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Firstly and more importantly before you start to convert ATX PSU, make sure

that the PSU is unplugged from the mains supply and discharged by
letting it sit unconnected for several minutes before you start. This is
important! as it could result in a potentially dangerous or even lethal situation
due to the high voltages inside the PSU if you decide to dismantle it. Also
make sure that the metal box of the PSU is correctly earthed or grounded.
You are responsible for your own safety!.
We can not just simply plug the PSU into the mains supply and expect to get
the required 5 or 12 volts output. The standard PC power supply unit has two
safety mechanisms that prevent it from being switched “ON” without the
motherboard attached.
 Number 1, the PSU requires a “Power-ON” zero voltage signal to start up
similar to the “ON-OFF” switch on the front of a PC.
 Number 2, for the PSU to correctly regulate the +5V output voltage it needs
to have some sort of load attached, at least 5W to trick the PSU into
thinking its attached to the motherboard
Unfortunately you can not just have the wires left ope

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