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Creo®: Creo Parametric, Creo Simulate,

Creo Options Modeler, Creo Layout,
Creo Direct
Directory of Online Information

• Creo Help Centers

• Creo View Adapters Software Matrix
• eSupport
• Creo 6.0 Hardware Notes
• Reference Documents
• Technical Support Search
• Update Advisor
• What’s New? Click a link below and in the table of contents, click What’s New:
○ Creo Parametric
○ Creo Simulate
○ Creo Direct

Copyright 2019 PTC, Inc. Creo®: Creo Parametric, Creo Simulate, Creo Options Modeler, Creo Layout, Creo Direct
Creo Parametric, Creo Simulate, Creo Layout, Creo
Options Modeler, Creo Direct
Creo Is Available for Installation

Creo is a scalable suite of interoperable, right-sized design applications for users
across the enterprise to more easily participate in and contribute to the product design
process. With these applications, companies can bring better products to market faster by
improving processes such as concept design, detailed design, and verification and
Creo is packaged with a PTC License Server powered by FlexNet Publisher To run Creo you must upgrade the PTC license server to
For information about error messages associated with not having FlexNet Publisher 11.14
or later, see Support article CS259661.
Windows Update for C Runtime Is Required for Creo
Creo is built with Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 (VS2017), which is a compiler
change. The machine on which you are running Creo Parametric, Creo Simulate, Creo
Options Modeler, Creo Layout, or Creo Direct must have the Windows update for C
Runtime installed. When installing these Creo applications, the installer detects if the
correct Windows update for C Runtime is installed. This applies both to a local
installation and when installing from a network.
If you do not have the required Windows update, the steps below describe what occurs
and what action you need to take:
1. The message The Windows update for Universal C Runtime is required in order for the
installation to continue. appears during installation and you are redirected to a
Microsoft web page.
2. There is an automatic exit from the installer.
3. Open the Microsoft web page Update for Universal C Runtime in Windows.
4. Install the required update.
After you complete the update, you can install these Creo applications.

Using PTC Installation Assistant
For a streamlined installation of Creo applications, you can use the PTC
Installation Assistant on your DVD-ROM. Open the installer, enter your Sales Order
Number, and the Assistant begins the automatic installation:
• Acquires the license file from PTC
• Determines whether the license is floating or fixed and installs the license server as
• Provides a list of the available products based on the entitlement detailed in the
license file and automatically downloads and installs that software from
For the most up-to-date installation information, see the Creo Installation and
Administration Guide on the Reference Documents page or click File ▶ Help ▶ Reference
in the application.
Licensing Alternatives for Existing Customers
Existing customers can alternatively use the online licensing tools to request an updated
license pack via e-mail for installation on an existing PTC License Server. To run Creo your PTC license pack must have updated licenses at version 36.0. See License
In addition to the current solution for NC in Creo Parametric, there is also support
for G-POST V6.7 P17 from Austin N.C., Inc.
Support for Windows 7 Is Ending
Microsoft stops support for Windows 7 after January 14, 2020. This means Microsoft will
no longer support or provide security updates for Windows 7. See the Creo Future
Platform Support Summary.
System Requirements and Hardware Certification Information
Visit the Creo 6.0 Hardware Notes page for Creo for current, detailed system
requirements and certified hardware configurations.
PTC Product Release that is Interoperable with Creo
Creo Expert Moldbase Creo Expert Moldbase
Creo Progressive Die Creo Progressive Die

PTC Product Release that is Interoperable with Creo
Creo Schematics Creo Schematics 4.0
Creo View Product Family: Creo View Creo View 6.0 and later releases.
and Creo View ECAD, Creo View Note
ECAD Compare, Creo View Express,
• A seat of Creo Parametric is a prerequisite
and Creo View Adapters
for the Adapter.
• For information about the latest (6.0)
Clients and Adapters, see the Creo View
Clients and Toolkits Software Matrix and
the Creo View Adapters Software Matrix
for details.
Pro/INTRALINK Creo is supported with Pro/
INTRALINK 11.0 M030 CPS14 and later,
Pro/INTRALINK 11.1 M020 CPS02 and later,
and Pro/INTRALINK and later. See
the note that follows the table.
Windchill PDMLink and Windchill Creo is supported with Windchill
ProjectLink PDMLink and Windchill ProjectLink 11.0
M030 CPS14 and later, with Windchill
PDMLink and Windchill ProjectLink 11.1
M020 CPS02 and later, and with Windchill
PDMLink and Windchill ProjectLink
and later. See the note that follows.

• For specific information on Windchill compatibility, refer to the Creo Data
Management Compatibility Roadmap.
• Before upgrading from one major release to another of Creo, transfer files from
your workspaces to avoid the loss of any local changes during the process.

Asian and European Languages
Depending on the Creo application, the user interface and documentation are translated to
varying degrees into French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Simplified
Chinese, Spanish, Traditional Chinese, and Brazilian Portuguese. A detailed list of
translated materials is available in the matrix Creo 6.0 Language Support.
OpenGL Library
Creo uses advanced OpenGL 4.3 capabilities that improve the overall display and
graphics performance of Creo. To take advantage of this enhancement and for overall
improved display and graphics performance, Creo requires graphics cards which
support OpenGL 4.3 or later. PTC recommends you consult with your hardware
manufacturer or graphics card vendor.
Upgrading Versions of Java
In earlier releases of Creo, Java is automatically installed with the installation of the Creo
application, forcing you to upgrade your version of Java. In Creo Java is not
installed, and you can use your existing installation of Java. This simplifies the
If your version of Java is out of date, then a message appears during the installation. The
message notifies you that your version of JRE (Java run time environment) is out of date
and recommends installing the latest version to optimize performance.
Augmented Reality (AR)
In Creo, you can perform the following actions when using Augmented Reality
• View using the Microsoft HoloLens headset. This gives you a more immersive way to
experience models at full scale and in 3D augmented reality.
• Control the access to a model published to your personal account, by selecting the
type of access:
○ Public—Anyone with the Experience link can view the published model.
○ Restricted—Only users to whom you grant access, can view the published model.
• Publish up to 10 models for viewing in AR by stakeholders.

Storage and Order of Customized Settings for the Creo User Interface
You can customize various aspects of the user interface for your Creo application,
including those in the list below:
• Ribbon
• Quick Access Toolbar
• Shortcut Menus
• Keyboard Shortcuts
• Graphics Toolbar
• Window layout
In all applications, unless the environmental variable, PTC_WF_ROOT is set,
customization settings for the user interface are automatically stored in the profile
directory of the user’s operating system in one of the locations listed below:
• When not connected to Windchill PDMLink, the file is created in %APPDATA%\
• When connected to Windchill PDMLink, the file is created in the %PTC_WF_
ROOT%\.Settings folder.
When the Creo application starts, customization settings are applied from the following
locations in this order:
• Application load point directory:
<creo_loadpoint>\F000\Common Files \text\creo_<app>_admin_
• User’s profile directory
• Application startup directory, if the configuration option load_ui_
customization_run_dir is set to yes.
Refer to Support article CS37185 for details.
Recommendation for Configuration Files and Working Directories
When your Creo application starts, stored configuration options from the
file or the config.sup file, or from both files, are applied from the same locations and
in the same order as they were in Creo 4.0. It is recommended to use separate
configuration files and working directories for each Creo application.

Creo Help Center—Help, What’s New, Tutorials, Reference Documents
There is a separate Help Center for each of the Creo applications. Help Centers are
available on or you can download a Help Center for a local installation. Refer to
the Creo Installation and Administration Guide. The Help Center provides access to the
Help, including What’s New for your application and to other resources such as free
tutorials, Reference Documents, and the Creo Community. To open a Help Center, click
in your application. Alternatively, you can learn about user interface items with
context-sensitive Help using the F1 key. To access reference information such as the Creo
Installation and Administration Guide, click File ▶ Help ▶ Reference from your application
or browse through Reference Documents.
PTC Learning Connector

The PTC Learning Connector for Creo, available by clicking in Creo Parametric, Creo
Direct, Creo Layout, Creo Options Modeler, or Creo Simulate, provides context-sensitive
recommendations for topics, articles, and videos as you work. You can search the PTC
Learning Connector using one or more keywords. The PTC Learning Connector provides
results from the following sources:
• PTC University Precision LMS—eLearning topics and videos
• Support Knowledge Base—Knowledge-based articles
• Help Center—Help topics and links to other materials
By default, the Learning Connector is active. To disable the Learning Connector set the
configuration option enable_learning_connector to no.
Information Related to Windchill

Chromium Embedded Browser

When using Chromium as the embedded browser in Creo to interact with Windchill, you
cannot view the 3D Creo View based thumbnails on the details page of the Creo models.
Chrome and Chromium based browsers do not support plug-ins, which is the technology
currently used to display the 3D Creo View based thumbnails in Creo. See Support article
CS197208 for details.

Single Sign On (SSO) Authentication
The embedded browser for Creo supports authentication to a Windchill server that is
configured for SAML 2.0 single sign-on (SSO) authentication. If you previously
authenticated with a standalone web browser, you will see an additional login request
from the embedded browser for Creo.
Creo Parametric TOOLKIT and Creo Parametric Object TOOLKIT
You can extend the use of Creo Parametric with Creo Parametric TOOLKIT and Creo
Object TOOLKIT C++. From Creo, you can also extend the use of Creo Direct
using the Creo Object TOOLKIT C++.
The toolkit application must be compiled with the version of Visual Studio for the given
Creo release. Applications compiled with a later release of Visual Studio cannot be used
in earlier releases of Creo when the earlier releases do not support that version of Visual
Workflows for Model-Based Engineering (MBE) are supported. PTC strongly
recommends you review the published Toolkit user guides for a complete list of new and
deprecated APIs. Jlink is merged with the Java Object Toolkit (JOTK) libraries to help
reduce the image size and to avoid installing redundant files used by both JOTK and
Jlink. To use Jlink, select JOTK from the Creo Parametric Application Features list. You
do not need a special license or runtime license to develop with Jlink.
Changes Since Release of Creo Parametric (First Customer Shipment)
Information about what’s new in Creo Parametric, Creo Simulate, and Creo Direct is
available in the Creo Help Center. See What’s New in the table of contents for the
product. The tables that follow provide an overview of functionality added since the
release of Creo
Added in Creo Parametric
What’s New Topic Title Brief Description
Scope Command in Creo Simulation Live On the Live Simulation tab, you can use the
Scope command to specify the components
in the assembly that you want to include in
the scope of the simulation. When using
Scope, only the bodies and parts in the
scope are sent to the solver for results.
Results Legend for Creo Simulation Live Is You can use the results legend in Creo
Improved Simulation Live to input minimum and

maximum values. An up arrow and a down
arrow are available for the minimum and
maximum levels. Use these arrows to step
the legend higher or lower, so that you can
get the values that you want.
Detail Option to Control Scale of Hatch The detail option default_sketcher_
Pattern Created from a Sketch Feature hatch_spacing is added. This controls
whether the scale value of a hatch pattern
that is created from a sketch feature, is
automatically calculated or predefined.
• relative—Calculates the space
between hatching lines, based on the
sketch outline. This is the default
• <value>—Specifies a positive value
in model units that defines the space
between hatching lines.
New Value for tol_display The value no_tol_tables is added to
the configuration option, tol_display,
and to the detailing option, tol_
display. This option controls the
appearance of tolerances with dimensions.
• yes—Displays dimensions with
• no—Displays dimensions without
tolerances. This is the default
• no_tol_tables—Does not display
dimension tolerances for tolerances that
are controlled by ISO tolerance tables.

New Placement Options for Placing In an assembly, GTOLs that are placed on
Assembly GTOLS to be Placed on part-level dimension witness lines, are
Dimension Witness Lines of a Part owned by the part. Similarly, in a drawing
you can place draft GTOLS that are owned
by the drawing, on dimension witness lines
of the model. The GTOLs are then
converted to be owned by the model.
Notification of Maintenance Releases In earlier releases, the availability of a
maintenance release is not always obvious.
In Creo you are notified about the
availability, when you open your
application. The notification appears in a
message that provides the following
• Top 3 improvements in the release
• Link to the Read This First for the
• Link to the web installer

Added in Creo Parametric

What’s New Topic Title Brief Description
Controlling the Visibility of Axes in The configuration option, legacy_
Model-Based Definition comb_covert_type, controls the
visibility of axes assigned to a model in
Creo Parametric 3.0 and earlier, when the
same model is then opened in Creo
Parametric and later.
• semi_mbd—The combination state is
set to semi_mbd and the visibility of
axes is controlled with layers. This is
the default.
• auto—Sets the combination states to
semi_mbd if no axes were assigned in
Creo Parametric 3.0 and earlier, and to
full_mbd with the original

assignment list, if at least one axis was
Creo Simulation Live Is Available in Creo The traditional design process separates modeling and simulation. In a traditional
design process, designers must leave the
modeling environment, perform a
simulation, then return to the modeling
environment to make changes based on the
simulation. Creo Simulation Live brings
simulation into the modeling environment,
creating a parallel process with real-time
simulation that provides instant feedback.
Evaluating Software Is Easier It is easier and less stressful to have a trial
for software automatically available, rather
than requesting an evaluation license. This
way, you can test software without
pressure. In Creo, click Creo
Simulation Live Trial to install a 20–day
license and within minutes you can start
using Creo Simulation Live. There is no
need to request an evaluation license from
your account representative, so you can test
the software at your convenience.
Verify Project Command Is Added in AFX It is easier to find regeneration issues that
are the result of joint definition in your
project. In more complex Advanced
Framework (AFX) assemblies, multiple
joints may be defined on the same profile
end. This can result in regeneration issues
that are difficult to find and that can lead to
increased time for regeneration. The
command Verify Project helps you find
profile ends that have duplicate joints and
remove them, for a faster regeneration.
Customization Is Improved in AFX You can put your customizations in a

separate folder. This makes updates easier
because adaptations to the library are stored
Create References On the Fly in AFX You can create references for beams, on the
fly. Build your framework on the fly
instead of first building a skeleton and then
placing the profiles.
Check Reference for Existing Fasteners in In earlier releases you can assemble or
IFX reassemble a fastener at the same position
multiple times. When you are assembling
or reassembling a fastener in Creo
Parametric, you receive a message
alerting you if a fastener exists on the
reference. This provides you with the
information you need to reduce errors.
Configuration Option to Turn Off the In the Augmented Reality tab, when you
Disclaimer for Data Transfer click Publish Model to publish a model to
the cloud for Augmented Reality (AR)
design share, the message Important Data
Transfer Notice appears. In the message
there is a disclaimer noting that data is
being transferred to a PTC-hosted server.
For customers who understand this and do
not want their users to see this message, set
the configuration option ar_
controlled_data_disclaimer to
no. The default is yes. For additional
information, see the support article
New Value for maintain_limit_tol_nominal The value, tol_table, is added to the
for Detailed Drawings and Model–Based configuration option maintain_limit_
Definition tol_nominal:

• no—Changes the nominal value of the
dimension when you modify the
tolerance. This is the default.
• yes—Does not change the nominal
value of the dimension when you
modify the tolerance.
• tol_table—Does not change the
nominal value of the dimension when
the tolerance of the dimension is driven
by the tolerance table.
Configuration Option to Maintain The configuration option, maintain_
Tolerance Value in Detailed Drawings and dim_tol_values, is added to maintain
Model-Based Definition the tolerance values of a dimension,
regardless of the changes you make to the
nominal value.
• yes—Maintains the tolerance values.
This is the default.
• no—Resets the tolerance values to the
• legacy—Maintains the tolerance
values when you modify the nominal
value using the Dimension tab. Resets
the tolerance values to the default,
when you modify the nominal values
using Dynamic Edit mode.
Definition of Witness Lines Extension Is There is an updated definition of witness
Updated in Detailed Drawings lines extension for intersected contours per
International Organization for
Standardization (ISO), standard 129. When
dimensioning, intersecting projected
contours of outlines are extended beyond
the point of intersection.
Configuration Option to Define the Type of The configuration option symbol_
Symbols Palette in Detailed Drawings and editor_use_symbol_font is added

Model-Based Definition to define the type of symbols palette to use
in the symbol editor for the current model
or drawing.
• yes—Use the type of symbols palette
that is defined in the Detail option,
symbol_font. This is the default.
• no—Use the legacy symbols palette.
Support for Beam Lattices in 3D In 3D printing, printing dense lattice
Manufacturing Format (3MF) in Additive structures to 3MF is more efficient. For the
Manufacturing purpose of printability, the beam lattice is
exported by the nodes and beam parameters
instead of by meshing every beam. To save
the lattice definition select the Use 3MF
Lattice extension check box when
exporting the file. You can use this
extension for beam lattices with circular
cross sections and for simplified
representations of lattices.
Create Slices for Supported Lattice Types In 3D printing use Slice to create a file
in Additive Manufacturing which contains all slices needed for
printing. CLI (common layer interface)
files are created and then used for 3D
printing. In addition to the slicing
capabilities introduced in Creo, in
Creo you can create slice files for
all supported lattice types and
representations, define a lattice penetration,
and validate such a penetration before

©2019 PTC Inc. The information contained herein is provided for informational
use and is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for PTC products
and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such
products and services and nothing herein should be construed as constituting an
additional warranty. PTC shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or
omissions contained herein. Important Copyright, Trademark, Patent, and
Licensing Information: See the About Box, or copyright notice, of your PTC

Creo Parametric, Creo Simulate, Creo Layout, Creo Options Modeler, Creo Direct 15

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