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Please answer the following questions about your character and speak in first person ..."I....

" or

What is your personal history?

I am a girl from Ohio that moved to the city 11 months ago. Nobody has spoken to me
since my arrival to this city.

What is your present state of being?

I am very relaxed, and also a bit bored in the beginning of the scene. But upon meeting
HIm, I am a cautious.

Physically, I have great posture. I am a very proper young woman. I take graceful
strides, typically, but I become very clumsy when i am distraught.

Mentally, I am a shy person. I am definitely a dreamer. I believe in fairytale endings, and
ultimately, that is what I want

Education? Intelligence?
I can occasionally lack a bit of common sense, but I am a generally intelligent person. I
moved to NY to go to college and study psychology.

Morally, I like to think that I am a good person. I was brought up on a generally good set
of morals by my parents. They were big on religion. My heart is in the right place, and I
genuinely care for those around me,

Socially? Cultural? Travel? Always in place grew up?

I never had many friends or boyfriends growing up, just because of how shy I was, but I
think that I changed in terms of how I go about socializing now that I am older. I am more open
to talking to new people. Culturally, I have gone on a few mission trips with my family, which
opened my eyes to all of the different things that different places and cultures have to offer. I
don’t travel as much as I did then just because I do not have the funds or the time. I go back to
my place of growing up for the Christmas, but that is usually it.

I come from a well-to-do family, Money was never something that I had to worry about.
Now that I am living on my own, I am struggling. The high cost of the living in the city
occasionally feels like it is too much.

I believe in God, but now, I do not believe that I could pinpoint a specific subset of a
religion, but I think Christianity would well some it up. I believe that God is love, and vice versa. I
also believe in loving those around you, and treating people well.

What are you wearing? Personal Style?

I like wearing dresses and big purses. I cannot afford high-end fashion, but imitation
wear looks just as good, and costs half the amount. I believe that looking my best easily
equates to feeling my best.

What is the year?

The year is 1966.

What is the date and time?

In the beginning of the play it is an Tuesday afternoon, but it moves forward two weeks
to be a sunday afternoon.

What is the weather?

The air is crisp and invigorating. It is Autumn throughout the entirety.

What city/town/rural place are you in?

We are in New York City

What kind of neighborhood?

I have an apartment downtown. in as nice a place that you can live in in New York. He
has his own home in a bit of a sketchy area.

Romantic Status?
I am in love with Him. I want to be married to him.

What is your family like? Parents? Siblings? Lack thereof? Special aunts/uncles/grandparents?
Nurturing upbringing? What did your parents do? Job? Home? Special occasions? Holidays?
I am an only child, so I always got a lot of attention and all the things that I needed. One
of the most influential people in my life was my grandma. She taught how important for me to
always follow my dreams. Sadly, she passed three years ago. I was raised in a very nice and
loving home. As earlier stated my parents were pretty religious. My parents were both teachers
at the same middle school. Mom taught english, and dad taught music. We lived out in the
country and raised chickens. Our favorite holiday was always Thanksgiving because of how
family oriented the holiday is. We had a lot to be thankful for.

What just happened before your scene?

Right before my scene starts, I was feeling very bored and a little homesick. My
grandma always used to take me to the park with her to feed the pigeons. It made me feel like I
was back home.
What do you expect to happen in the future?
I hope to live a life with him and maybe even get married

What is your super - objective?

My super-objective is to just find someone to be with because I am so lonely

What motivates you to behave the way you do?

Considering the way that He is, I would say that the things he says, and the way that he
makes me feel motivates me to behave the way that I do.

What stands in your way?

In the most literal sense, the thing standing in my way is His wife.

Finish the sentence: This is me when ....

I am finally introduced to a friend and released from how lonely I feel

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