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BOOTSTRAP MOCK TEST Copyright © tutorials

This sect ion present s you various set of Mock Test s relat ed t o Bo o tstrap Framewo rk. You can
download t hese sample mock t est s at your local machine and solve offline at your convenience.
Every mock t est is supplied wit h a mock t est key t o let you verify t he final score and grade yourself.


Q 1 - Which o f the fo llo wing is co rrect abo ut Bo o tstrap?

A - Boot st rap is a sleek, int uit ive, and powerful, mobile first front -end framework for fast er and
easier web development .

B - It uses HTML, CSS and Javascript .

C - Boot st rap was developed by Mark Ot t o and Jacob Thornt on at Twit t er.

D - All of t he above.

Q 2 - Which o f the fo llo wing is co rrect abo ut Bo o tstrap?

A - Boot st rap's responsive CSS adjust s t o Deskt ops,Tablet s and Mobiles.

B - Provides a clean and uniform solut ion for building an int erface for developers.

C - It cont ains beaut iful and funct ional built -in component s which are easy t o cust omize.

D - All of t he above.

Q 3 - Which o f the fo llo wing is a part o f Mo bile First Strategy o f Bo o tstrap?

A - Cont ent : Det ermine what is most import ant .

B - Layout : Design t o smaller widt hs first . Base CSS address mobile device first ; media queries
address for t ablet , deskt ops.

C - Progressive Enhancement : Add element s as screen size increases.

D - All of t he above.

Q 4 - Which o f the fo llo wing is co rrect abo ut Bo o tstrap Grid System?

A - Rows must be placed wit hin a .cont ainer class for proper alignment and padding.
B - Use rows t o creat e horizont al groups of columns.

C - Cont ent should be placed wit hin t he columns, and only columns may be t he immediat e children
of rows.

D - All of t he above.

Q 5 - Which o f the fo llo wing is co rrect abo ut Bo o tstrap Grid System?

A - Predefined grid classes like .row and .col-xs-4 are available for quickly making grid layout s. LESS
mixins can also be used for more semant ic layout s.

B - Columns creat e gut t ers (gaps bet ween column cont ent ) via padding. That padding is offset in
rows for t he first and t he last column via negat ive margin on .rows.

C - Grid columns are creat ed by specifying t he number of t welve available columns you wish t o
span. For example, t hree equal columns would use t hree .col-xs-4.

D - All of t he above.

Q 6 - Which o f the fo llo wing is co rrect abo ut Bo o tstrap Media Query?

B - It simply applies some CSS, based on cert ain condit ions set fort h. If t hose condit ions are met ,
t he st yle is applied.

C - Bot h of t he above.

D - None of t he above..

Q 7 - Which o f the fo llo wing is co rrect abo ut Bo o tstrap Media Query?

A - Media queries have t wo part s, a device specificat ion and t hen a size rule.

B - Media Queries in Boot st rap allow you t o move, show and hide cont ent based on t he viewport

C - Bot h of t he above.

D - None of t he above..

Q 8 - Which o f the fo llo wing is co rrect abo ut Bo o tstrap Mo bile First Strategy?

A - You need t o add t he viewport met a t ag t o t he element , t o ensure proper rendering and t ouch
zooming on mobile devices.

B - widt h propert y cont rols t he widt h of t he device. Set t ing it t o device-widt h will make sure t hat
it is rendered across various devices (mobiles,deskt ops,t ablet s...) properly.

C - init ial-scale=1.0 ensures t hat when loaded, your web page will be rendered at a 1:1 scale, and
no zooming will be applied out of t he box.

D - All of t he above.

Q 9 - Which o f the fo llo wing is co rrect abo ut Bo o tstrap Respo nsive Images?

A - Boot st rap 3 allows you t o make t he images responsive by adding a class ..img-responsive t o
t he <.img> t ag.
B - ..img-responsive class applies max-widt h: 100%; and height : aut o; t o t he image so t hat it
scales nicely t o t he parent element .

C - Bot h of t he above.

D - None of t he above..

Q 10 - Which o f the fo llo wing is co rrect abo ut Bo o tstrap cro ss bro wser
co nsistency?

A - Boot st rap uses Normalize t o est ablish cross browser consist ency.

B - Normalize.css is a modern, HTML5-ready alt ernat ive t o CSS reset s.

C - Normalize.css is a small CSS file t hat provides bet t er cross-browser consist ency in t he default
st yling of HTML element s.

D - All of t he above.

Q 11 - Which o f the fo llo wing class styles a table as a nice basic table with just
so me light padding and ho rizo ntal dividers?

A - .t able

B - .t able-st riped

C - .t able-bordered

D - .t able-hover

Q 12 - Which o f the fo llo wing class styles a table as a nice basic table with stripes
o n ro ws?

A - .t able

B - .t able-st riped

C - .t able-bordered

D - .t able-hover

Q 13 - Which o f the fo llo wing class styles a table with bo rders surro unding every
element and ro unded co rners aro und the entire table?

A - .t able

B - .t able-st riped

C - .t able-bordered

D - .t able-hover

Q 14 - Which o f the fo llo wing class styles a table with a light gray backgro und to
ro ws while the curso r ho vers o ver them?

A - .t able

B - .t able-st riped
C - .t able-bordered

D - .t able-hover

Q 15 - Which o f the fo llo wing class applies the ho ver co lo r to a particular ro w o r

cell o f a table?

A - .act ive

B - .success

C - .warning

D - .danger

Q 16 - Which o f the fo llo wing class indicates a successful o r po sitive actio n?

A - .act ive

B - .success

C - .warning

D - .danger

Q 17 - Which o f the fo llo wing class indicates a warning that might need attentio n?

A - .act ive

B - .success

C - .warning

D - .danger

Q 18 - Which o f the fo llo wing class indicates a dangero us o r po tentially negative

actio n?

A - .act ive

B - .success

C - .warning

D - .danger

Q 19 - Which o f the fo llo wing class can be used to create a respo nsive table?

A - .t able-responsive

B - .responsive

C - .act ive

D - .t able

Q 20 - Which o f the fo llo wing is the default layo ut o f a bo o tstrap fo rm?

A - .vert ical

B - .inline

C - .horizont al

D - None of t he above.

Q 21 - Which o f the fo llo wing class is required to be added to fo rm tag to make it


A - .inline

B - .form-inline

C - .horizont al

D - None of t he above.

Q 22 - Which o f the fo llo wing class is required to be added to fo rm tag to make it

ho rizo ntal?

A - .horizont al

B - .form-horizont al

C - .horizont al

D - None of t he above.

Q 23 - Which o f the fo llo wing is true abo ut bo o tstrap help text?

A - Boot st rap form cont rols can have a block level help t ext t hat flows wit h t he input s.

B - To add a full widt h block of cont ent , use t he .help-block aft er t he <input >.

C - Bot h of t he above.

D - None of t he above.

Q 24 - Which o f the fo llo wing bo o tstrap style o f butto n creates a default/

standard butto n?

A - .bt n

B - .bt n-primary

C - .bt n-success

D - .bt n-info

Q 25 - Which o f the fo llo wing bo o tstrap style o f butto n pro vides extra visual
weight and identifies the primary actio n in a set o f butto ns?

A - .bt n

B - .bt n-primary
C - .bt n-success

D - .bt n-info


Questio n Number Answer Key

1 D

2 D

3 D

4 D

5 D

6 C

7 C

8 D

9 C

10 D

11 A

12 B

13 C

14 D

15 A

16 B

17 C

18 D

19 A

20 A

21 B

22 B

23 C

24 A

25 B

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