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A-Z Gothic Key

d100 random A Artwork

room key Significant artwork depicting a scene in church mythology, history or even ab-
stract. Includes paintings, murals staturary, relief carving, stained glass, mozaics
or caligraphic or hieroglyphic text. Many tell stories in comic book form. Magical
A 1-4 Artwork
ones may come to life gargoyles and types of golem the most obvious, some-
5-6 B Solace
times from the architectural features.
7-9 C Cell
10-12 D Scriptorium
1 Depiction of god with the first ancestors or or other important ancients
13-14 E Execution
2 Depiction of god in act of creation
15-17 F Font or fountain
3 Depiction of god or saint in judgement
18-19 G Crematorium
4 Depiction of god or saint or servants in battle, suffering or doing other mythic deeds
20-30 H Crypt
5 Depiction of pioneering churchman preaching to masses
31-35 I Library
6 Depiction of paradise for those who live prescribed life
36-41 J Cloister
7 Depiction of underworld warning to enemies
42-43 K Curse
8 Depiction of holy teacher preaching to disciples or writing book or at prayer
44-48 L Living Area
9 Depiction of a great holy leader or king showing piety and devotion to faith
49-52 M Mortician
10 Depiction of god with all insignia and symbols of divinity like a sacred beast
53-54 N Secret Entry
55-59 O Administration
60-64 P Prayer room B Solace
65-67 Q Laboratory A quiet nook often isolated from other areas with benches, possibly scenic
68-69 R Reliquary views, art or supreme minimalism. Intended for silence and prayer, perhaps
70-74 S Sarcophagi chanting even music take place here.
75-77 T Torture Dungeon
78-79 U Throne Room 1 Bare minimilism or abstract pattern to aid meditation
80-85 V Vault 2 Bust of holy person or divinity
86-90 W Workshop 3 Statue of holy person or divinity
91-92 X Treasury 4 Holy scriptures or prayer or chant written on wall
93-95 Y Temple 5 Mural or painting
96-00 Z Shrine 6 Pool or well in floor
7 Sound of quiet music or chanting
8 Pillows or prayer mats and other specialties of faith like gong
9 Multiple private prayer booths
10 Tiny shrine in small cell with line up outside

C Cell
A cell where prisoners or monks or clerics live, mostly spartan and bare except
for palette and a potty. A prison cell will have lockable bars or manacles.

1 A tiny monk cell

2 A tiny cleric cell with holy scriptures or other religious trinkets
3 A holy master cell with pillows, carpets, scriptures and holy water and other things
4 A prison cell with manacles on a chain
5 A prison cell with manacles to hang prisoner on walls
6 A prison cell with just bars and lock
7 A prison cell with bizarre restraint like iron mask or stocks
8 Dark confined box prisoner locked in
9 Cramped cage possibly wooden barely holding prisoner
10 Cell with slow torture device like weighed legs, wrack, iron maiden

D Scriptorium
A room where books are made and copied, documents are copied en mass. Of-
ten many books in process of being copied with many desks. Sometimes desks
have chains for scribes and artists. Some are using clay with stylus tool, other
use vellum or papyrus or paper.

1 Cheap knockoffs of common prayer and song books

2 Cheap knockoffs of holy books for literate middle classes and poor clergy
3 Cheap scrolls for tourists and pilgrims
4 Commercial copy of common document like apocryphal adventures of saints
5 Copies of secular documents being made for donations
6 Internal church records and requisition forms

7 Documents detailing how to persecute and detect those deemed enemies by church
8 Copies of holy books for nobles, rich, new churches and missions
9 Artworks and marginalia being added in more elaborate version of original copies
10 An important masterwork many volume work in production from notes of bards
E Execution or punishment block
A area for executions, punishment and sometimes the courtroom. Depending on
importance and religion. Some literaly with, others with or .

1 Chopping block with sword or axe

2 Flogging post with manacles
3 Yard where monks lie prostrate or kneel for hours
4 Stocks with torture pariphialia
5 Pit with bars exposed to above at floor level
6 Tiny cage suspended of ground
7 Hangman’s gallows or guiliotine
8 Fire and stake
9 Live vivisection restraint block with manacles
10 Pit or cage possibly for creature

F Font or fountain
An ornamental fountain where holy water is made, blessing and ceremonies
performed. Some more ornamental decor and water for pilgrims where they can
receive a lesson from the artwork in the water vessel.

1 A simple well or pool in floor

2 A chalice or bowl on a plinth
3 A statue or bust with a fountain
4 A impressive artistic sculpture or relief of a scene
5 Thermally heated pool for bathing or laundry
6 A pool for a creature like fish or eels or lampreys
7 Drinking or bathing trough for horse or ritual animal
8 A grotto or cave with pool, favorite hangout for holy hermits
9 A pool for divination or communion rituals
10 A pool for healing or exorcisms or drowning witches

G Crematorium
A chamber where dead or funerary waste or sacrifices are burned. Often with
a great furnace, flaming pit or even a huge brazier. Some faiths require a water
source like a holy river or well to remove ashes. Others store urns with

1 A huge oven with metal door for whole coffins filled with fine ash
2 Large oven with plinth and ceremonial decor for public cremation
3 Bundles of wood often with a boat or bed ready to burn corpse in
4 Burning pit in the ground
5 Apparatus to desiccate body into mummy with slow cooking or sunlight or exposure
6 Acid pit, possibly 1d6, able to remove flesh in a month
7 Huge pit of ash plus roll d5 again
8 Sealed shelves in rock or wall with funerary urns inside plus roll d5 again
9 Stacks of funerary urns on shelves piled to ceiling plus roll d5 again
10 Stacks of burned bones in neat bundles or random stacks plus roll d5 again

H Crypt
A entrance to a sub level burial chamber full of sarcophagi or a single tomb. A
large one will be a mausoleum or many connected crypts a catacomb. The dead
may be in coffins, sarcophagi, burial urns or exposed and mummified. Usually
churchmen, nobles and the rich only qualify.

1 Single sarcophagi in tomb

2 6+d6 sarcophagi in tomb
3 2d6+12 sarcophagi in tomb
4 2d20 coffins on plinths
5 4d20 coffins in stacks
6 2d20 Preserved heads or other body parts in containers
7 3d100 Funeral urns of cremated dead
8 5d20 Skeletons arranged in heap or artwork or in shelves
9 1d20+10 Mummified corpses clothed standing
10 2d20 bizarre preservation, pickled, smoked, dried, magic, frozen
I Library
A storehouse for books, often with special collections, archives, records of
goods, state documents, church history or other works. Most have shelving for
storing with a filing system. A library chamber has typically a d100 books, the
more important ones chained and locked up.

1 Church doctrine for students of religion

2 Tedious church records on tithe and accounting
3 Records of monks and clergy lives
4 Records of mythology of religion and legendary heroes
5 Church religious commentary, debates and interpretation
6 Sciences & Arts: natural history, mathematics, astronomy, geology, literature, philoso-
phy, poetry
7 History of land and all time since god was involved in creation
8 Journeys of saints, missionaries and crusaders past
9 Descriptions of blasphemy, evil and the underworld
10 Books about magic, wizardry, witchcraft, sorcery, divine magic

J Cloister
A large square area surrounded be pillars supporting a ceiling covered walk-
way around the outside. Most have grass or a garden inside ans possibly trees.
The columns may also include a wall limiting access to the central area and the
ground level might be lower than the floor level. Favorite places to meditate or

1 Open room with checker board or Mosaic floor

2 Grass possible dead or overgrown if abandoned
3 Mud, filth and excrement over bare earth or cobblestones, slippery and wet
4 Refined garden with water feature, trees and statuary and possibly a tiny grotto with
a hermit
5 Hedge maze or elaborate statuary
6 Fruit trees and or berry bushes or food or medicinal garden
7 Fountain and large water feature, possibly fish
8 Sarcophagi or a tomb
9 Overgrown with trees like the wild
10 Dead and blasted trees, grass and empty ponds, possibly petrified

K Curse
This evil place is damned and usually sealed off or given warnings if clergy pres-

1 Corporeal undead trapped in here and hostile

2 Non corporeal undead haunt this place
3 Spirit posses persons in here
4 Poltergeist
5 Doppelganger
6 Hostile gargoyles
7 Cursed relic contained here
8 Guarded by supernatural other worldly being
9 Servant of god appears to curse interlopers
10 Sacred place or damned place either way it’s not for mortals and equals a curse

L Living Area
A living room for clergy or monks or householders

1 A room for senior monk or priest

2 Important guest room for a bishop
3 Guest room for noble
4 Dormitory for lay members or acolytes
5 Shared room for lesser or student priests

6 Room for slaves, servants or newcomers seeking entry
7 Kitchens and dining area
8 Brewery or wine making facility or distillery
9 Hospital for treating ill and medical aid to churchmen
10 Recreational hall where clergy play games, sing, fight, exercise
M Morticians Morgue
An area where bodies are stored and prepared before burials

1 Embalming room with vats of flammable fluids and baths

2 A mumification room with bandage preparation and mummification apparatus
3 A room where organs are removed and placed in jars or urns
4 A morgue where bodies await burial or identification or some sacred time period
5 Anatomical laboratory where bodies (sometimes criminals) are cut up and docu-
6 A parlour for intimate funerary ceremonies where family often view corpse
7 A room where slaves are killed or suicide to join master
8 A room where soliers are killed or suicide to join master
9 A room where animals and pets are killed to join master
10 A room where bodies get makeup, wigs, and dressed for public display with

N Secret Entry
Fear of live burial or escape routes or for maintenance or other purpose

1 Secret stair case to other level or surface

2 Secret hiding place for priest
3 Secret escape for condemned builders, architects and tomb workers
4 Hidden chamber of vice and depravity
5 Hidden prison or torture cell
6 Hidden treasure or relic or manuscript
7 Secret spy chamber to view other rooms
8 Secret maintenance tunnels for true believers to visit
9 Secret maintenance tunnels for corrupt builders to rob
10 Secret entry to ghoul tunnels or other monsters

O Administration
Where chapter houses or churches or state process bureaucratic paperwork

1 Counting house where money, goods or tithe information is worked on

2 Building office where architects, builders and others run constructions
3 Chapter house for religious organization
4 Where births, deaths, marriages are documented
5 Taxation or tithing office where collected goods are documented
6 Land office where records of land ownership and use recorded
7 Records of church admin, pilgrim efforts and donations
8 Meeting room for councils and committees
9 Court house for common public trials
10 Starchamber for secret trial mostly of internal matters of church

P Prayer room
Where the faithful prey is peace

1 Rows of benches in front of altar or artwork

2 Pillows or mats in rows or a circle
3 Private booths for individual private contemplation
4 Bells in high vaulted rooms with ropes to above
5 Room with cages of sacred or symbolic animals the cult use like pidgeons
6 Chamber with open area and massive gong on pedestal
7 Tiled mosaic walls and ceiling with artworks
8 Huge braziers or light shaft from window high above
9 Incense burners and long curtains
10 Mosaic maze like pattern pilgrims follow on floor
Q Laboratory
Many labs are found depending on type of structure. Some make materials for
burial, others provide for staff.

1 Brewery or wine press and cellar for staff or even for dead in ritual libations
2 Morticians lab brewing acid, embalming fluid and treatments for mummification ban-
3 A hospital wing with patients and an operating area
4 Alchemical laboratory with possibly some intact finished potions
5 Apothecary lab for conventional medicines and refined herbs
6 Architects lab with models and calculations
7 Natural history lab and collection of specimens
8 Collection of the nations cultural goods and curios
9 Poison or necromancy or collection of rival faiths goods and documents
10 Wizards lab

R Reliquary
Where saint body parts and relic items are stored, usually sanctified ground

1 Museum of life story with some trivial possible possessions

2 Magical saint body part in case on altar
3 Collection of objects which true pilgrims recognize the real object among them
4 Collection of saints possessions
5 Saints corpse in a glass coffin
6 Saintly relics sealed behind bars and rarely opened
7 Weapon or torture device or part thereof used to kill saint
8 Remains of shroud, coffin or tomb of ancient saint
9 Chest containing scriptures, if opened unleashes curse or monster
10 Holy weapon of faith used to slay enemies

S Sarcophagi
A stone, brick slab containing a coffin or group of them in a chamber

1 A crude clay sarcophagus with cheap wooden coffin inside

2 A brick sarcophagus with wooden coffin inside
3 A crude carved stone sarcophagus with a bandaged corpse inside
4 A simple stone sarcophagus with good wooden coffin
5 A fine carved sarcophagus with text and scenes with lead lining and good coffin
6 Quality carved and or painted sarcophagus with painted wooden coffin
7 Carved sarcophagus with engraved art of occupant with lead lining and painted coffin
8 Carved relief art of occupant with double coffin and lead lining
9 Cheap sarcophagi with fake coffin and fake treasure
10 Plundered sarcophagi

T Torture Dungeon
A room for the torture of prisoners with torture equipment. Each room special-
izes in a type of feature torture

1 A flogging post with whips and chains

2 A frame with chains and a oven and branding irons brazier of coals
3 A wrack for stretching and manacles for chaining prisoners on walls
4 Cages, many hanging from ceiling, stocks and chains
5 Iron maiden, iron boots, thumbscrews all slowly impale with spikes
6 Huge cauldron with hot oil or lead, wooden stakes with piles of wood
7 Saws to slowly cut open restrained bodies
8 Disemboweling tools, which to unravel innards
9 Wheel to break restrained prisoners limbs, foot and skull crushing devices
10 Chair with spikes, knee splitter, iron mask

U Throne Room
A room where important lords or officials meet audiences, often on a dais and
often with escape route for leader

1 Wooden chair on dais

2 Large chair with curtains and banners
3 Large chair with fine carving and paintings
4 Large chair with metalwork and semi precious stones
5 Gilt over wooden great chair with carved figures of heroes and monsters
6 Huge stone throne chair with own steps
7 Dual thrones roll 1d6 for type
8 Group of Thrones of officials or council 2d6 roll 1d6 for type
9 Great throne with screens to prevent visitors gazing on the mighty one
10 Huge metal throne worth thousands but awkward and expensive with relief art

V Vault
A store room for goods, treasure, or other stuff

1 Preserved foodstuffs like cheese

2 Building and artisan raw materials
3 Religious paraphernalia for special occasions, costumes, palanquins, etc
4 Coffins, bodies or bones
5 Records, scrolls, ledgers, journals and other records
6 Storage of vehicles such as wagons, chariots, carts or boats
7 Wine or beer cellar and manufacturing equipment
8 Chamber filled with grain
9 Treasure of valuable grave or household luxuries
10 Treasure vault of coins and valuables

W Workshop
Room where building is maintained, artists work on decor an other craft and
trades ply their craft fir use in the complex or the next life.

1 Sculptors workshop with half finished statues and blocks of stone

2 Painters workshop with half completed works
3 Woodworkers room with tools and collection of wood and half finished work
4 Stone mason with tools and gargoyles and half finished work
5 Architects workroomm with blueprints and models and calculation
6 Barrel, urn or ceramic containers being manufactured
7 Tannery with leather, cauldrons of wax, dye and chemicals
8 Weaving looms and spinning wheels with partly finished rugs and fabric
9 Coffin makers shop with tack of coffins
10 Blacksmith and metal workers with orge, ingots, bars and half finished tool and

X Treasure
Store rooms for loot

1 Coins from commoners, thousands of coppers in coffers

2 Plates, urns and silverware from wealthy on display
3 Chests locked and trapped full of coins
4 Chests locked and trapped full of semi precocious stones
5 Illuminated manuscript with metal cover with semi precocious stones
6 Idols and statuettes on display of precious metal
7 Collection of valuable holy symbols on display with semi precocious stones
8 Chests of IOU notes from nobles possibly long gone
9 Collection of ceremonial stave’s, rods and crowns covered in gold
10 Pile of fake loot with trap or curse or monster
Y Temple miniatures of party in this room
Important holy places for ritual and prayer 30 Scale models of monsters on
display table, start to grow to full
1 Huge statue with valuable gem eyes, cursed or trapped
2 Great hall with altar and room for adherents to gather living size if touched
3 Gods statues hold up the ceiling of great chamber 31 Painting of party being killed by
4 Ceiling has amazing work of art and many statues each other or monsters
5 Temple specializes in selling church services to rich or important persons 32 Painting eyes watch party walk
6 Temple for selecting and anointing royalty or church officials around room, linked to other plane or
7 Temple dedicated to knowledge and arts ghost
8 On older temple sealed inside or under newer temple 33 Painting eyes are spy holes with
9 Temple for specific sect, order or chapter of faith, possibly with own saint secret chamber behind wall
10 Temple with collection of shrine to pantheon or saints or other planar entities
34 Painting of demons and devils
frolicking, party recognize selves
Z Shrine amongst victims
Common minor holy sights 35 Painting of paradise emitting light
and sounds of music
1 Semi precocious stones imbedded in sacred patterns on floor
36 Painting of naval battle hear
2 Semi precocious stones imbedded in statue
3 Pillar or post with relief art and writing, possibly features of a god or beast seagulls, waves, smell of sea
4 Shelf in wall with statuette 37 Painting of cruel evil man, anyone
5 Bust or portrait art with text looking at him save or cursed with
6 Sacred fountain change alignment
7 Sacred tree or stone 38 Painting is a prison for evil wizard,
8 Holy Obelisk with relief art if damaged he is released
9 Sacred Pit or well 39 Painting of hunters and beast,
10 Magical Diagrams on floor or wall gazed on for too long beast comes
from art and attacks
40 Painting of undead cavorting in
d100 Spooky & possibly graveyard, music first then undead
start coming from it

deadly artworks 41 Painting of evil man, poltergeist

in artwork slams doors and attacks
1 Gargoyles actually living monster showing visions of distant lands 42 Painting scene of village life is a
guards 16 Mirror is gateway to other plane, gateway to pocket universe
2 Miniature gargoyle features come might release a monster if intruders 43 Painting scene of battle is a
to life and harass trespasers look in gateway to pocket universe
3 Columns with relief carved figures 17 Mirror flatters viewer telling them 44 Painting scene of family in castle
guarding passage or door animate how wondrous they are is a gateway to pocket universe
and attack 18 Mirror distorts features into evil 45 Painting scene of hero fighting
4 Statue of woman or hero is a stone versions from alternate reality monsters is a gateway to pocket
golem guardian 19 Mirror gates in evil versions of universe
5 Statue of archer (possibly a cherub) intruders from alternate reality 46 Painting scene of treasure horde
is actually a trap that shoots 20 Mosaic of historic scene which is a gateway to pocket universe
6 Statues of hounds, lions or others moves to tell epic story takes hours to 47 Painting is a scene of a feast, food
really stone golem guardians complete can be taken from it and eaten
7 Statue of holy person curses 21 Mosaic of maze if traced with 48 Painting of beautiful slaves who
intruders finger opens secret door, releases will come from art and dance and
8 Statue of holy person cure the sick minotaur if wrong pleasure visitors
or wounded a limited amount per day 22 Fresco of erotic scenes animates 49 Painting scene of ruined castle is
9 Statue of wizard or monster casts if admired, hours of viewing pleasure a gateway to pocket universe
offensive spell on intruders 23 Mural of battlefield animates if 50 Painting of bluebeard like villain,
10 Statue can talk limited amount, admired with gory detail comes from painting to kidnap
offers directions or warnings 24 Mural of battlefield animates if attractive women
11 Doorknocker with face, abuses admired, warriors leap out and attack 51 Painting of hero fighting small
visitors threatens with non existent intruders draconic creature, both crawl out to
magic powers 25 Relief face carved in stone sings attack strangers
12 Doorknocker with face screams if when visitors enter 52 Painting of portrait home to a
unwelcome visitors touch door 26 Relief face carved in stone has a ghost, spirit, phantom or shadow
13 Mirror is a gate to pocket breath weapon vs intruders 53 Painting of Satyrs, centaurs and
dimensions with imprisoned beings 27 Relief face carved in stone allows beastmen in celebration, music
inside one to converse to spirit of building tempts to enter frame
14 Mirror is communication device to 28 Relief face carved in stone spits 54 Painting of witches who exit frame
outer planes being into trough acts as limited healing to curse, charm and kill party
15 Mirror is acts as crystal ball 29 Scale model of building, including 55 Painting of saint in torment acts
to sanctify room as holy place of daily with touch but cursed if removed
protection from evil by unworthy
56 Painting of goblinoids cavorting 80 Gilded important holy robe and
in wilds, gremlins then lager start to hat on mannequin, cursed if worn by
crawl out unworthy
57 Painting of scientific illustration 81 Cabinet display of saints life with
of anatomy, herbalism or alchemy minor holy trinkets some with petty
explaining new ideas magic effects
58 Painting of maiden, her lonely 82 Cabinet display of samples of
spirit appears as human to meet men creatures parts in jars or mummified
59 Painting of saint being tortured, some valuable
sounds of sobbing, whips, moans 83 Cabinet display of holy symbols of
heard various ages and styles
60 Room covered in paintings 84 Cabinet display of ancient scrolls
with random sounds ans animated some magical
sequences 85 Cabinet display of weapons and
61 Tapestry of life of holy person armour some magical but magic
viewers save or alignment shifted alarm if broken
towards good for 24hrs 86 Cabinet display of miniature
62 Tapestry of blood thirsty battle paintings and sculptures but magic
viewers get +1 hit and damage next alarm if broken
fight and +2 morale 87 Cabinet display of ancient pots,
63 Tapestry of hunting scene with tablets and other fragments, cursed if
mythic creature which comes to life glass broken
and attacks intruders 88 Cabinet display of mummified
64 Tapestry of creation myth, bejeweled holy corpse awakes as
creatures drop out and look puzzled mummy if glass broken
some attack 89 Room gilded roll 1d100 for % or
65 Tapestry of maps of the kingdom room covered in gold sheet, thieves
will teleport a group to map location if are cursed
touched 90 Room lined with semiprecious
66 Stained glass of saints, stones or pearls or amber in mosaic,
unbreakable and curses any who try thieves are cursed
67 Stained glass of saints, a glass 91 Huge marble fire place with carved
golem warrior step out to attack with gargoyles - two come to life if
intruders disturbed
68 Stained glass of outer planar 92 Huge marble fire place with carved
beings, one is summoned if intruders with flames summons a salamander if
enter room disturbed
69 Stained glass of crops, fields and 93 Huge marble fire place with
farms creates a meal for the hungry carvedwith patriotic regalia, softly
once a day plays anthem when lit
70 Gilded throne for important holy 94 Huge marble fire place with carved
officials curses non authorized sitters treefolk, satyrs and unicorns, brownie
71 Fountain with holy folk statues or pixie inside
blessed water 1 dose per person per 95 Huge marble fire place with carved
day devils and a mouth for opening, imps
72 Fountain with magical healing may come out
creatures or planar being carvings d8 96 A magic weapon trapped in stone
healing per day or other object, only worthy or chosen
73 Fountain with animated water can remove
elemental being, hostile to intruders 97 Suits of armoured knights with
74 Huge decorative cauldron weapons animate and attack
75 Collection of whips and flails 98 Weapons on display rack animate
animate and punish sinners and to attack intruders that touch them
thieves 99 Collection of holy persons
76 Ever burning incence block in severed heads will converse and give
silver box with ventilation holes to personal advice
spread sweet odour 100 Huge carved statue or iron,
77 Ever burning magical brazier amber, crystal, bronze really a golem
78 Silver mace or rod, a magical
intelligent weapon tries to make
holder into holy champion
79 Golden crozier on rack can heal
Most grave sites are watched by
locals, have caretakers and visitors to
d20 caretakers d20 Monuments
1 Old man who dig graves and cleans up 1 Triumphal arch carved with religious or
watch them. Some have walls, dedi-
in shack battle scenes
cated shrines with staff and more. But
2 Old man and 1d4 assistants who dig 2 A spectacular multilevel mausoleum for
others have magical or supernatural
graves and cleans up in shack the chosen few 20+2d20
ones. Will do a graveyard encounter
3 Priest who spends most of his time here 3 A small pyramid tomb dedicated to
table for unwelcome visitors later.
hires assistants if needed some eccentric noble
4 Mad hermit who lives in tomb cares for 4 A bell tower to signal funerals or trouble
Small Graveyard graves 5 A huge ornamental tomb of finest
Typical village yard or often on a city 5 A lone guardsman who keeps out marble
block robbers 6 A huge statue of some figure with tomb
6 A mortician and 1d4 helpers live in in base
4d10 headstones shack watching grave yard 7 A collection of statues in a scene
25% or 1d4 small crypts 7 1d4+1 guards who patrol yard for grave 8 A well with spectacular fountain
25% chance of wall robbers or worse 9 A huge obelisk carved with text and
25% chance of caretaker 8 A priest hunting undead and evil that possibly with chambers inside
10% of guardian might menace the rest of the dead 10 A stone building with flames of
9 Town drunk lives on edge of yard and remembrance brazier and tomb
alerts locals if trouble 11 Prehistoric stone monolith like a tomb
10 Local Widows keep vigil here 1d4 at or crude carved obelisk
Medium Graveyard any time 12 A library documenting the dead and
Typical town yard or often over several 11 A watchdog barks and runs for help if goings on here with staff
city block trouble unless he knows you 13 Huge holy symbol overlooking yard
12 Ravens cry and circle intruders 14 Spectacular shrine with barred
50+1d100 headstones alerting local mob chamber with saints remains
75% or 3d4 small crypts 13 Local possibly homeless 1d4 kids play 15 Fine temple with important holy person
50% chance of 1d4 large crypts here and run for help if trouble and staff
10% chance of mausoleum for 50+1d100 14 A local idiot likes to sleep near his 16 A fine monastery who care for the
5% chance of a monument dead kinfolk runs for help if intruders graveyard
75% chance of wall 15 Local witch lurks here waiting for 17 Spectacular gate house with
75% chance of caretaker trouble she has seen signs of gatekeeper and assistant guards
25% chance of shrine with staff 16 A poet or artist comes here for 18 A holy well within stone building filled
75% of 1d4 guardians inspiration and alerts locals if a problem rumoured to have powers
17 A priest wanders the yard looking for 19 A museum of strange things found in
Large Graveyard grave robbers since a recent indecent graveyard over centuries of use
Serves a large town or small city 18 Whippoorwill birds start singing 20 A ruined ancient temple rumoured to
strangely if intruders alerting locals be haunted
250+1d1000 headstones 19 A local thief lives here, considers this
20+2d20 small crypts his territory, calls law on possible rivals
10+1d10 large crypts 20 A night vigil of 1d10 guards, 2d6 locals
mausoleum for 50+1d100 and a priest roam area
25% chance of monument
75% chance of wall
1d4 caretakers
75% chance of shrine with staff
3d4 guardians

Huge Graveyard or
Typical for a larger city

500+5d1000 headstones
40+1d100 small crypts
20+2d20 large crypts
1d4 mausoleums for 100+1d100
1d4 monuments75% chance of wall
3d4 caretakers
1d4 shrines with staff
50% chance of a temple with staff
10+1d20 guardians
d50 grave guardians spells and powers or just a weapon
Most grave sites are watched by 31 A undead thief backstabs intruders
locals, have caretakers and visitors to then drags off to his burial plot
watch them. Some have walls, dedi- 32 Ashen cloud with a charred skull from
cated shrines with staff and more. But burial urn smothers wrong doers
others have magical or supernatural 33 Swarm of severed hands
ones. While some are undead made to 34 Flaming skull chases intruders spitting
defend graves others are free willed fire at them
beings of evil seeking defilers of dead 35 Screaming skull causes fear and bite
they can legitimately persecute without fleeing victims till out of grounds
good beings objecting. Rumours of 36 Lesser mummy arises to punish wrong
guardians abound. Will do a graveyard doers
encounter table for unwelcome visitors 37 Shadows arise from grounds 1d3
later. Guardians generally will leave 38 Shadow hound
you alone if you flee from burial area. 39 Animated weapons 1d4 attack
40 Headless horseman chases party
1 Holy skeletons arise from graves 2d6 41 Unclean spirit sweeps over party as
2 Zombies made from grave robbers foul wind inflicting disease
cursed to defend it 2d6 42 Angry spirit posses corpse to attack
3 Phantom rises from ground moaning intruder
causes fear 43 Winged skull flies by and curses
4 Spectral priest rises from ground to turn intruders
undead or curse living 44 Skeletal reaper pursues wicked
5 Spirit possesses intruder and attacks 45 Magical owl casts priest spells and
friends or kills self makes lots of noise
6 Spectre rises and tries to scare away or 46 Giant owl silently grabs someone and
drain lives flies off
7 Ghost rises and ages intruders 47 Giant bats attack and carry off
8 Poltergeists hurl objects and steal equipment
possessions 48 Grave goblins defend territory of
9 Spectral hounds howl causing fear underworld gods
10 Flying screaming skulls chase evil 49 Phantom rises with chains, warns
doers defilers will suffer beyond grave
11 Lesser stone golem construct 50 A petty god punishes wicked for some
disguised as a statue personal reason here
12 Greater stone golem construct
disguised as a statue
13 Pumpkin headed effigies attack
intruders 2d4
14 Gargoyle lies still here awaiting trouble
15 Great hell hound or devil dog prowls
16 Hellcat here to find evil doers to send
to hell
17 Swarm of vampire bats
18 Swarm of worms and bugs rises
against intruders
19 A great serpent lurks hidden in holes
in ground
20 A stone head flies after intruders
ramming them
21 A sacrificed warrior guardian is now a
revenant guardian
22 A sacrificed warrior guardian is now a
wight guardian
23 A group of wolves attack defilers 2d4
24 A great one eyed dire wolf attacks
25 Minor demon or devil seeking wicked
to persecute
26 Gremlins menace, rob and use trap to
harass intruder
27 Swarm of rats
28 Graveyard undead knight punishes
wicked and lawbreakers
29 A robed skeletal crypt guardian
torments intruders with wizardry
30 A undead priest attacks intruders with
d20 Grave markers of d20 Memorials of the d20 Crypts, Tombs
barbarians and rich and Mausoleum
prehistoric peoples Goods
1 Mound of dirt What else besides sarcophagi?
2 Stone urn
1 Mound of earth
3 Small marble slab 1 Basic tools
2 Mound of stones
4 Large engraved headstone 2 Livestock remains like horses or
3 Large rock
5 Huge stone tablet with large text sacrificial bull
4 Boulder possibly painted or carved
6 Stone bench 3 Servant remains
5 Totem pole or ornate carved pole
7 Skeletons or skulls carved in headstone 4 Grain, flowers, wine, honey or other
6 Mini stone henge structure or megalith
8 Winged hourglass and scythe or trade food supplies
7 Stone obelisk or menhir
tools carved in headstone 5 Boat or funeral barge
8 Tusks, horns or beast skulls on pole
9 Stone carving of tools of trade 6 Chariot with weapon
9 Mummified body supported standing or
10 Stone pedestal 7 Waggon with household goods
mounted warrior
11 Sphinx, gargoyle or other creature in 8 Library of books, scrolls or tablets
10 Stones arranged in boat shape
stone 9 Guards long dead or some may be
11 Inside or under a tree
12 Stone sarcophagi living or magic
12 Ash heap, partially buried from pyre
13 Small stone pyramid marker 10 Collection of weapons
13 Stone pillar, possibly with nooks for
14 Plinth with relief art or or engravings 11 Living area with typical fittings
skulls and sacrifices
15 Engraved Stone Brazier or basin 12 Statues of dead or religious or guards
14 Painted or carved rock feature like cliff
16 Elegant engraved obelisk 13 Paintings of dead or religious stuff r
15 Carving in turf
17 Headstone and locked iron cage (to property or guards
16 Cave or cliff hole blocked with boulder
prevent robbery?) 14 Relief Carvings
17 Sheets of slate forming a rectangular
18 Small shrine to dead or faith 15 Shrine to deity or the dead
19 Monument with bust 16 Models of tomb or landscape or of
18 Carved stone head
10 Monument with statue of deceased subjects or animals
19 Carved creature or figure from rock
17 Maps of land
20 Wooden fence with spikes on top
surrounding mound d12 Crypts, Tombs 18 Traps
19 Concubines, harem or wives with
and Mausoleums jewellery
d20 Headstones of Type
20 Treasure horde, bigger the tomb more
1-2 Sealed cave
1 Mound of dirt 3-5 Mound with stone and or wood d50 Some Varied
2 Mound of rubble structure within
3 Mound of stones 6-7 Carved into stone landscape Burial Grounds
4 Wooden post 8 Subterranean, built or carved Rolled for individual site or for style
5 Wooden board with simple writing or 9-10 Brick structure of burial area. Could be rolled several
image 11-12 Stone structure times depending on size 1d3 and age
6 Carved or painted wooden board 1d4-1 or both together. Each religion or
era could have own style. These more
7 Wooden holy symbol
8 Pillow size stone some writing
d20 Crypts, Tombs for on the road or exploring. Urban and
9 Intricate wood carved headstone and Mausoleums Size literate cultures more consistent.
10 Cave or cliff hole blocked with boulder A building or structure dedicated to
11 Ash heap, partially buried from funeral preserving dead. Smaller ones often 1 Rock or clay sealed hole of ancient wild
pyre private, larger ones connected to men with stone tools
12 Stone pillow headstone with text church, noble house, guild or monas- 2 Rock or clay sealed hole of common
13 Mud brick slab tery. Often one with best sarcophagi with basic personal items
14 Glazed fired brick slab inside for a leader (and partner) or 3 Rock or clay sealed hole of priest or
15 Stone slab house founder and rest for guards noble with d3 goods
16 Stone holy symbol or servants or concubines. For ease 4 Mound covering wooden chamber with
17 Thin stone headstone with minimal text i tend to say crypts are small, tombs sarcophagi d4 goods
18 Thick stone headstone with minimal medium and mausoleums large. Monu- 5 Mound covering stone chamber with
text mental versions are even bigger sarcophagi d6 goods
19 Winged hourglass and scythe or trade 6 Crude megalithic tomb structure 1d3
tools carved in thick headstone 1-10 one person d2 10ft squares or less goods
20 Skeletons or skulls carved in +0 goods 7 Tunnel under a tree into a chamber
headstone 11-14 small family or group 2d4, d4 10ft among roots 1d2 goods
squares +1 goods 8 Natural cave complex converted to
15-17 large family or group 6d4, 2d4 10ft burial area 1d4 goods
squares +d2 goods 9 Catacombs under structure or
18-19 huge family or group 6d20, 2d4 10ft settlement
squares +d4 goods 10 Catacombs under ruined structure or
20 gigantic monumental mausoleum or settlement
necropolis, multilevel dungeon complex 11 Catacombs under long vanished
xd100 goods (actually this should be structure or settlement
generated as a Gothic zone dungeon) 12 Crematorium and house of urns
13 Open area with dessicated corpses
exposed to elements
14 Area where type of animals are fed D8 Corpse Condition 22 Straw dummy
ritually butchered corpses 23 Mutated skeletal horror
15 Cremation area where dead ashes 1 Fresh looking 24 Set of instruments
thrown in holy well or river 2 Slightly decayed 25 Abnormal deformed or Siamese or
16 Area where type of animals are fed 3 Decayed but still recognizable, freak skeleton
exposed dead discolored 25 Body mutilated, slashed and smashed
17 Built into other structure like bridge or 4 Rotten, bloated and wormy 26 Horrible mass of tree roots overgrown
wall or house floor 5 Mummified husk corpse
18 Structure where corpses dissolved in 6 Skeletal with stretched dessicated skin 27 Covered in occult sygils
acid 7 Skeleton intact 28 A humanoid necromancer formed from
19 Ritual area with feast facilities for 8 Crumbled skeleton mass of worms or maggots
cannibals 29 Charred corpse
20 Great pit where bodies chucked 30 Dog, pig, goat or cat in coffin
unceremoniously D8 Commoners 31 Frogs, snakes and lizards pour out
21 Great pit where bodies chucked with
Coffin Quality 32 Huge aggressive spider
33 Skull only
22 Area with body of water where intact 34 Spectral phantom comes forth moans
bodies tossed 1 Cheap woven coffin from reeds, ropes, then vanishes
23 Area with body of water where bodies sheets 35 Spectral phantom taunts opener for
placed in boats or rafts 2 Cheap clay coffin 1d6 days
24 Area with body of water where bodies 3 Cheap wooden box 36 Spectral phantom demands murderer/
placed in burning boats or rafts 3 Well made box grave defiler punished
25 Open graveyard 4 Well made with nails and metal fittings 37 Collection of cheap arms and armour
26 Fenced off graveyard 5 Well made, metal fittings, painted 37 Narcotics packed in pound blocks with
27 Fenced off graveyard with shrine or 6 Artistic carvings with silk interior cult seals on packs
chapel and clergy 7 Carved from crude stone 38 Diary or book clutched in corpse
28 Fenced off graveyard with guardians 8 Artistic carvings from stone hands
or caretaker 9 Metallic or locked or with bars to protect 39 Magical calligraphy seals on paper
29 Built stone crypt corpse or outside attached to body
30 Carved from stone crypt 10 Artistic metal casket with lock 40 Living person relieved to be let out
31 Marble mausoleum with multiple levels (have a great story)
32 Necropolis built right up against 41 Two corpses locked in embrace
33 Necropolis built within settlement
D100 Strange 42 Straw
43 Eyes, ears, mouth sealed in lead, wax
34 Ancient private brick burial vault Coffin Contents or tar
35 Buried in boat or boat shaped stone This is when you find a coffin which 44 Non human but humanoid creature
cairn has been tampered with, usually found 45 Empty clothes
36 Stone built underground tomb somewhere it wasn’t actually buried. 46 Collection of rolled up paintings and
37 Megalith tomb with stone chamber for Most of course have a corpse with sta- artworks
many persons tus dependent on where it was buried. 47 Sack of grave trinket jewellery
38 Stone sarcophagi arranged in field, 48 A large angry reptile was hibernating
often fenced 1 More than one skeleton jumbled inside
39 Public mausoleum for masses together 49 Kittens
40 Monumental Mausoleum of great ones 2 Mixed chopped body parts 50 Turnips
41Tree hollows used, possibly wrapped in 3 Corpse covered in blood shredded 51 Explosive trap 2d6 blast, 10ft radius
bark tubes hands look of horror 52 Several corpse fed goblins ready to
42 Chariot burials with horse and driver 4 Corpse staked in place leap out
43 Horse burial (r other sacrificial beast) 5 Corpse staked, teeth smashed, wearing 53 Baby giant stingworm burrowed here
44 Unmarked graves holy symbol 53 Corpse half preserved half horribly
45 Niches carved into cliff or huge rock 6 Corpse is partly transformed into a decayed
46 Volcanic vent with fire shrine monster 54 Groundshark eggs
47 Tar Pit or bog where bodies are cast 7 Animated skeleton 55 Ground squid nest with aggressive
48 Trapped Catacombs with guardians 8 Zombie mother
49 Small built monument surrounded by a 9 Ghoul 56 Has contraption to alert surface and air
graveyard 10 Half eaten body gnawed by ghouls pipe in case of death
50 Monumental tomb built into wonder 11 Body stolen, nothing left 57 Broken statue
12 Rocks in sack fill coffin to equal corpse 58 Long lost scriptures
weight 59 Long lost scholarly tretise
13 Body has had body parts or organs 60 Collection of preserved food
stolen 61 Dirt from somewhere else
14 Body drained of blood 62 Spare vampire coffin, empty but used
15 Body decapitated 63 Bottles of grog
16 Full of angry rats swarm 64 Highly ornamental with religious
17 Wicked life hating shadow forms in scenes inside
open coffin 65 Vampire hunters kit- stakes, hammer,
18 Wight furious at being defiled by living 66 1d6 bottles of holy water
19 Sacks of lowest currency copper coins 67 Werewolf hunters kit
equal to mans weight 68 1d3 magic potions
20 Filled with fungus covering corpse 69 Is entrance to secret tunnel
21 Horrible mole snake burrowed into 70 Smaller coffin
corpse skull 71 Small chest d4 1=skull 2=heart
3=brain in a jar 4=small treasure
72 Doll of somekind 29 Woman with large spoon and apron leather coat
73 Rotten Slurry 30 Man with fancy hat and legal scrolls 89 Man with stone chisel and hammer
74 Ancient pre human mummy 31 Man in robes with book and stone bowl
75 Freshly murdered victim 32 Woman with bag of herbal medicine 90 Woman with dinner set
76 Giant aggressive corpse beetle 33 Woman with dried toad in mouth 91 Woman with spear and shield
77 Animated skeleton bursts into flames 34 Man with coins on eyes 92 Man with weird robes and mask
attacks 35 Woman with coin purse 1d10 coins 93 Man with carnival costume
78 Skeleton with staring eyeballs intact 36 Man with knife and ear necklace 94 Woman with witch hat and false witch
79 Filled with bats 37 Man with string of sausages nose
80 Jars of pickled cabbage 37 Woman with bowl of fruit and grain 95 Woman with religious costume
81 Imp in form of hunchback dwarf 38 Woman with dried flower bunches 96 Man in night shirt and ear trumpet
82 Bundles of clothing 39 Man with shield and spear 97 Woman with flint and steel in tinderbox
83 Digging tools, spades, picks, etc 40 Man with axe 98 Man with miners lamp and hat
84 Bundles of rope 41 Man with horse bridle 99 Man with missing limbs
85 Carpentry tools 42 Man with whip 100 Man with doctors bag
86 Creepy idol 43 Woman with rolling pin
87 Dead emaciated toad or heart pierced
with thorns
44 Woman with sewing kit and fine quilt
45 Man with gang tattoos and missing
D100 rich corpse
88 Witch familiar, escapes through hole hands table
in bottom 46 Woman with missing tongue
89 Cursed scroll as gift for grave robbers 47 Man with set of brass scales with
90 Wooden leg weights 1 A guilds man with fancy clothes, ledger
91 Dead ghoul 48 Man with hourglass and 3d100gp jewelery
92 Animated bleeding skeleton likes to 49 Man with commoner instrument 2 A guilds man with ritual apron and
drink blood 50 Man with walking stick symbolic tools 3d100gp jewelery and
93 Glowing screaming skeleton causes 51 Woman with model of house made secret guild books
fear from dough 3 City councilman with robe, wig and gold
94 Animated skeleton regenerates unless 52 Woman with erotic costume badge of office 4d10pg
harmed by holy water 53 Man in leg irons 4 Town clerk with robes, spectacle and
95 Mass of writhing worms 53 Man with his genitals in bag around ledger
96 Thousands of flies swarm out his neck 5 Town selectman with robes and 4d10
97 Sleeping drunk (possibly humanoid 54 Man in jesters outfit, possibly dwarf or gold chains
species) hunchback 6 Student with night robe and favorite
98 Live child or infant 55 Man with bundle of wheat book and stylus
99 Doll or scarecrow golem 56 Man with dried fish 7 Judge with robes, wig, mace or
100 An immortal relieved to be free and 57 Woman with jar of grain hammer, a scales
hungry 58 Man with stone axe and knife 8 Banker with abacus, ledger, robes,
59 Man with thieves tools purse of 1d100 silver for tips in next life
9 Merchant with fancy clothes, ledger,
D100 commoner 60 Woman with jars of pills
61 Woman with bag of knitting scales and 1d100gp jewelery
corpse table 62 Woman with hairbrush 10 Shopkeeper with common suit, and
some samples goods of trade
63 Woman with mirror
64 Man with comb 11 Crime or ganglord, fancy suit, pipe,
1 Farmer with turnip 65 Woman with scissors bottle, dagger, 3d10 gold chains
2 Farmers wife with cabbage 66 Man with knife 12 Bailiff with leather armour, truncheon,
3 Town man with 1d10 coins in purse 67 Woman with knife manacles
4 Town woman with cheap jeweled trinket 68 Man holding skull 13 Sherrif with chain shirt, sword, helmet,
5 Carpenter with hammer and chisel 69 Woman with pet bird and gold star 1d10gp
6 Weavers wife with ornate rug 70 Man with spanking paddle and 14 Ship captain with uniform, sea chest of
7 Woman with bunch of key’s on belt textbook trade and survival goods
8 Blacksmith with apron and hammer 71 Woman with shears and bag of wool 15 Officer of military, chain, sword, shield
9 Man with bottles of wine 72 Man with smoked ham 16 Cavalryman with, chain, sword, mace,
10 Woman with small bronze cauldron 73 Man with wig and makeup shield, dead horse and saddle
11 Man with spear and knife 74 Man with pumpkin and staff 17 Knight, plate, lance, sword, flail, mace,
12 Woman with many beaded necklaces 75 Woman with overnight bag with spare helm, dead horse and saddle
13 Man with clever and hog feet dress 18 Wizard with robes, 1d3 potions, 1d100
14 Woman holding silver holy symbol 76 Man with folk dancing costume and gold, spell book
15 Man with wooden holy symbol club 19 Sorcerer with robes, drugs and 1d3
16 Man blindfolded, gagged and tied 77 Woman with instrument dead lovers,1d10o jewelery
17 Woman with cat 78 Man with pigs head 20 Monk or nun with robes, staff, bowl,
18 Woman with baby 79 Woman with cheese wheel holy symbol and book
19 Baby in small ornate box 80 Man with pipe and fancy smokables 21 Common priest with robes and holy
20 Child with toy 81 Woman with carved wooden cow symbol and staff
21 Man in leather armour with bow ornament 22 Temple priest with fancy robes, holy
22 Man in baliff vest with truncheon 82 Man with ornate cloak and broach symbol, staff
23 Man with net and fishing rod 83 Woman with lantern 23 Warrior priest in chain, helm, mace,
24 Woman with water urn 84 Man with firewood bundle and hatchet holy symbol
25 Man with chamber pot 85 Man clutching pile of bills 24 Holy Knight, plate, lance, sword, helm,
25 Woman with loaf of bread 86 Woman with fur stole complete with holy symbol, holy water, dead horse and
26 Man with piglet animal head saddle
27 Man with evidence of being hung 87 Woman with animal foot medallion 25 Innkeeper with apron, truncheon,
28 Man with sickle 88 Man with helmet and shortsword and knife, small keg of grog and tankard
26 Druidic priest with staff, sickle, robe, 60 Moralist with sensible suit, 1d10 93 Jeweler with fancy suit, monocle, tool
missletoe, dead pet, and large stone pamphlets from causes, holy symbol set, 1d100 gems, jewels, silver and gold
27 Rakes coffin with suit, dagger, rapier, 61 Assassin with black suit and cape, wire
grog bottle, sheep gut condoms, pipe and dagger, garrote and pot of poison 94 Military leader with fancy suit,
drugs 62 Gambler with cards, dice, good suit 2d10 medals, autobiography detailing
28 Harlot with fancy clothes, fans, 1d100 and 1d100 silver coins campaigns
jewelry, diary 63 Mine owner with suit, pick and ore 95 Confectioner with colourful suit, cane,
29 Scholar with robes, 1d4 books, samples funny shoes, piles of chocolate and candy
unfinished manuscript, stylus, ink, paper, 64 Coach owner with whip, model wagon 96 Falconer in hunting suit, gauntlet,
spectacles and 1d10 lost parcels mummified falcon, 1d6 dead rabbits
30 Scribe with robe, staff, 1d6 non magic 65 Restauranteur with good suit, sliver 97 Armourer with good suit, hammer,
scrolls, writing set, paper cutlery, spice set in 2d6 jars trunk of armour odments and spare parts
31 Witch with robe, staff, 1d3 potions, 66 Abattoir owner with cheap suit, bloody 98 Weapon smith with good suit, and
cursed fetish, dead familiar apron, cleaver, knife and pig head trunk of 3d6 swords and blades and other
32 Child in rich clothing with expensive 67 Greenhouse herbalist with cheap suit, weapons
chest of toys apron, watering can, pipe and hash 99 Pet lover with fur covered suit, pet
33 Lady in wedding dress with dowry 68 Navigator with suit, sextant, compass food, 2d10 dead puppies, kitties, bunnies
goods in chest and 1d10 charts or birds
34 Noblewoman with dress, d100 69 Necromancer with black robes, scythe 100 Secret police with studded leather
jewelry and instrument or craft tool and or sickle, often undead armour, whip, dagger, manacles, garrotte
handicrafts 70 Slave trader with cheap suit, manacles
35 Wealthy doctor with doctors bag, a and 1d4 dead slaves (possibly just ashes)
potion, fine suit, dead leeches in jar 71 Interior decorator in fancy suit and d100 Strange
36 Alchemist with 1d3 potions and great shoes, brush, paint tin, 1d10gp gilt
fragment of philosophers stone, suit, note plaque Lone Graves
book 72 Artist with suit, tools of art form like When in wilderness or even occasion-
37 Land owner with nice suit, hamper with paint set or chisels, one small artwork ally in a urban graveyard, some graves
food and cow hide 73 Writer with cheap suit and 1d6 books stand out as weird and usually trouble.
38 Mortician in funeral robes with bag of and a pile of manuscripts Many have treasure. Some are traps or
makeup and tools 74 Socialite with fancy suit, 4d10gp in contain very powerful undead. In many
39 Cultist with robes, 3d10 gold mask, jewelery, collection of old invitations cases the intruders get a chance to
2d10 gold ring, dagger 75 Slum lord with shabby suit, purse with escape from the most deadliest breeds
40 Monster hunter with chain, axe, spear 1d100 copper coins, club or whip who cant be bothered to chase low
and 2d10 severed humanoid heads 76 Executioner or torturer with uniform, level weaklings. Some graves might
41 Duelist with flashy suit, two swords or hood, whip, manacles, thumbscrews be red herrings or even traps. Enemies
pistols, nice hat 77 Corrupt merchant with multiple stab might offer party a map and story to a
42 Elderly matriach with tapestry, wounds, good suit, ledger of dodgy deals deadly grave as a trick to kill heroes.
nightshirt, 1d100 silver coin and dead pet 78 Lawyer with good suit, wig, book of Similar grave often found nearby.
43 Elderly patriarch with nightshirt, bottle laws
of grog and walking stick 79 Actor or actress in flashy but cheap 1 Headstone and slab, secret passage to
44 Flash bard with fancy suit, instrument, suit, 1d10 theatre programs, tiny dead forgotten dungeon
scrolls of poem, diary, 1d100 locks of dog 2 Headstone and slab, secret passage to
lovers hair 80 Hunt master with traveling suit, cloak, occupied underground base
45 Butler or maid for high class servant bow, horn, 1d6 dead rabbits 3 Headstone and slab, secret passage for
with suit, trey, hat, list of chores 81 Sportsman with riding suit, riding crop, smugglers and criminals
46 Spy, suit, face down, head cut off, star fancy hat, favorite dead dog 4 Headstone and slab, secret passage to
chamber death notice 82 Whaler/sealer product dealer, dirty non human settlement
47 Occultist with suit, star charts, book, suit, apron, axe, club, jar of oil, hunk of 5 Headstone and slab, secret passage to
useless talisman, crystal ball blubber cult complex
48 Plague Doctor with beakmask, black 83 Horrible miser, cheap suit, monocle, 6 Carved statue headstone Is a shrine to
robes, spectacles, bunch of flowers ear horn, 1d100 silver in trapped purse forces of the heavens
49 Possible vampire, head cut off, stuffed 84 Explorer with wilderness suit, cloak, 7 Monolith marker is a shrine to forces of
with garlic, chained bow, dagger, hatchet, 1d10 maps nature, guarded by beast
50 Philanthropist, nightshirt, certificates of 85 Wood merchant with worksuit, wood 8 Mound is burial with a horde for the
thanks from charities axe, samples of different wood afterlife, skeleton guards inside
51 Adventuress with suit, coat, hat, rapier, 86 Builder with work suit, hammer, chisel, 9 Small burial cave or grotto haunted by
tiny flintlock pistol small stone gargoyle, set square sinister spirit
52 Popular Mistress with nightshirt, d100 87 Con artist with cheap flashy suit, 1d10 10 Small burial cave or grotto home to a
love letters, 1d100gp jewelery, diary fake deeds, forged ID papers hag or a witch
53 Dandy with suit, d100 terrible poems, 88 Fashion victim with fabulous suit, 11 Unmarked grave of suicide now a
large sunflower, cane, bottle of absinthe makeup kit, brush, mirror 1d100 gold poltergeist
54 Glutton with dirty fat suit, box of candy, jewelry 12 Unmarked grave of mad serial killer
jar of pickles, a ham, knife, fork, plate 89 Sweatshop owner with cheap suit, attracts vile crimes and assault
55 Pig dressed up in rich suit trunk of inferior goods and child size 13 Unmarked grave of child sobs,
56 Bound in bandages with bottle of manacles phantom asks for help finding toy or pet
medicine 90 Circus owner with fancy suit, whip, bag 14 Unmarked grave of loyal pet, phantom
57 Sewn into suit, concealing body of nuts, mummified monkey, jack in a box dog or horse or cat
mutations, holy symbol 91 Witch-hunter with plain suit, whip, 15 Unmarked grave of murdered traveller,
58 Alcoholic in soiled suit with, wine manacles, lantern, holy water phantom seeks home for remains
bottles, small brandy keg, tankard 92 Prospector made good with tacky suit, 16 Unmarked grave of murdered maiden,
59 Black lotus addict sewn into sack with gilded pick, gilded hammer, nugget worth spirit seeks vengeance or love
singed resin coated pipe 1d100 17 Unmarked mass grave of massacre
from war or bandits party to wither supplies into dust 82 A necromancer and a customer
18 Bleak grave of murdered man, 52 Ancient stone marked grave crawling summoning a spirit of the dead for
phantom demands help with vengeance in green glowing kyuss maggots from information
19 Dusky worn stone pillow with angry inside 83 Villager attempting false resurrection
shadow within 53 Strange basalt worn sarcophagi with ritual creates cannibalistic mindless
20 Dark stone grave of cult leader, evil undead serpent man wizard deep in sleep zombie
uses as a shrine 54 Warrior phantom begs travellers to 84 Necromancer attempting to reanimate
21 A hidden stone sarcophagi home to a take sword is actually cursed relic dead lover
lonesome vampire 55 Warrior phantom begs travellers to 85 Grave surrounded by ravens swarm
22 Broken crypt with smashed coffins and take intelligent race slaying sword is and attack defilers of druid or priest
well fed ghouls 56 Cackling undead witch lies in shallow remains
23 Grave is dug up and starving animals buried wooden coffin 86 Amateur adventurers trying to open
feasting 57 Ancient mound of buried giant, now ancient sarcophagi release undead horror
24 Grave is dug up and goblins eating hungry zombie, awakens if mound walked 87 A ghoul snacking on a paralysed child
human remains with gusto on on top of his grave
25 Grave is dug up with necromancer and 58 Burial mound with sacrificial guard 88 A angry draugr guards a ancient burial
servants stealing corpse skeletons to protect mound to protect his treasure and dead
26 Grave dug up by scholars or artists for 59 Willow the wisp tries to lure intruders wives
anatomical dissection and study into nearby monster lair or swamp 89 Ancient monolith grave guarded by
27 Ancient warrior sarcophagi or barrow 60 Under a sad willow tree is a stone old mighty serpent90 Ancient grave with coin
mound occupied by wight sarcophagi, inside a man hating banshee slot for sacrifice to keep draugr inside
28 Black ancient slab radiates evil with awaits 91 Stone statue animates and attacks any
wraith inside 61 Flaming skeleton guards spring up who touch old grave
29 Smashed open sarcophagi with 1d4 to defend headstone of pyromancer- 92 Gargoyle statue actually alive standing
zombies inside necromancer on headstone
30 Stone sarcophagi in broken small 62 Skeleton warrior sleeps awaiting great 93 Obelisk zaps intruders with magic
tomb with mummy inside mission in future will slay any who touch missile
31 Megalithic barrow with a pack of grave 94 Obelisk zaps intruders with curse
ghouls 63 A cracked old crypt is lair of a crimson 95 Obelisk zaps intruders with flame
32 Humble grave with wooden marker mist, a blood sucking vaporous undead strike
and burrowed hole to carrion crawler nest 64 Grave contains living brain in jar than 96 Obelisk zaps intruders with burning
33 Moaning chained wight inside heave mentally controls nearby zombies hands
coffin just audible above ground 65 Skinless zombies surround grave 97 Beastmen dancing and cavorting
34 Huge fat ghoul munching on broken guarding evil wizard remains around grave of ancient wizard master
open humble coffin 66 An ancient grave mound guarded by 98 Inside a crypt is a dwarvern looter
35 Call for help from inside stone blood drinking monolith angry at humans for disrespecting
sarcophagus, trapped immortal awoke 67 Undead wizard hates living, hoards ancestral graves
inside magic items under old cracked headstone 99 Inside is a gateway to a minor kingdom
36 Call for help from inside stone 68 Plague zombies guard evil priests of elfland, ancestorors of locals
sarcophagus, trapped person recovered grave 100 Inside strange grave is a gateway to
from coma 69 Devil or demon attack any who some horrible dimension or underworld
37 Grave of known zombie former approach ancient monolith over evil hero
explorer, inside holds maps to many grave
strange places 70 Cursed undead leaves coins into crypt
38 Shade of drunk calls out for libations of entrance to tempt robbers
wine to keep him quiet 71 Succubus sleeps with dead lover in
39 Familiar sadly sitting on dead wizards sarcophagus attacks any who threaten
grave her darling
40 Spooky tree over druid grave menhir 72 Incubus stands watch over grave of
attacks any who interfere dead sorceress awaiting allies to raise her
41 Whisper in mind of travellers asking for 73 Stone sarcophagi with paladin
help, evil undead wizard trapped in grave engraved, inside is a death knight in deep
42 Hell hound guards grave of evil wizard sleep
43 Hell cat awaiting new master on grave 74 Strange stone slab over grave of
mound of old master wizard, guarded by elemental
44 Cracked sarcophagi releases stench if 75 Black stone menhir grave of ice-necro-
approached from ghast inside mancer guarded by skeletons with cold
45 Flying skull chases those who pass powers
grave of mean merchant to cheap for 76 Headless horseman menaces any
graveyard who find graves of his decapitated victims
46 Bleeding boned skeletons under graves
shallow earth guard grave of a witch 77 Swarm of bugs, rats or birds guard
47 Grave of zombie jester killed by party, ancient grave of a druid
will follow and try to entertain new friends 78 Undead children in sarcophagi attack
48 Phantom lady falls in love with bad adults who hurt them
adventurer, follows and appears as mortal 79 Undead revenant if freed seeks
lover for a night enemies who killed him or descendants
49 Glowing skeleton emanating sickly 80 Strange grave marker, inside a metal
poison light arises from lead sarcophagi and glass coffin is a sleeping woman
50 Mutant zombie crawls from shallow 81 Cannibals opening grave and feasting
grave underfoot of travellers on interior hope to become immortal
51 Hungry ghost craves food and chases ghouls
Funery Urns 11 A map to possible treasure urn broken open
Smash=loot? In every good mauso- 12 Religious scriptures advising the 57 Comb, razor, soap
leum or crypt and even many graves, departed 58 Cloud of stinking gas floods area for
ceramic and other vessels are com- 13 Mummified organs 1d10 rounds, save or helpless vomiting
mon features. Ornaments, sacrifices 14 Holy symbol and a extra roll on basic 59 Invisible imp released which stalks and
or supplies for the dead and even content plays nasty tricks on any who release him
cremation remains might be found. 15 Commemorative poem or speech 60 Huge foot wide spider jumps out at
Some contain weird stuff. Old multicul- dedicated to dead you
tural areas will have greatest diversity. 16 A painting depicting underworld 61 Crawling with juicy bugs
Wealth is another factor. Local religion 17 A charm protecting grave from undead 62 Pigments for painting or makeup
may dictate what such vessels contain 18 A charm cursing grave robbers 63 Instrument like a small drum or flute or
and they could be uniform. 19 A charm summons a guardian other rattle
planar being 1HD+ 64 Puzzlebox, roll again for contents
20 Tiny Idols 65 Tablets dedicating grave site
d10 Container Type 21 Jackpot 1d100 gp in various coins 66 Dried flowers or herbs
Probably find most of similar type in 22 Cheap trinkets worth 1d20 copper 67 Fungus growing on something gross
same area but you may wish to roll for 23 Flashy trinkets worth 1d10 silver 68 Something used as a chamber pot
different sections or historical layers. 24 Impressive trinkets 1d6 gold 69 Perfume or scented oil
Perhaps a d3 or d6 types depending on 25 Ceremonial coins of clay 3d100 70 Holy water vial, may break if urn
size, age, cultural diversity or wealth. stamped with underworld symbols smashed
26 Dried human or animal heart stuffed 71 Monster teeth, horn or tusk, carved
1 Woven basket from plant or animal fibre with thorns or nails 72 Incense
2 Wood or bark 27 Severed and preserved shrunken 73 A letter damning a dead person to
3 Crude ceramic human head excommunication and eternal torment
3 Painted earthenware 28 Toy or model house, chariot or animal 74 Plans of a crypt
5 Finest glazed ceramic 29 Creepy doll 1in6 animate follow and try 75 Silver knuckle duster
6 Ceramic or stone figurine or face on lid to kill you in sleep 76 Tools of commoners trade
of jar 30 A surprised goblin or kobold with no 77 A collection of love letter
7 Copper, brass or bronze memories 78 A journal of a doomed person
8 Carved stone, possibly semi precious 31 Explosives, very unstable from 2d6 79 Ledgers of accounts, debts or
9 Silver possibly just plated damage and 1d4 yards radius gambling records
10 Gold, electrum or platinum possibly 32 Live snake 80 A creepy worm or bug that tries to
just plated 33 Live scorpion escape, larval monster
34 Live Rats 81 A severed hand 1in6 animated and
d10 Basic Contents 35 Cloud of darkness floods area for 1d10
attacks by surprise
82 Gremlins that scatter if opened to later
1-4 Human remains, ash or dust
36 Cloud of fear gas floods area for 1d10 menace who found them
5-6 Humble foodstuff, probably (90%)
rounds 83 Strange eggs of a monster
37 Cloud of poison gas floods area for 84 An illusion to scare away thieves such
7 Water, wine, beer, milk, blood or some
1d10 rounds as a monster
38 Cloud of sleep or paralyzing gas floods 85 An illusion to portray the life of a dead
8 Some high quality preserved goods like
area for 1d10 rounds person
honey or salt or oil
39 Cloud of fear hallucinating gas floods 86 An illusion to portray the afterlife
9 Coins d4 1=1d100 copper 2=2d20 silver
area for 1d10 rounds40 Cloud of cold gas 87 A magical scroll
3= 2d6 gold 4=all previous results mixed
floods area for 1d10 rounds, 1hp dam per 88 A petty item like a cantrip wand with
10 roll on unusual contents table
round zero level spells
41 A big fat croaking toad 89 A glowing gem with permanent light
d100 Unusual Grave 42 Delicious wine, mead or beer cast on it
Urns and Funery magically preserved till seal broken
43 Fresh blood or milk magically
90 A batch of ointment that causes
Vases preserved till seal broken 91 Releases a miasma of disease over
44 Flammable if exposed to air 1d3x10 area if opened
radius effect, 2d6 damage and sets stuff 92 A poltergeist haunts opener for 1d6
1 Skeleton, animates and attacked if alight days
smashed or opened 45 Small corroded 1d4 weapons like 93 A spirit tries to posses who opens it to
2 Skeleton, animates and serves if darts, dagger, knife complete some ancient mission
smashed or opened 46 Clay deathmask from a corpse with 94 A weird slimy elder relic possibly living
3 1d10 Skeletons, animates and attacked remains with strange powers and curse
if smashed or opened 47 Ceremonial robes from religion or cult 95 A ghoul appears in a puff of smoke
4 Animated flying skull attacks 48 Skull with clay reconstruction of 1in6 calls 2d4 ghouls instead
5 Phantom spirit or haunt is enraged if features 96 Skull with magic symbols, who posses
smashed or opened 49 Mummified animal it has dreams of elder magicians
6 Shadow attacks if freed when smashed 50 Dice, knuckle bones or cards 97 Living medium animal leaps out if
or opened 51 Ammunition for missile weapon like opened or smashed
7 Swarm of hostile grubs, flies or bugs sling stones or arrows 98 Smoke released forms into long
attacks area 2d6 rounds 1ptdam/ round 52 Fake treasure made from past or glass trapped possibly bad magician of some
8 An angry spirit moans at your sacrilege looks 1d4x100gp value at first type
and haunts for 1d6 days 53 Ceremonial or festive mask from 99 Mass of imprisoned worms is collective
9 Dust devil of grave ash attacks if religion or cult mind of dead wicked sorcerer
smashed or opened 54 Collection of ceremonial cups 100 Human remains slowly reanimate
10 A beastman guardian appears in 55 Stash of narcotics unto undead over 1d6 hours of release
smoke if smashed or opened 56 A potion in a vial, might be smashed if
d100 Strange 39 Gang of thieves preparing to kill gang picking pockets
squealer in cruel ritual 80 Severed undead leg hopping about on
Encounters in the 40 Gang of thieves looking for east own
Graveyard tombs, crypts or sarcophagi
41 Gang of thieves fighting undead
81 Poltergeist flinging rocks at skeletons
82 Ghouls gambling over who gets best
42 Phantom dog follows and barks at bits of paralyzed prisoner
1 Followed by hooded phantom who party attracting more trouble 83 Various undead, leaders dressed in
fades if approached 43 Phantom dog attacks and chases finery meeting about graveyard conditions
2 Followed by a phantom weeping party till they leave graveyard 84 Skeleton children pelt rocks at party
maiden who fades if approached 44 One eyed demon dire dog attacks and flee if attacked back
3 Followed by a phantom creepy child 45 Hellhound howls, stalks then attacks 85 Zombie child playing with pet zombie
with doll who fades if approached 46 Werewolf attacks puppy
4 Followed by a phantom hound who 47 Undead wolves attack as pack 86 Storm breaks out with lightening then
fades if approached 48 Glowing mutant horror hound attacks rain
5 Followed by a phantom hunchback who 49 Skeletons with wagon collecting other 87 Fog rolls over the graveyard making
fades if approached skeletons to dance of the dead visibility poor
6 Noisy ghost breaker with whip claims to 50 Skeletons cleaning and maintaining 88 Icy wind chills and numbs everybody
be taming invisible spirits graveyard attack if disturbed 89 Sudden flash of lightning, dozens of
7 Students sneaking around trying to 51 Skeleton guardsmen try to chase spirits visable for a moment
steal corpse (artists, sages or necroman- intruders from graveyard 90 Imps dancing with familiar spirits
cers) 52 Zombies moving graveyard boundary 91 Graveyard albino serpent with sting
8 Professional grave robbers trying to loot stones to expand burrowing into coffins feasting on dead
a crypt or grave 53 Zombies eating a screaming bound 92 Student on a dare to spend night,
9 Young priest looking for undead he can prisoner struck mad by visions, hair white
test himself with 54 Ghouls gangs meeting to divide up turf 93 Outer planar being battling another
10 Theif looking for executed corpses a 55 Ghouls playing catch with human skull opposite alignment being
witch will pay him well for 56 Ghoul approaches party to see if they 94 Outer planar being battling undead
11 Sounds of chains rattling and moaning want to become ghouls 95 Charmed person thinks is with lover,
12 Sounds of Scream of terror 57 Foul stench of a ghast wafts over area really a rotting undead corpse
13 Sounds of Sobbing and weeping 58 Ghast beating member of ghoul gang 96 Hero or leader with necromancer
14 Sounds of Creaking sounds of coffin while others watch in fear questioning the dead
lids moving 59 Ghouls in monk robes silently 97 Undead knight wooing undead lady
15 Sounds of Laughter marching in line, could mistake for living 98 Undead bard entertaining group of
16 Dog sitting on grave of master 60 Ghoul fallen into muddy open grave mixed undead
17 Rat follows party with cunning gleam cant climb out 99 Lesser death playing chess with knight
in eye 61 Adorable child ghoul threatens party so he may live longer to complete quest
18 Owl follows party looking for edible 62 Wights dueling, have done so yearly 100 Undead feast with many mixed
critters they scare from hiding for many years undead celebrating underworld holy day
19 Huge croaking toads in a circle, stop 63 Wight highwayman demands party
when party see them till move on
20 Cat follows party for a pat or snack
give him loot for his barrow mound
64 Wight nailed down with silver spikes
d100 Strange Things
21 Dancing goblins singing and drinking wailing in the Graveyard
22 Kobolds stealing headstones for 65 Shadows silently dancing This can be rolled for any graveyards
building with teeny wheel barrows 66 Shadow hound silently stalks attacks from necropolis to country church.
23 Drunk teen hobgoblins smashing at worst moment A few rolls will make any graveyard
headstones in revenge for humans killing 67 Shadow family with shadow children more memorable or interesting.
kin having midnight picknick Some things revealed by locals and
24 Bugbear came to dig up worms for 68 Wraith trapped in small fenced area might be just local gossip.
fishing but loves a good scare while here of own clans graves howls for victims to
25 Orcs digging up corpses for evil wizard approach
to animate 69 Lich recruiting for servants, 01 A statue of a crying angel, tears of
26 Carrion crawler looking for tasty grave unconcerned by living unless bothered blood may be seen some nights when evil
to burrow into 70 Noble mummy sitting on stone throne afoot
27 Swarm of rats looking desperately for surrounded by zombie courtiers 02 Sounds of rattling bones are heard
food from underground at night
71 Wight hound hunting for victims to
03 Occasionally graves are found opened
28 Giant rats pour from burrows in graves make slaves for master
and defiled with corpses half eaten
29 Bear sized rat tired of eating the dead 72 Boring phantom wants to talk about
04 Occasionally graves are found burst
30 Wolves looking for snacks horses, muscles and women
open from the inside
31 Witches having a forbidden ritual 73 Artist or poet phantom wants to
05 Robbers come here to steal corpses
32 Cultists chanting over a grave seduce living hottie
and grave goods leaving a horrid mess
33 Evil acolytes looking for interesting 74 Evil goatmen dancing and playing
06 Locals remark someone leaves fresh
corpses to raise back in hidden temple roughly with bones, headstones and
flowers every night but are never seen
34 Student necromancers practicing new statues 07 The ground is filled with chunks of old
cantrips 75 Warlock with goatmen hanging a bone fragments making the soil partly
35 Senior necromancer with zombies and servant who failed gang white
cart stealing dozens of bodies 76 Screaming wight in gibbet hung from 08 Ravens gather around visitors cawing,
36 Gang of thieves searching for hidden tree sometimes they seem to say your name
stash 77 Corpses laying on path spring to life 09 When it rains or is damp or before
37 Gang of thieves brought victim here to and attack dawn, thousands of worms crawl to
intimidate and blackmail 78 Severed head on pole tries to talk to surface
38 Gang of thieves fighting with another party, very bored 10 Something in graveyard howls at full
gang 79 Severed hands of thieves scuttle about
moon, locals lock their doors and stay in seeks his murderer, but any in yard at 74 Attractive men in the yard sometimes
11 Hear scratching and scuttling noises night will do feel as though being touched by spectral
from underground 43 Some say there are coded scripts on hands
12 Strange lights seen at night dancing the headstones leading to a lost treasure 75 A spirit in the yard sometimes blows
around graveyard 44 A vampire was once active in the area wind up skirts of ladies but never at
13 Ever since hidden treasure stash but it sleeps mostly now funerals
found in yard, looters have been drawn 45 Witches scour the soil for bits of bone 76 A skeleton arises and collects all the
here to cast spells and make charms dead flowers and burns them once a
14 Dead half eaten corpses of robbers 46 A coven meet near the yard to call out month
have been found here spirits by night 77 A gore covered weasel has been seen
15 Older graves with strange ancient 47 A strange visitor at local inn at night is crawling through cracks in crypts
markings have been found when digging seen shouting and cracking a whip 78 A rat has been seen carrying copper
new ones 48 A strange visitor at local inn at night pieces, he must have quire a stash by
16 An ancient monolith in the yard from comes to call spirits in his search for now
some lost civilization treasure 79 A few months ago a drunk saw a grave
17 A huge oak tree in the yard bleeds if 49 If you slip a coin in the charity box by burst open and a giant moth crawl from a
cut and locals leave alone the gate evil in the yard by night will avoid corpse
18 A dog sits on the grave of it’s master you 80 Maggots have been seen swarming
wasting away 50 A warrior ghost in the yard appears to with purpose and a strange robed man
19 A ghost dog is seen occasionally on a challenge any who draw their sword on with them
old grave at night his grave 81 Ghostly monks chanting are seen
20 Sobbing is heard in the yard but no 51 Mandrake grows outside the yard on whenever a new king crowned and other
source is ever seen the graves of executed, magicians come occasions
21 A necromancer and his students come to gather it 82 Ghostly candles appear on some
here to steal bodies but nobody sees 52 A man ate odd mushrooms in the yard family crypts when a family member is
them and could hear and see angry dread about to die
22 If you pour blood on the right grave a spirits 83 If you give a coin to toad in the
devil appears to trade your soul for gold 53 A tomb was opened once for repairs yard you will have wonderful night of
23 Some of the small animals seen by and hundreds of bugs and lizards lovemaking
night are witch familiars swarmed out 84 Any child conceived in the yard is pale,
24 If you leave a coin on crypt of miser 54 A family keep trying to move their dead cold and quiet and will be a necromancer
Kelly by night, a bony hand reaches out to kinsman executed for crimes into the yard 85 Anyone who climbs the walls at night
snatch it 55 If you sleep on grave of widow Zatara, will be struck sterile by guardian spirit
25 A black goat is seen in yard at night, you will have forbidden erotic dreams 86 The walls were built to keep dead in
those who chase it are wounded in nasty 56 Strange gurgling noises are head day not living out
falls and night by many witnesses 87 Walls predate modern yard, an ancient
26 Long ago a necromancer came and 57 Pools of water in the yard sometimes ruin was said to lie here, stones were
took the dead, his footprints can still be are seen dimly glowing in dark re-used
seen 58 Some say a holy saint relic was 88 A grave robber was found dead at the
27 A rich man buried was taken by a interred here to protect it from a tyrant gates with his skull crushed by a stone
devil, a hoof print is on his sarcophagi lid 59 Ghastly smelling holes are sometimes 89 If a girl dances on the grave of Sedraz
28 Youths coming to fool around in yard found in the yard and are promptly buried Manrad, his ghost will give her a copper
are attacked by angry hungry dead 60 If you hear a ghastly scream in the 90 Women entering the yard must cover
29 Many graves encased in iron bars to night run as fast as you can their hair or the dead will be tempted by
prevent robbers or necromancers 61 A jackal has been seen in the yard and them
30 Unmarked graves outside of sanctified watches visitors curiously 91 A man who tried to use yard as a toilet
yard have been disturbed of late 62 A group of owls meet here hooting to had a skeletal hand tear off his manhood
31 Graffiti in lost script of the another as if debating something 92 Local children enjoyed company of a
necromancer kings of old appears on 63 Half chewed rats are found around the strange friend near here, now they are
walls and gates yard and cats never enter at night forbidden
32 Someone has stolen heads off many 64 If you bring a dog here it will not enter 93 An ancient rock or hill is said to be
statues and a reward is on offer and will howl in terror doorway to elfland where ancient dead
33 A toothless old crone sells flowers by 65 Some graves have unnatural deposits live as elves
the gate as long as anyone remembers of frost in the morning 94 A local gypsy woman may speak with
34 A witch flies in from south to steal 66 If you cook bacon near graveyard dead for gold but priest does not approve
corpses for stews since yard founded some of the dead will cry out for some 95 An old grave keeper used to whittle
35 A cannibal sect in area defile graves 67 Death head moths are common in wooden toys and sometimes children find
on monthly basis yard, sometimes swarming around a new ones
36 Locals suspicious of strangers grave 96 A great poet buried here attracts
interests in the yard and spy on them 68 Patches of dead grass like footprints pilgrims but his angry ghost chased bad
constantly are found some mornings poets away
37 A huge cat roams the yard chasing 69 Eggs brought into yard all go off, birds 97 A section of the yard is older than
children away who play near walls never nest here the village and headstones in a strange
38 A silent monk spectre stands by the 70 Snakes are common in the yard, some language
the gate some evenings as if awaiting seen dozens pour from crack in a crypt 98 An artist came here to take rubbings
someone 71 Some of the rats in the yard are of historic graves and died yet people still
39 Some force in the yard blows out actually undead, several have been badly see him
candles, lanterns and other light sources bitten 99 A creepy old man offers strangers a
40 Once a statue came to life and killed 72 Speaking ill of the dead here attracts a drink but he is the ghost of a poisoner
four grave robbers plague spirit 100 One of the crypts is a gate to the
41 Strange fluid bubbles up from one of 73 Somewhere in the yard is a secret underworld and dancing dead are seen
the graves keyhole which opens a door to hidden emerging
42 A revenant dwells in the yard who tunnels

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