Accdc Natonals 2018

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Round 1

 This House Would Break Up Big Tech Companies

Round 2

 This House Would Not Teach Children To Be Highly Competitive.

Round 3

 This House Prefers a World where Tim Drake Remained Within the Care of the State.
Tim Drake was born to two parents who worked as acrobats in the circus. Despite being just 10 years old he
started working in the circus as well along with his parents. A lack of proper safety standards led to an accident
during a performance in which his parents tragically passed away. Tim Drake continued to slip through the
state provided foster care system and turned to a life of rampant petty crime & theft, going in and out of the
juvenile prison system, until one day when he was suddenly adopted by Bruce Wayne – the batman. Bruce
Wayne sponsored his education at a top private school & also provided him with housing and day to day
amenities – in exchange Tim Drake joined Bruce Wayne in his life of day to day vigilantism and fight against
crime by becoming his popular sidekick “robin”

Round 4

 This House Believes That Asian Countries should Move Away from the USA and Seek
Closer Ties with China.

Round 5

 This House Applauds the Rise of Songs by Female Pop Artists that Glorify Assertive
Female Sexuality.


 THBT the Bangladesh government should aggressively prioritize spending on the

indigenous people of C.H.T over the Rohingya Refugees

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