Informative Speech

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speeches are
speeches mainly
performed for the
purpose of
educating the
audience on new or
relevant piece of
information on a
particular topic.
A persuasive
speech is a speech
given solely for the
purpose of
convincing the
audience listening
that the opinion of
the speaker on a
particular topic is the
right or correct one.

“Bullying is unacceptable, and many movements exist trying to stop this

act of violence and inequality among teenagers. I will formulate an argument
towards the problem at hand. Being a student of the high school, I see bullying
among students of my age every day. That is why I will express my support in the
fight against this phenomenon. Some things change for better thanks to the
efforts of our parents and teachers, but the signs of bullying are present in most
of the US education institutions. It is inhuman and has to end. Do you think the
measures contemporary society takes are effective?

I am a former victim of bullying: it happened several times when I was

studying in the high school because of my family’s social status. The rest of the
students came from wealthy families, and they believed there is no place for
“burglars” like me. What they did to me was morally unacceptable. I think the
government along with the legal bodies should make school bullying illegal and
punish those who commit this crime according to the constitutional law. Such type
of crime can have a long-term impact on everybody involved in the act.

The experts define several types of this crime. Those are face-to-face
like direct name calling; at a distance like spreading rumors; and cyberbullying. To
me, the worst one is face-to-face even though experts name cyberbullying as the
most dangerous one.” “School bullying is one of the basic issues in many
educational institutions. Students may injure or even murder others. It happens
in many regions of the world, but it looks like the United States suffer from this
problem more than other countries. This type of crime is never acceptable. I have
witnessed several acts of severe school bullying in my city, and I do not
understand why teachers, parents, and government do nothing special to prevent
such cases. Even if the act of bullying has nothing to do with physical injuries or
rape, it may lead to the victim’s suicide. That is the purpose of the school bullies.

I insist on forcing all shareholders in the education sector to cooperate to

decide on the ways of handling and preventing this problem until it gets worse.
The shareholders and working personnel are responsible for bullying. They should
guarantee the safety of every student. One of the solutions I recommend
implementing to fight against school bullying effectively is through special
education explaining why this type of activity is to be discouraged and measures
to take if bullying takes place on the eyes of other students.
I wish I were an Oscar Meyer wiener, Extra, extra, read all about it, we
will be back after these brief messages! Do you know what these sayings all
have in common? Well, there are forms of what makes you want something.
Welcome students, teachers, and judges and this year get ready to embrace my
speech on advertisment. So stay tuned and I will be answering some questions
like where can advertisement be found? How much would it cost? What makes
me want that so bad? and what are the consequences of too many ads?

The Oxford Dictionary defines advertisement as a public notice or

announcement, especially one advertising goods or services in newspaper, on
posters, or in broadcasts. The first thing you need to know is where advertising
can be found. It"s everywhere. It's in your home, it's on the street, it's on your
clothes and it's in your school, but is all advertisement bad? The answer is No.
Would you have known that shirt or video game you wanted would have been half
price if it wasn't advertised? Probably not!

Advertiseing is exremely efffective these days. With celebrities like

LeBron James getting 100 million for a ten-year contract with Nike and Beyonce
Knowles gets 4.7 million dollars for 5 years with L'oreal hair products. Some
other reasons why advertising is so effective is because of can't-get-out-of-
your-head slogans, before and after, music and emotion.

Let's discuss the money, money, money, money... money it costs for
advertising. A thirty-second ad during the superbowl costs over two million
dollars, which is way more than most people could afford. T.V, and radio make
most of their money of commercial time. Some companies like Sears spend over
$ 500 million per year. Another reason why pricing could be so high is because
of the time the ad was aired. Now that we know about the moulah, the bling, the
price of advertising we can move on to effects of advertising by calling 1 800
CALL ATT it's free for you and cheap for them.

The first negative effect can be addiction like the tune that never leaves
your head. Some people get so caught up in advertisement they buy whatever
they want and forget about the cost of the product. Another major factor is
sometimes ads aren't always what they seem to be, so be careful what you buy.
One last negative effect is it can pull you in to a bad product like
cigarettes.Always remember not to fall for that cool camel or that favorite
celebrity smoking because those people don't care about you but about your
money! Now let's zoom zoom zoom to positive effects.

The advantages of advertising are promoting sales or new products. So

you can get it first at Future Shop. Another positive effect of advertising is
liability protection, meaning it can show harmful effects of a product. Like the
bad effects scene on cigarette packages or on One last reason why
advertising is good is because you hear about a new product. Whether you buy it
or not you know about it and then you could tell two friends and they'll tell two
friends and so on and so on. This is known as word of mouth which is free
advertising for a company.

To conclude my speech I feel everyone should realiZe the effect

advertising really has on them, it's in your mind, it's anywhere you look and it's
even in school textbooks believe it or not. So always be aware because it just
might sneak up behind you and grab you in. I have one last thing to say "and i'm
tellin the world, get your ski's shined up grab a stick of juicy fruit the taste is
gonna move ya *cough* Robitussin. Thank-you for listening in to my speech on
Birthday Message

I am so happy that you are going to be completing the 18th year of your life. We
have known each other for the longest time and I know what you must feeling
like to take a step forward to a new phase of your life.
This is the time we have been waiting for…. Completing school and heading for
college. For all these years, we have dreamt of going to college together and
this is the year when our dream is going to come true. I really pray to God to
that we both stay together even in college because there are many more things
to do, many more things to explore and more life to live.
You are the closest friend I have. You are that one person with whom I can sit
and talk to for the longest time. We don’t need to go to a restaurant or engage
in specific activity to enjoy each other’s company. With you I can just be me. I
can speak what I think, without using a filter. I can share my clothes, feelings
and crushes. And this is so because you are a wonderful person at heart. You are
truly an amazing soul and a friendly person.
Now, as we move out of school and step into university, we are going to come
across lots of new opportunities to move ahead in life. I really pray to Almighty
to make right choices and to always walk the path of success. I hope that you
shine bright in your studies and win hearts of people around you. I hope that you
face challenges of life with strength and confidence and never give up to the
tough times. And I promise that I will always stand by you, through good and
bad, happy and sad in your support.
As you step in an important year of your life, I am as excited as you because
together we have so many plans made for the new life that is waiting for us.
Your birthday is a reminder that our friendship has got another year old. And
before I end my letter, I just want to say that I love you my buddy. Thanks for
being my best friend forever. Let us gear up to explore more years together

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