 415V, TPN, 50Hz) Emergency Lighting DB for outdoor lighting
with 1 no. 32A, 10kA, 4P MCB+ELCB 100mA as incomer and 6 nos 16A, 10kA 4P MCB and Contactor for controlling through a photocell, auto-manual selector switch & 24 hrs timer
as outgoing feeders. The DB shall be suitable for termination of 4C x 16, 2XFY as incomer cable and 4C X 10, 2XWY as outgoing cablesSupply of above material with
all accessories as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, approved vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and
including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of site-in-charge etc. so as to ensure the
completeness of installation work. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site
conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for Construction) documents and actual site requirements.
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 415 V, TPN, Single front, Structural steel mount, Industrial type, Outdoor type, IP55(min.), 3 ways (each of 240V, 1ph, 50Hz) Lighting DB for watch
tower lighting with 1 no. 32A, 10kA, 2P MCB+ELCB 100mA as incomer and 3 nos 10A, 10kA SPN MCB as outgoing feeders. The DB shall be suitable for termination of 4C x 6, 2XFY as incomer cable and 3C X 2.5, 2XWY as outgoing cablesSupply of above material with all accessories as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications,
datasheets, approved vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with
any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of site-in-charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible
for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that the quantities are
tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for Construction) documents and actual site requirements.
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 240 V, SPN, Single front, wall mount, Industrial type, indoor, IP42, 6 ways (each of 240V, 1ph, 50Hz) Normal Lighting DB for outdoor lighting with 1
no. 32A, 10kA, 2P MCB+ELCB 100mA as incomer and 6 nos 10A, 10kA SPN MCB and Contactor for controlling through a photocell & 24 hrs timer as outgoing feeders. The DB
shall be suitable for termination of 3C x 10, 2XFY as incomer cable and 3C X 4, 2XWY as outgoing cablesSupply of above material with all accessories as per approved
drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, approved vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation
material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of site-in-charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation
work. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and
standard installation. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for Construction) documents and actual site requirements.
699 SUP OF 415V NON UPS PDB 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 1 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 415 V, TPN, Single front, wall mount, Industrial type, indoor, IP42, 9 ways (each of 240V, 1ph, 50Hz) Non UPS power DB for Instrumention/Telecom
panels with 1 no. 32A, 10kA, 2P, MCB+ELCB 100mA as incomer and 9 nos 10A, 10kA, SPN, MCB as outgoing feeders. The DB shall be suitable for termination of 4C x 10,
2XFY as incomer cable and 3C X 2.5, 2XWY as outgoing cablesSupply of above material with all accessories as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets,
approved vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any
additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of site-in-charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for
selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that the quantities are
tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for Construction) documents and actual site requirements.
700 SUP OF 240V NON UPS DB 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 7 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 240 V, SPN, Single front, wall mount, Industrial type, indoor, IP42, 9 ways (each of 240V, 1ph, 50Hz) Non UPS power DB for Instrumention/Telecom
panels with 1 no. 32A, 10kA, 2P, MCB+ELCB 100mA as incomer and 9 nos 10A, 10kA, SPN, MCB as outgoing feeders. The DB shall be suitable for termination of 4C x 10,
2XFY as incomer cable and 3C X 2.5, 2XWY as outgoing cablesSupply of above material with all accessories as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets,
approved vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any
additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of site-in-charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for
selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that the quantities are
tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for Construction) documents and actual site requirements.
DESCRIPTION => Supply of Photo cell with 1No + 1NC auxiliary contacts (Surface Mounted) for controlling the outdoor lighting DB.Supply of above material with all accessories
as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, approved vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of
installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of site-in-charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of
installation work. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for
safe and standard installation. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for Construction) documents and actual site requirements.
DESCRIPTION => Supply of Industrial type, wall/structure mount, Ultra violet resistant, Outdoor type, IP55(Min.), Switch receptacles having 63A, 415V, 3Ph+1N+1E, 50Hz, 5 Pin
socket / receptacles with plug top, 415V, 63A, 50Hz, 4P MCB+ELCB with terminal suitable for cable termination (3.5C x 35 Al/XLPE/SWA/PVC FRLS cable) plastic body
with loop in loop out facility. Each socket shall be provided with 4 way Junction box with suitable entries, metallic plugs, glands (Suitable for 3.5C x 35 Al/XLPE/SWA/PVC
FRLS cable) etc. and all other accessories as required at site for Electrical roomSupply of above material with all accessories as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications,
datasheets, approved vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with
any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of site-in-charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible
for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that the quantities are
tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for Construction) documents and actual site requirements.
DESCRIPTION => Supply of Flameproof type (suitable for Ex-d, Zone-1&2, Gas grp IIA/IIB, Temp. class T3), wall/structure mount, metal-clad, Ultra violet resistant, Outdoor type,
IP55(Min.), Switch receptacles having 63A, 415V, 3P+N+E, 50Hz, 5 pin socket / receptacles with plug top, 63A 4P MCB+ELCB with terminal suitable for cable termination (Suitable
for 3.5C x35, A2XFY cable) LM6 die cast body with loop in loop out facility. Each socket shall be provided with 4 way flameproof Junction box with suitable entries, metallic
plugs, flameproof glands ((Suitable for 3.5C x35, A2XFY cable) etc. and all other accessories as required at site for pigging areaSupply of above material with all accessories as
per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, approved vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of
installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of site-in-charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of
installation work. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for
safe and standard installation. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for Construction) documents and actual site requirements.
DESCRIPTION => Supply of Industrial type, wall/structure mount, Ultra violet resistant, Outdoor type, IP55(Min.), Switch receptacle having 16A, 240V, 1Ph+1N+1E, 50Hz, 3 Pin
socket / receptacles with plug top, 16A ON/OFF switch with terminal suitable for cable termination (3C x 2.5 2XWY cable) plastic body. Each socket shall be provided with
suitable entries, metallic plugs, glands (3C x 2.5 2XWY cable) etc. and all other accessories as required at site for watch towerSupply of above material with all accessories as
per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, approved vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of
installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of site-in-charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of
installation work. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for
safe and standard installation. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for Construction) documents and actual site requirements.
DESCRIPTION => Supply of Flameproof type (suitable for Ex-d, Zone-1&2, Gas grp IIA/IIB, Temp. class T3), 240V, 45W, LED, Integral type Wellglass lighting fixture suitable for
stanchion mounting complete with lamps, housing, reflectors, flameproof glands, metallic plugs, mouting bracket, nuts, washers, bolts etc. and all other accessories as required at site for
platform or valve area lighting BALIGA make, Model type:FLPW 1245 or FCG Flameproof Control Gears Pvt. Ltd. make, model type: LLB 61045W, or any other equivalent model
and make. Supply of above material with all accessories as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, approved vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the
site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions
of site-in-charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts,
datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for Construction)
documents and actual site requirements.
DESCRIPTION => Supply of Flameproof type (suitable for Ex-d, Zone-1&2, Gas grp IIA/IIB, Temp. class T3), 240V, 1ph, 50Hz, 45W, LED, Integral type Wellglass lighting fixture
suitable for bracket mounting with flameproof junction box complete with lamps, housing, reflectors, flameproof glands, metallic plugs, mouting bracket, nuts, washers, bolts etc. and
all other accessories as required at site for SV valve pit Cage lighting. BALIGA make, Model type:FLPW 1245 or FCG Flameproof Control Gears Pvt. Ltd. make, model type: LLB
61045W, or any other equivalent model and make. Supply of above material with all accessories as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, approved vendor list etc.
including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual
site requirement and/or instructions of site-in-charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly
suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied
based on IFC (Issued for Construction) documents and actual site requirements.
707 SUP OF 3M ST LTG POLE& 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 4 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of Hot dip galvanized, 3mtr heigh Stanchion Type Lighting Pole suitable for mounting of 45W Flameproof (EX'D'), LED Wellglass luminaire and
including external mounted 415 V, 3ph+N, 50 Hz, 4 Way, Flameproof(Ex'D'), IP55, Die cast Aluminium Alloy, junction box suitable for Zone 1, IIA/IIB, T3 area and 4 nos. 4C x
10mm² 2XWY cable entries with 2 nos. blanking plugs, including cabling within pole, baseplate with anchor bolts and nuts, all accesories like glands etc. as per tender documents.
Poles shall be hot dip galvanised to 610 gms per sq.m.Supply of above material with all accessories as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, approved vendor list
etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per
actual site requirement and/or instructions of site-in-charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of
exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be
supplied based on IFC (Issued for Construction) documents and actual site requirements.
708 SUP OF 100W LED EXD FLOOD 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 46 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of Flameproof type (suitable for Ex-d, Zone-1&2, Gas grp IIA/IIB, Temp. class T3), 240V, 1ph, 50Hz, 100W, LED, pole mounting, integral floodlight
fixture with flameproof junction box & flameproof control gear box complete with lamps, housing, reflectors, flameproof glands, metallic plugs etc. and all other accessories as required
at sitE for pigging area. The Lumens output of the fixture shall be min. 8500 and BALIGA make, model type: FLPW-2595L LED 100W or any other equivalent model and
make.Supply of above material with all accessories as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, approved vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the
site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions
of site-in-charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts,
datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for Construction)
documents and actual site requirements.
709 SUP OF 85W LED INDU LTG 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 10 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of Industrial type, Weatherproof, 240V, 85W, LED, suspended mounting, Integral medium bay type lighting fixture with junction box & control gear box
complete with lamps, housing, reflectors, glands, metallic plugs etc. and all other accessories as required at site for Fire water pump house and displacement pump house. The Lumens
output of the fixture shall be min. 7600 and PHILIPS make, model type: BY150P LED76S CW PSU HE SY120 FG GR or any other equivalent model and make. Supply of above
material with all accessories as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, approved vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at
site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of site-in-charge etc. so as to
ensure the completeness of installation work. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and
actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for Construction) documents and actual site
DESCRIPTION => Supply of Hot dip galvanized, Octagonal type, flood lighting pole of 8 mtr height, suitable for mounting of 4 nos of 100W LED flameproof type flood lighting
fixture (along with JB and control gear box) including external mounted external mounted 415 V, 3ph+N, 50 Hz, 4 Way, Flameproof(Ex'D'), IP55, Die cast Aluminium Alloy, junction
box suitable for Zone 1, IIA/IIB, T3 area and 4 nos. 4C x 10mm² 2XWY cable entries with 2 nos. blanking plugs, including cabling within pole, baseplate with anchor bolts and nuts,
all accesories like glands etc. as per tender documents. Cable sizes to be confirmed during detail engineering. Poles shall be hot dip galvanised to 610 gms per sq.m.Supply of above
material with all accessories as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, approved vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at
site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of site-in-charge etc. so as to
ensure the completeness of installation work. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and
actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for Construction) documents and actual site
DESCRIPTION => Supply of Industrial type, Weatherproof, IP55(Min.), 240V, 1ph, 50Hz, 70W, LED, suitable for pole mounting, integral street light fixture with junction box &
control gear box complete with lamps, housing, reflectors, glands, metallic plugs etc. and all other accessories as required at site. The Lumens output of the fixture shall be min. 7400
lumens and PHILIPS make model type: BRP410 LED 074 CW HE MR FG S2 PSU GR or any other equivalent model and make.Supply of above material with all accessories as per
approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, approved vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of
installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of site-in-charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of
installation work. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for
safe and standard installation. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for Construction) documents and actual site requirements.
712 SUP OF 8M ST LTG POLE 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 48 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of Hot dip galvanized, Octagonal type, Street lighting pole of 8 mtr height with single decorative type arm of 1mtr length suitable for mounting of 1 nos of
70W, LED, industrial type street lighting fixture including marshalling box (Junction box) inside the pole suitable for looping of 415V, TPN, 50 Hz incoming supply including cabling
within pole and including baseplate with anchor bolts and nuts.Supply of above material with all accessories as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, approved
vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional
material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of site-in-charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection
and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that the quantities are tentative and
shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for Construction) documents and actual site requirements.
DESCRIPTION => Supply of Industrial type, Weatherproof, IP55(Min.), 240V, 1ph, 50Hz, 20W, LED, suitable for 3mtr stanchion mounting, integral street light fixture complete
with lamps, housing, reflectors, glands, metallic plugs etc. and all other accessories as required at site for wacth tower stair case. The Lumens output of the fixture shall be min. 1900
lumens and PHILIPS make model type: BRP042 LED 19 CW MR MR PSU GR or any other equivalent model and make.Supply of above material with all accessories as per approved
drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, approved vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation
material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of site-in-charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation
work. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and
standard installation. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for Construction) documents and actual site requirements.
DESCRIPTION => Supply of Hot dip galvanized, 3mtr heigh Stanchion Type Lighting Pole suitable for mounting of 20W, LED street light luminaire including external mounted 240
V, 1ph+N+E, 50 Hz, 4 Way, Outdoor type, industrial, IP55, Fibreglass Reinforced Polyster (FRP), junction box suitable for 4 nos. 3C x 2.5 mm² CU/XLPE/SWA/PVC cable entries
and 2 no. blanking plug (Surface Mounted)., including cabling within pole, baseplate with anchor bolts and nuts, all accesories like glands etc. as per tender documents. Poles shall be
hot dip galvanised to 610 gms per sq.m.Supply of above material with all accessories as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, approved vendor list etc. including
the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site
requirement and/or instructions of site-in-charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly
suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied
based on IFC (Issued for Construction) documents and actual site requirements.
715 SUP OF 35W LED EXD 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 4 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of Industrial type, Weatherproof, IP55(Min.), 240V, 1ph, 50Hz, 35W, LED, wellglass luminiare suitable for structual steel mounted , complete with lamps,
housing, reflectors, glands, metallic plugs, mounting brackets etc. and all other accessories as required at site for wacth tower. The Lumens output of the fixture shall be min. 3500
lumens and PHILIPS make model type: BY200P LED 35S CW PSU S2 PC or any other equivalent model and make.Supply of above material with all accessories as per approved
drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, approved vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation
material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of site-in-charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation
work. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and
standard installation. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for Construction) documents and actual site requirements.
716 SUP-3Cx2.5,2XWY,1.1KV 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 900 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 3C x 2.5 sq mm 2XWY (1100V) FRLS cable (for Lighting on watch tower and on SV valve pit lighting etc.)Supply of Copper conductor, XLPE (power
cable) insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured, FRLS power cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading, Storage at site as per datasheet,
specifications of this tender and as per approved vendor list. These quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment / materials installed by the Contractor as
part of permanent installation based on Issued for Construction drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any
balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.
717 SUP-3Cx4,2XWY,1.1KV CABLE 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 1750 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 3C x 4 sq mm 2XWY (1100V) FRLS cable (for street Lighting).Supply of Copper conductor, XLPE (power cable) insulated, extruded PVC inner
sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured, FRLS power cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading, Storage at site as per datasheet, specifications of this tender and as
per approved vendor list. These quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment / materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation
based on Issued for Construction drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by
Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.
718 SUP-4Cx4,2XWY,1.1KV CABLE 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 750 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 4C x 4 sq mm 2XWY (1100V) FRLS cable (for street lighting).Supply of Copper conductor, XLPE (power cable) insulated, extruded PVC inner
sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured, FRLS power cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading, Storage at site as per datasheet, specifications of this tender and as
per approved vendor list. These quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment / materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation
based on Issued for Construction drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by
Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.
719 SUP OF 4Cx10,2XWY,1.1KV 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 500 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 4C x 10 sq mm 2XWY (1100V) FRLS cable (for flood lighting).Supply of Copper conductor, XLPE (power cable) insulated, extruded PVC inner
sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured, FRLS power cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading, Storage at site as per datasheet, specifications of this tender and as
per approved vendor list. These quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment / materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation
based on Issued for Construction drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by
Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.
720 SUP OF 2Cx2.5,2XWY,1.1KV 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 1800 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 2Cx2.5, 2XWY,1.1kV, FRLS CableSupply of Copper conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I.
armoured, FRLS power cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading, Storage at site as per datasheet, specifications of this tender and as per approved vendor list. These
quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment / materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation based on Issued for Construction
drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently
installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.
721 SUP OF 2Cx10,2XWY,1.1KV 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 2375 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 2Cx10, 2XWY,1.1kV, FRLS CableSupply of Copper conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I.
armoured, FRLS power cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading, Storage at site as per datasheet, specifications of this tender and as per approved vendor list. These
quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment / materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation based on Issued for Construction
drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently
installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.
722 SUP OF 2Cx16,2XFY,1.1KV 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 110 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 2Cx16, 2XWY,1.1kV, FRLS CableSupply of Copper conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I.
armoured, FRLS power cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading, Storage at site as per datasheet, specifications of this tender and as per approved vendor list. These
quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment / materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation based on Issued for Construction
drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently
installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.
723 SUP OF 2Cx35,A2XFY,1.1KV 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 295 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 2Cx35, A2XFY,1.1kV, FRLS CableSupply of Aluminum conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I.
armoured, FRLS power cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading, Storage at site as per datasheet, specifications of this tender and as per approved vendor list. These
quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment / materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation based on Issued for Construction
drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently
installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.
724 SUP OF 2Cx50,A2XFY,1.1KV 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 720 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 2Cx50, A2XFY,1.1kV, FRLS CableSupply of Aluminum conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I.
armoured, FRLS power cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading, Storage at site as per datasheet, specifications of this tender and as per approved vendor list. These
quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment / materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation based on Issued for Construction
drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently
installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.
725 SUP OF 2Cx95,A2XFY,1.1KV 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 390 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 2Cx95, A2XFY,1.1kV, FRLS CableSupply of Aluminum conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I.
armoured, FRLS power cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading, Storage at site as per datasheet, specifications of this tender and as per approved vendor list. These
quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment / materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation based on Issued for Construction
drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently
installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.
726 SUP OF 2Cx120,A2XFY,1.1KV 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 245 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 2Cx120, A2XFY,1.1kV, FRLS CableSupply of Aluminum conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I.
armoured, FRLS power cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading, Storage at site as per datasheet, specifications of this tender and as per approved vendor list. These
quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment / materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation based on Issued for Construction
drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently
installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.
727 SUP OF 2Cx150,A2XFY,1.1KV 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 75 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 2Cx150, A2XFY,1.1kV, FRLS CableSupply of Aluminum conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I.
armoured, FRLS power cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading, Storage at site as per datasheet, specifications of this tender and as per approved vendor list. These
quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment / materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation based on Issued for Construction
drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently
installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.
728 SUP OF 2Cx240,A2XFY,1.1KV 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 280 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 2Cx240, A2XFY,1.1kV, FRLS CableSupply of Aluminum conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I.
armoured, FRLS power cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading, Storage at site as per datasheet, specifications of this tender and as per approved vendor list. These
quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment / materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation based on Issued for Construction
drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently
installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.
729 SUP OF 3Cx2.5,2XWY,1.1KV 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 6250 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 3Cx2.5, 2XWY,1.1kV, FRLS CableSupply of Copper conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I.
armoured, FRLS power cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading, Storage at site as per datasheet, specifications of this tender and as per approved vendor list. These
quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment / materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation based on Issued for Construction
drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently
installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.
730 SUP OF 3Cx4,2XWY,1.1KV 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 2185 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 3Cx4, 2XWY,1.1kV, FRLS CableSupply of Copper conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I.
armoured, FRLS power cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading, Storage at site as per datasheet, specifications of this tender and as per approved vendor list. These
quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment / materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation based on Issued for Construction
drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently
installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.
731 SUP OF 3Cx6,2XWY,1.1KV 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 770 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 3Cx6, 2XWY,1.1kV, FRLS CableSupply of Copper conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I.
armoured, FRLS power cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading, Storage at site as per datasheet, specifications of this tender and as per approved vendor list. These
quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment / materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation based on Issued for Construction
drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently
installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.
732 SUP OF 3Cx10,2XWY,1.1KV 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 140 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 3Cx10, 2XWY,1.1kV, FRLS CableSupply of Copper conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I.
armoured, FRLS power cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading, Storage at site as per datasheet, specifications of this tender and as per approved vendor list. These
quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment / materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation based on Issued for Construction
drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently
installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.
733 SUP OF 4Cx2.5,2XWY,1.1KV 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 1850 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of, 2XWY,1.1kV, FRLS CableSupply of Copper conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I.
armoured, FRLS power cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading, Storage at site as per datasheet, specifications of this tender and as per approved vendor list. These
quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment / materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation based on Issued for Construction
drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently
installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.
734 SUP OF 4Cx4,2XWY,1.1KV 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 1095 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of, 2XWY,1.1kV, FRLS CableSupply of Copper conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I.
armoured, FRLS power cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading, Storage at site as per datasheet, specifications of this tender and as per approved vendor list. These
quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment / materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation based on Issued for Construction
drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently
installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.
735 SUP OF 4Cx6,2XWY,1.1KV 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 235 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 4Cx6, 2XWY,1.1kV, FRLS CableSupply of Copper conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I.
armoured, FRLS power cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading, Storage at site as per datasheet, specifications of this tender and as per approved vendor list. These
quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment / materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation based on Issued for Construction
drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently
installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.
736 SUP OF 4Cx16, 2XFY,1.1KV 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 290 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 4Cx16, 2XFY,1.1kV, FRLS CableSupply of Copper conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I.
armoured, FRLS power cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading, Storage at site as per datasheet, specifications of this tender and as per approved vendor list. These
quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment / materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation based on Issued for Construction
drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently
installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.
737 SUP OF 3.5Cx35,A2XFY,1.1KV 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 120 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 3.5Cx35, A2XFY,1.1kV, FRLS CableSupply of Aluminium conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and
G.I. armoured, FRLS power cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading, Storage at site as per datasheet, specifications of this tender and as per approved vendor list. These
quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment / materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation based on Issued for Construction
drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently
installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.
738 SUP OF 3.5Cx95,A2XFY,1.1KV 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 45 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 3.5Cx95, A2XFY,1.1kV, FRLS CableSupply of Aluminium conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and
G.I. armoured, FRLS power cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading, Storage at site as per datasheet, specifications of this tender and as per approved vendor list. These
quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment / materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation based on Issued for Construction
drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently
installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.
739 SUP-3.5Cx300,A2XFY,1.1KV 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 100 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 3.5Cx300, A2XFY,1.1kV, FRLS CableSupply of Aluminium conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and
G.I. armoured, FRLS power cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading, Storage at site as per datasheet, specifications of this tender and as per approved vendor list. These
quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment / materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation based on Issued for Construction
drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently
installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.
740 SUP-4Cx240,A2XFY,1.1KV 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 630 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 4Cx240, A2XFY,1.1kV, FRLS CableSupply of Aluminium conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and
G.I. armoured, FRLS power cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading, Storage at site as per datasheet, specifications of this tender and as per approved vendor list. These
quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment / materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation based on Issued for Construction
drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently
installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.
741 SUP OF 4Cx2.5, YWY,1.1kV 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 2275 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 4Cx2.5, YWY,1.1kV, HR+FRLS CableSupply of Copper conductor, PVC insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I.
armoured, HR+FRLS control cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading, Storage at site as per datasheet, specifications of this tender and as per approved vendor list. These
quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment / materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation based on Issued for Construction
drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently
installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.
742 SUP OF 7Cx2.5, YWY,1.1kV 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 800 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 7Cx2.5, YWY,1.1kV, HR+FRLS CableSupply of Copper conductor, PVC insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I.
armoured, HR+FRLS control cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading, Storage at site as per datasheet, specifications of this tender and as per approved vendor list. These
quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment / materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation based on Issued for Construction
drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently
installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.
743 SUP OF 12Cx2.5,YWY,1.1kV 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 975 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 12Cx2.5, YFY,1.1kV, HR+FRLS CableSupply of Copper conductor, PVC insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I.
armoured, HR+FRLS control cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading, Storage at site as per datasheet, specifications of this tender and as per approved vendor list. These
quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment / materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation based on Issued for Construction
drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently
installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.
744 SUP OF 19Cx2.5,YWY,1.1kV 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 880 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 19Cx2.5, YFY,1.1kV, HR+FRLS CableSupply of Copper conductor, PVC insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I.
armoured, HR+FRLS control cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading, Storage at site as per datasheet, specifications of this tender and as per approved vendor list. These
quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment / materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation based on Issued for Construction
drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently
installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.
745 SUP OF 24Cx2.5,YWY,1.1kV 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 945 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 24Cx2.5, YFY,1.1kV, HR+FRLS CableSupply of Copper conductor, PVC insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I.
armoured, HR+FRLS control cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading, Storage at site as per datasheet, specifications of this tender and as per approved vendor list. These
quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment / materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation based on Issued for Construction
drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently
installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.
746 SUP OF 30Cx2.5,YWY,1.1kV 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 1850 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 30Cx2.5, YFY,1.1kV, HR+FRLS CableSupply of Copper conductor, PVC insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I.
armoured, HR+FRLS control cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading, Storage at site as per datasheet, specifications of this tender and as per approved vendor list. These
quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment / materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation based on Issued for Construction
drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently
installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.
747 SUP OF 3/4",INDU,CABLE 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 900 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 3/4" nickel-plated, double compression type, Industrial, IP55, brass cable glands, all accessories and fixing material suitable for Indoor/outdoor
terminations of Al/Cu conductor, XLPE/PVC insulated, PVC inner sheathed,galvanised steel wire/flat armoured, PVC outer sheathed, power/control cables. Note: Contractor shall
check the actual site requirement of glands, reducers(if required) and the matching thread (like ET/ISO/Metric) requirement before supplying the same.
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 1" nickel-plated, double compression type, Industrial, IP55, brass cable glands, all accessories and fixing material suitable for Indoor/outdoor
terminations of Al/Cu conductor, XLPE/PVC insulated, PVC inner sheathed,galvanised steel wire/flat armoured, PVC outer sheathed, power/control cables. Note: Contractor shall
check the actual site requirement of glands, reducers(if required) and the matching thread (like ET/ISO/Metric) requirement before supplying the same.
749 SUP OF 1 1/4",INDU,CABLE 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 40 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 1 1/4" nickel-plated, double compression type, Industrial, IP55, brass cable glands, all accessories and fixing material suitable for Indoor/outdoor
terminations of Al/Cu conductor, XLPE/PVC insulated, PVC inner sheathed,galvanised steel wire/flat armoured, PVC outer sheathed, power/control cables. Note: Contractor shall
check the actual site requirement of glands, reducers(if required) and the matching thread (like ET/ISO/Metric) requirement before supplying the same.
750 SUP OF 1 1/2",INDU,CABLE 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 165 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 1 1/2" nickel-plated, double compression type, Industrial, IP55, brass cable glands, all accessories and fixing material suitable for Indoor/outdoor
terminations of Al/Cu conductor, XLPE/PVC insulated, PVC inner sheathed,galvanised steel wire/flat armoured, PVC outer sheathed, power/control cables. Note: Contractor shall
check the actual site requirement of glands, reducers(if required) and the matching thread (like ET/ISO/Metric) requirement before supplying the same.
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 2" nickel-plated, double compression type, Industrial, IP55, brass cable glands, all accessories and fixing material suitable for Indoor/outdoor
terminations of Al/Cu conductor, XLPE/PVC insulated, PVC inner sheathed,galvanised steel wire/flat armoured, PVC outer sheathed, power/control cables. Note: Contractor shall
check the actual site requirement of glands, reducers(if required) and the matching thread (like ET/ISO/Metric) requirement before supplying the same.
752 SUP OF 2 1/2",INDU,CABLE 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 40 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 2 1/2" nickel-plated, double compression type, Industrial, IP55, brass cable glands, all accessories and fixing material suitable for Indoor/outdoor
terminations of Al/Cu conductor, XLPE/PVC insulated, PVC inner sheathed,galvanised steel wire/flat armoured, PVC outer sheathed, power/control cables. Note: Contractor shall
check the actual site requirement of glands, reducers(if required) and the matching thread (like ET/ISO/Metric) requirement before supplying the same.
753 SUP OF 3/4",EXD,CABLE 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 85 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 3/4" nickel-plated, double compression type, Flameproof, Gas group IIA/IIB, IP55, brass cable glands, all accessories including PVC shrouds and fixing
material suitable for Indoor/outdoor terminations of Al/Cu conductor, XLPE/PVC insulated, PVC inner sheathed,galvanised steel wire/flat armoured, PVC outer sheathed,
power/control cables.Note: Contractor shall check the actual site requirement of glands and the matching thread (like ET/ISO/Metric) requirement before supplying the same.
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 1" nickel-plated, double compression type, Flameproof, Gas group IIA/IIB, IP55, brass cable glands, all accessories including PVC shrouds and fixing
material suitable for Indoor/outdoor terminations of Al/Cu conductor, XLPE/PVC insulated, PVC inner sheathed,galvanised steel wire/flat armoured, PVC outer sheathed,
power/control cables.Note: Contractor shall check the actual site requirement of glands and the matching thread (like ET/ISO/Metric) requirement before supplying the same.
755 SUP OF 1-1/2",EXD,CABLE 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 5 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 1-1/2" nickel-plated, double compression type, Flameproof, Gas group IIA/IIB, IP55, brass cable glands, all accessories including PVC shrouds and
fixing material suitable for Indoor/outdoor terminations of Al/Cu conductor, XLPE/PVC insulated, PVC inner sheathed,galvanised steel wire/flat armoured, PVC outer sheathed,
power/control cables.Note: Contractor shall check the actual site requirement of glands and the matching thread (like ET/ISO/Metric) requirement before supplying the same.
DESCRIPTION => Supply of Hot dip galvanised (610 gms per sq.m) GI 520mm x 50mm x 6mm earth bus with pre-drilled 10 mm holes.Supply of above earthbus and all accessories
and fixing material as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including
supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of site-in-charge etc. so as to ensure the
completeness of installation work. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site
conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that These quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment / materials installed by the Contractor as part of
permanent installation based on Issued for Construction drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance
material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.
DESCRIPTION => Supply of Hot dip galvanised (610 gms per sq.m) GI 520mm x 50mm x 6mm earth bus with pre-drilled 10 mm holes with insulators for mounting.Supply of above
earthbus and all accessories and fixing material as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading,
storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of site-in-charge etc.
so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets,
specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that These quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment / materials
installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation based on Issued for Construction drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on
supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or
758 SUP OF 1Cx6SQMM G/Y 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 650 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 1C x 6 sq mm, copper, PVC insulated, Green colour Cables (1100V grade) for Instrumentation earthingSupply of above earthing cable and fixing
material as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of
installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of site-in-charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of
installation work. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for
safe and standard installation. Note that These quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment / materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent
installation based on Issued for Construction drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material
supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.
759 SUP OF 1Cx10SQMM G/Y 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 355 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 1C x 10 sq mm, copper, PVC insulated, Green colour Cables (1100V grade) for Instrumentation earthingSupply of above earthing cable and fixing
material as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of
installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of site-in-charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of
installation work. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for
safe and standard installation. Note that These quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment / materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent
installation based on Issued for Construction drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material
supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.
760 SUP OF 1Cx25SQMM G/Y 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 490 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 1C x 25 sq mm, copper, PVC insulated, Green colour Cables (1100V grade) for Instrumentation earthingSupply of above earthing cable and fixing
material as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of
installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of site-in-charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of
installation work. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for
safe and standard installation. Note that These quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment / materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent
installation based on Issued for Construction drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material
supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.
761 SUP OF 8 SWG GI WIRE 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 400 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 8 SWG solid GI wireSupply of above earthing wire and fixing material as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, vendor list etc.
including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual
site requirement and/or instructions of site-in-charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly
suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that These quantities are approximate and payment shall
be made for actual equipment / materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation based on Issued for Construction drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on
permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and
shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.
762 SUP OF 10MM DIA GI WIRE 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 160 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 10 mm (3/8) dia GI wire flexible rope Supply of above earthing wire and fixing material as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets,
vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional
material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of site-in-charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection
and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that These quantities are
approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment / materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation based on Issued for Construction drawings. Actual
billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be
taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.
763 SUP OF 16MM DIA GI WIRE 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 80 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 16 mm (5/8) dia GI wire flexible rope Supply of above earthing wire and fixing material as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets,
vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional
material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of site-in-charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection
and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that These quantities are
approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment / materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation based on Issued for Construction drawings. Actual
billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be
taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.
764 SUP OF 50X6 GI EARTH STRIP 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 3800 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 50mm x 6mm GI strip Supply of above earthing strip and fixing material as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, vendor list etc.
including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual
site requirement and/or instructions of site-in-charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly
suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that These quantities are approximate and payment shall
be made for actual equipment / materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation based on Issued for Construction drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on
permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and
shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.
765 SUP OF 25X3 GI EARTH STRIP 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 800 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 25mm x 3mm GI strip Supply of above earthing strip and fixing material as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, vendor list etc.
including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual
site requirement and/or instructions of site-in-charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly
suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that These quantities are approximate and payment shall
be made for actual equipment / materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation based on Issued for Construction drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on
permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and
shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.
766 SUP OF 25X3 CU EARTH STRIP 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 800 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 25mm x 3mm Copper strip Supply of above earthing strip and fixing material as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, vendor list
etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per
actual site requirement and/or instructions of site-in-charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of
exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that These quantities are approximate and
payment shall be made for actual equipment / materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation based on Issued for Construction drawings. Actual billing shall be
done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by
Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.
DESCRIPTION => Supply and installation of 600mm x 600mm (Internal) size brick chamber of 125mm side wall Earth Pit with 6 mm thick chequered plate with handle and with
class B type GI pipe earth electrode of 100mm diameter and 3m length with end cap with all items such as Salt, Charcoal etc. Also earth pit sign board of 450mm x 230mm including
angle iron, concrete post with height of the support: 600mm from FGL to be provided for lightning protection of Substation and Control room. The Material for sign/name board is of
ACP (Aluminum composite panel 3mm thick), Raw material: Alcobond, Alpolic, Reny bond. The updated earth pit installation detail and sign board detail drawing will be provided to
successful bidder.Supply of earth pit and all accessories and fixing material as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, vendor list etc. including the transportation
upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or
instructions of site-in-charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per
the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for
Construction) documents and actual site requirements by Contractor.
DESCRIPTION => Supply and installation of 600mm x 600mm (Internal) size brick chamber of 125mm side wall Earth Pit with 6 mm thick chequered plate with handle and with
copper pipe earth electrode of 100mm diameter, 13mm thick and 3m length with end cap with all items such as Salt, Charcoal etc. Also earth pit sign board of 450mm x 230mm
including angle iron, concrete post with height of the support: 600mm from FGL to be provided for lightning protection of Substation and Control room. The Material for sign/name
board is of ACP (Aluminum composite panel 3mm thick), Raw material: Alcobond, Alpolic, Reny bond. The updated earth pit installation detail and sign board detail drawing will be
provided to successful bidder.Supply of earth pit and all accessories and fixing material as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, vendor list etc. including the
transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site
requirement and/or instructions of site-in-charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly
suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied
based on IFC (Issued for Construction) documents and actual site requirements by Contractor.
769 S&I OF EARTH PIT - CU 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 8 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply and installation of 600mm x 600mm (Internal) size brick chamber of 125mm side wall Earth Pit with 6 mm thick chequered plate with handle and with
copper bonded (minimum thickness of 250 microns along the length) made of low carbon steel rod of min. 15mm diameter and 3m length with Ground Enhancement Material (GEM) of
min 3 bags of 20kg each and resistivity of GEM shall be of max 0.12ohm-mtr and all required clamps, accessories etc. Contractor to note that the required overall grid resistivity shall
be less than 0.7 ohm. Accordingly necessary earthing installations shall be carried out at site.Also earth pit sign board of 450mm x 230mm including angle iron, concrete post with
height of the support: 600mm from FGL to be provided for lightning protection of Substation and Control room. The Material for sign/name board is of ACP (Aluminum composite
panel 3mm thick), Raw material: Alcobond, Alpolic, Reny bond. The updated earth pit installation detail and sign board detail drawing will be provided to successful bidder.Supply of
earth pit and all accessories and fixing material as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading,
storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of site-in-charge etc.
so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets,
specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for Construction) documents
and actual site requirements by Contractor.
DESCRIPTION => Supply and installation of 600mm x 600mm (Internal) size brick chamber of 125mm side wall Earth Pit with 6 mm thick chequered plate with handle and with
triploar earth pit with 3 No's copper bonded (minimum thickness of 250 microns along the length) made of low carbon steel rod of min. 15mm diameter&3m length, 3No's of copper
bonded flanges, Ground Enhancement Material (GEM) of min 3 bags of 20kg each and resistivity of GEM shall be of max 0.12ohm-mtr and all required clamps, accessories etc.
Contractor to note that the required overall grid resistivity shall be less than 0.7 ohm. Accordingly necessary earthing installations shall be carried out at site.Also earth pit sign board of
450mm x 230mm including angle iron, concrete post with height of the support: 600mm from FGL to be provided for lightning protection of Substation and Control room. The Material
for sign/name board is of ACP (Aluminum composite panel 3mm thick), Raw material: Alcobond, Alpolic, Reny bond. The updated earth pit installation detail and sign board detail
drawing will be provided to successful bidder.Supply of earth pit and all accessories and fixing material as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, vendor list etc.
including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual
site requirement and/or instructions of site-in-charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly
suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied
based on IFC (Issued for Construction) documents and actual site requirements by Contractor.
771 SUP OF 25x3MM GALV. MS 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 640 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 25mm x 3mm galvanised MS strip with Insulated base holding clamps for lightning protection for electrical/telecom building.Supply of above lightning
protection material and all accessories and fixing material as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard,
unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of site-in-
charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets,
specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for Construction) documents
and actual site requirements by Contractor.Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by
Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.
DESCRIPTION => Supply of Lightning protection Air terminal of 16mm dia and min 1.2 Mtrs long tinned copper for electrical/telecom buildingSupply of above lightning protection
material and all accessories and fixing material as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading,
storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of site-in-charge etc.
so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets,
specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for Construction) documents
and actual site requirements by Contractor.Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by
Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.
773 SUP OF MS DOWN 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 16 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 25mm x 3mm Galvanised MS Down Conductor of 10mtr length with enclouser and and with test links along with insulators for supporting on wall for
lightning protection for electrical/telecom buildingSupply of above lightning down conductor and fixing material as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, vendor
list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per
actual site requirement and/or instructions of site-in-charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of
exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that These quantities are approximate and
payment shall be made for actual equipment / materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation based on Issued for Construction drawings. Actual billing shall be
done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by
Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.
774 SUP OF 50MM PERF CBLE 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 160 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 50 mm wide Cable Tray GI, 1.5mm thick, perforated cable tray with accessoriesSupply of above size Prefabricated GI Perforated cable trays, hot dip
galivanised to 610 gms per sq.m. with all accessories like coupler plates, nuts, bolts, covers with clamps etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and
including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of site-in-charge etc. so as to ensure the
completeness of installation work. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for Construction) documents and actual site requirements by
Contractor. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently
installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.
775 SUP OF 100MM PERF CBLE 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 160 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 100 mm wide Cable Tray GI, 1.5mm thick, perforated cable tray with accessoriesSupply of above size Prefabricated GI Perforated cable trays, hot dip
galivanised to 610 gms per sq.m. with all accessories like coupler plates, nuts, bolts, covers with clamps etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and
including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of site-in-charge etc. so as to ensure the
completeness of installation work. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for Construction) documents and actual site requirements by
Contractor. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently
installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.
776 SUP OF 150MM PERF CBLE 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 200 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 150 mm wide Cable Tray GI, 1.5mm thick, perforated cable tray with accessoriesSupply of above size Prefabricated GI Perforated cable trays, hot dip
galivanised to 610 gms per sq.m. with all accessories like coupler plates, nuts, bolts, covers with clamps etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and
including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of site-in-charge etc. so as to ensure the
completeness of installation work. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for Construction) documents and actual site requirements by
Contractor. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently
installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.
777 SUP OF 600MM LADDER TYPE 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 720 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 600 mm wide Cable Tray GI, 2mm thick, ladder cable tray with accessoriesSupply of above size Prefabricated GI ladder cable trays, hot dip galivanised
to 610 gms per sq.m. with all accessories like coupler plates, nuts, bolts, covers with clamps etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including
supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of site-in-charge etc. so as to ensure the
completeness of installation work. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for Construction) documents and actual site requirements by
Contractor. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently
installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.
778 SUP OF 50MM PERF TRAY 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 19 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of Horizontal 90° elbow for 50mm wide Cable Tray GI, 1.5mm thick, perforated cable tray with accessoriesSupply of above size Prefabricated GI
Perforated cable tray elbow, hot dip galivanised to 610 gms per sq.m. with all accessories like coupler plates, nuts, bolts, covers with clamps etc. including the transportation upto the
site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions
of site-in-charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for Construction) documents
and actual site requirements by Contractor. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by
Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.
779 SUP OF 100MM PERF TRAY 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 19 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of Horizontal 90° elbow for 100 mm wide Cable Tray GI, 1.5mm thick, perforated cable tray with accessoriesSupply of above size Prefabricated GI
Perforated cable tray elbow, hot dip galivanised to 610 gms per sq.m. with all accessories like coupler plates, nuts, bolts, covers with clamps etc. including the transportation upto the
site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions
of site-in-charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for Construction) documents
and actual site requirements by Contractor. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by
Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.
780 SUP OF 150MM PERF TRAY 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 19 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of Horizontal 90° elbow for 150 mm wide Cable Tray GI, 1.5mm thick, perforated cable tray with accessoriesSupply of above size Prefabricated GI
Perforated cable tray elbow, hot dip galivanised to 610 gms per sq.m. with all accessories like coupler plates, nuts, bolts, covers with clamps etc. including the transportation upto the
site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions
of site-in-charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for Construction) documents
and actual site requirements by Contractor. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by
Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.
DESCRIPTION => Supply of Horizontal 90° elbow for 600 mm wide Cable Tray GI, 2mm thick, ladder cable tray with accessoriesSupply of above size Prefabricated GI ladder cable
tray elbow, hot dip galivanised to 610 gms per sq.m. with all accessories like coupler plates, nuts, bolts, covers with clamps etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard,
unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of site-in-
charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for Construction) documents and
actual site requirements by Contractor. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by
Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.
DESCRIPTION => Supply of Horizontal 90° Tee for 600 mm wide Cable Tray GI, 2mm thick, ladder cable tray with accessoriesSupply of above size Prefabricated GI ladder cable
tray tee, hot dip galivanised to 610 gms per sq.m. with all accessories like coupler plates, nuts, bolts, covers with clamps etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading,
storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of site-in-charge etc.
so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for Construction) documents and actual site
requirements by Contractor. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not
permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.
DESCRIPTION => Supply of human body static charge dissipator suitable for flameproof environment (suitable for Ex-d, Zone-1&2, Gas grp IIA/IIB, Temp. class T3), IP66,
wall/steel frame mounted, 240V AC, 50HZ, 1phase Operated, PESO certified, with Display unit for pass/fail indications, supply of the unit shall include mouting steel frame, nuts, bolts,
washers, canopy(sunshade) as recommended by the vendor. Recommended Vendor name is PRECIOUS INSTRUMENT or any equivalent vendor. Supply of above material with all
accessories as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, approved vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including
supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of site-in-charge etc. so as to ensure the
completeness of installation work. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site
conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for Construction) documents and actual site requirements.
DESCRIPTION => Supply of Synthetic Insulating Mat (with ISI mark) of appropriate thickness, 1000 mm wide for upto 1.1 kV systems - as per IS-15652 or latest indian standard
DESCRIPTION => Supply of First aid information chart for electric shock treatment printed in English, Hindi & Local language duly framed with front glasses.
DESCRIPTION => Supply of Enameled caution boards for 1.1 kV. The boards shall be in English,Hindi & local language.
787 SUP OF FIRE PROOF 12801-HCPL HASSAN Kilograms 40 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of fire proof and water tight material (GPG / Foam type fire proof sealing compound) for sealing cable entries
DESCRIPTION => Supply of free standing IA type, Heavy duty, Slip-resistant foot pads, rung space lessthan 300mm, 8 feet aluminium step ladder with insulators and Lock-In
DESCRIPTION => Supply of free standing IA type, Heavy duty, Slip-resistant foot pads, rung space lessthan 300mm, 12 feet aluminium step ladder with insulators and Lock-In
DESCRIPTION => Installation, Testing and Commissioning of following Free Issue Material. The Free issue material will be provided by other contractor(i.e Composite contractor
for HCPL project awarded by Owner) at the Hiriyur Pigging Station premises after the existing loads transfer and successful commissioning of the new 415V switchboard at Neriya
pigging station of the existing MHMSPL.415 V, 3 phase, TPN, 25 kA For 1 sec , 125 A, Double front withdrable type switchgear,Overall dimension (approx): 4950 (L) x 820(D) x
2400(H) mm,Number of shipping section (approx) 3 nos,Weight per shipping section (approx) : 1500 kg.Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment /
accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling of various shipping sections, connection of inter-panel bus-bars & inter-panel wiring,
and installation of relays / meters supplied separately, Base Frame welding, panel fixing by bolts or weld, grouting of panel fixing bolts & other associated work and testing and
commissioning (including loop checking of various modules / scada panels / inter-panel loop checking / field loop checking / entering settings into relay as per relay co-ordination
document). Rate shall also include all hardware required for installation and foundation bolts (as per various installation standards / good engineering practices), minor modifications as
required in the control schematic including preparing final as built documentations, radium stickers / stenciling with epoxy paint of approved paint shade (as per site in charge / WP /
HPCL engineer) on various / all modules / panels with relevant indentification like Tag Number / of equipment inclusive of touch up of paint (if required), all complete as per the
specifications, scope of work and directions of the Engineer-in-Charge.
791 INST OF 415/240V 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 7 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation, Assistance to Testing and Commissioning of following Free Issue Material.415 V/240V, 3 phase/1 Phase, TPN/SPN, 25 kA For 1 sec , 250 A, Double
front fixed type switchgear,Overall dimension (approx): 5000 (L) x 1000(D) x 2400(H) mm,Number of shipping section (approx) 2 nos,Weight per shipping section (approx) : 1000
kg.Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling of
various shipping sections, assistance to panel vendor for connection of inter-panel bus-bars & inter-panel wiring, and installation of relays / meters supplied separately, Base Frame
welding, panel fixing by bolts or weld, grouting of panel fixing bolts & other associated work and testing and commissioning assistance to panel vendor representative (including loop
checking of various modules / scada panels / inter-panel loop checking / field loop checking / entering settings into relay as per relay co-ordination document). Rate shall also include all
hardware required for installation and foundation bolts (as per various installation standards / good engineering practices), minor modifications as required in the control schematic
including preparing final as built documentations, radium stickers / stenciling with epoxy paint of approved paint shade (as per site in charge / WP / HPCL engineer) on various / all
modules / panels with relevant indentification like Tag Number / of equipment inclusive of touch up of paint (if required), all complete as per the specifications, scope of work and
directions of the Engineer-in-Charge. Note that all dimensions, weights etc. are tentative and shall be finalised during detail engineering based on vendor drawings.
792 INST-240V, 10KVA AC UPS 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 1 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation, Testing and Commissioning of following Free Issue Material. The Free issue material will be provided by other contractor(i.e Composite contractor
for HCPL project awarded by Owner) at the Hiriyur Pigging Station premises after the existing loads transfer and successful commissioning of the new AC UPS system at Neriya
pigging station of the existing MHMSPL.10kVA, 415V, 3Ph, 50Hz as input supply and 240 V, 1ph, 50 Hz as output, 100 % fully parallel redundant UPS with Bypass.Approx. Overall
Size : 3200(L) x 900(D) x 1850(H), Approx. Weight - 1500kgs Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any
other location within the project site, alignment, assembling of various shipping sections, connection of inter-panel bus-bars & inter-panel wiring, Base Frame welding, panel fixing by
bolts or weld, grouting of panel fixing bolts & other associated work and including supply of all wiring materials and testing and commissioning (including loop checking of various
modules / scada panels / inter-panel loop checking / field loop checking / Circuit Breaker testing). Rate shall also include all hardware required for installation and foundation bolts (as
per various installation standards / good engineering practices), testing & Commissioning as per site testing format, minor modifications as required in the control schematic including
preparing final as built documentations, radium stickers / stenciling with epoxy paint of approved paint shade (as per site in charge / WP / HPCL engineer) on various / all modules /
panels with relevant indentification like Tag Number / of equipment inclusive of touch up of paint (if required), all complete as per the specifications, scope of work and directions of
the Engineer-in-Charge.
793 INST OF 240V, 7.5KVA AC UPS 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 7 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation, Assistance to Testing and Commissioning of following Free Issue Material.7.5kVA, 240 V, 50 Hz, 100 % fully parallel redundant UPS with Bypass
and 12hrs backup,Approx. Overall Size : 3200(L) x 900(D) x 1850(H), Approx. Weight - 1500kgs Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment /
accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling of various shipping sections, assistance to panel vendor for connection of inter-panel
bus-bars & inter-panel wiring, Base Frame welding, panel fixing by bolts or weld, grouting of panel fixing bolts & other associated work and including supply of all wiring materials
and testing and commissioning assistance to panel vendor representative (including loop checking of various modules / scada panels / inter-panel loop checking / field loop checking /
Circuit Breaker testing). Rate shall also include all hardware required for installation and foundation bolts (as per various installation standards / good engineering practices), testing &
Commissioning as per site testing format, minor modifications as required in the control schematic including preparing final as built documentations, radium stickers / stenciling with
epoxy paint of approved paint shade (as per site in charge / WP / HPCL engineer) on various / all modules / panels with relevant indentification like Tag Number / of equipment
inclusive of touch up of paint (if required), all complete as per the specifications, scope of work and directions of the Engineer-in-Charge. Note that all dimensions, weights etc. are
tentative and shall be finalised during detail engineering based on vendor drawings.
DESCRIPTION => Installation, Testing and Commissioning of following Free Issue Material. The Free issue material will be provided by other contractor(i.e Composite contractor
for HCPL project awarded by Owner) at the Hiriyur Pigging Station premises after the existing loads transfer and successful commissioning of the new AC UPS system at Neriya
pigging station of the existing MHMSPL.Battery Bank for 10kVA AC UPS and 2 no's of battery isolators,Approx. Overall Size : 4600(L) x 420 (w) x 650 (H),Approx. Weight -
3000kgsReceiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling
of various shipping sections, including supply of all wiring materials, installation on foundation / battery rack, electrolytic filling, fixing of inter-cell connectors, alligning, battery rack
earthing, leveling, grouting and testing and commissioning assistance to UPS vendor (including loop checking of various modules / inter-panel loop checking / field loop checking /
Circuit Breaker testing). Rate shall also include all hardware required for installation and foundation bolts (as per various installation standards / good engineering practices), preparing
final as built documentations, radium stickers / stenciling with epoxy paint of approved paint shade (as per site in charge / WP / HPCL engineer) on various / all modules / panels with
relevant indentification like Tag Number / of equipment inclusive of touch up of paint (if required), all complete as per the specifications, scope of work and directions of the Engineer-
in-Charge. Note that all dimensions, weights etc. are tentative and shall be finalised during detail engineering based on vendor drawings.
795 INST OF 7.5KVA AC UPS 12801-HCPL HASSAN Set 14 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation, Assistance to Testing and Commissioning of following Free Issue Material.Battery Bank (Nickel Cadmium) for 7.5kVA AC UPS and battery
isolator,Approx. Overall Size : 6000(L) x 550 (w) x 1550 (H),Approx. Weight - 2500kgsReceiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from
storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling of various shipping sections, including supply of all wiring materials, installation on foundation /
battery rack, electrolytic filling, fixing of inter-cell connectors, alligning, battery rack earthing, leveling, grouting and testing and commissioning assistance to UPS vendor (including
loop checking of various modules / inter-panel loop checking / field loop checking / Circuit Breaker testing). Rate shall also include all hardware required for installation and foundation
bolts (as per various installation standards / good engineering practices), preparing final as built documentations, radium stickers / stenciling with epoxy paint of approved paint shade
(as per site in charge / WP / HPCL engineer) on various / all modules / panels with relevant indentification like Tag Number / of equipment inclusive of touch up of paint (if required),
all complete as per the specifications, scope of work and directions of the Engineer-in-Charge. Note that all dimensions, weights etc. are tentative and shall be finalised during detail
engineering based on vendor drawings.
796 INST-240V AC UPS ACDB 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 1 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation, Testing and Commissioning of following Free Issue Material. The Free issue material will be provided by other contractor(i.e Composite contractor
for HCPL project awarded by Owner) at the Hiriyur Pigging Station premises after the existing loads transfer and successful commissioning of the new AC UPS ACDB at Neriya
pigging station of the existing MHMSPL.240V, SPN, 50 Hz, 63A, 10 kA/1sec, industrial, indoor type, IP42, Single front, fixed type, floor mounted, compartmental, AC UPS
distribution board,Approx. Overall Size : 2300(L) x 400(D) x 2200(H), Approx. Weight - 800kgsReceiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment /
accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling of various shipping sections, connection of inter-panel bus-bars & inter-panel wiring,
Base Frame welding, panel fixing by bolts or weld, grouting of panel fixing bolts & other associated work and including supply of all wiring materials and testing and commissioning
(including loop checking of various modules / scada panels / inter-panel loop checking / field loop checking / Circuit Breaker testing). Rate shall also include all hardware required for
installation and foundation bolts (as per various installation standards / good engineering practices), testing & Commissioning as per site testing format, minor modifications as required
in the control schematic including preparing final as built documentations, radium stickers / stenciling with epoxy paint of approved paint shade (as per site in charge / WP / HPCL
engineer) on various / all modules / panels with relevant indentification like Tag Number / of equipment inclusive of touch up of paint (if required), all complete as per the
specifications, scope of work and directions of the Engineer-in-Charge.
797 INST OF 240V AC UPS ACDB 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 7 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation, Assistance to Testing and Commissioning of following Free Issue Material 240V, SPN, 50 Hz, 63A, 10 kA/1sec, industrial, indoor type, IP42, Single
front, fixed type, floor mounted, compartmental, AC UPS distribution board,Approx. Overall Size : 2300(L) x 400(D) x 2200(H), Approx. Weight - 800kgsReceiving, handling,
loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling of various shipping sections,
assistance to panel vendor for connection of inter-panel bus-bars & inter-panel wiring, Base Frame welding, panel fixing by bolts or weld, grouting of panel fixing bolts & other
associated work and including supply of all wiring materials and testing and commissioning assistance to panel vendor representative (including loop checking of various modules /
scada panels / inter-panel loop checking / field loop checking / Circuit Breaker testing). Rate shall also include all hardware required for installation and foundation bolts (as per various
installation standards / good engineering practices), testing & Commissioning as per site testing format, minor modifications as required in the control schematic including preparing
final as built documentations, radium stickers / stenciling with epoxy paint of approved paint shade (as per site in charge / WP / HPCL engineer) on various / all modules / panels with
relevant indentification like Tag Number / of equipment inclusive of touch up of paint (if required), all complete as per the specifications, scope of work and directions of the Engineer-
in-Charge. Note that all dimensions, weights etc. are tentative and shall be finalised during detail engineering based on vendor drawings.
798 INS-240 VAC-48 VDC Converter 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 1 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation, Testing and Commissioning of following Free Issue Material. The Free issue material will be provided by other contractor(i.e Composite contractor
for HCPL project awarded by Owner) at the Hiriyur Pigging Station premises after the existing loads transfer and successful commissioning of the new DC UPS System at Neriya
pigging station of the existing MHMSPL.50A, 100 % fully parallel redundant 240 VAC - 48 VDC Converter Panel and with its DCDBApprox. Overall Size : 1800(L) x 450(D) x
1850(H), Approx. Weight - 500kgsReceiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project
site, alignment, assembling of various shipping sections, connection of inter-panel bus-bars & inter-panel wiring, Base Frame welding, panel fixing by bolts or weld, grouting of panel
fixing bolts & other associated work and including supply of all wiring materials and testing and commissioning (including loop checking of various modules / scada panels / inter-
panel loop checking / field loop checking / Circuit Breaker testing). Rate shall also include all hardware required for installation and foundation bolts (as per various installation
standards / good engineering practices), testing & Commissioning as per site testing format, minor modifications as required in the control schematic including preparing final as built
documentations, radium stickers / stenciling with epoxy paint of approved paint shade (as per site in charge / WP / HPCL engineer) on various / all modules / panels with relevant
indentification like Tag Number / of equipment inclusive of touch up of paint (if required), all complete as per the specifications, scope of work and directions of the Engineer-in-
DESCRIPTION => Installation, Assistance to Testing and Commissioning of following Free Issue Material 48V, 2P, 63A, 10 kA/1sec, industrial, indoor type, IP42, Single front, fixed
type, floor mounted, compartmental, DC UPS distribution board,Approx. Overall Size : 1000(L) x 500(D) x 2200(H), Approx. Weight - 300kgsReceiving, handling, loading,
unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling of various shipping sections,
assistance to panel vendor for connection of inter-panel bus-bars & inter-panel wiring, Base Frame welding, panel fixing by bolts or weld, grouting of panel fixing bolts & other
associated work and including supply of all wiring materials and testing and commissioning assistance to panel vendor representative (including loop checking of various modules /
scada panels / inter-panel loop checking / field loop checking / Circuit Breaker testing). Rate shall also include all hardware required for installation and foundation bolts (as per various
installation standards / good engineering practices), testing & Commissioning as per site testing format, minor modifications as required in the control schematic including preparing
final as built documentations, radium stickers / stenciling with epoxy paint of approved paint shade (as per site in charge / WP / HPCL engineer) on various / all modules / panels with
relevant indentification like Tag Number / of equipment inclusive of touch up of paint (if required), all complete as per the specifications, scope of work and directions of the Engineer-
in-Charge. Note that all dimensions, weights etc. are tentative and shall be finalised during detail engineering based on vendor drawings.
800 INST OF 240AC-48VDC 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 7 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation, Assistance to Testing and Commissioning of following Free Issue Material 50A, 100 % fully parallel redundant 240 VAC - 48 VDC Converter
PanelApprox. Overall Size : 1300(L) x 500(D) x 2200(H), Approx. Weight - 500kgsReceiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from
storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling of various shipping sections, assistance to panel vendor for connection of inter-panel bus-bars & inter-
panel wiring, Base Frame welding, panel fixing by bolts or weld, grouting of panel fixing bolts & other associated work and including supply of all wiring materials and testing and
commissioning assistance to panel vendor representative (including loop checking of various modules / scada panels / inter-panel loop checking / field loop checking / Circuit Breaker
testing). Rate shall also include all hardware required for installation and foundation bolts (as per various installation standards / good engineering practices), testing & Commissioning
as per site testing format, minor modifications as required in the control schematic including preparing final as built documentations, radium stickers / stenciling with epoxy paint of
approved paint shade (as per site in charge / WP / HPCL engineer) on various / all modules / panels with relevant indentification like Tag Number / of equipment inclusive of touch up
of paint (if required), all complete as per the specifications, scope of work and directions of the Engineer-in-Charge. Note that all dimensions, weights etc. are tentative and shall be
finalised during detail engineering based on vendor drawings.
801 INST OF 240AC-24VDC 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 1 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation, Assistance to Testing and Commissioning of following Free Issue Material 25A, 100 % fully parallel redundant 240VAC - 24 VDC Converter
PanelApprox. Overall Size : 1300(L) x 500(D) x 2200(H), Approx. Weight - 500kgsReceiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from
storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling of various shipping sections, assistance to panel vendor for connection of inter-panel bus-bars & inter-
panel wiring, Base Frame welding, panel fixing by bolts or weld, grouting of panel fixing bolts & other associated work and including supply of all wiring materials and testing and
commissioning assistance to panel vendor representative (including loop checking of various modules / scada panels / inter-panel loop checking / field loop checking / Circuit Breaker
testing). Rate shall also include all hardware required for installation and foundation bolts (as per various installation standards / good engineering practices), testing & Commissioning
as per site testing format, minor modifications as required in the control schematic including preparing final as built documentations, radium stickers / stenciling with epoxy paint of
approved paint shade (as per site in charge / WP / HPCL engineer) on various / all modules / panels with relevant indentification like Tag Number / of equipment inclusive of touch up
of paint (if required), all complete as per the specifications, scope of work and directions of the Engineer-in-Charge. Note that all dimensions, weights etc. are tentative and shall be
finalised during detail engineering based on vendor drawings.
DESCRIPTION => Installation, Assistance to Testing and Commissioning of following Free Issue Material 24V, 2P, 63A, 10 kA/1sec, industrial, indoor type, IP42, Single front, fixed
type, floor mounted, compartmental, DC UPS distribution board,Approx. Overall Size : 1000(L) x 500(D) x 2200(H), Approx. Weight - 300kgsReceiving, handling, loading,
unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling of various shipping sections,
assistance to panel vendor for connection of inter-panel bus-bars & inter-panel wiring, Base Frame welding, panel fixing by bolts or weld, grouting of panel fixing bolts & other
associated work and including supply of all wiring materials and testing and commissioning assistance to panel vendor representative (including loop checking of various modules /
scada panels / inter-panel loop checking / field loop checking / Circuit Breaker testing). Rate shall also include all hardware required for installation and foundation bolts (as per various
installation standards / good engineering practices), testing & Commissioning as per site testing format, minor modifications as required in the control schematic including preparing
final as built documentations, radium stickers / stenciling with epoxy paint of approved paint shade (as per site in charge / WP / HPCL engineer) on various / all modules / panels with
relevant indentification like Tag Number / of equipment inclusive of touch up of paint (if required), all complete as per the specifications, scope of work and directions of the Engineer-
in-Charge. Note that all dimensions, weights etc. are tentative and shall be finalised during detail engineering based on vendor drawings.
DESCRIPTION => Installation, Testing and Commissioning of following Free Issue Material. The Free issue material will be provided by other contractor(i.e Composite contractor
for HCPL project awarded by Owner) at the Hiriyur Pigging Station premises after the existing loads transfer and successful commissioning of the new EDG System at Neriya pigging
station of the existing MHMSPL.50kW(62.5kVA)at 0.8 p.f., 415 V, 3Phase, 50Hz EDG set with acoustic enclousre, exhaust piping on stack and day tank suitable for 12 hrs continous
operation.Approx. EDG Dimensions (LxBxH) : 3000 x 1200 x 1600 mmApprox. Weight : 1500 kgsReceiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment /
accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling of various assemblies / sub-assemblies (such as chimney, exhaust piping including
insulation, fuel tank and associated piping, battery charger, batteries etc.), assembling and installation of components / devices supplied separately - as recommended by Manufacturer
and testing and commissioning (including loop checking of various modules / scada panels / inter-panel loop checking / field loop checking / neutral earthing from alternator to nearest
earth bus with supply and installation of all necessary accessories). Fabrication and installation of steel support structure / supporting frames for various equipment / assemblies / sub-
assemblies (such as fuel oil tank) as per the site requirement is included in the scope. Rate shall also include all hardware required for installation and foundation bolts (as per various
installation standards / good engineering practices), minor modifications as required in the control schematic including preparing final as built documentations, radium stickers /
stenciling with epoxy paint of approved paint shade (as per site in charge / WP / HPCL engineer) on various / all modules / panels with relevant indentification like Tag Number / of
equipment inclusive of touch up of paint (if required), all complete as per the specifications, scope of work and directions of the Engineer-in-Charge.
DESCRIPTION => Installation, Assistance to Testing and Commissioning of following Free Issue Material.20kW(25kVA)at 0.8 p.f., 240 V, 1Phase 50Hz EDG set with acoustic
enclousre, exhaust piping on stack and day tank suitable for 12 hrs continous operation.Approx. Dimensions (LxBxH) : 2400 x 1000 x 1600 mmApprox. Weight : 1200 kgsReceiving,
handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling of various
assemblies / sub-assemblies (such as chimney, exhaust piping including insulation, fuel tank and associated piping, battery charger, batteries etc.), assembling and installation of
components / devices supplied separately - as recommended by Manufacturer and testing and commissioning assistance to EDG manufacture representative (including loop checking of
various modules / scada panels / inter-panel loop checking / field loop checking / neutral earthing from alternator to nearest earth bus with supply and installation of all necessary
accessories). Fabrication and installation of steel support structure / supporting frames for various equipment / assemblies / sub-assemblies (such as fuel oil tank) as per the site
requirement is included in the scope. Rate shall also include all hardware required for installation and foundation bolts (as per various installation standards / good engineering
practices), minor modifications as required in the control schematic including preparing final as built documentations, radium stickers / stenciling with epoxy paint of approved paint
shade (as per site in charge / WP / HPCL engineer) on various / all modules / panels with relevant indentification like Tag Number / of equipment inclusive of touch up of paint (if
required), all complete as per the specifications, scope of work and directions of the Engineer-in-Charge. Note that all dimensions, weights etc. are tentative and shall be finalised
during detail engineering based on vendor drawings.
DESCRIPTION => Installation, Testing and Commissioning of following Free Issue Material. The Free issue material will be provided by other contractor(i.e Composite contractor
for HCPL project awarded by Owner) at the Hiriyur Pigging Station premises after the existing loads transfer and successful commissioning of the new EDG System AMF panel at
Neriya pigging station of the existing MHMSPL.PLC based indoor AMF panel & Battery charger panel,Approx. Dimensions (LxBxH) : 800 x 400 x 1500 mmApprox. Weight : 500
kgsReceiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling of
various assemblies / sub-assemblies and installation of components / devices supplied separately - as recommended by Manufacturer, testing and commissioning (including loop
checking of various modules / scada panels / inter-panel loop checking / field loop checking) of above AMF panel. Fabrication and installation of steel support structure / supporting
frames for various equipment / assemblies / sub-assemblies as per the site requirement is included in the scope. Rate shall also include all hardware required for installation and
foundation bolts (as per various installation standards / good engineering practices), minor modifications as required in the control schematic including preparing final as built
documentations, radium stickers / stenciling with epoxy paint of approved paint shade (as per site in charge / WP / HPCL engineer) on various / all modules / panels with relevant
indentification like Tag Number / of equipment inclusive of touch up of paint (if required), all complete as per the specifications, scope of work and directions of the Engineer-in-
Charge. Note that all dimensions, weights etc. are tentative and shall be finalised during detail engineering based on vendor drawings.
DESCRIPTION => Installation, Assistance to Testing and Commissioning of following Free Issue Material.PLC based indoor AMF panel & Battery charger panel,Approx.
Dimensions (LxBxH) : 800 x 400 x 2000 mmApprox. Weight : 500 kgsReceiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or
any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling of various assemblies / sub-assemblies and installation of components / devices supplied separately - as recommended
by Manufacturer, testing and commissioningassistance to EDG manufactures representative / HPCL / WP (including loop checking of various modules / scada panels / inter-panel loop
checking / field loop checking) of above AMF panel. Fabrication and installation of steel support structure / supporting frames for various equipment / assemblies / sub-assemblies as
per the site requirement is included in the scope. Rate shall also include all hardware required for installation and foundation bolts (as per various installation standards / good
engineering practices), minor modifications as required in the control schematic including preparing final as built documentations, radium stickers / stenciling with epoxy paint of
approved paint shade (as per site in charge / WP / HPCL engineer) on various / all modules / panels with relevant indentification like Tag Number / of equipment inclusive of touch up
of paint (if required), all complete as per the specifications, scope of work and directions of the Engineer-in-Charge. Note that all dimensions, weights etc. are tentative and shall be
finalised during detail engineering based on vendor drawings.
DESCRIPTION => Installation, testing and commissioning of outdoor type Galvanised Two Pole Structure suitable pole mounting distribution transformer(Rating of the transformer
as indicated in below line items) with 11kV Air break on Load Isolator with 3 Pole earth Switch, CT and PT's for SEB metering, Lightning arrestors, 11kV Drop out Fuse, Post top
isulators, pin insulators, strain insulators etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, Unloading, Storage at site including all material & accessories as per approved drawings &
any material as per local SEB guidlines shall be provided. Chain link fence around the 2 pole structure and entry gate shall be provided. The galvanization of the 2 pole structure shall be
min. 100 microns thick. 2 Pole structure and associated equipments shall be supplied as per SEB approved make. Liasoning with SEB shall be done by PL contractor. Rate shall include
design, supply and installation of foundations for pole structures.
DESCRIPTION => Installation, testing and commissioning of 63kVA, 11/0.433kV, 3Ph, 4Wire, 50Hz, Dyn11, Z=4%, OCTC, Oil Filled, pole mounted, distribution transformer with
primary side overhead line termination bushings and secondary side 0.6/1.1kV cable termination with all other accessories and supports as required and as per the datasheet number:
15963-070-EL-DAS-0004 OR 15963-150-EL-DAS-0004. The pole mounted transformer shall be supplied as per SEB approved make. Liasoning with SEB shall be done by PL
809 INST OF 11kV POWER TRANS. 12801-HCPL HASSAN Kilometers 40 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation, testing and commissioning of 11kV, 3Phase, 3wire, 50Hz overhead power transmission line including but not limited to RCC Poles, pin insulators,
strain insulators, GI cross arms, nuts, bolts, cross arm mouting clamps etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, Unloading, Storage at site including all material & accessories
as per approved drawings & any material as per local SEB guidlines shall be provided. The overhead line shall be supplied as per SEB approved make. Liasoning with SEB shall be
done by PL contractor. The overhead line route survey and Liasoning with landlord, Govt authorities shall be done by PL contractor. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely
installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be
billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.
DESCRIPTION => Installation, testing and commissioning of 415 V, TPN, Single front, wall mount, Industrial type, indoor, IP42, 9 ways (each of 415V, TPN, 50Hz) Normal
Lighting DB for outdoor lighting with 1 no. 63A, 10kA, 4P MCB+ELCB 100mA as incomer and 9 nos 16A, 10kA 4P MCB and Contactor for controlling through a photocell, auto-
manual selector switch & 24 hrs timer as outgoing feeders. The DB shall be suitable for termination of 3.5C x 35, A2XFY as incomer cable and 4C X 10, 2XWY as
outgoing cablesReceiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment,
assembling,inter-panel wiring, grouting of panel fixing bolts & other associated work (including chipping of concrete (as required) and making good) and Installation, testing and
commissioning under the supervision of suppliers commissioning engineer / HPCL / WP (including loop checking of various modules / inter-panel loop checking / field loop checking)
of following distribution boards. Rate shall also include all hardware required for installation and foundation bolts (as per various installation standards / good engineering practices),
testing & commissioning as per site testing format, minor modifications as required in the control schematic including preparing final as built documentations, stenciling with epoxy
paint of approved paint shade (as per site in charge / WP / HPCL engineer) on various / all modules / panels with relevant indentification like Tag Number / of equipment inclusive of
touch up of paint (if required), all complete as per the specifications,scope of work and directions of the Engineer-in-Charge. Note that all dimensions, weights etc. are tentative and
shall be finalised during detail engineering based on vendor drawings.
DESCRIPTION => Installation, testing and commissioning of 415 V, TPN, Single front, wall mount, Industrial type, indoor, IP42, 6ways (each of 415V, TPN, 50Hz) Emergency
Lighting DB for outdoor lighting with 1 no. 32A, 10kA, 4P MCB+ELCB 100mA as incomer and 6 nos 16A, 10kA 4P MCB and Contactor for controlling through a photocell, auto-
manual selector switch & 24 hrs timer as outgoing feeders. The DB shall be suitable for termination of 4C x 16, 2XFY as incomer cable and 4C X 10, 2XWY as
outgoing cablesReceiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment,
assembling,inter-panel wiring, grouting of panel fixing bolts & other associated work (including chipping of concrete (as required) and making good) and Installation, testing and
commissioning under the supervision of suppliers commissioning engineer / HPCL / WP (including loop checking of various modules / inter-panel loop checking / field loop checking)
of following distribution boards. Rate shall also include all hardware required for installation and foundation bolts (as per various installation standards / good engineering practices),
testing & commissioning as per site testing format, minor modifications as required in the control schematic including preparing final as built documentations, stenciling with epoxy
paint of approved paint shade (as per site in charge / WP / HPCL engineer) on various / all modules / panels with relevant indentification like Tag Number / of equipment inclusive of
touch up of paint (if required), all complete as per the specifications,scope of work and directions of the Engineer-in-Charge. Note that all dimensions, weights etc. are tentative and
shall be finalised during detail engineering based on vendor drawings.
DESCRIPTION => Installation, testing and commissioning of 415 V, TPN, Single front, Structural steel mount, Industrial type, Outdoor type, IP55(min.), 3 ways (each of 240V, 1ph,
50Hz) Lighting DB for watch tower lighting with 1 no. 32A, 10kA, 2P MCB+ELCB 100mA as incomer and 3 nos 10A, 10kA SPN MCB as outgoing feeders. The DB shall be suitable
for termination of 4C x 6, 2XFY as incomer cable and 3C X 2.5, 2XWY as outgoing cablesReceiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment /
accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling,inter-panel wiring, grouting of panel fixing bolts & other associated work (including
chipping of concrete (as required) and making good) and Installation, testing and commissioning under the supervision of suppliers commissioning engineer / HPCL / WP (including
loop checking of various modules / inter-panel loop checking / field loop checking) of following distribution boards. Rate shall also include all hardware required for installation and
foundation bolts (as per various installation standards / good engineering practices), testing & commissioning as per site testing format, minor modifications as required in the control
schematic including preparing final as built documentations, stenciling with epoxy paint of approved paint shade (as per site in charge / WP / HPCL engineer) on various / all modules /
panels with relevant indentification like Tag Number / of equipment inclusive of touch up of paint (if required), all complete as per the specifications,scope of work and directions of
the Engineer-in-Charge. Note that all dimensions, weights etc. are tentative and shall be finalised during detail engineering based on vendor drawings.
DESCRIPTION => Installation, testing and commissioning of 240 V, SPN, Single front, wall mount, Industrial type, indoor, IP42, 6 ways (each of 240V, 1ph, 50Hz) Normal Lighting
DB for outdoor lighting with 1 no. 32A, 10kA, 2P MCB+ELCB 100mA as incomer and 6 nos 10A, 10kA SPN MCB and Contactor for controlling through a photocell & 24 hrs timer as
outgoing feeders. The DB shall be suitable for termination of 3C x 10, 2XFY as incomer cable and 3C X 4, 2XWY as outgoing cablesReceiving, handling, loading,
unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling,inter-panel wiring, grouting of panel
fixing bolts & other associated work (including chipping of concrete (as required) and making good) and Installation, testing and commissioning under the supervision of suppliers
commissioning engineer / HPCL / WP (including loop checking of various modules / inter-panel loop checking / field loop checking) of following distribution boards. Rate shall also
include all hardware required for installation and foundation bolts (as per various installation standards / good engineering practices), testing & commissioning as per site testing format,
minor modifications as required in the control schematic including preparing final as built documentations, stenciling with epoxy paint of approved paint shade (as per site in charge /
WP / HPCL engineer) on various / all modules / panels with relevant indentification like Tag Number / of equipment inclusive of touch up of paint (if required), all complete as per the
specifications,scope of work and directions of the Engineer-in-Charge. Note that all dimensions, weights etc. are tentative and shall be finalised during detail engineering based on
vendor drawings.
814 INST OF 415V NON UPS PDB 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 1 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation, testing and commissioning 415 V, TPN, Single front, wall mount, Industrial type, indoor, IP42, 9 ways (each of 240V, 1ph, 50Hz) Non UPS power
DB for Instrumention/Telecom panels with 1 no. 32A, 10kA, 2P, MCB+ELCB 100mA as incomer and 9 nos 10A, 10kA, SPN, MCB as outgoing feeders. The DB shall be suitable for
termination of 4C x 10, 2XFY as incomer cable and 3C X 2.5, 2XWY as outgoing cablesReceiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment /
accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling,inter-panel wiring, grouting of panel fixing bolts & other associated work (including
chipping of concrete (as required) and making good) and Installation, testing and commissioning under the supervision of suppliers commissioning engineer / HPCL / WP (including
loop checking of various modules / inter-panel loop checking / field loop checking) of following distribution boards. Rate shall also include all hardware required for installation and
foundation bolts (as per various installation standards / good engineering practices), testing & commissioning as per site testing format, minor modifications as required in the control
schematic including preparing final as built documentations, stenciling with epoxy paint of approved paint shade (as per site in charge / WP / HPCL engineer) on various / all modules /
panels with relevant indentification like Tag Number / of equipment inclusive of touch up of paint (if required), all complete as per the specifications,scope of work and directions of
the Engineer-in-Charge. Note that all dimensions, weights etc. are tentative and shall be finalised during detail engineering based on vendor drawings.
815 INST OF 240V NON UPS DB 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 7 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation, testing and commissioning of 240 V, SPN, Single front, wall mount, Industrial type, indoor, IP42, 9 ways (each of 240V, 1ph, 50Hz) Non UPS power
DB for Instrumention/Telecom panels with 1 no. 32A, 10kA, 2P, MCB+ELCB 100mA as incomer and 9 nos 10A, 10kA, SPN, MCB as outgoing feeders. The DB shall be suitable for
termination of 4C x 10, 2XFY as incomer cable and 3C X 2.5, 2XWY as outgoing cablesReceiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment /
accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling,inter-panel wiring, grouting of panel fixing bolts & other associated work (including
chipping of concrete (as required) and making good) and Installation, testing and commissioning under the supervision of suppliers commissioning engineer / HPCL / WP (including
loop checking of various modules / inter-panel loop checking / field loop checking) of following distribution boards. Rate shall also include all hardware required for installation and
foundation bolts (as per various installation standards / good engineering practices), testing & commissioning as per site testing format, minor modifications as required in the control
schematic including preparing final as built documentations, stenciling with epoxy paint of approved paint shade (as per site in charge / WP / HPCL engineer) on various / all modules /
panels with relevant indentification like Tag Number / of equipment inclusive of touch up of paint (if required), all complete as per the specifications,scope of work and directions of
the Engineer-in-Charge. Note that all dimensions, weights etc. are tentative and shall be finalised during detail engineering based on vendor drawings.
DESCRIPTION => Installation, testing and commissioning of Photo cell with 1No + 1NC auxiliary contacts (Surface Mounted) for controlling the outdoor lighting DB.Receiving,
handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling,inter-panel wiring,
grouting of panel fixing bolts & other associated work (including chipping of concrete (as required) and making good) and Installation, testing and commissioning under the supervision
of suppliers commissioning engineer / HPCL / WP (including loop checking of various modules / inter-panel loop checking / field loop checking) of following distribution boards. Rate
shall also include all hardware required for installation and foundation bolts (as per various installation standards / good engineering practices), testing & commissioning as per site
testing format, minor modifications as required in the control schematic including preparing final as built documentations, stenciling with epoxy paint of approved paint shade (as per
site in charge / WP / HPCL engineer) on various / all modules / panels with relevant indentification like Tag Number / of equipment inclusive of touch up of paint (if required), all
complete as per the specifications,scope of work and directions of the Engineer-in-Charge. Note that all dimensions, weights etc. are tentative and shall be finalised during detail
engineering based on vendor drawings.
DESCRIPTION => Installation, testing and Commissioning of Industrial type, wall/structure mount, Ultra violet resistant, Outdoor type, IP55(Min.), Switch receptacles having 63A,
415V, 3Ph+1N+1E, 50Hz, 5 Pin socket / receptacles with plug top, 415V, 63A, 50Hz, 4P MCB+ELCB with terminal suitable for cable termination (3.5C x 35
Al/XLPE/SWA/PVC FRLS cable) plastic body with loop in loop out facility. Each socket shall be provided with 4 way Junction box with suitable entries, metallic plugs, glands
(Suitable for 3.5C x 35 Al/XLPE/SWA/PVC FRLS cable) etc. and all other accessories as required at site for Electrical roomReceiving, handling, loading, unloading,
unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling of various parts, inter-connections, grouting of
fixing bolts & other associated work (including cutout in the false ceiling, chipping of concrete, making it good etc.) and Installation, testing and commissioning under the supervision
of HPCL / WP of above power socket. Rate shall include mounting of socket along with its accessories checking of internal wiring. All consumables such as ball and socket, hanger
rods, lugs, glands, hardwares, anchor-fasteners etc. are in the scope of the contractor. Contractor shall consider all associated work as indicated in respective installation standard
drawings, scope of work and as per the directions of the Engineer-in-charge.
DESCRIPTION => Installation, testing and Commissioning of Flameproof type (suitable for Ex-d, Zone-1&2, Gas grp IIA/IIB, Temp. class T3), wall/structure mount, metal-clad,
Ultra violet resistant, Outdoor type, IP55(Min.), Switch receptacles having 63A, 415V, 3P+N+E, 50Hz, 5 pin socket / receptacles with plug top, 63A 4P MCB+ELCB with terminal
suitable for cable termination (Suitable for 3.5C x35, A2XFY cable) LM6 die cast body with loop in loop out facility. Each socket shall be provided with 4 way flameproof
Junction box with suitable entries, metallic plugs, flameproof glands ((Suitable for 3.5C x35, A2XFY cable) etc. and all other accessories as required at site for pigging
areaReceiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling of
various parts, inter-connections, grouting of fixing bolts & other associated work (including cutout in the false ceiling, chipping of concrete, making it good etc.) and Installation, testing
and commissioning under the supervision of HPCL / WP of above power socket. Rate shall include mounting of socket along with its accessories checking of internal wiring. All
consumables such as ball and socket, hanger rods, lugs, glands, hardwares, anchor-fasteners etc. are in the scope of the contractor. Contractor shall consider all associated work as
indicated in respective installation standard drawings, scope of work and as per the directions of the Engineer-in-charge.
DESCRIPTION => Installation, testing and Commissioning of Industrial type, wall/structure mount, Ultra violet resistant, Outdoor type, IP55(Min.), Switch receptacle having 16A,
240V, 1Ph+1N+1E, 50Hz, 3 Pin socket / receptacles with plug top, 16A ON/OFF switch with terminal suitable for cable termination (3C x 2.5 2XWY cable) plastic body. Each
socket shall be provided with suitable entries, metallic plugs, glands (3C x 2.5 2XWY cable) etc. and all other accessories as required at site for watch towerReceiving, handling,
loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling of various parts, inter-
connections, grouting of fixing bolts & other associated work (including cutout in the false ceiling, chipping of concrete, making it good etc.) and Installation, testing and
commissioning under the supervision of HPCL / WP of above power socket. Rate shall include mounting of socket along with its accessories checking of internal wiring. All
consumables such as ball and socket, hanger rods, lugs, glands, hardwares, anchor-fasteners etc. are in the scope of the contractor. Contractor shall consider all associated work as
indicated in respective installation standard drawings, scope of work and as per the directions of the Engineer-in-charge.
DESCRIPTION => Installation, testing and Commissioning of Flameproof type (suitable for Ex-d, Zone-1&2, Gas grp IIA/IIB, Temp. class T3), 240V, 45W, LED, Integral type
Wellglass lighting fixture suitable for stanchion mounting with flameproof junction box complete with lamps, housing, reflectors, flameproof glands, metallic plugs, mouting bracket,
nuts, washers, bolts etc. and all other accessories as required at site for platform or valve area lighting BALIGA make, Model type:FLPW 1245 or FCG Flameproof Control Gears Pvt.
Ltd. make, model type: LLB 61045W, or any other equivalent model and make. Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage
point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling of various parts, inter-connections, grouting of fixing bolts & other associated work (including cutout in the
false ceiling, chipping of concrete, making it good etc.) and Installation, testing and commissioning under the supervision of HPCL / WP of above lighting equipment. Rate shall include
mounting of fixture along with its accessories like chokes, condensers, reflectors, control gear boxes and lamps, checking of internal wiring. All consumables such as ball and socket,
hanger rods, lugs, glands, GI chains, hardwares, anchor-fasteners etc. are in the scope of the contractor. Contractor shall consider all associated work as indicated in respective
installation standard drawings, scope of work and as per the directions of the Engineer-in-charge.
821 INST OF 45W LED EXD 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 7 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation, testing and Commissioning of Flameproof type (suitable for Ex-d, Zone-1&2, Gas grp IIA/IIB, Temp. class T3), 240V, 1ph, 50Hz, 45W, LED,
Integral type Wellglass lighting fixture suitable for bracket mounting with flameproof junction box complete with lamps, housing, reflectors, flameproof glands, metallic plugs, mouting
bracket, nuts, washers, bolts etc. and all other accessories as required at site for SV valve pit Cage lighting. BALIGA make, Model type:FLPW 1245 or FCG Flameproof Control Gears
Pvt. Ltd. make, model type: LLB 61045W, or any other equivalent model and make. Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from
storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling of various parts, inter-connections, grouting of fixing bolts & other associated work (including cutout in
the false ceiling, chipping of concrete, making it good etc.) and Installation, testing and commissioning under the supervision of HPCL / WP of above lighting equipment. Rate shall
include mounting of fixture along with its accessories like chokes, condensers, reflectors, control gear boxes and lamps, checking of internal wiring. All consumables such as ball and
socket, hanger rods, lugs, glands, GI chains, hardwares, anchor-fasteners etc. are in the scope of the contractor. Contractor shall consider all associated work as indicated in respective
installation standard drawings, scope of work and as per the directions of the Engineer-in-charge.
DESCRIPTION => Installation, testing and Commissioning of Hot dip galvanized, 3mtr heigh Stanchion Type Lighting Pole suitable for mounting of 45W Flameproof (EX'D'), LED
Wellglass luminaire and including external mounted 415 V, 3ph+N, 50 Hz, 4 Way, Flameproof(Ex'D'), IP55, Die cast Aluminium Alloy, junction box suitable for Zone 1, IIA/IIB, T3
area and 4 nos. 4C x 10mm² 2XWY cable entries with 2 nos. blanking plugs, including cabling within pole, baseplate with anchor bolts and nuts, all accesories like glands etc. as per
tender documents. Poles shall be hot dip galvanised to 610 gms per sq.m.Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or
any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling of various parts, inter-connections, grouting of fixing bolts & other associated work (including cutout in the false
ceiling, chipping of concrete, making it good etc.) and Installation, testing and commissioning under the supervision of HPCL / WP of above lighting equipment. Rate shall include
mounting of fixture along with its accessories like chokes, condensers, reflectors, control gear boxes and lamps, checking of internal wiring. All consumables such as ball and socket,
hanger rods, lugs, glands, GI chains, hardwares, anchor-fasteners etc. are in the scope of the contractor. Contractor shall consider all associated work as indicated in respective
installation standard drawings, scope of work and as per the directions of the Engineer-in-charge.
823 INST OF 100W LED EXD 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 46 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation, testing and Commissioning of Flameproof type (suitable for Ex-d, Zone-1&2, Gas grp IIA/IIB, Temp. class T3), 240V, 1ph, 50Hz, 100W, LED, pole
mounting, integral floodlight fixture with flameproof junction box & flameproof control gear box complete with lamps, housing, reflectors, flameproof glands, metallic plugs etc. and all
other accessories as required at sitE for pigging area. The Lumens output of the fixture shall be min. 8500 and BALIGA make, model type: FLPW-2595L LED 100W or any other
equivalent model and make.Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site,
alignment, assembling of various parts, inter-connections, grouting of fixing bolts & other associated work (including cutout in the false ceiling, chipping of concrete, making it good
etc.) and Installation, testing and commissioning under the supervision of HPCL / WP of above lighting equipment. Rate shall include mounting of fixture along with its accessories like
chokes, condensers, reflectors, control gear boxes and lamps, checking of internal wiring. All consumables such as ball and socket, hanger rods, lugs, glands, GI chains, hardwares,
anchor-fasteners etc. are in the scope of the contractor. Contractor shall consider all associated work as indicated in respective installation standard drawings, scope of work and as per
the directions of the Engineer-in-charge.
DESCRIPTION => Installation, testing and Commissioning of Industrial type, Weatherproof, 240V, 85W, LED, suspended mounting, Integral medium bay type lighting fixture with
junction box & control gear box complete with lamps, housing, reflectors, glands, metallic plugs etc. and all other accessories as required at site for Fire water pump house and
displacement pump house. The Lumens output of the fixture shall be min. 7600 and PHILIPS make, model type: BY150P LED76S CW PSU HE SY120 FG GR or any other equivalent
model and make. Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment,
assembling of various parts, inter-connections, grouting of fixing bolts & other associated work (including cutout in the false ceiling, chipping of concrete, making it good etc.) and
Installation, testing and commissioning under the supervision of HPCL / WP of above lighting equipment. Rate shall include mounting of fixture along with its accessories like chokes,
condensers, reflectors, control gear boxes and lamps, checking of internal wiring. All consumables such as ball and socket, hanger rods, lugs, glands, GI chains, hardwares, anchor-
fasteners etc. are in the scope of the contractor. Contractor shall consider all associated work as indicated in respective installation standard drawings, scope of work and as per the
directions of the Engineer-in-charge.
DESCRIPTION => Installation, testing and Commissioning of Hot dip galvanized, Octagonal type, flood lighting pole of 8 mtr height, suitable for mounting of 4 nos of 100W LED
flameproof type flood lighting fixture (along with JB and control gear box) including external mounted external mounted 415 V, 3ph+N, 50 Hz, 4 Way, Flameproof(Ex'D'), IP55, Die
cast Aluminium Alloy, junction box suitable for Zone 1, IIA/IIB, T3 area and 4 nos. 4C x 10mm² 2XWY cable entries with 2 nos. blanking plugs, including cabling within pole,
baseplate with anchor bolts and nuts, all accesories like glands etc. as per tender documents. Cable sizes to be confirmed during detail engineering. Poles shall be hot dip galvanised to
610 gms per sq.m.Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment,
assembling of various parts, inter-connections, grouting of fixing bolts & other associated work (including cutout in the false ceiling, chipping of concrete, making it good etc.) and
Installation, testing and commissioning under the supervision of HPCL / WP of above lighting equipment. Rate shall include mounting of fixture along with its accessories like chokes,
condensers, reflectors, control gear boxes and lamps, checking of internal wiring. All consumables such as ball and socket, hanger rods, lugs, glands, GI chains, hardwares, anchor-
fasteners etc. are in the scope of the contractor. Contractor shall consider all associated work as indicated in respective installation standard drawings, scope of work and as per the
directions of the Engineer-in-charge.
DESCRIPTION => Installation, testing and Commissioning of Industrial type, Weatherproof, IP55(Min.), 240V, 1ph, 50Hz, 70W, LED, suitable for pole mounting, integral street
light fixture with junction box & control gear box complete with lamps, housing, reflectors, glands, metallic plugs etc. and all other accessories as required at site. The Lumens output
of the fixture shall be min. 7400 lumens and PHILIPS make model type: BRP410 LED 074 CW HE MR FG S2 PSU GR or any other equivalent model and make.7400 lumens and
PHILIPS make model type: BRP410 LED 074 CW HE MR FG S2 PSU GR or any other equivalent model and make.Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting
equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling of various parts, inter-connections, grouting of fixing bolts & other
associated work (including cutout in the false ceiling, chipping of concrete, making it good etc.) and Installation, testing and commissioning under the supervision of HPCL / WP of
above lighting equipment. Rate shall include mounting of fixture along with its accessories like chokes, condensers, reflectors, control gear boxes and lamps, checking of internal
wiring. All consumables such as ball and socket, hanger rods, lugs, glands, GI chains, hardwares, anchor-fasteners etc. are in the scope of the contractor. Contractor shall consider all
associated work as indicated in respective installation standard drawings, scope of work and as per the directions of the Engineer-in-charge.
DESCRIPTION => Installation of Hot dip galvanized, Octagonal type, Street lighting pole of 8 mtr height with single decorative type arm of 1mtr length suitable for mounting of 1
nos of 70W, LED, industrial type street lighting fixture including marshalling box (Junction box) inside the pole suitable for looping of 415V, TPN, 50 Hz incoming supply including
cabling within pole and including baseplate with anchor bolts and nuts.Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or
any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling of various parts, inter-connections, grouting of fixing bolts & other associated work (including cutout in the false
ceiling, chipping of concrete, making it good etc.) and Installation, testing and commissioning under the supervision of HPCL / WP of above lighting equipment. Rate shall include
mounting of fixture along with its accessories like chokes, condensers, reflectors, control gear boxes and lamps, checking of internal wiring. All consumables such as ball and socket,
hanger rods, lugs, glands, GI chains, hardwares, anchor-fasteners etc. are in the scope of the contractor. Contractor shall consider all associated work as indicated in respective
installation standard drawings, scope of work and as per the directions of the Engineer-in-charge.
DESCRIPTION => Installation, testing and Commissioning of Industrial type, Weatherproof, IP55(Min.), 240V, 1ph, 50Hz, 20W, LED, suitable for 3mtr stanchion mounting, integral
street light fixture complete with lamps, housing, reflectors, glands, metallic plugs etc. and all other accessories as required at site for wacth tower stair case. The Lumens output of the
fixture shall be min. 1900 lumens and PHILIPS make model type: BRP042 LED 19 CW MR MR PSU GR or any other equivalent model and make.Receiving, handling, loading,
unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling of various parts, inter-connections,
grouting of fixing bolts & other associated work (including cutout in the false ceiling, chipping of concrete, making it good etc.) and Installation, testing and commissioning under the
supervision of HPCL / WP of above lighting equipment. Rate shall include mounting of fixture along with its accessories like chokes, condensers, reflectors, control gear boxes and
lamps, checking of internal wiring. All consumables such as ball and socket, hanger rods, lugs, glands, GI chains, hardwares, anchor-fasteners etc. are in the scope of the contractor.
Contractor shall consider all associated work as indicated in respective installation standard drawings, scope of work and as per the directions of the Engineer-in-charge.
829 INST OF 3M ST LTG POLE& 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 12 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation, testing and Commissioning of Hot dip galvanized, 3mtr heigh Stanchion Type Lighting Pole suitable for mounting of 20W, LEDstreet light luminaire
including external mounted 240 V, 1ph+N+E, 50 Hz, 4 Way, Outdoor type, industrial, IP55, Fibreglass Reinforced Polyster (FRP), junction box suitable for 4 nos. 3C x 2.5 mm²
CU/XLPE/SWA/PVC cable entries and 2 no. blanking plug (Surface Mounted)., including cabling within pole, baseplate with anchor bolts and nuts, all accesories like glands etc. as per
tender documents. Poles shall be hot dip galvanised to 610 gms per sq.m.Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or
any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling of various parts, inter-connections, grouting of fixing bolts & other associated work (including cutout in the false
ceiling, chipping of concrete, making it good etc.) and Installation, testing and commissioning under the supervision of HPCL / WP of above lighting equipment. Rate shall include
mounting of fixture along with its accessories like chokes, condensers, reflectors, control gear boxes and lamps, checking of internal wiring. All consumables such as ball and socket,
hanger rods, lugs, glands, GI chains, hardwares, anchor-fasteners etc. are in the scope of the contractor. Contractor shall consider all associated work as indicated in respective
installation standard drawings, scope of work and as per the directions of the Engineer-in-charge.
DESCRIPTION => Installation, testing and Commissioning of Industrial type, Weatherproof, IP55(Min.), 240V, 1ph, 50Hz, 35W, LED, wellglass luminiare suitable for structual steel
mounted , complete with lamps, housing, reflectors, glands, metallic plugs, mounting brackets etc. and all other accessories as required at site for wacth tower. The Lumens output of
the fixture shall be min. 3500 lumens and PHILIPS make model type: BY200P LED 35S CW PSU S2 PC or any other equivalent model and make.Receiving, handling, loading,
unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling of various parts, inter-connections,
grouting of fixing bolts & other associated work (including cutout in the false ceiling, chipping of concrete, making it good etc.) and Installation, testing and commissioning under the
supervision of HPCL / WP of above lighting equipment. Rate shall include mounting of fixture along with its accessories like chokes, condensers, reflectors, control gear boxes and
lamps, checking of internal wiring. All consumables such as ball and socket, hanger rods, lugs, glands, GI chains, hardwares, anchor-fasteners etc. are in the scope of the contractor.
Contractor shall consider all associated work as indicated in respective installation standard drawings, scope of work and as per the directions of the Engineer-in-charge.
831 INST-3Cx2.5,2XWY,1.1KV CABL 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 900 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of 3C x 2.5 sq mm 2XWY (1100V) FRLS cable (for Lighting on watch tower and on SV valve pit lighting etc.)Receiving, handling, loading,
unloading, unpacking, transporting from storage point or any other location within the project site, laying, glanding, lugging, termination, testing & commisioning of lighting cables of
above sizes as per specification and datasheets inclusive of all consumables such as clamps for cleating of cables on surface, hardware etc., including chipping of wall/surface, installing
conduit (concealed) and making wall/surface good, including the cost of all labours, material, equipment etc. complete as per approved drawings, specifications of this tender and
directions of engineer-in-charge. Job includes supply and installation of Industrial glands as required with all accessories as required at site. Job includes supply and installation of
Industrial type reducers and/or adapters as required at site. Job includes supply and installation of Crimping type Tinned copper/Aluminium, insulated, Pin type/Ring type lugs/heavy
duty tubular/long barrel type tubular lugs for bolted connection as required at site.
832 INST OF 3Cx4,2XWY,1.1KV 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 1750 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of 3C x 4 sq mm 2XWY (1100V) FRLS cable (for street Lighting).Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting from storage point
or any other location within the project site, laying, glanding, lugging, termination, testing & commisioning of lighting cables of above sizes as per specification and datasheets inclusive
of all consumables such as clamps for cleating of cables on surface, hardware etc., including chipping of wall/surface, installing conduit (concealed) and making wall/surface good,
including the cost of all labours, material, equipment etc. complete as per approved drawings, specifications of this tender and directions of engineer-in-charge. Job includes supply and
installation of Industrial glands as required with all accessories as required at site. Job includes supply and installation of Industrial type reducers and/or adapters as required at site. Job
includes supply and installation of Crimping type Tinned copper/Aluminium, insulated, Pin type/Ring type lugs/heavy duty tubular/long barrel type tubular lugs for bolted connection
as required at site.
833 INST-4Cx4,2XWY,1.1KV CABLE 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 750 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of 4C x 4 sq mm 2XWY (1100V) FRLS cable (for street lighting).Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting from storage point
or any other location within the project site, laying, glanding, lugging, termination, testing & commisioning of lighting cables of above sizes as per specification and datasheets inclusive
of all consumables such as clamps for cleating of cables on surface, hardware etc., including chipping of wall/surface, installing conduit (concealed) and making wall/surface good,
including the cost of all labours, material, equipment etc. complete as per approved drawings, specifications of this tender and directions of engineer-in-charge. Job includes supply and
installation of Industrial glands as required with all accessories as required at site. Job includes supply and installation of Industrial type reducers and/or adapters as required at site. Job
includes supply and installation of Crimping type Tinned copper/Aluminium, insulated, Pin type/Ring type lugs/heavy duty tubular/long barrel type tubular lugs for bolted connection
as required at site.
834 INST OF 4Cx10,2XWY,1.1KV 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 500 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of 4C x 10 sq mm 2XWY (1100V) FRLS cable (for flood lighting).Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting from storage point
or any other location within the project site, laying, glanding, lugging, termination, testing & commisioning of lighting cables of above sizes as per specification and datasheets inclusive
of all consumables such as clamps for cleating of cables on surface, hardware etc., including chipping of wall/surface, installing conduit (concealed) and making wall/surface good,
including the cost of all labours, material, equipment etc. complete as per approved drawings, specifications of this tender and directions of engineer-in-charge. Job includes supply and
installation of Industrial glands as required with all accessories as required at site. Job includes supply and installation of Industrial type reducers and/or adapters as required at site. Job
includes supply and installation of Crimping type Tinned copper/Aluminium, insulated, Pin type/Ring type lugs/heavy duty tubular/long barrel type tubular lugs for bolted connection
as required at site.
835 INST OF 2Cx2.5,2XWY,1.1KV 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 1800 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of 2Cx2.5, 2XWY,1.1kV, FRLS CableReceiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting from storage point or any other
location within the project site, laying, termination, testing & commisioning of copper conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured
power cables of above size as per specification including supply & spreading of approved fine river sand in cable trenches, approved second class bricks of 75mm thickness in cable
trenches for cable protection laid lengthwise inclusive of all consumables such as clamps including trefoil clamps at every 3 meters for 1C cables, cable tags (cable tags at every 30m
and on bents), hardware, trefoil clamps etc. including supply and installation of cable markers for underground cable routes (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading &
storage at site), including excavataion of soil up to the required depth, installation of cables, back filling and compacting of soil and disposing the excess soil etc. including supply and
installation of suitable GI pipes from buried trench to the equipment as per installation details and IFC layouts including supply and installation of crimping type tinned
copper/Aluminium, Pin type/Ring type lugs/heavy duty tubular/long barrel type tubular lugs, bi-metallic washers(wherever different material of contact) for all cable sizes as mentioned
below and as required at site (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & storage at site) including the cost of all labours, material, equipment etc. complete as per approved
drawings, specifications of this tender and directions of engineer-in-charge
836 INST OF 2Cx10,2XWY,1.1KV 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 2375 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of 2Cx10, 2XWY,1.1kV, FRLS CableReceiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting from storage point or any other location
within the project site, laying, termination, testing & commisioning of copper conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured power
cables of above size as per specification including supply & spreading of approved fine river sand in cable trenches, approved second class bricks of 75mm thickness in cable trenches
for cable protection laid lengthwise inclusive of all consumables such as clamps including trefoil clamps at every 3 meters for 1C cables, cable tags (cable tags at every 30m and on
bents), hardware, trefoil clamps etc. including supply and installation of cable markers for underground cable routes (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & storage at
site), including excavataion of soil up to the required depth, installation of cables, back filling and compacting of soil and disposing the excess soil etc. including supply and installation
of suitable GI pipes from buried trench to the equipment as per installation details and IFC layouts including supply and installation of crimping type tinned copper/Aluminium, Pin
type/Ring type lugs/heavy duty tubular/long barrel type tubular lugs, bi-metallic washers(wherever different material of contact) for all cable sizes as mentioned below and as required
at site (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & storage at site) including the cost of all labours, material, equipment etc. complete as per approved drawings, specifications
of this tender and directions of engineer-in-charge
837 INST OF 2Cx16,2XFY,1.1KV 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 110 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of 2Cx16, 2XWY,1.1kV, FRLS CableReceiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting from storage point or any other location
within the project site, laying, termination, testing & commisioning of Aluminium conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured
power cables of above size as per specification including supply & spreading of approved fine river sand in cable trenches, approved second class bricks of 75mm thickness in cable
trenches for cable protection laid lengthwise inclusive of all consumables such as clamps including trefoil clamps at every 3 meters for 1C cables, cable tags (cable tags at every 30m
and on bents), hardware, trefoil clamps etc. including supply and installation of cable markers for underground cable routes (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading &
storage at site), including excavataion of soil up to the required depth, installation of cables, back filling and compacting of soil and disposing the excess soil etc. including supply and
installation of suitable GI pipes from buried trench to the equipment as per installation details and IFC layouts including supply and installation of crimping type tinned
copper/Aluminium, Pin type/Ring type lugs/heavy duty tubular/long barrel type tubular lugs, bi-metallic washers(wherever different material of contact) for all cable sizes as
mentioned below and as required at site (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & storage at site) including the cost of all labours, material, equipment etc. complete as per
approved drawings, specifications of this tender and directions of engineer-in-charge
838 INST OF 2Cx35,A2XFY,1.1KV 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 295 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of 2Cx35, 2XWY,1.1kV, FRLS CableReceiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting from storage point or any other location
within the project site, laying, termination, testing & commisioning of Aluminium conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured
power cables of above size as per specification including supply & spreading of approved fine river sand in cable trenches, approved second class bricks of 75mm thickness in cable
trenches for cable protection laid lengthwise inclusive of all consumables such as clamps including trefoil clamps at every 3 meters for 1C cables, cable tags (cable tags at every 30m
and on bents), hardware, trefoil clamps etc. including supply and installation of cable markers for underground cable routes (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading &
storage at site), including excavataion of soil up to the required depth, installation of cables, back filling and compacting of soil and disposing the excess soil etc. including supply and
installation of suitable GI pipes from buried trench to the equipment as per installation details and IFC layouts including supply and installation of crimping type tinned
copper/Aluminium, Pin type/Ring type lugs/heavy duty tubular/long barrel type tubular lugs, bi-metallic washers(wherever different material of contact) for all cable sizes as
mentioned below and as required at site (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & storage at site) including the cost of all labours, material, equipment etc. complete as per
approved drawings, specifications of this tender and directions of engineer-in-charge
839 INST OF 2Cx50,A2XFY,1.1KV 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 720 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of 2Cx50, A2XFY,1.1kV, FRLS CableReceiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting from storage point or any other
location within the project site, laying, termination, testing & commisioning of Aluminium conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I.
armoured power cables of above size as per specification including supply & spreading of approved fine river sand in cable trenches, approved second class bricks of 75mm thickness
in cable trenches for cable protection laid lengthwise inclusive of all consumables such as clamps including trefoil clamps at every 3 meters for 1C cables, cable tags (cable tags at every
30m and on bents), hardware, trefoil clamps etc. including supply and installation of cable markers for underground cable routes (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading &
storage at site), including excavataion of soil up to the required depth, installation of cables, back filling and compacting of soil and disposing the excess soil etc. including supply and
installation of suitable GI pipes from buried trench to the equipment as per installation details and IFC layouts including supply and installation of crimping type tinned
copper/Aluminium, Pin type/Ring type lugs/heavy duty tubular/long barrel type tubular lugs, bi-metallic washers(wherever different material of contact) for all cable sizes as
mentioned below and as required at site (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & storage at site) including the cost of all labours, material, equipment etc. complete as per
approved drawings, specifications of this tender and directions of engineer-in-charge
840 INST OF 2Cx95,A2XFY,1.1KV 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 390 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of 2Cx95, A2XFY,1.1kV, FRLS CableReceiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting from storage point or any other
location within the project site, laying, termination, testing & commisioning of Aluminium conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I.
armoured power cables of above size as per specification including supply & spreading of approved fine river sand in cable trenches, approved second class bricks of 75mm thickness
in cable trenches for cable protection laid lengthwise inclusive of all consumables such as clamps including trefoil clamps at every 3 meters for 1C cables, cable tags (cable tags at every
30m and on bents), hardware, trefoil clamps etc. including supply and installation of cable markers for underground cable routes (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading &
storage at site), including excavataion of soil up to the required depth, installation of cables, back filling and compacting of soil and disposing the excess soil etc. including supply and
installation of suitable GI pipes from buried trench to the equipment as per installation details and IFC layouts including supply and installation of crimping type tinned
copper/Aluminium, Pin type/Ring type lugs/heavy duty tubular/long barrel type tubular lugs, bi-metallic washers(wherever different material of contact) for all cable sizes as
mentioned below and as required at site (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & storage at site) including the cost of all labours, material, equipment etc. complete as per
approved drawings, specifications of this tender and directions of engineer-in-charge
841 INST OF 2Cx120,A2XFY,1.1KV 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 245 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of 2Cx120, A2XFY,1.1kV, FRLS CableReceiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting from storage point or any other
location within the project site, laying, termination, testing & commisioning of Aluminium conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I.
armoured power cables of above size as per specification including supply & spreading of approved fine river sand in cable trenches, approved second class bricks of 75mm thickness
in cable trenches for cable protection laid lengthwise inclusive of all consumables such as clamps including trefoil clamps at every 3 meters for 1C cables, cable tags (cable tags at every
30m and on bents), hardware, trefoil clamps etc. including supply and installation of cable markers for underground cable routes (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading &
storage at site), including excavataion of soil up to the required depth, installation of cables, back filling and compacting of soil and disposing the excess soil etc. including supply and
installation of suitable GI pipes from buried trench to the equipment as per installation details and IFC layouts including supply and installation of crimping type tinned
copper/Aluminium, Pin type/Ring type lugs/heavy duty tubular/long barrel type tubular lugs, bi-metallic washers(wherever different material of contact) for all cable sizes as
mentioned below and as required at site (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & storage at site) including the cost of all labours, material, equipment etc. complete as per
approved drawings, specifications of this tender and directions of engineer-in-charge
842 INST OF 2Cx150,A2XFY,1.1KV 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 75 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of 2Cx150, A2XFY,1.1kV, FRLS CableReceiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting from storage point or any other
location within the project site, laying, termination, testing & commisioning of Aluminium conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I.
armoured power cables of above size as per specification including supply & spreading of approved fine river sand in cable trenches, approved second class bricks of 75mm thickness
in cable trenches for cable protection laid lengthwise inclusive of all consumables such as clamps including trefoil clamps at every 3 meters for 1C cables, cable tags (cable tags at every
30m and on bents), hardware, trefoil clamps etc. including supply and installation of cable markers for underground cable routes (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading &
storage at site), including excavataion of soil up to the required depth, installation of cables, back filling and compacting of soil and disposing the excess soil etc. including supply and
installation of suitable GI pipes from buried trench to the equipment as per installation details and IFC layouts including supply and installation of crimping type tinned
copper/Aluminium, Pin type/Ring type lugs/heavy duty tubular/long barrel type tubular lugs, bi-metallic washers(wherever different material of contact) for all cable sizes as
mentioned below and as required at site (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & storage at site) including the cost of all labours, material, equipment etc. complete as per
approved drawings, specifications of this tender and directions of engineer-in-charge
843 INST OF 2Cx240,A2XFY,1.1KV 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 280 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of 2Cx240, A2XFY,1.1kV, FRLS CableReceiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting from storage point or any other
location within the project site, laying, termination, testing & commisioning of Aluminium conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I.
armoured power cables of above size as per specification including supply & spreading of approved fine river sand in cable trenches, approved second class bricks of 75mm thickness
in cable trenches for cable protection laid lengthwise inclusive of all consumables such as clamps including trefoil clamps at every 3 meters for 1C cables, cable tags (cable tags at every
30m and on bents), hardware, trefoil clamps etc. including supply and installation of cable markers for underground cable routes (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading &
storage at site), including excavataion of soil up to the required depth, installation of cables, back filling and compacting of soil and disposing the excess soil etc. including supply and
installation of suitable GI pipes from buried trench to the equipment as per installation details and IFC layouts including supply and installation of crimping type tinned
copper/Aluminium, Pin type/Ring type lugs/heavy duty tubular/long barrel type tubular lugs, bi-metallic washers(wherever different material of contact) for all cable sizes as
mentioned below and as required at site (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & storage at site) including the cost of all labours, material, equipment etc. complete as per
approved drawings, specifications of this tender and directions of engineer-in-charge
844 INST OF 3Cx2.5,2XWY,1.1KV 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 6250 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of 3Cx2.5, 2XWY,1.1kV, FRLS CableReceiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting from storage point or any other
location within the project site, laying, termination, testing & commisioning of copper conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured
power cables of above size as per specification including supply & spreading of approved fine river sand in cable trenches, approved second class bricks of 75mm thickness in cable
trenches for cable protection laid lengthwise inclusive of all consumables such as clamps including trefoil clamps at every 3 meters for 1C cables, cable tags (cable tags at every 30m
and on bents), hardware, trefoil clamps etc. including supply and installation of cable markers for underground cable routes (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading &
storage at site), including excavataion of soil up to the required depth, installation of cables, back filling and compacting of soil and disposing the excess soil etc. including supply and
installation of suitable GI pipes from buried trench to the equipment as per installation details and IFC layouts including supply and installation of crimping type tinned
copper/Aluminium, Pin type/Ring type lugs/heavy duty tubular/long barrel type tubular lugs, bi-metallic washers(wherever different material of contact) for all cable sizes as
mentioned below and as required at site (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & storage at site) including the cost of all labours, material, equipment etc. complete as per
approved drawings, specifications of this tender and directions of engineer-in-charge
845 INST OF 3Cx4,2XWY,1.1KV 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 2185 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of 3Cx4, 2XWY,1.1kV, FRLS CableReceiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting from storage point or any other location
within the project site, laying, termination, testing & commisioning of copper conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured power
cables of above size as per specification including supply & spreading of approved fine river sand in cable trenches, approved second class bricks of 75mm thickness in cable trenches
for cable protection laid lengthwise inclusive of all consumables such as clamps including trefoil clamps at every 3 meters for 1C cables, cable tags (cable tags at every 30m and on
bents), hardware, trefoil clamps etc. including supply and installation of cable markers for underground cable routes (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & storage at
site), including excavataion of soil up to the required depth, installation of cables, back filling and compacting of soil and disposing the excess soil etc. including supply and installation
of suitable GI pipes from buried trench to the equipment as per installation details and IFC layouts including supply and installation of crimping type tinned copper/Aluminium, Pin
type/Ring type lugs/heavy duty tubular/long barrel type tubular lugs, bi-metallic washers(wherever different material of contact) for all cable sizes as mentioned below and as required
at site (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & storage at site) including the cost of all labours, material, equipment etc. complete as per approved drawings, specifications
of this tender and directions of engineer-in-charge
846 INST OF 3Cx6,2XWY,1.1KV 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 770 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of 3Cx6, 2XWY,1.1kV, FRLS CableReceiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting from storage point or any other location
within the project site, laying, termination, testing & commisioning of copper conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured power
cables of above size as per specification including supply & spreading of approved fine river sand in cable trenches, approved second class bricks of 75mm thickness in cable trenches
for cable protection laid lengthwise inclusive of all consumables such as clamps including trefoil clamps at every 3 meters for 1C cables, cable tags (cable tags at every 30m and on
bents), hardware, trefoil clamps etc. including supply and installation of cable markers for underground cable routes (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & storage at
site), including excavataion of soil up to the required depth, installation of cables, back filling and compacting of soil and disposing the excess soil etc. including supply and installation
of suitable GI pipes from buried trench to the equipment as per installation details and IFC layouts including supply and installation of crimping type tinned copper/Aluminium, Pin
type/Ring type lugs/heavy duty tubular/long barrel type tubular lugs, bi-metallic washers(wherever different material of contact) for all cable sizes as mentioned below and as required
at site (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & storage at site) including the cost of all labours, material, equipment etc. complete as per approved drawings, specifications
of this tender and directions of engineer-in-charge
847 INST OF 3Cx10,2XWY,1.1KV 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 140 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of 3Cx10, 2XWY,1.1kV, FRLS CableReceiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting from storage point or any other location
within the project site, laying, termination, testing & commisioning of copper conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured power
cables of above size as per specification including supply & spreading of approved fine river sand in cable trenches, approved second class bricks of 75mm thickness in cable trenches
for cable protection laid lengthwise inclusive of all consumables such as clamps including trefoil clamps at every 3 meters for 1C cables, cable tags (cable tags at every 30m and on
bents), hardware, trefoil clamps etc. including supply and installation of cable markers for underground cable routes (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & storage at
site), including excavataion of soil up to the required depth, installation of cables, back filling and compacting of soil and disposing the excess soil etc. including supply and installation
of suitable GI pipes from buried trench to the equipment as per installation details and IFC layouts including supply and installation of crimping type tinned copper/Aluminium, Pin
type/Ring type lugs/heavy duty tubular/long barrel type tubular lugs, bi-metallic washers(wherever different material of contact) for all cable sizes as mentioned below and as required
at site (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & storage at site) including the cost of all labours, material, equipment etc. complete as per approved drawings, specifications
of this tender and directions of engineer-in-charge
848 INST OF 4Cx2.5,2XWY,1.1KV 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 1850 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of, 2XWY,1.1kV, FRLS CableReceiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting from storage point or any other location
within the project site, laying, termination, testing & commisioning of copper conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured power
cables of above size as per specification including supply & spreading of approved fine river sand in cable trenches, approved second class bricks of 75mm thickness in cable trenches
for cable protection laid lengthwise inclusive of all consumables such as clamps including trefoil clamps at every 3 meters for 1C cables, cable tags (cable tags at every 30m and on
bents), hardware, trefoil clamps etc. including supply and installation of cable markers for underground cable routes (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & storage at
site), including excavataion of soil up to the required depth, installation of cables, back filling and compacting of soil and disposing the excess soil etc. including supply and installation
of suitable GI pipes from buried trench to the equipment as per installation details and IFC layouts including supply and installation of crimping type tinned copper/Aluminium, Pin
type/Ring type lugs/heavy duty tubular/long barrel type tubular lugs, bi-metallic washers(wherever different material of contact) for all cable sizes as mentioned below and as required
at site (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & storage at site) including the cost of all labours, material, equipment etc. complete as per approved drawings, specifications
of this tender and directions of engineer-in-charge
849 INST OF 4Cx4,2XWY,1.1KV 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 1095 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of, 2XWY,1.1kV, FRLS CableReceiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting from storage point or any other location
within the project site, laying, termination, testing & commisioning of copper conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured power
cables of above size as per specification including supply & spreading of approved fine river sand in cable trenches, approved second class bricks of 75mm thickness in cable trenches
for cable protection laid lengthwise inclusive of all consumables such as clamps including trefoil clamps at every 3 meters for 1C cables, cable tags (cable tags at every 30m and on
bents), hardware, trefoil clamps etc. including supply and installation of cable markers for underground cable routes (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & storage at
site), including excavataion of soil up to the required depth, installation of cables, back filling and compacting of soil and disposing the excess soil etc. including supply and installation
of suitable GI pipes from buried trench to the equipment as per installation details and IFC layouts including supply and installation of crimping type tinned copper/Aluminium, Pin
type/Ring type lugs/heavy duty tubular/long barrel type tubular lugs, bi-metallic washers(wherever different material of contact) for all cable sizes as mentioned below and as required
at site (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & storage at site) including the cost of all labours, material, equipment etc. complete as per approved drawings, specifications
of this tender and directions of engineer-in-charge
850 INST OF 4Cx6,2XWY,1.1KV 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 235 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of 4Cx6, 2XWY,1.1kV, FRLS CableReceiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting from storage point or any other location
within the project site, laying, termination, testing & commisioning of copper conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured power
cables of above size as per specification including supply & spreading of approved fine river sand in cable trenches, approved second class bricks of 75mm thickness in cable trenches
for cable protection laid lengthwise inclusive of all consumables such as clamps including trefoil clamps at every 3 meters for 1C cables, cable tags (cable tags at every 30m and on
bents), hardware, trefoil clamps etc. including supply and installation of cable markers for underground cable routes (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & storage at
site), including excavataion of soil up to the required depth, installation of cables, back filling and compacting of soil and disposing the excess soil etc. including supply and installation
of suitable GI pipes from buried trench to the equipment as per installation details and IFC layouts including supply and installation of crimping type tinned copper/Aluminium, Pin
type/Ring type lugs/heavy duty tubular/long barrel type tubular lugs, bi-metallic washers(wherever different material of contact) for all cable sizes as mentioned below and as required
at site (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & storage at site) including the cost of all labours, material, equipment etc. complete as per approved drawings, specifications
of this tender and directions of engineer-in-charge
851 INST OF 4Cx16, 2XFY,1.1KV 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 290 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of 4Cx16, 2XFY,1.1kV, FRLS CableReceiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting from storage point or any other location
within the project site, laying, termination, testing & commisioning of copper conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured power
cables of above size as per specification including supply & spreading of approved fine river sand in cable trenches, approved second class bricks of 75mm thickness in cable trenches
for cable protection laid lengthwise inclusive of all consumables such as clamps including trefoil clamps at every 3 meters for 1C cables, cable tags (cable tags at every 30m and on
bents), hardware, trefoil clamps etc. including supply and installation of cable markers for underground cable routes (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & storage at
site), including excavataion of soil up to the required depth, installation of cables, back filling and compacting of soil and disposing the excess soil etc. including supply and installation
of suitable GI pipes from buried trench to the equipment as per installation details and IFC layouts including supply and installation of crimping type tinned copper/Aluminium, Pin
type/Ring type lugs/heavy duty tubular/long barrel type tubular lugs, bi-metallic washers(wherever different material of contact) for all cable sizes as mentioned below and as required
at site (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & storage at site) including the cost of all labours, material, equipment etc. complete as per approved drawings, specifications
of this tender and directions of engineer-in-charge
852 INST OF3.5Cx35,A2XFY,1.1KV 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 120 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of 3.5Cx35, A2XFY,1.1kV, FRLS CableReceiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting from storage point or any other
location within the project site, laying, termination, testing & commisioning of Aluminium conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I.
armoured power cables of above size as per specification including supply & spreading of approved fine river sand in cable trenches, approved second class bricks of 75mm thickness
in cable trenches for cable protection laid lengthwise inclusive of all consumables such as clamps including trefoil clamps at every 3 meters for 1C cables, cable tags (cable tags at every
30m and on bents), hardware, trefoil clamps etc. including supply and installation of cable markers for underground cable routes (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading &
storage at site), including excavataion of soil up to the required depth, installation of cables, back filling and compacting of soil and disposing the excess soil etc. including supply and
installation of suitable GI pipes from buried trench to the equipment as per installation details and IFC layouts including supply and installation of crimping type tinned
copper/Aluminium, Pin type/Ring type lugs/heavy duty tubular/long barrel type tubular lugs, bi-metallic washers(wherever different material of contact) for all cable sizes as
mentioned below and as required at site (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & storage at site) including the cost of all labours, material, equipment etc. complete as per
approved drawings, specifications of this tender and directions of engineer-in-charge
853 INST OF3.5Cx95,A2XFY,1.1KV 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 45 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of 3.5Cx95, A2XFY,1.1kV, FRLS CableReceiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting from storage point or any other
location within the project site, laying, termination, testing & commisioning of Aluminium conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I.
armoured power cables of above size as per specification including supply & spreading of approved fine river sand in cable trenches, approved second class bricks of 75mm thickness
in cable trenches for cable protection laid lengthwise inclusive of all consumables such as clamps including trefoil clamps at every 3 meters for 1C cables, cable tags (cable tags at every
30m and on bents), hardware, trefoil clamps etc. including supply and installation of cable markers for underground cable routes (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading &
storage at site), including excavataion of soil up to the required depth, installation of cables, back filling and compacting of soil and disposing the excess soil etc. including supply and
installation of suitable GI pipes from buried trench to the equipment as per installation details and IFC layouts including supply and installation of crimping type tinned
copper/Aluminium, Pin type/Ring type lugs/heavy duty tubular/long barrel type tubular lugs, bi-metallic washers(wherever different material of contact) for all cable sizes as mentioned
below and as required at site (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & storage at site) including the cost of all labours, material, equipment etc. complete as per approved
drawings, specifications of this tender and directions of engineer-in-charge
854 SUP OF3.5Cx300,A2XFY,1.1KV 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 100 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of 3.5Cx300, A2XFY,1.1kV, FRLS CableReceiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting from storage point or any other
location within the project site, laying, termination, testing & commisioning of Aluminium conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I.
armoured power cables of above size as per specification including supply & spreading of approved fine river sand in cable trenches, approved second class bricks of 75mm thickness
in cable trenches for cable protection laid lengthwise inclusive of all consumables such as clamps including trefoil clamps at every 3 meters for 1C cables, cable tags (cable tags at every
30m and on bents), hardware, trefoil clamps etc. including supply and installation of cable markers for underground cable routes (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading &
storage at site), including excavataion of soil up to the required depth, installation of cables, back filling and compacting of soil and disposing the excess soil etc. including supply and
installation of suitable GI pipes from buried trench to the equipment as per installation details and IFC layouts including supply and installation of crimping type tinned
copper/Aluminium, Pin type/Ring type lugs/heavy duty tubular/long barrel type tubular lugs, bi-metallic washers(wherever different material of contact) for all cable sizes as
mentioned below and as required at site (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & storage at site) including the cost of all labours, material, equipment etc. complete as per
approved drawings, specifications of this tender and directions of engineer-in-charge
855 SUP OF 4Cx240,A2XFY,1.1KV 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 630 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of 4Cx240, A2XFY,1.1kV, FRLS CableReceiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting from storage point or any other
location within the project site, laying, termination, testing & commisioning of Aluminium conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I.
armoured power cables of above size as per specification including supply & spreading of approved fine river sand in cable trenches, approved second class bricks of 75mm thickness
in cable trenches for cable protection laid lengthwise inclusive of all consumables such as clamps including trefoil clamps at every 3 meters for 1C cables, cable tags (cable tags at every
30m and on bents), hardware, trefoil clamps etc. including supply and installation of cable markers for underground cable routes (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading &
storage at site), including excavataion of soil up to the required depth, installation of cables, back filling and compacting of soil and disposing the excess soil etc. including supply and
installation of suitable GI pipes from buried trench to the equipment as per installation details and IFC layouts including supply and installation of crimping type tinned
copper/Aluminium, Pin type/Ring type lugs/heavy duty tubular/long barrel type tubular lugs, bi-metallic washers(wherever different material of contact) for all cable sizes as
mentioned below and as required at site (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & storage at site) including the cost of all labours, material, equipment etc. complete as per
approved drawings, specifications of this tender and directions of engineer-in-charge
856 INST OF 4Cx2.5, YWY,1.1kV 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 2275 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of 4Cx2.5, YWY,1.1kV, HR+FRLS CableReceiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting from storage point or any other
location within the project site, laying, termination, testing & commisioning of copper conductor, PVC insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured
control cables of above size as per specification including supply & spreading of approved fine river sand in cable trenches, approved second class bricks of 75mm thickness in cable
trenches for cable protection laid lengthwise inclusive of all consumables such as clamps including trefoil clamps at every 3 meters for 1C cables, cable tags (cable tags at every 30m
and on bents), hardware, trefoil clamps etc. including supply and installation of cable markers for underground cable routes (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading &
storage at site), including excavataion of soil up to the required depth, installation of cables, back filling and compacting of soil and disposing the excess soil etc. including supply and
installation of suitable GI pipes from buried trench to the equipment as per installation details and IFC layouts including supply and installation of crimping type tinned
copper/Aluminium, Pin type/Ring type lugs/heavy duty tubular/long barrel type tubular lugs, bi-metallic washers(wherever different material of contact) for all cable sizes as
mentioned below and as required at site (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & storage at site) including the cost of all labours, material, equipment etc. complete as per
approved drawings, specifications of this tender and directions of engineer-in-charge
857 INST OF 7Cx2.5,YWY,1.1kV 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 800 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of 7Cx2.5, YFY,1.1kV, HR+FRLS CableReceiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting from storage point or any other
location within the project site, laying, termination, testing & commisioning of copper conductor, PVC insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured
control cables of above size as per specification including supply & spreading of approved fine river sand in cable trenches, approved second class bricks of 75mm thickness in cable
trenches for cable protection laid lengthwise inclusive of all consumables such as clamps including trefoil clamps at every 3 meters for 1C cables, cable tags (cable tags at every 30m
and on bents), hardware, trefoil clamps etc. including supply and installation of cable markers for underground cable routes (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading &
storage at site), including excavataion of soil up to the required depth, installation of cables, back filling and compacting of soil and disposing the excess soil etc. including supply and
installation of suitable GI pipes from buried trench to the equipment as per installation details and IFC layouts including supply and installation of crimping type tinned
copper/Aluminium, Pin type/Ring type lugs/heavy duty tubular/long barrel type tubular lugs, bi-metallic washers(wherever different material of contact) for all cable sizes as
mentioned below and as required at site (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & storage at site) including the cost of all labours, material, equipment etc. complete as per
approved drawings, specifications of this tender and directions of engineer-in-charge
858 INST OF 12Cx2.5,YWY,1.1kV 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 975 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of 12Cx2.5, YFY,1.1kV, HR+FRLS CableReceiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting from storage point or any other
location within the project site, laying, termination, testing & commisioning of copper conductor, PVC insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured
control cables of above size as per specification including supply & spreading of approved fine river sand in cable trenches, approved second class bricks of 75mm thickness in cable
trenches for cable protection laid lengthwise inclusive of all consumables such as clamps including trefoil clamps at every 3 meters for 1C cables, cable tags (cable tags at every 30m
and on bents), hardware, trefoil clamps etc. including supply and installation of cable markers for underground cable routes (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading &
storage at site), including excavataion of soil up to the required depth, installation of cables, back filling and compacting of soil and disposing the excess soil etc. including supply and
installation of suitable GI pipes from buried trench to the equipment as per installation details and IFC layouts including supply and installation of crimping type tinned
copper/Aluminium, Pin type/Ring type lugs/heavy duty tubular/long barrel type tubular lugs, bi-metallic washers(wherever different material of contact) for all cable sizes as
mentioned below and as required at site (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & storage at site) including the cost of all labours, material, equipment etc. complete as per
approved drawings, specifications of this tender and directions of engineer-in-charge
859 INST OF 19Cx2.5,YWY,1.1kV 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 880 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Supply of 19Cx2.5, YFY,1.1kV, HR+FRLS CableReceiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting from storage point or any other
location within the project site, laying, termination, testing & commisioning of copper conductor, PVC insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured
control cables of above size as per specification including supply & spreading of approved fine river sand in cable trenches, approved second class bricks of 75mm thickness in cable
trenches for cable protection laid lengthwise inclusive of all consumables such as clamps including trefoil clamps at every 3 meters for 1C cables, cable tags (cable tags at every 30m
and on bents), hardware, trefoil clamps etc. including supply and installation of cable markers for underground cable routes (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading &
storage at site), including excavataion of soil up to the required depth, installation of cables, back filling and compacting of soil and disposing the excess soil etc. including supply and
installation of suitable GI pipes from buried trench to the equipment as per installation details and IFC layouts including supply and installation of crimping type tinned
copper/Aluminium, Pin type/Ring type lugs/heavy duty tubular/long barrel type tubular lugs, bi-metallic washers(wherever different material of contact) for all cable sizes as mentioned
below and as required at site (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & storage at site) including the cost of all labours, material, equipment etc. complete as per approved
drawings, specifications of this tender and directions of engineer-in-charge
860 INST OF 24Cx2.5,YWY,1.1kV 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 945 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of 24Cx2.5, YFY,1.1kV, HR+FRLS CableReceiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting from storage point or any other
location within the project site, laying, termination, testing & commisioning of copper conductor, PVC insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured
control cables of above size as per specification including supply & spreading of approved fine river sand in cable trenches, approved second class bricks of 75mm thickness in cable
trenches for cable protection laid lengthwise inclusive of all consumables such as clamps including trefoil clamps at every 3 meters for 1C cables, cable tags (cable tags at every 30m
and on bents), hardware, trefoil clamps etc. including supply and installation of cable markers for underground cable routes (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading &
storage at site), including excavataion of soil up to the required depth, installation of cables, back filling and compacting of soil and disposing the excess soil etc. including supply and
installation of suitable GI pipes from buried trench to the equipment as per installation details and IFC layouts including supply and installation of crimping type tinned
copper/Aluminium, Pin type/Ring type lugs/heavy duty tubular/long barrel type tubular lugs, bi-metallic washers(wherever different material of contact) for all cable sizes as mentioned
below and as required at site (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & storage at site) including the cost of all labours, material, equipment etc. complete as per approved
drawings, specifications of this tender and directions of engineer-in-charge
861 INST OF 30Cx2.5,YWY,1.1kV 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 1850 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of 30Cx2.5, YFY,1.1kV, HR+FRLS CableReceiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting from storage point or any other
location within the project site, laying, termination, testing & commisioning of copper conductor, PVC insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured
control cables of above size as per specification including supply & spreading of approved fine river sand in cable trenches, approved second class bricks of 75mm thickness in cable
trenches for cable protection laid lengthwise inclusive of all consumables such as clamps including trefoil clamps at every 3 meters for 1C cables, cable tags (cable tags at every 30m
and on bents), hardware, trefoil clamps etc. including supply and installation of cable markers for underground cable routes (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading &
storage at site), including excavataion of soil up to the required depth, installation of cables, back filling and compacting of soil and disposing the excess soil etc. including supply and
installation of suitable GI pipes from buried trench to the equipment as per installation details and IFC layouts including supply and installation of crimping type tinned
copper/Aluminium, Pin type/Ring type lugs/heavy duty tubular/long barrel type tubular lugs, bi-metallic washers(wherever different material of contact) for all cable sizes as
mentioned below and as required at site (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & storage at site) including the cost of all labours, material, equipment etc. complete as per
approved drawings, specifications of this tender and directions of engineer-in-charge
862 INST OF 3/4",INDU,CABLE 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 900 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of 3/4" nickel-plated, double compression type, Industrial, IP55, brass cable glands, all accessories and fixing material suitable for Indoor/outdoor
terminations of Al/Cu conductor, XLPE/PVC insulated, PVC inner sheathed,galvanised steel wire/flat armoured, PVC outer sheathed, power/control cables. Supply of above glanding
material with all accessories suitable for termination of MV and LV cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading,Storage at site as per approved drawing, datasheet,
specifications of this tender and as per approved vendor list. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets,
specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that These quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment / materials
installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation based on Issued for Construction drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on
supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or
863 INST OF 1",INDU,CABLE 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 170 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of 1" nickel-plated, double compression type, Industrial, IP55, brass cable glands, all accessories and fixing material suitable for Indoor/outdoor
terminations of Al/Cu conductor, XLPE/PVC insulated, PVC inner sheathed,galvanised steel wire/flat armoured, PVC outer sheathed, power/control cables. Supply of above glanding
material with all accessories suitable for termination of MV and LV cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading,Storage at site as per approved drawing, datasheet,
specifications of this tender and as per approved vendor list. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets,
specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that These quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment / materials
installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation based on Issued for Construction drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on
supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or
864 INST OF 1 1/4",INDU,CABL 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 40 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of 1 1/4" nickel-plated, double compression type, Industrial, IP55, brass cable glands, all accessories and fixing material suitable for Indoor/outdoor
terminations of Al/Cu conductor, XLPE/PVC insulated, PVC inner sheathed,galvanised steel wire/flat armoured, PVC outer sheathed, power/control cables. Supply of above glanding
material with all accessories suitable for termination of MV and LV cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading,Storage at site as per approved drawing, datasheet,
specifications of this tender and as per approved vendor list. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets,
specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that These quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment / materials
installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation based on Issued for Construction drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on
supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or
865 INST OF 1 1/2",INDU,CABL 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 165 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of 1 1/2" nickel-plated, double compression type, Industrial, IP55, brass cable glands, all accessories and fixing material suitable for Indoor/outdoor
terminations of Al/Cu conductor, XLPE/PVC insulated, PVC inner sheathed,galvanised steel wire/flat armoured, PVC outer sheathed, power/control cables. Supply of above glanding
material with all accessories suitable for termination of MV and LV cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading,Storage at site as per approved drawing, datasheet,
specifications of this tender and as per approved vendor list. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets,
specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that These quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment / materials
installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation based on Issued for Construction drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on
supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or
866 INST OF 2",INDU,CABLE 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 40 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of 2" nickel-plated, double compression type, Industrial, IP55, brass cable glands, all accessories and fixing material suitable for Indoor/outdoor
terminations of Al/Cu conductor, XLPE/PVC insulated, PVC inner sheathed,galvanised steel wire/flat armoured, PVC outer sheathed, power/control cables. Supply of above glanding
material with all accessories suitable for termination of MV and LV cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading,Storage at site as per approved drawing, datasheet,
specifications of this tender and as per approved vendor list. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets,
specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that These quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment / materials
installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation based on Issued for Construction drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on
supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or
867 INST OF 2 1/2",INDU,CABL 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 40 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of 2 1 /2" nickel-plated, double compression type, Industrial, IP55, brass cable glands, all accessories and fixing material suitable for Indoor/outdoor
terminations of Al/Cu conductor, XLPE/PVC insulated, PVC inner sheathed,galvanised steel wire/flat armoured, PVC outer sheathed, power/control cables. Supply of above glanding
material with all accessories suitable for termination of MV and LV cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading,Storage at site as per approved drawing, datasheet,
specifications of this tender and as per approved vendor list. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets,
specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that These quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment / materials
installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation based on Issued for Construction drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on
supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or
868 INST OF 3/4",EXD,CABLE 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 85 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of 3/4" nickel-plated, double compression type, Flameproof, Gas group IIA/IIB, IP55, brass cable glands, all accessories including PVC shrouds and
fixing material suitable for Indoor/outdoor terminations of Al/Cu conductor, XLPE/PVC insulated, PVC inner sheathed,galvanised steel wire/flat armoured, PVC outer sheathed,
power/control cables.Note: Contractor shall check the actual site requirement of glands and the matching thread (like ET/ISO/Metric) requirement before supplying the same.Supply of
above glanding material with all accessories suitable for termination of MV and LV cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading,Storage at site as per approved drawing,
datasheet, specifications of this tender and as per approved vendor list. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts,
datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that These quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment /
materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation based on Issued for Construction drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities
and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser
and/or Consultant.
DESCRIPTION => Installation of 1" nickel-plated, double compression type, Flameproof, Gas group IIA/IIB, IP55, brass cable glands, all accessories including PVC shrouds and
fixing material suitable for Indoor/outdoor terminations of Al/Cu conductor, XLPE/PVC insulated, PVC inner sheathed,galvanised steel wire/flat armoured, PVC outer sheathed,
power/control cables.Note: Contractor shall check the actual site requirement of glands and the matching thread (like ET/ISO/Metric) requirement before supplying the same.Supply of
above glanding material with all accessories suitable for termination of MV and LV cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading,Storage at site as per approved drawing,
datasheet, specifications of this tender and as per approved vendor list. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts,
datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that These quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment /
materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation based on Issued for Construction drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities
and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser
and/or Consultant.
870 INST OF 1-1/2",EXD,CABLE 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 5 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of 1-1/2" nickel-plated, double compression type, Flameproof, Gas group IIA/IIB, IP55, brass cable glands, all accessories including PVC shrouds and
fixing material suitable for Indoor/outdoor terminations of Al/Cu conductor, XLPE/PVC insulated, PVC inner sheathed,galvanised steel wire/flat armoured, PVC outer sheathed,
power/control cables.Note: Contractor shall check the actual site requirement of glands and the matching thread (like ET/ISO/Metric) requirement before supplying the same.Supply of
above glanding material with all accessories suitable for termination of MV and LV cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading,Storage at site as per approved drawing,
datasheet, specifications of this tender and as per approved vendor list. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts,
datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that These quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment /
materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation based on Issued for Construction drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities
and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser
and/or Consultant.
DESCRIPTION => Installation of of Hot dip galvanised (610 gms per sq.m) GI 520mm x 50mm x 6mm earth bus with pre-drilled 10 mm holes.Receiving, handling, loading,
unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection, wiring & other
associated work (including chipping of concrete (as required) and making good), and Installation, testing and commissioning under the supervision of HPCL / WP of above earthing
materials including supply and installation of necessary hardware like nuts, spring washers, lugs etc.
DESCRIPTION => Installation of Hot dip galvanised (610 gms per sq.m) GI 520mm x 50mm x 6mm earth bus with pre-drilled 10 mm holes with insulators for mounting.Receiving,
handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection, wiring
& other associated work (including chipping of concrete (as required) and making good), and Installation, testing and commissioning under the supervision of HPCL / WP of above
earthing materials including supply and installation of necessary hardware like nuts, spring washers, lugs etc.
873 INST OF 1Cx6SQMM G/Y 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 650 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of 1C x 6 sq mm, copper, PVC insulated, Green colour Cables (1100V grade) for Instrumentation earthingReceiving, handling, loading, unloading,
unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection, wiring & other associated work
(including chipping of concrete (as required) and making good), and Installation, testing and commissioning under the supervision of HPCL / WP of above earthing materials including
supply and installation of necessary hardware like nuts, spring washers, lugs etc.
874 INST OF 1Cx10SQMM G/Y 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 355 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of 1C x 10 sq mm, copper, PVC insulated, Green colour Cables (1100V grade) for Instrumentation earthing.Receiving, handling, loading, unloading,
unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection, wiring & other associated work
(including chipping of concrete (as required) and making good), and Installation, testing and commissioning under the supervision of HPCL / WP of above earthing materials including
supply and installation of necessary hardware like nuts, spring washers, lugs etc.
875 INST OF 1Cx25SQMM G/Y 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 490 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of 1C x 25 sq mm, copper, PVC insulated, Green colour Cables (1100V grade) for Instrumentation earthing.Receiving, handling, loading, unloading,
unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection, wiring & other associated work
(including chipping of concrete (as required) and making good), and Installation, testing and commissioning under the supervision of HPCL / WP of above earthing materials including
supply and installation of necessary hardware like nuts, spring washers, lugs etc.
876 INST OF 8 SWG GI WIRE 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 400 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of 8 SWG solid GI wireReceiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other
location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection, wiring & other associated work (including chipping of concrete (as required) and making good), and Installation,
testing and commissioning under the supervision of HPCL / WP of above earthing materials including supply and installation of necessary hardware like nuts, spring washers, lugs etc.
877 INST OF 10MM DIA GI WIRE 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 160 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of 10 mm (3/8) dia GI wire flexible rope Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point
or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection, wiring & other associated work (including chipping of concrete (as required) and making good), and
Installation, testing and commissioning under the supervision of HPCL / WP of above earthing materials including supply and installation of necessary hardware like nuts, spring
washers, lugs etc.
878 INST OF 16MM DIA GI WIRE 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 80 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of 16 mm (5/8) dia GI wire flexible rope Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point
or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection, wiring & other associated work (including chipping of concrete (as required) and making good), and
Installation, testing and commissioning under the supervision of HPCL / WP of above earthing materials including supply and installation of necessary hardware like nuts, spring
washers, lugs etc.
879 INST OF 50X6 GI EARTH STRIP 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 3800 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of 50mm x 6mm GI strip Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other
location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection, wiring & other associated work (including chipping of concrete (as required) and making good), and Installation,
testing and commissioning under the supervision of HPCL / WP of above earthing materials including supply and installation of necessary hardware like nuts, spring washers, lugs etc.
880 INST OF 25X3 GI EARTH STRIP 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 800 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of 25mm x 3mm GI strip Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other
location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection, wiring & other associated work (including chipping of concrete (as required) and making good), and Installation,
testing and commissioning under the supervision of HPCL / WP of above earthing materials including supply and installation of necessary hardware like nuts, spring washers, lugs etc.
881 INST OF 25X3 CU EARTH 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 800 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of 25mm x 3mm Copper strip Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other
location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection, wiring & other associated work (including chipping of concrete (as required) and making good), and Installation,
testing and commissioning under the supervision of HPCL / WP of above earthing materials including supply and installation of necessary hardware like nuts, spring washers, lugs etc.
882 INST OF 25x3MM GALV. MS 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 640 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of 25mm x 3mm galvanised MS strip with Insulated base holding clamps for lightning protection for electrical/telecom building.Receiving, handling,
loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection, wiring & other
associated work (including chipping of concrete (as required) and making good), and Installation, testing and commissioning under the supervision of HPCL / WP of above earthing
materials including supply and installation of necessary hardware like nuts, spring washers, lugs etc.
DESCRIPTION => Installation of Lightning protection Air terminal of 16mm dia and min 1.2 Mtrs long tinned copper for electrical/telecom building.Receiving, handling, loading,
unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection, wiring & other
associated work (including chipping of concrete (as required) and making good), and Installation, testing and commissioning under the supervision of HPCL / WP of above earthing
materials including supply and installation of necessary hardware like nuts, spring washers, lugs etc.
884 INST OF MS DOWN 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 16 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of 25mm x 3mm Galvanised MS Down Conductor of 10mtr length with enclouser and and with test links along with insulators for supporting on wall
for lightning protection for electrical/telecom building.Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location
within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection, wiring & other associated work (including chipping of concrete (as required) and making good), and Installation, testing and
commissioning under the supervision of HPCL / WP of above earthing materials including supply and installation of necessary hardware like nuts, spring washers, lugs etc.
885 INST OF 50MM PERF CBLE 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 160 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of 50 mm wide Cable Tray GI, 1.5mm thick, perforated cable tray with accessoriesReceiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting
equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work (including chipping of concrete (as
required) and making good), and Installation under the supervision of HPCL / WP of above prefabricated hot dip galvanised steel cable trays including supply of all fittings and
accessories for cable tray. Rate shall also include all hardware required for installation (as per various installation standards / good engineering practices), testing & commissioning as
per site testing format, stenciling with epoxy paint of approved paint shade (as per site in charge / WP / HPCL engineer) with relevant indentification like Tag Number / of material as
per the specifications, scope of work and directions of the Engineer-in-Charge.
886 INST OF 100MM PERF CBLE 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 160 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of 100 mm wide Cable Tray GI, 1.5mm thick, perforated cable tray with accessoriesReceiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting
equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work (including chipping of concrete (as
required) and making good), and Installation under the supervision of HPCL / WP of above prefabricated hot dip galvanised steel cable trays including supply of all fittings and
accessories for cable tray. Rate shall also include all hardware required for installation (as per various installation standards / good engineering practices), testing & commissioning as
per site testing format, stenciling with epoxy paint of approved paint shade (as per site in charge / WP / HPCL engineer) with relevant indentification like Tag Number / of material as
per the specifications, scope of work and directions of the Engineer-in-Charge.
887 INST OF 150MM PERF CBLE 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 200 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of 150 mm wide Cable Tray GI, 1.5mm thick, perforated cable tray with accessoriesReceiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting
equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work (including chipping of concrete (as
required) and making good), and Installation under the supervision of HPCL / WP of above prefabricated hot dip galvanised steel cable trays including supply of all fittings and
accessories for cable tray. Rate shall also include all hardware required for installation (as per various installation standards / good engineering practices), testing & commissioning as
per site testing format, stenciling with epoxy paint of approved paint shade (as per site in charge / WP / HPCL engineer) with relevant indentification like Tag Number / of material as
per the specifications, scope of work and directions of the Engineer-in-Charge.
888 INST OF 600MM LADDER TYPE 12801-HCPL HASSAN Meters 720 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of 600 mm wide Cable Tray GI, 2mm thick, ladder cable tray with accessoriesReceiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting
equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work (including chipping of concrete (as
required) and making good), and Installation under the supervision of HPCL / WP of above prefabricated hot dip galvanised steel cable trays including supply of all fittings and
accessories for cable tray. Rate shall also include all hardware required for installation (as per various installation standards / good engineering practices), testing & commissioning as
per site testing format, stenciling with epoxy paint of approved paint shade (as per site in charge / WP / HPCL engineer) with relevant indentification like Tag Number / of material as
per the specifications, scope of work and directions of the Engineer-in-Charge.
DESCRIPTION => Installation of Horizontal 90° elbow for 50mm wide Cable Tray GI, 1.5mm thick, perforated cable tray with accessoriesReceiving, handling, loading, unloading,
unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work (including
chipping of concrete (as required) and making good), and Installation under the supervision of HPCL / WP of above prefabricated hot dip galvanised steel cable trays including supply
of all fittings and accessories for cable tray. Rate shall also include all hardware required for installation (as per various installation standards / good engineering practices), testing &
commissioning as per site testing format, stenciling with epoxy paint of approved paint shade (as per site in charge / WP / HPCL engineer) with relevant indentification like Tag
Number / of material as per the specifications, scope of work and directions of the Engineer-in-Charge.
890 INST-100MM PERF.ELBOW 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 19 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of Horizontal 90° elbow for 100 mm wide Cable Tray GI, 1.5mm thick, perforated cable tray with accessoriesReceiving, handling, loading, unloading,
unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work (including
chipping of concrete (as required) and making good), and Installation under the supervision of HPCL / WP of above prefabricated hot dip galvanised steel cable trays including supply
of all fittings and accessories for cable tray. Rate shall also include all hardware required for installation (as per various installation standards / good engineering practices), testing &
commissioning as per site testing format, stenciling with epoxy paint of approved paint shade (as per site in charge / WP / HPCL engineer) with relevant indentification like Tag
Number / of material as per the specifications, scope of work and directions of the Engineer-in-Charge.
891 INST-150MM PERF. ELBOW 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 19 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of Horizontal 90° elbow for 150 mm wide Cable Tray GI, 1.5mm thick, perforated cable tray with accessoriesReceiving, handling, loading, unloading,
unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work (including
chipping of concrete (as required) and making good), and Installation under the supervision of HPCL / WP of above prefabricated hot dip galvanised steel cable trays including supply
of all fittings and accessories for cable tray. Rate shall also include all hardware required for installation (as per various installation standards / good engineering practices), testing &
commissioning as per site testing format, stenciling with epoxy paint of approved paint shade (as per site in charge / WP / HPCL engineer) with relevant indentification like Tag
Number / of material as per the specifications, scope of work and directions of the Engineer-in-Charge.
DESCRIPTION => Installation of Horizontal 90° elbow for 600 mm wide Cable Tray GI, 2mm thick, ladder cable tray with accessoriesReceiving, handling, loading, unloading,
unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work (including
chipping of concrete (as required) and making good), and Installation under the supervision of HPCL / WP of above prefabricated hot dip galvanised steel cable trays including supply
of all fittings and accessories for cable tray. Rate shall also include all hardware required for installation (as per various installation standards / good engineering practices), testing &
commissioning as per site testing format, stenciling with epoxy paint of approved paint shade (as per site in charge / WP / HPCL engineer) with relevant indentification like Tag
Number / of material as per the specifications, scope of work and directions of the Engineer-in-Charge.
893 INST-600MM LADDER-TEE 12801-HCPL HASSAN Each 72 29AAACH1 Yes
DESCRIPTION => Installation of Horizontal 90° Tee for 600 mm wide Cable Tray GI, 2mm thick, ladder cable tray with accessoriesReceiving, handling, loading, unloading,
unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work (including
chipping of concrete (as required) and making good), and Installation under the supervision of HPCL / WP of above prefabricated hot dip galvanised steel cable trays including supply
of all fittings and accessories for cable tray. Rate shall also include all hardware required for installation (as per various installation standards / good engineering practices), testing &
commissioning as per site testing format, stenciling with epoxy paint of approved paint shade (as per site in charge / WP / HPCL engineer) with relevant indentification like Tag
Number / of material as per the specifications, scope of work and directions of the Engineer-in-Charge.
DESCRIPTION => Installation, testing and commissioning of human body static charge dissipator suitable for flameproof environment (suitable for Ex-d, Zone-1&2, Gas grp IIA/IIB,
Temp. class T3), IP66, wall/steel frame mounted, 240V AC, 50HZ, 1phase Operated, PESO certified, with Display unit for pass/fail indications, supply of the unit shall include mouting
steel frame, nuts, bolts, washers, canopy(sunshade) as recommended by the vendor. Recommended Vendor name is PRECIOUS INSTRUMENT or any equivalent vendor. Receiving,
handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling of various parts,
inter-connections, grouting of fixing bolts & other associated work (including cutout in the false ceiling, chipping of concrete, making it good etc.) and Installation, testing and
commissioning under the supervision of HPCL / WP of above human body static charge dissipator. Rate shall include mounting of human body static charge dissipator along with its
accessories,checking of internal wiring. All consumables such as ball and socket, hanger rods, lugs, glands, hardwares, anchor-fasteners etc. are in the scope of the contractor.
Contractor shall consider all associated work as indicated in respective installation standard drawings, scope of work and as per the directions of the Engineer-in-charge.
DESCRIPTION => Installation of Synthetic Insulating Mat (with ISI mark) of appropriate thickness, 1000 mm wide for upto 1.1 kV systems - as per IS-15652 or latest indian
DESCRIPTION => Installation of First aid information chart for electric shock treatment printed in English, Hindi , local language duly framed with front glasses.
DESCRIPTION => Installation of Enameled caution boards for 1.1 kV. The boards shall be in English,Hindi & local language.
DESCRIPTION => Applying fire proof and water tight material (GPG / Foam type fire proof sealing compound) for sealing cable entries
DESCRIPTION => Obtaining approval from Chief Electrical Authority (CEA), State Electricity Regulatory Commission authorities etc. for Electrical installation and Energisation of
electrical facilities. Obtaining approval on applicable Issued for Construction (IFC) / Final drawings, commencement certificate from concerned authorities, approval of installations,
liasoning with electrial inspector, organising inspector visits to site as required as per applicable statutory norms, etc.
DESCRIPTION => Liasioning and carrying out all activities required for acquisition of legally acceptable piece of land for setting up Sectionalising Valve station/ IP Station along
the pipeline from the list tentative SV station locations marked in process schematic diagram. The approximate land size for SV station may be 35 mx 55m, however this land
requirement and size may be optimised or increased further by HPCL. The final requirement will be advised by HPCL/consultant for the permanent acquisition to set up SV station/IP
station with allied facilities. Contractor shall assist in acquisition of land through direct negotiations till possession, registration and NA permission. Vendor to quote for item
considering they have to do DILR survey, Bonafide Industrial purpose certificate, Town planning approval and any other requirement as per State Authorities requirement.The payment
for the land procured along with agreement amount, stamp duty would be paid by HPCL.Contractors ScopeThe Contractor's scope of job includes, but is not limited to, the
following:a)Assist identification of plot in close vicinity to the chainages of the respective Sectionalising valve Stations along the pipeline route and acceptance by HPCL.b)Taking
consent from the land owners.c)Collection of revenue records, establishing correctness of ownership by search/ revenue records, nil encumbrances etc. d)Obtain the required documents
from revenue department and get it verified from an Advocate from HPCL's approved lawyers. Payment to lawyers is in the scope of contractor.e)Submit cleared documents with Legal
certification to HPCL for final Legal clearance from HPCL's Legal department. f)Contractor shall carry out the survey of the land from RDO or Dy Inspector of Surveyor or other
designated authority and mark the four corners of land. The report shall be part of deliverables of contractor before agreement.g)Providing HPCL with the latest registered land value in
the surrounding area, actual land sale / purchase transactions in the area during last 6 months, if any, details of any acquisition proceedings that have been initiated or proposed to be
initiated by local authorities / bodies, trend in the real estate value in the area.h)Making arrangements for negotiations for the land by HPCL. There may be multiple negotiations for the
same land. No extra payment would be made in such cases.i)Contractor shall arrange to give the paper notice for such land on behalf of HPCL and obtain the reports of any objection
after 15-day waiting period.j)Only such legally and technically cleared lands will be considered and given clearance to the contractor for purchase of such lands.k)All the statutory
payments for the land upto agreement including survey, paper notice etc., shall be paid by the contractor only.l)The legally cleared agreement shall be given by HPCL and agreement
amount to be made by the contractor. The payment to the land owners for the land proposed to be acquired shall be made by HPCL.m)Expediting subsequent formalities including
signing of agreements or sale deed if any, to facilitate possession of land by HPCL.n)Obtaining all required approvals/ no objection certificates from concerned authorities like village
panchayats or municipalities etc. under whose jurisdiction each plot of land falls, for constructing and setting up the Sectionalising Valve Stations.o)Obtaining approvals from
concerned road authority for laying of approach road to Sectionalising Valve Stations from the nearest road.p)Registering the land in HPCL's name.q)Entry of HPCL's name in original
Land Records on the acquired plot no. and obtaining copy of the same in support.r)Getting Non Agricultural conversion of the land if required.s)After taking possession of the land
contractor to prepare layout plan of station showing outside roads etc. t)Obtaining Grid Power electrical connection from SEB if requiredHPCL's scope In above context shall be
limited to:a)Obtaining Legal Clearance from HPCL's Legal department.b)Obtaining approval from HPCL's committee & Making payment to land owners.c)Payment of statutory fees
like registration fees, stamp duty etc., by HPCL (if any).d)Approved layout plan from engineering consultant shall be provided by HPCL..
Tender No. : 19000472-HD-10120 Tender Published On : 30-Dec-2019 21:43

Tips for Bid Submission

Sl.No. Description Attached File Set Value Supporting
Doc. Req'd
1 Tips for Bid Submission TipsBidsubmission.PDF - No
Tips for successful bid submission in the HPCL e-Procurement platform

As you are aware, HPCL has rolled out an improved e-Procurement portal for floating of
tenders and receiving bids. The new application is simpler and more users friendly compared
to the previous system. Further it is designed to ensure security and confidentiality of your bids
However, it has
till the tender opening and provide transparency after bid opening.
been observed in few instances that vendors tend to submit their bid only in
the last hour even when they are submitting bid on this platform for the first
time and for some reasons are not able to submit their bids within due time.
The following document is prepared based on such vendor experiences, so that you can
avoid such pitfalls and successfully submit bid in the new system:

1. Please note that in the current system you are NOT required to download the tender,
take a print of the same followed by physically signing on all pages of the tender. You
are also not required to scan the signed tender document and upload the same.
Simply generate the technical bid pdf / priced bid pdf, digitally sign, encrypt and
upload same for bid submission.
2. Please start the process of bid preparation well in advance and do not wait for the
last moment to get DC validated/prepare the technical bid and priced bid. In the
current system the process mimics the manual bidding procedure. You have to enter
all the necessary technical responses in the form provided (i.e., upload necessary pdf
documents like vendor declaration form and answer the questions).You also have to
enter the rates for various items followed by taxes and preferably save the work in
your local machine(Tab-“Work without attaching doc”). Please note that during this
process we are not capturing any data entered by you in the server.
3. You get to save work only if you work in the tab “Work without attaching docs”and
you only generate the bid documents in tab “Attach doc and generate envelope”.
You will not be able to generate the bid from tab“Work w/o attaching doc”. Only
after you submit the digitally signed document, the same is stored in the server in
encrypted format. The main points are:
a. You can go to the forms any number of times and generate any number of
Technical bid pdf and priced bid pdf before you finally submit the same –
(however system will allow only for uploading the latest generated
b. You may generate both the documents, digitally sign and keep it ready, in
case you want to submit the same only on last day. However, it is
recommended, not to wait till the last day as traffic congestion, unforeseen
connectivity issue or other aspects may adversely affect your bid submission
c. If you have already submitted a bid and you do not want to submit a modified
bid, you also have the option to withdraw the submitted bid. You may select
tender from home screen and go to “Prepare tender”>>”Regret” for same.
4. Please note that the larger your bid size, the lesser are the chances of successful bid
submission in the system. This is not for the fact that server cannot receive big files, but
the fact that traffic congestion, connectivity speed, type of connection and other
aspects adversely affect the time taken for upload of large files. So it may happen
that the session times out before the entire upload is completed (The current session
out time is 30 minutes). The main points are:
a. Please keep the size of the bid document within 40-45 MB (max). To keep the
size of the bid document low, you must scan all the documents in low
resolution, preferably 150-200 dpi wherein the data should be legible. Further
please scan in grayscale and not color to reduce file size. For large drawings,
please scan the same in jpeg format and later covert same to pdf to reduce
size of pdf document.
b. Whenever there is a requirement to upload supporting documents like old PO
copies, or credential document, please focus on the main requirement. If the
PO copies are meant to arrive at value of jobs executed, you may scan only
the first page(where name of client is given) and last page of the PO(where
value of PO) is mentioned. This way you can avoid unnecessarily inflating the
size of bid document.
c. Pl ensure to upload all such supporting documents in your bid which can have
a financial implication while arriving at the net delivered cost as such
documents cannot be received at the technical evaluation stage.
5. In case of any doubt regarding the tender, you may raise queries to clarify the same
before due date. Please remember that for every tender, the query start date and
query end date is specified in the first page of the tender document. You cannot raise
any query after the query end date is over, so it makes sense to start the bid
preparation process early.
6. And finally, if you have any issue during the bid preparation process, pl get in touch
with e-procurement helpdesk at 022-42100111 and seek help. However, you must
seek help at least two to three days (min) in advance so that if there is really any
issue, we have time to remedy the same. You will realize that, helpdesk can do very
little if you are calling up helpdesk on the last day/last hour.

Supplementary section on saving work

As with any application, the e-procurement application also has multiple options to
generate the bid documents based on requirement of vendors. The two broad
classification to generate bid document, be it “Pre-qualification bid” or “Technical/Priced
bid” are as follows:

1. Low value tender having 20-50 items and limited uploads/questions- Most of the
tenders floated by locations are of this nature. Since the No of items where rate is
to be entered is very limited and there are not too many questions, vendors can
directly click on “Prepare tender”>> “Generate Technical/Priced bid” >> “Attach
document and generate envelope”, enter the item rates, upload documents etc
and directly click on “Generate technical bid”, followed by “Generate Priced
bid”. However, there is no option to save the work. So if the vendor wishes to
resubmit the bid with modified rates, they have to enter rates for all items again
and similarly enter all other responses again. While this method is very fast for
generation of bids, it requires full efforts in redoing same if need arises.
2. Moderate to high value tender having more than 50 items and other
uploads – Though the number of such tenders is lesser, these are more crucial in
nature for obvious reasons. For such tenders, the first method of generating bid
can be very risky as there is no option to save interim work. Further, the session
out time for application is 30 minutes, which means if you do not click on
“generate bid” button within 30 minutes of landing in the page the work can get
lost. The correct method is as follows:
a. Click on “Prepare tender” >> “Generate Technical/Priced bid” >> “Work
without attaching document”. Here you must enter the rates, enter
responses to question etc, except for uploading the documents. Once you
have made adequate entries and nearing 20 minutes, please click on the
tab “Save work on local computer”, show the path as “Desktop” or “My
document” etc and save your work”. An xml file containing your data will
get saved in your computer.
b. Now click on “Upload values from local computer” and show path of
saved document. The rates and responses will get filled up till the previous
work done and you can fill up rates of balance items from that point. Save
your work when you are approaching 20 minutes. You can do this as
many times required. The main advantage is that your work is always
saved and available for use.
c. Once you are through with all the rates and responses, you may click on
the tab “Generate Technical and Priced bid envelope”>> “Attach doc
and generate envelope”. Now click on the tab at the bottom of screen
“Update value from local computer”. You will see that all the item rates
and responses have got populated against appropriate section. Now you
may show path of documents to be uploaded if any.
d. Once you find that all rates are entered, responses are filled up and
documents are uploaded, you may click on “Generate technical bid
envelope” followed by “Generate Priced bid envelope”. You will get an
option to save document, which can be saved in “desktop” or My
e. Please note that in case you want to modify some value in your bid
document simply click on “Update value from local computer” and show
path of xml file. The values will be filled up on screen and will be available
for editing. You may make necessary changes and then again “Generate
technical bid envelope” followed by “Generate Priced bid envelope”.
f. Please remember to upload only the latest generated xml file.
3. The final step requires you to check the pdf document for correctness. If found Ok,
it is required to be digitally signed. The digitally signed document is then required
to be encrypted by using the “Bid encryption utility”, hosted in “utility” tab. This
encrypted document shall be submitted by you.
4. Please ensure that you are uploading only the latest generated “Technical bid
envelope” and “Priced bid envelope”, after digitally signing and encrypting the
5. It is recommended that you use the “Signing cum encryption utility” for signing
and encrypting the document in one step. Alternately you may install and use
“Jsignpdf”, which is license free signing utility only for signing.
6. It is also recommended that you check the hash of the document and match it
with the hash value given on the screen prior to uploading of bid document.
Please refer “Manual for checking hash before and after signing”.
Tender No. : 19000472-HD-10120 Tender Published On : 30-Dec-2019 21:43

Agreed Terms and Conditions

Sl.No. Description Attached File Set Value Supporting
Doc. Req'd
3 Please fill Party NAME hereby declare OR clarify that we have not been banned or - Allowed
delisted OR blacklisted or put on holiday list by any government or quasi
Government agencies or Public Sector Undertakings. NOTE If a bidder has been
banned or delisted OR blacklisted or put on holiday list by any Government or
quasi Government agencies or PSUs, this fact must be clearly stated with details
and it may not necessarily be a cause for disqualifying him. If this declaration is not
given along with the unpriced bid, the tender will be rejected as non - responsive.
7 Mobile No. & Email id of the Authorized Contact person - No
upload NSIC CERTIFICATE HERE, In case applicable
13 If registered as MSE,upload MSE certificate - Allowed
14 If registered as MSE,Whether owner (having more than 50 percentage share) - Allowed
,belongs to SC OR ST category(Yes OR No),If yes ,Please upload supporting
documents for same.
Entity - Public Limited OR Private Limited OR Non Body Corporate- Individuals OR
Hindu Undivided Family OR Partnership Firms OR Association of Persons (AOP)
and upload proof of entity status.
,uplaod detail in format provided in Chapter 6 of Bidding Document,In case of NIL
OR NA please mention the same.
19 Whether any of the Directors of Bidder is relative of any Director of Owner or the - No
Bidder is a firm in which any Director of Owner or his relative is a Partner or the
Bidder is Private Company in which any Director of Owner is a member or Director.
20 Furnish Financial turn over figures of last three Financial Years FY 2016-17:; - Allowed
FY2017-18, FY 2018-19
21 In support of above, bidder shall enclose copies of its published audited Annual - Allowed
reports of preceding three years, confirm compliance.
22 Confirm your offer is in complete compliance with the scope as specified in the bid - No
23 All correspondence must be in English Language Only. Please Confirm. - No
24 Applicable Income Tax will be deducted at source as per provisions of Income Tax - No
act read with Income Tax Rules at Prevailing Rates. Please confirm.
25 Bidders to confirm that Income tax deduction at source shall be done by HPCL on - No
payments to be made to successful bidder,at applicable rates. Bidder to confirm
his acceptance to the same.
26 Confirm your acceptance to Payment Terms mentioned in Bidding Document - No
27 Confirm all incidental expenses outside India and within India shall be undertaken - No
by Bidder.
28 Please confirm acceptance of integrity pact attached with tender document and - Allowed
Upload the same.
29 All Bank Charges and Stamp duties payable outside India in connection with the - No
payments to be made under the Purchase Order shall be borne by the bidder. All
Bank Charges and Stamp duties payable in India (only Owners banker) shall be
borne by Owner.
30 We Messers...........confirm that we are not under liquidation, court receivership or - No
similar proceedings.
31 Confirm you have been registered with GST Tax Department. - No
32 Write your GST Registration no. here and also enclose copy of GST registration - Allowed
documents along with unpriced bid document.
33 Confirm your quoted price are in line with Bidding Document. - No
34 Please confirm submission of Original Power of Attorney and also upload the - Allowed
scanned copy of the same here.
35 If offer is based on certain imported raw materials OR components required for - No
goods offered, Please note and specify the following
36 i. Owner will not provide any Import License for the same - No
37 ii. Confirm that you have quoted prices on Merit rate of Customs duty (without - No
essentiality certificate)
38 iii. Confirm you have furnished built in CIF import content in your quoted prices. - No
39 iv. Indicate rate of customs duty considered and included in the quoted prices - Allowed
40 v. Indicate classification(s) under which Bidder intents to import - Allowed
41 vi. Confirm that any upward variation due to wrong classification(s) considered in - No
Offer shall be absorbed by the Bidder, whereas any downward variations on
account of the same shall be passed on to the Owner.
42 vii. Confirm Bidder shall claim variation on account of Customs duty and or foreign - No
exchange rate, separately after receipt of goods at site, against documentary
43 Confirm that the rates quoted in online price bid are all Inclusive of all taxes and - No
duties payable inside as well as outside India including Income Tax deduction at
source and also exclusive of Goods and Service Tax (GST) payable in India,
reimbursable only against valid tax invoice .GST to be quoted in online tax sheet
seperately.Bidders to note that Evaluation shall be done as per the taxes (GST)
quoted by the bidder, however payment shall be made against the quoted taxes
and duties or payable as per statute whichever is less
44 Upload duly filled all Annexures of IFB. - Allowed
48 Confirm your Compliance to Reverse Auction Terms and Conditions and its - No
49 Any other Document - Allowed
50 Any other Document - Allowed
51 Any other Document - Allowed
52 NSIC OR PSU (a) NSIC Are you registered with NSIC OR MSE (copy of - Allowed
registration to be attached if applicable ) (b) PSU Indicate whether you are a
Govt. of India Undertaking. (Self declaration regarding PSU on letter head shall be
attached, if applicable).
53 The guidelines for Holiday Listing as adopted and available on HPCL website shall - No
be applicable to all tenders floated and all Purchase Orders/Contracts placed by
HPCL. Kindly confirm
54 Confirm compliance to PPLC policy and submission of PPLC Policy Annexures - No
55 Bidders to note that compliance with Contractor Health Safety and Environment - No
(HSE) Specifications, IND-SS-Z-007 is mandatory. Bidders quoted prices are
deemed to be inclusive of the same.
Tender No. : 19000472-HD-10120 Tender Published On : 30-Dec-2019 21:43

Sl.No. Description Attached File Set Value Supporting
Doc. Req'd
1 Tender Tender.pdf - No


(TENDER NO – 19000472-HD-10120 / 19000473-HD-
10120 / 19000474-HD-10120 / 19000475-HD-10120 /




Prepared by:
WorleyParsons India Pvt. Ltd,
5TH Floor, B wing, “I Think” Lodha Techno Campus
Off Pokhran Road No. 2
Thane (West) 400607, Maharastra
Telephone: +91 22 6781 8000
Facsimile: +91 22 6781 8080
© Copyright 2019 WorleyParsons

FOR BIDDERS QUOTING FOR FIVE TENDERS: 1) 19000472-HD-10120 2) 19000473-HD-10120 3)
19000474-HD-10120, 4) 19000475-HD-10120 & 5)19000476-HD-10120, FOR PIPE LINE LAYING &

1) 19000472-HD-10120 (SCHEDULE 1: CHAINAGE FROM KM 0 TO 134 KM)
2) 19000473-HD-10120 (SCHEDULE 2: CHAINAGE FROM 134 KM TO 280 KM)
3) 19000474-HD-10120 (SCHEDULE 3: CHAINAGE FROM 280 KM TO 404 KM)
4) 19000475-HD-10120 (SCHEDULE 4: CHAINAGE FROM 404 KM TO 585 KM)
5) 19000476-HD-10120 (SCHEDULE 5: CHAINAGE FROM 585 KM TO 652 KM)



HD-10120 2) 19000473-HD-10120 3) 19000474-HD-10120, 4) 19000475-HD-10120 &



19000473-HD-10120 3) 19000474-HD-10120, 4) 19000475-HD-10120 & 5)19000476-HD-






Please find below FTP sites.
User: - HPCL_WP
Pass: - !PLyt@90

If Bidder unable to get details from FTP server, Bidder can collect soft copies of above
information from Worley Parsons office.

I Chapter 1 Notice Inviting Tender - Domestic Competitive Bidding
Invitation For Bids (IFB) / e-tender

II Chapter 2 Instructions to Bidders

E-Tender Instructions

III Chapter 3 Special Conditions of Contract (SCC) – Part A & B

IV Chapter 4 General Terms and Conditions of Works Contract

V Chapter 5 Bid Form and Price Schedule Formats

VI Chapter 6 Completion Schedule

VII Chapter 7 Agreed Terms & Conditions – Questionnaire

VIII Chapter 8 Reverse Auction Process Vendor Manual

IX Chapter 9 Proformae / Annexures

A : Bid Security Form
B : Performance Bank Guarantee
C : Letter of Authority for attending Pre-Bid Meeting
and Subsequent Negotiations/Conferences

D : Declaration Form
E : Undertaking of Concurrent commitment
F : Bidder’s Queries
G : MSME/ NSIC Certificate Details
H : Bar Chart/Pert Chart Schedule For Construction
I : Proforma for Details of Indian Agent
J : Composite BG - Mobilisation Advance, Security
Deposit/ Retention Money/Performance Guarantee
K : Bidder’s General Information
L : Annual Turnover Form
M : Integrity Pact
N: Bank Guarantee Format Mobilisation advance

P : Technical Check list

Q : Reference list

R : Compliance Statement
S : Grievance Redressal Mechanism
T : Advice from supplier/contractor for E-payment
U : Reverse Auction Clause – Deleted
V: Detailed Addresses of sites
X : Bank Guarantee For Security Deposit
Y : Arbitration Clause
Z : P.F. Registration TDS / TAN / ESIC
AA : Plant and Equipment owned by Bidder
AB : Proposed Head Office and Site Organization
AC : List of Technical Staff
AD : Details of Measuring & Testing Equipment
AE: Commercial Questionnaire
AF: Check List for Submission of Bid
AG: Bank format for Working Capital

X Chapter 10 Scope of Work – Technical Part

Chapter – 1
- Notice For Domestic Invitation For Bids (IFB)
- Invitation For Bids (IFB) / e-tender


M/s. WorleyParsons India Pvt. Ltd. on behalf of Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited
(HPCL) invites electronic bids (e-tenders) under Single Stage two bid system for Pipe Line
Laying & Associated Works for Hassan-Cherlapally LPG Pipeline (HCPL) Project, as per
details given in the Tender Document:-

E-TENDER NO (to be referred in all future correspondence).: 19000472-HD-10120 / 19000473-

HD-10120 / 19000474-HD-10120 / 19000475-HD-10120 / 19000476-HD-10120

JOB : Pipe Laying & Associated Works for Hassan-Cherlapally LPG Pipeline (HCPL)

a) Bidding document on Website From 30/12/2019 to 28/01/2020 (15:00 Hrs. IST)

At 10:30 Hrs. (IST) 06/01/2020 at

Project Brief (Scope & Pipeline route) at HPCL Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited,
Hyderabad office before Site Visit Hassan Cherlapalli LPG Pipeline Project,
b) Module no. 202, 2nd Floor,
(Please refer Chapter 3, SCC, Part B, Clause NSIC-EMDBP Building,
No. 2, Site Visit for details) Kamalanagar, Dr. A S Rao Nagar, ECIL(PO),

Site Visit in co-ordination with HPCL spread in-

c) From 07/01/2020 to 09/01/2020

17/01/2020 (15:00Hrs IST)

Last date of Receipt of bidder’s queries for Pre-
d) Note: Please note all queries are to be uploaded at
bid meeting
website :
At 14.00 Hrs. (IST) on 16/01/2020 at
WorleyParsons India Pvt Ltd, 5TH Floor, B wing, “I
e) Pre-bid meeting date & place Think” Lodha Techno Campus
Off Pokhran Road No. 2
Thane (West) 400607, Maharashtra

Bid Due date and time of online submission of

f) Up to 15:00 Hrs. (IST) on 28/01/2020

Online opening of Techno- Commercial

g) At 15.30 Hrs. (IST) on 28/01/2020
Unpriced bid date and time

h) Earnest Money Deposit / Bid Security As per Clause No. 05

i) Tender Document Fee Not applicable

Date & time shall be intimated to techno- commercially

Online Price Bid Opening
j) accepted bidders only at later stage before price bid
Responsibility of unloading from transport
at site and further storage, material
k) Free Issue Items (FOT Site basis).
handling and management of all free issue
items shall be in Contractor scope.

Date & time shall be intimated to techno -
Online Price Bid Opening/Reverse commercially accepted bidders only at later
Auction stage before price bid opening/Reverse

Note: If the particular day is happening to be a declared holiday in WorleyParsons /

HPCL- Mumbai, the next working day shall be considered.



19000472-HD-10120 / 19000473-HD-10120 / 19000474-HD-10120 / 19000475-HD-10120 /
(WP REFERENCE NO: 15963-000-PP-ITT-0036)

M/s Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (hereinafter referred to as "HPCL") has

appointed WorleyParsons India Pvt. Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "WorleyParsons")
as EPMC for the project. WorleyParsons on behalf of HPCL invites Bids through e-
tendering on Public- Domestic Competitive Bidding basis for Hassan-Cherlapally
LPG Pipeline (HCPL) Project under single stage two bid system from competent
suppliers meeting the Bidder Qualification Criteria (BQC) as detailed herein. Bids
submitted online on e-tender portal of HPCL shall only be
considered for processing.


“Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (hereinafter referred to as "HPCL") has

appointed Worley India Pvt Ltd as EPMC for HCPL project.

HPCL has commissioned 355 km Mangalore- Hassan- Yediyur-Mysore LPG Pipeline

from its LPG import facilities at Mangalore to receipt LPG plant at Yediyur via Hassan
and a spur line to Mysore via Kalibadi. Pipeline is envisaged to have a capacity of 3.1
MMTPA to meet the demands of Karnataka and Southern Andhra Pradesh. HPCL now
intends to lay a branch line from existing Hassan station to its Bottling plant in
Cherlapalli with TOP at HPCL bottling Plant (Anantapur) at Ch. 280 km, Anantapur,
BPCL bottling Plant (Kurnool) at Ch. 405 km & IOCL bottling Plant (Thimmapur) at Ch.
585 km to meet the requirements of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.


The Scope of work includes (but not limited to) Fabrication, Laying, Testing Pre-
Commissioning & Commissioning of underground Cross Country piggable Pipeline for
Hassan Cherlapalli pipeline laying project in all terrain, all types of soils, at all
elevations including all types of river/road/rail/other pipeline crossings, as per the
Scope of supply and works, technical specifications complete as detailed below /
elsewhere in this tender document and as per applicable Oil Industry Safety
Directorate Standards OISD 141 and ANSI B 31.4 latest editions. The P/L sections are
routed through in Urban, Semi – Urban, Industrial, Semi- Industrial, Along Roads,
Forests and in Cross Country areas.

The work shall be carried out from Hassan to Cherlapalli including various intermediate
Sectionalizing Valve stations with manpower, machinery & mobilization.

Battery Limits pertaining to work covered is depicted in Conceptual Route model

drawing. enclosed with Tender Document). Bidders are advised to make site visit for
clarity on site route & conditions.

Contractor shall deploy the equipment to simultaneously operate and carryout works

in number of mini spreads falling in restricted ROU viz., along the road, forest areas
and as may be applicable in order to meet the project schedule. Contractor shall
provide skilled & unskilled manpower, consumables, other resources for each work
fronts in the respective spreads as required for execution of the complete job herein.
The detailed scope of work is illustrated in various annexures and appendices attached
with the tender document.

Schedule Details;

Sr. Schedule
No. No.
Schedule Chainage from km 0 to 134 km (Up to Hiriyur IP station)
Schedule Chainage from 134 km to km 280 (Up to Anantpur TOP)
Schedule Chainage from 280 km to 404 km (Up to Kurnool IP
3 Station)
Schedule Chainage from 404 km to 585 km (Up to Thimmapur
4 TOP)
Chainage from 585 km to 652 km (Up to Cherllapally
5 receipt station, with laying of 7 kms of 8" separate

For complete details, please to Refer Chapter 10, Technical Scope / Material



Please refer Annexure 1 to NIT


Please refer Annexure 1 to NIT


Bidder shall furnish documentary evidence along with the bid, to establish the above
qualification criteria, such as purchase order / work order and completion certificate
with clearly specifying work order no., date, brief scope of work, value of work done
and completion date etc. / or certified final bills indicating completion date or
Mechanical Completion Certificate specifying the date of mechanical completion and
executed value or Commissioning Certificate specifying the date of Commissioning
and executed value.

Duly notarized Bid Qualification documents submitted on HPCL portal shall be deemed
as authenticated. HPCL/CONSULTANT shall call the bidder at HPCL/CONSULTANT
office along with originals for verification of the BQC documents submitted by the
bidder in bid.
Bidder shall be responsible for getting the original BQC documents verification at

HPCL/CONSULTANT office, at the earliest after receipt of communication from Owner
/ Consultant, from the bid due date.

HPCL/ CONSULTANT also reserve the right to get the documents (purchase / work
orders, completion certificates and other documents submitted by the bidder) verified
/ confirmed by the issuing authority of these documents.

Bidder shall furnish documentary evidence along with the bid, to establish the above


1. In case bidder quotes for more than one schedule as stated above, the requirement
of value of similar completed works shall be on cumulative value basis for quoted
schedules. In case of any shortfall, the bidder will not be qualified for cumulative
schedules, however bidder may get qualified for individual schedules.

2. If bidder wishes to quote for combination of schedules needs to submit their

documents accordingly.

3. Bids shall be opened in the following sequence.

Priced Bid Opening / Reverse

Schedule No.
Auction Sequence
First Schedule 4
Second Schedule 3
Third Schedule 2
Fourth Schedule 1
Fifth Schedule 5

4. If bidder intends to submit bid seeking qualification against one or more schedules,
the bidder needs to furnish qualification documentation meeting the criteria for such
schedules on cumulative basis along with EMD. The bid shall be evaluated /
qualified basis sequence of opening given above


i) Bidder shall meet the all technical as well as commercial qualification criteria as
stated in clause no. 3.0, Bid Qualification Criteria.
Support documents pertaining to bidders Qualification criteria have to be
uploaded under Bid common forms Tilted “Bidders Qualification Criteria”. Two
formats namely BQC –Technical & BQC-Financial are given in tender common
forms under the same heads. These documents after duly filled, signed &
stamped have to be uploaded under similar heads provided in Bid Common
Forms. In absence of requisite documents, HPCL / WorleyParsons reserve the
right to reject the Bid without making any reference to the Bidder.

ii) The Bidder shall furnish documentary evidence by way of copies of work order,
Inspection Release Note / completion certificate and Audited Balance Sheet
Profit & Loss Account, Schedules and Independent Auditor report etc. along

with the Bid to establish his experience and track record meeting qualification
criteria. OWNER / CONSULTANT reserves the right to complete the evaluation
based on the details furnished without seeking any additional information.

iii) BQC evaluation shall be carried out based on “Bid Qualification documents”
(Technical & Financial) submitted by bidders on bid closing date. Bidder shall
note that there shall be only clarifications sought on the documents received
along with the bid. No additional documents shall be accepted from bidders
thereafter for consideration after bid submission except documents, which are
already in public domain on the date of submission of the bid and are in the nature
of regulatory and statutory filings by the bidder, may be accepted at sole
discretion of HPCL under exceptional circumstances.

iv) In case, a bidder does not meet the BQC based on experience documents
already submitted by bidder in support of meeting the BQC, bidders can be
allowed to submit additional documents for any of the work out of the past
experience(s) / PTR list already submitted along with the bid, to support their
meeting BQC. No additional part experience(s) / PTR shall be sought from the
bidders, since this would amount to substantive change in bid.


1. Parties who are affiliates of one another can decide which affiliate will make a
bid. Only one affiliate may submit a bid. Two or more affiliates are not permitted
to make separate bids directly or indirectly. If two or more affiliates submit a bid,
then any one or all of them are liable for disqualification. However up to 3
affiliates may make a joint bid as a Consortium and in which case the conditions
applicable to a Consortium shall apply to them. "Affiliate" of a party shall mean
any company or legal entity which:

a) Controls either directly or indirectly a party, or

b) Which is controlled directly or indirectly by a Party; or
c) Is directly or indirectly controlled by a company, legal entity or partnership
which directly or indirectly controls a party. "Control" means actual control
or ownership of at least a 50% voting or other controlling interest that
gives the power to direct, cause the direction of the management and
material business of the controlled entity.

2. Bids may be submitted by:

a) A single person/entity (called sole bidder);

b) A newly formed incorporated joint venture (JV) which has not completed 3
(three) financial years from the date of commencement of business;
c) A consortium (including an unincorporated JV) having a maximum of 3
(three) members;
d) An Indian arm of a foreign company.

3. Fulfillment of Eligibility criteria and certain additional conditions in respect of

each of the above four (4) types of bidders are stated below, respectively:

a) The bidder (including and incorporated JV which has completed three (3)
financial years after date of commencement of business) shall fulfill each

eligibility criteria on individual / combined basis.

b) In case the bidder is a newly formed and incorporated joint venture and which
has not completed three (3) financial years from the date of commencement
of business, then either the said JV shall fulfill each eligibility criteria or any
one constituent member/promoter of such a JV shall fulfill each eligibility
criteria. If the bid is received with the proposal that one constituent
member/promoter fulfills each eligibility criteria, then this member/promoter
shall be clearly identified and he/it shall assume all obligations under the
contract and provide such comfort letter/guarantees as may be required by
Owner. The guarantees shall over inter alia the commitment of the
member/promoter to complete the entire work in all respects and in a timely
fashion, being bound by all the obligations under the Contract, an
undertaking to provide all necessary technical and financial support to the JV
to ensure completion of the work, etc.

c) In case the bidder(s) is/are a consortium (including an unincorporated JV),

then the following conditions shall apply:

1) Each member in consortium may only be a entity and not an individual

2) The bid shall specifically identify and describe each member of the
3) The consortium member descriptions shall indicate what type of legal
entity the member is and its jurisdiction of incorporation (or of
establishment as a legal entity other than a corporation) and provide
evidence by a copy of the articles of corporation (or equivalent
4) One participant member of the consortium shall be identified as the
“Prime member” and contracting entity for the consortium;
5) This prime member shall be solely responsible for all aspects of the
Bid/proposal including the execution of all tasks and performance of all
consortium obligations;
6) The prime member shall fulfill each eligibility criteria;
7) A commitment shall be given from each of the consortium members in
the form of a letter signed by a duly authorized officer clearly identifying
the role of the member in the Bid and the member’s commitment to
perform all relevant tasks and obligations in support of the Prime/lead
member of the Consortium and a commitment not to withdraw from the
8) No change shall be permitted in the number, nature or share holding
pattern of the consortium members after pre-qualification, without the
prior written permission of the Owner (HPCL).
9) No change in project plans, timetables or pricing will be permitted as a
consequence of any withdrawal or failure to perform by a consortium
10) No consortium member shall hold less than 25% stake in a consortium;
11) Entities which are affiliates of one another are allowed to bid either as
a sole bidder or as a consortium only;
12) Any person or entity can bid either singly or as a member of only one

d) In case the bidder is an Indian arm (subsidiary, authorized agent, branch

office or affiliate) of a foreign bidder, then the foreign bidder shall have to full
fill each eligibility criteria. If such foreign company desires that the contract

be entered into with the Indian arm, then a proper back to back continuing
(parent company) guarantee shall be provided by the foreign company
clearly stating that in case of any failure of any supply or performance of the
equipment, machinery material or plant or completion of the work in all
respects and as per the warranties/guarantees that may have been given,
then the foreign company shall assume all obligations under the contract.
Towards this purpose, it shall provide such comfort letter/guarantees as may
be required by Owner. The guarantees shall cover inter alia the commitment
of the foreign company to complete the entire work in all respects and in a
timely fashion being bound by all the obligations under the contract, an
undertaking to provide all necessary technical and financial support to the
Indian arm or to render the same themselves so as to ensure completion of
the contract when awarded, an undertaking not to withdraw from the contract
till completion of the work etc.


Bid Security / EMD for Quoted Schedule(s) shall be as mentioned below: -

Schedule Details Domestic
(in Lakhs)
1 Schedule 1 81
2 Schedule 2 82
3 Schedule 3 87
4 Schedule 4 112
5 Schedule 5 73

(a) Public Sector Enterprises and Small scale industries (Registered with NSIC) are
exempted from submission of Bid Security / EMD. However, to claim the exemption
Public Sector Enterprises shall submit a declaration on their letter head and Small
Scale Industries shall submit valid copy of NSIC Registration Certificate.

(b) In case of Consortium (including an unincorporated JV), the bid security shall be
submitted by the “Prime Member”.

(c) EMD / BG from Co-operative / Scheduled Co-operative bank shall not be

acceptable and the bid shall stand rejected in receipt of such documents.

4.1.1 The bid security/EMD is required to protect the Owner against the risk of Bidder’s
conduct, which would warrant the security’s forfeiture.
In e-tenders, a scanned copy of Bid Security/EMD or MSE Certificate seeking
exemption shall also to be uploaded with the offer at e-portal
EMD shall be accepted in the form of demand draft/ pay order, banker’s cheque (in
favour of “Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited”, payable at Mumbai), issued
by any Scheduled bank other than cooperative bank or in the form of Irrevocable Bank
Guarantee issued by any Scheduled bank other than cooperative bank.

In case EMD is submitted in the form of Bank Guarantee by Domestic Bidder, it should
be made on non-judicial stamp paper of appropriate value (denomination) and should
be valid for SIX (6) months from due date / extended due date of the tender (as per

the proforma attached in the General Terms and Conditions in the format at Annexure-
A of Chapter-9), however, demand draft / pay order/ Banker’s Cheque may be valid for
three months.

Cheque / FDR or EMD in any other form shall be treated as offer without EMD and
shall not be acceptable. Bid Security received late due to any reasons shall be rejected.

4.1.2 EMD (original instrument: DD/Pay order/ Banker’s Cheque OR Bank Guarantee)/ EMD
exemption document should be kept in separate envelope (super-scribed with tender
number, job & due date) and should be deposited by tender due date and time, in the
tender box provided in the office of:-

Sr. Manager - Purchase

Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd.
Pipeline SBU, Tender Box, near Mail Section at GR.FI.,
Hindustan Bhavan, 8, Shoorji Vallabhdas Marg,
Ballard Estate, Mumbai – 400001

4.1.3 In case the EMD (original instrument) is not deposited in the tender box (address
mentioned above) by tender due date and time, the offer of bidder shall be rejected.
Owner / Consultant shall not be responsible for any postal delays or non-receipt of
EMD by tender due date and time, reasons whatsoever.

4.1.4 Bidders are requested to advise their BANKS not to post Bank Guarantee/or any Other
EMD/Bid security document directly to HPCL, as the Bid Security/EMD is to be
submitted as mentioned in para 4.1.2.

4.1.5 The EMD shall be held interest free and no bank charges shall be payable by Owner
/ Consultant towards the EMD submitted by the bidders.


EMD submitted by the bidder for subject tender shall be forfeited in following cases: -

(i) Withdrawal of bid in interval between the deadline for submission of bids and
the expiration of the period of bid validity specified by the bidder.
(ii) Unsolicited post bid modification
(iii) Price changes against technical/commercial clarification, if any, in line with
terms & conditions of enquiry documents are not allowed.
(iv) Conditional Price Bids.
(v) Non –Withdrawal (by evaluated lowest bidder) of deviations mentioned
elsewhere other than on-line deviation sheet.
(vi) Any new deviation stipulated after tender due date
(vii) Unsolicited Post Bid Revision in Taxes & Duties.
(viii) Violation of Integrity Pact (If Applicable).

DISCLAIMER: - Besides above, Owner/Consultant reserves the right to forfeit the EMD of
bidder (In case EMD is applicable) and take further action as per corporation’s
(HPCL’s) policy in case bidder deviates from his submitted offer / adopt unfair


EMD should be refunded to other than lowest evaluated bidder(s), immediately upon
completion of price evaluation, by means of A/c Payee cheques or e-payment.

The successful Bidder’s bid security will be discharged upon the Bidder’s accepting
the Contract/ Purchase Order, and furnishing the requisite bank guarantee / security
Deposit in line with the tender terms and conditions.


Refer Chapter – 6 for completion period.


6.1 Pre-Bid Meeting shall be held as mentioned in Clause No.1.0 (c) of NIT.

6.2 All question/ queries should be referred to Owner/Consultant not later than Date & time
mentioned in Clause No.1.0 (b) of NIT. HPCL/WorleyParsons reserves the right not to
entertain any pre-bid query after cut-off date. Reply to Pre-Bid Queries shall be hosted
on HPCL Tender website.

6.3 Bidders in their own interest are advised to take part in the pre-bid meeting by deputing
their competent personnel. This will help bidder not only to cut short of the evaluation
time leading to requirement of shorter bid validity but also enable them to submit their
best prices based on the clear techno-commercial scope.

7.1 Owner /Consultant reserve the right to carry out capacity & capability assessment of
the bidder using in –house information and past performance.
7.2 Owner/Consultant shall not be responsible for any costs or expenses incurred by Bidder
in connection with the preparation or delivery of Bids, site-visit and other expenses
incurred during bidding process, regardless of the outcome of the bidding process.
7.3 In case any bidder is found to be involved in cartel formation, his bid will not be
considered for evaluation / placement of order. Such bidder will also be debarred from
bidding in future.
7.4 Canvassing in any form by the bidder or by any other agency on their behalf may lead
to disqualification of their bid.
7.5 Unsolicited clarifications to the offer and / or change in the prices during the validity
period would render the bid liable for rejection.
7.6 Bidder shall not be under liquidation, court receivership or similar proceeding.
7.7 Net Worth of bidder shall be calculated as per the formula below:
Net worth means paid up share capital, Share Application Money pending allotment*
and reserves# less accumulated losses and deferred expenditure to the extent not
written off.
# Reserves to be considered for the purpose of net worth shall be all reserves created
out of the profits and securities premium account but shall not include reserves created
out of revaluation of assets, write back of depreciation and amalgamation.

*Share Application Money pending allotment will be considered only in respect of share
to be allotted.
Accordingly, the definition of Net worth shall be as follows:
Paid up share capital XXXX
Add: Share Application Money pending allotment XXXX
Add: Reserves (As defined Above) XXXX
Less: Accumulated Losses XX
Less: Deferred Revenue Expenditure to the extent not XX
written off
Net worth XXXX

7.8 In case a bidder is having wholly owned subsidiaries but only a single consolidated
annual report is prepared and audited which includes the financial details of their wholly
owned subsidiaries, consolidated audited annual report shall be considered for
establishing the financial criteria subject to statutory auditor/ chartered accountant of
the bidder certifying that separate annual report of bidder (without the financial data of
subsidiaries) is not prepared and audited.
Further, in case a bidder is a subsidiary company and separate annual report of the
bidder is not published, but only a consolidated annual report of the Parent Company
is available, consolidated audited annual report shall be considered for establishing the
financial criteria subject to statutory auditor/ chartered accountant of the bidder
certifying that separate annual report of bidder is not prepared and audited.
7.9 In the event of submission of any document / certificate/ Audited Annual Financial
Results by the bidder in a language other than English, the bidder shall get the same
translated into English and submit the same after getting the translation duly
authenticated by local Chamber of Commerce of Bidder's country.
7.10 Owner /Consultant will follow purchase preference policy as per prevailing guidelines
of Govt. of India if applicable.
7.11 Clarification if any, can be obtained (on working days, between 09:00 Hrs. to 16:00
Hrs.) through Telephone nos: +91 22 61925643 / 61925656 and/or E-mail:
7.12; (Sr. Project Manager); (Manager – Procurement & Contracts); (Senior Engineer-Procurement & Contracts)
For any technical queries related to operation of the portal please send mail to OR please call us at 022-41146666. The helpdesk
support is available 6 days a week from 8AM to 8 PM (except public holidays).

Procurement Head
Somir Banerjee
WorleyParsons India Pvt. Limited, Thane

Annexure 1 to NIT



The bidder shall have experience of having successfully carried out and completed during the
last Ten years (reckoned from last date of the previous month from tender floating date), at least
one pipeline laying work with or without Pigging stations / Pumping Stations/ SV Stations,
involving installation, testing and commissioning of buried cross country piggable hydrocarbon
Steel pipeline executed thru single or multiple orders for the same project, of minimum 12
inches diameter and (1) minimum length of 50 Kms in a single stretch in a single project for
qualifying in a single schedule and (2) minimum length of 100 Kms in a single stretch in a single
project for qualifying in multiple schedules :

3.1.1 The Bidder, during the last ten years ending 30/11/2019, should have successfully carried out
and completed the following:

Domestic Bidders
Or Or
One Similar (*) Two Similar (*) Three Similar (*)
order executed & order executed & order executed &
completed of value completed each of completed each of
Sr. not less than value not less than value not less than
Schedule details

INR (IN Lakhs.)

1 Schedule 1 9369 5856 4685

2 Schedule 2 9598 5999 4799

3 Schedule 3 10357 6473 5179

4 Schedule 4 14353 8971 7176

5 Schedule 5 8137 5085 4068

“Similar Work” is defined as “Laying, testing of buried Cross-country Piggable

Hydrocarbon Steel Pipeline, with or without Pigging stations/ Pumping Stations/ SV
Stations through single or multiple purchase order for the same project”. The value of
work order should be excluding the Cost of Steel Pipes.

1. In case bidder quotes for more than one schedule as stated above, the requirement of value
of similar completed works shall be on cumulative value basis for quoted schedules. In case
of any shortfall, the bidder will not be qualified for cumulative schedules, however may get
qualified for individual schedules.

2. Bidder shall furnish necessary documentary evidence by uploading the documents in the e-
portal of HPCL, such as notarized copies of purchase order/work order (clearly indicating
scope of work), inspection release note, final invoice, certified bills from client, completion
certificates from client.

3. For the Bidders who are submitting Purchase orders against bid qualification criteria in a
currency other that Indian Rupees (INR) and United State Dollars (USD/$), purchase order
value/Financial statements etc. will be converted into Indian Rupees at the Bill selling rates on
the date mentioned on submitted Purchase Order (date of PO) as available in State Bank of
India, Mumbai. In case, exchange rate is not available in State Bank of India (Mumbai),
alternative sources viz. Economics Times shall be considered for all the currencies.


3.2.1 Turnover Criteria:

Bidder shall have achieved minimum average Annual Financial turnover as per audited financial
results in the last 3 calendar years (2016, 2017, 2018) for companies having financial year ending in
December or last three financial years (2016 - 17, 2017- 18, 2018- 19) for companies having financial
year ending March. For companies having financial year ending June or Sept ,then the bidders shall
have achieved minimum average Annual Financial turnover in the last 3 financial years viz 2015-16,
2016-17 & 2017-18.

Average Annual financial turnover

Sr. during the last 3 years of company’s
No. Schedule Details financial year should be at least Rs.
(In Lakhs)

1 Schedule 1 3513

2 Schedule 2 3599

3 Schedule 3 3884

4 Schedule 4 5382

5 Schedule 5 3051

1. In case bidder quotes for more than one schedule as stated above, the requirement of
value of Annual Turn Over shall be on cumulative value basis for quoted schedules. In
case of any shortfall, the bidder will not be qualified for cumulative schedules, however
may get qualified for individual schedules.

2. For the Bidders who are submitting Annual Reports/Balance Sheet against bid
qualification criteria in a currency other that Indian Rupees (INR) and United State
Dollars (USD/$), Financial statements etc. will be converted into Indian Rupees at the
Bill selling rates on the date mentioned on submitted Financial Statement as available
in State Bank of India, Mumbai. In case, exchange rate is not available in State Bank
of India (Mumbai), alternative sources viz. Economics Times shall be considered for all
the currencies.

3.2.2 NET WORTH:

Net worth of the bidder for financial year ending 31st March 2019 should be positive. However,
it will not be applicable for PSUs approved by HPCL.

Net worth of the bidder, who have calendar year as financial year should be positive as on 31st
December 2018.

For bidders, whose financial year closing is at the end of June or September or December, the
last three financial years ending with the respective quarters of calendar year 2018 shall be


Bidder shall furnish necessary documentary evidence by uploading the documents on the e-
portal of HPCL, such as notarized copies of audited Annual Report/Balance Sheet for last three
years as mentioned above and original certificate from Chartered Accountant indicating
Turnover & Net worth

Bidder shall furnish necessary documentary evidence by uploading the documents on the e-
portal of HPCL, such as notarized copies of audited Annual Report/Balance Sheet for last three
years as mentioned above and original certificate from Chartered Accountant indicating
Turnover & Net worth.


The minimum working capital of the bidder as per the audited annual financial statement as
on 31st March 2019, shall be as follows:

Minimum Working Capital

Description (in Lakhs)

Schedule 1 1171

Schedule 2 1199

Schedule 3 1294

Schedule 4 1794
Schedule 5 1017

In case bidder quotes for more than one schedule as stated above, the requirement of value
of Working Capital shall be on cumulative value basis for quoted schedules. In case of any
shortfall, the bidder will not be qualified for cumulative schedules, however may get qualified
for individual schedules.

The working capital requirement can be fulfilled by –

Working capital as per Financial statement
A) Tie-up for the tender with Financial institutions for works contract.
B) Confirmation from the bank regarding availability of line of credit for the specified tender

The financial institution / bank shall be any Scheduled / Nationalized one other than
Cooperative Banks.

In case Bidders’ financial statements are audited in calendar year, bidder’s Working Average
Annual financial turnover during the last 3 years, ending Dec- 2018 shall be checked against
criteria stated.

In case, as per the financial details provided by the bidder the working capital is less than
the requisite working capital as per the tender, the bidder can meet the shortfall through tie
-up with financial institutions / confirmation from the bank for availability of unutilized line of
credit for meeting balance working capital requirement.

The line of credit letter shall be submitted strictly as per format enclosed with Bid document.

Notes for Clause 3.1 & 3.2:

1. The schedule-wise qualification criteria have been mentioned in the above tables. In case
bidder wishes to be considered for more than one schedule as stated above, the qualification
criteria under 3.1.1, 3.2.1 and 3.2.3 shall be applicable on cumulative basis for quoted

In case of any shortfall in cumulative qualification criteria, the bidders offer will be considered
only for those full schedules, for which he is qualified.

2. Bidder shall furnish necessary documentary evidence by uploading the documents in the e-
portal of HPCL, such as notarized copies of purchase order/work order (clearly indicating
scope of work), final certified bills / completion certificates from owner / EPMC showing work
order reference, value of completed works, commencement and completion dates.

Under “Completed” work order requirements specified under Clause 3.1.1 following cases
shall also be considered:

a) Cross country pipeline works where the line has been commissioned / operational, though
final bill or Purchase order closure is pending.

b) Pipeline is completed and handed over to client but not commissioned. However, purchase
/ work order is closed.

3. In case bidder submits executed work orders dated before 30/11/2009 but the work is
completed during subsequent period for the same order, the value of the work executed after
30/11/2009 will only be considered for qualifying the vendor. Bidder to submit the price break
up accordingly, duly certified by the client.

4. For the Bidders who are submitting Purchase orders against bid qualification criteria in a
currency other that Indian Rupees (INR) and United State Dollars (USD/$), purchase order
value/Financial statements etc. will be converted into Indian Rupees at the Bill selling rates on
the “Completion Date” as mentioned on “Completion Certificate” as available in State Bank of
India, Mumbai. In case, exchange rate is not available in State Bank of India (Mumbai),
alternative sources viz. Economics Times shall be considered for all the currencies.

5. Bidders submitting bid for any specific schedule shall furnish BQC documentation pertaining to
that specific schedule.

6. Bidders submitting bid to be considered for more than one schedule, they shall furnish BQC
documentation meeting cumulative requirement of those schedules as specified above, under
different clauses.


Bidder shall furnish documentary evidence along with the bid, to establish the above
qualification criteria, such as purchase order / work order and completion certificate with clearly
specifying work order no., date, brief scope of work, value of work done and completion date
etc. / or certified final bills indicating completion date or Mechanical Completion Certificate
specifying the date of mechanical completion and executed value or Commissioning Certificate
specifying the date of Commissioning and executed value.
Bidder shall meet the technical as well as Financial qualification criteria as stated above.
Supporting documents pertaining to bidders Qualification criteria have to be uploaded under
Bid common forms Tilted “Bidders Qualification Criteria”. Two formats namely BQC –Technical
& BQC-Financial are given in tender common forms under the same heads. These documents
after duly filled, signed & stamped have to be uploaded under similar heads provided in Bid
Common Forms. In absence of requisite documents, HPCL / WorleyParsons reserve the right
to reject the Bid without making any reference to the Bidder.

Chapter – 2






A GENERAL ........................................................................................................................... 26

1.0 SCOPE OF BID .................................................................................................................... 26


FRAUDULENT PRACTICES ...................................................................................................... 26

3.0 ELIGIBLE BIDDERS ............................................................................................................. 26

B CONTENTS OF BIDDING DOCUMENT ............................................................................ 26

4.0 BIDDING DOCUMENT ......................................................................................................... 26


6.0 AMENDMENT OF BIDDING DOCUMENT ........................................................................... 28

7.0 VOID ..................................................................................................................................... 28

C PREPARATION OF BIDS ................................................................................................... 28

8.0 COST OF BIDDING .............................................................................................................. 28

9.0 LANGUAGE OF BID ............................................................................................................. 28

10.0 DOCUMENTS COMPRISING THE BID ............................................................................. 29

11.0 INTEGRITY PACT .............................................................................................................. 30

12.0 ALTERNATIVE BIDS .......................................................................................................... 31

13.0 BID PRICES AND DISCOUNTS......................................................................................... 31

14.0 CURRENCIES OF BID AND PAYMENT ............................................................................ 31


16.0 VOID ................................................................................................................................... 34

17.0 PERIOD OF VALIDITY OF BIDS........................................................................................ 34

18.0 BID SECURITY ................................................................................................................... 34

19.0 FORMAT AND SIGNING OF BID ....................................................................................... 37

D SUBMISSION AND OPENING OF BIDS ............................................................................ 37

20.0 SEALING AND MARKING OF BIDS .................................................................................. 37

21.0 DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF BIDS .......................................................................... 37

22.0 LATE BIDS.......................................................................................................................... 37

23.0 WITHDRAWAL, SUBSTITUTION, AND MODIFICATION OF BIDS .................................. 38

24.0 BID OPENING .................................................................................................................... 38

E EVALUATION AND COMPARISON OF BIDS.................................................................... 39

25.0 CONFIDENTIALITY ............................................................................................................ 39

26.0 DEVIATIONS, RESERVATIONS, AND OMISSIONS......................................................... 39

27.0 DETERMINATION OF RESPONSIVENESS ...................................................................... 39

28.0 CLARIFICATION OF BIDS ................................................................................................. 41

29.0 EVALUATION OF TECHNO-COMMERCIAL BIDS............................................................ 42

30.0 PREFERENCE TO MICRO OR SMALL ENTERPRISES .................................................. 42

31.0 OPENING OF PRICE BID .................................................................................................. 42

32.0 CORRECTION OF ARITHMETICAL ERRORS .................................................................. 43

33.0 CONVERSION TO SINGLE CURRENCY .......................................................................... 43

34.0 EVALUATION AND COMPARISON OF PRICE BIDS ....................................................... 43


F AWARD OF CONTRACT .................................................................................................... 46

36.0 AWARD CRITERIA ............................................................................................................. 46

37.0 NOTIFICATION OF AWARD .............................................................................................. 47

38.0 VOID ................................................................................................................................... 47

39.0 PERFORMANCE SECURITY............................................................................................. 47



1.1 In connection with the Invitation for Bids/ Letter Inviting Bid, WorleyParsons India Pvt
Limited (CONSULTANT) on behalf of Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd. (HPCL)
invites e-Bid(s), under single stage two bid system, for the entire scope covered under
the Bidding Document (hereinafter for the purpose of these instructions collectively
referred to as the “WORKS” as specified in Bid Data Sheet (BDS))



2.1 HPCL/CONSULTANT has a strict policy of zero tolerance on corrupt and fraudulent
practices as laid down vide Cl. No. 16.0 ; Part A of SCC. Bidders to ensure compliance
in this regard.


3.1 A bidder may be a firm or a company or an entity, who, have been issued the Bidding
Document on Limited Competitive Basis or/and intends to submit Bid, in response to
Invitation for Bids (IFB) on Open Competitive basis.

3.2 In case bidder is on the holiday list/Banned/Blacklisted/Delisted by any Government or

quasi Government agency or PSU, his offer may be rejected at the sole discretion of

Notwithstanding the above, a bidder who is on Holiday/ Negative/Suspension /

Banning list of HPCL/CONSULTANT on due date of submission of bid / during the
process of evaluation of the bids, the offers of such bidders shall not be considered for
bid opening/evaluation/award. Further, in case of a consortium, if any of the
member(s) of consortium is on Holiday/ Negative /Suspension / Banning list of
HPCL/CONSULTANT on due date of submission of bid / during the process of
evaluation of the bids, the offers of such consortium shall not be considered for bid

3.3 In case of limited competitive bidding, the bidding is open only to the bidders to whom
Bidding Document has been issued.

3.4 Bidder should not be under liquidation, court receivership or similar proceedings.
Bidder shall submit self-certificate in this regard.



4.1 The Bidding Document shall in general consist of the following and should be read in
conjunction with any amendment issued in accordance with ITB 6.0.
▪ Notice Inviting Tender
▪ Instructions to Bidders and its attachments.
▪ Bid Data Sheet
▪ Bidding Forms

▪ General Terms & Conditions of Work Contract (GTC-Works) and its
▪ Special Conditions of Contract (SCC) and its Annexure.
▪ Schedule of Rates (SOR)/ Schedule of Prices (SOP).
▪ Technical Specifications / Standards.
▪ Drawings, if any

4.2 Although all the details presented in this Bidding Document have been compiled with
reasonable care, the bidder is expected to examine the Bidding Document, including
all instructions, forms, terms, specifications and drawings in the Bidding Document and
it includes all the documents as per Table of Contents. In case of any ambiguity or
incompleteness, the bidder must bring it to the attention of HPCL/CONSULTANT
immediately and prior to submission of Bid.

4.3 Bidding document once issued in case of limited competitive bidding is non-
transferable. However, in case of Open Competitive Bidding, since the Bidding
Document is available for free downloading on the e-tendering portal, any bidder may
submit the Bid and the same shall be evaluated in line with the provisions of the Bidding


5.1 Bidder’s authorized representative(s) shall attend the pre bid meeting on the
prescribed day at the given venue specified in IFB/ LIB. During the pre bid meeting, all
the technical and commercial issues shall be discussed and concluded to ensure that
the bid received subsequent to pre bid meeting shall be without any deviations to terms
and conditions. Hence, bidders shall treat the pre bid meeting as utmost important and
depute competent & senior person capable of taking on the spot decision to sort out
all the technical and commercial issues.
However, in case any bidder does not attend the pre bid meeting, it shall be understood
that the bidder has a clear understanding of the scope, terms & conditions of the
bidding document and does not have any comments/ deviations to the requirements
of the bidding document.
5.2 In order to ensure fruitful discussions during pre bid meeting, the bidder is requested
to submit any queries/clarification/information pertaining to Bidding Document on
HPCL e-Tender website before the cut-off date as specified in Bid Data Sheet (BDS).
These queries shall be replied during pre-bid meeting or subsequent to pre-bid
meeting. Reply to Pre-Bid Queries shall be hosted on HPCL Tender website.

5.3 The bidders are required to participate in the pre-bid meeting after going through the
entire bidding document. Bidder shall come with all technical and commercial points
on which they need clarifications. No discussion on Bidder Qualification Criteria (BQC)
shall be entertained in pre bid meeting

5.4 Replies to the pre-bid queries will be uploaded in HPCL websites and HPCL’s website as
expeditiously as possible. After pre-bid meeting, no further queries will be entertained
from the bidders.

5.5 Any modification of the Bidding Document, which may become necessary as a result
of the pre-bid discussion, shall be intimated to all bidders through the issue of an

Addendum/Amendment/ clarification/message on tender message board at our e proc

5.6 Void

5.7 Void

5.8 Bidder is advised to visit and examine the Project Site and its surroundings and obtain
for itself on its own responsibility all information that may be necessary for preparing
the bid and entering into a contract for execution of the Works. All costs towards the
same including the cost of visiting the Site shall be at the bidder’s own expense.

5.9 Bidder and its personnel will relieve and indemnify HPCL/CONSULTANT and its
personnel from and against all liability in respect of Site Visit, and will be responsible
for death or personal injury, loss of or damage to property, and any other loss, damage,
costs, and expenses incurred as a result of the inspection.


6.1 At any time prior to the deadline for submission of bids, CONSULTANT may, for any
reason whether at his own initiative or in response to the clarification requested by the
prospective bidder(s), issue amendment in the form of Amendment/ Addendum/
clarification/message on tender message board at our e-tender portal

6.2 Any addendum issued shall be part of the Bidding Documents and shall be uploaded
on HPCL websites and HPCL’s website .

6.3 To give bidders reasonable time in which to take an addendum into account in
preparing their bids, HPCL/CONSULTANT may extend the deadline for the submission
of bids, pursuant to Clause 21.3 of ITB.

6.4 HPCL/CONSULTANT may also for any reason issue amendment subsequent to
receiving the bids. Any amendment thus issued shall become part of Bidding
Document. Bidder shall follow the instructions issued along with Amendment with
regard to submission of impact on quoted price / revised price, if any.

7.0 VOID



8.1 Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its Bid,
and HPCL/CONSULTANT shall not be responsible or liable for those costs, regardless
of the conduct or outcome of the bidding process.


9.1 The Bid, as well as all correspondence and documents relating to the bid exchanged
by the bidder and CONSULTANT, shall be in the English language. Supporting
documents and printed literature that are part of the Bid may be in another language
provided they are accompanied by an accurate translation of the relevant passages in

the English language, in which case, for purposes of interpretation of the Bid, such
translation shall govern.

9.2 In the event of submission of any document/ certificate by the bidder in a language
other than English or Hindi, the bidder shall get the same translated into English and
submit the same after getting the translation duly authenticated by Indian Embassy of
bidder’s country. Alternately, bidder can get the translated documents attested through
local chamber of commerce and industry in bidder’s home country.


Bid shall be submitted in two parts i.e. un priced bid and price bid .Bidders shall be
required to submit the complete bid online. However the physical document
(mentioned under clause 6.1.1a) shall be submitted in original in the tender box by the
tender due date/extended due date and time.


a) Physical Documents:
➢ Bid Security/ EMD (in original)
➢ Power of Attorney of bidder’s representative digitally signing the bid document
In e-tenders, a scanned copy of Bid Security/EMD or MSE Certificate seeking
exemption shall also to be uploaded with the offer at e-portal
b) Documentary evidence establishing Bidder’s claim for meeting Bidder Qualification
Criteria as stipulated in the Bid Document. Owner/Consultant reserve the right to call
the bidder during evaluation along with originals for verification of the documents
submitted by the bidder in his bid. OWNER/ CONSULTANT also reserve the right to
get the documents (purchase orders, completion certificates and other documents
submitted by the bidder) verified/ confirmed by the issuing authority of these
c) Documents shall be submitted duly certified by Statutory Auditor of the bidder or a
practicing Chartered Accountant (not being an employee/Director and not having any
interest in the bidder’s company) where audited accounts are not mandatory as per law.


Bidder shall submit documents duly notarized by any notary public in the bidder’s
country or certified true copies duly signed, dated and stamped by an official authorized
for this purpose in Indian Embassy/High Commission in Bidder’s country.
Bidder shall submit self-certified documents in original from any one out of CEO or
CFO or Company Secretary of the bidder (Limited Company only). This option shall
not be applicable to Proprietorship/Partnership firms.

Requirement of above certification shall not be applicable to published audited annual

financial statements in English, if original booklets are submitted.

d) Duly notarized Bid Qualification documents submitted by bidders on HPCL e-proc / e-
tender portal shall be deemed as authenticated. HPCL/EPMC shall call the bidder
during unpriced bid evaluation along with originals for verification of the documents
submitted by the bidder in his bid. HPCL/ EPMC also reserve the right to get the
documents (purchase orders, completion certificates and other documents submitted
by the bidder) verified/ confirmed by the issuing authority of these documents. In case
bidder fails to get the documents verified (as mentioned above) within the time period /
extended time period provided by HPCL/EPMC, bidder’s offer may be rejected.
e) Power of Attorney in favour of person (s) digitally signing the bid that such person (s)
is/are authorised to sign the bid on behalf of the bidder and any consequence resulting
due to such signing shall be binding on the bidder;
f) In case of bids submitted by a JV, if permitted in BDS, shall include a copy of the Joint
Venture Agreement entered into by all members;
g) Tender document including Corrigendum, if any, and subsequent correspondences
duly stamped and signed on each page as a token of acceptance. Please note no hard
copy of documents shall be taken in case of e-tender except the documents stated in
the note at the end of this clause.
h) All form and format dully filled in.
i) Copies of Purchase Orders, respective completion certificate (mentioning
commencement and completion date along with executed order value and nature of
job), Financial Statement (Audited Balance Sheet including, Profit & Loss Account,
Schedule and Independent Auditor Report) for last three preceding financial years.
j) Taxes & Duties Statement – shall be same as filled in Price Schedule & should not be
separately submitted by the bidder.
k) Agreed Terms & Conditions duly filled-in online.
l) Integrity Pact
m) any other document required in the BDS.
n) Any other information/details/documents/data required as per Bid Document.

NOTE: The documents sought under clause 10.1 a are to be received by OWNER by
bid submission date & time in hard copy. However, scanned copies of documents
under clause 10.1 a along with balance documents are to be uploaded at OWNER e-
tender website.

10.1 PART-II (Priced Bid)

It shall consist of Price Bid only. It shall be uploaded on the e-portal .


11.1 Bidder shall submit, the scanned copy of the Integrity Pact duly signed and stamped
in token of compliance in Part-I of the Bid. Integrity Pact is required to be submitted for
Bids of value Rs. 1 (One) crore and above. In case of deviation to this requirement,
HPCL/CONSULTANT may provide the opportunity to Bidder for withdrawing their
deviations. In case bidder fails to sign the Integrity Pact within the final cut off date &
time specified by the HPCL/CONSULTANT, the bid shall be rejected. However, in the
event the Integrity Pact is not applicable considering the value of Bid then a self

declaration to this extent shall be submitted by the bidder in Part-I of the Bid. HPCL’s
Pre-signed Integrity Pact is provided in Bidding Forms.


12.1 A bidder (i.e., the bidding entity) shall, on no account submit more than one bid either
directly (as a single bidder or as a member of consortium) or indirectly failing which all
bids submitted by such bidder directly & indirectly, shall stand rejected and BID
SECURITY shall be forfeited.


13.1 Bidders should only quote unit basic/item rate in the online priced bid format. However,
all taxes and duties as applicable for the tender shall be quoted in the tax section online
by the bidders. Conditional rebate/discount, if offered, shall not be considered for

13.2 Unless stated otherwise in the Bidding Document, the Contract shall be for the total
works as described in Bidding Document, based on the Schedule of Rates/ Prices
submitted by the bidder and accepted by CONSULTANT.

13.3 Bidder shall quote for all the items of Schedule of Rates/Prices after careful analysis
of cost involved for the performance of the complete item considering all parts of the
Bidding Document. In case any activity is not specifically covered in description of
item under `Schedule of Rates/Prices' but is required to complete the work as per
Scope of Work, Scope of Supply, Specifications, Standards, Drawings, General
Conditions of Contract, Special Condition of Contract or any other part of Bidding
Document, the rates/ prices quoted shall be deemed to be inclusive of cost incurred
for such activity.

13.4 Rates/ prices quoted by the bidder, shall remain firm, fixed and valid till the completion
of the Works and will not be subject to variation on any account except as otherwise
specifically provided in the Bidding Documents.

13.5 In case of “SOR Rate Tenders’’ (where tender line(s) is/are defined as pre-defined
estimated lumpsum bottom-line Rate for entire scope of work) Bidder shall quote a
single consolidated percentage increase / decrease in the estimated price and the
same percentage shall be applicable uniformly to all the items of the Schedule of Rates
(attached separately).

13.6 All duties, taxes, and other levies payable shall be as per Special Conditions of


14.1 Unless otherwise specified in BDS, bidder shall submit Bid in Indian Rupees only and
payment shall be made in Indian Rupees only.


15.1 If specified in the Invitation for Bids (IFB), bidder(s) intending to participate shall fulfill
the Qualification Criteria specified in the Invitation for Bid (IFB). The experience and
financial details submitted by the bidders shall be evaluated with respect to the
Qualification Criteria specified in the Invitation for Bid. Bidders are required to submit

all such past experience(s) (PTR) meeting the BQC along with relevant supporting
documents in the first instance itself, along with the bid. Accordingly, only such past
experience(s) shall be considered for qualification, details of which are provided in the
bid by the bidder and subsequently no additional past experience (PTR) shall be
sought from the bidder.

In case, a Bidder does not meet the BQC based on experience documents submitted
by bidder in support of meeting the BQC, bidders can be allowed to submit additional
documents for any of the work out of the past experience(s) (PTR) list already
submitted along with the bid, to support their meeting the BQC.

15.2 Bids of only those bidders who are found to qualify based on the Qualification Criteria
specified in the Invitation for Bid shall be considered for detailed Techno-Commercial
evaluation. Decision of HPCL/CONSULTANT in this regard shall be final and binding.

15.3 While evaluating the bidder’s conformity with Qualification Criteria, only such works
shall be taken in to consideration, the details of which have been submitted along with
the Bid.

15.4 Copy of work order/ notification for award of work along with documentary evidence of
its completion is mandatory, which establishes that the bidder has been awarded a
work and proof of completion which establishes that the work under reference has
been completed.(unless otherwise there is any specific mention in the bidding
document regarding consideration of work in progress)

15.5 A job completed by a bidder as a sub-contractor authorized by Owner/PMC of the

Project shall be considered for the purpose of meeting the technical criteria of BQC
subject to submission of following documents in support of meeting the "Bidder
Qualification Criteria":
a) Copy of work order along with schedule of rates issued by main contractor to
sub-contractor authorized by Owner/PMC of the Project along with proof of such
authorization and work order copies from Owner to main contractor.
b) Copies of completion certificates from the end user/ Owner/PMC and also from
the main Contractor. The Completion Certificates shall have details like work
order no. /date, brief scope of work, ordered & executed value of the job,
completion date etc.
c) However, in case bidder is not able to furnish the completion certificates from the
end user/ Owner/PMC in his name then completion certificate issued in the name
of main Contractor incorporating details of authorized sub-contractor shall also
be considered as proof of completion.
15.6 A job executed by a bidder for its own plant/projects shall not be considered as
experience for the purpose of meeting the Qualification Criteria of the enquiry
document. However, jobs executed for subsidiary/ fellow subsidiary / holding company
will be considered as experience for the purpose of meeting BQC subject to
submission of tax paid invoice(s) duly certified by statutory auditor of the bidder
towards payments of statutory tax in support of the job executed for subsidiary/ fellow
subsidiary / holding company. Such bidders to submit these documents in addition to
the documents specified in the enquiry documents to meet BQC.

15.7 In addition to above, bidder shall also furnish documentary evidence by way of copies
of Complete Audited Annual Financial Year Statements including auditor report,
Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss Account Statement and all other schedules for the
preceding three financial year along with the Bid for meeting the financial criteria.

The Bidder is required to submit standalone Financial Statements. However in case a

bidder is having wholly owned subsidiaries but only a single consolidated Financial
Statements is prepared and audited which includes the financial details of their wholly
owned subsidiaries, consolidated audited Financial Statements shall be considered for
establishing the financial criteria subject to statutory auditor/ chartered accountant of
the bidder certifying that separate Financial Statements of bidder (without the financial
data of subsidiaries) is not prepared and audited.
Further, in case a bidder is a subsidiary company and separate Financial Statements
of the bidder is not published, but only a consolidated Financial Statements of the
Parent Company is available, consolidated audited Financial Statements shall be
considered for establishing the financial criteria subject to statutory auditor/ chartered
accountant of the bidder certifying that separate Standalone Financial Statements of
bidder is not prepared and audited.

15.8 For the purpose of assessment of Net worth and Turnover, following shall be

i The definition of net worth, based on the immediate preceding years Audited
financial results shall be calculated as per following:-

The net worth means paid up share capital, Share application money pending
allotment* and reserves# less accumulate losses and deferred expenditure to the
extent not written off.

# Reserves to be considered for the purpose of networth shall be all reserves

created out of the profits and securities premium account but shall not include
reserves created out of revaluation of assets, write back of depreciation and

Share application money pending allotment will be considered only in respect of

share to be allotted.

Accordingly, the definition of networth shall be as follows:

Paid up share capital XXXX

Add: Share application money pending allotment XXXX
Add: Reserves (as defined above) XXXX
Less: Accumulate Losses XX
Less: Deferred revenue expenditure to the extend not written off XX
Networth XXXX

ii Turnover shall be calculated including GST but excluding other Incomes.

15.9 Not limited to above, bidder shall submit any additional documents/information as
requested in NIT or/and requested by CONSULTANT in writing, subsequent to
submission of Bids.

15.10 CONSULTANT reserves the right to assess Bidder’s capabilities and capacity to
execute the work using in-house information.

16.0 VOID


17.1 Bids shall remain valid for the period of 120 days after the bid submission deadline
date prescribed by CONSULTANT in accordance with Clause 21.0 of ITB. Bid of
shorter validity shall be rejected by HPCL/CONSULTANT as non-responsive bid as
per the provisions of the clause 27.4 of ITB. Bidders shall not be entitled during the
above period, without the consent of HPCL/CONSULTANT in writing, to revoke or
cancel their Bid or to vary the Bid given or any term thereof. In case of bidders revoking
or cancelling their Bid or varying any terms in regard thereof without the consent of
HPCL/CONSULTANT in writing, HPCL shall forfeit Bid security, submitted along with
the bid and shall reject their bids. Such Bidder may also be put on Holiday list/
Negative List. The Owner may, at its discretion, on giving reasonable notice at site
https:\\ , extend the bid due date, in which case all rights and
obligations of the Owner and the Bidders, previously subject to the bid due date, shall
thereafter be subject to the new bid due date as extended.

17.2 In exceptional circumstances, prior to the expiration of the bid validity period,
HPCL/CONSULTANT may request bidders to extend the period of validity of their bids.
The request and the responses shall be made in writing. If a bid security is requested
in accordance with Clause 18.1 of ITB, it shall also be extended for 2 (Two) months
beyond the deadline of the extended validity period. A bidder may refuse the request
without getting forfeiting its bid security. A bidder granting the request shall not be
permitted to modify its bid.


18.1 Bidder shall furnish as part of its bid, a Bid Security, in original form and, in the
amount and currency specified in the BDS / In case of MSEs, valid MSE Certificate
in line with Clause 18.2 & 18.3 of ITB. Any bid not accompanied with a requisite Bid
security or the Bid Security not being for the required amount / Bid without valid MSE
certificate for exemptions, shall be summarily rejected by HPCL/CONSULTANT.
Format of Bank Guarantee for Bid Security is provided in Bidding Forms.

Bid Security, in original, must be submitted in the tender box provided at following
address on or before Bid due date and time, failing which Bid shall be rejected:

“Bid Security / EMD exemption document uploaded at e-portal shall be acceptable in

lieu of EMD exemption subject to verification of authenticity of the same”.

Sr. Manager - Purchase

Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd.
Pipeline SBU, Tender Box, near Mail Section at GR.FI.,
Hindustan Bhavan, 8, Shoorji Vallabhdas Marg,
Ballard Estate, Mumbai – 400001

18.2 Public sector Enterprises are exempted from furnishing Bid Security subject to
submission of declaration to that effect on their letterhead. Bidders registered as Micro
/ Small Enterprises (MSEs) or with National Small Scale Industries Corporation are
also exempted from furnishing Bid Security subject to submission of copy of the valid
registration certificate. In case of Unincorporated JV/Consortium bid, bidder is

exempted only if all the members as well as Leader falls under the exemption, as

18.3 Bidders registered as MSEs shall provide the necessary valid documentary evidence
issued by District Industries Centres / Khadi & village industries commission/ Khadi
and village industries board/ Coir board/NSIC/Directorate of Handicrafts and
Handloom or any other body specified by Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium
Enterprises clearly identifying that they are registered as MSEs.

18.4 HPCL shall not pay any interest on Bid Security furnished. Further, in case bank
guarantee submitted is found to be fake, bid of such bidder shall be rejected and may
initiate action as deemed necessary as per HPCL/CONSULTANT Policy.

18.5 Bids must be accompanied with the Bid security as mentioned above in the form of
Demand draft payable at Mumbai or non-revocable Bank Guarantee from any Indian
Scheduled Bank (other than Co-operative Bank) in favour “ Hindustan Petroleum
Corporation Limited” (as per the proforma attached in the General Terms and
Conditions). All foreign bank guarantees will be confirmed by any Indian Scheduled
Bank (other than Co-operative Bank). Bidders are advised to instruct their banks not
to post Bid Security directly to HPCL as the same has to be deposited as explained

Beneficiary: Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd.


Address: : CAG BRANCH, J.N. Heredia Marg, Neville house,
Mumbai- 400001
MICR No. : 400002133
Cash Credit A/c no : 00000011083987156
IFSC code : SBIN0009995
HPCL Income Tax PAN Number: AAACH1118B

Note: Beneficiary & Bank details provided here are only for submission of Bank
Guarantee vide Demand draft, pay order/ banker’s cheque. This account should
not be used for submission of EMD amount via any form of e-payment . For
such e-payment please refer clause 18.6 of ITB chapter 2 which specifies the
modality of such payment which can be made while bid submission through
HPCL e-portal.

18.6 Alternatively, EMD may be submitted in the form of e-payment.:

• During bidding process on selection of EMD, vendor will have the option to pay the
EMD through e-payment.
• On choosing the option of e-payment he will be directed to the payment gateway
of the merchant banker.
• On successful payment, the success number from the bank will be made available
in the e-tendering platform and then only the system will be enabled for submission
of bid.
• For successful online payments, the payment gateway shall give a success
message to the bidder with a facility to print the confirmation. No separate Cash
Receipt shall be provided to the bidder against the online EMD payment.
• For e-payments, relevant payment details shall be secured in the procurement
platform till the tender due date and time.

• The tender opening shall be done in e-procurement platform basis success
confirmation received from the payment gateway though the actual EMD amount
shall be realized by HPCL subsequently in line with the contractual agreements
with the payment gateway.
• At the time of opening the bids e-procurement portal shall display the relevant
details of online payment amount along with success number and success status
for the bidder.
• EMD will be refunded to the other than lowest evaluated bidder(s) immediately
upon finalization of contract through payment gateway.

18.7 The bid security shall be valid for six (6) Months beyond the original due date for
submission of bids, or beyond any period of extension if requested under Clause 17.2
of ITB.

18.8 EMD/Bid Security should be refunded to other than lowest evaluated bidder(s),
immediately upon completion of price evaluation, by means of A/c Payee cheques or
e payment. or by way of returning BG as applicable . Also, EMD of late bids/ where
unpriced bids not opened, shall be returned after unpriced bid opening. However, in
case HPCL decides to cancel / annul the Enquiry / bidding document at any stage
during the bidding process but before the award of work/ items (as applicable), EMD
of the bidders shall be returned at the earliest from the date of such decision. EMD of
successful bidder (on which LOI/P.O. has been placed) shall be returned after
submission of Security Deposit /Contract Performance Bank Guarantee.

18.9 The bid security shall be forfeited:

(a) if a bidder withdraws its bid during the period of bid validity, or any extension thereto
provided by the bidder; or submits multiple bids in accordance with Clause 12.0
of ITB

(b) on his own modifies his bid during the period of bid validity; or

(c) If the Information/ documents forming basis of evaluation submitted by the bidder
in the bid is found to be false/ forged in accordance with relevant provisions
provided in Bidding Document.

(d) if the successful bidder fails to:

(i) furnish a Contract performance Bank Guarantee or Security Deposit and

Retention Money in accordance with clause no. 4 of General Terms &
Conditions of Work Contract.
(ii) to accept arithmetical corrections pursuant to Clause 32.0 of ITB.

(e) any other provision specifically mentioned in the Bidding Document

18.10 In case of a unincorporated JV/Consortium bid, the Bid Security shall be submitted by
the “Prime Member” of the Consortium on behalf of consortium in original form and, in
the amount and currency specified in the BDS.
In case of bid from Indian arm of foreign company, the Bid Security shall be submitted
by the Indian arm of foreign company in original form and, in the amount and currency
specified in the BDS and currency shall be Indian Rupees.
In case of a incorporated JV/Consortium bid, the Bid Security shall be submitted by
the incorporated JV/ Consortium in original form and, in the amount and currency

specified in the BDS.


19.1 The e-bid shall be digitally signed (e-signed) using the digital signature of a person
duly authorised to sign on behalf of the bidder. The digital signature used for signing
the bid shall be issued in the name of such authorised person and the certificate
details, available from the signed documents, should indicate the details of the
signatories. All documents/files of the bid shall be signed by using the digital signature
issued in the name of the person having valid Power of Attorney (POA) at the time of
bid submission. Any consequences resulting due to such signing (e-signing) shall be
binding on the bidder.
19.2 In case of a JV/Consortium bid (If permitted in the bidding document), the Bid shall be
digitally signed (e-signed) using the digital signature of a authorized representative of
the JV /Consortium, and so as to be legally binding on all the members as evidenced
by a power of attorney signed by their legally authorized representatives.



20.1 The bidder shall submit the, original Bid Security and Power of Attorney requested in
“Original”, as per the requirement of clause no. 10.1 of ITB, , in separate sealed
envelopes, to be submitted in the tender box provided at following address on or before
Bid due date and time.

20.2 The sealed envelope containing above documents shall be super scribed with Tender
no , Due date and name of the Job. The envelope shall bear the name and address of
the bidder and bear a warning not to open before the time and date for bid opening.

20.3 If all envelopes are not sealed and marked as required, HPCL will assume no
responsibility for the misplacement or premature opening of same.

20.4 Bidders shall submit bids (Part-I & Part-II) electronically and shall follow the e tender
instructions enclosed in Bidding Document.


21.1 Bidders shall submit their bids electronically in the e-tendering portal, within the due
date and time notified online on HPCL e portal.

21.2 Bid Security in accordance with ITB 18.0, in original, must be received by HPCL at the
address and no later than the due date and time for submission of Bids notified online
on HPCL e portal.

21.3 HPCL/CONSULTANT may, at its discretion, extend the deadline for the submission of
bids by amending the Bidding Documents in accordance with Clause 6.0 of ITB, in
which case all rights and obligations of HPCL/CONSULTANT and bidders previously
subject to the deadline shall thereafter be subject to the deadline as extended.


22.1 E-tendering system shall close immediately after the deadline for submission of bid.
Any bids being submitted in physical form or any other form shall not be considered
for opening / evaluation / award and will be returned to such bidders.

22.2 In the event the Bid Security in original, in accordance with ITB 21.2, are not submitted
within the deadline for submission of bids, the bids shall be declared late and shall not
be considered for opening, notwithstanding the fact that the bid has been submitted in
electronic form within the deadline. However, in case of exemption from submitting Bid
Security under MSE as per ITB 18.2, then bidder shall submit the copy of documentary
evidence as per ITB 18.3.


23.1 The bidder may modify, re-submit or withdraw its e-bid after the bid submission, but,
before the due date and time for submission of Bid following the electronic bid
submission procedures.

23.2 No bid shall be withdrawn, substituted, or modified in the interval between the deadline
for submission of bids and the expiration of the period of bid validity or any extension
thereof. Withdrawal of a bid during this interval shall result in the forfeiture of Bidder’s
EMD/Bid security and further action as per corporation (OWNER) policy.
23.3 Bidder(s) to note that unsolicited price changes (including changes in taxes, duties
mentioned & their applicability) after submission of bid shall not be allowed. In case any
bidder gives unsolicited revised prices/price implication, his bid shall be rejected and
EMD/ Bid security submitted by the bidder shall be forfeited. If a bidder offers a rebate
unilaterally after the closing date and time of the bid, it will not be taken into account for
evaluating purposes, but if that bidder emerges as the lowest evaluated, the rebate
offered will be taken into account and shall be binding on the bidder for award of work
23.4 No new deviation will be received/ accepted from bidder after bid due date & time. In
case bidder submits new deviation, his bid will be rejected. At the sole discretion of the
owner bidder may be given opportunity to withdraw the deviation and in case the same
is not withdrawn by the bidder, the offer of the bidder shall be rejected.

24.1 HPCL/CONSULTANT shall verify the availability of requisite BID SECURITY, in original,
prior to opening of Part-I of e-Bid. Techno-commercial e-Bid of those bidders shall be
considered for opening, who have already submitted the requisite Bid Security, in
accordance with ITB 18.0 , in original, prior to due date and time for submission of Bids.

24.2 Except in the cases specified in ITB 22.2, HPCL/CONSULTANT shall open Part-I of all
bids received in the e-tendering portal.

24.3 The order of part wise opening of bids shall be as follows;

i. On scheduled date and time of UNPRICED bid opening,

a) Original Bid Security & other original documents submitted in physical form
shall be opened first and verified that whether Bid Security has been
furnished as per bid requirement.

b) Up on meeting the requirement of Bid Security as per Clause 18.1 of ITB,

Opening of documents of part –I, submitted in electronic form shall be
processed on the e-Procurement module of the e-tendering portal.

c) If a bidder has not complied with Bid Security requirement b) above, such
bidder’s offer (Part-I) is not proceeded for further opening and rejected out

ii. Part-II of bid of only those bidders whose bids is determined to be technically and
commercially acceptable by HPCL/CONSULTANT shall be opened. Bidders
selected for opening of their priced bids shall be informed about the date, time and
place of price bid opening.



25.1 A bidder may seek clarification regarding the bidding document provisions, bidding
process and / or rejection of his bid. CONSULTANT shall respond to such requests
within a reasonable time. However, such information relating to the evaluation of bids
and recommendation of contract award shall not be disclosed to any other persons not
officially concerned with the bidding process.

25.2 Any attempt by a bidder to influence HPCL/CONSULTANT in the evaluation of the bids
or Contract award decisions shall render their Bid liable for rejection.

25.3 Notwithstanding Clause 25.2 of ITB, from the time of bid opening to the time of Contract
award, if a bidder wishes to contact HPCL/CONSULTANT on any matter related to the
bidding process, it shall done so in writing only.


26.1 During the evaluation of bids, the following definitions apply:

(a) “Deviation” is a departure from the requirements specified in the Bidding


(b) “Omission” is the failure to submit part or all of the information or documentation
required in the Bidding Documents.


27.1 CONSULTANT’s determination of a bid’s responsiveness is to be based on the contents

of the bid itself, as defined in Clause 10.0 of ITB.

27.2 Prior to the evaluation and comparison of the bid, the Owner/Consultant will determine
the substantial responsiveness of each bid to the bidding documents. For the purpose
of this Article, a substantially responsive bid is one, which conforms to all the terms and
conditions of the bidding document without material deviations or reservations or
omission. The Owner’s/Consultant’s determination of bid responsiveness is to be based
on the contents of the bid itself without recourse to the extrinsic evidence. A material
deviation, reservation, or omission is one that,

(a) if accepted, would:

(i) affect in any substantial way the scope, quality, or performance of the Works
specified in the Contract; or

(ii) limit in any substantial way, inconsistent with the Bidding Documents,
CONSULTANT’s rights or the bidder’s obligations under the proposed Contract;

(iii) would unfairly affect the competitive position of other bidders presenting
substantially responsive bids.

27.3 Owner/ Consultant expect Bidder’s compliance to requirement of Bidding Document

without any deviation and submit substantially responsive bid. In case deviations to
tender terms/conditions are unavoidable, the same should be mentioned in ONLINE
DEVIATION SHEET. Deviations mentioned elsewhere shall not be considered by

27.4 Rejection Criteria

Bidder shall not be provided any opportunity for deviation on Bid Security (EMD), Tender
Fee if applicable & Mention rates anywhere else in the tender other than on-line Price
Bid. For balance clauses mentioned below, HPCL/CONSULTANT reserve the right to
provide opportunity to withdraw their deviations / stipulations. In case bidder fails to
withdraw the deviation within the final cut off date & time specified by the
HPCL/CONSULTANT, the bid shall be rejected:

a. Bid Security (EMD)

b. Tender Fee (If Applicable)
c. Mention rates anywhere else in the tender other than on-line price bid
d. Security Deposit & Retention Money or Contract Performance Bank Guarantee
e. Period of validity of bids shorter than specified
f. Force Majeure
g. Defect Liability Period
h. Firm Prices
i. Workability clause
j. Completion Period / Time Schedule
k. Unsolicited price change/implication (including revision in taxes / duties & their
applicability) after bid submission due date / extended due date.
l. Integrity Pact
m. Non submission of declaration of not banning/holiday listing/delisting from
Government of India /Ministries of Govt. of India / PSU
n. Non-Conformance of Scope of Work /Technical Specifications
o. Non submission of self-certification as per format enclosed with the policy
(towards Policy for providing Preference to Domestically Manufactured Iron &
Steel Products in Government Procurement)
p. Fails to get the submitted documents verified within the time period / extended
time period provided by HPCL/EPMC.
q. Vendors / contractors with negative net worth as of 31.03.2019 will not be
considered barring PSUs approved by PMC and / or HPCL

Bidder’s Net worth as per their audited annual financial results in the financial
year ending 31st March 2019 shall be positive. Bidders with negative net worth

will not be considered barring PSUs approved by HPCL.

27.5 Bids that do not meet the Bidder Qualification Criteria as specified in the bid document
shall be rejected.

27.6 A bid with incomplete scope of work and/or which does not meet the technical
requirements as specified in the bid document shall be considered as non-responsive
and rejected.

27.7 In case bidder is on the holiday list/Banned/Blacklisted/Delisted by any Government or

quasi Government agency or PSU, his offer may be rejected at the sole discretion of
Notwithstanding the above, a bidder who is on Holiday/ Negative/Suspension / Banning
list of HPCL/CONSULTANT on due date of submission of bid / during the process of
evaluation of the bids, the offers of such bidders shall not be considered for bid
opening/evaluation/award. Further, in case of a consortium, if any of the member(s) of
consortium is on Holiday/ Negative /Suspension / Banning list of HPCL/CONSULTANT
on due date of submission of bid / during the process of evaluation of the bids, the offers
of such consortium shall not be considered for bid opening/evaluation/Award.

27.8 Bidder should not be under liquidation, court receivership or similar proceedings. Bidder
shall submit self certificate in this regard.
Bidder who is found to be under court receivership or similar proceeding as per above
declaration, then their offer shall not be considered for further evaluation.

27.9 In case, bidder is evaluated L1 bidder and has mentioned deviation to tender terms not
in online deviation sheet, but elsewhere and is not withdrawing those deviations,
Owner/Consultant shall reject his bid and forfeit the EMD/Bid security of the bidder in
such cases.


28.1 Bidders should ensure that the Bid submitted is substantially responsive Bid in the first
instance itself. Evaluation may be completed based on the content of the Bid itself
without seeking any subsequent additional information which may result in rejection of
Bid. However, HPCL/CONSULTANT may, at its discretion, may request bidder to submit
the necessary information or documentation, within a reasonable period of time, to
withdraw material deviation, reservation, or rectify omission in the bid related to
documentation requirements. Requesting information or documentation on such
account shall not be related to any aspect of the price of the Bid. HPCL/CONSULTANT’s
request for clarification and the response shall be in writing.

28.2 No change, including any voluntary increase or decrease, in the prices or substance of
the bid shall be sought, offered, or permitted. Bidder shall not be allowed to submit any
price implication or revised price after submission of Bid unless the same is called for
by HPCL/CONSULTANT in writing. The Owner/Consultant reserves the right to seek
cost implication/revised rates from all the vendors in case of a revision in technical
specification/scope of job.

28.3 Any clarification submitted by a bidder that is not in response to a request by

HPCL/CONSULTANT shall not be considered. Failure of the bidder to comply with the
request may result in the rejection of its Bid.

28.4 If a bidder does not provide clarifications of its bid by the date and time set in
HPCL/CONSULTANT’s request for clarification, its bid shall be evaluated with available
information which may result in rejection of their bid.


29.1 Prior to price opening of bids, HPCL/CONSULTANT will determine whether each bid is
accompanied with required Bid Security, Integrity pact, as applicable;

(i) Fulfils the technical, financial, experience and other requirements as specified
in the Bidding Document;

(ii) Bid’s responsiveness, in accordance with Clause 27.0 of ITB;

(iii) Any other relevant factor, if any that HPCL/CONSULTANT deems necessary or
prudent to be taken into consideration.

29.2 Ministry of Steel, Govt. of India, vide their notification “The Gazette of India,
Extraordinary Part II no. 357 dated 09.05.2017”, notified the “Policy for providing
Preference to Domestically Manufactured Iron & Steel Products in Government
Procurement” (copy enclosed as Annexure):
i) Under the policy, sourcing of the Iron & Steel Products (covered under column ‘a’ of
Appendix – A of the policy) for the execution of work shall be subject to minimum value
addition as stipulated in the Appendix. Value addition shall be determined by formula
specified in clause 7.2 of the policy.
ii) In case of detection of mis-declaration by the bidder of the prescribed domestic value
addition, in the tender document, at any stage before or after award, the following
actions shall be taken by the procuring company:
a. Forfeiture of EMD/CPBG depending upon the stage of detection.
b. Banning of business dealings in line with policy.
iii)In case of any complaint or doubt regarding the domestic value addition furnished by a
bidder in his bid, CONSULTANT shall reserve the right to verify the domestic value
addition. The bidder shall provide unhindered access to his relevant records in this
regard, to the authorized representatives of CONSULTANT. In case of such verification,
if the bidder’s claim is found to be incorrect, in addition to the actions stipulated in 1.3
above, the bidder shall pay Rs. 10 Lakh to CONSULTANT as the lumpsum cost of
iv) Bidder shall furnish self-certification as per format enclosed with the policy else
bid of such bidder shall be rejected. - Deleted

29.3 CONSULTANT reserves the right to use in-house information for assessment of
capability of bidder and their performance on jobs completed/ in progress for evaluation


30.1 Preference, if applicable to MSEs.

30.2 void


31.1 Priced Bid (Part-II) of only those bidders whose bids is determined to be technically and
commercially acceptable by HPCL/CONSULTANT shall be opened. Bidders selected
for opening of their priced bids shall be informed about the date and time of price bid
opening/reverse auction. In tenders involving multiple schedules/parts, order of
precedence/sequence for price bid opening/reverse auction, wherever defined in tender
document, shall be followed.


32.1 HPCL/CONSULTANT shall correct arithmetical errors on the following basis in case of
manual tenders:

(i) The prices quoted by bidders shall be checked for arithmetic correction, if any, based
on rate and amount filled by the bidder in the SOR/price schedule formats. If some
discrepancies are found between the rate / amount given in figures/words, the total
amount shall be corrected as per the following procedure, which shall be binding
upon the bidder:

a) When the rate quoted by bidder “in figures” and “words” tallies but the total
amount is incorrect, the rate quoted by the bidder shall be taken as correct
and the total amount shall be reworked.
b) When there is difference between the rate “in figures” and in “words”, the rate
that corresponds to the total amount, shall be taken as correct..
c) When it is not possible to ascertain the correct rate as detailed above, the rate
quoted for the item in words shall be adopted and total amount shall be
(ii) Where bids are invited on + or – percentage over the estimated contract price and
there is a discrepancy in total amount quoted in summary of prices and the amount
arrived at after calculating the percentage increase/ decrease quoted by the bidder
over estimate , then the total amount shall be corrected based on the estimated
contract amount and the quoted percentage.

32.2 Bidders shall be requested to accept correction of arithmetical errors. Failure to accept
the correction in accordance with Clause 32.1 of ITB, shall result in the rejection of the
Bid and Bid Security shall be forfeited.


33.1 Wherever BDS permits bidder to quote prices in more than one currency, for evaluation
and comparison purposes, the currency(ies) of the Bid shall be converted into a single
currency, and that will be Indian Rupees only at the Bill selling exchange rate published
by the State Bank of India, on the date of un-priced bid opening. In case, exchange rate
is not available in State Bank of India, alternative sources viz. Economics Times shall
be considered for all the currencies.


34.1 The Owner/Consultant will examine the bids to determine whether they are complete,
whether any computational errors have been made, whether the documents have been
properly digitally signed and whether the bids are generally in order.

34.2 The bids without requisite Bid Security and/or not in the prescribed proforma will not
be considered and bids of such Bidder(s) shall be rejected at the sole discretion of

34.3 Qualification of Bidder: The experience details and financial, technical & production
capabilities of the Bidder(s) shall be examined to determine whether the Bidder(s) meet
the Qualification Criteria mentioned in the INVITATION FOR BIDS (IFB). Bids that do
not meet the qualification criteria mentioned in IFB shall be rejected.
Bidder may quote for one or more Schedules, but his offer shall be considered in
accordance with Bidder Qualification Criteria.
34.4 Price bid evaluation of techno-commercially qualified bidders (as detailed under notes
for clause No 3.1 and 3.2 of Bid qualification criteria) shall be carried out schedule-

34.5 After tender submission due date & time/ extended due date & time (as the case may
be) the bidders shall not make any subsequent price changes/Changes on taxes
quoted, whether resulting or arising out of any technical / commercial clarifications
sought/allowed on any deviations or exceptions mentioned in the bid unless discussed
and agreed by Owner/Consultant in writing. In case a bidder submits the bid without
confirmation/compliance/acceptance to corrigendum’s (issued before bid submission
due date/extended due date), bidder shall not be allowed to change the bid price /rates
on account of compliance /acceptance/confirmation to such corrigendum.
34.6 To assist in the examination, evaluation and comparison of unpriced bids, the
Owner/Owner’s Consultant may, at its discretion, ask the Bidder clarifications on the
bid. The request for such clarifications and the response thereto shall be in writing and
shall be binding on the bidder.

34.7 Bidder(s) to note that Price changes against Technical/Commercial clarification, if any,
in line with terms & conditions of enquiry documents are not allowed. In case, any
bidder gives revised prices/price implications (including revision in taxes /duties & their
applicability) against such clarification, it would amount to unsolicited post bid
modification by the bidder and action shall be taken by the owner as per clause
“MODIFICATION AND WITHDRAWAL OF BIDS” mentioned above. However, the
Owner/Consultant reserves the right to seek cost implication/revised rates from all the
vendors in case of a revision in technical specification/scope of job.

34.8 Prior to the evaluation and comparison of the bid, the Owner/ Owner’s Consultant will
determine the substantial responsiveness of each bid to the bidding documents. For
the purpose of this Article, a substantially responsive bid is one, which conforms to all
the terms and conditions of the bidding document without material deviations or
reservations. The Owner’s/Consultant’s determination of a bid’s responsiveness is to
be based on the contents of the bid itself without recourse to the extrinsic evidence.
A bid determined as substantially non-responsive will be rejected by the
Owner/Consultant and shall not subsequently be allowed by the Owner/Consultant to
be made responsive by the Bidder by correction of the non-conformity.
34.9 Bidders are requested to accept tender terms/conditions in totality and should avoid

34.10 In case deviations to tender terms/conditions are unavoidable, the same should be
mentioned in ONLINE DEVIATION SHEET. Deviations mentioned elsewhere shall not
be considered by Owner/Consultant.

34.11 In Case, bidder is evaluated L1 bidder and has mentioned deviation to tender terms
not in online deviation sheet, but elsewhere and is not withdrawing those deviations,
Owner/Consultant shall reject his bid and forfeit the EMD/Bid security of the bidder in
such cases.

34.12 No set off (including set off on account of taxes/duties) shall be considered in
evaluation for deciding L1 bidder.

34.13 In case any deviation sought by bidder is accepted by Owner, Owner reserves the right
to suitably load the bidder for evaluation purpose only.

34.14 Evaluation shall be carried out based on price quoted by bidder including stated taxes
& duties as on date of opening of unpriced bid. For import content also, if any, no
exchange rate variation / Customs duty variation shall be considered during evaluation.

34.15 Bidder must quote the entire cell against each quoted line item. If no prices (free
of cost) are envisaged for any of the entries, ‘0’ shall be mentioned. In this
context “0’ mentioned against any item shall construe that the Bidder shall not
charge any amount separately for that item from the Owner and shall execute
the job as per the scope, terms and conditions of the tender. If bidder quotes any
Statutory Taxes and duties at a rate different from the present/ statutory rate, then the
taxes and duties as quoted by the bidder shall be considered for evaluation; however
payment shall be made as per the taxes & duties quoted by the bidder or payable as
per statutes, whichever is less.

34.16 Evaluation will be done on delivered cost basis inclusive of all taxes as under:
a) Registered Bidders: The tax liability will be borne by the bidder and the same
shall be considered for the purpose of evaluating the bid.
b) Unregistered Bidders: The tax liability will be borne by HPCL under reverse
charge and the same shall be loaded for the purpose of evaluating the bid.
c) Bidders under composition scheme: The rate is considered to be inclusive of
all taxes and no separate tax shall be billed to HPCL and the bid shall be
accordingly evaluated.
For this purpose Bidder should give status whether Registered, Unregistered
or Composition Scheme.
In case of different rates of GST quoted by the Bidders, Corporation reserves
the right to query on the same and adopt the correct classification and GST
rate. The decision of Corporation in this regard will be final and binding on the
For imported items (if applicable), all relevant costs/taxes (as mentioned
elsewhere in the tender documents) will be included for the purpose of

Bidder to quote items / services in line to the prevailing GST rates as per Government
of India various notifications, as applicable.

34.18 Non acceptance of commercial terms and conditions may result in rejection of bidder
offer, or suitable commercial loading e.g. for non-acceptance of Liquidated Damages
/ Price Reduction Clause, loading @ as defined for LD/ PRS shall be imposed.
Deviations on payment terms shall be loaded with interest rate of SBI's Prime lending

rate (PLR) + 1% prevailing on tender submission due date/extended due
date(whichever is later).

34.19 Commercial Loading for deviations to Payment Terms :-

Any differential payment terms offered by a supplier as against the terms specified in
the Tender document shall be loaded at SBI’s PLR +1 % per annum for the differential
time period.
Advance along with LOA/ PO, Payment through bank and L/C to bidders will not be
unless specifically permitted in the Tender Document. If a supplier insists for same, his
offer shall be rejected.
Any deviation to milestone payment of supply to be paid against completion of site
work is not acceptable. In case supplier insists, the offer shall be rejected.



35.1 HPCL/CONSULTANT reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the bids at his
discretion and may annul the Bidding process, without thereby incurring any liability to



The entire work as per scope of work covered under this Order shall be awarded
on (Schedule-wise Lowest –L1) on the single point responsibility basis.

36.1 Subject to Clause 35.1 of ITB, the HPCL/CONSULTANT shall award the Contract to the
bidder who has been determined to be the lowest evaluated bid. However, if in the
opinion of HPCL, the total price or certain item rates quoted by the lowest evaluated
bidder are considered high, HPCL may invite such bidder for price negotiation. Lowest
quoted bidder shall attend such negotiation meetings and if requested by HPCL, Bidder
shall provide the analysis of rates/break-up of amount quoted by him for any or all items
of Schedule of Rates/ Prices to demonstrate the reasonability. As a result of negotiation,
bidder may offer rebate on his earlier quoted Price.

In tenders involving multiple schedules/parts, wherever order of precedence/sequence

for price bid opening/reverse auction is defined in tender document, shall be applicable
in case of Bidders who qualify for lesser number of parts than quoted number of parts.

36.2 In case Indian arm of foreign Company happens to be successful bidder, then the P.O.
shall be placed in the name of Indian Arm of Foreign Company and payment shall be
made in INR to Indian arm of foreign Company.

Purchase Preference Linked with Local Content (PP-LC): Ministry of Petroleum &
Natural Gas vide No. O-27011/44/2015-ONG-II/FP dated 25.04.2017 has issued a
Policy to provide Purchase Preference linked with local content (partially modified
through MoPNG circular FP-20013/2/2017-FP-PNG dtd 31/12/2018 attached with this
tender along with PPLC policy). This policy to provide Purchase Preference linked with
local content, i.e., PP-LC, in public sector undertakings under Ministry of Petroleum &

Natural Gas shall be applicable for this tender.
Bidder to note that benefits, as applicable under PP-LC policy shall be given only if
bidder is complying with PP-LC policy and submit the desired documents irrespective
of whether bidder is Indian bidder or Foreign bidder.
Details of policy with modifications along with methodology of evaluation are attached
as annexure to this ITB.

36.3 Workability Clause

Where the lowest bid is very low compared to the cost estimate and other higher bids,
the Owner shall review the lowest offered bid for workability of rates and shall ascertain
whether Bidder has properly quoted with reference to the scope. In such cases, Owner
may require the lowest Bidder to produce detailed price analysis for any or all items to
demonstrate the internal consistency of these prices. After evaluation of the price
analysis, Owner may require that the amount of the performance security is increased
to a level sufficient to protect the Owner against financial loss in the event of default of
the successful Bidder under the order and same shall be provided by the bidder.

Where based on workability assessment by authority (Owner/Consultant), the vendor's

bid is found non-workable, the same will be rejected and EMD, if any, forfeited.

36.4 In case of a bid by incorporated JV and such JV happens to be a successful bidder, the
purchase order shall be placed in the name of incorporated JV and payment shall be
made in the name of incorporated JV.

36.5 In case of a bid submitted by unincorporated JV/consortium and such unincorporated

JV happens to be successful bidder, the purchase order shall be placed in the name of
unincorporated JV and the payment shall be released in the name of unincorporated JV.


37.1 Prior to the expiration of the period of bid validity, the HPCL shall notify the successful
bidder, in writing, that its bid has been accepted. The notification letter (hereinafter and
in the General Terms & Conditions of Work Contract called the “Letter of Intent (LOI)/
Letter of Acceptance (LOA)” specify the sum that the HPCL will pay the Contractor in
consideration of the execution and completion of the Works.

37.2 Until a formal Purchase Order is placed, the notification of award along with this Bidding
Document together with the annexed documents, modifications, deletions agreed upon
by the HPCL shall constitute a binding contract between the successful bidder and the

38.0 VOID

38.1 Void


39.1 Within thirty (30) days of the receipt of notification of award from HPCL, the successful
bidder shall comply with the requirement of Security Deposit/Contract Performance
Bank Guarantee as per General Terms & Conditions of Work Contracts.

39.2 Failure of the successful bidder to submit the above-mentioned Security

Deposit/Contract Performance Bank Guarantee shall constitute sufficient grounds for
the annulment of the award and forfeiture of the bid security at the sole discretion of

1. ITB 1.1 Bidding Document REFERENCE No. 19000472-HD-10120 / 19000473-
HD-10120 / 19000474-HD-10120 / 19000475-HD-10120 & 19000476-
2. ITB 1.1 Name of Works : Laying of Pipe Lines & Associated Works for Hassan
Chrlapalli LPG Pipeline (HCPL) Project
3. ITB 3.1& 3.3 Enquiry Basis is: Domestic Public Competitive Bidding
4. ITB 5.2 Last date for submission of pre-bid queries has been notified in HPCL,’s
e-tender portal.
The pre-bid meeting shall be held as per details in NIT, Chapter 1
5. ITB 5.2 Address for communication for any query/clarification/communication is:
Online through HPCL’s e-Proc System
6. ITB 10, The last Date and time of submission of Bids has been notified in
21.1 & 21.2 HPCL,’s e-tender portal.
7. ITB 3.2, 10.1 For acceptability of Consortium / unincorporated Joint Venture (JV) Bids:
d) Refer Notice Inviting Tender.
& 18.9
8. ITB10.1 (k) The Bidder shall submit with his bid the following additional documents:
9. ITB 20.4, 21.1 URL for e-tendering portal is

10. ITB 14.1 & The currency of Bid is Indian Rupees only.
ITB 33.0
11. ITB 17.0 Bid shall remain valid for a minimum period of 120 days from due date
of submission of Bid.
12. ITB 18.1 As per detailed notice inviting tender.
13. ITB 30.0 This tender being works contract, Purchase Preference as admissible
under the prevailing procurement policy for MSEs is not applicable to
this tender.





Dear Sir

We, M/s____________ (Name of Bidder) hereby confirm that following purchase

preference to be considered:-

Description Preference

Purchase Preference (linked with local content)


Purchase Preference under Public

Procurement Policy for MSE

(i) Please indicate your preference against only one policy.
(ii) The above preference shall be extended only after submission of requisite
documents (as mentioned in the tender documents).
(iii) In case a bidder is eligible to seek benefit under PP-LC policy as well as PPP for
MSE 2012, then the bidder should categorically seek benefits against only one of the
two policies i.e. either PP-LC and MSE policy.
(iv) In case a MSEs bidder opts for purchase preference based on PP-LC, he shall not
be entitled to claim purchase preference benefit available to MSE Bidders under PPP
for MSE 2012. However, the exemptions from furnishing Bidding Document fee and
Bid security/EMD shall continue to be available to MSE Bidders
(v) The option once exercised cannot be modified subsequently.

Place: [Signature of Authorized Signatory of Bidder]

Date: Name:

1.0 This is only a e-Tender Enquiry and not an order. HPCL reserves the right to cancel it at
any stage without assigning a reason.
2.0 Void
3.0 The tender should be submitted online at website only, by the due
date and time, as specified in the tender. Late / delayed tenders submitted on line after the
due date and time, for whatsoever reasons will not be considered. The Server Date & Time
as appearing on the HPCL website ( shall only be considered for
the cut-off date and time for receipt of tenders. Offers sent through post, telegram, fax,
telex, e-mail, courier will not be considered.
4.0 All communication regarding the tender including queries, if any, and submission of offers
shall be done online within the e-Procurement system at website
5.0 Two Bid System Bidders are required to submit offer in Two parts, namely “Unpriced
(Technical Bid)” & “Priced (Priced Bid)”. The Bidder may modify or withdraw his online bid
after the bid’s submission on line but prior to the bid due date & time.
6.0 Void
7.0 Bidders shall be required to arrange all resources, including Digital Certificate and
Internet Connections at their own cost, for participating in online tenders at HPCL e
Procurement site For submitting on line response Digital
Certificate / Signatures (Class II/ Class III) shall be mandatory. In case, you are logging in
for the first time please ensure to upload your Digital certificate. The process for same is
listed in the Help link after logging in.
TENDER (in case, you do not have EIGHT DIGIT JDE (HPCL) VENDOR CODE , Please
contact E proc helpdesk at: 022-42100111 on any day between 10.00 AM to 6.00 PM
except on Sundays/Public holidays). Alternatively for public tenders vendor can
create temporary login on his own. In case vendor login is not enabled with above
help, vendor may contact at 022 – 41146666/61548595 In case of any difficulty in
logging or in case you do not have the BTS password, please contact (E proc helpdesk
at: 022-42100111 on any day between 10.00AM to 6.00PM except on Sundays /Public
holidays.) Please refer to help link after logging in, in case you are new to e-Tender.
9.0 HPCL shall not be responsible for any delays reasons whatsoever in receiving as well as
submitting offers, including connectivity issues. HPCL shall not be responsible for any postal
or other delays in submitting EMD / tender cost wherever applicable.
10.0 HPCL will not be responsible for the cost incurred in preparation and submission of bids
including the cost of digital certificate, regardless of the conduct of outcome of the biding
11.0 Void
12.0 Bidders are requested to quote unit rates (per unit quantity) in the on-line price bid
13.0 Please do not quote / mention rates anywhere else in the tender other than online price
bid. In case bidders quote rates at any other place (other than online price bid), THE
14.0 Bidders should only quote unit basic rate in the online priced bid format. However, all
taxes and duties as applicable for the tender shall be quoted in the tax section online
by the bidders. In case bidders do not quote any tax component/charges or mention
the same as “0”, in online Tax sheet/section, it will be considered that all the taxes/charges
are included in rates quoted by the bidder and the same shall be binding to the bidder.
15.0 Request for extension of tender submission due date, if any, shall be considered at the sole
discretion of HPCL however, request for extension received within two (2) days for limited
tenders / three (3) days for public tender of tender submission due date
/time shall not be considered.
16.0 The HPCL may, at its discretion, on giving reasonable notice online to extend the bid due
date, in which case all rights and obligations of the HPCL and the Bidders, previously subject
to the bid due date, shall thereafter be subject to the new bid due date as extended.
17.0 Please note that queries related to scope of job, tender specifications, terms &
conditions etc should be submitted on –line only (by logging in at by the query end date / time specified in the online
tender . The reply of queries sent by bidders/ messages issued by HPCL pertaining to
tender shall be available on tender message board. HPCL, at its sole discretion, may
not entertain the queries sent by post / fax/ e-mail or through any other mode of
18.0 BID CLARIFICATIONS/AMENDMENTS BY HPCL: HPCL may issue clarifications /
amendments in the form of online addendum / corrigendum and on Message Board
at during the bidding period and may also issue amendments
subsequent to receiving the bids. Bidders shall consider the
addendum/corrigendum/Messages on Message Board while quoting for the tender.
Bidders shall examine the Bidding Document thoroughly and submit to HPCL / HPCL any
apparent conflict, discrepancy or error. HPCL / HPCL shall issue appropriate clarifications
or amendments, if required. Any failure by Bidder to comply with the aforesaid shall not
excuse the Bidder from performing the Services in accordance with the contract if
subsequently awarded.
19.0 Void
20.0 Void
21.0 In case any deviation sought by bidder is accepted by HPCL, HPCL reserves the right to
suitably load the bidder for evaluation purpose only.

1.0 Bidders are requested to accept tender terms/conditions in totality and should avoid
2.0 In case deviations to tender terms/conditions are unavoidable, the same should be
mentioned in ONLINE DEVIATION SHEET. Deviations mentioned elsewhere shall not be
considered by HPCL.
3.0 In case, bidder is evaluated L1 bidder and has mentioned deviation to tender terms not in
online deviation sheet , but elsewhere and is not withdrawing those deviations, HPCL may
forfeit the EMD (IF APPLICABLE) of the bidder in such cases.
4.0 No new deviation will be received/ accepted from bidder after bid due date. Incase
bidder submits new deviation, his bid will be rejected. At the sole discretion of the
HPCL bidder may be given opportunity to withdraw the deviation and in case the
same is not withdrawn by the bidder, the offer of the bidder shall be rejected &
EMD/ bid security (if applicable) submitted by the bidder shall be forfeited.
23.0 Void
24.0 Bidder submission file size limit is 40 MB. However, bidders must attempt
to submit bids only in non peak hours as there could be chances of packet
droppings in peak hour. Further, bidders must be educated on efficient
scanning techniques at lower dpi so that more no of pages can be scanned by
them within lesser file size limits. Lower file size would also mean, easier
submission of bid documents by the vendor.

25.0 Effective 29-01-2019, the generated Vendor bids shall contain only following three
components (excluding complete tender specification document):

• Tender Header Information (E.g. Tender No. / Tender Title / Publish Date / Due
Date etc.)
• Tender Line Information (E.g. Item No. / Description / Unit of Measure /
Quantity etc.)
• Vendors Uploaded Document (E.g. Credentials, Declarations, Deviation etc.)

This initiative will drastically reduce the size of the bid generated and submitted by vendors
(as the tender specs will not be repeated in the bid generated by vendor). It will greatly ease
the vendors in the process of generating bids (of smaller size) and will be easier to submit a
confirmation on having seen and understood the tender specification document as a part of
system generated bid document.

Chapter 3


(SCC) - Part A


1.0 PRELIMINARY ...................................................................................................................... 8

2.0 DEFINITIONS ....................................................................................................................... 9

3.0 SCOPE OF WORK, SUPPLY OF MATERIALS ............................................................... 10

4.0 BID PRICES ....................................................................................................................... 10

5.0 TAXES, DUTIES AND LEVIES ON MATERIALS /SERVICES: ......................................... 11

6.0 EXECUTION OF WORK ..................................................................................................... 15

7.0 PAYMENTS OF CONTRACTOR’S BILL ............................................................................ 17

8.0 CONFIDENTIALITY ............................................................................................................ 19

9.0 PATENTS, INFRINGEMENT & INDEMNITY:..................................................................... 20

10.0 CHANGE ORDERS: ........................................................................................................... 20

11.0 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA NOT LIABLE ............................................................................ 21

12.0 JURISDICTION ................................................................................................................... 22

13.0 ARBITRATION .................................................................................................................... 22

14.0 ISSUE OF OWNER SUPPLIED MATERIAL ...................................................................... 23

15.0 MOBILIZATION ADVANCE: ............................................................................................... 23

16.0 FRAUDULENT PRACTICES .............................................................................................. 24

17.0 GRIEVANCE REDRESSAL MECHANISM ......................................................................... 24


19.0 AUDITS OF CONTRACT .................................................................................................... 25

20.0 SUBSEQUENT LEGISLATION........................................................................................... 25

21.0 ROYALTY ........................................................................................................................... 25

22.0 BREACH OF CONTRACT .................................................................................................. 25

23.0 WITHHOLDING, ACCOUNTING AND TAX REQUIREMENTS ......................................... 26

24.0 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ............................................................................................. 26

25.0 BANK GUARANTEE FOR FREE ISSUE MATERIAL......................................................... 26

26.0 GOVT. ACTS/ REGULATIONS .......................................................................................... 27

27.0 INTEGRITY PACT .............................................................................................................. 27


1.1 Special Conditions of Contract (SCC) shall be read in conjunction with the General Conditions
of Contract Works (GTC-Works) also referred to as General Terms & Conditions of Works,
Schedule of Rates, specifications of work, drawings and any other document forming part of
this Contract wherever the context so requires.
1.2 Notwithstanding the sub-division of the document into these separate Chapter and volumes,
every part of each shall be deemed to be supplementary of every other part and shall be read
with and into the Contract so far as it may be practicable to do so.
1.3 Where any portion of the GTC-Works is repugnant to or at variance with any provisions of the
Special Conditions of Contract, then unless a different intention appears, the provision(s) of
the Special Conditions of Contract shall be deemed to override the provision(s) of GTC-Works
only to the extent that such repugnancies or variations in the Special Conditions of Contract
are not possible of being reconciled with the provisions of GTC-Works.
1.4 Wherever it is stated in this Bidding Document that such and such a supply is to be affected
or such and such a work is to be carried out, it shall be understood that the same shall be
affected and/or carried out by the CONTRACTOR at his own cost, unless a different intention
is specifically and expressly stated herein or otherwise explicit from the context. Contract Price
shall be deemed to have included such cost.
1.5 The materials, design & workmanship shall satisfy the applicable relevant International / Indian
Standards, the job specifications contained herein & codes referred to. Where the job
specifications stipulate requirements in addition to those contained in the standard codes and
specifications, these additional requirements shall also be satisfied. In the absence of any
Standard / Specifications / Codes of practice for detailed specifications covering any part of
the work covered in this bidding document, the instructions / directions of HPCL /Consultant
will be binding upon the CONTRACTOR.
1.6 In case of contradiction between relevant International / Indian standards, GTC-Works,
Special Conditions of Contract, Specifications, Drawings and Price Schedule / Schedule of
Rates, the following shall prevail in order of precedence.

a. Detailed Order along with Statement of Agreed Variations, if any, and its enclosures.
b. Price Schedule / Schedule of Rates with Quantities.
c. Letter of Award (LOA)/Letter of Intent (LOI)
d. Scope of Work/Supply/ Job / Particular Specifications (Tender specific)
e. Technical / Material Specifications
f. Drawings
g. Special Conditions of Contract (SCC)
h. Agreed Terms and Conditions(A.T.C.)
i. Instructions to Bidders (ITB) /Notice Inviting tender (N.I.T.)
j. General Terms and conditions(Works) (GTC- Works)
k. Relevant Indian / International Standards/ Specifications.
The provisions given above shall prevail over the order of precedence given in clause 1.7 of
General Terms & Conditions of Works Contract.
1.7 It will be CONTRACTOR’s responsibility to bring to the notice of Engineer-In-Charge any
irreconcilable conflict in the contract documents before starting the work (s) or making the
supply with reference to, which the conflict exists.
1.8 In the absence of any Specifications covering any material, design or work(s) the same shall
be performed/supplied/executed in accordance with standard engineering practice as per the
instructions/directions of the Engineer-In-Charge, which will be binding on the

i. The terms ‘Bidder’, ‘Contractor’, `Seller’, `Supplier’ or ‘Vendor’ stated anywhere in the Bidding
Document carry the same meaning.
ii. The terms `Client’, ‘Owner’, ‘Purchaser’ stated anywhere in the Bid Document refer to
Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL).
iii. The term `Consultant’ shall mean WorleyParsons India Pvt Ltd.
iv. The term ‘Contract’, ‘Order’ stated anywhere in the Bidding Document carry the same
v. Any reference to the Govt. Acts / Regulations etc. in the Bidding Document is only indicative,
and it is entirely for the Bidder to ascertain the applicable Acts/Regulations.
vi. except where the context requires otherwise, words indicating the singular also include the
plural and words indicating the plural also include the singular; and
vii. “day” means calendar day.
viii. The words “un-incorporated Joint Venture (JV)” and “Consortium” have the same meaning.
ix. “GST” shall mean Goods and Services Tax charged on the supply of material(s) and services.
The term “GST” shall be construed to include the Integrated Goods and Services Tax
(hereinafter referred to as “IGST”) or Central Goods and Services Tax (hereinafter referred to
as “CGST”) or State Goods and Services Tax (hereinafter referred to as “SGST”) or Union
Territory Goods and Services Tax (hereinafter referred to as “UTGST”) depending upon the
import / interstate or intrastate supplies, as the case may be. It shall also mean GST
compensation Cess, if applicable.
a. SERVICES/JOBS/WORKS CONTRACTS: The contract value would mean the total cost
inclusive of taxes, levies and all other costs at which the contract is awarded but
exclusive of value of items in OWNER's scope of supply. This contract value shall also
be used for calculation of price reduction and CPBG amount.

b. LUMPSUM/TURNKEY CONTRACTS: The contract value would mean the total cost and
all other costs inclusive of taxes, duties, levies, freight etc. This contract value shall also
be used for calculation of price reduction and CPBG amount.

The scope of work covered in this Contract will be as described in particular job specifications,
Technical specifications, Standard Specifications, Schedule of Rates etc. The scope of supply
covered in this Contract will be as described in Particular Job Specifications, Technical
Specifications, Standard Specifications, Schedule of Rates etc. It is however, explicitly
understood that scope described is not limiting, in so far as the responsibilities of the contractor
are concerned and shall include, inter alia, carrying out any and all works and providing any
and all facilities as are required to complete the works in all respect. The entire work as per
Scope of Work covered under this contract shall be treated as “Indivisible Works Contract”.
Materials to be supplied by the Owner on free issue basis, if any, under this Contract will be
as described in Particular Job Specifications. Clause no. 7.f of GTC-Works stands modified to
the extent of same.
The entire work as per Scope of Work covered under this contract shall be awarded on single
point responsibility basis.


4.1 Price must be furnished in the Price Schedule format available online in e-tender portal of
HPCL. Quoted prices must be net of discount, if any. Conditional discounts, if offered by a
bidder, shall not be considered for evaluation.
4.2 Unless otherwise agreed to in the terms of the Purchase Order, the price shall be firm and not
subject to escalation for any reason whatsoever till the execution of entire order, even though
it might be necessary for the order execution to take longer than the delivery period specified
in the order.
4.3 Price shall be exclusive of GST (CGST, SGST, IGST as applicable), Customs Duty and
applicable cess, which are leviable by law on sale of finished goods to Corporation. The nature
and extent of such levies shall be shown separately.
4.4 Quoted prices shall be inclusive of all testing and inspection requirements (including stage
wise and final inspection by Owner/ Owner’s Consultant for which no extra charges shall be
paid) as specified in the bid document. However, Personal and incidental expenses of
Owner’s / Owner’s Consultant’s inspectors and Third-Party Inspection Agency (TPIA) is
not in Bidder’s scope. TPIA appointment and its associated Charges for final
inspection will be borne by Consultant. However, it shall be contractor’s sole responsibility
to co-ordinate with all the stakeholders including vendors and expedite the equipment /
package delivery to meet the project schedule. The Contractor’s qualified QC engineer shall
be present for all the Inspection activities along with Consultant (TPIA) / Owner at sub-vendors
workshop / site.
On award of contract, the bidder / contractor shall submit the detailed Inspection
Categorization plan for all the packages / equipment’s in the tendered works for Consultant /
Owner’s approval.
In case the material gets rejected / does not fulfill acceptance criteria as per technical
requirements then it shall be sole responsibility of the contractor to carry out rectification or
arrange for replacement of part or full equipment / package as required, without any time and
cost implication to the Owner / Consultant. Also in such an event, bidder shall be responsible
for carrying out the re-inspections from Consultant appointed TPIA at their own cost.
4.5 Bidder’s quoted prices shall be firm & fixed till the completion of the works in all respects and
no escalation in prices on any other account shall be admissible to the contractor. The quoted
prices shall be deemed to include entire scope of work and all obligations and responsibilities
to be carried out/ executed by the Bidder as per terms of bid document.

4.6 Bidder to note and consider the following:

a) As per rule 138 of CGST rules, e-way bill is to be generated by a person who causes the
movement of goods. Effective from 1st Feb.2018, for all the supplies on FOR/FOT basis.

b) In case as per state laws the issuance of Road Permit/Waybill is to be arranged by the
buyer, HPCL will arrange to issue Road Permit/Waybill. In case of imposition of any Tax
the same shall be discharged by the buyer and the same will be adjusted against the
payments due to vendors against their bills.

4.6.1 Transportation Charges (as per Price Schedule) up to respective project site exclusive of
Goods and Service Tax. Transit Insurance to be arranged by Owner. In case, bidder dose
not quote for transportation charges, the bidder shall be required to absorb the same in their
quoted price. Non- compliance shall result in rejection of the bid.

4.6.2 Site work Prices, if applicable as per the scope of work mentioned in MR / IFB documents,
shall be exclusive of Prevailing GST. All necessary taxes & duties and registration, if required,
for carrying out the site activities shall be done by the bidder and cost towards the same shall
be included in quoted site work prices.

4.6.3 GST Tax, payable extra on Site Work Services, as applicable.

4.6.4 The entire work covered under this contract shall be treated as "Works Contract".


5.1 For Indian Bidders

5.1.1 GST (CGST, SGST, IGST as applicable), and applicable Cess shall be reimbursed for the
materials consigned to Corporation as per limits indicated in the offer against documentary
evidence to be furnished by the Supplier. Corporation shall pay only those taxes, duties and
levies as indicated by Supplier at the time of bid submission/as agreed subsequently (prior to
opening of priced bids). Taxes / Duties and/or Levies not indicated by supplier in Bid, but
payable, shall be to Supplier’s account. In case of any increase/decrease applicable in GST
(CGST, SGST, IGST as applicable) and applicable Cess indicated with reference to limits
mentioned in the offer / bid or new taxes / duties / levies imposed by the Indian Government
through Gazette notification after the date of submission of last Price bid but prior to
Contractual Delivery Date, the Corporation shall reimburse/adjust the increase/decrease in
taxes & duties on satisfactory supporting documents.
5.1.2 Supplier shall be responsible for availing all applicable concessions in taxes, duties, levies etc.
as per terms of Purchase Order. Any loss, direct or implied, accrued to Corporation on account
of supplier’s failure to avail concessions shall be borne by Supplier.

5.1.3 Bidder’s quoted prices shall be inclusive of all taxes, duties, cess, levies etc., paid or payable
on the raw material/components incorporated or to be incorporated in the offered finished
goods, packing and forwarding charges, but excluding applicable taxes and duties on finished
goods. Bidder shall furnish the present rate(s) GST payable on quoted finished goods. Owner shall make from Contractor's bills such tax deductions as are required as per rules
and regulations in force in respect thereof from time to time. The quoted price shall be inclusive of cess applicable as per Building & other Works
Contract Act, 1996

5.1.4 It is for the Bidder to assess and ascertain the rate of above taxes & duties applicable on
quoted items. It is clearly understood that Owner will not have any additional liability towards
payment of above taxes & duties which are based on Bidder’s wrong assessment /
interpretation of applicability of said taxes & duties. The bidder shall keep HPCL indemnified
from any demand from statutory/ local bodies on this account and any liability including
statutory liability arising in future shall be borne & paid by the bidder.

5.2 Custom Duty:

5.2.1 The Contract Price shall include the following duties i.e Custom Duties, Social Welfare
Surcharge, IGST for all materials and consumables envisaged to be imported for incorporation
in the permanent works. It shall be clearly understood by the Contractor that custom duty shall
neither be paid nor reimbursed by Employer/Consultant. Contractor shall be fully responsible
for port clearance including stevedoring, handling, unloading, loading, storage, inland
transportation and receipt of materials at site etc. and cost thereof shall be included in the
contract price. The contractor shall also be fully responsible for any delays, penalties,
demurrages, shortages and other charges and losses, if any, in this regard.

5.2.2 The CIF value of materials envisaged to be imported for the purpose of permanent
incorporation in the works shall be indicated separately in the Price Schedule. The custom
duty and other import duties payable on the CIF value of materials imported for the purpose
of permanent incorporation in the work shall be paid directly by the contractor and are included
in the contact price. However, the Employer/Consultant shall pay statutory variation in custom
duty (except cenvatable component), if any, after the date of submission of last price bid & up
to Contractual completion period but beyond the contractual completion period the statutory
variation shall be to contractor’s account.

5.3 Income Tax / Corporate Tax:

5.3.1 Income Tax deductions shall be made from all payments made to the Contractor as per the
rules and regulations in force in accordance with the Income Tax Act prevailing from time to
time. Any subsequent change of Income Tax Laws in India in future shall also be effected if
applicable during the currency of the Contract.
5.3.2 Corporate Tax Liability if any shall be to Contractor's account.
5.3.3 GST as may be applicable shall be deducted as per the trade tax act.
5.3.4 As regards Income Tax, Surcharge on Income Tax or any other Corporate Tax payable by the
Bidder for reason of the contract awarded, and / or on their expatriate personal, the Owner
shall not bear any Tax liability whatsoever, irrespective of the mode of construction of contract
/ order. The Bidder shall be liable and responsible for payment of such tax, if attracted under
the provision of Indian Income Tax Act.
5.3.5 Bidder may note that if any tax is deductible at source as per Indian Income Tax Law, the same
will be so deducted before releasing any payment to the Bidder and a TDS (Tax deducted at
source) certificate will be furnished to the Bidder. Accordingly, Bidder shall have the
responsibility to check and include such provision of taxes in the prices.
5.3.6 In case of delay in delivery due to reasons attributable to Bidder, any new or additional taxes
or duties levied by Statutory authorities during this period shall be borne by the Bidder.
5.3.7 The contractor shall provide accurate particulars of PAN number as required, under Section
206AA of Income Tax Act 1961. In case of non-residents not having Permanent Account
Number (PAN) the provisions of section 206AA shall not apply if the non-resident furnishes
the following information/ documents:
a. Name, e-mail id, contact number;
b. Address in the country of which the deductee is a resident
c. Tax Residency Certificate (TRC) from the Government of that country
d. Tax identification number / unique number of the deductee in the country of his
5.3.8 The contractors having their ‘tax residency status’ outside India shall provide Tax Residency
Certificate (TRC), issued by Government of the Country or the specified territory where the
Contractor is a Resident. Rule 21AB of the Income Tax Rules, 1962 has prescribed the
contents of a TRC. This would enable the Owner to deduct tax at source by duly considering
the ‘treaty relief’, if any, under Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (DTAA) entered into
between GOI and the respective country/specified.

5.4 Statutory Variations in taxes, duties & levies:

5.4.1 Change in Tax Law (as defined below), which results in increased cost of supply and services
under the Contract through increased liability of Taxes, the seller shall be covered for any such
increased cost by the Owner subject to the production of documentary proof to the satisfaction
of the Owner to the extent which is attributable to such change or amendment as mentioned
above within the Contractual Delivery Date. However, in case of delay in delivery beyond the
contractual delivery date, for reasons attributable to seller, any increase in taxes shall be borne
by seller. Any decrease in Taxes shall be passed on to the Owner.
5.4.2 Further variation in taxes and duties (both nature and quantum) shall be applicable only on
the taxes and duties indicated in the Price Bid. The statutory increase in taxes (in case where
quoted taxes are less than the taxes/ duties payable as per the statute) shall be payable only
to the extent of taxes quoted by the vendor plus statutory increase in the taxes.
5.4.3 The statutory variation in Customs duty, based on CIF value of import content indicated in bid,
within the contractual delivery period after bid due date and till Contractual delivery period shall
be to Owner's account against submission of the documentary evidence. However, any
increase in the rate of Customs duty beyond the contractual completion period shall be to
bidder's account. In case of wrong classification, no variation including statutory variation of
Customs Duty will be payable extra. Any decrease in the rate of Customs duty shall be passed
on to the Owner.
5.4.4 Since Goods and Services Tax (“GST”) is implemented, Bidders to provide GSTIN number,
HSN/SAC Code of the Material/Services being supplied and the applicable GST rates.
5.4.5 The Bidder accepts full and exclusive liability for the payment of any and all applicable taxes
(CGST, SGST, IGST, UTGST), levies and statutory payments payable under all or any of the
prevailing Central/State statues.
5.4.6 The Bidder shall comply with all the provisions of the GST Act / Rules / requirements like
providing of tax invoices, payment of taxes to the authorities within the due dates, filing of
returns within the due dates etc. to enable HPCL to take Input Tax Credit.
In case of imports, vendor shall provide import documents and invoice fulfilling the requirement
of Customs Act and Rules. Vendor will be fully responsible for complying with the Customs
provisions to enable HPCL to take Input Tax Credit.
In case, HPCL is not able to take Input Tax Credit due to any
noncompliance/default/negligence of the seller of goods / service provider, the same shall be
recovered from the pending bills/dues (including security deposit, BG etc.) of Bidder.
Bidder shall be responsible to indemnify the Corporation for any loss, direct or implied, accrued
to the Corporation on account of supplier/service provider failure to discharge his statutory
liabilities like paying taxes on time, filing appropriate returns within the prescribed time etc.
5.4.7 Every invoice of the vendor shall contain invoice number, date, GSTIN number and HSN/SAC
code (Harmonized system of Nomenclature/service accounting code) for the items being
supplied or services being provided along with tax rate.
5.4.8 The Vendor shall mention their registration status (Registered / Composition / Unregistered)
on the bill/invoice. In case there is change in the Registration status of the vendor during the
execution of the contract the same should be advised immediately. Due to change in the
Registration status from Composition to Registered vendor etc. Corporation will not be liable
for any additional tax payments.
5.4.9 Corporation will be liable to pay only those taxes and levies as indicated by Bidder at the time
of Price Bid submission/as agreed subsequently (prior to opening of priced bids).
5.4.10 Any tax, levies or any other form of statutory levies or cost as on closing date of the tender will
be treated as included in Priced bid. Taxes, Duties, and Levies not indicated by Bidder in the
unpriced Bid, but payable, shall be to Bidder’s account.
5.4.11 New taxes / change in tax rates / levies imposed by the Indian/State Governments through
Gazette notification after the date of submission of last Price Bid but prior to Contractual
Delivery Date, the Corporation shall reimburse/ adjust the increase/ decrease in taxes on
satisfactory supporting documents being provided by the Bidder.
5.4.12 In case goods are not supplied/services not provided within the scheduled delivery period,
then the increase in the statutory levies, if any, shall be on vendor’s account.
5.4.13 GST Act. anti-profiteering provisions mandates that any reduction in tax rates or benefits of
input tax credits be passed on to the consumer by way of commensurate reduction in prices.
Bidders to take note of the same and pass such benefits while quoting their price.
5.4.14 GSTIN Number
States where the supplies/services are required are given in the price schedule. GSTIN details
of HPCL for these states can be taken from our website
Bidder is required to provide the GSTIN number of state from where supplies will be made to
each of the HPCL delivery locations.
In case any changes are warranted during the execution of the contract with regard to change
in state where delivery is required or change in the supply location of Bidder, the same will be
made with mutual consent.

5.4.15 Income tax will be deducted at source as per rules at prevailing rates, unless certificate, if
any, for deduction at lesser rate or nil deduction is submitted by the Contractor from
appropriate authority.
5.4.16 The Supplier shall provide accurate particulars of PAN number as required, to enable issuance
of TDS (Tax Deduction at Source) certificate.



6.1.1 The Contract Document shall consist of the following:

i) Original Bidding Document along with its enclosures issued.
ii) Amendment/Corrigendum to original Bidding Document issued, if any.
iii) Letter of Intent/ Acceptance/Award.
iv) Detailed letter of Award/Acceptance along with enclosures attached therewith.
v) Purchase Order placed by the Owner


The work shall be executed strictly as per time Schedule mentioned in Chapter 6, Completion
Schedule. The period of completion given includes the time required for mobilization as well
as testing, rectifications, if any, retesting and completion in all respects to the entire satisfaction
of the Engineer-in-Charge.

6.3.1 OWNER will obtain appropriate Marine Cum Erection Insurance Policy towards Owner’s
Interest in the Project. CONTRACTOR shall obtain and maintain any and all other Statutory
Insurance(s) required under Indian laws and regulations, including as listed clause no. 6.e.1
& 6.e.2 of GTC-Works.
6.3.2 Contractor shall be liable to undertake insurance as applicable for his works under the
Contract, equipment, labour and vehicles engaged in performance of the work at
CONTRACTOR’s own cost. The CONTRACTOR is required to maintain such insurance
policies in the joint name of OWNER and CONTRACTOR. However, wherever the
CONTRACTOR has already has the insurance policies for their worker / equipment / Vehicle
etc. proposed to be used at project site, the CONTRACTOR shall have the option either to
get the new Insurance policy in the joint name of OWNER and CONTRACTOR or get the
endorsement of existing policies from Insurers in the joint name of OWNER and
CONTRACTOR. The responsibility to maintain adequate insurance coverage in this regard
at all times during the period of Contract shall be that of CONTRACTOR alone.
CONTRACTOR’s failure in this regard shall not relieve him of any of his responsibilities and
obligations under the contract.
6.3.3 CONTRACTOR shall provide the OWNER with a copy of all insurance policies and
documents taken out by him in pursuance of the Contract. Such copies of documents
shall be submitted to the OWNER immediately upon the CONTRACTOR having taken such
insurance coverage and ensure revalidation/renewal etc., as may be necessary well in time.
Also contactor shall notify owner 60 days in advance reason of expiry/cancellation /changes
in any of the above documents.
6.3.4 Any loss or damage to the materials provided by owner to the contractor during handling,
storage, erection, final test and commissioning, shall be to the account of CONTRACTOR,
and the CONTRACTOR shall be exclusively responsible within the scope of supplies
/services/ works to make good any damage or loss to the materials and works by way of
repairs and/or replacement, as the case may be, pending insurance claim and no delay shall
be made by the CONTRACTOR in repair/ replacement pending such claim.
6.3.5 In such case, the CONTRACTOR if authorized by OWNER shall raise the insurance claim in
case of damage to the materials and/ or works and all supporting documents for such claims
shall be handed over by the CONTRACTOR to the OWNER immediately. CONTRACTOR
shall provide all assistance for such a claim. The CONTRACTOR shall bear the entire cost of
arranging all documents/ information, facilitating inspection/ discussions by the officials/
surveyors deputed by the Insurer. The CONTRACTOR shall make all efforts to get
settlement of claim at the earliest. In case insurance claim is raised by owner,
CONTRACTOR shall provide all assistance for such claim including, but not limited to
arranging all documents/ information, facilitating inspection/ discussions by the officials/
surveyors deputed by the Insurer.
6.3.6 CONTRACTOR shall be paid against any claim / loss suffered by him and which forms part
of the insurance claim raised, based on amount recovered after settlement of claim / loss by
insurer against insurance claim / loss falling under OWNER’s policy after adjusting
deductible, for loss caused to the contractor and falling in owner’s policy scope as
6.3.7 CONTRACTOR shall be liable solely to adhere to the requirements of the insurer for
settlement of claims without prejudice to the rights of OWNER / Insurer. During claim, the
contractor is required to take all necessary steps including but not limited to the following
• Timely information for conducting survey.
• Protecting the rights of Owner while issuing acknowledgements.
• Lodging of monetary claims in time and furnishing of requisite documents to
surveyors/ Insurer.
• Taking necessary precautions so that the loss/ damage is not aggravated further.
Damaged goods to be protected fully.
Any money received by the OWNER under any policy or policies of insurance shall be held by
the OWNER for proportionate payment to the CONTRACTOR in respect of any appropriate
repairs undertaken and/ or replacement(s) made by the CONTRACTOR. Should the
CONTRACTOR fail to undertake in whole or part such repairs and/or replacement(s) and other
works necessary consequent upon the occurrence of any contingency covered by such

insurance, OWNER shall be entitled to get the work done in whole or parts for such repair/
replacement through any other agency, without prejudice to any other rights or remedies
available to the OWNER, at the sole risk & cost of the CONTRACTOR.


In order to encourage and facilitate card / digital payments, in line with Office Memorandum of
Ministry of Finance, Govt of India (F. No.-01/02/2015-Cy.II-Vol-V dtd 29th Feb, 2016) Vendor /
contractor has to ensure all payments to Workmen, Subcontractors and Suppliers of Materials
& Services are made in the form of e-Payment only, as per due dates, where ever applicable.
The Contractor has to ensure payment of wages through e payment only within stipulated time
i.e. on or before 7th of following month of the wage period.



Payments shall be made to the CONTRACTOR as per the “Terms of Payment” as defined
in Appendix-II to SCC.
7.2. “In the partial modification of clause 7. of GTC works, following shall be applicable
7.2.1. Progress payment shall be made to the Contractor against running bills as per Order while
withholding retention money (Where PBG has not been provided) as per the General Terms
& Conditions of Work Contract.
Note :

(i) All payments except final bill can be released in 2 (two) stages as follows :

75% of bill amount duly recommended by CONSULTANT/ HPCL shall be paid in 7 days of
receipt of certified bill at HPCL disbursement section. Balance 25% to be paid after verification
/ certification within 15 days of receipt of certified bill at HPCL disbursement section.

Final bill shall be paid within 30 days of receipt of certified bill at HPCL disbursement section,
complete in all respects as per tender.

(ii) Wherever possible payment shall be tendered to Contractor in electronic mode (e payment)
through any of the designated banks. The Contractor will comply by furnishing the particulars
of Bank account (mandate — as per Proforma attached in tender document) to which
payment will be routed. Owner reserves the right to make payment in any alternate mode
also. The Contractor shall provide accurate particulars of PAN number as required to enable
issuance of TDS certificate.

(iii) No Interest charges for delay in payments, if any, shall be payable by the Owner.

(iv) Security Deposit / Performance Bank Guarantee shall be provided as per the provisions
contained in General Terms and Conditions of Contract.
(v) Bidders to note that Advance Payment is not permissible in the contract.
7.3. Contractor shall prepare the Bills/ Invoices State & Station wise.
7.4. Documents to be submitted along with Running Account (RA) Bill.

A. Bill Specific
i. Invoice in quadruplicate. Every invoice of the vendor shall contain invoice number,
date, GSTIN number and HSN/SAC code (Harmonized system of
Nomenclature/service accounting code) for the items being supplied or services being
provided along with tax rate. GST shall be paid against receipt of Tax invoice and proof
of payment of GST to Government. In case of non-receipt of tax invoice or non-
payment of GST by the Contractor, HPCL shall withhold the payment of GST.
The Vendor shall mention their registration status (Registered / Composition /
Unregistered) on the bill/invoice.
ii. Measurement sheet duly signed by contractor and certified by CONSULTANT (or
iii. Abstract of measurement sheet and work done till previous bill, the running and
cumulative quantity certified by CONSULTANT / HPCL.
iv. Documentary evidence towards payment of ESI, EPF etc. as per statute.
v. Wage sheets for the labour engaged.
vi. Undertaking that Contractor has complied with all statutory requirements including
updating of QA/QC, CTE and other Registers as required under the Order during the
period for which the progress payment has been claimed.
vii. MTC, IRN for supply items.
viii. Details / statement of Payments made to all approved sub-vendors along with relevant
acquaintances pertaining to the payments

B. General

i. Copy of valid Contractor's "All Risk Policy"(if applicable)

ii. Copy of Bank Guarantee for Free Issue Material
iii. Copy of valid Employee Insurance Policy.
iv. Copy of valid Workman Compensation Insurance Policy.
v. Power of Attorney in the name of person signing the bid document digitally & physically.
vi. Any other document as required by CONSULTANT / HPCL.

7.4.1. Documents to be submitted along with Final Bill.

i) Invoice in quadruplicate. Invoice of the vendor shall contain invoice number, date, GSTIN
number and HSN/SAC code (Harmonized system of Nomenclature/service accounting
code) for the items being supplied or services being provided along with tax rate. GST
shall be paid against receipt of Tax invoice and proof of payment of GST to Government.
In case of non-receipt of tax invoice or non-payment of GST by the Contractor, HPCL shall
withhold the payment of GST.
The Vendor shall mention their registration status (Registered / Composition /
Unregistered) on the bill/invoice.
ii) Measurement Sheet duly signed by contractor and certified by CONSULTANT/HPCL
iii) Abstract of measurement sheet with cumulative quantity certified by CONSULTANT /
iv) No-Claim Certificate declaring that there are no balances or pending Claims from HPCL
towards the subject Order.
v) No-Due declaration indicating that there are no balance dues to his sub-vendor /
subcontractors along with the Final Bill.
vi) Copies of statutory documents as required by CONSULTANT / HPCL.
vii) Reconciliation statement of HPCL supplied material
viii)Site clearance including dismantling of temporary store/office as instructed by
ix) All required technical documents stated elsewhere in the tender document.


In item rate contract where the quoted rates for the items exceed 150% (One hundred fifty
percent) of the OWNER’s estimated rates, such items will be considered as Abnormally High
Rates Items (AHR) and payment of AHR items beyond the contracted quantities shall be made
at the least of the following rates:

1. Rates as per SOR / PRICE SCHEDULE, quoted by the

2. Rate of the item, which shall be derived as follows:

a) Based on rates of machine, materials and labour as available from the contract (which
includes CONTRACTOR’s supervision, profit, overheads and other expenses).
b) In case rates are not available in the contract, rates will be calculated based on
prevailing market rates of machine, material and labour plus 10% (ten percent) to cover
CONTRACTOR’s supervision profit, overhead & other expenses.

The CONTRACTOR shall obtain prior permission from OWNER/Engineer-In-Charge before

executing the excess quantities of these Item(s) of SOR, in case the quantities against such
items exceed the specified quantities mentioned in SOR during execution of work.
Neither OWNER/CONSULTANT nor CONTRACTOR nor their personnel, agents nor any
sub-CONTRACTOR shall divulge to any one (other than persons designated by the party
disclosing the information) any information designated in writing as confidential and obtained
from the disclosing party during the course of execution of the works so long as and to the
extent that the information has not become part of the public domain. This obligation does not
apply to information furnished or made known to the recipient of the information without
restriction as to its use by third parties or which was in recipient's possession at the time of
disclosure by the disclosing party. Upon completion of the works or in the event of termination
pursuant to the provisions of the contract, CONTRACTOR shall immediately return to
OWNER/CONSULTANT all drawings, plans, specifications and other documents supplied to
the CONTRACTOR by or on behalf of OWNER/CONSULTANT or prepared by the
CONTRACTOR solely for the purpose of the performance of the works, including all copies
made thereof by the CONTRACTOR.


10.1. Seller shall protect and fully indemnify Purchaser from any claims for infringement of patents,
copyright, trade mark or the like.
10.2. Seller shall also protect and fully indemnity Purchaser from any claims from Seller’s
workmen/employees, their heirs, dependents, representatives etc. Or from any other
persons/persons or bodies/companies etc. for any act of commission or omission while
executing this Order.
10.3. Seller shall be responsible for compliance with requirements under the laws and shall protect
and indemnify completely Purchaser from any claims/penalties arising out of any


11.1. A change order will be initiated in case:

i. The Owner directs the Contractor to include any addition to the scope of work not
covered under this contract or deletes any part of the scope of the work under the
ii. Contractor requests to delete any part of the work which will not adversely affect the
operational capabilities of the project and if agreed by the Owner and for which cost
and time benefits shall be passed on to the Owner.

11.2. Any changes required by the Owner before giving their approval to detailed procedure or any
other document relating to material procurement, layout plans etc for complying with the
requirements of bidding document shall not be construed to be a change in the scope of work
under the contract.
11.3. Any change order as above comprising an alteration which involves a change in the cost of the
works (which sort of alteration is hereinafter called a "Variation") shall be the subject of an
amendment to the contract by way of an increase or decrease in the contract price and
adjustment of the Construction Schedule if any.
11.4. If the contract provides applicable rates for the valuation of the variation in question the contract
price shall be increased or decreased in accordance with those rates. If the parties agree that
the contract does not contain applicable rates then the parties shall negotiate a revision of the
contract price which shall represent the change in cost of the works caused by the variations.
Any change order must be duly approved by the Owner in writing.
11.5. If there is a difference of opinion between Contractor and Owner whether a particular work
constitutes a change order or not, the matter shall be handled in accordance with the procedures
set forth in Para 18.7 below.
11.6. Within 10(Ten) working days of receiving the comments from the Owner on the documents
submitted by the Contractor for approval, the Contractor’s response in writing stating which
item(s) is/are potential change (s), if applicable, will be submitted to the Owner.

11.7. During execution of work if the Contractor observes that any new requirements which is not
specific or intended in the bidding document has been indicated by Owner, they shall discuss the
matter with Owner's representatives.
11.8. In case such requirement arises from the side of the Contractor they would also discuss the
matter with Owner's Representative.
11.9. In either of the two cases above, the representatives of both the parties shall discuss the project
requirement and mutually decide whether the project requirement constitutes a change order.
11.10. If it is mutually agreed that the project requirement/Inquiry constitutes a "Change Order" then a
joint memorandum will be prepared to confirm a "Change Order" and basic ideas of necessary
agreed modifications.
11.11. Contractor will study the work required in accordance with the Joint memorandum and assess
subsequent schedule and cost effect if any.
11.12. The results of this study would be discussed mutually to enable Owner to give a final decision
whether Contractor should proceed with the Change Order or not, in the best interest of the
11.13. If Owner's representative accepts the change order in writing then Contractor shall proceed with
the work stipulated in the Change order. Time worked by all workmen employed and a statement
showing the description and quantity of all materials and plant utilised for extra work shall be
submitted to Owner. The Owner’s representative shall sign and return to the Contractor the
statement, as agreed. At the end of each month the Contractor shall deliver to the Owner’s
representative a priced statement of the labour, materials and plant used. Whenever any
dispute arises as to cost allocation between the Contractor and the Owner, the voucher shall
nevertheless be signed by the Owner as a record of time worked and materials used. List and
vouchers so signed will be the subject of negotiations between the Owner and the Contractor
regarding their costs allocation.
11.14. In case, mutual agreement as above that is whether Project Requirement constitutes a Change
order or not, is not reached, then Contractor, in the interest of the project, shall take up the
implementation of the work, if advised in writing to do so by Owner's representative pending
settlement between the two parties to the effect whether the Project Requirement constitutes a
change order or not as per the terms and conditions of Contract Documents.
11.15. The time and cost effect in such a case shall be mutually verified for the purpose of record.
Should it be established that the said work constitutes a Change Order, the same shall be
compensated taking into account the records kept and in accordance with the contract.
11.16. Should the amount of extra work/ change order, if any, which the Contractor may be required to
perform under instructions from the Owner, fairly entitle the Contractor to extensions of time
beyond the scheduled completion date for completion of either the whole of the works or for such
extra work only, the Owner and the Contractor shall mutually discuss and decide the extension
of time, if any to be granted to the Contractor.


It is expressly understood and agreed by and between the CONTRACTOR and the
OWNER/CONSULTANT that the OWNER/CONSULTANT is entering into this agreement
solely on its own behalf and not on behalf of any other person or entity. In particular, it is
expressly understood and agreed that the Government of India is not a party to this agreement
and has no liabilities, obligations or rights there under. It is expressly understood and agreed
that the OWNER/CONSULTANT is an independent legal entity with power and authority to
enter into contract, solely in its own behalf under the applicable laws of India and general
principal of Contract Law. The CONTRACTOR expressly agrees, acknowledges and
understands that the OWNER/CONSULTANT is not an agent, representative or delegate of
Govt. of India. It is further understood and agreed that the Govt. of India is not and shall not
be liable for any acts, omissions, commissions, breaches or other wrongs arising out of the
contract. Accordingly, CONTRACTOR hereby expressly waives, releases and foregoes any
and all actions or claims, including cross claims, impleader claims or counter claims against
the Govt. of India arising out of this contract and covenants not to sue to Govt. of India as to
any manner, claim, cause of action or thing whatsoever arising of or under this agreement.
The CONTRACT shall be governed by and constructed according to the laws in force in India.
The CONTRACTOR hereby submits to the jurisdiction of the Courts situated at Mumbai for
the purposes of disputes, actions and proceedings arising out of the CONTRACT, the courts
at Mumbai only will have the jurisdiction to hear and decide such disputed, actions and

The following clause is in addition to clause no. 14 of General Terms and Conditions of Works
In case of contracts/agreement to be executed between Public Sector Enterprises /
Government Departments, following clause is applicable:
"In the event of any dispute or difference between the parties hereto, such dispute or difference
shall be resolved amicably by mutual consultation or through the good offices of empowered
agencies of the Government. If such resolution is not possible, then, the unresolved dispute
or difference shall be referred to arbitration of an arbitrator to be nominated by Secretary,
Department of Legal Affairs ("Law Secretary"). The Arbitration & Conciliation Act, 1996 shall
not be applicable to the Arbitration under this clause. The award of the arbitrator shall be
binding upon the parties to the dispute, provided, however, that any party aggrieved by such
award may appeal for setting aside or revision of the award to Law Secretary whose decision
shall bind the parties finally and conclusively. The said appeal should be filed within the period
specified in the award of the arbitrator."
It is essential that, to avoid delay in nomination of arbitrator or initiation of arbitration
proceeding, the Arbitration Clause or Agreement, as the case may be, is forwarded without
fail at the time of making request for reference to the Law Secretary or Department of Legal
The fees of the Arbitrator and expenses of arbitration, if any, shall be borne equally by the
parties unless the Sole Arbitrator otherwise directs in his award with reasons. The lumpsum
fees of the Arbitrator shall be Rs. 70,000/- per case for transportation contracts and Rs.
1,00,000/- for engineering contracts and if the sole Arbitrator completes the arbitration
including his award within 5 months of accepting his appointment, he shall be paid Rs. 10,000/-
additionally as bonus. Reasonable actual expenses for stenographer, etc. will be reimbursed.

Fees shall be paid stagewise i.e. 25% on acceptance, 25% on completion of
pleadings/documentation, 25% on completion of arguments and balance on receipt of award
by the parties.


14.1 The conditions for issue of material shall apply for materials explicitly mentioned under owner
scope of supply only and reconciliation shall be as per provisions of Document enclosed as
Appendix-IV to Special Conditions of Contract.
14.2 The reconciliation of material shall be applicable only for the material issued by Owner as free
issue to Contractor and monthly reconciliation statement will be submitted along with monthly RA
14.3 BG shall be submitted for the value of free issue of material valid till completion of Work as
applicable as per tender document.


15.1 Contractor, if requested, shall be paid recoverable interest bearing Mobilization Advance up
to a maximum of 10% (Ten Percent) of Total Value of Work Part Only. The mobilization
advance will attract an interest rate as SBI’s PLR rate (prevailing at the time of payment)
Plus 1% to be compounded quarterly.
Mobilization Advance shall be paid to the Contractor in two installments after signing the
contract agreement and submission of performance bank guarantee for 110% of total
mobilization advance amount, in the following manner:


i. 5% (Five percent) of total Contract Value shall be payable as the first installment of
mobilization advance after fulfilling the following formalities by the Contractor:
a. Duly accepted & signed copy of purchase order by the Contractor.
b. Submission of a separate bank guarantee towards Contract Performance from any
Scheduled Bank in India other than Co-operative Bank in the proforma approved by
Employer / Consultant towards due performance of contract equivalent to 10% of
awarded contract value which shall be kept valid till up to 3 Months after expiry of
defect liability period.
c. Submission of a separate Bank Guarantee towards advance payment by any
Scheduled Bank in India other than Co-operative Bank in the proforma approved by
Employer/Consultant equivalent to 110% of mobilization advance which shall be kept
valid till scheduled completion of the work.
d. The Bank Guarantee submitted against mobilization advance shall be released after
recovery of full mobilization advance along with interest thereon.


i. Balance 5% Mobilization Advance shall be payable to the Contractor after Contractor
has constructed site Office, storage shed, fabrication yard etc. and has physically
mobilized equipments as specified in tender document and is ready to start the work

to the entire satisfaction of Engineer -in-Charge and commencement of work at site.
This installment shall be paid to the contractor after completion of initial mobilization.
The contractor shall also submit Utilization Certificate of advance received by
him earlier.


15.2.1 The Mobilization Advance together with the interest accrued, shall be recovered from
each running account bill @ 12.5% of gross amount of Monthly R.A. Bill in such a
manner that the total advance and interest accrued is recovered when approximate
80% of the contract value gets paid. Balance amount, if any, shall be paid by the
contractor through Demand Draft when approximate 80% of the contract value gets
paid otherwise it will be recovered from any Bank Guarantee available with HPCL.
However, in case of foreclosure or termination, full balance amount including interest
as accrued shall be paid by the contractor through Demand Draft within 30 days of
issue of such letter failing which same shall be recovered from any Bank Guarantee
available with HPCL.


16.1 The OWNER requires that Bidders/Vendors/CONTRACTORs observe the highest standard of
ethics during the award/execution of Contract. “Fraudulent Practice” means a misrepresentation
of facts in order to influence the award of a Contract to the detriment of the OWNER, and
includes collusive practice among bidders ( prior to or after bid submission ) designed to
establish bid prices at artificial non-competitive levels and to deprive the OWNER of the benefits
of free and open competition.
16.2 The OWNER will reject a bid for award if it determines that the bidder recommended for award
has engaged in fraudulent practices in competing for the Contract in question.
16.3 Bidder is required to furnish the complete and correct information/ documents required for
evaluation of their bids, if the information/ documents forming basis of evaluation is found to be
false/ forged, the same shall be considered adequate ground for rejection of bids and forfeiture
of Earnest Money Deposit.
16.4 In case, the information/ document furnished by the Bidder/vendor/CONTRACTOR forming
basis of evaluation of his bid is found to be false/ forged after the award of the contract, OWNER
shall have full right to terminate the contract and get the remaining job executed at the risk & cost
of such Bidder/Vendor/ CONTRACTOR without any prejudice to other rights available to
OWNER under the contract such as forfeiture of CPBG/Security Deposit, withholding of payment
16.5 In case, this issue of submission of false document comes to the notice after execution of work,
OWNER shall have full right to forfeit any amount due to the Bidder/Vendor/CONTRACTOR
along with forfeiture of CPBG/Security Deposit furnished by the Bidder/Vendor/CONTRACTOR.
16.6 Further, such Bidder/Vendor/ CONTRACTOR shall be put on Blacklist/ Holiday/Negative List of
OWNER debarring them from future business with OWNER and CONSULTANT for a time
period, as per the prevailing policy of OWNER and CONSULTANT.


“For Grievance Redressal Mechanism, the Name Designation and Address of GRC members
coordinator is as follows:
Deputy General Manager – Purchase,
Procurement, HB
BALLARD ESTATE, MUMBAI – 400001, 022-22637156, 022-22750080


18.1 Before submission of their first invoice for Running payment, the Contractor shall register
themselves and the contract at their own cost with the Reserve Bank of India, Income Tax,
Sales Tax and such other statutory authorities, as may be required under the governing
rules and regulations in India. The Contract Price shall be deemed to include all costs
towards the same. The copies of all the related documents to all such registrations shall be
submitted by the Contractor to Owner for their records and reference when-ever required
during the tenure of the contract period
19.1 The project is subject to inspection by various audit/vigilance agencies of government of
India/Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd., if any inspection of works is carried by such
agencies, CONTRACTOR shall extend his full cooperation to these agencies in examining
records, works etc. On inspection by such agencies, if it is pointed out that CONTRACTOR has
not carried out work according to guidelines laid down in the tender document, immediate
rectifications shall be taken up at no extra cost; and also if any recoveries against some items
are pointed out therein, the same shall be recovered from CONTRACTOR’s RA bills/final bill.
The items under dispute shall not be paid in full till the job is completed to satisfaction of the
inspection agency.


20.1 All duties, taxes (on works Order/ trade tax/ turnover tax/etc. as applicable), fees, charges,
expenses, etc. (except where otherwise expressly provided in the Order) as may be levied/
imposed in consequence of execution of the works or in relation there to or in connection
therewith as per the Acts, Laws, Rules, Regulations in force shall be to contractor’s account.

21.1 All royalties etc., as may be required for any entry permits, including right of way etc., to be
arranged by Contractor shall be deemed to have been included in the quoted prices. Owner
will not be able to obtain exemption from payment of royalty charges.
29.1. Bidder’s quoted rates shall include the royalty on different applicable items as per the
prevailing State Government rates. Any increase in prevailing rate of royalty shall be borne
by the Contractor at no extra cost to Owner.
29.2. Documentary evidence to be furnished by Contractor along with the bills.
22.1 In case of separate orders issued for various Parts or locations / Schedule(s) of the works,
the Contractor shall be responsible for execution of all orders to the entire satisfaction of the
Owner and breach in one order shall constitute as breach in the other order and accordingly
appropriate action shall be taken as per stipulations of the order.


23.1 Contractor agrees for withholding from wages and salaries of its agents, servants or
employees all sums, required to be withheld by the laws of the Republic of India or any other
agency having jurisdiction over the area where Contractor is conducting operations, and to
pay the same promptly and directly when due to the proper authority. Contractor further
agrees to comply with all accounting and reporting requirements of any Nation having
jurisdiction over the subject matter hereof and to conform to such laws and regulations and
to pay the cost of such compliance. If requested, Contractor will furnish the evidence of
payment of applicable taxes, in the country(ies) of the Contractor's and his sub-contractor(s)
and expatriate employees.


24.1 Neither Owner/Consultant nor Contractor nor their personnel, agents nor any sub-contractor
shall divulge to any one (other than persons designated by the party disclosing the
information) any information designated in writing as confidential and obtained from the
disclosing party during the course of execution of the works so long as and to the extent that
the information has not become part of the public domain. This obligation does not apply to
information furnished or made known to the recipient of the information without restriction as
to its use by third parties or which is demonstrated to be in recipient's possession at the time
of disclosure by the disclosing party. Upon completion of the works or in the event of
termination pursuant to the provisions of the Contract, Contractor shall immediately return to
Owner/Consultant all drawings, plans, specifications and other documents supplied to the
Contractor by or on behalf of Owner/Consultant or prepared by the Contractor solely for the
purpose of the performance of the works, including all copies made thereof by the


Bidder shall note that successful bidder on award of contract will be liable to submit Bank
Guarantee equal to the value of free issue material for respective schedule as defined below;

Schedule 1: INR 2.8 Crore

Schedule 2: INR 2.8 Crore
Schedule 3: INR 2.5 Crore
Schedule 4: INR 3.6 Crore
Schedule 5: INR 2.4 Crore

The BG shall be valid from date of free issue material take over from custody of HPCL /
EPCM till the date of completion of installation of final equipment.

26.1 Any reference to the specific statutes/regulations in the IFB is only indicative, and it is
entirely for the Bidder to ascertain the Applicable Laws.


27.1 Integrity Pact: All tenders and contracts shall comply with the requirements of the Integrity
Pact (IP) if the value of such tenders or contracts exceed Rs.1 crore. Failure to sign the
Integrity Pact shall lead to outright rejection of bid.

27.2 The successful tenderer shall execute Integrity Pact with Owner as per the enclosed Draft
Integrity Pact Agreement. Hard copy of the same duly filled signed, stamped by authorized
person and witnessed to be forwarded along with EMD in physical condition so as to be
received at WORLEY PARSONS prior to bid due date and time.

Chapter 3


(SCC) - Part B



1.0 TIME OF COMPLETION .................................................................................................... 32

2.0 SITE VISIT .......................................................................................................................... 32

3.0 PRICE ADJUSTMENT DUE TO DELAYED COMPLETION ............................................. 33

4.0 SITE FACILITIES : ............................................................................................................. 33

5.0 LABOUR AT SITE: ............................................................................................................ 34

6.0 CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT, TOOLS & TACKLES .................................................... 34

7.0 SITE ORGANISATION ....................................................................................................... 36

8.0 MEASUREMENT OF WORK ............................................................................................. 37

9.0 PROGRESS REPORTS: .................................................................................................... 37

10.0 WORK ON SUNDAYS , HOLIDAYS AND DURING NIGHT HOURS: .............................. 38

11.0 WORKING HOURS ............................................................................................................ 38

12.0 GENERAL GUIDELINES DURING AND BEFORE ERECTION ....................................... 38

13.0 ERECTION OF EQUIPMENTS .......................................................................................... 39

14.0 MECHANISED CONSTRUCTION ..................................................................................... 39

15.0 REPAIR OF PIPE DEFECTS ............................................................................................. 39

16.0 EXCAVATION BY BLASTING........................................................................................... 40

17.0 EXECUTION OF ELECTRICAL WORKS .......................................................................... 40

18.0 TEMPORARY WORKS ...................................................................................................... 40

19.0 WORK FRONT ................................................................................................................... 40

20.0 WORK PERMIT .................................................................................................................. 40

21.0 SITE FACILITIES FOR WORKMEN .................................................................................. 41

22.0 COORDINATION WITH OTHER AGENCIES .................................................................... 41

23.0 HOUSE KEEPING .............................................................................................................. 41

24.0 PROTECTION OF EXISTING FACILITIES ....................................................................... 42

25.0 RESPONSIBILITY OF CONTRACTOR ............................................................................. 42

26.0 CONSTRUCTION ............................................................................................................... 43


28.0 COMPUTERIZED CONTRACTORS BILLING SYSTEM .................................................. 44

29.0 CEMENT & STEEL ............................................................................................................ 44

30.0 CONSTRUCTION SITE LAB ............................................................................................. 44

31.0 LOCATION OF DUMPYARD / WAREHOUSE / STORAGE YARD .................................. 46

32.0 SUBSTITUTION, WRONG SUPPLIES AND SHORT SUPPLIES .................................... 46

33.0 DRAWINGS AND DOCUMENTS....................................................................................... 46

34.0 COMPLETION DOCUMENTS ........................................................................................... 47

35.0 SITE CLEANING ................................................................................................................ 48

36.0 TESTS AND INSPECTION ................................................................................................ 48

37.0 QUALITY ASSURANCE/ QUALITY CONTROL ............................................................... 49

38.0 INSPECTION OF SUPPLY ITEMS/ MATERIALS ............................................................. 50

39.0 TEST CERTIFICATES ....................................................................................................... 51

40.0 FINAL INSPECTION .......................................................................................................... 51

41.0 HEALTH SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT (HSE) MANAGEMENT ................................... 51

42.0 HYDROSTATIC TESTING ................................................................................................. 51

43.0 MAKE OF MATERIAL ....................................................................................................... 51

44.0 PIPES FOR WELDING QUALIFICATION ......................................................................... 52

45.0 ADDITIONAL WORKS/ EXTRA WORKS ......................................................................... 52


47.0 SUBMISSION OF COLOURED PHOTOGRAPHS ............................................................ 55

48.0 OTHER REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................. 56

49.0 COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS: ............................................................................................ 58

50.0 PROVIDENT FUND ............................................................................................................ 58

51.0 STATUTORY APPROVALS .............................................................................................. 59

52.0 BUILDING AND OTHER CONSTRUCTION WORKER’S ACT ........................................ 59


1.1 The work shall be executed strictly as per time Schedule mentioned elsewhere in the Bidding
document. The period of completion given includes the time required for mobilization as well
as testing, rectifications, if any, retesting and completion in all respects to the entire satisfaction
of the Engineer-in-Charge.

1.2 The work for each part shall commence concurrently.

1.3 The Engineer-in-Charge and Contractor will prepare a joint program of execution of work. This
program will take into account the time of completion mentioned above.

1.4 Monthly/ weekly construction program will be drawn up by Engineer-in-Charge jointly with the
Contractor based on availability of work fronts and the joint construction programs as per the
above clause. The Contractor shall scrupulously adhere to these targets / programme by
deploying adequate personnel, construction tools & tackles and it shall also supply itself all
materials within its scope of supply in good time to achieve the targets set out in the weekly
and monthly programme. In all matters concerning the extent of targets set out in the weekly
and achievements, the decision of the Engineer-in-Charge shall be final and binding on the

1.5 If the Contractor fails to achieve the targeted progress schedule of each month as mentioned
in the IFB, the Owner at its option, may terminate the Contract as Contractor's default and get
the work completed from other sources at Contractor's risk, consequence and cost.

1.6 Contractor shall give every day report on category wise labour and equipment deployed along
with the progress of work done on previous day in the proforma prescribed by the Engineer-

1.7 The Contractor shall submit fortnightly report covering all major activities indicating schedule /
actual progress, slippages & its reasons and catch up plan.


2.1 Owner / Consultant shall organise the site visit for the bidders as defined in NIT Chapter 1, in
case of requirement. All such cost incurred thereby for the bidders / their representatives for
travel and accommodation during the visit shall be borne by respective bidders. The bidder
shall examine the site of works and its surrounding and obtain for himself on his own
responsibility all information that may be necessary for preparing of the bid and entering into
the contract. The cost of visiting the site shall be at bidder's own expenses. No extra claim on
account of non-familiarity of site conditions / inadequate information in the bid document shall
be entertained during execution of works and such claims are not admissible.
The bidder and any of his personnel or agents will be granted permission by Owner /
Consultant to enter upon his premises and lands for the purpose of such inspection, but only
upon the explicit condition that the bidder, his personnel or agents will release and indemnify
the Owner / Consultant and his personnel and agents from and against all liability in respect
thereof and will be responsible for personnel injury (whether fatal or otherwise), loss of or
damage and expenses incurred as a result hereof.

Bidder to contact following HPCL officers for Scheduled meeting, Dated 06/01/2019 at
HPCL Hyderabad office and for Site visit related co-ordination.

1. Mr. B Sesha Chary

DGM – Project
Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited
Email id:
Contact No.: +91 9833754287

2. Mr. Rupkishore Patel

Manager – Project
Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited
Email id:
Contact No.: +91 9535088600


3.1 In case of delay in completion of the work beyond Completion Period refer Clause.10 of GTC,


4.1 Power Supply.

Contractor shall arrange at his own cost power supply distribution for the site. All works by
the Contractor will be done as per Indian Electricity Act & Rules framed there under and
passed by the Engineer-in –charge. The temporary lines will be removed forthwith, after
completion of the work or if there is any hindrance caused to other work due to the alignment
of these lines, the Contractor will re-route or remove the temporary lines at his own cost. The
Contract Price shall be deemed to include all costs towards all above.

4.2 Water Supply.

The water required for construction and drinking shall be arranged by the Contractor at his
own cost. The Contract Price shall be deemed to include all costs towards all above.

4.3 Contractor shall be responsible acquiring land for Site Office / Fabrication Yard / Warehouse
at his own cost. Any area if required by Contractor for execution of the works shall be arranged
by them at their own cost preferably at a location in close proximity to site. On completion of
the relevant works undertaken by the Contractor, it shall remove all temporary works erected
by it and have the site cleared as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. If the Contractor shall fail
to comply with these requirements, the Engineer-in-Charge may at the expense of the
Contractor remove such surplus and rubbish materials and dispose off the same as he deems
fit and get the site cleared as aforesaid, and the Contractor shall forthwith pay the amount of
all expenses so incurred and shall have no claims in respect of any such surplus material
disposed of as aforesaid.

4.4 Besides providing site facilities as per law of land, site camps with all related amenities shall
be provided in line with the requirements of all Regulations/Acts and the Statutory Authorities
along with the following facilities at all work places where workmen are deployed / engaged
by contractor:
i. Arrangement for First Aid.
ii. Arrangement for clean & potable drinking water & Tea, etc.
iii. A creche where 10 or more women workers are having children below the age of 6
iv. Any other facility/utility as may be required under the Contract as per the existing
v. Rest rooms / toilets for site staff / labour.
vi. Proper Rest Facility with drinking water during lunch period.


5.1 No labour shall be allowed to stay at site. The bidder shall obtain prior permission of the Owner
for the watchman who will be required to stay at the site. The bidder shall arrange to provide
due facilities to his labour at site. He will keep his temporary office, shed, etc. reasonably clean
at all times.

5.2 Labour Relations

5.2.1 The following shall be appended as sub clause no. 6.a.4 to clause no. 6.a of GTC In case of
labour unrest/labour dispute arising out of non-implementation of any law, the responsibility
shall solely lie with the CONTRACTOR and he shall remove/resolve the same satisfactorily at
his cost and risk.

5.2.2 The following shall be appended as sub clause no. 6.a.5 to clause no. 6.a of GTC The
CONTRACTOR shall at all times take all reasonable precautions to prevent any unlawful,
riotous or disorderly conduct by or amongst his staff and labour and to preserve peace and
protection of persons and properly in the neighborhood of the Works against such conduct.


6.1 Contractor shall be solely responsible for making available for executing the work, all requisite
equipment, special aids, crane, tools, tackles and testing equipment and appliances suitable
and required for the entire job including the stations works for installation of both free issue
material and contractor bought out items. Such equipment etc. shall have applicable
safety/fitness certificates as applicable under Government Rules/Laws and shall be subject to
examination and approval by Owner for the same being in first class operating condition. Any
discrepancies pointed out by Owner shall be immediately got rectified, repaired or the
equipment replaced altogether, by Contractor. Owner shall not in any way be responsible for
providing any such equipment machinery, tools and tackles etc.
6.2 The Minimum Construction Equipment as mentioned in Appendix - VIII to SCC shall be
mobilized within 15 days of written instructions for mobilization given during Kick-off-meeting
or by Engineer-in-charge based on front availability at site. In case of delay in mobilization or
shortfall in Minimum Construction Equipment specified (Appendix - VIII to SCC).
6.3 Total Stations, Theodolite for survey, Dumpy levels, plump bobs, prismatic compass, chain,
steel and metallic tape as a minimum and all other surveying instruments found necessary
for the works at all the stations shall be provided by the CONTRACTOR for the due
performance of their contracts as instructed by Owner/ Consultant. Owner/ Consultant. will
use any or all measure instruments or tools belonging to the CONTRACTOR as and when
he chooses for checking the completed works as well as the work in progress.
6.4 All scaffolding and ladders that may be necessary for taking measurements at site will be
provided by the CONTRACTOR.
6.5 No construction equipment shall be supplied by the OWNER. CONTRACTOR to ensure
deployment of suitable equipment and take all safety precautions during execution of work.
6.6 CONTRACTOR shall be solely responsible for making available for executing the WORK, all
requisite CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENTS, Special Aids, Barges, Cranes and the like, all
Tools, Tackles and Testing Equipment and Appliances, including imports of such equipment
etc. as required. In case of import of the same the rates applicable for levying of Custom
Duty on such Equipment, Tools,
& Tackles and the duty drawback applicable thereon shall be ascertained by the
CONTRACTOR from the concerned authorities of Government of India. It shall be clearly
understood that OWNER shall not in any way be responsible for arranging to obtain Custom
Clearance and/or payment of any duties and/or duty draw backs etc. for such equipments
so imported by the CONTRACTOR and the CONTRACTOR shall be fully responsible for all
taxes, duties and documentation with regard to the same. Tenderer in his own interest may
contact, for any clarifications in the matter, concerned agencies/Dept./Ministries of Govt. of
India. All clarifications so obtained and interpretations thereof shall be solely the
responsibility of the CONTRACTOR

6.7 The Contractor shall without prejudice to his overall responsibility to execute and
complete the work as per specifications and time schedule, progressively arrange and deploy
adequate equipment’s and tools and tackles as per construction plan approved by Owner at
construction site and augment the same as decided by the Engineer-in-Charge depending on
the exigencies of the work so as to suit the construction schedule, without any additional cost
to Owner.

6.8 Price adjustment for non-mobilization of Minimum Construction Equipment shall be limited
to 3% (three percent) of the total executed contract value. In case of extension of Contractual
Completion Date for the reasons not attributable to the CONTRACTOR, amount deducted
on account of non-deployment of Minimum Construction Equipment, if any, will be refunded
to the contractor along with payment of final bill.

6.8.1 Price adjustment due to delayed mobilization or shortfall in mobilization of minimum

a. The Key Supervisory Personnel as mentioned in Appendix-VI to SCC shall be

mobilized within 15 days of written instructions for mobilization given during Kick- off-
meeting or by Engineer-in-charge based on front availability at site. In case of delay in
mobilization or shortfall in Key personnel manpower (Appendix-VI to SCC), penal
recovery shall be levied from 16 day onwards as per the recovery rates specified
in Appendix-VII to SCC, till the date of mobilization of Key Supervisory personnel
at site.

b. Price adjustment for non-mobilization of specified manpower shall be limited to 2.5%

of the total executed contract value. In case of extension of Contractual Completion
Date for the reasons not attributable to the CONTRACTOR, amount deducted on
account of non-deployment of key personnel and manpower if any will be refunded
to the contractor along with payment of final bill.

6.9 CONTRACTOR shall maintain equipment deployed and manpower engagement register
(including skilled and unskilled labour) / Hindrance register as per format given by Engineer-
in-Charge at site and should present the same to OWNER representatives whenever asked

6.10 Deduction under this clause is in addition to Price adjustment for Delay applicable pursuant
to GTC-Works clause no. 10. The provisions of GTC-Works clause no. 10 shall have no
bearing on this clause.

6.11 The Contractor shall without prejudice to its overall responsibility to execute and complete
the work as per specifications and time schedule, progressively deploy equipment’s and
tools & tackles as and augment the same as decided by the Engineer-in-Charge depending
on the exigencies of the Works so as to complete all Works within the Completion Period
and without any additional cost to Owner. No construction equipment shall be supplied by
the Owner.


7.1 Subject to the provisions in the contract document and without prejudice to Contractor’s
liabilities and responsibilities to provide adequate qualified skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled
personnel on the work and augment the same as workout basis earned value method and
decided by the Engineer-in-Charge depending upon the site requirement & the exigencies of
work so as to complete all works within the contracted time schedule and without any additional
cost to OWNER. In case of any failure to augment resources as above Owner/Consultant
reserve the right to deploy and deduct cost of such deployment from contractor’s bills.

7.1.1 Contractor shall mobilize the key personnel as detailed in Appendix-VI of SCC. Contractor
mobilize work force as per agreed schedule (month wise arrived based on Earned Value
Method (NPV) of planning) duly approved by Owner/ Consultant.
7.1.2 “Contractor shall maintain record of actual mobilization of key personnel and work force and
Joint record of mobilization will be maintained and offered to Owner/ Consultant for verification
daily basis and to be included in DPR viz., Daily progress report”.

7.1.3 In case of delay in mobilization or shortfall in mobilization of key personnel or Workforce with
respect to approved monthly schedule, recovery shall be made from contractor’s running bills
as certified by ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE. The recovery shall be based on the hiring / recovery
rates specified elsewhere in the bidding document.

7.1.4 If found necessary, Owner/Consultant may deploy any manpower and recover the amount for
such deployment as per rates provided at Appendix-VII to SCC.

7.1.5 In case of early mobilization or additional mobilization of manpower as compared to required

manpower (based on approved schedule) to meet the schedule requirement, contractor shall
not be entitled for any extra claim.

7.1.6 Key personnel and manpower may be demobilized by the contractor on completion of work at
site after written clearance of Engineer-in-charge. Unilateral withdrawal of any key personnel
and manpower by the contractor will attract recovery as per the hiring / recovery rates specified
in Appendix-VII to SCC.

7.1.7 Deduction under this clause is in addition to LD applicable pursuant to GTC and SCC Clause.
The provision of GTC shall have no bearing on this clause. The Contractor’s maximum liability
towards deduction for non-deployment of requisite minimum key personnel and manpower
shall be limited to 2.5% of contract price.

7.1.8 In case LD is not applicable to the contractor, then amount deducted on account of non-
deployment of key personnel and manpower if any will be refunded to the contractor along
with payment of final bill.

7.2 “Qualification and experience of mandatory Key Supervisory Personnel to be deployed for this
work shall be as per Appendix-VI to SCC. Contractor shall submit bio-data of mandatory Key
Supervisory Personnel meeting the requirement of this Annexure will be reviewed and
approved by CONSULTANT / OWNER


8.1 Payments will be based on the actual measurements jointly taken by the Engineer-in-Charge
/Owner’s representative and the Contractor. All payments will be made on the basis of actual
measurements only. In addition to the provisions of relevant clause of General Terms and
Condition of Contract and associated provisions thereof, the provisions of Appendix-I to SCC
shall also apply.


“Contractor to send mandatory Daily Progress Report, fortnightly and monthly reports. All
reports, progress charts etc. as required by Site Engineer or by the Owner shall be kept
available at bidder’s site office. The same shall be submitted to Site Engineer or the Owner as
and when required without any charge to either the Site Engineer or Owner”.


10.1 Contractor will be allowed to work on Sundays, holidays and during night hours only after
obtaining prior written approval of Engineer-in-charge / Owner, but in no case at any extra cost
or charges to the Owner for such work subject, however, to the statutory restrictions, if any, in
respect thereof.


11.1 Normal working Hours shall be from 09:00 am to 05:30 pm. However, the same may be
extended by Owner/Consultant on request and need basis. However, working hours for work
within the work site shall be governed by the work permits issued by Owner.
11.2 Depending upon the requirement, Works Time Schedule / drawing programmes and the target
set to complete the relevant work in time, the works may have to continue beyond normal
working hours to the extent of round the clock also, for which no extra claim shall be


12.1 Contractor shall be responsible for organizing the lifting of the equipment in the proper
sequence, that orderly progress of the work is ensured and access routes for erecting the
other equipments are kept open.

12.2 Orientation of all foundation, elevations, lengths and disposition of anchor bolts and
diameter of holes in the supports saddles shall be checked by contractor, well in
advance. Minor rectifications including chipping of foundations as the case may be
shall be carried out at no extra cost by the contractor after obtaining prior approval of
the Engineer-in-Charge. The Contractor shall also be provided with the necessary
structural drawings and piping layouts etc., wherever required for reference. During
the structural member need to be dismantled, to facilitate the equipment erection,
same shall be done by the contractor after ensuring proper stability of main structure
with prior permission of Engineer-in-Charge. All such dismantled members shall be
put in position back after the completion of equipment erection to satisfaction of

12.3 During the performance of the work the Contractor at his own cost, shall keep
structures, materials and equipment adequately braced by guys, struts or otherwise
approved means which shall be supplied and installed by the Contractor as required
till the installation work is satisfactorily completed. Such guys, shoring, bracing, strutting,
planking supports etc. shall not interfere with the work of other agencies
and shall not damage or cause distortion to other works executed by him or other

Manufacturer's recommendations and detailed specifications for the installation of the

various equipment and machines will be passed on to the contractor to the extent
available during the performance of work. The requirements stipulated in these
clauses shall be fulfilled by the Contractor.
Various tolerances required as marked on the drawings and as per specifications and
instructions of the Engineer-in-Charge, shall be maintained. Verticality shall be
maintained. Verticality shall be verified with the Theodolite.


13.1 All the erection shall be carried out by Cranes of suitable capacity. Erection by derrick shall
not be permissible. The contractor shall arrange the crane of suitable capacity required for
erection and include cost for same in respective items without any liability on the part of

13.2 Bidder shall submit the indicative erection scheme for compressor/equipment and
shall undertake the erection only after obtaining approval of erection scheme by

13.3 Grouting of equipments, anchor bolts, pockets and under base plates shall be carried
out as per technical specifications.


14.1 Contractor shall without prejudice to his overall responsibility to execute and complete the work
as per specifications and time schedule adopt as far as practicable, mechanized construction
techniques for major site activities. Contractor agrees that he will deploy the required numbers
and types of the plant & machinery applicable for different activities in consultation with the
Engineer-in-charge during execution of works.
14.2 Contractor further agrees that Contract price is inclusive of all the associated costs, which he
may incur for actual mobilization, required in respect of use of mechanized construction
techniques and that the Owner/Consultant in this regard shall not entertain any claim
whatsoever in this regard.


15.1 Immediately prior to aligning pipe for welding, the bevelled ends of each joint of pipe and the
area immediately adjacent thereto (at least 25mm from the edge on the inside and outside of
the pipe) shall be thoroughly cleaned of paint, rust, mill scale, dirty or other foreign matter by
use of power drive wire buffing wheels, disc sanders, or by other methods approved by
Employer/Consultant. This shall be done at no extra cost to Employer/Consultant.

15.2 All damaged ends of pipe that are bent, cut or otherwise mutilated to such an extent
that in the opinion of the Employer/Consultant, faulty alignment or unacceptable
welding would result, shall be repaired or cut-off and rebevelled to the correct angle
with a bevelling machine of a type approved by Employer/Consultant. No
compensation shall be allowed by reason of such re-cutting or bevelling, except
when required because of the original bevel being damaged before the pipe is "taken
over" by Contractor.

15.3 Dents in bevels with a depth of less than 1 mm shall be removed by Contractor during cleaning
and grinding, ahead of the welding in the field. Contractor shall rebevel dented bevel ends with
a depth between 1 and 3 mm. Dents over 3mm depth shall be repaired by cutting and


The Contractor shall obtain license from the concerned respective district authorities of each
District for undertaking blasting work as well as for obtaining and storing the explosive as per
Explosive Rules 1940, corrected up to date. Contractor shall carryout only control blasting with
minimal sound/vibration in the places where the pipeline is being laid along the existing
pipelines, along the roads, adjacent to any existing structures etc., No deviation will be
permitted for the same. Contractor to deploy a safety officer, who will keep a record of these
blasting carried out near the existing facilities. In case if any of the existing pipeline, any
adjacent facility owners need demo of such control blasting, same needs to be provided at
no extra cost to Consultant/HPCL. Blasting design to be given by contractor and all statutory
approvals should be done by contractor.

Contractor shall purchase the Explosives, fuses, detonators etc. only from a licensed dealer.
He shall be responsible for the safe custody and proper accounting of the explosive materials.
The Engineer-in-Charge and his authorized representative shall have the access to check the
contractor's store of explosives and his accounts. In case where the explosive are required to
be transported and stored at site, relevant clauses of the Explosive rules 1940 as amended
subsequently shall apply. The Contractor shall be responsible for any accident to workman,
public or property, due to blasting operations.


The Contractor shall engage an approved electrical agency for execution of electrical works,
holding valid electrical contractor license. In case contractor himself executes electrical
works then he shall arrange valid electrical contractor license before start of electrical works
at site. Notwithstanding, Contractor shall adhere to all the safety standards as included in
bidding document.


18.1 All Temporary and ancillary works including enabling works connected with the work shall be
responsibility of the Contractor and the price quoted by them shall be deemed to have included
the cost of such works which shall be removed by the contractor at his cost, immediately after
completion of his work.


19.1 The work involved under this Order may include such works as have to be taken up and
completed after other agencies have completed their jobs. The CONTRACTOR will be
required and bound to take up and when the fronts are available for the same and no claim of
any sort whatsoever shall be admissible to the CONTRACTOR on this account.


20.1 When Contractor is working at Site, Contractor shall note that Contractor would be required to
obtain applicable hot work/ cold work permits on daily basis from the competent authority.
Contractor shall also comply with all the conditions on the work permit / entry permits at no
extra cost to Owner. Contractor shall be required to obtain police verification for obtaining
work/entry permits to work inside the work site for all the employees and workers employed
for the various works for the Project.
20.2 The Contractor shall provide identity cards to all its staff/workmen who will be working inside
the Site/Premises, The ID cards will have to be produced by the Contractors' workmen as and
when demanded by the Owner's representatives or security personnel at Site/ Premises.
20.3 Action where there is no specification:
20.4 In case of any class of work for which there is no specification mentioned, the same shall be
carried out in accordance with the latest edition of Indian Standard Specifications subject to
the approval of the Owner.
20.5 Typographical or Clerical Errors
20.6 Owner clarifications regarding partially omitted particulars or typographical or clerical errors
shall be final and binding on the Contractor.


21.1 Following facilities are to be ensured at all work places where workmen are
deployed/engaged by Contractor.

i) Arrangement of first aid

ii) Arrangement for clean drinking water.
iii) Toilets
iv) Canteen where tea & snacks are available
v) A crèche where 10 or more women workmen are having children below the age of 6 years.


Work shall be carried out in such a manner that the work of other agencies operating at the
site is not hampered due to any action of the Contractor. Proper coordination with other
agencies will be Contractor's responsibility. In case of any dispute, the decision of Engineer-
in-Charge shall be final and binding on the Contractor.


23.1 It is the responsibility of the Contractor to maintain general cleanliness and proper
housekeeping at work site. Contractor shall organize disposal of excavated earth /garbage/
rubbish/ scrape, electrode butts etc. on day to day basis to identified disposal areas/safe areas
as per Owner / Consultant.
23.2 The CONTRACTOR shall dispose off the unserviceable materials, debris etc. to the earmarked
area within / outside the work site as decided by the Owner / Consultant. No extra payment
shall be paid on this account. Serviceable materials shall be stored in designate area
separately after obtaining acknowledgement of duly authorized officer of Owner.
23.3 Consultant shall review and or approval the drawings, design and other documents submitted
by Contractor.
23.4 Consultant will normally require and utilize a maximum time frame of 7 days from the date of
receipt for review/approval of drawings, design and other documents submitted by Contractor.
Upon review of the submitted documents, Consultant may give their comments and ask for
redesign/ resubmission after necessary rectifications/ modifications and the time frame of 15
days will be applicable for the same.


24.1 Contractor shall obtain all safety clearance (viz. excavation, hot/cold work permit) in line OISD
24.2 Contractor shall obtain plans and full details of all existing and planned underground services
from Owner / Consultant and shall follow these plans closely at all times during the
performance of work. Contractor shall be responsible for location and protection of all
underground lines and structures at its own cost.
24.3 Despite all precautions, should any damage to any structure / utility etc. at Site occur, the
Contractor shall contact the Owner / Consultant / authority concerned and Contractor shall
forthwith carry out repair at its expenses under the direction and to the satisfaction of Owner /
Consultant and Owner / Consultant/concerned authority.
24.4 Contractor shall take all precautions to ensure that no damage is caused to the existing
pipelines, cables etc., at Site during construction. Existing structures, existing compound wall,
tiling and other items damaged / disturbed during construction shall be repaired and restored
to their original condition by Contractor after completion of relevant works to the complete
satisfaction of Owner.
24.5 If required, CONTRACTOR shall in consultation with Owner and Consultant and the concerned
authorities, take adequate measures for strengthening the existing electric poles, cast iron
pipes, sewer lines, GI pipelines telephone poles etc. in the proximity of proposed work of HCPL
Project. CONTRACTOR shall take adequate protective measures to prevent damage to these
facilities during the work.
24.6 Contractor shall have to adopt such method of construction as will be suitable for working at
Site using the limited space available and without causing any damage to Site. Contractor
shall be deemed to have taken cognizance of all such constraints, etc. while working at Site
and Contractor shall not be entitled to claim any extra at a later stage.
24.7 All the monuments, articles of value of antiquity and structure or other remains of geological
or archaeological discovered on the site of works shall be declared to be the property of the
Owner during the entire course of execution of work. Site Contractor shall take reasonable
precautions to prevent these workmen or any other persons from removing or damaging any
such articles or thing and shall immediately inform the Owner / Engineer-in-charge and
thereafter hand them over immediately back to Owner in their existing condition, as per the
instructions of Owner / Engineer-in-charge, at no extra cost to Owner.


25.1 It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to obtain the approval for any revision and/or
modifications decided by the Contractor from the Owner/ Engineer-in-charge before
implementation. Also such revisions and/or modifications if accepted/approved by the
Owner/Engineer-in-charge shall be carried out at no extra cost to the Owner. Any changes
required during and/or after approval for detailed construction drawings due to functional
requirements or for efficient running of system keeping the basic parameters unchanged and
which has not been indicated by the Contractor in the data/drawings furnished along with the
offer will be carried out by the Contractor at no extra cost to the Owner.
25.2 All expenses towards mobilization at site and de-mobilization including bringing in equipment,
clearing the site etc. shall be deemed to be included in the prices quoted and no separate
payments on account of such expenses shall be entertained.
25.3 It shall be entirely the Contractor's responsibility to provide, operate and maintain all necessary
construction equipment, scaffoldings and safety gadgets, cranes and other lifting tackles, tools
and appliances to perform the work in a workman like and efficient manner and complete all
the jobs as per time schedules.
25.4 Preparing approaches and working areas for the movement and operation of the cranes,
leveling the areas for assembly and erection shall also be the responsibility of the Contractor.
The Contractor shall acquaint himself with access availability, facilities such as railway siding,
local labour etc. to provide suitable allowances in his quotation. The Contractor may have to
build temporary access roads to aid his own work, which shall also be taken care while quoting
for the work.
25.5 The procurement and supply in sequence and at the appropriate time of all materials and
consumables shall be entirely the Contractor's responsibility and his rates for execution of
work will be inclusive of supply of all these items.
25.6 Bidder shall note that any delays due to Sub-Vendor / Third Party appointed by contractor
in Project execution & completion shall be sole responsibility of the contractor.

CONTRACTOR shall observe in addition to Codes specified in respective specification, all
Applicable Laws and shall be responsible for any extra costs arising from non-adherence with
the same.
Contractor shall prepare and submit all the plans, procedures and documents to Consultant /
Owner as specified in the Contract.
26.3.1 Contractor shall submit Construction Execution Plan to Consultant / Owner for review and
approval while providing the Project Execution Strategy. The Construction Execution Plan
shall detail the execution methodology of the Contractor during work of HCPL Project covering
the following aspects as minimum:
26.3.2 Contractor’s Construction Execution Plan shall include:
26.3.3 Contractor’s man-power and its deployment schedule on monthly basis.
26.3.4 Other plans of Contractor and procedures to be submitted at least 04 weeks prior to start of
respective activity at site include the following as minimum:
a. Temporary facilities, etc.
b. Scaffolding Plan
c. Heavy Transport & Heavy Lifting Plan ( Rigging Plan)
d. Pre-Fabrication Plan
e. Hydro-test Plan
f. Other activity plans (eg. Piping, equipment and steel structure erection plan etc)
g. Monsoon Counter measures and preparation.
h. Emergency Evacuation Procedure
i. Storm Management Plan.


27.1 To distinguish between work in foundations and superstructures, the following criteria shall
27.2 For all Equipment pedestals, pipe racks, other foundation and R.C.C. Structures, work done
up to 300 mm level above finished grade level will be taken as work in foundations and work
above this level will be treated as work in superstructures and payments would be made
27.3 For Buildings only, all works upto level corresponding to finished floor level shall be treated
as `Work in foundation' and all works above the finished floor level shall be treated as "Work
in superstructure".
27.4 Irrespective of what has been stated above, all pavements, R.C.C. Retaining wall, all pipe
sleepers and any similar item would be taken as work done in foundations irrespective of
locations, nomenclature and levels given anywhere.
27.5 Where not specifically pointed out all works in Cellars/ sumps, Tank Pads, Cable trenches, or
such similar item would be taken as work in foundation.


28.1 Without prejudice to stipulation in Terms and Conditions of Works Contract, the Contractor
should follow the printed / typed billing system.
28.2 The bills will be prepared by the Contractor on their own PCs as per the standard formats and
codification scheme proposed by Owner/Consultant. The Contractor will be provided with data
entry format to capture the relevant billing data for subsequent processing. Contractor will
submit these data to Owner/Consultant in an electronic media along with the hard copy of the
bill, necessary enclosures and documents. The Contractor will also ensure the correctness
and consistency of data so entered with the hard copy of the bill submitted for payment.
28.3 Owner/Consultant will utilize these data for processing and verification of the Contractor’s bill
and payment.


29.1 In partial modification to Clause. 7.e and 7.f of Section 8A (GTC), unless until specified
explicitly in the IFB, supply of cement and steel shall be arranged by Contractor and the cost
of the same shall be deemed to be included in the quoted rates.


The bidder should have ownership of following Construction Site lab as listed below:-

Sr. No Requirement for construction site Lab:

1 Thickness Gauge
2 Elongation Index Gauge
3 Flakiness Index Gauge
4 Wire gauge (circular type) disc
5 Screw Gauge
6 Vernier Calipers & Ball anvil micrometer (0-25 mm range)
7 Steel Tape (5 Meter, 50 Meter)
8 Plumb bob with 3-meter-long thread

9 Masons level (minimum 50 cms long with 3 bubbles)

10 Foot rule

11 Piano wire/ Nylon thread (min. 100 meter Long)

12 Magnifying glass
13 Screw driver 30 cms long
14 Ball pein hammer, 100 gms
15 Masons Hammer
16 CTM with minimum capacity of 1200 KN

17 Sieve set for Course aggregate and Fine Aggregate with pan and lid

18 150 Micron and 75 Micron sieve

19 Cube mold
20 Slump cone Apparatus
21 Straight Edge 3-meter long

22 Graduated Measuring flask/ Beaker (1 liter)

23 Graduated Measuring Jar (250 ml)

24 Core cutter with hammer, collar and dolly
Thermostatically controlled Oven (Range 105 oC) with aluminum
container (Bowl)
26 Rapid Moister Meter
Apparatus for Sand Replacement Method of testing including trey,
cylinder etc.

28 Digital Weighing Machine (10 Kg Capacity with accuracy of 1 gm)

29 Digital Weighing Machine (250 gm Capacity with accuracy of 1 gm)

30 Total Station
31 Auto Level
32 Water Level Tube
33 Knife, Trowel, scraper
34 Nonabsorbent type Flat surface (Preferably Glass Sheet)
35 Steel Square (Right Angle)
36 Thermometer (1 set each of Dry and Wet Bulb Type)
37 Transparent type polythene pouch (Self zip type) for collecting sample
38 Permanent marker
39 Torch (12 Volt Dry cell)
40 Bench Vise


31.1 The Dumpyard / Warehouse / Storage Yard is situated at the locations as mentioned in the
scope of work
31.2 The Contractor shall collect the line pipes from the above dump yard(s) and arrange
handling of pipes including crane etc. for unloading, transportation of pipes to
required location.

31.3 Similarly other items issued as Free Issue Material (FIM) shall be collected by the
Contractor from Employer/Consultant’s designated storage yard(s) as directed by
Engineer-in-Charge. Contractor shall arrange for handling of FIM including crane etc
for loading/unloading, transportation of FIM to required site location free of cost.

31.4 Contractor shall lift the entire quantity envisaged for the section (inclusive of 10%
extra pipe quantity) to cater to the wastage, re-routing etc., encountered during the
construction; store it properly in the pipe yard maintained by the contractor.


32.1 Unauthorized substitution or materials delivered in error, other than those mentioned in the
Contract, or material of sub-standard quality or supplied in excess quantity (unless authorized
by the buyer), shall be rejected and the rejected goods if any shall be returned to Contractor
at Contractor 's cost and risk.


33.1 The drawings accompanying the bid document (if any) are of indicative nature and issued for
bidding purpose only. Purpose of these drawing is to enable the Bidder to make an offer in
line with the requirements of the Owner. However no extra claim whatsoever, shall be
entertained for variation in the "Approved for Construction" and "Tender drawings" regarding
any changes/units. Construction shall be as per drawings/specifications issued/approved by
the Engineer-in-Charge during the course of execution of work. Detailed construction drawings
(wherever required) on the basis of which actual execution of work is to proceed will be
prepared by the Contractor.
33.2 The drawings and documents to be submitted by the Contractor to Owner after award of the
LOA as per the requirements enlisted in the IFB shall be for Owner's review, information and
record. The Contractor shall ensure that drawings and documents submitted to Owner are
accompanied by relevant calculations, data as required and essential for review of the
document/ drawings.
33.3 All documents and drawings including those of Contractors’ sub-vendor's manufacturer's etc.
shall be submitted to Owner after having been fully vetted in detail, approved and co- opted
by the Contractor & shall bear Contractor seal/ certifications to this effect. All
documents/drawings & submissions made to Owner without compliance to this requirement
will not be acceptable and the delay & liability owing to this shall be to the Contractor's account.
33.4 The Contractor shall, upon request of the Owner, submit all drawing and documents as
envisaged herein to the Consultant. The Consultant shall review the drawings/ documents
within 15 days from the date of submission provided the same are accompanied by relevant
calculations, data as required and essential for review.
33.5 The review of documents and drawings by Owner/Consultant shall not absolve Contractor
from its responsibility to meet the requirements of specifications, drawings etc. and liabilities
for mistakes and deviations. Upon receiving the comments on the drawing/documents
reviewed by Owner/Consultant, Contractor shall incorporate the comments as required and
ensure compliance.
33.6 Copies of all detailed working drawing relating to the works shall be kept at the Contractors'
office at the site and shall be made available to the Engineer-in-charge/ Owner/Consultant at
any time during execution of the Contract. However no extra claim what so ever shall be
entertained for any variation in the "approved/issued for construction drawings" and "tender
drawings" regarding any changes/units unless otherwise agreed.
33.7 The Contractor shall rectify any inaccuracies, errors and or non-compliance of requirements
envisaged in the Contract. Any delay occurring for reasons attributable to such inaccuracies,
error and or non-compliance shall not construe a reason for delay/ extension.


A. Notwithstanding the provisions contained in standard specification, upon completion of work,
the Contractor shall complete all of the related drawings and documents to the "AS BUILT"
stage (including all vendor / sub-vendor drawings for bought out items), all Free-Issue-Material
(FIM) documents and provide the Owner/Consultant, the following:

i. One complete bound set of all original documents as mentioned but not limited to documents
listed elsewhere in the bid document.
ii. Three complete bound sets of documents as mentioned at (i) above, in original size and in 3
(three) Nos. HARD DISK of Min.1TB each & six sets of Hard copies.
iii. Three complete bound sets of Contractor's specifications including design calculations.
iv. Three copies of Daily Progress Reports

v. Three sets of all raw data collected / generated for and during execution of the entire job as
specified in documents requirement.
vi. Three sets of Closure report.

Completion Documents
The following documents shall be submitted in soft copy and hard binder by the Contractor in
3 (Three) sets, as a part of completion documents:

i. Welding Procedure Qualification Report.

ii. Welder Qualification Report.
iii. Radiographic Procedure Qualification.
iv. Radiographic Report along with radiographs (Radiographs only with the original).
v. Batch Test Certificate from manufacturers for electrodes.
vi. Hydrostatic and other test results & reports.
vii. Electronic Geometry Pigging results & reports as specified in technical document.
viii. Pre-commissioning/ Commissioning checklist.
ix. All other requirements as specified in the respective specifications.
x. As built drawings.
xi. Any other drawing/document/report specified elsewhere in the bidding document
xii. Test Certificate, Warrantee/Guarantee certificates and copies of Purchase Order with Prices
blank from manufacturers for all supply material.
xiii. All other requirements as specified in the respective specifications.
xiv. One set of reproducible on polyester film of construction drawing showing therein the execution
of the work duly approved by the Engineer-in-Charge.
Note: The Contractor shall be eligible to apply for issue of completion certificate after
submission of completion documents as mentioned above.


35.1 The Contractor shall clean and keep clean the work site from time to time to the satisfaction of
the Engineer- in-Charge for easy access to work site and to ensure safe passage, movement
and working.
35.2 If the work involves dismantling of any existing structure in whole or in part, care shall be taken
to limit the dismantling up to the exact point and/or lines as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge
and any damage caused to the existing structure beyond the said line or point shall be repaired
and restored to the original condition at the Contractor's cost and risks to the satisfaction of
the Engineer-in-Charge, whose decision shall be final and binding upon the Contractor.
35.3 The Contractor shall be the custodian of the dismantled materials till the Engineer-in-Charge
takes charge thereof.
35.4 The Contractor shall dispose of the unserviceable materials, debris etc. to any area as decided
by the Engineer-in-Charge.
35.5 The Contractor shall sort out, clear and stack the serviceable materials obtained from the
dismantling/renewal at places as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.
35.6 No extra payment shall be paid on the account of site cleaning.


36.1 The Contractor shall carry out various tests as enumerated in the technical specifications of
the bidding document and the technical documents that will be furnished to him during the
performance of the work.

36.2 All the tests either on the field or at outside laboratories concerning the execution of the work
and supply of materials by the Contractor shall be carried out by Contractor at his own cost.
36.3 The work is subject to inspection at all times by the HPCL/WORLEYPARSONS. The contractor
shall carry out all instructions given during inspection and shall ensure that the work is being
carried out according to the technical specifications of bid document, the technical documents
and the relevant codes of practice will be furnished to him during the performance of the work.
36.4 The Contractor shall provide for purposes of inspection access ladders, lighting and
necessary instruments at his own cost.
36.5 Any work not conforming to execution drawings, specifications or codes shall be rejected
forthwith and the Contractor shall carryout the rectifications at his own cost.
36.6 All results of inspection and tests will be recorded in the inspection reports, proforma of which
will be approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. These reports shall form part of the completion
36.7 For materials supplied by Owner, Contractor shall carryout the tests, if required by the
Engineer-in- Charge, and the Owner shall reimburse the cost of such tests at actual to the
Contractor on production of documentary evidence.
36.8 Statutory fees paid to IBR authorities and for repeat tests and inspection due to failures, repairs
etc. such reasons attributable to the Contractor shall be borne by the Contractor.
36.9 Inspection and acceptance of work shall not relieve the Contractor from any of his
responsibilities under this Contract.
36.10 Contractor shall maintain in addition to project documentation C.T.E. register that will be
supplied by Engineer In charge, and the Owner from time to time and the same shall be
available at site for verification any time.


37.1 Bidder shall include in his offer the Quality Assurance Program containing the overall quality
management and procedures, which is required to be adhered to during the execution of
contract. After the award of the contract detailed quality assurance program shall be prepared
by the contractor for the execution of contract for various works, which will be mutually
discussed and agreed to.
37.2 The Contractor shall establish document and maintain an effective quality assurance system
outlined in recognized codes.
37.3 Quality Assurance System plans/procedures of the Contractor shall be furnished in the form
of a QA manual. This document should cover details of the personnel responsible for the
Quality Assurance, plans or procedures to be followed for quality control in respect of Design,
Engineering, Procurement, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning. The quality
assurance system should indicate organizational approach for quality control and quality
assurance of the construction activities, at all stages of work at site as well as at manufacturer's
works and dispatch of materials.
37.4 The Owner/Consultant or their representative shall reserve the right to inspect/witness, review
any or all stages of work at shop/site as deemed necessary for quality assurance.
37.5 Contractor to deploy a qualified and experienced QC engineer and the proof of his past
experience in handling the quality control in any other project may be submitted to
The contractor has to ensure the deployment of quality Assurance and Quality Control
Engineer(s) depending upon the quantum of work. This QA/QC group shall be fully responsible
to carry out the work as per standards and all code requirements. In case Engineer-in-charge
feels that contractor's QA/QC Engineer(s) are incompetent or insufficient, contractor has to
deploy other experienced Engineer(s) as per site requirement and to the full satisfaction of
37.6 In case contractor fails to follow the instructions of Engineer-in-charge with respect to above
clauses, next payment due to him shall not be released unless and until he complies with the
instructions to the full satisfaction of Engineer-in-charge.
37.7 The Contractor shall adhere to the quality assurance system as per Appendix-V to SCC.
37.8 Contractor shall provide all information and along with the consultant maintain C.T.E Registers.
37.9 The contractor shall engage a full time Quality Assurance/QC Engineer for each location as
defined in Appendix –VI to SCC.
37.10 Contractor shall use stage wise Checklist to ensure that all the construction activities are
carried out complying with Specifications, Codes & Standards, Typical formats of Checklist
are attached as Appendix – V to SCC & Scope of Work as defined in Technical
Specifications. These are attached separately with this Tender.


38.1 All inspection and tests on bought out items/ materials shall be made as per the specifications
forming part of this contract. Various stages of inspection and testing (for ingredients/
execution quality/ execution workmanship/ Post execution) shall be identified after receipt of
Quality Assurance Program from the Contractor/Manufacturer.
38.2 Inspection calls shall be given for associations of Owner/ Consultant’s representative as per
mutually agreed program in prescribed proforma with 15 days margin, giving details of
equipment and attaching relevant test certificates and internal inspection report of the
Contractor. All drawings, General Arrangement and other contract drawings, specifications,
catalogues etc. pertaining to equipment offered for inspection shall be got approved from
Owner/Consultant and copies shall be made available to Owner/Consultant beforehand for
undertaking inspection.
38.3 The Contractor shall ensure full and free access to the inspection engineer of
Owner/Consultant at the Contractor’s or their sub-contractor’s premises at any time during
contract period to facilitate him to carry out inspection and testing assignments.
38.4 The Contractor/sub-contractor shall provide all instruments, tools, necessary testing and other
inspection facilities to inspection engineer of Owner/Consultant free of cost for carrying out
38.5 Where facilities for testing do not exist in the Contractor’s/sub-contractor’s laboratories,
samples and test pieces shall be drawn by the Contractor/Subcontractor in presence of
Inspection Engineer of Owner/Consultant and duly sealed by the later and sent for testing in
NABL approved Test House or any other testing laboratories approved by the Inspection
Engineer at the Contractor’s cost.
38.6 It is sole responsibility of Contractor to ensure facilitation of Inspection for all the bought-out
items & timely completion of the delivery of such items to site locations without leading to
impact the construction schedule.
38.7 Any changes / re-inspection required to be carried out due to non-compliance to the technical
requirements will be sole responsibility of the contractor. Contractor shall perform these
actions without any time & cost implications to Owner / Consultant.
39.1 Bidder shall be required to submit recent test certificates for the material being used in works
from the recognized laboratories. These certificates should indicate all properties of the
materials as required in relevant IS Standards or International Standards.
39.2 Contractor shall also submit the test certificate with every batch of material supplied which will
be approved by Engineer-in-Charge. No secured advance will be given for the materials not
having test certificate. In case any test is to be carried out, the same shall be undertaken in
the approved laboratory at the cost of Contractor


40.1 After completion of all tests as per specification the whole work will be subject to a final
inspection to ensure that job has been completed as per requirement. If any defects noticed
in the work attributable to Contractor, the Contractor at his own cost shall attend these, as and
when the owner brings them to his notice. The Owner/Consultant shall have the right to have
these defects rectified at the risk and cost of the contractor if he fails to attend to these defects


41.1 The Contractor, during entire duration of the Contract, shall adhere to HSE requirement as per
HSE MANAGMENENT Specifications (Appendix-III of SCC), Safety measures for Electrical
Installation during Construction (OISD-192), enclosed in the Bidding Document as HSE

41.2 “The contractor shall engage full time qualified and experienced HSE Engineer at each location
right though the contractual stage. The qualification and experience of such personnel shall
not be less than what specified in Appendix-VI of SCC”.


42.1 The Bidder as per the technical specification along with its Tender taking into account the
Completion Period shall furnish the detailed procedure proposed for the hydrostatic testing.
The necessary piping, pumps etc. shall be provided by the Contractor. The final disposal of
water after testing shall be Contractor's responsibility and should be in such a way that neither
the traffic movement even pedestrians nor the standing crop in nearby fields gets affected.
Suitable drains shall be provided for this purpose as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge within
the Contract Price.
42.2 The Contractor shall propose and obtain approval of Engineer-in-Charge based on drawings,
availability of water for hydro testing and keeping in view other exigencies, if any before starting
hydro testing work. The Contractor will carry out the hydrostatic test for approved number of
test section including preparation for test and tie-ins, without any time and cost implication on
this account to Owner/Consultant. Any increase or decrease in number of test sections will not
have any cost implication to Owner / Consultant.


43.1 The materials required to be supplied by the Bidder under this Contract shall be procured only
from Owner / Consultant approved vendors. Bidder shall furnish the details (Past track record
/ credentials) of proposed makes and shall obtain prior approval of Owner / Consultant. Bidder
shall not procure any item from vendors not approved by Consultant/ Owner.
43.2 Bidder to note that the proposed manufacturer from where bidder proposes to source the sub-
vendor items should be of reputed make, for equivalent service / rating as per the tender
requirements. Additionally, proposed sub-vendor shall have been supplied similar type of
material in any of the following industries in last seven years ending bid due date;
Hydrocarbon, Petrochemicals, Chemical, Fertilizers & Power sectors. Successful Bidder to
submit documentary evidence (order copies).
43.3 Bidder is also required to ensure that equipment qualification criteria, specified elsewhere in
the bid document, are also simultaneously met.
43.4 Bidder shall make an independent assessment of capability of all the vendors for timely
deliveries of material / equipment. Any delays in deliveries by vendor(s) shall not be a cause
of Schedule and cost implication.
43.5 Non-acceptance of a particular proposed Makes /vendor due to any reasons whatsoever shall
not be a cause of Schedule and cost implication to the Owner.
43.6 At any stage of the project, if it comes to the notice of Owner/ Consultant that Contractor has
procured material / equipment, intentionally or unintentionally whatsoever, from an
unapproved vendor and/or items not falling in approved range of vendor(s), the same shall be
rejected forthwith and Contractor shall be liable to replace such material /plant / machinery
without any Schedule and cost implication to the Owner.
43.7 It is understood that should the name of Vendor be changed due to change in their Company
or Corporate shareholding, Owner may accept such Vendors under its new name with prior
43.8 Any such approval shall however, not absolve the Contractor from any of his obligations under
the contract; neither shall any such approval signify nominations or instruction to use such a
vendor. All approved vendors are deemed to have been freely chosen by the Contractor at his
own risk.


44.1 For the purpose of qualification of welding procedure, operators, Contractor may use the
same pipes issued by Employer/Consultant. However, accounting of such pipes shall be
done within the unaccountable wastage and scraps limit as per Appendix-IV to SCC
enclosed with the bidding document.
44.2 The bare pipes for the purpose as above shall be issued within two week from the date of
FOI/FOA. The contractor shall bear all cost towards lifting, carting from issue point to work
site/Contractor’s store, custody, handling, insurance and levies etc. and return of
surplus/scrap materials to employer designated storage point. No separate payment shall be
made for such expenditure.


45.1 Owner reserves their right to execute any additional works/ extra works, during the execution
of work, either by themselves or by appointing any other agency even though such works are
incidental to and necessary for the completion of works awarded to the Contractor. In the
event of such decisions taken by Owner, Contractor is required to extend necessary
cooperation, and act as per the instructions of Engineer-in-Charge. No extra time/cost
compensation will be made by Owner/Consultant.


The following schedules/documents/reports shall be prepared and submitted by the Contractor
for review/approval at various stages of the Contract.
46.1 Work Time Schedule at the time of submitting the Tender and Project Schedule after
the Award of Contract
a) Works Time Schedule
The Works Time Schedule submitted by the Bidder for the work for HCPL Project (including
mobilization period) shall be developed keeping in mind the Completion Period and the
provisions of the IFB (Please refer Chapter-6)
The Contractor is required to submit a Works Time Schedule in Primavera. The Works Time
Schedule shall cover all aspects like sub-ordering, manufacturing and delivery, indicated in
the IFB. The Owner interface activities shall be clearly identified with their latest required dates.
Owner reserves the right to disqualify the Bidder if the above Works Time Schedule submitted
by the Bidder is not in line with the overall requirement of the Project.
b) Scheduling & Monitoring System
The Bidders should describe their system of scheduling and monitoring the works in respect
of work, the extent of computerization, level of detailing, tracing methodology etc. with the
name of computer package and sample outputs.
c) Overall Project Schedule
The Contractor shall submit within 1 week of LOA, a sufficiently detailed overall intended
‘Project Schedule’ in the activity network form, clearly indicating the major milestones,
interrelationship/ interdependence between various activities together with analysis of critical
path and floats.
The intended ‘Project Schedule’ will be reviewed and approved by Engineer- in-Charge and
the comments if any shall be incorporated in the network before issuing the same for
implementation. The network thus finalized shall be referred as the ‘Project Schedule’ and
form part of the Contract and the same shall not be revised without the prior permission from
Engineer-in- Charge during the entire period of Contract.
d) Progress Measurement Methodology
The Contractor is required to submit within 1 week of award of LOA, the methodology of
progress measurement of sub-ordering, manufacturing/ delivery, sub- contracting construction
and commissioning works and the basis of computation of overall services/physical progress
informed. Owner reserves the right to modify the methodology in part or in full.
e) Functional Schedules
The Contractor should prepare detailed functional schedules in line with network for functional
monitoring and control and submit scheduled progress covers for each function viz. ordering,
delivery and construction.
46.2 Project Review Meetings
The Contractor shall present the programme and status at various review meetings as
a. Weekly Review Meeting
Level of Participation Contractor's / Consultant's RCM / Site Incharge &
Job Engineers.
a. Weekly programme v/s actual achieved in the
past week & programme for next week.
b. Remedial Actions and hold up analysis.
c. Client query/ approval.
d. Status of HSE adherence / compliance

Venue: Site Office

b. Monthly Review Meeting

Level of Participation Senior Officers of Owner/Consultant and

Agenda a. Progress Status/ Statistics
b. Completion Outlook
c. Major hold ups/slippages
d. Assistance required
e. Critical issues
f. Client query/ approval
g. Status of HSE adherence / compliance

Venue: Owner / Consultant Office/ Site at the discretion of Owner/ Consultant

46.3 Progress Reporting Proforma

A. Monthly Progress Report
This report shall be submitted by the Contractor to Owner/Contractor on a monthly basis within
10 (ten) calendar days from cutoff date, as agreed upon covering overall scenarios of the work.
The report shall include, but not limited to the following:
a. Brief Introduction of the work.
b. Activities executed/ achievements during the month.
c. Schedule versus actual percentage progress and progress curves for Detail Engg. Sub-
ordering, manufacturing/delivery,sub-contracting,construction,commissioning and overall
and quantum wise status & orders against schedule.
d. Area of concern/ problem/ hold-ups, impacts and action plans.
e. Resources deployment status.
f. Annexures giving status summary for drawings, MRs, deliveries, sub-contracting and
g. Procurement status for items to be supplied by Contractor.

B. Weekly Reports
The report will be prepared and submitted by the Contractor to Owner/Consultant on weekly
basis and will cover following items:
a. Activities programmed and completed during the week.
b. Resource deployed men and machines.
c. Quantities achieved against target in construction
d. Record of man-days lost.
e. Construction percentage progress schedule and actual.

C. Daily Reports (all the reports Duly certified by the consultant & then only bo be submitted to
a. Activity programme for the day
b. Progress of the previous day and commutative progress.
c. Manpower & machinery deployed.

D. Any other additional reports/ information as may be required by Engineer In Charge

46.4 Progress Reports
46.4.1 Contractor shall make every effort to keep the Owner adequately informed as to the progress
of the works throughout the duration of the Contract.
46.4.2 Contractor shall keep the Owner informed well in advance of the relevant Project Schedule so
as to enable the Owner to arrange for requisite inspection to be carried out in such a manner
as to minimize interference with progress of works. It is imperative that close coordination be
maintained with the Owner during all phases of the work.
46.4.3 By the 10th (tenth) of each month, Contractor shall furnish the Owner a detailed report covering
the progress as of the last day of the previous month. These reports will indicate actual and
scheduled percentage of completion of construction as well as general comments of interest
or the progress of various phases of the work. The frequency of progress reporting by the
Contractor shall be weekly.
46.4.4 Once a week, Contractor shall submit a summary of the works accomplished during the
preceding week in form of percentage completion of the various phases of the work, to the
46.4.5 Progress reports shall be supplied by Contractor with documents such as chart, networks,
photographs, test certificate etc. Such progress reports shall be in the form and size as may
be required by the Owner and shall be submitted in at least 3 (three) copies.
46.4.6 Contractor shall prepare daily progress report (DPR) in the desired format and submit it to
Engineering-In-Charge along with schedule of next day to Engineer-In-Charge.


The Contractor shall shoot, prepare and submit colored photographs ( B5 size) in 2 sets along
with softcopies to WorleyParsons site office along with monthly progress report covering all
the activities (Minimum ten no. photographs covering various phases of each activity) of
pipeline constructions highlighting the progress or other areas of work. Similarly photographs
for problem areas (as required) should be submitted well in advance with a proposed

methodology to execute the works and meet the construction schedule. The cost of same shall
be deemed to be inclusive in the rates and no separate payment shall be made.


48.1 For specific requirements, Contractor shall refer to the Technical Specification. Status of all
clearances required for the works shall be provided to the Successful Bidder or Contractor,
should there be any other requirement for execution of works comprising of the work, the
same shall be obtained by the Contractor at its own cost and statutory payments shall be
reimbursed by Owner based on documentary evidence.
48.2 Contractor shall, at his own responsibility and cost, supply & provide water, power and cement
and other utilities for the entire job in the quantities and at the times required for performance
of work under the contract. The contract price shall be deemed to include the costs towards
the same. The owner/consultant shall not supply water, power, cement and other utilities.
Contractor shall obtain transport permit for the access roads and other permits required for
the execution of the works conforming to all the requirements of the Governing authorities.

48.3 Contractor shall, if required by him, for the entire duration of the execution of the work make
available near the site, land for construction of Contractor’s office, Warehouse, Workshops
and for any purpose in connection with providing infrastructure required for the execution of
the Contract. The Contractor shall at his own cost construct all temporary buildings and
provide suitable water supply and sanitary arrangement as required. On completion of the
work undertaken by the Contractor, he shall remove all temporary works erected by him and
have the site cleared as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. If the Contractor shall fail to comply
with these requirements, the Engineer-in-Charge may at the expense of the Contractor
remove such surplus and rubbish materials and dispose off the same as he deems fit and get
the site cleared as aforesaid, and the Contractor shall forthwith pay the amount of all
expenses so incurred and shall have no claims in respect of any such surplus material
disposed of as aforesaid.

48.4 The CONTRACTOR shall not be permitted to enter on (other than for inspection purpose) or
Take possession of site until instructed to do so by Owner / Consultant in writing. The portions
of the site to be occupied by the CONTRACTOR shall be defined and/or marked on the site
plan failing which these shall be indicated by Owner / Consultant at site and the operations
beyond the areas, in respect of any land permitted by the Owner for the use of the
CONTRACTOR for the purpose of or in connection with the Contract, the same shall be
subject to the following and such other terms and condition as may be imposed by Owner.
Such use or occupations shall not confer any right of tenancy of the land to the
CONTRACTOR. The contractor shall submit fortnightly report covering all major activities
indicating schedule / actual progress, near-misses, slippages & its reasons and catch up plan.

48.5 The CONTRACTOR shall have no right to put up any construction of its own of any nature or
type at the Site except temporary constructions for storage of equipment's for the work under
the Contract or as a resting place for the laborer (workmen) employed by it for the work
provided that it obtains the requisite previous permission in writing from Owner /Consultant.
Owner may refuse such permission in its absolute discretion or grant conditional permission,
as it may deem appropriate. Such construction will be erected at the CONTRACTOR’s own
cost. The CONTRACTOR shall at its own cost demolish all such constructions and remove
the debris thereof. As also all its materials and equipment's and clean and level the site thereof
before handing over the completed work to the Owner.

48.6 The CONTRACTOR shall provide if necessary or if required for the site all temporary access
thereof and shall alter adapt and maintain the same as required from time to time and shall
take up and clear them away as and when no longer required and as and when ordered by
Owner/ Consultant and make good all damages done at /to the site. The CONTRACTOR shall
note that the final bill will not be certified for payment till the action as above is completed by
the CONTRACTOR to the entire satisfaction of Owner / Consultant.

48.7 All drawings, tracings, photo prints and writing (except letter) shall be the sole property of
Owner and must be returned to them on completion of work. The drawings maintained on the
site are to be carefully mounted on boards of appropriate size. They are to be protected from
ravages from termites, ants, silverfish and other insects.

48.8 The completion of the work, for HCPL Project may require working in the monsoon also. The
CONTRACTOR must maintain labour force as may be required for the job and plan and
execute the construction and erection according to the prescribed schedule. No extra rate will
be considered for such work in monsoon. The time schedule includes monsoon window period
also. Hence request for time extension due to monsoon shall not ordinarily be entertained by

48.9 During the execution of the work CONTRACTOR shall check its work with drawings. The
CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for all the errors in this connection and shall have to
rectify all defects and / or error at its own cost failing which HPCL reserves the rights to get
the same rectified at the risk and cost of the CONTRACTOR.

48.10 During inclement weather the CONTRACTOR shall suspend concreting and plastering for
such time as Owner/ Consultant may direct and shall protect from injury all works in the course
of erection

48.11 Should the work be suspended by reason of rain, strike, lockouts or other cause the
CONTRACTOR shall take all precautions necessary for the protection of the work at its own
expense shall make good any damages arising from any such cause.

48.12 All rubbish including muck and water, as it accumulates from time to time during the progress
of the work shall be cleared through proper drainage arrangement so as not to hamper the
progress of various other site works in progress.

48.13 The CONTRACTOR shall provide suitable pillar with flat tops and build the same in concrete
for temporary benchmarks. All the pegs for setting out the works and fixing the necessary
levels required for the execution thereof shall if desired by Owner/ Consultant likewise be built
in masonry at such places and in such manner as the Owner may determine.

48.14 The CONTRACTOR shall cover up and protect from injury due to any cause to all new work
and any other requisite protection for the whole of the works executed whether by itself or
special tradesman or sub- CONTRACTORs and any damage caused must be made good by
the CONTRACTORs at its own expense.

48.15 Cutting of trees shall not be permitted except in the case that tree is falling on the line of
ROU/ROW. In such circumstances, details of such tree being cut shall be prepared and
forest/ municipal authorities be informed and necessary approval be obtained by contractor.


49.1 The Contractor shall abide by all applicable rules, regulations, statutes, laws, as amended
from time to time governing the performance of works in India, including but not limited to the
a. Indian Explosives Act, 1984.
b. The Motor Vehicles Act, 1988.
c. The Factories Act 1949.
d. The Petroleum Act, 2002.
e. Workman’s Compensation Act 1923.
f. Static/Mobile Pressure Vessel Act,
g. Indian Electricity Act,
h. Indian Boiler Act, 1923.
i. Water (Prevention & Control Pollution) Act, 1974.
j. Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Cess Act-1977.
k. The Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act-1981.
l. The Radiation Protection Rules-1971
m. The Indian Forest Act-1927.
n. The Environment [Protection] Act 1986.
o. The Environment (Protection) Rules-1986.
p. The Hazardous Wastes (Management & Handling) Rules-1989.
q. The Manufacture, Storage & import of Hazardous Chemicals Rules-1989.
r. Wild life Act 1972 and Wild Life[Protection] Act 2006.
s. Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act 1970& the centre rules1971 framed there
t. The Central Motor Vehicle Rule-1989.
u. Payment of Wages Act 1936.
v. Minimum Wages Act 1948.
w. Employer’s Liability Act 1938.
x. Apprentices Act 1961.
y. Industrial Disputes Act 1947.
z. Merchant Maritime Act1920
aa. Building and other Construction workers Act 1996
bb. Employees’ State Insurance Act 1948
cc. Employees’ Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952
dd. Any other Statute, Act, Law as may be applicable.


50.1 The Contractor shall strictly comply with the provisions of Employees Provident Fund Act and
register themselves with RPFC before commencing work. The Contractor shall deposit
Employees and Employers contributions to the RPFC every month. The Contractor shall
furnish along with each running bill, the challan/ receipt for the payment made to the RPFC for
the preceding months.


51.1 The approval from any authority required as per statutory rules and regulations of Central/State
Government/Local Bodies shall be the contractor's responsibility unless otherwise specified in
the bid document. The application on behalf of the Owner for submission to relevant authorities
along with copies of required certificates complete in all respects shall be prepared and
submitted by the Contractor well ahead of time so that the actual construction/ commissioning
of the work is not delayed for want of the approval/inspection by concerned authorities.

51.2 The Contractor shall arrange the inspection of the works by the authorities and necessary co-
ordination and liaison work in this respect shall be the responsibility of the contractor. However
statutory fees paid, if any, for all inspections and approvals to such authorities shall be
reimbursed at actual by the Owner to the contractor on production of documentary evidence.
51.3 Any change/ addition required to be made to meet the requirements of the statutory
authorities shall be carried out by the contractor without additional cost to Owner. The
inspection and acceptance of the work by statutory authorities shall however, not absolve the
contractor from any of his responsibilities under this contract.


52.1 In order to govern welfare and working conditions of labourers engaged in construction
activities, the Building and other Construction Workers’ (Regulation of Employment and
Conditions of Service “RE&CS”) Act, 1996 came into force. RE&CS Act’1996 is applicable in
respect of building and other construction work. Wherever applicable, The Contractor shall
strictly comply with the following provisions pertaining to RE &CS Act’1996.
a. The Contractor shall be registered with the concerned authorities under the Building and
Other Construction Workers’ (RE&CS) Act, 1996 or in case of non-registration; the
CONTRACTOR shall obtain registration within one month of the award of LOA.
b. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible to comply with all provisions of the Building and
Other Construction Workers’ (RE&CS) Act, 1996, the Building and Other Construction
Workers’ Welfare Cess Act, 1996, the Building and other Construction Workers’ (RE&CS)
Rules, 1998 and the Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Cess Rules, 1998.
c. Cess as per the prevailing rate, shall be deducted at source from bills of the Contractor by the
Engineer-In-Charge of the Contract and remitted to the “Secretary, Building and Other
Construction Workers Welfare Board” of the concerned State. The Contractor shall be
responsible to submit final assessment return of the cess amount to the assessing officer after
adjusting the cess deducted at source.


All foreign nationals coming to India for execution of Projects/Contracts will have to apply for
Employment Visa only and that grant of Employment Visa would be subject to strict adherence
of following norms:

i) Employment Visa is granted only for the skilled and qualified professionals or to a person
who is being engaged or appointed by a Company, Organization, Industry or Undertaking
etc. in India on contract or employment basis at a senior level, skilled position such as
technical expert, senior executive or in managerial position etc.

ii) Request for Employment Visa for jobs for which large number of qualified Indians are
available, is not considered.

iii) Under no circumstances an Employment Visa is granted for routine, ordinary secretarial /
clerical jobs.

Bidders are advised in their own interest to check latest Visa rules from Indian Embassy / High
Commission in their country in case foreign nationals are required to be deputed to India during
execution of the Contract.






1.1 The mode of measurement shall be as per BIS or any other relevant standard unless otherwise
mentioned in the tender.

1.2 Payment will be made on the basis of joint measurements taken by Contractor and certified
by Owner/Consultant. Measurement shall be based on "Approved for Construction" drawings,
to the extent that the work conforms to the drawings and details are adequate.

1.3 Wherever work is executed based on instructions of Owner/Consultant or details are not
adequate in the drawings, physical measurements shall be taken by Contractor in the
presence of Owner/Consultant representative.

1.4 Measurements of weights shall be in Kg/MT, volume shall be in Cubic Foot / Cubic Meter and
area shall be in Square Foot, Square Meter corrected to three places after decimal Value.
Linear measurements shall be in meters corrected to the nearest centimeters.

NOTE: The above measurement of works shall not be applicable for lump sum items of SOR.



Pending completion of the whole works, provisional progressive payments for the part of work
executed by the contractor shall be made by Owner on the basis of said work completed and certified
by the Owner's representative as per the agreed milestone payment schedule and the percentage
break-ups given below.

Contractor shall submit invoices to the Owner's representative fortnightly in the manner as instructed
by Owner. Each invoice will be supported by documentation acceptable to Owner and certified by the
Owner's representative. Payments made by owner to the contractor for any part of the work shall not
deem that the Owner has accepted the work. All payments against running bills are advance against
the work and shall not be taken as final acceptance of work / measurement carried out till the final bill.
Owner will release payment through e-payments only as detailed in the bidding document.

Payment will be made against Running Account bills for the work done on the basis of accepted unit
rates as per contract in the following manner: -


A) 90% Payment will be made as below: -

1.1 5% progressively on completion of site development, stacking, clearing and grading of

1.2 10% progressively on completion of trenching by excavation.
1.3 5% progressively on completion of stringing, fabrication, alignment, bending.
1.4 15% progressively on completion of field welding & NDT.
1.5 5% progressively on completion of joint coating.
1.6 5 % progressively on completion of TCP works.
1.7 10 % progressively on completion of lowering.
1.8 5% progressively on completion of laying of HDPE Duct, jointing, back filling. HDPE
testing to be done and reports to be provided before laying
1.9 5% on completion of OFC blowing and establishing continuity between respective SVs.
1.10 5% progressively on completion of Magnetic pigging , gauge plate pigging
1.11 5% progressively on hydro testing, dewatering and swabbing.
1.12 5% progressively after EGP & defect rectification if applicable.
1.13 5 % on ROU restoration
1.14 5% after completion of Pre-commissioning & Commissioning activities including
integration of the system.
B) 10% on completion of all works in all respects and acceptance thereof including ROU
restoration with NOC from landowners, NOC from statutory authorities if applicable.

i) 2.5% on submission of As-Built drawings & all other drawings / documents as

ii) 5 % on submission of NOC from landowners & NOC from statutory authorities if
iii) 2.5 % on Compensatory Afforestation and handover to PCP contractor if

The above progressive payments are subject to deductions towards income tax & other
recoveries as applicable.


2.1 10 % on carrying out pre-construction survey and design Approval.
2.2 25% on string preparation, NDT clearance, pre-testing and Joint coating.
2.3 10% on successful pilot hole drilling.
2.4 35 % on successful reaming and Pulling of string.
2.5 10% on Post testing, Tie in and backfilling.
2.6 5% on Restoration including bentonite disposal and obtaining NOC
2.7 5% on completion of all works in all respects and issuance of completion certificate.


3.1: 10% carrying out pre-construction survey and design Approval.

3.2: 20% upon installation of Casing Pipe, Vent Pipe and Drain Pipe across crossing.
3.3: 20% on string preparation, NDT clearance, pre-testing and Joint coating.
3.4: 30% after insertion of carrier pipe & continuity test.
3.5: 10% on Post testing, Tie in, end seal and backfilling.
3.6: 5% on Restoration including bentonite filling ( if specified in the contract) and obtaining
NOC from concerned authorities/farmers ( only if applicable).
3.7: 5% on completion of all works in all respects


A) The payment for Temporary Cathodic Protection Systems shall be made based on
actual measurement of Pipeline in KM. Accordingly, the Lumpsum Price for Temporary
Cathodic Protection System shall be considered and payable on pro-rata basis as per
following break-up.
4.1 Temporary CP

4.1.1 10 % on Carrying out all required surveys/studies including Design of Temporary CP

systems, Approval of the same by TPI/HPCL/WP
4.1.2 10% on approval of MTO / Layout / GA drawings and placement of PO on
sub vendors.
4.1.2 30 % progressively on receipt of equipment / materials at site and verification
of test certificate, inspection release notes, etc.
4.1.3 20% on installation of the system progressively.
4.1.4 25% on testing and commissioning of CP System.
4.1.5 5% on submission of final details and acceptance by PCP contractor

4.2 PCP:
4.2.1 10 % Carrying out all required surveys/studies including Design of Permanent CP
systems, Approval of the same by TPI/HPCL/WP and placement of purchase orders
on sub-vendor.
4.2.2 5% on approval of MTO / Layout / GA drawings and placement of PO on sub vendors.
4.2.3 20 % on Receipt of equipment and materials at Site, Verification of Inspection Release
Notes & Test Certificates as per Scope of Supply.
4.2.4 5 % Acquisition of Anode bed land and ROW for cable (if required)
4.2.5 20% on installation of the system progressively.
4.2.6 15% on testing and commissioning of CP System.
4.2.7 5 % on Transferring Anode Bed Land on HPCL name
4.2.8 10 % on Interference Survey, Validation of Data
4.2.9 10 % on Final acceptance of system after any rectification if required and


5.1 5% on approval of MTO / Layout / GA drawings.
5.2 50% on receipt and acceptance of material at site.
5.3 30% on erection of material at site.
5.4 10% on completion of all activities including testing and their acceptance.

B) 5% on submission of final documents, including As-built drawings, final bill and

acceptance of these by owner.
5.1 OFC blowing
5.1.1 70% progressively on OFC blowing
5.1.2 15% on Testing of OFC
5.1.3 10% on Handover of system with test reports to Telecom Vendor and acceptance of the
5.1.4 5 % on completion of final reconciliation and excess OFC return to HPCL and


6.1 Sectionalizing Valve Stations & Intermediate Pigging & Pumping Stations
6.1.1 2.5% against approval of Residual Engineering drawings.
6.1.2 92.5% progressively against work completions.
6.1.4 5% on submission of final documents, including As-built drawings, final bill and
acceptance of these by owner.

6.2 Equipment foundation for launchers / Receivers
6.2.1 2.5% against approval of Residual Engineering drawings.
6.2.2 92.5% progressively against completion of foundations.

6.2.3 5% on submission of final documents, including As-built drawings, final bill and
acceptance of these by owner.
6.3 Laying of Power Line
a) 50% on receipt and acceptance of material at site.
b) 30% on erection of material at site.
c) 15% on Testing and energization & acceptance by owner.
d) 5% on submission of final documents, including As-built drawings, final bill and
acceptance of these by owner

7.0 For all other items not covered above the payment shall be made as below:-
For Items including Supply and Installation
7.1 50% on receipt and acceptance of material at site.
7.2 30% on erection of material at site.
7.3 15% on completion of all activities including testing and their acceptance.

B) 5% on submission of final documents, including As-built drawings / final dossier as

applicable, final bill and acceptance of these by owner.

8.0 For all other items not covered above the payment shall be made as below:-
Installation of Free issued material
8.1 80 % progressively on completion of activity including all works.
8.2 15 % progressively on completion of all activities including Testing and their acceptance.

8.3 5 % progressively on submission of final documents, including As-Built Drawings, final

bill and acceptance of these by owner.

9.0 Videography

9.1 20% after completion of ROU opening & Panchnama.and submission of video film.

9.2 60 % on completion of all aspects / activity of pipeline construction & video submission of
the activities ie: pipeline route, location of various stations, IP station, TOP, SV's, all crossing
like road / railways, river, etc. and String, Welding, Radiography, Joint Coating, Lowering,
Backfilling, all major crossings etc.

9.3 20 % after video for final Restoration for the entire length (minimum 2 hours) is provided.

10.0 Land Acquisition Services including anode bed land

10.1 10 % on Legal Clearance from HPCL.

10.2 20 % on Successful completion of negotiation by HPCL

10.3 30 % on making payment to land owners and signing of sale deed.

10.4 20 % on registration of the land

10.5 20 % on completion all works including transfer of land in HPCL’s name in records and
acquisition for ROU for wire in case of anode bed.

9.1 The contractor shall raise approved & certified invoices on fortnightly basis. Bidder shall
enclose all documents as per check list issued by WORLEYPARSONS/HPCL.
9.2 HPCL has introduced the computerized Bill Tracking system whereby the contractor will be
issued a receipt at the time of the submission of the bills. The contractor can see the status
of their bill on HPCL's website.
9.3 HPCL will release payment through e-payments only as detailed in the Bidding

9.4 No Interest charges for delay in payments, if any, shall be payable by the Owner.

9.6 All payments against running bills are advance against the work and shall not be
taken as final acceptance of work / measurement carried out till the final bill. Only Monthly
RA bills allowed. 15 days RA bills not allowed.
9.7 Bills shall be raised by contractor in line with check list attached in Tender document.


Bidder shall submit below mentioned documents along with final bill.
a) Invoice in quadruplicate
ii) Measurement Sheet duly signed by contractor and certified by HPCL/WP
iii) Abstract of measurement sheet with cumulative quantity certified by HPCL/WP.
iv) No-Claim Certificate declaring that there are no balances or pending Claims from
HPCL towards the subject Order.
v) No-Due declaration indicating that there are no balances dues to his sub-
vendor/sub-Contractors along with the Final Bill.
vi) Copies of statutory documents as required under the contract and advised by
vii) Reconciliation statement of Free Issue (HPCL) supplied material
viii) Site clearance including dismantling of temporary store / office as instructed by
ix) All technical documents stated elsewhere in the tender document.

Note: In case of commissioning is delayed for not the fault of Vendor, Vendor can claim
balance payment against submission of equivalent amount of Bank Guarantee valid up to 3
months after CDD.



Please refer attached Contractor HSE Management Plan

E & P Department , Gresham House-2

HSE Policy for


HSE Policy for Construction Page 1 of 73

E & P Department , Gresham House-2

1.0 SCOPE .............................................................................................................................................................4
2.0 REFERENCE .....................................................................................................................................................4
3.0 DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................................................5
BY BIDDERS .................................................................................................................................................................7
4.1 MANAGEMENT RESPONSIBILITY .............................................................................................................7
4.2 HOUSE KEEPING ........................................................................................................................................8
5.0 SAFETY REQUIREMENT AT CONSTRUCTION WORK .......................................................................................9
5.1 MEANS OF ACCESS AND EGRESS ............................................................................................................. 11
5.3 PREVENTION OF UNAUTHORISED ENTRY ................................................................................................ 11
5.4 EXCAVATION ............................................................................................................................................ 12
5.5 SCAFFOLDING, LADDERS & SHUTTERING ................................................................................................ 14
5.6 PERSONNEL PROTECTION........................................................................................................................ 18
5.7 STRUCTURAL WORK, LAYING OF REINFORCEMENT & CONCRETING ...................................................... 19
5.8 ROAD WORK ............................................................................................................................................ 23
5.9 CUTTING/WELDING ................................................................................................................................. 24
5.10 WORKING IN CONFINED SPACES ............................................................................................................. 26
5.11 PROOF/PRESSURE TESTING ..................................................................................................................... 27
5.12 WORKING AT HEIGHTS ............................................................................................................................ 28
5.13 HANDLING AND LIFTING EQUIPMENT: .................................................................................................... 30
5.14 VEHICLE MOVEMENT............................................................................................................................... 36
5.15 ELECTRICAL .............................................................................................................................................. 37
5.16 DEMOLITION ............................................................................................................................................ 40
5.17 RADIOGRAPHY ......................................................................................................................................... 42
5.18 SAND/SHOT BLASTING/ SPRAY PAINTING ............................................................................................... 43
5.19 FIRE PREVENTION AND FIRE FIGHTING ................................................................................................... 43
5.20 LIGHTING ................................................................................................................................................. 44
5.21 PLANT, MACHINERY, EQUIPMENT AND HAND TOOLS ............................................................................ 45
5.22 MISCELLANEOUS ..................................................................................................................................... 47

HSE Policy for Construction Page 2 of 73

E & P Department , Gresham House-2

5.23 REPORTING OF ACCIDENT ....................................................................................................................... 47

6.0 DETAILS OF HSE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM BY CONTRACTOR ....................................................................... 48
PREMISES AND UNITS WITH HYDROCARBONS ....................................................................................................... 50
8.0 WORK PERMIT SYSTEM ............................................................................................................................... 53
9.0 NON COMPLIANCE OF SAFETY AND HEALTH PROVISIONS.......................................................................... 58
9.1 DISCIPLINARY ACTION ............................................................................................................................. 58
9.2 PENALTIES ................................................................................................................................................ 59
10.0 CONSTRUCTION HAZARDS, THEIR EFFECTS & PREVENTIVE MEASURES ..................................................... 62

HSE Policy for Construction Page 3 of 73

E & P Department , Gresham House-2

1.1 This document specifies guidelines on safe practices to be adhered to during construction activities
in Marketing Installations of oil industry. However before commencing any job, specific hazards and
its effects should be assessed and necessary corrective / preventive actions should be taken by all
concerned. This document is intended only to supplement and not to replace or supersede the
prevailing statutory requirements which shall be adhered to as applicable.
1.2 The scope of this document does not include the design aspects and quality checks during
1.3 The purpose of this Policy is to create awareness among Project engineers, describe procedures and
guidelines for ensuring safety during construction activity undertaken at Project sites. The
implementation of this system will help in reducing the risks at work sites, thereby reducing
possibility of any accident, fire, explosion, property damage and adverse effects on environment.
1.4 This Manual covers the Safety guidelines to be adopted at Project Sites both at Greenfield and
Brownfield locations.
1.5 This Manual does not cover the design safety standards to be considered for any project.

2.1 This document shall be read in conjunction with following:
- General Conditions of Contract (GCC)
- Special Condition of Contract (SCC)
- Job Specifications
- Any other conditions/enclosures which form part of the contract
2.2 For personnel protective equipment (PPE), OISD-STD-155 (Part-I & II) shall be referred to.
2.3 Project Sites may be either Greenfield or Brownfield locations. Work at Brownfield locations
(working / operating locations) shall be governed by the Work Permit System stipulated in OISD-
2.4 This policy summarizes some of the HSE requirements which are abstracted from OISD-GDN-192
(Safety Practices during Construction) and OISD-GDN-207 (Contractor Safety). However, it may be
noted that all the provisions mentioned in the OISD Standards / Guidelines referred to above shall
be adhered to. OISD-GDN-192 and OISD-GDN-207 have been attached with this document.
2.5 In case of any contradiction in provisions mentioned herein, applicability of the provisions shall be
determined on the basis of the following hierarchy:
2.5.1 Statutory Requirements
2.5.2 OISD Standards / Guidelines / Recommended Practices
2.5.3 Special requirements specified in the SCC
2.5.4 Health Safety and Environment (HSE) Policy (this document)

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2.5.5 General Conditions of Contract (GCC)

2.5.6 Good Engineering Practices


a) Hot Work: An activity that can produce a spark or flame or other source of ignition having sufficient
energy to cause ignition, where the potential for flammable vapours, gases, or dust exists. This
includes all works, which produces spark, running of IC engine, breaking of concrete, use of ordinary
torches, use of battery operated devices, etc.

b) Cold Work: Cold Work is an activity that does not produce sufficient heat to ignite a flammable air-
hydrocarbon mixture or a flammable substance.

c) Radiation Work: Any activity that is carried with a source of ionizing radiation, which does not
produce sufficient heat to ignite a flammable air- hydrocarbon mixture or a flammable substance.

d) Working at Height: Any activity that is carried out at 2.0 meters & above on temporary structure,
scaffolds or on a structure meant to do particular job safely.

e) Excavation: Any job, which requires excavation/ digging of earth.

An Excavation is any man-made cut, cavity, trench, or depression in an earth surface that is formed
by earth removal. A Trench is a narrow excavation (in relation to its length) made below the surface
of the ground. In general, the depth of a trench is greater than its width, and the width (measured at
the bottom) is not greater than 15 ft (4.6 m).

f) Confined Space: It is an enclosure with known potential hazards and restricted means of entrance
and exit. It is not meant for normal occupancy of people and is usually not well ventilated such as
Underground tanks, vessels, boilers, storage tanks, large diameter piping, etc. The following shall be
classified as confined space:
 Any excavation more than 1.50 M deep
 Entry into floating roof tanks with roof at short leg or long leg
 Entry in to Underground Tanks
 Space located below ground level such as pits, drain channels etc.

g) Lower Explosive Limit (LEL): LEL is the minimum concentration of a vapour in air (or other oxidant)
below which propagation of flame does not occur on contact with an ignition source. This is usually
expressed as volume percentage of the vapour in air.

h) Upper Explosive Limit (UEL): UEL is the maximum concentration of a vapour in air (or other oxidant)
above which propagation of flame does not occur on contact with and ignition source. This is usually

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expressed as a volume percentage of vapours in air.

i) Pyrophoric Substance: Substances that ignites spontaneously in air at ambient temperature. In

hydrocarbon industry, iron sulphide is the most commonly observed pyrophoric substance and is
called as pyrophoric iron.

j) Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA): It is a lifesaving personal protective apparatus

consisting of a face mask: combined with a hose and source of fresh air generally in form of a
cylinder of compressed air to be carried by bearer.

k) Work Permit issuer: He is a designated officer authorized to issue work permit in case of following:
 Confined space working
 Electrical Connection & welding clearance Permit
 Height permit.

He signs & issues the permit for the particular job after receiving the recommendation from the job
engineer for issuing the permit. The particular job engineer shall address & check all the checklist
points of permit and then recommend the permit by signing.

l) Permit Receiver: He is the designated person authorized by the Contractor to receive work permit.

m) Adequate, appropriate or suitable are used to describe qualitatively or quantitatively the means or
method used to protect the worker.

n) Brace: A structural member that holds one point in a fixed position with respect to another point;
bracing is a system of structural members designed to prevent distortion of a structure.

o) By hand: The work is done without the help of a mechanized tool.

p) Competent Authority: A statutory agency having the power to issue regulations, orders or other
instructions having the force of law.

q) Competent person: A person possessing adequate qualifications, such as suitable training and
sufficient knowledge, experience and skill for the safe performance of the specific work. The
competent authorities may define appropriate criteria for the designation of such persons and may
determine the duties to be assigned to them.

r) Execution agency: Any physical or legal person, having contractual obligation with the owner, and
who employs one or more workers on a construction site

s) Owner: Any physical or legal person for whom construction job is carried out. It shall also include
owner's designated representative/consultant/nominee/agent, authorized from time to time to act
for and on its behalf, for supervising/workplace or for escaping in case of danger.

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t) Scaffold: Any fixed, suspended or mobile temporary structure supporting workers and material or
to gain access to any such structure and which is not a lifting appliance as defined above.

u) Toe-board: A barrier placed along the edge of a scaffold platform, runway, etc., and secured there to
guard against the slipping of persons or the falling of material.

v) Worker: Any person engaged in construction activity.

w) Workplace: All places where workers need to be or to go by reason of their work.




4.1.1 The contractor should have a documented HSE policy covering commitment of their
organization to ensure health, safety and environment aspects in their field of

4.1.2 The HSE management system of the contractor shall cover the HSE requirements for
ensuring safe execution, including but not limited to what is specified in the scope of
this document.

4.1.3 The Contractor shall ensure that the Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) requirements
are clearly understood & faithfully implemented at all levels at the site.

4.1.4 The Contractor shall promote and develop consciousness for Safety, Health and
Environment among all personnel working for the Contractor. Regular awareness
programs, site meetings, Tool Box Talks shall be arranged on HSE activities to cover
hazards involved in various operations during construction.
4.1.5 Arrange necessary first aid measures such as First Aid Box, trained personnel to
administer First Aid, Stand-by vehicle in case of an emergency and install fire protection
measures such as adequate number of steel buckets with sand and deploy adequate fire
extinguishers as per the site requirement.
4.1.6 The Contractor shall implement a comprehensively planned and documented system for
monitoring of the HSE requirements. This shall be submitted to HPCL/Owner for
approval. The monitoring for implementation shall be done through regular inspections
and compliance of the observations thereof. The Contractor shall get similar HSE
systems implemented at his sub-contractor(s) work site/office. However, compliance of
HSE requirements shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor. Any review /

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approval by HPCL/Owner shall not absolve contractor of his responsibility / liability in

relation to all HSE requirements. Non-Conformance on HSE by Contractor (including his Sub-contractors) as brought out

during review/audit by HPCL representatives shall be resolved forthwith by Contractor.
Compliance report shall be provided to HPCL. The Contractor shall ensure participation of his Resident Engineer / Site-in-Charge in
the Safety Committee / HSE Committee meetings arranged by HPCL. The
compliance of any observations shall be ensured at the earliest. The Contractor shall consistently adhere to all provisions of HSE requirements. In case
of non-compliance or continuous failure in implementation of any of the HSE
provisions; HPCL may impose stoppage of work. In case stoppage of work is imposed
by HPCL, any Cost & Time implications arising out of the duration of the stoppage shall
be entirely to the account of the contractor and no claim whatsoever in this regard shall
be tenable. The decision of imposing stoppage work, its duration or imposing a
monetary penalty (in line with the provisions mentioned elsewhere in this document)
shall rest with HPCL & shall be binding on the Contractor. All fatal accidents, incidents involving injuries or loss of property and near misses at
the worksite shall be investigated by a team of Contractor’s senior personnel for
root causes, with recommendations regarding corrective and preventive measures.
Findings shall be documented and actions taken to avoid recurrences shall be
communicated to HPCL. HPCL shall have the liberty to independently investigate such
incidents and Contractor shall extend all necessary help and co-operation in this regard.


4.2.1 Contractor shall ensure that a high degree of housekeeping is maintained and shall
ensure inter alia the followings wherever applicable:

a. All surplus earth and debris is removed/disposed of from the working areas to
identified location(s).

b. Unused/Surplus Cables, steel items and steel scrap lying scattered at different
places within the working areas are removed to identified location(s).

c. All wooden scrap, empty wooden cable drums and other combustible packing
materials shall be removed from work place to identified location(s).

d. Roads shall be kept clear and materials like pipes, steel, sand boulders, concrete,
chips and bricks etc. shall not be allowed on the roads to obstruct free
movement of men, machinery and vehicles.

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e. Fabricated steel structural, pipes & piping materials shall be stacked properly
for erection.

f. Water logging on roads shall not be allowed.

g. No parking of trucks / trolleys, cranes and trailers etc. shall be allowed on roads
which may obstruct the traffic movement.

h. Utmost care shall be taken to ensure overall cleanliness and proper upkeep of
the working areas.

i. Trucks carrying sand, earth and pulverized materials etc. shall be covered while
moving within the premises.

j. Only properly designed steel scaffolding materials to be used for working at heights
more than 3.0 M. Double scaffolding using wooden ballis may be allowed for
working at height less than 3.0 M, with prior permission of Engineer-in-charge.


A fulltime / dedicated Safety Officer should be assigned, where more than 100 workers are
employed at site. For smaller jobs, the supervisor should assume the additional responsibility of
safety officer.

Duties & responsibilities of the contractor’s Supervisor / Safety Officer should include the following:
i. To ensure strict compliance with work permit system by carrying out work only with appropriate
work permits and after ensuring that all safety precautions / conditions in the permit are
complied with and closing the same after job completion.
ii. To ensure that required guards and standard personal protective equipment are provided, used, and
properly maintained including contingency requirement.
iii. To ensure inspection, tested, certification and maintenance of all tools and ensure removal of
defective tools.
iv. To plan the workload and assign workers to jobs in commensuration with their qualification,
experience and state of health.
v. To ensure that all the preventive measures for identified hazards (e.g. Job Safety Analysis, Job
Hazard Analysis, HIRA, etc.) are in place and communicated to workers.
vi. To take immediate corrective action against the violation of safety rules observed or reported.
vii. To ensure that the workers likely to be exposed to hazardous chemicals/materials have access to
appropriate Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), and provide necessary mitigation measures.
viii. To ensure that appropriate warning signboards or tags are displayed.

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ix. To ensure that all workers have proper training for their job assignments, including use of
appropriate PPE, first aid and firefighting equipment.
x. To ensure that only medically fit person shall be engaged in work and also ensure that sick / or
injured workers during course of work should receive timely and appropriate first aid and/or
medical attention.
xi. To report each incident and/or injury in accordance with established procedures and assist in
xii. Maintain Daily HSE observation log book at site.
xiii. Conduct Tool Box talks along with Site Engineers/ supervisors.
xiv. Maintain the published HSE literature, HSE regulations, codes and other communications. Advise
management of compliance and conditions requiring attention.

Contract workers
The duties & responsibilities of the contractor worker should include the following:
i. To perform work safely as per the job requirement and instructions.
ii.To inform all concerned regarding unsafe conditions / and unsafe acts.
To wear PPEs as stipulated and necessary for the job.
iv.To inform promptly to their supervisor regarding all work related incidents resulting in personal
injury, illness and/or property damage.
v. To take all necessary and appropriate safety precautions to protect themselves, other personnel and
the environment.

 This specification deals with the safety and protection to be observed in during Construction. These
shall be adhered to along with all related statutory requirements/obligations including Governmental
byelaws, codes, regulations of local or central authorities related to the construction work.

 In case of complicated work like deep excavation, intricate shuttering and formwork, excavation in
loose soil and below water table, stacking of excavated earth etc., work plan with necessary
drawings and documents have to be prepared by the Contractor and approved by the Site Engineer

 All openings and other areas likely to pose danger to workers should be clearly indicated.

 Workers & Supervisors should wear safety helmet, safety shoes and other requisite Personal
Protective Equipment according to job & site requirement. They should be trained to use personal
protective equipment.

 Never use solvents, alkalis and other oils to clean the skin.

 Lift the load with back straight and knees bent as far as possible. Seek the help in case of heavy load.

 Ensure the usage of correct and tested tools & tackles. Don't allow make shift tools and tackles.

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 No loose clothing should be allowed while working near rotating equipment or working at heights.


Adequate and safe means of access (at least two, differently located) to and egress from all
workplaces should be provided. Same should be displayed and maintained.


5.2.1 Precautions should be taken such as the provision of fencing, look-out men or barriers to
protect any person against injury by the fall of materials, or tools or equipment being raised
or lowered.

5.2.2 Where necessary to prevent danger, guys, stays or supports should be used or other
effective precautions should be taken to prevent the collapse of structures or parts of
structures that are being erected, maintained, repaired, dismantled or demolished.

5.2.3 All openings through which workers are liable to fall should be kept effectively covered or
fenced and displayed prominently.

5.2.4 As far as practicable, guardrails and toe-boards should be provided to protect workers from
falling from elevated workplaces.


5.3.1 Construction sites located in built-up areas and alongside vehicular and pedestrian traffic
routes should be fenced to prevent the entry of un-authorized persons.

5.3.2 Visitors should not be allowed access to construction sites unless accompanied by or
authorized by a competent person and provided with the appropriate protective equipment.

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5.4.1 No excavation or earth work below the foundation level of an adjoining building shall be
taken up unless adequate steps are taken to prevent damage to the existing structure or fall
of any part.

5.4.2 Every accessible part of an excavation, pit or opening in the ground into which there is a
danger of persons falling shall be suitably cordoned off up to a height of one metre suitably
placed from the edge of the excavation as far as practicable. Red tape & warning boards shall
be used.

5.4.3 No material or load shall be placed or stacked near the edge of the excavation or opening in
the ground. The excavated material shall not be placed within 1.5 m of the trench or half of
the depth of the trench, whichever is more.

5.4.4 Cutting shall be done from top to bottom. No undercutting of sides of excavation shall be

5.4.5 Materials shall not be dumped against existing walls or partition to a height that may
endanger the stability of the walls.

5.4.6 While withdrawing piled materials like loose earth, crushed stone, sand, etc. from the stock
piles, no overhanging shall be allowed to be formed in the existing dump.

5.4.7 No material on any of the sites of work shall be so stacked or placed as to cause danger or
inconvenience to any person or public or any other agency at work.

5.4.8 All excavation work should be planned and the method of excavation and the type of support
work required should be decided considering the following:
• the stability of the ground;
• the excavation will not affect adjoining buildings, structures or roadways;
• to prevent hazard, the gas, water, electrical and other public utilities should be shut
off or disconnected, if necessary;
• presence of underground pipes, cable conductors, etc.,
• the position of culvert/bridges, temporary roads and spoil heaps should be

5.4.9 Before digging begins on site, all excavation work should be planned and the method of
excavation and the type of support work required decided.

5.4.10 All excavation work should be supervised.

5.4.11 Sites of excavations should be thoroughly inspected:

• daily, prior to each shift and after interruption in work of more than one day;
• after every blasting operation;

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• after an unexpected fall of ground;

• after substantial damage to supports;
• after a heavy rain, frost or snow;
• When boulder formations are encountered.

5.4.12 Safe angle of repose while excavating trenches exceeding 1.5 m depth up to 3.0 m should be
maintained. Based on site conditions, provide proper slope, usually 450, and suitable bench
of 0.5 m width at every 1.5 m depth of excavation in all soils except hard rock or provide
proper shoring and strutting to prevent cave-in or slides.

5.4.13 As far as possible, excavated earth should not be placed within one meter of the edge of the
trench or depth of trench whichever is greater.

5.4.14 Don't allow vehicles to operate too close to excavated area. Maintain at-least 2 m distance
from edge of excavation. No load, plant or equipment should be placed or moved near the
edge of any excavation where it is likely to cause its collapse and thereby endanger any
person unless precautions such as the provision of shoring or piling are taken to prevent
the sides from collapsing.

5.4.15 Adequately anchored stop blocks and barriers should be provided to prevent vehicles being
driven into the excavation. Heavy vehicles should not be allowed near the excavation
unless the support work has been specially designed to permit it.

5.4.16 If an excavation is likely to affect the security of a structure on which persons are working,
precautions should be taken to protect the structure from collapse.

5.4.17 Barricade at 1 m height (with red & white band/self-glowing caution board) should be
provided for excavations beyond 1.5 m depth. Provide two entries/exits for such

5.4.18 Necessary precautions should be taken for underground utility lines like cables, sewers etc.
and necessary approvals/clearances from the concerned authorities shall be obtained
before commencement of the excavation job.

5.4.19 Water shall be pumped / bailed out, if any accumulates in the trench. Necessary precautions
should be taken to prevent entry of surface water in trenches.

5.4.20 During rains, the soil becomes loose. Take additional precaution against collapse of side wall.

5.4.21 In hazardous areas, air should be tested to ascertain its quality. No one should be allowed
entry till it is suitable for breathing.

5.4.22 In case of mechanized excavation, precaution shall be taken to not to allow anybody to come
within one meter of extreme reach of the mechanical shovel. The mechanized excavator
shall be operated by a well-trained experienced operator. When not in operation, the

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machine shall be kept on firm levelled ground with mechanical shovel resting on ground.
Wheel or belt shall be suitably jammed to prevent any accidental movement of the
machine. Suitable precautions as per manufacturer guidelines should be taken for dozers,
graders and other heavy machines.

5.4.23 In case of blasting, IS: 4081-1986 & Indian Explosive Act and rules for storage, handling and
carrying of explosive materials and execution of blasting operation shall be strictly adhered


5.5.1 For all work that cannot be done from the ground level or from part of any
permanent structure or from other available means of support, soundly constructed
scaffoldings of adequate strength shall be used as a safe means of access to places
of work.

5.5.2 All scaffolding shall be securely supported or suspended and wherever necessary be
properly braced to ensure stability.

5.5.3 All working platforms and stages from which workers are liable to fall shall be of
adequate width depending on the type of work done and closely boarded and

5.5.4 Every ladder shall be securely fixed at top and bottom. A ladder more than 5 m long
shall have a prop.

5.5.5 No portable single ladder shall be over 8 m in length.

5.5.6 Unfinished scaffolding which is under construction shall be prominently marked as

unsafe and any access points shall be closed.
5.5.7 Shuttering
The above remarks shall be applicable for shuttering also. Shuttering, particularly for
slabs, should be treated as a scaffold. Unfinished shuttering should be marked as
dangerous. Similarly the finished form work should be adequately supported & care
being taken to avoid trap door effect.
5.5.8 Metal as material of construction
I. A scaffold should be provided and maintained or other equally safe and suitable
provision should be made where work cannot safely be done on or from the
ground or from part of a building or other permanent structure.

II. Scaffolds should be provided with safe means of access, such as stairs, ladders or
ramps. Ladders should be secured against inadvertent movement.

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III. Every scaffold should be constructed, erected and maintained so as to prevent

collapse or accidental displacement when in use.

IV. Every scaffold and part thereof should be constructed :

• in such a way so as not to cause hazards for workers during erection and

• in such a way so as guard rails and other protective devices, platforms, ladders,
stairs or ramps can be easily put together;

• With sound material and of requisite size and strength for the purpose for
which it is to be used and maintained in a proper condition.

V. Boards and planks used for scaffolds should be protected against splitting.

VI. Materials used in the construction of scaffolds should be stored under good
conditions and apart from any material unsuitable for scaffolds.

VII. Couplers should not cause deformation in tubes. Couplers should be made of drop
forged steel or equivalent material.

VIII. Tubes should be free from cracks, splits and excessive corrosion and be straight to
the eye, and tube ends cut cleanly square with the tube axis.

IX. Scaffolds should be designed for their maximum load as per relevant code.

X. Scaffolds should be adequately braced.

XI. Scaffolds which are not designed to be independent should be rigidly connected to
the building at designated vertical and horizontal places.

XII. A scaffold should never extend above the highest anchorage to an extent which
might endanger its stability and strength.

XIII. Loose bricks, drainpipes, chimney-pots or other unsuitable material should not be
used for the construction or support of any part of a scaffold.

XIV. Scaffolds should be inspected and certified:

• before being taken into use;

• at periodic intervals thereafter as prescribed for different types of scaffolds;

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• After any alteration, interruption in use, exposure to weather or seismic

conditions or any other occurrence likely to have affected their strength or

XV. Inspection should more particularly ascertain that:

• the scaffold is of suitable type and adequate for the job;

• materials used in its construction are sound and of sufficient strength;

• it is of sound construction and stable;

• That the required safeguards are in position.

XVI. A scaffold should not be erected, substantially altered or dismantled except by or

under the supervision.

XVII. Every scaffold should be maintained in good and proper condition, and every part
should be kept fixed or secured so that no part can be displaced in consequence of
normal use.

XVIII. If out-rigger scaffolding is to be used, it should be specifically designed and inspected

before putting in use.

5.5.9 Lifting appliances on scaffolds

I. When a lifting appliance is to be used on a scaffold:

• the parts of the scaffold should be carefully inspected to determine the additional
strengthening and other safety measures required;

i. any movement of the scaffold members should be prevented;

• If practicable, the uprights should be rigidly connected to a solid part of the building
at the place where the lifting appliance is erected.

5.5.10 Prefabricated scaffolds

I. In the case of prefabricated scaffold systems, the instructions provided by the manufacturers
or suppliers should be strictly adhered to. Prefabricated scaffolds should have adequate
arrangements for fixing bracing.

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II. Frames of different types should not be intermingled in a single scaffold.

III. Scaffolding shall be erected on firm and level ground.

IV. All members of metal scaffolding shall be checked periodically to screen out defective /
rusted members. All joints should be properly lubricated for easy tightening.

V. Entry to scaffolding should be restricted.

VI. Erection, alteration and removal shall be done under supervision of experienced personnel.

VII. Use of barrels, boxes, loose bricks etc., for supporting platform shall not be permitted.

VIII. Each supporting member of platform shall be securely fastened and braced

IX. Where planks are butt-joined, two parallel putlogs shall be used, not more than 100mm
apart, to give support to each plank.

X. Platform plank shall not project beyond its end support to a distance exceeding 4 times the
thickness of plank, unless it is effectively secured to prevent tipping. Cantilever planks
should be avoided.

XI. The platform edges shall be provided with 150mm high toe board to eliminate hazards of
tools or other objects falling from platform.

XII. Erect ladders in the “four up-one out position”

XIII. Lash ladder securely with the structure.

XIV. Using non-slip devices, such as, rubber shoes or pointed steel ferules at the ladder foot,
rubber wheels at ladder top, fixing wooden battens, cleats etc.

XV. When ladder is used for climbing over a platform, the ladder must be of sufficient length, to
extend at least one meter above the platform, when erected against the platform in “four
up-one out position.”

XVI. Portable ladders shall be used for heights not more than 4 m. Above 4 m flights, fixed ladders
shall be provided with at least 600 mm landings at every 6 m or less.

XVII. The width of ladder shall not be less than 300 mm and rungs shall be spaced not more than
300 mm.

XVIII. Every platform and means of access shall be kept free from obstruction.

XIX. If grease, mud, gravel, mortar etc., fall on platform or scaffolds, these shall be removed
immediately to avoid slippage.

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XX. Workers shall not be allowed to work on scaffolds during storms or high wind. After heavy
rain or storms, scaffolds shall be inspected before reuse.

XXI. Don't overload the scaffolding. Remove excess material and scrap immediately.

XXII. Dismantling of scaffolds shall be done in a pre-planned sequential manner.

5.5.11 Suspended scaffolds/boatswain’s chair

I. In addition to the requirements for scaffolds in general as regards soundness, stability and
protection against the risk of falls, suspended scaffolds should meet the following specific

• platforms should be designed and built with dimensions that are compatible with the
stability of the structure as a whole, especially the length;

• the number or anchorage should be compatible with the dimensions of the platform;

• the safety of workers should be safeguarded by an extra rope having a point of

attachment independent of the anchorage arrangements of the scaffold;

• the anchorage and other elements of support of the scaffold should be designed and
built in such a way as to ensure sufficient strength;

• the ropes, winches, pulleys or pulley blocks should be designed, assembled, used and
maintained according to the requirements established for lifting gear adapted to the
lifting of persons according to national laws and regulations;

• Before use, the whole structure should be checked by a competent person.


5.6.1 Those engaged in white washing and mixing or stacking of cement bags or any materials
which is injurious to the eyes, shall be provided with protective goggles.

5.6.2 Suitable personnel protective equipment (PPE) such as safety helmets, safety boots, safety
belts, gloves for welders, clear glass safety goggles etc., as considered adequate by the Site
Engineer have to be made available for the use of persons employed at the site of work and
maintained in condition suitable for immediate use and Contractor shall take steps to ensure
proper use of PPE by the workers.

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5.6.3 Sign boards (1 m x 1.5 m in size) shall be displayed prominently with the following wording at
the access points to the construction areas - “CONSTRUCTION AREA, PPE REQUIRED TO BE

5.6.4 Arrangement for rendering prompt and adequate first aid to the injured persons shall be
maintained at every work site. Depending upon the magnitude of the work, the availability of
an ambulance at a very short notice (a telephone call) shall be ensured.

5.6.5 First-aid arrangements commensurate with the degree of hazard and with the number of
workers employed shall be maintained in a readily accessible place. Arrangements shall be
made for calling the medical officer, when such a need may arise. It is recommended that
foreman / assistant foreman / supervisor/ permanent workmen who are normally present at
each working phase in each shift are given adequate training on first-aid methods.


5.7.1 General provisions

I. The erection or dismantling of buildings, structures, civil engineering works, formwork, false
work and shoring should be carried out by trained workers only under the supervision of a
competent person.

II. Precautions should be taken to guard against danger to workers arising from any temporary
state of weakness or instability of a structure.

III. Formwork, false work and shoring should be so designed, constructed and maintained that it
will safely support all loads that may be imposed on it.
IV. Formwork should be so designed and erected that working platforms, means of access,
bracing and means of handling and stabilizing are easily fixed to the formwork structure.

5.7.2 Erection and dismantling of steel and prefabricated structures

I. The safety of workers employed on the erection and dismantling of steel and prefabricated
structures should be ensured by appropriate means, such as provision and use of:
• ladders, gangways or fixed platforms;
• platforms, buckets, boatswain's chairs or other appropriate means suspended from
lifting appliances;
• safety harnesses and lifelines, catch nets or catch platforms;
• Power-operated mobile working platforms.

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II. Steel and prefabricated structures should be so designed and made that they can be safely
transported and erected.

III. In addition to the need for the stability of the part when erected, the design should explicitly
take following into account:
• the conditions and methods of attachment in the operations of transport, storing and
temporary support during erection or dismantling as applicable;
• Methods for the provision of safeguards such as railings and working platforms, and,
when necessary, for mounting them easily on the structural steel or prefabricated parts.

IV. The hooks and other devices built in or provided on the structural steel or prefabricated
parts that are required for lifting and transporting them should be so shaped, dimensioned
and positioned as:
 to withstand with a sufficient margin the stresses to which they are subjected;
 Not to set up stresses in the part that could cause failures, or stresses in the structure
itself not provided for in the plans, and be designed to permit easy release from the
lifting appliance. Lifting points for floor and staircase units should be located (recessed if
necessary) so that they do not protrude above the surface;
 To avoid imbalance or distortion of the lifted load.

V. Store places should be so constructed that:

 there is no risk of structural steel or prefabricated parts falling or overturning;
 storage conditions generally ensure stability and avoid damage having regard to the
method of storage and atmospheric conditions;
 Racks are set on firm ground and designed so that units cannot move accidentally.

VI. While they are being stored, transported, raised or set down, structural steel or prefabricated
parts should not be subjected to stresses prejudicial to their stability.

VII. Every lifting appliance should:

 Be suitable for the operations and not be capable of accidental disconnection;
 Be approved or tested as per statutory requirement.

VIII. Lifting hooks should be of the self-closing type or of a safety type and should have the
maximum permissible load marked on them.

IX. Tongs, clamps and other appliances for lifting structural steel and prefabricated parts
 (a) be of such shape and dimensions as to ensure a secure grip without damaging the
 (b) Be marked with the maximum permissible load in the most unfavorable lifting

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X. Structural steel or prefabricated parts should be lifted by methods or appliances that prevent
them from spinning accidentally.

XI. When necessary to prevent danger, before they are raised from the ground, structural steel
or prefabricated parts should be provided with safety devices such as railings and working
platforms to prevent falls of persons.

XII. While structural steel or prefabricated parts are being erected, the workers should be
provided with appliances for guiding them as they are being lifted and set down, so as to
avoid crushing of hands and to facilitate the operations. Use of such appliances should be

XIII. A raised structural steel or prefabricated part should be so secured and wall units so propped
that their stability cannot be imperiled, even by external agencies such as wind and passing
loads before its release from the lifting appliance.

XIV. At work places, instruction should be given to the workers on the methods, arrangements
and means required for the storage, transport, lifting and erection of structural steel or
prefabricated parts, and, before erection starts, a meeting of all those responsible should be
held to discuss and confirm the requirements for safe erection.
XV. During transportation within the construction area, attachments such as slings and stirrups
mounted on structural steel or prefabricated parts should be securely fastened to the parts.

XVI. Structural steel or prefabricated parts should be so transported that the conditions do not
affect the stability of the parts or the means of transport result in jolting, vibration or stresses
due to blows, or loads of material or persons.

XVII. When the method of erection does not permit the provision of other means of protection
against fall of persons, the workplaces should be protected by guardrails, and if appropriate
by toe-boards.

XVIII. When adverse weather conditions such as snow, ice and wind or reduced visibility entail risks
of accidents, the work should be carried on with particular care, or, if necessary, interrupted.

XIX. Structures should not be worked on during violent storms or high winds, or when they are
covered with ice or snow, or are slippery from other causes.

XX. If necessary, to prevent danger, structural steel parts should be equipped with attachments
for suspended scaffolds, lifelines or safety harnesses and other means of protection.

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XXI. The risks of falling, to which workers moving on high or sloping girders are exposed, should
be limited by all means of adequate collective protection or, where this is impossible, by the
use of a safety harness that is well secured to a strong support.

XXII. Structural steel parts that are to be erected at a great height should as far as practicable be
assembled on the ground.

XXIII. When structural steel or prefabricated parts are being erected, a sufficiently extended area
underneath the workplace should be barricaded or guarded.

XXIV. Steel trusses that are being erected should be adequately shored, braced or guyed until they
are permanently secured in position.

XXV. Load-bearing structural member should not be dangerously weakened by cutting, holing or
other means.

XXVI. Structural members should not be forced into place by the hoisting machine while any
worker is in such a position that he could be injured by the operation.

XXVII. Open-web steel joists that are hoisted singly should be directly placed in position and secured
against dislodgment.

5.7.3 Reinforcement

I. Ensure that workers use Personnel Protective Equipment like safety helmet, safety shoes,
gloves etc.

II. Don't place the hand below the rods for checking clear distance. Use measuring devices.

III. Don't wear loose clothes while checking the rods.

IV. Don't stand unnecessarily on cantilever rods.

V. To carry out welding/cutting of rods, safety procedures/precautions as required are followed.

VI. For supplying of rods at heights, proper staging and/or bundling to be provided.

VII. Ensure barricading and staging for supplying and fixing of rods at height.

VIII. For short distance carrying of materials on shoulders, suitable pads to be provided.

IX. While transporting material by trucks/trailers, the rods shall not protrude in front of or by the
sides of driver's cabin. In case such protrusion cannot be avoided behind the deck, then it

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should not extend 1/3rd of deck length or 1.5 M whichever is less and tied with red

5.7.4 Concreting

I. Ensure stability of shuttering work before allowing concreting.

II. Barricade the concreting area while pouring at height/depths.

III. Keep vibrator hoses, pumping concrete accessories in healthy conditions and mechanically

IV. Pipelines in concrete pumping system shall not be attached to temporary structures such as
scaffolds and formwork support as the forces and movements may affect their integrity.
V. Check safety cages & guards around moving motors/parts etc. provided in concreting mixers.

VI. Use Personal Protective Equipment like gloves, safety shoes etc. while dealing with concrete
and wear respirators for dealing with cement.

VII. Earthing of electrical mixers, vibrators, etc. should be done and verified.

VIII. Cleaning of rotating drums of concrete mixers shall be done from outside. Lockout devices
shall be provided where workers need to enter.

IX. Where concrete mixers are driven by internal combustion engine, exhaust points shall be
located away from the worker's workstation so as to eliminate their exposure to obnoxious

X. Don't allow unauthorized person to stand under the concreting area.

XI. Ensure adequate lighting arrangements for carrying out concrete work during night.

XII. Don't allow the same workers to pour concrete round the clock. Insist on shift pattern.

XIII. During pouring, shuttering and its supports should be continuously watched for defects.


5.8.1 Site shall be barricaded and provided with warning signs, including night warning lamps at
appropriate locations for traffic diversion.

5.8.2 Filled and empty bitumen drums shall be stacked separately at designated places.

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5.8.3 Mixing aggregate with bitumen shall preferably be done with the help of bitumen batch
mixing plant, unless operationally non-feasible.

5.8.4 Road rollers, Bitumen sprayers, Pavement finishers shall be driven by experienced drivers
with valid driving license.

5.8.5 Workers handling hot bitumen sprayers or spreading bitumen aggregate mix or mixing
bitumen with aggregate shall be provided with PVC hand gloves and rubber shoes with
legging up to knee joints.

5.8.6 At the end of day's work, surplus hot bitumen in tar boiler shall be properly covered by a
metal sheet, to prevent anything falling in it,

5.8.7 If bitumen accidentally falls on ground, it shall be immediately covered by sprinkling sand, to
prevent anybody stepping on it. Then it shall be removed with the help of spade.

5.8.8 For cement concrete roads, besides site barricading and installation of warning signs for
traffic diversion, safe practices mentioned in the chapter on "Concreting", shall also be


5.9.1 Common hazards involved in welding/cutting are sparks, molten metal, flying particles,
harmful light rays, electric shocks etc. Following precautions should be taken:
I. Dry chemical type fire extinguishers shall be made available in the work area.
II. Adequate ventilation shall be ensured by opening manholes and fixing a shield or forced
circulation of air etc. while doing a job in confined space.
III. Ensure that only approved and well-maintained apparatus, such as torches, manifolds,
regulators or pressure reducing valves, and acetylene generators, be used.
IV. All covers and panels shall be kept in place, when operating an electric Arc welding machine.
V. The work piece should be connected directly to Power supply, and not indirectly through
pipelines/structures/equipment etc.
VI. The welding receptacles shall be rated for 63 a suitable for 415V, 3-Phase system with a
scraping earth. Receptacles shall have necessary mechanical interlocks and earthing facilities.
VII. All cables, including welding and ground cables shall be checked for any worn out or cracked
insulation before starting the job. Ground cable should be separate without any loose joints.
VIII. Cable coiling shall be maintained at minimum level, if not avoidable.
IX. An energized electrode shall not be left unattended.

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X. The power source shall be turned off at the end of job.

XI. All gas cylinders shall be properly secured in upright position.
XII. Acetylene cylinder shall be turned and kept in such a way that the valve outlet points away
from oxygen cylinder.
XIII. Acetylene cylinder key for opening valve shall be kept on valve stem, while cylinder is in use,
so that the acetylene cylinder could be quickly turned off in case of emergency. Use flash
back arrestors to prevent back-fire in acetylene/oxygen cylinder.
XIV. When not in use, valves of all cylinders shall be kept closed.
XV. All types of cylinders, whether full or empty, shall be stored at cool, dry place under shed.
XVI. Forced opening of any cylinder valve should not be attempted.
XVII. Lighted gas torch shall never be left unattended.
XVIII. Store acetylene and oxygen cylinders separately.
XIX. Store full and empty cylinders separately.
XX. Avoid cylinders coming into contact with heat.
XXI. Cylinders that are heavy or difficult to carry by hand may be rolled on their bottom edge but
never dragged.
XXII. If cylinders have to be moved, be sure that the cylinder valves are shut off.
XXIII. Before changing torches, shut off the gas at the pressure reducing regulators and not by
crimping the hose.
XXIV. Do not use matches to light torches, use a friction lighter.
XXV. Move out any leaking cylinder immediately.
XXVI. Use trolleys for oxygen & acetylene cylinder and chain them.
XXVII. Always use Red hose for acetylene and other fuel gases and Black for oxygen, and ensure
that both are in equal length.
XXVIII. Ensure that hoses are free from burns, cuts and cracks and properly clamped.
XXIX. Avoid dragging hoses over sharp edges and objects
XXX. Do not wrap hoses around cylinders when in use or stored.
XXXI. Protect hoses from flying sparks, hot slag, and other hot objects.
XXXII. Lubricants shall not be used on Ox-fuel gas equipment.
XXXIII. During cutting/welding, use proper type goggles/face shields.

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5.10.1 Following safety practices for working in confined space like towers, columns, tanks and
other vessels should be followed in addition to the safety guidelines for specific jobs like
scaffolding, cutting/welding etc.
I. Shut down, isolate, de-pressurize and purge the vessel as per laid down procedures.
II. Entry inside the vessel and to carry out any job should be done after issuance of valid permit
only in line with the requirements of OISD-STD-105.
III. Ensure proper and accessible means of exit before entry inside a confined space.
IV. The number of persons allowed inside the vessel should be limited to avoid overcrowding.
V. When the work is going on in the confined space, there should always be one man standby at
the nearby man way.
VI. Before entering inside the vessels underground or located at lower elevation, probability of
dense vapors accumulating nearby should also be considered in addition to inside the vessel.
VII. Ensure requisite O2level before entry in the confined space and monitor level periodically or
other wise use respiratory devices.
VIII. Check for no Hydrocarbon or toxic substances before entry and monitor level periodically or
use requisite Personal Protective Equipment.
IX. Ensure adequate ventilation or use respiratory devices.
X. Depending upon need, necessary respirator system, gas masks and suit shall be worn by
everyone entering confined space. In case of sewer, OWS or in the confined area where
there is a possibility of toxic or inert gas, gas masks shall be used by everyone while entering.
XI. Barricade the confined spaces during hoisting, radiography, blasting, pressure testing etc.
XII. Use 24V flameproof lamp fittings only for illumination.
XIII. Use tools with air motors or electric tools with maximum voltage of 24V.
XIV. Housekeeping shall be well maintained.
XV. Safety helmet, safety shoes and safety belt shall be worn by everyone entering the confined
XVI. Don't wear loose clothing while working in a confined space.

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XVII. In case of the vessels which are likely to contain pyrophoric substances (like Iron Sulphide),
special care need to be taken before opening the vessel. Attempt should be made to remove
the pyrophoric substances. Otherwise, these should be always kept wet by suitable means.
XVIII. The cutting torches should also be kept outside the vessel immediately after the cutting.
XIX. The gas cylinders used for cutting/welding shall be kept outside.
XX. All cables, hoses, welding equipment etc., shall be removed from confined space at end of
each work day, even if the work is to be resumed in the same space the next day.
XXI. To the extent possible sludge shall be cleared and removed from outside before entering.
XXII. No naked light or flame or hot work such as welding, cutting and soldering should be
permitted inside a confined space or area unless it has been made completely free of the
flammable atmosphere, tested and found safe by a competent person. Only non-sparking
tools and flameproof hand lamps protected with guard and safety torches should be used
inside such confined space or area for initial inspection, cleaning or other work required to be
done for making the area safe.
XXIII. Communication should be always maintained between the worker and the attendant.


5.11.1 Review test procedure before allowing testing with water or air or any other fluid.

5.11.2 Provide relief valves of adequate size while testing with air or other gases.
5.11.3 Ensure compliance of necessary precautions, step wise loading, tightening of fasteners,
grouting etc. before and during testing.

5.11.4 Inform all concerned in advance of the testing.

5.11.5 Keep the vents open before opening any valve for filling/draining of liquid used for hydro
testing. The filling/draining should not exceed the designed rate for pressure testing.

5.11.6 Provide separate gauges of suitable range for pressurizing pump and the equipment to be

5.11.7 Provide gauges at designated locations for monitoring of pressures.

5.11.8 Check the calibration of all pressurizing equipment and accessories and maintain records.
5.11.9 Take readings at pre-defined intervals.

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5.12.1 General Provision

I. While working at a height of more than 3 meters, ISI approved safety belt shall be used.
II. While working at a height of more than 3 meters, permit should be issued by competent
person before commencement of the job.
III. Worker should be well trained on usage of safety belt including its proper usage at the time
of ascending/descending.
IV. All tools should be carried in tool kits to avoid their falling.
V. If the job is on fragile/sloping roof, roof walk ladders shall be used.
VI. Provide lifeline wherever required.
VII. Additional safety measures like providing Fall Arrestor type Safety belt, safety net should be
provided depending upon site conditions, job requirements.
VIII. Keep working area neat and clean. Remove scrap material immediately.
IX. Don't throw or drop material/equipment from height.
X. Avoid jumping from one member to another. Use proper passageway.
XI. Keep both hands free while climbing. Don't try to bypass the steps of the ladder.
XII. Try to maintain calm at height. Avoid over exertion.
XIII. Avoid movements on beam.
XIV. Elevated workplaces including roofs should be provided with safe means of access and
egress such as stairs, ramps or ladders.

5.12.2 Roof Work

I. All roof-work operations should be pre-planned and properly supervised.
II. Roof work should only be undertaken by workers who are physically and psychologically fit
and have the necessary knowledge and experience for such work.
III. Work on roofs shouldn't be carried on in weather conditions that threaten the safety of
IV. Crawling boards, walkways and roof ladders should be securely fastened to a firm structure.
V. Roofing brackets should fit the slope of the roof and be securely supported.
VI. Where it is necessary for a person to kneel or crouch near the edge of the roof, necessary
precautions should be taken.
VII. On a large roof where work have to be carried out at or near the edge, a simple barrier
consisting of crossed scaffold tubes supporting a tubing guardrail may be provided.

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VIII. All covers for openings in roofs should be of substantial construction and be secured in
IX. Roofs with a pitch of more than 10 should be treated as sloping.
X. When work is being carried out on sloping roofs, sufficient and suitable crawling boards or
roof ladders should be provided and firmly secured in position.
XI. During extensive work on the roof, strong barriers or guardrails and toe-boards should be
provided to stop a person from falling off the roof.
XII. Where workers are required to work on or near roofs or other places covered with fragile
material, through which they are liable to fall, they should be provided with suitable roof
ladders or crawling boards strong enough and when spanning across the supports for the
roof covering to support those workers.
XIII. A minimum of two boards should be provided so that it is not necessary for a person to stand
on a fragile roof to move a board or a ladder, or for any other reason.

5.12.3 Work on tall chimneys

I. For the erection and repair of tall chimneys, scaffolding should be provided. A safety net
should be maintained at a suitable distance below the scaffold.
II. The scaffold floor should always be at least 65 cm below the top of the chimney.
III. Under the working floor of the scaffolding the next lower floor should be left in position as a
catch platform.
IV. The distance between the inside edge of the scaffold and the wall of the chimney should not
exceed 20 cm at any point.
V. Catch platforms should be erected over:
 The entrance to the chimney;
 Passageways and working places where workers could be endangered by falling objects.
VI. For climbing tall chimneys, access should be provided by:
 Stairs or ladders;
 A column of iron rungs securely embedded in the chimney wall;
 Other appropriate means.

VII. When workers use the outside rungs to climb the chimney, a securely fastened steel core
rope looped at the free end and hanging down at least 3 m should be provided at the top to
help the workers to climb on to the chimney.
VIII. While work is being done on independent chimneys the area surrounding the chimney should
be enclosed by fencing at a safe distance.
IX. Workers employed on the construction, alteration, maintenance or repair of tall chimneys
should not:

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 work on the outside without a safety harness attached by a lifeline to a rung, ring or
other secure anchorage;
 put tools between the safety harness and the body or in pockets not intended for the
 haul heavy materials or equipment up and down by hand to or from the workplace on
the chimney;
 fasten pulleys or scaffolding to reinforcing rings without first verifying their stability;
 work alone;
 climb a chimney that is not provided with securely anchored ladders or rungs;
 Work on chimneys in use unless the necessary precautions to avoid danger from smoke
and gases have been taken.

X. Work on independent chimneys should not be carried on in high winds, icy conditions, fog or
during electrical storms.


5.13.1 General Provisions

Following are the general guidelines to be followed with regard to all types of handling and
lifting equipment in addition to the guidelines for specific type of equipment dealt later on.

I. There should be a well-planned safety program to ensure that all the lifting appliances and
lifting gear are selected, installed, examined, tested, maintained, operated and dismantled
with a view to preventing the occurrence of any accident;

II. All lifting appliances shall be examined by competent persons at frequencies as specified in
"The Factories Act".
III. Check thoroughly quality, size and condition of all lifting tools like chain pulley blocks, slings,
U-clamps, D-shackles etc. before putting them in use.
IV. Safe lifting capacity of all lifting & handling equipment, tools and shackles should be got
verified and certificates obtained from competent authorities before its use. The safe
working load shall be marked on them.
V. Check periodically the oil, brakes, gears, horns and tire pressure of all moving equipment like
cranes, forklifts, and trailers etc. as per manufacturer's recommendations.
VI. Check the weights to be lifted and accordingly decide about the crane capacity, boom length
and angle of erection.

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VII. Allow lifting slings as short as possible and check packing at the friction points.
VIII. While lifting/placing of the load, no unauthorized person shall remain within the radius of the
boom and underneath the load.
IX. While loading, unloading and stacking of pipes, proper wedges shall be placed to prevent
rolling down of the pipes.
X. Control longer jobs being lifted up from both ends.
XI. Only trained operators and riggers should carry out the job. While the crane is moving or
lifting the load, the trained rigger should be there for keeping a vigil against hitting any other
XII. During high wind conditions and nights, lifting of heavy equipment should be avoided. If
unavoidable to do erection in night, operator and rigger should be fully trained for night
signaling. Also proper illumination should be there.
XIII. Allow crane to move on hard, firm and leveled ground.
XIV. When crane is in idle condition for long periods or unattended, crane boom should either be
lowered or locked as per manufacturer's guidelines.
XV. Hook and load being lifted shall remain in full visibility of crane operators, while lifting, to the
extent possible.
XVI. Don't allow booms or other parts of crane to come within 3 meters reach of overhead
electrical cables.
XVII. No structural alterations or repairs should be made to any part of a lifting appliance, which
may affect the safety of the appliance without the permission and supervision of the
competent person.

5.13.2 Hoists
I. Hoist shafts should be enclosed with rigid panels or other adequate fencing at:
 ground level on all sides;
 all other levels at all points at which access is provided;
 All points at which persons are liable to be struck by any moving part.

II. The enclosure of hoist shafts, except at approaches should extend where practicable at least
2 m above the floor, platform or other place to which access is provided except where a
lesser height is sufficient to prevent any person falling down the hoist way and there is no
risk of any person coming into contact with any moving part of the hoist, but in no case
should the enclosure be less than 1mt in height.

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III. The guides of hoist platforms should offer sufficient resistance to bending and, in the case of
jamming by a safety catch, to buckling.
IV. Where necessary to prevent danger, adequate covering should be provided above the top of
hoist shafts to prevent material falling down them.
V. Outdoor hoist towers should be erected on firm foundations, and securely braced, guyed and
VI. A ladder way should extend from the bottom to the top of outdoor hoist towers, if no other
ladder way exists within easy reach.
VII. Hoisting engines should be of ample capacity to control the heaviest load that they will have
to move.
VIII. Hoists should be provided with devices that stop the hoisting engine as soon as the platform
reaches its highest stopping place.
IX. Winches should be so constructed that the brake is applied when the control handle is not
held in the operating position.
X. It should not be possible to set in motion from the platform a hoist, which is not designed for
the conveyance of persons.
XI. Winches should not be fitted with pawl and ratchet gears on which the pawl must be
disengaged before the platform is lowered.
XII. Hoist platforms should be capable of supporting the maximum load that they will have to
carry with a safety factor.
XIII. Hoist platforms should be equipped with safety gear that will hold the platform with the
maximum load if the hoisting rope breaks.
XIV. If workers have to enter the cage or go on the platform at landings there should be a locking
arrangement preventing the cage or platform from moving while any worker is in or on it.
XV. On sides not used for loading and unloading, hoist platforms should be provided with toe-
boards and enclosures of wire mesh or other suitable material to prevent the fall of parts of
XVI. Where necessary to prevent danger from falling objects, hoist platforms should be provided
with adequate covering.
XVII. Counterweights consisting of an assemblage of several parts should be made of specially
constructed parts rigidly connected together.
XVIII. Counterweights should run in guides.

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XIX. Platforms should be provided at all landings used by workers.

XX. Following notices should be posted up conspicuously and in very legible characters:
a) on all hoists:
• on the platform: the carrying capacity in kilograms or other appropriate standard unit of
• on the hoisting engine: the lifting capacity in kilograms or other appropriate standard
unit of weight;
b) on hoists authorized or certified for the conveyance of persons:
• on the platform or cage: the maximum number of persons to be carried at one time;
c) on-hoists for goods only:
• On every approach to the hoist and on the platform: prohibition of use by persons.

XXI. Hoists intended for the carriage of persons should be provided with a cage so constructed as
to prevent any person from falling out or being trapped between the cage and any fixed part
of the structure when the cage gate is shut, or from being struck by the counterbalance
weight or by articles or materials tailing down the hoist way.
XXII. On each side in which access is provided, the cage should have a gate fitted with devices
which ensure that the gate cannot be opened except when the cage is at a landing and that
the gate must be closed before the cage can move away from the landing.
XXIII. Every gate in the enclosure of the hoist shaft which gives access from a landing place to the
cage should be fitted with devices to ensure that the gate cannot be opened except when
the cage is at that landing place, and that the cage cannot be moved away from that landing
place until the gate is closed.

5.13.3 Derricks
I. Stiff-leg derricks

a) Derricks should be erected on a firm base capable of taking the combined weight of the
crane structure and maximum rated load.
b) Devices should be used to prevent masts from lifting out of their seating.
c) Electrically operated derricks should be effectively earthed from the sole plate or framework.
d) Counter weights should be so arranged that they do not subject the backstays, sleepers or
pivots to excessive strain.
e) When derricks are mounted on wheels:
• a rigid member should be used to maintain the correct distance between the wheels;

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• They should be equipped with struts to prevent them from dropping if a wheel breaks or
the derrick is derailed.

f) The length of a derrick jib should not be altered without consulting the manufacturer.
g) The jib of a scotch derrick crane should not be erected within the backstays of the crane.

II. Guy derricks

a) The restraint of the guy ropes should be ensured by fitting stirrups or anchor plates in
concrete foundations.
b) The mast of guy derricks should be supported by six top guys spaced approximately equally.
c) The spread of the guys of a guy derrick crane from the mast should not be more than 450
from the horizontal.
d) Guy ropes of derricks should be equipped with a stretching screw or turnbuckle or other
device to regulate the tension.
e) Gudgeon pins, sheave pins and fool bearings should be lubricated frequently.
f) When a derrick is not in use, the boom should be anchored to prevent it from swinging.

5.13.4 Gin poles

I. Gin poles should:
a) be straight;
b) consist of steel or other suitable metal;
c) be adequately guyed and anchored;
d) be vertical or raked slightly towards the load;
e) Be of adequate strength for the loads that they will be required to lift/move.

II. Gin poles should not be spliced and if a gin pole is composed of different elements, they should
be assembled in conformity with their intrinsic material strength.

III. Gin poles should be fastened at their feet to prevent displacement in operation.

IV. Gin poles, which are moved from place to place and re-erected, should not be taken into use
again before the pole, lifting ropes, guys, blocks and other parts have been inspected, and the
whole appliance has been tested under load.

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V. When platforms or skips are hoisted by gin poles, precautions should be taken to prevent them
from spinning and to provide for proper landing.

5.13.5 Tower cranes

I. Where tower cranes have cabs at high level, persons, capable and trained to work at heights,
should only be employed as crane operators.

II. The characteristics of the various machines available should be considered against the
operating requirements and the surroundings in which the crane will operate before a
particular type of crane is selected.
III. Care should be taken in the assessment of wind loads both during operations and out of
service. Account should also be taken of the effects of high structures on wind forces in the
vicinity of the crane.
IV. The ground on which the tower crane stands should have the requisite bearing capacity.
Account should be taken of seasonal variations in ground conditions.
V. Bases for tower cranes and tracks for rail-mounted tower cranes should be firm and level.
Tower cranes should only operate on gradients within limits specified by the manufacturer.
Tower cranes should only be erected at a safe distance from excavations and ditches.
VI. Tower cranes should be sited where there is clear space available for erection, operation and
dismantling. As far as possible, cranes should be sited so that loads do not have to be handled
over occupied premises, over public thoroughfares, other construction works and railways or
near power cables.
VII. Where two or more tower cranes are sited in positions where their jibs could touch any part of
the other crane, there should be direct means of communication between them and a distinct
warning system operated from the cab so that one driver may alert the other of impending
VIII. The manufacturers' instructions on the methods and sequence of erection and dismantling
should be followed. The crane should be tested before being taken into use.
IX. The climbing operation of climbing tower cranes should be carried out in accordance with
manufacturers' instructions. The free-standing height of the tower crane should not extend
beyond what is safe and permissible in the manufacturers' instructions.
X. When the tower crane is left unattended, loads should be removed from the hook, the hook
raised, the power switched off and the boom brought to the horizontal. For longer periods or
at times when adverse weather conditions are expected, out of service procedures should be

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followed. The main jib should be slewed to the side of the tower away from the wind, put into
free slew and the crane immobilized.
XI. A wind speed measuring device should be provided at an elevated position on the tower crane
with the indicator fitted in the drivers' cab.
XII. Devices should be provided to prevent loads being moved to a point where the corresponding
safe working load of the crane would be exceeded. Name boards or other items liable to catch
the wind should not be mounted on a tower crane other than in accordance with the
manufacturers' instructions.
XIII. Tower cranes should not be used for magnet, or demolition ball service, piling operations or
other duties, which could impose excessive loading on the crane structure.

5.13.6 Lifting ropes

I. Only ropes with a known safe working capacity should be used as lifting ropes.

II. Lifting ropes should be installed, maintained and inspected in accordance with manufacturers'
III. Repaired steel ropes should not be used on hoists.
IV. Where multiple independent ropes are used, for the purpose of stability, to lift a work
platform, each rope should be capable of carrying the load independently.


5.14.1 Park vehicles only at designated places. Don't block roads to create hindrance for other

5.14.2 Don't overload the vehicle.

5.14.3 Obey speed limits and traffic rules.
5.14.4 Always expect the unexpected and be a defensive driver.
5.14.5 Drive carefully during adverse weather and road conditions.
5.14.6 Read the road ahead and ride to the left.
5.14.7 Be extra cautious at nights. Keep wind screens clean and lights in working condition.
5.14.8 All vehicles used for carrying workers and construction materials must undergo
predictive/preventive maintenance and daily checks
5.14.9 Driver with proper valid driving license shall only be allowed to drive the vehicle

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5.14.10 Routes shall be leveled, marked and planned in such a way so as to avoid potential hazards
such as overhead power lines and sloping ground etc.
5.14.11 While reversing the vehicles, help of another worker should be ensured at all times
5.14.12 An unattended vehicle should have the engine switched off
5.14.13 Wherever possible one-way system shall be followed
5.14.14 Barriers/fixed stops should be provided for excavation/openings to prevent fall of vehicle
6.10.15 Load should be properly secured
5.14.15 The body of the tipper lorry should always be lowered before driving the vehicle off.
5.14.16 Signs/signals/caution boards etc. should be provided on routes.

5.15.1 General Provisions
I. Only persons having valid licenses should be allowed to work on electrical facilities.
II. No person should be allowed to work on live circuit. The same, if unavoidable, special care and
authorization need to be taken.
III. Treat all circuits as "LIVE" unless ensured otherwise.
IV. Electrical "Tag Out" procedure MUST be followed for carrying out maintenance jobs.
V. Display voltage ratings prominently with "Danger" signs.
VI. Put caution/notice signs before starting the repair works.
VII. All electrical equipment operating above 250V shall have separate and distinct connections to
earth grid.
VIII. Proper grounding to be ensured for all switch boards and equipment including Portable ones
prior to taking into service.
IX. Make sure that electrical switch boards, portable tools, equipment (like grinding machine etc.)
don't get wet during their usage. If it happens, stop the main supply, make the tools dry and
then only use them. Check proper earthing. All temporary switch boards/ KIOSKS put up at
work site should be suitably protected from rain and the level of same should be high enough
to avoid contact with water due to water logging.
X. Don't work wet on electrical system.
XI. Don't overload the electrical system.

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XII. Use only proper rated HRC fuses.

XIII. Industrial type extension boards and Plug sockets are only to be used.
XIV. ELCB for all temporary connections must be provided. Use insulated 3-pin plug tops.
XV. All power supply cables should be laid properly and neatly so that they don't cause hindrance
to persons working and no physical damage also takes place to the cables during various
construction activities.
XVI. All Power cables to be properly terminated using glands and lugs of proper size and adequately
XVII. Use spark-proof/flame proof type electrical fittings in Fire Hazard zones as per area
classification under OISD-STD-113.
XVIII. Check installations of steel plates/pipes to protect underground cables at crossings.
XIX. Don't lay unarmored cable directly on ground, wall, roof or trees. All temporary cables should
be laid at least 750 mm below ground and cable markers should be provided. Proper sleeves
should be provided at road crossings. In case temporary cables are to be laid on wooden
poles/steel poles, the minimum cable heights should be 4.5 M.
XX. Maintain safe overhead distance of HT cables as per Indian Electricity Rules and relevant acts.
XXI. Don't connect any earthing wire to the pipelines/structures.
XXII. Don't make any unsafe temporary connections, naked joints/wiring etc.
XXIII. Ensure that temporary cables are free from cuts, damaged insulation, kinks or improper
insulated joints.
XXIV. Check at periodic intervals that pins of sockets and joints are not loose.
XXV. Protect electrical wires/equipment from water and naked flames.
XXVI. Illuminate suitably all the work areas.
XXVII. All switchboards should be of MS structure only and incoming source should be marked.
XXVIII. Hand lamps should not be of more than 24V rating.
XXIX. Fire extinguishers (DCP/CO2/Sand buckets) should be kept near temporary switch boards being
used for construction purposes. Don't use water for fighting electrical fires.
XXX. Insulating mats shall be provided in the front and back end of switch boards.
XXXI. All parts of electrical installations should be so constructed, installed and maintained as to
prevent danger of electric shock, fire and external explosion. Periodic checking/certification of

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electrical safety appliances such as gloves, insulating mats, hoods etc. to be done/witnessed
along with maintaining a register at site signed by competent authority.

XXXII. A notice displaying following, should be kept exhibited at suitable places:

a) prohibiting unauthorized persons from entering electrical equipment rooms or from handling
or interfering with electrical apparatus;
b) containing directions as to procedures in case of fire, rescue of persons in contact with live
conductors and the restoration of persons suffering from electric shock;
c) Specifying the person to be notified in case of electrical accident or dangerous occurrence,
and indicating how to communicate with him.

XXXIII. No other cables/pipes to be laid in trench used for electrical cables.

XXXIV. Utmost care should be taken while excavating Earth from cable trench to avoid damage or any
XXXV. Sub-station floor cut-outs meant for switch board installations to be covered wherever
installation is incomplete.

NOTE: A Residual Current Operated Circuit Breaker (RCCB) or Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker (ELCB),
when installed, protects a human being to the widest extent. RCCB or ELCB should be provided as per
Indian Electricity Rules.

5.15.2 Inspection and maintenance

I. All electrical equipment should be inspected before taking into use to ensure suitability for its
proposed use.
II. At the beginning of every shift, the person using the electrical equipment should make a
careful external examination of the equipment and conductors, especially the flexible cables.
III. Apart from some exceptional cases, work on or near live parts of electrical equipment should
be forbidden.
IV. Before any work is begun on conductors or equipment that do not have to remain live:
a) the current should be switched off by a responsible authorized person;
b) precautions should be taken to prevent the current from being switched on again;
c) the conductors or the equipment should be tested to ascertain that they are dead;
d) the conductors and equipment should be earthed and short-circuited;
e) Neighboring live parts should be adequately protected against accidental contact.

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V. After work has been done on conductors and equipment, the current should only be switched
on again on the orders of a competent person after the earthing and short-circuiting have been
removed and the workplace reported safe.
VI. Electricians should be provided with approved and tested tools, and personal protective
equipment such as rubber gloves, mats etc.
VII. All conductors and equipment should be considered to be live unless there is a proof of the
VIII. When work has to be done in dangerous proximity to live parts the current should be cut off. If
for operational reasons this is not possible, the live parts should be fenced off or enclosed by
qualified staff from the sub-station concerned.

5.15.3 Testing
I. Electrical installations should be inspected and tested and the results recorded.

II. Periodic testing of the efficiency of the earth leakage protective devices should be carried out.
III. Particular attention should be paid to the earthing of apparatus, the continuity of protective
conductors, polarity and insulation resistance, protection against mechanical damage and
condition of connections at points of entry.

5.16.1 General provisions
I. When the demolition of any building or structure might present danger to workers or to the
a) necessary precautions, methods and procedures should be adopted, including those for the
disposal of waste or residues;
b) The work should be planned and undertaken only under the supervision of a competent

II. Before demolition operations begin:

a) structural details and builders' drawings should be obtained wherever possible;

b) details of the previous use should be obtained to identify any possible contamination and
hazards from chemicals, flammables, etc.;
c) An initial survey should be carried out to identify any structural problems and risks associated
with flammable substances and substances hazardous to health.

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d) The survey should note the type of ground on which the structure is erected, the condition of
the roof trusses, the type of framing used in framed structures and the load-bearing walls;
e) a method of demolition should be formulated after the survey and recorded in a method
statement having taken all the various considerations into account and identifying the
problems and their solutions;
III. All electric, gas, water and steam service lines should be shut off and, as necessary, capped or
otherwise controlled at or outside the construction site before work commences.
IV. If it is necessary to maintain any electric power, water or other services during demolition
operations, they should be adequately protected against damage.
V. As far as practicable, the danger zone round the building should be adequately fenced off and
sign posted. To protect the public a fence 2m high should be erected enclosing the demolition
operations and the access gates should be secured outside working hours.
VI. The fabric of buildings contaminated with substances hazardous to health should be
decontaminated. Protective clothing and respiratory devices should be provided and worn.
VII. Where plant has contained flammable materials, special precautions should be taken to avoid
fire and explosion.
VIII. The plant to be demolished should be isolated from all other plant that may contain flammable
materials. Any residual flammable material in the plant should be rendered safe by cleaning,
purging or the application of an inert atmosphere as appropriate.
IX. Care should be taken not to demolish any parts, which would destroy the stability of other
X. Demolition activities should not be continued under adverse climatic conditions such as high
winds, which could cause the collapse of already weakened structures.
XI. To prevent hazards, parts of structures should be adequately shored, braced or otherwise
XII. Structures should not be left in a condition in which they could be brought down by wind
pressure or vibration.
XIII. Where a deliberate controlled collapse technique is to be used, expert engineering advice
should be obtained, and:
a) it should only be used where the whole structure is to come down because it relies on the
removal of key structural members to effect a total collapse;
b) It should only be used on sites that are fairly level and where there is enough surrounding
space for all operatives and equipment to be withdrawn to a safe distance.

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XIV. When equipment such as power shovels and bulldozers are used for demolition, due
consideration should be given to the nature of the building or structure, its dimensions, as well
as to the power of the equipment being used.

XV. If a swinging weight is used for demolition, a safety zone having a width of at least one-and-a-
half times the height of the building or structure should be maintained around the points of

Demolition of structural steelwork

I. All precautions should be taken to prevent danger from any sudden twist, spring or collapse of
steelwork, ironwork or reinforced concrete when it is cut or released.
II. Steel construction should be demolished tier by tier.
III. Structural steel parts should be lowered and not dropped from a height.

5.17.1 All radiography jobs shall be carried out as per BARC Safety Regulations
5.17.2 During field radiography, nearby area around the radiation source should be cordoned off.
5.17.3 If the field radiography is to be done at the same location repeatedly, it is advisable to
provide either a wire fencing around or a temporary brick enclosure.
5.17.4 Special permission/permit should be taken for radiography from area-in-charge.
5.17.5 As far as possible, field radiography should be done only during night time when there is little
or no occupancy there.
5.17.6 Radiation warning signals should be pasted all along the cordoned off area.
5.17.7 Entry into the restricted area by unauthorized persons should be strictly prohibited during
5.17.8 The radiation level along with the cordon should be monitored by a suitable and well-
calibrated radiation survey meter.
5.17.9 All personnel working with radiography sources should wear appropriate protective
equipment and film badges issued by BARC.
5.17.10 Protection facilities such as manipulator rod, remote handling tongs, lead pots,
radiation hazard placards and means of cordon off shall be available at each site.
5.17.11 The radiography source shall never be touched or handled directly with hands.

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5.17.12 The package containing radiography cameras and sources should never be carried by
public transport like bus, train etc.
5.17.13 Radiography sources and cameras, when not in use, should be stored inside a source
pit with lock and key arrangement as approved by BARC.
5.17.14 The storage room should preferably be located in an isolated area of minimum
occupancy and radiation level outside the storage room should not exceed 0.25
mR/hr as per BARC Regulations.
5.17.15 In case of an accident (due to loss or of damage to radiography source), action
should be taken in line with BARC Safety Rules/Guidelines.


5.18.1Sand blasting should be used only after approval from competent person.

5.18.2 Air Compressor used for sand/shot blasting/painting should have guard and positioned
away from the work place.

5.18.3 Exhaust of the prime mover, if IC engine is used, should be directed away from the work

5.18.4 In case of motor driven compressor, the body of the motor as well as the compressor to
be properly earthed.

5.18.5 The hoses used for compressed air should be of proper quality, and health of the same to
be ensured through regular check/ test.

5.18.6 The operator of sand/shot blasting/painting should wear suitable PPE's including mask.
5.18.7 Adequate measures to be taken to suppress dust/spray particle.

5.18.8 Sand used for sand blasting should be suitably covered & protected from to rain/moisture.
5.18.9 When these activities are done in confined places, adequate measure to be taken for
proper ventilation.


5.19.1 All necessary measures should be taken by the executing agency and owner to:
I. avoid the risk of fire;

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II. control quickly and efficiently any outbreak of fire;

III. bring out a quick and safe evacuation of persons.
IV. Inform unit/fire station control room, where construction work is carried out within existing
operating area.

5.19.2 Combustible materials such as packing materials, sawdust, greasy/oily waste and scrap wood
or plastics should not be allowed to accumulate in workplaces but should be kept in closed
metal containers in a safe place.

5.19.3 Places where workers are employed should, if necessary to prevent the danger of fire, be
provided with:
I. suitable and sufficient fire-extinguishing equipment, which should be easily visible and
II. an adequate water supply at sufficient pressure meeting the requirements of various OISD

5.19.4 To guard against danger at places having combustible material, workers should be trained in
the action to be taken in the event of fire, including the use of means of escape.

5.19.5 At sites having combustible material, suitable visual signs should be provided to indicate clearly
the direction of escape in case of fire.

5.19.6 Means of escape should be kept clear at all times. Escape routes should be frequently
inspected particularly in high structures and where access is restricted.

5.20.1 Where natural lighting is not adequate, working light fittings or portable hand-lamps should
be provided at workplace on the construction site where a worker will do a job.

5.20.2 Emergency lighting should be provided for personnel safety during night time to facilitate
standby lighting source, if normal system fails.

5.20.3 Artificial lighting should not produce glare or disturbing shadows.

5.20.4 Lamps should be protected by guards against accidental breakage.

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5.20.5 The cables of portable electrical lighting equipment should be of adequate size &
characteristics for the power requirements and of adequate mechanical strength to
withstand severe conditions in construction operations.


5.21.1 General Provisions
I. Plant, machinery and equipment including hand tools, both manual and power driven, should:
a) be of proper design and construction, taking into account health, Safety and ergonomic
b) be maintained in good working order;
c) be used only for work for which they have been designed.
d) be operated only by workers who have been authorised and given appropriate training.
e) be provided with protective guards, shields or other devices as required.

II. Adequate instructions for safe use should be provided.

III. Safe operating procedures should be established and used for all plant, machinery and
IV. Operators of plant, machinery and equipment should not be distracted while work is in
V. Plant, machinery and equipment should be switched off when not in use and isolated before
any adjustment, clearing or maintenance is done.
VI. Where trailing cables or hose pipes are used they should be kept as short as practicable and
not allowed to create a hazard.
VII. All moving parts of machinery and equipment should be enclosed or adequately guarded.
VIII. Every power-driven machine and equipment should be provided with adequate means,
immediately accessible and readily identifiable to the operator, of stopping it quickly and
preventing it from being started again inadvertently.
IX. Operators of plant, machinery, equipment and tools should be provided with PPEs, including
where necessary, suitable ear protection.

5.21.2 Hand tools

I. Hand tools should be repaired by competent persons.

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II. Heads of hammers and other shock tools should be dressed or ground to a suitable radius on
the edge as soon as they begin to mushroom or crack.
III. When not in use and while being carried or transported sharp tools should be kept in sheaths,
shields, chests or other suitable containers.
IV. Only insulated or non-conducting tools should be used on or near live electrical installations.
V. Only non-sparking tools should be used near or in the presence of flammable or explosive
dusts or vapours.

5.21.3 Pneumatic Tools

I. Operating triggers on portable pneumatic tools should be:
a) so placed as to minimize the risk of accidental starting of the machine.
b) so arranged as to close the air inlet valve automatically when the pressure of the operator's
hand is removed.

II. Hose and hose connections for compressed air supply to portable pneumatic tools should be:
a) designed and tested for the pressure and service for which they are intended;
b) fastened securely on the pipe outlet and equipped with the safety chain, as appropriate.

III. Pneumatic shock tools should be equipped with safety clips or retainers to prevent dies and
tools from being accidentally expelled from the barrel.
IV. Pneumatic tools should be disconnected from power and the pressure in hose lines released
before any adjustment or repair is made.

5.21.4 Electrical Tools

I. Low voltage portable electrical tools should generally be used.

II. All electrical tools should be earthed, unless they are "all insulated" or "double insulated" tools
which do not require earthing.
III. All electrical tools should get inspected and maintained on a regular basis by a competent
electrician and complete records kept.

5.21.5 Engines
I. Engines should:
a) be installed so that they can be started safely and the maximum safe speed cannot be
b) have controls for limiting speed.
c) have devices to stop them from a safe place in an emergency.

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II. IC engines should not be run in confined spaces unless adequate exhaust ventilation is

III. When IC engines are being fuelled:

a) the engine should be shut off.
b) care should be taken to avoid spilling fuel;
c) no person should smoke or have an naked light in the vicinity.
d) a fire extinguisher should be kept readily available.
IV. Secondary fuel reservoir should be placed outside the engine room.

5.22.1 The Contractor shall provide necessary cordoning off barricades and lights to prevent
5.22.2 To ensure effective enforcement of the rules and regulations relating to safety precautions,
the arrangements made by the Contractor shall be open to inspection by the Engineer-in-
5.22.3 All sources of ignition shall be prohibited in areas where flammable liquids are stored,
handled and processed. Suitable warning and ‘NO SMOKING’ signs shall be posted in all
such places. Receptacles containing flammable liquids shall be stacked in such a manner as
to permit free passage of air between them.
5.22.4 All combustible materials shall be continuously removed from such areas where flammable
liquids are stored, handled and processed. All spills of flammable liquids shall be cleared up
immediately. Containers of flammable liquids shall be tightly capped.


5.23.1 All accidents, major or minor must be reported immediately. The Contractor, will provide first
aid to the injured person immediately and the injured person shall report to the first aid
station along with the ‘INJURED ON WORK’ form duly filled in and submit to the Officer of
the First Aid Station.

5.23.2 Serious Injury

In case of serious injury, the following procedure shall be adopted by the Contractor:

I. Provide First Aid at his own First Aid Station.

II. Take the injured person to the Hospital along with the “INJURED ON WORK” form duly filled
III. Reporting the accident to the Owner/Engineer by the Contractor.

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5.23.3 Fatal Accident

Fatal accident must be reported immediately to the Engineer/Owner as well as to the Police.



Prior to commencement of work, the Contractor shall submit his Health, Safety and
Environment policy and HSE Plans for approval by HPCL. The Contractor shall participate in
the pre-start meeting with HPCL to finalize HSE Plans including the following :

- Job procedure to be followed by Contractor for activities covering - Handling of

equipment, Scaffolding, Electric Installation etc., describing the risks involved,
actions to be taken and methodology for monitoring each activity.
- HPCL/Owner review / audit requirement.
- Organization structure along with responsibility and authority records / reports etc.
on HSE activities.


Implement approved Health, Safety & Environment management procedure including but
not limited to as brought out under above sections. Contractor shall also ensure to:

a. Arrange workmen compensation insurance, registration under ESI Act, third party
liability insurance etc., as applicable.
b. Arrange all HSE permits before start of activities (as applicable) like hot work,
confined space, work at heights, storage of chemical / explosive materials and their
use and implement all precautions mentioned therein.
c. Timely submission of completed checklist on HSE activities, Monthly HSE report, accident
reports, investigation reports etc. as per HPCL requirements. Compliance of instructions
on HSE shall be done by Contractor and confirmed immediately to HPCL.
d. Ensure that Resident Engineer / Site-in-Charge of the Contractor shall attend all the
Safety Committee / HSE meetings arranged by HPCL. Only in case of his absence from
site that a second senior most person shall be nominated by him in advance and
communicated to HPCL.
e. Display at site office and work locations caution boards, list of hospitals, emergency
services available etc.
f. Provide posters, banners for safe working to promote safety consciousness.
g. Carryout audits / inspection at sub-contractor works as per approved HSE document
and submit the reports for HPCL review.
h. Assist in HSE audits by HPCL, and submit compliance report.
i. Generate & submit HSE records / report as per HSE Plan.

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j. Appraise HPCL on HSE activities.

HPCL Engineer in-Charge would monitor and record the safety performance of the contractor during the
execution of the job and this performance would be given adequate weightage at the time of renewal of
Registration / Vendor Rating.


General Safety Training to all categories of contractor employees should be imparted before
induction and annually thereafter. No person should be allowed to enter the installation without
undergoing this training. This training program should cover:

i) Mandatory uses of PPE like Cotton clothes, Helmet, Safety Shoes, Full Body
Safety harness, dust masks, safety goggles, etc.
ii) Probable Hazards related to industry
iii) Job specific hazards
iv) Important Telephone No / Escape route
v) First Aid
vi) Use of Fire extinguisher
vii) Location of assembly points
viii) Procedure of calling fire crew in case of any emergency
ix) Wind direction

Yearly training program should be carried out for contractor worker and the records should be
maintained. The training program should cover at least the following:

i) Worker responsibility for safety of himself and work area.

ii) Associated hazards with the job and job area including electrical shock hazards.
iii) Importance of First Aid fire-fighting equipment, their use & operations
iv) Communication system at the installation
v) Fire / Accident Reporting procedure
vi) General Safety rules
vii) Safety Measures during execution of job such as:
- Welding / Cutting / Grinding
- Working at height
- Confined space entry
- X ray / radiation
- Erection / Dismantling of scaffolding
- Tank construction and repairs

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- Handling of chemicals etc.

- Hydrojetting
- Leak testing of pipelines and equipment (hydro and pneumatic testing)
- Grit / other methods of blasting for surface preparation blasting etc.
- Chemical cleaning & pickling
- Catalyst loading & storage

viii) Importance & use of PPE

ix) Emergency Routes
x) Assembly Points
xi) Job Specific Training


In addition to general safety precautions as outlined above for the activities, following additional safety
precautions need to be taken for the sites within the operating area or nearby, where presence of
Hydrocarbons cannot be ruled out.

7.1 Police Verification

 Contractor must submit Police Verification of Antecedents of all workmen engaged by for
executing jobs within HPCL premises.

 Every person other than HPCL Employee or a casual visitor entering HPCL premises would
be governed by the above conditions.
 The term ‘Supervisor’ would mean any person who oversees the works of a group of
Workmen. All other persons will be considered as ‘Workmen’.
 Violation of any of the above conditions of Safety would attract penal actions, including
termination of the Contract/Registration.
 Meticulous adherence to these requirements would be checked by HPCL.
 All safety precautions, safety norms & safety practices as required by the Terminal/Depot
shall be followed by the contractor and his workers. All safety/ security/ statutory
requirements have to be strictly adhered to by the Contractor and his employees.

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7.2 Compliance to Work Permit System

 No job shall be carried out without a valid permit. Permit should be in line with OISD-STD-
105 "Work Permit System".
 Provisions as mentioned in OISD-STD-105 have to be strictly adhered to and records
 Do not carry out any work without valid Work Permit issued by the authorized person
in the HPCL premises as per Work Permit System.
 Comply with all the Fire/Safety/Excavation/Radiography Permit conditions specified
in the Permit and clearances given from time to time.

 Display Permit at Worksite for random checking by the HPCL officials.

7.3 Smoking Regulation

i) Smoking should be prohibited in all places containing readily combustible or flammable materials and
"No Smoking" notices be prominently displayed. Smoking is strictly prohibited inside Terminal/Depot
premises. Match box, cigarette lighters, cigarettes, bidis, any other inflammable materials are not
permitted inside Terminal/Depot and have to be deposited with the Security before entering the

7.4 General Safety Precautions, Fire Fighting Equipment, Emergency Preparedness

 Fire-extinguishing equipment should be well maintained and inspected at suitable intervals

by a competent person. Access to fire-extinguishing equipment such as hydrants, portable
extinguishers and connections for hoses should be kept clear at all times.
 All supervisors and workers should be trained in the use of fire extinguishing equipment, so
that adequate trained personnel are readily available during all working periods.
 Audio means to give warning in case of fire should be provided where this is necessary to
prevent danger. Such warning should be clearly audible in all parts of the site where persons
are liable to work. There should be an effective evacuation plan so that all persons are
 Notices should be posted at conspicuous places indicating:
(a) the nearest fire alarm;
(b) the telephone number and address of the nearest emergency services.
 The work site shall be cleared of all combustible materials, as sparks and molten metal
coming from the welding job can easily ignite combustible materials near or below the

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welding site. If the combustible materials cannot be removed from the area, the same shall
be properly shielded.
 Adequate number of dry chemical type fire extinguishers (DCP) shall be made available in the
work area. Also fire protection facilities like running hoses etc. as per permit should be
complied with.
 Wherever required, welding screens shall be put up to protect other equipment in adjoining
areas against flying sparks. Material used should be metal / fire proof blanket / water curtain.
 Welding or cutting of vessels / equipment used in Hydrocarbon / hazardous flammable
chemicals shall be done after ensuring hydrocarbon free area and verifying the same with the
suitable hydrocarbon detector.
 The confined space / equipment shall be made gas free (hydrocarbon and toxic) and cleaned
and the same shall be ensured with the help of suitable gas detectors.
 Adequate precautions against pyrophoric material shall be ensured.
 Non-sparking tools must be used while carrying out work in hazardous areas.
 In confined spaces and other places where flammable gases, vapours or dusts can cause
danger, following measures should be taken:
(a) only approved type electrical installations and equipment, including portable lamps,
should be used;
(b) there should be no naked flames or source of ignition;
(c) oily rags, waste and clothes or other substances liable to spontaneous ignition should be
removed without delay to a safe place;
(d) Air operated ventilation system should be provided.

7.5 Mobile Regulation

Mobile phones are strictly prohibited inside licenced premises. Any person found with mobile
phone inside licenced premises shall be suspended from entering the premises with immediate
effect. Mobiles have to be deposited with the Security before entering the premises.

7.6 Traffic Safety

 Contractor’s drivers must get themselves familiarized with HPCL roads and traffic
regulations on certain roads.
 Only vehicles with diesel engines fitted with PESO approved and certified spark arrestors
are allowed to enter the premises.
 All vehicles entering or leaving the HPCL must stop at the security gates, for checking by
the security personnel.
 The maximum speed limit for vehicles within the premises is 10 KMPH.

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 Anyone driving a motor vehicle must be in possession of a valid driving license for that
class of vehicle.
 Transport vehicles permitted inside the HPCL premises shall be parked in the designated
parking areas only.
 Contractor’s employees will use designated HPCL entrance and will proceed directly to the
contractor’s job site by way of HPCL roads. They shall not pass through HPCL operating
 Contractor’s employees should not wander from their job site, nor loiter around HPCL
operating units, control houses etc.
 Vehicles or other mobile equipment shall not be parked in any manner that will block fire
hydrants, fire equipment, building exits, walkways etc.
 It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to ensure that materials are properly
stacked in the transport vehicles to avoid items dropping from the vehicles while in
 Bicycles can be used inside HPCL premises on need basis. However, pillion rider on
bicycles is not permitted.
 Crane Operator should not allow anybody to sit on vehicle body.
 Transportation of contract personnel not permitted by goods carrier like Tractor trolley,
forklift, Dumper etc.



The objectives of the Work Permit System are to exercise control over the construction activities by
assigning responsibilities, ensuring clear cut communication between interested functions & safety
considerations to the job, its hazards & the precautions required. It ensures that the work is
properly defined & authorized and project personnel are aware what is going on, precautions to be
taken are specified and the persons executing the job understand the nature and extent of hazards

Work Permit System is an important element of safety management system and implementation of
this in true spirit shall help in ensuring a safe working environment, thereby reducing possibility of
injury to personnel, protect property, avoid fire, explosion & adverse effect on environment.

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Normally all maintenance, repair, construction work shall be carried out with a proper work permit.
The nature of jobs requiring work permits and the formats shall be as stipulated by the owner / Site

Some of the activities that normally require work permits are mentioned below :

 Construction
 Demolition
 Welding work
 Working in confined space
 Work at height
 Electrical Work
 Erection and dismantling of scaffold
 Radiography



This permit covers provision of safe electrical connections.


This permit covers safe access/platform/working arrangement at height for carrying out
the job. The permit shall be issued after checking the Pre-erection Checklist for Scaffolds.

Before erection, when scaffold materials are kept at site of erection, "Pre Erection Checklist for
Scaffold" shall be carried out in prescribed format.

All tubular scaffolds need to checked and certified before being used.

Workmen required to work at height should submit requisite medical certificate.


This permit authorizes radiography of weld joints.

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8.4.1 Permits and clearances shall be in printed forms, in duplicate or triplicate, depending on nature
of job, serially numbered, Format Number and different colour code should be adopted for
different types of permits and clearances. Where ever Online Work Permit System of HPCL is
available, the same shall be used for issuance of work permits.

8.4.2 Duly signed "Dos and Don'ts" for related jobs shall be attached with each permit and safety
guidelines mentioned shall be complied at work site.

8.4.3 Depending on nature of jobs, type of permit required shall be decided.

8.4.4 In case of Permit for working at heights, the following is to be ensured:

I. All tools should be carried in tool kits to avoid their falling.

II. Throwing or dropping of material / equipment from height is prohibited.
III. Avoid jumping from one member to another of a structure. Use proper passageway.
IV. Both hands should be free, while climbing the ladder. Bypassing the steps of ladder should be
V. Avoid movements on overhead beam without proper fall protection.

8.4.5 For Radiation Permit jobs, the following shall be ensured:

A warning or protective barricade of 1 m height should be provided around the surrounding
area, meeting the distance requirement as mentioned in permit and radiation signs &
symbols to be displayed prominently by the Permit Receiver.

8.4.6 Permit issuing authority shall satisfy that permit conditions are met before issuing permit. It is
also to be ensured that permit conditions are maintained in course of execution of the job.

8.4.7 All concerned shall be trained on Work Permit System for proper implementation. One day
training shall be mandatory for signatory of permit and further, he shall attend a refresher
course at a gap not exceeding 2 years. Project Head shall keep a record of such trainings and
ensure that no untrained person is signing the permit. He shall also initiate action in advance to
train the person, whose validity is expiring.


On completion of a work, the permits (original with copies) shall be signed by the receiver and
returned to the issuer. The issuer shall retain the copies of various permits in chronological order in a
folder for a period of minimum 3 months from the date of closure of permit or from the date of
commissioning of facilities, whichever comes later.

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In case of serious lapse or violation of permit conditions, where safety of the working personnel or
equipment is likely to be affected, the execution of the job can be stopped by permit issuing
authority or any other personnel authorized by the management for the purpose.

In case of any accident or fire at the work site, the permit shall get automatically cancelled. Fresh
permit shall be obtained for restarting the job.


The permit issuing authority and executing authority shall inspect the work site frequently to
ensure that permit conditions are being complied and maintained.

Officers shall make surprise checks at the sites where jobs against work permit are in progress.
Surprise checks shall be carried out on a structured checklist and findings shall be documented.
Date and time of such surprise checks shall be recorded. The corrective measures shall also be

The permit can be withdrawn by issuing authority or any person authorized by management in
case of violation of permit condition, Site emergency or any other unsafe situation.


Any person who is authorized to issue or receive the work permit shall be imparted training for a
period of not less than one day covering various aspects of work permits’ system. Further all the
persons authorized to issue/ receive the work permit shall be given a minimum of one day training
once in a year on the work permit system and records maintained.

Training and awareness programs are to be organized from time to time for issuer & receiver of
permit to make them conversant about work permit system. These programs should include
"class room" as well as "on the job training" like

 Filling of permits, assessing hazards and correction, Work Permit procedure

 Atmosphere monitoring with portable gas testers.
 Use of PPE including SCBA & airline respirators
 Carrying out different jobs safely

Awareness programs should be arranged in the form of "Class room training" as well as "On the
job training" for contractors (Supervisor and their workmen) about work permit system.

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Review of work permit system shall be carried out at least once in two years or following a major
and/or high-potential incident / accidents or change in statutory requirements / norms.


The Work Permit System shall be audited at least annually by a multi-disciplinary team constituted
by management for the purpose. For the audit, detailed format shall be developed by the
Department. The audit shall include checking of procedure for permit / clearances being followed
and physical check at site. The guidelines for audit checklist are as follows:

 The permit, clearances and format have been properly filled up and recommendations are
mentioned categorically.
 The permit signatories are trained and they have been trained within 2 years. Check the
content of training program to a s s e s s the coverage on "Work Permit System’. Ask questions
from workmen, supervisors, and signatories of permit about their knowledge on subject to
a s s e s s the effectiveness of training program.
 Check for training record of toolbox talk and effectives of training.
 Check for detailed procedure including closing of permits, record keeping.
 Check work sites to observe deviation from procedures, permits, clearances and format.

8.9.1 Safety Meeting

Action points related to safety issues related to the project is discussed. Weekly meeting shall be
conducted by contractors for the entire work force.

8.10 Pre-Job Meeting / Pep talks

The Pre-Job Meeting is meant for consultation before start of activity. At this meeting the “pre-job
checklist” shall be handed over and worked out with all persons involved.

 These are meant for developing safety awareness and to remind the various safety measures and
rules to be followed by the working group

 During the talk, the safety precautions for various activities and general HSE rules would be

 Ensure active participation, interaction of workmen and encourage them to share their similar
experiences of other sites

 The records of Pep talks are to be maintained and a copy of the same is to be sent to Project

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8.11 Tool Box Meetings

Toolbox meetings are a kind of consultation wherein executing employees will be informed about
the actual work. A toolbox meeting is a medium to inform executing employees.

 The meetings will be organized by Contractors/Sub-contractors at their respective work locations


 The meeting would be held with the concerned staff / workmen involved in the specific job. In
the meeting the safety measures and the procedures to be adopted would be conveyed to all
concerned after discussing/assessing associated risks prevailed in the work activity.

 The meeting would be held on need basis and conducted by Site Engineer/Foremen/EHS
coordinator as and when changes of procedure/machinery and for new teams.

 The records of Tool Box meetings are to be maintained and a copy of the same is to be sent to
Project Head.


The compliance of the Safety and Health provisions are of utmost importance. HSE Manager/Officer,
HPCL has the right to order stoppage of work till rectification is carried out to the satisfaction of HSE
Manager/Officer. All stoppage on this account will be at the entire risk cost and consequence of the
erring individuals/contractors.


Non-compliance of Safety and Health and Environmental provisions will result in disciplinary action as
given below:

Violations Action

Written warning & monetary penalty

First instance
of Rs. 1000 /-

Written warning & monetary penalty

Second instance
of Rs. 5000 /-

Third instance Removal from site

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 In case of unsafe conditions, the work will be immediately suspended till safe conditions
are restored / safety compliance is ensured.

 In case of unsafe acts by individuals (for eg. not wearing PPEs etc.), the person will not be
allowed to work till the compliance is ensured.

 In case any person brings himself or others in direct life threatening situations or where
he/she creates a large material loss, the offender will be immediately removed from the

 The contractor who regularly, repetitively violates the provisions will be removed from the


All contractors working for HPCL have to strictly follow safety norms as per rules and
regulations. Contractors who violate safety norms while executing the job will be penalized.
Safety violations can be reported by Safety Engineer (HPCL), Safety Supervisor (contractor), HPCL
personnel, Inspecting authorities or any person working at the site. All Safety violations shall be reported to
the Location in- charge / Project In-charge.

Penalties for violation / non -adherence of various safety norms are given below:


1 Non-usage of PPEs like Safety helmet / Safety shoes / Safety As per 10.1
goggles / safety gloves / Face Shield / Respiratory protection
etc. by the contractor personnel.
2 Working without valid work permit / Violation of any of the Work to be suspended till
conditions specified in the permit / JSA. issuance of Work Permit.

First instance : Written

Warning & penalty of
Rs. 10,000 /-

Second instance : Written

warning & penalty of
Rs. 20,000 /-

Third instance : Removal

from site

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3 Carrying out electrical jobs by un-authorised person / As per 10.1

Non deployment of the licensed electricians for electrical
4 Non-usage of safe electric practices at work site : As per 10.1
- non-installation of ELCB,
- not providing earthing connections for electrical
- not providing emergency isolation switches,
- using poor joints of cables,
- using naked wire without top plug into socket,
- laying wire / cables on the roads etc.

5 Working at heights without safety belt / Non-usage of the As per 10.1

full body safety harness and fall back arrester with life line
properly anchored by the workers while working at height
6 Non-standard / unsafe platform/ladder, Non-standard / As per 10.1
unsafe Scaffolding, not having proper arrangement for fall
protection, not providing safety nets etc.
7 Throwing up/down any material from height or not making As per 10.1
proper provision to bring down material safely from height

8 Unsafe handling of compressed gas cylinders : As per 10.1

- no trolley, jubilee clips, double gauge regulator
- improper storage / handling
- keeping compressed gas cylinders in horizontal
position etc.

9 Non fencing / barricading of excavated areas. First instance : Written

Unsatisfactory fencing / barricading of excavated areas, Not warning & penalty of
providing proper shoring /strutting /proper slope and Not Rs. 20,000 /-
keeping the excavated earth at least 1.5 meter away from Second instance : Removal
excavated area from site

10 Use of domestic LPG for cutting purpose Rs. 1000 /- per instance

11 - Usage of untested and uncertified pressure vessel. Rs. 5000 /- per instance
- Usage of untested and uncertified lifting tools/tackle.

12 Not providing sufficient illumination / ventilation at the work Rs. 5000 /- per instance
site, including confined spaces

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13 - Driving without valid license First instance : Written

- Over speeding of vehicles Warning & penalty of
- Driving vehicles without PESO approved and certified Rs. 10,000 /-
spark arrestors within working locations Second instance : Written
- Un-authorised road closure / blockage warning & penalty of
- rash driving / overtaking within working locations Rs. 20,000 /-
- wrong parking Third instance : Removal
- parking the vehicles at non-designated places inside from site
- parking in front of any fire-fighting equipment etc.

14 Riding on material handling vehicles or trolleys or hydra. As per 10.1

15 Non-display of name board, permit, etc. at site Rs. 500/- per instance

16 Non-deployment of safety supervisor / supervisor responsible Rs. 5000/- per week or part
for safety at work site thereof

17 Failure to maintain safety register and record by Contractor Rs. 1,000/- per week or part
Safety Supervisor or Supervisor responsible for safety. thereof

18 Failure to submit monthly safety report by the 5th of the next Rs. 1,000/- per week or part
month to the Engineer-in-Charge thereof

19 Failure to adhere to the incident reporting system Rs. 10,000/- per instance

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(A) Falling into pit Personal injury Provide guard rails/ barricade with warning
Pit Excavation Provide at least two entries/ exits.
upto 3.0m Provide escape ladders.
Earth Collapse Suffocation/ Provide suitable size of shoring and strutting, if
Breathlessness required.
Buried Keep soil heaps away from the edge equivalent
to 1.5m or depth of pit whichever is more.
Don't allow vehicles to operate too close to
excavated areas. Maintain at least 2m distance
from edge of cut.
Maintain sufficient angle of repose. Provide
slope not less than 1:1 and suitable bench of
0.5m width at every 1.5m depth of excavation in
all soils except hard rock.
Battering/benching the sides.

Contact with Electrocution Obtain permission from competent authorities,

buried electric Explosion prior to excavation.
cables Locate the position of buried utilities by referring
Gas / Oil to plant drawings.
Pipelines Start digging manually to locate the exact
position of buried utilities and thereafter use
mechanical means.

Pit Excavation Same as above Can cause Prevent ingress of water

beyond 3.0m plus Flooding due drowning Provide ring buoys
to excessive rain / situation Identify and provide suitable size dewatering
underground pump or well point system
Digging in the Building/Structure Obtain prior approval of excavation method from
vicinity of may collapse local authorities.
existing Building / Injury / Use under-pinning method.
Structure loss of property Construct retaining wall side by side.
Movement of May cause cave- Barricade the excavated area with proper lighting
vehicles/ in or slides. arrangements.
equipment close Persons may get Maintain at least 2m distance from edge of cut
to the edge of cut. buried. and use stop blocks to prevent over-run.
Strengthen shoring and strutting.

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Narrow deep Same as above May cause Battering/benching of sides.
excavations for plus Frequent severe Provide escape ladders.
pipelines, etc. cave-in injuries or prove
or slides fatal
Flooding due to Drowning Same as above plus
Hydro- static situation may Bail out accumulated water.
testing arise Maintain adequate ventilation.
Rock by Improper May prove fatal Ensure proper storage, handling & carrying of
excavation handling of explosives by trained personnel.
blasting explosives Comply with the applicable explosive acts &
Uncontrolled May cause Allow only authorized persons to perform
explosion severe blasting operations.
injuries or prove Smoking and open flames are to be strictly
fatal prohibited.
Scattering of Can injure people Use PPE like goggles, face mask, helmets etc.
stone pieces in
Rock excavation Entrapping of May cause Barricade the area with red flags and blow siren
by blasting persons / animals. severe before blasting.
(Contd.) injuries or prove
Misfire May explode Do not return to site for at least 20 minutes or
suddenly unless announced safe by designated person.
Piling Work Failure of pile - Can injure people Inspect Piling rigs and pulley blocks before the
driving beginning of each shift.
Noise pollution Can cause Use personal protective equipment like ear
deafness plugs, muffs, etc.
and psychological
Extruding Can injure people Barricade the area and install sign boards.
Working in the Can cause Keep sufficient distance from Live-Electricity as
vicinity of 'Live- electrocution / per IS code.
Electricity' Asphyxiation Shut off the supply, if possible.
Provide artificial/rescue breathing to the injured.
(B) Air pollution by May affect Wear respirators or cover mouth and nose with
CONCRETING cement Respiratory wet cloth.
Handling of Hands may get Use gloves & other PPE.
ingredients injured

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Protruding Feet may get Provide platform above reinforcement for

reinforcement injured movement of workers.

Earthing of Can cause Ensure earthing of equipment and proper

electrical electrocution/ functioning of electrical circuit before
mixers, asphyxiation commencement of work.
vibrators, etc.
not done.
Falling of Persons may get Use hard hats.
materials from injured Remove surplus material immediately from work
height. place.
Ensure lighting arrangements during night hours.
Continuous Results in fatigue Insist on shift operation.
pouring by same and may Provide adequate rest to workers between
gang lead to accident. subsequent pours.
Revolving of Parts of body or Allow only mixers with hopper.
concrete mixer/ clothes may get Provide safety cages around moving parts.
vibrators entrapped. Ensure proper mechanical locking of vibrator.
Super-structure Same as above Shuttering/props Avoid excessive stacking on shuttering material.
plus may collapse and Check the design and strength of shuttering
Deflection in prove fatal material before commencement of work.
props or Rectify immediately the deflection noted during
shuttering concreting.
Passage to work Improperly tied Ensure the stability and strength of passage
place and designed before commencement of work.
props/planks may Do not overload and stand under the passage.
(C) Curtailment and Persons may get Use PPE like gloves, shoes, helmets, etc.
REINFOR- binding of rods injured Avoid usage of shift tools.
CEMENT Carrying of rods Persons may get Provide suitable pads on shoulders and use
for short injured (hand & safety gloves.
distances/at shoulders) Tie up rods in easily liftable bundles.
heights Ensure proper staging.
Checking of Rods may cut or Use measuring devices like tape, measuring rods
clear distance / injure the fingers etc.
cover with hands
Hitting projected Persons may get Use safety shoes and avoid standing
rods and injured and fall unnecessarily on cantilever rods.
standing on down Avoid wearing of loose clothes.
cantilever rods.
Falling of material May prove fatal Use helmets.
from height Provide safety nets.

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Transportation of Protruded rods Use red flags/lights at the ends.

rods by trucks/ may hit the Do not protrude the rods in front of or by the side
trailers persons of driver's cabin.
Do not extend the rods beyond 1/3rd of deck
length or 1.5m whichever is less.
(D)WELDING Welding radiates Radiation can Use specified shielding devices and other PPE of
AND GAS invisible damage eyes and correct specifications.
CUTTING ultraviolet and skin. Avoid Thoriated Tungsten electrodes for GTAW
infra-red rays
Improper Explosion may Move out any leaking cylinders
placement of occur Keep cylinders in vertical position.
oxygen and Use trolley for transportation of cylinders and
acetylene cylinders chain them.
Use flashback arrestors.
Leakage/ cuts in May cause fire Purge regulators immediately and then turn off.
hoses Never use grease or oil on oxygen line
connections and copper fittings on acetylene
Inspect gas carrying hoses regularly.
Always use red hose for acetylene & other
fuel gases and black for oxygen.
Opening-up of Cylinder may Always stand back from the regulator while
cylinder burst opening the cylinder.
Turn valve slowly to avoid bursting.
Cover the lug terminals to prevent short
Welding of tanks, Explosion may Empty & purge them before welding.
container or pipes occur Never attach the ground cable to tanks, container
storing flammable or pipe storing flammable liquids.
liquids Never use LPG for gas cutting.

(E) Ionizing Radiation may Ensure Safety regulations as per BARC / AERB
RADIOGRAPHY Radiation react with the skin before commencement of job.
and can cause Cordon off the area and install Radiation warning
cancer, skin symbols.
irritation, Restrict the entry of unauthorized persons.
dermatitis, Wear appropriate PPE and film badges issued by
etc. BARC / AERB.

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Transportation Same as above Never touch or handle radiography source with

and Storage of hands.
Radiography Store radiography source inside a pit in an
source exclusive isolated storage room with lock and
key arrangement. The pit should be approved by
Radiography source should never be carried
either in passenger bus or in a passenger
compartment of trains.
BARC / AERB has to be informed before source
Permission from Director General of Civil
Aviation is required for booking radio isotopes
with airlines.
Loss of Radio Same as above Try to locate with the help of Survey Meter.
isotope Inform BARC / AERB
(F) Short circuiting Can cause Use rubberized hand gloves and other PPE.
ELECTRICAL Electrocution or Don't lay wires under carpets, mats or doorways.
INSTALLATION Fire Allow only licensed electricians to perform on
AND USAGE electrical facilities.
Use one socket for one appliance.
Ensure usage of only fully insulated wires or
Don't place bare wire ends in a socket.
Ensure earthing of machineries and equipment.
Do not use damaged cords and avoid temporary
Use spark-proof flame proof type field
distribution boxes.
Do not allow open/bare connections.
Provide all connections through ELCB.
Protect electrical cables/equipment from water
and naked flames.
Check all connections before energizing.

Overloading of Bursting of Display voltage and current ratings prominently

Electrical system with 'Danger' signs.
System can occur which Ensure approved cable size, voltage grade and
can lead to fire type.
Switch off the electrical utilities when not in use.
Do not allow unauthorized connections.
Ensure proper grid wise distribution of Power.

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Improper laying Can cause Do not lay un-armoured cable directly on ground,
of overhead and electrocution and wall, roof of trees.
underground prove fatal Maintain at least 3m distance from HT cables.
transmission All temporary cables should be laid at least 750
lines/cables mm below ground on 100 mm fine sand
overlying by brick soling.
Provide proper sleeves at crossings/ inter-
Provide cable route markers indicating the type
and depth of cables at intervals not exceeding
30m and at the diversions/termination.
(G) FIRE Small fires can Cause burn In case a fire breaks out, press fire alarm system
PREVENTION become big ones injuries and shout "Fire, Fire".
AND and may spread and may prove Keep buckets full of sand & water/ fire
PROTECTION to the fatal extinguishing equipment near hazardous
surrounding locations.
areas Confine smoking to 'Smoking Zones' only.
Train people for using specific type of fire
fighting equipment for different classes of fire.
Keep fire doors/shutters, passages and exit doors
Maintain good housekeeping and first-aid boxes
Don't obstruct access to Fire extinguishers.
Do not use elevators for evacuation during fire.
Maintain lightning arresters for elevated
Stop all electrical motors with internal
Move the vehicles from dangerous locations.
Remove the load hanging from the crane booms.
Remain out of the danger areas.

Improper It may not Ensure usage of correct type of fire extinguisher

selection of Fire extinguish the fire meant for the specified fire.
extinguisher Do not attempt to extinguish Oil and electric
fires with water. Use foam cylinders/C02/sand
or earth.

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Improper storage Same as above Maintain safe distance of flammable substances

of highly from sources of ignition.
inflammable Restrict the distribution of flammable materials
substances to only minimum necessary quantity.
Construct specifically designed fuel storage
Keep chemicals in cool and dry place away from
Ensure adequate ventilation.
Before welding operation, remove or shield the
flammable material properly.
Store flammable materials in stable racks,
correctly labeled preferably with catchment
Wipe off the spills immediately.
(H) Crossing the Personal injury / Strictly adhere to the speed limits and traffic
VEHICULAR Speed Limits Acccidents rules.
MOVEMENT (Rash driving) Always expect the unexpected and be a
defensive driver.
Use seat belts/helmets.
Blow horn at intersections and during
overtaking operations.
Maintain the vehicle in good condition.
Do not overtake on curves, bridges and slopes.
Do not force the driver to drive fast and round the
Do not day dream while driving.
Adverse weather Same as Above Read the road ahead and ride to the left.
condition Keep the wind screen and lights clean.
Do not turn at speed.
Recognize the hazard, understand the defense
and act correctly in time.
Consuming Same as above Alcohol and driving do not mix well. Either
alcohol before choose alcohol or driving.
and during the If you have a choice between hitting a fixed
driving object or an on-coming vehicle, hit the fixed
operation object.
Quit the steering at once and become a
Take sufficient rest and then drive.

Falling objects/ May prove fatal Ensure effective braking system, adequate
Mechanical visibility for the drives, reverse warning alarm.
failure Proper maintenance of the vehicle as per
manufacturer instructions.

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( I ) PROOF Bursting of May cause injury Prepare test procedure & obtain Consultant /
TESTING piping. and prove fatal owner's approval.
(HYDROSTATIC Collapse of Provide separate gauge for pressurizing pump
/ PNEUMATIC tanks. and piping/equipment.
TESTING) Tanks flying off. Check the calibration status of all pressure
gauges, dead weight testers and temperature
Take dial readings at suitable defined intervals
and ensure most of them fall between 40-60% of
the gauge scale range.
Provide safety relief valve (set at pressure
slightly higher than test pressure) while testing
with air / nitrogen.
Ensure necessary precautions, stepwise increase
in pressure, tightening of bolts/nuts, grouting, etc.
before and during testing.
Keep the vents open before opening any valve
while draining out of water used for hydro-testing
of tanks.
Pneumatic testing involves the hazard of
released energy stored in compressed gas.
Specific care must therefore be taken to minimize
the chance of brittle failure during a pneumatic
leak test.
Test temperature is important in this regard and
must be considered when the designer chooses
the material of construction.
A pressure relief device shall be provided, having
a set pressure not higher than the test pressure
plus the lesser of 345 KPa (50 psi) or 10% of the
test pressure.
The gas used as test fluid, if not air, shall be non-
flammable and non-toxic.

(J) Person can fall May sustain Provide guard rails/barricades at the work place.
WORKING AT down severe injuries or Use PPE like full body harness, life line, helmets,
HEIGHTS prove fatal safety shoes etc.
Obtain a permit before starting any work at height
above 3 meters.
Fall arrestor, safety nets etc. must be installed.
Provide adequate working space (min. 0.6 m).
Tie/weld working platform with fixed support.
Use roof top walk ladder while working on sloping
Avoid movement on beams.

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E & P Department , Gresham House-2

May hit the scrap Ensure proper housekeeping.

/ other material Keep work place neat and clean.
stacked at the Remove scrap immediately.
ground or in
Material can fall May hit the Same as above plus,
down workers working Do not throw or drop materials or equipment from
at lower levels height.
and prove fatal All tools to be carried in a tool-kit, bag or on
working uniform.
Remove scrap from the planks.
Ensure workers are wearing helmets & safety
(K) CONFINED Suffocation / Unconsciousness Use respiratory devices, if required.
SPACES Drowning / Death Avoid overcrowding inside a confined space.
Provide exhaust fans for ventilation.
Do not wear loose clothes, neck ties etc.
Ensure conditions of the work permit are fulfilled.
Check for presence of hydrocarbons, O2 level.
Obtain work permit before entering a confined
Ensure that the connected piping of the
equipment which is to be opened is pressure
free, fluid has been drained, vents are open and
piping is positively isolated by a blind flange.
Presence of Inhalation can Same as above plus
foul smell and pose Check for hydrocarbon and Aromatic compounds
toxic threat to life before entering a confined space.
substances Depute one person outside the confined space
for continuous monitoring and for extending help
in case of an emergency.
Ignition/ flame Person may Keep fire extinguishers nearby.
can cause fire sustain Remove surplus material and scrap immediately.
burn injuries or Do not smoke inside a confined space.
explosion may Do not allow gas cylinders inside a confined
occur space.
Use low voltage (24V) lamps for lighting.
Use tools with air motors or electric tools with
max. voltage of 24V.
Remove all equipment at the end of the day.

HSE Policy for Construction Page 70 of 73

E & P Department , Gresham House-2

(L) Failure of load Can cause Avoid standing under the lifted load and within
HANDLING lifting and accident the operating radius of cranes.
AND moving and prove fatal Check periodically oil, brakes, gears, horns and
LIFTING equipment tyre pressure of all moving machinery.
EQUIPMENT Check quality, size and condition of all chain
pulley blocks, slings, U-clamps, D-shackles, wire
ropes, etc.
Allow crane to move only on hard, firm and
leveled ground.
Allow lifting slings as short as possible and
check gunny packing at the friction points.
Do not allow crane to tilt its boom while moving.
Install Safe Load Indicator.
Ensure certification by applicable authority.

Overloading of Same as above Safe lifting capacity of derricks and winches

lifting written on them shall be got verified.
equipment The max. safe working load shall be marked on
all lifting equipment.
Check the weight of columns and other heavy
items painted on them and accordingly decide
about the crane capacity, boom and angle of
Allow only trained operators and riggers during
crane operation.

Overhead Can cause Do not allow boom or other parts of crane to

electrical wires electrocution and come within 3m reach of overhead HT cables.
fire Hook and load being lifted shall preferably
remain in full visibility of crane operators.
(M) Person can fall Person may Provide guard rails for working at height.
SCAFFOLDING, down sustain Face ladder while climbing and use both hands.
FORMWORK severe injuries Ladders shall extend about 1m above landing for
AND and easy access and tying up purpose.
LADDERS prove fatal Do not place ladders against movable objects
and maintain base at 1/4 unit of the working
length of the ladder.
Suspended scaffolds shall not be less than 500
mm wide and tied properly with ropes.
No loose planks shall be allowed.
Use PPE like helmets, safety shoes etc.

HSE Policy for Construction Page 71 of 73

E & P Department , Gresham House-2

Failure of Same as above Inspect visually all scaffolding materials for

scaffolding stability and anchoring with permanent
material structures.
Design scaffolding for max. load carrying
Scaffolding planks shall not be less than 50x250
mm full thickness lumber or equivalent. These
shall be cleated or secured and must extend over
the end supports by at least 150mm and not
more than 300mm.
Don't overload the scaffolds.
Do not splice short ladders to make a longer one.
Vertical ladders shall not exceed 6m.
Material can Persons working Remove excess material and scrap immediately.
fall down at Carry the tools in a tool-kit bag only.
lower level gets Provide safety nets.

(N) Personal Can cause injury Do not take rest inside rooms built for welding
STRUCTURAL negligence and or casualty machines or electrical distribution system.
WORKS danger of fall Avoid walking on beams at height.
Wear helmet with chin strap and full body
harness while working at height.
Use hand gloves and goggles during grinding
Cover or mark the sharp and projected edges.
Do not stand within the operating radius of

Lifting / slipping Same as above Do not stand under the lifted load.
of material Stack properly all the materials.
Avoid slippage during handling.
Control longer pieces lifted up by cranes from
both ends.
Remove loose materials from height.
Ensure tightening of all nuts & bolts.

(0) Erection/ Can cause injury Do not stand under the lifted load.
PIPELINE lowering failure Do not allow any person to come within the
WORKS radii of the side boom handling pipes.
Check the load carrying capacity of the lifting
tools & tackles.
Use safe Load Indicators.
Use appropriate PPE.

HSE Policy for Construction Page 72 of 73

E & P Department , Gresham House-2

Other Same as above Wear gum boots in marshy areas.

Allow only one person to perform signaling
operations while lowering of pipes.
Provide night caps on pipes.
Provide end covers on pipes for stoppage of pigs
while testing / cleaning operations.

(P) Pollution in Can cause Ensure the blasting is done in enclosed shed.
GRIT neighboring personal Keep safe distance from blasting operations.
BLASTING area, hit by grits injury Wear positive pressure blast hood or helmet with
and high view window, ear muff/plug, gloves, overall or
pressure air leather coat /apron, rubber shoes.

HSE Policy for Construction Page 73 of 73

Page No. I

OISD - GDN - 192



Second Edition, April, 2016
First Edition, July, 2000

Oil Industry Safety Directorate

Government of India
Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas
8th Floor, OIDB Bhavan, Plot No. 2, Sector – 73, Noida – 201301 (U.P.)
Tele: 0120-2593800, Fax: 0120-2593802
Page No. II

OISD - GDN - 192

Second Edition, April, 2016
First Edition, July, 2000



Prepared by


Oil Industry Safety Directorate

Government of India
Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas
8th Floor, OIDB Bhavan, Plot No. 2, Sector – 73, Noida – 201301 (U.P.)
Tele: 0120-2593800, Fax: 0120-2593802
Page No. III


Indian petroleum industry is the energy lifeline of the nation and its continuous performance is
essential for sovereignty and prosperity of the country. As the industry essentially deals with
inherently inflammable substances throughout its value chain – upstream, midstream and
downstream – Safety is of paramount importance to this industry as only safe performance at all
times can ensure optimum ROI of these national assets and resources including sustainability.

While statutory organizations were in place all along to oversee safety aspects of Indian petroleum
industry, Oil Industry Safety Directorate (OISD) was set up in 1986 Ministry of Petroleum and Natural
Gas, Government of India as a knowledge centre for formulation of constantly updated world-scale
standards for design, layout and operation of various equipment, facility and activities involved in this
industry. Moreover, OISD was also given responsibility of monitoring implementation status of these
standards through safety audits.

In more than 25 years of its existence, OISD has developed a rigorous, multi-layer, iterative and
participative process of development of standards – starting with research by in-house experts and
iterating through seeking & validating inputs from all stake-holders – operators, designers, national
level knowledge authorities and public at large – with a feedback loop of constant updation based on
ground level experience obtained through audits, incident analysis and environment scanning.

The participative process followed in standard formulation has resulted in excellent level of
compliance by the industry culminating in a safer environment in the industry. OISD – except in the
Upstream Petroleum Sector – is still a regulatory (and not a statutory) body but that has not affected
implementation of the OISD standards. It also goes to prove the old adage that self-regulation is the
best regulation. The quality and relevance of OISD standards had been further endorsed by their
adoption in various statutory rules of the land.

Petroleum industry in India is significantly globalized at present in terms of technology content

requiring its operation to keep pace with the relevant world scale standards & practices. This matches
the OISD philosophy of continuous improvement keeping pace with the global developments in its
target environment. To this end, OISD keeps track of changes through participation as member in
large number of International and national level Knowledge Organizations – both in the field of
standard development and implementation & monitoring in addition to updation of internal knowledge
base through continuous research and application surveillance, thereby ensuring that this OISD
Standard, along with all other extant ones, remains relevant, updated and effective on a real time
basis in the applicable areas.

Together we strive to achieve NIL incidents in the entire Hydrocarbon Value Chain. This, besides
other issues, calls for total engagement from all levels of the stake holder organizations, which we, at
OISD, fervently look forward to.

Jai Hind!!!
Executive Director
Oil Industry Safety Directorate
Page No. IV


At the time of development of this document, 113 OISD standards, recommended practices
and guidelines are applicable to the Oil and Gas installations of Public sector Oil
Companies in India. 11 of these standards have been adopted by Petroleum and
Explosives Safety Organisation (PESO) in various rules administered by them and thus the
provisions of these standards are mandatory for entire Oil & Gas sector to that extent.

A few serious accidents have occurred in the recent past in India and abroad including
vapour cloud explosion and fire at Oil terminal near Jaipur emphasised the need for the
industry to review the existing provisions of various guidelines and statutory requirements.

With the above in view the Government of India directed the Oil Industry Safety directorate
to develop a comprehensive document covering all the facets of Safety in Design,
Operation and Maintenance, of depots and terminals being run by marketing divisions of
Oil companies with an objective to strengthen the existing system.

The present guideline on “Safety Practices During Construction” has been prepared by the
functional committee based on, existing standards, guidelines & recommended practices of
OISD, the recommendations arising out of recent major accidents and their analysis, the
accumulated knowledge and experience of industry members in India and updation of
National and International codes and practices.

The provisions of this document, if implemented objectively, may go a long way in

enhancing overall safety standard and reduce accidents in Oil Installations.

Users are cautioned that no standard can be substitute to the “judgment and experience of

This document will be reviewed periodically for improvements based on the new
experiences and better understanding. Suggestions are also invited from the users after it
is put into practice to improve the document further. Suggestions may be addressed to:

The Co-ordinator
Committee on “Safety Practices during Construction”
Oil Industry Safety Directorate
Government of India
Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas
8th Floor, OIDB Bhavan, Plot No. 2, Sector – 73, Noida – 201301 (U.P.)
Tele: 0120-2593800, Fax: 0120-2593802

This document in no way supersedes the statutory regulations of Chief Controller

of Explosives (CCE), Factory Inspectorate or any other statutory body, which must
be followed as applicable.
Page No. V


Oil Industry Safety Directorate (OISD)

publications are prepared for use in the Oil and Gas
Industry under Ministry of Petroleum & natural Gas.
These are the property of Ministry of Petroleum & Natural
Gas and shall not be reproduced or copied and loaned or
exhibited to others without written consent from OISD.

Though every effort has been made to assure

the accuracy and reliability of the data contained in these
documents, OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability
or responsibility for loss or damage resulting from their

These documents are intended to supplement

rather than replace the prevailing statutory requirements.
Page No. VI



Name Organization Status


A K Gupta DGM (HSE), IOCL Leader

Dharmvir Addl. Director, OISD Member Coordinator

Ashok Dashputre Vice President, RIL Member

P K Agarwal CM (HSE), IOCL Member

D Jana AGM-Construction, EIL Member

Udoay Payyadi Sr. Manager-Maintenance, HPCL Member

Vijay Mohan Addl. Director, CHT Member

B K Rabha Dy. CE(Instrumentation), OIL Member

Sankar Raman V CM-E&C, BPCL - Kochi Refineries Ltd. Member

Yogesh J Nakhare Manager-F&S, HPCL. Member

Pushp Khetarpal Sr. Vice President (O&M), Petronet LNG Member

Upinder Kumar Petronet LNG Member

A K Arora Addl. Director, OISD Member

In addition to the above, several other experts from Industry contributed in the
preparation, review and finalisation of this Guideline.
Page No. VII




Shri A.K. Tandon EIL, New Delhi.
1. Shri U.M. Rao GAIL, Noida.

2. Shri K.N. Ravindran CRL, Cochin

3. Shri P.K. Anand ONGC, Mumbai.

4. Shri H.N. Das ONGCL, Nazaria.

5. Shri Jagnandan Tyagi IOC(PL) Nodia.

6. Shri M.C Lohar IBP Co. Ltd., Calcutta.

7. Shri J.C. Agrawal IOC, Mktg, New Delhi.

8. Shri S.M. Ghotavadekar HPCL, Mumbai.

9. Shri Sanjoy Ghose BPCL, Mumbai.

10. Shri H. C Jha “Hari” IOC-Panipat Refinery.

11. Shri Suhas Kate HPCL, Visakh.

Shri A.K. Ranjan OISD, New Delhi
Page No. VIII



1.0 Introduction 1

2.0 Scope 1

3.0 Definitions 1

4.0 General Duties 2

4.1 General Duties Of Execution Agencies 2

4.2 General Duties Of Owners 4

5.0 Safety Practices At Work Places 4

5.1 General Provisions 4

5.2 Means Of Access And Egress 5

5.3 Housekeeping 5

5.4 Precautions against The Fall Of Materials and Persons

and Collapse Of Structures 6

5.5 Prevention Of Unauthorised Entry 6

5.6 Fire Prevention And Fire Fighting 6

5.7 Lighting 7

5.8 Plant, Machinery, Equipment and Hand Tools 7

6.0 Construction Activities 9

6.1 Excavation 10

6.2 Scaffolding, Platforms & Ladders 12

6.3 Structural Work, Laying of Reinforcement & Concreting 22

6.4 Road Work 26

6.5 Cutting/Welding 27

6.6 Working in Confined Spaces 29

6.7 Proof / Pressure Testing 31

6.8 Working at Heights 31

6.9 Handling and Lifting Equipment 34

Page No. IX

6.10 Vehicle Movement 39

6.11 Electrical 40

6.12 Offshore 43

6.13 Demolition 48

6.14 Radiography 49

6.15 Sand/Shot Blasting / Spray Painting 50

6.16 Work above Water 51

7.0 Additional Safety Precaution for Units with Hydrocarbons 52

8.0 Environment Protection 53

9.0 Occupational Health 55

10.0 Documentation 56

11.0 Safety Awareness & Training 56

12.0 References 57

Annexure I 58

OISD – GDN – 192 Page No. 1




Safety in Construction Management deserves utmost attention especially in the

hydrocarbon industry, such as Exploration, Refineries, Pipelines and Marketing
installations, Gas Processing units etc. Construction is widely recognised as one
of the accident prone activities. Most of the accidents are caused by inadequate
planning, failure during the construction process and/or because of design
deficiencies. Besides property loss, accidents also result in injuries and fatalities
to the personnel, damage to environment which needs to be prevented.
The reasons for accidents during construction activities are related to unique
nature of the industry, human behaviour, difficult work-site conditions, extended
odd duty hours, lack of training & awareness and inadequate safety
management. Unsafe working methods, lack of proper JSA (Job Safety Analysis)
and use of improper / inadequate PPEs, equipment failure and improper
housekeeping also tend to increase the accident rate in construction.
Ensuring good quality of materials, equipment and competent supervision along
with compliance of standard engineering practices shall go a long way to in built
safety into the system.
The objective of this document is to provide practical guidance on technical and
educational framework for health, safety and environment in construction with a
view to:
(a) prevent accidents and harmful effects on the health of workers arising
from employment in construction;
(b) ensure appropriate safety during implementation of construction;
(c) provide safety practice guidelines for appropriate measures of planning,
control and enforcement.
(d) protect environment.


This document specifies broad guidelines on HEALTH, SAFETY AND

ENVIRONMENT practices to be adhered to during construction activities
including green field projects in oil industry. However, before commencing any
job, specific hazards and its effects should be assessed and necessary
corrective/preventive actions should be taken by all concerned. The document is
intended only to supplement and not to replace or supersede the prevailing
statutory requirements, which shall also be followed as applicable. For Personal
Protective Equipment, OISD-STD-155 (Part I&II) shall be referred to. The scope
of this document does not include the design aspects and quality checks during


Definitions of various terminology are given below:

 Adequate, appropriate or suitable are used to describe qualitatively or

quantitatively the means or method used to protect the men, machinery,
material, property and enviroment.

 By hand: The work is done without the help of a mechanised tool.

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 192 Page No. 2


 Competent Authority: A stautory agency having the power to issue

regulations, orders or other instructions having the force of law.

 Competent person: A person possessing adequate qualifications, such as

suitable training and sufficient knowledge, experience and skill for the safe
performance of the specific work. The competent authorities may define
appropriate criteria for the designation of such persons and may determine
the duties to be assigned to them.

 Construction site:
A worksite involving new construction, modification or maintenance of
existing facility, shutdown related activity, demolition, housekeeping etc.

 Environment:
Environment includes water, air and land and the interrelationship which
exists among and between water, air and land and human beings, other
living creatures, plants, microorganisms and property.

 Execution agency:
Any entity / person, having contractual obligation with the owner and who
employs one or more workers on a construction site.

 Hazard: A condition or a set of conditions which has potential of causing

injury to person, damage to property or environment.
 Health: Soundness of body covering Physical, Emotional, Psychological and
Intellectual conditions of a worker which assists the attainment of the
 Means of access or egress: Passageways, corridors, stairs, platforms,
ladders and any other means for entering or leaving the workplace or for
escaping in case of danger.

 Owner: Any entity / person for whom construction job is carried out.
It shall also include owner's designated representative/ consultant/ nominee/
agent, authorised from time to time to act for and on its behalf for supervising/
coordinating the activities of the execution agency.

 Scaffold: Any fixed, suspended or mobile temporary structure supporting

workers and material or to gain access to any such structure and which is not
a lifting appliance.
 Safety : Prevention & protection from exposure to Hazard.

 Worker: Any person engaged in construction activity.

 Workplace: Owner’s designated premises where workers need to be

present by virtue of their involvement in the construction activity.



4.1.1 Execution agency should:

i) provide means and organisation to comply with the Health, safety
and environment protection measures required at the workplace.

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 192 Page No. 3


ii) provide and maintain workplaces, plant, equipment, tools and

machinery and organise construction work so that, there is no risk
of accident or injury to health of workers. In particular,
construction work should be planned, prepared and undertaken
so that:
(a) dangers liable to arise at the workplace, are prevented;
(b) excessively or unnecessarily strenuous work positions and
movements are avoided;

 organisation of work takes into account the safety and

health of workers and also environment protection;

 materials and products used are suitable from Health

safety and environment protection point of view;
(c) working methods are adopted to safeguard workers against
the harmful effects of chemical, physical and biological
iii) establish committees with representatives of workers and
management or make other arrangement for the participation of
workers in ensuring safe working conditions.
iv) arrange for periodic safety inspections by competent persons of
all buildings, plant, equipment, tools, machinery, workplaces and
review of systems of work, regulations, standards or codes of
practice. The competent person should examine and ascertain the
safety of construction machinery and equipment.
v) provide such supervision to ensure that workers perform their
work with due regard to safety and health of theirs as well as that
of others.
vi) employ only those workers who are qualified, trained and suited
by their age, physique, state of health and skill.
vii) satisfy themselves that all workers are informed and instructed in
the hazards connected with their work and environment and
trained in the precautions necessary to avoid accidents and injury
to health.
viii) ensure that buildings, plant, equipment, tools, machinery or
workplaces in which a dangerous defect has been found should
not be used until the defect has been rectified.
ix) organise for and remain always prepared to take immediate steps
to stop the operation and evacuate workers as appropriate, where
there is an imminent danger to the safety of workers.
x) establish a checking system by which it can be ascertained that
all the members of a shift, including operators of mobile
equipment, have returned to the camp or base at the close of
work on dispersed sites and where small groups of workers
operate in isolation.

 provide appropriate first aid, training and welfare facilities to

workers as per various statutes like the Factories Act 1948,
Building & Construction Workers Regulation (BOCWR), etc.
and, whenever collective measures are not feasible or are
insufficient, provide and maintain personal protective
equipment and clothing in line with the requirement as per
OISD-STD-155 (Part I & II) on Personnel Protective
“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 192 Page No. 4


Equipment. They should also provide access to workers to

occupational health services.

 educate workers about their right and the duty at any

workplace to participate in ensuring safe working conditions to
the extent of their control over the equipment and methods of
work and to express views on working procedures adopted as
may affect health, safety and environment.
xi) ensure that except in an emergency, workers unless duly
authorised, should not interfere with, remove, alter or displace any
safety device or other appliance furnished for their protection or
the protection of others, or interfere with any method or process
adopted with a view to avoiding accidents and injury to health.
xii) ensure that workers do not operate or interfere with plant and
equipment that they have not been duly authorised to operate,
maintain or use.
xiii) ensure that workers do not sleep, rest or cook etc in dangerous
places such as scaffolds, railway tracks, garages, confined
spaces or in the vicinity of fires, dangerous or toxic substances,
machines or vehicles and heavy equipment etc.
xiv) obtain the necessary clearance/permits as required and specified
by owner.
Arrangement for drinking water, toilet facilities, a creche and
transport arrangement etc. to be provided as per statutory
xv) deploy a safety officer at site as per the requirement of Factory
Act 1948/ Building & Construction Workers Regulation (BOCWR)/
Criticality of the job.
xvi) ensure that all employees/workmen undergo medical examination
as required under the law or under the contract provision and
keep a record of the same.
xvii) obtain the police verification of the workers/ supervisors arranged
by him and the same is to be submitted to the owner.
xviii) not permit any employee/workmen/visitor to enter the work area
under the influence of alcohol or any drugs.


4.2.1 Owners should:

i) co-ordinate or nominate a competent person to co-ordinate all activities
relating to HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT on their construc-
tion projects;
ii) inform all contractors on the work site / project of special risks to
iii) ensure that executing agency is aware of the owner's requirements and
the executing agency's responsibilities with respect to HEALTH,
SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT practices before starting the job.



“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 192 Page No. 5


5.1.1 All openings and other areas likely to pose danger to workers should be
clearly indicated and accident prevention measures taken as required.
The working area should be clearly de-marketed to keep the workers in
that area only.
5.1.2 Workers & Supervisors should use the safety helmet and other
requisite Personal Protective Equipment according to job & site
requirement as per OISD-STD-155 (Part I & II). They should be trained
to use personal protective equipment including their limitations.
5.1.3 Never use solvents, alkalis and other oils to clean the skin.

5.1.4 Lift the load with back straight and knees bent. The contractor shall
ensure at his construction site, no worker lifts by hand or carries
overhead or over his back or shoulders any material, article, tool or
pipelines exceeding in weight as per The Factory Act 1948 / Rule 38 of
Building & Construction Workers Regulation (BOCWR), unless aided by
another worker or device.
5.1.5 Ensure the usage of correct and tested tools and tackles. Don't allow
the make shift tools and tackles. Also the tools should be suitable for a
particular job and rated accordingly.
5.1.6 No loose clothing should be allowed while at construction site.
5.1.7 Start work only after proper authorization viz Work permit etc.
5.1.8 Job safety analysis to be done for all critical works.
5.1.9 Hydra should not be used for transportation of hook loaded materials.
5.1.10 Rope ladders should not be used at construction sites.


Adequate and safe means of access (atleast two, differently located) to and
egress from all workplaces should be provided. Same should be displayed and
maintained. Escape routes should be marked prominently in workers friendly
language. The escape routes should not be blocked at any point of time and
same to be made understand to the workers.


5.3.1 General Housekeeping shall be carried out by the contractor and he will
i) proper storage of materials and equipment;
ii) removal of scrap, inflammable material, waste and debris at
appropriate intervals including slippery materials. (construction
sand on road, oil/ lubricants, resins, etc.).
iii) to provide containers for segregation of disposal of debris at
required places and regular cleaning of the same.
5.3.2 Removal of loose materials, which are not required for use, to be
ensured. Accumulation of these at the site can obstruct means of
access to and egress from workplaces and passageways.

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 192 Page No. 6


5.3.3 Workplaces and passageways, that are slippery owing to oil, grease or
other causes, should be cleaned up or strewn with sand, sawdust, ash
5.3.4 All surplus earth and debris are removed/disposed off from the working
areas to officially designated dumpsites. The debris like plastics,
packing material, rubber items should not be allowed to burn. Trucks
carrying sand, earth and any pulverized materials etc. in order to avoid
dust or odour impact, shall be covered while moving.



5.4.1 Precautions should be taken such as the provision of fencing, look-out

men or barriers to protect any person against injury by the fall of
materials, or tools or equipment being raised or lowered.
5.4.2 Where necessary to prevent danger, guys, stays or supports should be
used or other effective precautions should be taken to prevent the
collapse of structures or parts of structures that are being erected,
maintained, repaired, dismantled or demolished.
5.4.3 All openings through which workers are liable to fall should be kept
effectively covered or fenced and displayed prominently.
5.4.4 SOP of crane operation should be adhered to. The crane jacks/legs
should be parked on compacted surface to avoid tilting.


5.5.1 Construction sites located in built-up areas and alongside vehicular and
pedestrian traffic routes should be fenced to prevent the entry of
unauthorised persons.
5.5.2 Visitors should not be allowed access to site(s) unless accompanied by
or authorised by a competent person. All authorized visitors should
report at the site office. Contractor shall provide visitor’s helmet (helmet
with visitor sticker) and other PPEs like Safety Shoe, reflective jacket,
respiratory protection etc. as per requirement of the site. All the workers
to have photo IDs including the staff of vehicles used in the job.


5.6.1 All necessary measures should be taken by the executing agency and
owner to:
i) avoid the risk of fire;
ii) control quickly and efficiently any outbreak of fire;
iii)bring out a quick and safe evacuation of persons.
iv)Inform unit/fire station control room, where construction work is
carried out within existing operating area.
v) DMP should be in place for the same.
5.6.2 Combustible materials such as packing materials, sawdust, greasy/oily
waste and scrap wood or plastics should not be allowed to accumulate
in workplaces but should be kept in closed metal containers in a safe
place. To be disposed periodically away from site at designated place
and assigned manner.

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 192 Page No. 7


5.6.3 Places where workers are employed on works prone to danger of fire
should be provided with:
i) suitable and sufficient fire-extinguishing equipment, which should be
easily visible and accessible;
ii) an adequate water supply at sufficient pressure meeting the
requirements of various OISD standards.
iii) required PPEs.
5.6.4 To guard against danger at places having combustible material, workers
should be trained in the action to be taken in the event of fire, including
the use of means of escape.
5.6.5 At sites having combustible material, suitable visual sign boards should
be provided to indicate clearly the direction of escape in case of fire.
5.6.6 Means of escape should be kept clear at all times. Escape routes
should be frequently inspected and if possible marked in fluorescent
colours particularly in high structures and where access is restricted.


5.7.1 Where natural lighting is not adequate, working light fittings or portable
hand-lamps should be provided at workplace on the construction site
where a worker will do a job.

5.7.2 Emergency lighting should be provided for personnel safety during night
time to facilitate standby lighting source, if normal system fails.
5.7.2 Artificial lighting should not produce glare or disturbing shadows.
5.7.3 Lamps should be protected by guards against accidental breakage.
5.7.4 The cables of portable electrical lighting equipment should be of
adequate size & characteristics for the power requirements and of
adequate mechanical strength to withstand severe conditions in
construction operations.
5.7.5 For temporary lighting connection, mostly neutral and phases are
connected and insulation tapes are provided. It is better to stagger the
neutral and phase connection so that even if the tape gets removed from
the joints, there will be no short circuit/ spark between neutral and phase
due to staggering of neutral and phase.
5.7.6 All the temporary lighting/ machine connections are to be provided from
a three core cable for better safety.


5.8.1 General Provisions

i) Plant, machinery and equipment including hand tools, both manual and
power driven, should:
a) be of proper design and construction, taking into account health,
Safety and ergonomic principles.
b) be maintained in good working order;
c) be used only for work for which they have been designed.
d) be operated only by workers who have been authorised and given
appropriate training.

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 192 Page No. 8


e) be provided with protective guards, shields or other devices

as required.

ii) Adequate instructions for safe use should be provided.

iii) Standard operating procedures should be established and used for all
plant, machinery and equipment.

iv) Operators of plant, machinery and equipment should not be distracted

while work is in progress.

v) Plant, machinery and equipment should be switched off when not in use
and isolated before any adjustment, clearing or maintenance is done.

vi) Where trailing cables or hose pipes are used they should be kept as
short as practicable and not allowed to create a hazard.

vii) All moving parts of machinery and equipment should be enclosed or

adequately guarded.

viii) Every power-driven machine and equipment should be provided with

adequate means, immediately accessible and readily identifiable to the
operator, of stopping it quickly and preventing it from being started again

ix) Operators of plant, machinery, equipment and tools should be provided

with PPEs, including where necessary, suitable ear protection.

5.8.2 Hand tools

i) Hand tools should be repaired by competent persons.
ii) Heads of hammers and other shock tools should be dressed or ground to
a suitable radius on the edge as soon as they begin to mushroom or crack.
iii) When not in use and while being carried or transported, sharp tools should
be kept in sheaths, shields, chests or other suitable containers.
iv) Only insulated or non-conducting tools should be used on or near live
electrical installations.
v) Only non-sparking tools should be used near or in the presence of
flammable or explosive dusts or vapours.

5.8.3 Pneumatic Tools

i) Operating triggers on portable pneumatic tools should be:

a) so placed as to minimise the risk of accidental starting of the
b) so arranged as to close the air inlet valve automatically when the
pressure of the operator's hand is removed.

ii) Hose and hose connections for compressed air supply to portable
pneumatic tools should be:

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 192 Page No. 9


a) designed and tested for the pressure and service for which they
are intended;
b) fastened securely on the pipe outlet and equipped with the safety
chain, as appropriate.
iii) Pneumatic shock tools should be equipped with safety clips or retainers to
prevent dies and tools from being accidentally expelled from the barrel.
iv) Pneumatic tools should be disconnected from power and the pressure in
hose lines released before any adjustment or repair is made.

5.8.4 Electrical Tools

i) Low voltage portable electrical tools should generally be used.
ii) All electrical tools should be earthed, unless they are "all insulated" or
"double insulated" tools which do not require earthing.
iii) All electrical tools should get inspected and maintained on a regular basis
by a competent electrician and complete records kept.
iv) No temporary connected appliance shoud be left connected in the socket.
Its plug should be immediately removed after use.

5.8.5 Engines
i) Engines should:
a) be installed so that they can be started safely and the maximum
safe speed cannot be exceeded.
b) have controls for limiting speed.
c) have devices to stop them from a safe place in an emergency.
d) have their batteries top covered with insulating material.
e) have radiator fan covers in place.

ii) IC engines should not be run in confined spaces unless adequate

exhaust ventilation is provided or the exhaust should be installed outside
the confined place at suitable height.

iii) When IC engines are being fuelled:

a) the engine should be shut off.

b) care should be taken to avoid spilling fuel.
c) no person should smoke or have an naked light in the vicinity.
d) a fire extinguisher should be kept readily available.
iv) Secondary fuel reservoir should be placed outside the engine room.


The various common activities in construction are as under:

 Excavation
 Scaffolding, Platforms & Ladders
 Structural Work, Laying of Reinforcement & Concreting
 Road Work (Laying of roads)
 Cutting /Welding
 Working in Confined Space

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 192 Page No. 10


 Proof/Pressure Testing
 Working at Heights
 Handling & Lifting Equipment
 Vehicle Movement
 Electrical
 Offshore
 Demolition
 Radiography
 Shot blasting/ spray painting
 Work above water
Work permit system as per requirement of OISD-STD-105 shall be followed for
various construction activities. As regards the activities at work places including
grass root project sites if not covered under OISD-STD-105, owner shall develop
a suitable methodology for execution of various construction activities under work
permit system for safe execution of the works.
The safe practices to be followed during the implementation of above construction
activities are given below:


6.1.1 All excavation work should be planned and the method of excavation and
the type of support work required should be decided considering the
i) the stability of the ground including the chances of seepage of water;
ii) the excavation will not affect adjoining buildings, structures or
iii) to prevent hazard, the Hydrocarbon lines, water, electrical and other
above ground & underground public utilities should be shut off, re-
routed or disconnected, if necessary; If such a presence is envisaged,
clearance to be taken from respective competent authority/ person.
iv) the position of culvert/bridges, temporary roads and spoil heaps
should be determined;
v) a signed rough sketch of the excavation site to be prepared and made
the workers understand
6.1.2 Before digging begins on site, all excavation work should be planned and
the method of excavation and the type of support work required should be
decided based on good engineering practices and recorded.
6.1.3 All excavation work should be supervised by a competent person.
6.1.4 Sites of excavations should be thoroughly inspected:
i) daily, prior to each shift and after interruption in work of more than one
ii) after every blasting operation;
iii) after an unexpected fall of ground;
iv) after substantial damage to supports;
v) after a heavy rain, frost or snow;
vi) when boulder formations are encountered.
vii) for cracks in the nearby buildings or area as the excavation
progresses and the same to be reviewed.

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 192 Page No. 11


6.1.5 Safe angle of repose while excavating trenches exceeding 1.5m depth
upto 3.0m should be maintained. Based on site conditions, provide
proper slope, usually 45 ,and suitable bench of 0.5m width at every 1.5m
depth of excavation in all soils except hard rock or provide proper shoring
and strutting to prevent cave-in or slides.
6.1.6 As far as possible, excavated earth should not be placed within one
meter of the edge of the trench or depth of trench whichever is greater.
6.1.7 Don't allow vehicles to operate too close to excavated area. Maintain
atleast 2m distance from edge of excavation or depth of trench whichever
is greater. No load, plant or equipment should be placed or moved near
the edge of any excavation where it is likely to cause its collapse and
thereby endanger any person unless precautions such as the provision of
shoring or piling are taken to prevent the sides from collapsing.
6.1.8 Adequately anchored stop blocks and barriers should be provided to
prevent vehicles being driven into the excavation. Heavy vehicles should
not be allowed near the excavation unless the support work has been
specially designed to permit it.
6.1.9 If an excavation is likely to affect the stability of a structure on which
persons are working, precautions should be taken to protect the structure
from collapse.
6.1.10 Barricade at 1m height (with red & white band/self glowing caution board)
should be provided for excavations beyond 1.0 m depth. Provide two
entries/exits for such excavation through proper means. Lighting
arrangements to be made to avoid any accidental fall in the excavated
portion even when work is not in progress.
6.1.11 Necessary precautions should be taken for underground utility lines like
cables, sewers etc. and necessary approvals/clearances from the
concerned authorities shall be obtained before commencement of the
excavation job.
6.1.12 Water shall be pumped/ bailed out, if any accumulates in the trench.
Necessary precautions should be taken to prevent entry of surface water
in trenches.
6.1.13 During / after rains, the soil becomes loose. Take additional precaution
against collapse of side wall. During rains excavation should be avoided.
6.1.14 In hazardous areas, air should be tested to ascertain its quality. No one
should be allowed entry till it is suitable for breathing.
6.1.15 In case of mechanised excavation, precaution shall be taken to not to
allow anybody to come within one meter of extreme reach of the
mechanical shovel. This area of reach of mechanical shovel should be
marked / barricaded suitably. The mechanised excavator shall be
operated by a well-trained experienced operator. When not in operation,
the machine shall be kept on firm leveled ground with mechanical shovel
resting on ground. Wheel or belt shall be suitably jammed to prevent any
accidental movement of the machine. Suitable precautions as per
manufacturer guidelines should be taken for dozers, graders and other
heavy machines.
6.1.16 In case of blasting, follow strictly IS:4081-1986 & Indian Explosive Act
and rules for storage, handling and carrying of explosive materials and
execution of blasting operation.

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 192 Page No. 12



System of tagging shall be followed to indicate status of `Fit-for-Purpose’
certification by a competent person for the scaffoldings. Green Tag shall indicate
`Fit-for-Purpose’ whereas Red Tag shall indicate `Unfit-for-purpose’. Accordingly
only Red Tag shall be displayed during Erection & Dismantling.
All personnel engaged in erecting, using, dismantling scaffolds shall use full body
safety harness with double lanyard with shock absorber connected with personal
fall arrestor which should be secured to a properly designed anchor.

6.2.1 Scaffold related guidelines

General Requirements

Categories and Classification

Most scaffolds fall into one of the four primary categories:

 Tube and coupler scaffold

 System scaffolds e.g. Cup lock, Ring lock, H frame scaffold
 Suspension(or Suspended) scaffold
 Mobile scaffold
 Special scaffold

Scaffolds are classified according to their intended use as:

 Light duty
 Medium duty (General Purpose)
 Heavy duty

Type of Scaffolding Load duty Light Medium Heavy/Special

Maximum Safe load in 75 150 225 300 450 600

Tubular with clamps Max. bay length (distance 2.7 2.2 1.8 1.4 1.0 0.8
Cup / Ring lock between two verticals) in 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.25 1.0 NA

Conditions where special scaffolding procedure is required:

1. Height of the scaffolding is more than 30 meters.

2. Scaffolding is special in nature/ type: cantilever more than 1 .5

meters, bridge more than 4 meters, scaffolding for machine/
equipment maintenance requiring frequent modifications, offshore
scaffold, hanging scaffold; wooden scaffold (for specific use e.g.
cooling tower), etc.

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 192 Page No. 13


For all such cases, but not limited to, in addition to checklist, a plant
specific procedure cum checklist based on additional risk is to be
prepared & validated by a competent person (example: procedure for
erection/ dismantling shall be prepared and followed. If need felt, help
from Engineering Cell/Third Party may be taken for checking proposed
scaffold in respect of design and load carrying capacity etc.).

Specifications of Scaffolds

Applicable to all Scaffolds

1. All elevated structures/ working platform areas should be guarded on

all sides.

2. Railings and toe boards should be provided on the platform.

3. Scaffolds shall be designed to support at least 4 times the anticipated

weight of Men, material and wind force.

4. Make certain that all scaffolds are in plumb and level at all times.

5. Scaffolds shall be secured from tipping when the scaffold height

exceeds four times its minimum base dimension.

6. Scaffolds must be constructed at least 3 planks wide unless location

makes this physically impossible.

7. Landing platform should be provided at every 9 meter of height or


8. The members of scaffolds should extend at least 6" on either ends but
not more than 12". They should be fastened on both ends and laid
tight by clamps.

9. All scaffoldings having height to base ratio more than 4 shall be

secured firmly with permanent structure in X and Y direction at least
every 6 meters.

10. Scaffold which spread to 20 meter or more should have two accesses
preferably opposite side.

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 192 Page No. 14


11. Plastic Checklist holder with red marked to be used as a “Not Fit-for-
Purpose” warning signboard and Green colour combined checklist to
be used as “Fit-for-Purpose” signboard.

12. Keep distance of at least 150mm between high temp Pipelines or

equipment and scaffolding.

13. Safe distance from overhead electrical lines to be maintained as per

Site electrical safety procedures.

Applicable to Tube-and-coupler scaffold

1. Tube and coupler scaffolds over 30 meter in height must be Designed

by a competent professional engineer (who by extensive knowledge,
training, and experience have successfully demonstrated his ability to
carry out scaffold design and load calculations).
2. Maximum height of first horizontal member (Ledger) of scaffolds from
the Ground shall be 2.2 meters. Lower lift can be considered for heavy
loads depending upon the scaffold design. When scaffold is more than
6 meter height for carrying heavy load, kicker lift should be provided at
a height of 150mm from ground.

3. The top rail shall be at height of 900-1200 mm and Mid rails must be
installed approximately halfway between the top rail and the platform
surface. Toe boards (150mm) should be securely attached to the
working platform. Toe boards are generally applicable to working
platform and not for landing platforms.

4. The bay length & width depends on the height and the load to be
carried by the scaffold.

5. Bracings shall be fitted up to full height of scaffold.

6. Standards should be joined having overlap of min 600 mm using three

equally spaced swivel clamps or end to end using sleeve/pin type

7. Ledgers should be joined having overlap of min 600 mm using three

equally spaced swivel clamps or end to end using sleeve coupler.

8. Base plate 150 x 150 x 6mm shall be used to support all vertical pipes
of Scaffolds.

9. Sole plate shall be used at all unpaved area to support base late.

10. Scaffolding platform Grating shall be tied with clamp at both ends, and
scaffolding platform Grating shall not overhang more than 150 mm
and shall be at least 150 mm away from hot surface.

11. Every scaffold shall be provided with certified ladder and extending its
free end shall be above platform by 1000 mm/ four rungs.

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 192 Page No. 15


Applicable to Mobile scaffolds

1. Attach castors with plain stems to the panel or adjustment screw by

pins or other suitable means.

2. Apply castor brakes/lock at all times when scaffolding is not being


3. Do not ride rolling scaffoldings.

4. Remove all material and equipment from platform before moving


5. Do not try to move rolling scaffolding without sufficient help. Watch

out for holes protrusions in the floor and for overhead obstructions.

6. Do not use brackets on rolling scaffoldings without first considering

the overturning effect.

Design Criteria

 All types of scaffolds shall be strong enough of carrying and

transmitting all types of loads to the ground. All scaffolds shall be
adequately secured, stiffened, both longitudinally and transversely.

 Scaffolding determines as per the requirement and use of scaffold

such as:

o Purpose of scaffolding

o Loading on scaffold platform

o Required height

o Sufficient work place

o Surrounding environment

Storage and inspection of materials

 All scaffolding material shall be stored at designated location to

protect them from adverse environment conditions such as corrosion,

 Storage racks/ Locations/ areas shall be clearly identified.

 Storage facility of scaffold material shall be properly constructed for its

stability and load bearing capability.

 Steel pipes and scaffolding platform Grating shall be stacked

horizontally according to length. Fittings, Couplers shall be stored in
separate bins.

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 192 Page No. 16


 Defective material shall be removed from site.

 Scaffolding material such as tubular, planks, clamps etc. shall be

inspected annually for contractor owned material by contractor. The
visual inspection shall cover 100% scaffold materials.

Transportation and handling of scaffolding material

 Make sure that scaffold pipe shifting done in vehicle of appropriate


 Special safety care to be taken while shifting or lifting pipes manually.

 Rope and pulley should be used to lift pipe from height.

Safety requirements

A risk assessment to access scaffold hazards through inspection and work

method statement for relevant work activities shall be made before erecting,
dismantling, moving, or modifying scaffold. Examples of hazards to be
considered include the following:

 Working at/from heights.

 The presence of nearby electrical lines or process equipment (e.g. hot line,
vents, drains, etc.). Necessary safety distances shall be maintained as
specified in site level electrical safety procedure.

 Possible emergency scenario, escape routes and responses.

 The condition and loading of working surfaces /platform /scaffold pipes and
other components or loose material such as clamps/ bolts on the working

 The presence and activity of other people and equipment in the vicinity of
the work.

 The weather (Heavy rain, high wind velocity-more than 20 knots, etc).

 Erection during dark hours.

 Scaffold collapse.

 Manual task (Manual Material Handling).

 Access and egress during normal and emergency condition.

 The effect of heavy equipment movement in close vicinity such as within 4

meters to be considered for direct hit and sagging of land in case of
unpaved area.

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 192 Page No. 17


This assessment is a part of the work permit process but should also be
extended to the specific job planning of the crew performing the work.
Appropriate actions shall be taken to mitigate the hazards identified during the

Fall protection when erecting, dismantling, and modifying scaffolds shall be

under the direction of a competent person (Scaffold Supervisor). Scaffold
erectors (Scaffolder) shall use personal fall-protection systems that provide
continuous fall protection while erecting, dismantling or modifying scaffolds
unless the determination is made by a competent person that fall protection is
not feasible or it creates a greater hazard. Fall protection can be
accomplished through the use of adequate anchorages that are independent
of the scaffold or by using scaffold systems and components that are
approved by the manufacturer as adequate anchorages. Employees/workmen
shall use appropriate fall-arrest equipment.

The footing for supported scaffolds shall be sound, rigid, and capable of
supporting the maximum intended load, including the weight of the scaffold.

Scaffold platform grating shall be fastened on both ends and laid tight by
scaffold clamps/couplers.

Manufacturer’s guidelines for proprietary scaffolds (e.g. Cup lock, ring lock, H
frame, Insulating modular scaffolds) shall be followed unless a competent
person approves the variance and provided the variance complies with
applicable regulations and generally accepted scaffold engineering practices.

Proprietary/special scaffold manufacturer’s guidelines for erection and

inspection should be available with users, and with plant maintenance
engineer for reference.

The following safe practices with respect to scaffolds shall be followed:

 There shall be firm foundation for all scaffoldings. All scaffolding shall be
made of sound material. Scaffolding material shall be inspected and used,
only if found in good condition. Avoid using equipment whose strength is
not known.

 Provide adequate Base for scaffolding posts. Metal base plate is used
under all upright or standard scaffoldings. Correct type of couplers shall be
used for all connections. Use right angle couplers for joining vertical to
horizontal members and swivel type couplers for joining bracing with
ledgers. For joining vertical load bearing members (standards), “joint pin”
type couplers can also be used. The couplers shall be of a structural
metal, such as drop-forged steel, malleable iron, or structural grade
aluminum (use of gray cast iron is prohibited).

 Plumb and level scaffoldings as erection proceeds, so that braces will fit
without forcing. Fasten all braces securely.
“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 192 Page No. 18


 Where scaffoldings are erected above walkways or work areas, the space
between toe board and railing should be screened (e.g. Safety net, Metal

 Whenever work is being done over men who are working on scaffolding,
overhead protection should be provided on the scaffolding.

 Restrain free-standing scaffolding towers from tipping by guying or other


 A safe and convenient means of access shall be provided to the platform

level. Means of access may be a portable ladder, fixed ladder, ramp or
runway or stairway. The ladder shall be so installed that there supporting
member (pipe) is just below ladder rung. This is to avoid tripping hazard,
especially while using the ladder.

 During erection, the ladder shall be installed as early as practicable, but

not later than first two horizontal members (Ledgers). This is to facilitate
Scaffolder while erecting the scaffold.

 During erection/ dismantling, scaffolder shall use ‘T’ steps to minimize risk
of accidental fall/ slip.

 Ladder should be provided with tie rods/studs at top and bottom rungs and
secured to scaffolding with ladder clamps, at least 2 locations for a ladder
of length up to 4 m & at 3 locations for more than 4 m long ladder.

 The horizontal member/ ledger on which ladder is to be fixed, must be

clamped to two subsequent standard using fixed clamps.

 Do not cantilever or extend putlogs / trusses as side brackets, without

thoroughly considering the loads to be applied.

 Do not climb scaffold using cross braces.

 Do not use ladders or makeshift devices on top of scaffoldings to increase

the height.

 Have at least 12” overlap and 6” extension beyond centerline of support or

cleat at both ends to prevent sliding.

 Do not allow unsupported ends of planking to extend an unsafe distance

beyond supports.

 Planks shall be non-greasy and free from defects.

 Access to working platform shall be suitably protected against inadvertent

fall by providing swing members/ swing gate or chains.

 When scaffolding is no longer required, request for dismantling of scaffold

shall be sent to scaffolding supervisor through work permit.

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 192 Page No. 19


 Scaffold shall be removed from top bracings. Ties, rackers etc. should not
be removed from section lower than the one which is being dismantled.

 Do not throw or allow falling to ground any scaffold member, board or


 Dismantled scaffold material shall be neatly stacked, away from the site
until whole of scaffold has been dismantled.

6.2.2 Metal as material of construction

i) A scaffold should be provided and maintained or other equally safe

and suitable provision should be made where work cannot safely
be done on or from the ground or from part of a building or other
permanent structure.
ii) Scaffolds should be provided with safe means of access, such as
stairs, ladders or ramps. Ladders should be secured against
inadvertent movement.
iii) Every scaffold should be constructed, erected, properly secured/
tied and maintained so as to prevent collapse or accidental
displacement during erection, while in use, in idle state or
iv) Every scaffold and part thereof should be constructed :
(a) in such a way so as not to cause hazards for workers during
erection and dismantling;
(b) in such a way so as guard rails and other protective devices,
platforms, ladders, stairs or ramps can be easily put
(c) with sound material and of requisite size and strength for the
purpose for which it is to be used and maintained in a proper
v) Boards and planks used for scaffolds should be protected against
vi) Materials used in the construction of scaffolds should be stored
under good conditions and apart from any material unsuitable for
vii) Couplers should not cause deformation in tubes. Couplers should
be made of drop forged steel or equivalent material.
viii) Tubes should be free from cracks, splits and excessive corrosion
and be straight to the eye, and tube ends cut cleanly square with
the tube axis.
ix) Scaffolds should be designed for their maximum load as per
relevant codes.
x) Scaffolds should be adequately braced.
xi) Scaffolds which are not designed to be independent should be
rigidly connected to the building at designated vertical and
horizontal places.
xii) A scaffold should never extend above the highest anchorage to an
extent which might endanger its stability and strength.

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 192 Page No. 20


xiii) Loose bricks, drainpipes, chimney-pots or other unsuitable material

should not be used for the construction or support of any part of a
xiv) Scaffolds should be inspected and certified:
(a) before being taken into use;
(b) at periodic intervals thereafter as prescribed for different
types of scaffolds;
(c) after any alteration, interruption in use, exposure to weather
or seismic conditions or any other occurrence likely to have
affected their strength or stability.
xv) Inspection should more particularly ascertain that:
(a) the scaffold is of suitable type and adequate for the job;
(b) materials used in its construction are sound and of sufficient
(c) it is of sound construction and stable;
(d) that the required safeguards are in position.
xvi) A scaffold should not be erected, substantially altered or
dismantled except by or under the supervision.
xvii) If out-rigger scaffolding is to be used, it should be specifically
designed and inspected before putting in use.

6.2.3 Lifting appliances on scaffolds (CHAIN PULLEY BLOCKS,


i) When a lifting appliance is to be used on a scaffold:

(a) the parts of the scaffold should be carefully inspected to
determine the additional strengthening and other safety
measures required;
(b) any movement of the scaffold members should be prevented;
(c) if practicable, the uprights should be rigidly connected to a
solid part of the building at the place where the lifting appli-
ance is erected.

6.2.4 Prefabricated scaffolds

i) In the case of prefabricated scaffold systems, the instructions

provided by the manufacturers or suppliers should be strictly
adhered to. Prefabricated scaffolds should have adequate
arrangements for fixing bracing.
ii) Frames of different types should not be intermingled in a single
iii) Scaffolding shall be erected on firm and level ground. In case of
loose or uneven terrain, care should be taken to see that the
scaffolding is on firm footing by leveling / compacting or other
iv) All members of metal scaffolding shall be checked periodically to
screen out defective / rusted members. All joints should be
properly lubricated for easy tightening.
v) Entry to scaffolding should be restricted.

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 192 Page No. 21


vi) Erection, alteration and removal shall be done under supervision of

experienced personnel.
vii) Use of barrels, boxes, loose bricks etc., for supporting scaffolds
shall not be permitted.
viii) Each supporting member of platform shall be securely fastened
and braced.
ix) Where planks are butt-joined, two parallel putlogs shall be used,
not more than 100mm apart, to give support to each plank.
x) Platform plank shall not project beyond its end support to a
distance exceeding 4 times the thickness of plank, unless it is
effectively secured to prevent tipping. Cantilever planks should be
avoided. If it is unavoidable overhang should be effectively secured
to prevent tipping.
xi) The platform edges shall be provided with 150mm high toe board to
eliminate hazards of tools or other objects falling from platform.
xii) Erect ladders in the “four up-one out position”
xiii) Ladder shall be properly secured with the structure.
xiv) Use non-slip devices, such as, rubber shoes or pointed steel
ferules at the ladder foot, rubber wheels at ladder top, fixing
wooden battens, cleats etc.
xv) When ladder is used for climbing over a platform, the ladder must
be of sufficient length, to extend at least one meter above the
platform, when erected against the platform in “four up-one out
xvi) Portable ladders shall be used for heights not more than 4mt.
Above 4mt flights, fixed ladders shall be provided with at least 600
mm landings at every 6mt or less.
xvii) The width of ladder shall not be less than 300mm and rungs shall
be spaced not more than 300mm.
xviii) Every platform and means of access shall be kept free from
xix) If grease, mud, gravel, mortar etc., fall on platform or scaffolds,
these shall be removed immediately to avoid slippage.
xx) Workers shall not be allowed to work on scaffolds during storms or
high wind. After heavy rain or storms, scaffolds shall be inspected
before reuse.
xxi) Don't overload the scaffolding. Remove excess material and scrap
xxii) Dismantling of scaffolds shall be done in a pre-planned sequential

6.2.5 Suspended scaffolds/ boatwain's chair

In addition to the requirements for scaffolds in general as regards

soundness, stability and protection against the risk of falls, suspended
scaffolds should meet the following specific requirements.

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OISD – GDN – 192 Page No. 22


(a) platforms should be designed and built with dimensions that are
compatible with the stability of the structure as a whole, especially
the length;
(b) the number or anchorage should be compatible with the
dimensions of the platform;
(c) the safety of workers should be safeguarded by an extra rope
having a point of attachment independent of the anchorage
arrangements of the scaffold;
(d) the anchorage and other elements of support of the scaffold
should be designed and built in such a way as to ensure sufficient
(e) the ropes, winches, pulleys or pulley blocks should be designed,
assembled, used and maintained according to the requirements
established for lifting gear adapted to the lifting of persons
according to national laws and regulations;
(f) before use, the whole structure should be checked by a competent

6.2.6 Bamboo Scaffolding

i) It should not be used in oil & gas installations and in the areas
where hot work is to be done.
ii) For construction and maintenance of low rise residential and office
buildings, situated outside explosive licensed area, bamboo
scaffold, if unavoidable, should conform to provisions given in lS-
3696 (Part 1)-1987.


6.3.1 General provisions

i) The erection or dismantling of buildings, structures, civil

engineering works, formwork, falsework and shoring should be
carried out by trained workers only under the supervision of a
competent person.
ii) Precautions should be taken to guard against danger to workers
arising from any temporary state of weakness or instability of a
iii) Formwork, falsework and shoring should be so designed,
constructed and maintained that it will safely support all loads that
may be imposed on it. Conformity with design during job execution
shall be certified by the competent person and the relevant records
shall be maintained.
iv) Formwork should be so designed and erected that working
platforms, means of access, bracing and means of handling and
stabilising are easily fixed to the formwork structure.
v) Proper methodology based on the design of the building /
structure to be developed and approved by competent person
before resorting to dismantling / modifications.
vi) All works / facilities should be certified for structural stabilities by a
competent person and on statutory requirement completed before
putting to use.

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
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OISD – GDN – 192 Page No. 23


6.3.2 Erection and dismantling of steel and prefabricated structures

i) The safety of workers employed on the erection and dismantling of

steel and prefabricated structures should be ensured by
appropriate means, such as provision and use of:
(a) ladders, gangways or fixed platforms;
(b) platforms, buckets, boatswain's chairs or other appropriate
means suspended from lifting appliances;
(c) safety harnesses and lifelines supported on properly
designed anchor, catch nets or catch platforms;
(d) Mechanical / Power-operated mobile working platforms;
(e) Proper Personal Protective Equipment.
ii) Steel and prefabricated structures should be so designed and
made that they can be safely transported and erected. Route
survey to be carried out from works to construction site route
considering the load bearing capacity of the bridges, height of the
bridges en-route and maximum width and length permissible
without causing any hazard to public, the route and the equipment.
iii) In addition to the need for the stability of the part when erected, the
design should explicitly take following into account:
(a) the conditions and methods of attachment in the operations of
transport, storing and temporary support during erection or
dismantling as applicable;
(b) Methods for the provision of safeguards such as railings and
working platforms, and, when necessary, for mounting them
easily on the structural steel or prefabricated parts.
iv) The hooks and other devices built in or provided on the structural
steel or prefabricated parts that are required for lifting and
transporting them should be so shaped, dimensioned and
positioned as:
(a) to withstand with a sufficient margin the stresses to which
they are subjected;
(b) Not to set up stresses in the part that could cause failures, or
stresses in the structure itself not provided for in the plans,
and be designed to permit easy release from the lifting appli-
ance. Lifting points for floor and staircase units should be
located (recessed if necessary) so that they do not protrude
above the surface;
(c) To avoid imbalance or distortion of the lifted load.
v) Storeplaces should be so constructed that:
(a) there is no risk of structural steel or prefabricated parts falling
or overturning;
(b) storage conditions generally ensure stability and avoid
damage having regard to the method of storage and atmo-
spheric conditions;
(c) racks are designed and secured on firm ground so that units
cannot move accidentally.
vi) While they are being stored, transported, raised or set down,
structural steel or prefabricated parts should not be subjected to
stresses prejudicial to their stability.
vii) Every lifting appliance should:

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 192 Page No. 24


(a) be suitable for the operations and not be capable of acci-

dental disconnection;
(b) be approved or tested as per statutory requirement.
viii) Lifting hooks should have safety latch (self closing type).
ix) Lifting hooks, Tongs, clamps and other appliances for lifting
structural steel and prefabricated parts should:
(a) be of such shape and dimensions as to ensure a secure grip
without damaging the part;
(b) be marked with the maximum permissible load in the most
unfavourable lifting conditions.
(c) be periodically inspected and certified to ensure further usage
as per requirement of factory act / Building & Construction
Workers Regulation (BOCWR).

x) Structural steel or prefabricated parts should be lifted only after

rigging plan approved by competent person to prevent them from
spinning, slipping or dropping accidentally.
xi) When necessary to prevent danger, before they are raised from the
ground, structural steel or prefabricated parts should be provided
with safety devices such as railings and working platforms to
prevent falls of persons.
xii) While structural steel or prefabricated parts are being erected, the
workers should be provided with appliances such as guiding ropes
for guiding them as they are being lifted and set down, so as to
avoid crushing of hands and to facilitate the operations. Use of
such appliances should be ensured.
xiii) A raised structural steel or prefabricated part should be so secured
and wall units so propped that their stability cannot be affected,
even by external factors such as wind and passing loads before its
release from the lifting appliance.
xiv) At work places, instruction should be given to the workers on the
methods, arrangements and means required for the storage,
transport, lifting and erection of structural steel or prefabricated
parts, and, before erection starts, a meeting of all those responsible
should be held to discuss and confirm the requirements for safe
xv) During transportation within the construction area, attachments
such as slings and straps mounted on structural steel or
prefabricated parts should be securely fastened to the parts.
Vehicle loading should be such that the vehicle and the load remain
stable at all positions during transportation and unloading.
xvi) Structural steel or prefabricated parts should be so transported that
the conditions do not affect the stability of the parts or the means of
transport result in jolting, vibration or stresses due to blows, or
loads of material or persons.
xvii) When the method of erection does not permit the provision of other
means of protection against fall of persons, the workplaces should
be protected by guardrails, and if appropriate by toe-boards.
xviii) When adverse weather conditions such as snow, hailstorm, rain
and wind or reduced visibility, etc. entail risks of accidents, the
rigging work should be interrupted after taking necessary safety
“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
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OISD – GDN – 192 Page No. 25


xix) If necessary, to prevent danger, structural steel parts should be

equipped with attachments for suspended scaffolds, lifelines or
safety harnesses and other means of protection.
xx) The risks of falling, to which workers moving on high or sloping
girders are exposed, should be limited by all means of adequate
collective protection or, where this is impossible, by the use of a
safety harness that is well secured to a properly designed support.
xxi) Structural steel parts that are to be erected at a height should as far
as practicable be assembled on the ground.
xxii) When structural steel or prefabricated parts are being erected, a
sufficiently extended area underneath the workplace should be
barricaded or guarded
xxiii) Steel trusses that are being erected should be adequately shored,
braced or guyed until they are permanently secured in position.
xxiv) Load-bearing structural member should not be dangerously
weakened by cutting, holing or other means.
xxv) Structural members should not be forced into place by the hoisting
machine while any worker is in such a position that he could be
injured by the operation.
xxvi) Open-web steel joists that are hoisted singly should be directly
placed in position and secured against dislodgment.
xxvii) All structures should be designed for either permanent anchors or
provision for erection of anchors as and when required to support
life line during any Maintenance work etc. during life of the
structure. The point of provision of anchor should be indicated
through suitable signage for ease of use as and when required.

6.3.3 Reinforcement

i) Ensure that workers use Personnel Protective equipment like safety

helmet with chin straps, safety shoes, gloves, full body safety
harness, safety goggles, etc.
ii) Don't place the hand below the rods for checking clear distance.
Use measuring devices.
iii) Don't wear loose clothes while checking the rods.
iv) Don't stand unnecessarily on cantilever rods.
v) To carry out welding/cutting of rods, safety procedures/precautions
as mentioned in Item No. 6.5 to be followed.
vi) For supplying of rods at heights, proper staging and/or bundling to
be provided.
vii) Ensure barricading and staging for supplying and fixing of rods at
viii) For short distance carrying of materials on shoulders, suitable pads
to be provided.
ix) While transporting material by trucks/trailers, the rods shall not
protrude in front of or by the sides of driver's cabin. In case such
protrusion cannot be avoided behind the deck, then it should not

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 192 Page No. 26


extend 1/3 of deck length or 1.5 Meters whichever is less and tied
with red flags/lights.
x) Reinforcement rods, cut pieces etc. should be properly stored at
identified locations and the scrap should be disposed off promptly
on regular basis.

6.3.4 Concreting

i) Ensure stability of shuttering work before allowing concreting.

ii) Barricade the concreting area while pouring at height/depths.
iii) Keep vibrator hoses, pumping concrete accessories in healthy
conditions and mechanically locked.
iv) Pipelines in concrete pumping system shall not be attached to
temporary structures such as scaffolds and formwork support as
the forces and movements may affect their integrity.
v) Check safety cages & guards around moving motors/parts etc.
provided in concreting mixers.
vi) Use Personal Protective Equipment like gloves, safety shoes, full
body safety harness, safety goggles, etc. while dealing with
concrete and wear respirators for dealing with cement.
vii) Earthing of electrical mixers, vibrators, etc. should be done and
viii) Cleaning of rotating drums of concrete mixers shall be done from
outside. Lockout devices shall be provided where workers need to
enter the drum for cleaning / inspection.
ix) Where concrete mixers are driven by internal combustion engine,
exhaust points shall be located away from the worker's workstation
so as to eliminate their exposure to obnoxious fumes.
x) Don't allow unauthorised person to stand under the concreting
xi) Ensure adequate lighting arrangements for carrying out concrete
work during night.
xii) Don't allow the same workers to pour concrete round the clock.
Insist on shift pattern.
xiii) During pouring, shuttering and its supports should be continuously
watched for defects.
xiv) Never look into the drum mounted on truck (such as in case of
Ready Mix Concrete).


6.4.1 Site shall be barricaded and provided with warning signs, including night
warning lamps at appropriate locations for traffic diversion. This should
be done sufficiently advance as a warning to the approaching drivers for
the impending dander ahead.
6.4.2 Filled and empty bitumen drums shall be stacked separately at
designated places.

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OISD – GDN – 192 Page No. 27


6.4.3 Mixing aggregate with bitumen shall preferably be done with the help of
bitumen batch mixing plant, unless operationally non-feasible.
6.4.4 Road rollers, Bitumen sprayers, Pavement finishers shall be driven by
experienced drivers with valid driving license.
6.4.5 Workers handling hot bitumen sprayers or spreading bitumen aggregate
mix or mixing bitumen with aggregate shall be provided with PVC hand
gloves and rubber shoes with legging up to knee joints.
6.4.6 At the end of day's work, surplus hot bitumen in tar boiler shall be
properly covered by a metal sheet, to prevent anything falling in it,
6.4.7 If bitumen accidentally falls on ground, it shall be immediately covered by
sprinkling sand, to prevent anybody stepping on it. Then it shall be
removed with the help of spade.
6.4.8 For cement concrete roads, besides site barricading and installation of
warning signs for traffic diversion, safe practices mentioned in the
chapter on "Concreting", shall also be applicable.
6.4.9 Any excavation for road work should be done only after surveying
underground utilities and after taking suitable precautions. The
underground utilities to be rerouted as required after approval of
competent person / authority.
6.4.10 All the raw material for road construction/ maintenance to be stored on
designated place which should be away from the running road. The
running road should not be used for storing the sand, hot bitumen, etc..

6.4.11 Precaution should be taken that no construction material/ slab/ pre-

fabricated object can come on the running road accidently or due to
slipping. In such case, an erection plan should be designed and got
approved from the competent authority.


6.5.1 Common hazards involved in welding/cutting are sparks, molten metal,

flying particles, harmful light rays, electric shocks , depletion in O2
concentration due to generation of toxic gases, etc. Following
precautions should be taken: -
i) A dry chemical powder (DCP) type fire extinguisher shall be made
available in the work area.
ii) Adequate ventilation shall be ensured by opening manholes and
fixing a shield or forced circulation of air etc, while doing a job in
confined space.
iii) Ensure that only approved and well-maintained apparatus, such
as torches, manifolds, regulators or pressure reducing valves, and
acetylene generators, be used. Also their regular calibration
where ever necessary.
iv) All panels and covers shall be kept in place, when operating an
electric Arc welding machine. 30mA rating ELCB shall be ensured
in the power receptacle of the welding machine.
v) The work piece should be connected directly to Power supply, and
not indirectly through pipelines/ structures/ equipment etc.

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OISD – GDN – 192 Page No. 28


vi) The welding receptacles shall be rated for 63 A suitable for 415V,
3-Phase system with a scraping earth. Receptacles shall have
necessary mechanical interlocks and earthing facilities.
vii) All cables, including welding and ground cables shall be checked
for any worn out or cracked insulation before starting the job and
such cables shall not be used. Ground cable should be separate
without any loose joints.
viii) Cable coiling shall be maintained at minimum level, if not
avoidable. Criss-crossing of welding/electrical power supply
cables & gas cutting hoses shall be avoided. Care to be taken
against damage of gas cutting hoses.
ix) An energised electrode shall not be left unattended.
x) The power source shall be turned off at the end of job.
xi) All gas cylinders shall be properly secured in upright position.
xii) Acetylene cylinder shall be turned and kept in such a way that the
valve outlet points away from oxygen cylinder.
xiii) Acetylene cylinder key for opening valve shall be kept on valve
stem, while cylinder is in use, so that the acetylene cylinder could
be quickly turned off in case of emergency. Use flash back
arrestors to prevent back-fire in acetylene/oxygen cylinder.
xiv) When not in use, valves of all cylinders shall be kept closed.
xv) All types of cylinders, whether full or empty, shall be stored at
cool, dry place under shed.
xvi) Forced opening of any cylinder valve should not be attempted.
xvii) Lighted gas torch shall never be left unattended.
xviii) Store acetylene and oxygen cylinders separately.
xix) Store full and empty cylinders separately.
xx) Avoid cylinders coming into contact with heat.
xxi) Cylinders that are heavy or difficult to carry by hand may be rolled
on their bottom edge but never dragged.
xxii) If cylinders have to be moved, be sure that the cylinder valves are
shut off.
xxiii) Before changing torches, shut off the gas at the pressure reducing
regulators and not by crimping the hose.
xxiv) Do not use matches to light torches, use a friction lighter. Gas
torch should be ignited with the lighter only. It should not be
ignited by touching other hot surfaces.
xxv) Move out any leaking cylinder immediately and cap it. No hot work
should be permitted in the vicinity of such leaked cylinders.
xxvi) Use trolleys for oxygen & acetylene cylinder and chain them.
xxvii) Always use Red hose for acetylene and other fuel gases and
Black for oxygen, and ensure that both are in equal length.
xxviii) Ensure that hoses are free from burns, cuts and cracks and
properly clamped.
xxix) Avoid dragging hoses over sharp edges and objects

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OISD – GDN – 192 Page No. 29


xxx) Do not wrap hoses around cylinders when in use or stored.

xxxi) Protect hoses from flying sparks, hot slag, and other hot objects.
Protect cylinders by covering welding blanket while hot work in the
xxxii) Lubricants shall not be used on Ox-fuel gas equipment.
xxxiii) During cutting/welding, use required PPEs like hand gloves, full
body clothing of fire retardant / suitable material, safety shoes, full
body safety harness, mask, goggles / face shields, welding screen
of required DIN glass as per approved Weld Preparation Scheme.
xxxiv) Hot work permit to be taken if working in hazardous area.


6.6.1 Following safety practices for working in confined space like towers,
columns, tanks and other vessels should be followed in addition to the
safety guidelines for specific jobs like scaffolding, cutting/welding etc.

i) Shut down, positively isolate, depressurise and purge the vessel

as per laid down procedures.
ii) Entry inside the vessel to carry out any job shall be done after
issuance of valid permit only in line with the requirement of OISD-
iii) Ensure proper and accessible means of exit before entry inside a
confined space.
iv) The number of persons allowed inside the vessel should be limited
to avoid overcrowding. Record of entering person shall be
maintained with in and out time.
v) When the work is going on in the confined space, there should
always be two men standby at the nearby manway / manhole
equipped with communication arrangement to contact seniors and
to evacuate the worker inside confined space in case of
vi) Before entering inside the vessels underground or located at lower
elevation, probability of dense vapours accumulating nearby
should also be considered in addition to inside the vessel and
corrective action should be ensured.
vii) Ensure requisite O2 level before entry in the confined space and
monitor level periodically or other wise use required respiratory
viii) Check for no Hydrocarbon or toxic substances before entry and
monitor level periodically or use requisite Personal Protective
ix) Ensure adequate ventilation or use respiratory devices.
x) Depending upon need, necessary respirator system, gas masks
and suit shall be worn by everyone entering confined space. In
case of sewer, OWS or in the confined area where there is a
possibility of toxic or inert gas, required respiratory device, shall be
used by everyone while entering.

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OISD – GDN – 192 Page No. 30


xi) Barricade the confined spaces during hoisting, radiography,

blasting, pressure testing etc.
xii) Use 24V flameproof lamp fittings only for illumination.
xiii) Use tools with air motors or electric tools with maximum voltage of
xiv) House keeping shall be well maintained.
xv) Required PPEs like Safety helmet, safety shoes and full body
harness shall be worn by everyone entering the confined space.
xvi) Don't wear loose clothing while working in a confined space.
xvii) In case of the vessels which are likely to contain pyropheric
substances (like Iron Sulphide), special care need to be taken
before opening the vessel. Attempt should be made to remove the
pyropheric substances. Otherwise, these should be always kept
wet by suitable means.
xviii) The cutting torches should also be kept outside the vessel
immediately after the cutting.
xix) The gas cylinders used for cutting/welding shall be kept outside.
Care to be taken for the integrity of gas hoses and welding cables
while work is in progress.
xx) All cables, hoses, welding equipment etc., shall be removed from
confined space at end of each work day, even if the work is to be
resumed in the same space the next day.
xxi) To the extent possible sludge shall be cleared and removed from
outside before entering.
xxii) No naked light or flame or hot work such as welding, cutting and
soldering should be permitted inside a confined space or area
unless it has been made completely free of the flammable
atmosphere, tested and found safe by a competent person. Only
non-sparking tools and flameproof hand lamps protected with
guard and safety torches should be used inside such confined
space or area for initial inspection, cleaning or other work required
to be done for making the area safe.
xxiii) Communication should be always maintained between the worker
and the attendant.
xxiv) Inside the confined space spray painting should be avoided. If
absolutely essential it should be done after ensuring adequate
precautions including exhaust of paint vapours and continuous
monitoring of concentration of oxygen and toxic gases.
xxv) Before issuing the vessel entry permit, it should be ensured that all
the incoming and outgoing lines to and from the vessel are
positively isolated. Where this is not applicable like dampers in
HRSG system, Sufficient time is to be allowed to observe the
leakage of hot gases from the dampers/ passing valves before
taking any decision on vessel entry permit.

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
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OISD – GDN – 192 Page No. 31



6.7.1 Review test procedure before allowing testing with water or air or any
other fluid. Testing should be done only after proper Job Safety Analysis
(JSA) and its approval.
6.7.2 Provide relief valves of adequate size while testing with air or other gases.
6.7.3 Ensure compliance of necessary precautions, step wise loading,
tightening of fasteners, grouting etc. before and during testing.
6.7.4 Inform all concerned in advance of the testing.
6.7.5 Keep the vents open before opening any valve for filling/draining of liquid
used for hydrotesting. The filling/draining should not exceed the designed
rate for pressure testing.
6.7.6 Provide separate gauges of suitable range for pressurising pump and the
equipment to be tested.
6.7.7 Provide gauges at designated locations for monitoring of pressures.
6.7.8 Check the calibration of all pressurising equipment and accessories and
maintain records.
6.7.9 Take readings at pre-defined intervals.
6.7.10 Arrangement to be made to ensure that the pressurizing system i.e.
motor-pump set is out of circuit so that the system under hydro testing is
not re-pressurized by the contractor due to pressure drop before a pre-
defined time.


6.8.1 General Provision

i) While working at a height of more than 2.2 meters, ISI approved full
body harness shall be used.
ii) While working at a height of more than 2.2 meters, permit should
be issued by competent person before commencement of the job.
iii) Worker should be well trained on usage of full body harness
including its proper usage at the time of ascending/descending.
iv) All tools should be carried in tool bag/belt to avoid their falling.
v) If the job is on fragile/sloping roof, roof walk ladders shall be used.
vi) Provide lifeline properly designed, secured and anchored, wherever
required. Mock Drill of use of lifeline at regular intervals to be
carried out.
vii) Additional safety measures like providing Fall Arrestor type full
body harness, safety net should be provided depending upon site
conditions, job requirements.
viii) Keep working area neat and clean. Remove scrap material
ix) Don't throw or drop material/equipment from height.
x) Avoid jumping from one member to another. Use proper

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
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OISD – GDN – 192 Page No. 32


xi) Keep both hands free while climbing. Don't try to bypass the steps
of the ladder. Same to be followed while climbing down. Further on
climbing down, front of the body to be towards the ladder.
xii) Try to maintain calm at height. Avoid over exertion.
xiii) Avoid movements on any structural member without fall protection.
xiv) Elevated workplaces including roofs should be provided with safe
means of access and egress such as stairs, ramps or ladders.
xv) Fall protection hierarchy to be followed as below:
(a) Elimination: Explore possibility whether job can be done
avoiding work at height.
(b) Prevention: Prevent fall of a worker by providing appropriate
fall prevention system.
(c) Fall arrest system: Arrest the fall using suitable fall arrest
system. Ensure to have a strong suitably designed anchor
(d) Warning Lines: Use a warning line using a rope or wire barrier
around roof to warn workers that they are getting close to the
roof edge.
(e) Safety Monitoring: Use a safety monitor to warn the workers.
(f) Administration: Prepare a written administrative procedure to
ensure workers are doing the best that they can.

6.8.2 Roof Work

i) All roof-work operations should be pre-planned and properly

ii) Roof work should only be undertaken by workers who are
physically and psychologically fit and have the necessary
knowledge and experience for such work.
iii) Work on roofs shouldn't be carried on in weather conditions that
threaten the safety of workers.
iv) Crawling boards, walkways and roof ladders should be securely
fastened to a firm structure.
v) Roofing brackets should fit the slope of the roof and be securely
vi) Where it is necessary for a person to kneel or crouch near the edge
of the roof, necessary precautions should be taken.
vii) On a large roof where work have to be carried out at or near the
edge, a simple barrier consisting of crossed scaffold tubes
supporting a tubing guardrail may be provided.
viii) All covers for openings in roofs should be of substantial
construction and be secured in position.
ix) Roofs with a pitch of more than 10 should be treated as sloping.
x) When work is being carried out on sloping roofs, sufficient and
suitable crawling boards or roof ladders should be provided and
firmly secured in position.

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OISD – GDN – 192 Page No. 33


xi) During extensive work on the roof, strong barriers or guardrails and
toe-boards should be provided to stop a person from falling off the
xii) Where workers are required to work on or near roofs or other
places covered with fragile material, through which they are liable
to fall, they should be provided with suitable roof ladders or
crawling boards strong enough and when spanning across the
supports for the roof covering to support those workers.
xiii) A minimum of two boards should be provided so that it is not
necessary for a person to stand on a fragile roof to move a board or
a ladder, or for any other reason.

6.8.3 Work on tall chimneys

i) For the erection and repair of tall chimneys, scaffolding should be

provided. A safety net should be maintained at a suitable distance
below the scaffold.
ii) The scaffold floor should always be at least 65 cm below the top of
the chimney.
iii) Under the working floor of the scaffolding the next lower floor
should be left in position as a catch platform.
iv) The distance between the inside edge of the scaffold and the wall
of the chimney should not exceed 20 cm at any point.
v) Catch platforms should be erected over:
(a) the entrance to the chimney;
(b) Passageways and working places where workers could be
endangered by falling objects.
vi) For climbing tall chimneys, access should be provided by:
(a) stairs or ladders;
(b) a column of iron rungs securely embedded in the chimney
(c) Other appropriate means.
vii) When workers use the outside rungs to climb the chimney, a
securely fastened steel core rope looped at the free end and
hanging down at least 3 m should be provided at the top to help the
workers to climb on to the chimney.
viii) While work is being done on independent chimneys the area
surrounding the chimney should be enclosed by fencing at a safe
ix) Workers employed on the construction, alteration, maintenance or
repair of tall chimneys should not:
a) work on the outside without a safety harness attached by a
lifeline to a rung, ring or other secure anchorage;
b) put tools between the safety harness and the body or in
pockets not intended for the purpose;
c) haul heavy materials or equipment up and down by hand to or
from the workplace on the chimney;
d) fasten pulleys or scaffolding to reinforcing rings without first
verifying their stability;
e) work alone;

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 192 Page No. 34


f) climb a chimney that is not provided with securely anchored

ladders or rungs;
g) Work on chimneys in use unless the necessary precautions to
avoid danger from smoke and gases have been taken.
Ensure that the outside surface temperature of the chimney is
h) room temperature before taking up any job after shut down of
the (system) chimney.

x) Work on independent chimneys should not be carried on in high

winds, icy conditions, fog or during electrical storms.


6.9.1 General Provisions

Following are the general guidelines to be followed with regard to all types
of handling and lifting equipment in addition to the guidelines for specific
type of equipments dealt later on.

i) There should be a well-planned safety programme to ensure that

all the lifting appliances and lifting gear are selected, installed,
examined, tested, maintained, operated and dismantled with a
view to preventing the occurrence of any accident;

ii) All lifting appliances shall be examined by competent persons at

frequencies as specified in "The Factories act".

iii) Check thoroughly quality, size and condition of all lifting tools like
chain pulley blocks, slings, U-clamps, D-shackles etc. before
putting them in use.

iv) Safe lifting capacity of all lifting & handling equipment, tools and
shackles should be got verified and certificates obtained from
competent authorities before its use. The safe working load shall
be marked on them.

v) Check periodically the oil, brakes, gears, horns and tyre pressure,
lighting fixtures of all moving equipments like cranes, forklifts,
trailers, etc. as per manufacturer's recommendations.

vi) Check the weights to be lifted and accordingly decide about the
crane capacity, boom length and angle of erection.

vii) Allow lifting slings as short as possible and check packing at the
friction points.

viii) While lifting/placing of the load, no unauthorised person shall

remain within the radius of the boom and underneath the load.

ix) While loading, unloading and stacking of pipes, proper wedges

shall be placed to prevent rolling down of the pipes.

x) Control longer jobs being lifted up from both ends.

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 192 Page No. 35


xi) Only trained operators and riggers should carry out the job. While
the crane is moving or lifting the load, the trained rigger should be
there for keeping a vigil against hitting any other object.

xii) During high wind conditions and nights, lifting of heavy

equipments should be avoided. If unavoidable to do erection in
night, operator and rigger should be fully trained for night
signaling. Also proper illumination should be there.

xiii) Allow crane to move on hard, firm and leveled ground. Ensure that
all the crane pedestals/ hydraulic jacks taking weight of the crane
and load are on a firm compacted surface.

xiv) When crane is in idle condition for long periods or unattended,

crane boom should either be lowered or locked as per
manufacturer's guidelines.

xv) Hook and load being lifted shall remain in full visibility of crane
operators, while lifting, to the extent possible.

xvi) Don't allow booms or other parts of crane to come within 3 meters
reach of overhead electrical cables.

xvii) No structural alterations or repairs should be made to any part of

a lifting appliance, which may affect the safety of the appliance
without the permission and supervision of the competent person.

6.9.2 Hoists

i) Hoist shafts should be enclosed with rigid panels or other adequate

fencing at:
(a) ground level on all sides;
(b) all other levels at all points at which access is provided;
(c) all points at which persons are liable to be struck by any
moving part.
ii) The enclosure of hoist shafts, except at approaches should extend
where practicable at least 2 meters above the floor, platform or
other place to which access is provided except where a lesser
height is sufficient to prevent any person falling down the hoistway
and there is no risk of any person coming into contact with any
moving part of the hoist, but in no case should the enclosure be
less than 1 meter in height.
iii) The guides of hoist platforms should offer sufficient resistance to
bending and, in the case of jamming by a safety catch, to buckling.
iv) Where necessary to prevent danger, adequate covering should be
provided above the top of hoist shafts to prevent material falling
down them.
v) Outdoor hoist towers should be erected on firm foundations, and
securely braced, guyed and anchored.
vi) A ladderway should extend from the bottom to the top of outdoor
hoist towers, if no other ladderway exists within easy reach.
vii) Hoisting engines should be of ample capacity to control the
heaviest load that they will have to move.
“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 192 Page No. 36


viii) Hoists should be provided with devices that stop the hoisting
engine as soon as the platform reaches its highest stopping place.
ix) Winches should be so constructed that the brake is applied when
the control handle is not held in the operating position.
x) It should not be possible to set in motion from the platform a hoist,
which is not designed for the conveyance of persons.
xi) Winches should not be fitted with pawl and ratchet gears on which
the pawl must be disengaged before the platform is lowered.
xii) Hoist platforms should be capable of supporting the maximum load
that they will have to carry with a safety factor.
xiii) Hoist platforms should be equipped with safety gear that will hold
the platform with the maximum load if the hoisting rope breaks.
xiv) If workers have to enter the cage or go on the platform at landings
there should be a locking arrangement preventing the cage or
platform from moving while any worker is in or on it.
xv) On sides not used for loading and unloading, hoist platforms should
be provided with toe-boards and enclosures of wire mesh or other
suitable material to prevent the fall of parts of loads.
xvi) Where necessary to prevent danger from falling objects, hoist
platforms should be provided with adequate covering.
xvii) Counterweights consisting of an assemblage of several parts
should be made of specially constructed parts rigidly connected
xviii) Counterweights should run in guides.
xix) Platforms should be provided at all landings used by workers.
xx) Following notices should be posted up conspicuously and in very
legible characters:
(a) on all hoists:

 on the platform: the carrying capacity in kilograms or

other appropriate standard unit of weight;

 on the hoisting engine: the lifting capacity in

kilograms or other appropriate standard unit of
(b) on hoists authorised or certified for the conveyance of

 on the platform or cage: the maximum number of

persons to be carried at one time;
(c) on hoists for goods only:

 on every approach to the hoist and on the platform:

prohibition of use by persons.
xxi) Hoists intended for the carriage of persons should be provided with
a cage so constructed as to prevent any person from falling out or
being trapped between the cage and any fixed part of the structure
when the cage gate is shut, or from being struck by the
counterbalance weight or by articles or materials tailing down the
“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 192 Page No. 37


xxii) On each side in which access is provided, the cage should have a
gate fitted with devices which ensure that the gate cannot be
opened except when the cage is at a landing and that the gate
must be closed before the cage can move away from the landing.
xxiii) Every gate in the enclosure of the hoist shaft which gives access
from a landing place to the cage should be fitted with devices to
ensure that the gate cannot be opened except when the cage is at
that landing place, and that the cage cannot be moved away from
that landing place until the gate is closed.

6.9.3 Derricks
Stiff-leg derricks

i) Derricks should be erected on a firm base capable of taking the

combined weight of the crane structure and maximum rated load.
ii) Devices should be used to prevent masts from lifting out of their
iii) Electrically operated derricks should be effectively earthed from the
sole plate or framework.
iv) Counterweights should be so arranged that they do not subject the
backstays, sleepers or pivots to excessive strain.
v) When derricks are mounted on wheels:
a) a rigid member should be used to maintain the correct
distance between the wheels;
b) they should be equipped with struts to prevent them from
dropping if a wheel breaks or the derrick is derailed.
vi) The length of a derrick jib should not be altered without consulting
the manufacturer.
vii) The jib of a scotch derrick crane should not be erected within the
backstays of the crane.

Guy derricks

i) The restraint of the guy ropes should be ensured by fitting stirrups

or anchor plates in concrete foundations.
ii) The mast of guy derricks should be supported by six top guys
spaced approximately equally.
iii) The spread of the guys of a guy derrick crane from the mast should
not be more than 45 from the horizontal.
iv) Guy ropes of derricks should be equipped with a stretching screw
or turnbuckle or other device to regulate the tension.
v) Gudgeon pins, sheave pins and fool bearings should be lubricated
vi) When a derrick is not in use, the boom should be anchored to
prevent it from swinging.

6.9.4 Gin poles

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 192 Page No. 38


i) Gin poles should:

(a) be straight;
(b) consist of steel or other suitable metal;
(c) be adequately guyed and anchored;
(d) be vertical or raked slightly towards the load;
(e) be of adequate strength for the loads that they will be
required to lift/move.
ii) Gin poles should not be spliced and if a gin pole is composed of
different elements, they should be assembled in conformity with
their intrinsic material strength.
iii) Gin poles should be fastened at their feet to prevent displacement
in operation.
iv) Gin poles, which are moved from place to place and re-erected,
should not be taken into use again before the pole, lifting ropes,
guys, blocks and other parts have been inspected, and the whole
appliance has been tested under load.
v) When platforms or skips are hoisted by gin poles, precautions
should be taken to prevent them from spinning and to provide for
proper landing.

6.9.5 Tower cranes

i) Where tower cranes have cabs at high level, persons, capable and
trained to work at heights, should only be employed as crane
ii) The characteristics of the various machines available should be
considered against the operating requirements and the
surroundings in which the crane will operate before a particular
type of crane is selected.
iii) Care should be taken in the assessment of wind loads both during
operations and out of service. Account should also be taken of the
effects of high structures on wind forces in the vicinity of the crane.
iv) The ground on which the tower crane stands should have the
requisite bearing capacity. Account should be taken of seasonal
variations in ground conditions.
v) Bases for tower cranes and tracks for rail-mounted tower cranes
should be firm and level. Tower cranes should only operate on
gradients within limits specified by the manufacturer. Tower cranes
should only be erected at a safe distance from excavations and
vi) Tower cranes should be sited where there is clear space available
for erection, operation and dismantling. As far as possible, cranes
should be sited so that loads do not have to be handled over
occupied premises, over public thoroughfares, other construction
works and railways or near power cables.
vii) Where two or more tower cranes are sited in positions where their
jibs could touch any part of the other crane, there should be direct
means of communication between them and a distinct warning
system operated from the cab so that one driver may alert the other
of impending danger.

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 192 Page No. 39


viii) The manufacturers' instructions on the methods and sequence of

erection and dismantling should be followed. The crane should be
tested before being taken into use.
ix) The climbing operation of climbing tower cranes should be carried
out in accordance with manufacturers' instructions. The free-
standing height of the tower crane should not extend beyond what
is safe and permissible in the manufacturers' instructions.
x) When the tower crane is left unattended, loads should be removed
from the hook, the hook raised, the power switched off and the
boom brought to the horizontal. For longer periods or at times when
adverse weather conditions are expected, out of service
procedures should be followed. The main jib should be slewed to
the side of the tower away from the wind, put into free slew and the
crane immobilised.
xi) A windspeed measuring device should be provided at an elevated
position on the tower crane with the indicator fitted in the drivers'
xii) Devices should be provided to prevent loads being moved to a
point where the corresponding safe working load of the crane
would be exceeded. Name boards or other items liable to catch the
wind should not be mounted on a tower crane other than in
accordance with the manufacturers' instructions.
xiii) Tower cranes should not be used for magnet, or demolition ball
service, piling operations or other duties, which could impose
excessive loading on the crane structure.

6.9.6 Lifting ropes

i) Only ropes with a known safe working capacity should be used as

lifting ropes.
ii) Lifting ropes should be installed, maintained and inspected in
accordance with manufacturers' instructions.
iii) Repaired steel ropes should not be used on hoists.
iv) Where multiple independent ropes are used, for the purpose of
stability, to lift a work platform, each rope should be capable of
carrying the load independently.


6.10.1 Park vehicles only at designated places. Don't block roads to
create hindrance for other vehicles.
6.10.2 Don't overload the vehicle.
6.10.3 Obey speed limits and traffic rules.
6.10.4 Always expect the unexpected and be a defensive driver.
6.10.5 Drive carefully during adverse weather and road conditions.
6.10.6 Read the road ahead and ride to the left.
6.10.7 Be extra cautious at nights. Keep wind screens clean and lights in
working condition.

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 192 Page No. 40


6.10.8 All vehicles used for carrying workers and construction materials
must undergo predictive/preventive maintenance and daily checks
6.10.9 Driver with proper valid driving license shall only be allowed to
drive the vehicle
6.10.10 Routes shall be leveled marked and planned in such a way so as
to avoid potential hazards such as overhead power lines and
sloping ground etc.
6.10.11 While reversing the vehicles, help of another worker should be
ensured at all times
6.10.12 An unattended vehicle should have the engine switched off
6.10.13 Wherever possible one-way system shall be followed
6.10.14 Barriers/fixed stops should be provided for excavation/openings to
prevent fall of vehicle
6.10.15 Load should be properly secured
6.10.16 The body of the tipper lorry should always be lowered before
driving the vehicle off.
6.10.17 Signs/signals/caution boards etc. should be provided on routes.
6.10.18 All vehicles in a running process plants to use spark arrester on
the exhaust.
6.10.19 No material should be protruding outside the vehicle for the safety
of the public. If necessary, same to be marked as per RTO
6.10.20 Proper caution tag should be available on the vehicle for
hazardous material like oil,.LPG, explosives, nuclear material,
toxic fluids etc and the vehicle staff should be well informed about
the potential danger of the material being transported by them.
6.10.21 An earth chain for the discharge of static electricity generated
during transportation of specific material with the vehicle to be
6.10.22 Drunken driving should be prohibited.

6.11.1 General Provisions

i) Only persons having valid licenses shall be allowed to work

on electrical facilities as per prevailing IE Act and rules
thereunder including CEA rules/regulations.
ii) No person should be allowed to work on live circuit. The
same, if unavoidable, special care and written authorisation
need to be taken.
iii) Treat all circuits as "LIVE" unless ensured otherwise.
iv) Electrical " Lock Out - Tag Out (LOTO)" procedure "MUST"
be followed for work on electrical system.
v) Display voltage ratings prominently with "Danger" signs in
local language also.
vi) Put caution/notice signs before starting the repair works.

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 192 Page No. 41


vii) All electrical equipment operating above 250V shall have

two separate and distinct connections to earth grid.
viii) Proper grounding to be ensured for all switch boards and
equipment including Portable ones prior to taking into
ix) Make sure that electrical switch boards, portable tools,
equipment (like grinding machine etc.) don't get wet during
their usage. If it happens, stop the main supply, make the
tools dry, check for specified insulation value and then only
use them. Check proper earthing.
All temporary switch boards/ KIOSKS put up at work site
should be suitably protected from rain and the level of
same should be high enough to avoid contact with water
due to water logging.
x) Don't work wet on electrical system.
xi) Don't overload the electrical system.
xii) Use only proper rated HRC fuses / ELCB / MCB.
xiii) Only ISI marked or equivalent industrial type extension
boards and Plug sockets are to be used.
xiv) ELCB for all temporary connections must be provided
using 3 pin plug.
xv) All power supply cables should be laid properly and neatly
so that they don't cause hindrance to persons working and
no physical damage also takes place to the cables during
various construction activities.
xvi) All Power cables to be properly terminated using glands
and lugs of proper size, type and crimped.
xvii) Use electrical fittings in Hazard zones as per area
classification under OISD-STD-113.
xviii) Ensure pipe sleeve / conduit to protect underground cables
at crossings.
xix) Don't lay unarmored cable directly on ground, wall, roof or
trees. All temporary cables should be laid at least 750 mm
below ground and cable markers should be provided.
Proper sleeves should be provided at road crossings. In
case temporary cables are to be laid on wooden
poles/steel poles, the minimum cable heights should be 4.5
xx) Maintain safe overhead distance of HT transmission lines
as per latest CEA Safety Regulation.
xxi) Don't use pipelines/structures for earthing.
xxii) Don't make any unsafe temporary connections, e.g. naked
joints etc.
xxiii) Ensure that temporary cables are free from cuts, damaged
insulation, kinks or improper insulated joints.
xxiv) Check at periodic intervals that pins of sockets and joints
are not loose.

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 192 Page No. 42


xxv) Protect electrical wires/equipment from water and naked

xxvi) Illuminate level in all the work areas should be in line with
xxvii) All switchboards should be of MS structure only and
incoming/outgoing feeders should be marked.
xxviii) Hand lamps/ Torch should not be of more than 24V rating,
and E’x’ type should be in line with hazardous area
xxix) Fire extinguishers (DCP/CO2/Sand buckets) should be kept
near temporary switch boards being used for construction
purposes. Don't use water for fighting electrical fires.
xxx) ISI marked Insulating mats shall be provided in the front
and back end of switch boards.
xxxi) All parts of electrical installations should be so constructed,
installed and maintained as to prevent danger of electric
shock, fire and explosion.
Periodic checking of electrical safety appliances such as
gloves, insulating mats, hoods etc. to be done/witnessed in
line with OISD-STD-137, and records to be maintained duly
endorsed by the concerned.
xxxii) A notice displaying following, should be kept exhibited at
suitable places in local language also:
a) prohibiting unauthorized persons from entering electrical
equipment rooms or from handling or interfering with
electrical apparatus;
b) containing directions as to procedures in case of fire,
rescue of persons in contact with live conductors and
the restoration of persons suffering from electric shock;
c) specifying the person to be notified in case of electrical
accident or dangerous occurrence, and indicating how
to communicate with him.
xxxiii) No other cables/pipes to be laid in trench used for electrical
xxxiv) Utmost care should be taken while excavating Earth from
cable trench to avoid damage or any accident.
xxxv) Sub-station floor cut-outs meant for switch board
installations to be covered wherever installation is
xxxvi) Flameproofness integrity of all flameproof equipment /
fittings/fixtures to be ensured at all times.
NOTE: A Residual Current Operated Circuit Breaker (RCCB) or
Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker (ELCB), when installed,
protects a human being to the widest extent. RCCB or
ELCB should be provided as per latest CEA Safety

6.11.2 Inspection and maintenance

i) All electrical equipment should be inspected before taking

into use to ensure suitability for its proposed use.

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 192 Page No. 43


ii) At the beginning of every shift, the person using the

electrical equipment should make a careful external
examination of the equipment and conductors, especially
the flexible cables.
iii) Apart from some exceptional cases subject to work
permits, work on or near live parts of electrical equipment
should be forbidden.
Before starting any work on conductors and/or equipment,
it is to be ensured that: power supply should be isolated by
an authorized person following the concept of LOTO;
iv) After work has been done on conductors and/or equipment,
the power supply should only be switched on again after
work permit is returned back, lock/tag on isolated feeder
are removed and the workplace is reported safe.
v) Electricians should be provided with approved and tested
tools and personal protective equipment such as rubber
gloves, arc flash suit etc.
vi) All conductors and equipment should be considered to be
live unless there is a proof of the contrary.
vii) When work has to be done in dangerous proximity to live
parts the power supply should be cut off. If for operational
reasons this is not possible, the live parts should be fenced
off or enclosed by qualified staff from the sub-station

6.11.3. Testing

i) Electrical installations should be inspected and tested as

per approved plan and the results recorded.
ii) Periodic testing for proper functioning of the earth leakage
protective devices should be carried out.
iii) Particular attention should be paid to the earthing of
apparatus, the continuity of protective conductors, polarity
and insulation resistance, protection against mechanical
damage and condition of connections at points of entry.

6.12.1 General

The isolated nature of offshore installations are hazardous. They

call for greater need for health safety and survival at offshore.
Safety at offshore is safety of installations and safety of personnel.
Safety problems and accidents at offshore have high risks due to
limited space, helicopter operation, sea transport etc. Following
are the general health and safety guidelines to be followed in
addition to the safety guidelines stipulated for specific jobs dealt
later on:
i) Workers should be well trained to do their job
independently with high degree of self-control and self-

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 192 Page No. 44


ii) On arrival at offshore, everyone should be briefed about

the safety rules to be followed at offshore, evacuation
system etc. All personnel should wear overall (dangri),
helmet and shoes for personnel protection.
iii) In case of emergency, workers should follow instruction of
Field Production Superintendent (F.P.S.). In certain cases
instructions may be given to abandon the offshore
installation and evacuate the persons to safe location.
iv) To overcome above problems, offshore personnel must
receive training for using life saving appliances and other
personal survival techniques.
v) Any person working at offshore should have one person
as standby for any eventuality.
vi) Periodical health check-up of all personal on platforms
shall be ensured and remedial measures shall be taken
as per statutory and other requirements.

6.12.2 Drilling Rigs

i) Location of jack up rigs should not be less than 5 Kms from

shipping route. Orientation of the rig, wind direction, etc.
are required for safe landing of helicopter. Information w.r.t.
sea currents, wind speed, Hi- Low tide, etc. are required for
mooring of supply vessels.
ii) Sea bed condition at every location should be ensured for
safety of rig.
iii) Radio and other communication facilities should be such to
maintain contact with base all times.
iv) During toeing of rig, the rig deck should be clear of load,
toeing lines should be in good condition and tensions in
various toeing lines should be constantly monitored.
v) Few steps during toeing are:
a) crane booms should be secured to their vesta,
b) all hatches and water tight doors should be closed,
c) number of personnel on board should be restricted,
d) evacuate in case of emergency and operation should be
completed preferably in day light.

6.12.3 Drilling

i) In view of CO2 and H2S gas cut from well, effective

ventilation should be provided where drilling is in progress.
ii) Safety alarm shall be checked in advance in view of failure
of ventilation system.
iii) Suitable sensors for H2S and Methane should be function
tested time to time and suitable colour code should be
iv) Working areas of the crane should be illuminated during
night to avoid accident.

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 192 Page No. 45


v) Clear space should be available for despatch and receipt

of load and, in particular, basket transfer of passengers.
Persons engaged in loading/unloading of materials should
be protected from falling into the sea.
vi) Signal light should be fitted at the top of the jib.
vii) Crane hook should be fitted with safety latches.
viii) Experienced person should be engaged in operation of
specific equipment like winches, cranes etc.
ix) At least three cable turns shall always be there on the
winch drum.
x) Adequate communication like walkie talkie, round robin
phone should be available between the crane operator,
supervisor and helper.
xi) Crane operation should be completely stopped during
helicopter landing/ taking off.
xii) Except for helicopter landing deck, all decks, platforms,
bridges, ladders should have rigid and fixed guard rails
atleast one meter high and should have one intermediate
rail midway between the handrail and 100 mm toe board.
xiii) Wooden ladders shall not be used at offshore.
xiv) Flow sensor in the flow line should be ensured for safe
working and to avoid blow out.
xv) Hydrogen sulphuide gas In offshore is of great risk and at
10 ppm (0.001%) concentration in air, a person should not
be exposed for more than 8 hours, If concentration is
more, then breathing apparatus should be used. Corrosion
of equipment is also caused by H2S.
xvi) Portable H2S gas detector should be continously used.

6.12.4 Production Platforms

i) In case hydrocarbon Is released due to overpressure, leak,

overflow, gas blow etc., shut down process to stop flow of
hydrocarbon. Prevent ignition of released hydrocarbon and
in case of fire shut in the process complex and follow
emergency contigency plan.
ii) Sub surface safetv valve (SSSV)) below the well head
should be actuated during uncontrolled well -flow and they
should be regularly checked.
iii) Surface safety valve or SDV should be checked for no gas
leakage from bleed port / flange etc., in the well head area.
It should not be in "mechanical override" or bypassed from
iv) High pressure gas lift lines - blowdown system should be

 Auto actuation of SDVs in the inlet of pressure vessels

should be O.K. and in "normal position" from shutdown
panels. A record of status of switches normal/bypassed

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 192 Page No. 46


in auto-con* panels (PSH, PSL, LSL, ILSL) should be


 Shut Down Panels

v) Welders rectifier set and electrical connections to it should
be checked and approved by electrical-in- charge for
proper electrical safely.
vi) “SCADA" telementry system if available should be
operational for remote opening and closing of wells at
unmanned platforms (through RPMC).
vii) Local ESD/FSD (near the work site) should be provided for
jobs of very critical nature, so that the persons working can
access it immediately in emergency for safety. Safety
officer should judge the requirement & inform FPS for the
viii) Railings and Gratings etc. in and around work area should
be O.K. and inspected to avoid slippage of man into sea.
ix) Emergency Shut Down (ESD) system is initiated when an
abnormal condition is detected. ESD should be checked
once in six months.
x) Platform should be manned round the clock.
xi) Welding and cutting work should be regulated by hot work
xii) All detectors should be calibrated as per recommendation
of the manufacturer.
xiii) No system should be by-passed which affects the system
of platform.
xiv) In H2S field platforms, due care shall be taken as per
xv) Follow the instructions of F.P.S. during stay at platform

6.12.5 Fire Prevention And Control

i) Provision be made for safe handling and storage of dirty

rags, trash, and waste oil. Flammable liquids and
chemicals applied on platform should be immediately
ii) Paint containers and hydrocarbon samples, gas cylinders
for welding and cutting should be stored properly.
Cylinders should be transported in hand-cart.
iii) Smoking should be restricted and no smoking area should
be identified.
iv) Special attention should be given to crude oil pump seals;
diesel and gas engines which are potential source of
ignition in the event of failure.
v) Fire and smoke detectors i.e. ultraviolet heat, thermal and
smoke detector should be function tested once in three

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 192 Page No. 47


vi) Fire is controlled in offshore by water spraying, Halon, CO2

flooding, DCP and sprinkler system.
vii) Foaming agent is applied for controlling fire in liquid
hydrocarbon. The system is not effective in gas fire.
viii) Light weight breathing system should be used.
ix) The fire control plan at offshore should reveal control
station, fire alarms and fire detectors, deluge valves and
sprinkler, fire extinguishing appliances, fireman outfit and
ventilation system.
x) Fire fighting equipment should be maintained in ready to
use condition.

6.12.6 Life Saving Appliances

i) Life boats with a speed of 6 knots and carrying capacity

upto 50 persons are used in offshore.
ii) No. of life boats on one installation should have a capacity
to accommodate twice the number of persons onboard
iii) Launching appliances and life boat equipment should be
checked every week.
iv) Boat landing areas should be adequately illuminated.
v) Life raft has no power and they rely on drift.
vi) Life jacket lifts the wearer after entering water.
vii) Life buoys are used to rescue persons if any person
accidentally falls in the sea.
viii) All life saving appliances should be inspected by the MMD
surveyor /sr. officials once a year.
ix) Every life boat shall be inspected once a week.
x) Every life boat and life raft should be serviced once a year
by a competent authority.

6.12.7 Safety Precautions during Helicopter


i) Passenger briefing regarding safety rules while travelling in

helicopter should be carried out before boarding the
ii) Emergency procedure should be briefed to all the
passengers in case helicopter is to ditch into the sea.
iii) Heli-pad should have a non-skid surface. Nylon rope net
should be stretched on the deck.
iv) Proper drainage should be available on helideck.
v) There should be no obstruction on the helideck itself and
within 3 meters of its perimeter. Closest super structure
above the helideck should have red obstruction light.

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 192 Page No. 48


vi) While landing on helicopter, fire crew of two persons

should be standby adjacent to helideck.
vii) Heli-deck should be properly illuminated for night landing.
viii) During switching off helicopter, persons should not be
allowed to go out/ towards helicopter

6.13.1. General provisions

i) When the demolition of any building or structure might

present danger to workers or to the public:
(a) necessary precautions, methods and procedures
should be adopted, including those for the disposal of
waste or residues;
(b) the work should be planned and undertaken only
under the supervision of a competent person.
ii) Before demolition operations begin:
(a) structural details and builders' drawings should be
obtained wherever possible;
(b) details of the previous use should be obtained to
identify any possible contamination and hazards from
chemicals, flammables, etc.;
(c) an initial survey should be carried out to identify any
structural problems and risks associated with
flammable substances and substances hazardous to
health. The survey should note the type of ground on
which the structure is erected, the condition of the
roof trusses, the type of framing used in framed
structures and the load-bearing walls;
(d) a method of demolition should be formulated after the
survey and recorded in a method statement having
taken all the various considerations into account and
identifying the problems and their solutions;
iii) All electric, gas, water and steam service lines should be
shut off and, as necessary, capped or otherwise controlled
at or outside the construction site before work commences.
iv) If it is necessary to maintain any electric power, water or
other services during demolition operations, they should be
adequately protected against damage.
v) As far as practicable, the danger zone round the building
should be adequately fenced off and sign posted. To
protect the public a fence 2m high should be erected
enclosing the demolition operations and the access gates
should be secured outside working hours.
vi) The fabric of buildings contaminated with substances
hazardous to health should be decontaminated. Protective
clothing and respiratory devices should be provided and
vii) Where plant has contained flammable materials, special
precautions should be taken to avoid fire and explosion.

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 192 Page No. 49


viii) The plant to be demolished should be isolated from all

other plant that may contain flammable materials. Any
residual flammable material in the plant should be rendered
safe by cleaning, purging or the application of an inert
atmosphere as appropriate.
ix) Care should be taken not to demolish any parts, which
would destroy the stability of other parts.
x) Demolition activities should not be continued under
adverse climatic conditions such as high winds, which
could cause the collapse of already weakened structures.
xi) To prevent hazards parts of structures should be
adequately shored, braced or otherwise supported.
xii) Structures should not be left in a condition in which they
could be brought down by wind pressure or vibration.
xiii) Where a deliberate controlled collapse technique is to be
used, expert engineering advice should be obtained, and:
(a) it should only be used where the whole structure is to
come down because it relies on the removal of key
structural members to effect a total collapse;
(b) it should only be used on sites that are fairly level and
where there is enough surrounding space for all
operatives and equipment to be withdrawn to a safe
xiv) When equipment such as power shovels and bulldozers
are used for demolition, due consideration should be given
to the nature of the building or structure, its dimensions, as
well as to the power of the equipment being used.
xv) If a swinging weight is used for demolition, a safety zone
having a width of at least one-and-a-half times the height of
the building or structure should be maintained around the
points of impact.

6.13.2. Demolition of structural steelwork

i) All precautions should be taken to prevent danger

from any sudden twist, spring or collapse of
steelwork, ironwork or reinforced concrete when it
is cut or released.
ii) Steel construction should be demolished tier by
iii) Structural steel parts should be lowered and not
dropped from a height.


6.14.1 All radiography jobs shall be carried out as per BARC Safety
6.14.2 During field radiography, nearby area around the radiation source
should be cordoned off.

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 192 Page No. 50


6.14.3 If the field radiography is to be done at the same location

repeatedly, it is advisable to provide either a wire fencing around
or a temporary brick enclosure.
6.14.4 Special permission/permit should be taken for radiography from
6.14.5 As far as possible, field radiography should be done only during
night time when there is little or no occupancy there.
6.14.6 Radiation warning signals should be pasted all along the
cordoned off area.
6.14.7 Entry into the restricted area by unauthorised persons should be
strictly prohibited during exposure.
6.14.8 The radiation level alongwith the cordon should be monitored by a
suitable and well-calibrated radiation survey meter.
6.14.9 All personnel working with radiography sources should wear
appropriate protective equipment and film badges issued by
6.14.10 Protection facilities such as manipulator rod, remote handling
tongs, lead pots, radiation hazard placards and means of cordon
off shall be available at each site.
6.14.11 The radiography source shall never be touched or handled directly
with hands.
6.14.12 The package containing radiography cameras and sources should
never be carried by public transport like bus, train etc.
6.14.13 Radiography sources and cameras, when not in use, should be
stored inside a source pit with lock and key arrangement as
approved by BARC. The storage room should preferably be
located in an isolated area of minimum occupancy and radiation
level outside the storage room should not exceed 0.25 mR/hr as
per BARC Regulations.
6.14.14 In case of an accident (due to loss or of damage to radiography
source), action should be taken in line with BARC Safety
6.14.15 Technologically advance methods should be preferred for reduced
radiation effect wherever safety so warrants.


6.15.1 Blasting for surface preparation should be used only after approval
from competent person.
6.15.2 Air Compressor used for grit/shot/slag blasting/painting should
have guard and positioned away from the work place.
6.15.3 Exhaust of the prime mover, if IC engine is used, should be fitted
with PESO approved spark arrester (in case of work in hazardous
area) and directed away from the work place.
6.15.4 In case of motor driven compressor, the body of the motor as well
as the compressor to be properly earthed.
6.15.5 The hoses used for compressed air should be of proper quality,
and health of the same to be ensured through regular check/ test.

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 192 Page No. 51


6.15.6 The operator of grit/shot/slag blasting/painting should wear

suitable PPE's including mask and the area should be cordoned
6.15.7 Adequate measures to be taken to suppress dust/spray particle.
6.15.8 When these activities are done in confined places, adequate
measure to be taken including monitoring Oxygen level and
ensuring proper ventilation.
6.15.9 Proper fire fighting arrangements are to be made where spray
painting is in progress.
6.15.10 Some paints and their supplements are toxic also and emit
offensive smell. PPE to workers should be suitable to address this
6.15.11 “No Smoking Zone” boards should be displayed prominantly in
paints shop/ spray paint area.


6.16.1 General Provisions
i) Where work is done over or in close proximity to water &
where possibility of drowning exists, provision should be
made for:
a) preventing workers from falling into water;
b) the rescue of workers in danger of drowning;
c) safe and sufficient transport.
d) deputation of lifeguards/divers.
e) preventing of persons suffering from hydrophobia on
deputation to work above water.

ii) Provisions for the safe performance of work over or in

close proximity to water should include, where
appropriate, the provision and use of suitable and
a) fencing, safety nets and safety harnesses;
b) lifebuoys, life jackets and manned boats;
c) protection against such hazards as reptiles
bushes/ polluted water and other animals.
d) deputation of lifeguards/divers.

iii) Gangways, pontoons, bridges, footbridges and other

walkways or work places over water should:
a) possess adequate strength and stability;
b) be sufficiently wide to allow safe movement of
c) have level surfaces free from tripping hazards;
d) be adequately lit when natural light is insufficient;
e) where practicable and necessary, to prevent
danger, be provided with toe-boards, guard rails,
hand ropes etc.
f) be secured to prevent dislodgment by rising
water or high winds;
g) if necessary, be equipped with ladders which should
be sound, of sufficient strength and length and be
securely lashed to prevent slipping.

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 192 Page No. 52


iv) All deck openings including those for buckets should be

v) All the employees (owner, contractor and contractor
workers) working above and under the water should
comply with the requirements of Standards of Training,
Certification and Watchkeeping 95 (STCW 95).

6.16.2 Rescue & Emergency procedures

i) Persons who work over water should be provided with

some form of buoyancy aid. Life jackets should be
provided for sufficient freedom of movement, have
sufficient buoyancy to bring persons to the surface and
keep them afloat face upwards, be easily secured to the
body, be readily visible by way of self luminous paint/strip.
ii) Nobody should work alone on or above water.
iii) Each worker should be trained in the procedure to be
followed in the event of an emergency.
iv) Necessary rescue arrangements like divers, rescue boats
etc to be in place.
v) Persons to be trained for CPR/ Artificial resuscitation as
an first aid to the rescued person.
vi) Also for off shore operations. Speed of water current and
water temperature to be considered.


In addition to general safety precautions as outlined above for the activities in
Clause 6.0, following additional safety precautions need to be taken for the sites
within the operating area or nearby, where presence of Hydrocarbons cannot be
ruled out.
i) No job shall be carried out without a valid permit. Permit should be in line
with OISD-STD-105 "Work Permit System".
ii) Smoking should be prohibited in all places containing readily combustible
or flammable materials and "No Smoking" notices be prominently
iii) In confined spaces and other places where flammable gases, vapours or
dusts can cause danger, following measures should be taken:
(a) only approved type electrical installations and equipment,
including portable lamps, should be used;
(b) there should be no naked flames or source of ignition;
(c) oily rags, waste and clothes or other substances liable to
spontaneous ignition should be removed without delay to a safe
(d) Air operated ventilation system should be provided.
iv) Regular inspections should be made of places where there are fire risks.
These include the vicinity of heating appliances, electrical installations and
conductors, stores of flammable and combustible materials, welding and
cutting operations.
v) Welding, flame/gas cutting and other hot work should only be done after
issuance of work permit in line with the requirement of OISD-STD-105

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 192 Page No. 53


after appropriate precautions, as required, are taken to reduce the risk of

fire. For carrying out other jobs also, OISD-STD-105 should be followed
vi) Fire-extinguishing equipment should be well maintained and inspected at
suitable intervals by a competent person. Access to fire-extinguishing
equipment such as hydrants, portable extinguishers and connections for
hoses should be kept clear at all times.
vii) All supervisors and workers should be trained in the use of fire-
extinguishing equipment, so that adequate trained personnel are readily
available during all working periods.
viii) Audio means to give warning in case of fire should be provided where this
is necessary to prevent danger. Such warning should be clearly audible in
all parts of the site where persons are liable to work. There should be an
effective evacuation plan so that all persons are evacuated.
ix) Notices should be posted at conspicuous places indicating:
(a) the nearest fire alarm;
(b) the telephone number and address of the nearest emergency
x) The work site shall be cleared of all combustible materials, as Sparks and
molten metal coming from the welding job can easily ignite combustible
materials near or below the welding site. If the combustible materials
cannot be removed from the area, the same shall be properly shielded.
xi) A dry chemical type fire extinguisher (DCP) shall be made available in the
work area. Also fire protection facilities like running hoses etc. as per
permit should be complied with.
xii) Wherever required, welding screens shall be put up to protect other
equipment in adjoining areas against flying sparks. Material used should
be metal/ fire proof blanket/water curtain.
xiii) Welding or cutting of vessels/ equipments used in Hydrocarbon/
hazardous flammable chemicals shall be done after ensuring hydrocarbon
free area and verifying the same with the suitable hydrocarbon detector.
xiv) The confined space/equipment shall be made gas free (hydrocarbon and
toxic) and cleaned and shall be ensured, with the help of suitable gas
xv) Used and hot electrode stubs shall be discarded in a metal bucket.
xvi) Use PESO approved and certified spark arrestors for vehicles, wherever
xvii) Relevant work permit ( hot work, cold work, vessel entry etc. as the case
maybe) to be obtained, if construction work is carried out within existing
operating area.
xviii) Precaution against pyrophoric material shall be ensured.

8.0 Environment Protection

8.1 Waste

The contractor is required to develop, institute and maintain a Waste

Management Programme (WMP) during the construction of the project for
his works and obtain approval of the owner. WMP may include: -

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 192 Page No. 54


i) Identification of disposal sites.

ii) Identification of waste/surplus quantities to be disposed off.
iii) Identification of amounts intended to be stored temporarily on site
location of such storage.
iv) Use of proper PPEs.
v) Identification of intended transport means and route.
vi) Obtaining permission, where required, for disposal.

Such a mechanism is intended to ensure that the designation of areas for

the segregation and temporary storage of reusable and recyclable
materials are incorporate into the WMP. The WMP should be prepared
and submitted to the Engineer for approval.

The Contractor shall handle waste in a manner that ensures they are held
securely without loss or leakage thus minimizing potential for pollution
and fire. The Contractor shall maintain and clean waste storage areas

The Contractor shall make arrangement to stack the metal scrap at

designated location and maintain the site free from obstruction. The scrap
to be disposed as per owner instruction at regular interval.

8.2 Hazardous Waste Management

If encountered or generated as a result of Contractor’s activity, then

waste classified as hazardous under the “Hazardous Wastes
(Management & Handling) Rules, 1989, and amendments thereunder
time to time” shall be disposed off in a manner in compliance with the
procedure given in the rules under the aforesaid act.

Chemicals classified as hazardous chemicals under “Manufacture,

Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemical Rules, 1989 of Environment
(Protection) Act, 1986 (latest) shall be disposed off in a manner in
compliance with the procedure given in the rules under the aforesaid act.

8.3 Air Quality

The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions to minimise fugitive

dust emissions from operations involving excavation, grading, and
clearing of land and disposal of waste. He shall not allow emissions of
fugitive dust from any transport, handling, construction or storage activity
to remain visible in atmosphere beyond the property line of emission
source for any prolonged period of time without notification to the

The Contractor shall use construction equipment designed and equipped

to minimise or control air pollution. He shall maintain evidence of such
design and equipment and make these available for inspection by

If after commencement of construction activity, Employer believes that the

contractor’s equipment or methods of working are causing unacceptable
air pollution impacts then these shall be inspected and remedial
proposals shall be drawn up by the Contractor, submitted for review to the
Employer and implemented.

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 192 Page No. 55


The Contractor shall maintain the MSDS of the chemicals used / stacked
at site and same shall be handled as per the standard prescribed
procedure. The quantity shall be stored strictly as per the norms and
emergency handling procedure shall be known and displayed

8.4 Noise

The Contractor shall consider noise as an environmental constraint in his

design, planning and execution of the Works and provide demonstrable
evidence of the same. The Contractor shall, take all appropriate
measures to ensure that work carried out by the Contractor, whether on
or off the Site, will not cause any unnecessary or excessive noise.

8.5 Occupational Noise

i) Protection against the effects of occupational noise exposure should

be provided when the sound levels exceed the threshold values as
ii) When employees are subjected to expose the sound levels beyond
the prescribed limit, feasible administrative or engineering controls
should be ensured.
iii) If such controls fail to reduce sound levels within the levels, personal
protective equipment shall be provided and used to reduce sound
levels within the prescribed limit.


9.1 Medical Examination

The contractor shall arrange a medical examination of all his employees

before employing, after illness or injury, if it appears that the illness or
injury might have affected his fitness and, thereafter, at periodicity
stipulated under Factories Act / Building & Construction Workers
Regulation (BOCWR).

The Contractor shall maintain the confidential records of medical

examination by the physician authorized by the Employer.

9.2 Occupational Health Centre

The contractor shall ensure at a construction site an occupational health

centre, mobile or static is provided and maintained in good order. Services
and facilities as per the scale lay down under Factories Act / Building &
Construction Workers Regulation (BOCWR). A construction medical officer
appointed in an occupational health centre possess the qualification as
laid down under Factories Act / Building & Construction Workers
Regulation (BOCWR).

9.3 First Aid

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 192 Page No. 56


First aid facilities should be provided in line with various statutory

regulations like The Factory Act etc. However following care should be

i) First aid, including the provision of trained personnel should be

ensured at work sites. Arrangement should be made for ensuring
the medical attention of the injured workers.
ii) Suitable rescue equipment, like stretchers should be kept readily
available at the construction site.
iii) First-aid kits or boxes, as appropriate and as per statutory
requirements, should be provided at workplaces and be protected
against contamination by dust, moisture etc.
iv) First-aid kit or boxes should not contain anything besides material
for first aid in emergencies.
v) First-aid kits and boxes should contain simple and clear
instructions to be followed, be kept under the charge of a
responsible person qualified to render the first aid and be regularly
inspected and replenished.
vi) Where the work involves risk of drowning, asphyxiation or electric
shock, first-aid personnel should be proficient in the use of
resuscitation and other life saving techniques as specified in
rescue procedures.
vii) Emergency telephone numbers of nearby Hospitals, Police, Fire
Station and Administration should be prominently displayed.


The intention of keeping documentation of all types of accident(s) is to prevent

recurrence of similar accident(s). All accidents should be reported as per OISD
Guidelines and The Factories Act, 1948/ BOCWR.
All accidents (major, minor or near miss) should be investigated, analysed and
recommendations should be documented along with implementation status.
All related data should be well-documented and further analysis highlighting the
major cause(s) of accidents be done. This will help in identifying thrust areas and
training needs for prevention of accidents.


Safety awareness to all section of personnel ranging from site-in-charge to

workmen helps not only preventing the risk but also build up the confidence. Time
and expenditures also get saved as a result.
Safety awareness basically seeks to persuade/inform people on safety besides
supplementing skill also. Awareness programme may include followings:
i) Poster: Posters with safety slogan in humorous, gruesome demonstrating
manner may be used to discourage bad habits attributable to accidents by
appealing to the workers' pride, self-love, affection curiosity or human
aspects. These should be displayed in prominent location(s).

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 192 Page No. 57


ii) Safety Sign Boards: Different type of message of cautioning, attention,

notice etc. should be displayed at the appropriate places for learning/
awareness of the workmen while working at site.
iii) Films & Slides: Film(s) narrating the accident case study including the
causes and possible remedial ways of preventing the recurrence of a similar
accident should be displayed at regular intervals. Slides consisting main
points of the film show may also be shown to workers.
iv) Talks, lectures & conferences: The success of these events would depend
much on audience’s understandings of the speaker (s). The speakers are to
be knowledgeable and good presenter. Speakers should know to hold the
attention and to influence the audiences.
v) Competitions: Organise competition(s) between the different
deptts/categories of workers. The sense of reward/recognition also will
improve safety awareness and result in enhancing safety levels.
vi) Exhibitions: Exhibitions also make the workers acquainted with hazards and
means of preventive measures.
vii) Safety Publication: Safety publications including pocket books dealing with
ways of investigation and prevention in the field of safety and so on, may be
distributed to workers to promote the safety awareness.
viii) Safety Drives: From time to time, an intensive safety drive by organising a
safety day or a safety week etc. should be launched.
ix) Training: Training for covering the hazards for different trade should be
imparted. Training should also include the specific hazards related to a job in
addition to the general safety training as has been dealt in various chapters
and should include all workers. Reference may be drawn from OISD-STD-

i) Factory Act, 1948
ii) Indian Electricity Rules
iii) Safety & Health in Construction by ILO
iv) The Building & Other Construction Workers (Regulation, Employment and
Conditions of Service) Act 1996 and Central Rules 1998
v) CSB guidelines
vi) IS 1161: 2006 or latest edition - Steel tubes for structural purposes —
vii) IS 2750: 1964 or latest edition - Specification for steel scaffolding.
viii) IS : 3696 (Part 1) – 1987 (Scaffolds) Safety code of scaffolds and ladders
ix) IS : 3696 (Part 2) – 1987 (Ladders)Safety code of scaffolds and ladders
x) IS 4014 Part I: 2006 or latest edition - Code of practice for steel tubular
scaffolding - definitions and materials.
xi) IS 4014 Part II: 2005 or latest edition - Code of practice for Steel tubular
scaffolding - Safety regulations for scaffolding.
xii) Building & Other Construction Workers(Regulation on employment
&conditions of service) central rules, 1998 (Provision related to Scaffold).
xiii) OHSA Standard on Scaffold (CFR 1926.452)

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 192 Page No. 58



01. IS : 818 Code of Practice for Safety and Health Requirements in Electric
and Gas Welding and Cutting Operations – First Revision.
02. IS : 875 Code of practice for Structural safety of buildings: Masonry walls
03. IS : 933 Specification for Portable Chemical Fire Extinguisher, Foam
Type – Second Revision.
04. IS : 1179 Specification for Equipment for Eye and Face Protection during
Welding – First Revision.
05. IS : 1904 Code of practice for Structural safety of buildings: Shallow
06. IS : 1905 Code of practice for Structural safety of buildings: Masonry walls
07. IS : 2171 Specification for Portable Fire Extinguishers, Dry Powder Type –
Second Revision.
08. IS : 2361 Specification for Building Grips – First Revision.
09. IS : 2750 Specification for Steel Scaffoldings.
10. IS : 2925 Specification for Industrial Safety Helmets – First Revision.
11. IS : 3016 Code of Practice for Fires Precautions in Welding and Cutting
Operations – First Revision.
12. IS : 3521 Industrial safety belts and harnesses
13. IS : 3696 – Part I Safety Code for Scaffolds and Ladders : Part I – Scaffolds.
14. IS : 3696 – Part II Safety Code for Scaffolds and Ladders : Part II – Ladders.
15. IS : 3764 Safety Code for Excavation Work.
16. IS : 4014 -Part I & II Code of practice for Steel tubular scaffolding
17. IS : 4081 Safety Code for Blasting and Related Drilling Operations.
18. IS : 4082 Recommendations on staking and storage of construction
materials at site
19. IS : 4130 Safety Code for Demolition of Buildings – First Revision.
20. IS : 4138 Safety Code Working in Compressed Air-First Revision
21. IS : 4756 Safety code for Tunneling works
22. IS : 4912 Safety requirements for Floor and Wall Openings, Railings and
toe Boards –First Revision.
23. IS : 5121 Safety Code for Piling and other Deep Foundations.
24. IS : 5916 Safety Code for Construction involving use of Hot Bituminous
25. IS : 5983 Specification for Eye Protectors – First Revision.
26. IS : 6922 Structures subject to underground blasts, criteria for safety and
design of
27. IS : 7155 Code of recommended practices for conveyor safety
28. IS : 7205 Safety Code for Erection on Structural Steel Works.

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 192 Page No. 59


29. IS : 7069 Safety Code for Handling and Storage of Building Materials.
30. IS : 7293 Safety Code for Working with Construction Machinery.
31. IS : 7323 Guidelines for operation of Reservoirs
32. IS : 7969 Safety code for handling and storage of building material
33. IS : 8758 Recommendation for Fire Precautionary Measures in
construction of Temporary Structures and Pandals.
34. IS : 8989 Safety Code for Erection of Concrete Framed Structures.
35. IS : 9706 Code of Practices for construction of Arial ropeways for
transportation of material
36. IS : 9759 Guidelines for de-watering during construction
37. IS : 9944 Recommendations on safe working load for natural and man-
made fibre rope slings
38. IS : 10291 Safety code for dress divers in civil engineering works
39. IS :10386 – Part I Safety Code for Construction, Operation and Maintenance for
River Valley Projects.
40. IS :10386 – Part II Safety Code for Construction, Operation and Maintenance of
River Valley Projects.
41. IS : 11057 Code of practice for Industrial safety nets
42. IS : 13415 Code of Practice on safety for Protective barriers in and around
43. IS : 13416 Recommendations for preventive measures against hazards at
working places

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

Page No. I

OISD – GDN – 207




Second Edition, April, 2016

First Edition, October, 2002

Oil Industry Safety Directorate

Government of India
Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas
8th Floor, OIDB Bhavan, Plot No. 2, Sector – 73, Noida – 201301 (U.P.)
Tele: 0120-2593800, Fax: 0120-2593802

Page No. II

OISD – GDN – 207

Second Edition, April, 2016
First Edition, October, 2002



Prepared by



8th Floor, OIDB Bhavan, Plot No. 2, Sector – 73, Noida – 201301 (U.P.)
Tele: 0120-2593800, Fax: 0120-2593802

Page No. III


Indian petroleum industry is the energy lifeline of the nation and its continuous performance is essential for
sovereignty and prosperity of the country. As the industry essentially deals with inherently inflammable
substances throughout its value chain – upstream, midstream and downstream – Safety is of paramount
importance to this industry as only safe performance at all times can ensure optimum ROI of these national
assets and resources including sustainability.

While statutory organizations were in place all along to oversee safety aspects of Indian petroleum industry,
Oil Industry Safety Directorate (OISD) was set up in 1986 Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas,
Government of India as a knowledge centre for formulation of constantly updated world-scale standards for
design, layout and operation of various equipment, facility and activities involved in this industry. Moreover,
OISD was also given responsibility of monitoring implementation status of these standards through safety

In more than 25 years of its existence, OISD has developed a rigorous, multi-layer, iterative and participative
process of development of standards – starting with research by in-house experts and iterating through
seeking & validating inputs from all stake-holders – operators, designers, national level knowledge
authorities and public at large – with a feedback loop of constant updation based on ground level experience
obtained through audits, incident analysis and environment scanning.

The participative process followed in standard formulation has resulted in excellent level of compliance by
the industry culminating in a safer environment in the industry. OISD – except in the Upstream Petroleum
Sector – is still a regulatory (and not a statutory) body but that has not affected implementation of the OISD
standards. It also goes to prove the old adage that self-regulation is the best regulation. The quality and
relevance of OISD standards had been further endorsed by their adoption in various statutory rules of the

Petroleum industry in India is significantly globalized at present in terms of technology content requiring its
operation to keep pace with the relevant world scale standards & practices. This matches the OISD
philosophy of continuous improvement keeping pace with the global developments in its target environment.
To this end, OISD keeps track of changes through participation as member in large number of International
and national level Knowledge Organizations – both in the field of standard development and implementation
& monitoring in addition to updation of internal knowledge base through continuous research and application
surveillance, thereby ensuring that this OISD Standard, along with all other extant ones, remains relevant,
updated and effective on a real time basis in the applicable areas.

Together we strive to achieve NIL incidents in the entire Hydrocarbon Value Chain. This, besides other
issues, calls for total engagement from all levels of the stake holder organizations, which we, at OISD,
fervently look forward to.

Jai Hind!!!
Executive Director
Oil Industry Safety Directorate

Page No. IV

At the time of development of this document, 113 OISD standards,
recommended practices and guidelines are applicable to the Oil and Gas
installations of Public sector Oil Companies in India. 11 of these standards have
been adopted by Petroleum and Explosives Safety Organisation (PESO) in
various rules administered by them and thus the provisions of these standards
are mandatory for entire Oil & Gas sector to that extent.

A few serious accidents have occurred in the recent past in India and abroad
including vapour cloud explosion and fire at Oil terminal near Jaipur emphasised
the need for the industry to review the existing provisions of various guidelines
and statutory requirements.

With the above in view the Government of India directed the Oil Industry Safety
directorate to develop a comprehensive document covering all the facets of
Safety in Design, Operation and Maintenance, of depots and terminals being run
by marketing divisions of Oil companies with an objective to strengthen the
existing system.

The present guideline on “Contractor Safety” has been prepared by the functional
committee based on, existing standards, guidelines & recommended practices of
OISD, the recommendations arising out of recent major accidents and their
analysis, the accumulated knowledge and experience of industry members in
India and updation of National and International codes and practices.

The provisions of this document, if implemented objectively, may go a long way

in enhancing overall safety standard and reduce accidents in Oil Installations.

Users are cautioned that no standard can be substitute to the “judgement and
experience of Engineers”

This document will be reviewed periodically for improvements based on the new
experiences and better understanding. Suggestions are also invited from the
users after it is put into practice to improve the document further. Suggestions
may be addressed to:
The Coordinator
Committee on “Contractor Safety”
Oil Industry Safety Directorate
8th Floor, OIDB Bhavan, Plot No. 2, Sector – 73, Noida – 201301 (U.P.)
Tele: 0120-2593800, Fax: 0120-2593802

This guideline in no way supercedes the statutory regulations of Chief Controller of Explosives
(CCE), Factory Inspectorate or any other statutory body, which shall be followed as applicable.

Page No. V


OISD (Oil Industry Safety Directorate) publications are prepared for use in the Oil
and Gas Industry under Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas. These are the
property of Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas and shall not be reproduced or
copied and loaned or exhibited to others without written consent from OISD.

Though every effort has been made to assure the accuracy and reliability of the
data contained in these documents, OISD hereby expressedly disclaims any
liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting from their use.

These documents are intended to supplement rather than replace the prevailing
statutory requirements.

Page No. VI



Name Organization Status


Ashok Dashputre Vice President, RIL Leader

Dharmvir Addl. Director, OISD Member Coordinator

A K Gupta DGM (HSE), IOCL Member

P K Agarwal CM (HSE), IOCL Member

S Mukharjee DGM (C), EIL Member

Udoay Payyadi Sr. Manager-Maintenance, HPCL Member

Vijay Mohan Addl. Director, CHT Member

Manish Pandey Sr. Manager (Mech), BORL Member

B K Rabha Dy. CE(Instrumentation), OIL Member

Bimal Raj V L Manager (F&S), BPCL – KR Member

Yogesh J Nakhre Manager-F&S, HPCL. Member

Upinder Kumar Petronet LNG Member

A K Arora Addl. Director, OISD Member

In addition to the above, several other experts from Industry contributed in the preparation,
review and finalisation of this Guideline.

Page No. VII



Name Organization Status


R N Biswas Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. Leader

S K Bag Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. Member

K Prakash Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd. Member

A Tilwankar Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd. Member

A D Ghorpade Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd. Member

Thomas Chacko Kochi Refineries Ltd. Member

R Chakravarty Numaligarh Refineries Ltd. Member

N R Adsul Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd. Member

M P Jain Engineers India Ltd. Member

C M Sharma Oil Industry Safety Directorate Member

A K Ranjan Oil Industry Safety Directorate Member Coordinator

In addition to the above, several other experts from Industry contributed in the preparation,
review and finalisation of this Guideline.

Page No. VIII





2.0 SCOPE 1



4.1 Owner 2

4.2 Contractor 5

4.3 Consultant 8

4.4 Designer 9


5.1 Job Safety Analysis (JSA) 9

5.2 Criteria of a Selection of a Contractor 9

5.3 Site Planning and Layout 10

5.4 Gate Entry Procedure 11

5.5 Training 13

5.6 Inspection / Audit 17

5.7 Penalties for non-compliance 17

5.8 Incident Reporting and Investigation System 20

5.9 Safety Committee Meetings 20

5.10 Safety Equipment / Personnel Protective Equipment 23


ANNEXURE I List of BIS codes / Statutory Regulations 25

ANNEXURE II Checklist for Safety Inspection / Audit 28


OISD – GDN – 207 Page No. 1




Oil and Gas operations like Drilling, Production, Refining, Storage, Transportation and
Distribution, etc. are inherently hazardous. A large number of contractor workforce is
deployed to carry out construction, maintenance and other jobs. The analysis of the
incidents in the Petroleum Sector indicates that a large number of incidents involved
contractor workforce and have resulted in either casualty or injury besides leading to
property damage and operational interruptions and environmental degradation.

In order to improve the safety levels of hydrocarbon installations, the contractor safety
is of utmost importance and there is a need to institute a good contractor safety


This document covers broadly the guidelines on the HSE management system for
enhancing the safety levels of the contractor workforce deployed in construction,
maintenance and operation activities in the hydrocarbon industry.

The safety precautions to be taken while carrying out different activities during
construction / maintenance have separately been covered in OISD-GDN-192 on
"Safety Practices during Construction".


Work station / Work site

A place / unit where the job is carried out by contractor/executing agency in specified
manner with safety, during construction phase or in operation phase.

Any physical or legal person/entity for whom prescribed job is carried out.

It shall also include owner's designated representative / consultant /nominee / agent,

authorised from time to time to act for and on its behalf, for supervising / co-ordinating
the activities of the contractor/execution agency.

Contractor / Executing Agency

A physical or legal person/entity having contractual obligation with the owner, and who
deploys one or more worker on the site.

Contractor Worker

It covers all workmen who are either self-employed or employed through contractor,
the casual workers and includes contractor’s supervisor, working at a location / site
employed directly by Owner or through their contractor.

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 207 Page No. 2



An incident is an unplanned, uncontrolled, unintended or unforeseen event, caused by

unsafe acts and / or unsafe conditions, resulting in or having the potential to result in
personal injury and/or property damage.


Consultant is a physical or legal person/entity engaged by owner to provide the

consultancy services to owner for management of the contract on their behalf or as


Designer is a physical or legal person / entity engaged by owner to provide design

services of a work site.

Owner's Representative / Engineer In Charge

The Owner’s representative/Engineer-in-charge is the one, who has been designated

by the owner to manage the contract.

Owner's Safety Officer

A properly trained person designated by owner who ensures safety at work site.



4.1.1 Owner’s Management

The commitment to safety has to be emphasized by the owner by practice by its own
management and employees at all levels. The duties and responsibilities of owner
should include:

i) To institute a mechanism for identification and compliance of all applicable

statutory rules & regulations (Refer Annexure I for a list of few important Bureau
of Indian Standards & statutory regulations).

ii) To provide specific information to contractors and make workers aware on the
hazards associated with job assigned.

iii) To provide information about Risk Mitigation measures available at the place of

iv) To provide the contractor with information on Owners Safety Plan & Regulations,
Emergency Management Plan, lockout / tag out procedure, confined space entry,
work permit system, excavation / trench permit system etc.

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 207 Page No. 3


v) To specify rules (e.g. for security including access arrangements) and safety rules
such as fire protection, first aid arrangements, Work Permit systems etc.

vi) To provide comprehensive list of statutory regulations / standards and

specification, to be complied with during execution of contract, in the tender
document itself.

vii) To ensure training of the contractor workforce, medical examination, and proper
usage of safety equipment.

viii) To specify the requirements of Health, Safety and Environment (HSE)

(commensurate with the nature of job) in Pre- Qualification criteria.

ix) To designate Engineer-in-charge and safety officer.

x) To arrange for a multi-disciplinary safety audit team to conduct surprise / regular

safety audits and monitor the implementation of the recommendations.

xi) To introduce suitable schemes for motivation of the contractor worker to adhere to
safety guidelines.

xii) To review safety practices & their implementation through periodic surprise visit of
the work sites and monthly review meeting.

xiii) To develop the HSE plans and incorporate the same in the tender document.

xiv) To liaise with external agencies like press, public etc and with law enforcement,
regulatory, statutory agencies etc.

xv) To report to statutory agencies on safety compliance and accidents, if any.

4.1.2 Owner's Representative/Engineer-in-charge

The duties & responsibilities of engineer-in-charge should include:

i) To ensure that all Contract requirements including Health, Safety, Environment &
Security are complied with.

ii) To ensure that contractor workforce deployed is adequately qualified, trained and
in state of health to commensurate with the requirements of the job.

iii) To ensure that the Tools / Tackles and Machinery being used are properly tested
and are in sound working conditions and necessary resources proposed for
providing safe place of work and necessary PPE are being used.

iv) To take the required necessary corrective action immediately upon noticing or
receipt of a report on noncompliance or any such condition which poses a threat
to health, safety or environment. If during the course of execution of the contract,
any situation of non-compliance with the contractor's safety and health plan are
noticed / reported, the same will be taken up with the contractor for correction. In
the event of repeated non compliance, suitable action to be initiated as per the

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 207 Page No. 4


v) To ensure that the incidents are reported to all concerned within stipulated time

vi) To ensure submission of a plan for safe working (Method Statement) from
contractor and approval of the same by competent person / department.

vii) To ensure that Work Permit System in line with OISD-STD-105 is adhered to.

viii) To ensure availability of all the documentation needed for the execution of

ix) To ensure that the quality controls have been maintained during
fabrication/erection and all jobs required for safe commissioning have been
carried out.

x) To ensure safe dismantling of all temporary facilities/connections put up by the

contractor, after completion of work.

xi) To compile a report on the safety performance (at the conclusion of each contract
or periodically such as annually for renewable and long-term contracts), which is
to be considered in future when selecting contractors.

xii) To ensure that the Consultant, contractor and sub-contractor employ / designate
qualified & trained Safety Engineer / Officer commensurate with requirement of
the job.

xiii) To comply with all applicable safety and health standards, rules, regulations and
orders issued by competent authority pertaining to the assigned activities.

4.1.3 Owner's Safety Officer

The duties & responsibilities of the Owner's Safety Officer should include:

i) To assess the hazards associated with jobs in consultation with all concerned and
establish safe working procedure including identification of the escape routes.
ii) To establish a written record of factors which can cause injuries and illnesses and
maintain statistical information for use in analysing all types of incidents and
events involving contract personnel.
iii) To undertake routine/surprise inspections of all work sites and identify unsafe
conditions & practices, if any. Check for compliance of the safety practices being
followed with approved HSE Plan.
iv) To investigate promptly the incidents (including near-miss) in order to advise
corrective and/or preventive action and assist management for its compliance.
v) To ensure periodic internal audits, review meetings, monitor and analyse HSE
performance, nonconformities and suggest its corrective & preventive action.
vi) To encourage contractor and contract workers for reporting requirements for of
occupational injuries and illnesses.

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 207 Page No. 5


vii) To advise whether the proposed working arrangements are safe and satisfactory,
particularly at the interface between the contractor's planned work and owner’s
existing facilities.

viii) To communicate to the Contractor the imposed restrictions which may affect the
work/personnel such as the temporary closure of a corridor or electrical isolation
of equipment.

ix) To review and monitor the contractor's adherence to approved HSE plan and
compliance thereof.

x) To design and conduct either independently or in collaboration with the training

department, suitable HSE training programme for the prevention of personal
injuries to Consultant, Contractor’s Managers, Supervisors and workmen at all

xi) To identify areas of operations where specialized training is required to deal with
potential dangers.

xii) To document and to bring to the attention of the Owner's Supervisor and
Contractor any non-compliance/violation of the safety norms against approved
safety and health plan or safety and health requirements and also raise these
issues in the Safety Committee Meetings.

xiii) To take part in Tool Box Meetings at random and to ensure maintenance of

I. Establish, implement, maintain and review HSE objectives and programs

including responsibility, authority, means & time frame at all relevant
functions and levels.
II. Apprise the management about HSE status & help formulate appropriate
policies for continual improvement.
III. Standardize PPE & Safety Devices, identify and develop approved vendors
wherever required.
To organise campaigns, competitions, contests and other activities in association
with the concerned departments, which will develop and maintain the interest of
the contractor and contractor workers in establishing and maintaining safe
conditions of work and procedures;


4.2.1 Contractor's Management

Duties & responsibilities of the contractor should include the following:

i) To implement safe methods and practices, deploy appropriate machinery, tools &
tackles, experienced supervisory personnel and skilled work force etc. required
for execution.

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 207 Page No. 6


ii) To prepare a comprehensive and documented plan for implementation,

monitoring and reporting of Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) and implement
the same after its approval.

iii) To nominate qualified & trained Safety Engineers / Officers reporting to the Site in
charge, for supervision, co-ordination and, liaison for the implementation of the
safety plan.

Similar HSE Plan should be implemented at the sub- contractor’s or supplier’s site
/office. However the compliance with the HSE Plan is to be the sole responsibility
of the Contractor.

iv) To arrange facilities at suitable location in liaison with the owner for drinking
water, toilets, lighting, canteen, lunch shelter, crèche etc. as applicable as per
Laws/ Legislation at site and also arrange for workmen compensation insurance,
third party liability insurance, registration under ESI / PF act etc as applicable.

v) To arrange for fire protection equipment as per the advice of owner.

vi) To ensure that its employees have completed appropriate health and safety
training as required by the statute / regulation and also as per requirements of the
Owner / Consultant. The documentation of such training imparted to all its
employees should be maintained and produced for verification as required.

vii) To comply with all the security arrangements of owner.

viii) To ensure that the plant and equipment used on-site by contractor / employees is
correctly registered, controlled and maintained in sound working condition.

ix) To ensure availability of First Aid boxes and First Aid trained attendant and other
facilities as per requirement of factory Act / Building & Construction Workers
Regulation (BOCWR).

x) To ensure that all incidents including near misses are reported immediately.
Investigated with corrective and preventive action and learning are shared with all
workers and all concerned at the earliest.

xi) To have HSE policy

xii) Maintain HSE performance data on yearly basis and submit to owner for

In construction projects where sub-contractors are engaged, the contractor should set
out the responsibilities, duties and safety measures that are expected of the sub-
contractor’s workforce. These measures should include the provision and use of
specific safety equipment, methods of carrying out specific tasks on safety and the
inspection and appropriate use of tools.

The responsibilities indicated separately under contractor’s Supervisor, Safety Officer

and contract worker are contractually that of the Contractor and legally binding on the

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 207 Page No. 7


Contractor only. However the specific detailing as above has been given separately for
guidance and operational convenience.

The selection of sub contractors, if employed, should be approved by the owner. Sub-
contractor should comply fully with all safety rules and conditions applicable to the
main contractor.

4.2.2 Contractor’s Supervisor / Safety Officer

Duties & responsibilities of the Contractor’s supervisor/Safety Officer should include

the following:

i) To ensure strict compliance with work permit system by carrying out work only
with appropriate work permits and after ensuring that all safety precautions /
conditions in the permit are complied with and closing the same after job

ii) To ensure that required guards and standard personal protective equipment are
provided, used, and properly maintained including contingency requirement.

iii) To ensure inspection, tested, certification and maintenance of all tools and ensure
removal of defective tools.

iv) To plan the workload and assign workers to jobs in commensuration with their
qualification, experience and state of health.

v) To ensure that all the preventive measures for identified hazards (e.g. Job Safety
Analysis, Job Hazard Analysis, HIRA, etc.) are in place and communicated to

vi) To take immediate corrective action against the violation of safety rules observed
or reported.

vii) To ensure that the workers likely to be exposed to hazardous chemicals/materials

have access to appropriate Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), and provide
necessary mitigation measures.

viii) To ensure that appropriate warning signboards or tags are displayed.

ix) To ensure that all workers have proper training for their job assignments,
including use of appropriate PPE, first aid and fire fighting equipment.

x) To ensure that only medically fit person shall be engaged in work and also ensure
that sick / or injured workers during course of work should receive timely and
appropriate first aid and/or medical attention.

xiii) To report each incident and/or injury in accordance with established procedures
and assist in investigation.

I. Maintain Daily HSE observation log book at site

II. Conduct Tool Box talks along with Site Engineers/ supervisors.

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 207 Page No. 8


Maintain the published HSE literature, HSE regulations, codes and other
communications. Advise management of compliance and conditions requiring

A fulltime / dedicated Safety Officer should be assigned, where more than 100 workers
are employed at site. For smaller jobs, the supervisor should assume the role of the
safety officer also.

4.2.3 Contract workers

The duties & responsibilities of the contractor worker should include the following:

i) To perform work safely as per the job requirement and instructions.

ii) To inform all concerned regarding unsafe conditions / and unsafe acts.

iii) To wear PPE as stipulated and necessary for the job.

iv) To inform promptly to their supervisor regarding all work related incidents resulting
in personal injury, illness and/or property damage.

v) To take all necessary and appropriate safety precautions to protect themselves,

other personnel and the environment.


The activities and responsibilities covered under the scope of the Owner may be
delegated to the consultant in those cases as applicable, based on the respective
contract conditions. The primary responsibility of Consultant is to ensure compliance
with agreed HSE plan for the contract by the Contractor. However those
responsibilities conferred on Owner as Principal employer cannot be delegated to

Where the consultant‘s scope involves Engineering and Design, those factors under
Designer (Para 4.4) should also be applicable.

In all cases, the Consultant's scope should include submission of latest HSE plans for
work under his and Contractor's purview and implementing the same till job
completion. It should conform to owner's overall HSE plan. This should include
Guidelines and Implementation and Reporting Methodology to be followed with
required report formats.

Adequate number of Safety Officers shall be provided by the Consultant with

necessary skills required for the work to be performed.

The Consultant shall review the documents submitted by the contractor and advise
owner on acceptance as well as advise suitability and number of Contractor's safety
officers / supervisors.

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 207 Page No. 9



The Process Designer should identify all hazards and risks likely to be encountered
during fabrication, erection including dismantling, Pre-commissioning, commissioning
and Performance run to meet the Guarantees and advise the risk mitigation measures.

All the hazards and safety measures to be adopted while handling Dangerous
chemicals and Catalysts should be detailed by the Process Licensor and the same
should be again included in the scope of the suppliers. Specific write ups/MSDS
should be obtained from Patented single source suppliers also.

Designs should recognize, include and apply safe practice during preparation,
construction and subsequent operational use and maintenance after completion of the

All documents including drawings and calculations are to be originated, checked and
approved in accordance with latest international codes, standards, specifications and
design basis philosophy.

Use of low risk materials, non hazardous substances, use of low noise and dust-
suppressed equipment etc. should be encouraged.



Job safety analysis (JSA) provides a mechanism by which the contractor / owner,
safety officer(s) and job supervisor(s) take a detailed look at how an individual task is
performed , and its inherent hazards and preventive measures. This procedure helps
in integrating accepted safety and health principles and practices into a particular
operation. In a JSA, each step of the job is examined to identify potential hazards and
to determine the safest way to do the job.

A job safety analysis includes five steps as below:

 Select a job
 Break the job down into a sequence of steps
 Identify the hazards against each of these steps (based on knowledge of accident,
causes of injuries and personal experience) and determine the preventive
measures to overcome these hazards
 Apply the controls to the hazards
 Evaluate the controls measures and revisit JSA if necessary



“Contractor Safety” can be ensured to a large extent if competent agency for execution
of assignment or job, based on HSE system agreed upon by owner, is selected. It is
necessary to assess his capabilities and competencies to perform work safely.

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 207 Page No. 10


A databank should be developed for all the contractors for their past performance on
HSE aspects. An attempt should also be made to get similar data from other similar

The data required will depend upon complexity involved in the job and type / size of
resources required. Format needs to be suitably developed depending upon size,
nature of the job & hazard associated therein. The format designed should also take
care of the skill required to carry out the job.

Performance review is essential for all type of contractors. It helps in recording actual
performance/experience with contractors while the contract is in progress. It is
essential that resources agreed as per the contract are reviewed at mobilization stage
for ensuring compliance from the day one and thorough effective supervision /
monitoring system are at place.

This activity also helps in taking timely action in case of unsatisfactory performance to
correct the situation and ensure safe work during execution period and deciding about
suitability of the contractor for future jobs.

The periodicity of such performance review will depend upon size/type/complexity of

contract. However, the performance should be reviewed periodically from mobilisation
stage till the demobilization stage. Appropriate corrective action should be ensured.


Before starting the construction/maintenance job at existing workplace in operation or

green field locations, following should be ensured: -

i) Details regarding location of workshop/ fabrication yard, site office, stores,

laboratory, electrical installations, placement of construction machinery, medical
and welfare facilities, lighting underground and above ground piping route, cable
route etc. should be decided prior to commencement of the work in consultation
with owner / Consultants and implementation should be ensured. Layout should
be displayed at strategic locations.

ii) The resources required to meet any emergency situations like fire fighting, first
aid etc. should be planned and mobilized as per the job requirement.

iii) The sequence or order in which work to be done and any hazardous operations
or processes should be identified.

iv) Free access to site shall be provided with clear roads, passage, gangways,
staircases etc. Access to construction site should be leveled, open and free from
any obstructions like construction material or scrap/waste, exposure to hazards
such as falling materials, material handling equipment and vehicles. Any pit or
ditch shall be covered or barricaded.

v) Arrangements should be made to maintain good housekeeping at site. Scrap and

debris generated out of construction work should be removed/disposed off at a
regular interval as directed. Emergency exit should be provided in case of
blockade of primary exit.

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 207 Page No. 11


vi) Suitable warning notices and also the routes to and from welfare facilities should
be displayed prominently.

vii) Pedestrian pathways and routes for vehicular traffic (light/heavy vehicles including
material handling equipment) should be earmarked.

viii) Artificial lighting to be provided at places where work continues or workers pass
by after sunset or in case natural light is insufficient like confined spaces.

ix) Keep all equipment /machines under cover to prevent them from dust, rain/flood
water, heat etc. and follow storage instructions as applicable for each of them.


Gate entry at any site / workplace / unit is to be restricted to ensure entry of only
authorised persons / vehicles.

5.4.1 Entry procedure for all contractor workers should be as follows:

A. Issuance of Pass

i) The passes are to be issued after the owner’s representative/engineer-in-charge

forwards the application of the contractor providing complete details of the workers
being engaged. The contractor should be asked to submit Character & Antecedents
(C&A) verification of individual worker from concerned authorities.

ii) The actual deployment of the workers at the construction site should be done after
imparting the necessary safety induction training.

iii) With regard to issuance of passes for all vehicles including material handling
equipment, owner’s representative / engineer-in-charge should forward the application
only after ensuring that all documents pertaining to the fitness of the vehicle/equipment
and valid driving license of the driver, PUC of the vehicle, insurance of vehicle, etc. are

iv) The passes should be serially numbered with address, contractor name, identification
mark, signature of the worker etc.

v) Special colour code for passes should be used for persons entering different areas like
Administrative Block, Unit area, Project Area (wherever applicable).

vi) Contractor workers engaged on routine basis for long periods should be provided with
monthly photo pass.

vii) Special permit is required separately for working beyond normal working hours and

B. Gate Entry

i) Entry of the contractor’s employees should be permitted with valid gate passes only.

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 207 Page No. 12


ii) Entry of contractor’s workers should be allowed in presence of authorized

representative of contractor.

iii) Records of persons at the time of entry/exit should be maintained.

iv) At the entry gate of the location, a physical checking for non-carrying of lighter,
matchboxes, explosives etc. should be carried out.

v) Gate passes/Identity Cards should be displayed on persons at all the times.

vi) For Mega-projects at existing / operating installations, it is preferable to have a

separate gate for entry of contractor workers and also the project areas should be
segregated fencing from operational area by fencing / other physical means.

vii) No vehicle should be allowed to enter in an operational area without proper flame

viii) Awareness on Safety through training / posters etc. highlighting Do's and Don'ts
should be spread within entire contractor workforce. Video/Audio tapes on Safety
Topics should be played preferably.

ix) For occasionally engaged workers such as for material handling etc., spot photograph
should preferably take with two copies (one for preparing the pass and other for
attachment with gate register). Specific advice and recommendation of User
Department should be given due cognizance. Relevant details are to be written. The
pass should be collected back at the gate after day’s work.

5.4.2 Tank Truck Loading (TTL) Operation :

At the loading / unloading location, a large no. of Tank Trucks of petroleum products
enter the installation. Crew members are generally not regular entrants. The
procedure should be as follows:

i) The gate pass should be issued to the individual crew members on written
request of the transporter mentioning TT registration nos., License and certificate
of training as per MV rule 9.

ii) Character & Antecedent (C & A) verification of the TTL crew through local police
is to be done preferably and record maintained.

iii) For loading/unloading purpose, register entry at security gate is made before
allowing entry into the premises with recording of names of crew members, time
of entry, pass Sr. No., TT no. etc.

iv) For loading/unloading, crew is allowed entry alongwith TT only, after checking of
TT from explosive/security point of view.

v) Out time, invoice no., Destination etc., are recorded while TTs go out of the
security gate.

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 207 Page No. 13



Training is to educate contractor workforce on various hazards associated with the

job/workplace and on the respective preventive / mitigation measures to avoid
untoward incidents.

i) Workers should be adequately and suitably:

(a) informed of potential safety and health hazards to which they may be
exposed to at their workplace;

(b) instructed and trained in the measures available for the prevention, control
and protection against those hazards.

ii) No person should be employed in any work at a workplace unless that person
has received the necessary information, instruction and training so as to be able
to do the work competently and safely. The competent authority should, in
collaboration with employers, promote training programs to enable all the workers
to read and understand the information / instructions related to safety and health

iii) The information, instruction and training should be given in a language

understood by the worker and written, Oral, visual and participative approaches
should be used to ensure that the worker has assimilated the information.

iv) Every worker should receive instruction and training regarding the general safety
and health measures common to the workplace. This should include:

(a) general rights and duties of workers at the workplace;

(b) means of access and egress both during normal working and in an

(c) measures for good housekeeping;

(d) location and proper use of welfare amenities and first aid facilities

(e) proper use and care of the items of personnel protective equipment and
protective clothing provided to the worker;

(f) general measures for personal hygiene and health protection;

(g) fire precautions to be taken;

(h) action to be taken in case of an emergency;

(i) requirements of relevant safety and health rules and regulations.

(j) training on hazards and mitigation measures for specific area where
worker is assigned to work shall be given as part of entry procedure

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 207 Page No. 14


(k) Job specific training / refresher course shall also be given at regular

(l) It is also expected that behaviour based safety culture shall be encouraged
and all the workers will be involved.

Copies of the relevant safety and health rules, regulations and procedures should be
available to workers upon the commencement of and upon any change of employment.

5.5.1 Training Techniques

a) Lectures

This technique should be applied when it is required to transfer information in local

language to a large contractor workforce with controlled content and time.

b) Case Study

This is an effective technique based on the presentation of case of real events by Trainer
to highlight probable causes like Human Error, ignorance about the job etc.

c) Videos

Videos, an effective technique of communication, should be used to display the right

techniques of performing a task in a safe manner and hazards associated with a job.

d) Demonstration at site

Right way to do a job should invariably be demonstrated to workers at the site itself. The
right way is also a safe way. Hazards due to wrong procedures, short cuts and their
adverse effects etc. should also be highlighted.

5.5.2 Training/Awareness Module and Frequency

A. General Safety Training to all categories of contractor employees should be

imparted before induction and annually thereafter. No person should be allowed to
enter the installation without undergoing this training. This training program should

i) Mandatory uses of PPE like Cotton clothes, Helmet, Safety Shoes, Full Body
Safety harness, dust masks, safety goggles, etc.

ii) Probable Hazards related to industry

iii) Job specific hazards

iv) Important Telephone No / Escape route

v) First Aid

vi) Use of Fire extinguisher

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 207 Page No. 15


vii) Location of assembly points

viii) Procedure of calling fire crew in case of any emergency

ix) Wind direction

The contractor workers, if engaged in operation of the plants/facilities, should be

trained in line with Clause No. 4.6 of OISD-GDN-206 on “Safety Management
System”. For other categories of contractor workers, training modules for different
category employees are as follows:

B. Contractor Supervisor

Contractor Supervisor should be trained in accordance with the provision of clause

no., 5.2.7, 5.3.10, 5.6.12 and 5.7.8 of OISD-STD-154 on 'Safety Aspects in
Functional Training'

C. Contractor Worker

Yearly training programme should be carried out for contractor worker and the
records should be maintained. The training programme should cover at least the

i) Worker responsibility for safety of himself and work area.

ii) Associated hazards with the job and job area including electrical shock hazards.

iii) Importance of First Aid fire fighting equipment, their use & operations

iv) Communication system at the installation

v) Fire / Accident Reporting procedure

vi) General Safety rules

vii) Safety Measures during execution of job such as:

- Welding / Cutting / Grinding

- Working at height
- Confined space entry
- X ray / radiation
- Erection / Dismantling of scaffolding
- Tank construction and repairs
- Handling of chemicals etc.
- Hydrojetting
- Leak testing of pipelines and equipment (hydro and pneumatic testing)
- Grit / other methods of blasting for surface preparation blasting etc.
- Chemical cleaning & pickling
- Catalyst loading & storage

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 207 Page No. 16


viii) Importance & use of PPE

ix) Emergency Routes

x) Assembly Points

xi) Job Specific Training

D. Consultant / Contractor

Awareness program should be carried out for demarketed Consultant / Contractor at

the time of induction. This program should cover at least the following:

i) Responsibility of contractor for safety of their personnel and work area

ii) Hazardous property of Petroleum products and chemical used

iii) Communication system

iv) Fire / Accident Reporting procedure

v) Medical facility available

vi) Statutory requirements

vii) Importance of First Aid equipment and required at the site

viii) Work Permit system

ix) Direct/ Indirect losses due to accident

x) Safety Measures while executing the jobs such as:

- Welding / Cutting / Grinding

- Working at height
- Confined space entry
- X ray / radiation
- Erection / Dismantling of scaffolding
- Tank construction and repairs
- Handling of chemicals etc.
- electrical jobs
- Hydrojetting
- Leak testing of pipelines and equipment (hydro and pneumatic testing)
- Grit / other methods of blasting for surface preparation blasting etc.
- Chemical cleaning & pickling
- Catalyst loading & storage

xi) Safety training needs of their supervisors and workers

xii) Importance & Use of PPE at the site

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 207 Page No. 17


xiii) General Safety rules at the installation –

General points:

Workers should not be allowed to take meals or take rest inside the construction / plant

E Security Personnel

Training program should be carried out for Security personnel at the time of induction and
annually thereafter and the records should be maintained. The training program should
cover at least the following:

i) Layout of Plant and Facilities

ii) Vulnerable locations
iii) Safety regulations (Statutory and in company)
iv) Fire Protection Facilities and Locations
v) Role in case of Fire / Disaster
vi) Emergency Procedure and Drills
vii) Industrial First Aid
viii) Use of Personnel Protective Equipment
ix) Disaster Management Plan


Inspection / Audit is a tool to evaluate compliance of all safety requirements. Most of

the information could be gathered through site inspection using ready-made check
lists to ensure that contractors / agencies abide by the safety rules and norms while
working at operating / construction sites.

A checklist, while carrying out different type of jobs, should be developed based on
hazards associated with the job being performed and requirements as per OISD-GDN-
192 on "Safety Practices during Construction". Typical format is enclosed at Annexure II,
which should be modified to suit the requirement of the site / job to be done.

Before starting the work and at regular intervals thereafter, Contractor’s Supervisor/safety
Officer and Owner's representative / Engineer-in charge/safety Officer should inspect as
per the checklist so prepared to ensure that contractor has prepared to start the work with
all safety precaution required for safe execution of job.



Financial or other type of penalties like seizure of gate passes, stoppage of work for a
limited period etc. should be levied on the contractors or their workers for non-compliance
of safety rules. A provision of suitable accident severity based penalty clause for
contractor should be incorporated to ensure adherence of systems and procedures.

The financial deterrent clauses shall be included in the general terms and conditions of
the contract. The violators of the clauses shall be suitably punished. Following list shall
be taken as a guide while preparing the financial deterrent clauses but need not be
limited to these conditions only.

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 207 Page No. 18


A few of the usual non-compliance are as follows:

I. Working without valid work permit/ Violation of any of the conditions specified
in the permit.
II. Throwing up/down any material from height or not making proper provision to
bring down material safely from height
III. Non standard/unsafe platform/ladder, Non standard/unsafe Scaffolding
IV. Non-usage of PPEs like Safety helmet / Safety shoes / Safety goggles /
Welding Shield / Respiratory protection etc. by the contractor personnel
V. Non use of ELCB , using poor joints of cable, using naked wire without top
plug into the socket, laying wire/cables on the roads without sleeve.
VI. Carrying out electrical jobs by un-authorised person
VII. Non deployment of the licensed electricians for electrical job.
VIII. Unsatisfactory fencing / barricading of excavated areas, Not providing
proper shoring /strutting /proper slope and Not keeping the excavated earth
at least one meter away from excavated area
IX. Over speeding of vehicles, rash driving, wrong side parking & parking in front
of any fire-fighting equipment.
X. Riding on material handling vehicles or trolleys or hydra.
XI. Non-deployment of safety supervisor / supervisor responsible for safety at
work site
XII. Failure to maintain safety register and record by Contractor Safety
Supervisor or Supervisor responsible for safety.
XIII. Acting in contravention to any of the provision mentioned in Factories Act
1948 and/or the rules framed there under including all amendments thereto.
XIV. Failure to furnish a first information report (FIR) as per prescribed Pro-Forma
within 4 hours of the incident.
XV. Keep and maintain proper records of all incidents occurred at work site.
XVI. Working beyond statutory limits by contractor’s workers.
XVII. Deployment of child or adolescent labour.
XVIII. Use of untested and uncertified pressure vessel. Use of untested and
uncertified lifting tools/tackle.
XIX. Unsafe handling of compressed gas cylinders No trolley or jubilee clips or
double gauge regulator or flash back arrestor on both gas lines & both ends
or improper storage / handling or cylinders without caps when not in

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 207 Page No. 19


use/damaged hoses). Keeping compressed gas cylinders in horizontal

XX. Transporting metallic items below overhead lines, without isolation.
XXI. Damage to fire equipment like hydrant & monitors, fire extinguishers
including non return of fire equipment
XXII. Horseplay at work site.
XXIII. Non-provision of basic safety requirement such as 24 V lamp for working in
confined space, uncertified / non standard lifting tools, earth leakage
protection & earthing connections for electrical appliances as per Indian
Electricity Rules, emergency isolation switches etc.
XXIV. Keeping gas cylinders inside the confined spaces.
XXV. Non-usage of the full body safety harness and fall back arrester with life line
properly anchored by the workers while working at height
XXVI. Violation of Safety Permit conditions like Firefighting equipment.
XXVII. Non-barricading of area while rigging, digging etc.
XXVIII. Working without valid work permit.
XXIX. Un-authorised road closure/blockage.
XXX. Not clearing the work site on regular basis.
XXXI. Leaving contractor owned leftover material at site at the time of


The contract employees should be suitably rewarded as per a scheme, with monetary
benefits/ prizes for timely reporting of the Near miss incidents/ Unsafe conditions/ Unsafe
Acts based on the accident potential if it could have occurred.

The compliance to safety procedures by the contractors shall be evaluated annually as

per the scheme based on different leading and lagging indicators and shall be awarded
during the safety week celebrations.

The best safety conscious worker as recommended by the safety officers of different
contractors during short term jobs such as the turnaround maintenance activities shall be
suitably rewarded for motivating the workers to comply with safety requirements.

The best safety officer/supervisors of the contractor shall be recognized and shall be
suitably rewarded during the safety week celebrations.

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 207 Page No. 20



All the incidents including near-miss should be reported immediately by contractor’s

Supervisor to Contractor and owner’s Supervisor / Engineer-in-charge, who should inform
to Owner’s Safety Officer and owner’s Management. Owner’s Safety Department will be
required for onward reporting as per OISD, Statutory requirements.

All accidents regardless of the extent of injury or damage should be investigated in order
to find probable causes, lessons learnt thereof and remedial measures required to
prevent its recurrence.

The incident investigation should be done as per provision of clause no. 4.12 of OISD-
GDN-206 on 'Safety Management System'.

All the recommendations of investigation / Enquiry Report need to be monitored closely

for its implementation. A proper record should be maintained to ensure implementation of
all the recommendations and same should be reviewed from time to time.


Following three type of safety committee meetings should be held aiming at raising the
level of safety consciousness at the site:

5.9.1 Toolbox meeting

To maintain awareness, update training and convey important safety and health
information, contractor supervisors should conduct tool box meetings at least weekly and
also prior to start of any work. All the contractor workers should attend this meeting. The
owner’s supervisor/Engineer-in-charge and safety officers should also attend these
meetings on random basis. Tool box meeting should be conducted more frequently
depending upon circumstances. Record of the same can be maintained in the following
typical format.


A Toolbox Talk is a safety meeting allowing open environment for discussion with the
work force. It focuses on safety topics related to the specific job, such as workplace
hazards and safe work practices. It is aimed to refresh workers' knowledge, cover last
minute safety checks, to raise workers’ awareness of specific problems on site. Toolbox
Talks are also intended to facilitate health and safety discussions on the job site and
promote safety culture. It also helps to remind workers that health and safety are an
important part of the working day.

Toolbox talk should be short in duration and conducted at the job site prior to the
commencement of a new job or work shift. Toolbox Talks can be used for post-accident
communications / accident case study, re-enforcement of safe work practice and pre-task
planning etc.

Contractor supervisors should conduct tool box meetings at least weekly and also prior to
start of any work. All the contractor workers should attend this meeting. The owner’s
supervisor/Engineer-in-charge and safety officers should also attend these meetings on

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 207 Page No. 21


random basis. Tool box meeting should be conducted more frequently depending upon

A toolbox talk should cover following topics;

 Review of the hazards related to job being done. What safety equipment and
PPEs should be used? What procedures should be followed?

 Review and analyse recent safety violations— What was the violation? What
hazard did it create? What injury could have occurred?

 Review and analyse recent injuries— What happened? Why did it happen? What
should have been done?

 Ergonomics and behaviour related tips.

 Importance of PPEs and proper tool for specific jobs.

 Housekeeping

Records of such talks should be maintained. Following information should be included

when completing a Toolbox Talk Form:

 Names and signatures of all persons present,

 Topics discussed,

Any job specific training or instructions that have been given in the meeting and who
raised the issue or added to the discussion, to show that there has been active
consultation with all persons attending the meeting and that all parties have had a chance
to raise issues.

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 207 Page No. 22



DATE___________ TIME:_____________ LOCATION:___________________________

DELIVERED BY:_____________WITNESSED B Y: ________________________________
JOB DISCRIPTION:_________________________________________________________
NAME OF THE CONTRACTOR:________________________________________________

Toolbox Talk – Topics / Issues discussed

Other points or issues raised by attendees


5.9.2 Site Safety Committee Meeting

Primary purpose of this safety committee is to enable owner, contractor and workers to
work together to monitor the site safety and health plan so as to prevent accidents and
improve working condition on site. Its size and membership will depend on the size and
nature of job.

The safety committee should include representatives of owner, consultant, contractor

identified as safety officer / supervisor. It should be headed by Engineer-in-charge.

The safety committee should have regular and frequent meetings, atleast fortnightly, to
discuss the safety and health program on site and to make suggestions for improvement.
The meetings should be documented with a time bound action plan. The functions carried
out by safety committee should include:

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 207 Page No. 23


i) Review compliance of pending items of last Safety meetings. All critical items
should be identified and their compliance ensured.

ii) Consideration of the reports of safety personnel.

iii) Discussion of accident/near-miss and illness reports in order to make appropriate

recommendation for prevention.

iv) Examination/evaluation of suggestions made by workers.

v) Dissemination of acquired knowledge through training programs and information

sharing sessions.

vi) Discussion & review of Fire Prevention & Disaster Management Plan.

vii) To send recommendation to Apex Body for consideration / approvals.

5.9.3 Safety Review Meeting by Location Head

This meeting should be headed by the Location head and attended by Owner’s
Supervisor / Engineer-in-charge, owner’s safety Officer and all concerned department
heads. Prime purpose of this review is to ensure that all the recommendations of various
committees are being complied with and to take decisions on critical points raised. This
meeting should take place at least once in every quarter. All the investigation reports /
audit findings with status of implementation of recommendations should be discussed.


The type of safety equipment to be used is decided based on the job requirement.
Selection should be made based on OISD-GDN-192, OISD-STD-155 (Part I & II) and the
job requirement. Safety equipment / Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE) shall be of
approved make. Contractor shall provide necessary training to each employee regarding
proper usage and upkeep of PPE including its limitation.

A register showing stock and issue of PPE should be maintained by the contractor at site
and must be available for inspection. 10 to 20 % of PPE in excess of actual requirement
to meet contingency requirement should be maintained at site.

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 207 Page No. 24



1) OISD-GDN-206 on “Safety Management System”

2) OISD-GDN-192 on “Safety During Construction”

3) OISD-STD-155 Part (I & II) on “Personnel Protective Equipment”

4) Building & Other Construction workers (Regulation of Employment & Condition of

Service) Act 1996 & Rules thereof

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 207 Page No. 25



1 IS: 818 Code of Practice for Safety and Health Requirements in Electric
and Gas Welding and Cutting Operations – First Revision.

2 IS: 875 Code of practice for Structural safety of buildings: Masonry


3 IS: 933 Specification for Portable Chemical Fire Extinguisher, Foam

Type – Second Revision.

4 IS: 1179 Specification for Equipment for Eye and Face Protection during
Welding – First Revision

5 IS: 1904 Code of practice for Structural safety of buildings: Shallow


6 IS: 1905 Code of practice for Structural safety of buildings: Masonry


7 IS: 1989 – Part II Leather Safety Boots and shoes for heavy metal industry

8 IS: 2171 Specification for Portable Fire Extinguishers, Dry Powder Type
– Second Revision

9 IS: 2361 Specification of Building Grips – First Revision

10 IS: 2750 Specification for Steel Scaffoldings

11 IS: 2925 Specification for Industrial Safety Helmets – First Revision

12 IS: 3016 Code of Practice for Fires Precautions in Welding and Cutting
Operations – First Revision

13 IS: 3521 Industrial Safety Belts and harnesses

14 IS: 3696 – Part I Safety Code for Scaffolds and Ladders: Part I – Scaffolds

15 IS: 3696 – Part II Safety Code for Scaffolds and Ladders: Part II – Ladders

16 IS: 3764 Safety Code for Excavation Work

17 IS: 4014 – Part I & II Code of Practice for Steel Tubular Scaffolding

18 IS: 4081 Safety Code for Blasting and Related Drilling Operations

19 IS: 4082 Recommendations on stacking and storage of construction

materials at site

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 207 Page No. 26


20 IS: 4130 Safety Code for Demolition of Buildings – First Revision

21 IS: 4138 Safety Code for working in compressed air – First Revision

22 IS: 4756 Safety Code for Tunneling works

23 IS: 4912 Safety requirements for Floor and Wall openings, Railings and
toe boards – First Revision

24 IS: 5216 – Part I & II Recommendations on safety procedures and practices in

electrical work

25 IS: 5121 Safety code for piling and other deep foundations

26 IS: 5916 Safety Code for Construction involving use of Hot Bituminous

27 IS: 6994 – Part I Specifications for safety gloves: Part I – Leather and Cotton

28 IS: 5983 Specification for Eye Protectors – First Revision

29 IS: 6922 Criteria for safety and design of structures subject to

underground blasts

30 IS: 7155 Code of recommended practices for conveyor safety

31 IS: 7205 Safety Code for Erection on Structural Steel Works

32 IS: 7069 Safety Code for Handling and Storage of Building Materials

33 IS: 7293 Safety Code for Working with Construction Machinery

34 IS: 7323 Guidelines for operation of Reservoirs

35 IS: 7969 Safety Code for handling and storage of building materials

36 IS: 8758 Recommendation for Fire Precautionary Measures in

construction of Temporary Structures and Pandals

37 IS: 8989 Safety Code for Erection of Concrete Framed Structures

38 IS: 9706 Code of Practices for construction of Arial ropeways for

transportation of material

39 IS: 9759 Guidelines for de-watering during construction

40 IS: 9944 Recommendations on safe working load for natural and

manmade fibre rope slings

41 IS: 10667 Guide for selection of industrial safety equipment for protection
foot and leg

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 207 Page No. 27


42 IS: 10291 Safety Code for dress divers in civil engineering works

43 IS: 10386 – Part I Safety Code for Construction, Operation and Maintenance for
River Valley Projects

44 IS: 10386 – Part II Safety Code for Construction, Operation and Maintenance for
River Valley Projects

45 IS: 11057 Code of Practice for Industrial Safety Nets

46 IS: 13415 Code of Practice on safety for Protective barriers in and around

47 IS: 13416 Recommendations for preventive measures against hazards at

working places

Statutory Regulations

Latest Statutory Acts and Rules, as given below, should be referred:-

1. The Petroleum Acts 1934 and Petroleum Rules 2002

2. The Factory Act, 1948 (As amended by Factory Amendment Act 1987) and concerned
Factory Rules
3. The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1974 & Rules 1975
4. The Environment (Protection) Act 1986 and rules thereunder
5. The Manufacturing, Storage and Import of Hazardous Rules 1989
6. The Hazardous Wastes Management (Management & Handling) Rules 1989
7. The Indian Electricity Act 1901 and Rules 1956
8. The Indian Explosive Acts, 1884 & The Indian Explosive Rules 1983
9. The Gas Cylinder Rules 1981and the static & Mobile Pressure Vessels (Unfired) Rules 1981
10. The Indian Boiler Act 1923 and Regulations 1950
11. The Public Liability Act 1991 as amended in 1992
12. The Motor Vehicle act 1988 and Central Motor Vehicle rules 1989
13. Building & Other Construction workers (Regulation of Employment & Condition of Service)
Act 1996

In addition to above, various other statutory acts like EPF, ESIS, Minimum wage act and other
local statutory requirements shall also be complied with.

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 207 Page No. 28



Job ___________ Location _______________ Date of Audit______Frequency _____________

Inspected by __________________ Contractor (s) __________________________ ITEM YES NO NA REMARKS /

Are following PPEs being used as per the job requirements?

A. Minimum mandatory PPEs

A1 Safety Helmets (with chin strap)

A2 Safety Shoes

A3 Safety Goggles

A4 Safety hand gloves

B. Job specific PPEs

Whether need of specialised safety PPE
identified and documented?
B1 Full body safety harness with double

B2 Fall arrester

B3 Ear Plug / Ear Muff

B4 Gum Boots

B5 Face shield

B6 Shot/Grit/Slag blasting hood

B7 Breathing Apparatus

B8 Gas Filter Mask / Dust Mask

B9 Hand Gloves (Chemical/ Welding/

Electrical/ anti-vibration/ High
temperature/ cold burn etc.)

B10 Boiler Suit / Fire-retardant suit / Electrical

flash fire retardant suit /High pressure
water cleaning (Hydrojetting-Turtle) suit /

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 207 Page No. 29


Chemical suit / Low temperature suit etc.

B11 Others

C. Whether workers are trained / briefed to

use the PPEs?
D. Whether system of checking the quality /
quantity of PPEs provided by contractor
exists and in practice?
E. Whether as per contract the contractor is
obliged to arrange the required PPEs to
its workmen and the same is being
complied with ?

2.1 Whether Standards of housekeeping are

defined in contract and housekeeping is
being maintained accordingly?
2.2 Whether areas are identified and marked
for stacking of material like scrap, pipes,
plates, cement, sand, loose excavated
material etc.?
2.3 Whether surplus excavated material,
debris and scrap material is being
removed and disposed on regular basis
as per contract?
2.4 Whether path ways, roads, stairs etc. in
the vicinity of work place are maintained
free from obstructions?
2.5 Whether appropriate actions are taken to
avoid the slippery area due to water
logging / oil spillage?
2.6 Whether system for collecting and
disposal of small size scraps like welding
buds, small size metal pieces, insulation
material in place.
2.7 Whether area is maintained free from
vegetation, garbage etc. and the work
place is kept clean and free of any
2.8 Others


3.1 Whether detailed plan of excavation

including soil stability is made and
approved by competent authority?

3.2 Whether excavation hot work permit is


“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 207 Page No. 30


3.3 Whether the workplace is thoroughly

inspected before issuance of work permit,
as stipulated in OISD-STD-105?
3.4 Whether special conditions mentioned in
the permit are clearly explained to the
supervisor and in turn to the contractor
workers and documented?
3.5 Whether proper shoring for the excavation
is provided to prevent cave-in for side of
slope more than the safe angle of repose
(generally around 45 degrees) of the soil
being excavated?

3.6 Whether proper precautions have been

taken if the excavation is adjoining to
heavy structure like building, street and

3.7 While excavating whether proper slope

usually 45 & suitable benches of 0.5 m
width at each 1.5 m depth are provided?

3.8 Whether barricading of 1m height with

glowing caution board is provided for
excavation beyond 1.5m depth?

3.9 Whether excavating earth is placed

beyond 1m or depth of the excavation
whichever is more, from the edge of the

3.10 Whether heavy vehicle movement is

restricted to come too close (minimum 2
M from the edge of excavation) to the
excavating area?

3.11 Whether adequately anchored stop blocks

and barriers are provided to prevent
vehicles being driven into the excavation?
Heavy vehicles should not be allowed
near the excavation unless the support
work has been specially designed to
permit it.
3.12 Whether necessary precaution is taken
for underground pipes, sewers, cables by

3.13 Whether extra precaution is taken for

bailing out water properly while

3.14 During rains whether the excavation is

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 207 Page No. 31


done with extra precaution to prevent

caving in?

3.15 Whether two separate entry/ exit points

with necessary ladders / steps, as per
requirement, have been provided?

3.16 Whether required no. of persons are

available (as per OISD-STD-105) at all
the time to communicate any hazards
noticed with workers working in deep
trenches or excavation?

3.17 Whether necessary precautions like

regular gas testing are being taken in
areas having hydrocarbons and toxic
gases so that no gas accumulation takes
place in the trenches.

3.18 Whether IS: 4081-1986 & Indian

Explosive act & rules for storage, handling
& carrying of explosive material and
execution of blasting operation is

3.19 Whether in case of mechanised

excavation, caution board is provided for
do’s and don’ts like ‘Nobody to enter’
within one meter of the extreme reach?

3.20 Whether the following observations are

being documented during excavation
work and corrective actions taken :-
a) Boulder formation encountered
b) Collapsing / development of cracks of
c) Marked damage to support
d) Unexpected fall of ground
e) Inspection of site after each blast.
f) Water logging
g) Unexpected utility/cabling

3.21 Others


4.1 Whether valid work permit is issued in

compliance to OISD-STD-105 to start any

4.2 Whether before issuing the permit, JSA

carried out and mitigation measures made

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 207 Page No. 32


part of work permit?

4.3 Whether personnel working at site were

given tool box talk about the hazards and
emergency procedure with important do’s
and don’ts and record maintained?

4.4 Whether all conditions of the permit are

fulfilled before starting the job?

4.5 As noted in the permit, whether

compliance of all the recommendations
are ensured during entire duration of the

4.6 Whether permits are available at work site

all the times?

4.7 Whether hot work permit registered in fire

station / designated safety officer?

4.8 Whether permits are being closed after

the completion of job?

4.9 Others


5.1 Whether LPG / Oxygen / Acetylene/ Gas

cylinders are kept outside only while
working in confined space?

5.2 Are Acetylene/ O2 / LPG cylinders kept in

upright position with required valve cap
and secured at designated places under
shed – wet fire retardant clothes gunny
bags wrapped around it if the same is
under sun at designated place?

5.3 Check cylinder and cylinder valves for

approved quality & any kind of damage?

5.4 Whether protective valve s caps are kept

on cylinders while not in use?

5.5 Whether proper means and method for

transportation of cylinders to avoid
dropping and rolling are being adopted /

5.6 Whether gas cylinders, regulators are

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 207 Page No. 33


kept away from combustible materials and

/ free from oil and grease?

5.7 Whether all hoses are of approved quality

and found to be free of any damage or

5.8 Whether oxygen and acetylene cylinders

are stored separately at a distance of at
least 5 feet from each other and kept
under shade as per Gas Cylinder rules

5.9 Whether gas cylinders are kept at safe

location particularly in case job is being
done at different elevations while in use?
5.10 Whether color coding is being used for
easy identification of different type of
cylinders and hoses?

5.11 Whether cylinder keys are available near

the cylinder?

5.12 Whether gas torches with flash back

arrestors of approved make are only
being used?

5.13 Whether pressure gauges are in working

condition and checked from time to time?

5.14 Whether welding shields are used while


5.15 Whether proper earthing for welding

machines are provided?

5.16 Whether power is taken from approved

sources (welding receptacles)?

5.17 Whether welding receptacles are properly


5.18 Whether welding cables are maintained in

good condition and without any joints/

5.19 Whether to avoid short circuit, welding

machines are protected against rain?

5.20 Whether earth connectors are securely

connected to the job and not to the

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 207 Page No. 34


adjoining pipeline or structure?

5.21 Whether flame arrestor of DG set is of

approved make and quality?

5.22 Whether 30mA rating ELCB is provided

on power supply.

5.23 Whether separate power supply

arrangement is provided for portable
5.24 Others


6.1 Whether abrasive blasting is used only

after getting approval from competent
authority / work permit?

6.2 Whether air compressor used for abrasive

blasting are positioned away from work

6.3 Whether exhaust of the prime mover is

directed away from the work place?

6.4 Whether in case of motor driven

compressor, the body of the motor as well
as the compressor is properly earthed?

6.5 Whether line operator of abrasive blasting

wear suitable PPEs including mask?

6.6 Whether adequate measures are adopted

to confine dust / flying particles?

6.7 Whether adequate measures are taken

for proper ventilation while the work is
done in confined space?

6.8 Whether the Air receiver vessel of the

compressor is pressure tested.
6.9 Others


7.1 Whether work permit is obtained to take

up work at height above 2.2 meters?

7.2 Whether steel pipes scaffoldings are used

in unit/off site areas?

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 207 Page No. 35


7.3 Whether provision for suitable platform

with all scaffoldings are made? Whether
its construction is as per specification with
toe board and railing?

7.4 Whether the area below working at height

is cordoned?

7.5 Whether ISI approved quality and good

condition full body safety harness with
shock absorber are used while working at

7.6 Whether life line of full body safety

harness with shock absorber is anchored
to an independent secured support
capable of withstanding load of a falling

7.7 Whether the area around the scaffold is

cordoned off to prohibit the entry of
unauthorized person?

7.8 Whether lifeline ropes used are of good

condition and adequate strength free of

7.9 Whether ladder is placed at secured and

leveled surface?

7.10 Whether it is extended 1.0 Meters above

the landing point?
7.11 Whether ladder used are of adequate
length and tying short ladder is avoided?

7.12 Whether metallic ladders are placed away

from electrical system?

7.13 Whether tools or materials are removed

after completion of the day’s job at

7.14 Whether a valid permit is obtained before

taking up work on asbestos or fragile

7.15 Whether sufficient precaution like roof

ladders, nets, lifeline, full body harness,
etc. is taken while working on fragile roof?

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 207 Page No. 36


7.16 Whether provision is made to arrange

duck ladder, crawling board for working at
fragile roof?

7.17 Whether scaffolding has been erected on

rigid / firm / leveled surfaces only?

7.18 Whether scaffold has been inspected by

competent person & tagged accordingly
prior to being put in use?

7.19 Whether the scaffolding has been

designed for the load to be borne?

7.20 Whether the erection and dismantling of

the scaffolding is being done only by
trained persons and under competent

7.21 Whether safety net with proper working

arrangement and life line has been

7.22 Others


8.1 Whether positive isolation is done as per

approved blind list and crossed checked
by competent person?
8.2 Whether a permit is obtained to enter a
confined space?

8.3 Whether gas test for hydrocarbon, toxic

gas, oxygen level is checked for
acceptable limits before entering any
confined space and recorded?

If levels are beyond permissible limit,

whether required PPE like BA, Gas Mask
are used.

8.4 Whether adequate oxygen level is

ensured in confined space before
entering? If not, whether all precaution
like using of Breathing Apparatus set is

8.5 In case of chance of ingress of

hydrocarbon gases / toxic gases, whether
Personnel Monitoring System (PMS) is
used ?

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 207 Page No. 37


8.6 Whether only in presence of a supervisor,

worker enters in confined space?

8.7 Whether provision of sufficient means of

entry and exit is available?

8.8 Whether provision of ventilation to remove

welding fumes, dust, exhaust gases are

8.9 Whether provision of 24V (Hand lamps

with cage as per OISD-STD-155) light for
working inside space is made?

8.10 Is it strictly ensured that stand-by trained

persons (2 nos.) are standing outside
before a person enters a confined space
and communication is being maintained
all the time with workers working inside?

8.11 Whether life belt with one end under

control of stand-by person outside is kept
while working in confined space?

8.12 Whether Personnel protective Equipment

as specified in the permit are in good

8.13 Whether boxing up is done only as per

the approved procedures and under the
supervision of competent persons?

8.14 Whether all the safety precautions listed

in OISD-GDN-192 are taken while
working in sewers, OWS etc.?
8.15 Whether proper house keeping is being
maintained inside the confined space?

8.16 Whether training has been provided to

workers working in the confined space
and the workers only of sound health are
being asked to work in the confined
8.17 Others


9.1 Whether all lifting tools, tackles,

machines, chains, ropes etc. are of sound
construction, made of sound material and

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 207 Page No. 38


maintained in good condition?

9.2 Whether lifting tools & tackles are tested

as per norms and safe working load, date
of testing visibly marked/painted on the

9.3 Whether lifting tools, tackles are of

adequate strength for the load to be

9.4 Whether all parts including the working

gears fixed or movable of every lifting
machine, chain, rope, tackles specify the
following condition:

a) Thoroughly examined by competent

person at least once a year or such
interval as required by statutory

b) Document of such examination are

maintained and produced to owner
supervisor before use of particular

9.5 Whether chain blocks and cables are

inspected before each use to assure their
sound condition?

9.6 Whether hoist and lift, if used are:

a) Properly maintained and thoroughly

examined by competent authority at
least once in every year.

b) A register to be maintained to record

particulars of such examination in
prescribed forms and shall be
produced to the owner supervisor
before use.

9.7 Whether area below the movement of

boom of crane is cleared to avoid injury
from falling objects?

9.8 In crane handling area whether it is

ensured that crew of truck, leave the truck
before starting loading / unloading?

9.9 Whether transporting material from one

place to another is done by suitable

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 207 Page No. 39



9.10 Whether carrier with sufficient capacity

without projecting parts is used for
transporting materials?

9.11 Whether riggers engaged are well trained

and conversant with signaling procedures
including night signaling if required?

9.12 Whether permission of authorized person

is obtained before working on or near an
overhead crane?

9.13 Whether trained riggers are available all

the time along with crane?

9.14 Whether barricading has been done to

ensure no unauthorised person enters in
the working area of the crane?

9.15 Whether lifting (rigging) plan has been

prepared and approved before start of the

9.16 Whether route of crane movement has

been planned before the crane moves out
of the garage?

9.17 Whether it has been ensured that no

electrical cable comes within 3 meters or
safe distance from the boom of the

9.18 Whether boom is being kept in the

horizontal position or locked while idling?

9.19 Whether material is being stacked /

destacked in trucks with the help of
wedges to ensure no slippage while
loading / unloading takes place?

9.20 Whether the forklift / crane is being

operated only by trained / authorized

9.21 Others


10.1 Has the Electrical Line Clearance

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 207 Page No. 40


procedure been followed involving

electrical and other concerned Dept. and
filling of formats?

Whether the “LOTO” system is defined

properly and all personnel are aware with
the procedure?
Whether “LOTO” system is being used in
all electrical isolation jobs, by all
10.2 Have Danger Signs with Voltage rating/
Men at work signboards been displayed
at both Sub Station as well as the work

10.3 Has the contractor worker understood the

electrical circuit on which he is going to
work with probable electrical hazards and
mitigation measures to be adopted?

10.4 Whether contractor has engaged

electrician (s) having valid electrical
license in line with provisions in Indian
Electricity Rules?

10.5 Have all checks prior to switching

operation been carried out and
authorisation of owner/ user section
obtained subsequently?

10.6 Have all earthing links on electrical

conductors removed before charging the
line/ apparatus?

10.7 Are PPE as prescribed under Indian

Electricity Rules available, kept healthy
and being used?

10.8 Are earthing and bonding arrangement of

non-current carrying metallic parts in line
with provisions of Indian Electricity Rules
– 1956 amended time to time as IS:

10.9 Have electrical part of OISD-GDN-192

and Clause No. 9.0 for Temporary
installations in OISD-STD-173 been
understood and followed wherever

10.10 Are flexible wires having voltage of 240

volts above earth potential taken through

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 207 Page No. 41


PVC conduits?

10.11 Whether portable hand lamps with a

voltage rating of not more than 24 volts
used with flameproof enclosures in
confined spaces within columns, vessels

10.12 Have the Switches, MCBs, fuses etc.

been inspected for proper ratings?

10.13 Has Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker

(ELCB) been used on the incoming side
to protect against leakage of current? Is
the device tested every time the work is

10.14 Whether all portable appliances are

provided with insulated Three pin plugs
and socket arrangement?

10.15 Whether industrial type extension boards

and plug sockets are used?

10.16 Has the electrical equipment brought to

site by contractor been inspected by
owner’s supervisor/ safety officer for
damage/cuts/abrasion etc? Is record of
Insulation Resistance, wherever required
being kept?
10.17 Have standard practices for termination of
conductors/ cables been followed (e.g.
use of proper lugs, crimping tool, cable
glands etc)? Is cable armour in continuity
from feeding point to load?

10.18 Are the Contractor supervisor and

workmen well acquainted with first aid for
electrical shock?

10.19 Are the wires/ cables identifiable along

their route towards the load by using
colour coding and/or markers?

10.20 Others

11.1 Whether site is barricaded and provided

with warning signs including night warning
lamps/ self glowing markers at
appropriate location for diversion of

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 207 Page No. 42


11.2 Whether mixing aggregates with bitumen

is done with the help of batch mixing
plants? If no, whether adequate
precautions have been taken?

11.3 Whether road rollers, bitumen sprayers,

pavement finishers are driven by
experienced drivers with valid driving

11.4 Whether the worker handling hot bitumen

sprayers or spreading bitumen aggregate
mix or mixing bitumen with aggregate are
provided with PVC hood, hand gloves
rubber shoes (gum boot) with pegging
upto knee joints?

11.5 Others


12.1 Whether form work, shuttering, shoring

etc. are adequately designed and
provided to erect the structure and to
support the expected load?

12.2 Whether staging (support) for shuttering is

designed for loads like worker movement,
impact load and other incidental loads
during construction?

12.3 Whether workers use PPEs at work site

like safety shoes, gloves, helmet with chin
strap, goggles and dust masks etc.?
12.4 Whether all safety procedures are
adopted while cutting rod?

12.5 Whether proper staging and bundling is

provided for supplying rods at height?

12.6 Whether sufficient cross bracings are

provided for high staging works as per
design requirement?

12.7 Others


13.1 Whether the concreting area is


“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 207 Page No. 43


13.2 Whether vibrator hoses, pumping

concrete accessories are in healthy
condition and mechanically strong?

13.3 Whether it is ensured that no pipe line in

concrete pumping system is attached to
any temporary strut such as scaffolds

13.4 Whether it is checked that safety guards

around moving parts are provided in
concrete mixer/ machines?

13.5 Whether earthing of electrical mixers,

vibrator etc. are provided?

13.6 Whether entry of unauthorised person in

the concreting area is restricted?

13.7 Whether adequate lighting arrangement is

made in the concreting area if working
during night?

13.8 Whether PPEs like gum boots, gloves,

helmet with chin strap, goggles and dust
masks etc. are being used?

13.9 For overhead or underground work,

whether form work and shuttering have
been checked with respect to design?

13.10 Whether boom placers are properly

13.11 Others


14.1 Whether an initial survey carried out to

identify any structural problems and risks
associated with flammable substances
and substances hazardous to health?
14.2 Whether sequence of demolition is
formulated and approved by competent
person after the survey and recorded in a
method statement having taken all the
various considerations into account and
identifying the problems and their
14.3 Are non-sparking tools being used, if

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 207 Page No. 44


14.4 Is intermittent clearing operation being

done to keep the area reasonably tidy and

14.5 Whether effective barricading has been


14.6 Whether Electrical and other facilities like

water, oil, gas pipelines, etc. have been
isolated / protected?

14.7 Whether required PPEs like helmet with

chin strap, goggles, ear plug/muff, hand
gloves, safety shoes, dust mask, etc.
14.8 Others


15.1 Are safety precautions for handling of

source as per guidelines of BARC being

15.2 Is the potency of the source being used

within acceptable limits as per the BARC

15.3 Is the area being cordoned with proper

signs during radiography as per
guidelines of BARC?

15.4 Does proper place exist as per BARC

regulations for storage of source /
Personnel safety equipment?

15.5 Does the radiographer have valid

certificate of radiography from competent
authority (BARC)?

15.6 Is radiographer using Exposure Meter /

Dosi Meter?

15.7 Whether minimum occupancy of the

premises / workplace is being ensured
while radiography is in progress?

15.8 Is permit system being followed?

15.9 Whether Radiation Safety Officer is

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 207 Page No. 45


available at site?
15.10 Others


16.1 Are jobs being carried out with a valid

work permit only as per OISD-STD-105
"Work Permit System".

16.2 Is smoking prohibited in all places

containing combustible or flammable
materials and "No Smoking" notices
prominently displayed?

Are only approved type electrical
installations and equipment, including
portable lamps, being used?

16.4 Are oily rags, waste, wooden materials

and clothes or other substances liable to
spontaneous ignition being removed?

16.5 Are the combustible materials properly

shielded in case same cannot be
removed from the area?

16.6 Has welding screens (like metal/ fire

retardant cloth/ water curtain) been put up
to protect other equipment / facilities/
OWS cement ceiling/ drains in adjoining
areas against flying sparks, as may be

16.7 Is Gas-testing being done with the means

of a calibrated Gas detection Meter prior
to start of Hot work and being done
subsequently at regular intervals as per
the requirement and recorded?

16.8 Are regular inspections being done of

places where there are fire risks like in the
vicinity of heating appliances, electrical
installations and conductors, stores of
flammable and combustible materials,
welding and cutting operations?

16.9 Are fire-extinguishing equipment being

placed at strategic locations and are kept
well maintained and inspected at suitable
intervals by a competent person?

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 207 Page No. 46


16.10 Are accesses to fire - extinguishing

equipment such as hydrants, portable
extinguishers and connections for hoses
kept clear at all times?

16.11 Are all supervisors and a sufficient

number of workers trained in the use of
fire-extinguishing equipment?

16.12 Are audio means, to give warning in case

of fire provided, audible in all parts of the
site where persons are liable to work?

16.13 Is there an effective evacuation plan in

place so that all persons are evacuated
speedily without panic?

16.14 Others


17.1 Is signaling / siren system effective?

17.2 Is arrangement for rescuing affected

person adequate?

17.3 Are signs showing emergency exit route


17.4 Is emergency exit route clear of


17.5 Is communication system adequate?

17.6 Whether emergency vehicle with driver

has been provided to meet any
emergency situation?

17.7 Does any tie-up with hospitals or local

doctors exist?

17.8 Has the assembly point for workers in

case of emergency been identified and

17.9 Has training been provided to a few

workers for First Aid?

17.10 Emergency procedure and telephone

numbers are known to all and same are
prominently displayed at site? (Sample

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 207 Page No. 47


compliance check)

17.11 Whether emergency mock drills are being

regularly done?
17.12 Others


18.1 Are hygienic conditions prevailing at

labour camps?

18.2 Are First Aid facilities available?

18.3 Does proper sanitation exist at site office

and labour camps?

18.4 Does any arrangement of medical

facilities like tie ups with nearby hospital

18.5 Is proper drinking water facility available

for workmen & staff?

18.6 Are crèches provided for children (if


18.7 Is any proper place/canteen/restroom

provided for eating food and taking rest?

18.8 Is any place earmarked for storing /

keeping clothing?

18.9 Is adequate washing facility available?

18.10 Does proper ventilation at working place


18.11 Others


19.1 Are illumination levels at workplace and

passages adequate?

19.2 Is communication system adequate?

19.3 Are display and caution boards provided

at strategic locations?

19.4 Are road barriers being used for blocking

any roads/passage?

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 207 Page No. 48


19.5 Has the structure been adequately

secured against storm/high winds during
construction/ erection?

19.6 Are the equipment properly earthed?

19.7 Are vehicles being checked like brakes,

oil, lights etc. on regular basis?

19.8 Is compressed air being used only for its

intended purpose and not for any other

19.9 Are only proper clothes and not loose

clothes being used while working around

19.10 Are nails or other sharp objects being

removed or bent?

19.11 Are machine guards over moving parts of

machinery such as coupling, pulley, wheel
etc. installed?

19.12 Whether after maintenance of machinery

the guards are securely fitted before
putting into operation?

19.13 Are working platforms / gangways

provided with hand rails & toe guards?

19.14 Are swing platforms provided with chains

& secured adequately when not in use?

19.15 Are the approaches to work sites being

maintained & kept clear of obstacles?

19.16 Whether engines of equipment entering

into the operating area have exhaust and
muffler system with approved spark

19.17 Whether vehicles/engine driven

equipment, electrical equipment and tools
used are certified?

19.18 Whether contractors inform his workers

about hazards and safe procedures?

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

OISD – GDN – 207 Page No. 49


19.19 Whether sufficient care is taken so that

spark do not go outside working
enclosure & falls below?

19.20 Whether contractor’s qualified / trained

supervisor is present?

19.21 Whether all exhausts of engines are

provided with approved type of flame
arrestors and exhaust is not facing toward
the place where the workers are working?

19.22 Others

Signature of the Auditor

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”















Whenever any material is issued by Owner, following conditions for issue of material in addition to other
conditions specified in the contract shall be applicable:

1.1 Necessary indents will have to be raised by the Contractor as per procedure laid down by the
Engineer-in-Charge from time to time, when he requires the above material from Owner in
execution of permanent works.

1.2 Materials will be issued only for permanent works and not for temporary works, enabling works
etc. unless specifically approved by the Engineer-in-Charge and the same shall not be taken
into account for the purpose of materials reconciliation.

1.3 The Contractor shall bear all other cost including lifting, carting from issue points to work
site/Contractor's store, custody and handling etc. and return of surplus/serviceable scrap
materials to Owner's storage points to be designated by the Engineer-in-Charge etc. No
separate payment for such expenditure will be made.

1.4 No material shall be allowed to be taken outside the plant without a gate pass.

1.5 The Contractor shall be responsible for proper storage, preservation and watch inward of the
materials, to the schedule in which they are participating / awarded with the contract for


1.6.1 All unused/scrap materials shall be the property of the Owner and shall be returned in
good and acceptable condition size wise, category wise by the Contractor at his own
cost to Owner's Store(s).

1.6.2 No credit will be given to the Contractor for return of scrap. The Contractor should quote
the rates accordingly.

1.6.3 In case the Contractor fails to return unused/scrap materials, then recovery for such
quantity of materials, not returned by the Contractor shall be affected at following penal
rates from the Contractor's bills or from any other dues of the Contractor to the Owner.
Contractor shall make his own arrangements for weighing the off cuts to be returned to
Owner's stores.

1.6.4 Penal Rates for non return of materials:

Sl.No. Material Penal Rates

(a) Penal rate for non return of Issue Rate + 25%

accountable scrap or
Landed Rate + 25% (in
case issue rate are not
indicated in the contract)

(b) Penal rates for non return of Twice the Issue Rates
Unused material/excess scrap or
Twice the Landed Rates
(in case Issue Rates are
not indicated in the
NOTE : 1) Landed Rate shall be arrived from the latest Purchase Order of respective material
received at site by Owner/Consultant.

2) In case different penal rates have been indicated in the Contract (based on Project
requirement), the same will supersede the above rates.


2.1 Cement as sited by Contractor from cement Manufacturer/Stockiest will be issued daily from contractors
Site godown for construction. The theoretical weight of cement in each bag for issue purpose will be
considered as 50 Kgs. or 20 bags per MT. However, cement bags weighing upto 4% less shall be
accepted by the Contractors and considered as full bag.

2.2 The Contractor will have to submit their design mix for different grades of concrete, keeping in view the
requirements stipulated in IS:456 and IS 10262, specifically regarding durability, slump and water
cement ratio, and specific gravity of materials brought to site as analyzed in the laboratories. The design
shall be based upon absolute volume method and theoretical consumption of cement shall be worked
out on this basis. For other than concrete items, the coefficients for consumption of cement shall be
adopted as approved by Consultant/ CPWD practice.

2.3 The permissible variation between Cement actually used on the job and theoretical consumption worked
out on the basis stipulated in above para 2.2 and as determined by Engineer-in-Charge. No negative
tolerance shall be acceptable.

2.3.1 If the actual consumption is less than theoretical consumption then recovery at the penal rates for the
quantity of cement used less shall be effected at Rs. 750 per bag from the Contractor's bill(s) or any
other dues of the Contractor to the Owner, provided that the quality of the work has been found
acceptable by the Owner.

2.4 The Contractor shall maintain a good store for storing cement issued to him. The flooring of the storage
house, the clearances of cement bags from the side walls/ floor & stack height etc. shall be as instructed
by the Engineer-in-Charge.

2.5 The cement store shall be open for inspection and verification by the Engineer-in-Charge or his
authorized representative at any time when the Engineer-in-Charge feels the need to do so.

2.6 Periodical stock taking as decided by the Engineer-in-Charge shall be done by the Contractor in the
presence of Engineer-in-Charge or his authorized representative and a statement of stocks duly verified
shall be submitted to Engineer-in-Charge.

2.7 Empty cement bags shall be the property of the Contractor and shall have to be disposed off by him.


3.1 The scrap allowance for the reinforcement bars/structural steel including steel plate issued by
the Owner, shall be total 3% (2.5% accountable and 0.5% non-accountable) of the actual
consumption as incorporated in the works.

3.2 All reinforcement bars/structural steel/steel plates shall be issued in available

length/shapes/sizes and no claims for extra payment on account of issue of non-standard
lengths/shapes/sizes bending etc. shall be entertained. Reinforcement bars and structural steel
shall be issued on weighment basis as per normal warehousing practice. In exceptional
circumstances, the reinforcement bars/structural steel, if issued on linear measurement, the IS
coefficients for unit weight shall be considered. For the purpose of billing and accounting, only
linear measurements will be taken and weight will be calculated as per IS co-efficients in three
decimals. The difference in unit weight as per IS and actual as issued, if any, shall be to
Contractor's account and Contractor is deemed to have considered the same at the time of

3.3 Reinforcement bars/structural steel/steel plates shall be issued only for those items where
Owner's supply has been specifically mentioned in Schedule of Rates/ Scope of Supply.

3.4 All reinforcement bars/structural steel except M.S. Plates in length of 2 meters and above shall
be considered as serviceable materials provided the material is in good and acceptable
condition. Reinforcement bars/structural steel section except M.S. Plates in lengths less than
2M shall be treated as scrap.

3.5 For the purpose of accounting of the plates, all plates measuring not less than 1 Sq.m in area
and having any dimensions not less than 200mm when returned to Owner's store, will be
considered as serviceable material. All other pieces will be treated as wastage/scrap. The
Contractor will prepare a plate cutting diagram in such a way that the minimum scrap is
generated. Also the cut plates should be used at a proper place to reduce scrap.

3.6 The above serviceable cut pieces as mentioned in 3.4 & 3.5 above shall be considered as
unused material.

3.7 Non return of unused quantity of material as per 3.6 above shall be charged at penal rates.

3.8 The wastage generated by the Contractor in excess of the allowable percentage shall also be
charged at the penal rates.


4.1 All pipes shall be issued in available lengths/shapes and no claims for extra payments on
account of issue of non-standard length & shape will be entertained. Pipes shall be issued on
linear measurement basis. All valves, flanges, fittings etc. shall be issued on number(s) basis.
Contractor shall store the materials in such a way so as to avoid mixing of different types of
material and shall maintain complete identification and traceability at all times.

4.2 The scrap allowance for pipes issued by the Owner shall be 3% (2½% accountable + ½% non
accountable) of the actual consumption as incorporated in the works.

4.3 All pipes in length of 2 meters and above shall be considered as serviceable material provided

the material is in good and acceptable condition and has clear identification and traceability
(Manufacturer’s name, heat number/batch number and test certificates). Pipes in lengths less
than 2M shall be treated as scrap.

4.4 For the non account of pipes drawn by the Contractor over and above the actual consumption
as determined by the Engineer-in-Charge, plus 3% (2½% accountable + ½% non accountable)
thereof to cover the scrap allowance, recovery at penal rate shall be effected from the
Contractor's bill(s) or from any other dues of the Contractor to the Owner.

4.5 All unused/scrap pipes, valves, flanges, forged fitting like elbows, reducers tees shall be
returned by the Contractor category wise duly cleaned, greased and spec. marked at his own
cost to Owner's stores. In case the Contractor fails to do so then recovery for such quantity of
pipes not returned by the Contractor at the penal rates shall be effected from the Contractor’s
bill(s) or from any other dues of the Contractor to the Owner.


Various equipment/materials intended for the installation will be received by Owner in unpacked, skid
mounted, crated, packed or loose condition and will be stored in the warehouses and open yards. In
general, materials will be issued to the Contractor in ‘as received’ condition. It will be the Contractor’s
responsibility to draw, load and transport all materials from Owner’s designated places of issue to the
point of installation and return all packing materials like steel frames, wooden boxes/scrap etc. to
Owner’s stores.
All materials supplied by the Owner shall be duly protected by the Contractor at his own cost with
appropriate preservative like primer, lacquer coating, grease etc. as required.


6.1 Appropriation of cables shall be done as follows:

6.1.1 All the surplus and serviceable cables out of the cables returned by the Contractor to
the Owner's store in good condition and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.

6.1.2 The Contractor shall be allowed a cutting/wastage allowance

of 1.5% for power cables and 3% for the control cables. This
cutting/wastage allowance shall be computed on the length of cables actually laid,
measured and accepted.

6.1.3 All cables being returned to store should carry Aluminium sheet tags indicating the size
& type of cable. Cables of less than 15 meters length will be termed as scrap. Cables
of lengths 15M and above shall be termed as serviceable material & shall be returned
size wise and category wise to the Owner's store in wooden drums. Cables of
serviceable length being returned to stores in drum(s) shall be accepted only after
Megger value continuity test and physical measurement is carried out by the Contractor
to the satisfaction of Engineer-in- Charge. Empty cable drums and major packing
material (as decided by Engineer-in-charge) shall be Owner’s property and shall be
returned to Owner’s Store/designated place without any additional cost.

6.1.4 While carrying out material appropriation with the Contractor, the above points will be
taken into account. All serviceable materials returned by the Contractor (size wise &

category wise) shall be deducted from the quantity(ies) issued to the Contractor for the
respective sizes. Scrap generated for power cable and control cable shall also be
returned to Owner’s store on Lot basis.

6.1.5 Material appropriation shall be done & allowable scrap quantity calculated. The
wastage generated by the Contractor in excess of the allowable percentage shall be
charged at the penal rates.


Water proofing compounds shall be of makes approved by HPCL/WORLEYPARSONS. Bidder shall

mix compound in the presence of WORLEYPARSONS/HPCL and maintain Daily consumption report
of these items duly verified by HPCL/WORLEYPARSONS.


Chemical which are used for Anti termite treatment shall be of makes approved by
HPCL/WORLEYPARSONS. Bidder shall mix chemical in the presence of WORLEYPARSONS/HPCL
and maintain Daily consumption report of these items duly verified by HPCL/WORLEYPARSONS.


Paints for Structural and Building Finishes shall be of makes approved by HPCL/WORLEYPARSONS.
Bidder shall mix paint in the presence of WORLEYPARSONS/HPCL and maintain Daily consumption
report of these items duly verified by HPCL/WORLEYPARSONS.


For the purpose of accounting of bare / coated line pipes, following allowance shall be permitted:
a) Unaccountable wastage
- upto 500 Km 0.1%
- beyond 500 Km 0.05%

b) Scrap (All cut pieces of pipes measuring less than 2 Meter 0.25%
c) Serviceable materials (All cut pieces of pipe measuring 2 Meter and above 0.5%

The percentage allowance shall be accounted on the basis of pipe book chainage for main pipeline.


For the purpose of accounting of optical fibre cable, all cut pieces measuring in length of 40 m and above
when returned to Owner’s storage points shall be treated as serviceable materials. All cut pieces of cable
measuring less than 40 M shall be treated as scrap.
For the purpose of accounting of OFC (Optical Fibre Cable) following allowance shall be permitted:
a) Unaccountable wastage 0.5%
b) Scrap (All cut pieces of cables measuring less than 40 M) 0.25%
c) Serviceable material (measuring 40m to 750m) 0.25%

The percentage allowance shall be accounted on the basis of pipe book chainage for main pipeline.

Cables returned in original drum (measuring 750m and above) with Optical Time Domain Report (OTDR) shall
be considered as unused material.




The purpose of this document is for uniform understanding and implementation of quality
Management and quality control (QC) by contractor during construction. The management of
quality shall also cover co-ordination, review, approval audit and proper documentation of the
works performed. Indicative Inspection and Test Plans (ITPs) are forming part of this document as


This document shall be applicable for all construction works to be followed by contractors as well
as Consultant for achieving overall objective of quality of various activities during Construction.
The Contractor shall submit QAP / QTMP ON AWARD OF THE Contract for Consultant / Owner


The Contractor shall establish and maintain an effective Quality Management System (QMS).
Contractor’s QMS will be reviewed and approved by Owner/Consultant before proceeding with the
job. The QMS shall consist of plans, procedures, and the organisation necessary to provide
material, equipment, and workmanship that comply with the Contract documentation. The system
shall cover operations both on-site and off-site, and shall be aligned with the proposed sequence
of work.

The Contractor will prepare a Quality Plan compliant with the requirements set-out in the Contract
documents. The plan shall supplement the Contractor’s approved Quality Manual. The
Contractor’s detailed Quality plan is required to be submitted for approval prior to commencement
of any work.

The Quality Plan shall provide controls for ensuring that the procurement, shipping, handling,
fabrication, installation, cleaning, inspection, construction, testing, storage, examination,
commissioning, and required modifications of all materials, equipment, and elements of the work
comply with the requirements of the Contract documents and that all materials incorporated in the
work will perform satisfactorily for the purpose intended. The inspection & test plan shall cover
all the 3 stages of construction i.e., 1) Selection of Raw Material & Source 2) Work execution
3) Workmanship & Finish.

1) Selection of Raw Material & Source: Quality Assurance and Control Mechanism for
Construction materials:
• The Contractor shall propose details of all the Construction materials along with their source
of procurement. Contractor shall procure all the supply and Construction materials only from
Approved Vendor list provided by WORLEYPARSONS/HPCL.
• The source of procurement of all the Construction materials shall have to be got
• All the Construction materials shall have to be got approved by
WORLEYPARSONS/HPCL, after testing as per approved Quality Plan duly witnessed

• All rejected Construction materials shall be identified by WORLEYPARSONS/HPCL and
removed immediately from Site by the Contractor and a joint record in this regard shall
be maintained.
2) Work Execution: Quality of Construction, job procedure and Test Plan to be adopted:
• The Contractor shall carry out regular Quality checks by inspection/testing during job
execution and prepare checklists for various Construction activities as per the
approved Quality Plan duly witnessed by WORLEYPARSONS/HPCL.
• The Contractor shall execute all the routine construction activities as specified in
Technical Specifications. Job Procedures may, however, be submitted for
specialized activities which shall be got approved by WORLEYPARSONS/HPCL.

3) Workmanship & Finish: Quality Assurance and Control Mechanism:

• The Contractor shall carry out recording of workmanship/finish details as per the
approved Quality Plan duly witnessed by WORLEYPARSONS/HPCL.
• In case of any deficiency in Quality, the same shall be redone/rectified to the
satisfaction of WORLEYPARSONS/HPCL without any additional cost.

Contractor’s Quality Plan will be reviewed to ensure that the following are captured as part of the
Project specific quality processes and that the Contractor takes into consideration all the quality
control requirements of the Project:

• Equipment identification or item reference numbers given on drawings shall, where practical,
be utilised as the basis for identification and verification of purchased or produced material.
Where practical the identification mark shall be retained as the basis for identification during
storage and installation. Identification shall be controlled in accordance with the project

• Material control will be undertaken in accordance with the project procedures and/or Project
requirements to ensure that the correct material is received, handled and stored.

• Traceability requirements for equipment and material used for the project shall be based on
quality records kept during the progress of the project. These records will be maintained in
accordance with the Project procedures.

• The site Contractor will maintain a calibration register for all inspection, measuring and test
equipment used on site. The Contractor shall ensure that the measuring and test equipment
used by subcontractors is fit for purpose and in a known state of calibration prior to use. To
facilitate calibration control, a register shall be maintained by the Contractor’s Construction
Quality Coordinator in accordance with the Project requirements.

• Inspection and Test Plans (ITPs) and/or Manufacturing & Test Quality Plans (MTQP) will be
used throughout the Procurement, Construction and Commissioning phases. ITPs/MTQPs,
record sheets and/or marked-up drawings, as appropriate, shall provide the basis for indicating
inspection and test status. Specific ITPs/MTQPs will be developed by the Contractor and
approved by the Consultant prior to being used for non-standard activities.

• Contractor shall maintain Quality register given by Consultant during job stage.
• The contractor shall depute dedicated and qualified QA/QC engineer with prior
experience discipline wise and the site QA/QC Engineers shall ensure that all shop and field
inspection, hydro-testing inspection, painting inspection, radiography, etc. are completed
before it is offered for joint inspection by the Consultant’s QA/QC Engineers and Contractor in
accordance with the approved ITP/Quality document/MTQP and Project requirements.

• Contractor shall not progress to subsequent operations until the record of inspection has been
endorsed by the Contractor’s Quality Coordinator and Consultant’s site QA/QC Engineer or
Resident Manager or representative as nominated in the relevant ITP/MTQP.


The documentation plays a very important role in quality management including quality control.
Necessary documentation shall be maintained by Contractor during completion of project and
handed over to Consultant. Wherever Consultant’s personnel are directly involved, particularly in
witness and hold point, the copies of the same shall also be provided to them on inspection of
those activities. The documentation shall include the following but not limited to:-

(i) Approved Quality Assurance Plan covering Three Stages of Construction ie. Quality
of Raw material/ingredient (source), Quality of job and Workmanship and post job
completion finishing quality.

(ii) Approved inspection and Test Plans.

(iii) Inspection and test documents covering.

a) Manufacturer’s Test Certificate.

b) Material Receipt Report including Inspection Release Note applicable and site
inspection and acceptance report on quality and quantity of material.

c) Site test/laboratory test report reviewed by contractor for acceptance vis-à vis to
contract/code requirements of materials/ including PMI report at warehouse.

d) In process verification reports of contractor representative to Consultant as applicable.

e) Final verification report including any test checks done for compliance.

f) As-built vis-à-vis to contract/drawings including tolerances.

g) As-built for erection.

h) Non-conformance resolution raised by contractor//Consultant.

i) Deviation approval by Consultant.

j) Waiver / approval by Consultant in case there is variation from contract/drawings.


The Consultant will carry out a Construction Quality Audit of the project facility near Mechanical
completion of the Project by independent group of Owner / Consultant’s personnel or through Third
Party Inspection Services appointed by Owner / Consultant.


Before start of work, the contractor shall develop and submit for approval of Owner/Consultant,
a detailed stage wise micro level Inspection & Test Plan depending upon the construction
Process/technology to be deployed.


HP : Hold Point:
A point which requires inspection/verification and acceptance by Owner/Consultant before
any further processing is permitted.

The Contractor shall not process the activity /item beyond a Hold Point without written
approval by Owner/Consultant except where prior written permission for further processing
is available.

W : 100% Witness

%W : Percentage Witness
An activity which requires witnessing by HPCL/WORLEYPARSONS when the activity is
performed After proper notification has been provided (notification modalities and period
shall be finalised beforehand) the contractor is not obliged to hold further processing if
Owner/Consultant is not available to witness the activity or does not provide comments
before the date notified. Basis of acceptance shall be as per relevant technical

RW : Review of Contractor’s Documentation by HPCL/WORLEYPARSONS

S: Surveillance Inspection (10% witness by HPCL/WORLEYPARSONS)

Monitoring or making observations to verify whether or not material/items or services
conform to specified requirements. Surveillance activities may include audit inspections,
witness of testing, review of quality documentation & records, personnel qualifications etc.

WC : 100 % Examination by Contractor.

Note: Prime responsibility for execution of the inspection rests with the Contractor.
Owner/Consultant only monitors Contractor’s performance and provide Witness to the
extent specified for activity.


Test plan for some of the Key activities provided below. The contractor shall develop detailed test
plan and covering all the 3 stages of construction i.e., 1) Selection of Raw Material & Source 2)
Work execution 3) Workmanship & Finish.

Note: This Test Plan is for indicative, bidder to submit activity wise detailed Inspection Test
Plan & Test Procedure after award of contract.


1 Layout checking. WC W

2 Slopes of excavation, benching, overburden, shoring & WC W

strutting, (in case of deep excavation)

3 Check for sub-soil water, dewatering requirements as per WC S

4 WC 50%W
Bottom level of excavation and compaction.
5 WC S
List of obstacles encountered (cables, pipes, conduits,
6 etc.) WC W

Barricading of excavated Pits for Safety.


2 Obtaining license from district authorities for undertaking WC S

blasting operations.
3 WC S
Storing of explosive material as per explosive rules.
4 WC S
Prominent display of red flags around the area to be

Check the dimensions of bore holes.



Review Test and Inspection Documents.


1 Selection of material / selected earth. WC W

2 Check for treatment of soil, if any. WC S

3 Filling in specified layers, consolidating, watering. WC W

4 Proctors compaction tests for layers. WC W

5 Filling to required levels. WC 50%W


Review Test and Inspection Documents. WC RW



1 Checking of layout and materials. WC 50%W

2 Mix Proportion. WC S

3 Check for shuttering if any. WC W

4 Concreting, Consolidation WC S

5 Checking of top level of PCC. WC 50%W

6 Curing. WC S


Review Test and Inspection Documents. WC RW


1 Checking of material. WC W

2 Adequate slope, benching in excavation for safety purpose WC S

(If required).

3 Layout, line & level. WC W

4 Laying & jointing, grouting at manholes / chambers. WC 25%W

5 Check for supports / firm bed / sub soil water level. WC S

6 Testing for leakages by blocking pipe ends. WC W

7 Hydro testing and other tests & flushing of system. WC HP

8 Backfilling in layers. WC S

9 Check for MS rungs in proper position, inlet / outlet pipe levels WC S

in manholes.

10 Preparation of “As-built drawings”. WC W


Review Test and Inspection Documents. WC RW


1 Approval of source of materials. WC RW

2 Checking of layout. WC W

3 Checking of materials. WC S

4 Design of mix. WC HP

5 Check for line & level of shuttering before casting WC 25%W

6 Reinforcement & covers to reinforcement. WC S

7 Inserts, Anchor bolts and pipe sleeves, pockets, dowels etc. WC S

8 Pour Card. WC W

9 Check for obstacles encountered (Electrical conduits, pipe lines WC S

10 WC S
Concreting, WIC Ratio, bulkage, compaction & finishing.
11 WC W
Casting of cubes.
12 WC S
13 WC W
Testing of cubes.
14 WC S
Removal of shuttering.
15 WC W
Check for water tightness, rendering, if any.


Review Test and Inspection Documents.



1 Approval of source of materials. WC RW

2 Checking of layout. WC S

3 Checking of materials. WC S

4 Design of mix. WC HP

5 Check for line & level of shuttering and supports staying. WC 50% W

6 Reinforcement & covers to reinforcement. WC S

7 Inserts, bolts, pipe sleeves, MS rungs, concealed electrical WC S

conduits, fan hooks, dowels, etc. including welding if any.

8 Pockets / Openings. WC S

9 Expansion joints, if any. WC S

10 Check for water stops, slopes, stoppers, if any. WC S

11 Pour Card. WC W

12 Concreting, WIC Ratio, compaction. WC S

13 Casting of cubes. WC W

14 Curing. WC S

15 Testing of cubes. WC W

16 Removal of formwork / Stayings. WC S

17 Verification of dimensions, line & Level, surface finish after WC W

removal of form work (as per AFC drawings and tolerances).

18 Check for water tightness, rendering, if any. WC W

19 Preparation of As built scheme for erection. WC W


Review Test and Inspection Documents. WC RW

Compressor foundations, Towers, etc.
1 Approval of source of materials.
2 Checking of layout.
3 Checking of materials.
4 Soil strata below PCC.
5 Design of mix.
6 Check for line & level of shuttering and supports stayings.
WC 50% W
7 Reinforcement & covers to reinforcement.
8 Inserts, bolts, pipe sleeves, MS rungs, concealed electrical
conduits, fan hooks, dowels, etc. including welding if any. WC W

9 Pockets / Openings.
10 Expansion joints, if any.
11 Check for water stops, slopes and stoppers if any.
12 Detailed work plan including equipment, manpower & other
resources. WC RW
3 Pour Card. WC HP

14 Concreting, WIC Ratio, compaction & finishing. WC 25%W

15 Casting of cubes. WC W

16 Curing. WC S

17 Testing of cubes. WC W

18 Removal of formwork / Stayings. WC S

19 Verification of dimensions viz. AFC drawings and tolerances. WC W

20 Check for water tightness, rendering, if any. WC W

21 Preparation of As built scheme for erection. WC HP

Review Test and Inspection Documents.



1 Layout checking. WC S

2 Mix Proportion. WC S

3 Check for proper back filling / completion of sub- Structure WC 25%W

4 WC 25%W
Check for edges of shuttering, alternate panels.
5 WC 25% W
Check for slopes, thickness of flooring.
6 WC 25% W
Shuttering, reinforcement, if any.
7 WC S
Check for expansion joints / Construction joints.
8 WC S
Check for concealed pipe embedment, earthing, if any.
9 WC S
Check for dividing strips, if any.
10 WC 50%W
Concreting, consolidating, test cubes.
11 WC 50%W
Checking for line, levels, slopes, joints, and thickness of flooring
viz. AFC drawings.
12 WC S
13 WC 50%W
Grinding & Polishing.
14 WC W
Testing of concrete cubes (As applicable).


Review Test and Inspection Documents.


1 Sand Blasting & Surface preparation. WC W

2 Checking of material. WC 50%W

3 Confirmation of colour, shade & brand. WC S

4 Mixing of Paint WC W

5 Verification of Theoretical vs Actual Consumption WC S

6 Check for number of coats and DFT thickness verification. WC 25% W

7 Curing, if any. WC S


Review Test and Inspection Documents. WC RW


1 Materials Contractor’s supply. WC S

2 Filler material tests. WC S


4 Welders Performance qualification. WC W

5 Layout checking. WC HP

6 Welding equipment and accessories. WC S

7 Preparation and approval of Fabrication drawings. WC RW


1 Materials as per design drawing. WC S

2 Dimensional and fit-up checks. WC S

3 Visual check for welding. WC S

4 Grinding, cleaning & priming. WC S

5 Application of specified paint, if applicable. WC S


1 Lifting arrangements. WC S

2 Correctness of location. WC S

3 Orientation of bracing, lugs. WC S

4 Alignment & levels. WC S

5 Field welding (if any). WC S

6 Grouting. WC S

7 Final coat of paint. WC S

8 Preparation of As-built drawings. WC S

Review Test and Inspection Documents.



1 Stripping the area. WC S

2 Layout and ground level. WC S

3 Excavation to required level, consolidating bottom. WC S

4 Filling selected materials in specified layers, rolling, watering. WC S

5 Compaction tests. WC S

6 Gravel filling under annular ring (As applicable). WC W

7 Anti-corrosive layer, consolidation. WC S

8 Premix carpeting on side slopes. WC S

9 Preparation of “As-built drawing” for erection. WC W

10 Check for settlement of pads during hydro testing of tanks. WC W


Review Test and Inspection Documents. WC RW


1 Clearing of extra soil, debris, etc. from site. WC S

2 Removal of extra soil, debris, etc. by transportation. WC S

3 Verification of gradient of ground. WC S

4 Finishing of ground surface by hand compactor / roller WC S

(As applicable).

5 Visual final inspection. WC S


Review test and Inspection Documents. WC RW



1 Check type & model no. as per specification / appd. WC RW
2 Ensure that the lighting fixtures meet the requirement WC RW
for the area as classified.
3 Check against approved drawing the number & WC S
location of fixture.
4 Check installation level and alignment. WC S
5 Check circuit no. and fitting identification against WC S
approved, dwg.
6 Check laying of conduits and end sealing. WC S
7 Check for completeness of lighting DBs as per WC S
approved drawing.
8 Check cable connection between lighting panel and WC S
lighting fixtures.
9 Visual inspection to check for damage, marking, WC S
supporting and cleanliness.
10 Check for proper glanding, dressing and termination of WC S
11 Check earthing at lighting transformer, lighting WC S
12 Check pin arrangement in sockets to check proper pin WC S
13 Check for JB terminal connections and identification WC S
14 Check tag no. of lighting fixtures and ckts w.r.t WC S
15 Check earth bus continuity WC S
16 Check insulation resistance for each lighting circuit WC RW
measured the panel board end with the respective
breaker open.
17 Check insulation resistance of separate fitting with it WC RW
being disconnected from the circuit cables.
18 Perform functional testing of the system with the panel WC S
board energized and switching ON each circuit one by
19 Measure the circuit end voltage (Voltage drop <3%) WC S
20 Check for earth fault operation of the fitting. WC S
21 Check for proper working of all lighting when the WC RW
supply is ON.
22 Check if lamps are flickering or glowing abnormally WC RW
23 Check for excessive temperature rise in control gear WC S
24 Measure the illumination level of the area and WC RW
compare with the designed value
25 Measure power factor at the distribution board and WC RW
compare with specified value.


1 Check that cable parameters are as per specification. WC RW
2 Check the cable installation for routing, segregation, logical WC S
and neat installation in accordance with the drawings
3 Inspect cables for supporting, clamping and fixing. WC S
4 Check the cable route markets for correctness, availability WC S
and any physical damage
5 Inspect cable no., type, core and size of cable, terminal no. & WC
compare them with approved drawings.
6 Check availability of sleeves and / or kick plates and inspect WC S
it for any physical damage.
7 Inspect cable transits through walls, floors and ceilings for WC
tightness, correct mounting and opening sealing.
8 Inspect distance between different voltage grade cable. WC
9 Inspect for any damage or nicks on outer health or WC S
armouring, lead sheath, insulation, copper / aluminium wires

10 Inspect cable glands and shrouds for damage, correct size WC S

and tightness,

11 Check armour and / or shielding bonding and earthing. WC S
12 Ensure bimetallic lugs are used whenever connections are WC S
made between diff. material (e.g. Al. and Cu.)
13 Inspect cable strand connection of the conductor (all strands WC S
have been used) and correct size of cable lugs.
14 Check for tightness of end termination WC S
15 Check that all the material Used are of approved and as per WC S
approved drawings.
16 Inspect the cable boxes/ compartments for cleanliness WC S
17 Check depth of cable and availability of protective cover over WC S
it in case of underground cabling.
18 Check cable tag availability, material and correctness WC S
19 Check for excess tension on cable supports inside panel WC S
20 Check cable loop for proper bending radius. WC S
21 Check for difference between actual laid length and WC RW
scheduled length. If the difference found to be more than
10% then the cable shall be referred back to PMC for
rechecking of voltage drop etc.
22 Check insulation resistance for the total run of cable including WC RW
joints and end termination. (Attach report)
23 Check complete continuity for each core in the cable for Its WC S
entire length of run
24 Perform phase rotation test WC S

Note: Each test shall be made only if the cable has

successfully passed the preceeding test.
All results to be recorded and attached with his.

No. OR
1 Check name plate details as per the approved drawing/ data WC S
2 Check foundation and tightness of bolds, level & alignment with WC S
driven equipment, Inspect and attach alignment report.
3 Check fixing of all motor accessories including tube oil WC S
4 Check body earhting (earthing at 2 points) WC S
5 Check whether bearing lubrication is adequate. Perform WC S
6 Check ventilation cooling system. WC S
7 Inspect glanding, dressing, armour earthing and termination. WC S
8 Check clearances inside terminal box. WC S
9 Turn motor shaft by hand (If possible) to check freeness of rotor WC S
10 Check marking on motor for direction of rotation. WC S
11 Check the enclosure for degree of protection. WC S
12 Check correct and proper operation space heater. WC S
13 Check and record IR values of stator winding with 500V megger WC RW
for LT motors and 2.5kV megger for HT motors.
14 Check & record continuity and resistance of winding. WC RW
15 Check & record IR value of space heater w.r.t. stator winding WC RW
and earth (500 V megger)
16 Check and record IR value of power and control cables w.r.t WC RW
earth, armour, core before connecting them to motor terminal.
17 Identify the cable cores and check for continuity. WC S
18 Check for proper phase connection at the motor terminals and WC S
switchgear terminals.
19 Check the switchgear module rating for its suitability to the WC S
motor connected.
20 Check the overload relay setting WC S
21 Check whether power fuse rating is as per the approved WC Rw RW
22 Ensure that the control gear is available and is working WC S
Satisfactorily and relay settings are as per approved dwg.
23 Motor connected and decoupled : WC
i) Run the motor form starter and check the direction of rotation WC S
form NDE.
ii) Start the motor and note starting & running currents and dip in WC S
voltage on all phases.
iii) Check vibration level at the bearings. WC S
24 Motor connected and coupled :
i)Check and record alignment. WC RW
ii) Start the motor and observe for any abnormal sound WC S
iii) Note vibration level at bearing at 100% load & rated speed WC RW
iv) Monitor bearing temperature at DE and NDE for 8 hours. WC RW
v) Note down the coasting time while switching off. WC RW
25 Check tightness of foundation bolts, cable termination and WC RW
earthing connection after the trial run.


1 Check name plate details as per the approved drawing / WC S
data sheet
2 Check that the equipment is installed at its location as WC S
per the GA
3 Ensure removal of all shipping blocks temporary WC S
supports/ spacers and check for any physical damage to
panels and components.
3 Check cable entry openings, cable glanding and dressing WC S
4 Check bus duct alignment (if any ). Attach report WC RW
5 Check completeness against the approved GA drawing WC S
6 Check main bus bar connection, tightness and shrouding. WC S
7 Check interpanel control wiring and fixing loose WC S
8 Ensure tightness of power / control connections and WC S
9 Check equipment earthing (2 pts.) and continuity of earth WC S
10 Ensure thorough cleaning. WC S
11 Check completeness of panel components in accordance WC S
with the relevant drawings. (Enlist missing items in
separate annexure)
12 Check name plate details & ratings of various WC S
components of panels in accordance with approved
drawings. (Indicate is separate annexure if any
component needs replacement)
13 Check name plates of CTs, PTs and ensure their polarity, WC S
ratio, accuracy, class and earthing against approved
drawings. (Attach CT, PT test reports and indicate in
14 Test IR Value for :
Megger Used :………V, Ambient Temp :………….0C WC RW
a ) Power Bus
B ) Control Bus
C ) Incoming Cables (Inspect and attach report for
15 Test all protective relays and check their calibration. WC RW
(Attach report for the secondary injection tests done.)
16 Ensure that no CT secondary remains open circuited. WC RW
(Check remote metering terminals, kWH meter
connections, relay terminals etc.)



1 Check type & model no. as per specification / appd. Dwg. WC RW
2 Ensure that the connects meet the requirement WC RW
3 Check against approved drawing the number & location WC S
of fixture.
4 Check installation level alignment. WC S
5 Check circuit no. and fitting identification against WC S
approved, dwg.
6 Check laying of conduits and end sealing. WC S
7 Check for completeness of LAN & phone sockets as per WC S
approved drawing.
8 Check cable connection between LAN switch and LAN WC S
9 Visual inspection to check for damage, marking, WC S
supporting and cleanliness.
10 Check for proper glanding, dressing and termination of WC S
11 Check pin arrangement in sockets to check proper pin WC S
12 Check for JB terminal connections and identification. WC S

17 Check insulation resistance of separate fitting with it WC RW
being disconnected from the circuit cables.
18 Perform functional testing of the system with the panel WC S
energized and switching ON each circuit one by one.
20 Check for earth fault operation of the fitting. WC S

21 Check for proper working of all fittings when the supply is WC RW

Schedule / Spread individually)
The various categories of key construction personnel deployed by Contractor for performance of work under
the contract shall be as per the minimum qualifications and experience as stated below.

Sr. Category Qualifications

1 Project Manager Degree in Engineering with minimum 15 years relevant
experience in Project Management and Construction
2 Resident Construction Manager / Degree in Engineering with minimum 15 years relevant
Resident Engineer / Spread Incharge experience in construction

3 Lead Discipline Engineer Degree in relevant Engineering discipline with minimum 05 years’
experience in construction or Diploma in relevant Engineering
discipline with minimum 10 years’ experience in construction.

4 Lead Welding / NDT & Degree in Mechanical Engineering / Metallurgy with 5 years’
QA / QC Engineer experience in Welding / NDT (Non-destructive Testing) Plus
Level-II in RT (Radiographic Testing) or Diploma in Mechanical
Engineering / Metallurgy with 10 years’ experience in Welding /
NDT Plus Level-II in RT.

5 Lead Planning Degree in relevant Engineering discipline with minimum 05 years’

Engineer experience in Planning & Scheduling or Diploma in relevant
Engineering discipline with minimum 10 years’ experience in
Planning & Scheduling.

6 Safety Officer Degree / Diploma in Engineering and Diploma in Industrial Safety

with minimum 5 years relevant Experience in Construction Safety

7 Warehouse Incharge / Graduate in Science or Diploma in Engineering / Materials

Materials Controller Management with 05 years’ experience in Warehouse / Stores
Management of similar nature

1. The details of minimum manpower required to be mobilized by the execution contractor to complete the
work within schedule is given above and is not exhaustive. Contractor is required to augment the above
list with additional numbers/categories of workmen as required and directed by Engineer-In charge to
complete the work within the completion time schedule and quoted price.
2. The Manpower as identified above should have required qualification and adequate relevant
3. Contractor shall mobilize Construction Manager/ Section In-charge, QA/QC Engineer, Planning
Engineer/ and Safety Officer who will be the permanent employees of the Contractor and shall be
available for the entire duration of job unless approved otherwise by HPCL/ WORLEYPARSONS.
4. Contractor shall mobilize the required manpower as per agreed schedule (month-wise) duly approved
5. In case the contractor qualifies for two or more Schedule / Spreads, each Schedule / Spread shall be
deployed with exclusively separate set of Mandatory Key personnel as indicated above. There shall be
no common resources between two or more Schedules / Spreads.
(Signature of Bidder with stamp)


1. The Labour rates are "all inclusive". These rates include but are not limited to all payroll costs
and allowances, payroll taxes, fringe benefits, protective and/or special clothing, construction
supplies required for work of a nature included in this contract, overhead, profit, insurance,
transportation and travel time.

2. The rates are inclusive of providing hand tools, machinery such as welding machine, grinding
machine, gas/welding cutting set and consumables such as fuel, lubricants, electrodes, filler
wire, gases, grinding wheels where the concerned category of labour is expected to use in
execution of the job but exclusive of all major equipment and machinery like cranes.

3. The normal time labour rates shall apply for all hours worked upto eight (8) hours in a day and
overtime rates shall apply for all hours worked in excess of eight (8) hours in one working day,
Sunday and Public Holidays. The payment for part of the day shall be made on prorata basis.

1 10000 1000
3 NDT ENGINEER 5000 750
4 ENGINEER 2500 650
5 FOREMAN 2000 430
6 SUPERIVISOR 2000 430
7 MASON 520 120
9 PLUMBER 500 120
10 PAINTER 500 120
11 FITTER 750 150
12 WELDER 1500 260
13 TURNER 520 130
16 PIPE FITTER 850 190
19 ARC WELDER – CARBON 1500 280
20 WELDER HELPER 400 130
21 GAS CUTTER 700 170
22 GRINDER 700 170
23 FABRICATOR 650 150
24 RIGGER 500 120
25 ELECTRICIAN 650 150
26 CABLE JOINTER 780 190
27 MECHANIC 520 120
28 HELPER (KHALASI) 350 100
29 BHISTI (WATER MAN) 300 90
31 HEAVY DRIVER 700 170
33 SAND BLASTER 500 120
34 COATER & WRAPPER 500 120

(Signature of Bidder with stamp)




The below table highlights the minimum requirement of equipment’s to be mobilized by contractor for each
Schedule within 30 days from award of contract to complete the scheduled works as per tender requirements.

The below list is only indicative and may require mobilization of additional equipment’s based on the project
requirements as directed timely by Site Engineer in Charge from Owner / EPMC without any time and cost


Minimum Quantity Period for

Sr No. Description Required As Per Mobilisation
30 Days 60 days
1 D.G Set (30, 60, 125 KVA) 9 4 5
2 Dozer D-8 with Ripper 3 2 1
3 Dozer D-7/ D6 or Equivalent 2 2
4 Grader 4 2 2
5 Drag Line As Required
Rock Breaking Machine (Pneumatic
6 As Required
/ Hydraulic)

7 Trencher As Required

8 Excavator / Back Hoe 12 2 10

9 Tyre Mounted Crane (30T & 12T) 3 1 2

10 Pipe Layer / Side Boom 12 4 8

Horizontal Augur Boring Machine

11 for 24” and 36” Casing 3 1 2

Pay Welder Welding Crew including

12 3 2 1
welding machine

13 Welding Machines with DG 30 16 14

14 Pipe Bending Machine 2 1 1


Minimum Quantity Period for

Sr No. Description Required As Per Mobilisation
30 Days 60 days
15 Bevel Cutting Machine 6 2 4
16 Pipe Clamp Internal 4 2 2
17 Pipe Clamp External 9 4 5
Induction Heating Equipment /
18 3 3
Localized LPG Heating
19 Holiday Detector 6 2 4
20 Air Compressor (300-650) CFM 2 1 1
21 Air Compressor (1050-1500) CFM 2 2
Sand/ Grit Blasting Cleaning
22 5 1 4
23 X- Ray Machine Internal Crawler 3 1 2
24 X Ray Machine External 3 1 2
25 Gamma Source As Required
26 Dark Room Facility with viewer 2 1 1
27 UT Machine 3 1 2
28 Dewatering Pump 6 3 3
Hydro Testing set for Pre-Test and
29 As Required
Post Test
30 Test Headers set 3 3
Dead Weight Tester (Ravika 0-400
31 2 2
32 Test Cabin 2 2
33 Trucks (10T / 15T) 3 3
34 Pipe Trailer (Flat Bed / LB Trailer) 18 8 10
35 Dumper / Tipper As Required
36 Tractor As Required
37 Diesel Tractor As Required
38 Water Tanker min 1000L capacity 4 2 2
39 Auto Leveling machine 4 3 1
Dumpy Leveling /Theodolite
40 8 4
Concrete Mixer with Bay watcher &
41 6 6


Minimum Quantity Period for

Sr No. Description Required As Per Mobilisation
30 Days 60 days
Gunniting Machine for concrete
42 As Required
coating pipe
HDD machine considering the rig of
43 As Required
maximum rig of required capacity
GPS / GIS Machine for taking co-
44 9 5 4
OFC Blowing machine with
45 2 2
46 Splicing unit / OTDR machine As Required
Site civil lab with Cube testing To be established
machine near SV station
48 Mobile workshop 1 1
49 Crane Truck 1 1
Notes –
1) Meeting the requirement of deployment of above minimum Construction Equipment per section is
essential as per Bidder Qualification Criteria. Therefore, Bidder shall confirm their compliance for
deployment of above equipment’s duly in form of sign and stamp as token of their acceptance.
2) Bidder along with the technical bid shall submit the details of the equipment’s, tools and tackles duly
categorizing as under “Owned, Hired / Leased or To Be Purchased” by them for each section separately
for the project. In case the equipment is hired then the duly notarized agreement copy shall be
3) Bidder shall confirm that the equipment’s declared by them as per above point shall be mobilized and
used for only HPCL Hassan Cherlapalli Pipeline (HCPL) project. Equipment once deployed cannot be
demobilized without prior written consent / approval from Engineer In Charge from EPMC / Owner.
4) Bidder shall confirm that the equipment’s are in good working condition, duly certified by chartered
engineer, to maintain the work progress.
5) In the event of award of contract, it shall be Contractor’s responsibility to make available immediate
replacement of the damaged / defective equipment without any time and cost implication to Owner /
EPMC, in case of any breakdown during execution. Bidder to avail the confirmation on the said point.
6) If the contractor uses automatic welding machine, then the machine shall not be more than 5 years
older from the date of manufacturing.

Signature of Bidder with Stamp

Annexure 1


Scope of Work:

Liasioning and carrying out all activities required for acquisition of legally acceptable piece of land for
setting up Sectionalising Valve station/ IP Station along the pipeline from the list tentative SV station
locations marked in process schematic diagram. The approximate land size for SV station may be 35
mx 55m, however this land requirement and size may be optimised or increased further by HPCL.
The final requirement will be advised by HPCL/consultant for the permanent acquisition to set up SV
station/IP station with allied facilities. Contractor shall assist in acquisition of land through direct
negotiations till possession, registration and NA permission. Vendor to quote for item considering they
have to do DILR survey, Bonafide Industrial purpose certificate, Town planning approval and any
other requirement as per State Authorities requirement.
The payment for the land procured along with agreement amount, stamp duty would be paid
by HPCL.

Contractors Scope

The Contractor’s scope of job includes, but is not limited to, the following:

a) Assist identification of plot in close vicinity to the chainages of the respective Sectionalising
valve Stations along the pipeline route and acceptance by HPCL.

b) Taking consent from the land owners.

c) Collection of revenue records, establishing correctness of ownership by search/ revenue

records, nil encumbrances etc.

d) Obtain the required documents from revenue department and get it verified from an Advocate
from HPCL’s approved lawyers. Payment to lawyers is in the scope of contractor.

e) Submit cleared documents with Legal certification to HPCL for final Legal clearance from
HPCL’s Legal department.

f) Contractor shall carry out the survey of the land from RDO or Dy Inspector of Surveyor or
other designated authority and mark the four corners of land. The report shall be part of
deliverables of contractor before agreement.

g) Providing HPCL with the latest registered land value in the surrounding area, actual land
sale / purchase transactions in the area during last 6 months, if any, details of any
acquisition proceedings that have been initiated or proposed to be initiated by local
authorities / bodies, trend in the real estate value in the area.

h) Making arrangements for negotiations for the land by HPCL. There may be multiple
negotiations for the same land. No extra payment would be made in such cases.

i) Contractor shall arrange to give the paper notice for such land on behalf of HPCL and obtain
the reports of any objection after 15-day waiting period.

j) Only such legally and technically cleared lands will be considered and given clearance to the
contractor for purchase of such lands.

k) All the statutory payments for the land upto agreement including survey, paper notice etc.,
shall be paid by the contractor only.

l) The legally cleared agreement shall be given by HPCL and agreement amount to be made by
the contractor. The payment to the land owners for the land proposed to be acquired shall be
made by HPCL.

m) Expediting subsequent formalities including signing of agreements or sale deed if any, to

facilitate possession of land by HPCL.

n) Obtaining all required approvals/ no objection certificates from concerned authorities like
village panchayats or municipalities etc. under whose jurisdiction each plot of land falls, for
constructing and setting up the Sectionalising Valve Stations.

o) Obtaining approvals from concerned road authority for laying of approach road to
Sectionalising Valve Stations from the nearest road.

p) Registering the land in HPCL’s name.

q) Entry of HPCL’s name in original Land Records on the acquired plot no. and obtaining copy
of the same in support.

r) Getting Non Agricultural conversion of the land if required.

s) After taking possession of the land contractor to prepare layout plan of station showing outside
roads etc.

t) Obtaining Grid Power electrical connection for all the locations including installation of Two
Pole structures, installation of transformers and isolation swtich.

HPCL’s scope

In above context shall be limited to:

a) Obtaining Legal Clearance from HPCL’s Legal department.

b) Obtaining approval from HPCL’s committee & Making payment to land owners.
c) Payment of statutory fees like registration fees, stamp duty etc., by HPCL (if any).
d) Approved layout plan from engineering consultant shall be provided by HPCL.

Annexure 2

LAND PROCUREMENT (For Anode Bed Installations)

Scope of Work:

Acquiring of required Land (as per approved design) for all PCP Anode Bed Installations as per CP
Specification in the vicinity of the identified CP stations. The item scope includes acquiring land and
Change of land ownership to the name of HPCL including NA conversion (where required), area
grading / levelling to a suitable grade level to avoid water logging, supply and fixing of chain-link
fencing and gate. The item scope also includes acquiring ROU (where required) for cable laying
between CPTRU and Anode bed. Size of land would be around 50X5 m. Area may vary based on the
PCP design.
Note: PCP/Land for anode bed for the complete Pipeline ( "Schedule 1 + Schedule 2 + Schedule 3 +
Schedule 4 + Schedule 5") is in the scope of Schedule 3 Contractor.
The payment for the land procured along with agreement amount, stamp duty would be paid
by HPCL.

Contractors Scope

The Contractor’s scope of job includes, but is not limited to, the following:

u) Assist identification of plot in close vicinity to the chainages of the respective Sectionalising
valve Stations along the pipeline route and acceptance by HPCL.

v) Taking consent from the land owners.

w) Collection of revenue records, establishing correctness of ownership by search/ revenue

records, nil encumbrances etc.

x) Obtain the required documents from revenue department and get it verified from an Advocate
from HPCL’s approved lawyers. Payment to lawyers is in the scope of contractor.

y) Submit cleared documents with Legal certification to HPCL for final Legal clearance from
HPCL’s Legal department.

z) Contractor shall carry out the survey of the land from RDO or Dy Inspector of Surveyor or
other designated authority and mark the four corners of land. The report shall be part of
deliverables of contractor before agreement.

aa) Providing HPCL with the latest registered land value in the surrounding area, actual land
sale / purchase transactions in the area during last 6 months, if any, details of any

acquisition proceedings that have been initiated or proposed to be initiated by local
authorities / bodies, trend in the real estate value in the area.

bb) Making arrangements for negotiations for the land by HPCL. There may be multiple
negotiations for the same land. No extra payment would be made in such cases.

cc) Contractor shall arrange to give the paper notice for such land on behalf of HPCL and obtain
the reports of any objection after 15-day waiting period.

dd) Only such legally and technically cleared lands will be considered and given clearance to the
contractor for purchase of such lands.

ee) All the statutory payments for the land upto agreement including survey, paper notice etc.,
shall be paid by the contractor only.

ff) The legally cleared agreement shall be given by HPCL and agreement amount to be made by
the contractor. The payment to the land owners for the land proposed to be acquired shall be
made by HPCL.

gg) Expediting subsequent formalities including signing of agreements or sale deed if any, to
facilitate possession of land by HPCL.

hh) Obtaining all required approvals/ no objection certificates from concerned authorities like
village panchayats or municipalities etc. under whose jurisdiction each plot of land falls, for
constructing and setting up the Sectionalising Valve Stations.

ii) Obtaining approvals from concerned for laying cables to the Sectionalising Valve Stations from
the anode bed.

jj) Registering the land in HPCL’s name.

kk) Entry of HPCL’s name in original Land Records on the acquired plot no. and obtaining copy
of the same in support.

ll) Getting Non Agricultural conversion of the land if required.

HPCL’s scope

In above context shall be limited to:

e) Obtaining Legal Clearance from HPCL’s Legal department.

f) Obtaining approval from HPCL’s committee & Making payment to land owners.
g) Payment of statutory fees like registration fees, stamp duty etc., by HPCL (if any).
h) Approved layout plan from engineering consultant shall be provided by HPCL.
Annexure 3

We hereby confirm that we have received all the technical documents listed with the
declaration below, which are uploaded on FTP server link through main tender document for
following tender numbers.

Tender No.: 19000472-HD-10120 / 19000473-HD-10120 / 19000474-HD-10120 /

19000475-HD-10120 & 19000476-HD-10120

Further, we hereby declare that we have gone through the complete set of tender documents
uploaded on the HPCL e-Portal and FTP server (as per details given in the Important section).

We hereby confirm that deviations if any to the technical specifications shall be listed only in
the standard deviation format (online deviation form).

Bidder Details:

Name of Authorised Person

Position: _________________________

Date: ___________________________

Signature & Company Stamp

Note: Bidder to submit signed stamped declaration form along with the below list on company
letterhead as token of their acknowledgement and acceptance of receipt of the listed

Chapter – 4





1.1 This is a Contract for execution of job as defined in tender document at the specified

1.2 The tenderer for the abovementioned item of work is the company/ proprietary
concern/ individual (as per details & address mentioned in the unpriced bid) and
undersigned (digitally) is authorized to submit the bid on behalf of tenderer.

1.3 The terms and conditions mentioned hereunder are the terms and conditions of the
Contract for the execution of the work mentioned under item 1.1 above.

1.4 It is the clear understanding between Hindustan Petroleum Corporation

Limited and the tenderer that in case the bid of tenderer is accepted by
Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited and an intimation to that effect is so
issued and also a Procurement Order is on the tenderer this document shall
form part of the Contract between the parties and terms and conditions hereunder
would govern the parties interest.

1.5 Interpretation of Contract Documents: All documents forming part of the Contract are
to be taken mutually explanatory. Should there be any discrepancy,
inconsistency, error or omission in the contract, the decision of the Owner/Engineer-
in-Charge/Site-in-Charge shall be the final and the contractor
shall abide by the decision. The decision shall not be arbitrable. Works shown
upon the drawings but not mentioned in the specification or described in the
specifications without being shown on the drawings shall nevertheless be deemed to
be included in the same manner as if they are shown in the drawings and
described in the specifications.

1.6 Special conditions of Contract : The special conditions of contract, if any

provided and whenever and wherever referred to shall be read in conjunction with
General Terms and Conditions of contract, specifications, drawings, and any other
documents forming part of this contract wherever the context so requires.
Notwithstanding the subdivision of the documents into separate sections, parts
volumes, every section, part or volume shall be deemed to be supplementary or
complementary to each other and shall be read in whole. In case of any
misunderstanding arising the same shall be referred to decision of the Owner/ Engineer-
in-Charge/Site-in-Charge and their decision shall be final and binding and the
decision shall not be arbitrable.

It is the clear understanding that wherever it is mentioned that the Contractor shall
do/perform a work and/or provide facilities for the performance of the work, the doing
or the performance or the providing of the facilities is at the cost and expenses of
the Contractor not liable to be paid or reimbursed by the Owner.

Procurement Manual HPCL, Mumbai

® 1.7 The Order of Precedence of documents shall be as follows with document at level 1 having the
highest precedence (Refer Annexure 22 Govt. Guideline Sr. No. 12)

1. Contract Agreement
2. Detailed Letter of Acceptance along with its enclosures
3. Letter of Award / Fax of Acceptance
4. Job Specifications (specific to particular job only)
5. Drawings
6. Special Conditions of Contract
7. Technical Specifications
8. Instructions to Bidders
9. General Conditions of Contract
10. Other Documents

Any amendment / change order issued after signing of formal contract shall take precedence
over respective clauses of the formal contract and its annexures

In this contract unless otherwise specifically provided or defined and unless a contrary intention
appears from the contract the following words and expressions are used in the following

2.1 The term "Agreement" wherever appearing in this document shall be read as
2.2 The "Authority" for the purpose of this Contract shall be the Chairman and
Managing Director or any other person so appointed or authorised.
2.3 The "Chairman and Managing Director" shall mean the Chairman and Managing
soappointed, nominated or designated and holding the office of Chairman &
Managing Director.
2.4 The "Change Order" means an order given in writing by the Engineer-in-Charge or by
Owner to effect additions to or deletion from or alterations into the Work.
2.5 The "Construction Equipment" means all appliances and equipment of
whatsoever nature for the use in or for the execution, completion, operation or
maintenance of the work except those intended to form part of the Permanent
2.6 The "Contract" between the Owner and the Contractor shall mean and include all
documents like enquiry, tender submitted by the contractor and the procurement
order issued by the owner and other documents connected with the issue of the
procurement order and orders, instruction, drawings, change orders, directions
issued by the Owner/Engineer-in-Charge/Site-in-Charge for the execution, completion
and commissioning of the works and the period of contract mentioned in the Contract
including such periods of time extensions as may be granted by the owner at the
request of the contractor and such period of time for which the work is continued by
the contractor for purposes of completion of the work.
2.7 "The Contractor" means the person or the persons, firm or Company whose tender has
been accepted by the Owner and includes the Contractor's legal heirs,
representative, successor(s) and permitted assignees.

® REVISION: PROC-021/01.07.2017

Procurement Manual HPCL, Mumbai

2.8 The "Drawings" shall include maps, plans and tracings or prints thereof with any
modifications approved in writing by the Engineer-in-Charge and such other
drawings as may, from time to time, be furnished or approved in writing by the
2.9 The "Engineer-in-Charge or Site-in-Charge" shall mean the person appointed or
designated as such by the Owner and shall include those who are expressly authorised
by the owner to act for and on its behalf.
incorporated in India having its Registered office at PETROLEUM HOUSE, 17,
JAMSHEDJI TATA ROAD, BOMBAY - 400020 and Marketing office at the
address mentioned for this purpose in the tender header or their successors or assignees.
2.11 The "Permanent Work" means and includes works which form a part of the work to
be handed over to the Owner by the Contractor on completion of the contract.
2.12 The "Project Manager" shall mean the Project Manager of HINDUSTAN
PETROLEUM CORPORATION LIMITED, or any person so appointed, nominated or
2.13 The "Site" means the land on which the work is to be executed or carried out and
such other place(s) for purpose of performing the Contract.
2.14 The "Specifications" shall mean the various technical and other specifications attached
and referred to in the tender documents. It shall also include the latest editions,
including all addenda/corrigenda or relevant Indian Standard Specifications and
Bureau Of Indian Standards.
2.15 The "Sub-Contractor" means any person or firm or Company (other than the
Contractor) to whom any part of the work has been entrusted by the Contractor with the
prior written consent of the Owner/Engineer-in-Charge/Site-in- Charge and their
legal heirs, representatives, successors and permitted assignees of such person,
firm or Company.
2.16 The "Temporary Work" means and includes all such works which are a part of the
contract for execution of the permanent work but does not form part of the
permanent work confirming to practices, procedures applicable rules and
regulations relevant in that behalf.
2.17 The "Tender" means the document submitted by a person or authority for carrying out
the work and the Tenderer means a person or authority who submits the tender
offering to carry out the work as per the terms and conditions.
2.18 The "Work" shall mean the works to be executed in accordance with the
Contract or part thereof as the case may be and shall include extra, additional,
altered or substituted works as maybe required for the purposes of completion of the
work contemplated under the Contract.


3.1 Before submitting the Tender, the Tenderer shall at their own cost and
expenses visit the site, examine and satisfy as to the nature of the existing roads,
means of communications, the character of the soil, state of land and of the
excavations, the correct dimensions of the work facilities for procuring
various construction and other material and their availability, and shall obtain
information on all matters and conditions as they may feel necessary for the
execution of the works as intended by the Owners and shall also satisfy of the
availability of suitable water for construction of civil works and for drinking purpose and
power required for fabrication work etc. Tenderer, whose tender may be accepted

Procurement Manual HPCL, Mumbai

and with whom the Contract is entered into shall not be eligible and be able to make
any claim on any of the said counts in what so ever manner for what so ever reasons
at any point of time and such a claim shall not be raised as a dispute and shall not
be arbitrable.

A pre-bid meeting may be held as per the schedule mentioned in the tender.

3.2 The Tenderer shall be deemed to have satisfied fully before tendering as to the
correctness and sufficiency of his tender for the works and of the rates and prices
quoted in the schedule of quantities which rates and prices shall except as
otherwise provided cover all his obligations under the contract.
3.3 It must be clearly understood that the whole of the conditions and specifications are
intended to be strictly enforced and that no work will be considered as extra work
and allowed and paid for unless they are clearly outside the scope, spirit, meaning
of the Contract and intent of the Owner and have been so ordered in writing by
Owner and/or Engineer-in-Charge/Site-in-Charge, whose decision shall be final and

3.4 Before filling the Tender the Contractor will check and satisfy all drawings and materials
to be procured and the schedule of quantities by obtaining clarification from the
Owner on all the items as may be desired by the Tenderer. No claim for any alleged
loss or compensation will be entertained on this account, after submission of Tender
by the Tenderer/Contractor and such a claim shall not be arbitrable.

3.5 Unless specifically provided for in the tender documents or any Special Conditions, no
escalation in the Tender rates or prices quoted will be permitted throughout
the period of contract or the period of actual completion of the job whichever is later
on account of any variation in prices of materials or cost of labour or due to any
other reasons. Claims on account of escalation shall not be arbitrable.

3.6 The quantities indicated in the Tender are approximate. The approved schedule of
rates of the contract will be applicable for variations upto plus or minus 25% of the
contract value. No revision of schedule of rates will be permitted for such variations in
the contract value, including variations of individual quantities, addition of new items,
alterations, additions/deletions or substitutions of items, as mentioned above.
Quantities etc. mentioned and accepted in the joint measurement sheets shall alone
be final and binding on the parties.
3.7 Owner reserve their right to award the contract to any tenderer and their decision in
this regard shall be final. They also reserve their right to reject any or all
tenders received. No disputes could be raised by any tenderer(s) whose tender has
been rejected.
3.8 The Rates quoted by the Tenderer shall include Costs and expenses on all counts viz.
cost of materials, transportation of machine(s), tools, equipments, labour, power,
Administration charges, price escalations, profits, etc. except to the extent of the
cost of material(s), if any, agreed to be supplied by Owner and mentioned
specifically in that regard in condition of Contract, in which case, the cost of such
material if taken for preparation of the Contractor's Bill(s) shall be deducted
before making payment of the Bill(s) of the Contractor. The description given in the
schedule of quantities shall unless otherwise stated be held to include wastage
on materials, carriage and cartage, carrying in and return of empties, hoisting,

Procurement Manual HPCL, Mumbai

setting, fitting and fixing in position and all other expenses necessary in and for
the full and complete execution and completion of works and in accordance with good
practice and recognised principles in that regard.
3.9 Employees of the State and Central Govt. and employees of the Public Sector
Undertakings, including retired employees are covered under their respective
service conditions/rules in regard to their submitting the tender. All such persons
should ensure compliance to the respective/applicable conditions, rules etc. Any
person not complying with those rules etc. but submitting the tender in violation
of such rules, after being so noticed shall be liable for the forfeiture of the Earnest
Money Deposit made with the tender, termination of Contract and sufferance on
account of forfeiture of Security Deposit and sufferance of damages arising as
a result of termination of Contract.

3.10 In consideration for having a chance to be considered for entering into a

contract with the Owner, the Tenderer agrees that the Tender submitted by him
shall remain valid for the period prescribed in the tender conditions, from the date
of opening of the tender. The Tenderer shall not be entitled during the said
validity period, to revoke or cancel the tender without the consent in writing
from the Owner.

In case the tenderer revokes or cancels the tender or varies any of terms of the
tender without the Consent of the Owner, in writing, the Tenderer forfeits the right to
the refund of the Earnest Money paid along with the tender.

3.11 The prices quoted by the Tenderer shall be firm during the validity period of
the bid and Tenderer agrees to keep the bid alive and valid during the said period.
The Tenderers shall particularly take note of this factor before submitting their

3.12 The works shall be carried out strictly as per approved specifications. Deviations, if any,
shall have to be authorised by the Engineer-in-Charge/Site-in-Charge in writing
prior to implementing deviations. The price benefit, if any, arising out of the accepted
deviation shall be passed on to the Owner. The decision of Engineer- in-Charge shall
be final in this matter.

3.13 The contractor shall make all arrangements at his own cost to transport the
required materials outside and inside the working places and leaving the premises in a
neat and tidy condition after completion of the job to the satisfaction of Owner. All
materials except those agreed to be supplied by the Owner shall be supplied by the
contractor at his own cost and the rates quoted by the Contractor should be inclusive
of all royalties, rents, taxes, duties, statutory levies, if any, etc.

3.14 The Contractor shall not carry on any work other than the work under this Contract within
the Owne s premises without prior permission in writing from the Engineer- in-

3.15 The Contractor shall be bound to follow and ensure compliance to all the safety and
security regulations and other statutory rules applicable to the area. In the event of
any damage or loss or sufference caused due to non-observance of such rules and
regulations, the contractor shall be solely responsible for the same and shall keep the
Owner indemnified against all such losses and claims arising from the same.

Procurement Manual HPCL, Mumbai

3.16 At any time after acceptance of tender, the Owner reserves the right to add,
amend or delete any work item, the bill of quantities at a later date or reduce the
scope of work in the overall interest of the work by prior discussion and intimation to
the Contractor. The decision of Owner, with reasons recorded therefor, shall be final
and binding on both the Owner and the Contractor. The Contractor shall not have right
to claim compensation or damage etc. in that regard. The Owner reserves the
right to split the work under this contract between two or more contractors
without assigning any reasons.

3.17 Contractor shall not be entitled to sublet, sub contract or assign, the work
under this Contract without the prior consent of the Owner obtained in writing.

3.18 All signatures in tender document shall be dated as well as all the pages of all
sections of the tender documents shall be initialed at the lower position and signed,
wherever required in the tender papers by the Tenderer or by a person holding
Power of Attorney authorising him to sign on behalf of the tenderer before
submission of tender.

3.19 The tender should be quoted in English, both in figures as well as in words. The rates and
amounts tendered by the Tenderer in the Schedule of rates for each item and in such a
way that insertion is not possible. The total tendered amount should also be indicated
both in figures and words with the signature of tenderer.

If some discrepancies are found between the rates given in words and figures of the
amount shown in the tender, the following procedure shall be applied :

(a) When there is a difference between the rates in figures and words, the rate which
corresponds to the amount worked out by the tenderer shall be taken as correct.
(b) When the rate quoted by the tenderer in figures and words tallies but the amount is
incorrect, the rate quoted by the tenderer shall be taken as correct.
(c) When it is not possible to ascertain the correct rate in the manner
prescribed above the rate as quoted in words shall be adopted.

3.20 All corrections and alterations in the entries of tender paper will be signed in full by
the tenderer with date. No erasures or over writings are permissible.

3.21 Transfer of tender document by one intending tenderer to the another one is not
permissible. The tenderer on whose name the tender has been sent only can

3.22 The Tender submitted by a tenderer if found to be incomplete in any or all

manner is liable to be rejected. The decision of the Owner in this regard is final and


The tenderer will be required to pay a sum as specified in the covering letter, as
earnest money deposit along with the tender either thru a crossed demand draft or a
non-revokable Bank Guarantee in favour of Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited, from
any Scheduled Bank (other than a Co-Operative Bank) payable at Mumbai in favour of
Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited, Mumbai in the proforma enclosed

Procurement Manual HPCL, Mumbai

® or through e-payment. The earnest money deposit will be refunded after finalisation of the
Note: Public sector enterprises and small scale units registered with National Small Scale
Industries are exempted from payment of Earnest Money Deposit. Small scale units
registered with National Small Scale Industries should enclose a photocopy of their
registration certificate with their quotation to make their quotation eligible for consideration.
The Registration Certificate should remain valid during the period of the contract that
may be entered into with such successful bidder. Such tenderers should ensure validity of
the Registration Certificate for the purpose.
The tenderer, with whom the contract is decided to be entered into and intimation is so
given will have to make a security deposit of one percent (1%) of the total contract
value in the form of account payee crossed demand draft drawn in favour of the
Owner, within 15 days from the date of intimation of acceptance of their tender, failing
which the Owner reserves the right to cancel the Contract and forfeit the EMD.
1% of PO/Contract value as Security deposit will be acceptable in the form of Demand
® draft or through e-payment upto r 50,000/- and in the form of Demand draft / Bank
guarantee or through e-payment beyond r 50,000/-.
Composite Performance Bank Guarantee (CPBG) valid upto a period of 3 months
beyond the expiry of defect liability period. Demand Draft should be drawn on
Scheduled Banks, other than co-operative bank.
Quantum of Performance Bank Guarantee inclusive of Security Deposit should be
as follows:
- All items (other than CVR items) : 10% of PO value
- For CVR items: r 10.0 lakhs or 5% of the order value whichever is lower. Composite
PBG of above value towards Performance Bank Guarantee inclusive of Security
Deposit shall be accepted (in lieu of deduction of retention money of 10% from each
bill); Such composite PBG shall be valid upto a period of 3 months beyond the
expiry of defect liability period. Demand Draft should be drawn on Scheduled
Banks (other than cooperative banks).

All the works shall be executed in strict conformity with the provisions of the contract
documents and with such explanatory details, drawings, specifications and instructions as
may be furnished from time to time to the Contractor by the Engineer-in-Charge/ Site-
in-Charge, whether mentioned in the Contract or not. The Contractor shall be responsible
for ensuring that works throughout are executed in the most proper and workman- like
manner with the quality of material and workmanship in strict accordance with the
specifications and to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer-in- Charge/Site-in-Charge.
The completion of work may entail working in monsoon also. The contractor must
maintain the necessary work force as may be required during monsoon and plan to
execute the job in such a way the entire project is completed within the contracted time
schedule. No extra charges shall be payable for such work during monsoon. It shall
be the responsibility of the contractor to keep the construction work site free from water
during and off the monsoon period at his own cost and expenses.
For working on Sundays/Holidays, the contractor shall obtain the necessary permission
from Engineer Incharge/Site Incharge in advance. The contractor shall be permitted to
work beyond the normal hours with prior approval of Engineer-In-Charge/Site-In-Charge and
the contractors quoted rate is inclusive of all such extended hours of working and no extra
amount shall be payable by the owner on this account.
® REVISION: PROC-020/02.12.2016
Procurement Manual HPCL, Mumbai


5.a.1. The Engineer-in-Charge/Site-in-Charge shall furnish the Contractor with only the four
corners of the work site and a level bench mark and the Contractor shall set out
the works and shall provide an efficient staff for the purpose and shall be solely
responsible for the accuracy of such setting out.

5.a.2. The Contractor shall provide, fix and be responsible for the maintenance of all
necessary stakes, templates, level marks, profiles and other similar things and
shall take all necessary precautions to prevent their removal or disturbance and
shall be responsible for consequences of such removal or disturbance should
the same take place and for their efficient and timely reinstatement. The
Contractor shall also be responsible for the maintenance of all existing survey
marks, either existing or supplied and fixed by the Contractor. The work shall
be set out to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge/Site-in-Charge. The
approval thereof or joining in setting out the work shall not relieve the Contractor
of his responsibility.

5.a.3. Before beginning the works, the Contractor shall, at his own cost, provide all
necessary reference and level posts, pegs, bamboos, flags ranging rods, strings
and other materials for proper layout of the work in accordance with the
scheme, for bearing marks acceptable to the Engineer-in-Charge/Site-in-
Charge. The Centre longitudinal or face lines and cross lines shall be marked by
means of small masonary pillars. Each pillar shall have distinct marks at the
centre to enable theodolite to be set over it. No work shall be started until all
these points are checked and approved by the Engineer-in-Charge/Site-in-
Charge in writing. But such approval shall not relieve the contractor of any of
his responsibilities. The Contractor shall also provide all labour, materials and
other facilities, as necessary, for the proper checking of layout and inspection of
the points during construction.
5.a.4. Pillars bearing geodetic marks located at the sites of units of works under
construction should be protected and fenced by the Contractor.
5.a.5. On completion of works, the contractor shall submit the geodetic documents
according to which the work was carried out.
5.a.6. The Engineer-in-Charge/Site-in-Charge shall communicate or confirm his
instructions to the contractor in respect of the executions of work in a "work site
order book" maintained in the office having duplicate sheet and the authorised
representative of the contractor shall confirm receipt of such instructions by
signing the relevant entries in the book.
5.a.7. All instructions issued by the Engineer-in-Charge/Site-in-Charge shall be in writing.
The Contractor shall be liable to carry out the instructions without fail.
5.a.8. If the Contractor after receipt of written instruction from the Engineer-in-Charge/
Site-in-Charge requiring compliance within seven days fails to comply with such
drawings or 'instructions' or both as the Engineer-in-Charge/Site-in-Charge may
issue, owner may employ and pay other persons to execute any such work
whatsoever that may be necessary to give effect to such drawings or
`instructions' and all cost and expenses incurred in connection therewith as
certified by the Engineer-in-Charge/ Site-in-Charge shall be borne by the contractor
or may be deducted from amounts due or that may become due to the contractor
under the contract or may be recovered as a debt.

Procurement Manual HPCL, Mumbai

5.a.9. The Contractor shall be entirely and exclusively responsible for the horizontal
and vertical alignment, the levels and correctness of every part of the work and
shall rectify effectually any errors or imperfections therein. Such
rectifications shall be carried out by the Contractor, at his own cost.
5.a.10. In case any doubts arise in the mind of the Contractor in regard to any
expressions, interpretations, statements, calculations of quantities, supply of
material rates, etc. the contractor shall refer the same to the Site-in-Charge/
Engineer-in-Charge for his clarification, instructions, guidance or clearing of
doubts. The decision of the Engineer-in-Charge/Site-in-Charge shall be final and the
contractor shall be bound by such a decision.

5.a.11."The Contractor shall take adequate precautions, to ensure that his operations
do not create nuisance or misuse of the work space that shall cause
unnecessary disturbance or inconvenience to others at the work site".

5.a.12. "All fossils, coins articles of value of antiquity and structure or other remains
of geological or archaeological discovered on the site of works shall be
declared to be the property of the Owner and Contractor shall take reasonable
precautions to prevent his workmen or any other persons from removing or
damaging any such articles or thing and shall immediately inform the Owner/

5.a.13. "Contractor will be entirely and exclusively responsible to provide and

maintain at his expenses all lights, guards, fencing, etc. when and where even
necessary or/as required by the Engineer-in-Charge/Site-in-Charge for the
protection of works or safety and convenience to all the members employed at the
site or general public."


The contractor shall after paying the requisite security deposit, commence work
within 15 days from the date of receipt of the intimation of intent from the Owner
informing that the contract is being awarded. The date of intimation shall be the
date/day for counting the starting day/date and the ending day/date will be accordingly
calculated. Penalty, if any, for the delay in execution shall be calculated accordingly.

Contractor should prepare detailed fortnightly construction programme for approval

by the Engineer-in-Charge within one month of receipt of Letter Of Intent. The work shall
be executed strictly as per such time schedule. The period of Contract includes the
time required for testing, rectifications, if any, re-testing and completion of work in all
respects to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge.

A Letter of Intent is an acceptance of offer by the Owner and it need not be accepted by
the contractor. But the contractor should acknowledge a receipt of the purchase order
within 15 days of mailing of Purchase Order and any delay in acknowledging the receipt
will be a breach of contract and compensation for the loss caused by such breach will be
recovered by the Owner by forfeiting earnest money deposit/bid bond.


5.c.1. No part of the contract nor any share or interest thereof shall in any manner or
degree be transferred, assigned or sublet, by the Contractor, directly or
indirectly to any firm or corporation whatsoever, without the prior consent in
writing of the Owner.
Procurement Manual HPCL, Mumbai

5.c.2. At the commencement of every month the Contractor shall furnish to the Engineer-
in-charge/Site-in-Charge list of all sub-contractors or other persons or firms
engaged by the Contractor.
5.c.3 The contract agreement will specify major items of supply or services for which the
Contractor proposes to engage sub-Contractor/sub-Vendor. The contractor may
from time to time propose any addition or deletion from any such list and will submit
the proposals in this regard to the Engineer-in-charge/Designated officer-in-
charge for approval well in advance so as not to impede the progress of work.
Such approval of the Engineer-in-charge/Designated officer-in-charge will not relieve
the contractor from any of his obligations, duties and responsibilities under the
5.c.4. Notwithstanding any sub-letting with such approval as resaid and notwithstanding
that the Engineer-in-Charge shall have received copies of any sub-contract, the
Contractor shall be and shall remain solely to be responsible for the quality and
proper and expeditious execution of the works and the performance of all the
conditions of the contract in all respects as if such subletting or sub-contracting had
not taken place and as if such work had been done directly by the
5.c.5 Prior approval in writing of the Owner shall be obtained before any change is made
in the constitution of the contractor/Contracting agency otherwise contract shall be
deemed to have been allotted in contravention of clause entitled sub-letting of
wor and the same action may be taken and the same consequence shall ensue
as provided in the clause of sub- letting of works .


1) If the Contractor anticipates that he will not be able to complete the work
within the contractual delivery/ completion date (CDD), then the Contractor
shall make a request for grant of time extension clearly specifying the reasons
for which he seeks extension of time and demonstrating as to how these
reasons were beyond the control of the contractor or attributable to the Owner.
This request should be made well before the expiry of the Contractual Delivery/
Completion Date (CDD).
2) If such a request for extension is received with a Bank Guarantee for the full
Price Reduction amount calculated on the Total Contract Value, the concerned
CGM of the Owner shall grant a Provisional extension of time, pending a
decision on the request.
3) The concerned CGM of the Owner shall expeditiously decide upon the request
for time extension and decide the levy of price reduction within a maximum
period of 6 months from the CDD or date of receipt of the request, whichever
is earlier.
4) Grant of any extension of time shall be by means of issuance of a Change
5) In order to avoid any cash crunch to the Contractor, a Bank Guarantee could
be accepted against Price Reduction, as stated above. Once a decision is
taken, the Price Reduction shall be recovered from any pending bills or by
encashment of the BG. Any balance sum of Contractor or the BG (if Price
Reduction is fully recovered from the bills) shall be promptly
refunded/returned to the Contractor.

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5.e.1. Subject to the provisions of this contract, the contractor shall if ordered in
writing by the Engineer- in-Charge/Site-in-Charge for reasons recorded suspend
the works or any part thereof for such period and such time so ordered and
shall not, after receiving such, proceed with the work therein ordered to suspended
until he shall have received a written order to re-start. The Contractor shall be
entitled to claim extension of time for that period of time the work was ordered to
be suspended. Neither the Owner nor the Contractor shall be entitled to claim
compensation or damages on account of such an extension of time.

5.e.2. In case of suspension of entire work, ordered in writing by Engineer-in-

Charge/Site-in-Charge, for a period of 30 days, the Owner shall have the option
to terminate the Contract as provided under the clause fortermination. The
Contractor shall not be at liberty to remove from the site of the works any
plant or materials belonging to him and the Employer shall have lien upon all
such plant and materials.

5.e.3. The contractor shall, in case of suspension have the right to raise a dispute
and have the same arbitrated but however, shall not have the right to have the
work stopped from further progress and completion either by the owner or
through other contractor appointed by the owner.


Not withstanding anything contained elsewhere in this contract, the owner upon failure of
the Contractor to comply with any instructions given in accordance with the provisions
of this contract, may instead of Contract and undertaking charge of entire work,
place additional labour force, tools, equipment and materials on such parts of the work,
as the Owner may decide or engage another Contractor to carryout the balance of
work. In such cases, the Owner shall have the right to deduct from the amounts payable
to the Contractor the difference in cost of such work and materials with ten percent
overhead added to cover all departmental charges. Should the total amount thereof
exceed the amount due to the contractor, the Contractor shall pay the difference to the
Owner within 15 days of making demand for payment failing which the Contractor shall
be liable to pay interest at 24% p.a. on such amounts till the date of payment.


5.g.1. The Engineer-in-Charge/Site-in-Charge and Officers from Central or State

Government will have full power and authority to inspect the works at any time
wherever in progress, either on the site or at the Contractor's
premises/workshops of any person, firm or corporation where work in connection
with the contract may be in hand or where the materials are being or are to be
supplied, and the Contractor shall afford or procure for the Engineer-in-
Charge/Site-in-Charge every facility and assistance to carryout such inspection.
The Contractor shall, at all times during the usual working hours and at all other
times at which reasonable notice of the intention of the Engineer-in-Charge/Site-in-
Charge or his representative to visit the works shall have been given to the
Contractor, either himself be present to receive orders and instructions, or
have a responsible agent, duly accredited in writing, present for the purpose.
Orders given to the Contractor's agent shall be considered to have the same force
as if they had been given to the Contractor himself. The Contractor shall give not

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less than seven days notice in writing to the Engineer-in-Charge/Site-in-Charge

before covering up or otherwise placing beyond reach of inspection and
measurement any work in order that the same may be inspected and
measured. In the event of breach of above, the same shall be uncovered at
Contractor's expense for carrying out such measurement and/or inspection.

5.g.2. No material shall be removed and despatched by the Contractor from the site
without the prior approval in writing of the Engineer-in-charge. The contractor is
to provide at all times during the progress of the work and the maintenance period
proper means of access with ladders, gangways, etc. and the necessary
attendance to move and adapt as directed for inspection or measurements of
the works by the Engineer-in-Charge/Site-in-Charge.


5.h.1. The contractor shall furnish to the Engineer-in-charge/Site-in-Charge for

approval when requested or required adequate samples of all materials and
finishes to be used in the work.
5.h.2. Samples shall be furnished by the Contractor sufficiently in advance and
before commencement of the work so as the Owner can carry out tests and
examinations thereof and approve or reject the samples for use in the works. All
material samples furnished and finally used/applied in actual work shall fully be of
the same quality of the approved samples.


5.i.1. All workmanship shall be of the respective kinds described in the contract
documents and in accordance with the instructions of the Engineer-in-Charge /
Site-in- Charge and shall be subjected from time to time to such tests at
Contractor's cost as the Engineer-in-Charge/Site-in-Charge may direct at the
place of manufacture or fabrication or on the site or at all or any such places.
The Contractor shall provide assistance, instruments, labour and materials as are
normally required for examining, measuring and testing any workmanship as may
be selected and required by the Engineer-in-Charge/Site-in-Charge.
5.i.2. All the tests that will be necessary in connection with the execution of the work
as decided by the Engineer-in- charge/Site-in-Charge shall be carried out at the
contractors cost and expenses.
5.i.3. If any tests are required to be carried out in connection with the work or
materials or workmanship to be supplied by the owner, such tests shall be carried
out by the Contractor as per instructions of Engineer-in-Charge/Site-in-Charge and
expenses for such tests, if any, incurred by the contractor shall be reimbursed
by the Owner. The contractor should file his claim with the owner within 15
(fifteen) days of inspection/test and any claim made beyond that period shall
lapse and be not payable.



5.j.1. The Engineer-in-Charge/Site-in-Charge shall have powers to make any alterations,

additions and/or substitutions to the schedule of quantities, the original

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specifications, drawings, designs and instructions that may become necessary

or advisable or during the progress of the work and the Contractor shall be
bound to carryout such altered/extra/new items of work in accordance with
instructions which may be given to him in writing signed by the Engineer-in-
Charge/Site- in-Charge. Such alterations, omissions, additions or substitutions
shall not invalidate the contract. The altered, additional or substituted work which
the Contractor may be directed to carryon in the manner as part of the work shall
be carried out by the Contractor on the same conditions in all respects on which
he has agreed to do the work. The time for completion of such altered added
and/or substituted work may be extended for that part of the particular job. The
rates for such additional altered or substituted work under this Clause shall, be
worked out in accordance with the following provisions:
5.j.2. If the rates for the additional, altered or substituted work are specified in the contract
for similar class of work, the Contractor is bound to carryout the additional,
altered or substituted work at the same rates as are specified in the contract.
5.j.3. If the rates for the additional, altered or substituted work are not specifically provided
in the contract for the work, the rates will be derived from the rates for similar
class of work as are specified in the contract for the work. In the opinion of the
Engineer-in- Charge/Site-in-Charge as to whether or not the rates can be
reasonably so derived from the items in this contract, will be final and binding on
the Contractor.
5.j.4. If the rates for the altered, additional or substituted work cannot be determined in
the manner specified above, then the Contractor shall, within seven days of the
date of receipt of order to carry out the work, inform the Engineer-in-Charge/
Site-in-Charge of the rate at which he intends to charge for such class of work,
supported by analysis of the rate or rates claimed and the Engineer-In-Charge/
Site-in-Charge shall determine the rates on the basis of the prevailing market
rates for both material and labour plus 10% to cover overhead and profit of labour
rates and pay the Contractor accordingly. The opinion of the Engineer-in-
Charge/Site-in-Charge as to current market rates of materials and the quantum of
labour involved per unit of measurement will be final and binding on the
5.j.5. In case of any item of work for which there is no specification supplied by the
Owner and is mentioned in the tender documents, such work shall be carried out in
accordance with Indian Standard Specifications and if the Indian Standard
Specifications do not cover the same, the work should be carried out as per
standard Engineering Practice subject to the approval of the Engineer-in-Charge/


Acceptance of sections of the works for purposes of equipment erection, piping,

electrical work and similar usages by the Owner and payment for such work or parts of
work shall not constitute a waiver of any portion of this contract and shall not be
construed so as to prevent the Engineer from requiring replacement of defective
work that may become apparent after the said acceptance and also shall not absolve the
Contractor of the obligations under this contract. It is made clear that such an
acceptance does not indicate or denote or establish to the fact of execution of that work
or the Contract until the work is completed in full in accordance with the provisions
of this Contract.

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As soon as the work is completed in all respects, the contractor shall give notice of such
completion to the site in charge or the Owner and within thirty days of receipt of such
notice the site in charge shall inspect the work and shall furnish the contractor with a
certificate of completion indicating:
a) defects, if any, to be rectified by the contractor
b) items, if any, for which payment shall be made in reduced rates
c) the date of completion.


5.m.1. Notwithstanding anything contained to the contrary in any or all of the clauses of
this contract, where any materials for the execution of the contract are
procured with the assistance of Government either by issue from Government
stocks or procurement made under orders or permits or licences issued by
Government, the contractor shall use the said materials economically and solely
for the purpose of the contract and shall not dispose them of without the
permission of the Owner.
5.m.2. All surplus(serviceable) or unserviceable materials that may be left over after
the completion of the contract or at its termination for any reason
whatsoever, the Contractor shall deliver the said product to the Owner without
any demur. The price to be paid to the Contractor, if not already paid either in
full or in part, however, shall not exceed the amount mentioned in the Schedule
of Rates for such material and in cases where such rates are not so mentioned,
shall not exceed the CPWD scheduled rates. In the event of breach of the
aforesaid condition the contractor shall become liable for contravention of the
terms of the Contract.
5.m.3. The surplus (serviceable) and unserviceable products shall be determined by joint
measurement. In case where joint measurement has failed to take place, the
Owner may measure the same and determine the quantity.
5.m.4. It is made clear that the Owner shall not be liable to take stock and keep
possession and pay for the surplus and unserviceable stocks and the Owner may
direct the Contractor to take back such material brought by the Contractor and
becoming surplus and which the Owner may decide to keep and not to pay for the


The contractor shall guarantee the work executed for a period of 12 months from the date
of completion of the job. Any damage or defect that may arise or lie undiscovered at
the time of completion of the job shall be rectified or replaced by the contractor at his
own cost. The decision of the Engineer In-charge/Site-Incharge/Owner shall be the
final in deciding whether the defect has to be rectified or replaced.
Equipment or spare parts replaced under warranty/guarantees shall have further warranty
for a mutually agreed period from the date of acceptance.
The owner shall intimate the defects noticed in writing by a Registered A.D. letter or
otherwise and the contractor within 15 days of receipt of the intimation shall start the
rectification work and complete within the time specified by the owner failing which the
owner will get the defects rectified by themselves or by any other contractor and the
expenses incurred in getting the same done shall be paid by the Contractor under the
provision of the Contract.
Thus, defect liability is applicable only in case of job/works contract (civil, mechanical,
electrical, maintenance etc. ) where any damage of defect may arise in future (i.e.
within 12 months from the date of completion of job) or lie undiscovered at the time of
completion of job.
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In other words, in case of service contracts (like car hire etc.) where there is no
question of damage or defect arising in future, the defect liability clause is not

® Equipment or spare parts replaced under warranty/guarantees shall have further

warranty for 12 months from the date of acceptance. However, in no case will the
warranty exceed 24 months from the date of start of the original warranty. (Refer Annexure
22 Govt. Guideline Sr. No. 14)


5.o.1. Contractor shall be responsible for making good to the satisfaction of the Owner
any loss of and any damage to all structures and properties belonging to the Owner
or being executed or procured by the Owner or of other agencies within the
premises of the work of the Owner, if such loss or damage is due to fault and/or
the negligence or willful acts or omission of the Contractor, his employees,
agents, representatives or sub-contractors.

5.o.2. The Contractors shall indemnify and keep the Owner harmless of all claims for
damage to Owner's property arising under or by reason of this contract.


Notwithstanding anything contrary contained herein, the aggregate total liability of

Seller, excluding his liability towards infringement of patent, trade mark or industrial
design rights under the contract or otherwise shall be limited to 100% of value of
Purchase order. However, neither party shall be liable to the other party for any
indirect and consequential damages, loss of profits or loss of production. (Refer
Annexure 22 Govt. Guideline Sr. No. 13)




6.a.1 The Contractor shall be solely and exclusively responsible for engaging or
employing persons for the execution of work. All persons engaged by the
contractor shall be on Contractor's payroll and paid by Contractor. All disputes or
differences between the Contractor and his/their employees shall be settled by
6.a.2. Owner has absolutely no liability whatsoever concerning the employees of the
Contractor. The Contractor shall indemnify Owner against any loss or damage or
liability arising out of or in the course of his/their employing persons or relation
with his/their employees. The Contractor shall make regular and full payment of
wages and on any complaint by any employee of the Contractor or his sub
contractor regarding non-payment of wages, salaries or other dues, Owner
reserves the right to make payments directly to such employees or sub-
contractor of the Contractor and recover the amount in full from the bills of the

® REVISION: PROC-021/01.07.2017

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Contractor and the contractor shall not claim any compensation or

reimbursement thereof. The Contractor shall comply with the Minimum Wages
Act applicable to the area of work site with regard to payment of wages to his
employees and also to employees of his sub contractor.
6.a.3. The Contractor shall advise in writing or in such appropriate way to all of his
employees and employees of sub-contractors and any other person engaged by
him that their appointment/employment is not by the Owner but by the
Contractor and that their present appointment is only in connection with the
construction contract with Owner and that therefore, such an
employment/appointment would not enable or make them eligible for any
employment/appointment with the Owner either temporarily or/and permanent


The contractor shall comply with and give all notices required under any Government
authority, instruction, rule or order made under any act of parliament, state laws or
any regulations or by-laws of any local authority relating to the works.


6.c.1 Contractor shall maintain first aid facility for his employees and those of his
6.c.2. Contractor shall make arrangements for ambulance service and for the
treatment of all types of injuries. Names and telephone numbers of those
providing such services shall be furnished to Owner prior to start of
construction and their name board shall be prominently displayed in Contractor's
field office.
6.c.3. All industrial injuries shall be reported promptly to owner and a copy of
contractor's report covering each personal injury requiring the attention of a
physician shall be furnished to the Owner.


6.d.1. The Contractor shall at his own expenses arrange for the Safety provisions
as may be necessary for the execution of the work or as required by the
Engineer-in-Charge in respect of all labours directly or indirectly employed for
performance of the works and shall provide all facilities in connections
therewith. In case the contractor fails to make arrangements and provide
necessary facilities as aforesaid, the Owner shall be entitled to do so and
recover the cost thereof from the Contractor.
6.d.2. From the commencement to the completion of the works, the contractor shall
take full responsibility for the care thereof and of all the temporary works (defined
as meaning all temporary works of every kind required in or for the execution,
completion or maintenance of the works). In case damage, loss or injury shall
happen to the works or to any part thereof or to temporary works or to any
cause whatsoever repair at his (Contractor's) own cost and make good the
same so that at the time of completion, the works shall be in good order and
condition and in conformity in every respect with the requirement of the contract
and Engineer-in-Charge's instructions.

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6.d.3. In respect of all labour, directly or indirectly employed in the work for the
performance of the Contractor's part of this agreement, the contractor shall
at his own expense arrange for all the safety provisions as per relevant Safety
Codes of C.P.W.D Bureau of Indian Standards, the Electricity Act/I.E. Rules.
The Mines Act and such other Acts as applicable.
6.d.4. The Contractor shall observe and abide by all fire and safety regulations of
the Owner. Before starting construction work, the Contractor shall consult
with Owner's Safety Engineer or Engineer-in-Charge/Site-in-Charge and must
make good to the satisfaction of the Owner any loss or damage due to fire to
any portion of the work done or to be done under this agreement or to any of
the Owner's existing property.
6.d.5. The Contractor will be fully responsible for complying with all relevant provisions
of the Contract Labour Act and shall pay rates of Wages and observe hours
of work/conditions of employment according to the rules in force from time to
6.d.6. The Contractor will be fully responsible for complying with the provision
including documentation and submission of reports on the above to the
concerned authorities and shall indemnify the Corporation from any such
lapse for which the Government will be taking action against them.
6.d.7. Owner shall on a report having been made by an inspecting Office as
defined in the Contract Labour Regulations have the power to deduct from the
money due to the Contractor any sum required or estimated to be required for
making good the loss suffered by a worker(s) by reasons of non-fulfillment of
conditions of contract for the benefit of workers no-payment of wages or of
deductions made from his or their wages which are not justified by the terms of
contract or non observance of the said contractor's labour Regulation.


Contractor shall at his own expense obtain and maintain an insurance policy with a
Nationalised Insurance Company to the satisfaction of the Owner as provided


i. The Contractor agrees to and does hereby accept full and exclusive
liability for the compliance with all obligations imposed by Employees State
Insurance Act, 1948, and the Contractor further agrees to defend
indemnify and hold Owner harmless from any liability or penalty which may
be imposed by the Central, State or local authority by reason of any
asserted violation by Contractor, or sub-contractor of the Employees' State
Insurance Act, 1948 and also from all claims, suits or proceedings that
may be brought against the Owner arising under, growing out of or by
reason of the work provided for by this contract whether brought by
employees of the Contractor, by third parties or by Central or State
Government authority or any political sub-division thereof.
ii. The Contractor agrees to file with the Employees State Insurance
Corporation, the Declaration forms and all forms which may be required
in respect of the Contractor's or sub-contractor's employee whose
aggregate emuneration is within the specified limit and who are employed
in the work provided or those covered by ESI Act under any amendment to
the Act from time to time.

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The Contractor shall deduct and secure the agreement of the sub- contractor
to deduct the employee's contribution as per the first schedule of the
Employee's State Insurance Act from wages and affix the employee's
contribution cards at wages payment intervals. The Contractor shall remit
and secure the agreement of the sub contractor to remit to the State Bank
of India, Employee's State Insurance Corporation Account, the Employee's
contribution as required by the Act.

ii. The Contractor agrees to maintain all records as required under the Act
in respect of employees and payments and the Contractor shall secure the
agreement of the sub contractor to maintain such records. Any expenses
incurred for the contributions, making contribution or maintaining records
shall be to the Contractor's or sub-contractor's account.

iv. The Owner shall retain such sum as may be necessary from the total
contract value until the Contractor shall furnish satisfactory proof that all
contributions as required by the Employees State Insurance Act, 1948, have
been paid.


Provide Insurance for all the Contractor's employees engaged in the
performance of this contract. If any of the work is sublet, the Contractor shall
ensure that the sub contractor provides workmen's compensation and
Employer's Liability Insurance for the latter's employees who are not
covered under the Contractor's insurance.


Contractor shall take out an Insurance to cover all risks to Owner for each
of his vehicles plying on works of this contract and these insurances shall
be valid for the total contract period. No extra payment will be made for this
insurance. Owner shall not be liable for any damage or loss not made good
by the Insurance Company, should such damage or loss result from
unauthorised use of the vehicle. The provisions of the Motor Vehicle Act
would apply.


Contractor shall within two weeks after award of contract insure the
Works, Plant and Equipment and keep them insured until the final
completion of the Contract against loss or damage by accident, fire or any
other cause with an insurance company to be approved by the
Employer/Consultant in the joint names of the Employer and the Contractor
(name of the former being placed first in the Policy). Such Policy shall
cover the property of the Employer only.


i. Contractor shall also provide and maintain any and all other insurance which
may be required under any law or regulations from time to time. He shall
also carry and maintain any other insurance which may be required by the
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ii. The aforesaid insurance policy/policies shall provide that they shall not be
cancelled till the Engineer-in-Charge has agreed to their cancellation.

iii. The Contractor shall satisfy to the Engineer-in-Charge/Site-in-Charge

from time to time that he has taken out all insurance policies referred to
above and has paid the necessary premium for keeping the policies alive till
the expiry of the defects liability period.

iv. The contractor shall ensure that similar insurance policies are taken out
by his sub-contractor (if any) and shall be responsible for any claims or
losses to the Owner resulting from their failure to obtain adequate
insurance protections in connection thereof. The contractor shall produce or
cause to be proceed by his sub-contractor (if any) as the case may be, the
relevant policy or policies and premium receipts as and when required by the

® v. Contractor shall at his own expense cover all the workmen engaged
under him under Pradhan Mantri Surksha Bima Yojana (PMSBY) and
submit proof of the same to HPCL.


i. The contractor shall at his own cost employ persons during the period of
contract and the persons so appointed shall not be construed under
any circumstances to be in the employment of the Owner.

ii. All payments shall be made by the contractor to the labour employed by
him in accordance with the various rules and regulations stated above.
The contractor shall keep the Owner indemnified from any claims
whatsoever inclusive of damages/costs or otherwise arising from injuries
or alleged injuries to or death of a person employed by the contractor or
damages or alleged damages to the property.

iii. No labour below the age of eighteen years shall be employed on the
work. The Contractor shall not pay less than what is provided under the
provisions of the contract labour (Regulations and Abolition) Act, 1970 and
the rules made thereunder and as may be amended from time to time. He
shall pay the required deposit under the Act appropriate to the number of
workman to be employed by him or through sub contractor and get himself
registered under the Act. He shall produce the required Certificates to the
Owner before commencement of the work. The Owner recognises only the
Contractor and not his sub contractor under the provisions of the Act. The
Contractor will have to submit daily a list of his workforce. He will also keep
the wage register at the work site or/and produce the same to the Owner,
whenever desired. A deposit may be taken by the Owner from the
Contractor to be refunded only after the Owner is satisfied that all
workmen employed by the Contractor have been fully paid for the period of
work in Owner's premises at rates equal to or better than wages provided
for under the Minimum Wages Act. The contractor shall be responsible and
liable for any complaints that may arise in this regard and the
consequences thereto.

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iv. The Contractor will comply with the provisions of the Employee's Provident
Fund Act and the Family Pension Act as may be applicable and as
amended from time to time.

v. The Contractor will comply with the provisions of the payment of Gratuity
Act, 1972, as may be applicable and as amended from time to time.


The Contractor shall comply with the provisions of the Apprentices Act, 1961
and the Rules and Orders issued thereunder from time to time. If he fails to
do so, his failure will be a breach of the contract and the Engineer-in-
Charge may, at his discretion, cancel the contract. The Contractor shall
also be liable for any pecuniary liability arising on account of any violation
by him of the provision of the Act.


The Contractor shall at his own expenses comply with or cause be complied
with Model rules for Labour Welfare as appended to those conditions or rules
framed by the Government from time to time for the protection of health
and for making sanitary arrangements for worker employed directly or
indirectly on the works. In case the contractor fails to make arrangements as
aforesaid the Engineer-in-Charge/Site-in-Charge shall be entitled to do so
and recover the cost thereof from the contractor.


6.f.1. All documents including drawings, blue prints, tracings, reproducible models,
plans, specifications and copies, thereof furnished by the Owner as well as all
drawings, tracings, reproducibles, plans, specifications design calculations
etc. prepared by the contractor for the purpose of execution of works
covered in or connected with this contract shall be the property of the Owner and
shall not be used by the contractor for any other work but are to be delivered
to the Owner at the completion or otherwise of the contract.

6.f.2. The Contractor shall keep and maintain secrecy of the documents, drawings
etc. issued to him for the execution of this contract and restrict access to such
documents, drawings etc. and further the Contractor shall execute a SECRECY
agreement from each or any person employed by the Contractor having access
to such documents, drawings etc. The Contractor shall not issue drawings and
documents to any other agency or individual without the written approval by
the Engineer-in-Charge/Site-in- Charge.

6.f.3. Contractor will not give any information or document etc. concerning details of
the work to the press or a news disseminating agency without prior written
approval from Engineer-in-charge/Site-in-Charge. Contractor shall not take
any pictures on site without written approval of Engineer-in-Charge/Site-in-

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7.1. Payments will be made against Running Accounts bills certified by the Owner's
Engineer-in-Charge/Site-in-Charge within 15 days from the date of receipt of the

7.2. Running Account Bills and the final bill shall be submitted by the Contractor together
with the duly signed measurements sheet(s) to the Engineer-in-Charge/ Site-in-
Charge of the Owner in quadruplicate for certification.

The Bills shall also be accompanied by quantity calculations in support of the

quantities contained in the bill along with cement consumption statement,
actual/theoretical, wherever applicable duly certified by the Engineer-in-Charge/ Site-in-
Charge of the Owner.

7.3. All running account payments shall be regarded as on account payment(s) to be finally
adjusted against the final bill payment. Payment of Running Account Bill(s) shall not
determine or affect in any way the rights of the Owner under this Contract to make
the final adjustments of the quantities of material, measurements of work and
adjustments of amounts etc. in the final bill.

7.4. The final bill shall be submitted by the Contractor within one month of the date of
completion of the work fully and completely in all respects. If the Contractor fails to
submit the final bill accordingly Engineer-in-Charge/Site-in-Charge may make the
measurement and determine the total amount payable for the work carried out by the
Contractor and such a certification shall be final and binding on the Contractor.
The Owner/Engineer- in-Charge/Site-in-Charge may take the assistance of an outside
party for taking the measurement, the expenses of which shall be payable by the

7.5. Payment of final bill shall be made within 30 days from the date of receipt of the certified
bill by the Disbursement Section of the owner.

7.6 Wherever possible, payment shall be tendered to the contractor in electronic mode
(e-payment) through any of the designated banks. The contractor will comply by
furnishing full particulars of Bank acount (mandate) to which the payments will be
routed. Owner reserves the right to make payment in any alternate mode also.


7.a.1. All measurements shall be in metric system. All the works will be jointly
measured by the representative of the Engineer-in-Charge/Site-in-Charge and
the Contractor or their authorised agent progressively. Such measurement will
be recorded in the Measurement Book/Measurement Sheet by the Contractor
or his authorised representative and signed in token of acceptance by the
Owner or their authorised representative.
7.a.2. For the purpose of taking joint measurement, the Contractor/representative
shall be bound to be present whenever required by the Engineer-in-Charge/Site-
If, however, they are absent for any reasons whatsoever, the measurement will
be taken by the Engineer-in-Charge/Site-in-Charge or his representative and the
same would be deemed to be correct and binding on the Contractor.
7.a.3. In case of any dispute as to the mode of measurement for any item of work,
the latest Indian Standard Specifications shall be followed. In case of any
further dispute on the same the same shall be as per the certification of an
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outside qualified Engineer/ Consultant. Such a measurement shall be final and

binding on the Owner and the Contractor.


The Contractor will submit a bill in approved proforma in quadruplicate to the Engineer-
in-Charge/Site-in-Charge of the work giving abstract and detailed measurement for
the various items executed during a month, before the expiry of the first week of the
succeeding month. The Engineer-in-Charge/Site-in-Charge shall take or cause to be
taken the requisite measurements for the purpose of having the bill verified and/or
checked before forwarding the same to the disbursement office of the Owner for further
action in terms of the Contract and payment thereafter. The Engineer-in-Charge/Site-in-
Charge shall verify the bills within 7 days of submission of the Bill by the


10% of the total value of the Running Account and Final Bill will be deducted and retained
by the Owner as retention money on account of any damage/defect liability that
may arise for the period covered under the defect liability period clause of the Contract
free of interest. Any damage or defect that may arise or lie undiscovered at the time of
issue of completion certificate connected in any way with the equipment or materials
supplied by contractor or in workmanship shall be rectified or replaced by the contractor
at his own expense failing which the Owner shall be entitled to rectify the said
damage/defect from the retention money. Any excess of expenditure incurred by the
Owner on account of damage or defect shall be payable by the Contractor. The decision
of the Owner in this behalf shall not be liable to be questioned but shall be final and
binding on the Contractor.

Thus, deduction towards retention money is applicable only in case of job/works contracts
(civil, mechanical, electrical, maintenance etc.) where any damage or defect may arise
in future (i.e. within 12 months from the date of completion of job) or lie undiscovered at
the time of issue of completion certificate.


7.d.1 The Contractor accepts full and exclusive liability for the payment of any and all
taxes, duties, cess, levies and statutory payments payable under all or any of
the statutes etc.

Variations of taxes and duties arising out of the amendments to the Central / State
enactments, in respect of sale of goods / services covered under this bid shall be to
HPCL s account, so long as :

They relate to the period after the opening of the price bid, but before the
contracted completion period ( excluding permitted extensions due to delay on
account of the contractors, if any) or the actual completion period, whichever is
earlier; and
The vendor furnishes documentary evidence of incurrence of such variations, in
addition to the invoices/documents for claiming Cenvat /Input Tax credit,
wherever applicable.

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All contributions and taxes for unemployment compensation, insurance and old
age pensions or annuities now or hereafter imposed by Central or State
Governmental authorities which are imposed with respect to or covered by
the wages, salaries or other compensations paid to the persons employed by the
Contractor and the Contractor shall be responsible for the compliance with all
obligations and restrictions imposed by the Labour Law or any other law affecting
employer-employee relationship and the Contractor further agrees to comply and
to secure the compliance of all sub-contractors with all applicable Central,
State, Municipal and local laws, and regulations and requirements of any
Central, State or Local Government agency or authority.

Contractor further agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless from any
liability or penalty which may be imposed by the Central, State or Local
authorities by reason of any violation by Contractor or sub-contractor of such
laws, regulations or requirements and also from all claims, suits or proceedings
that may be brought against the Owner arising under, growing out of, or by
reasons of the work provided for by this contract by third parties, or by Central
or State Government authority or any administrative sub-division thereof. The
Contractor further agrees that in case any such demand is raised against the
Owner, and Owner has no way but to pay and pays/makes payment of the same,
the Owner shall have the right to deduct the same from the amounts due and
payable to the Contractor. The Contractor shall not raise any demand or
dispute in respect of the same but may have recourse to recover/receive
from the concerned authorities on the basis of the Certificate of the Owner issued
in that behalf.

7.d.2. The rates quoted should be inclusive of all taxes. However, wherever a
tax to be deducted at source the same will be deducted from the bills of
the Contractor and paid to the concerned authorities. The proof of such
payments of tax on works contract will be furnished to the contractor.

The vendor shall comply with all the provisions of the GST
Act/Rules/requirements like providing of tax invoices, payment of taxes to the
authorities within the due dates, filing of returns within the due dates etc. to
enable HPCL to take Input Tax Credit. In case of imports, vendor shall
provide import documents and invoice fulfilling the requirement of Customs
Act and Rules. Vendor will be fully responsible for complying with the
Customs provisions to enable HPCL to take Input Tax Credit.

In case, HPCL is not able to take Input Tax Credit due to any
noncompliance/default/negligence of the seller of goods/service provider, the
same shall be recovered from the pending bills/dues (including security
deposit, BG etc.)

Vendor shall be responsible to indemnify the Corporation for any loss, direct
or implied accrued to the Corporation on account of supplier/service provider
failure to discharge his statutory liabilities like paying taxes on time, filing
appropriate returns within the prescribed time etc.

7.d.3. Income tax will be deducted at source as per rules at prevailing rates, unless
certificate, if any, for deduction at lesser rate or nil deduction is submitted by the
Contractor from appropriate authority.

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7.d.4 The contractor shall provide accurate particulars of PAN number as required, under
Section 206AA of Income Tax Act 1961.

7.d.5 The contractors having their tax residency status outside India shall provide
Tax Residency Certificate (TRC), issued by Government of the Country or the
specified territory where the Contractor is a Resident. Rule 21AB of the
Income Tax Rules, 1962 has prescribed the contents of a TRC. This would
enable the Corporation to deduct tax at source by duly considering the treaty
relief , if any, under Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (DTAA) entered
into between GOI and the respective country/specified territory in which the
Contractors tax residency status is currently in force.

7.d.6 Anti-Profiteering Clause GST Act anti-profiteering provisions mandates that

any reduction in tax rates or benefits of input tax credits be passed on to the
consumer by way of commensurate reduction in prices. Vendors to take note
of the same and pass such benefits while quoting their price.


7.e.1. The Contractor shall procure and provide the whole of the materials required for
construction including tools, tackles, construction plant and equipment for the
completion and maintenance of the works except the materials viz. steel and
cement which may be agreed to be supplied as provided elsewhere in the contract.
The contractor shall make arrangement for procuring such materials and for the
transport thereof at their own cost and expenses.

7.e.2. The Owner may give necessary recommendation to the respective authority if
so desired by the Contractor but assumes no responsibility of any nature.
The Contractor shall procure materials of ISI stamp/certification and
supplied by reputed suppliers borne on DGS&D list.

7.e.3. All materials procured should meet the specifications given in the tender
document. The Engineer-in-charge may, at his discretion, ask for samples and
test certificates for any batch of any materials procured. Before procuring, the
Contractor should get the approval of Engineer-in-Charge/Site-in-Charge for
any materials to be used for the works.

7.e.4. Manufacturer's certificate shall be submitted for all materials supplied by the
Contractor. If, however, in the opinion of the Engineer-in-Charge/Site-in-Charge
any tests are required to be conducted on the material supplied by the
Contractor, these will be arranged by the Contractor promptly at his own cost.


7.f.1. Steel and Cement maybe supplied by the Owner to the contractor against
payment by Contractor from either godown or from the site or within work
premises itself and the contractor shall arrange for all transport to actual work
site at no extra cost.

7.f.2. The contractor shall bear all the costs including loading and unloading, carting
from issue points to work spot storage, unloading, custody and handling and
stacking the same and return the surplus steel and cement to the Owner's
storage point after completion of job.
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7.f.3. The contractor will be fully accountable for the steel and cement received from the
Owner and contractor will give acknowledgement/receipt for quantity of steel and
cement received by him each time he uplifts cement from Owner's custody.

7.f.4. For all computation purposes, the theoretical cement consumption shall be
considered as per CPWD standards.

7.f.5. Steel and Cement as received from the manufacturer/stockists will be

issued to the contractor. Theoretical weight of cement in a bag will be
considered as 50 Kg. Bags weighing upto 4% less shall be accepted by the
contractor and considered as 50 Kg. per bag. Any shortage in the weight of
any cement bag by more than 4% will be to the Owner's account only when
pointed out by the Contractor and verified by Engineer-in-Charge/Site in Charge
at the time of Contract or taking delivery.

7.f.6. The contractor will be required to maintain a stock register for receipt, issuance
and consumption of steel and cement at site. Cement will be stored in a
warehouse at site. Requirement of cement on any day will be taken out of the
warehouse. Cement issued shall be regulated on the basis of FIRST RECEIPT
to go as FIRST ISSUE.

7.f.7. Empty cement bag shall be the property of the Contractor. Contractor shall
be penalised for any excess/under consumption of cement. The penal rate
will be twice the rate of issue of cement for this work.

7.f.8. All the running bills as well as the final bills will be accompanied by cement
consumption statements giving the detailed working of the cement used,
cement received and stock-on-hand.

7.f.9. The Contractor will be fully responsible for safe custody of cement once it is
received by him and during transport. Owner will not entertain any claims of the
contractor for theft, loss or damage to cement while in their custody.

7.f.10. The contractor shall not remove from the site any cement bags at any time.

7.f.11. The Contractor shall advise Engineer-in-charge/Site-in-charge in writing atleast 21

days before exhausting the Cement stocks already held by Contractor to ensure
that such delays do not lead to interruptions in the progress of work.

7.f.12. Cement shall not be supplied by the Owner for manufacturing of mosaic tiles,
precast cement jali and any other bought out items which consume cement and
for temporary works.

7.f.13. Cement in bags and in good usable condition left over after the completion of
work shall be returned by the contractor to the Owner. The Owner shall make
payment to the Contractor at the supply rate for such stocks of cement they
accept and receive. Any refused stock of cement shall be removed by the
Contractor from the site at his cost and expenses within 15 days of completion of
the work.


8.1. Should the Owner have to pay money in respect of claims or demands as aforesaid the
amount so paid and the costs incurred by the Owner shall be charged to and paid by
the Contractor and the Contractor shall not be entitled to dispute or question the right of
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the Owner to make such payments notwithstanding the same may have been without
his consent or authority or in law or otherwise to the contrary.

8.2. In every case in which by virtue of the provisions of Workmen's Compensation Act,
1923, or other Acts, the Owner is obliged to pay Compensation to a Workman
employed by the Contractor in execution of the works, the Owner will recover from the
Contractor the amount of compensation so paid and without prejudice to the rights
of Owner under the said Act. Owner shall be at liberty to recover such amount or any
part thereof by deducting it from the security deposit or from any sum due to the
Contractor whether under this contract or otherwise. The Owner shall not be
bound to contest any claim made under Section 12 sub section (1) of the said Act,
except on the written request of the Contractor and upon his giving to the Owner full
security for all costs for which the owner might become liable in consequence of
contesting such claim.


If it shall appear to the Engineer-in-Charge/Site-in-Charge that any work has been
executed with bad, imperfect or unskilled workmanship, or with materials, or that any
materials or articles provided by the Contractor for execution of the work are not of
standards specified/inferior quality to that contracted for, or otherwise not in accordance
with the contract, the CONTRACTOR shall on demand in writing from the Engineer-in-
Charge/Site-in-Charge or his authorised representative specifying the work,
materials or articles complained of, notwithstanding that the same may have been
inadvertently passed, certified and paid for, forthwith rectify or remove and reconstruct
the work so specified and at his own charge and cost and expenses and in the event of
failure to do so within a period of 15 days of such intimation/ information/knowledge,
the Contractor shall be liable to pay compensation equivalent to the cost of
reconstruction by the Owner. On expiry of 15 days period mentioned above, the Owner
may by themselves or otherwise rectify or remove and re-execute the work or remove
and replace with others, the materials or articles complained of as the case may be at
the risk and expenses in all respects of the Contractor. The decision of the Engineer-
in- Charge/ Site-in-Charge as to any question arising under this clause shall be final and
conclusive and shall not be raised as a dispute or shall be arbitrable.


This project is subject to inspection by various Government agencies of Government

of India. The contractor shall extend full cooperation to all the Government and other
agencies in the inspection of the works, audit of the Contract and the documents of
Contract Bills, measurements sheets etc. and examination of the records of works and
make enquiries interrogation as they may deem fit, proper and necessary.
Upon inspection etc. by such agencies if it is pointed out that the contract work has not
been carried out according to the prescribed terms and conditions as laid down in the
tender documents and if any recoveries are recommended, the same shall be
recovered from the contractors running bills/final bill/from ordered/suggested Security
Deposit/retention money. The Contractor shall not rise any dispute on any such account
and the same shall not be arbitrable.


The Contractor shall indemnify the Owner and every member, officer and employee
of the Owner, also the Engineer-in-Charge/Site-in-Charge and his staff against all the
actions, proceedings, claims, demands, costs, expenses, whatsoever arising out of or in
connection with the works and all actions, proceedings, claims, demands, costs,
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expenses which may be made against the Owner for or in respect of or arising out of
any failure by the Contractor in the performance of his obligations under the contract.
The Contractor shall be liable for or in respect of or in consequence of any accident or
injury to any workmen or other person in the employment of the Contractor or his sub
contractor and Contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Owner against all
such damages, proceedings, costs, charges and expenses whatsoever in respect thereof
or in relation thereto.

10. Price reduction

i) In case of any delay in completion of the work beyond the CDD, the Owner
shall be entitled to be paid Price Reduction by the Contractor. The price reduction
shall be initially at the rate of 0.5% (half percent) of the total contract value for
every week of the delay subject to a maximum of 5% of the total contract
value. The price reduction shall be recovered by the Owner out of the
amounts payable to the Contractor or from any Bank Guarantees or
Deposits furnished by the Contractor or the Retention Money retained from the
Bills of the Contractor, either under this contract or any other contract.

ii) The Contractor shall be entitled to give an acceptable unconditional Bank

Guarantee in lieu of such a deduction if Contractor desires any decision on a
request for time extension.

iii) Once a final decision is taken on the request of the Contractor or otherwise, the
price reduction shall be applicable only on the basic cost of the contract and on
each full completed week(s) of delay (and for part of the week, a pro-rata price
reduction amount shall be applicable).

iv) This final calculation of price reduction shall be only on the value of the
unexecuted portion/quantity of work as on the CDD.

v) Contractor agrees with the Owner, that the above represents a genuine pre-
estimate of the damages which the Owner will suffer on account of delay in the
performance of the work by Contractor. The Contractor further agrees that the
price reduction amount is over and above any right which owner has to risk
purchase under Clause 12.4 and any right to get the defects in the work rectified
at the cost of the contractor.



The Contractor shall remain responsible and liable to make good all losses or damages
that may occur/appear to the work carried out under this Contract within a period of 12
months from date of issue of the Completion Certificate and/or the date of Owner
taking over the work, whichever is earlier. The Contractor shall issue a Bank Guarantee
to the Owner in the sum of 10% of the work entrusted in the Contract, from any
Scheduled Bank (other than a Co-Operative Bank) acceptable to the Owner and if
however, the Contractor fails to furnish such a Bank Guarantee the Owner shall have
right to retain the Security Deposit and Retention Money to cover the 10% of the
Guarantee amount under this clause and to return/refund the same after the expiry of the
period of 12 months without any interest thereon. (Please refer to clause 4. Deposits)

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12.1 The owner may terminate the contract at any stage of the construction for reasons to
be recorded in the letter of termination.

12.2 The Owner inter alia may terminate the Contract for any or all of the following reasons
that the contractor

a) has abandoned the work/Contract.

b) has failed to commence the works, or has without any lawful excuse under these
conditions suspended the work for 15 consecutive days.
c) has failed to remove materials from the site or to pull down and replace the work within
15 days after receiving from the Engineer written notice that the said materials or
work were condemned and/or rejected by the Engineer under specified conditions.
d) has neglected or failed to observe and perform all or any of the terms acts, matters or
things under this Contract to be observed and performed by the Contractor.
e) has to the detriment of good workmanship or in defiance of the Engineer's instructions to
the contrary sub-let any part of the Contract.
f) has acted in any manner to the detrimental interest, reputation, dignity, name or
prestige of the Owner.
g) has stopped attending to work without any prior notice and prior permission for a
period of 15 days.
h) has become untraceable.
i) has without authority acted in violation of the terms and conditions of this contract
and has committed breach of terms of the contract in best judgement of the
j) has been declared insolvent/bankrupt.
k) in the event of sudden death of the Contractor.

12.3 The owner on termination of such contract shall have the right to appropriate the
Security Deposit, Retention Money and invoke the Bank Guarantee furnished by the
contractor and to appropriate the same towards the amounts due and payable by the
contractor as per the conditions of Contract and return to the contractor excess
money, if any, left over.

12.4 In case of Termination of the contract, Owner shall have the right to carry out the
unexecuted portion of the work either by themselves or through any other
contractor(s) at the risk and cost of the Contractor. In view of paucity of time, Owner
shall have the right to place such unexecuted portion of the work on any nominated
contractor(s). However, the overall liability of the Contractor shall be restricted to
100 % of the total contract value.

12.5 The contractor within or at the time fixed by the Owner shall depute his authorised
representative for taking joint final measurements of the works executed thus far and
submit the final bill for the work as per joint final measurement within 15 days of the
date of joint final measurement. If the contractor fails to depute their representative for
joint measurement, the owner shall take the measurement with their Engineer-in-
Charge/Site-in-Charge or any other outside representatives. Such a
measurement shall not be questioned by the Contractor and no dispute can be
raised by the Contractor for purpose of Arbitration.

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12.6 The Owner may enter upon and take possession of the works and all plant, tools,
scaffoldings, sheds, machinery, power operated tools and steel, cement and other
materials of the Contract at the site or around the site and use or employ the same for
completion of the work or employ any other contractor or other person or persons to
complete the works. The Contractor shall not in any way object or interrupt or do
any act, matter or thing to prevent or hinder such actions, other Contractor or
other persons employed for completing and finishing or using the materials and
plant for the works. When the works shall be completed or as soon thereafter the
Engineer shall give a notice in writing to the Contractor to remove surplus
materials and plant, if any, and belonging to the Contractor except as provided
elsewhere in the Contract and should the Contractor fail to do so within a period of 15
days after receipt thereof the Owner may sell the same by public auction and shall
give credit to the contractor for the amount realised. The Owner shall thereafter
ascertain and certify in writing under his hand what (if anything) shall be due or
payable to or by the Owner for the value of the plant and materials so taken
possession and the expense or loss which the Owner shall have been put to in
procuring the works, to be so completed, and the amount if any, owing to the
Contractor and the amount which shall be so certified shall thereupon be paid by the
Owner to the Contractor or by the Contractor to the Owner, as the case may, and the
Certificate of the Owner shall be final and conclusive between the parties.

12.7 When the contract is terminated by the Owner for all or any of the reasons mentioned
above the Contractor shall not have any right to claim compensation on account of
such termination.


Circumstances leading to force majeure

(a) act of terrorism;

(b) riot, war, invasion, act of foreign enemies, hostilities (whether war be declared or
not), civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection of military or usurped power;

(c) ionising radiation or contamination, radio activity from any nuclear fuel or from
any nuclear waste from the combustion of nuclear fuel, radioactive toxic
explosive or other hazardous properties of any explosive assembly or nuclear

(d) epidemics, earthquakes, flood, fire, hurricanes, typhoons or other physical

natural disaster, but excluding weather conditions regardless of severity; and

(e) freight embargoes, strikes at national or state-wide level or industrial disputes at

a national or state-wide level in any country where Works are performed, and
which affect an essential portion of the Works but excluding any industrial
dispute which is specific to the performance of the Works or the Contract.

For the avoidance of doubt, inclement weather, third party breach, delay in supply of
shall not constitute a Force Majeure event.

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Notification of Force Majeure

Contractor shall notify within [10(ten)] days of becoming aware of or the date it
ought to have become aware of the occurrence of an event of Force Majeure
giving full particulars of the event of Force Majeure and the reasons for the event
of Force Majeure preventing the Affected Party from, or delaying the Affected
Party in performing its obligations under the Contract.

Right of either party to terminate

If an event of Force Majeure occurs and its effect continues for a period of 180
(one hundred eighty days) or more in a continuous period of 365 (three hundred
sixty-five) days after notice has been given under this clause, either Party may
terminate the Contract by issuing a written notice of 30 (thirty) days to the other

Payment in case of termination due to Force Majeure

The Contract Price attributable to the Works performed as at the date of the
commencement of the relevant event of Force Majeure.

The Contractor has no entitlement and Owner has no liability for:

a) any costs, losses, expenses, damages or the payment of any part of the
Contract Price during an event of Force Majeure; and
b) any delay costs in any way incurred by the Contractor due to an event of Force
Time extension for such cases will be worked out appropriately.


14.1 All disputes and differences of whatsoever nature, whether existing or which shall at any
time arise between the parties hereto touching or concerning the agreement, meaning,
operation or effect thereof or to the rights and liabilities of the parties or arising out of or in
relation thereto whether during or after completion of the contract or whether before after
determination, foreclosure, termination or breach of the agreement (other than those in
respect of which the decision of any person is, by the contract, expressed to be final and
binding) shall, after written notice by either party to the agreement to the other of them
and to the Appointing Authority hereinafter mentioned, be referred for adjudication to the
Sole Arbitrator to be appointed as hereinafter provided.

14.2 The appointing authority shall either himself act as the Sole Arbitrator or nominate some
officer/retired officer of Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (referred to as owner or
HPCL) or a retired officer of any other Government Company in the Oil Sector of the rank
of Ch. Manager & above or any retired officer of the Central Government not below the
rank of a Director, to act as the Sole Arbitrator to adjudicate the disputes and differences
between the parties. The contractor/vendor shall not be entitled to raise any objection to
the appointment of such person as the Sole Arbitrator on the ground that the said person
is/was an officer and/or shareholder of the owner, another Govt. Company or the Central
Government or that he/she has to deal or had dealt with the matter to which the contract

® REVISION: PROC-021/01.07.2017
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relates or that in the course of his/her duties, he/she has/had expressed views on all
or any of the matters in dispute or difference.

14.3 In the event of the Arbitrator to whom the matter is referred to, does not accept the
appointment, or is unable or unwilling to act or resigns or vacates his office for any
reasons whatsoever, the Appointing Authority aforesaid, shall nominate another person
as aforesaid, to act as the Sole Arbitrator.

14.4 Such another person nominated as the Sole Arbitrator shall be entitled to proceed with
the arbitration from the stage at which it was left by his predecessor. It is expressly
agreed between the parties that no person other than the Appointing Authority or a
person nominated by the Appointing Authority as aforesaid, shall act as an Arbitrator.
The failure on the part of the Appointing Authority to make an appointment on time shall
only give rise to a right to a Contractor to get such an appointment made and not to
have any other person appointed as the Sole Arbitrator.

14.5 The Award of the Sole Arbitrator shall be final and binding on the parties to the

14.6 The work under the Contract shall, however, continue during the Arbitration
proceedings and no payment due or payable to the concerned party shall be withheld
(except to the extent disputed) on account of initiation, commencement or pendency of
such proceedings.

14.7 The Arbitrator may give a composite or separate Award(s) in respect of each dispute
or difference referred to him and may also make interim award(s) if necessary.

14.8 The fees of the Arbitrator and expenses of arbitration, if any, shall be borne equally by
the parties unless the Sole Arbitrator otherwise directs in his award with reasons. The
lumpsum fees of the Arbitrator shall be R 40,000/- per case for transportation
contracts and R 60,000/- for engineering contracts and if the sole Arbitrator
completes the arbitration including his award within 5 months of accepting his
appointment, he shall be paid R 10,000/- additionally as bonus. Reasonable actual
expenses for stenographer, etc. will be reimbursed. Fees shall be paid stage wise i.e.
25% on acceptance, 25% on completion of pleadings/documentation, 25% on
completion of arguments and balance on receipt of award by the parties

14.9 Subject to the aforesaid, the provisions of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996
or any statutory modification or re-enactment thereof and the rules made thereunder,
shall apply to the Arbitration proceedings under this Clause.

14.10 The Contract shall be governed by and constructed according to the laws in force in
India. The parties hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts situated
at ocation given in tender header (say Mumbai*) for all purposes. The Arbitration
shall be held at ocation mentioned for such purpose in Tender header (say Mumbai*)
and conducted in English language.

14.11 The Appointing Authority is the Functional Director of Hindustan Petroleum Corporation

(Note:- * = While printing the GTCs, each Procurement Authorities at various

location, may mention the correct place before printing the GTC and not leave Clause
14.10 blank or as stated above. Bracketed portion is to be removed.

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15.1. Materials required for the works whether brought by the or supplied by the Owner
shall be stored by the contractor only at places approved by Engineer-in-
Charge/Site-in-Charge. Storage and safe custody of the material shall be the
responsibility of the Contractor.

15.2. Owner and/or Engineer-in-Charge/Site-in-Charge connected with the contract,

shall be entitled at any time to inspect and examine any materials intended to be
used in or on the works, either on the site or at factory or workshop or at other
place(s) manufactured or at any places where these are laying or from which these
are being obtained and the contractor shall give facilities as may be required for such
inspection and examination.

15.3. In case of any class of work for which there is no such specification supplied by the
owner as is mentioned in the tender documents, such work shall be carried out in
accordance with Indian Standard Specifications and if the Indian Standard
Specifications do not cover the same the work should be carried out as per standard
Engineering practice subject to the approval of the Engineer-in-Charge/Site-in-

15.4. Should the work be suspended by reason of rain, strike, lockouts or other cause the
contractor shall take all precautions necessary for the protection of the work
and at his own expense shall make good any damages arising from any of these

15.5 The contractor shall cover up and protect from injury from any cause all new work
also for supplying all temporary doors, protection to windows and any other
requisite protection for the whole of the works executed whether by himself or
special tradesmen or sub- contractors and any damage caused must be made
good by the contractors at his own expense.

15.6 If the contractor has quoted the items under the deemed exports, then it will be the
responsibility of the contractor to get all the benefits under deemed exports from the
Government. The Owne s responsibility shall only be limited to the issuance of
required certificates. The quotation will be unconditional and phrases like subject to
availability of deemed exports benefit etc. will not find place in it.

16. Integrity Pact : Effective 1st September, 2007, all tenders and contracts shall comply with
the requirements of the Integrity Pact (IP) if the value of such tenders or contracts is r 1
crore & above. Failure to sign the Integrity Pact shall lead to outright rejection of bid.
17. Grievances of parties participating or intend to participate in the tender shall
be addressed in writing to the officer designate of the Grievance
Redressal Cell where the tenders have to be submitted within the stipulated
period. Detailed mechanism of Grievance Redressal is available on the
HPCL website
® 18. The guidelines for Holiday Listing as adopted and available on HPCL
website shall be applicable to all tenders floated and all Purchase
Orders/Contracts placed by HPCL.

® REVISION : PROC-019/02.11.2016

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Bidder & Organization Details
Name of Bidder Bidder Response
Vendor Code

Status (Prop/HUF/Partnership/Ltd Co)

NAME OF Proprietor/Partners/Directors)

Type of Office Address with Pin Code &

Organisation Telephone Number
& Entity
Factory Address with Pin Code &
Telephone Number

E Mail ID and address

Name of Contact Person & Contact

Number (Landline/Mobile)

PAN NUMBER (copy to be uploaded)

Whether If NSIC - Certificate No. & validity

If MSE - Certificate No. & validity
(certificates to
be uploaded) Whether SC/ST under MSME (Certificate
attached Yes/No)

GSTIN number/numbers

Whether Composition dealer under GST

Act or not. If NO , provide following
details: i,ii.

GST Details i. Month for which latest GSTR 1 has

been filed. Attach acknowledgement

ii. Month for which latest GSTR 3B has

been filed. Attach acknowledgement
(The following declarations should be typed on the letter head of the tenderer and should
be duly signed by an authorized signatory clearly stating the name and designation of the

Payment of GST and filing of GST Returns to enable Hindustan Petroleum Corporation
Limited to avail Input Tax Credit (ITC) correctly

With reference to Payment of GST & filing GST Returns for availing Input Tax Credit (ITC) by
HPCL as per GST provisions for the Invoices raised by us, we hereby declare as follows:

(1) We have disclosed all the facts relating to our Firm / Company to M/s Hindustan Petroleum
Corporation Limited.

(2) We hereby declare that we have agreed to pay GST to the respective GST Authorities. In this
connection, we hereby agree to furnish to you proof of payment of GST.

(3) We hereby declare that we will file GST Returns as per GST provisions. In this connection,
we hereby agree and undertake to furnish you proof of electronically filed GST Returns.

(4) We hereby agree as under:-

i. We will be fully responsible for complying with the GST provisions to enable HPCL to
take Input Tax Credit. In case, HPCL is not able to take Input Tax Credit due to any
noncompliance/default/negligence of the seller of goods/service provider, the same
shall be recovered from the pending bills/dues (including security deposit, BG etc.)
ii. In case of rejection of ITC by the concerned Tax Authority, for non filing of GST or
non-payment of GST amount by us or for any other reasons attributable to us, we
hereby agree to indemnify Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited in full against all
the loss including consequences, liabilities of any kind whatsoever, directly arising
from denial of ITC including interest and penalty.

We hereby agree and confirm that –

any breach of the above declaration shall be construed as breach of the terms and conditions
w.r.t. GST and Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited shall be at liberty to take necessary
action like Holiday listing (banning of Business dealings) and/or recovering of amounts mentioned
in para 4 (ii) above, from:
a) any of our Bank Guarantee executed in your favour, if any,
b) Retention / Security Deposit paid for any of your work, if any or
c) Other unpaid invoices, if any raised by us on Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited.

Place : Signature
Name :
Date : Designation :


To: (Name and address of Owner/Consultant) Date:


Having examined the Conditions of Contract and Specifications including Addenda Nos (Insert
Numbers) the receipt of which is hereby duly acknowledged, we the undersigned, offer to execute
work in conformity with the said Drawings, Conditions of Contract and specifications for the same
(total bid amount in words and figures) or such other sums as may be ascertained in accordance with
the Schedule of Prices attached herewith and made part of this bid.

We undertake if our bid is accepted, complete execution of PIPE LINE LAYING & ASSOCIATED
WORKS CONTRACT as agreed and specified in the IFB document. If our bid is accepted we will
obtain the guarantee of a Bank in a sum not exceeding (10) % of the Contract price for the due
performance of the Contract.

We agree to abide by this bid for a period of 120 days from the date fixed for bid opening under
Instructions to Bidders and it shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any time before
the expiration of that period.

Until a formal contract is prepared and executed, this bid, together with your written acceptance
thereof in your notification of award (Fax of Intent ) shall constitute a binding Contract between us.

We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any bid, you may receive.

Dated this Day of



In the capacity of Duly authorized to sign bid for an on behalf of

Witness: __________________

Address: __________________


Note: To be submitted on company Letterhead.



Mainline laying works 14" OD, API 5L Grade X65,PSL2, HFW,3LPE Coated line pipe for Hassan Cheralapalli LPG Pipeline Project:
The works shall include, but not limited to, the following;
PIPELINE LAYING/ INSTALLTION : Laying/ installation of 3LPE externally coated carbon steel line pipes and bare line pipe, associated fittings and accessories, etc. as per specifications, drawings, other provisions of contract and instructions of Engineer‐in‐Charge, including but not limited to carrying out the following: "Receiving and taking‐over", handling, 
loading, transportation and unloading of Owner supplied 3LPE coated and bare line pipes from designated place(s) of issue/ dump site(s) to Contractor's own stock‐yard(s)/ workshop(s)/ work‐site(s) including stringing on the pipeline Right‐of‐Use (ROU)/ Right of way (ROW);  the pipeline laying contractor shall get the bare/coated linepipe demagnetized before 
taking handover of the same from the designated place(s) of issue/ dump site(s), failing to do so the pipeline laying contractor shall get the bare/coated linepipe demagnetized before stringing activity is carried out on field with no extra cost and time implication to the company.

"Receiving and taking over", handling, including loading and unloading, transportation of owner supplied materials other than line pipe from owner's designated place(s) of issue to worksite(s); Arrangement of all additional land required for Contractor's storage, fabrication, access for construction (other than Owner provided ROU/ROW); supply of all materials 
(except owner supplied materials), consumables, arranging all construction equipment, labour, etc. as per tender for completing the job in all respects.

Pre‐construction survey, staking, clearing, grubbing, grading (as required) of Right of Use (ROU width 18 meters), obtaining work permits/ working permissions (as required) from various statutory authorities/other agencies owning utilities across ROU having jurisdiction before execution of work and complying with all stipulations/ conditions/ recommendation 
of the said authorities‐construction survey based on site visit, collection of data (if required) from concerned Authority including validation of crossing details / drawings issued by Owner /EPMC Consultant, making of crossing drawings (if required) for obtaining work permits from concerned statutory / government Authorities. 
Clearing and grading of ROU in forest areas (with restricted ROU ) including counting the number and type of trees cut in presence of DFO/concerned authorities and co‐ordination with forest authorities for tree cutting, removal of left‐over trunks and roots, stacking and disposal including keeping records thereof.
Cutting of "Scheduled Trees" as per applicable tree felling Acts / local authority’s guidelines shall be done by the Contractor in non‐forest areas. Felling of trees beyond and incl. 5.5 cm girth and above (measured at a height of 1 m above ground level) including cutting of trunks and branches and removing the roots up to 2m and stacking serviceable material 
inside HPCL premises as directed and disposal of unserviceable material outside HPCL premises.
The number & type of trees shall be listed against the cadastral survey by the contractor and submitted to the authorities for approval (lisioning for the approval shall be paid separately as mentioned in seprate line item). The stacking and disposal of the cut trees as per the requirement of concerned statutory bodies /company / Engineer‐In‐Charge shall be 
done by contractor. Final NOC has to be provided from the authorities for the fell trees.
Trenching to all depths to maintain clear earth cover & to a width including pre/post padding (Engineered Sand/Graded earth as applicable) as per drawing no.(15963‐000‐PL‐DST‐0001) ,scope of work & as per relevant standards/specifications to accommodate line pipe and 1 no. HDPE duct/conduit for 1 nos. OFC  and to fit minimum bend radius, by 
excavation in all kinds of terrain & soil (including soft & hard rock) including blasting/chiseling (including taking statutory permission for blasting) or otherwise cutting etc., including stripping top soil to a depth of  30cm to the full width of the trench and storing this material separately along the ROU to allow re‐depositing of the same on top of the backfilled 
trench (in cultivable and other areas specially designated by Owner), during execution of laying work in rocky area and working at critical location safety barricading on affected region, part of road, etc. is in contractor scope.
Stringing of line pipes along Right of Use (ROU)/ pipeline corridor, including providing straw / soft soil / sand bags below pipe. (in Rocky areas requiring blasting for preparation of trench, pipes shall be strung after the blasting operation and clearing of trench as per instructions of Site Engineer/ Engineer‐in‐Charge) 
Aligning, bending (cold bends), lining up, cutting and bevelling (as required) of pipes for welding & field adjustments, NDT of rebevelled area.
Welding, visual inspection and NDT of all weld joints by qualified welding engineer/ inspector & carrying out repair of weld‐joints found defective, Carrying out 100% radiographic inspection (by X‐Ray) of all field weld joints, and destructive testing (production test) of one weld joint on completion of 1000 weld joints as per specification and direction of Site 
Engineer/ Engineer‐in‐Charge, including providing Crawler type Automatic X‐Ray machine / external X‐Ray machine/ Gamma Ray /UT and other requisite equipment, labour, supervision, materials, approved films, approved consumables, all facilities and personnel to process, develop, examine and interpret radiographs & other tests as required (by qualified 
and experienced Radiography Inspector), providing all facilities to Owner's representative(s) for examining radiographs and other tests as required, carrying out repair of weld‐joints found defective by EIC/consultant, carrying out re‐radiography and other non‐destructive tests as required on repaired joints etc., Carrying out coating of all field weld joints by 
qualified coating insulators, including supply of approved joint coating materials (Heat shrink sleeves), providing all equipment, materials and consumables necessary to carry out the job as per manufacturer's recommendation.
Installation of hot bends at required locations in mainline (bends to be fabricated & Installed from Owner‐supplied bare /coated pipes and coated as per scope of work /specifications and paid as per separate line item) including cutting, bevelling, fitment, carrying out holiday detection at specified voltage level corresponding to coating type and as per 
            1.00  UG‐NORMAL LYN 14"‐6.35MM MT             109,708.53
specifications, and repair of coating, gauging if any. 
Lowering the pipeline in trench, pre‐padding (as required), backfilling with available approved excavated material and/or other suitable soil (if required) approved by Engineer‐In‐Charge in normal terrain; providing required padding over and around the pipeline with Engineered Soil /graded material approved by Engineer‐In‐Charge and as per (15963‐
000‐PL‐DST‐0001), Tie‐ins, golden joints etc. Top soil stored separately during trenching shall be backfilled on top of the trench as directed by Site‐Engineer/ Engineer‐in‐Charge
Carrying out hydrostatic testing including air cleaning, flushing, filling water, gauge pigging and pressurization (to specified pressure) of the complete pipeline in various test section as approved by Engineer In‐charge in line with the standard specifications of hydro testing of pipelines provided in the tender  including providing 'pre‐testing' of designated 
sections as approved by Engineer‐in‐Charge, providing all equipment, pumps, fittings, instruments, dead weight tester etc. and services, supervision, labour, consumables, testing of water, supply & injection of corrosion inhibitor, locating leaks, if any, and rectification of defects attributable to Contractor, re‐testing after rectification etc. and cleaning the 
pipeline section including de‐watering, swabbing after successful hydro testing to the specified acceptance criteria  , All tie‐ins with the pipeline / piping, including tie‐in with HDD sections including cutting of test header, re‐beveling as required; Carrying out all temporary, ancillary, auxiliary works and all incidental works required to make the pipeline ready for 
pre‐commissioning; Repair of defects recorded during EGP/gauge plate run or otherwise including cutting, bevelling, welding, radiography, field joint coating etc.; as applicable.
Final clean‐up and restoration of ROU/ construction corridor including reinstatement of stripped top soil on the excavated trench, tamping of backfilled soil, restoration of field bunds to the original position etc., obtaining NOC from respective statutory authorities (as required) and obtaining NOC from respective land owners in respect of final restoration of 
their land etc., disposal of debris and returning surplus material to designated disposal areas/ storage location, as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge, restoration of land, re‐instate of breakage road, facilities and boundary wall etc. for facilities dismantled/ damaged by Contractor during construction, Construction of retaining walls(as applicable), Preparation of as‐
built drawings, pipe book and other records as per specifications etc. 
SOR shall be read in conjunction with scope of work (document No. 15963‐000‐PL‐SOW‐0002 and 15963‐000‐PL‐SOW‐0006), job specific requirements, specifications, standards, drawings and other provision of contract document. For soft / normal soil and rocky area details refer enclosed Alignment Sheets and Soil Investigation Report attached with Tender. 

The above shall also include the following; 
1. Supply and installation of 1 No. 40mm Dia. HDPE Duct including FAT for entire stretch of schedule including all types of crossing, storage, transportation to site, loading, unloading etc. as per specification (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐TE‐SPC‐0004).
2. Supply of all materials (other than those specifically undertaken to be supplied by the Owner under the contract) necessary for performance of work or for temporary or permanent incorporation in the works, and ‐ All other acts, deeds, matters and things necessary to make the pipeline ready for commissioning and completing the works in all respects as 
per scope of work, drawings, specifications and instructions of Engineer‐in‐Charge. 
3. Restoration of road and water bodies to their original condition is covered under this line item.
4. The Pipeline laying contractor to coordinate with other utility authorities and enable crossing of such utilities and ensure no disruption in their activities by taking necessary precaution and in case of breakage the repairs to be done by contractor themselves at no additional cost to owner.

1. The Mainline work also covers the work in all types of open cut crossings (diffrential payment for additional works is covered separately) viz., roads, drains, minor water courses (MWC), rivers, nalas, minor canals, low lying areas, ponds, plant area, underground utilities, pedestrian crossings, Insertion of Line/Carrier pipe  & 1 no. HDPE ducts except for those 
crossings identified as "HDD" and jacking/boring crossings for which relevant item of SOR shall be applicable. 
2. Rates for Concrete coating of pipeline as required across minor rivers, ponds, low lying areas etc. shall be paid separately as per different line item.  
3. Bidder to note that the rates are inclusive of supply & laying of HDPE duct in same trench of pipeline laying as per Dwg.No.15963‐000‐PL‐DST‐0001. 
4. Rate for laying / blowing of OFC shall be paid as per separate SOR line item of this tender.
5. Refer Document / Drawing nos. (Spec. No. 15963‐000‐PL‐SPC‐0014 and Dwg.No.15963‐000‐PL‐DST‐0001 to 0035)

Mainline laying works 14" OD, API 5L Grade X65,PSL2, HFW,3LPE Coated line pipe for Hassan Cheralapalli LPG Pipeline Project:
The works shall include, but not limited to, the following;
PIPELINE LAYING/ INSTALLTION : Laying/ installation of 3LPE externally coated carbon steel line pipes and bare line pipe, associated fittings and accessories, etc. as per specifications, drawings, other provisions of contract and instructions of Engineer‐in‐Charge, including but not limited to carrying out the following: "Receiving and taking‐over", handling, 
loading, transportation and unloading of Owner supplied 3LPE coated and bare line pipes from designated place(s) of issue/ dump site(s) to Contractor's own stock‐yard(s)/ workshop(s)/ work‐site(s) including stringing on the pipeline Right‐of‐Use (ROU)/ Right of way (ROW);  the pipeline laying contractor shall get the bare/coated linepipe demagnetized before 
taking handover of the same from the designated place(s) of issue/ dump site(s), failing to do so the pipeline laying contractor shall get the bare/coated linepipe demagnetized before stringing activity is carried out on field with no extra cost and time implication to the company.

"Receiving and taking over", handling, including loading and unloading, transportation of owner supplied materials other than line pipe from owner's designated place(s) of issue to worksite(s); Arrangement of all additional land required for Contractor's storage, fabrication, access for construction (other than Owner provided ROU/ROW); supply of all materials 
(except owner supplied materials), consumables, arranging all construction equipment, labour, etc. as per tender for completing the job in all respects.

Pre‐construction survey, staking, clearing, grubbing, grading (as required) of Right of Use (ROU width 18 meters), obtaining work permits/ working permissions (as required) from various statutory authorities/other agencies owning utilities across ROU having jurisdiction before execution of work and complying with all stipulations/ conditions/ recommendation 
of the said authorities‐construction survey based on site visit, collection of data (if required) from concerned Authority including validation of crossing details / drawings issued by Owner /EPMC Consultant, making of crossing drawings (if required) for obtaining work permits from concerned statutory / government Authorities. 
Clearing and grading of ROU in forest areas (with restricted ROU ) including counting the number and type of trees cut in presence of DFO/concerned authorities and co‐ordination with forest authorities for tree cutting, removal of left‐over trunks and roots, stacking and disposal including keeping records thereof.
Cutting of "Scheduled Trees" as per applicable tree felling Acts / local authority’s guidelines shall be done by the Contractor in non‐forest areas. Felling of trees beyond and incl. 5.5 cm girth and above (measured at a height of 1 m above ground level) including cutting of trunks and branches and removing the roots up to 2m and stacking serviceable material 
inside HPCL premises as directed and disposal of unserviceable material outside HPCL premises.
The number & type of trees shall be listed against the cadastral survey by the contractor and submitted to the authorities for approval (lisioning for the approval shall be paid separately as mentioned in seprate line item). The stacking and disposal of the cut trees as per the requirement of concerned statutory bodies /company / Engineer‐In‐Charge shall be 
done by contractor. Final NOC has to be provided from the authorities for the fell trees.
Trenching to all depths to maintain clear earth cover & to a width including pre/post padding (Engineered Sand/Graded earth as applicable) as per drawing no.(15963‐000‐PL‐DST‐0001) ,scope of work & as per relevant standards/specifications to accommodate line pipe and 1 no. HDPE duct/conduit for 1 nos. OFC  and to fit minimum bend radius, by 
excavation in all kinds of terrain & soil (including soft & hard rock) including blasting/chiseling (including taking statutory permission for blasting) or otherwise cutting etc., including stripping top soil to a depth of  30cm to the full width of the trench and storing this material separately along the ROU to allow re‐depositing of the same on top of the backfilled 
trench (in cultivable and other areas specially designated by Owner), during execution of laying work in rocky area and working at critical location safety barricading on affected region, part of road, etc. is in contractor scope.
Stringing of line pipes along Right of Use (ROU)/ pipeline corridor, including providing straw / soft soil / sand bags below pipe. (in Rocky areas requiring blasting for preparation of trench, pipes shall be strung after the blasting operation and clearing of trench as per instructions of Site Engineer/ Engineer‐in‐Charge) 
Aligning, bending (cold bends), lining up, cutting and bevelling (as required) of pipes for welding & field adjustments, NDT of rebevelled area.
Welding, visual inspection and NDT of all weld joints by qualified welding engineer/ inspector & carrying out repair of weld‐joints found defective, Carrying out 100% radiographic inspection (by X‐Ray) of all field weld joints, and destructive testing (production test) of one weld joint on completion of 1000 weld joints as per specification and direction of Site 
Engineer/ Engineer‐in‐Charge, including providing Crawler type Automatic X‐Ray machine / external X‐Ray machine/ Gamma Ray /UT and other requisite equipment, labour, supervision, materials, approved films, approved consumables, all facilities and personnel to process, develop, examine and interpret radiographs & other tests as required (by qualified 
and experienced Radiography Inspector), providing all facilities to Owner's representative(s) for examining radiographs and other tests as required, carrying out repair of weld‐joints found defective by EIC/consultant, carrying out re‐radiography and other non‐destructive tests as required on repaired joints etc., Carrying out coating of all field weld joints by 
qualified coating insulators, including supply of approved joint coating materials (Heat shrink sleeves), providing all equipment, materials and consumables necessary to carry out the job as per manufacturer's recommendation.
Installation of hot bends at required locations in mainline (bends to be fabricated & Installed from Owner‐supplied bare /coated pipes and coated as per scope of work /specifications and paid as per separate line item) including cutting, bevelling, fitment, carrying out holiday detection at specified voltage level corresponding to coating type and as per 
            2.00  UG‐NORMAL LYN 14"‐7.14MM MT                  9,657.53 
specifications, and repair of coating, gauging if any. 
Lowering the pipeline in trench, pre‐padding (as required), backfilling with available approved excavated material and/or other suitable soil (if required) approved by Engineer‐In‐Charge in normal terrain; providing required padding over and around the pipeline with Engineered Soil /graded material approved by Engineer‐In‐Charge and as per (15963‐
000‐PL‐DST‐0001), Tie‐ins, golden joints etc. Top soil stored separately during trenching shall be backfilled on top of the trench as directed by Site‐Engineer/ Engineer‐in‐Charge
Carrying out hydrostatic testing including air cleaning, flushing, filling water, gauge pigging and pressurization (to specified pressure) of the complete pipeline in various test section as approved by Engineer In‐charge in line with the standard specifications of hydro testing of pipelines provided in the tender  including providing 'pre‐testing' of designated 
sections as approved by Engineer‐in‐Charge, providing all equipment, pumps, fittings, instruments, dead weight tester etc. and services, supervision, labour, consumables, testing of water, supply & injection of corrosion inhibitor, locating leaks, if any, and rectification of defects attributable to Contractor, re‐testing after rectification etc. and cleaning the 
pipeline section including de‐watering, swabbing after successful hydro testing to the specified acceptance criteria  , All tie‐ins with the pipeline / piping, including tie‐in with HDD sections including cutting of test header, re‐beveling as required; Carrying out all temporary, ancillary, auxiliary works and all incidental works required to make the pipeline ready for 
pre‐commissioning; Repair of defects recorded during EGP/gauge plate run or otherwise including cutting, bevelling, welding, radiography, field joint coating etc.; as applicable.
Final clean‐up and restoration of ROU/ construction corridor including reinstatement of stripped top soil on the excavated trench, tamping of backfilled soil, restoration of field bunds to the original position etc., obtaining NOC from respective statutory authorities (as required) and obtaining NOC from respective land owners in respect of final restoration of 
their land etc., disposal of debris and returning surplus material to designated disposal areas/ storage location, as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge, restoration of land, re‐instate of breakage road, facilities and boundary wall etc. for facilities dismantled/ damaged by Contractor during construction, Construction of retaining walls(as applicable), Preparation of as‐
built drawings, pipe book and other records as per specifications etc. 
SOR shall be read in conjunction with scope of work (document No. 15963‐000‐PL‐SOW‐0002 and 15963‐000‐PL‐SOW‐0006), job specific requirements, specifications, standards, drawings and other provision of contract document. For soft / normal soil and rocky area details refer enclosed Alignment Sheets and Soil Investigation Report attached with Tender. 

The above shall also include the following; 
1. Supply and installation of 1 No. 40mm Dia. HDPE Duct including FAT for entire stretch of schedule including all types of crossing, storage, transportation to site, loading, unloading etc. as per specification (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐TE‐SPC‐0004).
2. Supply of all materials (other than those specifically undertaken to be supplied by the Owner under the contract) necessary for performance of work or for temporary or permanent incorporation in the works, and ‐ All other acts, deeds, matters and things necessary to make the pipeline ready for commissioning and completing the works in all respects as 
per scope of work, drawings, specifications and instructions of Engineer‐in‐Charge. 
3. Restoration of road and water bodies to their original condition is covered under this line item.
4. The Pipeline laying contractor to coordinate with other utility authorities and enable crossing of such utilities and ensure no disruption in their activities by taking necessary precaution and in case of breakage the repairs to be done by contractor themselves at no additional cost to owner.

1. The Mainline work also covers the work in all types of open cut crossings (diffrential payment for additional works is covered separately) viz., roads, drains, minor water courses (MWC), rivers, nalas, minor canals, low lying areas, ponds, plant area, underground utilities, pedestrian crossings, Insertion of Line/Carrier pipe  & 1 no. HDPE ducts except for those 
crossings identified as "HDD" and jacking/boring crossings for which relevant item of SOR shall be applicable. 
2. Rates for Concrete coating of pipeline as required across minor rivers, ponds, low lying areas etc. shall be paid separately as per different line item.  
3. Bidder to note that the rates are inclusive of supply & laying of HDPE duct in same trench of pipeline laying as per Dwg.No.15963‐000‐PL‐DST‐0001. 
4. Rate for laying / blowing of OFC shall be paid as per separate SOR line item of this tender.
5. Refer Document / Drawing nos. (Spec. No. 15963‐000‐PL‐SPC‐0014 and Dwg.No.15963‐000‐PL‐DST‐0001 to 0035)

Mainline laying works 14" OD, API 5L Grade X65,PSL2, HFW,3LPE Coated line pipe for Hassan Cheralapalli LPG Pipeline Project:
The works shall include, but not limited to, the following;
PIPELINE LAYING/ INSTALLTION : Laying/ installation of 3LPE externally coated carbon steel line pipes and bare line pipe, associated fittings and accessories, etc. as per specifications, drawings, other provisions of contract and instructions of Engineer‐in‐Charge, including but not limited to carrying out the following: "Receiving and taking‐over", handling, 
loading, transportation and unloading of Owner supplied 3LPE coated and bare line pipes from designated place(s) of issue/ dump site(s) to Contractor's own stock‐yard(s)/ workshop(s)/ work‐site(s) including stringing on the pipeline Right‐of‐Use (ROU)/ Right of way (ROW);  the pipeline laying contractor shall get the bare/coated linepipe demagnetized before 
taking handover of the same from the designated place(s) of issue/ dump site(s), failing to do so the pipeline laying contractor shall get the bare/coated linepipe demagnetized before stringing activity is carried out on field with no extra cost and time implication to the company.

"Receiving and taking over", handling, including loading and unloading, transportation of owner supplied materials other than line pipe from owner's designated place(s) of issue to worksite(s); Arrangement of all additional land required for Contractor's storage, fabrication, access for construction (other than Owner provided ROU/ROW); supply of all materials 
(except owner supplied materials), consumables, arranging all construction equipment, labour, etc. as per tender for completing the job in all respects.

Pre‐construction survey, staking, clearing, grubbing, grading (as required) of Right of Use (ROU width 18 meters), obtaining work permits/ working permissions (as required) from various statutory authorities/other agencies owning utilities across ROU having jurisdiction before execution of work and complying with all stipulations/ conditions/ recommendation 
of the said authorities‐construction survey based on site visit, collection of data (if required) from concerned Authority including validation of crossing details / drawings issued by Owner /EPMC Consultant, making of crossing drawings (if required) for obtaining work permits from concerned statutory / government Authorities. 
Clearing and grading of ROU in forest areas (with restricted ROU ) including counting the number and type of trees cut in presence of DFO/concerned authorities and co‐ordination with forest authorities for tree cutting, removal of left‐over trunks and roots, stacking and disposal including keeping records thereof.
Cutting of "Scheduled Trees" as per applicable tree felling Acts / local authority’s guidelines shall be done by the Contractor in non‐forest areas. Felling of trees beyond and incl. 5.5 cm girth and above (measured at a height of 1 m above ground level) including cutting of trunks and branches and removing the roots up to 2m and stacking serviceable material 
inside HPCL premises as directed and disposal of unserviceable material outside HPCL premises.
The number & type of trees shall be listed against the cadastral survey by the contractor and submitted to the authorities for approval (lisioning for the approval shall be paid separately as mentioned in seprate line item). The stacking and disposal of the cut trees as per the requirement of concerned statutory bodies /company / Engineer‐In‐Charge shall be 
done by contractor. Final NOC has to be provided from the authorities for the fell trees.
Trenching to all depths to maintain clear earth cover & to a width including pre/post padding (Engineered Sand/Graded earth as applicable) as per drawing no.(15963‐000‐PL‐DST‐0001) ,scope of work & as per relevant standards/specifications to accommodate line pipe and 1 no. HDPE duct/conduit for 1 nos. OFC  and to fit minimum bend radius, by 
excavation in all kinds of terrain & soil (including soft & hard rock) including blasting/chiseling (including taking statutory permission for blasting) or otherwise cutting etc., including stripping top soil to a depth of  30cm to the full width of the trench and storing this material separately along the ROU to allow re‐depositing of the same on top of the backfilled 
trench (in cultivable and other areas specially designated by Owner), during execution of laying work in rocky area and working at critical location safety barricading on affected region, part of road, etc. is in contractor scope.
Stringing of line pipes along Right of Use (ROU)/ pipeline corridor, including providing straw / soft soil / sand bags below pipe. (in Rocky areas requiring blasting for preparation of trench, pipes shall be strung after the blasting operation and clearing of trench as per instructions of Site Engineer/ Engineer‐in‐Charge) 
Aligning, bending (cold bends), lining up, cutting and bevelling (as required) of pipes for welding & field adjustments, NDT of rebevelled area.
Welding, visual inspection and NDT of all weld joints by qualified welding engineer/ inspector & carrying out repair of weld‐joints found defective, Carrying out 100% radiographic inspection (by X‐Ray) of all field weld joints, and destructive testing (production test) of one weld joint on completion of 1000 weld joints as per specification and direction of Site 
Engineer/ Engineer‐in‐Charge, including providing Crawler type Automatic X‐Ray machine / external X‐Ray machine/ Gamma Ray /UT and other requisite equipment, labour, supervision, materials, approved films, approved consumables, all facilities and personnel to process, develop, examine and interpret radiographs & other tests as required (by qualified 
and experienced Radiography Inspector), providing all facilities to Owner's representative(s) for examining radiographs and other tests as required, carrying out repair of weld‐joints found defective by EIC/consultant, carrying out re‐radiography and other non‐destructive tests as required on repaired joints etc., Carrying out coating of all field weld joints by 
qualified coating insulators, including supply of approved joint coating materials (Heat shrink sleeves), providing all equipment, materials and consumables necessary to carry out the job as per manufacturer's recommendation.
Installation of hot bends at required locations in mainline (bends to be fabricated & Installed from Owner‐supplied bare /coated pipes and coated as per scope of work /specifications and paid as per separate line item) including cutting, bevelling, fitment, carrying out holiday detection at specified voltage level corresponding to coating type and as per 
            3.00  UG‐NORMAL LYN 14"‐8.74MM MT                     384.03 
specifications, and repair of coating, gauging if any. 
Lowering the pipeline in trench, pre‐padding (as required), backfilling with available approved excavated material and/or other suitable soil (if required) approved by Engineer‐In‐Charge in normal terrain; providing required padding over and around the pipeline with Engineered Soil /graded material approved by Engineer‐In‐Charge and as per (15963‐
000‐PL‐DST‐0001), Tie‐ins, golden joints etc. Top soil stored separately during trenching shall be backfilled on top of the trench as directed by Site‐Engineer/ Engineer‐in‐Charge
Carrying out hydrostatic testing including air cleaning, flushing, filling water, gauge pigging and pressurization (to specified pressure) of the complete pipeline in various test section as approved by Engineer In‐charge in line with the standard specifications of hydro testing of pipelines provided in the tender  including providing 'pre‐testing' of designated 
sections as approved by Engineer‐in‐Charge, providing all equipment, pumps, fittings, instruments, dead weight tester etc. and services, supervision, labour, consumables, testing of water, supply & injection of corrosion inhibitor, locating leaks, if any, and rectification of defects attributable to Contractor, re‐testing after rectification etc. and cleaning the 
pipeline section including de‐watering, swabbing after successful hydro testing to the specified acceptance criteria  , All tie‐ins with the pipeline / piping, including tie‐in with HDD sections including cutting of test header, re‐beveling as required; Carrying out all temporary, ancillary, auxiliary works and all incidental works required to make the pipeline ready for 
pre‐commissioning; Repair of defects recorded during EGP/gauge plate run or otherwise including cutting, bevelling, welding, radiography, field joint coating etc.; as applicable.
Final clean‐up and restoration of ROU/ construction corridor including reinstatement of stripped top soil on the excavated trench, tamping of backfilled soil, restoration of field bunds to the original position etc., obtaining NOC from respective statutory authorities (as required) and obtaining NOC from respective land owners in respect of final restoration of 
their land etc., disposal of debris and returning surplus material to designated disposal areas/ storage location, as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge, restoration of land, re‐instate of breakage road, facilities and boundary wall etc. for facilities dismantled/ damaged by Contractor during construction, Construction of retaining walls(as applicable), Preparation of as‐
built drawings, pipe book and other records as per specifications etc. 
SOR shall be read in conjunction with scope of work (document No. 15963‐000‐PL‐SOW‐0002 and 15963‐000‐PL‐SOW‐0006), job specific requirements, specifications, standards, drawings and other provision of contract document. For soft / normal soil and rocky area details refer enclosed Alignment Sheets and Soil Investigation Report attached with Tender. 

The above shall also include the following; 
1. Supply and installation of 1 No. 40mm Dia. HDPE Duct including FAT for entire stretch of schedule including all types of crossing, storage, transportation to site, loading, unloading etc. as per specification (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐TE‐SPC‐0004).
2. Supply of all materials (other than those specifically undertaken to be supplied by the Owner under the contract) necessary for performance of work or for temporary or permanent incorporation in the works, and ‐ All other acts, deeds, matters and things necessary to make the pipeline ready for commissioning and completing the works in all respects as 
per scope of work, drawings, specifications and instructions of Engineer‐in‐Charge. 
3. Restoration of road and water bodies to their original condition is covered under this line item.
4. The Pipeline laying contractor to coordinate with other utility authorities and enable crossing of such utilities and ensure no disruption in their activities by taking necessary precaution and in case of breakage the repairs to be done by contractor themselves at no additional cost to owner.

1. The Mainline work also covers the work in all types of open cut crossings (diffrential payment for additional works is covered separately) viz., roads, drains, minor water courses (MWC), rivers, nalas, minor canals, low lying areas, ponds, plant area, underground utilities, pedestrian crossings, Insertion of Line/Carrier pipe  & 1 no. HDPE ducts except for those 
crossings identified as "HDD" and jacking/boring crossings for which relevant item of SOR shall be applicable. 
2. Rates for Concrete coating of pipeline as required across minor rivers, ponds, low lying areas etc. shall be paid separately as per different line item.  
3. Bidder to note that the rates are inclusive of supply & laying of HDPE duct in same trench of pipeline laying as per Dwg.No.15963‐000‐PL‐DST‐0001. 
4. Rate for laying / blowing of OFC shall be paid as per separate SOR line item of this tender.
5. Refer Document / Drawing nos. (Spec. No. 15963‐000‐PL‐SPC‐0014 and Dwg.No.15963‐000‐PL‐DST‐0001 to 0035)

Mainline laying works 14" OD, API 5L Grade X65,PSL2, HFW,3LPE Coated line pipe for Hassan Cheralapalli LPG Pipeline Project:
The works shall include, but not limited to, the following;
PIPELINE LAYING/ INSTALLTION : Laying/ installation of 3LPE externally coated carbon steel line pipes and bare line pipe, associated fittings and accessories, etc. as per specifications, drawings, other provisions of contract and instructions of Engineer‐in‐Charge, including but not limited to carrying out the following: "Receiving and taking‐over", handling, 
loading, transportation and unloading of Owner supplied 3LPE coated and bare line pipes from designated place(s) of issue/ dump site(s) to Contractor's own stock‐yard(s)/ workshop(s)/ work‐site(s) including stringing on the pipeline Right‐of‐Use (ROU)/ Right of way (ROW);  the pipeline laying contractor shall get the bare/coated linepipe demagnetized before 
taking handover of the same from the designated place(s) of issue/ dump site(s), failing to do so the pipeline laying contractor shall get the bare/coated linepipe demagnetized before stringing activity is carried out on field with no extra cost and time implication to the company.

"Receiving and taking over", handling, including loading and unloading, transportation of owner supplied materials other than line pipe from owner's designated place(s) of issue to worksite(s); Arrangement of all additional land required for Contractor's storage, fabrication, access for construction (other than Owner provided ROU/ROW); supply of all materials 
(except owner supplied materials), consumables, arranging all construction equipment, labour, etc. as per tender for completing the job in all respects.

Pre‐construction survey, staking, clearing, grubbing, grading (as required) of Right of Use (ROU width 18 meters), obtaining work permits/ working permissions (as required) from various statutory authorities/other agencies owning utilities across ROU having jurisdiction before execution of work and complying with all stipulations/ conditions/ recommendation 
of the said authorities‐construction survey based on site visit, collection of data (if required) from concerned Authority including validation of crossing details / drawings issued by Owner /EPMC Consultant, making of crossing drawings (if required) for obtaining work permits from concerned statutory / government Authorities. 
Clearing and grading of ROU in forest areas (with restricted ROU ) including counting the number and type of trees cut in presence of DFO/concerned authorities and co‐ordination with forest authorities for tree cutting, removal of left‐over trunks and roots, stacking and disposal including keeping records thereof.
Cutting of "Scheduled Trees" as per applicable tree felling Acts / local authority’s guidelines shall be done by the Contractor in non‐forest areas. Felling of trees beyond and incl. 5.5 cm girth and above (measured at a height of 1 m above ground level) including cutting of trunks and branches and removing the roots up to 2m and stacking serviceable material 
inside HPCL premises as directed and disposal of unserviceable material outside HPCL premises.
The number & type of trees shall be listed against the cadastral survey by the contractor and submitted to the authorities for approval (lisioning for the approval shall be paid separately as mentioned in seprate line item). The stacking and disposal of the cut trees as per the requirement of concerned statutory bodies /company / Engineer‐In‐Charge shall be 
done by contractor. Final NOC has to be provided from the authorities for the fell trees.
Trenching to all depths to maintain clear earth cover & to a width including pre/post padding (Engineered Sand/Graded earth as applicable) as per drawing no.(15963‐000‐PL‐DST‐0001) ,scope of work & as per relevant standards/specifications to accommodate line pipe and 1 no. HDPE duct/conduit for 1 nos. OFC  and to fit minimum bend radius, by 
excavation in all kinds of terrain & soil (including soft & hard rock) including blasting/chiseling (including taking statutory permission for blasting) or otherwise cutting etc., including stripping top soil to a depth of  30cm to the full width of the trench and storing this material separately along the ROU to allow re‐depositing of the same on top of the backfilled 
trench (in cultivable and other areas specially designated by Owner), during execution of laying work in rocky area and working at critical location safety barricading on affected region, part of road, etc. is in contractor scope.
Stringing of line pipes along Right of Use (ROU)/ pipeline corridor, including providing straw / soft soil / sand bags below pipe. (in Rocky areas requiring blasting for preparation of trench, pipes shall be strung after the blasting operation and clearing of trench as per instructions of Site Engineer/ Engineer‐in‐Charge) 
Aligning, bending (cold bends), lining up, cutting and bevelling (as required) of pipes for welding & field adjustments, NDT of rebevelled area.
Welding, visual inspection and NDT of all weld joints by qualified welding engineer/ inspector & carrying out repair of weld‐joints found defective, Carrying out 100% radiographic inspection (by X‐Ray) of all field weld joints, and destructive testing (production test) of one weld joint on completion of 1000 weld joints as per specification and direction of Site 
Engineer/ Engineer‐in‐Charge, including providing Crawler type Automatic X‐Ray machine / external X‐Ray machine/ Gamma Ray /UT and other requisite equipment, labour, supervision, materials, approved films, approved consumables, all facilities and personnel to process, develop, examine and interpret radiographs & other tests as required (by qualified 
and experienced Radiography Inspector), providing all facilities to Owner's representative(s) for examining radiographs and other tests as required, carrying out repair of weld‐joints found defective by EIC/consultant, carrying out re‐radiography and other non‐destructive tests as required on repaired joints etc., Carrying out coating of all field weld joints by 
qualified coating insulators, including supply of approved joint coating materials (Heat shrink sleeves), providing all equipment, materials and consumables necessary to carry out the job as per manufacturer's recommendation.
Installation of hot bends at required locations in mainline (bends to be fabricated & Installed from Owner‐supplied bare /coated pipes and coated as per scope of work /specifications and paid as per separate line item) including cutting, bevelling, fitment, carrying out holiday detection at specified voltage level corresponding to coating type and as per 
            4.00  UG‐NORMAL LYN 14"‐10.31MM MT                14,280.31 
specifications, and repair of coating, gauging if any. 
Lowering the pipeline in trench, pre‐padding (as required), backfilling with available approved excavated material and/or other suitable soil (if required) approved by Engineer‐In‐Charge in normal terrain; providing required padding over and around the pipeline with Engineered Soil /graded material approved by Engineer‐In‐Charge and as per (15963‐
000‐PL‐DST‐0001), Tie‐ins, golden joints etc. Top soil stored separately during trenching shall be backfilled on top of the trench as directed by Site‐Engineer/ Engineer‐in‐Charge
Carrying out hydrostatic testing including air cleaning, flushing, filling water, gauge pigging and pressurization (to specified pressure) of the complete pipeline in various test section as approved by Engineer In‐charge in line with the standard specifications of hydro testing of pipelines provided in the tender  including providing 'pre‐testing' of designated 
sections as approved by Engineer‐in‐Charge, providing all equipment, pumps, fittings, instruments, dead weight tester etc. and services, supervision, labour, consumables, testing of water, supply & injection of corrosion inhibitor, locating leaks, if any, and rectification of defects attributable to Contractor, re‐testing after rectification etc. and cleaning the 
pipeline section including de‐watering, swabbing after successful hydro testing to the specified acceptance criteria  , All tie‐ins with the pipeline / piping, including tie‐in with HDD sections including cutting of test header, re‐beveling as required; Carrying out all temporary, ancillary, auxiliary works and all incidental works required to make the pipeline ready for 
pre‐commissioning; Repair of defects recorded during EGP/gauge plate run or otherwise including cutting, bevelling, welding, radiography, field joint coating etc.; as applicable.
Final clean‐up and restoration of ROU/ construction corridor including reinstatement of stripped top soil on the excavated trench, tamping of backfilled soil, restoration of field bunds to the original position etc., obtaining NOC from respective statutory authorities (as required) and obtaining NOC from respective land owners in respect of final restoration of 
their land etc., disposal of debris and returning surplus material to designated disposal areas/ storage location, as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge, restoration of land, re‐instate of breakage road, facilities and boundary wall etc. for facilities dismantled/ damaged by Contractor during construction, Construction of retaining walls(as applicable), Preparation of as‐
built drawings, pipe book and other records as per specifications etc. 
SOR shall be read in conjunction with scope of work (document No. 15963‐000‐PL‐SOW‐0002 and 15963‐000‐PL‐SOW‐0006), job specific requirements, specifications, standards, drawings and other provision of contract document. For soft / normal soil and rocky area details refer enclosed Alignment Sheets and Soil Investigation Report attached with Tender. 

The above shall also include the following; 
1. Supply and installation of 1 No. 40mm Dia. HDPE Duct including FAT for entire stretch of schedule including all types of crossing, storage, transportation to site, loading, unloading etc. as per specification (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐TE‐SPC‐0004).
2. Supply of all materials (other than those specifically undertaken to be supplied by the Owner under the contract) necessary for performance of work or for temporary or permanent incorporation in the works, and ‐ All other acts, deeds, matters and things necessary to make the pipeline ready for commissioning and completing the works in all respects as 
per scope of work, drawings, specifications and instructions of Engineer‐in‐Charge. 
3. Restoration of road and water bodies to their original condition is covered under this line item.
4. The Pipeline laying contractor to coordinate with other utility authorities and enable crossing of such utilities and ensure no disruption in their activities by taking necessary precaution and in case of breakage the repairs to be done by contractor themselves at no additional cost to owner.

1. The Mainline work also covers the work in all types of open cut crossings (diffrential payment for additional works is covered separately) viz., roads, drains, minor water courses (MWC), rivers, nalas, minor canals, low lying areas, ponds, plant area, underground utilities, pedestrian crossings, Insertion of Line/Carrier pipe  & 1 no. HDPE ducts except for those 
crossings identified as "HDD" and jacking/boring crossings for which relevant item of SOR shall be applicable. 
2. Rates for Concrete coating of pipeline as required across minor rivers, ponds, low lying areas etc. shall be paid separately as per different line item.  
3. Bidder to note that the rates are inclusive of supply & laying of HDPE duct in same trench of pipeline laying as per Dwg.No.15963‐000‐PL‐DST‐0001. 
4. Rate for laying / blowing of OFC shall be paid as per separate SOR line item of this tender.
5. Refer Document / Drawing nos. (Spec. No. 15963‐000‐PL‐SPC‐0014 and Dwg.No.15963‐000‐PL‐DST‐0001 to 0035)

Unit rate for additional work payment over and above Item No. 1 to 4 for excavation in the hard rock / boulders up to 3 meters from the N.G.L. 

The excavation shall be done by controlled blasting / chiseling / sledge hammer or otherwise cutting etc. The contractor shall prepare the work execution plan (WEP to be  approved by Owner/Consultant) for the said location stating items such as but not limited to execution methodology, type of blasting, safety measures for site personals & surrounding area, 
no. of permission required, disposal method of the blasted rock, Potential Hazards likely to be encountered during Excavation/Trenching with tier mitigation shall be identified in WEP, requirement of barricading, warning lights, warning signs, types of protection if trench left open at any time of the day, Risk Assessment and plan of action in case of emergency, 
etc. For type of trench refer standard drawing no. 15963‐000‐PL‐DST‐0001.
            5.00  DIFF. PYMNT EXC. HARDROCK M3                     120.00 
1. Blasting (by controlled method only) of Rock for laying of Pipeline shall be done if approved by all the concerned authorities for Schedule 1, Schedule 2, Schedule 3 & Schedule 4.
2. Blasting (in any form) of Rock for laying of Pipeline shall not be considered for Schedule 5.
3. This item shall be applicable only in case of the conventional method is not feasible for excavation (To be agreed and approved by Owner/Consultant).

Unit rate for additional work payment over and above Item No. 1 to 4. This clause shall refer for unit rate for Laisoning for takeing statutory approval for felling of "Scheduled Trees" from the forest/concerned authorities of respective states as applicable. The statutory payment required for the same shall be paid by company.  Even if there are multiple 
            6.00  LAISONING FOR FELLING TREES LS                         1.00 
authorities single unit payment will be considered for each schedule.

Unit rate for additional work payment over and above Item No. 1 to 4. Open cut road crossings (Asphalt Roads / Metalled Roads/ Service Roads/ R.C.C. Road). Contractor shall obtain final NOC from all the concerned Autorities for each of the crossing.
            7.00  DIFF PMT OPENCUT ROAD XING‐14" MT                       38.34
Notes: 1.  Mud roads/ Cart Track and Village roads is excluded and shall be paid under line item 1 to 4

Unit rate for additional work payment over and above Item No. 1 to 4, Depth of Cover (D.O.C.) for pipeline shall be minimum 2meter at pipeline laying parallel to existing pipeline, National Highway, State Highway, Outer Ring Road (ORR) or any other road & pipeline laying in restricted area as specified by the concerned authority/company. Any existing facility /
utilities crossing such as but not limited to water pipeline, cables, drains, etc. shall be done as per approved standard drawings and as directed by Engineer‐In‐Charge. For congested area, same shall be brought to the notice of the Engineer‐In‐Charge / Company. The written approval from Company / Engineer‐In‐Charge shall be binding to the contractor 
without any extra cost and time implication. The trench shall be backfilled in line to the approved pipeline standard drawing and the road top or the ground surface shall be restored as per the requirement & satisfaction of the concerned authorities/owner. The contractor shall be responsible for liasioning from concerned authorities.
A) If laid parallel to Roads;
A concrete reverse "C" type slab/ structure if required (Additional payment shall be as per separate line item mentioned in SOR elsewhere)  shall be provided over the length of pipeline to be laid parallel to the road/below road as per standard drawing no. 15963‐000‐PL‐DST‐0023. 
Contractor shall obtain final NOC from all the concerned Autorities.
Work Zone Traffic Management Plan (WTMP) with supporting drawings shall be prepared by contractor along with the Pipeline Construction Work Execution Plan for the locations where the excavation is done inside or adjacent to the ROW of any road and submitted for approval to all the concerned authorities / Company / Engineer‐In‐Charge before 
execution. Type – IV Temporary Barricades with light illumination & Sign boards as per Guidelines on Traffic Management in Work Zones IRC:SP:55 shall be used. 
            8.00  Roadway occupancy (i.e. using the roadway for construction activities) should be scheduled during off‐peak hours, and if necessary, night work should be considered after carefully assessing its pros and cons. Bicyclists and pedestrians including Divyaang, emergency services vehicles should be provided with access and safe passage through the work zones all  DIF PMT LYN‐PRL ROADS&HIGH14" MT                10,000.00 
the item.
Excavation shall be done for maximum up to 200 meters. At any point of time during pipeline laying work, the length of excavation for pipeline laying shall not be more than 200 meters. (It is applicable only if pipeline is running parallel to Highway or Road)

B) If laid parallel to esisting hydrocarbon pipeline;
Contrator shall take engough care so that damage to the existing pipeline is avoided. Pipeline has to be laid as per dwg. no. 15963‐000‐PL‐DST‐0005. In case pipeline has to be laid within three(3) meters distance of existing pipeline bonding has to be done at no extra cost to company. Contractor shall obtain final NOC from all the concerned Autorities.
Exposure of foreign pipeline has to be avoided.
This line item shall be only applicable if pipeline is laid parallel to existing hydrocarbon pipeline. Crossing shall not be payable under this pipeline.
Pipeline Size 14"

Unit rate for additional work payment over and above Item No. 1 to 4. Depth of Cover (D.O.C.) for pipeline shall be minimum 1.5 meter or as specified by the concerned authority/company. Any existing facility / utilities crossing shall be done as per approved standard drawings. For congested area, same shall be brought to the notice of the Engineer‐In‐Charge 
/ Company. Pipeline shall be protected against any induced stray current. Protective measures such as metallic bonding, increased protection current, supplementary coating, electrical isolation, galvanic anodes, De‐coupling devices such as Polarization cell or any other suitable method may be adopted for such interference mitigation. After installation of 
electrical interference mitigation measures, interference survey shall be carried out again to determine the effectiveness of the measures. The written approval from Company / Engineer‐in‐Charge shall be binding to the contractor without any extra cost and time implication.
            9.00  The contractor shall be responsible for liasioning from concerned authorities. DIF PMT LYN‐PRL RAILWAYS14" MT                       50.00 
Usage of Side Boom Crane for laying the pipeline parallel, across and in the Row of Railway is strictly prohibited.
Contractor shall obtain final NOC from all the concerned Autorities.
A concrete reverse "C" type slab/ structure if required (Additional payment shall be as per separate line item mentioned in SOR elsewhere)  shall be provided over the length of pipeline to be laid parallel to the road/below road as per standard drawing no. 15963‐000‐PL‐DST‐0023. 

          10.00  Unit rate for additional work payment over and above Item No. 1 to 4 for  supply and installation of minimum 6mm thick and 5‐meter width, Non‐Toxic Rodent Resistant PVC sheet shall be done as per OISD, PNGRP Guidelines, any other applicable statutory norms and as directed by Engineer in Charge. SUPPLY & INST. OF PVC SHEET MT                  1,938.00 

          11.00  Unit rate for additional work payment over and above Item No. 1 to 4.  Supply, Design and installation of pipeline warning mat of 1000 mm width & 500 micron thickness as per approved specification and drawing along the route as per standard drawing no. 15693‐000‐PL‐DST‐0026 & specification no. 15963‐000‐PL‐SPC‐0013. PIPELINE WARNING MAT MT             134,000.00 

Planting of Trees for certain locations and maintenance of the same for three years as instructed by Owner / EPMC Engineer in‐charge and relevant authorities shall also be in the scope of the contractor. Contractor shall note that this activity is applicable for planting Forest trees in non‐forest areas (both Govt. and Private). This is against number of trees 
noted down in in panchanama and cut during ROU grading. Type of trees to be planted shall be as per forest / Revenue authorities and instructions from Engineer in charge.  
          12.00    AFFORESTATION EA                  3,000.00 
The Contractor's scope of work shall be not only limited to above described works but also liase with Govt. bodies / statutory authorities and obtain NOC for areas of afforestation (which can be along the road sides, medians, govt. buildings, etc.). In case the forest department wish to do afforestation themselves, the charges payable to them will be payable by 
the contractor. If they do not agree then vendor needs to do afforestation themselves. 

Unit rate for additional work payment over and above Item No. 1 to 4 for supply, fabrication and installation for protection and stabilization of banks of water crossings including supply of all materials, consumables, manpower and performing works as per drawings, specifications, instructions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and provisions of Contract. as per (Dwg. 
          13.00  No.15963‐000‐PL‐DST‐0025) BANK STABILIZATION‐14" SM                12,408.00
Pipes as per following details : 14" Dia. Pipeline (for all thickness)

Unit rate for additional work payment over and above Item No. 1 to 4  for supply, fabrication and installation for protection and stablisation of soil in hilly areas having slope greater than 10% including supply of all materials (including concrete if required), equipment, consumables, manpower and performing works as per drawings, specification, instruction of 
          14.00  Engineer in Charge and provisions of contract document. as per (Dwg. No.15963‐000‐PL‐DST‐0027 and 15963‐000‐PL‐DST‐0014) SOIL STABILIZATION‐14" MT                  1,000.00 
Pipes as per following details : 14" Dia. Pipeline (for all thickness)

Unit rate for additional work payment over and above Item No. 1 to 4 Supply and Installation of Company/ Engineer‐In‐Charge approved suitable and durable material net of essential mesh shall be fixed at the location such as but not limited to the areas where the possibility of the rock falling, landslide, etc. is envisaged by the Engineer‐In‐Charge / Company. 
The identifying of such location shall be the responsibility of the Pipeline Laying Contractor also. The identified location shall be brought to the notice of the Engineer‐In‐Charge / Company and application of the durable material net shall be done in such region with prior permission of the Engineer‐In‐Charge / Company. The area shall be calculated and paid on 
          15.00  basis of per sq.m of net installed. SUPPLY & INSTALL. NET SM                       50.00 
Failing to do so, any such location if identified by any another institution/agency/ Engineer‐In‐Charge/Company/person (other than the worker or any representative of laying contractor)/or Laying contractor himself after Final clean‐up and restoration of ROU (for that identified stretch) and before the final commission of entire pipeline i.e. from Hassan to 
Cheralapalli, shall be done by Laying contractor. The entire cost for the such unidentified work done shall be borne by the Laying contractor himself.

Unit rate for additional work payment over and above Item No. 1 to 4 Providing of specified and approved quality of backfill material as defined in tender document at seismic zone along pipeline route as per standards/ specifications over and above item No.  1 to 4, including supply of select backfill in place of available excavated material and/or other suitable 
soil including backfilling of excavated trench after laying of pipeline and optical fiber cables/ cable conduit (where applicable) including transportation of such special backfill material over all distances and disposal of surplus excavated soil, complete. as per (Dwg.No. 15963‐000‐PL‐DST‐0029).
The soil would be required to be laid for minimum 500m on both side of crossing or as per seismic analysis report. The excavated soil shall be disposed as per the requirement of the concerned autorities or as per the instruction of Engineer in Charge and proof of the same shall be submitted to Company. 
          16.00  SELECT BACKFILL‐SEISMIC M3 8926.8
Line item will be executed only if excavated earth is not found cohesionless. The test report for excavated earth shall be submited to Engineer‐In‐Charge.
Type of Soil: Engineered soil  (cohesionless soil) at seismic location . The certification for cohesion factor of soil, certified by a reputed or company approved lab shall be submitted to company before execution of the line item. minimum testing requiremnt of cohesionless soil such as cohesive strength, angle of internal friction, dilatancy angle,etc
Pipes as per following details : 14" Dia. Pipeline (for all thickness)

Unit rate for additional work payment over and above Item No. 1 to 4 for Supplying, providing and filling soft soil in trenches in rocky stretches around mainline pipe for providing a minimum padding thickness of 150mm on top as well as 150mm at bottom of the mainline pipe. as per (Dwg. No. 15963‐000‐PL‐DST‐0001)
1) Item to be operated only when excavated earth is not suitable for soft padding (passing  through sieve  size ASTM‐10 or IS0‐2.00) to  under specific instructions from Engineer‐in‐Charge 
          17.00  2) No additional cost for trenching for this item shall be paid separetly under this item and trenching is covered in item no. 1 to 4 above. Soft Soil Padding materials that are approved by the OWNER shall be graded soil/other suitable material containing no gravel, rock, or lumps of hard soil. The graded soil for padding shall pass  through sieve  size ASTM‐10 or  SOFT PADDING‐14" M3                       36.40 
3) Only in the event of soft soil being not avialable in particular area and the same is endorsed and accepted by EIC against supporting document only then contractor can use rockshield as directed and advised by EIC without any additional cost  to company and shall be executed in the same rate as refered under this line item
Pipes as per following details : 14" Dia. Pipeline (for all thickness)

Unit rate for additional work payment over and above Item No. 1 to 4  for the complete work of the minor water crossings (between the limits as defined in the drawings) and execution of, but not limited to, the following works including supply of all consumables and materials  in accordance with specifications and instructions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and all 
provisions of Contract document; "Receiving and taking over" Owner supplied corrosion coated line pipes from Owner's designated places of issue/dump site(s) and transportation to Contractor's stock yard/ workshop/ worksite including all handling, loading, unloading, etc.Supply of all Contractor supplied materials to worksite(s), manpower, other resources 
and acquiring the required land for site preparations; Complete site preparation including arranging of required land for construction purposes, preparation of working area, etc.; String preparation including continuous concrete coating, repair of corrosion and concrete coating damages, NDT of re‐bevelled area, welding, testing, radiography, weld repair and 
retest, corrosion coating and concrete coating of field joints, pretest of completed strings, etc.; Preconstruction surveys; 
Preparation of detailed construction method statements for Company Approval. Trenching to the required depth on the banks and bed including maintenance of the trench in all types of strata, all depths and all conditions of minor water crossings by various methods, etc. to a width to accommodate the pipeline with 1nos. HDPE ducts as per the relevant 
standards, specifications, etc.; Laying of pipeline in approved trench and across the minor water crossings, Backfilling of the trench including supply and padding by select backfill as required, consumables, restoration and clean up etc.; tie‐in with pipeline at either banks etc.; All other works required as per specifications, drawings and instruction of Engineer in 
Charge, continuous pumping out the water from the trench, Provision of coffer dam / temporary water diversion  if envisaged to be managed by construction contractor at no additional cost to client. Concrete coating if required shall be paid under separate line item. as per Dwg. No. 15963‐000‐PL‐DST‐0010 & 0013
          18.00  The depth of the crossing shall be as per relevant OISD code / Specifications or as per statutory approval, whichever is greater. DIF PMT OPENCUT WATER XING‐14" MT                     959.90
All above work for crossing by open cut method for Nala, Drain, perennial water logged areas :
1. HDPE ducts 1 no. shall be tied up with a strap ( strap shall be non‐degradable) to the pipeline string before laying.
2. Contractor shall obtain final NOC from all the concerned Autorities for each of the crossing.

Open cut water crossings (Nala, Drain, Field channels, Perennial water logged areas) 
Notes: 1. Rate for Bank Stabilization & Concrete Coating of Pipeline shall be quoted sperately as per diffrent line item
Pipes as per following details : 14" Dia. Pipeline (for all thickness)

Unit rate for over and above Item (Short  Description = OPEN CUT WATER CROSSING 14") for providing Continuous Concrete coating on the carrier pipe including  supply of all consumables and materials and application of continuous concrete weight coating on pipes of all wall thicknesses and concrete coating of the field joints thereof,in all areas of NALA 
crossings, and performing all works as per specifications and instructions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and other provisions of Contract document. i.e., continuous concrete coating (mix 1:1.5:3) using specified (approved) wire mesh reinforcement as per approved drawing and technical specifications, including supply of cement, steel wire mesh, aggregate, sand, 
shuttering and all other materials, consumables, inputs, equipment for concrete sheathing required to complete the job, testing of concrete coated pipes etc. as per 15963‐000‐PL‐DST‐0024 and as per direction of Engineer‐in‐Charge.  
          19.00  1. Payment shall be made for the actual length of pipe coated with concrete. Ends of pipe left uncoated/ shall not be considered in the concrete coating length.  CONTINUOUS CONCRETE‐14" MT                     568.86 
2. The rates shall include the concrete sheathing / coating over weld joints in order to arrive at continuously concrete coated pipeline. This weld joint concrete sheathing / coating shall be applied after the hydrostatic pre‐test.
3. Any other unspecified crossings, as required for execution and as directed by EIC, other than mentioned under this line item shall be executed by contractor at same unit rate for this item.

Pipes as per following details :
( 14" Dia. Pipeline(all thickness), Continuous Concrete Coating Thickness ‐ 75mm )

Complete work of crossings for 14" carrier pipe along with supply and installation of 1 no. HDPE duct and installation of 20" casing pipe (between the ROW limits as defined in Crossing Drawings enclosed with Bid Document) by jacking /boring for canal and other waterbodies crossings wherever required in all types of soils and terrain inclusive of supply & 
installation of all other materials viz. casing insulators, casing end seals as per enclosed reference drawing, materials for casing vents and drain, etc. and supply of all other materials, equipment’s, consumables, manpower, welding including visual inspection of all weld joints, installation of casing insulators, end seals, vents and drain –off pipes, back fillings and 
restoration as original of the facility crossed and performing all works as per drawings, specifications and instructions of Engineer‐In‐Charge and provisions of Contract document.
The scope also includes "Receiving and taking over" owner supplied 3LPE coated line pipes from Owner's designated place of issue/dump site(s) and transportation to Contractor's stock yard/ work shop/ work site including all handling loading, unloading, aligning etc. supply of all Contractor supplied material to work site(s), manpower, equipment, other 
resources and acquiring the required land for storage, fabrication including string preparation of pipes, welding, welding repair, radiography, coating of field joints with special type Heat Shrink Sleeve and repair of pipeline coating with special repair patch materials as per Specification, pre‐test, hardware / software required for commissioning the above 
Right of use Boundary Markers shall be provided as per Drg. No. 15963‐000‐PL‐DST‐0021. Supply of 1 no. 40mm Dia. HDPE Duct shall be as per specification no. 15963‐000‐TE‐SPC‐0005 and installation shall be as per specification no. 15963‐000‐PL‐DST‐0028, Supply of all materials (other than those specifically undertaken to be supplied by the Owner under 
the contract) necessary for performance of work or for temporary or permanent incorporation in the works.

In‐situ pre‐construction survey including auger bore(s) to establish bed strata, its bore log by soil testing; obtaining historical data/ scour depth from concerned authority ascertaining underneath soil & strata, necessary cover required over the carrier pipeline from lowest bed level of the stipulated water crossing including design & calculation and detail 
engineering and making of crossing drawing for getting the approval from concerned Authority/ Engineer‐in‐charge, getting work permit/ NOC for water crossings as well as utility crossings (if any) encountered during water crossing prior to start the execution of work.
Drilling to the required depth on the banks and if possible bed including maintenance of drill hole in all types of strata, all depth to accommodate the pipeline and OFC laying at all conditions of the water crossings by AUGER BORING method for providing with minimum cover either as indicated in Tender Documents or as required by concerned authority or 
site & technical requirement and In case of multiple combined crossing i.e. canal along with road/ drain, minimum cover requirement as per specification/ concerned authority for each type of crossing has also to fulfilled.
Laying of the pipeline by the approved AUGER BORING method across the water crossing including, entry and exit pit preparation, strings preparation of pipes (as required), welding, testing, radiography, welding repair and retest, coating of field joints with special type Heat Shrink Sleeve and repair of pipeline coating with special  repair patch as per 
specification, prehydrotest of complete strings made for crossing etc. Backfilling of the ditch / trench including restoration and clean‐up of area etc. to the satisfaction of Engineer‐in‐charge/ Concerned Authority.
Post installation hydrotest dewatering and tie‐in with pipeline at either bank etc.
          20.00  AUGER BORING LYN‐CANAL MT                     357.90 
All other works including pigging, cleaning, final hydrotesting etc. along with mainline works (as mentioned in Item No. 1 to 4 above) including repair of defects and retesting, etc. for defects attributed to Contractor's faulty work, Supply, fabrication and construction of protective fencing as required, Supply fabrication and erection of pipeline markers, 
Restoration and clean‐up etc., Preparation of as‐built drawings and other records etc., required as per specification, and all other works in accordance with approved drawings, calculations, methods and to the satisfaction of Engineer‐in‐charge and/ or as directed by concerned Authority.
Preparation of detailed construction method statements and calculations for Company Approval. The depth of the crossing shall be as per relevant OISD code / Specifications or as per statutory approval, whichever is greater.

1. Width of below crossings shall be as per requirement at site for crossing at different locations.
2. Width of the crossings are indicated in respective Crossing drawing enclosed with the tender document. Crossing width may vary as per site condition. String length for auger boring shall vary as per design calculations so that pipe is not under stress as permitted by codes/specifications. However final length of string & cover from top of pipe shall be decided 
and approved by concerned Authority / Engineer‐in‐charge.
3. It is sole discretion of the Contractor to do Auger boring / Jacking of mainline pipe as well as OFC cable with HDPE duct either by suitably strapping together both the carrier pipe & OFC cable with HDPE duct and pulled through the same drill hole. No separate payment for installation of HDPE duct shall be paid.
4. Payment for the length of final tied‐in carrier pipeline string with mainline and HDPE duct laid by Auger boring / Jacking method are inclusive in the above item rate and no separate payment shall be made under other clause mentioned elsewhere.
5. Payment for supply of Casing Pipe shall be as per another item no. mentioned elsewhere.
6. Payment for supply, installation of Right of use boundary markers & OFC cable  shall be done as per another item no. mentioned elsewhere.
7. Contractor shall obtain final NOC from all the concerned Autorities for each of the crossing.
All above work for Canal crossing by boring method for 14" Dia. Pipeline of all thickness as per following details :  
All Canals (Major / Minor Lined, etc.), Refer Typical Pipeline Drawing No.15963‐000‐PL‐DST‐0009

Complete work of crossings for 14" carrier pipe along with supply and installation of 1 no. HDPE duct and installation of 20" casing pipe (between the ROW limits as defined in Crossing Drawings/Crossing List/Casing Pipe MTO enclosed with Bid Document) by AUGER BORING/JACKING method., crossings wherever required in all types of soils and terrain 
inclusive of supply & installation of all other materials viz. casing insulators, casing end seals as per enclosed reference drawing, materials for casing vents and drain, etc.  and supply of all other materials, equipment’s, consumables, manpower, welding including visual inspection of all weld joints, installation of casing insulators, end seals, vents and drain‐off 
pipes, back fillings and restoration as original of the facility crossed and performing all works as per drawings, specifications and instructions of Engineer‐In‐Charge and provisions of Contract document.
The scope also including "Receiving and taking over" owner supplied 3LPE/ coated line pipes from Owner's designated place of issue/dump site(s) and transportation to Contractor's stock yard/ work shop/ work site including all handling loading, unloading, aligning etc. supply of all Contractor supplied material to work site(s), manpower, equipment, other 
resources and acquiring the required land for storage, fabrication including string preparation of pipes, welding, welding repair, radiography, coating of field joints with special type Heat Shrink Sleeve and repair of pipeline coating with special repair patch materials as per Specification, pre‐test, hardware / software required for commissioning the above 
Right of use Boundary Markers shall be provided as per Drg. No. 15963‐000‐PL‐DST‐0021. Supply of 1 no. 40mm Dia. HDPE Duct shall be as per specification no. 15963‐000‐TE‐SPC‐0005 and installation shall be as per specification no. 15963‐000‐PL‐DST‐0028, Supply of all materials (other than those specifically undertaken to be supplied by the Owner under 
the contract) necessary for performance of work or for temporary or permanent incorporation in the works.
In‐situ pre‐construction survey including; obtaining soil & strata, necessary cover required over the carrier pipeline at crossing including design & calculation and detail engineering and making of crossing drawing for getting the approval from concerned Authority/ Engineer‐in‐charge, getting work permit/ NOC for crossings as well as utility crossings (if any) 
encountered, prior to start the execution of work.
Drilling to the required depth including maintenance of drill hole in all types of strata, depth to accommodate the pipeline and OFC laying at all conditions of the crossings by AUGER BORING/JACKING method for providing with minimum cover either as indicated in Tender Documents or as required by concerned authority or site & technical requirement and In 
case of multiple combined crossing i.e. canal along with road/ drain, minimum cover requirement as per specification/ concerned authority for each type of crossing has also to fulfilled.
Laying of the pipeline by the approved method across the crossing including, entry and exit pit preparation, strings preparation of pipes (as required), welding, testing, radiography, welding repair and retest, coating of field joints with special type Heat Shrink Sleeve and repair of pipeline coating with special repair patch as per specification, prehydrotest of 
complete strings made for crossing etc. Backfilling of the ditch/ trench including restoration and clean‐up of area etc. to the satisfaction of Engineer‐in‐charge/ Concerned Authority.
Post installation hydrotest dewatering and tie‐in with pipeline at either side of the crossing entity row.
          21.00  AUGERBORING‐ ROADS & HWY. MT                     484.62 
All other works including pigging, cleaning, final hydrotesting etc. along with mainline works (as mentioned in Item No. 1 to 4 above) including repair of defects and retesting, etc. for defects attributed to Contractor's faulty work, Supply, fabrication and construction of protective fencing as required, Supply fabrication and erection of pipeline markers, 
Restoration and clean‐up etc., Preparation of as‐built drawings and other records etc., required as per specification, and all other works in accordance with approved drawings, calculations, methods and to the satisfaction of Engineer‐in‐charge and/ or as directed by concerned Authority.
Preparation of detailed construction method statements and calculations for Company Approval. 
(Reference Drawing No.15963‐000‐PL‐DST‐0007) 
The depth of the crossing shall be as per relevant OISD code / Specifications or as per statutory approval, whichever is greater.

1. Width of below crossings shall be as per requirement at site for crossing at different locations.
2. Width of the crossings are indicated in respective Crossing drawing enclosed with the tender document. Crossing width may vary as per site condition. String length for auger boring shall vary as per design calculations so that pipe is not under stress as permitted by codes/specifications. However final length of string & cover from top of pipe shall be decided 
and approved by concerned Authority / Engineer‐in‐charge.
3. It is sole discretion of the Contractor to do Auger boring / Jacking of mainline pipe as well as  HDPE duct either by suitably strapping together both the carrier pipe &  HDPE duct and pulled through the same drill hole. No separate payment for installation of HDPE duct shall be paid.
4. Payment for the length of final tied‐in carrier pipeline string with mainline and  HDPE duct laid by Auger boring / Jacking method are inclusive in the above item rate and no separate payment shall be made under other clause mentioned elsewhere.
5. Payment for supply of Casing Pipe shall be as per another item no. mentioned elsewhere.
6. Payment for supply, installation of Right of use boundary markers & OFC cable shall be done as per another item no. mentioned elsewhere.
7. Contractor shall obtain final NOC from all the concerned Autorities for each of the crossing.

Complete work of crossings for 14" carrier pipe along with supply and installation of 1 no. HDPE duct and installation of 20" /24" casing pipe (between the ROW limits as defined in Crossing Drawings / Crossing List / Casing Pipe MTO enclosed with Bid Document) by AUGER BORING / JACKING method., crossings wherever required in all types of soils and terrain 
inclusive of supply & installation of all other materials viz. casing insulators, casing end seals as per enclosed reference drawing, materials for casing vents and drain, etc.  and supply of all other materials, equipment’s, consumables, manpower, welding including visual inspection of all weld joints, installation of casing insulators, end seals, vents and drain‐off 
pipes, back fillings and restoration as original of the facility crossed and performing all works as per drawings, specifications and instructions of Engineer‐In‐Charge and provisions of Contract document.
The scope also including "Receiving and taking over" owner supplied 3LPE / coated line pipes from Owner's designated place of issue / dump site(s) and transportation to Contractor's stock yard/ work shop / work site including all handling loading, unloading, aligning etc. supply of all Contractor supplied material to work site(s), manpower, equipment, other 
resources and acquiring the required land for storage, fabrication including string preparation of pipes, welding, welding repair, radiography, coating of field joints with special type Heat Shrink Sleeve and repair of pipeline coating with special repair patch materials as per Specification, pre‐test, hardware / software required for commissioning the above 
Right of use Boundary Markers shall be provided as per Drg. No. 15963‐000‐PL‐DST‐0021. Supply of 1 no. 40mm Dia. HDPE Duct shall be as per specification no. 15963‐000‐TE‐SPC‐0005 and installation shall be as per specification no. 15963‐000‐PL‐DST‐0028, Supply of all materials (other than those specifically undertaken to be supplied by the Owner under 
the contract) necessary for performance of work or for temporary or permanent incorporation in the works.

In‐situ pre‐construction survey including; obtaining soil & strata, necessary cover required over the carrier pipeline at crossing including design & calculation and detail engineering and making of crossing drawing for getting the approval from concerned Authority/ Engineer‐in‐charge, getting work permit/ NOC for crossings as well as utility crossings (if any) 
encountered, prior to start the execution of work.
Drilling to the required depth including maintenance of drill hole in all types of strata, depth to accommodate the pipeline and OFC laying at all conditions of the crossings by AUGER BORING/JACKING method for providing with minimum cover either as indicated in Tender Documents or as required by concerned authority or site & technical requirement and In 
case of multiple combined crossing i.e. canal along with road/ drain, minimum cover requirement as per specification/ concerned authority for each type of crossing has also to fulfilled.
Laying of the pipeline by the approved method across the crossing including, entry and exit pit preparation, strings preparation of pipes (as required), welding, testing, radiography, welding repair and retest, coating of field joints with special type Heat Shrink Sleeve  and repair of pipeline coating with special repair patch as per specification, prehydrotest of 
complete strings made for crossing etc. Backfilling of the ditch / trench including restoration and clean‐up of area etc. to the satisfaction of Engineer‐in‐charge / Concerned Authority.
Post installation hydrotest dewatering and tie‐in with pipeline at either side of crossing entity row etc.
          22.00  AUGER BORING‐RLWY MT                     171.08 
All other works including pigging, cleaning, final hydrotesting etc. along with mainline works (as mentioned in Item No. 1 to 4 above) including repair of defects and retesting, etc. for defects attributed to Contractor's faulty work, Supply, fabrication and construction of protective fencing as required, Supply fabrication and erection of pipeline markers, 
Restoration and clean‐up etc., Preparation of as‐built drawings and other records etc., required as per specification, and all other works in accordance with approved drawings, calculations, methods and to the satisfaction of Engineer‐in‐charge and/ or as directed by concerned Authority.
Preparation of detailed construction method statements and calculations for Company Approval. 
(Reference Drawing No.15963‐000‐PL‐DST‐0011) 
The depth of the crossing shall be as per relevant OISD code / Specifications or as per statutory approval, whichever is greater.
Usage of Side Boom Crane for laying the pipeline parallel, across and in the Row of Railway to be avoided.

1. Width of below crossings shall be as per requirement at site for crossing at different locations.
2. Width of the crossings are indicated in respective Crossing drawing enclosed with the tender document. Crossing width may vary as per site condition. String length for auger boring shall vary as per design calculations so that pipe is not under stress as permitted by codes/specifications. However final length of string & cover from top of pipe shall be decided 
and approved by concerned Authority / Engineer‐in‐charge.
3. It is sole discretion of the Contractor to do Auger boring / Jacking of mainline pipe as well as HDPE duct either by suitably strapping together both the carrier pipe & HDPE duct and pulled through the same drill hole. No separate payment for installation of HDPE duct shall be paid.
4. Payment for the length of final tied‐in carrier pipeline string with mainline and HDPE duct laid by Auger boring / Jacking method are inclusive in the above item rate and no separate payment shall be made under other clause mentioned elsewhere.
5. Payment for supply of Casing Pipe shall be as per another item no. mentioned elsewhere.
6. Payment for supply, installation of Right of use boundary markers & OFC cable shall be done as per another item no. mentioned elsewhere.
7. Contractor shall obtain final NOC from all the concerned Autorities for each of the crossing.


Receiving and taking over of all Owner supplied materials from Owner's designated place(s) of issue, transportation including loading, unloading, handling from Owner's designated place(s) of issue to Contractor's own stock yard(s)/ work site(s)/ work shop(s) including arranging all necessary intermediate storage area(s) thereof, as required; supply of all 
materials (except those specified subsequently in SOR), equipment, consumables as defined in Contractor's scope of supply and their transportation to the work site(s); performing all above ground/buried piping fabrication works including cutting, edge  preparation  (inclusive  of  grinding  the  edges  of pipes, fittings, flanges etc. to match with the matching 
edges of uneven/ different thickness wherever required), fit up, bending, pre‐heating wherever required, welding, etc.;

Installation of Pipeline and all inline (aboveground / underground) items (such as but not limited to MOV along with pup piece, valves, fittings, i.e. flow tees, insulating joints, LR bends, pig signalers, temparature elements, elbows, reducers, tees,  'o'  lets, flanges, blind flanges, fixing of gaskets, bolts, studs & nuts of all sizes and other associated piping facility as 
per battery limit given in scope of work doc. no. 15963‐000‐PL‐SOW‐0002, mark‐up P&ID drawings and relative piping GA drawings at scrapper trap) payment for installation of each of these inline items shall be made as per the individual line item mentioned in the SOR elsewhere; carrying out non‐destructive testing, magnetic  particle /  liquid  penetration / 
          23.00  hardness including 100% radiography and providing all requisite equipment, labor, supervision, materials, films, consumables, all facilities and personnel to process, develop, examine and interpret radiographs and other tests, as required; carrying out repairs of weld joints found defective by Engineer‐In‐Charge, carrying out re‐radiography and other  A/G. INST OF 14" PIPELINE MT                       36.00 
nondestructive tests as required on repaired joints, etc.; hook‐up with existing piping/pipeline, contractor to provide temporary supports at wherever required.

Supply of paints, solvents and primers, preparation of  surfaces  and  application of  primer  and finish paints suitable for highly corrosive/corrosive/ normal corrosive painting environment as defined in contract document and on pipes as per Painting Specification and Specification for Coating and Wrapping of Under Ground Piping, lettering/ numbering, colour 
coding etc. as specified including rub down and touch up of shop primer or scrapping of shop primer wherever required and providing of scaffolding for all heights, labour, materials, tools and tackles, consumables, supervision etc. to complete the work in all respect as per Specification, Drawings, Standards and instruction of Engineer‐in‐Charge. Cleaning and 
flushing by water/ compressed air, carrying out hydrostatic test, pneumatic test, valve functional test and any other type of testing as specified, de‐pressurising, dewatering, drying by compressed air if applicable; cutting/ rebeveling (as required), pre‐commissioning and providing commissioning assistance to Commissioning Contractor/Agency for process 
piping and commissioning of non‐process piping if applicable; clean‐up and restoration of site, preparation of as built drawings, documents and project records; completing all works in all respects as per the drawings, specifications, standards and other provisions of Contract and instruction of Engineer‐in‐Charge.

Pipeline Size – 14 INCH, Rating ‐ 600#


Receiving and taking over of all Owner supplied materials from Owner's designated place(s) of issue, transportation including loading, unloading, handling from Owner's designated place(s) of issue to Contractor's own stock yard(s)/ work site(s)/ work shop(s) including arranging all necessary intermediate storage area(s) thereof, as required; supply of all 
materials (except those specified subsequently in SOR), equipment, consumables as defined in Contractor's scope of supply and their transportation to the work site(s); performing all above ground/buried piping fabrication works including cutting, edge  preparation  (inclusive  of  grinding  the  edges  of pipes, fittings, flanges etc. to match with the matching 
edges of uneven/ different thickness wherever required), fit up, bending, pre‐heating wherever required, welding, etc.;

Installation of Pipeline and all inline (aboveground / underground) items (such as but not limited to MOV along with pup piece, valves, fittings, i.e. flow tees, insulating joints, LR bends, pig signalers, temparature elements, elbows, reducers, tees,  'o'  lets, flanges, blind flanges, fixing of gaskets, bolts, studs & nuts of all sizes and other associated piping facility as 
per battery limit given in scope of work doc. no. 15963‐000‐PL‐SOW‐0002, mark‐up P&ID drawings and relative piping GA drawings at scrapper trap) payment for installation of each of these inline item shall be made as per the individual line item mentioned in the SOR elsewhere; carrying out non‐destructive testing, magnetic  particle /  liquid  penetration / 
          24.00  hardness including 100% radiography and providing all requisite equipment, labor, supervision, materials, films, consumables, all facilities and personnel to process, develop, examine and interpret radiographs and other tests, as required; carrying out repairs of weld joints found defective by Engineer‐In‐Charge, carrying out re‐radiography and other  INST OF 14" PL‐SV Station MT                       10.00 
nondestructive tests as required on repaired joints, etc.; hook‐up with existing piping/pipeline, contractor to provide temporary supports at wherever required.

Supply of paints, solvents and primers, preparation of  surfaces  and  application of  primer  and finish paints suitable for highly corrosive/corrosive/ normal corrosive painting environment as defined in contract document and on pipes as per Painting Specification and Specification for Coating and Wrapping of Under Ground Piping, lettering/ numbering, colour 
coding etc. as specified including rub down and touch up of shop primer or scrapping of shop primer wherever required and providing of scaffolding for all heights, labour, materials, tools and tackles, consumables, supervision etc. to complete the work in all respect as per Specification, Drawings, Standards and instruction of Engineer‐in‐Charge. Cleaning and 
flushing by water/ compressed air, carrying out hydrostatic test, pneumatic test, valve functional test and any other type of testing as specified, de‐pressurising, dewatering, drying by compressed air if applicable; cutting/ rebeveling (as required), pre‐commissioning and providing commissioning assistance to Commissioning Contractor/Agency for process 
piping and commissioning of non‐process piping if applicable; clean‐up and restoration of site, preparation of as built drawings, documents and project records; completing all works in all respects as per the drawings, specifications, standards and other provisions of Contract and instruction of Engineer‐in‐Charge.

Pipeline Size – 14 INCH, Rating ‐ 600#

Receiving and taking over of all Owner supplied materials, equipments from Owner's designated place(s) of issue, transportation including loading, unloading, handling from Owner's designated place(s) of issue to Contractor's own stock yard(s)/ work site(s)/ work shop(s) including arranging all necessary intermediate storage area(s) thereof, as required; 
supply of all materials, equipment,  consumables  as   defined   in   Contractor's scope of supply and its transportation to the work site(s); installation of valves, fixing of gaskets, bolts, studs, nuts wherever required, levelling, aligning, installation, by bolting or welding of pipes at all elevations, testing, completing all works in all respects as per drawings, 
          25.00  INSTALLATION PIG SCRAPPER‐14" EA                         2.00 
specification, other provisions of Contract and directions of the Engineer‐in‐Charge. Installation of Scraper Launcher / Receiver with Quick Opening End Closure (QOEC), Pig Trolley, Jib Crane, Pig Signallers ‐2Nos. (1 no. on Pig trap & 1 no. on Pipeline), Door Limit Switch(close), etc.  as  per  details  given in Tender. 
( Pipeline Size – 14 INCH, Rating ‐ 600# )   

Supply, fabrication and erection of pipe & equipment (mainly Scraper Traps)  supports (for all sizes/ thickness) including shoes, pipes, cradles, turn buckles, T‐posts for all types of guides, anchors, etc.  if  applicable, all  necessary equipment, consumables, labour etc. for completing all works including supply of bolts, nuts, washers, U‐clamps, wooden blocks etc. 
          26.00  as required for supporting, supply and application of paints and primers suitable for highly corrosive/normal corrosive painting environment as defined in contract document and as per Specification for Painting, Doc. No. 15963‐000‐PE‐SPC‐0005 , Drawings, Specification, Standards, other provisions of Contract and instruction of Engineer‐in‐Charge. SUPPLY & INSTALL OF SUPPORTS TM                         1.00 
CS Structural Steel

Supply, fabrication and installation of following types of permanent markers for pipeline and OFC along the route including all associated civil works such as excavation in all types of soil, construction of pedestals and grouting with concrete, clearing, supply and application of approved colour and quality of primer and paint, stencil letter cutting for numbers, 
direction, chainage etc. restoration of area to original condition and performing all works as per drawings, specifications and instructions of Engineer‐In‐Charge.
          27.00  DIRECTION MARKERS EA                     284.00
Note: The painting of all markers shall conform to Specification for Painting, Doc. No. 15963‐000‐PE‐SPC‐0005 &  irrespective of whatever shown on respective standards.
Direction Markers Drg. No. 15963‐000‐PL‐DST‐0015

Supply, fabrication and installation of following types of permanent markers for pipeline and OFC along the route including all associated civil works such as excavation in all types of soil, construction of pedestals and grouting with concrete, clearing, supply and application of approved colour and quality of primer and paint, stencil letter cutting for numbers, 
direction, chainage etc. restoration of area to original condition and performing all works as per drawings, specifications and instructions of Engineer‐In‐Charge.
          28.00  WARNING SIGNS EA                     224.00
Note: The painting of all markers shall conform to Specification for Painting, Doc. No. 15963‐000‐PE‐SPC‐0005 &  irrespective of whatever shown on respective standards.
Pipeline Warning Signs Drg. No. 15963‐000‐PL‐DST‐0016

Supply, fabrication and installation of following types of permanent markers for pipeline and OFC along the route including all associated civil works such as excavation in all types of soil, construction of pedestals and grouting with concrete, clearing, supply and application of approved colour and quality of primer and paint, stencil letter cutting for numbers, 
direction, chainage etc. restoration of area to original condition and performing all works as per drawings, specifications and instructions of Engineer‐In‐Charge.
          29.00  KILOMETER MARKERS EA                     109.00
Note: The painting of all markers shall conform to Specification for Painting, Doc. No. 15963‐000‐PE‐SPC‐0005 &  irrespective of whatever shown on respective standards.
Kilometer Posts Drg. No. 15963‐000‐PL‐DST‐0019

Supply, fabrication and installation of Right of use Boundary pillars of RCC at every 250 meters/nearest bunds on either side of ROU, at every turning point and/or as directed by EIC including supply of all materials necessary for the fabrication of the pillars, casting and inscribing the pillars, excavation of earth, fixing the pillars & backfilling, applying two coats of 
oil paint over one coat of cement based primer on exposed surface and work, labour, inputs & materials/ consumables necessary to perform and complete the work in all respect under the contract and as per directions of Site Engineer.
          30.00  BOUNDARY MARKERS EA                  1,643.00
Note: The painting of all markers shall conform to Specification for Painting, Doc. No. 15963‐000‐PE‐SPC‐0005 &  irrespective of whatever shown on respective standards.
RCC Precast Boundary Stone Drg. No. 15963‐000‐PL‐DST‐0021

Supply, fabrication and installation of following types of permanent markers for pipeline and OFC along the route including all associated civil works such as excavation in all types of soil, construction of pedestals and grouting with concrete, clearing, supply and application of approved colour and quality of primer and paint, stencil letter cutting for numbers, 
direction, chainage etc. restoration of area to original condition and performing all works as per drawings, specifications and instructions of Engineer‐In‐Charge.
          31.00  AERIAL MARKER EA                       27.00
Note: The painting of all markers shall conform to Specification for Painting, Doc. No. 15963‐000‐PE‐SPC‐0005 &  irrespective of whatever shown on respective standards.
Aerial Markers Drg. No. 15963‐000‐PL‐DST‐0020

Major Leak (Detected by Visual Method):
All works for locating major leak/burst (occurred during hydrostatic testing) including necessary repairing /replacing defective pipe length, including cutting and removing out defective pipes, pretesting of replacement pipe and welding into mainline, NDT of welds and re‐beveled area, repair and re‐testing of defective welds, coating of welded joints, clean –up 
retesting the pipeline including providing all necessary equipments, labour, materials, consumables and inputs other than Owner supplied materials and performing all works as per drawings, specifications enclosed with the Contract and directions of Engineer‐In‐charge.
Note: 1) This rate is applicable for manufacturing defects in Company supplied material only.
          32.00  MAJOR LEAKS VISUAL METHOD‐14" EA                         2.00 
2) In the course of hydrostatic testing of the mainline section, if any defective portion/ pipe/ work is found to be due to a defect in the pipe attributable to the Owner, the Owner shall supply the additional necessary pipes at Owner issue point required for the work free of cost to the Contractor, but the Contractor shall supply all other materials and inputs at 
his own cost for replacement of pipe section. The Contractor shall be paid a lump sum amount for each such failure for the work involved in locating & identifying the defects in the mainline and in their repair/rectification as per the specification. Failure in one or more pipes in a section during a single pressurization cycle shall be considered as a single failure 
for the purpose of compensation for hydrostatic test failure on account of manufacturing defect.
(Pipeline Size – 14 INCH)

Minor Leak (Detected by Sectionalizing):
All works for locating leak by sectionalizing or any other methods which cannot be located by visual means, including necessary repairing /replacing defective pipe length , including cutting and removing out defective pipes, pretesting of replacement pipe and welding into mainline , NDT of welds and re‐bevelled area, repair and re‐testing of defective welds, 
coating of welded joints, clean‐up , retesting the pipeline including providing all necessary equipments , labour , materials , consumables and inputs other than Owner supplied materials and performing all works as per drawings, specifications enclosed with the Contract and directions of Engineer‐In‐Charge.
Note: 1) This rate is applicable for manufacturing defects in Company supplied material only.
          33.00  MINOR LEAKS‐14" EA                         2.00 
2) In the course of hydrostatic testing of the mainline section, if any defective portion/ pipe/ work is found to be due to a defect in the pipe attributable to the Owner, the Owner shall supply the additional necessary pipes at Owner issue point required for the work free of cost to the Contractor, but the Contractor shall supply all other materials and inputs at 
his own cost for replacement of pipe section. The Contractor shall be paid a lump sum amount for each such failure for the work involved in locating & identifying the defects in the mainline and in their repair/rectification as per the specification. Failure in one or more pipes in a section during a single pressurization cycle shall be considered as a single failure 
for the purpose of compensation for hydrostatic test failure on account of manufacturing defect.
(Pipeline Size – 14 INCH)

Leak / Bursts (Attributable to Owner):
All works for leak/burst (occurring during hydrostatic testing) including necessary repair/replacement of defective pipe length,  including  cutting  and  removing  out  defective pipes, welding, NDT of welds, repair and re‐testing of defective  welds, painting  of  welded  joints, clean‐up, re hydro testing of the pipe segment including providing all necessary 
          34.00  equipments, labour, materials, consumables and inputs other than Owner supplied materials and performing all works as per drawings, specifications enclosed with the Contract and directions of Engineer‐in‐ Charge. LEAKS(OWNER ATTRIBUTABLE)‐14" IM                       40.00 
Note : This rate shall be applicable for manufacturing defects in Contractor supplied materials only.
If leak is attributale to owner only then the said line item shall be applicable.

          35.00  Supply of High Pressure Leak Clamps for 14" ‐ 600# OD Pipeline  HIGH PRESS. LEAK CLAMP‐14" EA                         1.00 

          36.00  Supply of Composite Leak Clamps for 14" ‐ 600# OD Pipeline COMPOSITE LEAK CLAMP‐14" EA                         1.00 


Preservation of complete pipeline including scraper traps and associated facilities by filling and pressurizing with nitrogen pressure 2 bar(g) and its maintenance including supply of all consumables, all equipment , man‐power, etc. complete as per the requirements of specifications, other provisions of Contract document and instructions of Engineer‐In‐Charge
          37.00  IDLE TIME PRES.‐3 MONTH MT             134,000.00 
1. This rate is for filling & preservation of pipeline for the three months period from & including Pig Launcher to Pig Receiver and associated facilities at respective stations (as applicable) 

Unit rate for maintenance of  pressurised Pipeline as per item above (Short Description ‐ IDLE TIME PRES.‐3 MONTH)(post completion of 3 months period) ,including supply of all consumables, all equipment , man‐power, pigs, barrels (if required) complete in all respects. etc. as per the requirements of specifications, other provsions of Contract document and 
          38.00  instructions of Engineer‐In‐Charge.  IDLE TIME PRES.‐3‐6 MONTH MT             134,000.00 
Note: 1. The  payment for same unit rate shall apply for any extended period, if required to maximum of 9 months after completion of this.

Unit rate for preservation of pipeline including scraper traps and associated facilities by filling and pressurizing with nitrogen pressure 2 bar(g) and its maintenance including supply of all consumables, all equipment , man‐power, etc. complete as per the requirements of specifications, other provisions of Contract document and instructions of Engineer‐In‐
          39.00  Charge IDLETIME PRES.‐POST 6 MNT MT             134,000.00 
1. This rate is for filling & preservation of pipeline for the three months period from & including Pig Launcher to Pig Receiver and associated facilities at respective stations (as applicable) 

Casing pipe details for Railway Crossings (For Karnataka State only), Highways (NH/SH) / Major District Roads / Other District Roads / Ring Roads Lined Canals / Major Canals:  Supply including handling, loading, transportation and unloading of casing pipes from Contractor’s storage point to worksite. Casing pipe shall conform to specification no. 15963‐000‐PL‐
          40.00  SPC‐0033. SUPPLY‐CASING‐20" MT                  1,181.00 
( Casing pipe OD : 20"(508 mm), Material :‐ API5L Gr B, PSL 1, Wall Thk. : 8.74 mm, Casing pipe shall be two component epoxy coated. )

Supply and installation including transportation of bentonite as per standard statutory requirement and as per the Tender if mentioned elsewhere, The annulus space between the casing and the carrier pipe to be filled with a Bentonite as the casing filler at all cased crossings such as but not limited to Lined Canals, Major Canals, Railways, National Highways, 
State Highways, Major District Roads, Other District Roads, Ring Roads and other unidentified crossings if required or as directed by the Engineer‐In‐Charge  :
          41.00  BENTONITE FILLING M3                     100.00 
Preparation of detailed handling, transportation, storage, usage method /statements and calculations (If any) for Owner's Approval.
Note : This Item includes only for Casing Filler and installation i.e. Bentonite Filling considered in Cased crossing Items executed with Auger Boring or Open Cut methodology.

Magnetic Pigging‐14"
Mobilisation/demobilisation of pigging tools, tackles, consumables, accessories and personnel by contractor at work site including but not limited to magnet pig and pig tracking device, temporary launcher and receiver as per specification and other provision of the bid document including supply of material, equipment, manpower, etc. as required for magnet 
          42.00  pigging cleaning of 14" diameter mainline.  MAGNETIC PIGGING‐14" MT             134,000.00 
Including running of adequate runs of magnet pigs for pipeline including pig tracking at 5 to 10 km interval for each segment, preparation of site report as per specification and provision of BID DOCUMENT for 14" diameter mainline.
This should facilitate ,Preparation and cleaning of the complete ,Mainline / Mainline sections including HDD sections, Scrappe Traps  by running series of pigs for cleaning the line from debris, water & making it dry for launching Magnetic pigs.

Electronic Geometry Pigging (EGP)‐14"
Mobilisation/demobilisation of pigging tools, tackles, consumables, accessories and personnel by contractor at work site including but not limited to electronic geometry pigs and pig tracking device, temporary launcher and receiver as per specification and other provision of the bid document including supply of material, equipment, manpower, etc. as 
          43.00  required for geometry inspection of 14" diameter mainline. EGP‐14" MT             134,000.00 
Running adequate runs of electronic geometry pig (caliper) including pig tracking at 5 to 10 Km interval for each segment, preparation of site report on pipeline, data analysis at Contractors facility as per specification and provisions of the BID DOCUMENT for 14" diameter mainline.
Rectification works of excavation, cutting, welding, testing and backfilling, the acceptance tolerance criteria as per (refer doc no. 15963‐000‐PL‐SPC‐0029)

Defect Verification & Rectification not attributal to contractor‐14"
Defect verification at a max. of 3 locations for each segment inspected including rectification of defects observed from EGP (caliper) survey, including supply of all tools, tackles, instruments, personnel and their transportation, all earth work, repair of pipeline coating wherever exposed, backfilling, work complete in all respect as per direction of Engineer‐In‐
          44.00  DEFECT VERIFICATION‐14" EA                         1.00 
Vendor shall rectify the defect beyond 2% Dent (i.e Dent depth = 2% of I.D. of Pipeline.)
Repair of defects recorded during EGP/gauge plate run or otherwise including cutting, bevelling, welding, radiography, field joint coating etc.; as applicable.
Note:‐ 1. Unit EACH signifies each schedule of the pipeline.

          45.00  Preparation of final WORK report as per pre agreed format and submission to CONSULTANT / COMPANY as per Doc. No. 15963‐000‐PL‐SPC‐0025 for pipeline. Minimum 3 Hard Copies and 3 reproducable copy in 3 nos. of HardDrives for each scheduleand each pipeline/spurline.  DOCUMENTATION LS                         1.00 

Pre‐commissioning activities and pre‐commissioning checks to the specified acceptance criteria, making the entire pipeline system ready for commissioning, providing assistance during the complete duration of commissioning operations, supply of all equipment, manpower, consumables (including pigs) materials for all temporary works and performing all 
associated works, complete as per the relevant specifications, other provisions of Contract document and instructions of Engineer‐in‐Charge. 
          46.00  Note:‐ PRE‐COMM. CHECK‐14"‐ KAR LS                         1.00 
1. Precommissioning checks for the pipeline and associated facilities for entire pipeline as per Specification no. 15963‐000‐PL‐SPC‐0021
2. Precommissioning checks for the pipeline and associated facilities for 14" diameter Pipeline section.

Supply of all equipment, manpower, consumablesmaterials for all temporary works and performing all associated works, complete as per the relevant specifications, other provisions of Contract document and instructions of Engineer‐in‐Charge Dewatering of the entire pipeline and associated facilities as per Specification no. 15963‐000‐PL‐SPC‐0021
          47.00  Note:‐ 1. Dewatering of the entire pipeline and associated facilities for 14" diameter Pipeline section. DEWATERING‐14"‐ KAR MT             134,000.00 

Supply of all equipment, manpower, consumables (including pigs) materials for all temporary works and performing all associated works, complete as per the relevant specifications, other provisions of Contract document and instructions of Engineer‐in‐Charge Swabbing of the entire pipeline and associated facilities as per Specification no. 15963‐000‐PL‐SPC‐
          48.00  0021 SWABBING‐14"‐ KAR MT             134,000.00 
Note:‐ 1. Swabbing of the entire pipeline and associated facilities for 14" diameter Pipeline section.

Commissioning assistance for entire Pipeline with water pressurize upto MAOP, including all station piping being installed to the specified acceptance criteria, carrying out the pre‐commissioning works, Providing all necessary assistance during the complete duration of commissioning operations for entire pipeline and making the entire pipeline system ready 
          49.00  for commissioning including supply of all equipment, man‐power, consumables materials for all temporary works and performing all associated works, complete as per the relevant specifications, approved method statements and other provisions of Contract document and instructions of Engineer‐in‐Charge. as per Specification no. 15963‐000‐PL‐SPC‐0021 COMM. WITH WATER‐14"‐ KAR MT             134,000.00 
Note:‐ 1. Commissioning assistance for the commissioning of 14" diameter Pipeline section and associated facilities being carried out by Company.

          50.00  Supply of water for commissioning and pressurisation up to MAOP of pipeline  SUP WATER COMM.14"‐ KAR KL                  5,400.00 

Transportation of surplus bare /coated line pipes from the dump sites and site area to Company’s designated storage area, including loading/ unloading /handling and carrying out all associated works like arranging for cranes, manpower, trailers, loading and unloading equipment; preparation of storage area at unloading point including providing all 
          51.00  consumables, sand ridges, wooden sleepers, plastic sheets, etc; preparation of material reconciliation statement for following Pipeline sizes. TRANSP. OF SURPLUS PIPES‐14" MT                     600.00 
Pipeline Size – 14" Dia. (Any thickness)

Part‐1: Preparation of High‐resolution videography (4K) of ROU during ROU opening (cleaning and grading) to capture all existing facilities in ROU which is going to be damaged in construction activities within ROU limits. This will also include the entire videography of ROU restoration (chainage wise) and shall be submitted on monthly basis. Geo‐tagged 
photography also needs to be carried out during ROU opening (cleaning and grading activity) and ROU restoration.
Part‐2: Preparation of High‐resolution video film (4K) (minimum 2 hours) with professional audio commentary covering all aspects / activity of pipeline construction annotated as required.
Part‐3: Preparation of High‐resolution videography (4K) of Panchanama (capturing the eniter activity with vocals of officals & persons involved) and Restoration for the entire length (minimum 2 hours) also shall be provided. 
The work shall be carried out in three Parts. Videography of the entire route prior to construction activities (Panchanama) i.e. pipeline route, location of various stations, IP station, TOP, SV's, all crossing like road / railways, river, etc. and String, Welding, Radiography, Joint Coating, Lowering, Backfilling, all major crossings etc. Videography during all above work 
restoration and third complete project execution i.e.performing all works as per specification, instruction of engineer‐in‐charge and other provision of contract document. 
          52.00  VIDEOGRAPHY & PHOTOGRAPHY MT             134,000.00 
Conversion of the filmed videography for above all parts, submitting three (3) sets of the of pipeline & spurline for each part, in a 3 nos. of Hard Drive for each schedule and as per details in Specification for Documentation for Pipeline Construction, Doc. No. 15963‐000‐PL‐SPC‐0014. This should be with professional audio commentary, titles & sub‐titles.  
Contractor to deploy an external agency, who has shot professional Short films.

Photograph’s for all the 3 (three) Part’s as mentioned above with DSLR or equivalent professional camera (with minimum 20 megapixel) shall be taken and submitted in 3 (three) nos. of reproduceable format (in Hard Drive as per company requirement) & 3 (three) nos. of Hardcopies arranged in an album (album should not be flip book/magazine type) 
sequence wise with a short description below for the activity being carried out in the photograph with date, chainage and location for each part. Album shall be prepared in such a way that the photographs take shall not stick to each other or pages of album if kept untouched. All the main stages during laying for all the parts or as required by Engineer‐In‐
Charge/ Company shall be captured in photographs and pasted in Album.

Complete work of the unspecified crossing of width above 200 meters, up to & inclusive of 500 meters, such as but not limited to any type of plantation/field/farm crossing, Road Crossing (NH, SH, etc.), Water body crossing and/or Rail Crossing (between the limits are defined as approved drawings) (between the limits are defined as approved drawings) by 
HDD method including "Receiving and taking over" owner supplied three layer PP coated line pipes from Owner's designated place to issue/ dump site(s) and transportation to contractor's stock yard/ work shop/ work site including all handling loading, unloading, aligning etc. supply of all Contractor supplied material, required length of CS conduit for OFC 
laying of size 6"; 6.4mm thk. of API 5L Gr.B  or equivalent ERW pipe including the Supply and installation of 2nos. 40mm HDPE conduit in 6" CS pipe to work site(s), manpower, equipment, other resources and acquiring the required land for storage, fabrication including string preparation of pipes, welding, welding repair, radiography, coating of field joints with 
special type Heat Shrink Sleeve and repair of pipeline coating with special repair patch materials as per Specification hardware / software required for commissioning the above system. Pre‐construction survey based on site visit, collection of data (if required) from concerned Authority including design and detail engineering and making of crossing drawings 
for getting their approval from concerned Authority/ Engineer‐in‐charge, getting work permit/ NOC for crossing as well as utility crossings (if any) encountered at crossing section prior to start the execution of work. 

Drilling to required depth from top of NGL./ road/ rail and from scour level of water body crossing, including maintenance of drill hole in all types of strata, all depth to accommodate the pipeline and CS conduit for OFC laying at all conditions encountered during crossing by approved HDD methods for providing minimum cover specified in code/ specification 
or the actual depth as decided by concerned authority, whichever is more.

Backfilling of the ditch/ trench including restoration and cleanup of area and all other works including pigging, cleaning, final hydrotesting etc. along with mainline works (as mentioned in Item No. 1 to 5 above) including repair of defects and retesting, etc. for defects attributed to Contractor's faulty work, Supply, fabrication and construction of protective 
fencing as required, Supply fabrication and erection of pipeline markers, Restoration and clean‐up etc., Preparation of as‐built drawings and other records etc., required as per specification, and all other works in accordance with approved drawings, calculations, methods and to the satisfaction of Engineer‐in‐charge and/ or as directed by concerned Authority. 
          53.00  The depth of the crossing shall be as per relevant OISD code / Specifications or as per statutory approval, whichever is greater. UNSPECIFIED HDD W: 200 ‐ 500M MT                     250.00 

1. Width of above crossings indicated are tentative. The width indicated are not for any single crossings. This shall be as per requirement at site for crossing at different locations.
2. Width of the crossings are indicated in respective Crossing drawing enclosed with the tender document or contractor shall verify the crossing (unspecified) and its length at site. Crossing width may vary as per site condition. String length for HDD shall vary as per design calculations so that pipe is not under stress as permitted by codes/ specifications. 
However final length of string & cover from top of pipe shall be decided and approved by concerned Authority/ Engineer‐in‐charge.
3. The Contractor to make separate HDD for 6" CS conduit for OFC laying at minimum 6m interdistance between mainline & 6" CS conduit for OFC. No separate payment for HDD for 6" CS conduit shall be paid.
4. Payment for the length of final tied‐in carrier pipeline string with mainline and CS conduit laid by HDD method are inclusive in the above item rate and no separate payment shall be made under other clause mentioned elsewhere.
5. It is sole discretion of the Contractor to do HDD crossing of mainline pipe with OFC cables. No separate payment for OFC cables laying at these crossings
6. Contractor shall obtain final NOC from all the concerned Autorities for each of the crossing.
7. The rates shall be inclusive of supply of CS conduit for OFC laying of size 6"; 6.4mm thk. of A106 Gr.B/API 5L Gr.B/IS1239 or equivalent ERW pipe.
Pipeline Size = 8” / 14" NPS, API 5L Gr.X65, PSL2

Unit rate for over and above the all other Items for Providing, Casting, Supplying, Transporting & Erecting In Position RCC Precast Concrete for Mechanical Protection Concrete Slab / C‐shaped structural slab over pipeline as per standard drawing no. 15963‐000‐PL‐DST‐0023. M30 Grade With 20 mm & Down Graded Stone Aggregates For All Leads & Levels 
Including All Moulds, Shuttering & Centering, Vibrating, Tamping, Curing, Finishing The Top Surface To Give A Smooth & Even Surface, Providing Lifting Lugs, Aligning & Fixing In Position With Cement Mortar 1:3 (1 Cement : 3 Sand) Breaking Bricks & Or Concrete Surfaces & Making Good The Same Etc. Complete As Specified. 
          54.00  CONCRETE SLAB / C‐SECTION M3                       87.92 
1. Payment shall be made for the actual volume of concrete used. 
2. Rate of Supply and Fixing Reinforcement Steel and any Other Embedded Steel Items Shall Be Measured and Paid Seperately.
2. The C‐ Shape Structure as per drawing no. 15963‐000‐PL‐DST‐0023 shall be provided at  Village Road Crossings, for crossing width or road ROW width which ever is greater or as directed by Engineer‐In‐Charge with approval prior to construction.

Rock shield Mesh/Pad shall be made of HDPE / PVC material. The thickness of the sheet shall be minimum 10mm. The Rock shield Mesh/Pad shall be bought out in sheets, pads or rolls to cover the entire pipeline when applied with a overlap. It shall be Porous, does not trap water, shall allows accurate cathodic testing and protect pipe coating from protruding 
rocks in trench. It shall be easy to install type, typically tied with Filament tape or approriate non‐metallic substitute or as per recommendation of the manufacturer. Rate shall be inclusive of supply transport of the Rock shield Mesh/Pad and straps used for fixing it. The details of Rock shield Mesh/Pad shall be provided for review and approval of company 
before purchase, only company approved Rock shield Mesh/Pad shall be used.  
          55.00  ROCKSHIELD MESH/PAD SM                     650.00
1. Payment shall be made for the actual length for which Rock Shield  mesh is provided. 
(Reference Drawing No. 15963‐000‐PL‐DST‐0035)

Fabrication, of Long Radius (R=6D) Bends including coating from free issue Bare/Coated line pipe of Size 14” dia, thickness 8.74 mm, API 5L Gr.X65 PSL2 as per in scope of work (15963‐000‐PL‐SOW‐0002) & Specification for Hot Induction Bends (15963‐000‐PL‐SPC‐0008) for different TPs, terminals, stations from 40 to 90 Deg. 
          56.00  This includes taking delivery, and transportation of bare pipes from Line pipe dumpsites (as applicable) , transportation, unloading the pipes at manufacturer's work and delievery of the LR bends back to designated project site location including transportation/loading/unloading/ all incidental expenses incurred in this regard, visual examination, manual U.T. on SUPPLY HIB ‐ 14"‐8.74MM EA                       40.00 
the entire weld seam, bevelling of ends as per API 5L, supply of all materials, consumables, labour etc. as per specifications and direction of Site Engineer / Engineer‐in‐Charge.

Fabrication, of Long Radius (R=6D) Bends including coating from free issue Bare/Coated line pipe of Size 14” dia, thickness 11.91 mm, API 5L Gr.X65 PSL2 as per in scope of work (15963‐000‐PL‐SOW‐0002) & Specification for Hot Induction Bends (15963‐000‐PL‐SPC‐0008) for different TPs, terminals, stations from 40 to 90 Deg. 
          57.00  This includes taking delivery, and transportation of bare pipes from Line pipe dumpsites (as applicable) , transportation, unloading the pipes at manufacturer's work and delievery of the LR bends back to designated project site location including transportation/loading/unloading/ all incidental expenses incurred in this regard, visual examination, manual U.T. on SUPPLY HIB ‐ 14"‐11.91MM EA                         6.00 
the entire weld seam, bevelling of ends as per API 5L, supply of all materials, consumables, labour etc. as per specifications and direction of Site Engineer / Engineer‐in‐Charge.

Supply of Carbon Steel Seamless Pipes as per details below:
          58.00  SUPPLY PIPE‐2"‐SCH‐80 MT                       12.00 
( D0Z Spec, Size ‐ 2 INCH, Rating/Sch 80, Ends‐ BE, Material ‐ ASTM A106 GR. B, SEAMLESS, TO ASME B36.10M )

Supply of Carbon Steel Seamless Pipes as per details below:
          59.00  SUPPLY PIPE‐4"‐SCH‐80 MT                       12.00 
( D0Z Spec, Size ‐ 4 INCH, Rating/Sch 80, Ends‐ BE, Material ‐ ASTM A106 GR. B, SEAMLESS, TO ASME B36.10M )

Supply of Carbon Steel Seamless Pipes as per details below:
          60.00  SUPPLY PIPE‐6"‐SCH‐80 MT                       12.00 
( D0Z Spec, Size ‐ 6 INCH, Rating/Sch 80, Ends‐ BE, Material ‐ ASTM A106 GR. B, SEAMLESS, TO ASME B36.10M )

Supply of 1.5 D 90 BW Elbow as per details given below:
          61.00  SUPPLY 90D ELBOW‐2"‐SCH80 EA                         2.00 
( D0Z Spec, Size ‐ 2" INCH, Rating/Sch ‐ 600#/SCH 80, Ends‐ BW, Material ‐ ASTM A234 Gr. WPB,Seamless, ASME B16.9)

Supply of 1.5 D 90 BW Elbow as per details given below:
          62.00  SUPPLY 90D ELBOW‐4"‐SCH80 EA                         4.00 
( D0Z Spec, Size ‐ 4" INCH, Rating/Sch ‐ 600#/SCH 80, Ends‐ BW, Material ‐ ASTM A234 Gr. WPB,Seamless, ASME B16.9)

Supply of 1.5 D 90 BW Elbow as per details given below:
          63.00  SUPPLY 90D ELBOW‐6"‐SCH80 EA                         8.00 
( D0Z Spec, Size ‐ 6" INCH, Rating/Sch ‐ 600#/SCH 80, Ends‐ BW, Material ‐ ASTM A234 Gr. WPB,Seamless, ASME B16.9)

Supply of Reducing Tee for underground application as per details given below:
          64.00  SUPPLY REDUCING TEE‐6"x4" EA                         2.00 
( D0Z Spec, Size1 – 6 INCH, Size 2 ‐ 4 INCH, Thk1/Sch1‐10.97mm x Thk2/Sch2‐8.56mm, Rating – 600, Ends‐ BW, Material ‐ ASTM A860 Gr. WPHY65, Seamless, MSS SP 75 )

Supply of Weldolet conforming to as per details given below:
          65.00  SUPPLY WELDOLET‐2" EA                         4.00 
( D0Z Spec, Size ‐ 2" INCH, Rating/Sch ‐ 600#/5.54mmThk., Ends‐ BW, Material ‐ ASTM A694 Gr. F65, MSS SP 97 )

Supply of Weld Neck (WN) Flanges as per details below:
          66.00  SUPPLY WNRF FLG.‐4" EA                         4.00 
( D0Z Spec, Size – 4" INCH, Face / Finish – RF/125AARH, Rating  ‐ 600#, Sch 80 , Material – ASTM A105, ASME B16.5 )

Supply of Weld Neck (WN) Flanges as per details below:
          67.00  SUPPLY WNRF FLG.‐2" EA                         4.00 
( D0Z Spec, Size – 2" INCH, Face / Finish – RF/125AARH, Rating  ‐ 600#, Sch 80 , Material – ASTM A105, ASME B16.5 )

Supply of Blind Flanges as per details given below:
          68.00  SUPPLY BLIND FLG.‐2" EA                         2.00 
( D0Z Spec, Size ‐ 2" INCH ,Face / Finish – RF/125AARH, Rating – 600# , Material – ASTM A105, ASME B16.5 )

Supply of Blind Flanges as per details given below:
          69.00  SUPPLY BLIND FLG.‐4" EA                         2.00 
( D0Z Spec, Size ‐ 4" INCH ,Face / Finish – RF/125AARH, Rating – 600# , Material – ASTM A105, ASME B16.5 )

Supply of Weld Neck (WN) Flanges as per details below:
          70.00  SUPPLY WNRF FLG.‐14"‐7.14MM EA                         8.00 
( D0Z Spec, Size – 14" INCH, Face / Finish – RF/125AARH, Rating  ‐ 600#, Thickness‐7.14mm , Material – ASTM A694 Gr. F65, ASME B16.5 )

Supply of Blank and Spacer Flanges as per details below:
          71.00  SUPPLY BLANK&SPACER‐14" EA                         2.00 
( D0Z Spec, Size – 14" INCH, Face / Finish – RF/125AARH, Rating  ‐ 600#, Material – ASTM A516 Gr.65, ASME B16.48 )

Supply of Valves as per details below:
          72.00  SUPPLY BV‐2"LO, BE EA                         2.00 
D0Z Spec, Size ‐ 2" Inch, Ball Valve, Two Piece body, Fully welded, Class 600, Both End Welded, Body – ASTM A216 WCB / WCC, Trim ‐ SS 316, Seat & Seal RPTFE, Dimensions / Design As Per ASME B16.10 / BS EN ISO 17292, API 6D. Floating Ball, Full Bore, LO, Data Sheet No. 15963‐000‐PL‐DAS‐0007

Supply of Valves as per details below:
          73.00  SUPPLY BV‐2"LC, BE EA                         2.00 
D0Z Spec, Size ‐ 2" Inch, Ball Valve, Two Piece body, Fully welded, Class 600, Both End Welded, Body – ASTM A216 WCB / WCC, Trim ‐ SS 316, Seat & Seal RPTFE, Dimensions / Design As Per ASME B16.10 / BS EN ISO 17292, API 6D. Floating Ball, Full Bore, LC, Data Sheet No. 15963‐000‐PL‐DAS‐0007

Supply of Valves as per details below:
          74.00  SUPPLY BV‐4"LO, BE EA                         2.00 
D0Z Spec, Size ‐ 4" Inch, Ball Valve, Two Piece body, Fully welded, Class 600, Both End Welded, Body – ASTM A216 WCB / WCC, Trim ‐ SS 316, Seat & Seal RPTFE, Dimensions / Design As Per ASME B16.10 / BS EN ISO 17292, API 6D. Trunnion Ball, Reduced / Full Bore, Gear Operated, LC, Data Sheet No. 15963‐000‐PL‐DAS‐0007

Supply of Valves as per details below:
          75.00  SUPPLY BV‐4"LO , FLGD EA                         2.00 
D0Z Spec, Size ‐ 4" Inch, Ball Valve, One/ Two Piece body Bolted, Class 600, Both End Flanged, Body – ASTM A216 WCB / WCC, Trim ‐ SS 316, Seat & Seal RPTFE, Dimensions / Design As Per ASME B16.10 / BS EN ISO 17292, API 6D. Trunnion Ball, Reduced / Full Bore, Gear Operated, LO, Data Sheet No. 15963‐000‐PL‐DAS‐0007

Supply of Monolithic Insulating Joints as per details given below:
          76.00  SUPPLY MIJ‐14" 7.14 THK. EA                         4.00 
Size – 14 INCH, 7.14mm W.T, Rating – 600, Data sheet No. – 15963‐000‐PL‐DAS‐0002

Supply of Monolithic Insulating Joints as per details given below:
          77.00  SUPPLY MIJ‐4" 8.56 THK. EA                         2.00 
Size – 4 INCH, 8.56mm W.T, Rating – 600, Data sheet No. – 15963‐000‐PL‐DAS‐0002

Supply of Monolithic Insulating Joints as per details given below:
          78.00  SUPPLY MIJ‐2" 5.54 THK. EA                         2.00 
Size – 2 INCH, 5.54mm W.T, Rating – 600, Data sheet No. – 15963‐000‐PL‐DAS‐0002

Supply of Flow Tees as per Following details :
          79.00  SUP F.TEE‐14" 7.14THK EA                         2.00 
Size1 – 14 INCH, Size 2 ‐ 14 INCH, Thk1/Sch1‐7.14mm x Thk2/Sch2‐19.05mm, Rating – 600, Data Sheet No. 15963‐000‐PL‐DAS‐ 0003

Supply of Flow Tees as per Following details :
          80.00  SUP F.TEE‐14"x10" 7.14THK EA                       13.00 
Size1 – 14 INCH, Size 2 ‐ 10 INCH, Thk1/Sch1‐7.14mm x Thk2/Sch2‐15.09mm, Rating – 600, Data Sheet No. 15963‐000‐PL‐DAS‐ 0003

Supply of Flow Tees as per Following details :
          81.00  SUP F.TEE‐14"x10" 10.31THK EA                         2.00 
Size1 – 14 INCH, Size 2 ‐ 10 INCH, Thk1/Sch1‐10.31mm x Thk2/Sch2‐15.09mm, Rating – 600, Data Sheet No. 15963‐000‐PL‐DAS‐ 0003

Supply of Flow Tees as per Following details :
          82.00  SUP F.TEE‐14"x6" 7.14THK EA                         8.00 
Size1 – 14 INCH, Size 2 ‐ 6 INCH, Thk1/Sch1‐7.14mm x Thk2/Sch2‐10.97mm, Rating – 600, Data Sheet No. 15963‐000‐PL‐DAS‐ 0003

Supply of Spiral Wound  Gaskets 4.5 mm Thk., Spiral Wound, SS316+Graphite with Soft Steel Centering Ring to ASME B16.20 and details given below:
          83.00  SUPPLY GASKET‐14"‐600# EA                       12.00 
Size – 14" INCH, Rating  ‐ 600

Supply of Spiral Wound  Gaskets 4.5 mm Thk., Spiral Wound, SS316+Graphite with Soft Steel Centering Ring to ASME B16.20 and details given below:
          84.00  SUPPLY GASKET‐4"‐600# EA                         6.00 
Size – 4" INCH, Rating  ‐ 600

Supply of Spiral Wound  Gaskets 4.5 mm Thk., Spiral Wound, SS316+Graphite with Soft Steel Centering Ring to ASME B16.20 and details given below:
          85.00  SUPPLY GASKET‐2"‐600# EA                         4.00 
Size – 2" INCH, Rating  ‐ 600

Supply of STUD BOLT with 2 Heavy Hex Nuts as per Std. ASME B18.2.1 & ASME B18.2.2, Bolt Material  ‐ A193 Gr. B7, Full length thread, Nut Material – A194 Gr. 2H as per details given:
          86.00  SUPPLY STUD BOLT‐1 3/8" 250MM EA                     160.00 
Bolt Dia. – 1 3/8 INCH, Length – 250mm, Nos.‐20

Supply of STUD BOLT with 2 Heavy Hex Nuts as per Std. ASME B18.2.1 & ASME B18.2.2, Bolt Material  ‐ A193 Gr. B7, Full length thread, Nut Material – A194 Gr. 2H as per details given:
          87.00  SUPPLY STUD BOLT‐1 3/8" 300MM EA                       40.00 
Bolt Dia. – 1 3/8 INCH, Length – 300mm, Nos.‐20

Supply of STUD BOLT with 2 Heavy Hex Nuts as per Std. ASME B18.2.1 & ASME B18.2.2, Bolt Material  ‐ A193 Gr. B7, Full length thread, Nut Material – A194 Gr. 2H as per details given:
          88.00  SUPPLY STUD BOLT‐7/8" 155MM EA                       48.00 
Bolt Dia. – 7/8 INCH, Length – 155mm, Nos.‐8

Supply of STUD BOLT with 2 Heavy Hex Nuts as per Std. ASME B18.2.1 & ASME B18.2.2, Bolt Material  ‐ A193 Gr. B7, Full length thread, Nut Material – A194 Gr. 2H as per details given:
          89.00  SUPPLY STUD BOLT‐5/8" 115MM EA                       32.00 
Bolt Dia. – 5/8 INCH, Length – 115mm

          90.00  Supply of Temparature Transmitter ‐ Skin Type for Pipeline part such as but not limited to weldolet, pipe, IJ, flange, gasket, Stud Bolts & Nuts, etc. as per Instrument Hook up Drawings No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DHU‐0001 SUP TEM.TRANSMITTER‐SKIN TYP EA                       16.00 

Installation of fabricated Long Radius (R=6D) Bends including coating from free issue Bare/Coated line pipe of Size 14” dia, thickness 8.74 mm, API 5L Gr.X65 PSL2 as per scope of work (15963‐000‐PL‐SOW‐0002) & Specification for Hot Induction Bends (15963‐000‐PL‐SPC‐0008) for different TPs, stations, pipeline route for angle 40 to 90 Deg and whereve 
required due to space constraint. 
          91.00  INSTALLATION HIB 14"‐8.74MM EA                       40.00 
This includes taking delivery, and transportation of  LR bends from storage area of contractor to work site location including transportation/loading/unloading/ all incidental expenses incurred in this regard, welding it to the line pie at the required places as per alignment sheet or as directed by Engineer In Charge, visual examination, manual U.T. on the entire 
weld seam, supply of all materials, consumables, labour etc. as per specifications and direction of Site Engineer / Engineer‐in‐Charge.

Installation of fabricated Long Radius (R=6D) Bends including coating from free issue Bare/Coated line pipe of Size 14” dia, thickness 11.91 mm, API 5L Gr.X65 PSL2 as per scope of work (15963‐000‐PL‐SOW‐0002) & Specification for Hot Induction Bends (15963‐000‐PL‐SPC‐0008) for different TPs, stations, pipeline route for angle 40 to 90 Deg and whereve 
required due to space constraint. 
          92.00  INSTALLATION HIB 14"‐11.91MM EA                         6.00 
This includes taking delivery, and transportation of  LR bends from storage area of contractor to work site location including transportation/loading/unloading/ all incidental expenses incurred in this regard, welding it to the line pie at the required places as per alignment sheet or as directed by Engineer In Charge, visual examination, manual U.T. on the entire 
weld seam, supply of all materials, consumables, labour etc. as per specifications and direction of Site Engineer / Engineer‐in‐Charge.

Receiving and taking over of owner supplied motor operated avcuated valves  with flanged / butt welded  end from owner's storage points to contractors stores / worksite and installation of these motor operated avcuated valves along with the actuater  in line with the Manufacturer Installation Manual & as per applicable P&ID and the piping GAD at above 
          93.00  ground location.  INSTAL. 14" MOV A/G EA                         4.00 
Size of Valve = 14"  600 #

Receiving and taking over of owner supplied motor operated avcuated valves with butt welded ends & extended stem from owner's storage points to contractors stores / worksite and installation of these motor operated avcuated valves along with the actuater in line with the Manufacturer Installation Manual & as per applicable P&ID and the piping GAD at 
          94.00  underground location.  INSTAL. 14" MOV U/G EA                         9.00 
Size of Valve = 14"  600 #

Receiving and taking over of owner supplied valves with flanged / butt welded  end from owner's storage points to contractors stores / worksite and installation of these motor operated avcuated valves along with the actuater or manual valves in line with the Manufacturer Installation Manual & as per applicable P&ID and the piping GAD at above ground 
          95.00  location.  INSTAL. 14" VALVE A/G EA                         1.00 
Size of Valve = 14"  600 #

Receiving and taking over of owner supplied HV (with proximity switch), butt welded ends & extended stem from owner's storage points to contractors stores / worksite and installation of these motor operated avcuated valves along with the actuater or manual valve in line with the Manufacturer Installation Manual & as per applicable P&ID and the piping 
          96.00  GAD at underground location. INSTAL. 14" HV U/G EA                         1.00 
Size of Valve = 14"  600 #

Receiving and taking over of owner supplied HV (with proximity switch), flanged / butt welded  end from owner's storage points to contractors stores / worksite and installation of these motor operated avcuated valves along with the actuater or manual valves in line with the Manufacturer Installation Manual & as per applicable P&ID and the piping GAD at 
          97.00  above ground location.  INSTAL. 6" HV A/G EA                         2.00 
Size of Valve = 6"  600 #

Receiving and taking over of owner supplied HV (with proximity switch), butt welded ends & extended stem from owner's storage points to contractors stores / worksite and installation of these motor operated avcuated valves along with the actuater or manual valve in line with the Manufacturer Installation Manual & as per applicable P&ID and the piping 
          98.00  GAD at underground location.  INSTAL. 6" HV U/G EA                         2.00 
Size of Valve = 6"  600 #

Receiving and taking over of owner supplied valve, flanged / butt welded  end from owner's storage points to contractors stores / worksite and installation of these manual valves  in line with the Manufacturer Installation Manual & as per applicable P&ID and the piping GAD at above ground location. 
          99.00  INSTAL. 6" VALVE A/G EA                         3.00 
Size of Valve = 6"  600 #

Receiving and taking over of owner supplied valve, butt welded ends & extended stem from owner's storage points to contractors stores / worksite and installation of these manual valves in line with the Manufacturer Installation Manual & as per applicable P&ID and the piping GAD at underground location. 
        100.00  INSTAL. 6" VALVE U/G EA                         3.00 
Size of Valve = 6"  600 #

Installation of Carbon Steel Seamless Pipes as per details below:
( D0Z Spec, Size ‐ 2 INCH, Rating/Sch 80, Ends‐ BE, Material ‐ ASTM A106 GR. B, SEAMLESS, TO ASME B36.10M )
Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        101.00  INSTAL. PIPE‐2"‐SCH‐80 MT                       12.00 
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space

Installation of Carbon Steel Seamless Pipes as per details below:
( D0Z Spec, Size ‐ 4 INCH, Rating/Sch 80, Ends‐ BE, Material ‐ ASTM A106 GR. B, SEAMLESS, TO ASME B36.10M )
Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        102.00  INSTAL. PIPE‐4"‐SCH‐80 MT                       12.00 
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space

Installation of Carbon Steel Seamless Pipes as per details below:
( D0Z Spec, Size ‐ 6 INCH, Rating/Sch 80, Ends‐ BE, Material ‐ ASTM A106 GR. B, SEAMLESS, TO ASME B36.10M )
Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        103.00  INSTAL. PIPE‐6"‐SCH‐80 MT                       12.00 
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space

Installation of 1.5 D 90 BW Elbow as per details given below:
( D0Z Spec, Size ‐ 2" INCH, Rating/Sch ‐ 600#/SCH 80, Ends‐ BW, Material ‐ ASTM A234 Gr. WPB,Seamless, ASME B16.9)
Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        104.00  INSTAL. 90D ELBOW‐2"‐SCH80 EA                         2.00 
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space

Installation of 1.5 D 90 BW Elbow as per details given below:
( D0Z Spec, Size ‐ 4" INCH, Rating/Sch ‐ 600#/SCH 80, Ends‐ BW, Material ‐ ASTM A234 Gr. WPB,Seamless, ASME B16.9)
Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        105.00  INSTAL. 90D ELBOW‐4"‐SCH80 EA                         4.00 
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space

Installation of 1.5 D 90 BW Elbow as per details given below:
( D0Z Spec, Size ‐ 6" INCH, Rating/Sch ‐ 600#/SCH 80, Ends‐ BW, Material ‐ ASTM A234 Gr. WPB,Seamless, ASME B16.9)
Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        106.00  INSTAL. 90D ELBOW‐6"‐SCH80 EA                         8.00 
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space

Installation of Reducing Tee for underground application as per details given below:
( D0Z Spec, Size1 – 6 INCH, Size 2 ‐ 4 INCH, Thk1/Sch1‐10.97mm x Thk2/Sch2‐8.56mm, Rating – 600, Ends‐ BW, Material ‐ ASTM A860 Gr. WPHY65, Seamless, MSS SP 75 )
Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        107.00  INSTAL. REDUCING TEE‐6"x4" EA                         2.00 
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space

Installation of Weldolet conforming to as per details given below:
( D0Z Spec, Size ‐ 2" INCH, Rating/Sch ‐ 600#/5.54mmThk., Ends‐ BW, Material ‐ ASTM A694 Gr. F65, MSS SP 97 )
Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        108.00  INSTAL. WELDOLET‐2" EA                         4.00 
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space

Installation of Weld Neck (WN) Flanges as per details below:
( D0Z Spec, Size – 4" INCH, Face / Finish – RF/125AARH, Rating  ‐ 600#, Sch 80 , Material – ASTM A105, ASME B16.5 )
Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        109.00  INSTAL. WNRF FLG.‐4" EA                         4.00 
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space

Installation of Weld Neck (WN) Flanges as per details below:
( D0Z Spec, Size – 2" INCH, Face / Finish – RF/125AARH, Rating  ‐ 600#, Sch 80 , Material – ASTM A105, ASME B16.5 )
Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        110.00  INSTAL. WNRF FLG.‐2" EA                         4.00 
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space

Installation of Blind Flanges as per details given below:
( D0Z Spec, Size ‐ 2" INCH ,Face / Finish – RF/125AARH, Rating – 600# , Material – ASTM A105, ASME B16.5 )
Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        111.00  INSTAL. BLIND FLG.‐2" EA                         2.00 
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space

Installation of Blind Flanges as per details given below:
( D0Z Spec, Size ‐ 4" INCH ,Face / Finish – RF/125AARH, Rating – 600# , Material – ASTM A105, ASME B16.5 )
Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        112.00  INSTAL. BLIND FLG.‐4" EA                         2.00 
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space

Installation of Weld Neck (WN) Flanges as per details below:
( D0Z Spec, Size – 14" INCH, Face / Finish – RF/125AARH, Rating  ‐ 600#, Thickness‐7.14mm , Material – ASTM A694 Gr. F65, ASME B16.5 )
Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        113.00  INSTAL. WNRF FLG.‐14"‐7.14MM EA                         8.00 
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space

Installation of Blank and Spacer Flanges as per details below:
( D0Z Spec, Size – 14" INCH, Face / Finish – RF/125AARH, Rating  ‐ 600#, Material – ASTM A516 Gr.65, ASME B16.48 )
Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Blank & Spacers, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic 
Particle/ Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed 
        114.00  INSTAL. BLANK&SPACER‐14" EA                         2.00 
Air If Applicable; Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; 
Transportation Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In 
Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & 
Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And 
Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of 
Respective Size Of Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The 
Radiography Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐
Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space

Installation of Valves as per details below:
D0Z Spec, Size ‐ 2" Inch, Ball Valve, Two Piece body, Fully welded, Class 600, Both End Welded, Body – ASTM A216 WCB / WCC, Trim ‐ SS 316, Seat & Seal RPTFE, Dimensions / Design As Per ASME B16.10 / BS EN ISO 17292, API 6D. Floating Ball, Full Bore, LO, Data Sheet No. 15963‐000‐PL‐DAS‐0007
Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        115.00  INSTAL. BV‐2"LO, BE EA                         2.00 
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space

Installation of Valves as per details below:
D0Z Spec, Size ‐ 2" Inch, Ball Valve, Two Piece body, Fully welded, Class 600, Both End Welded, Body – ASTM A216 WCB / WCC, Trim ‐ SS 316, Seat & Seal RPTFE, Dimensions / Design As Per ASME B16.10 / BS EN ISO 17292, API 6D. Floating Ball, Full Bore, LC, Data Sheet No. 15963‐000‐PL‐DAS‐0007
Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        116.00  INSTAL. BV‐2"LC, BE EA                         2.00 
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space

Installation of Valves as per details below:
D0Z Spec, Size ‐ 4" Inch, Ball Valve, Two Piece body, Fully welded, Class 600, Both End Welded, Body – ASTM A216 WCB / WCC, Trim ‐ SS 316, Seat & Seal RPTFE, Dimensions / Design As Per ASME B16.10 / BS EN ISO 17292, API 6D. Trunnion Ball, Reduced / Full Bore, Gear Operated, LC, Data Sheet No. 15963‐000‐PL‐DAS‐0007
Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        117.00  INSTAL. BV‐4"LO, BE EA                         2.00 
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space

Installation of Valves as per details below:
D0Z Spec, Size ‐ 4" Inch, Ball Valve, One/ Two Piece body Bolted, Class 600, One End Welded X One End Flanged, Body – ASTM A216 WCB / WCC, Trim ‐ SS 316, Seat & Seal RPTFE, Dimensions / Design As Per ASME B16.10 / BS EN ISO 17292, API 6D. Trunnion Ball, Reduced / Full Bore, Gear Operated, LO, Data Sheet No. 15963‐000‐PL‐DAS‐0007
Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        118.00  INSTAL. BV‐4"LO, FE x BE EA                         2.00 
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space

Installation of Valves as per details below:
D0Z Spec, Size ‐ 4" Inch, Ball Valve, One/ Two Piece body Bolted, Class 600, Both End Flanged, Body – ASTM A216 WCB / WCC, Trim ‐ SS 316, Seat & Seal RPTFE, Dimensions / Design As Per ASME B16.10 / BS EN ISO 17292, API 6D. Trunnion Ball, Reduced / Full Bore, Gear Operated, LO, Data Sheet No. 15963‐000‐PL‐DAS‐0007
Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        119.00  INSTAL. BV‐4"LO , FLGD EA                         2.00 
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space

Installation of Monolithic Insulating Joints as per details given below:
Size – 14 INCH, 7.14mm W.T, Rating – 600, Data sheet No. – 15963‐000‐PL‐DAS‐0002
Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, MIJ’s, Flow Tees, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, 
Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ 
Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If 
        120.00  INSTAL. MIJ‐14" 7.14 THK. EA                         4.00 
Applicable; Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation 
Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle 
Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per 
Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required 
For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space

Installation of Monolithic Insulating Joints as per details given below:
Size – 4 INCH, 8.56mm W.T, Rating – 600, Data sheet No. – 15963‐000‐PL‐DAS‐0002
Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, MIJ’s, Flow Tees, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, 
Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ 
Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If 
        121.00  INSTAL. MIJ‐4" 8.56 THK. EA                         2.00 
Applicable; Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation 
Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle 
Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per 
Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required 
For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space

Installation of Monolithic Insulating Joints as per details given below:
Size – 2 INCH, 5.54mm W.T, Rating – 600, Data sheet No. – 15963‐000‐PL‐DAS‐0002
Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, MIJ’s, Flow Tees, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, 
Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ 
Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If 
        122.00  INSTAL. MIJ‐2" 5.54 THK. EA                         2.00 
Applicable; Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation 
Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle 
Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per 
Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required 
For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space

Installation of Flow Tees as per Following details :
Size1 – 14 INCH, Size 2 ‐ 14 INCH, Thk1/Sch1‐7.14mm x Thk2/Sch2‐19.05mm, Rating – 600, Data Sheet No. 15963‐000‐PL‐DAS‐ 0003
Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, MIJ’s, Flow Tees, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, 
Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ 
Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If 
        123.00  INST. F.TEE‐14" 7.14THK EA                         2.00 
Applicable; Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation 
Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle 
Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per 
Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required 
For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space

Installation of Flow Tees as per Following details :
Size1 – 14 INCH, Size 2 ‐ 10 INCH, Thk1/Sch1‐7.14mm x Thk2/Sch2‐15.09mm, Rating – 600, Data Sheet No. 15963‐000‐PL‐DAS‐ 0003
Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, MIJ’s, Flow Tees, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, 
Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ 
Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If 
        124.00  INST. F.TEE‐14"x10" 7.14THK EA                       13.00 
Applicable; Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation 
Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle 
Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per 
Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required 
For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space

Installation of Flow Tees as per Following details :
Size1 – 14 INCH, Size 2 ‐ 10 INCH, Thk1/Sch1‐10.31mm x Thk2/Sch2‐15.09mm, Rating – 600, Data Sheet No. 15963‐000‐PL‐DAS‐ 0003
Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, MIJ’s, Flow Tees, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, 
Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ 
Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If 
        125.00  INST. F.TEE‐14"x10" 10.31THK EA                         2.00 
Applicable; Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation 
Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle 
Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per 
Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required 
For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space

Installation of Flow Tees as per Following details :
Size1 – 14 INCH, Size 2 ‐ 6 INCH, Thk1/Sch1‐7.14mm x Thk2/Sch2‐10.97mm, Rating – 600, Data Sheet No. 15963‐000‐PL‐DAS‐ 0003
Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, MIJ’s, Flow Tees, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, 
Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ 
Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If 
        126.00  INST. F.TEE‐14"x6" 7.14THK EA                         8.00 
Applicable; Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation 
Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle 
Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per 
Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required 
For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space

Installation of Spiral Wound  Gaskets 4.5 mm Thk., Spiral Wound, SS316+Graphite with Soft Steel Centering Ring to ASME B16.20 and details given below:
Size – 14" INCH, Rating  ‐ 600
Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, MIJ’s, Flow Tees, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, 
Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ 
Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If 
        127.00  INSTAL. GASKET‐14"‐600# EA                       12.00 
Applicable; Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation 
Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle 
Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per 
Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required 
For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space

Installation of Spiral Wound  Gaskets 4.5 mm Thk., Spiral Wound, SS316+Graphite with Soft Steel Centering Ring to ASME B16.20 and details given below:
Size – 4" INCH, Rating  ‐ 600
Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, MIJ’s, Flow Tees, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, 
Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ 
Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If 
        128.00  INSTAL. GASKET‐4"‐600# EA                         6.00 
Applicable; Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation 
Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle 
Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per 
Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required 
For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space

Installation of Spiral Wound  Gaskets 4.5 mm Thk., Spiral Wound, SS316+Graphite with Soft Steel Centering Ring to ASME B16.20 and details given below:
Size – 2" INCH, Rating  ‐ 600
Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, MIJ’s, Flow Tees, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, 
Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ 
Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If 
        129.00  INSTAL. GASKET‐2"‐600# EA                         4.00 
Applicable; Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation 
Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle 
Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per 
Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required 
For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space

Installation of STUD BOLT with 2 Heavy Hex Nuts as per Std. ASME B18.2.1 & ASME B18.2.2, Bolt Material  ‐ A193 Gr. B7, Full length thread, Nut Material – A194 Gr. 2H as per details given:
Bolt Dia. – 1 3/8 INCH, Length – 250mm, Nos.‐20
Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, MIJ’s, Flow Tees, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, 
Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ 
Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If 
        130.00  INSTAL STUD BOLT‐1 3/8" 250MM EA                     160.00 
Applicable; Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation 
Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle 
Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per 
Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required 
For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space

Installation of STUD BOLT with 2 Heavy Hex Nuts as per Std. ASME B18.2.1 & ASME B18.2.2, Bolt Material  ‐ A193 Gr. B7, Full length thread, Nut Material – A194 Gr. 2H as per details given:
Bolt Dia. – 1 3/8 INCH, Length – 300mm, Nos.‐20
Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, MIJ’s, Flow Tees, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, 
Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ 
Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If 
        131.00  INSTAL STUD BOLT‐1 3/8" 300MM EA                       40.00 
Applicable; Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation 
Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle 
Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per 
Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required 
For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space

Installation of STUD BOLT with 2 Heavy Hex Nuts as per Std. ASME B18.2.1 & ASME B18.2.2, Bolt Material  ‐ A193 Gr. B7, Full length thread, Nut Material – A194 Gr. 2H as per details given:
Bolt Dia. – 7/8 INCH, Length – 155mm, Nos.‐8
Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, MIJ’s, Flow Tees, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, 
Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ 
Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If 
        132.00  INSTAL STUD BOLT‐7/8" 155MM EA                       48.00 
Applicable; Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation 
Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle 
Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per 
Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required 
For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space

Installation of STUD BOLT with 2 Heavy Hex Nuts as per Std. ASME B18.2.1 & ASME B18.2.2, Bolt Material  ‐ A193 Gr. B7, Full length thread, Nut Material – A194 Gr. 2H as per details given:
Bolt Dia. – 5/8 INCH, Length – 115mm
Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, MIJ’s, Flow Tees, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, 
Blind Flanges, Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ 
Liquid Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If 
        133.00  INSTAL. STUD BOLT‐5/8" 115MM EA                       32.00 
Applicable; Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation 
Of Surplus Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle 
Blinds Etc. Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per 
Rating. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required 
For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space

        134.00  Installation of Temperature Transmitter ‐ Skin Type for Pipeline part such as but not limited to weldolet, pipe, IJ, flange, gasket, Stud Bolts & Nuts, etc. as per Instrument Hook up Drawings No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DHU‐0001 INST TEM.TRANSMITTER‐SKIN TYP EA                       16.00 

The following measuring and calibration instruments with certificates traceable to national/international standards to be procured by linepipe laying contractor.
1. Holiday detectors ‐1 no.
2. Pipeline Locators ‐1 no
3. Pipeline Defect Mappers ‐1 nos
4. Half Cells ‐4 nos
5. Ultrasonic thickness meter (for detecting upto 25 mm thickness) ‐ 1 nos
        135.00  6. Explosive meters, specifically suitable for LPG application‐5 nos SPECIAL TOOL LS                         1.00 
7. Pit Gauge ‐1 no.
8. Digital Multi‐meter ‐5 nos.
9. AC‐DC‐Clamp Meter ‐5 nos.
10. Data Logger for complete CP‐System maintenance including CIPL survey‐1 no.
11. Demagnitizing Kit ‐ 1no.
12. Gauss meter‐1 no.

Design, Engineering, Supply, Installation , testing and commissioning of Temporary Cathodic protection system  for  a life of 2 years or till the commissioning of PCP system, whichever is later, including site survey for design data generation from pipeline ROW, soil resistivity survey and soil chemical analysis, casing and carrier short surveys etc. as per the tender 
        136.00  TEMPORARY CATHODIC‐14" KM                     134.00 
specification and scope of work. Job also includes monthly monitoring of TCP till  PCP commisioning & handing over the TCP related works in good condition including its documents to the satisfaction of Clinet/EPMC Consultant/PCP VENDOR.

Design, Engineering, Supply, Installation , testing and commissioning of Explosion proof spark gap surge diverter shall be provided across each insulating joint to protect it from high voltage surges. Surge diverters shall be suitable for installation in classified areas. Refer for details SPECIFICATION FOR CATHODIC PROTECTION SYSTEM FOR PIPELINES (15963‐000‐
        137.00  SURGE DIVERTER EA                      106.00 

Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐
070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐ IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE
        138.00  DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002). SUP.IC.CABLE:1Px1.5mm²IS(AG) MT                      850.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.
For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001).Supply of 1Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, IS CABLE, BLUE COLOURED.

Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐
070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐ IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE
        139.00  DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002). SUP.IC.CABLE:1Px1.5mm²‐IS(UG) MT                      150.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.
For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001).Supply of 1Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, IS CABLE, BLUE COLOURED.

Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐
070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐ IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE
        140.00  DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002). SUP.IC.CABLE:2Px1.5mm²‐IS(AG) MT                       50.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.
For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001).Supply of 2Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/IOSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, IS CABLE, BLUE COLOURED.

Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐
070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐ IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE
        141.00  DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002). SUP.IC.CABLE:2Px1.5mm²‐IS(UG) MT                       50.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.
For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001).Supply of 2Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/IOSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, IS CABLE, BLUE COLOURED.

Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐
070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐ IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE
        142.00  DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002). SUP.ICCABLE:2Px1.5mm²‐IS(AG) MT                      510.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.
For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001).Supply of 2Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, IS CABLE, BLUE COLOURED.

Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐
070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐ IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE
        143.00  DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002). SUP.IC CABLE:6Px1.5mm²‐IS(AG) MT                      175.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.
For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001).Supply of 6Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/IOSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, IS CABLE, BLUE COLOURED.

Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐
070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐ IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE
        144.00  DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002). SUP.IC.CABLE:6Px1.5mm²‐IS(UG) MT                      525.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.
For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001).Supply of 6Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/IOSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, IS CABLE, BLUE COLOURED.

Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐
070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐ IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE
        145.00  DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002). SUP.IC.CABLE:6Px1.5 mm²‐IS(AG) MT                       50.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.
For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001).Supply of 6Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, IS CABLE, BLUE COLOURED.

Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐
070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐ IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE
        146.00  DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002). SUP.ICCABLE:6Px1.5mm²‐IS(UG) MT                       50.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.
For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001).Supply of 6Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, IS CABLE, BLUE COLOURED.

Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐
070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐ IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE
        147.00  DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002). SUP.IC.CABLE:12Px1.5mm²‐IS(AG) MT                         10.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.
For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001).Supply of 12Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/IOSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, IS CABLE, BLUE COLOURED.

Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐
070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐ IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE
        148.00  DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002). SUP.IC.CABLE:12Px1.5mm²‐IS(UG) MT                         90.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.
For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001).Supply of 12Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/IOSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, IS CABLE, BLUE COLOURED.

Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐
070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐ IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE
        149.00  DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002). SUP.ICCABLE:12Px1.5mm²‐IS(AG) MT                      275.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.
For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001).Supply of 12Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, IS CABLE, BLUE COLOURED.

Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐
070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐ IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE
        150.00  DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002). SUP.ICCABLE:12Px1.5mm²‐IS(UG) MT                      825.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.
For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001).Supply of 12Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, IS CABLE, BLUE COLOURED.

Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐
070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐ IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE
        151.00  DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002). SUP.IC.CABLE:24Px1.5mm²‐IS(AG) MT                       10.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.
For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001).Supply of 24Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC,FLAME RETARDANT, IS CABLE, BLUE COLOURED.

Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐
070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐ IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE
        152.00  DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002). SUP.IC.CABLE:24Px1.5mm²‐IS(UG) MT                       10.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.
For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001).Supply of 24Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC,FLAME RETARDANT, IS CABLE, BLUE COLOURED.

Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐
070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐ IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE
        153.00  DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002). SUP.IC.CABLE:1Px1.5mm²‐NIS(AG) MT                       50.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.
For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001).Supply of 1Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, NIS CABLE, BLACK COLOURED.

Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐
070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐ IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE
        154.00  DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002). SUP.IC.CABLE:1Px1.5mm²‐NIS(UG) MT                       50.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.
For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001).Supply of 1Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, NIS CABLE, BLACK COLOURED.

Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐
070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐ IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE
        155.00  DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002). SUP.IC.CABLE:2Px1.5mm²‐NIS(AG) MT                      525.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.
For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001).Supply of 2Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/IOSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, NIS CABLE, BLACK COLOURED.

Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐
070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐ IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE
        156.00  DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002). SUP.IC.CABLE:2Px1.5mm²‐NIS(UG) MT                   1,085.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.
For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001).Supply of 2Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/IOSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, NIS CABLE, BLACK COLOURED.

Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐
070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐ IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE
        157.00  DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002). SUP.ICCABLE:2Px1.5mm²‐NIS(AG) MT                      175.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.
For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001).Supply of 2Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, NIS CABLE, BLACK COLOURED.

Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐
070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐ IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE
        158.00  DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002). SUP.ICCABLE:2Px1.5mm²‐NIS(UG) MT                      525.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.
For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001).Supply of 2Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, NIS CABLE, BLACK COLOURED.

Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐
070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐ IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE
        159.00  DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002). SUP.IC.CABLE:6Px1.5mm²‐NIS(AG) MT                       50.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.
For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001).Supply of 6Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/IOSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, NIS CABLE, BLACK COLOURED.

Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐
070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐ IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE
        160.00  DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002). SUP.IC.CABLE:6Px1.5mm²‐NIS(UG) MT                       50.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.
For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001).Supply of 6Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/IOSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, NIS CABLE, BLACK COLOURED.

Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐
070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐ IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE
        161.00  DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002). SUP.ICCABLE:6Px1.5mm²‐NIS(AG) MT                      525.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.
For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001).Supply of 6Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, NIS CABLE, BLACK COLOURED.

Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐
070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐ IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE
        162.00  DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002). SUP.ICCABLE:6Px1.5mm²‐NIS(UG) MT                      525.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.
For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001).Supply of 6Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, NIS CABLE, BLACK COLOURED.

Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐
070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐ IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE
        163.00  DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002). SUP.IC.CBLE:12Px1.5mm²‐NIS(AG) MT                      100.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.
For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001).Supply of 12Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/IOSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, NIS CABLE, BLACK COLOURED.

Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐
070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐ IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE
        164.00  DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002). SP.ICCABLE:12Px1.5mm²‐NIS(UG) MT                      300.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.
For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001).Supply of 12Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/IOSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, NIS CABLE, BLACK COLOURED.

Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐
070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐ IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE
        165.00  DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002). SUP.ICCBLE:12Px1.5mm²‐NIS(AG) MT                       10.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.
For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001).Supply of 12Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, NIS CABLE, BLACK COLOURED.

Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐
070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐ IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE
        166.00  DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002). SUP.ICCABLE:12Px1.5mm²‐NIS(UG) MT                       10.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.
For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001).Supply of 12Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, NIS CABLE, BLACK COLOURED.

Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐
070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐ IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE
        167.00  DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002). SUP.IC.CBLE:24Px1.5mm²‐NIS(AG) MT                      100.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.
For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001).Supply of 24Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC,FLAME RETARDANT, NIS CABLE, BLACK COLOURED.

Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐
070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐ IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE
        168.00  DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002). SUP.IC.CBLE:24Px1.5mm²‐NIS(UG) MT                      400.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.
For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001).Supply of 24Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC,FLAME RETARDANT, NIS CABLE, BLACK COLOURED.

Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐
070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐ IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE
        169.00  DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002). SUP.F&G.CBLE:1Px1.5mm²(AG) MT                   4,350.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.
For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001).Supply of 1Px1.5 mm²/XLPE /OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC‐FIRE RESISTANT WITH MICA GLASS TAPE, RED COLOURED.

Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐
070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐ IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE
        170.00  DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002). SUP.F&G.CBLE:1Px1.5mm²(UG) MT                      450.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.
For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001).Supply of 1Px1.5 mm²/XLPE /OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC‐FIRE RESISTANT WITH MICA GLASS TAPE, RED COLOURED.

Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐
070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐ IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE
        171.00  DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002). SUP.F&G.CABLE:6Px1.5mm²(AG) MT                      425.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.
For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001).Supply of 6PX1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC‐FIRE RESISTANT WITH MICA GLASS TAPE, RED COLOURED.

Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐
070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐ IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE
        172.00  DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002). SUP.F&G.CBLE:6Px1.5mm²(UG) MT                      225.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.
For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001).Supply of 6PX1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC‐FIRE RESISTANT WITH MICA GLASS TAPE, RED COLOURED.

Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐
070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐ IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE
        173.00  DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002). SUP.F&G.CABLE:12Px1.5mm²(AG) MT                         25.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.
For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001).Supply of 12PX1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC‐FIRE RESISTANT WITH MICA GLASS TAPE, RED COLOURED.

Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐
070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐ IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE
        174.00  DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002). SUP.F&G.CABLE:12Px1.5mm²(UG) MT                         75.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.
For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001).Supply of 12PX1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC‐FIRE RESISTANT WITH MICA GLASS TAPE, RED COLOURED.

Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐
070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐ IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE
        175.00  DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002). SUP.F&G.CABLE:2Cx2.5mm²(AG) MT                      860.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.
For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001).Supply of 2Cx2.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC‐FIRE RESISTANT WITH MICA GLASS TAPE, RED COLOURED.

Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐
070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐ IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE
        176.00  DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002). SUP.F&G.CABLE:12Cx2.5.mm²(AG) MT                      400.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.
For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001).Supply of 12Cx2.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC‐FIRE RESISTANT WITH MICA GLASS TAPE, RED COLOURED.

Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐
070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐ IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE
        177.00  DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002). SUP.F&G.CABLE:12Cx2.5mm²(UG) MT                   1,250.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.
For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001).Supply of 12Cx2.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC‐FIRE RESISTANT WITH MICA GLASS TAPE, RED COLOURED.

Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐
070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐ IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE
        178.00  DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002). SUP.F&G.CABLE:1Tx1.5mm²(AG) MT                      690.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.
For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001).Supply of 1Tx1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC‐FIRE RESISTANT WITH MICA GLASS TAPE, RED COLOURED.

Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐
070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐ IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE
        179.00  DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002). SUP.F&G.CABLE:1Tx1.5mm²(UG) MT                       10.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.
For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001).Supply of 1Tx1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC‐FIRE RESISTANT WITH MICA GLASS TAPE, RED COLOURED.

Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐
070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐ IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE
        180.00  DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002). SUP.F&G.CABLE:8Tx1.55mm²(AG) MT                      400.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.
For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001).Supply of 8Tx1.5 mm²/XLPE/IOSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC‐FIRE RESISTANT WITH MICA GLASS TAPE, RED COLOURED.

Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐
070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐ IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE
        181.00  DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002). SUP.F&GCABLE:8Tx1.5mm²(UG) MT                   1,200.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.
For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001).Supply of 8Tx1.5 mm²/XLPE/IOSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC‐FIRE RESISTANT WITH MICA GLASS TAPE, RED COLOURED.

Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐
070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐ IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE
        182.00  DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002). SUP.F&GCABLE:12Tx1.5mm²(AG) MT                         25.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.
For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001).Supply of 12Tx1.5 mm²/XLPE/IOSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC‐FIRE RESISTANT WITH MICA GLASS TAPE, RED COLOURED.

Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐
070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐ IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE
        183.00  DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002). SUP.F&GCABLE:12Tx1.5mm²(UG) MT                         75.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.
For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001).Supply of 12Tx1.5 mm²/XLPE/IOSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC‐FIRE RESISTANT WITH MICA GLASS TAPE, RED COLOURED.

Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐
070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐ IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE
        184.00  DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002). SUP.SERIALCABLES‐4P MT                   1,440.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.
For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001).Supply of 4Px0.25 mm² (RS‐485) 

Supply of below listed XLPE Insulated, Galvanized Steel Wire Armoured Cable, Flame Retardant, Fire Resistant & Communication cables (i.e. RS 485, CAT cable) with cable tags, PVC shrouds, ferrules etc. as per Specification for Instrument and Telecom Cables (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0008), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐
070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐ IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001), Instrument and Fire & Gas cable routing layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE
        185.00  DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002). SUP.SERIALCABLES MT                   3,315.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.
For Underground cables rate shall also include supply of sand & cable route markers as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001).Supply of CAT 6 Cable

Supply of below listed Pre‐fabricated Hot Dip Galvanized Perforated & Ladder type of Cable trays of 100 microns galvanization sheet steel Including Cable Tray Covers, Coupling Plates, Fittings and Accessories (i.e. Tray Holding Clamps, Couplers, Elbow ‐ 45° & 90°, Tees, Crosses, Reducers, Risers, Hold‐down clamps, Unistrut bolts, Separators etc.) as per 
Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009), Instrument and Fire & Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐
        186.00  SUP.PCT:50X50X3x3000mm EA                      645.00 
110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001) and , Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002) . 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.Supply of Hot Dip Galvanized Steel Perforated Cable Trays With cover & of 50mm Width X 50mm Height X 3mm Thick, 3000mm Long

Supply of below listed Pre‐fabricated Hot Dip Galvanized Perforated & Ladder type of Cable trays of 100 microns galvanization sheet steel Including Cable Tray Covers, Coupling Plates, Fittings and Accessories (i.e. Tray Holding Clamps, Couplers, Elbow ‐ 45° & 90°, Tees, Crosses, Reducers, Risers, Hold‐down clamps, Unistrut bolts, Separators etc.) as per 
Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009), Instrument and Fire & Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐
        187.00  SUP.PCT:100X50X3x3000mm EA                      290.00 
110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001) and , Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002) . 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.Supply of Hot Dip Galvanized Steel Perforated Cable Trays With cover & of 100mm Width X 50mm Height X 3mm Thick, 3000mm Long

Supply of below listed Pre‐fabricated Hot Dip Galvanized Perforated & Ladder type of Cable trays of 100 microns galvanization sheet steel Including Cable Tray Covers, Coupling Plates, Fittings and Accessories (i.e. Tray Holding Clamps, Couplers, Elbow ‐ 45° & 90°, Tees, Crosses, Reducers, Risers, Hold‐down clamps, Unistrut bolts, Separators etc.) as per 
Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009), Instrument and Fire & Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐
        188.00  SUP.PCT:200X50X3x3000mm EA                         90.00 
110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001) and , Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002) . 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.Supply of Hot Dip Galvanized Steel Perforated Cable Trays With cover & of 200mm Width X 50mm Height X 3mm Thick, 3000mm Long

Supply of below listed Pre‐fabricated Hot Dip Galvanized Perforated & Ladder type of Cable trays of 100 microns galvanization sheet steel Including Cable Tray Covers, Coupling Plates, Fittings and Accessories (i.e. Tray Holding Clamps, Couplers, Elbow ‐ 45° & 90°, Tees, Crosses, Reducers, Risers, Hold‐down clamps, Unistrut bolts, Separators etc.) as per 
Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009), Instrument and Fire & Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐
        189.00  SUP.PCT:300X50X3x3000mm EA                         55.00 
110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001) and , Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002) . 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.Supply of Hot Dip Galvanized Steel Perforated Cable Trays With cover & of 300mm Width X 50mm Height X 3mm Thick, 3000mm Long

Supply of below listed Pre‐fabricated Hot Dip Galvanized Perforated & Ladder type of Cable trays of 100 microns galvanization sheet steel Including Cable Tray Covers, Coupling Plates, Fittings and Accessories (i.e. Tray Holding Clamps, Couplers, Elbow ‐ 45° & 90°, Tees, Crosses, Reducers, Risers, Hold‐down clamps, Unistrut bolts, Separators etc.) as per 
Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009), Instrument and Fire & Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐
        190.00  SUP.LCT:450X100x3000mm EA                         27.00 
110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001) and , Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002) . 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.Supply of Hot Dip Galvanized Steel Ladder Cable Trays With cover & of 450 mm Width X 100mm Height, 3000mm Long

Supply of below listed Ex'd' certified junction boxes & pull boxes including Cable glands for branch & homerun cables including blanking plugs (Ex'd' certified) for spare cable entries, tag plates and other accessories as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc.
        191.00  No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001) SUP.JB:6PX1.5mm²,25Terminals EA                         17.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.Supply of 6PX1.5 mm², 25 Terminals, LM6, Explosion proof (IP65)

Supply of below listed Ex'd' certified junction boxes & pull boxes including Cable glands for branch & homerun cables including blanking plugs (Ex'd' certified) for spare cable entries, tag plates and other accessories as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc.
        192.00  No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001) SUP.JB:12PX1.5mm²,40Terminals EA                         17.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.Supply of 12PX1.5 mm², 40 Terminals, LM6, Explosion proof (IP65)

Supply of below listed Ex'd' certified junction boxes & pull boxes including Cable glands for branch & homerun cables including blanking plugs (Ex'd' certified) for spare cable entries, tag plates and other accessories as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc.
        193.00  No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001) SUP.JB:24PX1.5mm²,80Terminals EA                           5.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.Supply of 24PX1.5 mm², 80 Terminals, LM6, Explosion proof (IP65)

Supply of below listed Ex'd' certified junction boxes & pull boxes including Cable glands for branch & homerun cables including blanking plugs (Ex'd' certified) for spare cable entries, tag plates and other accessories as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc.
        194.00  No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001) SUP.JB:12CX2.5mm²,25Terminals EA                         17.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.Supply of 12Cx2.5 mm², 25 Terminals, LM6, Explosion proof (IP65)

Supply of below listed Ex'd' certified junction boxes & pull boxes including Cable glands for branch & homerun cables including blanking plugs (Ex'd' certified) for spare cable entries, tag plates and other accessories as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc.
        195.00  No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001) SUP.JB:12TX1.5mm²,50Terminals EA                           1.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.Supply of 12Tx1.5 mm², 50 Terminals, LM6, Explosion proof (IP65) 

Supply of below listed Ex'd' certified junction boxes & pull boxes including Cable glands for branch & homerun cables including blanking plugs (Ex'd' certified) for spare cable entries, tag plates and other accessories as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc.
        196.00  No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001) SUP.JB:8TX1.5mm²,36Terminals EA                         16.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.Supply of 8Tx1.5 mm², 36 Terminals, LM6, Explosion proof (IP65) 

Supply of below listed Ex'd' certified junction boxes & pull boxes including Cable glands for branch & homerun cables including blanking plugs (Ex'd' certified) for spare cable entries, tag plates and other accessories as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc.
        197.00  No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001) SUP.PULLBOXES EA                         24.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.Supply of Ex'd' certified pullboxes suitable for Zone 1, Gr. IIA/IIB, T3 and weatherproof to IP 65 minimum approved from PESO.

Supply of below listed NPT Cable Glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs of Double Compression type, Nickel plated brass material, Ex'd' certified, suitable for installation in Zone 1, Gr. IIA/IIB, T3 and weatherproof to IP 65 minimum, having valid PESO certificate as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009) & 
Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001).
        198.00  SUP. CABLE GLANDS ‐ 1/2" NPT EA                      101.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.Supply of 1/2" NPT Cable Gland, Nickel Plated Brass, Ex'd' Certified, IP65

Supply of below listed NPT Cable Glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs of Double Compression type, Nickel plated brass material, Ex'd' certified, suitable for installation in Zone 1, Gr. IIA/IIB, T3 and weatherproof to IP 65 minimum, having valid PESO certificate as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009) & 
Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001).
        199.00  SUP. CABLE GLANDS ‐ 3/4" NPT EA                      345.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.Supply of 3/4" NPT Cable Gland, Nickel Plated Brass, Ex'd' Certified, IP65

Supply of below listed NPT Cable Glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs of Double Compression type, Nickel plated brass material, Ex'd' certified, suitable for installation in Zone 1, Gr. IIA/IIB, T3 and weatherproof to IP 65 minimum, having valid PESO certificate as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009) & 
Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001).
        200.00  SUP. CABLE GLANDS ‐ 1" NPT EA                         87.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.Supply of 1" NPT Cable Gland, Nickel Plated Brass, Ex'd' Certified, IP65

Supply of below listed NPT Cable Glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs of Double Compression type, Nickel plated brass material, Ex'd' certified, suitable for installation in Zone 1, Gr. IIA/IIB, T3 and weatherproof to IP 65 minimum, having valid PESO certificate as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009) & 
Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001).
        201.00  SUP. CABLE GLANDS ‐ 1 1/4" NPT EA                         26.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.Supply of 1 1/4" NPT Cable Gland, Nickel Plated Brass, Ex'd' Certified, IP65

Supply of below listed NPT Cable Glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs of Double Compression type, Nickel plated brass material, Ex'd' certified, suitable for installation in Zone 1, Gr. IIA/IIB, T3 and weatherproof to IP 65 minimum, having valid PESO certificate as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009) & 
Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001).
        202.00  SUP. CABLE GLANDS ‐ 1 1/2" NPT EA                         22.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.Supply of 1 1/2" NPT Cable Gland, Nickel Plated Brass, Ex'd' Certified, IP65

Supply of below listed NPT Cable Glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs of Double Compression type, Nickel plated brass material, Ex'd' certified, suitable for installation in Zone 1, Gr. IIA/IIB, T3 and weatherproof to IP 65 minimum, having valid PESO certificate as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009) & 
Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001).
        203.00  SUP. CABLE GLANDS ‐ 2" NPT EA                           1.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.Supply of 2" NPT Cable Gland, Nickel Plated Brass, Ex'd' Certified, IP65

Supply of below listed NPT Cable Glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs of Double Compression type, Nickel plated brass material, Ex'd' certified, suitable for installation in Zone 1, Gr. IIA/IIB, T3 and weatherproof to IP 65 minimum, having valid PESO certificate as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009) & 
Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001).
        204.00  SUP. REDUCERS ‐ 1/2"  X 3/4" EA                         24.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.Supply of 1/2" NPTM X 3/4" NPTF Reducers, Nickel Plated Brass, Ex'd' Certified, IP65

Supply of below listed NPT Cable Glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs of Double Compression type, Nickel plated brass material, Ex'd' certified, suitable for installation in Zone 1, Gr. IIA/IIB, T3 and weatherproof to IP 65 minimum, having valid PESO certificate as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009) & 
Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001).
        205.00  SUP. REDUCERS ‐ 1/2"  X 1" EA                         24.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.Supply of 1/2" NPTM X 1" NPTF Reducers, Nickel Plated Brass, Ex'd' Certified, IP65

Supply of below listed NPT Cable Glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs of Double Compression type, Nickel plated brass material, Ex'd' certified, suitable for installation in Zone 1, Gr. IIA/IIB, T3 and weatherproof to IP 65 minimum, having valid PESO certificate as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009) & 
Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001).
        206.00  SUP. REDUCERS ‐ 3/4"  X 1" EA                         24.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.Supply of 3/4" NPTM X 1" NPTF Reducers, Nickel Plated Brass, Ex'd' Certified, IP65

Supply of below listed NPT Cable Glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs of Double Compression type, Nickel plated brass material, Ex'd' certified, suitable for installation in Zone 1, Gr. IIA/IIB, T3 and weatherproof to IP 65 minimum, having valid PESO certificate as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009) & 
Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001).
        207.00  SUP. REDUCERS ‐ 1"  X 1 1/4" EA                         24.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.Supply of 1" NPTM X 1 1/4" NPTF Reducers, Nickel Plated Brass, Ex'd' Certified, IP65

Supply of below listed NPT Cable Glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs of Double Compression type, Nickel plated brass material, Ex'd' certified, suitable for installation in Zone 1, Gr. IIA/IIB, T3 and weatherproof to IP 65 minimum, having valid PESO certificate as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009) & 
Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001).
        208.00  SUP.REDUCERS ‐1 1/4"X1 1/2" EA                         24.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.Supply of 1 1/4" NPTM X 1 1/2" NPTF Reducers, Nickel Plated Brass, Ex'd' Certified, IP65

Supply of below listed NPT Cable Glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs of Double Compression type, Nickel plated brass material, Ex'd' certified, suitable for installation in Zone 1, Gr. IIA/IIB, T3 and weatherproof to IP 65 minimum, having valid PESO certificate as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009) & 
Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001).
        209.00  SUP. ADAPTORS ‐ M20 X 1/2" EA                         24.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.Supply of M20 M X 1/2" NPTF Adaptors, Nickel Plated Brass, Ex'd' Certified, IP65

Supply of below listed NPT Cable Glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs of Double Compression type, Nickel plated brass material, Ex'd' certified, suitable for installation in Zone 1, Gr. IIA/IIB, T3 and weatherproof to IP 65 minimum, having valid PESO certificate as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009) & 
Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001).
        210.00  SUP. ADAPTORS ‐ M25 X 3/4" EA                         24.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.Supply of M25 M X 3/4" NPTF Adaptors, Nickel Plated Brass, Ex'd' Certified, IP65

Supply of below listed NPT Cable Glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs of Double Compression type, Nickel plated brass material, Ex'd' certified, suitable for installation in Zone 1, Gr. IIA/IIB, T3 and weatherproof to IP 65 minimum, having valid PESO certificate as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009) & 
Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001).
        211.00  SUP. ADAPTORS ‐ M32 X 1" EA                         24.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.Supply of M32 M X 1" NPTF Adaptors, Nickel Plated Brass, Ex'd' Certified, IP65

Supply of below listed ET Cable Glands, Reducers/Adapters, Blind plugs of Double Compression type, Nickel plated brass material & IP 42 minimum as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐
IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001).
        212.00  SUP. CABLE GLANDS ‐ 3/4" ET EA                           1.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.Supply of 3/4" ET Cable Gland, Nickel Plated Brass, IP42

Supply of below listed ET Cable Glands, Reducers/Adapters, Blind plugs of Double Compression type, Nickel plated brass material & IP 42 minimum as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐
IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001).
        213.00  SUP. CABLE GLANDS ‐ 1" ET EA                         59.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.Supply of 1" ET Cable Gland, Nickel Plated Brass, IP42

Supply of below listed ET Cable Glands, Reducers/Adapters, Blind plugs of Double Compression type, Nickel plated brass material & IP 42 minimum as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐
IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001).
        214.00  SUP. CABLE GLANDS ‐ 1 1/4" ET EA                         31.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.Supply of 1 1/4" ET Cable Gland, Nickel Plated Brass, IP42

Supply of below listed ET Cable Glands, Reducers/Adapters, Blind plugs of Double Compression type, Nickel plated brass material & IP 42 minimum as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐
IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001).
        215.00  SUP. CABLE GLANDS ‐ 1 1/2" ET EA                         26.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.Supply of 1 1/2" ET Cable Gland, Nickel Plated Brass, IP42

Supply of below listed ET Cable Glands, Reducers/Adapters, Blind plugs of Double Compression type, Nickel plated brass material & IP 42 minimum as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐
IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001).
        216.00  SUP. CABLE GLANDS ‐ 2" ET EA                         22.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.Supply of 2" ET Cable Gland, Nickel Plated Brass, IP42

Supply of below listed ET Cable Glands, Reducers/Adapters, Blind plugs of Double Compression type, Nickel plated brass material & IP 42 minimum as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐
IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001).
        217.00  SUP. CABLE GLANDS ‐ 2 1/4" ET EA                           1.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.Supply of 2 1/4" ET Cable Gland, Nickel Plated Brass, IP42

Supply of below listed ET Cable Glands, Reducers/Adapters, Blind plugs of Double Compression type, Nickel plated brass material & IP 42 minimum as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐
IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001).
        218.00  SUP. BLIND PLUGS ‐ 3/4" ET EA                         24.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.Supply of 3/4" ET Blind Plug, Nickel Plated Brass, IP42

Supply of below listed ET Cable Glands, Reducers/Adapters, Blind plugs of Double Compression type, Nickel plated brass material & IP 42 minimum as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐
IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001).
        219.00  SUP. BLIND PLUGS ‐ 1" ET EA                         24.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.Supply of 1" ET Blind Plug, Nickel Plated Brass, IP42

Supply of below listed ET Cable Glands, Reducers/Adapters, Blind plugs of Double Compression type, Nickel plated brass material & IP 42 minimum as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐
IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001).
        220.00  SUP. BLIND PLUGS ‐ 1 1/4" ET EA                         24.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.Supply of 1 1/4" ET Blind Plug, Nickel Plated Brass, IP42

Supply of below listed ET Cable Glands, Reducers/Adapters, Blind plugs of Double Compression type, Nickel plated brass material & IP 42 minimum as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐
IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001).
        221.00  SUP. BLIND PLUGS ‐ 1 1/2" ET EA                         24.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.Supply of 1 1/2" ET Blind Plug, Nickel Plated Brass, IP42

Supply of below listed ET Cable Glands, Reducers/Adapters, Blind plugs of Double Compression type, Nickel plated brass material & IP 42 minimum as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐
IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001).
        222.00  SUP. BLIND PLUGS ‐ 2" ET EA                         24.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.Supply of 2" ET Blind Plug, Nickel Plated Brass, IP42

Supply of below listed ET Cable Glands, Reducers/Adapters, Blind plugs of Double Compression type, Nickel plated brass material & IP 42 minimum as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐
IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001).
        223.00  SUP. BLIND PLUGS ‐ 2 1/4" ET EA                         24.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.Supply of 2 1/4" ET Blind Plug, Nickel Plated Brass, IP42

Supply of canopies for field instruments made of FRP material with fitting accessories for 2" NB pipe mounting as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009) & Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001)
        224.00  CANOPY‐IC EA                         99.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.

Supply of below listed Fire resistant, steel or mild steel multi cable transit frame along with Fire resistant MCT Blocks, Weather proof to IP65 and all the required accessories like wedges, stayplates etc. In control room as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009) & Control Room Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐
DAL‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0001 & 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0001).
        225.00  SUP. MCT: FRAME: S 4X2 EA                         14.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.Supply of MCT Frame: S 4X2

Supply of below listed Fire resistant, steel or mild steel multi cable transit frame along with Fire resistant MCT Blocks, Weather proof to IP65 and all the required accessories like wedges, stayplates etc. In control room as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009) & Control Room Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐
DAL‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0001 & 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0001).
        226.00  SUP. MCT:FRAME: S 4+4X2 EA                           1.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.Supply of MCT Frame: S 4+4X2

Supply of below listed Fire resistant, steel or mild steel multi cable transit frame along with Fire resistant MCT Blocks, Weather proof to IP65 and all the required accessories like wedges, stayplates etc. In control room as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009) & Control Room Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐
DAL‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0001 & 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0001).
        227.00  SUP. MCT: FRAME: S 6X3 EA                           1.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.Supply of MCT Frame: S 6X3

Supply of below listed Fire resistant, steel or mild steel multi cable transit frame along with Fire resistant MCT Blocks, Weather proof to IP65 and all the required accessories like wedges, stayplates etc. In control room as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009) & Control Room Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐
DAL‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0001 & 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0001).
        228.00  SUP. MCT BLOCK ‐ RM20 EA                         49.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.Supply of MCT Block RM20 Or Equivalent

Supply of below listed Fire resistant, steel or mild steel multi cable transit frame along with Fire resistant MCT Blocks, Weather proof to IP65 and all the required accessories like wedges, stayplates etc. In control room as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009) & Control Room Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐
DAL‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0001 & 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0001).
        229.00  SUP. MCT BLOCK ‐ RM30 EA                         79.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.Supply of MCT Block RM30 Or Equivalent

Supply of below listed Fire resistant, steel or mild steel multi cable transit frame along with Fire resistant MCT Blocks, Weather proof to IP65 and all the required accessories like wedges, stayplates etc. In control room as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009) & Control Room Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐
DAL‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0001 & 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0001).
        230.00  SUP. MCT BLOCK ‐ RM40 EA                         34.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.Supply of MCT Block RM40 Or Equivalent

Supply of below listed Fire resistant, steel or mild steel multi cable transit frame along with Fire resistant MCT Blocks, Weather proof to IP65 and all the required accessories like wedges, stayplates etc. In control room as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009) & Control Room Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐
DAL‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0001 & 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0001).
        231.00  SUP. MCT BLOCK ‐ RM60 EA                         20.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.Supply of MCT Block RM60 Or Equivalent

Supply of below listed Fire resistant, steel or mild steel multi cable transit frame along with Fire resistant MCT Blocks, Weather proof to IP65 and all the required accessories like wedges, stayplates etc. In control room as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009) & Control Room Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐
DAL‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0001 & 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0001).
        232.00  SUP. SPARE MCT BLOCK ‐ RM20 EA                         59.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.Supply of MCT Block RM20 Or Equivalent

Supply of below listed Fire resistant, steel or mild steel multi cable transit frame along with Fire resistant MCT Blocks, Weather proof to IP65 and all the required accessories like wedges, stayplates etc. In control room as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009) & Control Room Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐
DAL‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0001 & 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0001).
        233.00  SUP. SPARE MCT BLOCK ‐ RM30 EA                         81.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.Supply of MCT Block RM30 Or Equivalent

Supply of below listed Fire resistant, steel or mild steel multi cable transit frame along with Fire resistant MCT Blocks, Weather proof to IP65 and all the required accessories like wedges, stayplates etc. In control room as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009) & Control Room Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐
DAL‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0001 & 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0001).
        234.00  SUP. SPARE MCT BLOCK ‐ RM40 EA                         34.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.Supply of MCT Block RM40 Or Equivalent

Supply of below listed Fire resistant, steel or mild steel multi cable transit frame along with Fire resistant MCT Blocks, Weather proof to IP65 and all the required accessories like wedges, stayplates etc. In control room as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009) & Control Room Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐
DAL‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0001 & 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0001).
        235.00  SUP. SPARE MCT BLOCK ‐ RM60 EA                         19.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.Supply of MCT Block RM60 Or Equivalent

Supply of below listed conduit pipe made of galvanized iron or UPVC material for cables going from below ground to above ground & required accessories as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001) & Specification for Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010).
        236.00  SUP.:1"Dia.X3Mtr.LONG(UPVC) EA                         74.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.Supply of 1" Diameter X 3 Mtr. Long

Supply of below listed conduit pipe made of galvanized iron or UPVC material for cables going from below ground to above ground & required accessories as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001) & Specification for Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010).
        237.00  SUP.:2"DiaX3Mtr.LONG(UPVC) EA                         17.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.Supply of 2" Diameter X 3 Mtr. Long

Supply of below listed conduit pipe made of galvanized iron or UPVC material for cables going from below ground to above ground & required accessories as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001) & Specification for Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010).
        238.00  SUP.:3"DiaX3Mtr.LONG(UPVC) EA                           9.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.Supply of 3" Diameter X 3 Mtr. Long

Supply of below listed conduit pipe made of galvanized iron or UPVC material for cables going from below ground to above ground & required accessories as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001) & Specification for Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010).
        239.00  SUP.:1"Dia,FLEXIBLE(METALLIC) EA                         18.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.Supply of 1" Diameter Flexible Metallic Conduit X 3 Mtr. Long

Supply of below listed conduit pipe made of galvanized iron or UPVC material for cables going from below ground to above ground & required accessories as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001) & Specification for Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010).
        240.00  SUP. CASING CAPPING EA                         80.00 
Contractor’s scope also includes transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.Supply of 1" Casing N Capping trunking  X 3 Mtr. Long

Supply of below listed items including design, supply, testing, transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐TE‐SOW‐0001).Supply, Handling, testing, Transportation to site, loading & unloading, storage of equipment at site etc. of Permanently lubricated HDPE 
ducts of Light Blue Color( 40mm/33mm) including supply of all materials/consumables required like push fit couplers & end plugs for jointing of HDPE duct as per specification (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐TE‐SPC‐0004). 

        241.00  Note: Sup of HDPE Duct MT 1000

1.Bidder to note that the above line item for supply of HDPE (40/33mm) is applicable only for laying HDPE conduit through separate trench at Despatch/Recieving/Pumping/TOP/IP‐ Stations/Bottling Plant.
2. Supply of HDPE duct in pipeline trenches/6" CS conduit and supply of HDPE duct through separate trenches at SV locations are covered else where in SOQ.
3. Bidder to consider all items applicable for laying of HDPE such as pits, sand etc. No separate payment shall be made for supply of these items.

Supply of below listed items including design, supply, testing, transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐TE‐SOW‐0001).Supply, Handling, testing, Transportation to site, loading & unloading, storage of equipment at site etc. of OFC Jointing closures having 4 
        242.00  Sup of Joint Closure EA 107
entry ports and supply of pigtails, connectors, splice trays, splice protection sleeves etc. and any other items required for jointing of 12 core OFC cable (Fusion splicing only) as per specification mentioned in Scope of Work(Doc. No. 15963‐000‐TE‐SOW‐0001).

Supply of below listed items including design, supply, testing, transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐TE‐SOW‐0001).Supply, Handling, testing, Transportation to site, loading & unloading, storage of equipment at site etc. of OFC Jointing  /  Transition pits 
        243.00  Sup‐OFC Jointing/Trans. Pits EA 107
including all civil & structural material, sand, removable RCC cover, with insert plates as required, seals for sealing of pits & conduit entry, finishing as per drawings and specification mentioned in Scope of Work(Doc. No. 15963‐000‐TE‐SOW‐0001).

Supply of below listed items including design, supply, testing, transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐TE‐SOW‐0001).Supply, Handling, testing, Transportation to site, loading & unloading, storage of equipment at site etc. of OFC Blowing / Pull Pits pits 
        244.00  Sup of OFC Blowing Pit EA 33
including all civil & structural material, sand, removable RCC cover, with insert plates as required, seals for sealing of pits & conduit entry, finishing as per drawings and specification mentioned in Scope of Work(Doc. No. 15963‐000‐TE‐SOW‐0001).

Supply of below listed items including design, supply, testing, transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐TE‐SOW‐0001).Supply, Handling, testing, Transportation to site, loading & unloading, storage of equipment at site etc. of  Joint identification permanent
        245.00  Sup‐OFC Joint Perm.Marker EA 107
markers (For all type of OFC jointing location) along the route as per drawings and specification mentioned in Scope of Work(Doc. No. 15963‐000‐TE‐SOW‐0001).

Supply of below listed items including design, supply, testing, transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐TE‐SOW‐0001).Supply, Handling, testing, Transportation to site, loading & unloading, storage of equipment at site etc. of  Electronic marker / 
        246.00  Sup of Electronic Marker EA 107
transmitter at all type of OFC jointing location as per the specifications mentioned in Scope of Work(Doc. No. 15963‐000‐TE‐SOW‐0001).

Supply of below listed items including design, supply, testing, transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐TE‐SOW‐0001).Supply, Handling, testing, Transportation to site, loading & unloading, storage of equipment at site etc. of  Portable Electronic Marker 
        247.00  Sup of Elec. Marker Locator EA 1
Identification kit / Marker Detecting Instruments /Indicator with beep sound with Battery Charger & Leather Casing & Belt as per specification mentioned in Scope of Work (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐TE‐SOW‐0001).

Supply of below listed items including design, supply, testing, transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐TE‐SOW‐0001).Supply, Handling, testing, Transportation to site, loading & unloading, storage of equipment at site etc. of  Wire Mesh / Closed loop box 
for OFC as per specification mentioned in Scope of Work(Doc. No. 15963‐000‐TE‐SOW‐0001).
        248.00  Sup of Wire mesh/OFC Loop Box EA 8
1. Bidder to consider supply of Wire mesh/OFC loop at all the stations Despatch/Recieving/IP/TOP/SV/Bottling Plant.

Supply of below listed items including design, supply, testing, transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐TE‐SOW‐0001).Supply, Handling, testing, Transportation to site, loading & unloading, storage of equipment at site etc. of 24 Port Wall Mount FTC with 
SC connectors suitable for 2 number of 12 Core G.655 OFC Cable  including pigtails , Splice protection sleeve , splice tray and splicing the cables with pigtails, Cable glands, termination of OFC as per specification mentioned in Scope of Work(Doc. No. 15963‐000‐TE‐SOW‐0001).
        249.00  Sup of FTC for OFC EA 8
1. Bidder to consider supply of FTC at all the stations Despatch/Recieving/IP/TOP/SV/Bottling Plant.

Supply of below listed items including design, supply, testing, transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐TE‐SOW‐0001).Supply, Handling, testing, Transportation to site, loading & unloading, storage of equipment at site etc. of OFC warning MAT ‐ PVC Sheet 
(150 mm x 0.1 mm) Red Color as per the specifications mentioned else where in the Tender.
        250.00  Sup of OFC Warning Mat MT 2400
1. Bidder to note that the above warning mat shall be required for separate routing of OFC through trench inside terminals / SV stations. For OFC routed inside pipeline trench, a common warning mat shall be provided for pipeline and OFC as per specification mentioned else where in tender.
2. Bidder to note that supply of Warning mat shall be considered at all the stations Despatch/Recieving/IP/TOP/SV/ Bottling Plant.

Supply of below listed items including design, supply, testing, transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐TE‐SOW‐0001).Supply, Handling, testing, Transportation to site, loading & unloading, storage of equipment at site etc. of   6mm² and all required 
hardware for earthing of OFC cable
        251.00  Sup of Earthing Cable for OFC MT 400
1. Bidder to note that for supply of earthing cable for OFC earthing shall be at all the stations Despatch/Recieving/IP/TOP/SV/Bottling Plant.

Supply of below listed items including design, supply, testing, transportation, storage of materials at site, manpower in line with directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge and as per Scope of Work (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐TE‐SOW‐0001).Supply, Handling, testing, Transportation to site, loading & unloading, storage of equipment at site etc. of cable tags, PVC shrouds, 
ferrules etc. for telecom cable installation at site including supply of sand & cable route markers for underground cables.
        252.00  Sup of Installation material LO 7
1. Bidder to note that Telecom cables shall be free issued to bidder.
2. Type of Cable and cable quantity for installation are covered under separate line item.
3. Bidder shall consider all items required for installation and laying of Telecom cables at site.

Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable Schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS ‐0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In Instrument And Fire & 
Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002) with Proper clamping and dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification 
and drawings or Engineer‐in‐charge at site.
        253.00  Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site. INS.ICCABLE:1Px1.5mm²‐IS(AG) MT                      850.00 

Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at 

Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable Schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS ‐0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In Instrument And Fire & 
Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002) with Proper clamping and dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification 
and drawings or Engineer‐in‐charge at site.
        254.00  Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site. INS.IC.CABLE:2Px1.5mm²‐IS(AG) MT                       50.00 

Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at 

Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable Schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS ‐0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In Instrument And Fire & 
Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002) with Proper clamping and dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification 
and drawings or Engineer‐in‐charge at site.
        255.00  Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site. INS.ICCABLE:2Px1.5mm²‐IS(AG) MT                      510.00 

Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at 

Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable Schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS ‐0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In Instrument And Fire & 
Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002) with Proper clamping and dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification 
and drawings or Engineer‐in‐charge at site.
        256.00  Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site. INS.IC.CABLE:6Px1.5mm²‐IS(AG) MT                      175.00 

Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at 

Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable Schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS ‐0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In Instrument And Fire & 
Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002) with Proper clamping and dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification 
and drawings or Engineer‐in‐charge at site.
        257.00  Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site. INS.ICCABLE:6Px1.5mm²‐IS(AG) MT                       50.00 

Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at 

Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable Schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS ‐0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In Instrument And Fire & 
Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002) with Proper clamping and dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification 
and drawings or Engineer‐in‐charge at site.
        258.00  Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site. INS.IC.CABLE:12Px1.5mm²‐IS(AG) MT                         10.00 

Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at 

Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable Schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS ‐0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In Instrument And Fire & 
Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002) with Proper clamping and dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification 
and drawings or Engineer‐in‐charge at site.
        259.00  Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site. INS.ICCABLE:12Px1.5mm²‐IS(AG) MT                      275.00 

Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at 

Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable Schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS ‐0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In Instrument And Fire & 
Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002) with Proper clamping and dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification 
and drawings or Engineer‐in‐charge at site.
        260.00  Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site. INS.ICCABLE:24Px1.5mm²‐IS(AG) MT                       10.00 

Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at 

Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable Schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS ‐0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In Instrument And Fire & 
Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002) with Proper clamping and dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification 
and drawings or Engineer‐in‐charge at site.
        261.00  Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site. INS.ICCABLE:1Px1.5mm²‐NIS(AG) MT                       50.00 

Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at 

Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable Schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS ‐0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In Instrument And Fire & 
Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002) with Proper clamping and dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification 
and drawings or Engineer‐in‐charge at site.
        262.00  Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site. INS.IC.CABLE:2Px1.5mm²‐NIS(AG) MT                      525.00 

Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at 

Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable Schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS ‐0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In Instrument And Fire & 
Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002) with Proper clamping and dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification 
and drawings or Engineer‐in‐charge at site.
        263.00  Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site. INS.ICCABLE:2Px1.5mm²‐NIS(AG) MT                      175.00 

Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at 

Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable Schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS ‐0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In Instrument And Fire & 
Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002) with Proper clamping and dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification 
and drawings or Engineer‐in‐charge at site.
        264.00  Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site. INS.IC.CABLE:6Px1.5mm²‐NIS(AG) MT                       50.00 

Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at 

Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable Schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS ‐0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In Instrument And Fire & 
Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002) with Proper clamping and dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification 
and drawings or Engineer‐in‐charge at site.
        265.00  Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site. INS.ICCABLE:6Px1.5mm²‐NIS(AG) MT                      525.00 

Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at 

Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable Schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS ‐0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In Instrument And Fire & 
Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002) with Proper clamping and dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification 
and drawings or Engineer‐in‐charge at site.
        266.00  Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site. INS.ICCBLE:12Px1.5mm²‐NIS(AG) MT                      100.00 

Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at 

Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable Schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS ‐0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In Instrument And Fire & 
Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002) with Proper clamping and dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification 
and drawings or Engineer‐in‐charge at site.
        267.00  Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site. INS.IC.CBLE:12Px1.5mm²‐NIS(AG) MT                       10.00 

Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at 

Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable Schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS ‐0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In Instrument And Fire & 
Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002) with Proper clamping and dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification 
and drawings or Engineer‐in‐charge at site.
        268.00  Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site. INS.ICCBLE:24Px1.5mm²‐NIS(AG) MT                      100.00 

Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at 

Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable Schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS ‐0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In Instrument And Fire & 
Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002) with Proper clamping and dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification 
and drawings or Engineer‐in‐charge at site.
        269.00  Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site. INS.F&GCABLE:1Px1.5mm²(AG) MT                   4,350.00 

Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at 

Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable Schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS ‐0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In Instrument And Fire & 
Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002) with Proper clamping and dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification 
and drawings or Engineer‐in‐charge at site.
        270.00  Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site. INS.F&GCABLE:6Px1.5mm²(AG) MT                      425.00 

Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at 

Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable Schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS ‐0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In Instrument And Fire & 
Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002) with Proper clamping and dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification 
and drawings or Engineer‐in‐charge at site.
        271.00  Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site. INS.F&GCABLE:12Px1.5mm²(AG) MT                         25.00 

Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at 

Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable Schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS ‐0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In Instrument And Fire & 
Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002) with Proper clamping and dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification 
and drawings or Engineer‐in‐charge at site.
        272.00  Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site. INS.F&GCABLE:2Cx2.5mm²(AG) MT                      860.00 

Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at 

Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable Schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS ‐0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In Instrument And Fire & 
Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002) with Proper clamping and dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification 
and drawings or Engineer‐in‐charge at site.
        273.00  Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site. INS.F&GCABLE:12Cx2.5mm²(AG) MT                      400.00 

Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at 

Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable Schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS ‐0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In Instrument And Fire & 
Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002) with Proper clamping and dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification 
and drawings or Engineer‐in‐charge at site.
        274.00  Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site. INS.F&GCABLE:1Tx1.5mm²(AG) MT                      690.00 

Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at 

Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable Schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS ‐0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In Instrument And Fire & 
Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002) with Proper clamping and dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification 
and drawings or Engineer‐in‐charge at site.
        275.00  Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site. INS.F&GCABLE:8Tx1.5mm²(AG) MT                      400.00 

Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at 

Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable Schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS ‐0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In Instrument And Fire & 
Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002) with Proper clamping and dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification 
and drawings or Engineer‐in‐charge at site.
        276.00  Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site. INS.F&GCABLE:12Tx1.5mm²(AG) MT                         25.00 

Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at 

Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable Schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS ‐0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In Instrument And Fire & 
Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002) with Proper clamping and dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification 
and drawings or Engineer‐in‐charge at site.
        277.00  Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site. INS.SERIALCABLES‐4P MT                   1,440.00 

Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at 
site.Installation of 4Px0.25 mm² (RS‐485) 

Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable Schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS ‐0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In Instrument And Fire & 
Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002) with Proper clamping and dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification 
and drawings or Engineer‐in‐charge at site.
        278.00  Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site. INS.SERIALCABLES MT                   3,315.00 

Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at 
site.Installation of CAT 6 Cable

Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable Schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS ‐0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In Instrument And Fire & 
Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002) with Proper clamping and dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification 
and drawings or Engineer‐in‐charge at site.
        279.00  Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site. INS.ICCABLE:1Px1.5mm²‐IS(UG) MT                      150.00 

Underground(UG) installation shall include Laying of cables, excavation, sand filling, back filling, separation etc. & installation of cable route marker as per Instrument /Fire and Gas Installation details (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001) for all trenches, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (Instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.)  with proper 
plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling, including the cost of all labor, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.Installation of 1Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, IS CABLE, BLUE COLOURED.

Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable Schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS ‐0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In Instrument And Fire & 
Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002) with Proper clamping and dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification 
and drawings or Engineer‐in‐charge at site.
        280.00  Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site. INS.ICCABLE:2Px1.5mm²‐IS(UG) MT                       50.00 

Underground(UG) installation shall include Laying of cables, excavation, sand filling, back filling, separation etc. & installation of cable route marker as per Instrument /Fire and Gas Installation details (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001) for all trenches, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (Instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.)  with proper 
plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling, including the cost of all labor, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.Installation of 2Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/IOSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, IS CABLE, BLUE COLOURED.

Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable Schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS ‐0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In Instrument And Fire & 
Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002) with Proper clamping and dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification 
and drawings or Engineer‐in‐charge at site.
        281.00  Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site. INS.IC.CABLE:6Px1.5mm²‐IS(UG) MT                      525.00 

Underground(UG) installation shall include Laying of cables, excavation, sand filling, back filling, separation etc. & installation of cable route marker as per Instrument /Fire and Gas Installation details (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001) for all trenches, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (Instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.)  with proper 
plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling, including the cost of all labor, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.Installation of 6Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/IOSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, IS CABLE, BLUE COLOURED.

Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable Schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS ‐0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In Instrument And Fire & 
Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002) with Proper clamping and dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification 
and drawings or Engineer‐in‐charge at site.
        282.00  Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site. INS.ICCABLE:6Px1.5mm²‐IS(UG) MT                       50.00 

Underground(UG) installation shall include Laying of cables, excavation, sand filling, back filling, separation etc. & installation of cable route marker as per Instrument /Fire and Gas Installation details (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001) for all trenches, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (Instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.)  with proper 
plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling, including the cost of all labor, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.Installation of 6Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, IS CABLE, BLUE COLOURED.

Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable Schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS ‐0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In Instrument And Fire & 
Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002) with Proper clamping and dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification 
and drawings or Engineer‐in‐charge at site.
        283.00  Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site. INS.IC.CABLE:12Px1.5mm²‐IS(UG) MT                         90.00 

Underground(UG) installation shall include Laying of cables, excavation, sand filling, back filling, separation etc. & installation of cable route marker as per Instrument /Fire and Gas Installation details (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001) for all trenches, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (Instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.)  with proper 
plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling, including the cost of all labor, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.Installation of 12Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/IOSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, IS CABLE, BLUE COLOURED.

Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable Schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS ‐0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In Instrument And Fire & 
Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002) with Proper clamping and dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification 
and drawings or Engineer‐in‐charge at site.
        284.00  Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site. INS.ICCABLE:12Px1.5mm²‐IS(UG) MT                      825.00 

Underground(UG) installation shall include Laying of cables, excavation, sand filling, back filling, separation etc. & installation of cable route marker as per Instrument /Fire and Gas Installation details (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001) for all trenches, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (Instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.)  with proper 
plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling, including the cost of all labor, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.Installation of 12Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, IS CABLE, BLUE COLOURED.

Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable Schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS ‐0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In Instrument And Fire & 
Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002) with Proper clamping and dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification 
and drawings or Engineer‐in‐charge at site.
        285.00  Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site. INS.ICCABLE:24Px1.5mm²‐IS(UG) MT                       10.00 

Underground(UG) installation shall include Laying of cables, excavation, sand filling, back filling, separation etc. & installation of cable route marker as per Instrument /Fire and Gas Installation details (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001) for all trenches, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (Instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.)  with proper 
plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling, including the cost of all labor, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.Installation of 24Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC,FLAME RETARDANT, IS CABLE, BLUE COLOURED.

Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable Schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS ‐0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In Instrument And Fire & 
Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002) with Proper clamping and dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification 
and drawings or Engineer‐in‐charge at site.
        286.00  Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site. INS.ICCABLE:1Px1.5mm²‐NIS(UG) MT                       50.00 

Underground(UG) installation shall include Laying of cables, excavation, sand filling, back filling, separation etc. & installation of cable route marker as per Instrument /Fire and Gas Installation details (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001) for all trenches, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (Instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.)  with proper 
plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling, including the cost of all labor, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.Installation of 1Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, NIS CABLE, BLACK COLOURED.

Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable Schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS ‐0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In Instrument And Fire & 
Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002) with Proper clamping and dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification 
and drawings or Engineer‐in‐charge at site.
        287.00  Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site. INS.IC.CABLE:2Px1.5mm²‐NIS(UG) MT                   1,085.00 

Underground(UG) installation shall include Laying of cables, excavation, sand filling, back filling, separation etc. & installation of cable route marker as per Instrument /Fire and Gas Installation details (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001) for all trenches, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (Instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.)  with proper 
plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling, including the cost of all labor, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.Installation of 2Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/IOSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, NIS CABLE, BLACK COLOURED.

Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable Schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS ‐0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In Instrument And Fire & 
Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002) with Proper clamping and dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification 
and drawings or Engineer‐in‐charge at site.
        288.00  Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site. INS.ICCABLE:2Px1.5mm²‐NIS(UG) MT                      525.00 

Underground(UG) installation shall include Laying of cables, excavation, sand filling, back filling, separation etc. & installation of cable route marker as per Instrument /Fire and Gas Installation details (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001) for all trenches, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (Instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.)  with proper 
plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling, including the cost of all labor, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.Installation of 2Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, NIS CABLE, BLACK COLOURED.

Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable Schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS ‐0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In Instrument And Fire & 
Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002) with Proper clamping and dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification 
and drawings or Engineer‐in‐charge at site.
        289.00  Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site. INS.IC.CABLE:6Px1.5mm²‐NIS(UG) MT                       50.00 

Underground(UG) installation shall include Laying of cables, excavation, sand filling, back filling, separation etc. & installation of cable route marker as per Instrument /Fire and Gas Installation details (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001) for all trenches, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (Instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.)  with proper 
plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling, including the cost of all labor, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.Installation of 6Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/IOSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, NIS CABLE, BLACK COLOURED.

Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable Schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS ‐0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In Instrument And Fire & 
Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002) with Proper clamping and dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification 
and drawings or Engineer‐in‐charge at site.
        290.00  Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site. INS.ICCABLE:6Px1.5mm²‐NIS(UG) MT                      525.00 

Underground(UG) installation shall include Laying of cables, excavation, sand filling, back filling, separation etc. & installation of cable route marker as per Instrument /Fire and Gas Installation details (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001) for all trenches, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (Instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.)  with proper 
plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling, including the cost of all labor, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.Installation of 6Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, NIS CABLE, BLACK COLOURED.

Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable Schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS ‐0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In Instrument And Fire & 
Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002) with Proper clamping and dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification 
and drawings or Engineer‐in‐charge at site.
        291.00  Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site. INS.IC.CBLE:12Px1.5mm²‐NIS(UG) MT                      300.00 

Underground(UG) installation shall include Laying of cables, excavation, sand filling, back filling, separation etc. & installation of cable route marker as per Instrument /Fire and Gas Installation details (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001) for all trenches, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (Instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.)  with proper 
plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling, including the cost of all labor, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.Installation of 12Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/IOSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, NIS CABLE, BLACK COLOURED.

Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable Schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS ‐0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In Instrument And Fire & 
Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002) with Proper clamping and dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification 
and drawings or Engineer‐in‐charge at site.
        292.00  Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site. INS.ICCABLE:12Px1.5mm²‐NIS(UG) MT                       10.00 

Underground(UG) installation shall include Laying of cables, excavation, sand filling, back filling, separation etc. & installation of cable route marker as per Instrument /Fire and Gas Installation details (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001) for all trenches, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (Instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.)  with proper 
plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling, including the cost of all labor, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.Installation of 12Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC, FLAME RETARDANT, NIS CABLE, BLACK COLOURED.

Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable Schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS ‐0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In Instrument And Fire & 
Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002) with Proper clamping and dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification 
and drawings or Engineer‐in‐charge at site.
        293.00  Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site. INS.ICCABLE:24Px1.5mm²‐NIS(UG) MT                      400.00 

Underground(UG) installation shall include Laying of cables, excavation, sand filling, back filling, separation etc. & installation of cable route marker as per Instrument /Fire and Gas Installation details (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001) for all trenches, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (Instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.)  with proper 
plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling, including the cost of all labor, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.Installation of 24Px1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC,FLAME RETARDANT, NIS CABLE, BLACK COLOURED.

Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable Schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS ‐0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In Instrument And Fire & 
Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002) with Proper clamping and dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification 
and drawings or Engineer‐in‐charge at site.
        294.00  Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site. INS.F&GCABLE:1Px1.5mm²(UG) MT                      450.00 

Underground(UG) installation shall include Laying of cables, excavation, sand filling, back filling, separation etc. & installation of cable route marker as per Instrument /Fire and Gas Installation details (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001) for all trenches, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (Instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.)  with proper 
plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling, including the cost of all labor, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.Installation of 1Px1.5 mm²/XLPE /OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC‐FIRE RESISTANT WITH MICA GLASS TAPE, RED COLOURED.

Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable Schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS ‐0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In Instrument And Fire & 
Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002) with Proper clamping and dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification 
and drawings or Engineer‐in‐charge at site.
        295.00  Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site. INS.F&GCABLE:6Px1.5mm²(UG) MT                      225.00 

Underground(UG) installation shall include Laying of cables, excavation, sand filling, back filling, separation etc. & installation of cable route marker as per Instrument /Fire and Gas Installation details (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001) for all trenches, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (Instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.)  with proper 
plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling, including the cost of all labor, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.Installation of 6PX1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC‐FIRE RESISTANT WITH MICA GLASS TAPE, RED COLOURED.

Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable Schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS ‐0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In Instrument And Fire & 
Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002) with Proper clamping and dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification 
and drawings or Engineer‐in‐charge at site.
        296.00  Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site. INS.F&GCABLE:12Px1.5mm²(UG) MT                         75.00 

Underground(UG) installation shall include Laying of cables, excavation, sand filling, back filling, separation etc. & installation of cable route marker as per Instrument /Fire and Gas Installation details (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001) for all trenches, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (Instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.)  with proper 
plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling, including the cost of all labor, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.Installation of 12PX1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC‐FIRE RESISTANT WITH MICA GLASS TAPE, RED COLOURED.

Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable Schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS ‐0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In Instrument And Fire & 
Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002) with Proper clamping and dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification 
and drawings or Engineer‐in‐charge at site.
        297.00  Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site. INS.F&GCABLE:12Cx2.5mm²(UG) MT                   1,250.00 

Underground(UG) installation shall include Laying of cables, excavation, sand filling, back filling, separation etc. & installation of cable route marker as per Instrument /Fire and Gas Installation details (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001) for all trenches, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (Instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.)  with proper 
plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling, including the cost of all labor, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.Installation of 12Cx2.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC‐FIRE RESISTANT WITH MICA GLASS TAPE, RED COLOURED.

Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable Schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS ‐0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In Instrument And Fire & 
Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002) with Proper clamping and dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification 
and drawings or Engineer‐in‐charge at site.
        298.00  Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site. INS.F&GCABLE:1Tx1.5mm²(UG) MT                       10.00 

Underground(UG) installation shall include Laying of cables, excavation, sand filling, back filling, separation etc. & installation of cable route marker as per Instrument /Fire and Gas Installation details (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001) for all trenches, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (Instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.)  with proper 
plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling, including the cost of all labor, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.Installation of 1Tx1.5 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC‐FIRE RESISTANT WITH MICA GLASS TAPE, RED COLOURED.

Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable Schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS ‐0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In Instrument And Fire & 
Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002) with Proper clamping and dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification 
and drawings or Engineer‐in‐charge at site.
        299.00  Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site. INS.F&GCABLE:8Tx1.5mm²(UG) MT                   1,200.00 

Underground(UG) installation shall include Laying of cables, excavation, sand filling, back filling, separation etc. & installation of cable route marker as per Instrument /Fire and Gas Installation details (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001) for all trenches, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (Instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.)  with proper 
plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling, including the cost of all labor, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.Installation of 8Tx1.5 mm²/XLPE/IOSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC‐FIRE RESISTANT WITH MICA GLASS TAPE, RED COLOURED.

Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Instrumentation and Fire & Gas Cable Schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS ‐0001) on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In Instrument And Fire & 
Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0002), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002) with Proper clamping and dressing of the cable on the tray as per specification 
and drawings or Engineer‐in‐charge at site.
        300.00  Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site. INS.F&GCABLE:12Tx1.5mm²(UG) MT                         75.00 

Underground(UG) installation shall include Laying of cables, excavation, sand filling, back filling, separation etc. & installation of cable route marker as per Instrument /Fire and Gas Installation details (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001) for all trenches, termination and glanding of the cables at both the ends (Instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.)  with proper 
plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling, including the cost of all labor, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.Installation of 12Tx1.5 mm²/XLPE/IOSCR/PVC/GSWA/PVC‐FIRE RESISTANT WITH MICA GLASS TAPE, RED COLOURED.

Laying and installation of below listed hot dip galvanized steel perforated & ladder type cable trays with covers as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009), Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Instrument and Fire & Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐
0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002,Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002). 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL ‐0002), Instrument /Fire and Gas Installation details (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule 
(Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001) on structural support as per the drawing or Engineer‐in‐charge at site with proper clamping, cable clamps, necessary bends, jointing and necessary coupling. Structural support will be measured and paid for separately, including the cost of all labour, 
        301.00  materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at site. INS. PCT: 50X50X3x3000mm EA                      645.00 
Rate shall also include installation of supporting arrangements as per installation drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001).
Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work (including chipping of concrete (as required) and making it good again), manpower in line with the directions of 
Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.Installation of Hot Dip Galvanized Steel Perforated Cable Trays With cover & of 50mm Width X 50mm Height X 3mm Thick, 3000mm Long

Laying and installation of below listed hot dip galvanized steel perforated & ladder type cable trays with covers as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009), Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Instrument and Fire & Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐
0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002,Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002). 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL ‐0002), Instrument /Fire and Gas Installation details (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule 
(Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001) on structural support as per the drawing or Engineer‐in‐charge at site with proper clamping, cable clamps, necessary bends, jointing and necessary coupling. Structural support will be measured and paid for separately, including the cost of all labour, 
        302.00  materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at site. INS. PCT:100X50X3x3000mm EA                      290.00 
Rate shall also include installation of supporting arrangements as per installation drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001).
Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work (including chipping of concrete (as required) and making it good again), manpower in line with the directions of 
Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.Installation of Hot Dip Galvanized Steel Perforated Cable Trays With cover & of 100mm Width X 50mm Height X 3mm Thick, 3000mm Long

Laying and installation of below listed hot dip galvanized steel perforated & ladder type cable trays with covers as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009), Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Instrument and Fire & Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐
0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002,Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002). 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL ‐0002), Instrument /Fire and Gas Installation details (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule 
(Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001) on structural support as per the drawing or Engineer‐in‐charge at site with proper clamping, cable clamps, necessary bends, jointing and necessary coupling. Structural support will be measured and paid for separately, including the cost of all labour, 
        303.00  materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at site. INS. PCT:200X50X3x3000mm EA                         90.00 
Rate shall also include installation of supporting arrangements as per installation drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001).
Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work (including chipping of concrete (as required) and making it good again), manpower in line with the directions of 
Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.Installation of Hot Dip Galvanized Steel Perforated Cable Trays With cover & of 200mm Width X 50mm Height X 3mm Thick, 3000mm Long

Laying and installation of below listed hot dip galvanized steel perforated & ladder type cable trays with covers as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009), Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Instrument and Fire & Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐
0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002,Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002). 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL ‐0002), Instrument /Fire and Gas Installation details (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule 
(Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001) on structural support as per the drawing or Engineer‐in‐charge at site with proper clamping, cable clamps, necessary bends, jointing and necessary coupling. Structural support will be measured and paid for separately, including the cost of all labour, 
        304.00  materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at site. INS. PCT:300X50X3x3000mm EA                         55.00 
Rate shall also include installation of supporting arrangements as per installation drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001).
Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work (including chipping of concrete (as required) and making it good again), manpower in line with the directions of 
Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.Installation of Hot Dip Galvanized Steel Perforated Cable Trays With cover & of 300mm Width X 50mm Height X 3mm Thick, 3000mm Long

Laying and installation of below listed hot dip galvanized steel perforated & ladder type cable trays with covers as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009), Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Instrument and Fire & Gas Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐
0002, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0002,Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002). 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL ‐0002), Instrument /Fire and Gas Installation details (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule 
(Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001) on structural support as per the drawing or Engineer‐in‐charge at site with proper clamping, cable clamps, necessary bends, jointing and necessary coupling. Structural support will be measured and paid for separately, including the cost of all labour, 
        305.00  materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at site. INS. LCT:450X100x3000mm EA                         27.00 
Rate shall also include installation of supporting arrangements as per installation drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001).
Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work (including chipping of concrete (as required) and making it good again), manpower in line with the directions of 
Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.Installation of Hot Dip Galvanized Steel Ladder Cable Trays With cover & of 450 mm Width X 100mm Height, 3000mm Long

Installation of below listed explosion proof junction boxes & pull boxes including, fabrication and installation of supports, installation of junction boxes with earthing cable, tag plates, screwing certified blanking plugs for unused entries as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009), Specification For Instrument 
Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001) including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes 
and standards and as directed by the Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.
        306.00  INS.JB:6PX1.5mm²,25Terminals EA                         17.00 
Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.
Rate shall also include supply & installation of supporting arrangements such as concrete, excavation, structural steel including anchor bolt with hex nut & flat, shake proof washer, CS base plate, CS plate, CS channel, cable tray, earthing boss, nut & washer, complete as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001).Installation of 6PX1.5 mm², 25 
Terminals, LM6, Explosion proof (IP65)

Installation of below listed explosion proof junction boxes & pull boxes including, fabrication and installation of supports, installation of junction boxes with earthing cable, tag plates, screwing certified blanking plugs for unused entries as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009), Specification For Instrument 
Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001) including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes 
and standards and as directed by the Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.
        307.00  INS.JB:12PX1.5mm²,40Terminals EA                         17.00 
Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.
Rate shall also include supply & installation of supporting arrangements such as concrete, excavation, structural steel including anchor bolt with hex nut & flat, shake proof washer, CS base plate, CS plate, CS channel, cable tray, earthing boss, nut & washer, complete as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001).Installation of 12PX1.5 mm², 40 
Terminals, LM6, Explosion proof (IP65)

Installation of below listed explosion proof junction boxes & pull boxes including, fabrication and installation of supports, installation of junction boxes with earthing cable, tag plates, screwing certified blanking plugs for unused entries as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009), Specification For Instrument 
Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001) including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes 
and standards and as directed by the Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.
        308.00  INS.JB:24PX1.5mm²,80Terminals EA                           5.00 
Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.
Rate shall also include supply & installation of supporting arrangements such as concrete, excavation, structural steel including anchor bolt with hex nut & flat, shake proof washer, CS base plate, CS plate, CS channel, cable tray, earthing boss, nut & washer, complete as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001).Installation of 24PX1.5 mm², 80 
Terminals, LM6, Explosion proof (IP65)

Installation of below listed explosion proof junction boxes & pull boxes including, fabrication and installation of supports, installation of junction boxes with earthing cable, tag plates, screwing certified blanking plugs for unused entries as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009), Specification For Instrument 
Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001) including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes 
and standards and as directed by the Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.
        309.00  INS.JB:12CX2.5mm²,25Terminals EA                         17.00 
Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.
Rate shall also include supply & installation of supporting arrangements such as concrete, excavation, structural steel including anchor bolt with hex nut & flat, shake proof washer, CS base plate, CS plate, CS channel, cable tray, earthing boss, nut & washer, complete as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001).Installation of 12Cx2.5 mm², 25 
Terminals, LM6, Explosion proof (IP65)

Installation of below listed explosion proof junction boxes & pull boxes including, fabrication and installation of supports, installation of junction boxes with earthing cable, tag plates, screwing certified blanking plugs for unused entries as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009), Specification For Instrument 
Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001) including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes 
and standards and as directed by the Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.
        310.00  INS.JB:12TX1.5mm²,50Terminals EA                           1.00 
Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.
Rate shall also include supply & installation of supporting arrangements such as concrete, excavation, structural steel including anchor bolt with hex nut & flat, shake proof washer, CS base plate, CS plate, CS channel, cable tray, earthing boss, nut & washer, complete as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001).Installation of 12Tx1.5 mm², 50 
Terminals, LM6, Explosion proof (IP65) 

Installation of below listed explosion proof junction boxes & pull boxes including, fabrication and installation of supports, installation of junction boxes with earthing cable, tag plates, screwing certified blanking plugs for unused entries as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009), Specification For Instrument 
Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001) including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes 
and standards and as directed by the Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.
        311.00  INS.JB:8TX1.5mm²,36Terminals EA                         16.00 
Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.
Rate shall also include supply & installation of supporting arrangements such as concrete, excavation, structural steel including anchor bolt with hex nut & flat, shake proof washer, CS base plate, CS plate, CS channel, cable tray, earthing boss, nut & washer, complete as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001).Installation of 8Tx1.5 mm², 36 
Terminals, LM6, Explosion proof (IP65) 

Installation of below listed explosion proof junction boxes & pull boxes including, fabrication and installation of supports, installation of junction boxes with earthing cable, tag plates, screwing certified blanking plugs for unused entries as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009), Specification For Instrument 
Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001) including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes 
and standards and as directed by the Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.
        312.00  INSTAL. PULL BOXES EA                         24.00 
Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.
Rate shall also include supply & installation of supporting arrangements such as concrete, excavation, structural steel including anchor bolt with hex nut & flat, shake proof washer, CS base plate, CS plate, CS channel, cable tray, earthing boss, nut & washer, complete as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001).Installation of Supply of Ex'd' 
certified pullboxes suitable for Zone 1, Gr. IIA/IIB, T3 and weatherproof to IP 65 minimum approved from PESO.

Installation of below listed cable glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs at instrument, junction box/field mounted panels & Control room panel side as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009), Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐
IC‐DID‐0001) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001) including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. As per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by the Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.
        313.00  INS. CABLE GLANDS ‐ 1/2" NPT EA                      101.00 
Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.Installation of 1/2" NPT Cable Gland, Nickel 
Plated Brass, Ex'd' Certified, IP65

Installation of below listed cable glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs at instrument, junction box/field mounted panels & Control room panel side as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009), Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐
IC‐DID‐0001) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001) including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. As per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by the Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.
        314.00  INS. CABLE GLANDS ‐ 3/4" NPT EA                      345.00 
Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.Installation of 3/4" NPT Cable Gland, Nickel 
Plated Brass, Ex'd' Certified, IP65

Installation of below listed cable glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs at instrument, junction box/field mounted panels & Control room panel side as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009), Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐
IC‐DID‐0001) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001) including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. As per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by the Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.
        315.00  INS. CABLE GLANDS ‐ 1" NPT EA                         87.00 
Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.Installation of 1" NPT Cable Gland, Nickel 
Plated Brass, Ex'd' Certified, IP65

Installation of below listed cable glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs at instrument, junction box/field mounted panels & Control room panel side as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009), Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐
IC‐DID‐0001) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001) including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. As per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by the Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.
        316.00  INS. CABLE GLANDS ‐ 1 1/4" NPT EA                         26.00 
Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.Installation of 1 1/4" NPT Cable Gland, Nickel 
Plated Brass, Ex'd' Certified, IP65

Installation of below listed cable glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs at instrument, junction box/field mounted panels & Control room panel side as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009), Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐
IC‐DID‐0001) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001) including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. As per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by the Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.
        317.00  INS. CABLE GLANDS ‐ 1 1/2" NPT EA                         22.00 
Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.Installation of 1 1/2" NPT Cable Gland, Nickel 
Plated Brass, Ex'd' Certified, IP65

Installation of below listed cable glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs at instrument, junction box/field mounted panels & Control room panel side as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009), Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐
IC‐DID‐0001) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001) including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. As per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by the Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.
        318.00  INS. CABLE GLANDS ‐ 2" NPT EA                           1.00 
Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.Installation of 2" NPT Cable Gland, Nickel 
Plated Brass, Ex'd' Certified, IP65

Installation of below listed cable glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs at instrument, junction box/field mounted panels & Control room panel side as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009), Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐
IC‐DID‐0001) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001) including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. As per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by the Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.
        319.00  INS. REDUCERS ‐ 1/2"  X 3/4" EA                         24.00 
Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.Installation of 1/2" NPTM X 3/4" NPTF 
Reducers, Nickel Plated Brass, Ex'd' Certified, IP65

Installation of below listed cable glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs at instrument, junction box/field mounted panels & Control room panel side as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009), Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐
IC‐DID‐0001) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001) including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. As per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by the Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.
        320.00  INS. REDUCERS ‐ 1/2"  X 1" EA                         24.00 
Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.Installation of 1/2" NPTM X 1" NPTF Reducers, 
Nickel Plated Brass, Ex'd' Certified, IP65

Installation of below listed cable glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs at instrument, junction box/field mounted panels & Control room panel side as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009), Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐
IC‐DID‐0001) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001) including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. As per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by the Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.
        321.00  INS. REDUCERS ‐ 3/4"  X 1" EA                         24.00 
Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.Installation of 3/4" NPTM X 1" NPTF Reducers, 
Nickel Plated Brass, Ex'd' Certified, IP65

Installation of below listed cable glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs at instrument, junction box/field mounted panels & Control room panel side as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009), Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐
IC‐DID‐0001) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001) including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. As per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by the Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.
        322.00  INS. REDUCERS ‐ 1"  X 1 1/4" EA                         24.00 
Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.Installation of 1" NPTM X 1 1/4" NPTF 
Reducers, Nickel Plated Brass, Ex'd' Certified, IP65

Installation of below listed cable glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs at instrument, junction box/field mounted panels & Control room panel side as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009), Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐
IC‐DID‐0001) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001) including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. As per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by the Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.
        323.00  INS.REDUCERS ‐1 1/4"  X 1 1/2" EA                         24.00 
Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.Installation of 1 1/4" NPTM X 1 1/2" NPTF 
Reducers, Nickel Plated Brass, Ex'd' Certified, IP65

Installation of below listed cable glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs at instrument, junction box/field mounted panels & Control room panel side as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009), Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐
IC‐DID‐0001) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001) including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. As per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by the Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.
        324.00  INS. ADAPTORS ‐ M20 X 1/2" EA                         24.00 
Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.Installation of M20 M X 1/2" NPTF Adaptors, 
Nickel Plated Brass, Ex'd' Certified, IP65

Installation of below listed cable glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs at instrument, junction box/field mounted panels & Control room panel side as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009), Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐
IC‐DID‐0001) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001) including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. As per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by the Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.
        325.00  INS. ADAPTORS ‐ M25 X 3/4" EA                         24.00 
Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.Installation of M25 M X 3/4" NPTF Adaptors, 
Nickel Plated Brass, Ex'd' Certified, IP65

Installation of below listed cable glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs at instrument, junction box/field mounted panels & Control room panel side as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009), Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐
IC‐DID‐0001) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001) including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. As per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by the Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.
        326.00  INS. ADAPTORS ‐ M32 X 1" EA                         24.00 
Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.Installation of M32 M X 1" NPTF Adaptors, 
Nickel Plated Brass, Ex'd' Certified, IP65

Installation of below listed cable glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs at instrument, junction box/field mounted panels & Control room panel side as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009), Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐
IC‐DID‐0001) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001) including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. As per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by the Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.
        327.00  INS. CABLE GLANDS ‐ 3/4" ET EA                           1.00 
Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.Installation of 3/4" ET Cable Gland, Nickel 
Plated Brass, IP42

Installation of below listed cable glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs at instrument, junction box/field mounted panels & Control room panel side as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009), Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐
IC‐DID‐0001) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001) including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. As per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by the Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.
        328.00  INS. CABLE GLANDS ‐ 1" ET EA                         59.00 
Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.Installation of 1" ET Cable Gland, Nickel Plated 
Brass, IP42

Installation of below listed cable glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs at instrument, junction box/field mounted panels & Control room panel side as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009), Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐
IC‐DID‐0001) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001) including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. As per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by the Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.
        329.00  INS. CABLE GLANDS ‐ 1 1/4" ET EA                         31.00 
Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.Installation of 1 1/4" ET Cable Gland, Nickel 
Plated Brass, IP42

Installation of below listed cable glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs at instrument, junction box/field mounted panels & Control room panel side as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009), Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐
IC‐DID‐0001) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001) including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. As per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by the Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.
        330.00  INS. CABLE GLANDS ‐ 1 1/2" ET EA                         26.00 
Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.Installation of 1 1/2" ET Cable Gland, Nickel 
Plated Brass, IP42

Installation of below listed cable glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs at instrument, junction box/field mounted panels & Control room panel side as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009), Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐
IC‐DID‐0001) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001) including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. As per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by the Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.
        331.00  INS. CABLE GLANDS ‐ 2" ET EA                         22.00 
Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.Installation of 2" ET Cable Gland, Nickel Plated 
Brass, IP42

Installation of below listed cable glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs at instrument, junction box/field mounted panels & Control room panel side as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009), Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐
IC‐DID‐0001) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001) including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. As per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by the Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.
        332.00  INS. CABLE GLANDS ‐ 2 1/4" ET EA                           1.00 
Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.Installation of 2 1/4" ET Cable Gland, Nickel 
Plated Brass, IP42

Installation of below listed cable glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs at instrument, junction box/field mounted panels & Control room panel side as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009), Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐
IC‐DID‐0001) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001) including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. As per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by the Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.
        333.00  INS. BLIND PLUGS ‐ 3/4" ET EA                         24.00 
Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.Installation of 3/4" ET Blind Plug, Nickel Plated 
Brass, IP42

Installation of below listed cable glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs at instrument, junction box/field mounted panels & Control room panel side as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009), Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐
IC‐DID‐0001) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001) including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. As per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by the Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.
        334.00  INS. BLIND PLUGS ‐ 1" ET EA                         24.00 
Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.Installation of 1" ET Blind Plug, Nickel Plated 
Brass, IP42

Installation of below listed cable glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs at instrument, junction box/field mounted panels & Control room panel side as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009), Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐
IC‐DID‐0001) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001) including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. As per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by the Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.
        335.00  INS. BLIND PLUGS ‐ 1 1/4" ET EA                         24.00 
Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.Installation of 1 1/4" ET Blind Plug, Nickel 
Plated Brass, IP42

Installation of below listed cable glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs at instrument, junction box/field mounted panels & Control room panel side as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009), Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐
IC‐DID‐0001) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001) including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. As per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by the Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.
        336.00  INS. BLIND PLUGS ‐ 1 1/2" ET EA                         24.00 
Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.Installation of 1 1/2" ET Blind Plug, Nickel 
Plated Brass, IP42

Installation of below listed cable glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs at instrument, junction box/field mounted panels & Control room panel side as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009), Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐
IC‐DID‐0001) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001) including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. As per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by the Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.
        337.00  INS. BLIND PLUGS ‐ 2" ET EA                         24.00 
Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.Installation of 2" ET Blind Plug, Nickel Plated 
Brass, IP42

Installation of below listed cable glands, Reducers/Adapters, blind plugs at instrument, junction box/field mounted panels & Control room panel side as per Specification for Junction Boxes and Bulk Material (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0009), Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐
IC‐DID‐0001) & Instrumentation and Fire & Gas cable schedule (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DCS‐0001, 15963‐150‐IC‐DCS‐0001) including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. As per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by the Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.
        338.00  INS. BLIND PLUGS ‐ 2 1/4" ET EA                         24.00 
Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.Installation of 2 1/4" ET Blind Plug, Nickel 
Plated Brass, IP42

Installation of canopies for field instruments made of FRP material with fitting accessories for 2" NB pipe mounting as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001)
        339.00  INS.CANOPY EA                         99.00 
Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.

Installation of below listed Multi cable transit frame along with Fire resistant MCT Blocks and all the required accessories like wedges, stayplates etc. In control room as per Control Room Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0001 & 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0001) & Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 
        340.00  INSTAL. MCT: FRAME: S 4X2 EA                         14.00 
Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.Installation of MCT Frame: S 4X2

Installation of below listed Multi cable transit frame along with Fire resistant MCT Blocks and all the required accessories like wedges, stayplates etc. In control room as per Control Room Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0001 & 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0001) & Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 
        341.00  INSTAL. MCT: FRAME: S 4+4X2 EA                           1.00 
Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.Installation of MCT Frame: S 4+4X2

Installation of below listed Multi cable transit frame along with Fire resistant MCT Blocks and all the required accessories like wedges, stayplates etc. In control room as per Control Room Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0001 & 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0001) & Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 
        342.00  INSTAL. MCT: FRAME: S 6X3 EA                           1.00 
Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.Installation of MCT Frame: S 6X3

Installation of below listed Multi cable transit frame along with Fire resistant MCT Blocks and all the required accessories like wedges, stayplates etc. In control room as per Control Room Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0001 & 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0001) & Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 
        343.00  INSTAL. MCT BLOCK ‐ RM20 EA                         49.00 
Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.Installation of MCT Block RM20 Or Equivalent

Installation of below listed Multi cable transit frame along with Fire resistant MCT Blocks and all the required accessories like wedges, stayplates etc. In control room as per Control Room Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0001 & 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0001) & Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 
        344.00  INSTAL. MCT BLOCK ‐ RM30 EA                         79.00 
Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.Installation of MCT Block RM30 Or Equivalent

Installation of below listed Multi cable transit frame along with Fire resistant MCT Blocks and all the required accessories like wedges, stayplates etc. In control room as per Control Room Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0001 & 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0001) & Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 
        345.00  INSTAL. MCT BLOCK ‐ RM40 EA                         34.00 
Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.Installation of MCT Block RM40 Or Equivalent

Installation of below listed Multi cable transit frame along with Fire resistant MCT Blocks and all the required accessories like wedges, stayplates etc. In control room as per Control Room Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0001 & 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0001) & Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 
        346.00  INSTAL. MCT BLOCK ‐ RM60 EA                         20.00 
Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.Installation of MCT Block RM60 Or Equivalent

Installation of below listed Multi cable transit frame along with Fire resistant MCT Blocks and all the required accessories like wedges, stayplates etc. In control room as per Control Room Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0001 & 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0001) & Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 
        347.00  INSTAL. SPARE MCT BLOCK ‐ RM20 EA                         59.00 
Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.Installation of MCT Block RM20 Or Equivalent

Installation of below listed Multi cable transit frame along with Fire resistant MCT Blocks and all the required accessories like wedges, stayplates etc. In control room as per Control Room Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0001 & 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0001) & Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 
        348.00  INSTAL. SPARE MCT BLOCK ‐ RM30 EA                         81.00 
Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.Installation of MCT Block RM30 Or Equivalent

Installation of below listed Multi cable transit frame along with Fire resistant MCT Blocks and all the required accessories like wedges, stayplates etc. In control room as per Control Room Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0001 & 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0001) & Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 
        349.00  INSTAL. SPARE MCT BLOCK ‐ RM40 EA                         34.00 
Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.Installation of MCT Block RM40 Or Equivalent

Installation of below listed Multi cable transit frame along with Fire resistant MCT Blocks and all the required accessories like wedges, stayplates etc. In control room as per Control Room Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0001 & 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0001) & Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 
        350.00  INSTAL. SPARE MCT BLOCK ‐ RM60 EA                         19.00 
Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.Installation of MCT Block RM60 Or Equivalent

Installation of below listed conduit pipe made of galvanized iron & UPVC material for cables going from below ground to above ground & required accessories as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐
0002)  & Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010).
        351.00  INS.:1"Dia.X3Mtr.LONG(UPVC) EA                         74.00 
Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐charge at site.Installation of 1" Diameter X 3 Mtr. Long

Installation of below listed conduit pipe made of galvanized iron & UPVC material for cables going from below ground to above ground & required accessories as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐
0002)  & Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010).
        352.00  INS.:2"DiaX3Mtr.LONG(UPVC) EA                         17.00 
Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐charge at site.Installation of 2" Diameter X 3 Mtr. Long

Installation of below listed conduit pipe made of galvanized iron & UPVC material for cables going from below ground to above ground & required accessories as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐
0002)  & Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010).
        353.00  INS.:3"DiaX3Mtr.LONG(UPVC) EA                           9.00 
Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐charge at site.Installation of 3" Diameter X 3 Mtr. Long

Installation of below listed conduit pipe made of galvanized iron & UPVC material for cables going from below ground to above ground & required accessories as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐
0002)  & Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010).
        354.00  INS.:1"Dia,FLEXIBLE(MELIC) EA                         18.00 
Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐charge at site.Installation of 1" Diameter Flexible Metallic 
Conduit X 3 Mtr. Long

Installation of below listed conduit pipe made of galvanized iron & UPVC material for cables going from below ground to above ground & required accessories as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001), Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐
0002)  & Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010).
        355.00  INSTAL.CASINGCAPPING EA                         80.00 
Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐charge at site.Installation of 1" Casing N Capping trunking  X 3 
Mtr. Long

Installation, calibration, pre‐commissioning & commissioning of below listed instruments including installation of required piping & tubing materials such as fittings, pipes, tubes, unions, end plugs, compression fittings, supports for capillary etc. as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Hookups (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐
DHU‐0001), Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001) and Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation. 
        356.00  INSTAL. FLOW SWITCH EA                          8.00
Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.
Rate shall also include supply & installation of supporting arrangements such as concrete, excavation, structural steel including anchor bolt with hex nut & flat, shake proof washer, CS base plate, CS plate, CS pipe seamless, CS channel, end cap, cable tray, earthing boss, nut & washer, complete as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐
0001).Installation of 2" Flanged, Flow switch

Installation, calibration, pre‐commissioning & commissioning of below listed instruments including installation of required piping & tubing materials such as fittings, pipes, tubes, unions, end plugs, compression fittings, supports for capillary etc. as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Hookups (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐
DHU‐0001), Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001) and Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation. 
        357.00  INS.PRESSURE GAUGE EA                        26.00
Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.
Rate shall also include supply & installation of supporting arrangements such as concrete, excavation, structural steel including anchor bolt with hex nut & flat, shake proof washer, CS base plate, CS plate, CS pipe seamless, CS channel, end cap, cable tray, earthing boss, nut & washer, complete as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐
0001).Installation of 2" Flanged, Pressure Gauge with diaphragm seal

Installation, calibration, pre‐commissioning & commissioning of below listed instruments including installation of required piping & tubing materials such as fittings, pipes, tubes, unions, end plugs, compression fittings, supports for capillary etc. as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Hookups (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐
DHU‐0001), Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001) and Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation. 
        358.00  INS. PRESSURE TRANSMITTER EA                        18.00
Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.
Rate shall also include supply & installation of supporting arrangements such as concrete, excavation, structural steel including anchor bolt with hex nut & flat, shake proof washer, CS base plate, CS plate, CS pipe seamless, CS channel, end cap, cable tray, earthing boss, nut & washer, complete as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐
0001).Installation of 2" Flanged, Pressure Transmitter with diaphragm seal

Installation, calibration, pre‐commissioning & commissioning of below listed instruments including installation of required piping & tubing materials such as fittings, pipes, tubes, unions, end plugs, compression fittings, supports for capillary etc. as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Hookups (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐
DHU‐0001), Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001) and Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation. 
        359.00  INS. TEMPERATURE TRANSMITTER EA                          2.00
Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.
Rate shall also include supply & installation of supporting arrangements such as concrete, excavation, structural steel including anchor bolt with hex nut & flat, shake proof washer, CS base plate, CS plate, CS pipe seamless, CS channel, end cap, cable tray, earthing boss, nut & washer, complete as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐
0001).Installation of 2" Flanged, Head Mounted Temperature Transmitter with Temperature element and Thermowell

Installation, calibration, pre‐commissioning & commissioning of below listed instruments including installation of required piping & tubing materials such as fittings, pipes, tubes, unions, end plugs, compression fittings, supports for capillary etc. as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Hookups (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐
DHU‐0001), Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001) and Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation. 
        360.00  INS. SKIN‐TEMP.TRANS. EA                        16.00
Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.
Rate shall also include supply & installation of supporting arrangements such as concrete, excavation, structural steel including anchor bolt with hex nut & flat, shake proof washer, CS base plate, CS plate, CS pipe seamless, CS channel, end cap, cable tray, earthing boss, nut & washer, complete as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐
0001).Installation of Remote Mounted Temperature Transmitter with Temperature element (Skin Type)

        361.00  Pre‐commissioning & commissioning of below listed instruments as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.Installation of Hand operated Valve with Limit Switches. INSTAL. HAND OPERATED VALVE EA                        28.00

        362.00  Pre‐commissioning & commissioning of below listed instruments as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.Installation of Motor operated valve‐Ball/Plug/Globe. INSTAL. MOTOR OPERATED VALVE EA                        21.00

        363.00  Pre‐commissioning & commissioning of below listed instruments as per Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation.Installation of Non‐intrusive type pig signaller INSTAL. PIG SIGNALLER EA                          4.00

Installation, calibration, pre‐commissioning & commissioning of below listed F&G instruments including installation of required accessories as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001) and Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation. 

        364.00  Contractor's Scope also Include receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site. INSTAL.HYDRO.C GAS DETECTOR EA                        46.00

Rate shall also include supply & installation of supporting arrangements such as concrete, excavation, structural steel including anchor bolt with hex nut & flat, shake proof washer, CS base plate, CS plate, CS pipe seamless, CS channel, end cap, cable tray, earthing boss, nut & washer, complete as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐
0001).Installation of  Hydrocarbon gas detector‐IR type outside building

Installation, calibration, pre‐commissioning & commissioning of below listed F&G instruments including installation of required accessories as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001) and Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation. 

        365.00  Contractor's Scope also Include receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site. INSTAL.AUDIBLE ALARM OUTSIDE EA                        26.00

Rate shall also include supply & installation of supporting arrangements such as concrete, excavation, structural steel including anchor bolt with hex nut & flat, shake proof washer, CS base plate, CS plate, CS pipe seamless, CS channel, end cap, cable tray, earthing boss, nut & washer, complete as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐
0001).Installation of Audible alarm outside building

Installation, calibration, pre‐commissioning & commissioning of below listed F&G instruments including installation of required accessories as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001) and Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation. 

        366.00  Contractor's Scope also Include receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site. INSTAL.AUDIBLE ALARM INSIDE EA                          8.00

Rate shall also include supply & installation of supporting arrangements such as concrete, excavation, structural steel including anchor bolt with hex nut & flat, shake proof washer, CS base plate, CS plate, CS pipe seamless, CS channel, end cap, cable tray, earthing boss, nut & washer, complete as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐
0001).Installation of Audible alarm inside building

Installation, calibration, pre‐commissioning & commissioning of below listed F&G instruments including installation of required accessories as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001) and Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation. 

        367.00  Contractor's Scope also Include receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site. INS. HEATDETECTOR‐INSIDE EA                          8.00

Rate shall also include supply & installation of supporting arrangements such as concrete, excavation, structural steel including anchor bolt with hex nut & flat, shake proof washer, CS base plate, CS plate, CS pipe seamless, CS channel, end cap, cable tray, earthing boss, nut & washer, complete as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐
0001).Installation of Heat detector‐Rate of rise inside building

Installation, calibration, pre‐commissioning & commissioning of below listed F&G instruments including installation of required accessories as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001) and Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation. 

        368.00  Contractor's Scope also Include receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site. INS.LIN.HEATSENSING CBLE INS. EA                          8.00

Rate shall also include supply & installation of supporting arrangements such as concrete, excavation, structural steel including anchor bolt with hex nut & flat, shake proof washer, CS base plate, CS plate, CS pipe seamless, CS channel, end cap, cable tray, earthing boss, nut & washer, complete as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐
0001).Installation of Linear Heat sensing cable inside building

Installation, calibration, pre‐commissioning & commissioning of below listed F&G instruments including installation of required accessories as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001) and Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation. 

        369.00  Contractor's Scope also Include receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site. INS.MAN.ALARM CALL POINT OUT. EA                        26.00

Rate shall also include supply & installation of supporting arrangements such as concrete, excavation, structural steel including anchor bolt with hex nut & flat, shake proof washer, CS base plate, CS plate, CS pipe seamless, CS channel, end cap, cable tray, earthing boss, nut & washer, complete as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐
0001).Installation of Manual alarm call point outside building

Installation, calibration, pre‐commissioning & commissioning of below listed F&G instruments including installation of required accessories as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001) and Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation. 

        370.00  Contractor's Scope also Include receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site. INS.MAN.ALARM CALL POINT INS. EA                          8.00

Rate shall also include supply & installation of supporting arrangements such as concrete, excavation, structural steel including anchor bolt with hex nut & flat, shake proof washer, CS base plate, CS plate, CS pipe seamless, CS channel, end cap, cable tray, earthing boss, nut & washer, complete as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐
0001).Installation of Manual alarm call point inside building

Installation, calibration, pre‐commissioning & commissioning of below listed F&G instruments including installation of required accessories as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001) and Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation. 

        371.00  Contractor's Scope also Include receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site. INS.SMOKEDETECTOR INS. EA                        49.00

Rate shall also include supply & installation of supporting arrangements such as concrete, excavation, structural steel including anchor bolt with hex nut & flat, shake proof washer, CS base plate, CS plate, CS pipe seamless, CS channel, end cap, cable tray, earthing boss, nut & washer, complete as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐
0001).Installation of Smoke Detector inside building

Installation, calibration, pre‐commissioning & commissioning of below listed F&G instruments including installation of required accessories as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001) and Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation. 

        372.00  Contractor's Scope also Include receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site. INS.SMOKE DETECTOR‐RES.IND.INS EA                        64.00

Rate shall also include supply & installation of supporting arrangements such as concrete, excavation, structural steel including anchor bolt with hex nut & flat, shake proof washer, CS base plate, CS plate, CS pipe seamless, CS channel, end cap, cable tray, earthing boss, nut & washer, complete as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐
0001).Installation of Smoke Detector with response indicator inside building

Installation, calibration, pre‐commissioning & commissioning of below listed F&G instruments including installation of required accessories as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001) and Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation. 

        373.00  Contractor's Scope also Include receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site. INS.VISUALALARM OUT EA                        26.00

Rate shall also include supply & installation of supporting arrangements such as concrete, excavation, structural steel including anchor bolt with hex nut & flat, shake proof washer, CS base plate, CS plate, CS pipe seamless, CS channel, end cap, cable tray, earthing boss, nut & washer, complete as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐
0001).Installation of Visual alarm outside building

Installation, calibration, pre‐commissioning & commissioning of below listed F&G instruments including installation of required accessories as per Specification For Instrument Installation (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐SPC‐0010), Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐0001) and Scope of Work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation. 

        374.00  Contractor's Scope also Include receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site. INSTAL.VISUAL ALARM INS EA                          8.00

Rate shall also include supply & installation of supporting arrangements such as concrete, excavation, structural steel including anchor bolt with hex nut & flat, shake proof washer, CS base plate, CS plate, CS pipe seamless, CS channel, end cap, cable tray, earthing boss, nut & washer, complete as per Installation Drawing (Doc. No. 15963‐000‐IC‐DID‐
0001).Installation of Visual alarm inside building

        375.00  Installation of Fire Alarm Panel including supports, laying of cables as per the approved cable layout between indoor F&G devices and LFAP and interface with SCADA RTU including cable terminations as required, Testing & Commissioning as per the scope of work for Pipeline Laying Tender‐ Instrumentation, specifications and directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge. FIRE ALARM PANEL(SEC. ROOM) EA                          8.00

Installation of cabinets of below listed sizes, laying of cables, supply of base frames & supports as per system vendor drawings, Control Room Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0001 & 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0001) & the approved cable layout between indoor units and from field instruments to indoor units 
        376.00  INS.RTU‐2100x800x800MM EA                        16.00
including cable terminations as required, all necessary assistance to package/system vendors for Testing & Commissioning as per the scope of work, specifications and directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge.Installation of CABINET OF SIZE 2100 (H) X 800(W) X 800(D)

Installation of cabinets of below listed sizes, laying of cables, supply of base frames & supports as per system vendor drawings, Control Room Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0001 & 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0001) & the approved cable layout between indoor units and from field instruments to indoor units 
        377.00  INS.RTU‐2100x1200x800MM EA                        16.00
including cable terminations as required, all necessary assistance to package/system vendors for Testing & Commissioning as per the scope of work, specifications and directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge.Installation of CABINET OF SIZE 2100 (H) X 1200(W) X 800(D)

Installation of cabinets of below listed sizes, laying of cables, supply of base frames & supports as per system vendor drawings, Control Room Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0001 & 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0001) & the approved cable layout between indoor units and from field instruments to indoor units 
        378.00  INS.RTU‐2100x800x1000MM EA                          1.00
including cable terminations as required, all necessary assistance to package/system vendors for Testing & Commissioning as per the scope of work, specifications and directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge.Installation of CABINET OF SIZE 2100 (H) X 800(W) X 1000(D)

Installation of cabinets of below listed sizes, laying of cables, supply of base frames & supports as per system vendor drawings, Control Room Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐IC‐DAL‐0001, 15963‐090‐IC‐DAL‐0001, 15963‐110‐IC‐DAL‐0001 & 15963‐150‐IC‐DAL‐0001) & the approved cable layout between indoor units and from field instruments to indoor units 
        379.00  INS.RTU‐600x800x15RUMM EA                          8.00
including cable terminations as required, all necessary assistance to package/system vendors for Testing & Commissioning as per the scope of work, specifications and directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge.Installation of CABINET OF SIZE  600 (W) x 800 (D) x 15RU (H) mm 

Installation of OFC, HDPE and associated accessories . Bidders Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, testing, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐
Charge at site.
‐Installation & laying of OFC  through HDPE ducts in pipeline trench / CS conduit (including Open cut, HDD &  augur boring crossings)/separate trench by blowing method, restoration of land & other constructions as applicable to original conditions etc.; including  use of all materials/consumables required like couplers, end plugs etc. for blowing., transportation 
        380.00  of free issued OFC from store/dump site to project site including loading, unloading and transportation, SAT of laid OFC  and handing over of the same to Telecom vendor after meeting the prescribed  loss acceptance criteria  as per specification and direction of CLIENT/CONSULTANT and returing back the unutilized qty. of OFC to HPCL designate stores. Inst. of OFC MT 142000
1. Bidder to note that OFC shall be free issued to bidder.
2. Bidder to note that payments for OFC blowing  will  be based on OTDR  readings from station to station.

Installation of OFC, HDPE and associated accessories . Bidders Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, testing, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐
Charge at site.
‐Installation, testing & laying of  HDPE ducts  at stations through separate trench including  trenching and excavation as required, padding, backfilling, restoration of land & other constructions as applicable to original conditions etc.
        381.00  Inst. of HDPE Duct MT 1000
1. Separate line item for supply and installation of OFC and 6"CS conduit pipe  are covered in SOR elsewhere. 
2. Bidder to consider the cost of separate trenching at stations in the same line item. No separate payment shall be made for laying of HDPE through separate trenches at SV stations.

Installation of OFC, HDPE and associated accessories . Bidders Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, testing, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐
Charge at site.
        382.00  ‐Installation of OFC Jointing closures having 4 entry ports in OFC jointing/transition pit  along with installation of pigtails, connectors, splice trays, splice protection sleeves etc. and any other items required for jointing of 12 OFC cable (Fusion splicing only) as per specification mentioned in Scope of Work.( 15984‐BP‐10‐TE‐SOW‐0002 ) Inst. of Joint Closure EA 107
1. Bidders scope shall also include splicing/jointing of 12 core G.655 OFC at field using fusion splicing method at all OFC jointing locations. Charges for the same shall be included in the same line item. No separate payment shall be made for splicing of cable.

Installation of OFC, HDPE and associated accessories . Bidders Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, testing, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐
        383.00  Charge at site. Inst.‐OFC Jointing/Trans. Pits EA 107
‐Installation of OFC Jointing / Transition pits including all civil & structural material, sand, removable RCC cover, with insert plates as required, seals for sealing of pits & conduit entries , finishing as per drawings and specification mentioned in Scope of Work.( 15984‐BP‐10‐TE‐SOW‐0002 )

Installation of OFC, HDPE and associated accessories . Bidders Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, testing, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐
        384.00  Charge at site. Inst. of OFC Blowing Pit EA 33
‐Installation of OFC Blowing / pull pits pits including all civil & structural material, sand, removable RCC cover, with insert plates as required, seals for sealing of pits & Conduit entry, finishing as per drawings and specification mentioned in Scope of Work.( 15984‐BP‐10‐TE‐SOW‐0002 )

Installation of OFC, HDPE and associated accessories . Bidders Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, testing, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐
        385.00  Charge at site. Inst.‐OFC Joint Perm. Marker EA 107
‐Installation of  Joint identification permanent markers (For all type of OFC jointing location) at all OFC jointing/transition pit location along the route as per drawings and specification mentioned in Scope of Work.( 15984‐BP‐10‐TE‐SOW‐0002 ).

Installation of OFC, HDPE and associated accessories . Bidders Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, testing, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐
        386.00  Charge at site. Inst. of Electronic Marker EA 107
‐Installation of  Electronic marker / transmitter at all type of OFC jointing location in OFC jointing/transition pit as per the specifications mentioned in Scope of Work.( 15984‐BP‐10‐TE‐SOW‐0002 )

Installation of OFC, HDPE and associated accessories . Bidders Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, testing, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐
        387.00  Charge at site. Inst.‐Elec. Marker Locator EA 1
‐Installation & testing of  Portable Electronic Marker Identification kit / Marker Detecting Instruments /Indicator with beep sound with Battery Charger & Leather Casing & Belt as per specification mentioned in Scope of Work.( 15984‐BP‐10‐TE‐SOW‐0002 )

Installation of OFC, HDPE and associated accessories . Bidders Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, testing, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐
        388.00  Charge at site. Inst.‐Wire mesh/OFC Loop Box EA 8
‐Installation of  Wire Mesh / Closed loop box for OFC including looping of OFC at all stations as per specification mentioned in Scope of Work.( 15984‐BP‐10‐TE‐SOW‐0002 )

Installation of OFC, HDPE and associated accessories . Bidders Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, testing, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐
        389.00  Charge at site. Inst. of FTC for OFC EA 8
‐Installation of 24 Port Wall Mount FTC with SC connectors suitable for 2 number of 12 Core G.655 OFC Cable  including pigtails , Splice protection sleeve , splice tray and splicing the cables with pigtails, Cable glands, termination of OFC at all stations as per specification mentioned in Scope of Work.( 15984‐BP‐10‐TE‐SOW‐0002 )

Installation of OFC, HDPE and associated accessories . Bidders Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, testing, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐
Charge at site.
‐Installation of OFC warning MAT ‐ PVC Sheet (150 mm x 0.1 mm) Red Color as per the specifications mentioned else where in the Tender.
        390.00  Inst. of OFC Warning Mat MT 2400
1. Bidder to note that the above warning mat shall be required for separate routing of OFC through trench inside terminals / SV stations. For OFC routed inside pipeline trench, a common warning mat shall be provided for pipeline and OFC as per specification mentioned else where in tender.
2. Bidder to note that for laying of Warning mat through  separate trench shall be  considered at  Despatch/Recieving/IP/TOP/SV/ Bottling Plant.

Installation of OFC, HDPE and associated accessories . Bidders Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, testing, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐
Charge at site.
        391.00  ‐Installation of Dual CAT‐6A Outlet with faceplate, backbox (Floor/wall  mount as per directions from EIC) Inst.‐TELECOM:CAT‐6AOUTLET EA 56
1. Bidder to note that cat‐6A Outlet shall be free issued to Bidder

Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Telecom cables including  Installation on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002) with Proper clamping and dressing of the cable on the tray as 
per specification and drawings or Engineer‐in‐charge at site.
Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.

Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination  of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.

        392.00  Underground(UG) installation shall include Laying of cables, excavation, sand filling, back filling, separation etc. & installation of cable route marker for all trenches, termination of the cables at both the ends (Instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.)  with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling, including the cost of all labor, materials, equipment etc. as  Inst.ofTELE.CABLE:2Px.5mm(AG) MT 50

per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.‐2Px0.5 mm/XLPE/GSWA/LSZH, FLAME RETARDANT, TELEPHONE CABLE
Laying of (2Px0.5 mm) Telephone Cables as per Specification For Telecom cables including  Installation on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002) with Proper clamping and dressing of the cable on 
the tray as per specification and drawings or Engineer‐in‐charge at site.
Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.

Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination  of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.

Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Telecom cables including  Installation on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002) with Proper clamping and dressing of the cable on the tray as 
per specification and drawings or Engineer‐in‐charge at site.
Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.

Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination  of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.

Underground(UG) installation shall include Laying of cables, excavation, sand filling, back filling, separation etc. & installation of cable route marker for all trenches, termination of the cables at both the ends (Instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.)  with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling, including the cost of all labor, materials, equipment etc. as 
        393.00  Inst.ofTELE.CABLE:2Px.5mm(UG) MT 150
per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.‐2Px.5 mm/XLPE/GSWA/LSZH, FLAME RETARDANT, TELEPHONE CABLE
Laying of (2Px0.5 mm) Telephone Cables as per Specification For Telecom cables including  Installation on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002) with Proper clamping and dressing of the cable on 
the tray as per specification and drawings or Engineer‐in‐charge at site.
Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.

Underground(UG) installation shall include Laying of cables, excavation, sand filling, back filling, separation etc. & installation of cable route marker for all trenches, termination of the cables at both the ends (Instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.)  with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling, including the cost of all labor, materials, equipment etc. as 
per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.

Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Telecom cables including  Installation on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002) with Proper clamping and dressing of the cable on the tray as 
per specification and drawings or Engineer‐in‐charge at site.
Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.

Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination  of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.

        394.00  Underground(UG) installation shall include Laying of cables, excavation, sand filling, back filling, separation etc. & installation of cable route marker for all trenches, termination of the cables at both the ends (Instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.)  with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling, including the cost of all labor, materials, equipment etc. as  Inst.ofTELE.CABLE:3Cx4mm²(AG) MT 550

per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.‐3C x 4 mm²/XLPE/GSWA/LSZH, FLAME RETARDANT, POWER CABLE
Laying of (3Cx4mm²) Power Cables as per Specification For Telecom cables including  Installation on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002) with Proper clamping and dressing of the cable on the 
tray as per specification and drawings or Engineer‐in‐charge at site.
Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.

Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination  of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.

Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Telecom cables including  Installation on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002) with Proper clamping and dressing of the cable on the tray as 
per specification and drawings or Engineer‐in‐charge at site.
Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.

Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination  of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.

Underground(UG) installation shall include Laying of cables, excavation, sand filling, back filling, separation etc. & installation of cable route marker for all trenches, termination of the cables at both the ends (Instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.)  with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling, including the cost of all labor, materials, equipment etc. as 
        395.00  Inst.ofTELE.CABLE:3Cx4mm²(UG) MT 3000
per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.‐3C x 4 mm²/XLPE/OSCR/GSWA/LSZH, FLAME RETARDANT, POWER CABLE
Laying of (3Cx4mm²) Power Cables as per Specification For Telecom cables including  Installation on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002) with Proper clamping and dressing of the cable on the 
tray as per specification and drawings or Engineer‐in‐charge at site.
Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.

Underground(UG) installation shall include Laying of cables, excavation, sand filling, back filling, separation etc. & installation of cable route marker for all trenches, termination of the cables at both the ends (Instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.)  with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling, including the cost of all labor, materials, equipment etc. as 
per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.

Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Telecom cables including  Installation on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002) with Proper clamping and dressing of the cable on the tray as 
per specification and drawings or Engineer‐in‐charge at site.
Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.

Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination  of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.

Underground(UG) installation shall include Laying of cables, excavation, sand filling, back filling, separation etc. & installation of cable route marker for all trenches, termination of the cables at both the ends (Instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.)  with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling, including the cost of all labor, materials, equipment etc. as 
        396.00  Inst.ofTELE.CABLE:CAT‐6A MT 3500
per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.‐23 AWG / PVC / UTP / LSZH CAT‐6A CABLE‐ INDOOR
Laying of (CAT‐6A ‐Indoor) Cables as per Specification For Telecom cables including  Installation on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002) with Proper clamping and dressing of the cable on the 
tray as per specification and drawings or Engineer‐in‐charge at site.
Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.

Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination  of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.

Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Telecom cables including  Installation on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002) with Proper clamping and dressing of the cable on the tray as 
per specification and drawings or Engineer‐in‐charge at site.
Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.

Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination  of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.

        397.00  Underground(UG) installation shall include Laying of cables, excavation, sand filling, back filling, separation etc. & installation of cable route marker for all trenches, termination of the cables at both the ends (Instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.)  with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling, including the cost of all labor, materials, equipment etc. as  Inst.ofTELE.CABLE:CAT‐6A(AG) MT 280

per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.‐23 AWG / PVC / UTP / LSZH CAT‐6A CABLE‐ OUTDOOR ARMOURED
Laying of (CAT‐6A‐ Outdoor Armoured) Cables as per Specification For Telecom cables including  Installation on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002) with Proper clamping and dressing of the 
cable on the tray as per specification and drawings or Engineer‐in‐charge at site.
Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.

Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination  of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.

Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Telecom cables including  Installation on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002) with Proper clamping and dressing of the cable on the tray as 
per specification and drawings or Engineer‐in‐charge at site.
Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.

Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination  of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.

Underground(UG) installation shall include Laying of cables, excavation, sand filling, back filling, separation etc. & installation of cable route marker for all trenches, termination of the cables at both the ends (Instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.)  with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling, including the cost of all labor, materials, equipment etc. as 
        398.00  Inst.ofTELE.CABLE:CAT‐6A(UG) MT 1820
per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.‐23 AWG / PVC / UTP / LSZH CAT‐6A CABLE‐ OUTDOOR ARMOURED
Laying of (CAT‐6A‐ Outdoor Armoured) Cables as per Specification For Telecom cables including  Installation on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002) with Proper clamping and dressing of the 
cable on the tray as per specification and drawings or Engineer‐in‐charge at site.
Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.

Underground(UG) installation shall include Laying of cables, excavation, sand filling, back filling, separation etc. & installation of cable route marker for all trenches, termination of the cables at both the ends (Instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.)  with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling, including the cost of all labor, materials, equipment etc. as 
per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.

Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Telecom cables including  Installation on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002) with Proper clamping and dressing of the cable on the tray as 
per specification and drawings or Engineer‐in‐charge at site.
Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.

Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination  of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.

        399.00  Underground(UG) installation shall include Laying of cables, excavation, sand filling, back filling, separation etc. & installation of cable route marker for all trenches, termination of the cables at both the ends (Instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.)  with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling, including the cost of all labor, materials, equipment etc. as  Inst.ofTELE.:4COREOFC(AG) MT 560

per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.‐4 CORE FIBER OPTIC CABLE/CSTA/LSZH FIBER CABLE
Laying of 4C OFC Cables as per Specification For Telecom cables including  Installation on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002) with Proper clamping and dressing of the cable on the tray as per 
specification and drawings or Engineer‐in‐charge at site.
Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.

Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination  of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.

Laying of below listed Cables as per Specification For Telecom cables including  Installation on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002) with Proper clamping and dressing of the cable on the tray as 
per specification and drawings or Engineer‐in‐charge at site.
Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.

Above Ground(AG) installation shall include laying, termination  of the cables at both the ends (instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.) with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling including the cost of all labour, materials, equipment etc. as per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.

Underground(UG) installation shall include Laying of cables, excavation, sand filling, back filling, separation etc. & installation of cable route marker for all trenches, termination of the cables at both the ends (Instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.)  with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling, including the cost of all labor, materials, equipment etc. as 
        400.00  Inst.ofTELE.:4COREOFC(UG) MT 2570
per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.‐4 CORE FIBER OPTIC CABLE/CSTA/LSZH FIBER CABLE
Laying of 4C OFC Cables as per Specification For Telecom cables including  Installation on Cable Tray/Duct Bank/Conduits/ Sleeves etc. as specified In Telecom Cable Routing Layout (Doc. No. 15963‐070‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐090‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐110‐TE‐DAL‐0002, 15963‐150‐TE‐DAL‐0002) with Proper clamping and dressing of the cable on the tray as per 
specification and drawings or Engineer‐in‐charge at site.
Contractor's Scope also Includes receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point to any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work, manpower in line with the directions of Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.

Underground(UG) installation shall include Laying of cables, excavation, sand filling, back filling, separation etc. & installation of cable route marker for all trenches, termination of the cables at both the ends (Instrument end, JB end/Panel end, etc.)  with proper plastic shrouds and cable tag, ferruling, including the cost of all labor, materials, equipment etc. as 
per specifications, drawings, codes and standards and as directed by Engineer‐in‐Charge at site.

Demolition of existing structures, walls including foundations, paving, trenches, underground pipes, cables if any etc. as per specification and instruction from engineer in charge, irrespective of its material of construction, height/depth, thickness etc. work shall be carried out in compliance with project specification for demolition work, clearing of debris from 
demolition site and disposing it to local authority approved location.  This is inclusive of machinery, labor, temporary supports, scaffolding and transportation irrespective of distance to disposal point. This also includes back filling with borrowed soil/sand/murum at foundation location where required and all necessary measures to prevent damage to activities 
/ facilities in the adjoining areas during demolition, and transportation as per the requirements of premises & statutory regulations. 
        401.00  Complete as per project drawing, specification and as directed by engineer in charge. DEMOLITION M3                          0.80
Note 1 : Rate shall be inclusive of all royalties / obtaining clearance of local authorities required for disposal & borrow area and no extra cost whatsoever than the quoted rates shall be paid by HPCL.
Note 2 : Contractor shall select the location for dumping in local authority approved area with documentary proof.

Filling With Selected Excavated Approved Quality Earth Available & Stacked Elsewhere Within HPCL'S Plant Premises In Land Development And Also Under PCC, backfilling the sides of foundations, sub‐structures Or Wherever As Directed By Engineer ‐In‐Charge Including Spreading In Layers Of 200 mm Thick, Watering And Compacting With Vibrator Roller Till 
        402.00  Maximum Compaction That Is 95% Modified Proctor Density Is Achieved. Complete In All Respect As Per Tender Specification / Scope Of Work Etc., As Directed By Engineer ‐In‐Charge, Complete In All Respect As Per Tender Specification/Scope Of Work Etc., As Directed By Engineer ‐In‐Charge. Contractor Has To Send The Soil Samples From Site For Testing At  FILLING WITH INSIDE PREM. M3                  3,141.36
HPCL Approved Lab. Degree Of Compaction Of Each Layer Has To Be Tested At Site Using Core Cutting Test. The Rate Quoted By The Contractor Shall Include The Cost Of The Above Tests. 

Supply and Filling With Selected Excavated Approved Quality Earth Available & Stacked Elsewhere outside HPCL'S Plant Premises In Land Development And Also Under PCC Or Wherever As Directed By Engineer ‐In‐Charge Including Spreading In Layers Of 200 mm Thick, Watering And Compacting With Vibrator Roller Till Maximum Compaction That Is 95% 
        403.00  Modified Proctor Density Is Achieved. Complete In All Respect As Per Tender Specification / Scope Of Work Etc., As Directed By Engineer ‐In‐Charge, Complete In All Respect As Per Tender Specification/Scope Of Work Etc., As Directed By Engineer ‐In‐Charge. Contractor Has To Send The Soil Samples From Site For Testing At HPCL Approved Lab. Degree Of  FILLING WITH OUTSIDE PREM. M3                          8.00
Compaction Of Each Layer Has To Be Tested At Site Using Core Cutting Test. The Rate Quoted By The Contractor Shall Include The Cost Of The Above Tests. 

Excavation By Manual Or Mechanised Method Upto 1.5 M Below NGL/FGL Around Foundation, Duct Banks, Culverts And Trenches/VALVE Pits, Miscellaneous Pits In All Types Of Soil Viz. Earth, Sand,Gravel, Clay, Soft & Hard Murum Etc. (Excluding Hard Rock) For Footings, Steps, Plinth Beams, Equipment Foundations, Drains, Trenches, Culverts, Duct Banks, 
Manholes, Underground Tanks/Pits, site grading Etc Including Shoring Strutting, Dewatering Where Required (Until Foundation Work Is Complete). Item Also Includes Carting Of Surplus Excavated Earth, Stacking,Spreading, Levelling And Compacting/Consolidating Surplus Materials Within HPCL'S Premises Or Outside At An Approved Place For All Leads As Per 
Instructions Of Engineer In Charge (Rate Includes Removal Of Any Vegetation, Small Shrubs, trees Etc. Having Girth Of 300 mm Or Less). Complete As Per Project Drawings, Specifications And As Directed By Engineer In Charge

Note 1: Top Soil To Be Cleared Of Shrubs Grass, tress less than 30 cm girth Etc Including Roots And 150 mm Top Soil To Be Stored Separately Within HPCL'S Premises Or Outside For All Leads  And To Be Used For Micrograding As Required.
        404.00  EXCAVATION UPTO 1.5 M M3                  6,098.25
Note 2 : The quoted rate shall include clearing & disposal of all Vegetation stumps, bushes, logs and other perishable and objectionable organic materials. It also covers clearing and disposal of jungle including uprooting rank vegetation, grass, brush wood, trees and saplings of girth upto 30cm, removal of all rubbish and disposal of the same.
Note 3 : Rate Shall Be Inclusive Of All Royalties / Obtaining Clearance Of Local Authoraties  For Disposal & Borrow Area, No Extra Cost Whatsoever Than The Quoted Rates Shall Be Paid.
Note 4 : Rate Shall Be Inclusive Of Test Pits Required To Locate Existing Under Ground Utilities In The Excavation Area As Per The Engineer Incharge Instructions
Note 5 : Contractor Shall Select The Location For Dumping In Local Authority Approved Area With Documentary Proof.
Note 6 : Rate Shall Be Inclusive Of Cut And Fill Slope As Per Project Specification Required At Site During Excavation However Excavated Volume As Per Approved Drawing (Foundation/Structure Size) Shall Only Be Considered For Measurement.  

 Excavation By Manual Or Mechanised Method From 1.5 M To 3.0M Below NGL/FGL Around Foundation, Duct Banks, Culverts And Trenches/VALVE Pits, Miscellaneous Pits In All Types Of Soil Viz. Earth, Sand,Gravel, Clay, Soft & Hard Murum Etc. (Excluding Hard Rock) For Footings, Steps, Plinth Beams, Equipment Foundations, Drains, Trenches, Culverts, Duct 
Banks, Manholes, Underground Tanks/Pits, Etc Including Shoring Strutting, Dewatering Where Required (Until Foundation Work Is Complete). Item Also Includes Carting Of Surplus Excavated Earth, Stacking,Spreading, Levelling And Compacting/Consolidating Surplus Materials Within HPCL'S Premises Or Outside At An Approved Place For All Leads As Per 
Instructions Of Engineer In Charge (Rate Includes Removal Of Any Vegetation, Small Shrubs Etc. Having Girth Of 300 mm Or Less).Complete As Per Project Drawings, Specifications And As Directed By Engineer In Charge
        405.00  EXC.  1.5M TO 3M M3                      848.00
Note 1 : Rate Shall Be Inclusive Of All Royalties / Obtaining Clearance Of Local Authoraties  For Disposal & Borrow Area, No Extra Cost Whatsoever Than The Quoted Rates Shall Be Paid.
Note 2 : Rate Shall Be Inclusive Of Test Pits Required To Locate Existing Under Ground Utilities In The Excavation Area As Per The Engineer Incharge Instructions
Note 3 : Contractor Shall Select The Location For Dumping In Local Authority Approved Area With Documentary Proof.
Note 4 : Rate Shall Be Inclusive Of Cut And Fill Slope As Per Project Specification Required At Site During Excavation However Excavated Volume As Per Approved Drawing (Foundation/Structure Size) Shall Only Be Considered For Measurement.

Excavation  By Manual Or Mechanised Method Below 3.0 M  Below NGL/FGL Around Foundation, Duct Banks, Culverts And Trenches/VALVE Pits, Miscellaneous Pits In All Types Of Soil Viz. Earth, Sand,Gravel, Clay, Soft & Hard Murum Etc. (Excluding Hard Rock) For Footings, Steps, Plinth Beams, Equipment Foundations, Drains, Trenches, Culverts, Duct Banks, 
Manholes, Underground Tanks/Pits, Etc Including Shoring Strutting, Dewatering Where Required (Until Foundation Work Is Complete). Item Also Includes Carting Of Surplus Excavated Earth, Stacking,Spreading, Levelling And Compacting/Consolidating Surplus Materials Within HPCL'S Premises Or Outside At An Approved Place For All Leads As Per Instructions 
Of Engineer In Charge (Rate Includes Removal Of Any Vegetation, Small Shrubs Etc. Having Girth Of 300 mm Or Less). Complete As Per Project Drawings, Specifications And As Directed By Engineer In Charge

        406.00  EXC.  BELOW 3M M3                      224.00

Note 1: Rate Shall Be Inclusive Of All Royalties / Obtaining Clearance Of Local Authoraties  For Disposal & Borrow Area, No Extra Cost Whatsoever Than The Quoted Rates Shall Be Paid.
Note 2 : Rate Shall Be Inclusive Of Test Pits Required To Locate Existing Under Ground Utilities In The Excavation Area As Per The Engineer Incharge Instructions
Note 3 : Contractor Shall Select The Location For Dumping In Local Authority Approved Area With Documentary Proof.
Note 4 : Rate Shall Be Inclusive Of Cut And Fill Slope As Per Project Specification Required At Site During Excavation However Excavated Volume As Per Approved Drawing (Foundation/Structure Size) Shall Only Be Considered For Measurement.

Providing And Laying  Of 230 mm Thick Dry Rubble Stone Packing/Soling Below  Floor, Steps, Ramp, Foundations, Pit, Tank, Culvert, Duct Bank Etc. As Per Standard Drawing/Specification. Rate Shall Be Inclusive Of Blinding Layer, Watering, Compacting/Consolidating & Finishing To The Required Levels And Lines Etc. With Mechanical Rammers Complete As 
        407.00  230 MM THICK RUBBLE SOLING M3                          0.80
Directed. (Blinding Layer Shall Be Of Metal, Sand Or Murrum.)

Supply, Transportation, Laying, Filling And Spreading, Clean Locally Available River / M Sand / Crushed Sand Conforming To IS 383‐Zone (Ii) Or (Iii) In Layers Of 150 Mm Each Including Compacting By Roller, Plate Compactor, Hand Rammer And By Water Saturation, Compacting To Obtain 95% Of Maximum Dry Density All Complete As Per Specifications And As 
        408.00  SAND FILLING M3                      600.00
Directed And Instructed By Engineer In Charge. (Including Pre/Post Padding Wherever Applicable)

        409.00  Supply Transportation, Laying, Filling & Spreading Stable Permeable Sand‐Gravel Layer & Compacting To 95 % Of Maximum Dry Density As Per Specification & Drawing PERMEABLE SAND ‐GRAVEL M3                          1.70

Landscaping Of The Area Surrounding The Buildings, Along The Internal Roads / Walkways And Open Area, As Directed By Engineer In Charge, Shall Be Taken Up By The Contractor. Landscaping Theme And Types Of Plantation Shall Be Carefully Selected Considering The Green Certified Norms. Items Indicated In The Specifications Under Hardscape And 
Softscape Shall Be Considered To Complete The Landscape Within The Plant. Entire Scheme Shall Be Approved By The Engineer In Charge Prior To Execution At Site.
• Excavation In Ordinary Soil Up To An Average Depth Of 60 Cm Including Removal, Disposing Of Surplus/ Unusable Soil, Screening Of Serviceable Materials Soil, 
• Spreading And Dressing Of Screened Soil By Neatly Leveling And Making Up The Area To Proper Levels By Filling With Earth Or Earth Mixed With Cow Dung Or/And Manure Before And After Flooding With Water (Including Cost Of Imported Earth, Cow Dung Or Manure), Watering, Dressing,  Levelling,  Spreading  A Thin  Layer  Of  Fine Earth 50mm Thick  
Average Mixed With Cow Dung Or/And Manure Before And After Flooding
        410.00  • Uprooting Weeds From The Dressed Area After 10 To 15 Days Of Its Flooding With Water Including Disposal Of Uprooted Vegetation. LANDSCAPING & HORTICULTURE SM                      450.00
• Grassing With Indian Doab / Bermuda / Bahamas Grass, Trees Like Mango,Guava,Sweet Lime,Sapota,Jack Fruit,Custard Apple,Badam,Jamun,Ashoka Etc And, Plants Like Bouganvilla Of Minimum Height Of 1 Mtr (One Tree Shall Be Planted For Every 10 Sqm Area Of Garden), Locally Available Flowering Plants Of Differnt Types And Colors Like Hybiscus, 
Nagachampa, Crysanthimum, Jasmine, Roses,Etc., Hedges On Boundary As Per Approved Scheme Including Watering And Maintenance Of The Lawn For 3 Months Or More Till The Grass Forms A Thick Lawn.
• Edging With Bricks Laid Dry Length Wise, Including Required Excavation, Refilling, Consolidating With Hand Packing And Spreading Surplus Earth Neatly Common Burnt Clay F.P.S. (Non Modular) Bricks Of Class Designation 5.0.
• Rate To Include For Providing 80 Numbers Indoor Plants In Pots With Water Level Indicators (Self Watering Type) Of Minimum Dia 300mm To 450 Mm Of Upvc/ Pvc Make (Different Colors) With Suitable Manure, Borrow Earth, Base Plate And Approved Plants.
Rate To Include For Borrow Earth, As Required, Plants, Hedges, Trees, Cow Dung, Manure, Brick Etc. As Required To Complete The Job.

For M15 Grade Concrete With 20 mm Max Size & Down Graded Aggregate Under Foundations,Culvert,Drains, Paving,Base Slab, Plinth Beams, Walls, Manholes,VALVE Pits, Miscellaneous Pits, Tanks & Rafts Etc.The Rates For All Items Covered In This Section Shall Include Cost Of Dewatering, If Required Till Completion Of Works Upto Ground Level And 
Champhers In Concrete Works Shall Be Provided Wherever Required. Rate Of Concrete Work Shall Be Inclusive Of Materials Such As Cement, Sand, Aggregates, Water, Admixtures, Manpower, Machinery, Consumables etc. PCC ‐ Providing & Laying Plain Cement Concrete Conforming To IS:456‐2000, Using Specified Graded Coarse Aggregate Of Approved 
        411.00  M15 BELOW PLINTH LEVEL M3                      514.49
Quality At Various Locations Etc. Including Machine Mixing / RMC, Shuttering, Consolidating With Rammers/ Vibrators & Curing etc. Complete As Directed And Instructed By Engineer In Charge. 
Note 1 : Rate Shall Be Inclusive Of Supply & Laying Polythene Sheet As Per Drawing.

For M15 Grade Concrete With 20 mm Max Size & Down Graded Aggregate For Coping, Sill, Base Of Brick Wall Foundation, Concrete Block For Fence Etc.The Rates For All Items Covered In This Section Shall Include Cost Of Dewatering, If Required Till Completion Of Works Upto Ground Level And Champhers In Concrete Works Shall Be Provided Wherever 
Required. Rate Of Concrete Work Shall Be Inclusive Of Materials Such As Cement, Sand, Aggregates, Water, Admixtures, Manpower, Machinery, Consumables, Etc. PCC ‐ Providing & Laying Plain Cement Concrete Conforming To IS:456‐2000, Using Specified Graded Coarse Aggregate Of Approved Quality At Various Locations etc. Including Machine Mixing / 
        412.00  M15 FOR COPING,ETC M3                          0.80
RMC, Shuttering, Consolidating With Rammers/ Vibrators & Curing Etc. Complete As Directed And Instructed By Engineer In Charge. 

Plum Concrete Using 1:5:10 Mix PCC And Using Rubble Aggregate Below Foundations etc.The Rates For All Items Covered In This Section Shall Include Cost Of Dewatering, If Required Till Completion Of Works Upto Ground Level And Champhers In RCC Works Shall Be Provided Wherever Required. Rate Of Concrete Work Shall Be Inclusive Of Materials Such As 
Cement, Sand, Aggregates, Water, Admixtures, Manpower, Machinery, Consumables, Etc. PCC ‐ Providing & Laying Plain Cement Concrete Conforming To IS:456‐2000, Using Specified Graded Coarse Aggregate Of Approved Quality At Various Locations Etc. Including Machine Mixing / RMC, Shuttering, Consolidating With Rammers/ Vibrators & Curing Etc. 
        413.00  PLUM CONCRETE M3                          0.80
Complete As Directed And Instructed By Engineer In Charge. 

For M25 Grade Concrete Without Water Proofing Admixtures For Above Ground Works For  Columns, Beams, Slabs, Canopy, Chajja, Wall, Encasing Of Pipes Etc ..RCC ‐ Providing & Laying In Position Controlled Grade Reinforced Cement Concrete Conforming To IS:456‐2000, With Design Mix Of Required Grade At All Locations And Levels Using 20 mm And 
Down Size Graded Aggregates In All Types Of Works [Including Leaving Pockets, Placing Of Conduits, Making Openings, Inserts/ Sleeves In Columns/ Beams/ Slabs Etc.] ,Shuttering, All Construction, Isolation, Expansion Joints, Testing, Curing, Using Admixtures As Required, Lifting, Placing, Machine Vibrating, Tamping, Curing Etc. As Specified, Complete As Per 
Drawings & / Or As Directed By Engineer In Charge.Ready Mix Concrete Shall Be Used By Contractor With Concrete Having Required Quality At No Extra Cost. 
        414.00  RCC M25 WITHOUT WATERPROOF(AG) M3                        12.80
Note: (1) The Rate Also Includes Cost Of Providing Offsets, Groove, Cutouts, Curved & Straight Formwork, Construction Joints, Expansion Joint, Making Holes In Or Cutting Formwork For Taking Out Dowel Bars, Hacking The Exposed Surfaces To Receive Plaster As Necessary.                     
(2) Rate Of Supply And Fixing Reinforcement Steel And Any Other Embedded  Items Shall Be Measured And Paid Seperately.

For M25 Grade Concrete Without Water Proofing Admixtures For Below Ground Works For Duct Bank, Footings/Foundations, Plinth Beams, Raft Slabs, Pedestals, Trenches, Manhole Pit, Culverts, Drains, Sumps, VALVE Pits, Miscellaneous Pits , Tanks, Equipment Foundations,  Encasing Of Pipes Etc At Depth Below And Upto Plinth Level/Top Of Pedestal. Note : 
Rate Shall Be Inclusive Of Supply & Laying/Applying 3 Coats Of Modified Bituminous Paint  As Per Drawing.RCC ‐ Providing & Laying In Position Controlled Grade Reinforced Cement Concrete Conforming To IS:456‐2000, With Design Mix Of Required Grade At All Locations And Levels Using 20 mm And Down Size Graded Aggregates In All Types Of Works 
[Including Leaving Pockets, Placing Of Conduits, Making Openings, Inserts/ Sleeves In Columns/ Beams/ Slabs Etc.] ,Shuttering, All Construction, Isolation, Expansion Joints, Testing, Curing, Using Admixtures As Required, Lifting, Placing, Machine Vibrating, Tamping, Curing Etc. As Specified, Complete As Per Drawings & / Or As Directed By Engineer In 
        415.00  RCC M25 WITHOUT WATERPROOF(BG) M3                  2,028.53
Charge.Ready Mix Concrete Shall Be Used By Contractor With Concrete Having Required Quality At No Extra Cost. 
Note: (1) The Rate Also Includes Cost Of Providing Offsets, Groove, Cutouts, Curved & Straight Formwork, Construction Joints, Expansion Joint, Making Holes In Or Cutting Formwork For Taking Out Dowel Bars, Hacking The Exposed Surfaces To Receive Plaster As Necessary.                     
(2) Rate Of Supply And Fixing Reinforcement Steel And Any Other Embedded  Items Shall Be Measured And Paid Seperately

Providing, Casting, Supplying, Transporting & Erecting In Position RCC Precast Concrete for C shaped structural slab over pipeline as per standard drawing and for COVERS OVER TRENCH Of M30 Grade With 20 mm & Down Graded Stone Aggregates For All Leads & Levels Including All Moulds, Shuttering & Centering, Vibrating, Tamping, Curing, Finishing The 
Top Surface To Give A Smooth & Even Surface, Providing Lifting Lugs, Aligning & Fixing In Position With Cement Mortar 1:3 (1 Cement : 3 Sand) Breaking Bricks & Or Concrete Surfaces & Making Good The Same Etc. Complete As Specified. 
        416.00  P.CAST M30(C‐SHP STRUCT.SLAB) M3 8
(1) Rate Of Supply And Fixing Reinforcement Steel And Any Other Embedded Steel Items Shall Be Measured And Paid Seperately

        417.00  Supply And Laying Pvc Pipe Sleeves Of 75mm Dia. Pvc Pipe Shall Conform To Class‐I As Per Is:4985. The Jointing Of Pipes Shall Be Done By Expanding One End After Heating And Using Solvent Cement. They Shall Be Encased In Concrete As Shown In Standard Drawings (Encasement Work Shall Be Paid Separately Under Concrete Item) PVC PIPE SLEEVES‐75MM MR                        40.00

        418.00  Supply And Laying Pvc Pipe Sleeves Of 150mm Dia. Pvc Pipe Shall Conform To Class‐I As Per Is:4985. The Jointing Of Pipes Shall Be Done By Expanding One End After Heating And Using Solvent Cement. They Shall Be Encased In Concrete As Shown In Standard Drawings (Encasement Work Shall Be Paid Separately Under Concrete Item) PVC PIPE SLEEVES‐100MM MR                      760.00

HYSD Conforming To IS:1786 Of Grade Fe500D . Providing , Laying & Fixing In Position Reinforcement As Per Drawings. Locations & Levels Including Bar Bending Schedules & Obtaining Their Approval, Cutting, Bending & Binding With 16 Or 18 Gauge Annealed Wire Conforming To IS 280 Incl. Placing Proper Concrete Cover Blocks, Chair Supports Etc Complete 
        419.00  HYSD FE 500D TM                      195.20
As Specified And Directed By Engineer In Charge.

Embedded Insert Plates, Insert/Corner Angles/Channels, Pipesleeves Along With Lugs/Holdfast Including Painting As Per Painting Specifications For Steel Structures. Plate/Angle/Channels Shall Be Conforming To IS 2062. Lugs Shall Be Ms Rounds Conforming To IS 2062 And IS 432 Grade 1. Providing, Fabricating And Fixing In Position At Required Locations To 
        420.00  INSERT PLATES TM                          4.28
Correct Lines And Levels, Angles, Inserts, Pipe Sleeves, For Columns, Floors, Machine Foundations, Cable Trenches And All Types Of RCC, PCC & Masonry Incl. Necessary Welding, Machining, Grinding, Threading Etc. Rate Shall Include Providing, Making And Positioning Templates. (All Materials & Accessories Required Shall Be Provided By Contractor). 

Anchor Bolt ‐ Supply, Fabricating And Fixing In Position As Per Drawing (Complete Assembly), Incl. Necessary Coating, Galvanizing, Welding, Machining, Grinding, Threading Etc. Rate Shall Include Supply, Making And Positioning Templates. (All Materials & Accessories Required Shall Be Provided By Contractor). 
        421.00  Note : Refer Standard Drawing ( 15963‐000‐CI‐DST‐0001) For Anchor Bolt Materail,Coating & Details.Providing, Fabricating And Fixing In Position At Required Locations To Correct Lines And Levels, Pipe Sleeves, Anchor Bolts For Columns, Floors, Machine Foundations, Cable Trenches And All Types Of RCC, PCC & Masonry Incl. Necessary Welding, Machining,  ANCHOR BOLTS TM                          1.99
Grinding, Threading Etc. Rate Shall Include Providing, Making And Positioning Templates. (All Materials & Accessories Required Shall Be Provided By Contractor).

        422.00  Providing, Laying And Curing Non‐Shrink Cement Based Grout Having Minimum Compressive Strength Of 40N/mm2  Including Providing Necessary Formwork As Required. GROUT 40 MPA CEMENT M3                          2.38

        423.00  Providing, Laying And Curing Cement Sand Grout (1:2) Including Providing Necessary Formwork As Required. CEMENT SAND GROUT M3                          1.20

Providing, Fabricating, Bending, Welding And/Or Bolting, As Required, Erecting And Fixing In Position All Types Of Structural Steel Works (E250 B) (Including Painting As Per Specifications) Viz. Columns,Beams, Rafters, Trusses, Purlins, Bracing, Ladders And Cage Ladders, Sag Rods, Metal Sheet, View Cutter, Cable Trey/ Instrument/ Jb/ Pannel/ Lcs Supports & 
Base Frames, Cross Over, Platform, Structural Supports  (Except Cheqd. Plates, Grating & Pipe Railing Only) Made Up Of Rolled, Hollow & Built Up Sections With Moment Or Shear Connections, Shop/Site Fabricated Including All Accessories Viz. Anchor Fasteners, Nuts, Bolts, Cleats, Gussets, Suspenders Etc As Per Specification Complete As Directed By Engineer 
In Charge. 
        424.00  STRUCTURAL STEEL TM                        39.72
The Rate To Include For Welding Weights, Site Connection, Anchor Fasteners, Nut & Bolts And Same Will Not Be Measured For Payment.(Painting & Shot Blasting Shall Be Included In This Item.) The Rate Shall Include For Preparing & Providing Detailed Fabrication Drawings Based On Design Drawings & Specifications And Getting The Same Approved From The 
Engineer In Charge.  
Painting With Primer & Paint Of Approved Quality & Make Including Preparation Of Surface Shall Be As Per Sa 2.5, Primer Coat Shall Be Inorganic Zinc Silicate Coating Of 75 DFT In Micron, Intermediate Coat Shall Be 2 Coats Of  High Built  Two‐Pack Polyamide Cured Epoxy Paint @ 120 Micron DFT/Coat = 2X120 = 240 Micron & Finish Coat Shall Be Single Coats 
Of Aliphatic Acrylic Modified ( Isocynate Cured) Recotable Two‐Pack Polyurethane Of 50 DFT In Micron, Work Shall Be Including Scaffolding Etc. All Complete As Directed & Instructed By  Engineer In Charge. (Rate Shall Include Cost Of Supply Of Paint.) Payment Will Be On The Basis Of Weight Of Structural Steel Erected.

Provide, Fabricate, Transport, Erect And Fix Complete Ms Handrail Made Out Of MS Pipes (Appr. 1050 mm High) With 32Nb(M) Dia. Pipe Hand Rail, 25 mm Nb(M) Dia Pipe Mid Rail And 100 X 6 mm Thk. Toe Plate With 32Nb Pipe Rail Post Spaced At Approx.1500 C/C And At Corners & Change Of Direction As Per Specifications & Standard Drawing (15963‐000‐ST‐
        425.00  MS HANDRAIL TM                          0.08
DST‐0004). Also Including Assembly For Fixing To Inserts Or Stringer Beams Complete In All Respects Including Surface Preparation And Painting As Per Specifications For Painting On Steel Structures As Directed & Instructed By Engineer In Charge. 

        426.00  Provide, Fabricate, Transport, Erect Hot Dip Galvanised Grating 25 mm Thick Including Providing & Fixing In Position, Galvanising, Etc. Complete As Per Specifications & Standard Drawing (15963‐000‐ST‐DST‐0002)On Floors, Walkways, Platforms, Landings, Trenches & Grated Treads At All Levels Etc.  GALVANISED GRATING TM                          3.60

        427.00  Provide, Fabricate, Transport, Erect 6 mm Thick Ms Chequered Plates With Stiffners. Including Providing & Fixing In Position (Welded/Bolted) Etc. Complete As Per Specifications & Standard Drawing (15963‐000‐ST‐DST‐0002) On Floors, Walkways, Platforms, Landings, Trenches At All Levels Etc.  MS CHEQUERED PLATES TM                          0.08

Brickwork In CM 1:6 (1 Cement: 6 Coarse Sand) For Superstructure (Thickness As Per Drawings). Providing, Storage And Constructing Brick Masonry With Cement Mortar To The True Line, Level Using Best Quality Locally Available Bricks Of Class Designation 5.0 (Minimum) And Conforming To IS : 1077  Including Providing All Openings And Projections, Raking 
        428.00  BRICKWORK (AG) M3                        40.00
The Joints To 1 cm Deep, Scaffolding, Curing , Working At All Height, Treatment For Efflorescence If Required, Etc. Complete As Per Project Specification. 

Brickwork In CM 1:4 (1 Cement: 4 Coarse Sand) For Foundation, Trenches And Storm Water Drains (Thickness As Per Drawings).Providing, Storage And Constructing Brick Masonry With Cement Mortar To The True Line, Level Using Best Quality Locally Available Bricks Of Class Designation 5.0 (Minimum) And Conforming To IS : 1077  Including Providing All 
        429.00  BRICKWORK (BG) M3                        40.00
Openings And Projections, Raking The Joints To 1 cm Deep, Scaffolding, Curing , Working At All Height, Treatment For Efflorescence If Required, Etc. Complete As Per Project Specification. 

 Providing And Constructing Random Rubble Stone Masonry In Cm 1:4  above and below FGL/NGL, Raking The Joints To 1cm Deep, And Also Flush/Raised Pointing With 1:3 Cement Mortar , Scaffolding, Soaking Of Stones Prior To Use Curing And Providing Key Stones Etc. As Per Instructions Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. No Separate Rate Shall Be Paid For Flush/ 
        430.00  RR MASONRY M3                          3.20
Raised Pointing (Flush Pointing Shall Be Done Till Ground Level Only And Above This Raised Pointing Shall Be Done)

        431.00  Provide And Fixing Light Duty CI Covers Conforming To IS:1726 For 600 mm X 600 mm Inspection Chamber As Per Specification, Drawing And Instruction By Engineer In Charge. LIGHT DUTY CI COVERS EA                          8.00

        432.00  Supply And Laying 110mm Dia UPVC Pipe Along With Bends & Sockets Confirming To Class‐III As Per IS:4985. The Jointing Of Pipes Shall Be Done By Expanding One End After Heating And Using Solvent Cement. They Shall Be Encased In Concrete As Shown In Standard Drawings (Encasement Work Shall Be Paid Separately Under Concrete Item) UPVC 110 DIA MR                      200.00

        433.00  Supply And Laying 160mm Dia UPVC Pipe Along With Bends & Sockets Confirming To Class‐III As Per IS:4985. The Jointing Of Pipes Shall Be Done By Expanding One End After Heating And Using Solvent Cement. They Shall Be Encased In Concrete As Shown In Standard Drawings (Encasement Work Shall Be Paid Separately Under Concrete Item) UPVC 160 DIA MR                      200.00

        434.00  Supply And Laying 200mm Dia UPVC Pipe Along With Bends & Sockets Confirming To Class‐III As Per IS:4985. The Jointing Of Pipes Shall Be Done By Expanding One End After Heating And Using Solvent Cement. They Shall Be Encased In Concrete As Shown In Standard Drawings (Encasement Work Shall Be Paid Separately Under Concrete Item) UPVC 200 DIA MR                        40.00

        435.00  Supply And Laying Reinforced Concrete Light Duty 150 Dia Pipe Conforming To Class NP2 ( As Per IS 458), Non Pressure Pipes Including Excavation, Drilling/Chipping In Masonry Wall, Laying Of Pipe, Encasement Of Pipe  As Required, Joints In Pipe , Etc. Complete. (Encasement Work, If Required, Shall Be Paid Separately Under Concrete Item) RCC LIGHT DUTY 150 DIA PIPE MR                        40.00

Supply , Laying And Fitting High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Pipes For 150 mm Dia Conforming To IS: 14333  Below Ground As Per Specifications & Drawings Including Supply Of Necessary Sockets, Couplings, Excavation, Drilling/Chipping, Laying Of Pipe, Encasement Of Pipe As Required, Joints In Pipe , Back Filling Where Required Etc. Complete.
        436.00  HDPE PIPES FOR 150MM DIA MR                        40.00
(Encasement Work Shall Be Paid Separately Under Concrete Item)

Supply , Laying And Fitting High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Pipes For 200 mm Dia Conforming To IS: 14333  Below Ground As Per Specifications & Drawings Including Supply Of Necessary Sockets, Couplings, Excavation, Drilling/Chipping, Laying Of Pipe, Encasement Of Pipe As Required, Joints In Pipe , Back Filling Where Required Etc. Complete.
        437.00  HDPE PIPES FOR 200MM DIA MR                        40.00
(Encasement Work Shall Be Paid Separately Under Concrete Item)

        438.00  Providing, Filling, Spreading & Leveling Gravels Of Size Range 30 mm To 40mm In The Recharge Pit, Over The Existing Layer Of Boulders/Paving, In Required Thickness, For All Leads & Lifts, All Complete As Per  Direction Of Engineer‐In‐charge. GRAVEL FILL M3                        52.00

Providing & Fixing Interlocking 80 mm Thick Grey Cement Concrete Unishape Pavers In Red ( Terra Cotta), Black, Brown Or Any Colour Unishape (Monolithic‐Single Layer Precast Concrete Blocks) With Pigment @ 5% By Weight Of Cement Having Average Crushing Strength Of 30N/, Placed On Uniformly Graded River Sand Cushioning Of Average 
        439.00  Compacted Thickness 50 mm With Proper Compacting With Mechanical Compactor With The Proper Level, Grade And Camber Etc.Complete As Specified And As Directed By The Engineer.   GREY CEMENT CONCRETE PAVERS SM                      200.00
Note 1 : Rate Shall Be Inclusive Of Supply & Laying Of Sand Bed & Sub‐Base Preparation.

Supply of  0.5" Pipe,A106 Gr.B,Seamless,ASME B36.10M, PE

Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        440.00  SUP OF 0.5" PIPE, CS,  MT 24
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  0.75" Pipe,A106 Gr.B,Seamless,ASME B36.10M, PE

Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        441.00  SUP OF 0.75" PIPE, CS,  MT 30
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  1" Pipe, A106 Gr.B, Seamless, ASME B36.10M,, PE

Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        442.00  SUP OF 1" PIPE, CS,  MT 102
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  2" Pipe,A106 Gr.B,Seamless,ASME B36.10M, BE

Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        443.00  SUP OF 2" PIPE, CS,  MT 114
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  3" Pipe, A106 Gr.B, Seamless, ASME B36.10M,, BE

Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        444.00  SUP OF 3" PIPE, CS, SCH 40 MT 96
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  3" Pipe,A106 Gr.B,Seamless,ASME B36.10M, BE

Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        445.00  SUP OF 3" PIPE, CS, SCH 80 MT 72
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  4" Pipe, A106 Gr.B, Seamless, ASME B36.10M,, BE

Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        446.00  SUP OF 4" PIPE, CS, SCH 40 MT 144
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  4" Pipe,A106 Gr.B,Seamless,ASME B36.10M, BE

Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        447.00  SUP OF 4" PIPE, CS, SCH 80. MT 678
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  0.75" 90 Elbow LR,ASTM A105,Class 3000,ASME B16.11, SW

Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        448.00  SUP OF 0.75" ELBOW 90, CS,  EA                        14.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  1" 90 Elbow LR, ASTM A105, Class 3000, ASME B16.11,, SW

Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        449.00  SUP OF 1" ELBOW 90, CS,  EA                        70.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  2" 90 Elbow LR,ASTM A234 Gr. WPB,Seamless,ASME B16.9, BW

Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        450.00  SUP OF 2" ELBOW 90, CS,  EA                        62.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  3" 90 Elbow LR, ASTM A234 Gr. WPB, Seamless, ASME B16.9,, BW

Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        451.00  SUP‐3" ELBOW 90, SCH 40, CS,  EA                        14.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  3" 90 Elbow LR,ASTM A234 Gr. WPB,Seamless,ASME B16.9, BW

Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        452.00  SUP‐3" ELBOW 90, SCH 80, CS,  EA                        28.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  4" 90 Elbow LR, ASTM A234 Gr. WPB, Seamless, ASME B16.9,, BW

Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        453.00  SUP‐4" ELBOW 90, SCH 40, CS,  EA                        35.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  4" 90 Elbow LR,ASTM A234 Gr. WPB,Seamless,ASME B16.9, BW

Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        454.00  SUP‐4" ELBOW 90, SCH 40,CS,  EA                          5.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  4" 90 Elbow LR,ASTM A234 Gr. WPB,Seamless,ASME B16.9, BW

        455.00  Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And  SU4" ELBOW 90, SCH 40, CS,  EA                        50.00

Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  4" Cap,ASTM A234 Gr. WPB,Seamless,ASME B16.9, BW

Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        456.00  SUP OF 4" CAP, CS,  EA                        17.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  4" Spectacle Blind Or Fig.8, A105 , ASME B16.48,, RF

Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        457.00  SUP4" SPEC. BLIND, CS, CL. 300 EA                          4.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  4" Spectacle Blind Or Fig.8, A105 , ASME B16.48,, RF

Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        458.00  SUP‐4"  SPEC.BLIND, CS, CL.300 EA                        14.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  2"x0.5" Sockolet,ASTM A105,Class 3000,MSS SP 97

Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        459.00  SUP OF 0.5" Sockolet, CS EA                        37.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  4"x0.75" Sockolet,ASTM A105,Class 3000,MSS SP 97

Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        460.00  SUP‐0.75" Sockolet, CS EA                        14.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  2" Tee Equal,ASTM A234 Gr. WPB,Seamless,ASME B16.9, BW

Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        461.00  SUP‐2" EQ. TEE, SCH 80, CS,  EA                        28.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  4" Tee Equal,ASTM A234 Gr. WPB,Seamless,ASME B16.9, BW

Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        462.00  SUP‐4" EQ. TEE, SCH 80, CS,  EA                        14.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  4"x2" Tee Reducing, ASTM A234 Gr. WPB, Seamless, ASME B16.9

Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        463.00  SUP‐4"x2",SCH 80,CS EA                        32.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  4"x3" Tee Reducing, ASTM A234 Gr. WPB, Seamless, ASME B16.9,

Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        464.00  SUP‐4"x3" Red.Tee, SCH 40,CS EA                          7.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  4"x3" Tee Reducing,ASTM A234 Gr. WPB,Seamless,ASME B16.9

Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        465.00  SUP‐4"x3" Red.Tee, SCH 80,CS EA                          7.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  0.5" Flange Socket Weld,A105 ,ASME B16.5, RF

Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        466.00  SUP‐0.5" FLANGE,CS, CL.600 EA                        12.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  0.75" Flange Socket Weld,A105 ,ASME B16.5, RF

Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        467.00  SUP‐0.75" FLANGE, CS, CL. 600 EA                        26.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  1" Flange Socket Weld,A105 ,ASME B16.5, RF

Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        468.00  SUP‐1" FLANGE, CS, CL. 300 EA                        13.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  2" Flange Weld Neck,A105 ,ASME B16.5, RF

Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        469.00  SUP‐2" FLANGE, CS, CL. 600 EA                      204.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  3" Flange Weld Neck, A105 , ASME B16.5,, RF

Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        470.00  SUP‐3" FLANGE, CS, CL. 300 EA                          7.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  3" Flange Weld Neck,A105 ,ASME B16.5, RF

        471.00  Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And  SUP‐3" FLANGE, CS, CL. 600 EA                        42.00

Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  4" Flange Weld Neck, A105 , ASME B16.5,, RF

Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        472.00  SUP‐4" FLANGE, CS, CL. 300 EA                        77.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  4" Flange Weld Neck,A105 ,ASME B16.5, RF

Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        473.00  SUP‐4" FLANGE, CS, CL. 600 EA                        14.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  0.5" Flange Blind,A105 ,ASME B16.5, RF

Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        474.00  SUP‐0.5" BL. FLG, CS, CL. 600 EA                          6.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  0.75" Flange Blind,A105 ,ASME B16.5

Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        475.00  SUP‐0.75" BL. FLG, CS, CL. 600 EA                          1.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  2" Flange Blind,A105 ,ASME B16.5, RF

Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        476.00  SUP‐2" BL. FLG, CS, CL. 600 EA                          2.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  1" Flange Blind,A105 ,ASME B16.5, RF

Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        477.00  SUP‐1" BL. FLG, CS, CL. 600 EA                          1.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  3" Flange Blind, A105 , ASME B16.5,, RF

Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        478.00  SUP‐3" BL. FLG, CS, CL. 300 EA                          7.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  4" Flange Blind, A105 , ASME B16.5,, RF

Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        479.00  SUP‐4" BL. FLG, CS, CL. 300 EA                          7.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  4" Flange Blind,A105 ,ASME B16.5, RF

Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        480.00  SUP‐4" BL. FLG, CS, CL. 600 EA                          2.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  0.5" Spiral Wound Gasket, SS316 Winding with Graphite Filler, 600, ASME B16.20,

Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        481.00  SUP‐0.5" GASKET, CL 600 EA                        68.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  0.75" Spiral Wound Gasket, SS316 Winding with Graphite Filler, 600, ASME B16.20,

Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        482.00  SUP‐0.75"GASKET, CL 600 EA                          1.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  2" Spiral Wound Gasket, SS316 Winding with Graphite Filler, 600, ASME B16.20,

Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        483.00  SUP‐2" GASKET, CL 600 EA                      210.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  3" Spiral Wound Gasket, SS316 Winding with Graphite Filler, 300, ASME B16.20,

Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        484.00  SUP‐3" GASKET, CL 300 EA                        21.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  3" Spiral Wound Gasket, SS316 Winding with Graphite Filler, 600, ASME B16.20,

Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        485.00  Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work. SUP‐3" GASKET, CL 600 EA                        42.00

Supply of  4" Spiral Wound Gasket, SS316 Winding with Graphite Filler, 300, ASME B16.20,

Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        486.00  SUP‐4" GASKET, CL 300 EA                        84.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  4" Spiral Wound Gasket, SS316 Winding with Graphite Filler, 600, ASME B16.20,

Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        487.00  SUP‐4" GASKET, CL 600 EA                        16.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.


Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        488.00  SUP‐2"INSU.GASKET, CL 600 EA                        34.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  1" Spiral Wound Gasket, SS316 Winding with Graphite Filler, 300, ASME B16.20,

Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        489.00  SUP‐1" GASKET, CL 300 EA                        14.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  0.75" Spiral Wound Gasket, SS316 Winding with Graphite Filler, 600, ASME B16.20,

Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        490.00  SUP‐0.75" GASKET, CL 600 EA                        14.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  0.5" x 75mm Stud & Nuts, ASTM A193 Gr. B7/ ASTM A194 Gr. 2H,

Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        491.00  SUP‐0.5"x75 mm long STUDS EA                        48.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  0.625" x 90mm Stud & Nuts, ASTM A193 Gr. B7/ ASTM A194 Gr. 2H,

Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        492.00  SUP‐0.625"x90 mm long STUDS EA                      100.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  0.625" x 110mm Stud & Nuts, ASTM A193 Gr. B7/ ASTM A194 Gr. 2H,

Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        493.00  SUP‐0.625"x110mm long STUDS EA                  1,632.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  0.75" x 120mm Stud & Nuts, ASTM A193 Gr. B7/ ASTM A194 Gr. 2H,

Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        494.00  SUP‐0.75"x120 mm long STUDS EA                        56.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  0.75" x 125mm Stud & Nuts, ASTM A193 Gr. B7/ ASTM A194 Gr. 2H,

Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        495.00  SUP‐0.75"x 125mm long STUDS EA                      952.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  0.875" x 145mm Stud & Nuts, ASTM A193 Gr. B7/ ASTM A194 Gr. 2H,

Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        496.00  SUP‐0.875"x145 mm long STUDS EA                      112.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  0.5" x 75mm Stud & Nuts, ASTM A193 Gr. B7/ ASTM A194 Gr. 2H,

Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        497.00  SUP‐0.5"x75mm long STUDS EA                        56.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  0.625" x 110mm Stud & Nuts, ASTM A193 Gr. B8/ ASTM A194 Gr. 8,

Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        498.00  SUP‐0.625"x110 mm long STUDS EA                  1,632.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.


Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        499.00  SUP‐2"‐MIJ EA                          7.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.


Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        500.00  SUP‐4"‐MIJ EA                        35.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.


Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        501.00  SUP‐4"  FLAME ARRESTOR, CL 300 EA                          7.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.


Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        502.00  SUP‐4"  Special Item, CL 300 EA                          7.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  4" Restricted Orifice

        503.00  Supply of  4" FLEXIBLE HOSEE, FLANGED SUP‐4" Rest. Orifice, CL 300 EA                          7.00


Supply of 10" Pipe, A106 Gr.B, Seamless, ASME B36.10M, Impact Tested, BE

Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        504.00  SUP OF 10" PIPE, SCH 80, CS,  MT                      155.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  14" Pipe, A106 Gr.B, Seamless, ASME B36.10M, Impact Tested, BE

Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        505.00  SUP OF 14" PIPE, SCH 80, CS,  MT                          4.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  10" 90 Elbow LR, ASTM A234 Gr. WPB, Seamless, ASME B16.9, Impact Tested, BW

Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        506.00  SUP‐10" ELBOW 90, SCH 80, CS,  EA                        18.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of 14" 90 Elbow LR, ASTM A234 Gr. WPB, Seamless, ASME B16.9, Impact Tested, BW

Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        507.00  SUP‐14" ELBOW 90, SCH 80, CS,  EA                          3.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of 10" (HOLD) Spacer & Blind (Blank & Spacer),A516 Gr. 70,ASME B16.48, RF

Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        508.00  SUP‐10"SPEC.BLIND,CS,CL.600 EA                          1.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of 14"x0.75" Sockolet,ASTM A105,Class 3000,MSS SP 97

Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        509.00  SUP‐0.75"Sockolet,CS EA                          1.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  14"x4" Weldolet,ASTM A105,MSS SP 97, BW

Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        510.00  SUP‐2"Weldolet,CS. EA                          3.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  14"x4" Weldolet,ASTM A105,MSS SP 97, BW

Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        511.00  SUP‐4"Weldolet,CS. EA                          2.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of 14" Tee Equal, ASTM A234 Gr. WPB, Seamless, ASME B16.9, Impact Tested, BW

Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        512.00  SUP‐14"EQ.TEE,CS, EA                          1.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of 10" Tee Equal, ASTM A234 Gr. WPB, Seamless, ASME B16.9, Impact Tested, BW

Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        513.00  SUP‐10"EQ.TEE,CS, EA                          2.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  10"x2" Weldolet,ASTM A105,MSS SP 97, BW

Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        514.00  SUP‐2"Weldolet,CS EA                        14.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  10"x3" Weldolet,ASTM A105,MSS SP 97, BW

Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        515.00  SUP‐3"Weldolet,CS EA                        14.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  10"x4" Weldolet,ASTM A105,MSS SP 97, BW

Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        516.00  SUP‐4"Weldolet,CS EA                        14.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  10" Flange Weld Neck, A105 , ASME B16.5, Impact Tested, RF

Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        517.00  SUP‐10"FLANGE,CS,CL.600 EA                          4.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  14" Flange Weld Neck, A105 , ASME B16.5, Impact Tested, RF

Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        518.00  SUP‐14"FLANGE,CS,CL.600 EA                          3.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  14" Flange Blind, A105 , ASME B16.5, Impact Tested, RF

Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        519.00  SUP‐14"BL.FLG,CS,CL.600 EA                          3.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  10" Spiral Wound Gasket, SS316 Winding with Graphite Filler, 600, ASME B16.20,

Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        520.00  SUP‐10"GASKET,CL600 EA                          5.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  14" Spiral Wound Gasket, SS316 Winding with Graphite Filler, 600, ASME B16.20,

Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        521.00  Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work. SUP‐14"GASKET,CL600 EA                          4.00

Supply of 1.25" x 215mm Stud & Nuts, ASTM A193 Gr. B7/ ASTM A194 Gr. 2H,
ASME B18.2.1 / ASME B18.2.2,

        522.00  Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And  SUP‐1.25"x215mmlongSTUDS EA                        64.00

Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of 1.375" x 235mm Stud & Nuts, ASTM A193 Gr. B7/ ASTM A194 Gr. 2H,
ASME B18.2.1 / ASME B18.2.2,

Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        523.00  SUP‐1.375"x235mmlongSTUDS EA                        60.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  Copper Jumper strip

Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        524.00  SUP‐CopperJumperstrip25mmx3mm MT 42
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.


Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        525.00  SUP‐10"‐MIJ EA                          1.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  14"x1" INJECTION QUILL

Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        526.00  SUP‐14"x1"INJECTIONQUILL EA                          1.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of 0.5" Ball Valve,ASTM A105,CL. 800,API 608,Trim SS316 Seat
RPTFE, Lever Op.,SW, Val Tag BA‐C804‐R‐1

        527.00  Contractor To Supply below Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And  SUP‐0.5"BALLVAL‐RB,CS,CL.800 EA                        34.00

Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of 1" Ball Valve,ASTM A105,CL. 800,API 608,Trim 13 Cr Seat PTFE, Lever Op.,SW, Val Tag BA‐C804‐R

Contractor To Supply below Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        528.00  SUP‐1"BALLVAL‐RB,CS,CL.800 EA                        14.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of 2" Ball Valve,ASTM A216 Gr. WCB,CL. 600,API 6D,Trim
SS316 Seat RPTFE, Lever Op.,RF, Val Tag BA‐C600‐R

        529.00  Contractor To Supply below Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And  SUP‐2"BALLVAL‐RB,CS,CL.600 EA                        69.00

Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of 4" Ball Valve, ASTM A216 Gr. WCB, CL. 600, API 6D, Trim SS316 Seat RPTFE, Gear Op.,BE, Val Tag BA‐C612‐RG

Contractor To Supply below Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        530.00  SUP‐4"WEL.BALL‐RB,CS,CL.600,LO EA                        14.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of 0.75" Ball Valve,ASTM A105,CL. 800,API 608,Trim SS316 Seat
RPTFE, Lever Op.,SW, Val Tag BA‐C804‐F‐1

        531.00  Contractor To Supply below Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And  SUP‐0.75"BALLVAL‐FB,CS,CL.800 EA                        12.00

Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of 2" Ball Valve, ASTM A216 Gr. WCB, CL. 600, API 6D, Trim SS316 Seat RPTFE, Lever Op.,BE, Val Tag BA‐C602‐F

Contractor To Supply below Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        532.00  SUP‐2"WELD.BALL‐FB,CS,CL.600 EA                          2.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of 2" Ball Valve, ASTM A216 Gr. WCB, CL. 600, API 6D, Trim SS316 Seat RPTFE, Lever Op.,BE, Val Tag BA‐C602‐R

Contractor To Supply below Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        533.00  SUP‐2"WELD.BALLRB,CS,CL.600 EA                          2.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of 4" Ball Valve, ASTM A216 Gr. WCB, CL. 600, API 6D, Trim SS316 Seat RPTFE, Lever Op.,BE, Val Tag BA‐C602‐R

Contractor To Supply below Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        534.00  SUP‐2"WELD.BALL‐RB,CS,CL.600 EA                          7.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of 4" Ball Valve,ASTM A216 Gr. WCB,CL. 600,API 6D,Trim SS316 Seat RPTFE, Gear Op.,RF, Val Tag BA‐I610‐RG

Contractor To Supply below Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        535.00  SUP‐4"BALLVAL‐RB,CS,CL.600 EA                          7.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of 4" Ball Valve, ASTM A216 Gr. WCB, CL. 300, API 6D, Trim 13
Cr Seat PTFE, Lever Op.,BE, Val Tag BA‐C302‐R

        536.00  Contractor To Supply below Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And  SUP‐4"WELD.BALL‐RB,CS,CL.600 EA                          7.00

Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of 4" Ball Valve, ASTM A216 Gr. WCB, CL. 300, API 6D, Trim 13
Cr Seat PTFE, Lever Op.,BE, Val Tag BA‐C302‐R

        537.00  Contractor To Supply below Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And  SUP‐4"WELD.BALL‐RB,CS,CL.300 EA                        21.00

Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of 4" Ball Valve, ASTM A216 Gr. WCB, CL. 600, API 6D, Trim SS316 Seat RPTFE, Gear Op.,BE, Val Tag BA‐C612‐RG

Contractor To Supply below Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        538.00  SUP‐4"WELD.BAL‐RB,CS,CL.600,LC EA                          7.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of 4" Ball Valve, ASTM A216 Gr. WCB, CL. 600, API 6D, Trim SS316 Seat RPTFE, Gear Op.,BE, Val Tag BA‐C612‐RG

Contractor To Supply below Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        539.00  SUP‐4"WEL.BAL.RB,CS,CL.600 EA                          2.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of 2" , Excess flow check valve

Contractor To Supply below Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
        540.00  SUP‐SP.VALVE EA                        34.00
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of 2" Check Valve,ASTM A216 Gr. WCB,CL. 600,API 594,Trim
no. 5,RF, Val Tag CH‐L600

        541.00  Contractor To Supply below Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And  SUP‐2"CHECKVAL,CS,CL.600 EA                          7.00

Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of 4" Check Valve,ASTM A216 Gr. WCB,CL. 600,API 594,Trim
no. 5,RF, Val Tag CH‐L600

        542.00  Contractor To Supply below Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And  SUP‐4"CHECKVAL,CS,CL.600 EA                          7.00

Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Install,  TSV

Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Material From Owner’s Designated Place Of Issue, Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner Designated Place Of Issue To Contractor’s Own Stock Yard/Work Site/Work Shop Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Thereof, As Required; Supply Of All 
        543.00  Material, Equipment’s, Consumable As Defined In Contractor’s Scope Of Supply And Its Transportation To The Work Site; Installation Of Valves, Including Fixing Of Gaskets, Bolts, Studs, Nuts, Leveling, Aligning, Installation And Assembly Of Accessories Including Accessories For Actuators, If Any By Bolting/Threading Or Welding Of Pipes At All Elevations, Testing,  INST‐0.75"x1"TSV EA                        14.00
Completing All Work In All Respect As Per Drawings, Specifications, Other Provisions Of Contract And Direction Of The Engineer‐In‐Charge. Installation Of Valve With Flange, Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity 
Jumper Including Gasket. Stud/Nuts and Gasket shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce.
Stud Bolt Lengths Will Be Calculated Using The Basis Outlined In ASME B16.5 And Rounded Up To The Nearest 10mm. Flanged Joints Requiring Hydraulic Bolt Tensioning (For Bolt Diameters 1¼” And Larger. These Joints Are Supplied With A Longer Stud Bolt Designed To Accommodate 3 Heavy Hex Head Nuts).

Install,   0.5" Pipe,A106 Gr.B,Seamless,ASME B36.10M, PE

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        544.00  INST‐0.5"PIPE,CS, MT 24
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,   0.75" Pipe,A106 Gr.B,Seamless,ASME B36.10M, PE

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        545.00  INST‐0.75"PIPE,CS, MT 30
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,   1" Pipe, A106 Gr.B, Seamless, ASME B36.10M,, PE

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        546.00  INST‐1"PIPE,CS, MT 102
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,   2" Pipe,A106 Gr.B,Seamless,ASME B36.10M, BE

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        547.00  INST‐2"PIPE,CS, MT 114
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,   3" Pipe, A106 Gr.B, Seamless, ASME B36.10M,, BE

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        548.00  INST‐3"PIPE,CS,SCH40 MT 96
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,   3" Pipe,A106 Gr.B,Seamless,ASME B36.10M, BE

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        549.00  INST‐3"PIPE,CS,SCH80 MT 72
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,   4" Pipe, A106 Gr.B, Seamless, ASME B36.10M,, BE

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        550.00  INST‐4"PIPE,CS,SCH40 MT 144
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,   4" Pipe,A106 Gr.B,Seamless,ASME B36.10M, BE

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        551.00  INST‐4"PIPE,CS,SCH80 MT 678
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,   0.75" 90 Elbow LR,ASTM A105,Class 3000,ASME B16.11, SW

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        552.00  INST‐0.75"ELBOW90,CS, EA                        14.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,   1" 90 Elbow LR, ASTM A105, Class 3000, ASME B16.11,, SW

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        553.00  INST‐1"ELBOW90,CS, EA                        70.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,   2" 90 Elbow LR,ASTM A234 Gr. WPB,Seamless,ASME B16.9, BW

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        554.00  INST‐2"ELBOW90,CS, EA                        62.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,   3" 90 Elbow LR, ASTM A234 Gr. WPB, Seamless, ASME B16.9,, BW

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        555.00  INST‐3"ELBOW90,SCH40,CS, EA                        14.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,   3" 90 Elbow LR,ASTM A234 Gr. WPB,Seamless,ASME B16.9, BW

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        556.00  INST‐3"ELBOW90,SCH80,CS EA                        28.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,   4" 90 Elbow LR, ASTM A234 Gr. WPB, Seamless, ASME B16.9,, BW

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        557.00  INST‐4"ELBOW90,SCH40,CS EA                        35.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,   4" 90 Elbow LR,ASTM A234 Gr. WPB,Seamless,ASME B16.9, BW

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        558.00  INST‐4"ELBOW90,SCH40,CS.. EA                          5.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,   4" 90 Elbow LR,ASTM A234 Gr. WPB,Seamless,ASME B16.9, BW

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        559.00  INST‐4"ELBOW90,SCH40,CS, EA                        50.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,   4" Cap,ASTM A234 Gr. WPB,Seamless,ASME B16.9, BW

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        560.00  INST‐4"CAP,CS, EA                        17.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,   4" Spectacle Blind Or Fig.8, A105 , ASME B16.48,, RF

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        561.00  INST‐4"SPECT.BLIND,CS,CL.300. EA                          4.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,   4" Spectacle Blind Or Fig.8, A105 , ASME B16.48,, RF

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        562.00  INST‐4"SPECTALEBLIND,CS,CL.300 EA                        14.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,   2"x0.5" Sockolet,ASTM A105,Class 3000,MSS SP 97

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        563.00  INST‐0.5"Sockolet,CS EA                        37.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,   4"x0.75" Sockolet,ASTM A105,Class 3000,MSS SP 97

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        564.00  INST‐0.75"Sockolet,CS. EA                        14.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,   2" Tee Equal,ASTM A234 Gr. WPB,Seamless,ASME B16.9, BW

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        565.00  INST‐2"EQ.TEE,SCH80,CS, EA                        28.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,   4" Tee Equal,ASTM A234 Gr. WPB,Seamless,ASME B16.9, BW

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        566.00  INST‐4"EQ.TEE,SCH80,CS, EA                        14.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,   4"x2" Tee Reducing, ASTM A234 Gr. WPB, Seamless, ASME B16.9

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        567.00  INST‐4"x2"ReducingTee,SCH80,CS EA                        32.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,   4"x3" Tee Reducing, ASTM A234 Gr. WPB, Seamless, ASME B16.9,

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        568.00  INST‐4"x3"ReducingTee,SCH40,CS EA                          7.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,   4"x3" Tee Reducing,ASTM A234 Gr. WPB,Seamless,ASME B16.9

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        569.00  INST‐4"x3"ReducingTee,SCH80,CS EA                          7.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,   0.5" Flange Socket Weld,A105 ,ASME B16.5, RF

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        570.00  INST‐0.5"FLANGE,CS,CL.600 EA                        12.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,   0.75" Flange Socket Weld,A105 ,ASME B16.5, RF

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        571.00  INST‐0.75"FLANGE,CS,CL.600 EA                        26.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,   1" Flange Socket Weld,A105 ,ASME B16.5, RF

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        572.00  INST‐1"FLANGE,CS,CL.300 EA                        13.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,   2" Flange Weld Neck,A105 ,ASME B16.5, RF

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        573.00  INST‐2"FLANGE,CS,CL.600 EA                      204.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,   3" Flange Weld Neck, A105 , ASME B16.5,, RF

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        574.00  INST‐3"FLANGE,CS,CL.300 EA                          7.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,   3" Flange Weld Neck,A105 ,ASME B16.5, RF

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        575.00  INST‐3"FLANGE,CS,CL.600 EA                        42.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,   4" Flange Weld Neck, A105 , ASME B16.5,, RF

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        576.00  INST‐4"FLANGE,CS,CL.300 EA                        77.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,   4" Flange Weld Neck,A105 ,ASME B16.5, RF

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        577.00  INST‐4"FLANGE,CS,CL.600 EA                        14.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,   0.5" Flange Blind,A105 ,ASME B16.5, RF

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        578.00  INST‐0.5"BL.FLG,CS,CL.600 EA                          6.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,   0.75" Flange Blind,A105 ,ASME B16.5

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        579.00  INST‐0.75"BL.FLG,CS,CL.600 EA                          1.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,   2" Flange Blind,A105 ,ASME B16.5, RF

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        580.00  INST‐2"BL.FLG,CS,CL.600 EA                          2.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,   1" Flange Blind,A105 ,ASME B16.5, RF

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        581.00  INST‐1"BL.FLG,CS,CL.600 EA                          1.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,   3" Flange Blind, A105 , ASME B16.5,, RF

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        582.00  INST‐3"BL.FLG,CS,CL.300 EA                          7.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,   4" Flange Blind, A105 , ASME B16.5,, RF

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        583.00  INST‐4"BL.FLG,CS,CL.300 EA                          7.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,   4" Flange Blind,A105 ,ASME B16.5, RF

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        584.00  INST‐4"BL.FLG,CS,CL.600 EA                          2.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,   0.5" Spiral Wound Gasket, SS316 Winding with Graphite Filler, 600, ASME B16.20,

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        585.00  INST‐0.5"GASKET,CL600 EA                        68.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,   0.75" Spiral Wound Gasket, SS316 Winding with Graphite Filler, 600, ASME B16.20,

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        586.00  INST‐0.75"GASKET,CL600. EA                          1.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,   2" Spiral Wound Gasket, SS316 Winding with Graphite Filler, 600, ASME B16.20,

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        587.00  INST‐2"GASKET,CL600 EA                      210.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,   3" Spiral Wound Gasket, SS316 Winding with Graphite Filler, 300, ASME B16.20,

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        588.00  INST‐3"GASKET,CL300 EA                        21.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,   3" Spiral Wound Gasket, SS316 Winding with Graphite Filler, 600, ASME B16.20,

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        589.00  INST‐3"GASKET,CL600 EA                        42.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,   4" Spiral Wound Gasket, SS316 Winding with Graphite Filler, 300, ASME B16.20,

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        590.00  INST‐4"GASKET,CL300 EA                        84.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,   4" Spiral Wound Gasket, SS316 Winding with Graphite Filler, 600, ASME B16.20,

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        591.00  INST‐4"GASKET,CL600 EA                        16.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce


Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        592.00  INST‐2"INSULATINGGASKET,CL600 EA                        34.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,   1" Spiral Wound Gasket, SS316 Winding with Graphite Filler, 300, ASME B16.20,

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        593.00  INST‐1"GASKET,CL300 EA                        14.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,   0.75" Spiral Wound Gasket, SS316 Winding with Graphite Filler, 600, ASME B16.20,

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        594.00  INST‐0.75"GASKET,CL600 EA                        14.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,   0.5" x 75mm Stud & Nuts, ASTM A193 Gr. B7/ ASTM A194 Gr. 2H,

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        595.00  INST‐0.5"x75mmlongSTUDS EA                        48.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,   0.625" x 90mm Stud & Nuts, ASTM A193 Gr. B7/ ASTM A194 Gr. 2H,

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        596.00  INST‐0.625"x90mmlongSTUDS EA                      100.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,   0.625" x 110mm Stud & Nuts, ASTM A193 Gr. B7/ ASTM A194 Gr. 2H,

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        597.00  INST‐0.625"x110mmlongSTUDS EA                  1,632.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,   0.75" x 120mm Stud & Nuts, ASTM A193 Gr. B7/ ASTM A194 Gr. 2H,

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        598.00  INST‐0.75"x120mmlongSTUDS EA                        56.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,   0.75" x 125mm Stud & Nuts, ASTM A193 Gr. B7/ ASTM A194 Gr. 2H,

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        599.00  INST‐0.75"x125mmlongSTUDS EA                      952.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,   0.875" x 145mm Stud & Nuts, ASTM A193 Gr. B7/ ASTM A194 Gr. 2H,

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        600.00  INST‐0.875"x145mmlongSTUDS EA                      112.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,   0.5" x 75mm Stud & Nuts, ASTM A193 Gr. B7/ ASTM A194 Gr. 2H,

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        601.00  INST‐0.5"x75mmlongSTUDS. EA                        56.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,   0.625" x 110mm Stud & Nuts, ASTM A193 Gr. B8/ ASTM A194 Gr. 8,

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        602.00  INST‐0.625"x110mmlongSTUDS. EA                  1,632.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce


Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        603.00  INST‐2"‐MIJ EA                          7.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,  Copper Jumper strip for each flange connection.

Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
        604.00  Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required.  INST‐CopperJumperstrip25mmx3mm MT 42
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: . Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 


Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        605.00  INST‐4"‐MIJ EA                        35.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce


Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        606.00  INST‐4"FLAMEARRESTOR,CL300 EA                          7.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce


Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        607.00  INST‐4"SpecialItem,CL300 EA                          7.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,   4" Restricted Orifice

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        608.00  INST‐4"RestrictedOrifice,CL300 EA                          7.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,  10" Pipe, A106 Gr.B, Seamless, ASME B36.10M, Impact Tested, BE

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        609.00  INST‐10"PIPE,SCH80,CS, MT 174
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,  14" Pipe, A106 Gr.B, Seamless, ASME B36.10M, Impact Tested, BE

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        610.00  INST‐14"PIPE,SCH80,CS, MT 6
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,  10" 90 Elbow LR, ASTM A234 Gr. WPB, Seamless, ASME B16.9, Impact Tested, BW

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        611.00  INST‐10"ELBOW90,SCH80,CS, EA                        18.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,  14" 90 Elbow LR, ASTM A234 Gr. WPB, Seamless, ASME B16.9, Impact Tested, BW

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        612.00  INST‐14"ELBOW90,SCH80,CS, EA                          3.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,  10" (HOLD) Spacer & Blind (Blank & Spacer),A516 Gr. 70,ASME B16.48, RF

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        613.00  INST‐10"SPECT.BLIND,CS,CL.600 EA                          1.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,  14"x0.75" Sockolet,ASTM A105,Class 3000,MSS SP 97

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        614.00  INST‐0.75"Sockolet,CS EA                          1.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,  14"x4" Weldolet,ASTM A105,MSS SP 97, BW

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        615.00  INST‐2"Weldolet,CS. EA                          3.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,  14"x4" Weldolet,ASTM A105,MSS SP 97, BW

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        616.00  INST‐4"Weldolet,CS. EA                          2.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,  14" Tee Equal, ASTM A234 Gr. WPB, Seamless, ASME B16.9, Impact Tested, BW

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        617.00  INST‐14"EQ.TEE,CS, EA                          1.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,  10" Tee Equal, ASTM A234 Gr. WPB, Seamless, ASME B16.9, Impact Tested, BW

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        618.00  INST‐10"EQ.TEE,CS, EA                          2.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,  10"x2" Weldolet,ASTM A105,MSS SP 97, BW

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        619.00  INST‐2"Weldolet,CS EA                        14.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,  10"x4" Reducing Tee, CS. sch 80

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        620.00  INST‐10"x4"Red.Tee,CS,sch80 EA                        35.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,  10"x4" Weldolet,ASTM A105,MSS SP 97, BW

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        621.00  INST‐4"Weldolet,CS EA                        14.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,  10" Flange Weld Neck, A105 , ASME B16.5, Impact Tested, RF

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        622.00  INST‐10"FLANGE,CS,CL.600 EA                          4.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,  14" Flange Weld Neck, A105 , ASME B16.5, Impact Tested, RF

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        623.00  INST‐14"FLANGE,CS,CL.600 EA                          3.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,  14" Flange Blind, A105 , ASME B16.5, Impact Tested, RF

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        624.00  INST‐14"BL.FLG,CS,CL.600 EA                          3.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,  10" Spiral Wound Gasket, SS316 Winding with Graphite Filler, 600, ASME B16.20,

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        625.00  INST‐10"GASKET,CL600 EA                          5.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,  14" Spiral Wound Gasket, SS316 Winding with Graphite Filler, 600, ASME B16.20,

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        626.00  INST‐14"GASKET,CL600 EA                          4.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,  1.25" x 215mm Stud & Nuts, ASTM A193 Gr. B7/ ASTM A194 Gr. 2H,
ASME B18.2.1 / ASME B18.2.2,

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
        627.00  Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable;  INST‐1.25"x215mmlongSTUDS EA                        64.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,  1.375" x 235mm Stud & Nuts, ASTM A193 Gr. B7/ ASTM A194 Gr. 2H,
ASME B18.2.1 / ASME B18.2.2,

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
        628.00  Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable;  INST‐1.375"x235mmlongSTUDS EA                        60.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce


Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        629.00  INST‐10"‐MIJ EA                          1.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,  14"x1" INJECTION QUILL

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        630.00  INST‐14"x1"INJECTIONQUILL EA                          1.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,  10" Double Block & Bleed and Double Isolation Valve, ASTM A216 Gr. WCB, CL. 600, API 6D, Gear Op., Impact TestedRF, Val Tag DI‐L600‐G
Spec: D1X, Datasheet : 15963‐000‐PE‐DAS‐0013
        631.00  INST‐10"DIBV,CS,CL.600 EA                          1.00
Receiving and taking over of owner supplied valve, flanged / butt welded  end from owner's storage points to contractors stores / worksite and installation of these motor operated avcuated valves along with the actuater  in line with the Manufacturer Installation Manual & as per applicable P&ID and the piping GAD at above ground location. 

Install,  10" Check Valve,ASTM A216 Gr. WCB,CL. 600,API 594,Trim no. 5, Impact TestedRF, Val Tag CH‐L630
Spec: D1X, Datasheet : 15963‐000‐PE‐DAS‐0007

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving and taking over of owner supplied valve, flanged / butt welded  end from owner's storage points to contractors stores / worksite
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
        632.00  Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable;  INST‐10"CHECKVAL,CS,CL.600 EA                          1.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space

Install,  10", Globe Valve,ASTM A216 Gr. WCB,CL. 600,API 623,Trim no. 5, Gear Op., Extended stem, Val Tag DA‐I612‐GE
Spec: D1X, Datasheet : 15963‐000‐PE‐DAS‐0005
        633.00  INST‐10"WEL.GLOBEVAL,CS,CL.600 EA                          8.00
Receiving and taking over of owner supplied valve, flanged / butt welded  end from owner's storage points to contractors stores / worksite and installation of these motor operated avcuated valves along with the actuater  in line with the Manufacturer Installation Manual & as per applicable P&ID and the piping GAD at under ground location. 

Install,  10" HV, CL. 600
        634.00  INST‐10"HV,CL600,CS EA                          1.00
Receiving and taking over of owner supplied HV (with proximity switch), butt welded ends & extended stem from owner's storage points to contractors stores / worksite and installation of these motor operated avcuated valves along with the actuater in line with the Manufacturer Installation Manual & as per applicable P&ID and the piping GAD at 
underground location. 

Install,  10" HV, CL. 600
        635.00  INST‐10"HV,CL600,LC,CS EA                          8.00
Receiving and taking over of owner supplied HV (with proximity switch), butt welded ends & extended stem from owner's storage points to contractors stores / worksite and installation of these motor operated avcuated valves along with the actuater in line with the Manufacturer Installation Manual & as per applicable P&ID and the piping GAD at 
underground location. 

Install,  MOV‐1302
        636.00  INST‐14"MOV,CL.600,CS. EA                          1.00
Receiving and taking over of owner supplied motor operated avcuated valves  with flanged / butt welded  end from owner's storage points to contractors stores / worksite and installation of these motor operated avcuated valves along with the actuater  in line with the Manufacturer Installation Manual & as per applicable P&ID and the piping GAD at above 
ground location. 

Supply of  2" Pipe, A53 Gr.B, Electric Fusion Weld, Single butt weld, ASME B36.10M, BE

        637.00  Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And  SUP‐2"PIPE,CS,SCH80 MT                      210.00

Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  2" 90 Elbow LR, ASTM A234 Gr. WPB, Welded, ASME B16.9, BW
        638.00  SUP‐2"ELBOW90,SCH80,CS, EA                        35.00
Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  4"x2" Concentric Reducer, ASTM A234 Gr. WPB, Welded, ASME B16.9, BW
        639.00  SUP‐4"x2"CONEREDUCER,SCH80,CS EA                          7.00
Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  2" Flange Blind, A105 , ASME B16.5, RF
        640.00  SUP‐2"FLANGE,CS,CL.150,SCH80 EA                        14.00
Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  2" Flange Blind, A105 , ASME B16.5, RF
        641.00  SUP‐4"FLANGE,CS,CL.150,SCH80 EA                          7.00
Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  4" Flange Blind, A105 , ASME B16.5, RF
        642.00  SUP‐4"BLINDFLANGE,CS,CL.150 EA                          7.00
Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  2" Spiral Wound Gasket, SS316 Winding with Graphite Filler, CL. 150, ASME B16.20,
        643.00  SUP‐2"GASKET,CL150 EA                        14.00
Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  2" Spiral Wound Gasket, SS316 Winding with Graphite Filler, CL. 150, ASME B16.20,
        644.00  SUP‐4"GASKET,CL150 EA                          7.00
Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of 2" Gate Valve,ASTM A216 Gr. WCB,CL. 150,API 600,Trim 13Cr, Handwheel Op., TAG: GA‐C110

        645.00  Contractor To Supply below Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And  SUP‐2"GATEVALVE,CS,CL.150 EA                          7.00

Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  0.625" x 95mm Stud & Nuts, ASTM A193 Gr. B7/ ASTM A194 Gr. 2H,
        646.00  SUP‐0.625"x95mmlongSTUDS EA                        56.00
Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Supply of  0.625" x 100mm Stud & Nuts, ASTM A193 Gr. B7/ ASTM A194 Gr. 2H,
        647.00  SUP‐0.625"x100mmlongSTUDS EA                        28.00
Contractor To Supply Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐Charge And 
Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Install,   2" Pipe, A53 Gr.B, Electric Fusion Weld, Single butt weld, ASME B36.10M, BE

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        648.00  INSTOF2"PIPE,CS,SCH80 MT                      210.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,   2" 90 Elbow LR, ASTM A234 Gr. WPB, Welded, ASME B16.9, BW

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        649.00  INSTOF2"ELBOW90,SCH80,CS, EA                        35.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,  4"x2" Concentric Reducer, ASTM A234 Gr. WPB, Welded, ASME B16.9, BW

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        650.00  INSTOF4"x2"CON.RED.,SCH80,CS EA                          7.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,   2" Flange Weld Neck, A105 , ASME B16.5,, RF

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        651.00  INSTOF2"FLANGE,CS,CL.150,SCH80 EA                        14.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,   4" Flange Weld Neck, A105 , ASME B16.5,, RF

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        652.00  INSTOF4"FLANGE,CS,CL.150,SCH80 EA                          7.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,   4" Flange Weld Neck, A105 , ASME B16.5,, RF

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        653.00  INSTOF4"BLINDFLANGE,CS,CL.150 EA                          7.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,   2" Spiral Wound Gasket, SS316 Winding with Graphite Filler, CL. 150, ASME B16.20,

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        654.00  INSTOF2"GASKET,CL150 EA                        14.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,   2" Spiral Wound Gasket, SS316 Winding with Graphite Filler, CL. 150, ASME B16.20,

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        655.00  INSTOF4"GASKET,CL150 EA                          7.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install, 2" Gate Valve,ASTM A216 Gr. WCB,CL. 150,API 600,Trim 13Cr, Handwheel Op., TAG: GA‐C110
Spec: A3U, Datasheet : 15963‐000‐PE‐DAS‐0003

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
        656.00  Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable;  INS‐2"GATEVALVE,CS,CL.150 EA                          7.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space

Install,   0.625" x 95mm Stud & Nuts, ASTM A193 Gr. B7/ ASTM A194 Gr. 2H,

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        657.00  INSTOF0.625"x95mmlongSTUDS EA                        56.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install,   0.625" x 100mm Stud & Nuts, ASTM A193 Gr. B7/ ASTM A194 Gr. 2H,

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing Of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) Of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        658.00  INSTOF0.625"x100mmlongSTUDS EA                        28.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping spce

Install, 4" Ball Valve, ASTM A216 Gr. WCB, CL. 600, API 6D, Trim SS316 Seat RPTFE, Lever Op.,BE, Val Tag BA‐C602‐R
Spec: D1X, Datasheet : 15963‐000‐PE‐DAS‐0001

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. 
        659.00  INST‐4"WEL.BAL‐RB,CS,CL.600,LO EA                        14.00
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. 

Install, 4" Globe Valve, ASTM A216 Gr. WCB, CL. 600, API 623, Trim, Impact Tested, Valve Tag. GL‐L600G,
Spec: D1X, Datasheet : 15963‐000‐PE‐DAS‐0005

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
        660.00  Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable;  INST‐4"GLOBEVAL‐RB,CS,CL.600 EA                          7.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space

Install, 0.5" Ball Valve,ASTM A105,CL. 800,API 608,Trim SS316 Seat, RPTFE, Lever Op.,SW, Val Tag BA‐C804‐R‐1
Spec: D1X, Datasheet : 15963‐000‐PE‐DAS‐0001

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. 
        661.00  Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required.  INST‐0.5"BALLVAL‐RB,CS,CL.800 EA                        34.00
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. 

Install, 1" Ball Valve,ASTM A105,CL. 800,API 608,Trim 13 Cr Seat PTFE, Lever Op.,SW, Val Tag BA‐C804‐R
Spec: D1X, Datasheet : 15963‐000‐PE‐DAS‐0001

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
        662.00  INST‐1"BALLVAL‐RB,CS,CL.800 EA                        14.00
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. 

Install, 2" Ball Valve,ASTM A216 Gr. WCB,CL. 600,API 6D,Trim SS316, Seat RPTFE, Lever Op.,RF, Val Tag BA‐C600‐R,
Spec: D1X, Datasheet : 15963‐000‐PE‐DAS‐0001

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        663.00  Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus  INST‐2"BALLVAL‐RB,CS,CL.600 EA                        69.00
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space

Install 4" Ball Valve, ASTM A216 Gr. WCB, CL. 600, API 6D, Trim SS316, Seat RPTFE, Gear Op.,BE, Val Tag BA‐C612‐RG
Spec: D1X, Datasheet : 15963‐000‐PE‐DAS‐0001

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. 
        664.00  INS‐4"WEL.BALL‐RB,CS,CL.600,LO EA                        14.00
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. 

Install, 0.75" Ball Valve,ASTM A105,CL. 800,API 608,Trim SS316, Seat RPTFE, Lever Op.,SW, Val Tag BA‐C804‐F‐1
Spec: D1X, Datasheet : 15963‐000‐PE‐DAS‐0001

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
        665.00  INST‐0.75"BALLVAL‐FB,CS,CL.800 EA                        12.00
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. 

Install, 2" Ball Valve, ASTM A216 Gr. WCB, CL. 600, API 6D, Trim SS316 Seat RPTFE, Lever Op.,BE, Val Tag BA‐C602‐F
Spec: D1X, Datasheet : 15963‐000‐PE‐DAS‐0001

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. 
        666.00  INST‐2"WELD.BAL.‐FB,CS,CL.600 EA                          2.00
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. 

Install 2" Ball Valve, ASTM A216 Gr. WCB, CL. 600, API 6D, Trim SS316 Seat RPTFE, Lever Op.,BE, Val Tag BA‐C602‐R
Spec: D1X, Datasheet : 15963‐000‐PE‐DAS‐0001

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
        667.00  INST‐2"WELD.BALL‐RB,CS,CL.600 EA                          2.00
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. 

Install, 2" Ball Valve, ASTM A216 Gr. WCB, CL. 600, API 6D, Trim SS316 Seat RPTFE, Lever Op.,BE, Val Tag BA‐C602‐R
Spec: D1X, Datasheet : 15963‐000‐PE‐DAS‐0001

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. 
        668.00  Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required.  INST‐2"WELD.BAL‐RB,CS,CL.600 EA                          7.00
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. 

Install, 4" Ball Valve, ASTM A216 Gr. WCB, CL. 600, API 6D, Trim SS316 Seat RPTFE, Lever Op.,BE, Val Tag BA‐C602‐R
Spec: D1X, Datasheet : 15963‐000‐PE‐DAS‐0001

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. 
        669.00  Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required.  INST‐4"WELD.BAL‐RB,CS,CL.600 EA                          7.00
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. 

Install, 4" Ball Valve,ASTM A216 Gr. WCB,CL. 600,API 6D,Trim SS316 Seat RPTFE, Gear Op.,RF, Val Tag BA‐I610‐RG, Spec: D1X, Datasheet: 
Spec: D1X, Datasheet : 15963‐000‐PE‐DAS‐0001

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        670.00  INST‐4"BALLVAL‐RB,CS,CL.600 EA                          7.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space

Install, 4" Ball Valve, ASTM A216 Gr. WCB, CL. 300, API 6D, Trim 13Cr, Seat PTFE, Lever Op.,BE, Val Tag BA‐C302‐R
Spec: B1X, Datasheet : 15963‐000‐PE‐DAS‐0001

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. 
        671.00  INST‐4"WELD.BALL‐RB,CS,CL.300 EA                        21.00
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. 

Install, 4" Ball Valve, ASTM A216 Gr. WCB, CL. 600, API 6D, Trim SS316, Seat RPTFE, Gear Op.,BE, Val Tag BA‐C612‐RG
Spec: D1X, Datasheet : 15963‐000‐PE‐DAS‐0001

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
        672.00  INS‐4"WELD.BAL‐RB,CS,CL.600,LC EA                          7.00
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. 

Install, 4" Ball Valve, ASTM A216 Gr. WCB, CL. 600, API 6D, Trim SS316, Seat RPTFE, Gear Op.,BE, Val Tag BA‐C612‐RG
Spec: D1X, Datasheet : 15963‐000‐PE‐DAS‐0001

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. 
        673.00  Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required.  INS‐4"WELD.BAL‐RB,CS,CL.600 EA                          2.00
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. 

Install, 2" , Excess flow check valve

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        674.00  INST‐SP.VALVE EA                        34.00
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space

Install, 4" Check Valve,ASTM A216 Gr. WCB,CL. 300,API 594,Trim 13Cr,RF, Val Tag CH‐C300
Spec: B1X, Datasheet : 15963‐000‐PE‐DAS‐0007

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        675.00  Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus  INST‐4"CHECKVAL,CS,CL.300 EA                          7.00
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space

Install, 2" Check Valve,ASTM A216 Gr. WCB,CL. 600,API 594,Trim no. 5,RF, Val Tag CH‐L600
Spec: D1X, Datasheet : 15963‐000‐PE‐DAS‐0007

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        676.00  Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus  INST‐2"CHECKVAL,CS,CL.600 EA                          7.00
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space

Install, 4" Check Valve,ASTM A216 Gr. WCB,CL. 600,API 594,Trim no. 5,RF, Val Tag CH‐L600
Spec: D1X, Datasheet : 15963‐000‐PE‐DAS‐0007

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        677.00  Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus  INST‐4"CHECKVAL,CS,CL.600 EA                          7.00
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space

Install, 2" Gate Valve,ASTM A216 Gr. WCB,CL. 150,API 600,Trim 13Cr, Handwheel Op., TAG: GA‐C110
Spec: A3U, Datasheet : 15963‐000‐PE‐DAS‐0003

Fabrication, Welding, Erection, Installation & Testing of Above Ground/Underground Piping: 
Receiving: Receiving And Taking Over Of All (Owner And Contractor Supplied) Materials From Owner's Designated Place(S) of Issue. 
Transport: Transportation Including Loading, Unloading, Handling From Owner' Designated Place(S) Of Issue To Contractor's Own Stock Yard(S)/ Work Site(S)/ Work Shop(S) Including Arranging All Necessary Intermediate Storage Area(S) Thereof, As Required. 
Supply: Supply Of All Materials (Except Those Specified Subsequently In SOR), Equipment, Consumables As Defined In Contractor's Scope Of Supply And Their Transportation To The Work Site(S). 
Installation: Performing All Above Ground/Buried Piping Fabrication Works Including Cutting, Edge Preparation (Inclusive Of Grinding The Edges Of But Not Limited To Pipes, Fittings, Flanges To Match With The Matching Edges Of Uneven/Different Thickness Wherever Required), Fit Up, Pre‐Heating Wherever Required, Welding, Threading. Erection Of Pipes Of 
All Types And Thickness Over Sleepers, Overhead On Racks And At All Elevations, Hook‐Up With Equipment Nozzles; Installation Of All Type Of Valves. All Types Of Inline And Online Instruments, Such As Pressure/Thermal Safety Valves (Other Than Those Covered Separately), Fittings Of All Sizes I.E, Elbows, Reducers, Tees, O‐Lets, Flanges, Blind Flanges, 
Spectacle Blinds, Tapping’s For Pressure Gauges, Of All Sizes, Vents And Drains Required For Process And Hydro‐Testing Purposes As Applicable. Including Fixing Of All Types Of Gaskets, Studs And Nuts Of All Sizes; All SP Items, Carrying Out Non‐Destructive Testing (Excluding Radiography Covered Subsequently In SOR) Such As Magnetic Particle/ Liquid 
Penetration Etc. As Required; Hook‐Up With Existing Piping/Pipeline Installed By Others As Per Drawings Wherever Required; Cleaning And Flushing By Water  / Compressed Air, Carrying Out Hydrostatic Test, Pneumatic Test, Valve Functional Test And Any Other Type Of Testing As Specified, De‐Pressurizing, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air If Applicable; 
        678.00  INST‐2"GATEVALVE,CS,CL.150 EA                           7.00 
Cutting/ Re‐Beveling As Required, Dewatering, Drying By Compressed Air And Providing Commissioning Assistance To Commissioning Contractor / Agency For Process Piping And Commissioning Of Non‐Process Piping If Applicable; Clean ‐ Up And Restoration Of Site, Preparation Of As Built Drawings, Documents And Project Records; Transportation Of Surplus 
Free Issue/Contractor Purchased Materials To Owner's Designated Place(S); Completing All Works In All Respects As Per The AFC Drawings, Specifications , Standards And Other Provisions Of Contract And Instruction Of Engineer‐In‐Charge. Contractor Is Responsible For Installation Of All Flange Joints At Valves, Equipment’s, Tie‐In Points, Spectacle Blinds Etc. 
Along With Stud And Nuts As Per Piping Material Specification. Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Installation Of Pipes With Flange Wherever Required Including Gasket & Stud/Nuts As Per Rating. 
Copper Jumper Shall Be Provided Across The Flanged Joint And Length Of The Bolt Shall Be Taken Such That At Least Two Threads Remain Exposed After The Nut For Fixing The Continuity Jumper. Testing: Perform Hydro Test with Commissioning And Pre‐Commissioning Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For 
Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Hydro Test Work Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of 
Piping. Radiography Of Weld Joints Of Piping (Using Gama Or X‐Ray), Including The Cost Of Supply Of All Material, Equipment And Manpower Required For Developing The Films, Review By ASNT Qualified Personnel, Carrying Out Defect, Repair, Re‐Shoot Etc. All Complete As Per Specifications And As Directed By The Engineer‐In‐Charge. The Radiography Work 
Shall Be Carried Out Complying With All The Statutory And Safety Requirements. Measurement Will Be Done For Each Weld Joint Of Respective Size Of Piping. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment. Radiography Is Not Required For Fire Water/Utility Water. In Case Of Any Repair, Re‐Shoot, Re‐Takes, 
The Same Shall Not Be Measured Again For Payment.

All the pipe, fitting, Stud/Bolts and gaskets shall be according to respective piping class as mentioned in piping space

Install, 10" Ball Valve, ASTM A216 Gr. WCB, CL. 600, API 6D, Trim SS316 Seat RPTFE, Gear Op.,BE, Val Tag BA‐I612‐RGE
Spec: D1X, Datasheet : 15963‐000‐PE‐DAS‐0001
        679.00  INS‐10"WELD.BALL,CS,CL.600 EA                          7.00
Receiving and taking over of owner supplied valve, flanged / butt welded  end from owner's storage points to contractors stores / worksite and installation of these motor operated avcuated valves along with the actuater  in line with the Manufacturer Installation Manual & as per applicable P&ID and the piping GAD at under ground location. 

        680.00  CO2 EXTINGUISHER ‐ 4.5 KG EA                        80.00
Contractor To Supply & Install  Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐
Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

        681.00  CO2 EXTINGUISHER ‐ 6.5 KG EA                          5.00
Contractor To Supply & Install  Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐
Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

        682.00  DCP EXTINGUISHER  ‐ 9 KG EA                      100.00
Contractor To Supply & Install  Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐
Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

        683.00  DCP EXTINGUISHER ‐ 75 KG  EA                          4.00
Contractor To Supply & Install  Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐
Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

        684.00  EYE WASH STATION  EA                          8.00
Contractor To Supply & Install  Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐
Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

        685.00  FIRST AID BOX EA                          8.00
Contractor To Supply & Install  Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐
Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

        686.00  SAND DRUM WITH SCOOP EA                        32.00
Contractor To Supply & Install  Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐
Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

        687.00  ELECTRICAL SIREN (3 KM RANGE) EA                          1.00
Contractor To Supply & Install  Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐
Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

        688.00  SAFETY SIGNAGES SF                  1,800.00
Contractor To Supply & Install  Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐
Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

        689.00  WINDSOCK EA                          8.00
Contractor To Supply & Install  Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐
Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

        690.00  SPRAY NOZZLE EA                        28.00
Contractor To Supply & Install  Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐
Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

        691.00  2 WAY INLET BREEC CONN. EA                          7.00
Contractor To Supply & Install  Above Material Including Procurement From HPCL Approved Vendors Including Inspection, Testing Loading/Unloading, Handling And Transportation Up to The Site/Yard, Storage Site As Per Approved AFC Drawings, Pipe Material Specification, Standard Specifications, Data‐Sheets, Standards, Instructions Of Owner/Engineer‐In‐
Charge And Other Provisions Of Contract And Supply of Consumables Of Any Additional Materials Required For Completion Of The Work.

Design and Supply of outdoor type Galvanised Two Pole Structure suitable for pole mounting distribution transformer(Rating of the transformer as indicated in below line items) with 11kV Air break on Load Isolator with 3 Pole earth Switch, CT and PT's(Class 0.2S) for SEB metering, Lightning arrestors, 11kV Drop out Fuse, insulators etc. including the
        692.00  transportation upto the site/yard, Unloading, Storage at site including all material & accessories as per approved drawings & any material as per local SEB guidlines shall be provided. Chain link fence around the 2 pole structure and entry gate shall be provided. The galvanization of the 2 pole structure shall be min. 100 microns thick. 2 Pole structure and SUP OF DOUBLE POLE STRUCTURE LO                           8.00 
associated equipments shall be supplied as per SEB approved make. Liasoning with SEB shall be done by PL contractor. Trivector meter shall be provided suitable for outdoor installation with IP55 enclosure

Supply of 63kVA, 11/0.433kV, 3Ph, 4Wire, 50Hz, Dyn11, Z=4%, OCTC, Oil Filled, pole mounted, distribution transformer with primary side overhead line termination bushings and secondary side 0.6/1.1kV cable termination with all other accessories and supports as required and as per the datasheet number: 15963‐070‐EL‐DAS‐0004 OR 15963‐150‐EL‐DAS‐
        693.00  SUP OF DIST. TRANSFORMER EA                           8.00 
0004. The pole mounted transformer shall be supplied as per SEB approved make. Liasoning with SEB shall be done by PL contractor. 

Design and Supply of 11kV, 3Phase, 3wire, 50Hz overhead power transmission line including but not limited to RCC Poles, pin insulators, strain insulators, GI cross arms, nuts, bolts, cross arm mouting clamps etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, Unloading, Storage at site including all material & accessories as per approved drawings & any
        694.00  material as per local SEB guidlines shall be provided. The overhead line shall be supplied as per SEB approved make. Liasoning with SEB shall be done by PL contractor. The overhead line route survey and Liasoning with landlord, Govt authorities shall be done by PL contractor. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on SUP OF 11kV POWER TRANS. LINE KM                         40.00 
supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant. 

Supply of 415 V, TPN, Single front, wall mount, Industrial type, indoor, IP42, 9 ways (each of 415V, TPN, 50Hz) Normal Lighting DB for outdoor lighting with 1 no. 63A, 10kA, 4P MCB+ELCB 100mA as incomer and 9 nos 16A, 10kA 4P MCB and Contactor for controlling through a photocell, auto‐manual selector switch & 24 hrs timer as outgoing feeders. The DB
shall be suitable for termination of 3.5C x 35, A2XFY as incomer cable and 4C X 10, 2XWY  as outgoing cables
        695.00  SUP OF 9WAY INDOOR LTNG DB EA                           1.00 
Supply of above material with all accessories as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, approved vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of
site‐in‐charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. 
CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for Construction) documents and actual site requirements.

Supply of 415 V, TPN, Single front, wall mount, Industrial type, indoor, IP42, 6ways (each of 415V, TPN, 50Hz) Emergency Lighting DB for outdoor lighting with 1 no. 32A, 10kA, 4P MCB+ELCB 100mA as incomer and 6 nos 16A, 10kA 4P MCB and Contactor for controlling through a photocell, auto‐manual selector switch & 24 hrs timer as outgoing feeders. The
DB shall be suitable for termination of 4C x 16, 2XFY as incomer cable and 4C X 10, 2XWY  as outgoing cables
        696.00  SUP OF 6WAY INDOOR LTNG DB EA                           1.00 
Supply of above material with all accessories as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, approved vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of
site‐in‐charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. 
CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for Construction) documents and actual site requirements.

Supply of 415 V, TPN, Single front, Structural steel mount, Industrial type, Outdoor type, IP55(min.), 3 ways (each of 240V, 1ph, 50Hz) Lighting DB for watch tower lighting with 1 no. 32A, 10kA, 2P MCB+ELCB 100mA as incomer and 3 nos 10A, 10kA SPN MCB as outgoing feeders. The DB shall be suitable for termination of 4C x 6, 2XFY as incomer cable
and 3C X 2.5, 2XWY  as outgoing cables
        697.00  SUP OF 3WAY OUTDOOR LTNG DB EA                           4.00 
Supply of above material with all accessories as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, approved vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of
site‐in‐charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. 
CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for Construction) documents and actual site requirements.

Supply of 240 V, SPN, Single front, wall mount, Industrial type, indoor, IP42, 6 ways (each of 240V, 1ph, 50Hz) Normal Lighting DB for outdoor lighting with 1 no. 32A, 10kA, 2P MCB+ELCB 100mA as incomer and 6 nos 10A, 10kA SPN MCB and Contactor for controlling through a photocell & 24 hrs timer as outgoing feeders. The DB shall be suitable for
termination of 3C x 10, 2XFY as incomer cable and 3C X 4, 2XWY  as outgoing cables
        698.00  SUP OF 6WAY 240V  LIGHTING DB EA                           7.00 
Supply of above material with all accessories as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, approved vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of
site‐in‐charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. 
CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for Construction) documents and actual site requirements.

Supply of 415 V, TPN, Single front, wall mount, Industrial type, indoor, IP42, 9 ways (each of 240V, 1ph, 50Hz) Non UPS power DB for Instrumention/Telecom panels with 1 no. 32A, 10kA, 2P, MCB+ELCB 100mA as incomer and 9 nos 10A, 10kA, SPN, MCB as outgoing feeders. The DB shall be suitable for termination of 4C x 10, 2XFY as incomer cable and
3C X 2.5, 2XWY  as outgoing cables
        699.00  SUP OF 415V NON UPS PDB EA                           1.00 
Supply of above material with all accessories as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, approved vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of
site‐in‐charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. 
CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for Construction) documents and actual site requirements.

Supply of 240 V, SPN, Single front, wall mount, Industrial type, indoor, IP42, 9 ways (each of 240V, 1ph, 50Hz) Non UPS power DB for Instrumention/Telecom panels with 1 no. 32A, 10kA, 2P, MCB+ELCB 100mA as incomer and 9 nos 10A, 10kA, SPN, MCB as outgoing feeders. The DB shall be suitable for termination of 4C x 10, 2XFY as incomer cable and
3C X 2.5, 2XWY  as outgoing cables
        700.00  SUP OF 240V NON UPS DB EA                           7.00 
Supply of above material with all accessories as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, approved vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of
site‐in‐charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. 
CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for Construction) documents and actual site requirements.

Supply of Photo cell with 1No + 1NC auxiliary contacts (Surface Mounted) for controlling the outdoor lighting DB.

        701.00  Supply of above material with all accessories as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, approved vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of SUP OF PHOTO CELL EA                           8.00 
site‐in‐charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. 
CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for Construction) documents and actual site requirements.

Supply of Industrial type, wall/structure mount, Ultra violet resistant, Outdoor type, IP55(Min.), Switch receptacles having 63A, 415V, 3Ph+1N+1E, 50Hz, 5 Pin socket / receptacles with plug top, 415V, 63A, 50Hz, 4P MCB+ELCB with terminal suitable for cable termination (3.5C x 35 Al/XLPE/SWA/PVC FRLS cable) plastic body with loop in loop out facility.
Each socket shall be provided with 4 way Junction box with suitable entries, metallic plugs, glands (Suitable for 3.5C x 35 Al/XLPE/SWA/PVC FRLS cable) etc. and all other accessories as required at site for Electrical room
        702.00  SUP OF 63A INDU. SKT RCPT EA                           8.00 
Supply of above material with all accessories as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, approved vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of
site‐in‐charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for
Construction) documents and actual site requirements.

Supply of Flameproof type (suitable for Ex‐d, Zone‐1&2, Gas grp IIA/IIB, Temp. class T3), wall/structure mount, metal‐clad, Ultra violet resistant, Outdoor type, IP55(Min.), Switch receptacles having 63A, 415V, 3P+N+E, 50Hz, 5 pin socket / receptacles with plug top, 63A 4P MCB+ELCB with terminal suitable for cable termination (Suitable for 3.5C x35,
A2XFY cable) LM6 die cast body with loop in loop out facility. Each socket shall be provided with 4 way flameproof Junction box with suitable entries, metallic plugs, flameproof glands ((Suitable for 3.5C x35, A2XFY cable) etc. and all other accessories as required at site for pigging area
        703.00  SUP OF 63A EXD SKT RCPT EA                           1.00 
Supply of above material with all accessories as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, approved vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of
site‐in‐charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for
Construction) documents and actual site requirements.

Supply of Industrial type, wall/structure mount, Ultra violet resistant, Outdoor type, IP55(Min.), Switch receptacle having 16A, 240V, 1Ph+1N+1E, 50Hz, 3 Pin socket / receptacles with plug top, 16A ON/OFF switch with terminal suitable for cable termination (3C x 2.5 2XWY cable) plastic body. Each socket shall be provided with suitable entries, metallic
plugs, glands (3C x 2.5 2XWY cable) etc. and all other accessories as required at site for watch tower
        704.00  SUP OF 16A INDU. SKT RCPT EA                           4.00 
Supply of above material with all accessories as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, approved vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of
site‐in‐charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for
Construction) documents and actual site requirements.

Supply of Flameproof type (suitable for Ex‐d, Zone‐1&2, Gas grp IIA/IIB, Temp. class T3), 240V, 45W, LED, Integral type Wellglass lighting fixture suitable for stanchion mounting complete with lamps, housing, reflectors, flameproof glands, metallic plugs, mouting bracket, nuts, washers, bolts etc. and all other accessories as required at site for platform or valve
area lighting BALIGA make, Model type:FLPW 1245 or FCG Flameproof Control Gears Pvt. Ltd. make, model type:  LLB 61045W,  or any other equivalent model and make. 
        705.00  SUP‐45W LED EXD WELGLS FIXT EA                           4.00 
Supply of above material with all accessories as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, approved vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of
site‐in‐charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for
Construction) documents and actual site requirements.

Supply of Flameproof type (suitable for Ex‐d, Zone‐1&2, Gas grp IIA/IIB, Temp. class T3), 240V, 1ph, 50Hz, 45W, LED, Integral type Wellglass lighting fixture suitable for bracket mounting with flameproof junction box complete with lamps, housing, reflectors, flameproof glands, metallic plugs, mouting bracket, nuts, washers, bolts etc. and all other accessories
as required at site for SV valve pit Cage lighting. BALIGA make, Model type:FLPW 1245 or FCG Flameproof Control Gears Pvt. Ltd. make, model type:  LLB 61045W,  or any other equivalent model and make. 
        706.00  SUP‐45W LED EXD WELGLS FIXT. EA                           7.00 
Supply of above material with all accessories as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, approved vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of
site‐in‐charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for
Construction) documents and actual site requirements.

Supply of Hot dip galvanized, 3mtr heigh Stanchion Type Lighting Pole suitable for mounting of 45W Flameproof (EX'D'), LED Wellglass luminaire and including external mounted 415 V, 3ph+N, 50 Hz, 4 Way, Flameproof(Ex'D'), IP55, Die cast Aluminium Alloy, junction box suitable for Zone 1, IIA/IIB, T3 area and 4 nos. 4C x 10mm² 2XWY cable entries with 2 nos.
blanking plugs, including cabling within pole, baseplate with anchor bolts and nuts, all accesories like glands etc. as per tender documents. Poles shall be hot dip galvanised to 610 gms per sq.m.
        707.00  SUP OF 3M ST LTG POLE& EXD JB EA                           4.00 
Supply of above material with all accessories as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, approved vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of
site‐in‐charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for
Construction) documents and actual site requirements.

Supply of Flameproof type (suitable for Ex‐d, Zone‐1&2, Gas grp IIA/IIB, Temp. class T3), 240V, 1ph, 50Hz, 100W, LED, pole mounting, integral floodlight fixture with flameproof junction box & flameproof control gear box complete with lamps, housing, reflectors, flameproof glands, metallic plugs etc. and all other accessories as required at sitE for pigging area.
The Lumens output of the fixture shall be min. 8500 and BALIGA make, model type: FLPW‐2595L LED 100W or any other equivalent model and make.
        708.00  SUP OF 100W LED EXD FLOOD FIXT EA                         46.00 
Supply of above material with all accessories as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, approved vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of
site‐in‐charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for
Construction) documents and actual site requirements.

Supply of Industrial type, Weatherproof, 240V, 85W, LED, suspended mounting, Integral medium bay type lighting fixture with junction box & control gear box complete with lamps, housing, reflectors, glands, metallic plugs etc. and all other accessories as required at site for Fire water pump house and displacement pump house. The Lumens output of the
fixture shall be min. 7600 and PHILIPS make, model type: BY150P LED76S CW PSU HE SY120 FG GR or any other equivalent model and make. 
        709.00  SUP OF  85W LED INDU LTG FIXT EA                         10.00 
Supply of above material with all accessories as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, approved vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of
site‐in‐charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for
Construction) documents and actual site requirements.

Supply of Hot dip galvanized, Octagonal type, flood lighting pole of 8 mtr height, suitable for mounting of 4 nos of 100W LED flameproof type flood lighting fixture (along with JB and control gear box) including external mounted external mounted 415 V, 3ph+N, 50 Hz, 4 Way, Flameproof(Ex'D'), IP55, Die cast Aluminium Alloy, junction box suitable for Zone 1,
IIA/IIB, T3 area and  4 nos. 4C x 10mm²  2XWY cable entries with 2 nos. blanking plugs, including cabling within pole, baseplate with anchor bolts and nuts, all accesories like glands etc. as per tender documents. Cable sizes to be confirmed during detail engineering. Poles shall be hot dip galvanised to 610 gms per sq.m.
        710.00  SUP OF 8M FLOOD LTG POLE EA                         20.00 
Supply of above material with all accessories as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, approved vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of
site‐in‐charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for
Construction) documents and actual site requirements.

Supply of Industrial type, Weatherproof, IP55(Min.), 240V, 1ph, 50Hz, 70W, LED, suitable for pole mounting, integral street light fixture with junction box & control gear box complete with lamps, housing, reflectors, glands, metallic plugs etc. and all other accessories as required at site. The Lumens output of the fixture shall be min. 7400 lumens and PHILIPS
make model type:  BRP410 LED 074 CW HE MR FG S2 PSU GR or any other equivalent model and make.
        711.00  SUP OF 70W LED STREET LGT FIXT EA                         48.00 
Supply of above material with all accessories as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, approved vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of
site‐in‐charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for
Construction) documents and actual site requirements.

Supply of Hot dip galvanized, Octagonal type, Street lighting pole of 8 mtr height with single decorative type arm of 1mtr length suitable for mounting of 1 nos of 70W, LED, industrial type street lighting fixture including marshalling box (Junction box) inside the pole suitable for looping of 415V, TPN, 50 Hz incoming supply including cabling within pole and
including baseplate with anchor bolts and nuts.
        712.00  SUP OF 8M ST LTG POLE EA                         48.00 
Supply of above material with all accessories as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, approved vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of
site‐in‐charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for
Construction) documents and actual site requirements.

Supply of Industrial type, Weatherproof, IP55(Min.), 240V, 1ph, 50Hz, 20W, LED, suitable for 3mtr stanchion mounting, integral street light fixture complete with lamps, housing, reflectors, glands, metallic plugs etc. and all other accessories as required at site for wacth tower stair case. The Lumens output of the fixture shall be min. 1900 lumens and PHILIPS
make model type:  BRP042 LED 19 CW MR MR PSU GR or any other equivalent model and make.
        713.00  SUP OF 20W LED STREET LGT FIXT EA                         12.00 
Supply of above material with all accessories as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, approved vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of
site‐in‐charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for
Construction) documents and actual site requirements.

Supply of Hot dip galvanized, 3mtr heigh Stanchion Type Lighting Pole suitable for mounting of 20W, LED street light luminaire including external mounted 240 V, 1ph+N+E, 50 Hz, 4 Way, Outdoor type, industrial, IP55, Fibreglass Reinforced Polyster (FRP), junction box suitable for 4 nos. 3C x 2.5 mm² CU/XLPE/SWA/PVC cable entries and 2 no. blanking plug
(Surface Mounted)., including cabling within pole, baseplate with anchor bolts and nuts, all accesories like glands etc. as per tender documents. Poles shall be hot dip galvanised to 610 gms per sq.m.
        714.00  SUP OF 3M ST LTG POLE& IND JB EA                         12.00 
Supply of above material with all accessories as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, approved vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of
site‐in‐charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for
Construction) documents and actual site requirements.

Supply of Industrial type, Weatherproof, IP55(Min.), 240V, 1ph, 50Hz, 35W, LED, wellglass luminiare suitable for structual steel mounted , complete with lamps, housing, reflectors, glands, metallic plugs, mounting brackets etc. and all other accessories as required at site for wacth tower. The Lumens output of the fixture shall be min. 3500 lumens and PHILIPS
make model type:  BY200P LED 35S CW PSU S2 PC or any other equivalent model and make.
        715.00  SUP OF 35W LED EXD WELGLS FIXT EA                           4.00 
Supply of above material with all accessories as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, approved vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of
site‐in‐charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for
Construction) documents and actual site requirements.

Supply of 3C x 2.5 sq mm 2XWY (1100V) FRLS cable (for Lighting on watch tower and on SV valve pit lighting etc.)

        716.00  Supply of Copper conductor, XLPE (power cable) insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured, FRLS power cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading, Storage at site as per datasheet, specifications of this tender and as per approved vendor list. These quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual SUP‐3Cx2.5,2XWY,1.1KV CABLE MT                      900.00 
equipment / materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation based on Issued for Construction drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be
billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.

Supply of 3C x 4 sq mm 2XWY (1100V) FRLS cable (for street Lighting).

        717.00  Supply of Copper conductor, XLPE (power cable) insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured, FRLS power cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading, Storage at site as per datasheet, specifications of this tender and as per approved vendor list. These quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual SUP‐3Cx4,2XWY,1.1KV CABLE MT                   1,750.00 
equipment / materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation based on Issued for Construction drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be
billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.

Supply of 4C x 4 sq mm 2XWY (1100V) FRLS cable (for street lighting).

        718.00  Supply of Copper conductor, XLPE (power cable) insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured, FRLS power cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading, Storage at site as per datasheet, specifications of this tender and as per approved vendor list. These quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual SUP‐4Cx4,2XWY,1.1KV CABLE MT                      750.00 
equipment / materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation based on Issued for Construction drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be
billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.

Supply of 4C x 10 sq mm 2XWY (1100V) FRLS cable (for flood lighting).

        719.00  Supply of Copper conductor, XLPE (power cable) insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured, FRLS power cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading, Storage at site as per datasheet, specifications of this tender and as per approved vendor list. These quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual SUP OF 4Cx10,2XWY,1.1KV CABLE MT                      500.00 
equipment / materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation based on Issued for Construction drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be
billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.

Supply of 2Cx2.5, 2XWY,1.1kV, FRLS Cable

        720.00  Supply of Copper conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured, FRLS power cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading, Storage at site as per datasheet, specifications of this tender and as per approved vendor list. These quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment /  SUP OF 2Cx2.5,2XWY,1.1KV CABLE MT                   1,800.00 

materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation based on Issued for Construction drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to 
Purchaser and/or Consultant. 

Supply of 2Cx10, 2XWY,1.1kV, FRLS Cable

        721.00  Supply of Copper conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured, FRLS power cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading, Storage at site as per datasheet, specifications of this tender and as per approved vendor list. These quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment /  SUP OF 2Cx10,2XWY,1.1KV CABLE MT                   2,375.00 

materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation based on Issued for Construction drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to 
Purchaser and/or Consultant. 

Supply of 2Cx16, 2XWY,1.1kV, FRLS Cable

        722.00  Supply of Copper conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured, FRLS power cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading, Storage at site as per datasheet, specifications of this tender and as per approved vendor list. These quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment /  SUP OF 2Cx16,2XFY,1.1KV CABLE MT                      110.00 

materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation based on Issued for Construction drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to 
Purchaser and/or Consultant. 

Supply of 2Cx35, A2XFY,1.1kV, FRLS Cable

        723.00  Supply of Aluminum conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured, FRLS power cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading, Storage at site as per datasheet, specifications of this tender and as per approved vendor list. These quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment SUP OF 2Cx35,A2XFY,1.1KV CABLE MT                      295.00 

/ materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation based on Issued for Construction drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to 
Purchaser and/or Consultant. 

Supply of 2Cx50, A2XFY,1.1kV, FRLS Cable

        724.00  Supply of Aluminum conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured, FRLS power cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading, Storage at site as per datasheet, specifications of this tender and as per approved vendor list. These quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment SUP OF 2Cx50,A2XFY,1.1KV CABLE MT                      720.00 

/ materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation based on Issued for Construction drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to 
Purchaser and/or Consultant. 

Supply of 2Cx95, A2XFY,1.1kV, FRLS Cable

        725.00  Supply of Aluminum conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured, FRLS power cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading, Storage at site as per datasheet, specifications of this tender and as per approved vendor list. These quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment SUP OF 2Cx95,A2XFY,1.1KV CABL MT                      390.00 

/ materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation based on Issued for Construction drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to 
Purchaser and/or Consultant. 

Supply of 2Cx120, A2XFY,1.1kV, FRLS Cable

        726.00  Supply of Aluminum conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured, FRLS power cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading, Storage at site as per datasheet, specifications of this tender and as per approved vendor list. These quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment SUP OF 2Cx120,A2XFY,1.1KV CABL MT                      245.00 

/ materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation based on Issued for Construction drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to 
Purchaser and/or Consultant. 

Supply of 2Cx150, A2XFY,1.1kV, FRLS Cable

        727.00  Supply of Aluminum conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured, FRLS power cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading, Storage at site as per datasheet, specifications of this tender and as per approved vendor list. These quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment SUP OF 2Cx150,A2XFY,1.1KV CABL MT                         75.00 

/ materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation based on Issued for Construction drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to 
Purchaser and/or Consultant. 

Supply of 2Cx240, A2XFY,1.1kV, FRLS Cable

        728.00  Supply of Aluminum conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured, FRLS power cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading, Storage at site as per datasheet, specifications of this tender and as per approved vendor list. These quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment SUP OF 2Cx240,A2XFY,1.1KV CABL MT                      280.00 

/ materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation based on Issued for Construction drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to 
Purchaser and/or Consultant. 

Supply of 3Cx2.5, 2XWY,1.1kV, FRLS Cable

        729.00  Supply of Copper conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured, FRLS power cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading, Storage at site as per datasheet, specifications of this tender and as per approved vendor list. These quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment /  SUP OF 3Cx2.5,2XWY,1.1KV CABLE MT                   6,250.00 

materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation based on Issued for Construction drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to 
Purchaser and/or Consultant. 

Supply of 3Cx4, 2XWY,1.1kV, FRLS Cable

        730.00  Supply of Copper conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured, FRLS power cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading, Storage at site as per datasheet, specifications of this tender and as per approved vendor list. These quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment /  SUP OF 3Cx4,2XWY,1.1KV CABLE MT                   2,185.00 

materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation based on Issued for Construction drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to 
Purchaser and/or Consultant. 

Supply of 3Cx6, 2XWY,1.1kV, FRLS Cable

        731.00  Supply of Copper conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured, FRLS power cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading, Storage at site as per datasheet, specifications of this tender and as per approved vendor list. These quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment /  SUP OF 3Cx6,2XWY,1.1KV CABLE MT                      770.00 

materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation based on Issued for Construction drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to 
Purchaser and/or Consultant. 

Supply of 3Cx10, 2XWY,1.1kV, FRLS Cable

        732.00  Supply of Copper conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured, FRLS power cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading, Storage at site as per datasheet, specifications of this tender and as per approved vendor list. These quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment /  SUP OF 3Cx10,2XWY,1.1KV CABLE MT                      140.00 

materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation based on Issued for Construction drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to 
Purchaser and/or Consultant. 

Supply of, 2XWY,1.1kV, FRLS Cable

        733.00  Supply of Copper conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured, FRLS power cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading, Storage at site as per datasheet, specifications of this tender and as per approved vendor list. These quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment /  SUP OF 4Cx2.5,2XWY,1.1KV CABLE MT                   1,850.00 

materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation based on Issued for Construction drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to 
Purchaser and/or Consultant. 

Supply of, 2XWY,1.1kV, FRLS Cable

        734.00  Supply of Copper conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured, FRLS power cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading, Storage at site as per datasheet, specifications of this tender and as per approved vendor list. These quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment /  SUP OF 4Cx4,2XWY,1.1KV CABLE MT                   1,095.00 

materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation based on Issued for Construction drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to 
Purchaser and/or Consultant. 

Supply of 4Cx6, 2XWY,1.1kV, FRLS Cable

        735.00  Supply of Copper conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured, FRLS power cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading, Storage at site as per datasheet, specifications of this tender and as per approved vendor list. These quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment /  SUP OF 4Cx6,2XWY,1.1KV CABLE MT                      235.00 

materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation based on Issued for Construction drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to 
Purchaser and/or Consultant. 

Supply of 4Cx16, 2XFY,1.1kV, FRLS Cable

        736.00  Supply of Copper conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured, FRLS power cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading, Storage at site as per datasheet, specifications of this tender and as per approved vendor list. These quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment /  SUP OF 4Cx16, 2XFY,1.1KV CABLE MT                      290.00 

materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation based on Issued for Construction drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to 
Purchaser and/or Consultant. 

Supply of 3.5Cx35, A2XFY,1.1kV, FRLS Cable

        737.00  Supply of Aluminium conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured, FRLS power cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading, Storage at site as per datasheet, specifications of this tender and as per approved vendor list. These quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual  SUP OF 3.5Cx35,A2XFY,1.1KV CAB MT                      120.00 

equipment / materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation based on Issued for Construction drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be 
billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant. 

Supply of 3.5Cx95, A2XFY,1.1kV, FRLS Cable

        738.00  Supply of Aluminium conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured, FRLS power cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading, Storage at site as per datasheet, specifications of this tender and as per approved vendor list. These quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual  SUP OF 3.5Cx95,A2XFY,1.1KV CAB MT                         45.00 

equipment / materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation based on Issued for Construction drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be 
billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant. 

Supply of 3.5Cx300, A2XFY,1.1kV, FRLS Cable

        739.00  Supply of Aluminium conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured, FRLS power cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading, Storage at site as per datasheet, specifications of this tender and as per approved vendor list. These quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual  SUP‐3.5Cx300,A2XFY,1.1KV CAB MT                      100.00 

equipment / materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation based on Issued for Construction drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be 
billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant. 

Supply of 4Cx240, A2XFY,1.1kV, FRLS Cable

        740.00  Supply of Aluminium conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured, FRLS power cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading, Storage at site as per datasheet, specifications of this tender and as per approved vendor list. These quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual  SUP‐4Cx240,A2XFY,1.1KV CABL. MT                      630.00 

equipment / materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation based on Issued for Construction drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be 
billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant. 

Supply of 4Cx2.5, YWY,1.1kV, HR+FRLS Cable

        741.00  Supply of Copper conductor, PVC insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured, HR+FRLS control cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading, Storage at site as per datasheet, specifications of this tender and as per approved vendor list. These quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual  SUP OF 4Cx2.5, YWY,1.1kV CABLE MT                   2,275.00 

equipment / materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation based on Issued for Construction drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be 
billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.

Supply of 7Cx2.5, YWY,1.1kV, HR+FRLS Cable

        742.00  Supply of Copper conductor, PVC insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured, HR+FRLS control cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading, Storage at site as per datasheet, specifications of this tender and as per approved vendor list. These quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual  SUP OF 7Cx2.5, YWY,1.1kV CABLE MT                      800.00 

equipment / materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation based on Issued for Construction drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be 
billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.

Supply of 12Cx2.5, YFY,1.1kV, HR+FRLS Cable

        743.00  Supply of Copper conductor, PVC insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured, HR+FRLS control cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading, Storage at site as per datasheet, specifications of this tender and as per approved vendor list. These quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual  SUP OF 12Cx2.5,YWY,1.1kV CABLE MT                      975.00 

equipment / materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation based on Issued for Construction drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be 
billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.

Supply of 19Cx2.5, YFY,1.1kV, HR+FRLS Cable

        744.00  Supply of Copper conductor, PVC insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured, HR+FRLS control cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading, Storage at site as per datasheet, specifications of this tender and as per approved vendor list. These quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual  SUP OF 19Cx2.5,YWY,1.1kV CABLE MT                      880.00 

equipment / materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation based on Issued for Construction drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be 
billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.

Supply of 24Cx2.5, YFY,1.1kV, HR+FRLS Cable

        745.00  Supply of Copper conductor, PVC insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured, HR+FRLS control cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading, Storage at site as per datasheet, specifications of this tender and as per approved vendor list. These quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual  SUP OF 24Cx2.5,YWY,1.1kV CABLE MT                      945.00 

equipment / materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation based on Issued for Construction drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be 
billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.

Supply of 30Cx2.5, YFY,1.1kV, HR+FRLS Cable

        746.00  Supply of Copper conductor, PVC insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured, HR+FRLS control cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading, Storage at site as per datasheet, specifications of this tender and as per approved vendor list. These quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual  SUP OF 30Cx2.5,YWY,1.1kV CABLE MT                   1,850.00 

equipment / materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation based on Issued for Construction drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be 
billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.

Supply of 3/4"  nickel‐plated, double compression type, Industrial, IP55, brass cable glands, all accessories and fixing material suitable for Indoor/outdoor terminations of  Al/Cu conductor, XLPE/PVC insulated, PVC inner sheathed,galvanised steel wire/flat armoured,  PVC outer sheathed, power/control cables. 
        747.00  SUP OF 3/4",INDU,CABLE GLAND EA                      900.00 
Note:  Contractor shall check the actual site requirement of glands, reducers(if required) and the matching thread (like ET/ISO/Metric) requirement before supplying the same.

Supply of 1"  nickel‐plated, double compression type, Industrial, IP55, brass cable glands, all accessories and fixing material suitable for Indoor/outdoor terminations of  Al/Cu conductor, XLPE/PVC insulated, PVC inner sheathed,galvanised steel wire/flat armoured,  PVC outer sheathed, power/control cables. 
        748.00  SUP OF 1",INDU,CABLE GLAND EA                      170.00 
Note:  Contractor shall check the actual site requirement of glands, reducers(if required) and the matching thread (like ET/ISO/Metric) requirement before supplying the same.

Supply of 1 1/4"   nickel‐plated, double compression type, Industrial, IP55, brass cable glands, all accessories and fixing material suitable for Indoor/outdoor terminations of  Al/Cu conductor, XLPE/PVC insulated, PVC inner sheathed,galvanised steel wire/flat armoured,  PVC outer sheathed, power/control cables. 
        749.00  SUP OF 1 1/4",INDU,CABLE GLAND EA                         40.00 
Note:  Contractor shall check the actual site requirement of glands, reducers(if required) and the matching thread (like ET/ISO/Metric) requirement before supplying the same.

Supply of 1 1/2" nickel‐plated, double compression type, Industrial, IP55, brass cable glands, all accessories and fixing material suitable for Indoor/outdoor terminations of  Al/Cu conductor, XLPE/PVC insulated, PVC inner sheathed,galvanised steel wire/flat armoured,  PVC outer sheathed, power/control cables. 
        750.00  SUP OF 1 1/2",INDU,CABLE GLAND EA                      165.00 
Note:  Contractor shall check the actual site requirement of glands, reducers(if required) and the matching thread (like ET/ISO/Metric) requirement before supplying the same.

Supply of 2" nickel‐plated, double compression type, Industrial, IP55, brass cable glands, all accessories and fixing material suitable for Indoor/outdoor terminations of  Al/Cu conductor, XLPE/PVC insulated, PVC inner sheathed,galvanised steel wire/flat armoured,  PVC outer sheathed, power/control cables. 
        751.00  SUP OF 2",INDU,CABLE GLAND EA                         40.00 
Note:  Contractor shall check the actual site requirement of glands, reducers(if required) and the matching thread (like ET/ISO/Metric) requirement before supplying the same.

Supply of 2 1/2" nickel‐plated, double compression type, Industrial, IP55, brass cable glands, all accessories and fixing material suitable for Indoor/outdoor terminations of  Al/Cu conductor, XLPE/PVC insulated, PVC inner sheathed,galvanised steel wire/flat armoured,  PVC outer sheathed, power/control cables. 
        752.00  SUP OF 2 1/2",INDU,CABLE GLAND EA                         40.00 
Note:  Contractor shall check the actual site requirement of glands, reducers(if required) and the matching thread (like ET/ISO/Metric) requirement before supplying the same.

Supply of 3/4" nickel‐plated, double compression type, Flameproof, Gas group IIA/IIB, IP55, brass cable glands, all accessories including PVC shrouds and fixing material suitable for Indoor/outdoor terminations of  Al/Cu conductor, XLPE/PVC insulated, PVC inner sheathed,galvanised steel wire/flat armoured,  PVC outer sheathed, power/control cables.
        753.00  SUP OF 3/4",EXD,CABLE GLAND EA                         85.00 
Note:  Contractor shall check the actual site requirement of glands and the matching thread (like ET/ISO/Metric) requirement before supplying the same.

Supply of 1" nickel‐plated, double compression type, Flameproof, Gas group IIA/IIB, IP55, brass cable glands, all accessories including PVC shrouds and fixing material suitable for Indoor/outdoor terminations of  Al/Cu conductor, XLPE/PVC insulated, PVC inner sheathed,galvanised steel wire/flat armoured,  PVC outer sheathed, power/control cables.
        754.00  SUP OF 1",EXD,CABLE GLAND EA                         40.00 
Note:  Contractor shall check the actual site requirement of glands and the matching thread (like ET/ISO/Metric) requirement before supplying the same.

Supply of 1‐1/2" nickel‐plated, double compression type, Flameproof, Gas group IIA/IIB, IP55, brass cable glands, all accessories including PVC shrouds and fixing material suitable for Indoor/outdoor terminations of  Al/Cu conductor, XLPE/PVC insulated, PVC inner sheathed,galvanised steel wire/flat armoured,  PVC outer sheathed, power/control cables.
        755.00  SUP OF  1‐1/2",EXD,CABLE GLAND EA                           5.00 
Note:  Contractor shall check the actual site requirement of glands and the matching thread (like ET/ISO/Metric) requirement before supplying the same.

Supply of Hot dip galvanised (610 gms per sq.m) GI 520mm x 50mm x 6mm earth bus with pre‐drilled 10 mm holes.

Supply of above earthbus and all accessories and fixing material as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or
        756.00  SUP OF EARTH BUSBAR EA                         82.00 
instructions of site‐in‐charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. 
CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that These quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment / materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation
based on Issued for Construction drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.

Supply of Hot dip galvanised (610 gms per sq.m) GI 520mm x 50mm x 6mm earth bus with pre‐drilled 10 mm holes with insulators for mounting.

Supply of above earthbus and all accessories and fixing material as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or
        757.00  SUP OF EARTH BUSBAR WITH INSU EA                         32.00 
instructions of site‐in‐charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. 
CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that These quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment / materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation
based on Issued for Construction drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.

Supply of 1C x 6 sq mm, copper, PVC insulated, Green colour Cables (1100V grade) for Instrumentation earthing

Supply of above earthing cable and fixing material as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of site‐in‐
        758.00  SUP OF 1Cx6SQMM G/Y CABLE MT                      650.00 
charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. 
CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that These quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment / materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation 
based on Issued for Construction drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.

Supply of 1C x 10 sq mm, copper, PVC insulated, Green colour Cables (1100V grade) for Instrumentation earthing

Supply of above earthing cable and fixing material as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of site‐in‐
        759.00  SUP OF 1Cx10SQMM G/Y CABLE MT                      355.00 
charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. 
CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that These quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment / materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation 
based on Issued for Construction drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.

Supply of 1C x 25 sq mm, copper, PVC insulated, Green colour Cables (1100V grade) for Instrumentation earthing

Supply of above earthing cable and fixing material as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of site‐in‐
        760.00  SUP OF 1Cx25SQMM G/Y CABLE MT                      490.00 
charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. 
CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that These quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment / materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation 
based on Issued for Construction drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.

Supply of 8 SWG solid GI wire

Supply of above earthing wire and fixing material as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of site‐in‐
        761.00  SUP OF  8 SWG GI WIRE MT                      400.00 
charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. 
CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that These quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment / materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation 
based on Issued for Construction drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.

Supply of 10 mm (3/8”) dia GI wire flexible rope 

Supply of above earthing wire and fixing material as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of site‐in‐
        762.00  SUP OF 10MM DIA GI WIRE ROPE MT                      160.00 
charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. 
CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that These quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment / materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation 
based on Issued for Construction drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.

Supply of 16 mm (5/8”) dia GI wire flexible rope 

Supply of above earthing wire and fixing material as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of site‐in‐
        763.00  SUP OF 16MM DIA GI WIRE ROPE MT                         80.00 
charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. 
CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that These quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment / materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation 
based on Issued for Construction drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.

Supply of 50mm x 6mm GI strip 

Supply of above earthing strip and fixing material as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of site‐in‐
        764.00  SUP OF 50X6 GI EARTH STRIP MT                   3,800.00 
charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. 
CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that These quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment / materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation 
based on Issued for Construction drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.

Supply of 25mm x 3mm GI strip 

Supply of above earthing strip and fixing material as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of site‐in‐
        765.00  SUP OF 25X3 GI EARTH STRIP MT                      800.00 
charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. 
CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that These quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment / materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation 
based on Issued for Construction drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.

Supply of 25mm x 3mm Copper strip 

Supply of above earthing strip and fixing material as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of site‐in‐
        766.00  SUP OF 25X3 CU EARTH STRIP MT                      800.00 
charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. 
CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that These quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment / materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation 
based on Issued for Construction drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.

Supply and installation of 600mm x 600mm (Internal) size brick chamber of 125mm side wall Earth Pit with 6 mm thick chequered plate with handle and with class B type GI pipe earth electrode of 100mm diameter and 3m length with end cap with all items such as Salt, Charcoal etc. Also earth pit sign board of 450mm x 230mm including angle iron, concrete 
post with height of the support: 600mm from FGL to be provided for lightning protection of Substation and Control room. The Material for sign/name board is of ACP (Aluminum composite panel 3mm thick), Raw material: Alcobond, Alpolic, Reny bond. The updated earth pit installation detail and sign board detail drawing will be provided to successful bidder.
        767.00  S&I OF EARTH PIT WITH GI PIPE EA                         96.00 
Supply of earth pit and all accessories and fixing material as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of 
site‐in‐charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. 
CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for Construction) documents and actual site requirements by Contractor.

Supply and installation of 600mm x 600mm (Internal) size brick chamber of 125mm side wall Earth Pit with 6 mm thick chequered plate with handle and with copper pipe earth electrode of 100mm diameter, 13mm thick and 3m length with end cap with all items such as Salt, Charcoal etc. Also earth pit sign board of 450mm x 230mm including angle iron, 
concrete post with height of the support: 600mm from FGL to be provided for lightning protection of Substation and Control room. The Material for sign/name board is of ACP (Aluminum composite panel 3mm thick), Raw material: Alcobond, Alpolic, Reny bond. The updated earth pit installation detail and sign board detail drawing will be provided to 
successful bidder.
        768.00  S&I OF EARTH PIT‐ CU PIPE EA                         32.00 
Supply of earth pit and all accessories and fixing material as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of 
site‐in‐charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. 
CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for Construction) documents and actual site requirements by Contractor.

Supply and installation of 600mm x 600mm (Internal) size brick chamber of 125mm side wall Earth Pit with 6 mm thick chequered plate with handle and with copper bonded (minimum thickness of 250 microns along the length) made of low carbon steel rod of min. 15mm diameter and 3m length with Ground Enhancement Material (GEM) of min 3 bags of 
20kg each and resistivity of GEM shall be of max 0.12ohm‐mtr and all required clamps, accessories etc. Contractor to note that the required overall grid resistivity shall be less than 0.7 ohm. Accordingly necessary earthing installations shall be carried out at site.
Also earth pit sign board of 450mm x 230mm including angle iron, concrete post with height of the support: 600mm from FGL to be provided for lightning protection of Substation and Control room. The Material for sign/name board is of ACP (Aluminum composite panel 3mm thick), Raw material: Alcobond, Alpolic, Reny bond. The updated earth pit 
installation detail and sign board detail drawing will be provided to successful bidder.
        769.00  S&I OF EARTH PIT ‐ CU ROD&GEM EA                           8.00 
Supply of earth pit and all accessories and fixing material as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of 
site‐in‐charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. 
CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for Construction) documents and actual site requirements by Contractor.
Supply and installation of 600mm x 600mm (Internal) size brick chamber of 125mm side wall Earth Pit with 6 mm thick chequered plate with handle and with triploar earth pit with 3 No s copper bonded (minimum thickness of 250 microns along the length) made of low carbon steel rod of min. 15mm diameter&3m length, 3No s of copper bonded flanges, 
Ground Enhancement Material (GEM) of min 3 bags of 20kg each and resistivity of GEM shall be of max 0.12ohm‐mtr and all required clamps, accessories etc. Contractor to note that the required overall grid resistivity shall be less than 0.7 ohm. Accordingly necessary earthing installations shall be carried out at site.
Also earth pit sign board of 450mm x 230mm including angle iron, concrete post with height of the support: 600mm from FGL to be provided for lightning protection of Substation and Control room. The Material for sign/name board is of ACP (Aluminum composite panel 3mm thick), Raw material: Alcobond, Alpolic, Reny bond. The updated earth pit 
installation detail and sign board detail drawing will be provided to successful bidder.
        770.00  S&I OF TRIPOLAR EARTH PIT‐ GEM EA                           8.00 

Supply of earth pit and all accessories and fixing material as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of 
site‐in‐charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. 
CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts datasheets specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for Construction) documents and actual site requirements by Contractor

Supply of 25mm x 3mm galvanised MS strip with Insulated base holding clamps for lightning protection for electrical/telecom building.

Supply of above lightning protection material and all accessories and fixing material as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site 
        771.00  SUP OF 25x3MM GALV. MS STRIP MT                      640.00 
requirement and/or instructions of site‐in‐charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. 
CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for Construction) documents and actual site requirements by Contractor.Actual billing 
shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.

Supply of Lightning protection Air terminal of 16mm dia and min 1.2 Mtrs long tinned copper for electrical/telecom building

Supply of above lightning protection material and all accessories and fixing material as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site 
        772.00  SUP OF L.P. AIR TERMINAL EA                         16.00 
requirement and/or instructions of site‐in‐charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. 
CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for Construction) documents and actual site requirements by Contractor.Actual billing 
shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.

Supply of 25mm x 3mm Galvanised MS Down Conductor of 10mtr length with enclouser and and with test links along with insulators for supporting on wall for lightning protection for electrical/telecom building

Supply of above lightning down conductor and fixing material as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or 
        773.00  SUP OF MS DOWN CONDUCTOR EA                         16.00 
instructions of site‐in‐charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. 
CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that These quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment / materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation 
based on Issued for Construction drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.

Supply of 50 mm wide Cable Tray GI, 1.5mm thick, perforated cable tray with accessories

        774.00  Supply of above size Prefabricated GI Perforated cable trays, hot dip galivanised to 610 gms per sq.m. with all accessories like coupler plates, nuts, bolts, covers with clamps etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per SUP OF 50MM PERF CBLE TRAY MT                      160.00 
actual site requirement and/or instructions of site‐in‐charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for Construction) documents and actual site requirements by Contractor. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on
supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.

Supply of 100 mm wide Cable Tray GI, 1.5mm thick, perforated cable tray with accessories

        775.00  Supply of above size Prefabricated GI Perforated cable trays, hot dip galivanised to 610 gms per sq.m. with all accessories like coupler plates, nuts, bolts, covers with clamps etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per SUP OF 100MM PERF CBLE TRAY MT                      160.00 
actual site requirement and/or instructions of site‐in‐charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for Construction) documents and actual site requirements by Contractor. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on
supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.

Supply of 150 mm wide Cable Tray GI, 1.5mm thick, perforated cable tray with accessories

        776.00  Supply of above size Prefabricated GI Perforated cable trays, hot dip galivanised to 610 gms per sq.m. with all accessories like coupler plates, nuts, bolts, covers with clamps etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per SUP OF 150MM PERF CBLE TRAY MT                      200.00 
actual site requirement and/or instructions of site‐in‐charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for Construction) documents and actual site requirements by Contractor. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on
supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.

Supply of 600 mm wide Cable Tray GI, 2mm thick, ladder cable tray with accessories

        777.00  Supply of above size Prefabricated GI ladder cable trays, hot dip galivanised to 610 gms per sq.m. with all accessories like coupler plates, nuts, bolts, covers with clamps etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual SUP OF 600MM LADDER TYPE TRAY MT                      720.00 
site requirement and/or instructions of site‐in‐charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for Construction) documents and actual site requirements by Contractor. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied
quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.

Supply of Horizontal 90° elbow for 50mm wide Cable Tray GI, 1.5mm thick, perforated cable tray with accessories

        778.00  Supply of above size Prefabricated GI Perforated cable tray elbow, hot dip galivanised to 610 gms per sq.m. with all accessories like coupler plates, nuts, bolts, covers with clamps etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per SUP OF 50MM PERF TRAY ELBOW EA                         19.00 
actual site requirement and/or instructions of site‐in‐charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for Construction) documents and actual site requirements by Contractor. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on
supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.

Supply of Horizontal 90° elbow for 100 mm wide Cable Tray GI, 1.5mm thick, perforated cable tray with accessories

        779.00  Supply of above size Prefabricated GI Perforated cable tray elbow, hot dip galivanised to 610 gms per sq.m. with all accessories like coupler plates, nuts, bolts, covers with clamps etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per SUP OF 100MM PERF TRAY ELBOW EA                         19.00 
actual site requirement and/or instructions of site‐in‐charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for Construction) documents and actual site requirements by Contractor. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on
supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.

Supply of Horizontal 90° elbow for 150 mm wide Cable Tray GI, 1.5mm thick, perforated cable tray with accessories

        780.00  Supply of above size Prefabricated GI Perforated cable tray elbow, hot dip galivanised to 610 gms per sq.m. with all accessories like coupler plates, nuts, bolts, covers with clamps etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per SUP OF 150MM PERF TRAY ELBOW EA                         19.00 
actual site requirement and/or instructions of site‐in‐charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for Construction) documents and actual site requirements by Contractor. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on
supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.

Supply of Horizontal 90° elbow for 600 mm wide Cable Tray GI, 2mm thick, ladder cable tray with accessories

        781.00  Supply of above size Prefabricated GI ladder cable tray elbow, hot dip galivanised to 610 gms per sq.m. with all accessories like coupler plates, nuts, bolts, covers with clamps etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per SUP OF 600MM LADDER TRAY ELBOW EA                         56.00 
actual site requirement and/or instructions of site‐in‐charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for Construction) documents and actual site requirements by Contractor. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on
supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.

Supply of Horizontal 90° Tee for 600 mm wide Cable Tray GI, 2mm thick, ladder cable tray with accessories

        782.00  Supply of above size Prefabricated GI ladder cable tray tee, hot dip galivanised to 610 gms per sq.m. with all accessories like coupler plates, nuts, bolts, covers with clamps etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual SUP OF 600MM LADDER TRAY TEE EA                         72.00 
site requirement and/or instructions of site‐in‐charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for Construction) documents and actual site requirements by Contractor. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied
quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.

Supply of human body static charge dissipator suitable for flameproof environment (suitable for Ex‐d, Zone‐1&2, Gas grp IIA/IIB, Temp. class T3), IP66, wall/steel frame mounted, 240V AC, 50HZ, 1phase Operated, PESO certified, with Display unit for pass/fail indications, supply of the unit shall include mouting steel frame, nuts, bolts, washers, 
canopy(sunshade) as recommended by the vendor. Recommended Vendor name is PRECIOUS INSTRUMENT or any equivalent vendor.  
        783.00  EA                           1.00 
Supply of above material with all accessories as per approved drawings, layouts, specifications, datasheets, approved vendor list etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, unloading, storage at site and including supply of installation material as per installation details with any additional material as per actual site requirement and/or instructions of  DISSIPATOR
site‐in‐charge etc. so as to ensure the completeness of installation work. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that the quantities are tentative and shall be supplied based on IFC (Issued for 
Construction) documents and actual site requirements.

        784.00  Supply of Synthetic Insulating Mat  (with ISI mark) of appropriate thickness, 1000 mm wide for upto 1.1 kV systems ‐ as per IS‐15652 or latest indian standard          SUP OF SAFETY INSULATING MAT MT                      400.00 

        785.00  Supply of First aid information chart for electric shock treatment printed in English, Hindi & Local language duly framed with front glasses. SUP OF FIRST AID CHART EA                         16.00 

        786.00  Supply of Enameled caution boards for 1.1 kV.  The boards shall be in English,Hindi & local language. SUP OF CAUTION BOARDS EA                         16.00 

        787.00  Supply of fire proof and water tight material (GPG / Foam type fire proof sealing compound) for sealing cable entries SUP OF FIRE PROOF MATERIAL KG                         40.00 

        788.00  Supply of free standing IA type, Heavy duty, Slip‐resistant foot pads, rung space lessthan 300mm, 8 feet aluminium  step  ladder with insulators and Lock‐In System. SUP OF NORMAL SIZE AL LADDER EA                           8.00 

        789.00  Supply of free standing IA type, Heavy duty, Slip‐resistant foot pads, rung space lessthan 300mm, 12 feet aluminium  step ladder with insulators and Lock‐In System. SUP OF MEDIUM SIZE AL LADDER EA                           8.00 

Installation, Testing and Commissioning of following Free Issue Material. The Free issue material will be provided by other contractor(i.e Composite contractor for HCPL project awarded by Owner) at the Hiriyur Pigging Station premises after the existing loads transfer and successful commissioning of the new 415V switchboard at Neriya pigging station of the 
existing MHMSPL.

415 V, 3 phase, TPN, 25 kA For 1 sec , 125 A, Double front withdrable type switchgear,
Overall dimension (approx): 4950 (L) x 820(D) x 2400(H) mm,
Number of shipping section (approx) 3 nos,
        790.00  INST.415V SWITCHBOARD EA                           1.00 
Weight per shipping section (approx) : 1500 kg.

Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling of various shipping sections, connection of inter‐panel bus‐bars & inter‐panel wiring, and installation of relays / meters supplied separately, Base Frame welding, panel fixing by bolts or 
weld, grouting of panel fixing bolts & other associated work and testing and commissioning (including loop checking of various modules / scada panels / inter‐panel loop checking / field loop checking / entering settings into relay as per relay co‐ordination document). Rate shall also include all hardware required for installation and foundation bolts (as per 
various installation standards / good engineering practices), minor modifications as required in the control schematic including preparing final as built documentations, radium stickers / stenciling with epoxy paint of approved paint shade (as per site in charge / WP / HPCL engineer) on various / all modules / panels with relevant indentification like Tag Number 
/ Description of equipment inclusive of touch up of paint (if required), all complete as per the specifications, scope of work and directions of the Engineer‐in‐Charge.

Installation, Assistance to Testing and Commissioning of following Free Issue Material.
415 V/240V, 3 phase/1 Phase, TPN/SPN, 25 kA For 1 sec , 250 A, Double front fixed type switchgear,
Overall dimension (approx): 5000 (L) x 1000(D) x 2400(H) mm,
Number of shipping section (approx) 2 nos,
Weight per shipping section (approx) : 1000 kg.
        791.00  INST OF 415/240V SWITCHBOARD EA                           7.00 
Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling of various shipping sections, assistance to panel vendor for connection of inter‐panel bus‐bars & inter‐panel wiring, and installation of relays / meters supplied separately, Base Frame 
welding, panel fixing by bolts or weld, grouting of panel fixing bolts & other associated work and testing and commissioning assistance to panel vendor representative (including loop checking of various modules / scada panels / inter‐panel loop checking / field loop checking / entering settings into relay as per relay co‐ordination document). Rate shall also 
include all hardware required for installation and foundation bolts (as per various installation standards / good engineering practices), minor modifications as required in the control schematic including preparing final as built documentations, radium stickers / stenciling with epoxy paint of approved paint shade (as per site in charge / WP / HPCL engineer) on 
various / all modules / panels with relevant indentification like Tag Number / Description of equipment inclusive of touch up of paint (if required), all complete as per the specifications, scope of work and directions of the Engineer‐in‐Charge.  Note that all dimensions, weights etc. are tentative and shall be finalised during detail engineering based on vendor 

Installation,  Testing and Commissioning of following Free Issue Material.  The Free issue material will be provided by other contractor(i.e Composite contractor for HCPL project awarded by Owner) at the Hiriyur Pigging Station premises after the existing loads transfer and successful commissioning of the new AC UPS system at Neriya pigging station of the 
existing MHMSPL.
10kVA, 415V, 3Ph, 50Hz as input supply and 240 V, 1ph, 50 Hz as output, 100 % fully parallel redundant UPS with Bypass.
Approx. Overall Size : 3200(L)  x  900(D) x 1850(H), 
Approx. Weight ‐ 1500kgs 
        792.00  INST‐240V, 10KVA AC UPS EA                           1.00 
Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling of various shipping sections, connection of inter‐panel bus‐bars & inter‐panel wiring, Base Frame welding, panel fixing by bolts or weld, grouting of panel fixing bolts & other associated 
work and including supply of all wiring materials and  testing and commissioning (including loop checking of various modules / scada panels / inter‐panel loop checking / field loop checking / Circuit Breaker testing). Rate shall also include all hardware required for installation and foundation bolts (as per various installation standards / good engineering 
practices), testing & Commissioning as per site testing format, minor modifications as required in the control schematic including preparing final as built documentations, radium stickers / stenciling with epoxy paint of approved paint shade (as per site in charge / WP / HPCL engineer) on various / all modules / panels with relevant indentification like Tag 
Number / Description of equipment inclusive of touch up of paint (if required), all complete as per the specifications, scope of work and directions of the Engineer‐in‐Charge. 

Installation, Assistance to Testing and Commissioning of following Free Issue Material.
7.5kVA, 240 V, 50 Hz, 100 % fully parallel redundant UPS with Bypass and 12hrs backup,
Approx. Overall Size : 3200(L)  x  900(D) x 1850(H), 
Approx. Weight ‐ 1500kgs 
        793.00  INST OF 240V, 7.5KVA AC UPS EA                           7.00 
Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling of various shipping sections,  assistance to panel vendor for connection of inter‐panel bus‐bars & inter‐panel wiring, Base Frame welding, panel fixing by bolts or weld, grouting of panel 
fixing bolts & other associated work and including supply of all wiring materials and  testing and commissioning assistance to panel vendor representative (including loop checking of various modules / scada panels / inter‐panel loop checking / field loop checking / Circuit Breaker testing). Rate shall also include all hardware required for installation and 
foundation bolts (as per various installation standards / good engineering practices), testing & Commissioning as per site testing format, minor modifications as required in the control schematic including preparing final as built documentations, radium stickers / stenciling with epoxy paint of approved paint shade (as per site in charge / WP / HPCL engineer) on 
various / all modules / panels with relevant indentification like Tag Number / Description of equipment inclusive of touch up of paint (if required), all complete as per the specifications, scope of work and directions of the Engineer‐in‐Charge.  Note that all dimensions, weights etc. are tentative and shall be finalised during detail engineering based on vendor 

Installation, Testing and Commissioning of following Free Issue Material. The Free issue material will be provided by other contractor(i.e Composite contractor for HCPL project awarded by Owner) at the Hiriyur Pigging Station premises after the existing loads transfer and successful commissioning of the new AC UPS system at Neriya pigging station of the 
existing MHMSPL.
Battery Bank for 10kVA AC UPS and 2 no's of battery isolators,
Approx. Overall Size : 4600(L) x 420 (w) x 650 (H),
Approx. Weight ‐ 3000kgs
        794.00  INST OF 10KVA AC‐UPS BATTERY. ST                           4.00 
Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling of various shipping sections, including supply of all wiring materials, installation on foundation / battery rack, electrolytic filling, fixing of inter‐cell connectors, alligning, battery rack 
earthing, leveling, grouting and testing and commissioning assistance to UPS vendor (including loop checking of various modules / inter‐panel loop checking / field loop checking / Circuit Breaker testing). Rate shall also include all hardware required for installation and foundation bolts (as per various installation standards / good engineering practices), 
preparing final as built documentations, radium stickers / stenciling with epoxy paint of approved paint shade (as per site in charge / WP / HPCL engineer) on various / all modules / panels with relevant indentification like Tag Number / Description of equipment inclusive of touch up of paint (if required), all complete as per the specifications, scope of work and 
directions of the Engineer‐in‐Charge.  Note that all dimensions, weights etc. are tentative and shall be finalised during detail engineering based on vendor drawings.

Installation, Assistance to Testing and Commissioning of following Free Issue Material.
Battery Bank (Nickel Cadmium) for 7.5kVA AC UPS and battery isolator,
Approx. Overall Size : 6000(L) x 550 (w) x 1550 (H),
Approx. Weight ‐ 2500kgs
        795.00  INST OF 7.5KVA AC UPS BATTERY ST                         14.00 
Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling of various shipping sections, including supply of all wiring materials, installation on foundation / battery rack, electrolytic filling, fixing of inter‐cell connectors, alligning, battery rack 
earthing, leveling, grouting and testing and commissioning assistance to UPS vendor (including loop checking of various modules / inter‐panel loop checking / field loop checking / Circuit Breaker testing). Rate shall also include all hardware required for installation and foundation bolts (as per various installation standards / good engineering practices), 
preparing final as built documentations, radium stickers / stenciling with epoxy paint of approved paint shade (as per site in charge / WP / HPCL engineer) on various / all modules / panels with relevant indentification like Tag Number / Description of equipment inclusive of touch up of paint (if required), all complete as per the specifications, scope of work and 
directions of the Engineer‐in‐Charge.  Note that all dimensions, weights etc. are tentative and shall be finalised during detail engineering based on vendor drawings.

Installation,  Testing and Commissioning of following Free Issue Material. The Free issue material will be provided by other contractor(i.e Composite contractor for HCPL project awarded by Owner) at the Hiriyur Pigging Station premises after the existing loads transfer and successful commissioning of the new AC UPS ACDB at Neriya pigging station of the 
existing MHMSPL.
240V, SPN, 50 Hz, 63A, 10 kA/1sec, industrial, indoor type, IP42, Single front, fixed type, floor mounted, compartmental, AC UPS distribution board,
Approx. Overall Size : 2300(L)  x  400(D) x 2200(H), 
Approx. Weight ‐ 800kgs
        796.00  INST‐240V AC UPS ACDB EA                           1.00 
Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling of various shipping sections, connection of inter‐panel bus‐bars & inter‐panel wiring, Base Frame welding, panel fixing by bolts or weld, grouting of panel fixing bolts & other associated 
work and including supply of all wiring materials and  testing and commissioning (including loop checking of various modules / scada panels / inter‐panel loop checking / field loop checking / Circuit Breaker testing). Rate shall also include all hardware required for installation and foundation bolts (as per various installation standards / good engineering 
practices), testing & Commissioning as per site testing format, minor modifications as required in the control schematic including preparing final as built documentations, radium stickers / stenciling with epoxy paint of approved paint shade (as per site in charge / WP / HPCL engineer) on various / all modules / panels with relevant indentification like Tag 
Number / Description of equipment inclusive of touch up of paint (if required), all complete as per the specifications, scope of work and directions of the Engineer‐in‐Charge. 

Installation, Assistance to Testing and Commissioning of following Free Issue Material 
240V, SPN, 50 Hz, 63A, 10 kA/1sec, industrial, indoor type, IP42, Single front, fixed type, floor mounted, compartmental, AC UPS distribution board,
Approx. Overall Size : 2300(L)  x  400(D) x 2200(H), 
Approx. Weight ‐ 800kgs
        797.00  INST OF 240V AC UPS ACDB EA                           7.00 
Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling of various shipping sections,  assistance to panel vendor for connection of inter‐panel bus‐bars & inter‐panel wiring, Base Frame welding, panel fixing by bolts or weld, grouting of panel 
fixing bolts & other associated work and including supply of all wiring materials and  testing and commissioning assistance to panel vendor representative (including loop checking of various modules / scada panels / inter‐panel loop checking / field loop checking / Circuit Breaker testing). Rate shall also include all hardware required for installation and 
foundation bolts (as per various installation standards / good engineering practices), testing & Commissioning as per site testing format, minor modifications as required in the control schematic including preparing final as built documentations, radium stickers / stenciling with epoxy paint of approved paint shade (as per site in charge / WP / HPCL engineer) on 
various / all modules / panels with relevant indentification like Tag Number / Description of equipment inclusive of touch up of paint (if required), all complete as per the specifications, scope of work and directions of the Engineer‐in‐Charge.  Note that all dimensions, weights etc. are tentative and shall be finalised during detail engineering based on vendor 

Installation, Testing and Commissioning of following Free Issue Material. The Free issue material will be provided by other contractor(i.e Composite contractor for HCPL project awarded by Owner) at the Hiriyur Pigging Station premises after the existing loads transfer and successful commissioning of the new DC UPS System at Neriya pigging station of the 
existing MHMSPL.
50A, 100 % fully parallel redundant 240 VAC ‐ 48 VDC Converter Panel and with its DCDB
Approx. Overall Size : 1800(L)  x  450(D) x 1850(H), 
Approx. Weight ‐ 500kgs
        798.00  INS‐240 VAC‐48 VDC Converter EA                           1.00 
Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling of various shipping sections, connection of inter‐panel bus‐bars & inter‐panel wiring, Base Frame welding, panel fixing by bolts or weld, grouting of panel fixing bolts & other associated 
work and including supply of all wiring materials and  testing and commissioning (including loop checking of various modules / scada panels / inter‐panel loop checking / field loop checking / Circuit Breaker testing). Rate shall also include all hardware required for installation and foundation bolts (as per various installation standards / good engineering 
practices), testing & Commissioning as per site testing format, minor modifications as required in the control schematic including preparing final as built documentations, radium stickers / stenciling with epoxy paint of approved paint shade (as per site in charge / WP / HPCL engineer) on various / all modules / panels with relevant indentification like Tag 
Number / Description of equipment inclusive of touch up of paint (if required), all complete as per the specifications, scope of work and directions of the Engineer‐in‐Charge. 

Installation, Assistance to Testing and Commissioning of following Free Issue Material 
48V, 2P, 63A, 10 kA/1sec, industrial, indoor type, IP42, Single front, fixed type, floor mounted, compartmental, DC UPS distribution board,
Approx. Overall Size : 1000(L)  x  500(D) x 2200(H), 
Approx. Weight ‐ 300kgs
        799.00  INST OF 48V DC UPS DCDB EA                           7.00 
Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling of various shipping sections,  assistance to panel vendor for connection of inter‐panel bus‐bars & inter‐panel wiring, Base Frame welding, panel fixing by bolts or weld, grouting of panel 
fixing bolts & other associated work and including supply of all wiring materials and  testing and commissioning assistance to panel vendor representative (including loop checking of various modules / scada panels / inter‐panel loop checking / field loop checking / Circuit Breaker testing). Rate shall also include all hardware required for installation and 
foundation bolts (as per various installation standards / good engineering practices), testing & Commissioning as per site testing format, minor modifications as required in the control schematic including preparing final as built documentations, radium stickers / stenciling with epoxy paint of approved paint shade (as per site in charge / WP / HPCL engineer) on 
various / all modules / panels with relevant indentification like Tag Number / Description of equipment inclusive of touch up of paint (if required), all complete as per the specifications, scope of work and directions of the Engineer‐in‐Charge.  Note that all dimensions, weights etc. are tentative and shall be finalised during detail engineering based on vendor 

Installation, Assistance to Testing and Commissioning of following Free Issue Material 
50A, 100 % fully parallel redundant 240 VAC ‐ 48 VDC Converter Panel
Approx. Overall Size : 1300(L)  x  500(D) x 2200(H), 
Approx. Weight ‐ 500kgs
        800.00  INST OF 240AC‐48VDC RECTIFIER EA                           7.00 
Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling of various shipping sections,  assistance to panel vendor for connection of inter‐panel bus‐bars & inter‐panel wiring, Base Frame welding, panel fixing by bolts or weld, grouting of panel 
fixing bolts & other associated work and including supply of all wiring materials and  testing and commissioning assistance to panel vendor representative (including loop checking of various modules / scada panels / inter‐panel loop checking / field loop checking / Circuit Breaker testing). Rate shall also include all hardware required for installation and 
foundation bolts (as per various installation standards / good engineering practices), testing & Commissioning as per site testing format, minor modifications as required in the control schematic including preparing final as built documentations, radium stickers / stenciling with epoxy paint of approved paint shade (as per site in charge / WP / HPCL engineer) on 
various / all modules / panels with relevant indentification like Tag Number / Description of equipment inclusive of touch up of paint (if required), all complete as per the specifications, scope of work and directions of the Engineer‐in‐Charge.  Note that all dimensions, weights etc. are tentative and shall be finalised during detail engineering based on vendor 

Installation, Assistance to Testing and Commissioning of following Free Issue Material 
25A, 100 % fully parallel redundant 240VAC ‐ 24 VDC Converter Panel
Approx. Overall Size : 1300(L)  x  500(D) x 2200(H), 
Approx. Weight ‐ 500kgs
        801.00  INST OF 240AC‐24VDC RECTIFIER EA                           1.00 
Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling of various shipping sections,  assistance to panel vendor for connection of inter‐panel bus‐bars & inter‐panel wiring, Base Frame welding, panel fixing by bolts or weld, grouting of panel 
fixing bolts & other associated work and including supply of all wiring materials and  testing and commissioning assistance to panel vendor representative (including loop checking of various modules / scada panels / inter‐panel loop checking / field loop checking / Circuit Breaker testing). Rate shall also include all hardware required for installation and 
foundation bolts (as per various installation standards / good engineering practices), testing & Commissioning as per site testing format, minor modifications as required in the control schematic including preparing final as built documentations, radium stickers / stenciling with epoxy paint of approved paint shade (as per site in charge / WP / HPCL engineer) on 
various / all modules / panels with relevant indentification like Tag Number / Description of equipment inclusive of touch up of paint (if required), all complete as per the specifications, scope of work and directions of the Engineer‐in‐Charge.  Note that all dimensions, weights etc. are tentative and shall be finalised during detail engineering based on vendor 

Installation, Assistance to Testing and Commissioning of following Free Issue Material 
24V, 2P, 63A, 10 kA/1sec, industrial, indoor type, IP42, Single front, fixed type, floor mounted, compartmental, DC UPS distribution board,
Approx. Overall Size : 1000(L)  x  500(D) x 2200(H), 
Approx. Weight ‐ 300kgs
        802.00  INST OF 24V DC UPS DCDB EA                           1.00 
Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling of various shipping sections,  assistance to panel vendor for connection of inter‐panel bus‐bars & inter‐panel wiring, Base Frame welding, panel fixing by bolts or weld, grouting of panel 
fixing bolts & other associated work and including supply of all wiring materials and  testing and commissioning assistance to panel vendor representative (including loop checking of various modules / scada panels / inter‐panel loop checking / field loop checking / Circuit Breaker testing). Rate shall also include all hardware required for installation and 
foundation bolts (as per various installation standards / good engineering practices), testing & Commissioning as per site testing format, minor modifications as required in the control schematic including preparing final as built documentations, radium stickers / stenciling with epoxy paint of approved paint shade (as per site in charge / WP / HPCL engineer) on 
various / all modules / panels with relevant indentification like Tag Number / Description of equipment inclusive of touch up of paint (if required), all complete as per the specifications, scope of work and directions of the Engineer‐in‐Charge.  Note that all dimensions, weights etc. are tentative and shall be finalised during detail engineering based on vendor 

Installation,  Testing and Commissioning of following Free Issue Material. The Free issue material will be provided by other contractor(i.e Composite contractor for HCPL project awarded by Owner) at the Hiriyur Pigging Station premises after the existing loads transfer and successful commissioning of the new EDG System at Neriya pigging station of the 
existing MHMSPL.
50kW(62.5kVA)at 0.8 p.f., 415 V, 3Phase, 50Hz EDG set with acoustic enclousre, exhaust piping on stack and day tank suitable for 12 hrs continous operation.
Approx. EDG Dimensions (LxBxH) : 3000 x 1200 x 1600 mm
Approx. Weight : 1500 kgs
        803.00  INST‐50KVA DIESEL GENERATOR. LO                           1.00 
Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling of various assemblies / sub‐assemblies (such as chimney, exhaust piping including insulation, fuel tank and associated piping, battery charger, batteries etc.), assembling and installation 
of components / devices supplied separately ‐ as recommended by Manufacturer and testing and commissioning (including loop checking of various modules / scada panels / inter‐panel loop checking / field loop checking / neutral earthing from alternator to nearest earth bus with supply and installation of all necessary accessories). Fabrication and installation 
of steel support structure / supporting frames for various equipment / assemblies / sub‐assemblies  (such as fuel oil tank) as per the site requirement is included in the scope. Rate shall also include all hardware required for installation and foundation bolts (as per various installation standards / good engineering practices), minor modifications as required in 
the control schematic including preparing final as built documentations, radium stickers / stenciling with epoxy paint of approved paint shade (as per site in charge / WP / HPCL engineer) on various / all modules / panels with relevant indentification like Tag Number / Description of equipment inclusive of touch up of paint (if required), all complete as per the 
specifications, scope of work and directions of the Engineer‐in‐Charge. 

Installation, Assistance to Testing and Commissioning of following Free Issue Material.
20kW(25kVA)at 0.8 p.f., 240 V, 1Phase 50Hz EDG set with acoustic enclousre, exhaust piping on stack and day tank suitable for 12 hrs continous operation.
Approx. Dimensions (LxBxH) : 2400 x 1000 x 1600 mm
Approx. Weight : 1200 kgs
        804.00  INST OF 25KVA DIESEL GENERATOR LO                           7.00 
Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling of various assemblies / sub‐assemblies (such as chimney, exhaust piping including insulation, fuel tank and associated piping, battery charger, batteries etc.), assembling and installation 
of components / devices supplied separately ‐ as recommended by Manufacturer and testing and commissioning assistance to EDG manufacture representative (including loop checking of various modules / scada panels / inter‐panel loop checking / field loop checking / neutral earthing from alternator to nearest earth bus with supply and installation of all 
necessary accessories). Fabrication and installation of steel support structure / supporting frames for various equipment / assemblies / sub‐assemblies  (such as fuel oil tank) as per the site requirement is included in the scope. Rate shall also include all hardware required for installation and foundation bolts (as per various installation standards / good 
engineering practices), minor modifications as required in the control schematic including preparing final as built documentations, radium stickers / stenciling with epoxy paint of approved paint shade (as per site in charge / WP / HPCL engineer) on various / all modules / panels with relevant indentification like Tag Number / Description of equipment inclusive 
of touch up of paint (if required), all complete as per the specifications, scope of work and directions of the Engineer‐in‐Charge.  Note that all dimensions, weights etc. are tentative and shall be finalised during detail engineering based on vendor drawings.

Installation, Testing and Commissioning of following Free Issue Material. The Free issue material will be provided by other contractor(i.e Composite contractor for HCPL project awarded by Owner) at the Hiriyur Pigging Station premises after the existing loads transfer and successful commissioning of the new EDG System AMF panel at Neriya pigging station of 
the existing MHMSPL.
PLC based indoor AMF panel & Battery charger panel,
Approx. Dimensions (LxBxH) : 800 x 400 x 1500 mm
Approx. Weight : 500 kgs
        805.00  INST OF AMF PANEL. EA                           1.00 
Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling of various assemblies / sub‐assemblies and installation of components / devices supplied separately ‐ as recommended by Manufacturer, testing and commissioning (including loop 
checking of various modules / scada panels / inter‐panel loop checking / field loop checking) of above AMF panel. Fabrication and installation of steel support structure / supporting frames for various equipment / assemblies / sub‐assemblies as per the site requirement is included in the scope. Rate shall also include all hardware required for installation and 
foundation bolts (as per various installation standards / good engineering practices), minor modifications as required in the control schematic including preparing final as built documentations, radium stickers / stenciling with epoxy paint of approved paint shade (as per site in charge / WP / HPCL engineer) on various / all modules / panels with relevant 
indentification like Tag Number / Description of equipment inclusive of touch up of paint (if required), all complete as per the specifications, scope of work and directions of the Engineer‐in‐Charge.  Note that all dimensions, weights etc. are tentative and shall be finalised during detail engineering based on vendor drawings.

Installation, Assistance to Testing and Commissioning of following Free Issue Material.
PLC based indoor AMF panel & Battery charger panel,
Approx. Dimensions (LxBxH) : 800 x 400 x 2000 mm
Approx. Weight : 500 kgs
        806.00  INST OF AMF PANEL EA                           7.00 
Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling of various assemblies / sub‐assemblies and installation of components / devices supplied separately ‐ as recommended by Manufacturer, testing and commissioningassistance to EDG 
manufactures representative / HPCL / WP (including loop checking of various modules / scada panels / inter‐panel loop checking / field loop checking) of above AMF panel. Fabrication and installation of steel support structure / supporting frames for various equipment / assemblies / sub‐assemblies as per the site requirement is included in the scope. Rate 
shall also include all hardware required for installation and foundation bolts (as per various installation standards / good engineering practices), minor modifications as required in the control schematic including preparing final as built documentations, radium stickers / stenciling with epoxy paint of approved paint shade (as per site in charge / WP / HPCL 
engineer) on various / all modules / panels with relevant indentification like Tag Number / Description of equipment inclusive of touch up of paint (if required), all complete as per the specifications, scope of work and directions of the Engineer‐in‐Charge.  Note that all dimensions, weights etc. are tentative and shall be finalised during detail engineering based 
on vendor drawings.

Installation, testing and commissioning of outdoor type Galvanised Two Pole Structure suitable pole mounting distribution transformer(Rating of the transformer as indicated in below line items) with 11kV Air break on Load Isolator with 3 Pole earth Switch, CT and PT's for SEB metering, Lightning arrestors, 11kV Drop out Fuse, Post top isulators, pin insulators, 
        807.00  strain insulators etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, Unloading, Storage at site including all material & accessories as per approved drawings & any material as per local SEB guidlines shall be provided. Chain link fence around the 2 pole structure and entry gate shall be provided. The galvanization of the 2 pole structure shall be min. 100  INST OF DOUBLE POLE STRUCTURE LO                           8.00 
microns thick. 2 Pole structure and associated equipments shall be supplied as per SEB approved make. Liasoning with SEB shall be done by PL contractor. Rate shall include design, supply and installation of foundations for pole structures.

Installation, testing and commissioning of 63kVA, 11/0.433kV, 3Ph, 4Wire, 50Hz, Dyn11, Z=4%, OCTC, Oil Filled, pole mounted, distribution transformer with primary side overhead line termination bushings and secondary side 0.6/1.1kV cable termination with all other accessories and supports as required and as per the datasheet number: 15963‐070‐EL‐DAS‐
        808.00  INST OF DIST. TRANSFORMER EA                           8.00 
0004 OR 15963‐150‐EL‐DAS‐0004. The pole mounted transformer shall be supplied as per SEB approved make. Liasoning with SEB shall be done by PL contractor. 

Installation, testing and commissioning of 11kV, 3Phase, 3wire, 50Hz overhead power transmission line including but not limited to RCC Poles, pin insulators, strain insulators, GI cross arms, nuts, bolts, cross arm mouting clamps etc. including the transportation upto the site/yard, Unloading, Storage at site including all material & accessories as per approved 
        809.00  drawings & any material as per local SEB guidlines shall be provided. The overhead line shall be supplied as per SEB approved make. Liasoning with SEB shall be done by PL contractor.  The overhead line route survey and Liasoning with landlord, Govt authorities shall be done by  PL contractor. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed  INST OF 11kV POWER TRANS. LINE KM                         40.00 
quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant. 

Installation, testing and commissioning of 415 V, TPN, Single front, wall mount, Industrial type, indoor, IP42, 9 ways (each of 415V, TPN, 50Hz) Normal Lighting DB for outdoor lighting with 1 no. 63A, 10kA, 4P MCB+ELCB 100mA as incomer and 9 nos 16A, 10kA 4P MCB and Contactor for controlling through a photocell, auto‐manual selector switch & 24 hrs
timer as outgoing feeders. The DB shall be suitable for termination of 3.5C x 35, A2XFY as incomer cable and 4C X 10, 2XWY  as outgoing cables

        810.00  Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling,inter‐panel wiring, grouting of panel fixing bolts & other associated work (including chipping of concrete (as required) and making good) and Installation, testing and commissioning INST OF 9WAY INDOOR LTNG DB EA                           1.00 
under the supervision of suppliers commissioning engineer / HPCL / WP (including loop checking of various modules / inter‐panel loop checking / field loop checking) of following distribution boards. Rate shall also include all hardware required for installation and foundation bolts (as per various installation standards / good engineering practices), testing &
commissioning as per site testing format, minor modifications as required in the control schematic including preparing final as built documentations, stenciling with epoxy paint of approved paint shade (as per site in charge / WP / HPCL engineer) on various / all modules / panels with relevant indentification like Tag Number / Description of equipment inclusive
of touch up of paint (if required), all complete as per the specifications,scope of work and directions of the Engineer‐in‐Charge. Note that all dimensions, weights etc. are tentative and shall be finalised during detail engineering based on vendor drawings.

Installation, testing and commissioning of 415 V, TPN, Single front, wall mount, Industrial type, indoor, IP42, 6ways (each of 415V, TPN, 50Hz) Emergency Lighting DB for outdoor lighting with 1 no. 32A, 10kA, 4P MCB+ELCB 100mA as incomer and 6 nos 16A, 10kA 4P MCB and Contactor for controlling through a photocell, auto‐manual selector switch & 24 hrs
timer as outgoing feeders. The DB shall be suitable for termination of 4C x 16, 2XFY as incomer cable and 4C X 10, 2XWY  as outgoing cables

        811.00  Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling,inter‐panel wiring, grouting of panel fixing bolts & other associated work (including chipping of concrete (as required) and making good) and Installation, testing and commissioning INST OF 6WAY INDOOR LTNG DB EA                           1.00 
under the supervision of suppliers commissioning engineer / HPCL / WP (including loop checking of various modules / inter‐panel loop checking / field loop checking) of following distribution boards. Rate shall also include all hardware required for installation and foundation bolts (as per various installation standards / good engineering practices), testing &
commissioning as per site testing format, minor modifications as required in the control schematic including preparing final as built documentations, stenciling with epoxy paint of approved paint shade (as per site in charge / WP / HPCL engineer) on various / all modules / panels with relevant indentification like Tag Number / Description of equipment inclusive
of touch up of paint (if required), all complete as per the specifications,scope of work and directions of the Engineer‐in‐Charge. Note that all dimensions, weights etc. are tentative and shall be finalised during detail engineering based on vendor drawings.

Installation, testing and commissioning of 415 V, TPN, Single front, Structural steel mount, Industrial type, Outdoor type, IP55(min.), 3 ways (each of 240V, 1ph, 50Hz) Lighting DB for watch tower lighting with 1 no. 32A, 10kA, 2P MCB+ELCB 100mA as incomer and 3 nos 10A, 10kA SPN MCB as outgoing feeders. The DB shall be suitable for termination of 4C x 6, 2XFY as incomer cable and 3C X 2.5, 2XWY  as outgoing cables

        812.00  Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling,inter‐panel wiring, grouting of panel fixing bolts & other associated work (including chipping of concrete (as required) and making good) and Installation, testing and commissioning INST OF 3WAY OUTDOOR LTNG DB EA                           4.00 
under the supervision of suppliers commissioning engineer / HPCL / WP (including loop checking of various modules / inter‐panel loop checking / field loop checking) of following distribution boards. Rate shall also include all hardware required for installation and foundation bolts (as per various installation standards / good engineering practices), testing &
commissioning as per site testing format, minor modifications as required in the control schematic including preparing final as built documentations, stenciling with epoxy paint of approved paint shade (as per site in charge / WP / HPCL engineer) on various / all modules / panels with relevant indentification like Tag Number / Description of equipment inclusive
of touch up of paint (if required), all complete as per the specifications,scope of work and directions of the Engineer‐in‐Charge. Note that all dimensions, weights etc. are tentative and shall be finalised during detail engineering based on vendor drawings.

Installation, testing and commissioning of 240 V, SPN, Single front, wall mount, Industrial type, indoor, IP42, 6 ways (each of 240V, 1ph, 50Hz) Normal Lighting DB for outdoor lighting with 1 no. 32A, 10kA, 2P MCB+ELCB 100mA as incomer and 6 nos 10A, 10kA SPN MCB and Contactor for controlling through a photocell & 24 hrs timer as outgoing feeders. The
DB shall be suitable for termination of 3C x 10, 2XFY as incomer cable and 3C X 4, 2XWY  as outgoing cables

        813.00  Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling,inter‐panel wiring, grouting of panel fixing bolts & other associated work (including chipping of concrete (as required) and making good) and Installation, testing and commissioning INST OF 6WAY 240V  LIGHTING DB EA                           7.00 
under the supervision of suppliers commissioning engineer / HPCL / WP (including loop checking of various modules / inter‐panel loop checking / field loop checking) of following distribution boards. Rate shall also include all hardware required for installation and foundation bolts (as per various installation standards / good engineering practices), testing &
commissioning as per site testing format, minor modifications as required in the control schematic including preparing final as built documentations, stenciling with epoxy paint of approved paint shade (as per site in charge / WP / HPCL engineer) on various / all modules / panels with relevant indentification like Tag Number / Description of equipment inclusive
of touch up of paint (if required), all complete as per the specifications,scope of work and directions of the Engineer‐in‐Charge. Note that all dimensions, weights etc. are tentative and shall be finalised during detail engineering based on vendor drawings.

Installation, testing and commissioning 415 V, TPN, Single front, wall mount, Industrial type, indoor, IP42, 9 ways (each of 240V, 1ph, 50Hz) Non UPS power DB for Instrumention/Telecom panels with 1 no. 32A, 10kA, 2P, MCB+ELCB 100mA as incomer and 9 nos 10A, 10kA, SPN, MCB as outgoing feeders. The DB shall be suitable for termination of 4C x 10, 2XFY as incomer cable and 3C X 2.5, 2XWY  as outgoing cables

        814.00  Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling,inter‐panel wiring, grouting of panel fixing bolts & other associated work (including chipping of concrete (as required) and making good) and Installation, testing and commissioning INST OF 415V NON UPS PDB EA                           1.00 
under the supervision of suppliers commissioning engineer / HPCL / WP (including loop checking of various modules / inter‐panel loop checking / field loop checking) of following distribution boards. Rate shall also include all hardware required for installation and foundation bolts (as per various installation standards / good engineering practices), testing &
commissioning as per site testing format, minor modifications as required in the control schematic including preparing final as built documentations, stenciling with epoxy paint of approved paint shade (as per site in charge / WP / HPCL engineer) on various / all modules / panels with relevant indentification like Tag Number / Description of equipment inclusive
of touch up of paint (if required), all complete as per the specifications,scope of work and directions of the Engineer‐in‐Charge. Note that all dimensions, weights etc. are tentative and shall be finalised during detail engineering based on vendor drawings.

Installation, testing and commissioning of 240 V, SPN, Single front, wall mount, Industrial type, indoor, IP42, 9 ways (each of 240V, 1ph, 50Hz) Non UPS power DB for Instrumention/Telecom panels with 1 no. 32A, 10kA, 2P, MCB+ELCB 100mA as incomer and 9 nos 10A, 10kA, SPN, MCB as outgoing feeders. The DB shall be suitable for termination of 4C x 10, 2XFY as incomer cable and 3C X 2.5, 2XWY  as outgoing cables

        815.00  Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling,inter‐panel wiring, grouting of panel fixing bolts & other associated work (including chipping of concrete (as required) and making good) and Installation, testing and commissioning INST OF 240V NON UPS DB EA                           7.00 
under the supervision of suppliers commissioning engineer / HPCL / WP (including loop checking of various modules / inter‐panel loop checking / field loop checking) of following distribution boards. Rate shall also include all hardware required for installation and foundation bolts (as per various installation standards / good engineering practices), testing &
commissioning as per site testing format, minor modifications as required in the control schematic including preparing final as built documentations, stenciling with epoxy paint of approved paint shade (as per site in charge / WP / HPCL engineer) on various / all modules / panels with relevant indentification like Tag Number / Description of equipment inclusive
of touch up of paint (if required), all complete as per the specifications,scope of work and directions of the Engineer‐in‐Charge. Note that all dimensions, weights etc. are tentative and shall be finalised during detail engineering based on vendor drawings.

Installation, testing and commissioning of Photo cell with 1No + 1NC auxiliary contacts (Surface Mounted) for controlling the outdoor lighting DB.

Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling,inter‐panel wiring, grouting of panel fixing bolts & other associated work (including chipping of concrete (as required) and making good) and Installation, testing and commissioning
        816.00  INST OF PHOTO CELL EA                           8.00 
under the supervision of suppliers commissioning engineer / HPCL / WP (including loop checking of various modules / inter‐panel loop checking / field loop checking) of following distribution boards. Rate shall also include all hardware required for installation and foundation bolts (as per various installation standards / good engineering practices), testing &
commissioning as per site testing format, minor modifications as required in the control schematic including preparing final as built documentations, stenciling with epoxy paint of approved paint shade (as per site in charge / WP / HPCL engineer) on various / all modules / panels with relevant indentification like Tag Number / Description of equipment inclusive
of touch up of paint (if required), all complete as per the specifications,scope of work and directions of the Engineer‐in‐Charge. Note that all dimensions, weights etc. are tentative and shall be finalised during detail engineering based on vendor drawings.

Installation, testing and Commissioning of Industrial type, wall/structure mount, Ultra violet resistant, Outdoor type, IP55(Min.), Switch receptacles having 63A, 415V, 3Ph+1N+1E, 50Hz, 5 Pin socket / receptacles with plug top, 415V, 63A, 50Hz, 4P MCB+ELCB with terminal suitable for cable termination (3.5C x 35 Al/XLPE/SWA/PVC FRLS cable) plastic 
body with loop in loop out facility. Each socket shall be provided with 4 way Junction box with suitable entries, metallic plugs, glands (Suitable for 3.5C x 35 Al/XLPE/SWA/PVC FRLS cable) etc. and all other accessories as required at site for Electrical room
        817.00  INST OF 63A INDU. SKT RCPT EA                           8.00 
Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling of various parts, inter‐connections, grouting of fixing bolts & other associated work (including cutout in the false ceiling, chipping of concrete, making it good etc.) and Installation, 
testing and commissioning under the supervision of HPCL / WP of above power socket. Rate shall include mounting of socket along with its accessories checking of internal wiring. All consumables such as ball and socket, hanger rods, lugs, glands, hardwares, anchor‐fasteners etc. are in the scope of the contractor. Contractor  shall consider all associated work 
as indicated in respective installation standard drawings, scope of work and as per the directions of the Engineer‐in‐charge. 

Installation, testing and Commissioning of Flameproof type (suitable for Ex‐d, Zone‐1&2, Gas grp IIA/IIB, Temp. class T3), wall/structure mount, metal‐clad, Ultra violet resistant, Outdoor type, IP55(Min.), Switch receptacles having 63A, 415V, 3P+N+E, 50Hz, 5 pin socket / receptacles with plug top, 63A 4P MCB+ELCB with terminal suitable for cable termination 
(Suitable for 3.5C x35, A2XFY cable) LM6 die cast body with loop in loop out facility. Each socket shall be provided with 4 way flameproof Junction box with suitable entries, metallic plugs, flameproof glands ((Suitable for 3.5C x35, A2XFY cable) etc. and all other accessories as required at site for pigging area
        818.00  INST OF 63A EXD SKT RCPT EA                           1.00 
Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling of various parts, inter‐connections, grouting of fixing bolts & other associated work (including cutout in the false ceiling, chipping of concrete, making it good etc.) and Installation, 
testing and commissioning under the supervision of HPCL / WP of above power socket. Rate shall include mounting of socket along with its accessories checking of internal wiring. All consumables such as ball and socket, hanger rods, lugs, glands, hardwares, anchor‐fasteners etc. are in the scope of the contractor. Contractor  shall consider all associated work 
as indicated in respective installation standard drawings, scope of work and as per the directions of the Engineer‐in‐charge. 

Installation, testing and Commissioning of Industrial type, wall/structure mount, Ultra violet resistant, Outdoor type, IP55(Min.), Switch receptacle having 16A, 240V, 1Ph+1N+1E, 50Hz, 3 Pin socket / receptacles with plug top, 16A ON/OFF switch with terminal suitable for cable termination (3C x 2.5 2XWY cable) plastic body. Each socket shall be 
provided with suitable entries, metallic plugs, glands (3C x 2.5 2XWY cable) etc. and all other accessories as required at site for watch tower
        819.00  INST OF 16A INDU. SKT RCPT EA                           4.00 
Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling of various parts, inter‐connections, grouting of fixing bolts & other associated work (including cutout in the false ceiling, chipping of concrete, making it good etc.) and Installation, 
testing and commissioning under the supervision of HPCL / WP of above power socket. Rate shall include mounting of socket along with its accessories checking of internal wiring. All consumables such as ball and socket, hanger rods, lugs, glands, hardwares, anchor‐fasteners etc. are in the scope of the contractor. Contractor  shall consider all associated work 
as indicated in respective installation standard drawings, scope of work and as per the directions of the Engineer‐in‐charge. 

Installation, testing and Commissioning of Flameproof type (suitable for Ex‐d, Zone‐1&2, Gas grp IIA/IIB, Temp. class T3), 240V, 45W, LED, Integral type Wellglass lighting fixture suitable for stanchion mounting with flameproof junction box complete with lamps, housing, reflectors, flameproof glands, metallic plugs, mouting bracket, nuts, washers, bolts etc. and
all other accessories as required at site for platform or valve area lighting BALIGA make, Model type:FLPW 1245 or FCG Flameproof Control Gears Pvt. Ltd. make, model type:  LLB 61045W,  or any other equivalent model and make. 
        820.00  INST‐45W LED EXD WELGLS FIX EA                           4.00 
Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling of various parts, inter‐connections, grouting of fixing bolts & other associated work (including cutout in the false ceiling, chipping of concrete, making it good etc.) and Installation, 
testing and commissioning under the supervision of HPCL / WP of above lighting equipment. Rate shall include mounting of fixture along with its accessories like chokes, condensers, reflectors, control gear boxes and lamps, checking of internal wiring. All consumables such as ball and socket, hanger rods, lugs, glands, GI chains, hardwares, anchor‐fasteners etc.
are in the scope of the contractor. Contractor  shall consider all associated work as indicated in respective installation standard drawings, scope of work and as per the directions of the Engineer‐in‐charge. 

Installation, testing and Commissioning of Flameproof type (suitable for Ex‐d, Zone‐1&2, Gas grp IIA/IIB, Temp. class T3), 240V,  1ph, 50Hz, 45W, LED, Integral type Wellglass lighting fixture suitable for bracket mounting with flameproof junction box complete with lamps, housing, reflectors, flameproof glands, metallic plugs, mouting bracket, nuts, washers, 
bolts etc. and all other accessories as required at site for SV valve pit Cage lighting. BALIGA make, Model type:FLPW 1245 or FCG Flameproof Control Gears Pvt. Ltd. make, model type:  LLB 61045W,  or any other equivalent model and make. 
        821.00  INST OF 45W LED EXD WELGLS FIX EA                           7.00 
Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling of various parts, inter‐connections, grouting of fixing bolts & other associated work (including cutout in the false ceiling, chipping of concrete, making it good etc.) and Installation, 
testing and commissioning under the supervision of HPCL / WP of above lighting equipment. Rate shall include mounting of fixture along with its accessories like chokes, condensers, reflectors, control gear boxes and lamps, checking of internal wiring. All consumables such as ball and socket, hanger rods, lugs, glands, GI chains, hardwares, anchor‐fasteners etc.
are in the scope of the contractor. Contractor  shall consider all associated work as indicated in respective installation standard drawings, scope of work and as per the directions of the Engineer‐in‐charge. 

Installation, testing and Commissioning of Hot dip galvanized, 3mtr heigh Stanchion Type Lighting Pole suitable for mounting of 45W Flameproof (EX'D'), LED Wellglass luminaire and including external mounted 415 V, 3ph+N, 50 Hz, 4 Way, Flameproof(Ex'D'), IP55, Die cast Aluminium Alloy, junction box suitable for Zone 1, IIA/IIB, T3 area and  4 nos. 4C x 
10mm²  2XWY cable entries with 2 nos. blanking plugs, including cabling within pole, baseplate with anchor bolts and nuts, all accesories like glands etc. as per tender documents. Poles shall be hot dip galvanised to 610 gms per sq.m.
        822.00  INST OF 3M ST LTG POLE& EXD JB EA                           4.00 
Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling of various parts, inter‐connections, grouting of fixing bolts & other associated work (including cutout in the false ceiling, chipping of concrete, making it good etc.) and Installation, 
testing and commissioning under the supervision of HPCL / WP of above lighting equipment. Rate shall include mounting of fixture along with its accessories like chokes, condensers, reflectors, control gear boxes and lamps, checking of internal wiring. All consumables such as ball and socket, hanger rods, lugs, glands, GI chains, hardwares, anchor‐fasteners etc.
are in the scope of the contractor. Contractor  shall consider all associated work as indicated in respective installation standard drawings, scope of work and as per the directions of the Engineer‐in‐charge. 

Installation, testing and Commissioning of Flameproof type (suitable for Ex‐d, Zone‐1&2, Gas grp IIA/IIB, Temp. class T3), 240V, 1ph, 50Hz, 100W, LED, pole mounting, integral floodlight fixture with flameproof junction box & flameproof control gear box complete with lamps, housing, reflectors, flameproof glands, metallic plugs etc. and all other accessories as 
required at sitE for pigging area. The Lumens output of the fixture shall be min. 8500 and BALIGA make, model type: FLPW‐2595L LED 100W or any other equivalent model and make.
        823.00  INST OF 100W LED EXD FLOOD FIX EA                         46.00 
Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling of various parts, inter‐connections, grouting of fixing bolts & other associated work (including cutout in the false ceiling, chipping of concrete, making it good etc.) and Installation, 
testing and commissioning under the supervision of HPCL / WP of above lighting equipment. Rate shall include mounting of fixture along with its accessories like chokes, condensers, reflectors, control gear boxes and lamps, checking of internal wiring. All consumables such as ball and socket, hanger rods, lugs, glands, GI chains, hardwares, anchor‐fasteners etc.
are in the scope of the contractor. Contractor  shall consider all associated work as indicated in respective installation standard drawings, scope of work and as per the directions of the Engineer‐in‐charge. 

Installation, testing and Commissioning of Industrial type, Weatherproof, 240V, 85W, LED, suspended mounting, Integral medium bay type lighting fixture with junction box & control gear box complete with lamps, housing, reflectors, glands, metallic plugs etc. and all other accessories as required at site for Fire water pump house and displacement pump 
house. The Lumens output of the fixture shall be min. 7600 and PHILIPS make, model type: BY150P LED76S CW PSU HE SY120 FG GR or any other equivalent model and make. 
        824.00  INST OF 85W LED INDU LTG FIXT EA                         10.00 
Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling of various parts, inter‐connections, grouting of fixing bolts & other associated work (including cutout in the false ceiling, chipping of concrete, making it good etc.) and Installation, 
testing and commissioning under the supervision of HPCL / WP of above lighting equipment. Rate shall include mounting of fixture along with its accessories like chokes, condensers, reflectors, control gear boxes and lamps, checking of internal wiring. All consumables such as ball and socket, hanger rods, lugs, glands, GI chains, hardwares, anchor‐fasteners etc.
are in the scope of the contractor. Contractor  shall consider all associated work as indicated in respective installation standard drawings, scope of work and as per the directions of the Engineer‐in‐charge. 

Installation, testing and Commissioning of Hot dip galvanized, Octagonal type, flood lighting pole of 8 mtr height, suitable for mounting of 4 nos of 100W LED flameproof type flood lighting fixture (along with JB and control gear box) including external mounted external mounted 415 V, 3ph+N, 50 Hz, 4 Way, Flameproof(Ex'D'), IP55, Die cast Aluminium Alloy, 
junction box suitable for Zone 1, IIA/IIB, T3 area and  4 nos. 4C x 10mm²  2XWY cable entries with 2 nos. blanking plugs, including cabling within pole, baseplate with anchor bolts and nuts, all accesories like glands etc. as per tender documents. Cable sizes to be confirmed during detail engineering. Poles shall be hot dip galvanised to 610 gms per sq.m.
        825.00  INST OF 8M FLOOD LTG POLE EA                         20.00 
Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling of various parts, inter‐connections, grouting of fixing bolts & other associated work (including cutout in the false ceiling, chipping of concrete, making it good etc.) and Installation, 
testing and commissioning under the supervision of HPCL / WP of above lighting equipment. Rate shall include mounting of fixture along with its accessories like chokes, condensers, reflectors, control gear boxes and lamps, checking of internal wiring. All consumables such as ball and socket, hanger rods, lugs, glands, GI chains, hardwares, anchor‐fasteners etc.
are in the scope of the contractor. Contractor  shall consider all associated work as indicated in respective installation standard drawings, scope of work and as per the directions of the Engineer‐in‐charge. 

Installation, testing and Commissioning of Industrial type, Weatherproof,  IP55(Min.), 240V, 1ph, 50Hz, 70W, LED, suitable for pole mounting, integral street light fixture with junction box & control gear box complete with lamps, housing, reflectors, glands, metallic plugs etc. and all other accessories as required at site.  The Lumens output of the fixture shall be 
min. 7400 lumens and PHILIPS make model type:  BRP410 LED 074 CW HE MR FG S2 PSU GR or any other equivalent model and make.7400 lumens and PHILIPS make model type:  BRP410 LED 074 CW HE MR FG S2 PSU GR or any other equivalent model and make.
        826.00  INST OF 70W LED STREET LGT FIX EA                         48.00 
Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling of various parts, inter‐connections, grouting of fixing bolts & other associated work (including cutout in the false ceiling, chipping of concrete, making it good etc.) and Installation, 
testing and commissioning under the supervision of HPCL / WP of above lighting equipment. Rate shall include mounting of fixture along with its accessories like chokes, condensers, reflectors, control gear boxes and lamps, checking of internal wiring. All consumables such as ball and socket, hanger rods, lugs, glands, GI chains, hardwares, anchor‐fasteners etc.
are in the scope of the contractor. Contractor  shall consider all associated work as indicated in respective installation standard drawings, scope of work and as per the directions of the Engineer‐in‐charge. 

Installation of Hot dip galvanized, Octagonal type, Street lighting pole of 8 mtr height with single decorative type arm of 1mtr length suitable for mounting of 1 nos of 70W,  LED, industrial type street lighting fixture including marshalling box (Junction box)  inside the pole suitable for looping of 415V, TPN, 50 Hz incoming supply including cabling within pole and 
including baseplate with anchor bolts and nuts.
        827.00  INST OF 8M ST LTG POLE EA                         48.00 
Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling of various parts, inter‐connections, grouting of fixing bolts & other associated work (including cutout in the false ceiling, chipping of concrete, making it good etc.) and Installation, 
testing and commissioning under the supervision of HPCL / WP of above lighting equipment. Rate shall include mounting of fixture along with its accessories like chokes, condensers, reflectors, control gear boxes and lamps, checking of internal wiring. All consumables such as ball and socket, hanger rods, lugs, glands, GI chains, hardwares, anchor‐fasteners etc.
are in the scope of the contractor. Contractor  shall consider all associated work as indicated in respective installation standard drawings, scope of work and as per the directions of the Engineer‐in‐charge. 

Installation, testing and Commissioning of Industrial type, Weatherproof, IP55(Min.), 240V, 1ph, 50Hz, 20W, LED, suitable for 3mtr stanchion mounting, integral street light fixture complete with lamps, housing, reflectors, glands, metallic plugs etc. and all other accessories as required at site for wacth tower stair case.  The Lumens output of the fixture shall be 
min. 1900 lumens and PHILIPS make model type:  BRP042 LED 19 CW MR MR PSU GR or any other equivalent model and make.
        828.00  INST OF 20W LED STREET LGT FIX EA                         12.00 
Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling of various parts, inter‐connections, grouting of fixing bolts & other associated work (including cutout in the false ceiling, chipping of concrete, making it good etc.) and Installation, 
testing and commissioning under the supervision of HPCL / WP of above lighting equipment. Rate shall include mounting of fixture along with its accessories like chokes, condensers, reflectors, control gear boxes and lamps, checking of internal wiring. All consumables such as ball and socket, hanger rods, lugs, glands, GI chains, hardwares, anchor‐fasteners etc.
are in the scope of the contractor. Contractor  shall consider all associated work as indicated in respective installation standard drawings, scope of work and as per the directions of the Engineer‐in‐charge. 

Installation, testing and Commissioning of Hot dip galvanized, 3mtr heigh Stanchion Type Lighting Pole suitable for mounting of 20W, LEDstreet light luminaire including external mounted 240 V, 1ph+N+E, 50 Hz, 4 Way, Outdoor type, industrial, IP55, Fibreglass Reinforced Polyster (FRP), junction box suitable for 4 nos. 3C x 2.5 mm²  CU/XLPE/SWA/PVC cable 
entries and 2 no. blanking plug (Surface Mounted)., including cabling within pole, baseplate with anchor bolts and nuts, all accesories like glands etc. as per tender documents. Poles shall be hot dip galvanised to 610 gms per sq.m.
        829.00  INST OF 3M ST LTG POLE& IND JB EA                         12.00 
Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling of various parts, inter‐connections, grouting of fixing bolts & other associated work (including cutout in the false ceiling, chipping of concrete, making it good etc.) and Installation, 
testing and commissioning under the supervision of HPCL / WP of above lighting equipment. Rate shall include mounting of fixture along with its accessories like chokes, condensers, reflectors, control gear boxes and lamps, checking of internal wiring. All consumables such as ball and socket, hanger rods, lugs, glands, GI chains, hardwares, anchor‐fasteners etc.
are in the scope of the contractor. Contractor  shall consider all associated work as indicated in respective installation standard drawings, scope of work and as per the directions of the Engineer‐in‐charge. 

Installation, testing and Commissioning of Industrial type, Weatherproof, IP55(Min.), 240V, 1ph, 50Hz, 35W, LED, wellglass luminiare suitable for structual steel mounted , complete with lamps, housing, reflectors, glands, metallic plugs, mounting brackets etc. and all other accessories as required at site for wacth tower.  The Lumens output of the fixture shall 
be min. 3500 lumens and PHILIPS make model type:  BY200P LED 35S CW PSU S2 PC or any other equivalent model and make.
        830.00  INST OF 35W LED IND WELGLS FIX EA                           4.00 
Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling of various parts, inter‐connections, grouting of fixing bolts & other associated work (including cutout in the false ceiling, chipping of concrete, making it good etc.) and Installation, 
testing and commissioning under the supervision of HPCL / WP of above lighting equipment. Rate shall include mounting of fixture along with its accessories like chokes, condensers, reflectors, control gear boxes and lamps, checking of internal wiring. All consumables such as ball and socket, hanger rods, lugs, glands, GI chains, hardwares, anchor‐fasteners etc.
are in the scope of the contractor. Contractor  shall consider all associated work as indicated in respective installation standard drawings, scope of work and as per the directions of the Engineer‐in‐charge. 

Installation of 3C x 2.5 sq mm 2XWY (1100V) FRLS cable (for Lighting on watch tower and on SV valve pit lighting etc.)

        831.00  Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting from storage point or any other location within the project site, laying, glanding, lugging, termination, testing & commisioning of lighting cables of above sizes as per specification and datasheets inclusive of all consumables such as clamps for cleating of cables on surface, hardware etc., including INST‐3Cx2.5,2XWY,1.1KV CABL MT                      900.00 
chipping of wall/surface, installing conduit (concealed) and making wall/surface good, including the cost of all labours, material, equipment etc. complete as per approved drawings, specifications of this tender and directions of engineer‐in‐charge. Job includes supply and installation of Industrial glands as required with all accessories as required at site. Job
includes supply and installation of  Industrial type reducers and/or adapters as required at site. Job includes supply and installation of Crimping type Tinned copper/Aluminium, insulated, Pin type/Ring type lugs/heavy duty tubular/long barrel type  tubular lugs for bolted connection as required at site. 

Installation of 3C x 4 sq mm 2XWY (1100V) FRLS cable (for street Lighting).

        832.00  Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting from storage point or any other location within the project site, laying, glanding, lugging, termination, testing & commisioning of lighting cables of above sizes as per specification and datasheets inclusive of all consumables such as clamps for cleating of cables on surface, hardware etc., including INST OF 3Cx4,2XWY,1.1KV CABLE. MT                   1,750.00 
chipping of wall/surface, installing conduit (concealed) and making wall/surface good, including the cost of all labours, material, equipment etc. complete as per approved drawings, specifications of this tender and directions of engineer‐in‐charge. Job includes supply and installation of Industrial glands as required with all accessories as required at site. Job
includes supply and installation of  Industrial type reducers and/or adapters as required at site. Job includes supply and installation of Crimping type Tinned copper/Aluminium, insulated, Pin type/Ring type lugs/heavy duty tubular/long barrel type  tubular lugs for bolted connection as required at site. 

Installation of 4C x 4 sq mm 2XWY (1100V) FRLS cable (for street lighting).

        833.00  Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting from storage point or any other location within the project site, laying, glanding, lugging, termination, testing & commisioning of lighting cables of above sizes as per specification and datasheets inclusive of all consumables such as clamps for cleating of cables on surface, hardware etc., including INST‐4Cx4,2XWY,1.1KV CABLE MT                      750.00 
chipping of wall/surface, installing conduit (concealed) and making wall/surface good, including the cost of all labours, material, equipment etc. complete as per approved drawings, specifications of this tender and directions of engineer‐in‐charge. Job includes supply and installation of Industrial glands as required with all accessories as required at site. Job
includes supply and installation of  Industrial type reducers and/or adapters as required at site. Job includes supply and installation of Crimping type Tinned copper/Aluminium, insulated, Pin type/Ring type lugs/heavy duty tubular/long barrel type  tubular lugs for bolted connection as required at site. 

Installation of 4C x 10 sq mm 2XWY (1100V) FRLS cable (for flood lighting).

        834.00  Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting from storage point or any other location within the project site, laying, glanding, lugging, termination, testing & commisioning of lighting cables of above sizes as per specification and datasheets inclusive of all consumables such as clamps for cleating of cables on surface, hardware etc., including INST OF 4Cx10,2XWY,1.1KV CABLE MT                      500.00 
chipping of wall/surface, installing conduit (concealed) and making wall/surface good, including the cost of all labours, material, equipment etc. complete as per approved drawings, specifications of this tender and directions of engineer‐in‐charge. Job includes supply and installation of Industrial glands as required with all accessories as required at site. Job
includes supply and installation of  Industrial type reducers and/or adapters as required at site. Job includes supply and installation of Crimping type Tinned copper/Aluminium, insulated, Pin type/Ring type lugs/heavy duty tubular/long barrel type  tubular lugs for bolted connection as required at site. 

Installation of 2Cx2.5, 2XWY,1.1kV, FRLS Cable

Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting from storage point or any other location within the project site, laying, termination, testing & commisioning of copper conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured power cables of above size as per specification including supply & spreading of 
        835.00  approved fine river sand in cable trenches,  approved second class bricks of 75mm thickness in cable trenches for cable protection laid lengthwise inclusive of all consumables such as clamps including trefoil clamps at every 3 meters for 1C cables, cable tags (cable tags at every 30m and on bents), hardware, trefoil clamps etc.  including supply and installation  INST OF 2Cx2.5,2XWY,1.1KV CABL MT                   1,800.00 
of cable markers for underground cable routes (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & storage at site), including excavataion of soil up to the required depth, installation of cables, back filling and compacting of soil and disposing the excess soil etc. including supply and installation of suitable GI pipes from buried trench to the equipment as per 
installation details and IFC layouts including supply and installation of crimping type tinned copper/Aluminium, Pin type/Ring type lugs/heavy duty tubular/long barrel type  tubular lugs, bi‐metallic washers(wherever different material of contact) for all cable sizes as mentioned below and as required at site (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & 
storage at site)  including the cost of all labours, material, equipment etc. complete as per approved drawings, specifications of this tender and directions of engineer‐in‐charge

Installation of 2Cx10, 2XWY,1.1kV, FRLS Cable

Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting from storage point or any other location within the project site, laying, termination, testing & commisioning of copper conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured power cables of above size as per specification including supply & spreading of 
        836.00  approved fine river sand in cable trenches,  approved second class bricks of 75mm thickness in cable trenches for cable protection laid lengthwise inclusive of all consumables such as clamps including trefoil clamps at every 3 meters for 1C cables, cable tags (cable tags at every 30m and on bents), hardware, trefoil clamps etc.  including supply and installation  INST OF 2Cx10,2XWY,1.1KV CABLE MT                   2,375.00 
of cable markers for underground cable routes (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & storage at site), including excavataion of soil up to the required depth, installation of cables, back filling and compacting of soil and disposing the excess soil etc. including supply and installation of suitable GI pipes from buried trench to the equipment as per 
installation details and IFC layouts including supply and installation of crimping type tinned copper/Aluminium, Pin type/Ring type lugs/heavy duty tubular/long barrel type  tubular lugs, bi‐metallic washers(wherever different material of contact)  for all cable sizes as mentioned below and as required at site (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & 
storage at site)  including the cost of all labours, material, equipment etc. complete as per approved drawings, specifications of this tender and directions of engineer‐in‐charge

Installation of 2Cx16, 2XWY,1.1kV, FRLS Cable

Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting from storage point or any other location within the project site, laying, termination, testing & commisioning of Aluminium conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured power cables of above size as per specification including supply & spreading of 
        837.00  approved fine river sand in cable trenches,  approved second class bricks of 75mm thickness in cable trenches for cable protection laid lengthwise inclusive of all consumables such as clamps including trefoil clamps at every 3 meters for 1C cables, cable tags (cable tags at every 30m and on bents), hardware, trefoil clamps etc.  including supply and installation  INST OF 2Cx16,2XFY,1.1KV CABLE MT                      110.00 
of cable markers for underground cable routes (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & storage at site), including excavataion of soil up to the required depth, installation of cables, back filling and compacting of soil and disposing the excess soil etc. including supply and installation of suitable GI pipes from buried trench to the equipment as per 
installation details and IFC layouts including supply and installation of crimping type tinned copper/Aluminium, Pin type/Ring type lugs/heavy duty tubular/long barrel type  tubular lugs, bi‐metallic washers(wherever different material of contact)  for all cable sizes as mentioned below and as required at site (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & 
storage at site)  including the cost of all labours, material, equipment etc. complete as per approved drawings, specifications of this tender and directions of engineer‐in‐charge

Installation of 2Cx35, 2XWY,1.1kV, FRLS Cable

Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting from storage point or any other location within the project site, laying, termination, testing & commisioning of Aluminium conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured power cables of above size as per specification including supply & spreading of 
        838.00  approved fine river sand in cable trenches,  approved second class bricks of 75mm thickness in cable trenches for cable protection laid lengthwise inclusive of all consumables such as clamps including trefoil clamps at every 3 meters for 1C cables, cable tags (cable tags at every 30m and on bents), hardware, trefoil clamps etc.  including supply and installation  INST OF 2Cx35,A2XFY,1.1KV CABL MT                      295.00 
of cable markers for underground cable routes (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & storage at site), including excavataion of soil up to the required depth, installation of cables, back filling and compacting of soil and disposing the excess soil etc. including supply and installation of suitable GI pipes from buried trench to the equipment as per 
installation details and IFC layouts including supply and installation of crimping type tinned copper/Aluminium, Pin type/Ring type lugs/heavy duty tubular/long barrel type  tubular lugs, bi‐metallic washers(wherever different material of contact)  for all cable sizes as mentioned below and as required at site (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & 
storage at site)  including the cost of all labours, material, equipment etc. complete as per approved drawings, specifications of this tender and directions of engineer‐in‐charge

Installation of  2Cx50, A2XFY,1.1kV, FRLS Cable

Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting from storage point or any other location within the project site, laying, termination, testing & commisioning of Aluminium conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured power cables of above size as per specification including supply & spreading of 
        839.00  approved fine river sand in cable trenches,  approved second class bricks of 75mm thickness in cable trenches for cable protection laid lengthwise inclusive of all consumables such as clamps including trefoil clamps at every 3 meters for 1C cables, cable tags (cable tags at every 30m and on bents), hardware, trefoil clamps etc.  including supply and installation  INST OF 2Cx50,A2XFY,1.1KV CABL MT                      720.00 
of cable markers for underground cable routes (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & storage at site), including excavataion of soil up to the required depth, installation of cables, back filling and compacting of soil and disposing the excess soil etc. including supply and installation of suitable GI pipes from buried trench to the equipment as per 
installation details and IFC layouts including supply and installation of crimping type tinned copper/Aluminium, Pin type/Ring type lugs/heavy duty tubular/long barrel type  tubular lugs, bi‐metallic washers(wherever different material of contact)  for all cable sizes as mentioned below and as required at site (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & 
storage at site)  including the cost of all labours, material, equipment etc. complete as per approved drawings, specifications of this tender and directions of engineer‐in‐charge

Installation of 2Cx95, A2XFY,1.1kV, FRLS Cable

Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting from storage point or any other location within the project site, laying, termination, testing & commisioning of Aluminium conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured power cables of above size as per specification including supply & spreading of 
        840.00  approved fine river sand in cable trenches,  approved second class bricks of 75mm thickness in cable trenches for cable protection laid lengthwise inclusive of all consumables such as clamps including trefoil clamps at every 3 meters for 1C cables, cable tags (cable tags at every 30m and on bents), hardware, trefoil clamps etc.  including supply and installation  INST OF 2Cx95,A2XFY,1.1KV CABL MT                      390.00 
of cable markers for underground cable routes (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & storage at site), including excavataion of soil up to the required depth, installation of cables, back filling and compacting of soil and disposing the excess soil etc. including supply and installation of suitable GI pipes from buried trench to the equipment as per 
installation details and IFC layouts including supply and installation of crimping type tinned copper/Aluminium, Pin type/Ring type lugs/heavy duty tubular/long barrel type  tubular lugs, bi‐metallic washers(wherever different material of contact)  for all cable sizes as mentioned below and as required at site (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & 
storage at site)  including the cost of all labours, material, equipment etc. complete as per approved drawings, specifications of this tender and directions of engineer‐in‐charge

Installation of 2Cx120, A2XFY,1.1kV, FRLS Cable

Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting from storage point or any other location within the project site, laying, termination, testing & commisioning of Aluminium conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured power cables of above size as per specification including supply & spreading of 
        841.00  approved fine river sand in cable trenches,  approved second class bricks of 75mm thickness in cable trenches for cable protection laid lengthwise inclusive of all consumables such as clamps including trefoil clamps at every 3 meters for 1C cables, cable tags (cable tags at every 30m and on bents), hardware, trefoil clamps etc.  including supply and installation  INST OF 2Cx120,A2XFY,1.1KV CAB MT                      245.00 
of cable markers for underground cable routes (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & storage at site), including excavataion of soil up to the required depth, installation of cables, back filling and compacting of soil and disposing the excess soil etc. including supply and installation of suitable GI pipes from buried trench to the equipment as per 
installation details and IFC layouts including supply and installation of crimping type tinned copper/Aluminium, Pin type/Ring type lugs/heavy duty tubular/long barrel type  tubular lugs, bi‐metallic washers(wherever different material of contact)  for all cable sizes as mentioned below and as required at site (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & 
storage at site)  including the cost of all labours, material, equipment etc. complete as per approved drawings, specifications of this tender and directions of engineer‐in‐charge

Installation of 2Cx150, A2XFY,1.1kV, FRLS Cable

Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting from storage point or any other location within the project site, laying, termination, testing & commisioning of Aluminium conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured power cables of above size as per specification including supply & spreading of 
        842.00  approved fine river sand in cable trenches,  approved second class bricks of 75mm thickness in cable trenches for cable protection laid lengthwise inclusive of all consumables such as clamps including trefoil clamps at every 3 meters for 1C cables, cable tags (cable tags at every 30m and on bents), hardware, trefoil clamps etc.  including supply and installation  INST OF 2Cx150,A2XFY,1.1KV CAB MT                         75.00 
of cable markers for underground cable routes (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & storage at site), including excavataion of soil up to the required depth, installation of cables, back filling and compacting of soil and disposing the excess soil etc. including supply and installation of suitable GI pipes from buried trench to the equipment as per 
installation details and IFC layouts including supply and installation of crimping type tinned copper/Aluminium, Pin type/Ring type lugs/heavy duty tubular/long barrel type  tubular lugs, bi‐metallic washers(wherever different material of contact)  for all cable sizes as mentioned below and as required at site (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & 
storage at site)  including the cost of all labours, material, equipment etc. complete as per approved drawings, specifications of this tender and directions of engineer‐in‐charge

Installation of 2Cx240, A2XFY,1.1kV, FRLS Cable

Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting from storage point or any other location within the project site, laying, termination, testing & commisioning of Aluminium conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured power cables of above size as per specification including supply & spreading of 
        843.00  approved fine river sand in cable trenches,  approved second class bricks of 75mm thickness in cable trenches for cable protection laid lengthwise inclusive of all consumables such as clamps including trefoil clamps at every 3 meters for 1C cables, cable tags (cable tags at every 30m and on bents), hardware, trefoil clamps etc.  including supply and installation  INST OF 2Cx240,A2XFY,1.1KV CAB MT                      280.00 
of cable markers for underground cable routes (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & storage at site), including excavataion of soil up to the required depth, installation of cables, back filling and compacting of soil and disposing the excess soil etc. including supply and installation of suitable GI pipes from buried trench to the equipment as per 
installation details and IFC layouts including supply and installation of crimping type tinned copper/Aluminium, Pin type/Ring type lugs/heavy duty tubular/long barrel type  tubular lugs, bi‐metallic washers(wherever different material of contact)  for all cable sizes as mentioned below and as required at site (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & 
storage at site)  including the cost of all labours, material, equipment etc. complete as per approved drawings, specifications of this tender and directions of engineer‐in‐charge

Installation of 3Cx2.5, 2XWY,1.1kV, FRLS Cable

Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting from storage point or any other location within the project site, laying, termination, testing & commisioning of copper conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured power cables of above size as per specification including supply & spreading of 
        844.00  approved fine river sand in cable trenches,  approved second class bricks of 75mm thickness in cable trenches for cable protection laid lengthwise inclusive of all consumables such as clamps including trefoil clamps at every 3 meters for 1C cables, cable tags (cable tags at every 30m and on bents), hardware, trefoil clamps etc.  including supply and installation  INST OF 3Cx2.5,2XWY,1.1KV CABL MT                   6,250.00 
of cable markers for underground cable routes (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & storage at site), including excavataion of soil up to the required depth, installation of cables, back filling and compacting of soil and disposing the excess soil etc. including supply and installation of suitable GI pipes from buried trench to the equipment as per 
installation details and IFC layouts including supply and installation of crimping type tinned copper/Aluminium, Pin type/Ring type lugs/heavy duty tubular/long barrel type  tubular lugs, bi‐metallic washers(wherever different material of contact)  for all cable sizes as mentioned below and as required at site (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & 
storage at site)  including the cost of all labours, material, equipment etc. complete as per approved drawings, specifications of this tender and directions of engineer‐in‐charge

Installation of 3Cx4, 2XWY,1.1kV, FRLS Cable

Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting from storage point or any other location within the project site, laying, termination, testing & commisioning of copper conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured power cables of above size as per specification including supply & spreading of 
        845.00  approved fine river sand in cable trenches,  approved second class bricks of 75mm thickness in cable trenches for cable protection laid lengthwise inclusive of all consumables such as clamps including trefoil clamps at every 3 meters for 1C cables, cable tags (cable tags at every 30m and on bents), hardware, trefoil clamps etc.  including supply and installation  INST OF 3Cx4,2XWY,1.1KV CABLE MT                   2,185.00 
of cable markers for underground cable routes (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & storage at site), including excavataion of soil up to the required depth, installation of cables, back filling and compacting of soil and disposing the excess soil etc. including supply and installation of suitable GI pipes from buried trench to the equipment as per 
installation details and IFC layouts including supply and installation of crimping type tinned copper/Aluminium, Pin type/Ring type lugs/heavy duty tubular/long barrel type  tubular lugs, bi‐metallic washers(wherever different material of contact)  for all cable sizes as mentioned below and as required at site (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & 
storage at site)  including the cost of all labours, material, equipment etc. complete as per approved drawings, specifications of this tender and directions of engineer‐in‐charge

Installation of 3Cx6, 2XWY,1.1kV, FRLS Cable

Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting from storage point or any other location within the project site, laying, termination, testing & commisioning of copper conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured power cables of above size as per specification including supply & spreading of 
        846.00  approved fine river sand in cable trenches,  approved second class bricks of 75mm thickness in cable trenches for cable protection laid lengthwise inclusive of all consumables such as clamps including trefoil clamps at every 3 meters for 1C cables, cable tags (cable tags at every 30m and on bents), hardware, trefoil clamps etc.  including supply and installation  INST OF 3Cx6,2XWY,1.1KV CABLE MT                      770.00 
of cable markers for underground cable routes (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & storage at site), including excavataion of soil up to the required depth, installation of cables, back filling and compacting of soil and disposing the excess soil etc. including supply and installation of suitable GI pipes from buried trench to the equipment as per 
installation details and IFC layouts including supply and installation of crimping type tinned copper/Aluminium, Pin type/Ring type lugs/heavy duty tubular/long barrel type  tubular lugs, bi‐metallic washers(wherever different material of contact)  for all cable sizes as mentioned below and as required at site (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & 
storage at site)  including the cost of all labours, material, equipment etc. complete as per approved drawings, specifications of this tender and directions of engineer‐in‐charge

Installation of 3Cx10, 2XWY,1.1kV, FRLS Cable

Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting from storage point or any other location within the project site, laying, termination, testing & commisioning of copper conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured power cables of above size as per specification including supply & spreading of 
        847.00  approved fine river sand in cable trenches,  approved second class bricks of 75mm thickness in cable trenches for cable protection laid lengthwise inclusive of all consumables such as clamps including trefoil clamps at every 3 meters for 1C cables, cable tags (cable tags at every 30m and on bents), hardware, trefoil clamps etc.  including supply and installation  INST OF 3Cx10,2XWY,1.1KV CABLE MT                      140.00 
of cable markers for underground cable routes (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & storage at site), including excavataion of soil up to the required depth, installation of cables, back filling and compacting of soil and disposing the excess soil etc. including supply and installation of suitable GI pipes from buried trench to the equipment as per 
installation details and IFC layouts including supply and installation of crimping type tinned copper/Aluminium, Pin type/Ring type lugs/heavy duty tubular/long barrel type  tubular lugs, bi‐metallic washers(wherever different material of contact)  for all cable sizes as mentioned below and as required at site (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & 
storage at site)  including the cost of all labours, material, equipment etc. complete as per approved drawings, specifications of this tender and directions of engineer‐in‐charge

Installation of, 2XWY,1.1kV, FRLS Cable

Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting from storage point or any other location within the project site, laying, termination, testing & commisioning of copper conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured power cables of above size as per specification including supply & spreading of 
        848.00  approved fine river sand in cable trenches,  approved second class bricks of 75mm thickness in cable trenches for cable protection laid lengthwise inclusive of all consumables such as clamps including trefoil clamps at every 3 meters for 1C cables, cable tags (cable tags at every 30m and on bents), hardware, trefoil clamps etc.  including supply and installation  INST OF 4Cx2.5,2XWY,1.1KV CABL MT                   1,850.00 
of cable markers for underground cable routes (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & storage at site), including excavataion of soil up to the required depth, installation of cables, back filling and compacting of soil and disposing the excess soil etc. including supply and installation of suitable GI pipes from buried trench to the equipment as per 
installation details and IFC layouts including supply and installation of crimping type tinned copper/Aluminium, Pin type/Ring type lugs/heavy duty tubular/long barrel type  tubular lugs, bi‐metallic washers(wherever different material of contact)  for all cable sizes as mentioned below and as required at site (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & 
storage at site)  including the cost of all labours, material, equipment etc. complete as per approved drawings, specifications of this tender and directions of engineer‐in‐charge

Installation of, 2XWY,1.1kV, FRLS Cable

Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting from storage point or any other location within the project site, laying, termination, testing & commisioning of copper conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured power cables of above size as per specification including supply & spreading of 
        849.00  approved fine river sand in cable trenches,  approved second class bricks of 75mm thickness in cable trenches for cable protection laid lengthwise inclusive of all consumables such as clamps including trefoil clamps at every 3 meters for 1C cables, cable tags (cable tags at every 30m and on bents), hardware, trefoil clamps etc.  including supply and installation  INST OF 4Cx4,2XWY,1.1KV CABLE MT                   1,095.00 
of cable markers for underground cable routes (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & storage at site), including excavataion of soil up to the required depth, installation of cables, back filling and compacting of soil and disposing the excess soil etc. including supply and installation of suitable GI pipes from buried trench to the equipment as per 
installation details and IFC layouts including supply and installation of crimping type tinned copper/Aluminium, Pin type/Ring type lugs/heavy duty tubular/long barrel type  tubular lugs, bi‐metallic washers(wherever different material of contact)  for all cable sizes as mentioned below and as required at site (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & 
storage at site)  including the cost of all labours, material, equipment etc. complete as per approved drawings, specifications of this tender and directions of engineer‐in‐charge

Installation of 4Cx6, 2XWY,1.1kV, FRLS Cable

Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting from storage point or any other location within the project site, laying, termination, testing & commisioning of copper conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured power cables of above size as per specification including supply & spreading of 
        850.00  approved fine river sand in cable trenches,  approved second class bricks of 75mm thickness in cable trenches for cable protection laid lengthwise inclusive of all consumables such as clamps including trefoil clamps at every 3 meters for 1C cables, cable tags (cable tags at every 30m and on bents), hardware, trefoil clamps etc.  including supply and installation  INST OF 4Cx6,2XWY,1.1KV CABLE MT                      235.00 
of cable markers for underground cable routes (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & storage at site), including excavataion of soil up to the required depth, installation of cables, back filling and compacting of soil and disposing the excess soil etc. including supply and installation of suitable GI pipes from buried trench to the equipment as per 
installation details and IFC layouts including supply and installation of crimping type tinned copper/Aluminium, Pin type/Ring type lugs/heavy duty tubular/long barrel type  tubular lugs, bi‐metallic washers(wherever different material of contact)  for all cable sizes as mentioned below and as required at site (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & 
storage at site)  including the cost of all labours, material, equipment etc. complete as per approved drawings, specifications of this tender and directions of engineer‐in‐charge

Installation of 4Cx16, 2XFY,1.1kV, FRLS Cable

Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting from storage point or any other location within the project site, laying, termination, testing & commisioning of copper conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured power cables of above size as per specification including supply & spreading of 
        851.00  approved fine river sand in cable trenches,  approved second class bricks of 75mm thickness in cable trenches for cable protection laid lengthwise inclusive of all consumables such as clamps including trefoil clamps at every 3 meters for 1C cables, cable tags (cable tags at every 30m and on bents), hardware, trefoil clamps etc.  including supply and installation  INST OF 4Cx16, 2XFY,1.1KV CABL MT                      290.00 
of cable markers for underground cable routes (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & storage at site), including excavataion of soil up to the required depth, installation of cables, back filling and compacting of soil and disposing the excess soil etc. including supply and installation of suitable GI pipes from buried trench to the equipment as per 
installation details and IFC layouts including supply and installation of crimping type tinned copper/Aluminium, Pin type/Ring type lugs/heavy duty tubular/long barrel type  tubular lugs, bi‐metallic washers(wherever different material of contact)  for all cable sizes as mentioned below and as required at site (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & 
storage at site)  including the cost of all labours, material, equipment etc. complete as per approved drawings, specifications of this tender and directions of engineer‐in‐charge

Installation of 3.5Cx35, A2XFY,1.1kV, FRLS Cable

Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting from storage point or any other location within the project site, laying, termination, testing & commisioning of Aluminium conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured power cables of above size as per specification including supply & spreading of 
        852.00  approved fine river sand in cable trenches,  approved second class bricks of 75mm thickness in cable trenches for cable protection laid lengthwise inclusive of all consumables such as clamps including trefoil clamps at every 3 meters for 1C cables, cable tags (cable tags at every 30m and on bents), hardware, trefoil clamps etc.  including supply and installation  INST OF3.5Cx35,A2XFY,1.1KV CAB MT                      120.00 
of cable markers for underground cable routes (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & storage at site), including excavataion of soil up to the required depth, installation of cables, back filling and compacting of soil and disposing the excess soil etc. including supply and installation of suitable GI pipes from buried trench to the equipment as per 
installation details and IFC layouts including supply and installation of crimping type tinned copper/Aluminium, Pin type/Ring type lugs/heavy duty tubular/long barrel type  tubular lugs, bi‐metallic washers(wherever different material of contact)  for all cable sizes as mentioned below and as required at site (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & 
storage at site)  including the cost of all labours, material, equipment etc. complete as per approved drawings, specifications of this tender and directions of engineer‐in‐charge

Installation of 3.5Cx95, A2XFY,1.1kV, FRLS Cable

Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting from storage point or any other location within the project site, laying, termination, testing & commisioning of Aluminium conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured power cables of above size as per specification including supply & spreading of 
        853.00  approved fine river sand in cable trenches,  approved second class bricks of 75mm thickness in cable trenches for cable protection laid lengthwise inclusive of all consumables such as clamps including trefoil clamps at every 3 meters for 1C cables, cable tags (cable tags at every 30m and on bents), hardware, trefoil clamps etc.  including supply and installation  INST OF3.5Cx95,A2XFY,1.1KV CAB MT                         45.00 
of cable markers for underground cable routes (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & storage at site), including excavataion of soil up to the required depth, installation of cables, back filling and compacting of soil and disposing the excess soil etc. including supply and installation of suitable GI pipes from buried trench to the equipment as per 
installation details and IFC layouts including supply and installation of crimping type tinned copper/Aluminium, Pin type/Ring type lugs/heavy duty tubular/long barrel type  tubular lugs, bi‐metallic washers(wherever different material of contact) for all cable sizes as mentioned below and as required at site (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & 
storage at site)  including the cost of all labours, material, equipment etc. complete as per approved drawings, specifications of this tender and directions of engineer‐in‐charge

Installation of 3.5Cx300, A2XFY,1.1kV, FRLS Cable

Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting from storage point or any other location within the project site, laying, termination, testing & commisioning of Aluminium conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured power cables of above size as per specification including supply & spreading of 
        854.00  approved fine river sand in cable trenches,  approved second class bricks of 75mm thickness in cable trenches for cable protection laid lengthwise inclusive of all consumables such as clamps including trefoil clamps at every 3 meters for 1C cables, cable tags (cable tags at every 30m and on bents), hardware, trefoil clamps etc.  including supply and installation  SUP OF3.5Cx300,A2XFY,1.1KV CAB MT                      100.00 
of cable markers for underground cable routes (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & storage at site), including excavataion of soil up to the required depth, installation of cables, back filling and compacting of soil and disposing the excess soil etc. including supply and installation of suitable GI pipes from buried trench to the equipment as per 
installation details and IFC layouts including supply and installation of crimping type tinned copper/Aluminium, Pin type/Ring type lugs/heavy duty tubular/long barrel type  tubular lugs, bi‐metallic washers(wherever different material of contact)  for all cable sizes as mentioned below and as required at site (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & 
storage at site)  including the cost of all labours, material, equipment etc. complete as per approved drawings, specifications of this tender and directions of engineer‐in‐charge

Installation of 4Cx240, A2XFY,1.1kV, FRLS Cable

Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting from storage point or any other location within the project site, laying, termination, testing & commisioning of Aluminium conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured power cables of above size as per specification including supply & spreading of 
        855.00  approved fine river sand in cable trenches,  approved second class bricks of 75mm thickness in cable trenches for cable protection laid lengthwise inclusive of all consumables such as clamps including trefoil clamps at every 3 meters for 1C cables, cable tags (cable tags at every 30m and on bents), hardware, trefoil clamps etc.  including supply and installation  SUP OF 4Cx240,A2XFY,1.1KV CABL MT                      630.00 
of cable markers for underground cable routes (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & storage at site), including excavataion of soil up to the required depth, installation of cables, back filling and compacting of soil and disposing the excess soil etc. including supply and installation of suitable GI pipes from buried trench to the equipment as per 
installation details and IFC layouts including supply and installation of crimping type tinned copper/Aluminium, Pin type/Ring type lugs/heavy duty tubular/long barrel type  tubular lugs, bi‐metallic washers(wherever different material of contact)  for all cable sizes as mentioned below and as required at site (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & 
storage at site)  including the cost of all labours, material, equipment etc. complete as per approved drawings, specifications of this tender and directions of engineer‐in‐charge

Installation of 4Cx2.5, YWY,1.1kV, HR+FRLS Cable

Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting from storage point or any other location within the project site, laying, termination, testing & commisioning of copper conductor, PVC insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured control cables of above size as per specification including supply & spreading of 
        856.00  approved fine river sand in cable trenches,  approved second class bricks of 75mm thickness in cable trenches for cable protection laid lengthwise inclusive of all consumables such as clamps including trefoil clamps at every 3 meters for 1C cables, cable tags (cable tags at every 30m and on bents), hardware, trefoil clamps etc.  including supply and installation  INST OF 4Cx2.5, YWY,1.1kV CABL MT                   2,275.00 
of cable markers for underground cable routes (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & storage at site), including excavataion of soil up to the required depth, installation of cables, back filling and compacting of soil and disposing the excess soil etc. including supply and installation of suitable GI pipes from buried trench to the equipment as per 
installation details and IFC layouts including supply and installation of crimping type tinned copper/Aluminium, Pin type/Ring type lugs/heavy duty tubular/long barrel type  tubular lugs, bi‐metallic washers(wherever different material of contact)  for all cable sizes as mentioned below and as required at site (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & 
storage at site)  including the cost of all labours, material, equipment etc. complete as per approved drawings, specifications of this tender and directions of engineer‐in‐charge

Installation of 7Cx2.5, YFY,1.1kV, HR+FRLS Cable

Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting from storage point or any other location within the project site, laying, termination, testing & commisioning of copper conductor, PVC insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured control cables of above size as per specification including supply & spreading of 
        857.00  approved fine river sand in cable trenches,  approved second class bricks of 75mm thickness in cable trenches for cable protection laid lengthwise inclusive of all consumables such as clamps including trefoil clamps at every 3 meters for 1C cables, cable tags (cable tags at every 30m and on bents), hardware, trefoil clamps etc.  including supply and installation  INST OF 7Cx2.5,YWY,1.1kV CABL MT                      800.00 
of cable markers for underground cable routes (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & storage at site), including excavataion of soil up to the required depth, installation of cables, back filling and compacting of soil and disposing the excess soil etc. including supply and installation of suitable GI pipes from buried trench to the equipment as per 
installation details and IFC layouts including supply and installation of crimping type tinned copper/Aluminium, Pin type/Ring type lugs/heavy duty tubular/long barrel type  tubular lugs, bi‐metallic washers(wherever different material of contact)  for all cable sizes as mentioned below and as required at site (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & 
storage at site)  including the cost of all labours, material, equipment etc. complete as per approved drawings, specifications of this tender and directions of engineer‐in‐charge

Installation of 12Cx2.5, YFY,1.1kV, HR+FRLS Cable

Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting from storage point or any other location within the project site, laying, termination, testing & commisioning of copper conductor, PVC insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured control cables of above size as per specification including supply & spreading of 
        858.00  approved fine river sand in cable trenches,  approved second class bricks of 75mm thickness in cable trenches for cable protection laid lengthwise inclusive of all consumables such as clamps including trefoil clamps at every 3 meters for 1C cables, cable tags (cable tags at every 30m and on bents), hardware, trefoil clamps etc.  including supply and installation  INST OF 12Cx2.5,YWY,1.1kV CABL MT                      975.00 
of cable markers for underground cable routes (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & storage at site), including excavataion of soil up to the required depth, installation of cables, back filling and compacting of soil and disposing the excess soil etc. including supply and installation of suitable GI pipes from buried trench to the equipment as per 
installation details and IFC layouts including supply and installation of crimping type tinned copper/Aluminium, Pin type/Ring type lugs/heavy duty tubular/long barrel type  tubular lugs, bi‐metallic washers(wherever different material of contact)  for all cable sizes as mentioned below and as required at site (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & 
storage at site)  including the cost of all labours, material, equipment etc. complete as per approved drawings, specifications of this tender and directions of engineer‐in‐charge

Supply of 19Cx2.5, YFY,1.1kV, HR+FRLS Cable

Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting from storage point or any other location within the project site, laying, termination, testing & commisioning of copper conductor, PVC insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured control cables of above size as per specification including supply & spreading of 
        859.00  approved fine river sand in cable trenches,  approved second class bricks of 75mm thickness in cable trenches for cable protection laid lengthwise inclusive of all consumables such as clamps including trefoil clamps at every 3 meters for 1C cables, cable tags (cable tags at every 30m and on bents), hardware, trefoil clamps etc.  including supply and installation  INST OF 19Cx2.5,YWY,1.1kV CABL MT                      880.00 
of cable markers for underground cable routes (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & storage at site), including excavataion of soil up to the required depth, installation of cables, back filling and compacting of soil and disposing the excess soil etc. including supply and installation of suitable GI pipes from buried trench to the equipment as per 
installation details and IFC layouts including supply and installation of crimping type tinned copper/Aluminium, Pin type/Ring type lugs/heavy duty tubular/long barrel type  tubular lugs, bi‐metallic washers(wherever different material of contact) for all cable sizes as mentioned below and as required at site (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & 
storage at site)  including the cost of all labours, material, equipment etc. complete as per approved drawings, specifications of this tender and directions of engineer‐in‐charge

Installation of 24Cx2.5, YFY,1.1kV, HR+FRLS Cable

Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting from storage point or any other location within the project site, laying, termination, testing & commisioning of copper conductor, PVC insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured control cables of above size as per specification including supply & spreading of 
        860.00  approved fine river sand in cable trenches,  approved second class bricks of 75mm thickness in cable trenches for cable protection laid lengthwise inclusive of all consumables such as clamps including trefoil clamps at every 3 meters for 1C cables, cable tags (cable tags at every 30m and on bents), hardware, trefoil clamps etc.  including supply and installation  INST OF 24Cx2.5,YWY,1.1kV CABL MT                      945.00 
of cable markers for underground cable routes (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & storage at site), including excavataion of soil up to the required depth, installation of cables, back filling and compacting of soil and disposing the excess soil etc. including supply and installation of suitable GI pipes from buried trench to the equipment as per 
installation details and IFC layouts including supply and installation of crimping type tinned copper/Aluminium, Pin type/Ring type lugs/heavy duty tubular/long barrel type  tubular lugs, bi‐metallic washers(wherever different material of contact) for all cable sizes as mentioned below and as required at site (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & 
storage at site)  including the cost of all labours, material, equipment etc. complete as per approved drawings, specifications of this tender and directions of engineer‐in‐charge

Installation of 30Cx2.5, YFY,1.1kV, HR+FRLS Cable

Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting from storage point or any other location within the project site, laying, termination, testing & commisioning of copper conductor, PVC insulated, extruded PVC inner sheathed, PVC outer sheath and G.I. armoured control cables of above size as per specification including supply & spreading of 
        861.00  approved fine river sand in cable trenches,  approved second class bricks of 75mm thickness in cable trenches for cable protection laid lengthwise inclusive of all consumables such as clamps including trefoil clamps at every 3 meters for 1C cables, cable tags (cable tags at every 30m and on bents), hardware, trefoil clamps etc.  including supply and installation  INST OF 30Cx2.5,YWY,1.1kV CABL MT                   1,850.00 
of cable markers for underground cable routes (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & storage at site), including excavataion of soil up to the required depth, installation of cables, back filling and compacting of soil and disposing the excess soil etc. including supply and installation of suitable GI pipes from buried trench to the equipment as per 
installation details and IFC layouts including supply and installation of crimping type tinned copper/Aluminium, Pin type/Ring type lugs/heavy duty tubular/long barrel type  tubular lugs, bi‐metallic washers(wherever different material of contact)  for all cable sizes as mentioned below and as required at site (including transportation upto Site/Yard, unloading & 
storage at site)  including the cost of all labours, material, equipment etc. complete as per approved drawings, specifications of this tender and directions of engineer‐in‐charge

Installation of 3/4"  nickel‐plated, double compression type, Industrial, IP55, brass cable glands, all accessories and fixing material suitable for Indoor/outdoor terminations of  Al/Cu conductor, XLPE/PVC insulated, PVC inner sheathed,galvanised steel wire/flat armoured,  PVC outer sheathed, power/control cables. 

        862.00  Supply of above glanding material with all accessories suitable for termination of MV and LV cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading,Storage at site as per approved drawing, datasheet, specifications of this tender and as per approved vendor list.  INST OF 3/4",INDU,CABLE GLAND EA                      900.00 

CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that These quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment / materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation 
based on Issued for Construction drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.

Installation of 1"  nickel‐plated, double compression type, Industrial, IP55, brass cable glands, all accessories and fixing material suitable for Indoor/outdoor terminations of  Al/Cu conductor, XLPE/PVC insulated, PVC inner sheathed,galvanised steel wire/flat armoured,  PVC outer sheathed, power/control cables. 

        863.00  Supply of above glanding material with all accessories suitable for termination of MV and LV cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading,Storage at site as per approved drawing, datasheet, specifications of this tender and as per approved vendor list.  INST OF 1",INDU,CABLE GLAND EA                      170.00 

CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that These quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment / materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation 
based on Issued for Construction drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.

Installation of 1 1/4"   nickel‐plated, double compression type, Industrial, IP55, brass cable glands, all accessories and fixing material suitable for Indoor/outdoor terminations of  Al/Cu conductor, XLPE/PVC insulated, PVC inner sheathed,galvanised steel wire/flat armoured,  PVC outer sheathed, power/control cables. 

        864.00  Supply of above glanding material with all accessories suitable for termination of MV and LV cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading,Storage at site as per approved drawing, datasheet, specifications of this tender and as per approved vendor list.  INST OF 1 1/4",INDU,CABL GLAND EA                         40.00 

CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that These quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment / materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation 
based on Issued for Construction drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.

Installation of 1 1/2"   nickel‐plated, double compression type, Industrial, IP55, brass cable glands, all accessories and fixing material suitable for Indoor/outdoor terminations of  Al/Cu conductor, XLPE/PVC insulated, PVC inner sheathed,galvanised steel wire/flat armoured,  PVC outer sheathed, power/control cables. 

        865.00  Supply of above glanding material with all accessories suitable for termination of MV and LV cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading,Storage at site as per approved drawing, datasheet, specifications of this tender and as per approved vendor list.  INST OF 1 1/2",INDU,CABL GLAND EA                      165.00 

CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that These quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment / materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation 
based on Issued for Construction drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.

Installation of 2"   nickel‐plated, double compression type, Industrial, IP55, brass cable glands, all accessories and fixing material suitable for Indoor/outdoor terminations of  Al/Cu conductor, XLPE/PVC insulated, PVC inner sheathed,galvanised steel wire/flat armoured,  PVC outer sheathed, power/control cables. 

        866.00  Supply of above glanding material with all accessories suitable for termination of MV and LV cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading,Storage at site as per approved drawing, datasheet, specifications of this tender and as per approved vendor list.  INST OF 2",INDU,CABLE GLAND EA                         40.00 

CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that These quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment / materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation 
based on Issued for Construction drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.

Installation of 2 1 /2"   nickel‐plated, double compression type, Industrial, IP55, brass cable glands, all accessories and fixing material suitable for Indoor/outdoor terminations of  Al/Cu conductor, XLPE/PVC insulated, PVC inner sheathed,galvanised steel wire/flat armoured,  PVC outer sheathed, power/control cables. 

        867.00  Supply of above glanding material with all accessories suitable for termination of MV and LV cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading,Storage at site as per approved drawing, datasheet, specifications of this tender and as per approved vendor list.  INST OF 2 1/2",INDU,CABL GLAND EA                         40.00 

CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that These quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment / materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation 
based on Issued for Construction drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.

Installation of 3/4" nickel‐plated, double compression type, Flameproof, Gas group IIA/IIB, IP55, brass cable glands, all accessories including PVC shrouds and fixing material suitable for Indoor/outdoor terminations of  Al/Cu conductor, XLPE/PVC insulated, PVC inner sheathed,galvanised steel wire/flat armoured,  PVC outer sheathed, power/control cables.
Note:  Contractor shall check the actual site requirement of glands and the matching thread (like ET/ISO/Metric) requirement before supplying the same.
        868.00  INST OF 3/4",EXD,CABLE GLAND EA                         85.00 
Supply of above glanding material with all accessories suitable for termination of MV and LV cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading,Storage at site as per approved drawing, datasheet, specifications of this tender and as per approved vendor list. 
CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that These quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment / materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation 
based on Issued for Construction drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.

Installation of 1" nickel‐plated, double compression type, Flameproof, Gas group IIA/IIB, IP55, brass cable glands, all accessories including PVC shrouds and fixing material suitable for Indoor/outdoor terminations of  Al/Cu conductor, XLPE/PVC insulated, PVC inner sheathed,galvanised steel wire/flat armoured,  PVC outer sheathed, power/control cables.
Note:  Contractor shall check the actual site requirement of glands and the matching thread (like ET/ISO/Metric) requirement before supplying the same.
        869.00  INST OF 1",EXD,CABLE GLAND EA                         40.00 
Supply of above glanding material with all accessories suitable for termination of MV and LV cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading,Storage at site as per approved drawing, datasheet, specifications of this tender and as per approved vendor list. 
CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that These quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment / materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation 
based on Issued for Construction drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.

Installation of 1‐1/2" nickel‐plated, double compression type, Flameproof, Gas group IIA/IIB, IP55, brass cable glands, all accessories including PVC shrouds and fixing material suitable for Indoor/outdoor terminations of  Al/Cu conductor, XLPE/PVC insulated, PVC inner sheathed,galvanised steel wire/flat armoured,  PVC outer sheathed, power/control cables.
Note:  Contractor shall check the actual site requirement of glands and the matching thread (like ET/ISO/Metric) requirement before supplying the same.
        870.00  INST OF 1‐1/2",EXD,CABLE GLAND EA                           5.00 
Supply of above glanding material with all accessories suitable for termination of MV and LV cables including transportation to yard/site, unloading,Storage at site as per approved drawing, datasheet, specifications of this tender and as per approved vendor list. 
CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for selection and supply of exactly suitable material as per the layouts, datasheets, specifications and actual site conditions for safe and standard installation. Note that These quantities are approximate and payment shall be made for actual equipment / materials installed by the Contractor as part of permanent installation 
based on Issued for Construction drawings. Actual billing shall be done only on permanantely installed quantities and not on supplied quantities. Any balance material supplied by Contractor but not permanently installed at site shall be taken back by Contractor and shall not be billed to Purchaser and/or Consultant.

Installation of of Hot dip galvanised (610 gms per sq.m) GI 520mm x 50mm x 6mm earth bus with pre‐drilled 10 mm holes.
        871.00  INST OF EARTH BUSBAR EA                         82.00 
Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection,  wiring & other associated work (including chipping of concrete (as required) and making good), and Installation, testing and commissioning under the supervision  of HPCL 
/ WP of above earthing materials including supply and installation of necessary hardware like nuts, spring washers, lugs etc. 

Installation of Hot dip galvanised (610 gms per sq.m) GI 520mm x 50mm x 6mm earth bus with pre‐drilled 10 mm holes with insulators for mounting.
        872.00  INST OF EARTH BUSBAR WITH INSU EA                         32.00 
Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection, wiring & other associated work (including chipping of concrete (as required) and making good), and Installation, testing and commissioning under the supervision of HPCL
/ WP of above earthing materials including supply and installation of necessary hardware like nuts, spring washers, lugs etc. 

Installation of 1C x 6 sq mm, copper, PVC insulated, Green colour Cables (1100V grade) for Instrumentation earthing
        873.00  INST OF 1Cx6SQMM G/Y CABLE MT                      650.00 
Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection,  wiring & other associated work (including chipping of concrete (as required) and making good), and Installation, testing and commissioning under the supervision  of HPCL 
/ WP of above earthing materials including supply and installation of necessary hardware like nuts, spring washers, lugs etc. 

Installation of 1C x 10 sq mm, copper, PVC insulated, Green colour Cables (1100V grade) for Instrumentation earthing.
        874.00  INST OF 1Cx10SQMM G/Y CABLE MT                      355.00 
Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection,  wiring & other associated work (including chipping of concrete (as required) and making good), and Installation, testing and commissioning under the supervision  of HPCL 
/ WP of above earthing materials including supply and installation of necessary hardware like nuts, spring washers, lugs etc. 

Installation of 1C x 25 sq mm, copper, PVC insulated, Green colour Cables (1100V grade)  for Instrumentation earthing.
        875.00  INST OF 1Cx25SQMM G/Y CABLE MT                      490.00 
Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection,  wiring & other associated work (including chipping of concrete (as required) and making good), and Installation, testing and commissioning under the supervision  of HPCL 
/ WP of above earthing materials including supply and installation of necessary hardware like nuts, spring washers, lugs etc. 

Installation of 8 SWG solid GI wire
        876.00  INST OF  8 SWG GI WIRE MT                      400.00 
Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection,  wiring & other associated work (including chipping of concrete (as required) and making good), and Installation, testing and commissioning under the supervision  of HPCL 
/ WP of above earthing materials including supply and installation of necessary hardware like nuts, spring washers, lugs etc. 

Installation of 10 mm (3/8”) dia GI wire flexible rope 
        877.00  INST OF 10MM DIA GI WIRE ROPE MT                      160.00 
Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection,  wiring & other associated work (including chipping of concrete (as required) and making good), and Installation, testing and commissioning under the supervision  of HPCL 
/ WP of above earthing materials including supply and installation of necessary hardware like nuts, spring washers, lugs etc. 

Installation of 16 mm (5/8”) dia GI wire flexible rope 
        878.00  INST OF 16MM DIA GI WIRE ROPE MT                         80.00 
Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection,  wiring & other associated work (including chipping of concrete (as required) and making good), and Installation, testing and commissioning under the supervision  of HPCL 
/ WP of above earthing materials including supply and installation of necessary hardware like nuts, spring washers, lugs etc. 

Installation of 50mm x 6mm GI strip 
        879.00  INST OF 50X6 GI EARTH STRIP MT                   3,800.00 
Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection,  wiring & other associated work (including chipping of concrete (as required) and making good), and Installation, testing and commissioning under the supervision  of HPCL 
/ WP of above earthing materials including supply and installation of necessary hardware like nuts, spring washers, lugs etc. 

Installation of 25mm x 3mm GI strip 
        880.00  INST OF 25X3 GI EARTH STRIP MT                      800.00 
Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection,  wiring & other associated work (including chipping of concrete (as required) and making good), and Installation, testing and commissioning under the supervision  of HPCL 
/ WP of above earthing materials including supply and installation of necessary hardware like nuts, spring washers, lugs etc. 

Installation of 25mm x 3mm Copper strip 
        881.00  INST OF 25X3 CU EARTH STRIP MT                      800.00 
Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection,  wiring & other associated work (including chipping of concrete (as required) and making good), and Installation, testing and commissioning under the supervision  of HPCL 
/ WP of above earthing materials including supply and installation of necessary hardware like nuts, spring washers, lugs etc. 

Installation of 25mm x 3mm galvanised MS strip with Insulated base holding clamps for lightning protection for electrical/telecom building.
        882.00  INST OF 25x3MM GALV. MS STRIP MT                      640.00 
Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection,  wiring & other associated work (including chipping of concrete (as required) and making good), and Installation, testing and commissioning under the supervision  of HPCL 
/ WP of above earthing materials including supply and installation of necessary hardware like nuts, spring washers, lugs etc. 

Installation of Lightning protection Air terminal of 16mm dia and min 1.2 Mtrs long tinned copper for electrical/telecom building.
        883.00  INST OF L.P. AIR TERMINAL EA                         16.00 
Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection,  wiring & other associated work (including chipping of concrete (as required) and making good), and Installation, testing and commissioning under the supervision  of HPCL 
/ WP of above earthing materials including supply and installation of necessary hardware like nuts, spring washers, lugs etc. 

Installation of 25mm x 3mm Galvanised MS Down Conductor of 10mtr length with enclouser and and with test links along with insulators for supporting on wall for lightning protection for electrical/telecom building.
        884.00  INST OF MS DOWN CONDUCTOR EA                         16.00 
Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection,  wiring & other associated work (including chipping of concrete (as required) and making good), and Installation, testing and commissioning under the supervision  of HPCL 
/ WP of above earthing materials including supply and installation of necessary hardware like nuts, spring washers, lugs etc. 

Installation of 50 mm wide Cable Tray GI, 1.5mm thick, perforated cable tray with accessories

        885.00  Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work (including chipping of concrete (as required) and making good), and Installation under the supervision of HPCL / WP of above prefabricated hot dip INST OF 50MM PERF CBLE TRAY MT                      160.00 

galvanised steel cable trays including supply of all  fittings and accessories for cable tray. Rate shall also include all hardware required for installation (as per various installation standards / good engineering practices), testing & commissioning as per site testing format, stenciling with epoxy paint of approved paint shade (as per site in charge / WP / HPCL 
engineer) with relevant indentification like Tag Number / Description of material as per the specifications, scope of work and directions of the Engineer‐in‐Charge.

Installation of 100 mm wide Cable Tray GI, 1.5mm thick, perforated cable tray with accessories

        886.00  Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work (including chipping of concrete (as required) and making good), and Installation under the supervision of HPCL / WP of above prefabricated hot dip INST OF 100MM PERF CBLE TRAY MT                      160.00 

galvanised steel cable trays including supply of all  fittings and accessories for cable tray. Rate shall also include all hardware required for installation (as per various installation standards / good engineering practices), testing & commissioning as per site testing format, stenciling with epoxy paint of approved paint shade (as per site in charge / WP / HPCL 
engineer) with relevant indentification like Tag Number / Description of material as per the specifications, scope of work and directions of the Engineer‐in‐Charge.

Installation of 150 mm wide Cable Tray GI, 1.5mm thick, perforated cable tray with accessories

        887.00  Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work (including chipping of concrete (as required) and making good), and Installation under the supervision of HPCL / WP of above prefabricated hot dip INST OF 150MM PERF CBLE TRAY MT                      200.00 

galvanised steel cable trays including supply of all  fittings and accessories for cable tray. Rate shall also include all hardware required for installation (as per various installation standards / good engineering practices), testing & commissioning as per site testing format, stenciling with epoxy paint of approved paint shade (as per site in charge / WP / HPCL 
engineer) with relevant indentification like Tag Number / Description of material as per the specifications, scope of work and directions of the Engineer‐in‐Charge.

Installation of 600 mm wide Cable Tray GI, 2mm thick, ladder cable tray with accessories

        888.00  Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work (including chipping of concrete (as required) and making good), and Installation under the supervision of HPCL / WP of above prefabricated hot dip INST OF 600MM LADDER TYPE TRAY MT                      720.00 

galvanised steel cable trays including supply of all  fittings and accessories for cable tray. Rate shall also include all hardware required for installation (as per various installation standards / good engineering practices), testing & commissioning as per site testing format, stenciling with epoxy paint of approved paint shade (as per site in charge / WP / HPCL 
engineer) with relevant indentification like Tag Number / Description of material as per the specifications, scope of work and directions of the Engineer‐in‐Charge.

Installation of Horizontal 90° elbow for 50mm wide Cable Tray GI, 1.5mm thick, perforated cable tray with accessories

        889.00  Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work (including chipping of concrete (as required) and making good), and Installation under the supervision of HPCL / WP of above prefabricated hot dip INST‐50MM PERF.ELBOW EA                         19.00 

galvanised steel cable trays including supply of all  fittings and accessories for cable tray. Rate shall also include all hardware required for installation (as per various installation standards / good engineering practices), testing & commissioning as per site testing format, stenciling with epoxy paint of approved paint shade (as per site in charge / WP / HPCL 
engineer) with relevant indentification like Tag Number / Description of material as per the specifications, scope of work and directions of the Engineer‐in‐Charge.

Installation of Horizontal 90° elbow for 100 mm wide Cable Tray GI, 1.5mm thick, perforated cable tray with accessories

        890.00  Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work (including chipping of concrete (as required) and making good), and Installation under the supervision of HPCL / WP of above prefabricated hot dip INST‐100MM PERF.ELBOW EA                         19.00 

galvanised steel cable trays including supply of all  fittings and accessories for cable tray. Rate shall also include all hardware required for installation (as per various installation standards / good engineering practices), testing & commissioning as per site testing format, stenciling with epoxy paint of approved paint shade (as per site in charge / WP / HPCL 
engineer) with relevant indentification like Tag Number / Description of material as per the specifications, scope of work and directions of the Engineer‐in‐Charge.

Installation of Horizontal 90° elbow for 150 mm wide Cable Tray GI, 1.5mm thick, perforated cable tray with accessories

        891.00  Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work (including chipping of concrete (as required) and making good), and Installation under the supervision of HPCL / WP of above prefabricated hot dip INST‐150MM PERF. ELBOW EA                         19.00 

galvanised steel cable trays including supply of all  fittings and accessories for cable tray. Rate shall also include all hardware required for installation (as per various installation standards / good engineering practices), testing & commissioning as per site testing format, stenciling with epoxy paint of approved paint shade (as per site in charge / WP / HPCL 
engineer) with relevant indentification like Tag Number / Description of material as per the specifications, scope of work and directions of the Engineer‐in‐Charge.

Installation of Horizontal 90° elbow for 600 mm wide Cable Tray GI, 2mm thick, ladder cable tray with accessories

        892.00  Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work (including chipping of concrete (as required) and making good), and Installation under the supervision of HPCL / WP of above prefabricated hot dip INST‐600MM LADER‐ELBOW EA                         56.00 

galvanised steel cable trays including supply of all  fittings and accessories for cable tray. Rate shall also include all hardware required for installation (as per various installation standards / good engineering practices), testing & commissioning as per site testing format, stenciling with epoxy paint of approved paint shade (as per site in charge / WP / HPCL 
engineer) with relevant indentification like Tag Number / Description of material as per the specifications, scope of work and directions of the Engineer‐in‐Charge.

Installation of Horizontal 90° Tee for 600 mm wide Cable Tray GI, 2mm thick, ladder cable tray with accessories

        893.00  Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling, connection & other associated work (including chipping of concrete (as required) and making good), and Installation under the supervision of HPCL / WP of above prefabricated hot dip INST‐600MM LADDER‐TEE EA                         72.00 
galvanised steel cable trays including supply of all fittings and accessories for cable tray. Rate shall also include all hardware required for installation (as per various installation standards / good engineering practices), testing & commissioning as per site testing format, stenciling with epoxy paint of approved paint shade (as per site in charge / WP / HPCL
engineer) with relevant indentification like Tag Number / Description of material as per the specifications, scope of work and directions of the Engineer‐in‐Charge.

Installation, testing and commissioning of human body static charge dissipator suitable for flameproof environment (suitable for Ex‐d, Zone‐1&2, Gas grp IIA/IIB, Temp. class T3), IP66, wall/steel frame mounted, 240V AC, 50HZ, 1phase Operated, PESO certified, with Display unit for pass/fail indications, supply of the unit shall include mouting steel frame, nuts, 
bolts, washers, canopy(sunshade) as recommended by the vendor. Recommended Vendor name is PRECIOUS INSTRUMENT or any equivalent vendor.  
        894.00  EA                           1.00 
Receiving, handling, loading, unloading, unpacking, transporting equipment / accessories from storage point or any other location within the project site, alignment, assembling of various parts, inter‐connections, grouting of fixing bolts & other associated work (including cutout in the false ceiling, chipping of concrete, making it good etc.) and Installation,  DISSIPATOR
testing and commissioning under the supervision of HPCL / WP of above human body static charge dissipator. Rate shall include mounting of human body static charge dissipator along with its accessories,checking of internal wiring. All consumables such as ball and socket, hanger rods, lugs, glands, hardwares, anchor‐fasteners etc. are in the scope of the 
contractor. Contractor  shall consider all associated work as indicated in respective installation standard drawings, scope of work and as per the directions of the Engineer‐in‐charge. 

        895.00  Installation of Synthetic Insulating Mat  (with ISI mark) of appropriate thickness, 1000 mm wide for upto 1.1 kV systems ‐ as per IS‐15652 or latest indian standard          INST‐SAFETY INSU. MAT MT                      400.00 

        896.00  Installation of First aid information chart for electric shock treatment printed in English, Hindi , local language duly framed with front glasses. INST OF FIRST AID CHART EA                         16.00 

        897.00  Installation of Enameled caution boards for 1.1 kV.  The boards shall be in English,Hindi & local language. INST OF CAUTION BOARDS EA                         16.00 

        898.00  Applying fire proof and water tight material (GPG / Foam type fire proof sealing compound) for sealing cable entries INST‐FIRE PROOF MATERIAL KG                         40.00 

Obtaining approval from Chief Electrical Authority (CEA), State Electricity Regulatory Commission authorities etc. for Electrical installation and Energisation of electrical facilities. Obtaining approval on applicable Issued for Construction (IFC) / Final drawings, commencement certificate from concerned authorities, approval of installations, liasoning with electrial 
        899.00  STATUTORY APPROVAL‐ELEC LO                           8.00 
inspector, organising inspector visits to site as required as per applicable statutory norms, etc.

Liasioning and carrying out all activities required for acquisition of legally acceptable piece of land for setting up Sectionalising Valve station/ IP Station  along the pipeline from the list tentative SV station locations marked in process schematic diagram. The approximate land size for SV station may be 35 mx 55m, however this land requirement and size may be 
optimised or increased further by HPCL. The final requirement will be advised by HPCL/consultant for the permanent acquisition to set up SV station/IP station  with allied facilities. Contractor shall assist in acquisition of land through direct negotiations till possession, registration and NA permission. Vendor to quote for item considering they have to do DILR 
survey, Bonafide Industrial purpose certificate, Town planning approval and any other requirement as per State Authorities requirement.
The payment for the land procured along with agreement amount, stamp duty would be paid by HPCL.

Contractors Scope

The Contractor's scope of job includes, but is not limited to, the following:

a) Assist identification of plot in close vicinity to the chainages of the respective Sectionalising valve Stations along the pipeline route and acceptance by HPCL.

b) Taking consent from the land owners.

c) Collection of revenue records, establishing correctness of ownership by search/ revenue records, nil encumbrances etc. 

d) Obtain the required documents from revenue department and get it verified from an Advocate from HPCL's approved lawyers. Payment to lawyers is in the scope of contractor.

e) Submit cleared documents with Legal certification to HPCL for final Legal clearance from HPCL's Legal department. 

f) Contractor shall carry out the survey of the land from RDO or Dy Inspector of Surveyor or other designated authority and mark the four corners of land. The report shall be part of deliverables of contractor before agreement.

g) Providing HPCL with the latest registered land value in the surrounding area, actual land sale / purchase transactions in the area during last 6 months, if any, details of any acquisition proceedings that have been initiated or proposed to be initiated by local authorities / bodies, trend in the real estate value in the area.

h) Making arrangements for negotiations for the land by HPCL. There may be multiple negotiations for the same land. No extra payment would be made in such cases.

i) Contractor shall arrange to give the paper notice for such land on behalf of HPCL and obtain the reports of any objection after 15‐day waiting period.

j) Only such legally and technically cleared lands will be considered and given clearance to the contractor for purchase of such lands.

        900.00  k) All the statutory payments for the land upto agreement including survey, paper notice etc., shall be paid by the contractor only. LAND ACCUISITION (OPTIONAL) EA                         2.00 

l) The legally cleared agreement shall be given by HPCL and agreement amount to be made by the contractor. The payment to the land owners for the land proposed to be acquired shall be made by HPCL.

m) Expediting subsequent formalities including signing of agreements or sale deed if any, to facilitate possession of land by HPCL.

n) Obtaining all required approvals/ no objection certificates from concerned authorities like village panchayats or municipalities etc. under whose jurisdiction each plot of land falls, for constructing and setting up the Sectionalising Valve Stations.

o) Obtaining approvals from concerned road authority for laying of approach road to Sectionalising Valve Stations from the nearest road.

p) Registering the land in HPCL's name.

q) Entry of HPCL's name in original Land Records on the acquired plot no. and obtaining copy of the same in support.

r) Getting Non Agricultural conversion of the land if required.

s) After taking possession of the land contractor to prepare layout plan of station showing outside roads etc.

t) Obtaining Grid Power electrical connection for all the locations including installation of Two Pole structures, installation of transformers and isolation swtich.

HPCL's scope 

In above context shall be limited to:

a) Obtaining Legal Clearance from HPCL's Legal department.
b) Obtaining approval from HPCL's committee & Making payment to land owners.
c) Payment of statutory fees like registration fees, stamp duty etc., by HPCL (if any).
d) Approved layout plan from engineering consultant shall be provided by HPCL.
DESCRIPTION CIF value of Import Content Foreign Date of RATE OF IMPORT DUTY
included in quoted supply Currency Exchange INCLUDED IN QUOTED
prices Considered Rate (SBI Bill SUPPLY PRICES
For Item Description of Qty. of Imported (In % of Quoted FOT (USD/EURO/ Selling) HSN Basic Cess IGST TOTAL
Sl . No. Imported Items Items (Unit____) Dispatch Point Price) ( JPY/……… considered Code Customs (%) (%) CUSTOM DUTY
as per *(1) ……….) by Bidder Duty (%)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10



NOTE: * (1) Bidder shall indicate built-in CIF value along with quantities of import content and its description included in finished
(2) Bidder has to ensure that currency quoted in this format shall be same with the currency quoted in the main Price Schedule
format for the built-in CIF value.
(3) Bidder shall furnish the CIF content in this format only in %age of basic quoted price in online portal.

Note :
1) Bidders are required to mentioned currency considered , date of exchange rate, total CIF content in % included in their quoted rates in the format
provided in tender.
2) In case any bidder do not furnish all in information’s required in format attached with tender ( for CIF content) with original bid, It will be
consider that built in CIF component is not applicable and no variation on foreign exchange rate/custom duty rate shall be payable to bidder.


Sr No Description Completion Time

Mechanical Completion and pre-

commissioning. 12 (Twelve Months)
In addition to above, for the activities
including PCP Works, Restoration of
ROU and Obtaining NOCs from land
owners and statutory authorities, 3 (Three) months
2 Compensatory afforestation including beyond the above
obtaining refund of deposit amounts completion time
held with respective authorities from
whom approvals to crossings are
obtained in Each Part.

a. Above referred completion period shall be considered for liquidates damages.

b. The above work completion shall be reckoned from the date of LOA


1. For Each Part, Mechanical completion shall be defined as completion of all

Pipeline & associated works as mentioned hereunder:

i. Laying of Pipeline

ii. Completion of Welding including all Tie-ins

iii. Radiography of all welded joints

iv. Field joint coating

v. Pipeline Crossings (Rivers, Rail, roads, canal etc.)

vi. Lowering & Backfilling of Pipeline

vii. Caliper / Gauge Pigging including Flushing / Cleaning, Swabbing, etc.

viii. Hydro testing

ix. TCP

x. Laying of Optical Fibre Cable and associated works including Establishing OFC
Continuity between respective SVs.

xi. Installation of SV Valves, Pig launcher & receivers, Sump Tanks including
Sump Pumps/booster pumps and associated works including all online

xii. SV Station works including Civil, Mechanical, Electrical &

Instrumentation works ready for Pre-commissioning

2. The time of completion as mentioned above is for the total scope of work as
mentioned in the bidding document and includes mobilization and
demobilization period.

3. Effective Date shall mean the date on which Contractor's obligations will
commence and that will be date of issuance of Fax of Intent / Letter of Intent.

4. Priority of jobs shall be informed to Contractor by Engineer-in-Charge




This questionnaire duly filled shall be returned along with each copy of Un-priced bid.
Clauses confirmed hereunder should not be repeated in the bid. ALL THE

In view of the rejection clause no. 16.0 of Chapter-2 , will be strictly adhered to, bidders
are advised to comply to the terms and conditions of the bid document in the First
Instance itself.


1 Confirm Your Offer is in complete
compliance with the scope of supplies as
specified in the Bid document
2 Confirm you have quoted your prices strictly
in the applicable Price schedule format
(enclosed with the Bid document) along with
Unit and Total Prices
Confirm your quoted prices are inclusive of
all testing and inspection requirements as
specified in the bid document. However, in
addition to Bidder’s own inspection, goods
and services will be subject to inspection
(stage wise and final as specified in MR) by
Owner/Owner’s Consultant for which no
extra charges shall be payable by Owner,
since all travel, personal and incidental
expenses of Owner’s inspectors shall be
borne by Owner/owners’ consultant.
4 Confirm acceptance / compliance with the
following conditions /clauses of the Bid

(i) Confirm price basis of your offer is strictly
in accordance with Cl. nos 1 and 2 of

(ii) Confirm You have furnished Bid security

(Bank Guarantee) for the requisite
amount in the required format as per
terms of bid document

(iii) Confirm that You shall furnish Contract

Performance Bank Guarantee
(Performance Security) as per terms of
Bid document.

(iv) Confirm your Firm delivery period shall

be strictly as per requirement specified
in the Bid Document.

(v) Confirm that Your offer will remain Valid

for acceptance for a period of 120
DAYS from the Bid due date or
extended due date (if the same is

(vi) Confirm that the quoted prices shall

remain FIRM AND FIXED till complete
execution of Order

(viii) Confirm that the Force Majeure shall be

as per General Purchase Conditions

(ix) Confirm acceptance of Price Reduction

for delay in delivery as per Chapter-4 of
Bid document.

(x) Confirm total acceptance to Payment

Terms as per Chapter-3 Special
Conditions of Contract.

xi) Arbitration clause shall be as per General

Terms & Conditions of works contract
xii) Confirm that Defect Liability period shall
be as per Bid Document

5 Confirm Terms related to Taxes and Duties

shall be as per Provisions of Bid document
6 All correspondence must be in English
Language Only
7 Please confirm that you have not been
banned or delisted by any Government or
Quasi Government agencies or PSUs. If you
have been banned, then this fact must clearly
be stated. This does not necessarily be
cause for disqualification. However, if this
declaration is not furnished the bid shall be
rejected as non-responsive.
8 Please confirm that you have filed in, signed
and attached the enclosed “Proforma of
Declaration of Black Listing/Holiday Listing”
along with your Unpriced offer.
9 Owner reserves the right to make any
changes in the terms and conditions of bid
document. Confirm
10 The Bidder is required to state whether any
of the Director's Bidder is a relative of any
Director of Owner or the Bidder is a firm in
which any Director of Owner or his relative is
a partner.
11 (a) Confirm acceptance in Toto of the Terms
and Conditions contained in the Bid

(i) Instructions to Bidders.

(ii) Special Conditions of Contracts

(ii) General conditions of Works contract

(iii) All other commercial documents /

attachments / Chapters of the bid

(b) In case of reservations, confirm that
clause wise comments have been
specified as annexure to this format.

(c) All the terms and conditions have been

indicated in this format (including
Annexure, if any) and have been
repeated in the Bid elsewhere. It is noted
that terms and conditions indicated
elsewhere including any printed terms
and conditions shall not be considered
by the owner

12 Bidder shall furnish details of the Concurrent

Commitment with their schedule / expected
completion dates.
13 Furnish Financial Turnover figures of last 3
years of bidder / manufacturer and or trading
company (house) which ever is applicable
2016-2017 (2017)
2017-2018 (2018)
2018-2019 (2019)
In support of above Bidder shall enclose
copies of its published Annual reports of
preceding 3 years. Confirm compliance.
14 There will be free issue material from Owner.
Responsibility of unloading from transport at
site and further storage, material handling
and management of all free issue items shall
be in composite contractor scope.




Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd
Information Systems Department
Sewree Mumbai

E-Procurement application
Reverse Auction Process
Vendor Manual
Version 2.2

Version Release Date 7th February 2017

E Proc Application – Reverse Auction Process
Vendor Manual – Version 2.2


All information contained in or disclosed in this document, herein after

called ‘Confidential Information’, is proprietary to Hindustan Petroleum
Corporation. By accepting this material, the recipient agrees that this
Confidential Information will be held in confidence, and will not be
reproduced, disclosed or used either in whole or in part, without prior
permission from Hindustan Petroleum Corporation.

Document Revision List

Project E-Procurement
Document Name Vendor Manual – Procedure for Reverse Auction

Document Created By Manjusri Maddala Date 30th April 2015

Document Reviewed By Anupam Das Date 30th April 2015
Document Approved By Sanjay Dasgupta Date 30th April 2015

Revisions /Change Control

Date Version Author Reason

30th Apr 2015 1.0 Manjusri Maddala Initial Version

28th Feb 2016 1.1 Manjusri Maddala Changes Included:

· Section on RA Extension Clause
· Enhanced Additional E-mails
· Application of loading factor
· Label changes in RA screen

10th May 2016 2.0 Manjusri Maddala Changes Included:

· Removal of view server time
· Removal of check updates button
· Introduction of digital clock

Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd Page 2 of 27

E Proc Application – Reverse Auction Process
Vendor Manual – Version 2.2

28th July 2016 2.1 Manjusri Maddala Changes Included:

Global Reverse Auction screens included

7th Feb 2017 2.2 Manjusri Maddala Changes Included:

New procedure for participation in Reverse
Auction included
New RA link and screens

Abbreviations used
HPCL Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd
E-Proc E-Procurement
RA Reverse Auction
Non SOR Tender not on Schedule of Rates
SOR Schedule of Rates
Dev Deviation
Rev.Auc.Document Reverse Auction document

Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd Page 3 of 27

E Proc Application – Reverse Auction Process
Vendor Manual – Version 2.2

Table of Contents
1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Login to Reverse Auction Portal ............................................................................................................ 5
2 Witnessing Loading factors ........................................................................................................................ 8
3 Reverse Auction Participation Process ...................................................................................................... 8
3.1 Steps for Participating in Reverse Auction ............................................................................................ 9
3.2 Screen for Non-SOR Tenders (Tenders not having schedule of rates) ................................................ 13
3.3 Screen for Schedule of rates Tenders .................................................................................................. 16
3.4 Screen for Multi-currency Tenders: ..................................................................................................... 18
4 Procedure for Submission of new reduced bid ....................................................................................... 19
4.1 Benchmark price calculation................................................................................................................ 19
5 Reverse Auction Closure .......................................................................................................................... 21
6 Refreshing of screen ................................................................................................................................ 21
7 RA winner document ............................................................................................................................... 22
8 Multiple Reverse Auctions ....................................................................................................................... 23
9 Postponement / Cancellation of Reverse Auctions ................................................................................. 24
10 RA extension ........................................................................................................................................ 24
11 Reports:................................................................................................................................................ 25
12 Email Messages to Bidders .................................................................................................................. 26

Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd Page 4 of 27

E Proc Application – Reverse Auction Process
Vendor Manual – Version 2.2

1 Introduction

In E-Procurement application, Reverse Auction will be initiated by HPCL as soon as Technical and
Commercial Evaluation is completed for the tender.

All the eligible bidders will be notified through e-mail which will contain the Tender number,
Reverse Auction date and time. HPCL RA Process will have the following steps

· Notifying eligible bidders regarding RA event schedule

· Publish Reverse Auction in Portal informing event schedule date & time.
· Reverse auction event will automatically go live on scheduled date and time
· Conduct Reverse auction / Postpone or Cancel Reverse Auction
· Reverse Auction Closure
· Publishing RA Winner document

Please note – If a bid is rejected in techno-commercial stage for any reason, email
intimation will be sent to bidder, citing reason for rejection. Hence, in such a scenario
the bidder will not get intimation to participate in the RA.

1.1 Login to Reverse Auction Portal

To participate in RA, Bidder should type the URL in the (Internet
Explorer 7 or above) address bar and click “Enter”. Please note that application will not function
properly in other browsers such as Chrome/Firefox/Safari etc.

Once the Login screen is scheduled, bidder can go to reverse Auction Portal in two methods.

1. Method 1: Existing Bidder should enter his 8 digit Vendor code in “User ID” field and
password as issued for “Bill Tracking system” to login in the screen shown below.
Temporary registered bidder shall enter his email Id in “Email Id” field and corresponding

Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd Page 5 of 27

E Proc Application – Reverse Auction Process
Vendor Manual – Version 2.2

In case of any issues in logging in to the portal, bidders are requested to contact the
help desk. The help desk details are available on the login page of the portal.

After successful login, bidder is prompted to accept the “User Agreement” for accessing the
portal. This is mandatory. Bidders will have option to download / read the User Agreement by
clicking on the hyperlink before accepting.
After acceptance of User Agreement, the Bidder is taken to the Home Screen. The Home Screen
has various menu options on the left side and reverse auction marquee “Upcoming/ Ongoing
Reverse Auctions” on the right side. Link for reverse Auctions appears on right side.
Bidder to click on this link and again login into the system.

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The Reverse Auction marquee contains the list of tenders for which RA is scheduled. (Please
see image below)

2. Method 2: Bidder to click on link “click here for Login to Participate in Reverse Auction’ below
user ID and Password boxes. Reverse Auction portal login screen will be scheduled and bidder
to put user ID and password to enter into Reverse Auction Portal.

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2 Witnessing Loading factors

HPCL may apply the commercial loading, if any, on the basis of commercial terms and conditions, taxes
quoted by the bidder, other commercial deviations etc. These loading factors are applied on basic price.
The loading factors (if any) shall be displayed in the portal prior to the date scheduled for Reverse Auction
Event. An E-Mail shall be triggered by the system to the bidders for information.

Before the bidder proceeds for participating in Reverse Auction, bidders can witness loading factors through
“Witness bid opening” option in the menu.

3 Reverse Auction Participation Process

Bidder should click on ‘Reverse Auction’ option from the menu page.

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Once the menu option is selected the following Screen is scheduled where bidder can see Upcoming RAs
and Ongoing RAs.

Bidders should select the tender number by checking in box and follow the steps given below for
obtaining Reverse Auction password for the specific tender.

3.1 Steps for Participating in Reverse Auction

Portal activity:

1. Click on ‘Rev.Auc.Document’ (Reverse Auction Document)

2. Save the downloaded Reverse Auction document

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Offline activity

1. Open Signing utility

2. Select appropriate signing certificate and browse the saved Reverse Auction document
3. Click on sign document

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Enter token password

Signed document will be generated successfully

Click on ‘OK’.

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Portal activity:

4. Click on ‘signed Rev.Auc.document’ under ‘upload’

5. Browse the signed document and upload

6. Tender reverse Auction row changes to gray colour on successful uploading of signed
reverse Auction documents.
7. Click on ‘Participate in selected Reverse Auctions’.

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Bidders should select appropriate tender and click on "Participate in Selected Reverse Auctions"
button. On selecting the participation button, reverse auction screen will be displayed.

The following sections describe the screens which are displayed for Non-SOR (non-Schedule of
rates) and SOR (Schedule of rates) tenders respectively.

3.2 Screen for Non-SOR Tenders (Tenders not having schedule of rates)

Upon selecting a Non-SOR tender (Tenders not having schedule of rates) for participating in the
bidding process, the following screen is displayed.

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Field descriptions in Non-SOR Screen: The following fields are available in Non-SOR screen
· Previous Bid: At the start of the Reverse Auction this field will display Bidder’s original quote
given in Price bid. However, during the Reverse Auction, this field will show the previous quote
submitted by bidder.
· Current Landed Cost: Bench Mark Price will be shown for first bid and thereafter latest bid as
received by HPCL for successive bids.
· Increment/ Decrement Landed Cost by << 0.00 % >>: This field shows Reverse Auction
decrement percentage or decrement amount as pre-set by HPCL. In the above example bidders
can decrease the rate by 0.5%.
· Upward-downward arrows are for arriving at proposed rate: Bidders can arrive at the proposed
amount by clicking the upward and downward arrow. No bid is submitted at this stage. Bidders
can increase the rate for arithmetic comparison but cannot submit the quote. In case the bidder
tries to submit an increased quote the following error message will be displayed.

· Leading Bid: At the start of RA process, this field will show the Bench Mark Price. Subsequently
while auction is in progress, this field will show latest minimum quote submitted by the
participating bidders.

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· Submit Current Quote: This field has a Blue coloured button labelled as “Submit Quote”. This
button is to be used by the bidder for actually submitting the revised quote. Bidder should
remember to click on the corresponding radio button before click on “Submit”.
· Line Details: The Line details field has a blue button labelled as “Show” button. If bidder clicks
on “show” button a popup screen is displayed. Bidders should click on the “Show” button to
check individual item rates against a proposed amount, which has been arrived at by clicking
“upward/downward arrow”. No bid is submitted by clicking “Show” button. In the popup screen
bidder should click on “Calculate line wise values as per current landed cost” button to see
detailed calculations for each of his decrement quotes.

· History: The History field has a blue button labelled as “Submissions”. Clicking on the
“Submissions” button shows details of quotes submitted by the bidder with date and time.
Bidders Price bid quote is also visible in submissions.

· Reverse Auction logout: This button is useful for screen logout.

· Digital clock: Digital clock displays server time.

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3.3 Screen for Schedule of rates Tenders

Upon selecting a SOR tender for participating in the bidding process, the following screen is displayed.

Field descriptions in SOR Screen: The following fields are available in SOR screen:

· Previous Bid: At the start of the Reverse Auction this field will display Bidder’s original quote
given in Price bid. However, during the Reverse Auction, this field will show the previous quote
submitted by bidder.
· Current deviating %: Bench Mark Price will be shown here in the initial screen and latest bid
received by HPCL for successive bids.
· Increment/ Decrement Deviating % by << 0.00 % >>: This field shows Reverse Auction
decrement percentage pre-set by HPCL. In the above example bidders can decrease the rate by
· Upward-downward arrows are for arriving at proposed rate: Bidders can arrive at the proposed
amount by clicking the upward and downward arrow. No bid is submitted at this stage. Bidders
can increase the rate for arithmetic comparison but cannot submit the quote. In case the bidder
tries to submit an increased quote the following error message will be displayed.

· Submit Current Quote: This field has a Blue coloured button labelled as “Submit Quote”. This
button is to be used by the bidder for submitting the actual RA quote.

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· Leading Bid: This is the latest minimum submitted quote while Reverse Auction is in progress.
At the start of Reverse Auction, leading bid is the Bench Mark Price.
The leading bid is displayed as a percentage of SOR rate. In the above example screen shot, the
leading bid is 61.54% of SOR rates which is 38.46% less than SOR rate. If the leading bid is above
SOR rate it will be displayed as 100+ percentage ie. a leading bid which is 5.5% above SOR would
be displayed as 105.50.
· Line Details: The Line details field has a blue button labelled as “Show” button. If bidder clicks
on “show” button a popup screen is displayed. Bidders should click on the “Show” button to
check individual item rates against a proposed amount, which has been arrived at by clicking
“upward/downward arrow”. No bid is submitted by clicking “Show” button. In the popup screen
bidder should click on “Calculate line wise values as per current dev %” button to see detailed
calculations for each decrement.

· History: The History field has a blue button labelled as “Submissions”. Clicking on the
“Submissions” button shows details of quotes submitted by the bidder with date and time.
Bidders Priced bid quote is also visible in submissions.

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3.4 Screen for Multi-currency Tenders:

Upon selecting a Non-SOR Global tender (with multi currencies) for participating in the Reverse
auction bidding process, the following screen is displayed. Bench Mark shall be in INR currency
Field descriptions are as shown in section 3.2.

· Leading Bid: This field will show the Bench Mark Price in INR currency. Bidders are requested to
submit reduce rates in INR only.

· Line Details: If bidder clicks on “show” button a popup screen is displayed. Bidders can view
individual item rates against an intermediate decrement, (arrived at by clicking
“upward/downward arrow”). No bid is submitted by clicking “Show” button. In the popup screen
bidder should click on “Calculate line wise values as per current landed cost” button to see
detailed calculations for each of his decrement quotes.

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· For multi-currency tenders, currency exchange rate shall be visible in show screen. This currency
exchange rate shall be of unpriced bid opening date. Basic rates are displayed in original
currency. For every decrement in INR, corresponding item rates are visible in original currency.
· In case rates for certain lines are quoted in INR, the currency exchange rate shall be displayed as
1 (one).

4 Procedure for Submission of new reduced bid

Reverse auction shall be held for a period of 60 minutes. The auction process automatically gets extended
by a further period of 5 minutes in case of receipt of any fresh bid during the last 5 minutes of the auction
period. This process will continue until no bids are received in the last 5 minutes of the auction. Thereafter
reverse auction shall get automatically closed.

During the bidding process, Bidders should use the increment/Decrement arrow keys to revise their bids.
After the decrement is done, bidders should press the “SUBMIT” button to submit the fresh bid.

Upon submission of fresh bid, the bidder will be able to see his fresh bid in “Previous Bid” field.

4.1 Benchmark price calculation

As per the latest Reverse auction terms and condition, the benchmark price shall be the lowest of the
prices quoted by techno-commercially accepted vendor’s bids vis-à-vis HPCL estimated rates. The
benchmark price is discreetly calculated by system without revealing the vendors identity.

Please note -
During the entire bidding process, the bidder’s identity vis-à-vis quoted price shall be

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If a competitor submits a fresh reduced bid, the field “Leading Bid” for SOR or Non-SOR
tenders will show the latest bid. This happens instantaneously and would be visible to all
bidders on their screens.

It may be noted that if two bidders submit the quote almost at the same time, the system will
consider the bidders rate/quote which hits the system first. This time difference is logged till
the mille second. In such a scenario, the system will send the following message to the second
bidder cautioning him that the bid submitted is not the lowest bid.

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5 Reverse Auction Closure

As explained in section 3 above, the RA process will continue until no bids are received in the last 5
minutes of the basic auction period (60 mins) or extended auction period.
If no bid is received in the last 5 minute period, reverse auction shall get automatically closed. The
moment RA is completed, colour of auction line changes to ‘yellow’ and submit button will be disabled.
This indicates the closure of Reverse Auction.

6 Refreshing of screen

Bidders can refresh the screen by clicking on ‘Reverse Auction’ menu option in left pane, select the
appropriate tender and click on participate in reverse auction button.

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7 RA winner document

After completion of Reverse Auction, Lowest bidder will get an email intimation to download
and submit the RA winner document.
Vendor can download the ‘RA winner document’ by to clicking on the “Generate Browse &
submit Winner Document” button available in “RA Winner Document” menu option as shown

The successful bidder should -

· Select tender and click on ‘Generate selected Tender Document’.
· Save the document and sign it using signing utility.
· Select the signed document by browsing
· Submit signed Reverse Auction document.
· Bidder can save the following confirmation message generated by system for records.

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8 Multiple Reverse Auctions

If a bidder wishes to participate in more than one RA at the same time, bidder should select all tenders and
download and enter passwords for each selected tenders and click on ‘participate in selected Reverse
Actions’ button.

Please note a bidder can participate in upto 5 Reverse Auctions on the same screen at a time. Also,
passwords are different for each of the different Reverse auction on same or different tenders.

On selecting multiple RAs the following screen is displayed.

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The procedure for participating in each of the multiple reverse auctions is same as that of participating in
a single reverse auction explained in various sections above.

· Scrolling Message on Upcoming RA: If one RA is in progress and another RA is going to start, the
eligible bidder will see a scrolling message ‘Upcoming Reverse Auction: ……Tender no….. start
time……’ on the screen.

9 Postponement / Cancellation of Reverse Auctions

In case HPCL decides to postpone or Cancel a scheduled Reverse Auction, all eligible bidders will be informed
by suitable e-mails well in advance.

In case of RA Cancellation due to RA failure or any other reason, bidders will also be informed by email to
witness the price bids on the portal at scheduled date and time. A mail message will be received by eligible
bidders towards this.

10 RA extension

· In extreme case of Server outage, network outage or failure of Internet connectivity, (or any other
unforeseen conditions) from HPCL’s end, fax/ E-Mail communication shall have to be made
immediately, to concerned purchase officer of HPCL. No such request shall be entertained beyond
one hour of the RA closing time. To provide equal opportunity, HPCL may decide to extend the
Reverse auction at their discretion, but not as the right of the bidder. The vendors participating in
Reverse Auction process shall be kept on standby for 1 Hour after RA closing time.

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· HPCL shall investigate the above matter and decision for extension of Reverse Auction shall be
based on the merit of the issues pointed out and verified by HPCL and same shall be final and
binding on the vendor.

· HPCL shall complete the investigation within two working days of receiving complaint from any of
the vendor.

· In case of decision to extend Reverse Auction, intimation mail may go out to all vendors within a
day of investigation closure. Vendors shall generally be given intimation, a day in advance before
extended Reverse Auction is commenced. The Reverse Auction shall commence from the last saved
decrement value and shall be open for period of original duration from commencement.

11 Reports:

Bidder can see ‘list of Reverse Auctions participated’ thru Reports.

By clicking on ‘Participated Reverse Auctions’ in Reports tab, Bidder can see tender number, tender
description, RA start date and End date , Closing Bid value and Bench Mark Price along with their own
submitted bids along with date and time.

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12 Email Messages to Bidders

ll eligible bidders will be getting e-mails pertaining to Reverse Auctions from time to time. A list of such e-
mails is given below –
· Email Regarding witnessing of loading factors

Evaluation has been completed for Tender/Schedules/Lines: 10-02-2016 16:36:25 in the system. Please
login to the site and click Witness bid opening tab to witness loading factor
if any against above tender. Note: This is system Generated Mail. Pls do not reply to this email.

· Mail Regarding Reverse Auction date & Time (including Loading factors)

Reverse Auction has been called for a schedule of above tender. Please login to your account. Go to
reverse auction tab. Download RA Document. Sign it with the appropriate certificate and upload it
on the same page to proceed for participation in reverse auction.. RA Desc : Schedule A RA Date On:
18-05-2016 16:05:00. Please login to witness your Loading Factors before participating in Reverse
Auction on schedule date and time. You may refer the help manual available in portal to understand
the RA process.
Please ensure to login on the scheduled date and time to participate in the reverse auction. You
may also contact Helpdesk at 022-4114666 between 8.00 AM to 8.00 PM for any kind of support on
the RA process.

· Email regarding Reverse Auction Winner document:

Reverse Auction has been concluded for a schedule of above Tender. Tender Number: XXXXXXXXX
, RA No:356 ,RA Desc: SCHEDULED A ,RA Date:26-MAR-2015:12:00 You are the lowest bidder on
the recently concluded RA against subject tender. Please click on RA winner doc tab and submit
the digitally signed RA winner document, generated from system as a token of confirmation to
the final rate submitted by you. HPCL reserves the right to further negotiate the prices with lowest
bidder for reducing the price/cancel the reverse auction process/tender at any time before
ordering without assigning any reasons except in cases where tender is required to be cancelled
after opening of priced bid and identification of L1 vendor wherein reasons for cancellation are
to be conveyed to the L1 vendor.

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· Email Regarding postponement of Reverse Auction

Reverse Auction for Tender No 15000017-HB-10807 - SOR TENDERS scheduled at 01-

May-2015 12:00 is postponed to 01-May-2015 15:00. Please ensure to login on the scheduled
date and time at 01-May-2015 15:00 to participate in the reverse auction event. RA slot is not

· Email regarding Cancellation of Reverse Auction

Reverse Auction for Tender No 15000016-HB-10003 - Demo Tenders scheduled at 20-Apr-2015

15:45 is cancelled. Bid opening can be witnessed from 20-Apr-2015 16:00 onwards. RA is cancelled

· Reverse Auction Extension Mail

Reverse Auction has been extended for a schedule of above tender scheduled at 22-Apr-2015 14:00
has been extended and new event time is 04-Feb-2016 15:00. We regret the inconvenience caused.
Please login to your account in , Click on Reverse Auction tab and participate
in Reverse Auction with new decrypted password.

--------------- End of document-----------

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Chapter - 9
Proforma & Annexures

1) Annexure-A : Bid Security Form (EMD)
2) Annexure-B : Performance Bank Guarantee (PBG)
3) Annexure-C : Letter of Authority for attending Pre-Bid and Subsequent
4) Annexure-D : Declaration Form
5) Annexure-E : Undertaking for Concurrent commitment
6) Annexure-F : Bidder’s Queries
7) Annexure-G : MSME Certificate Details
8) Annexure-H : Bar Chart/Pert Chart Schedule For Construction
9) Annexure- I : Proforma for Details of Indian Agent
10) Annexure- J : Composite BG - Mobilisation Advance, Security Deposit /
Retention Money/Performance Guarantee
11) Annexure-K : Bidder’s General Information
12) Annexure-L : Annual Turnover Form
13) Annexure-M : Integrity Pact
14) Annexure-N : Bank Guarantee Format for Mobilisation advance
15) Annexure- P : Technical Check list
16) Annexure- Q : Reference list
17) Annexure-R : Compliance Statement
18) Annexure-S : Grievance Redressal Mechanism
19) Annexure-T : Advice from supplier/contractor for E-payment
20) Annexure-U : Reverse Auction Clause.
21) Annexure- V : Detailed Addresses of sites
22) Annexure-X : Bank Guarantee For Security Deposit
23) Annexure-Y : Arbitration Clause
24) Annexure-Z : Details of P.F. Registration TDS / TAN / ESIC
25) Annexure-AA : Details of Plant and Equipment owned by Bidder
26) Annexure-AB : Details of Proposed Head Office and Site Organization
27) Annexure-AC : List of Technical Staff

28) Annexure-AD : Details of Measuring & Testing Equipment
29) Annexure-AE : Commercial Questionnaire
30) Annexure- AF: Check List for Submission of Bid
31) Annexure-AG: Bank format for Working Capital



(On Non-Judicial stamp paper of appropriate value)

Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited
(Address as applicable)


Government of India Company registered under the Companies Act, 1956, having its registered
office at 17, Jamshedji Tata Road, Bombay-20 (hereinafter called “the Corporation” which
expression shall include its successor in business and assigns)issued a tender on
Messrs. ................................................ a partnership firm/sole proprietor business/a company
registered under the Companies Act, 1956 having its office at (hereinafter called “the Tenderer”
which expression shall include its executors, administrators and assigns) against Tender
no............ dated .................... (hereinafter called ‘the tender’ which expression shall include any
amendments/ alterations to ‘the tender’ issued by “the Corporation”) for the supply of goods
to/execution of services for “the Corporation” and “the Corporation” having agreed not to insist
upon immediate payment of Earnest Money for the fulfillment of the said tender in terms thereof
on production of an acceptable Bank Guarantee for an amount of ₹.......
(Rupees ................................. only).

We, ................................... Bank having office at ..................................................... (hereinafter

referred to as “the Bank” which expression shall include its successors and assigns) at the
request and on behalf of “the Tenderer” hereby agree to pay to the Corporation without any
demur on first demand an amount not exceeding ₹........... (Rupees ......................................
only)against any loss or damage, costs, charges and expenses caused to or suffered by “the
Corporation” by reason of non-performance and fulfillment or for any breach on the part of “the
Tenderer” of any of the terms and conditions of the said ‘tender’.

2. We,........................................ Bank further agree that “the Corporation” shall be sole

Judge whether the said ‘Tenderer’ has failed to perform or fulfill the said ‘tender’ in terms
thereof or committed breach of any of the terms and conditions of ‘the order’ and the
extent of loss, damage, cost, charges and expenses suffered or incurred or would be
suffered or incurred by “the Corporation” on account thereof and we waive in favour of
“the Corporation” all the rights and defenses to which we as guarantors and/or “the
Tenderer” maybe entitled to.

3. We,................................. Bank further agree that the amount demanded by “the

Corporation” as such shall be final and binding on “the Bank” as to “the Bank” 's liability
to pay and the amount demanded and “the Bank” to undertake to pay “the Corporation”
the amount so demanded on first demand and without any demur notwithstanding any
dispute raised by “the Tenderer” or any suit or other legal proceedings including
arbitration pending before any court, tribunal or arbitrator relating thereto, our liability
under this guarantee being absolute and unconditional.
4. We,.......................................Bank further agree with “the Corporation” that “the
Corporation” shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in
any manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the
said ‘tender’/or to extend time of performance by “the Tenderer” from time to time or to
postpone for any time to time any of the powers exercisable by “the Corporation” against
“the Tenderer” and to forbear to enforce any of the terms and conditions relating to “the
tender” and we shall not be relieved from our liability by reason of any such variation or
extension being granted to “the Tenderer” or for any forbearance, act or omission on
the part of “the Corporation” or any indulgence by “the Corporation” to “the tenderer” or
by any such matter or things whatsoever which under the law relating to sureties would
but for this provision have the effect of relieving us.

5. NOTWITHSTANDING anything hereinbefore contained, our liability under this

Guarantee is restricted to.₹ ......... (Rupees....................................... only). Our liability
under this guarantee shall remain in force until expiration of six months from the due
date of opening of the said ‘tender’. Unless a demand or claim under this guarantee is
made on us in writing within said period, that is, on or before .................................... all
rights of “the Corporation” under the said guarantee shall be forfeited and we shall be
relieved and discharged from all liabilities thereunder.

6. We, …………………………………. Bank further undertake not to revoke this guarantee

during its currency except with the previous consent of the “the corporation” in writing.

7.0 We,......................................... Bank lastly agree that “the Bank” 's liability under this
guarantee shall not be affected by any change in the constitution of “the Tenderer” .

8.0 “The Bank” has power to issue this guarantee in favour of “the Corporation” in terms of
the documents and/or the agreement/Contract or MOU entered into between “the
Tenderer” and “the Bank” in this regard.

IN WITNESSW HEREOF the Bank has executed this document on this ........................ day
of ………

For ........................ Bank

(by its constituted attorney)

(Signature of a
person authorized to sign
on behalf of “the Bank”)



(On Non-Judicial stamp paper of appropriate value)

TO : Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited

(Address as applicable)


Government of India Company registered under the Companies Act,1956, having its registered
office at 17, Jamshedji Tata Road, Bombay -400 020 (hereinafter called "the Corporation" which
expression shall include its successors and assigns) having awarded to
M/s ___________________________________________________ a partnership firm/sole
proprietor business/a company registered under the Companies Act, 1956 having its office at
______________________________ (hereinafter referred to as "the Supplier" which
expression shall wherever the subject or context so permits includes its successors and
assigns) a supply contract in terms inter alia, of "the Corporation's" Order No. ____________
dated __________________ and the General procurement conditions of "the Corporation" and
upon the condition of "supplier's" furnishing security for the performance of "the Supplier's"
obligations and/or discharge of "the supplier's" liability under and/or in connection with the said
supply contract upto a sum of ₹. _______________ (Rupees_____________________)
amounting to 10% (ten percent) of the total contract value.
We, ______________________ (hereinafter called "the Bank" which expression shall include
its successors and assigns) hereby jointly and severally undertake and guarantee to pay to "the
Corporation" in rupees forthwith on demand in writing and without protest or demur of any and
all moneys anywise payable by "the Supplier" to "the Corporation" under, in respect of or in
connection with the said supply contract inclusive of all the Corporation's losses and damage
and costs, (inclusive between attorney and client) charges, and expenses and other moneys
anywise payable in respect of the above as specified in any notice of demand made by "the
Corporation" to the Bank with reference to this Guarantee upto and aggregate limit of ₹
___________ (Rupees __________________________ ) and "the Bank" hereby agrees with
"the Corporation" that:

1 This Guarantee/Undertaking shall be a continuing Guarantee / Undertaking and shall

remain valid and irrecoverable for all claims of "the Corporation" and liabilities of "the
Supplier" arising upto and until midnight of _______________
2 This Guarantee/Undertaking shall be in addition to any other guarantee or security
whatsoever that "the Corporation" may now or any time anywise have in relation to
"the Supplier's obligation/liabilities under and/or connection with the said supply
contract, and "the Corporation" shall have full authority to take recourse to or enforce
this security in preference to the other security(ies) at its sole discretion and no failure
on the part of "the Corporation" to enforcing or requiring enforcement to any other
security shall have the effect of releasing "the Bank" from its full liability hereunder.

2 "The Corporation" shall be at liberty without reference to "the Bank" and without affecting
the full liability of "the Bank" hereunder to take any other security in respect of "the
Supplier's" obligation and/or liabilities under or in connection with the said supply
contract and to vary the term vis-a-vis "the supplier" of the said supply contract or to
grant time and/or indulgence to "the Supplier" or to reduce or to increase or otherwise
vary the prices of the total contract value or to release or to forebear from enforcement
of all or any of the obligations of "the supplier" under the said supply contract and/or the
remedies of "the Corporation" under any other security(ies) now or hereafter held by "the
Corporation" and no such dealing(s), variation(s) or other indulgence(s) or agreement(s)
with "the supplier" or release of forbearance whatsoever shall have the effect of releasing
"the Bank" from its full liability to "the Corporation" hereunder or of prejudicing rights of
"the Corporation" against "the Bank".

4. This Guarantee/Undertaking shall not be determined or affected by the liquidation or

winding up, dissolution or change of constitution or insolvency of "the supplier" but shall
in all respects and for all purposes be binding and operative until payment of all moneys
payable to "the Corporation" in terms hereof

5. "The Bank" hereby waives all rights at any time inconsistent with the terms of this
Guarantee/Undertaking and the obligations of "the Bank" in terms hereof shall not be
anywise affected or suspended by reason of any dispute having been raised by "the
suppliers" (whether or not pending before any arbitrator, officer, tribunal or court) or any
denial of liability by "the supplier" or any other order of communication whatsoever by
"the supplier" stopping or preventing or purporting to stop or prevent any payment by
"the Bank" to "the Corporation" in terms hereof.
6. The amount stated in any notice of demand addressed by "the Corporation" to "the Bank"
as liable to be paid to "the Corporation" by "the supplier" or as suffered or incurred by
"the Corporation" on account of any losses or damages or costs, charges/and/or
expenses shall be as between "the Bank" and "the Corporation" be conclusive of the
amount so liable to be paid to "the Corporation" or suffered or incurred by "the
Corporation", as the case may be, and payable by "the Bank" to "the Corporation", in
terms hereof.

7. Notwithstanding anything contained herein above:

i) Our liability under this guarantee shall not exceed R..........
ii) This Bank Guarantee shall be valid upto and including .......; and
iii) We are liable to pay the guarantee amount or any part thereof under this Bank
Guarantee only and only if you serve upon us a written claim or demand on or # before
the expiry of 30 days from the date of expiry of this guarantee.

8. "The Bank" has power to issue this guarantee in favour of "the Corporation" in terms of
the documents and/or the agreement/contract or MOU entered into between "the
supplier" and "the Bank" in this regard.

IN WITNESS Where of __________________ Bank, has executed this document at

________________ on _______________ 20…..____________________________ Bank
(by its constituted attorney)

(signature of a person authorized to sign on behalf of "the Bank")





To. Date:


(Address as applicable)


Dear Sirs,

We..................................................hereby authorize following representatives (s) to attend the

Pre Bid meeting / Negotiation or for any other correspondence and communication against
your Bidding document number No. ...........................for.................................... (Item

1. Name & Designation : ......................... Signature............................

2. Name & Designation : ........................ Signature............................

We confirm that we shall be bound by all and whatsoever our representative (s) shall commit.

Yours faithfully,

Name & Designation.........................
For & on behalf of............................

This Letter of Authority should be on the letterhead of the Bidder and should be signed by a
person competent and having the power of attorney to bind the Bidder.



(To be submitted along with Un-priced bid)

We (M/s. __________________________) hereby declare that we have not been banned

or delisted or blacklisted or put on holiday list by any government or quasi Government agencies
or PSUs.

We (M/s. __________________________) confirm that we are not on Holiday/ Negative /

Suspension / Banning list of HPCL on due date of submission of bid.

We (M/s. __________________________) confirm that we are not under liquidation, court

receivership or similar proceedings.

I/we also (Co. name), _________________________________________herewith declare

that we are registered under GST with GSTIN No _______________ (Please specify
and provide supporting document).

Stamp and Signature of Bidder

Note : If a bidder has been banned or delisted or blacklisted or put on holiday list by any
Government or quasi Government agencies or PSU, this fact must be clearly stated with
details and it may not necessarily be a cause for disqualifying him. If this declaration is
not given, the bid will be rejected as nonresponsive.



An Undertaking from the Bidder Confirming that their Plant / Facility has Adequate Capacity
to handle Concurrent Orders.



Stamp and Signature of Bidder

Note: To be submitted on letter head of company.

Annexure F



NOTE: Bidder’s Queries may be submitted online.

Annexure –G



2.1 THE
2.2 UPTO

Stamp and Signature of Bidder

Note to Bidder:

1. It is mandatory for all the bidders to provide above data, in case bidder is
non MSE, please mention “N.A”.

Annexure –H



1. Bar chart/Pert Chart schedule shall indicate No. of weeks required for each

2. Bidder may use separate sheet showing bar chart schedule.

Stamp and Signature of Bidder


1. This Chart shall be submitted along with unpriced bid in the Letter Head of the

Annexure –I


Annexure –J


(On Non-Judicial stamp paper of appropriate value)
Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited
(Address as applicable)


Government of India Company registered under the Companies Act, 1956, having its registered
office at 17, Jamshedji Tata Road, Bombay-20 (hereinafter called "The Corporation" (which
expression shall include its successor in business and assigns) having placed an order on
Messers ............................ a partnership firm/sole proprietor business/a company registered
under the Companies Act, 1956 having its office at .............. (hereinafter called "the supplier"
(which expression shall include executors,
administrators and assigns) vide order No.......................dated.............. (hereinafter called "the
order" which expression shall include any amendments/alterations to "the order" issued by "the
Corporation") for the supply of goods to/execution of services for "the Corporation" and "the
Corporation" having agreed :

a) not to insist upon immediate payment of Security deposit for the fulfilment and performance
of the said order

b) to pay "the supplier" as and by way of advance upto a sum of ₹ __________ (Rupees
_____________________________ only) being ____% of the value of "the order";

c) that "the supplier" shall furnish a security for the performance of "the supplier's" obligations
and/or discharge of "the supplier's" liability in connection with the said "order"; and "the
Corporation" having agreed with "the supplier" to accept a composite Bank Guarantee for the
mobilisation advance, security deposit, retention money and performance guarantee.

We, .................................................... Bank having office at ..........................................

(hereinafter referred to as "the Bank" which expression shall includes its successors and
assigns) at the request and on behalf of "the supplier" hereby agree to pay to "the
any demur on first demand an amount not exceeding ₹...........
(Rupees.............................only) against any loss or damage, costs, charges and expenses
caused to or suffered by "the Corporation" by reason of non performance and fulfilment or for
any breach on the part of "the supplier" of any of the terms and conditions of the said "order".

2. We, ............................. Bank further agree that "the Corporation" shall be sole judge whether
the said "Supplier" has failed to perform or fulfill the said "order" in terms thereof or committed
breach of any terms and conditions of "the order" and the extent of loss, damage, cost, charges
and expenses suffered or incurred or would be suffered or incurred by "the Corporation" on

account thereof and we waive in the favour of "the Corporation" all the rights and defences to
which we as guarantors and/or "the Supplier" may be entitled to.

3. We, ................................. Bank further agree that the amount demanded by "the Corporation"
as such shall be final and binding on "the Bank" as to "the Bank" 's liability to pay and the
amount demanded and "the Bank" undertake to pay "the Corporation" the amount so demanded
on first demand and without any demur notwithstanding any dispute raised by "the Supplier" or
any suit or other legal proceedings including arbitration pending before any court, tribunal or
arbitrator relating thereto, our liability under this guarantee being absolute and unconditional.

4. We, .................................. Bank further agree with "the Corporation" that "the Corporation"
shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any manner our
obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms
and conditions of the said "order"/or to extend time of performance by "the Supplier" from time
to time or to postpone for any time to time any of the powers exercisable by "the Corporation"
against "the Supplier" and to forbear to enforce any of the terms and conditions relating to "the
order" and we shall not be relieved from our liability by reason of any such variation or extension
being granted to "the Supplier" or for any forbearance, act or ommission on the part of "the
Corporation" or any indulgence by "the Corporation" to "the Supplier" or by any such matter or
things whatsoever which under the law relating to sureties
would but for this provision have the effect of relieving us.

5. However, it has been agreed between "the Supplier" and "the Corporation" that there shall
be only one Composite Bank Guarantee for both the advance and security deposit
performance guarantee/Retention Money @ of ____% valid till the end of the defects liability
period as per the terms of the P.O. No. _______________ dated ______________ and that in
proportion with the recovery of advance @ ______% per bill the same amount/value
automatically stands credited to the defects liability account/security deposit or retention
money as the case may be and will continue to be credited/treatedtill the entire advance of ₹
_______________________ is fully recovered from the running bills and from the date of full
recovery of the advance of ₹ __________________ this guarantee automatically, shall stand
valid towards the ____% retention money/defects liability, fully valid in all ® respects unto a
further period of 3 (three) months, as per the Purchase Order of "the Corporation".

6. Not withstanding anything contained herein above :

i) Our liability under this guarantee shall not exceed ₹ ..........

ii) This Bank Guarantee shall be valid upto and including .......; and

iii) We are liable to pay the guarantee amount or any part thereof under this Bank Guarantee
only and only if you serve upon us a written claim or demand on or before the expiry of 30 days
from the date of expiry of this guarantee.

7. We, ........................................ Bank further undertake not to revoke this guarantee during its
currency except with the previous consent of "the Corporation" in writing.
8. We, ......................................... Bank lastly agree that "the Bank"'s liability under this
guarantee shall not be affected by any change in the constitution of "the Supplier".

9. "The Bank" has power to issue this guarantee in favour of "the Corporation" in terms of the
documents and/or the Agreement/Contract or MOU entered into between "the Supplier" and
"the Bank" in this regard.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Bank has executed this document on this

............................. day of ...........................

For ........................ Bank

(by its constituted attorney)

(Signature of a person authorised

to sign on behalf of "the Bank")*


Bid Document No. ………………………………………………………………

Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited
(Address as applicable)

1.1 Bidder Name


1.2 Number of Years in Operation:


1.3 Registered Address



1.4 Operation Address

if different from above:

1.5 Telephone Number

(Country code) (Area Code) (Tel. Number)

1.6 E-mail address


1.7 Website :


1.7 Telefax Number

(Country Code) (Area Code) (Tel. Number)

1.8 Name & Mobile no. of Concerned person(s)


1.8 ISO Certification, if any (if yes, please furnish details)


2.1 Income Tax PAN No. of the firm.


2.2 Provident Fund Registration No. of the firm.


2.3 ESI Registration No. of the firm.


2.4 Sales Tax Registration No. of the firm.


2.5 Service Tax Registration No. of the firm


2.6 Excise Registration number


2.7 Excise Range


2.8 Local Sales Tax No


2.9 Entity Status for Service Tax


Stamp and Signature of Bidder



Bid Document No. ………………………………………………………..

The Bidder shall indicate herein his annual turnover during preceding 3 years based on the
audited balance sheet/profit & loss account statement.

Financial Year Annual Turnover Networth

(Rs.) (Rs.)
2016-2017 / 2017
2017-2018 / 2018
2018-2019 / 2019


1. Networth means paid up share capital, Share Application Money pending

allotment* and reserves # less accumulated losses and deferred expenditure to
the extent not written off.
# Reserves to be considered for the purpose of networth shall be all reserves created out
of the profits and securities premium account but shall not include reserves created out of
revaluation of assets, write back of depreciation and amalgamation.
*Share Application Money pending allotment will be considered only in respect of share to
be allotted.
Accordingly, the definition of Networth shall be as follows:
Paid up share capital XXXX
Add: Share Application Money pending allotment XXXX
Add: Reserves (As defined Above) XXXX
Less: Accumulated Losses XX
Less: Deferred Revenue Expenditure to the extent not XX
written off
Net worth XXXX

2. Bidder shall furnish necessary documentary evidence by uploading the

documents in the e-portal of HPCL, such as notarized copies of audited Annual
Report/Balance Sheet for last three (3) years as mentioned above, Original
Certificate from Chartered Account indicating Turnover & Net worth.

Stamp and Signature of Bidder

Name of Bidder Company:


Integrity Pact
The Integrity Pact duly signed by the authorized official of HPCL and the Contractor, will form
part of this contract / supply order.

Proforma of Integrity Pact (which is issued along with the bidding document) shall be returned
by the bidder along with technical bid, duly signed by the same signatory who signs the bid i.e.
who is duly authorized to sign the bid. All the pages of the Integrity Pact shall be duly signed
by the same signatory. Bidder’s failure to return the Integrity Pact along with the bid, duly
signed, shall lead to outright rejection of such bid.

If the Bidder has been disqualified from the tender process prior to the award of contract
according to the provisions under Integrity Pact, HPCL shall be entitled to demand and recover
from bidder Liquidated damages amount by forfeiting the EMD/Bid security (Bid Bond) as per
provisions of Integrity Pact.

If the contract has been terminated according to provisions of the Integrity Pact, or if HPCL is
entitled to terminate the contract according to provisions of Integrity Pact, HPCL shall be entitled
to demand and recover from the Contractor liquidated damages amount by forfeiting the
Performance Bank Guarantee / Security Deposit as per Integrity Pact.

(On Non-Judicial stamp paper of appropriate value)
Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd.,
(Address as applicable)


Government of India Company registered under the Companies Act 1956, having its
registered office at 17, Jamshedji Tata Road, Bombay - 400 020 (hereinafter called "the
Corporation" which expression shall include its successors in business and assigns)
having placed an order on M/s ___________________ a partnership firm/sole proprietor
business/ a company registered under the Companies Act, 1956 having its office at
_______________________(Complete Address)_________ (hereinafter called "the
Supplier/Contractor" (which expression shall include its successors and assigns) vide
Purchase Order No. ____________ dated _________ for ( Specify Nature of Job)
(hereinafter called "the Order" which expression shall include any amendments/alterations
thereto as issued by "the Corporation") for the supply of goods/to the execution of Service
for "the Corporation" and having agreed to pay the supplier as and by way of advance upto
a sum of ₹. _________ (Rupees ____________________________________ only ) being
_____ % of the value of the order in terms of "the Order" on production of an acceptable
Bank Guarantee for an amount of ₹. ____________ (Rupees
__________________________________ only)

2. We, ____________________ Bank having office at _________________ (hereafter

referred to as "the Bank") do at the request and on behalf of "the Suppliers/Contractor"
hereby agree to pay "the Corporation" without any demur on first demand an amount not
exceeding ₹. _________ (Rupees ______________________ only) against any loss or
damage, costs, to or suffered by "the Corporation" by reason of any breach on the part of
"the Supplier/ Contractor" of any of the terms and conditions of the said “Order”.

3. We, _______________ Bank further agree that "the Corporation" shall be sole judge
whether the said "Supplier/Contractor" has committed breach of any of the terms and
conditions of "the Order" and the extent of loss, damage, cost ,charges and expenses
suffered or incurred or would be suffered or incurred by "the Corporation" on account
thereof and we waive in favour of "the Corporation" all the rights and defences to which we
as guarantors and/or "the Supplier/Contractor" may be entitled to.

4. We, ___________________ Bank further agree that the amount demanded by "the
Corporation" as such shall be final and binding on "the Bank" as to "the Bank's" liability to
pay the amount demanded and "the Bank" undertake to pay "the Corporation" the amount
so demanded on first demand and without any demur notwithstanding any dispute raised
by "the Supplier/Contractor" or any suit or other legal proceedings including arbitration

pending before any court tribunal or arbitrator relating thereto, our liability under this
guarantee being absolute and unconditional.
5. We __________________ Bank further agree that the guarantee herein contained shall
remain in full force and continue to have full effect so long as the said amount remains

6. We, __________________ Bank further agree with "the Corporation" that "the
Corporation" shall have the fullest liberty without any consent and without affecting in any
manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said
"order" or to extend time of performance by "the Supplier/Contractor" from time to time or
to postpone for any time or from time to time any of the powers exercisable by "the
Corporation" against "the Supplier/Contractor" and to forbear to enforce any of the terms
and conditions relating to "the Order" and we shall not be relieved from our liability by
reason of any such variation or extension being granted to "the Corporation" or for any
forbearance, act or omission of " the Supplier/Contractor " or by any such matter or things
whatsoever which under the Law relating to sureties would be for this provisions have the
effect of relieving us.

7. We, Bank, hereby lastly undertake not to revoke this guarantee

during its currency except with the previous consent of "the Corporation" in writing.

8. Notwithstanding anything contained herein above:

i) Our liability under this guarantee shall not exceed ₹ ..........
ii) This Bank Guarantee shall be valid upto and including .......; and
iii) We are liable to pay the guarantee amount or any part thereof under this Bank
Guarantee only and only if you serve upon us a written claim or demand on or # before
the expiry of 30 days from the date of expiry of this guarantee

9. This guarantee shall not be determined or affected by the liquidation or winding up,
dissolution or change of constitution or insolvency of "the Supplier/Contractor", but shall
in all respects and/for all purposes be binding and operative on "the Bank" until payment
of all moneys payable by "the Supplier/Contractor" in terms thereof.

10. "The Bank" has power to issue this guarantor in favour of "the Corporation" in terms of
the documents and/or the agreement/contract or MOU entered into between “the
Supplier/Contractor" and "the Bank" in this regard

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Bank has executed this document at ________________

___ on ___________________ (Year)

(FOR _________ BANK)
(by its constituted attorney)
(Signature of a person authorized
to sign on behalf of "the Bank")




Project HCPL Project

Bidder confirms the following, as a minimum, is enclosed in the offer:

Sr. Complied by
No. Bidder
Total compliance to technical requirements of the Scope of Work ,
1.0 Yes/No
as per Compliance Statement document, enclosed.
Bidder has quoted for Schedule –wise items covered in Yes/No
Bidder meets Bidder’s qualification criteria (BQC) and documentary Yes/No
evidence in support of BQC is enclosed in the offer as per following,
as a minimum:
3.0 a) Name & Location of Work Completed Yes/No
b) Past track record for similar Works (in the last seven years (i.e. Yes/No
copies of W.O./PO, Inspection release notes, completion certificate
4.0 Deleted Yes/No
5.0 Documents/ Catalogues per specification enclosed. Yes/No

To be filled, signed and stamped by Bidder.

Stamp and Signature of Bidder


Reference List of PIPE LAYING & ASSOCIATED WORKS in Last Seven Years in line with BQC Requirement

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
SR Description Address of Client, Contract Value Start Date End Date Actual Work Completion
No. Address, Name of Officer- Completion Certificate with Date
in-charge, Contact No., Date
and Email ID

Bidder to upload the detailed work order(s) and corresponding completion certificate(s) duly notarized along with this format.

Stamp and Signature of Bidder



Project HCPL Project
Bidding Document No 19000472-HD-10120 / 19000473-HD-10120 /
19000474-HD-10120 / 19000475-HD-10120 &

We hereby agree to fully comply with, abide by and accept without variation,
deviation or reservation all technical, commercial and other conditions whatsoever
of the bidding Documents and Addendum to the Bidding Documents for subject
work issued by Owner/Consultant.

We hereby further confirm any terms and conditions mentioned in our bid (Un-priced
as well as Priced Part) shall not be recognized and shall be treated as null and void.

Bidder’s Seal Signature of Bidder

Name of Bidder


1.0 Background

Hindustan Petroleum Corporation (HPCL) has developed the following

mechanism to deal with references/grievances if any that are received from
Parties who participated /intends to participate in the Corporation Tenders.
The scheme is as under:

2.0 Definitions : Grievance

For the purpose of this scheme, the word ‘Grievance’ would mean a written
and signed representation received from party, who has participated/intends
to participate in the tender of the Company, seeking inter-alia a review of the
process of finalization of tender on the grounds that his right as a party to
the tender has been affected for the reason to be provided by him which
needs to be examined and decided in the interest of equity.

Grievance Redressal Cell (GRC)

It is the group that will review the references received from the Parties and
decide the matter.

3.0 Authorities to handle grievances

3.1 There will be a process to deal with the grievances received from the
tendering parties of the prospective tenderers based on the Tender document

3.2 The first level, say Level-I of such process will comprise of a Grievance
Redressal Cell (GRC). This Cell will consist of the following:

Sr. Member Procurement

SBU/Function Head Member Finance (Co-ordinator)

Refineries GRCs

1 Visakh Refinery Head-Refinery Head- Finance Head- Materials

2 Mumbai Refinery Head-Refinery Head- Finance Head- Materials

Marketing GRCs

1 Retail SBU Head-Retail Head- Comml.** Head- Proc.**

2 Direct Sales Head-Direct Sales Head- Comml. ** Head- Proc.**

3 LPG Head-LPG Head- Comml. ** Head- Proc.**

4 Aviation Head-Aviation Head- Comml.** Head- Proc.**

5 Projects & Pipelines* Head-P&P Head- Comml.** Head- Proc.**

6 Operaions & Head-O&D Head- Comml.** Head- Proc.**


®7 Gas, Renewable & Head - Gas, Head–Comml. *** Head- Proc.***

Business Develop- Renewable &
ment, Mktg SBU/dept Business
Development, Mktg

Corporate GRCs

1 Corporate Head-IS/HR Head- Finance (Corp.) Head- Procurement

(as applicable) (DGM-Administration)

* includes Marketing Projects,

** concerned SBU,
® *** concerned SBU/dept
® REVISION : PROC-004/23.12.2014

3.3 The Co-ordinator for each of the Cell is respective Head –

Materials/Procurement of Visakh Refinery, Mumbai Refinery, Marketing
SBUs & Corporate.

3.4 All the grievances will be lodged with the Co-ordinator of the Cell.
3.5 This Cell will examine the grievances and decide the matter.

3.6 The second level of Grievances Redressal Mechanism is the Executive

Committee – Refineries for both Mumbai & Visakh Refineries, Executive
Committee - Marketing & Executive Committee – Corporate for respective
functions. The decision of the Executive Committee is final.

4.0 Grievances Redressal Process


4.1 If a grievance is received by the Grievance Redressal Cell, the Co-ordinator

will first acknowledge the receipt of the grievance to the aggrieved party within

48 hours from the time of receipt of the grievance (Excluding intervening

4.2 The Grievance Redressal Cell (GRC) will forward the Grievance to the Tender
Inviting Authority at the earliest, who will offer his comments/views to the Cell
within 2 days of receipt from GRC.

4.3 On receipt of comments from Tender Inviting Authority, the Grievance

Redressal Cell will meet and look into the grievances expressed by the
aggrieved party along with the views/comments of the Tender Inviting
Authority. The Grievance Redressal Cell can call for relevant records and
documents to enable it to firm up its decision on the grievance.

4.4 The Grievance Redressal Cell will decide the matter within 14 days and
thereafter communicate the decision to the aggrieved party.


4.5 The second level of Grievance Redressal Mechanism is the Executive

Committee - Refineries for both Mumbai & Visakh Refineries and Executive
Committee – Marketing & Executive Committee – Corporate for respective
functions which would examine and decide on any appeal/ representation on
the decision of the Grievance Redressal Cell.

4.6 Parties aggrieved by the decision of the Grievance Redressal Cell, can
appeal / represent to the Executive Committee within 7 days of receipt of the
decision with a copy to GRC Level-I for co-ordination. Appeal received after
seven days will not be considered.
4.7 The EC will decide the matter in appeal within 14 days and thereafter
communicate the decision to the aggrieved party. The decision of the
Executive Committee is final.

5.0 Time limitation for the handling of grievances

5.1 Grievances regarding the Pre-qualification process should be lodged by the

aggrieved party within one week from the date of Publication calling for pre-
qualification bid Grievances received after one week from date Publication
will not be considered.

5.2 The decision on Grievance pertaining to Pre-Qualification should be finalized

before the shortlisting of the parties is concluded.

5.3 Specific Grievances regarding the Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) should be
lodged by the aggrieved party within one week from the last date of sale of
tender document or one week prior to the Due date for Bid Submission,

whichever is earlier. Grievance regarding NIT, received thereafter shall not
be considered.

5.4 Grievances relating to the tender process (other than “Notice Inviting Tender
related grievances”) should be lodged within one week the date of operating
the unpriced bids.

5.5 The Grievance Redressal Cell shall examine the case and decide within 15
working days from the date of receipt of the grievance and advise the function
concerned of the same so that they can process the tender further.

5.6 Any grievance after price bid opening should be redressed before award of
the contract No grievances shall be entertained which are received after one
week of price bid opening.

5.7 The Co-ordinator of the Grievance Redressal Cell, on receipt of the grievance
by the aggrieved party, should inform the Tender Inviting Authority not to
finalise the contract till the disposal of the grievance by the Grievance
Redressal Cell. The grievance lodged should be disposed of within a
reasonable period of 14 working days so that there is no undue delay in
awarding the contract.

6.0 Interim Suspension of Tendering Process

6.1 After any grievance is received by the Co-ordinator of the Grievance

Redressal Cell, the Cell Members will meet and examine whether the
tendering process relating to the concerned matter is to be suspended or not
in consultation with the Tender Inviting Authority. The Cell will examine
whether there exists a prima facie ground for suspending the tendering
process and decide the matter. It may consult, if required, the Executive
Committee as to whether the tendering process has to be suspended till a
final decision is taken on the grievance.

6.2 The decision to suspend the tendering process or not and disposal of the
grievance should preferably be taken by the Grievance Redressal Cell and/
or Executive Committee at the earliest but not later than 14 working days from
the receipt of grievance keeping in mind the Schedule of activities connected
with the tender concerned.

6.3 When it is decided to suspend the Tendering Process, the grievance should
be examined and disposed off by the Grievance Redressal Cell & Executive
Committee at the earliest, but not later than 15 days since it will be necessary
to either continue with the tender as per earlier norms or it is decided to re-
invite the tender with suitable changes.

7.0 Other General Provisions

7.1 A final written reply to the aggrieved party will be given by coordinator of
Grievance Redressal Cell / Executive Committee within 21 working days from
the date of receipt of the grievance in line with the minute of respective

7.2 The Grievance Redressal Cell / Executive Committee, while firming up its
recommendations, can seek the views of other relevant Department like
Finance, Vigilance and Legal or any other Department concerned with the
7.3 The Grievance Redressal Cell & / Executive Committee is entitled to give a
personal hearing to the aggrieved party, if necessary.

7.4 If a Grievance is related to a contract already awarded and acted upon, and
if the Grievance Cell & Executive Committee is of the view that the grievance
needs review for remedial action for future tenders, it would submit its
recommendation to the concerned SBU/Dept. head for future tenders.

7.5 Company’s Tender Grievance Redressal Mechanism will be displayed in its

Website in the Tenders Page.

7.6 The Grievance Redressal Cell & Executive Committee will maintain a
grievance register giving details of the tender number, date of receipt of
grievance letter, nature of grievance in brief, details of the decisions taken
and the date of communication to the aggrieved party.

7.7 The Grievance Redressal Cell & Executive Committee will also submit a
quarterly report on the grievances handled to the Committee of Functional
Directors. A copy of Yearly Report will be submitted to the Board for

7.8 The relevant clause of Grievance Redressal Mechanism Procedure

should be incorporated in GTC of all Tender documents along with the
name and address of the Officer-designate of the Grievance Redressal Cell/
Secretary of the concerned Executive Committee, to whom the grievance
letter/ Appeal should be addressed to.

8.0 Integrity Pact

Notwithstanding the GRP guidelines above, the provisions of the
Integrity Pact will be applicable independently to tenders of ₹ 1 Crore &

Annexure - T
Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited
(Address as applicable)

Dear Sirs,

The following is a confirmation/ updation of may bank details and I hereby affirm my our
choice to opt for payment of amounts due to me under various contracts through electronic
mode. I understand that Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited also reserves the right to
send the payments due to me by a cheque/ demand draft/ electronics mode or through a

A) Supplier/Contractor Details
1. Supplier/Contractor Name
2. Supplier Contractor Code
3. Address (including Pin Code)
4. Controlling officer name/SBU: E&P
5. P.A. No.
6. E-mail ID
B) Particulars of bank Account
1. Bank Name
2. Branch Name & branch code
3. Branch Address (incl. Pin Code)
4. 9 digit MICR No. of Bank and Branch
(As appearing in the MICR Cheque issued by Bank)
(Please do not give multicity cheque book code Number)
5. Account Type (Saving/Cash Credit/Current)
6. Account Number (as appearing on cheque)
7. IFSC Code of the Branch (for RTGS)
8. IFSC Code of the Branch (for NEFT)
9. NEFT Code No.

I/we hereby declare that the particulars given above are correct and the complete
and also undertake to promptly advise and changes to the above details to HPCL. If
the transaction is delay or not effected for reasons of incomplete or incorrect
information or banking delays. I shall not hold Hindustan Petroleum Corporation
Limited responsible. I also agree for printing of the bank details on the cheque or DD
if the payment is effected by cheque/DD. The charges, if any, levied by my bank
shall be settled by me/us.

Name (in capital) & signature of supplier / contractor

Authorized signatory

Official rubber stamp



1. Bank details (B.1 to 9) to be confirmed by the bankers. Such confirmation shall

duly signed & stamped by the bankers. Supplier code, bank account number
and RTGS/NEFT number required essentially.

2. Please enclosed cancelled /photocopy of a cheque

Annexure – U
Reverse Auction – Terms & Conditions and Procedure

HPCL proposes to conduct Reverse auction for the items or schedules or on overall
basis as specified in the tender. Please go through the Terms & Conditions and Procedure
given below and submit your acceptance to the same by signing and uploading this
document along with unpriced bid.

Terms and Conditions:

1. HPCL reserves the right to carryout ‘Online Reverse Auction’ with techno-commercially
accepted bidders for determining the lowest bidder for the requirements mentioned in
this tender enquiry.

2. Online reverse auction shall be conducted by HPCL on a specified date and

time. The vendors shall be participating in the reverse auction from their own offices
/ place of their choice. Internet connectivity shall have to be ensured by the
bidders themselves. In extreme case of failure of Internet connectivity, (due to
unforeseen circumstances), fax/ E- Mail communication shall have to be made
immediately to Purchase Dept. HPCL may decide to extend the bidding time, at
their discretion, but not as the right of the bidder.

3. Bidders are requested to confirm their willingness to participate in ‘Online Reverse

Auction’ during their bid submission by confirming compliance to the Terms &
Conditions and Procedure specified herewith. Please note that non acceptance to
participate in the Reverse Auction process may lead to rejection of the bid without any
further evaluation.

4. HPCL will pre-decide the commercial loading, if any, on the basis of the taxes &
duties quoted by the bidder, and loading on account of commercial deviations, if any.
The loading factors shall be displayed in the portal prior to the date scheduled for
Reverse Auction Event.

5. As part of Reverse Auction process, the Start Bid price shall be specified by HPCL on
Reverse Auction Portal, which shall be the lowest of the price bids submitted by the
bidders on the e-procurement portal i.e. ‘Bids opened for RA event’ and HPCL’s in-
house estimate. Please note that such priced bid opening shall be system driven
and therefore bidder’s identity vis-à-vis quoted price shall be confidential.

6. In case of overall evaluation tenders, the Reverse auction shall be conducted on the
bottom line, net delivered cost.
7. Reverse auction shall be held for a period of 60 minutes and shall be
automatically extended by a further period of 5 minutes in case of receipt of any
bid during the last 5 minutes of the auction period. This process shall continue until
no bids are received in the last 5 minutes of the auction. Thereafter reverse auction
shall get automatically closed. This shall be an automated process.

8. Any time extensions due to Force Majeure or unforeseen circumstance shall be
granted at the sole discretion of HPCL.
9. Order may be placed on the lowest bidder, emerging out of the reverse auction process
HPCL’s decision on award of contract shall be final and binding on all the bidders.

10. HPCL reserves the right to further rationalize the prices with lowest bidder for reducing
the price at any time before ordering.

11. HPCL reserves the right to cancel the reverse auction after event is scheduled but
before actual event taking place or after the reverse auction has completed in case of
failure or any other reason. The reasons for cancellation shall be conveyed to all

12. In cases where tender is required to be cancelled after opening of priced

bid and identification of L1 vendor and Reverse Auction was also part of tender,
reasons for cancellation shall be conveyed to all vendors.

13. During Reverse Auction Process, if no bids are received within the
scheduled/rescheduled date & specified time of the reverse auction, HPCL at its
discretion can scrap the reverse auction and proceed with the opening of the
Electronic priced bids submitted by the bidders. In which case HPCL shall display
the bidder’s identity and original rates.

14. The bid on the Reverse Auction Portal will be taken as an offer to sell. Bids once
made, cannot be cancelled / withdrawn and the bidder shall be bound to sell the
material/services at the final bid price, and as per the specifications mentioned in the
tender. Should the bidder back out and not make the supplies as per the rates quoted
or in case the material supplied/services is not as per specifications mentioned in the
tender, HPCL shall take appropriate action as per the terms & conditions mentioned in
the tender.

15. At the end of the Reverse Auction, HPCL will decide the successful bidder,
basis the evaluation criteria specified in the tender. HPCL’s decision on award of
Contract shall be final and binding on all the Bidders.

16. HPCL shall not have any liability to bidders for any interruption or delay in access
to the reverse auction portal irrespective of the cause.
17. The participation of vendors in the tendering process shall be construed as
acceptance to the terms & conditions and procedure for the reverse auction until and
unless the contrary is explicitly mentioned in the deviation sheet.

18. In case any bidder does not accept Reverse Auction Terms & Conditions and
Procedure, HPCL reserves the right to reject the vendor at the Techno-commercial
evaluation stage.

19. In case a bidder agrees for reverse auction in the un-priced bid but withdraws
acceptance any time after tender due date & time, the EMD of such bidder may be
forfeited along with rejection of offer at the sole discretion of HPCL.

20. Once Auction is started, no communication from vendor is entertained.

21. The Bidder shall not involve himself or any of his representatives in Price
manipulation of any kind directly or indirectly by communicating with other suppliers /

22. The Bidder shall not divulge either his Bids or any other exclusive details of HPCL
to any other party.

23. HPCL’s decision on award of Contract shall be final and binding on all the Bidders.

24. HPCL can decide to extend, reschedule or cancel any Auction. If any changes are
made by HPCL after the first posting and the Bidder continues to access the site
after that time, it shall be presumed that the bidder has accepted the changes.

25. HPCL shall not be responsible for any damages, including damages that result from,
but are not limited to negligence. HPCL will not be held responsible for consequential
damages, including but not limited to systems problems, inability to use the system,
loss of electronic information etc.

Reverse Auction Procedure

1. In case HPCL decides to conduct Reverse Auction, the qualified bidders would be
communicated on the same thru E-mails about the date and time of the
Reverse Auction event. The Reverse auction event shall be conducted in the
HPCL e-tender portal under link “Reverse auction”.
2. Reverse Auction shall be available to Bidder only after two factor authentication.
Initially vendor will login to the site with his Login Id and
password. Thereafter they shall click on the “Reverse auction” link in the
portal to view/participate in ongoing/upcoming reverse auctions.

3. Brief procedure to participate in RA:

I. Bidders may click on “Reverse Auction”, followed by click on 'password'

Download the encrypted
II. Save the downloaded password and open Signing Utility, Select
action as
"Decrypt Reverse Auction
III. Browse the downloaded file. Select appropriate certificate and
click on Decrypt Password. Copy the password and paste in
"Password" field and click on Reverse Auction.

4. HPCL will display Start Bid price i.e., Bench Mark price (which shall be the lowest
of the price bids submitted by the bidders on the e-procurement portal i.e. ‘Bids
opened for RA event’ and HPCL’s in-house estimate), which shall be visible to
all the vendors at the start of the Reverse Auction.

5. Identity of bidders never gets disclosed during reverse auction process

6. HPCL shall specify the minimum amount/percentage by which the bidders can
reduce their bids at a time on the Reverse Auction Portal. This amount is referred
as the ‘bid decrement factor’ and shall be specified by HPCL.

7. Bidders shall start bidding from this Bench Mark Price. The bidder can bid lower
than the prevailing Lowest Bid at any time during the event by one decrement
or multiples of the Bid decrement.

8. The bidder shall be able to view the following values on his screen along with the
other necessary fields in the Reverse Auction:

• Item-wise Leading Bid in the Auction (Delivered Cost)

• Bid Placed by bidder (Delivered Cost)
• Bid value contemplated by bidder before submission(Delivered Cost)

9. Bidder can reduce his bid repeatedly during the auction

10. Bidders shall be provided information on item wise pro-rated reduction in the
rates, for

11. Deleted

12. The Closing Price(s) offered by the bidders at the conclusion of the Reverse
Auction shall be valid for a minimum period of 30 days or as mentioned in tender,
from the date of conclusion of the Reverse Auction.

13. In case of Item-wise evaluation tenders, any or all items may undergo Reverse
Auction separately at the discretion of HPCL.

14. In case of Schedule-wise evaluation tenders, any or all schedu

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