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Cognitive behavioral therapy…


In working with adults CBT has been shown to be effective in working with a range of
presenting issues such as
-Personality disorders
-Eating disorders
-Substance abuse


CBT does not suit everyone and it is not helpful for all conditions

Clients need to be committed to their own recovery and homework may be difficult or

Generally speaking the therapy is less effective with issues such as…
-issues of childhood neglect
-Historic abuse
-Issues of attachment



Tends to be more in depth, a typical series of sessions to be over 30 weeks or more

-Effective with issues of childhood trauma
-Has a diagnostic element
-builds a psychological life map


Psychodynamic therapy is usually accessed privately and is quite hard to access on the NHS.
-Length of time in therapy
-Not a quick fix

Person Centered Therapy

Because the therapy relies on what is termed ‘the therapeutic alliance’ clients new to therapy
may feel to safe to talk about what is really troubling them.
-Effective with bereavement and loss
-Supports clients who have suffered abuse or neglect
-Personal growth model


Because the therapy relies on the self-actualization some clients may struggle to grasp the
philosophical aspect of the therapy
-No diagnostic element
-Can lack structure (Substance misuse)
-Some clients may find the process frustrating


-It has successfully applied classical and operant conditioning to its theories. Systematic
desensitization is based on classical conditioning and is useful for treating phobias.
Uses scientific methods of research because the experiments are objective, measurable and
observable. An example of this is Bandura's bobo doll study of aggression..


Focuses too much on the 'nurture' side of the nature/nurture debate. It suggests that all
behavior is learned but cognitive and biological elements have been proved to affect behavior.

-Ethical issues raised by using animals in experiments. This is because animals can not consent
to take part and are unable to withdraw. An example of a behaviorist animal study is Pavlov's
dogs which led to classical conditioning principles being developed.

Secured attachment
Avoidance attachment
Disorganized attachment
Ambivalent attachment

Four kinds of parenting

Expressed emotions… overprotectiveness, over criticism and hostility from the head of family. In
Schizophrenic clients used.
Communication deviance…if same coming from other family members.

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