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VOL. 11, NO. 3, 1985

The Two-Syndrome
Concept: Origins
and Current Status

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by Timothy J. Crow Abstract classes characterize etiologically
distinct schizophrenic subtypes. I do
The two-syndrome concept postulates not believe I can be misunderstood as
two "dimensions of pathology" having said this. Indeed, I believe a
underlying schizophrenia—a simpler view (i.e., that manic-
reversible (and potentially depressive psychosis and schizo-
neuroleptic-responsive) component phrenia have the same basic etiology;
and a sometimes progressive and Crow 1984) is still tenable. It may
relatively irreversible component turn out not to be so, and schizo-
associated with the deficit state and phrenia may eventually be shown to
poor long-term outcome. Negative have many etiologies, as Bleuler
symptoms (narrowly defined) appear (1950) implied, but until one etiology
to be more closely associated with is established and this etiology is
the latter component (the type II shown to be absent in some cases,
syndrome), as also are cognitive Occam's razor should be applied.
impairments, abnormal involuntary For the same reasons, the view
movements, and behavioral that more than one "dimension of
deterioration. This syndrome is pathology" underlies the manifes-
assumed to be more closely related tations of schizophrenia (Crow 1980;
than the type I syndrome of positive Crow et al. 1982) requires a defense.
symptoms to the structural brain The concept that two pathological
changes inferred from pneumoen- processes are present and that these
cephalograms, computed tomography can be related to particular constel-
scans, and recent post-mortem lations of symptoms arose from three
studies. However, since both studies conducted in the Division of
syndromes often occur in the same Psychiatry at Northwick Park
patient—sometimes at the same point between its inception in 1974 and
in time—they presumably have the 1978:
same etiology.
1. The first computed tomographic
Whether the celebrated razor is that (CT) study in schizophrenia
"entities are not to be multiplied (Johnstone et al. 1976, 1978b)
without necessity" or, as Bertrand demonstrated that cerebral
Russell (1946) suggests William of ventricular area in a group of chronic
Occam actually wrote, that "It is institutionalized patients was signif-
vain to do with more what can be icantly greater than that in a group
done with fewer," the principle is of age- and premorbid occupation-
surely profound. Explanatory matched controls. Ventricular
concepts must be simple and as few enlargement could not be explained
as can be. by previous physical treatments, and
Since Kraepelin (1919), the within the schizophrenic group was
simplest view of schizophrenia is that correlated (significantly) with
it is a single disease with a single cognitive impairment and (nonsignif-
pathology. With respect to etiology icantly) with the presence of negative
(when the relatively rare schizo- symptoms.
phrenia-like psychoses of 2. A study of the therapeutic
amphetamine intoxication and effects of the two isomers of the
temporal lobe epilepsy are excluded), Reprint requests should be sent to
there is as yet little reason to doubt Dr. T.J. Crow at Division of Psychiatry,
he was right. Dr. Sommers, in her Clinical Research Centre, Northwick Park
contribution to this issue, misquotes Hospital, Watford Road, Harrow,
me as suggesting the two symptom Middlesex, HA1 3UJ, United Kingdom.

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thioxanthene flupenthixol (Johnstone studies (e.g., Huber 1957; Haug outcome, and that this component
et al. 1°78<J) tested the dopamine 1962; Asano 1967) might lead one to (i.e., negative symptoms and
blockade hypothesis of the antipsy- suspect? The dopamine hypothesis intellectual impairment) was
chotic effect (B-flupenthixol being had its attractions (in my view, it is associated with structural changes in
more than 1,000 times less potent the only neurochemical theory that is the brain. Thus, the paradox that the
than the a-isomer as a dopamine still viable), but it could not explain symptoms of the disease sometimes
antagonist). In recently admitted the intellectual impairments or why remit and more often respond to
patients with acute episodes of some patients do badly in spite of neuroleptic drugs, but at the same
schizophrenia, the a-isomer was neuroleptic medication. Nor could time the disease not infrequently has
significantly more active than the B- the less popular view that schizo- a poor long-term outcome
isomer, which itself was no more phrenia is a low-grade early onset unresponsive to drugs, could be
effective than placebo. In these form of dementia explain the not resolved on the basis that there are
patients negative symptoms (flat- infrequent, apparently complete potentially reversible (perhaps
tening of affect and poverty of recoveries after individual episodes of dopamine-related) and irreversible
speech) were relatively infrequent illness, the effectiveness of components. (See table 1.)
and seldom severe, but when present neuroleptic medication, or the ability An important aspect of this
showed little tendency to improve on of amphetamine-like compounds to hypothesis is that it attempts to
placebo and no differential response provoke delusions and hallucinations relate the two postulated
to dopamine receptor blockade. closely resembling those seen in idio- pathological processes to clinical
3. In a post-mortem study (Owen pathic schizophrenia. manifestations. I see now (and the
et al. 1978), dopamine turnover For these reasons, when reviewing diverse contributions to this issue
(assessed by homovanillic acid or the neurochemistry of schizophrenia, amply demonstrate the point) that
dihydroxyphenylacetic acid concen- I outlined the difficulties for the the definition of positive and
trations) was not increased but unitary viewpoint and suggested the negative symptoms is crucial to
numbers of D2 dopamine receptors recent findings could only be whether one regards this aspect of
(assessed as JH-spiperone binding) accommodated if one assumed that the concept as having content. In
were increased. Although the more than one "dimension of brief, it is essential that one adopt a
question of whether this change is pathology" was present (Crow 1980). narrow definition of negative
related to the disease process rather Specifically, I suggested there was a symptoms. In the Northwick Park
than to neuroleptic drugs is not yet neurochemical component (perhaps studies, we had two advantages: (1)
resolved (see, for example, Mackay related to dopaminergic transmission) Before it was published, David
et al. 1982; Crow et al. 1984), in responsive to neuroleptic medication, Goldberg drew my attention to the
later work (Crow et al. 1981b) the and a structural component related schizophrenia rating scale
number of D2 receptors in post- to poor long-term outcome and to (Krawiecka, Goldberg, and Vaughan
mortem brain was found significantly the intellectual impairment that 1977), which he and the late Maria
related to positive, but not negative, undoubtedly sometimes occurs. With Krawiecka had devised. It is simple
symptoms assessed in life. the results of the flupenthixol isomers to use, has explicit operational rules,
Together these observations trial (Johnstone et al. 1978a) in mind, and focuses on eight key areas:
presented a crisis of interpretation. If I suggested the drug-responsive delusions, hallucinations, thought
schizophrenia was a unitary disease component could be related to disorder (incoherence of speech),
process, was this to be seen as a positive symptoms. On the basis of flattening or incongruity of affect,
primarily neurochemical disturbance the CT scan study (Johnstone et al. poverty of speech, retard-
(as suggested by the dopamine 1976, 1978b) and other data showing ation, depression, and anxiety. We
hypothesis and the responsiveness of a relationship between negative used this scale in all our early work
at least some schizophrenic symptoms and intellectual and indeed still find it useful and
symptoms to neuroleptic drugs)? Or impairment (Owens and Johnstone practical. (2) Eve Johnstone early
as a destructive process leading to 1980), I proposed that the negative concluded that flattening and incon-
structural brain changes and symptoms, which in the flupenthixol gruity of affect could and should be
intellectual impairment as the results isomers study had appeared resistant rated separately. When this is done,
of the CT scan study and some to neuroleptic medication, were more there are nine items in the scale. Of
earlier pneumoencephalographic closely related to poor long-term these, three (depression, anxiety, and
VOL. 11, NO. 3, 1985 473

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Table 1. Two syndromes in schizophrenia1

Type I Type II
Characteristic symptoms Hallucinations, delusions, Affective flattening,
thought disorder poverty of speech,
(positive symptoms) loss of drive
(negative symptoms)
Type of Illness in Acute schizophrenia Chronic schizophrenia,
which most commonly the "defect" state
Response to neuroleptlcs Good Poor
Outcome Reversible Irreversible?
Intellectual Absent Sometimes present
Postulated Increased dopamine Cell loss and
pathological receptors structural changes in
process the brain
Reprinted, with permission, from Crow (1980).

retardation) are nonspecific; two priate to the psychiatric literature. and their collaborators (see, for
(delusions and hallucinations) are Hughlings Jackson is an esteemed example, Wing and Brown 1970, pp.
clearly positive symptoms; two more authority but irrelevant to recent 18-19; Wing 1978). Wing (1978)
(thought disorder and incongruity of discussions of schizophrenia. A loose contrasts "florid or positive or
affect) may be so considered, adherence to his views has been the productive" symptoms seen particu-
although the decision is less obvious; source of confusion, particularly larly in acute episodes with the
and two (flattening of affect and insofar as some have been tempted to negative components of the clinical
poverty of speech) are clearly equate Bleuler's "fundamental" "poverty syndrome," which he
negative. symptoms, from which he thought identifies as "emotional apathy,
the "accessory" symptoms were slowness of thought and movement,
derived, with negative symptoms. underactivity, lack of drive, poverty
Origins of the Positive and Berrios attributes the introduction of speech and social withdrawal"
Negative Symptom to the psychiatric literature of the (pp. 4-5). He considers that there are
Terminology concept of positive and negative three basic groupings—the positive
symptoms as independent phenomena syndrome of acute schizophrenia, the
Berrios (1985) has traced the to de Clerambault (1942). Andreasen negative (or clinical poverty)
historical origins of the positive- (this volume) refers to Fish's (1962) syndrome of chronic schizophrenia,
negative symptom terminology in the book on schizophrenia as one of and combinations of the two. This is
neurological literature. He attributes its recent sources, but I have been roughly the concept we adopted at
its introduction to Reynolds (1858), unable to identify a point in that Northwick Park, although by the use
and he is surely right to assert that book (except in relation to thought of the Krawiecka scale we have
the implications that Hughlings disorder, p. 25) where Fish discusses defined negative symptoms more
Jackson attributed to the distinction the issue in a way which gives any narrowly, and would regard certain
(viz. that positive symptoms are indication that he regarded it as of the symptoms that Wing lists
secondary "release" phenomena, significant. On the other hand, the (e.g., underactivity and social
which result from the destruction of terminology has been used quite withdrawal) as less specific and in
tissue, which leads directly to the widely in the United Kingdom—for some circumstances secondary to
negative symptoms) are inappro- example, by J.L.T. Birley, J.K. Wing, positive symptoms. Wing also

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considers the tripartite scheme (i.e., 1. Positive symptoms can psychological connections that
positive symptoms, negative develop or resolve over a relatively Strauss, Carpenter, and Bartko favor
symptoms, and both together) an short period of time. Sometimes are necessary to the concept.
they can be traced directly to
oversimplification and, for example, organic causes. In other instances, Thus, the case for two (but not
draws attention to the frequency of they appear to originate in certain dearly for three) processes was well
thought disorder as a component of kinds of family communication argued by two separate groups on
the chronic syndrome. patterns. The several causes of the basis of the differing time courses
those symptoms that have been of two clusters of symptoms. Both
Another line of thought regarding identified and their minimal
positive and negative symptoms and prognostic importance suggests groups recognized that some
their interrelationships was followed that they are a nonspecific symptoms (e.g., thought disorder)
by Strauss, Carpenter, and Bartko response to a variety of conditions did not fit easily into one or other
(1974). These authors quote and not necessarily part of a category.
longstanding process.
Kraepelin in support of the single 2. Negative symptoms, on the Strauss, Carpenter, and Bartko
process concept: other hand, tend to be associated (1974) draw attention to an earlier
with chronicity. It is not clear, usage of the positive-negative
We are justified in regarding the however, whether negative symptom concept in schizophrenia.
majority at least of the clinical symptoms and the process they Snezhnevsky (1968) wrote that
pictures which are brought reflect are the source of the
together here as an expression of a chronicity, the result of it, or a Symptoms that contribute to the
single morbid process, though combination of both relationships. different schizophrenic syndromes
outwardly they often diverge very 3. Disorders of personal may be pathologically productive,
far from one another [Kraepelin relationships have their own or so-called positive. Alternatively
1919, p. 3] antecedents and have important they may be negative symptoms,
prognostic implications for future expressive of "flaws," defects and
and contrast this concept with the functioning in this area and for disintegration. Both types combine
title of Bleuler's book Dementia outcome of positive and negative as a unit, exhibiting organic inter-
Praecox, or The Group of Schizo- symptoms as well. In this way dependence and constituting the
disorders of social relationships elements of a syndrome
phrenias. Strauss, Carpenter, and appear to represent a process with structure . . . . However, although
Bartko (1974) trace their use of the important implications for all of they form a unit, the positive and
positive-negative terminology back to the schizophrenic manifestations, negative disturbances are not
Hughlings Jackson, but they do not [pp. 68-69] equivalent to each other. In simple
schizophrenia as well as in remis-
adopt his inference of a causal The key concepts here, including sions after acute attacks, negative
sequence between them. They include the positive-negative dichotomy, are r p t o m s may sometimes emerge
as positive symptoms "disorders of similar to those used by Wing and ie without coincident positive
content of thought and perception, colleagues in the MRC Social ones. I.F. Ovchinnikov [in 1966]
certain types of form of thought Psychiatry Unit and those which we has pointed out that the positive
and negative symptoms are
(e.g., distracribility), and certain have adopted at Northwick Park. disposed as if on two levels. The
behaviors (e.g., catatonic motor Specifically, the concept that positive positive is the higher level and is
disorders)," (p. 65) and as negative and negative syndromes represent characterised by marked vari-
symptoms "blunting of affect, different components of the process ability . . . . The lower or negative
level by contrast is invariable
apathy, and certain kinds of formal and that the negative component is . . . . The invariability of the
thought disorder, such as blocking" less variable and more closely negative disturbances is very
(p. 65). This last inclusion is associated with poor long-term clearly demonstrated during
somewhat surprising, as also is these outcome than the positive component contemporary therapy with
is common ground. On the other modern psycnotropic drugs. As a
authors' insistence that "disorders of result of therapy, the positive
relating" constitute a third dimension hand, the necessity to postulate a disturbances undergo some degree
that has to be considered quite third component of "disordered of change and become more
separate from both positive and personal relationships" and, by rudimentary. In some cases they
implication, to suggest that this, like may disappear altogether, and
negative symptom components modem therapy may create a
(p. 65). the positive and negative syndromes, barrier to the emergence of certain
Strauss, Carpenter, and Bartko has its own underlying disease features, for instance, of catatonia.
(1974) conclude regarding their three process is not clearly established. The negative disturbances,
Nor does it appear that the however, are refractory to therapy \
groups of symptoms that:
VOL. 11, NO. 3, 1985 475

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and do not change. They may, that there are two (or at least two) relationship between positive and
nevertheless, become usually to a syndromes, and that these have negative symptoms" (pp. 364-365),
certain extent compensated, [pp. different clinical and biological corre- both of which issues are seen as
lates, we should not assume that remaining open to empirical investi-
These quotations make it clear that every symptom need be categorized gation. She then goes on to assert
the adjectives "positive" and as positive or negative. Rather, we that the terms "residual symptoms"
"negative" had been adopted in should adopt a narrow definition and or "defect/deficit state" should not be
relation to the symptoms of schizo- look for those symptoms that equated with negative symptoms.
phrenia earlier in the Russian than in correlate well with the defect state This sounds an admirable counsel of
the Western literature. The concept (or clinical poverty syndrome) on the scientific purity until one considers
of the relationship between the one hand or with the florid syndrome the problems in arriving at an
groups of symptoms outlined by of the acute episode on the other. independent definition of what
Snezhnevsky is closely similar to that Poverty of speech and flattening of constitutes a "true" negative
which has been later adopted affect seem good candidates for the symptom. As Sommers recognizes,
elsewhere—e.g., at Northwick Park. former, and delusions and halluci- an appeal to clinical authority is
Since Carpenter, Snezhnevsky, nations for the latter syndrome. unsatisfactory. So also is the simple
Strauss, and Wing all contributed to
concept of loss of normal function.
the World Health Organization
For example, if the net is thrown as
International Pilot Study of Schizo-
Definition of Negative wide as Andreasen and Sommers
phrenia, one may suppose that this
Symptoms sometimes seem to favor, it will
project played a role in disseminating
include such features as job loss and
the concept.
The concept that the definition of marital failure. This is far too
The concept of the two syndromes negative symptoms should be narrow inclusive to be interesting.
(Crow 1980; Crow et al. 1982a) owes is in direct contrast to the strategy These issues are also relevant to
much to this background but adds adopted by some contributors to this other contributions. Thus, Solomon
predictions concerning the nature of volume, especially Andreasen and Goldberg, in his defense of the
the underlying processes, and an Sommers. Thus, Andreasen includes concept that negative symptoms
explanation of why one group of as negative symptoms, in addition to respond to neuroleptic drugs,
symptoms is more fixed than the affective flattening and poverty of includes as negative symptoms
other (that it is related to structural (which he apparently has no qualms
speech, "avolition and apathy,
brain changes). There was also in equating with Bleulerian funda-
anhedonia and asociality, and atten-
greater emphasis on intellectual
tional impairment." Of these mental symptoms) indifference to the
impairment (arising from studies of
additional symptoms, some (e.g., environment, apathy, hebephrenic
Crow and Mitchell 1975, Crow and
apathy and asociality) are complex symptoms, inappropriate affect, poor
Stevens 1978, and Owens and
and might well be thought sometimes social participation, poor self-care
Johnstone 1980) as a possible
to occur as a secondary consequence and "confusion." Carpenter,
correlate of "organic" deficit than is
of positive symptoms, anhedonia (if Heinrichs, and Alphs are surely
apparent in the earlier concepts.1
it can be distinguished from affective correct to insist on their distinction
The definition of positive and flattening) might well be thought between primary and secondary
negative symptoms is clearly crucial related to depression, and attentional negative symptoms. According to
to these concepts. My suggestion as impairment (as Cornblatt and this view, several of the above
to the strategy we should follow is colleagues have shown) may be more symptoms, and particularly poor
that having arrived at the concept closely related to positive than social participation and self-care, can
negative symptoms. Sommers be seen as potentially secondary to
1 includes "emotional" as well as social positive symptoms.2
It should be noted that in a followup
"withdrawal" (an issue that has been
study of patients in the community
(Johnstone et al. 1981), by contrast with dealt with by Angrist, Rotrosen, and
the earlier inpatient study, cognitive Gershon 1978b; see below) and states 2
"Loss of drive", included in the
impairment assessed on the Withers and that the terms positive and negative original two-syndrome concept (table 1)
Hinton Battery correlated with both "imply nothing regarding either but not rated on the Krawiecka scale may
positive and negative symptoms. pathophysiology or the necessary well belong to this category.

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We were well aware of this reanalysis by Gibbons et al. (this Gibbons et al. appear to have been
problem when we reported the issue) of the clinical data that led up the garden path by Hughlings
findings of our trial of the isomers of Solomon Goldberg and colleagues Jackson and dropped in the pond by
flupenthixol. The first reference is to originally collected. As Goldberg has Eugen Bleuler.
the important analysis of the findings noted, these ratings have already In all these studies, much depends
of the National Institute of Mental yielded the conclusion that all on how symptoms are defined and
Health trial to which Goldberg symptoms of schizophrenia, as how carefully they are rated. On
rightly draws attention (Goldberg, assessed by these scales, are p. 368 of Sommers' contribution
Klerman, and Cole 1965). In the responsive to neuroleptic medication. occurs a statement which aroused my
discussion section of our article According to Gibbons' statistical curiosity. Discussing the need for
(Johnstone et al. 1978a) is the retreatment, three syndromes of defined norms, Sommers writes that
following paragraph: "negative symptoms" are present. "In the absence of such standards,
One of these loads highly on "fixed raters must rely on their own
Improvement in individual facial expression" but also on experience and clinical intuition (a
symptoms was largely confined to
"positive"symptoms [figure 2 of "apathy toward treatments" and situation which suggests that raters
Johnstone et al. 1978a]. Both non- "apathy toward environment," and should typically be among the most,
specific and "negative" schizo- another loads on "fixed facial rather than the least, trained and
phrenic symptoms showed little expression" as well as "poverty of skillful members of the research
tendency to improve and no differ- speech" but also loads on "thought
ential response to drug therapy. team)." Does this mean, one
Thus the scope of the antipsychotic blocking" (surely a positive symptom is bound to ask, that the ratings
effect may be more limited than when properly assessed) and "slow in some American studies are not
was suggested by an analysis of movement" (from which the authors made by the principal workers
the 1964 National Institute of derive their factor label of
Mental Health trial (Goldberg et themselves? Are ratings sometimes
al. 1965), in which the benefit of "retardation"). The most surprising carried out by workers who are not
neuroleptic drugs appeared to be conclusion reached by Gibbons and co-authors7 If this is the case,
as great on some negative features colleagues concerns their "Bleulerian perhaps editors should insist that it
of the disease (e.g. social factor 3," which includes "incoherent
withdrawal, lack of self-care) as on be made more explicit. It could
the positive symptoms. Negative speech, irrelevant speech, wandering account for apparent discrepancies
symptoms (identified in a clinical speech, and inappropriate affect." It between the quality of findings and
interview rather than on behaviour is difficult to envisage how these the interpretations which are placed
ratings as in the earlier study) are speech abnormalities are distin-
uncommon in acute schizophrenia upon them. In the North wick Park
but are prominent in the "defect guished from each other, but more studies, the raters have been the
state" in which neuroleptics may difficult still to understand how all most, and not the least, clinically
be less effective (Letemendia and these symptoms can be classified as experienced of the co-authors.
Harris, 1967). negative. Certainly our own findings, Many of the problems reduce to
This view is compatible with those and indeed those of the trial from the question of what should be
of Carpenter, Wagman, and which the data of Gibbons et al. considered a negative symptom. As
Heinrichs (submitted for publication, were taken, suggest that these the contributions to this issue of the
1984) and Angrist, Rotrosen, and symptoms are neuroleptic-responsive. Schizophrenia Bulletin indicate,
Gershon (1980a), who adopt a To describe these symptoms as opinions vary widely. Contrary to
narrow definition of negative negative appears to be stretching the the views favored by Andreasen and
symptoms to identify the nondrug- concept much too far. Only by Sommers, I suggest that no a priori
responsive component. Affective equating the concept of negative definition of what constitutes a
flattening and poverty of speech symptoms with Bleuler's fundamental negative symptom will be generally
(defined in an interview that allows symptoms (some of which are acceptable. What is rated in
one to exclude symptoms with which notoriously difficult to define), Andreasen's schedule of negative
these might be confused) appear to presumably on the basis of a symptoms seems to me to include a
be the two symptoms that fall most Jacksonian logic that negative substantial part of the entire range of
consistently in this category. symptoms are bound to be more the diverse consequences of the
A most notable departure in the fundamental than other types of disease. Sommers also is in search of
opposite direction is the statistical symptoms, can this be understood. a Platonic ideal of what constitutes a
VOL. 11, NO. 3, 1985 477

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"true" negative symptom, but I these particular symptoms are best analyzed in the article to which
suspect it is unattainable. Rather, I assessed either in a research interview Goldberg refers. How were they
suggest we should adopt a pragmatic or in clinical practice. actually rated? Were the drug-
stance and ask what definition of The two-syndrome concept also placebo differences with respect to
negative symptoms gives us an inter- includes the proposition that those these symptoms as great as for
esting way forward. Already we symptoms which correlate with positive symptoms and "secondary"
have the suggestion, explicit in the chronicity are less responsive than negative symptoms such as lack of
two-syndrome concept but present positive symptoms to neuroleptic self-care and social withdrawal?
earlier in the working hypotheses of drugs. The way forward for those,
Wing, Strauss, and their colleagues, like Goldberg, who maintain the Does the Two-Syndrome
that among the manifestations of the single dimension view of pathology, Concept Hold Up?
disease labeled as negative are some is to demonstrate that negative
that are better correlated than the symptoms, even when defined strictly A number of recent investigations are
more obvious positive symptoms as above, are just as responsive to relevant and address issues other
with chronicity and poor long-term neuroleptics as positive symptoms. than those already considered:
outcome. Symptoms included in this Indeed the original NIMH trial could 1. Are positive and negative
category are clearly flattening of be further analyzed along these lines symptom components independent
affect and poverty of speech. A because it appears that among the variables? The most extensive study
worthwhile question is whether there ratings made available to Gibbons et of this issue is the survey of 500
are other symptoms that can be al. were assessments of fixed facial patients with a Feighner diagnosis of
reliably assessed which are as good expression and poverty of speech. probable schizophrenia in Shenley
or better. One can also ask how These items were not separately Hospital (our area mental hospital in
Northwest London) reported by my
colleagues, Owens and Johnstone
Figure 1. Interrelationships between negative symptoms and (1980). These workers assessed
other characteristics mental state with the Krawiecka
scales and also obtained ratings of
Poor behavioral impairment (from nursing
behavioral staff), and of neurological and
performance cognitive status.
From a correlational analysis the
main findings (figure 1) were signif-
icant interrelationships among
negative symptoms, intellectual
impairment, poor behavior, and the
Positive Negative Cognitive presence of neurological signs. These
symptoms symptoms impairment symptoms were unrelated to physical
treatments, and to the presence of
positive symptoms.
Thus, in this population of chronic
institutionalized patients, positive
and negative symptom components
Neurological (defined on the Krawiecka scale) are
signs relatively independent variables. This
Significant relationships between various parameters In a population of 500 Inpatlents with
is essentially in agreement with the
chronic schizophrenia (from Owens and Johnstone 1980). Negative symptoms are signif- findings of Cornblatt et al. (this
icantly related to Intellectual Impairment and behavioral disturbance, and each of these volume) and Lewine, Fogg, and
features Is related to the presence of neurological signs, Including abnormal Involuntary Meltzer (1983) but in disagreement
movements. This constellation thus corresponds to the type II syndrome. In this population
none of these features are related to the presence of positive symptoms (the type I
with the proposal of Andreasen that
syndrome), positive and negative symptoms be
a: p < .02; b: p < .01; c: p < .001. treated as a single continuum.

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Assuming that it is true that these This issue is addressed by Pogue- with chronic schizophrenia have a
are indeed independent dimensions, it Geile and Harrow (this issue). Also degree of ventricular enlargement
is worth considering some limitations relevant is the study of Pfohl and (for review, sec Crow and Johnstone,
on the situations in which this might Winokur (1982) of 52 institu- in press).
be established. Thus, for instance, it tionalized patients from the Iowa-500 Some studies (e.g., Johnstone et al.
can clearly only be demonstrated in a sample followed for the presence or 1976, 1978b; Rieder et al. 1979;
population restricted to patients with absence of negative and positive Donnelly et al. 1980; Golden et al.
schizophrenia—if other patients are symptoms over a period of 35 years. 1980) have found ventricular size to
included, the two groups of Included as negative symptoms were be significantly related to intellectual
symptoms (because they are social impairments as well as poverty impairment, others to poor
presumably at least more frequent in, of speech, flattening of affect, and premorbid personality (Weinberger et
although not specific to, patients hypoactivity or catatonic motor al. 1980b) or treatment resistance
with schizophrenia) will tend to behavior. An overall analysis (table (Weinberger et al. 1980a).
correlate together. Secondly, because 2) indicates that in general negative However, in a recent study (Owens
some negative symptoms (e.g., symptoms are of later onset and et al. 1985) of 110 patients with
poverty of speech in its extreme form more persistent than positive chronic schizophrenia, lateral
of mutism) make positive symptoms symptoms. In this study a high ventricular enlargement was not
difficult to elicit, a spurious negative prevalence of cognitive impairment significantly related to negative
relationship between positive and was noted as in previous studies symptoms and intellectual
negative symptoms, such as that (Crow and Mitchell 1975; Crow and impairment (in both cases there was
postulated by Andreasen, may be Stevens 1978; Owens and Johnstone a U-shaped relation, with some
recorded (Johnstone, in press). 1980), and these impairments, like patients with either feature having
2. Do negative symptoms identify negative symptoms, were of late small ventricles) but was significantly
the nondopaminergic component? onset and tended to persist. Also of associated with behavioral deterior-
Beside the trial of the isomers of interest is the finding that impair- ation (as in Haug 1962, 1982),
flupenthixol Gohnstone et al. 1978a), ments of self-care were more likely to absence of positive symptoms, and
the study most relevant to this issue resolve than some negative the presence of abnormal involuntary
is that of Angrist, Rotrosen, and symptoms (e.g., flat affect) and movements. Ventricular enlargement
Gershon (1980a, 1980b). These cognitive and memory deficits. was unrelated to past insulin coma,
workers found that symptom exacer- 4. Are negative symptoms electroconvulsive therapy, or neuro-
bation by amphetamine predicted associated with structural brain leptic medication.
potential response to neuroleptic changes7 A number of CT scan Although some studies (e.g.,
drugs (Angrist, Rotrosen, and studies have now been completed. Takahashi et al. 1981; Gross, Huber,
Gershon 1980b) in conformity with With one or two exceptions, they are and Schuttler 1982; Kling et al. 1983;
the dopamine hypothesis. In a in agreement with the original Williams et al. 1985) have found
reanalysis of individual Brief finding that, by comparison with ventricular enlargement to be
Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS) age-matched controls, some patients associated with negative symptoms.
symptom scores, they found that
positive symptoms were exacerbated
by amphetamine and improved by Table 2. Time of onset and persistence of positive and negative
neuroleptics, while negative symptoms in chronic schizophrenia1
symptoms (after emotional
withdrawal was excluded as a Onset Persistence
"secondary" negative symptom) Early Late No Yes
showed little response to either drug
(Angrist, Rotrosen, and Gershon Symptom classification
1980a). Positive 10 1 7 4
Negative 4 10 1 13
3. Are negative symptoms
p value
associated with poor long-term
(Fisher's exact) 0.004 0.007
outcome? Are they more persistent
than positive symptoms7 Reprinted, with permission, from Pfohl and Winokur (1982).
VOL. 11, NO. 3, 1985 479

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this has not been a consistent •In a study of six neuropeptides neuropeptide content (Ferrier et al.
finding. Rather, there is a general (Ferrier et al. 1983; Roberts et al. 1983; Roberts et al. 1983).
tendency for ventricular enlargement 1983), there were no striking overall
The suggestion is also added that
(as assessed by CT scans) to be differences between patients with
abnormal involuntary movements
related in different studies to one or schizophrenia and controls, but in
rather than being (as is often
more of the components of the type patients with negative symptoms
assumed) a late effect of neuroleptic
II syndrome—behavioral impairment, cholecystokinin (CCK) content was
medication (implicit in the concept of
intellectual loss, negative symptoms, found significantly reduced in
"tardive dyskinesia") are a
and abnormal involuntary hippocampus and amygdala, and
component of the type II syndrome.
movements. somatostatin content reduced in
The notion that such movements are
One possibility is that, as hippocampus. Since CCK and
necessarily related to neuroleptic
suggested strongly by a recent post- somatostatin are located in
medication has already been
mortem study (Brown et al., in amygdalo-hippocampal projections,
challenged (Brandon et al. 1971;
press), lateral ventricular and in hippocampus in small inter-
Owens, Johnstone, and Frith 1982),
enlargement, as seen on CT scan, neurons in the pyramidal cell layer,
as has the view that an irreversible
reflects only indirectly more these changes may reflect local
component of such movements is
substantial structural changes taking neuronal losses.
attributable to such medication
place in the temporal lobe. If these 6. Are there electroencephalo- (Crow et al. 1982b, 1983). The view
could be directly assessed, better graphic (EEG) correlates of the type proposed here that they are part of
correlations with clinical variables II syndrome? Itil et al. (1975) report the type II syndrome is consistent
might be obtained. a study that apparently is relevant to with Kleist's concept of parakinetic
S. Are there neurochemical this issue. On the basis of a compu- catatonia (Waddington and Crow, in
correlates of the two syndromes7 terized analysis of EEG recordings, preparation), and with observations
Because a number of patients they concluded: that these symptoms correlate with
included in the Owens and Johnstone other components of the type II
(1980) survey have subsequently "Therapy resistant" schizophrenic syndrome, e.g., intellectual
died, we have been able to examine patients were characterized by a impairment, negative symptoms
the relationships between positive lesser degree of very fast beta (Owens and Johnstone 1980;
and negative symptoms assessed in activity, more alpha waves and
slow waves, higher amplitudes in Waddington et al., in press), and
life and a number of neurochemical computer EEG and a lesser degree ventricular enlargement (Owens et al.
variables. The principal findings to of acute (florid) psychotic sympto- 1985) that cannot be attributed to
date are: matology but more "negative" past neuroleptic medication.
symptoms such as motor retar-
•D2 receptors (assessed by 3H- dation and blunted affect. The type II syndrome is referred to
spiperone binding) are significantly as the Pinel-Haslam syndrome
(p < .01) related to positive but not because these authors were probably
to negative symptoms (Crow et al. A Revision of the the first to provide clear descriptions
1981b). Two-Syndrome Concept of what we would now recognize as
schizophrenia (Pinel 1809; Haslam
•The enzymes dopamine- In the light of recent findings, and to 1809). In each case they describe
0-hydroxylase and choline acetyl render the concept more challenging illnesses in which negative symptoms
transferase are not reduced in as a hypothesis, some modest exten- and intellectual decline rather than
patients with negative symptoms sions are indicated (table 3). These positive symptoms are prominent.
(Crow et al. 1981a). Thus, the type II include particularly the notion that The type I syndrome, on the other
syndrome differs from Alzheimer's the structural changes that are postu- hand, is attributed, perhaps a little
disease in which both of these lated to underlie the type II facetiously, to E. Bleuler as it was
enzymes (markers of adrenergic and syndrome are located in the temporal he, more so than Kraepelin, who
cholinergic neurons, respectively) are lobe. This is suggested by the recent asserted that true intellectual
reduced (this is relevant to the post-mortem study (Brown et al., in impairment does not occur in the
predictions discussed by Carpenter, press) and also accommodates the "group of schizophrenias" (Crow and
Heinrichs, and Alphs, this issue. findings of the investigation of Johnstone 1980).

Downloaded from by guest on 19 November 2019

Different Syndromes, Not formulations of Snezhnevsky, Wing, overlapping circles in a Venn
Different Diseases Strauss, and their colleagues. Strauss, diagram (figure 2).
Carpenter, and Bartko (1974) also In this figure, the arrows indicate
Andreasen (this issue) makes much of drew attention to the relationship possible progression of symptoms
the distinction between diseases and between the presence and absence of with the passage of time. Thus, some
syndromes, and writes: the negative symptom component illnesses present with positive
and the process-reactive, amorphous- symptoms as in the left segment of
Early formulations of the positive fragmented, good-poor premorbid,
vs. negative distinction failed to the figure. If they remit, they tend to
discuss the issue of the "mixed" and schizophrenia-schizophreniform be labeled as "schizophreniform,"
patient. Positive and negative psychosis distinctions of other "schizoaffective," or "reactive." If
symptoms were treated as if they authors. I have attempted to they persist and no negative
were distinct entities . . . . (p. illustrate the possible temporal symptoms appear, they can be
relationships between the two considered as chronic paranoid
These strictures appear to apply syndromes and their correspondence illnesses (according to the paranoid-
particularly to Andreasen (1982) to other concepts by a scheme of nonparanoid dichotomy of Tsuang
entitled "Negative vs. Positive
Schizophrenia: Definition and
Validation." 3 Figure 2. Relationship between types I and II syndromes as
Such attempts to subdivide schizo- overlapping constellations of symptoms, and changes that can
phrenia are not apparent in the work occur with time (Indicated by arrows)
of Wing, Strauss, and their
colleagues referred to earlier, and in
Crow (1980) is the following: Typel Typ«lE
Episodes of type I symptoms may
be followed by development of the
type II syndrome and both may be
present together. Type II
symptoms, however, define a
group of illnesses of graver
prognosis. They occasionally occur
in the absence of the type I
syndrome (for example in "simple
schizophrenia) . . . . [p. 68]
The view that a negative symptom
component can either precede or
succeed episodes of positive
symptoms and that it is a more Kraepelin paranoia: dementia praecox ("classical Kraepelinian
stable, and less readily reversible schizophrenia")
component of the manifestations of Bleuler paranoia .- hebephrenia : simple schizophrenia
schizophrenia is implicit in the .- the "defect state"
Winokur paranoid .- non-paranoid schizophrenia
Langfeldt schizophreniform
The view (Andreasen, this issue) that psychosis :
positive symptoms are related to an Kasanin schizo-affective
excess, and negative symptoms to a psychosis .-
deficit, of dopaminergic transmission, is in Leonhard) cycloid
difficulty in explaining how patients can Pern's ) psychosis :
have both types of symptom at the same
Vaiflant good- prognosis
time. This problem is recognized
(Andreasen, p. 383) but no solution schizophrenia:
offered. It appears the difficulty is fata]
for the single dimension dopaminergic Also shown are possible relations of the 3 symptom patterns (defined by the Intersection of
hypothesis. the circles) to other diagnostic subclasslflcatlons of schizophrenia (from Crow 1983).
VOL. 11, NO. 3, 1985 481

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and Winokur 1974). Illnesses in and Winokur (1982) provide with the DSM-II1 (American
which negative symptoms also examples. If such symptoms are Psychiatric Association 1980)
appear (or are already present) will defined loosely and include those that definition of schizophrenia, perhaps
tend to be labeled as "nonparanoid," would be regarded by Carpenter, for some purposes it is necessary to
"true," "process," or "classical Heinrichs, and Alphs (this issue) as take into account duration.
Kraepelinian" schizophrenia. In some secondary, this is not surprising. The
of these illnesses, positive symptoms more interesting question is whether
will remit (as Pfohl and Winokur, primary negative symptoms and Etlologlcal Implications
1982, have documented) leaving the intellectual impairments ever remit. I
"pure deficit" type II syndrome suspect that they occasionally do, but Since negative symptoms, or more
(right-hand segment of Venn it is a relatively unusual event, and generally the type II syndrome,
diagram). In some cases, positive one which deserves to be well define a group of patients with
symptoms reappear. However, the documented. A problem is to define schizophrenia who are doing badly
crossed arrow between the middle such symptoms as "true" (or rather than a separate disease entity,
and left-hand segments of the primary) negative symptoms. One the distinction does not have clear
diagram is intended to indicate the approach is that of Huber and etiological implications. Perhaps as
relative resistance to remission of the colleagues (Huber 1966; Gross, Winokur and colleagues have
components of the type II syndrome, Huber, and Schiittler 1982) to what suggested, genetic factors are relevant
i.e., primary negative symptoms and they refer to as the "irreversible pure to the development of nonparanoid
intellectual impairment. defect syndromes." These are defined types of illness as well as to schizo-
It seems likely that negative as irreversible when they have been phrenia in general. In other words, it
symptoms do sometimes remit. present without change for 3 years. may be that patients with particular
Goldberg (this issue), Pogue-Geile Such a definition, of course, limits genes in addition to those which
and Harrow (this issue), and Pfohl their use as prognostic indices but, as predispose to schizophrenia are liable

Table 3. Modified two-syndrome concept1

Type I Type II
Characteristic symptoms Delusions, Flattening of affect,
hallucinations poverty of speech
(positive symptoms) (negative symptoms)
Response to neuroleptics Good Poor
Outcome Potentially Irreversible?
Intellectual Impairment Absent Sometimes present
Abnormal Involuntary Absent Sometimes present
Postulated pathological Increased Di Cell loss (Including
process dopamlne receptors peptlde-contalnlng
Interneurons) In
temporal lobe structures
(hippocampus, amygdala
and parahlppocampal
Eponym E. Bleuler Plnel-Haslam
Modified from Crow and Johnstone (1985).

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to develop negative symptoms and negative symptoms are due to institu- syndrome") that is postulated as
intellectual defects. I have argued tionalization. This was examined in more closely related than positive
(Crow 1984) that the retrovirus/ the study of Johnstone et al. (1981) in symptoms (the type I syndrome) to
transposon hypothesis is more which it was established that when the structural brain changes described
parsimonious than a gene-environ- age and duration of illness are taken in pneumoencephalographic, CT
mental factor interaction in into account, negative symptoms are scan, and recent post-mortem
explaining the etiology of schizo- as common in patients (defined by studies. The type I syndrome
phrenia, and have put forward a case the Feighner criteria) who have been represents the potentially neuroleptic-
for a common etiology for schizo- discharged into the community after responsive and reversible component,
phrenia and manic-depressive inpatient admission as in patients and may be associated with a
psychosis. According to this view, who have remained in hospital. Intel- disturbance of dopaminergic trans-
the type II form of schizophrenia lectual impairments, however, were mission. In post-mortem brain tissue
might be seen as at one end of a greater in the latter group. A further from patients assessed in life for
continuum of severity of outcome, investigation (Johnstone et al. 1985) positive and negative symptoms,
i.e., as that subgroup of patients established that in a small group of numbers of D2 receptors are signifi-
with psychosis who either have the institutionalized patients with chronic cantly correlated with positive but
most severe structural changes in the manic-depressive psychoses (defined not negative symptoms, and CCK
brain or have lesions located in sites by the Feighner criteria), negative and somatostatin content of hippo-
where they are least easily symptoms did occur (although less campus and CCK content in
compensated. frequently than in a comparable amygdala are reduced in patients
Solomon Goldberg (this issue) group of patients with schizo- with negative symptoms. The type II
offers the alternative hypothesis that phrenia), and cognitive impairments syndrome may be a consequence of
a subgroup of patients with schizo- were present in both groups. Thus, structural changes occurring in the
phrenia have a quite different some components of the defect state temporal lobe.
("organic") etiology from the are present in psychoses other than The two syndromes are regarded
majority of patients and that it is this schizophrenia. as relatively independent processes
group who show ventricular which may coexist in the same
enlargement, intellectual impair- patient but follow different time
ments, and poor response to neuro- Conclusions courses; they are assumed to be
leptic medication. He also argues different manifestations of the
(along with R.M. Murray and The concept of two syndromes in activity of a single pathogen.
coworkers) that this group have a schizophrenia arose from the
less genetic form of the disease. This necessity to postulate more than one
view encounters several problems, dimension of pathology underlying
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The Author

Timothy J. Crow, Ph.D., F.R.C.P.,

F.R.C. Psych., is Head, Division of
Psychiatry, Clinical Research Centre,
Northwick Park Hospital, Harrow,
England HA1 3UJ.

World Congress The World Federation of Societies of

Biological Psychiatry (WFSBP) and
Wagner H. Bridger, M.D., Chairman
of Program Committee
of Biological the Society of Biological Psychiatry
Announcements and registration
(U.S.A.) announce the Fourth World
Psychiatry Congress of Biological Psychiatry, to materials for the Congress may be
obtained by writing to the
be held in Philadelphia, on September
8-13, 1985. The program will Conference Management:
encompass every aspect of biological Anthony F. Jannetti, Inc.
psychiatry. It will consist of lectures, North Woodbury Road/56
symposia, and free communications Pitman, NJ 08071 U.S.A.
(oral and poster). An extensive social
and leisure time program is planned. Communications concerning the
Scientific Program should be
Officials of the Congress are: addressed to:
George N. Thompson, M.D.,
Honorary Chairman and Convenor Wagner Bridger, M.D., or George
Charles Shagass, M.D., President, M. Simpson, M.D.
WFSBP, Chairman Medical College of Pennsylvania at
George M. Simpson, M.D., E.P.P.I.
Secretary-General Henry Avenue & Abbottsford Road
Richard A. Roemer, Ph.D., Philadelphia, PA 19129 U.S.A.

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