ADV 1000 - in Class Exercise #4

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In Class Exercise #4

ADV 1000 – Regulation

Work on your own, in pairs or three (maximum).

Look online for an ad you think may contravene Canadian Advertising Standards. The ad can be
a print ad, billboard, transit ad, TV ad or YouTube Video.

It does not have to be a Canadian advertisement, however if the ad is not in the English it must
contain English subtitles or a suitable translation.
The ad must be recent – Post 2005. Tobacco or cannabis ads are not allowed as Canadian laws
prohibit or severely restrict advertising of these products.

The assignment is marked out of 10. ½ mark is deducted for an incorrect answer. Up to 1 mark
will be deducted for poor formatting and up to one mark will be deducted for poor grammar
and spelling.

Deadline: End of class in week 5.

File Format: PC Word file or PDF

File Name: LastName1-LastName2-LastName3-Exercise4

1) Your names
2) Brand and/or product name
3) Title of the advertisement or campaign
4) For Print Ad/Out of Home provide screenshot or image of the ad
5) For TV Ad or YouTube Video provide a screenshot and link
6) Which Advertising Standard(s) are being contravened and include the specific regulation
a) Refer to this link for a list of the Advertising Standards code:
7) Why do you belief that the standard is not being met?
8) Your recommendations on how the ad could be made to comply
a) Visuals you would remove and what you would replace them with
b) Copy or text you would remove and what you would replace them with

Submission: Submit your assignment via Blackboard Messages.

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