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Atomic Zombie extreme Machine

achiness tm

May 2009

Bicycles for Humanity promotes mobility, empowerment, partnerships

By Kathy McGowan workshops delivered to teach locals valuable
You Can Build This! skills and provide sustainable employment.
There is a growing international effort Bicycles are essential transportation vehicles.
underway to bring new life and purpose to
thousands of used and refurbished They are used by children and adults of
bicycles. all ages to attend school, thereby
improving literacy rates.
Bicycles for Humanity (B4H) emerged
as a humanitarian effort several years Healthcare workers can visit villages
ago to send a shipping container of more often and spend more time with
StreetFox Tadpole Trike unwanted bicycles from British clients to provide essential medical
Columbia, Canada, to Africa. services such as pre-natal, HIV/AIDS
education and medicines, and vaccinations.
The group is the result of dedicated socially
conscious philanthropists to expand the Bicycles deliver the ill and the infirm to medical
distribution of bicycles throughout Africa via centres and hospitals.
regional networks, including the Bicycle
Inside this issue: Empowerment Network (BEN) Namibia. Entrepreneurs can transport their goods to
market, increasing their ability to earn incomes,
support their families and communities, and
Bicycles for 2 improve their overall quality of life.
Villagers can bring necessary food, water and
E-bike sales soar 3 medical supplies from other regions to their own
Builders Gallery 3
projects BEN Namibia delivered the first BEC in
December 2006 in the village of Okathitu. The
following year, BECs were delivered to Katutura
Garage News 4 (FHS), Oshakati (DEEP), Oshakati (TKMOAMS)
and Tsumeb (TOV).
Well-equipped 5
garage In 2008, BECs opened in Okalongo (Catholic
AIDS Action), Ondangwa (Childline/Lifeline),
East Sussex cycling 5 Donated and recycled bicycles are helping Nkurenkuru, and Rundu (House of Love).
access many Africans in their daily lives. This year, additional BECs are expected to open
in Katutura (King's Daughters), Nyangana
Toronto artists 6 (Catholic AIDS Action), Otjiwarongo (Joy
BEN Namibia is based in Windhoek, the capital
S. Korea bike 7 Centre), and Walvis Bay (Multi-Purpose Centre).
of Namibia. Not only do these groups ship
expansion projects thousands of bicycles, they also send tools such Villages are scattered throughout many parts of
as hacksaws, safety equipment, welders, tube rural Africa, restricting villagers’ mobility to
Events and recipes 8 benders, grinders and rulers so that Namibians access a variety of services – education,
can provide ongoing repairs once the bikes healthcare, employment, and economic
reach their community. opportunities.
The effort provides meaningful employment Bicycles “help to empower and mobilize millions
and skills development throughout some of the of people in Africa” by providing “sustainable
country’s poorest regions. B4H chapters also transport solutions for millions of Africans,”
donate other items such as soccer balls, according to the B4H web site.
basketballs, eye glasses and school supplies. In
addition to Namibia, there are B4H projects in The grassroots effort has published some
Rwanda, Zambia, Uganda and Sierra Leone. important statistics that emphasize how a simple
bicycle can improve the lives of thousands of
Once in the community, the shipping container people in many isolated African communities.
becomes a Bicycle Empowerment Centre (BEC)
WWW.ATOMICZOMBIE.COM where the bikes are distributed, fixed and continued on page 2...
Page 2 Atomic Zombie Extreme Machines — May 2009

Bicyles get new life in Africa...continued from page 1

♦ Since 2006, B4H has shipped over 10,000 bicycles to Africa.

♦ There are 22 chapters/partners on three continents –
Australia, Canada, United States.
♦ There are 18 community based bicycle workshops started in
♦ Each of these workshops distributes 300 or more bicycles per
♦ Ninety jobs have been created in these workshops, providing
sustainable income to fund more community projects.
♦ Girls are 70 per cent more likely to attend school if their
household owns a bicycle.
♦ A bicycle carries three times the weight of a person walking.
♦ On average, it takes one hour to travel 5 km on foot; 20
minutes by bicycle.
♦ Up to 500 bicycles are loaded into a shipping container with
tools and spare parts.
♦ It costs on average $7,000 to ship the container from North
America to Africa.
♦ Each BEC provides refurbished bicycles to healthcare outreach
volunteers, school children or other beneficiaries.
Thanks to the dedication of B4H and BEN volunteers, partners and
sponsors, bicycles are helping thousands of people. In Namibia, for
example, bicycles are retrofitted with a stretcher on wheels to
become human powered ambulances, transporting patients to
hospitals and clinics that are often dozens of kilometres away from
the villages.

Basic adaptations to bicycles that

were once used for recreational
purposes thousands of kilometres
away on another continent are now Bicycling Empowerment Network (BEN) Namibia
life-saving human transportation Michael Linke
vehicles. More than 100 bicycle
ambulances are currently being
used in Namibia. These vehicles are
normally the only mode of transportation available to the poorest
populations on the planet.

B4H and BEN are expanding efforts to more projects throughout “In the developed world, we ride bicycles for pleasure. In the
the African continent over the next five years to meet increasing world's poorest countries where other forms of transportation
demand for affordable mobility. Bicycle collection and fundraising are unaffordable, the bicycle can be an important tool in
events hosted by B4H chapters worldwide are promoted on the
Internet on blogs, websites, social networking sites and media to building a better life. Bicycles for Humanity's overall goal is
reach vast worldwide audiences. to expand the work of its members, build more sustainable
initiatives and programs and to mobilize and empower more
If you would like to get involved, donate or start a chapter in your
of the world's poorest people.”
community contact:

Bicycles for Humanity (B4H) Special thanks to Michael Linke, Pat Montani and Steve Klassen for their help with this
article and for their inspiring dedication.

Atomic Zombie Extreme Machines — May 2009 Page 3

Dutch E-bike sales soar in 2008, steady growth forecast

AMSTERDAM, the Netherlands - The e-bike was the driving force for the Dutch bike market in 2008. In the
other main European bike market, Germany, electric bicycles are now gaining momentum while also in
other markets in Europe electric bicycles are beating the financial crisis with ongoing sales growth.

According to the Dutch industry organizations RAI and BOVAG, the number of e-bikes sold in 2008 has
again risen beyond all expectations; to about 140,000 units. In Germany 2008 sales totaled at 100,000
units. For 2009 this number is expected to grow with about 25 to 30%, says the German ZIV association.

For the entire European Union with its current 27 member states 2008 sales are estimated by some
industry associations at 300,000 units which seems too low eying the fact that only in Holland and
Germany sales stood last year already at about a quarter of a million units. On the expectations for
Europe’s 2009 sales it is said to grow to about 400,000, according to industry associations. This number
again seems at the low end of the scale given the fact that in Europe’s main markets, Germany and the
Netherlands, the public interest in e-Bikes is at a high level.

In the world biggest e-bike market, China, the business remained strong last year. Total 2008 sales stood
at 21 million electric bicycles. According to officials at the China Bicycle Association (CBA), the e-bike
business of China is strong, with only a modest 4% reduction in export of complete e-bikes due to
economic crises last year. China’s 2008 exports stood at 580,000 complete e-bikes which were exported
to 170 different countries. The CBA figures do not include the very large numbers of CKD and SKD electric
bikes that are exported to India and the EU. With them included sales may be much larger than the
export number suggest.

The recently founded Light Electric Vehicle Association says on the dynamic growth in the last year in India,
many smaller markets, as well as the EU and USA that: “Even in the difficult year, it is easy to see that
electric bicycles are a very important vehicle category that is becoming one of the top five vehicle
categories used by humans worldwide.”


Builders Gallery New Additions

In each newsletter, we’ll be featuring some of
the custom builds by our AZ Krew, depending
on available space. At the right are recent
additions to the Builders Gallery family.
Check out all of the awesome creations at: Greg's HighRoller SWB Royal’s DeltaWolf Trike

Mike’s StreetFox Tadpole Trike Moon’s Chopper Blaxmyth’s Vigilante Chopper

Page 4 Atomic Zombie Extreme Machines — May 2009

Tentative project schedule, builder feedback

Since last month’s newsletter, we have work (the stuff that pays the bills) has to be done first. But, if we
Garage been flooded with questions about this can stay organized and on track, the projects should be
News year’s line up of human powered and completed on schedule.
electric vehicle projects. After several
brainstorming sessions and a few We also plan to do expand our videos to include building tips
bottles of wine, we have come up with and tricks on some of the projects, too, so that you can see in real
a tentative schedule. time how some of the projects come together. We don’t have a list
of those video ideas yet, just will take some footage and have
We hope that the snow is finally gone for good so that the them available on the Atomic Zombie web site at some point this
Atomic Zombie garage will officially open in early May. year. If you have some suggestions for video clips you’d like to
Regardless, spring cleaning will begin on or about May 1. So, see, send them to koolkat (at) .
for all of you who are anxious to know when certain projects
will be completed, the following is planned for the rest of this Atomic Zombie Builder Feedback
year, and we hope to stick to this schedule as much as possible.
We received an email this month from Rick D. who lives in Albany,
on the southern coast of Western Australia:
May — June
“Hey Atomic Zombie bike builders! I’ve been lurking on your forum
1. Terminator Cycle Chopper for a few months now and just wanted to let you know how much
2. Tri-Warrior Racing Tadpole Trike I’ve been learning. It’s a great source of information for many of us
3. Pocket Hog Mini Electric Chopper who have always wanted to get into this hobby, but didn’t know how
4. Arcturus Tandem Trike (formerly quadcycle) to start. Thanks to you guys, I bought my first welder last month and
will be starting my first project — OverKill chopper. I’ve never
welded anything before in my life so I’ll be checking the forum a lot
July, August, September because I’m sure I’ll need a lot of help. Keep up the great work and
thanks for having these awesome sites. I’ll bet it’s a lot of work
5. Electric Street Motorcycle doing all of this stuff yourselves, but many of us appreciate all the
6. Bike-E2 time you put into it. I don’t know how often people say Thank You,
7. Flying Dutchman Cargo Bike so I want you to know that I think your stuff is great and
October, November, December Thanks for the kind words, Rick. Yes, we do spend a lot of time
doing the Atomic Zombie stuff. We enjoy this “spare time” hobby
8. Electric Mule like many of you, and our friendly building community is always
9. Boneshaker Replica willing to help, so feel free to ask for advice. Albany looks
10. Snowroller Winter Tadpole Trike amazing! The scenery is breathtaking.

Bear in mind that this is still a hobby for us, too, so our regular Explore Albany, Western Australia:

great tip!
Bike Builders Tips
Welding Health Hazards
“When I had my own drill press I made an
automatic water cooler for it, just like the big All welding processes produce fumes and gases to a greater or
industrial drills and saws use an automatic water lesser extent. Galvanized steels produce added fumes from the
cooler. It’s easy enough to make a small electric pump, a screen, vaporized zinc coating. Fumes from welding galvanized steel can
an old cooking pan or tray, and some tubing, on/off switch. It contain zinc, iron and lead.
will keep bits at cool temp and never overheat and ruin a bit.
And, the best investment I ever made was a drill doctor that will Use precautions, including high-velocity circulating fans with
sharpen up to 3/4" bits.” filters, good ventilation, air respirators and fume-extraction
systems. More tips and advice:
Thanks to Atomic Zombie Krew member, Nelson (gbbwolf), for this

Atomic Zombie Extreme Machines — May 2009 Page 5

The builder’s guide to a well-equipped shop

DRILL PRESS: A tall upright machine useful for suddenly snatching more easily fit into the trash can after you cut on the inside of the
flat metal bar stock out of your hands so that it smacks you in the line instead of the outside edge.
chest and flings your beer across the room, denting the freshly-
TWO-TON ENGINE HOIST: A tool for testing the maximum tensile
painted project which you had carefully set in the corner where
strength of everything you forgot to disconnect.
nothing could get to it.
PHILLIPS SCREWDRIVER: Normally used to stab the vacuum seals
WIRE WHEEL: Cleans paint off bolts and then throws them
under lids or for opening old-style paper-and-tin oil cans and
somewhere under the workbench with the speed of light. Also
splashing oil on your shirt; but can also be used, as the name
removes fingerprints and hard-earned calluses from fingers in
implies, to strip out Phillips screw heads.
about the time it takes you to say, 'Oh sh -- '
STRAIGHT SCREWDRIVER: A tool for opening
“Originally employed as a weapon of war, paint cans. Sometimes used to convert common
used for spinning pop rivets in their
the hammer nowadays is used as a kind of slotted screws into non-removable screws and
holes until you die of old age.
divining rod to locate the most expensive butchering your palms.
SKILL SAW: A portable cutting tool parts adjacent the object we are trying to
PRY BAR: A tool used to crumple the metal
used to make studs too short. hit."
surrounding that clip or bracket you needed
PLIERS: Used to round off bolt heads. - Richie Rich, AZ Krew Guru to remove in order to replace a 50 cent part.
Sometimes used in the creation of
HOSE CUTTER: A tool used to make hoses too
BELT SANDER: An electric sanding tool commonly used to convert
HAMMER: Originally employed as a weapon of war, the hammer
minor touch-up jobs into major refinishing jobs.
nowadays is used as a kind of divining rod to locate the most
HACKSAW: One of a family of cutting tools built on the Ouija expensive parts adjacent the object we are trying to hit.
board principle. It transforms human energy into a crooked,
UTILITY KNIFE: Used to open and slice through the contents of
unpredictable motion, and the more you attempt to influence its
cardboard cartons delivered to your front door; works
course, the more dismal your future becomes.
particularly well on contents such as seats, liquids in plastic bottles,
VISE-GRIPS: Generally used after pliers to completely round off collector magazines, refund checks, and rubber or plastic parts.
bolt heads. If nothing else is available, they can also be used to Especially useful for slicing work clothes, but only while in use.
transfer intense welding heat to the palm of your hand.
DAMM-IT TOOL: Any handy tool that you grab and throw across
OXYACETYLENE TORCH: Used almost entirely for lighting the garage while yelling 'DAMM-IT' at the top of your lungs. It is
various flammable objects in your shop on fire. Also handy for also, most often, the next tool that you will need.
igniting the grease inside the wheel hub out of which you want to
remove a bearing race.
Thanks to Atomic Zombie building guru, Richie Rich, for
TABLE SAW: A large stationary power tool commonly used to
sharing his knowledge by posting this funny and informative
launch wood projectiles for testing wall integrity.
piece on the forum.
HYDRAULIC FLOOR JACK: Used for lowering an automobile to
the ground after you have installed your new brake shoes,
trapping the jack handle firmly under the bumper.

BAND SAW: A large stationary power saw primarily used by

most shops to cut good aluminum sheet into smaller pieces that

Page 6 Atomic Zombie Extreme Machines — May 2009

Portland’s year ‘round vibrant biking culture

Blind to learn on bike for two “A LOT of good cyclists come out of Portland just because
A cycling group which collects old and unwanted bikes to you can ride year-round,” said Bruce Rogers, an athletic-
recycle has just taken receipt of an old tandem, following an shoe designer visiting from his home in Hailey, Idaho. “I
appeal in the Telegraph & Argus. love coming back because I love the biking, no matter what
Cycle re Cycle, a project of Bradford-based Crank It Up time of year it is. More than fitness, it’s a fun outlet. As long
Cycling For All, will use the tandem to teach blind people to as you have decent rainwear you can ride in any weather.”
ride. Careering through streets on a bicycle in Portland, Ore.,
It has recently opened a shop at the University of Bradford this time of year can be an easy weekend adventure that
selling recycled bikes from the police and members of the mixes showers, sunbursts, cafes and a robust bicycle culture.
public. And equipped with a sturdy rain jacket, booties, fenders
and a bike map (a waterproof version that folds to the size
Tony Hudson, 50, said he had kept the tandem at his of a credit card is handy), visitors can enjoy the city the
premises, T Hudson Autos, in Thackley Old Road, Shipley, for way locals do.
the past few years.
On a recent misty Friday evening, bicyclists wearing
He said: “We intended to fix it up and we have just not got blinking safety lights formed a spontaneous, festive parade
round to it. “I saw the piece in the T&A for Crank It Up and I across the Hawthorne Bridge. The impromptu peloton
thought it’s going to be an ideal thing for them if they want it. flashed by like a line of flickering fireflies. Tourists will find
It might as well be put to use and after speaking to the guy at that Portlanders seem to know how to avoid the biggest
Crank It Up, it sounds like it will be.” gushers, perfecting the art of ducking into a cafe at the
moment that passing showers soak the streets.
For more information visit or
e-mail . Read the full article:

East Sussex voted best local authority for cycling access to natural environment
Natural England and Nicholas Crane from the BBC's Coast and implementing these plans, making more routes accessible
programme awarded local authorities for improving access to and relevant to our changing needs."
the natural environment Improvements to England's rights of way Improvement plans are now in place for 90% of England and it
network is the key to unlocking people's access to the natural is anticipated that coverage will be extended to the whole
environment, said a representative of Natural England as the country during 2009. The plans have a greater focus on urban
organization awarded local authorities across the country for paths and other linear access routes; they outline plans to
their work to develop the rights of way network to meet the
promote the health benefits of walking, cycling and horse riding;
needs of users.
and they contribute to tackling climate change.
Local authorities across the country have been working on their Nicholas Crane, said: "Thanks to England's rights of way network
rights of way improvement plans (ROWIPs) for the past seven everyone can be an explorer. The eccentric pattern of trails,
years. The plans are designed to increase opportunities for
steeped in heritage - from prehistoric tracks, to medieval drove
walking, cycling and horse riding, to provide greater connectivity
roads and pilgrims routes, to paths developed more recently to
between routes, and to link up with the public transport network.
serve the needs of modern day housing growth - these paths
Dr Helen Phillips, Chief Executive of Natural England, said: offer everyone the opportunity to enjoy the fantastic countryside
"England's rights of way network is the single most important that England has to offer. These plans provide the national
means for people to access the wonders of our natural framework to improve all kinds of access, making it easier for
environment. Enjoying the countryside on routes that are open to everyone to get out and explore."
all is something that we in England take for granted. We are
indebted to the role played by local authorities for producing

Page 7 Atomic Zombie Extreme Machines — May 2009

Toronto Art Show and Artists Highlight Bike Month “The bicycle is the most
civilized conveyance known
The Future Bikes Art Show, on display until Doors Open Toronto to man. Other forms of
May 5, 2009 at The Steam Whistle Gallery in 401 Richmond St West
Toronto, Ontario. transport grow daily more nightmarish. Only the bicycle remains pure in
Dates : Saturday May 23and Sunday May 24 heart.”
Janet Bike Girl Open Studio My studio is part of the 401 events for Doors
401 Richmond St West Open - 401 Tour at 1 pm ~Iris Murdoch, The Red and the
Toronto Green
Studio S-26 Bike Month Toronto
In the basement, follow the Janet Bike Girl Open Studio
bicycle stencils
Date: Monday May 25,
Dates : Friday, May 1 and 2009
Saturday, May 2 Time: 11 am to 7pm on the
Times: noon to 6 pm first day of Bike Month

South Korea president encourages $37.5B bicycle-related projects, manufacturing

South Korea President Lee Myung-bak included in the president’s 50 trillion won cause in late April, the start of a nine-day
recently urged the nation to quickly step up ($37.5 billion) “Green New Deal,” which nationwide bicycle festival - the first of its
its use of bicycles, saying pedaling should sets aside 1.2 trillion won for bicycle- kind in Korea.
once again take precedence over driving related projects. As part of the festival, 300 cyclists will
or using other forms of transportation that The president urged local companies to travel 1,841 kilometers. The route starts in
contribute to pollution. focus on developing and manufacturing Seoul and goes through Suwon, Incheon,
“Green life revolution is the spirit of our bicycles to meet increasing demand. Chuncheon, Cheongju, Daejeon and Jeonju.
time,” Lee said in a biweekly radio Eventually, “we will need 10 million or 20 The group then will split up to travel either
address. “Bringing back the use of carbon- through the Gwangju and Mokpo areas or
free bicycles as the main means of the Daegu, Ulsan and Busan regions. The
transportation is the path that we must “We will need 10 million or 20 event ends in Changwon, South yeongsang,
take. We should select the path as soon as million bicycles; it will be sad if we
on May 3 with an awards ceremony. Event
possible.” import all bicycles from foreign
organizers expect an estimated 30,000
Lee also reaffirmed his promise to build a people to participate in bicycle-related
nationwide bicycle road network as part of ~ South Korea President Lee Myung-bak on events across the country as part of the
his “low-carbon, green growth” initiative. the need to manufacture bicycles in his festivities.
The plan includes the development of country
“As long as you push the pedals without
2,000 kilometers (1,243 miles) of bicycle
fear of falling down, a bicycle moves
paths stretching along the Han, Geum, million bicycles; it will be sad if we import forward,” Lee said. “That’s the same for
Yeongsan and Namdong rivers. all bicycles from foreign countries,” Lee our life. I hope the nation will push the
It’s all part of a massive project to restore said, noting that Korea imports more than 2 pedals of hope this week.”
and develop areas along the country’s four million bicycles a year from China, the
Netherlands and Canada. Source:
major rivers, which Lee said should be
completed by 2012. Those efforts are He implored the nation to get behind the

May 2009 June 2009
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
24 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 28 29 30

July 2009 Freakbike Militia Golden Horseshoe Cruisers

4th Annual Hamilton Beach Cruise
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
and Can-Am Challenge
1 2 3 4
July 17 and 18, 2009
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Friday, July 17 Downtown Oakville Cruise
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Saturday, July 18 Hamilton Beach Cruise and
Can-Am Challenge
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Fun for the whole family!
26 27 28 29 30 31 For more information:

Granny’s Nightmare Sunshine Bars

1 cup orange juice Mix vanilla, honey and oil. Stir oats, flour,
1 cup dried apricots, loosely packed wheat germ, spices, and salt. Drain apricots
2 tsp vanilla and add the juice to the honey-oil mixture.
1/2 cup honey
1/2 cup oil Chop apricots coarsely and stir into dry
1 1/2 to 2 cups rolled oats ingredients along with raisins and almond
1 cup whole wheat flour meal.
Free DIY plan at CHOPZONE.COM 1/2 cup wheat germ
1 tsp cinnamon Combine wet and dry ingredients and press
1 tsp all spice mixture into an oiled 9 x 13 inch baking
1 tsp nutmeg dish.
Pinch of salt
“Creativity is inventing, 1 cup raisins, partly cut up Bake 30 minutes. Keep a close eye on them!
experimenting, growing, 2/3 cup toasted almond meal or flaxseed Cookies made with honey brown very
taking risks, breaking rules, meal quickly.
making mistakes, and having
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Allow to cool completely. Keep in airtight
container in fridge to stay fresh. Great when
~ Mary Lou Cook Heat orange juice to a boil. Put dried apricots you need a quick energy boost while on the
in pan, bring to a boil again, and turn off heat. go.

Cover pan and let apricots absorb juice until

tender enough to cut with a sharp knife, but not (adapted from Confederation College Fitness Centre
Submit your story ideas, upcoming events and really soft. newsletter, 2007)

recipes: koolkat(at)


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