Evolution of Democracy in Pakistan Since 1947

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Evolution of Democracy

in Pakistan Since 1947

Muhammad Ijaz
 Background
 Concept of Democracy and its Evolution
 British Heritage of Democratic Institution
 Pakistan inherited Colonial Legacy
 Early Applications of Democracy in Pakistan.
 Ideological Hindrance for Democratic Pakistan.
 Social Aspects of failure of Democracy in Pakistan.
 Civil-Military Conflicts in Pakistan
 Reasons of Military Interventions
 Slogans of Military Dictators
 Governance in Pakistan
 Bureaucratic decade (1947-58)
 Praetorian’s Era ( 1958-71)
 Era of Populism (1971-77)
 Third man on Horseback (1977-88)
 Rule of Troika (1988-99)
 Bonaparte's glimpse and 21th Century (1999-2007)

 Conclusion
Democracy and its Evolution
 Democracy-derived from Greek- Demos (People) and Kratos (Rule).
Means “Rule of People”.
 Ancient concept of consensus- arriving at consensus in a gathering

where either all or a group selected by all-considered the represent

of whole of a society.
 In Aryan-Panchiat system was also true reflection of this

 In Greek-city States-Democracy was exercised through citizen’s

 Interestingly-Greek Philosopher dislike and ridiculed this

democracy-like Aristotle said this is a Mobocracy (rule of the

crowd) instead of democracy.
 Abraham Lincoln’s statement considered as a true definition of

democracy- “government of the People, by the people and for the

British Heritage of democratic
 British slogan to justified the Indian
 Colonial concept of direct and indirect rule in

 Political institutions in Colonial India
 Political Parties
 Trade Unions
 Legal Courts
 Introduction of Western Democratic System.
Colonial legacy Pakistan
 Two school of thoughts emerged.
 Secular school of Thought
 Conservative and Religious School of Thought
 AIML as a pioneer political party of Pakistan.
 Week roots of AIML on the soil of Pakistan.
 Growth and Establishment of the Institutions

in Pakistan.
 Pakistan Military
 Pakistan Judiciary
 Civil administration
Early Applications of Democracy in
 Leader’s Personalities charisma
 Quaid-e-Azam
 Liaquet Ali Khan
 Constitutional task to PM
 Compulsion of PM and Introduction of Objective Resolution-
“Sovereignty over entire Universe belongs to Allah Almighty alone”.
 End of Personality Charismatic rule.
 Death of Quaid
 Murder of Liaquet Ali Khan
 Absence of second row leadership in the AIML.
 Bureaucratic element in the Pakistan Political structure.

 Imposition of Governor’s rule and dismissal of the elected

Provincial governments by the Governor General.

 Alliance of Feudal class +Religious Fundamental Class in the favor

of imposing the Shariah to derail the western based democracy.

Ideological Hindrance for
Democratic Pakistan
 Ideological tug of War.
 Islamic / Secular
 Objective Resolution
 Ayub Period
 Islamic cum Socialism slogan for democratic Pakistan.
 Islamization in Pakistan-
 Super Power Interest + National Ruling Class Interest+ Role of
 Theocracy’s Rule-concept of Mullahism and Council of Mullah to
impose Shariah.

 Over developed Post colonial state concept and Social

Social Aspects of Failure of
Democracy in Pakistan
 Social Structure designed by Colonial Masters
arranging the Elite, Middle and Lower Class.
 Emergence of Feudal and Landed gentry Class.
 Role of Clergy and Conservative class before and after
the Partition.
 Emergence of Garrison State.
 Development of Marshal Race.
 Growth of Democratic structure within Society.
 Pro-British and Anti-British Concept at each class level
linked with Nationalistic approach.
 Social, Economic and Political injustice within Pakistani
Society and Democracy.
Civil-Military Conflicts
 Major bone of contention between civil
government and military junta
 Constitutional
 Political
 Economic
 Corruption based canvas of military painting.
 People’s blame game that cashed by Military

 Bad-Governance
 Corruption
 Distortion of hierarchal chain of Commands
 Economy was about to collapse
 Reaching a point of no return
Reasons of Military Interventions
 Weak Institutional Framework
 A Vacuum of Leadership
 Leadership Potential in Army.
 In Pakistan- Army become national Political

 Institutional Imbalance
 Political decay and degeneration
 Professional disposition of Military
 Minimal Political culture
Slogans of Military Dictators
 Ideological takeover-
 Communist/Capitalist Clash
 Radical/secular Clash
 Socialist/Islamic Clash
 Liberal/Orthodox Clash
 Patriotic Slogans against-
 Corruption
 Mismanagement
 Lawlessness
 Nepotism
 Individual Interest

 Military intervention directly attached with socio-economic

development in state.
 Security State Concept.
Power sharing formula by Military
 Captured high Portfolio.
 Injection of senior and retired officers in the

civil bureaucracy.
 Military Quota system in different

departments for administration.

 Foreign Policy due to rivalry enemy-ship

 Military as a corporate operator.
 Military’s interest v/s Politician Interest
Governance in Pakistan and
Evolution of Democracy since 1947
 Jinnah’s steps to rule as a Governor General and
origin of authoritative behavior.
 Alliance of AIML with Feudal class and Landed Gentry.
 Jinnah’s greater trust on Bureaucracy rather than democratic
 Role of trio under the patronage of Jinnah (Malik Ghulam
Muhammad, Ch. Muhammad Ali and Sikander Mirza)
 Amendments in Indian Act of 1935.
 Power of Governor General
 Maintenance of Law and Order
 Safeguarding of the financial stability and credit of the federal govt.
 Safeguarding of the rights and interest of minorities.
 Delay in Constitutional work.
 Tough time for AIML within the Pakistan territory.
Reasons of Weak Democratic Start
 Bureaucratic Decade 1947-1958.
 Followings are the basic reasons due to which Pakistan could not

take off with democratic Peak flight…

 A powerful Central Government
 Delay in the Constitution Making
 Migration of the clergy from UP, East Punjab and Bihar in Pakistan. (Shabbir
Ahmed usmani, Mufti Muhammad Shafi, Muhammad Hassan, Yusuf Banori,
Idrees Kandalvi and Khair Muhammad Jullunduri)
 Attachment many movements with them like Ahmedi, and Islamization etc.
 Muslim League Leadership also look like a diaspora of Central Indian Provinces.
 To counter the Bengali majority, provincial elections 1954 were nullified.
 Introduction of One Unit.
 Ghulam Muhammad’s adventure with the dismissal of the Provincial and Federal
 Handling the political class by the Bureaucracy.
 Portfolio of Defense Ministry-kept by the PM.
Era of Praetorianism (1958-
 Ayub’s period (1958-69)
 Contradictory Principles of Ayub Khan
 Modern Economic system
 Conservative Political System
 Power center-Rise of Civil-Military bureaucracy.
 Abrogation of 1956 Constitution
 Emergence of Presidential System
 Constitution of 1962 .
 Political Policies-Introduction of EBDO (Elective Bodies Disqualification Order)
 Controlled Media through Marshal law ordinance.
 Massi Mahru Program on Lahore radio to ridiculed women’s participation in Election.
 Controlled Literature
 Controlled democracy
 Control the society through civil servants
 Bengali under representation
 Bengali frustration due to Military-Bureaucracy Oligarchy (small group of people
having control over state).
 National Conference 1966-Bengali representation 21 out of 700.
 System of Basic Democracies
 Two Prime objectives emerged
 Self-perpetuation in the corridors of Power
 Direct relationship between bureaucracy and rural elite.
 Ayub’s Industrial Strategy.
 Land Reforms

 Impact of 1965 war

 Increase the sense of geographical isolation between East
and west wing.
 Increase the sense of defenseless among Bengalis with one
infantry division with a squadron of koran war fighting plane.
 Put behind the bar-Bengali Leadership till 1966.
 Emergence of Awami League demands
 1=Government should be federal and Parliamentary.
 2= Universal adult suffrage
 3= Lose federation with two departments Foreign
affairs and Defense.
 4= Each wing have its own currency and separate fiscal
 5= own earnings of foreign exchange
 6= each unit permitted to raise its own militia or
paramilitary forces.
 Due to unrest among Bengali-till 1966, 4946
riots were reported.
Yahyah’s Period
 Dictator lead to another Dictator.
 Yahyah’s Social Reforms
 Redical reforms regarding education.
 Nationalization of private educational institutions: universal literacy by 1980.
 Replacement of English by Bengali and Urdu as official Language by 1975.
 Teaching of Islamiat up to class X.

 Abolition of One Unit .

 LFO – 30th March 1970.
 Role of Parliament-
 313 total seats
 169 for Bengal and
 Punjab had 85-
 Sindh-28,
 NWFP-19 and
 Balochistan had 5
 Islam as an instrument of Legitimacy.
 Elections 1970
 Military Alliance with Minority
 Partition of Pakistan.
Era of Populism 1971-77
 Socialistic Approach in the Country through Democratic way.
 Roti, Kapra, Makan
 Emergence of Civilian Authoritative rule and Civilian Marshal

 Constitution of 1973.
 Communal Issue with in rest of Pakistan- Ahmedi and anti-

Ahmedi sentiments.
 Civilian Supremacy concept during this era.
 Role of FSF.
 Nationalization
 Land Reforms
 PNA’s allegation over rigging in Election and Declaring

Marshal Law.
Third Man on Horse-Back
Zia’s Era 1977-88.
 Postponement of Election and call for
 Islamization of the state.
 Emergence of Regional Political Parties
 Breakdown of the National and Collective

Approach through Political breakdown of the

major Political parties.
 Proxy War elements and Horse man’s interest.
 Referendum of 1984 and Non-Party Election

Rule of Trioka (1988-99)
 Election and Bibi as PM
 PPP win 92 out of 207
 Emergence of Regional Politics
 Central-Punjab confrontation.
 Worsening of Relations with Army.
 Role of ISI and IJI’s Politics
 Asgher Khan Case
 Zardari-A point of Controversy
 Corruption Charges
 Nawaz Sharif’s Rule 1990-93.
 MQM factor
 Opration Clean up in Karachi and Nawaz Sharif’s frustration.
 COAS-Asif Nawaz Janjua’s relation with PM
 CMR during this Era.
 Yellow Cab Scam
 MCB issue
 Eighth Amendment and Role of President
 Nawaz Govt. steps
 Privatization the institutes
 Deregulation
 Encouragement of Private Sector
 Shari’a Bill for Islamization
 Dismissal of PM Nawaz Govt due to
 Maladministration
 Corruption
 Napotism
 Role of Supreme court over usage of Power by
the President.
 COAS interference
 Interim govt. of Moin Qureshi and resignation

of both PM and President.

Benazir yet again 1993-1996
 Law and order situation
 Political breakdown at provincial levels
 Karachi issue
 Weak CMR during this era
 Role of President and 58-2b
 Charges of PPP own President on the Peoples

 Corruption
 Mismanagement of the Economy
 Extrajudicial killings in Karachi
Nawaz Sharif Again 1997-99
 Clean Sweep in Election
 Economic Issue
 Judiciary Crisis during Nawaz Era
 One sided anti-corruption campaign

targeting opposition political parties.

 Restricted Press- Arrest of the Senior Journals

and beat them.

 Power of President snubbed through amendment.
 New President with New PM
 Making his Power to appoint Military chiefs.
 Bill against Floor Crossing.
 COAS Resignation
 Nuclear Test
 Kargil Issue
 Musharaf as a new COAS and PM
 Finally flag again into the hands of Sword based
Bonapartism Re-visted 1999-2008
 Musharaf ‘s seven point agenta
 Rebuild national confidence and morale.
 Strengthen the federation, remove inter provincial
disharmony and restore national cohesion.
 Revive the economy and restore investor confidence.
 Ensure law and order and dispense speedy justice.
 Depoliticise state institutions.
 Devolution of power to the grass roots level.
 Ensure swift and across the board accountability.
 Passed PCO
 Declared a state of Emergency
 Eight Members- National Security Council
 Civilian Cabinet
 Referendum
 National Reconstruction Bureau
 Local Self Government- 3 tiers government (District, Tehsil and union council)
 2002 Elections
 Devolution Plan regarding Education and Health.
 Police Order 2002.
 Divisions were abolished

 17th Amendment
 Second Stint of Presidency
 .
 NRO and welcome again corrupt democracy
 Musharraf and Judiciary
 Foreign Policy
 Murder of Bibi
 Election 2008
 Sunset of Musharaf
 Zero Sum Game
PPP Govt. 2008-2013
 A Coalition govt. with JUI and MQM.
 Musharraf’s resign from President ship
 18th amendment.
 Abolished the Reform Package
 Two term PM
 Restricts the President over Judicial appointments
 Re-organize Center-Province relations
 Empower Provincial Assemblies to elect their C.M
 Changed the name of NWFP into KPK
 Concurrent list was abolished-subjects referred to the Provincial govt.
 Load-shedding Issue
 Rental Power Problem
 Swat insurgency and Swat operation
 Corruption Charges by Media-
 ?
 ?
 ?

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