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Money jackpots each day Monday to Friday by $10
$620 1900 966 372
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NATIONAL: 14 WORLD: 15 Wicking .......................... 12 Comics ........................... 44
Older Australians would contribute Prince Harry wants to boldly go Your say ......................... 12
up to $60,000 for the cost of their where no royal has gone before Television ..................... 44
aged care under a new plan and venture into space National .........................14
Classifieds .................... 46
World .............................. 15
ENTERTAINMENT: 16 BUSINESS: 41 Weather .........................55
Entertainment .............16
CELEBRITY chef Gordon Ramsay THE case of a farmer forced to put Racing liftout ...............19
has reportedly launched legal ‘‘exit’’ signs in his pig shed shows
Movies ............................16
action against his wife’s family red tape is strangling Queensland Business ........................41 School Matters ............. 17

GENERAL INQUIRIES: 8944 9900 l CLASSIFIEDS: 8944 9999 l CIRCULATION: 8944 9901 l ADVERTISING: 8944 9801
ONLINE: www.ntnews.com.au l EDITORIAL EMAIL: ntnmail@ntn.newsltd.com.au l OTHER INQUIRIES: online@ntn.newsltd.com.au

Monday 8-8-2011
Draw No. 3058

43 41 30
22 14 23

Total prize pool: $1.8m

38 26

The NT News has taken all possible care but

cannot accept responsibility for any errors,
whether due to equipment fault, staff handling
or any other cause.
a year,
What a shot!

Where: Hervey Bay.

What: Whale migration.
When: The whale watching
season is on right now.
TAXPAYERS are getting cusing the Opposition of
MORE: Page 55
‘‘dismal’’ results for the $3.5 crocodile tears: ‘‘No indigen-
billion a year spent on Abor- ous education policy, no
iginal Australia, a secret commitment to spend one
Federal Government report dollar in the bush at the last
Are you on has revealed. election, and a desperate
the spot? The Finance Department
report, obtained by the
leader clinging to an issue
with crocodile tears.’’
Do you have a news photo Seven Network under Free- Mr Henderson said the re-
or a story tip? If so, we want dom of Information, found a port was 18-months-old, and
to hear from you! ‘‘huge gap’’ between policy there had been big reforms
News hotline: intent and policy execution. in that time.
8944 9724 It singled out the NT Gov- Then-prime minister
ernment when laying much Kevin Rudd ordered an indi-

Send your news photos to:

of the blame on state govern- genous spending review in
ments and their ability to 2009 as reports began surfac-
deliver on agreed targets. ing of huge waste and delays
Include your contact details
‘‘The capacity of the in the $672 million Strategic
and a brief description. All
Northern Territory Govern- Indigenous Housing and In- Mirarra Bunbirrnju and 18 month old Banbirrju Gurrnwiwi dancing with Galarrwuy Yunpin-
emails should be not more
ment is a particular con- frastructure Program. gu’s family group the Gumatj dancers in action at GARMA Festival in Arnhem Land
than five megabytes.
cern, as evidenced by its per- Report author Neil John- Picture: GARMA
formance to date in the ston found good intentions

Plea to end welfare payouts

housing (and) schooling do- and billions of dollars had
mains,’’ it said. done little to change the
Yesterday the NT Govern- lives of Aborigines.
Speed cameras ment claimed it never saw ‘‘Strong policy commit-
NT Police speed cameras will the report as Opposition ments and large invest- ABORIGINAL leader Gal- tives from Rio Some NT News readers
be in these areas today: Leader Terry Mills seized on ments of government fund- arrwuy Yunupingu’s call for Tinto and For- were full of support for the
DARWIN: Bagot Rd; Dick the findings. ing have too often produced his people to reject welfare tescue Metals plan. ‘‘Spot on Yunupingu,
‘‘Given the report’s dam- outcomes which have been dependence has drawn a chairman And- good call,’’ said Myungjupa
Ward Drive; McMinn St;
ning findings about your disappointing at best and ap- mixed reaction. rew ‘‘Twiggy’’ Lyri of Alice Springs.
Stuart Highway. Government’s performance palling at worst,’’ he wrote. Mr Yunupingu made the Forrest. Dayo of Soldiers Point in
NORTHERN SUBURBS: . . . will you today admit that ‘‘The circumstances and call at the Garma Festival, Yunupingu ‘‘Please no New South Wales said:
Henbury Ave; Lee Point Rd; your approach to indigen- prospects of many individ- held on a remote region of more welfare handouts. It’s a ‘‘Maybe if we looked more
Berrimah Rd; Trower Rd. ous policy has failed indi- ual Australians are little Yolngu land on the edge of killer to the Yolngu Society.’’ closely at how the royalties
PALMERSTON: Chung Wah genous Territorians?’’ he as- better in 2010, relative to ot- the Gulf of Carpentaria. Please give us real teach- are distributed from Rio
Tece; Roystonea Ave; Stuart ked in Parliament. her Australians, than those ‘‘Stop relying on welfare ing, give us a real edu- Tinto there would not
Highway; Temple Tce. Chief Minister Paul which faced their counter- handouts,’’ he told an audi- cation. Not just any edu- be as much reliance on wel-
RURAL: Power Rd; Stuart Henderson shot back, ac- parts in 1970.’’ ence, which included execu- cation for blackfellas.’’ fare handouts.’’
Hwy, Coolalinga, Howard
Springs, Noonamah.

Wake up to us
Builder told to fix 26 homes BRIEFLY
TWO more school buildings
opened yesterday in the Top
By ALYSSA BETTS building or refurbishing referred to photos and com- Mr Giles said. Housing Min- End as part of the BER.
existing ones under the heav- plaints CLP Nigel Scullion ister Chris Burns said the al- They were Malak Primary
A BUILDING alliance has ily criticised Strategic Indi- has made about the rebuilds. liance would fix it. School’s administration
been ordered to go back and genous Housing and Infra- Rebuilds are supposed to Remote Housing acting building and Durack Primary
fix 26 homes it had already structure Program (SIHIP). have an average of $200,000 executive director Phil Luck School’s classroom block and
‘‘finished’’ under the NT’s It is now in the middle of spent on them. But Mr Giles yesterday told the NT News library extension.
$672 million indigenous doing external painting of all said it appeared only about that they had reviewed the CASH FOR TRASH
housing program. 26 rebuilds. $20,000 has been spent on works at Wadeye back in Ap- CONTAINER collectors can
Call 8944 9901 New Future Alliance has The order for more works each of them. ril and May. ‘‘It was ident- exchange trash for cash today
MYSTERY NUMBER CONDITIONS: been told by the Housing De- was revealed during a brawl ‘‘We’ve seen pictures of ified that the Alliance had at Charles Darwin University.
If you win, keep this paper for verification. partment to do further works in Question Time yesterday . . . houses handed back to been prudent in scoping and A reverse vending machine
Call costs 55c (Inc GST). Higher from
mobile/pay phones - Dialect Solutions on all 26 rebuilds it was given about the quality of some of tenants with mismatched that additional work could will give vouchers and
Group. Recommendation: Use a land-line
and touch tone phone. Some mobiles, in Wadeye. the Wadeye works. tiles, no kitchen cupboards, and should be done to houses mystery prizes in return for
portable and pay phones may experience
technical faults due to reception The alliance has been Opposition indigenous af- no verandahs, no painting, classified as Rebuilds in bottles and cans at The Strand
building new houses, and re- fairs spokesman Adam Giles leaking hot water systems,’’ Wadeye,’’ he said. from 3pm.

2 NT NEWS. Tuesday, August 9, 2011. www.ntnews.com.au

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Off the radar: Millions

Lawyers claim …
• Millions of dollars of
in fines
traffic fines have been
imposed wrongly
• Many people have
now in
wrongly lost their licence
• Cameras were patched
up with parts bought
from Dick Smith
• Devices contained ALL speeding fines imposed
manual to operate and main-
tain the cameras.
Mr Braddy decided to chal-
dangerously high levels by Territory police in the lenge police after copping his
past eight years are open to third speeding fine in a year.
of radiation challenge following a major Two of the penalties were
victory by a motorbike- imposed when he was riding
owning tradie yesterday. his 1198 Ducati.
• The units had holes and Steve Braddy, 57, was
ready to fight three charges
‘‘Anybody in a special car
or on a good bike is tar-
cracks that let in water after being told by an expert geted,’’ he said.
that police radar equipment Mr Braddy, of Howard
was not calibrated properly. Springs, said he was con-
• Police were not using But police withdrew the
complaints without expla-
vinced he was within the
speed limit all three times.
the correct manuals to nation — and now face a big ‘‘Most people just take the
costs bill. cheap way out and pay the
operate and maintain Barrister Jon Tippett QC
said all speeding fines since
fine,’’ he said. ‘‘But I decided
to do something about it.’’
the equipment new radars were introduced
in 2003 were suspect.
He said the failure to cali-
brate speed cameras prop-
‘‘Millions of dollars of traf- erly showed police were
fic fines have been imposed indulging in a revenue-
wrongly,’’ he said. raising exercise, rather than
‘‘Many people have lost trying to force motorists to
their licences — and often slow down.
their occupations — because Electronics engineer Joe
of outrageously bad Mulligan, who has worked
practices.’’ with speed guns for 30 years,
Fellow barrister Peter said there was ‘‘inherent un-
Maley said police US-made reliability’’ in the NT police
fixed cameras: speed testing and results.
WERE sometimes patched He said Territory equip-
up with parts bought from ment had not been tested and
Dick Smiths; certified as accurate under
CONTAINED dangerously national standards.
high levels of radiation; Mr Mulligan said the pol-
Steve Braddy (centre) with lawyers Peter Maley and Jon HAD holes and cracks that ice results were too good —
Tippett QC outside the Darwin Magistrates Court yesterday let in water; and they showed 100 per cent
after police dropped three charges against him. WERE not properly sealed. accuracy, which even the
Mr Maley said police were manufacturer said was
not even using the correct impossible.

Man arrested over sex assault Malaysian solution delayed

By SARAH CRAWFORD allegedly threatened her The woman was turning THE Federal Government’s Monday afternoon, Justice But Immigration Minister
at knifepoint. into Nightcliff Rd when she plan to send asylum seekers Hayne ordered an extension Chris Bowen said he hoped
POLICE last night arrested a It is understood the al- was grabbed from behind to Malaysia has been put on until the court’s full bench the full bench hearing could

man over an alleged sexual leged victim had not been and fell off her bike. hold for at least a fortnight could deliver a ruling on happen sooner.
assault reported in Fannie out before the attack and Police allege the man after the High Court ex- whether the policy is lawful. ‘‘I think it would be better
Bay last week. was not followed home. threatened the woman, who tended its injunction against Justice Hayne said the pol- that the case was heard as
The man was arrested Police spokeswoman screamed. The offender then the policy. icy posed a ‘‘sufficiently seri- soon as possible,’’ he said. WS-
about 8pm and was being Katie Fowden said an ran off along Nightcliff Rd. The Government was pre- ous question’’ to warrant the Mr Bowen said he be-
questioned by police. 18-year-old man had been ar- He was wearing dark vented from sending 16 male full bench’s scrutiny. lieved that the Government
Police have alleged the rested last night and was denim shorts and no shirt. asylum seekers to Kuala The order is likely to put was on ‘‘very strong legal
man broke into a unit in being interviewed by police. Police ask anyone who Lumpur on Monday morn- Prime Minister Julia Gil- grounds’’ with the policy.
Banyan St early on Friday In a separate incident, pol- may have seen the man in ing after High Court judge lard’s controversial proposal ‘‘We will vigorously argue
morning while the woman ice are hunting a man who the Nightcliff area yesterday Kenneth Hayne issued an in- on ice until at least August . . . that this agreement
occupant was sleeping. assaulted a woman who was morning to contact them on junction late on Sunday. 22, when Justice Hayne ho- meets not only our domestic
They said the man woke riding a bike in Darwin 131 444 or call Crime Stop- Minutes before the injunc- pes the full court will con- legal requirements but our
the 31-year-old woman and yesterday morning. pers on 1800 333 000. tion was due to expire on vene for a special sitting. international obligations.’’

www.ntnews.com.au Tuesday, August 9, 2011. NT NEWS. 3

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Road deaths shock

as fire
burns on
NEARBY workers were
evacuated as a warehouse
that supplies Top End super-
markets with most of their
frozen food burned for a
second day yesterday.
Black smoke billowed from
the Wyuna Cold Stores ware-
house outside Darwin as
tonnes of defrosted food
smouldered inside.

Next door 30 staff at food

supplier Bidvest were or-
dered to close down for the
day because of the smoke.
Fire Service District
officer Rob Trewartha said
the building was expected
to burn for another two
days until firefighters could
get inside to remove the
burning stock.
The industrial blaze be-
came a tragedy at the week-
end when an Airservices
Australia fire truck respond-
ing to the emergency collided
with a ute, killing two people.
Yesterday NT Government
environmental officers were
assessing the airborne pol-
lution from the fire.
Of particular concern were
the toxins released from the
styrofoam-insulated walls. The driver of this blue ute and two police officers were taken to hospital after this crash yesterday Picture: BRAD FLEET
Mr Trewartha said the de-

Three injured as police car, ute collide

frosted food had become like
a ‘‘pile of compost’’.
‘‘Until we can get in there
and start pulling the pile

apart it will continue to

burn,’’ he said. By CONOR BYRNE The glazier and two police wagon, with sirens on, was had run a red light only
The warehouse on Wishart officers were rushed to Royal responding to a burning stat- seconds before the crash.
Rd, Tivendale, has been com- A POLICE car rushing to a Darwin Hospital. ion wagon — about 100m But police refused to con-
pletely gutted. fire crashed with another ve- ‘‘He’s in a bit of pain by the from the crash scene. firm the allegations.
Yesterday large hoses hicle at a Darwin intersec- look on his face,’’ his em- They said the ute was trav- ‘‘Investigations are con-
sprayed a continuous stream tion yesterday. It comes a ployer James Creber said. elling inbound on the high- tinuing to determine events Hopefully he’s just
of water on the building to day after two people died in a ‘‘Hopefully he’s just bru- way when it slammed into leading up to the collision,’’
keep the fire under control. crash with a fire engine. ised. He looks OK — but I’m the driver’s side of the they said. bruised. He looks OK
Mr Trewartha said in- Rescue crews used the not a doctor.’’ wagon. Witnesses told the Four police cars, two amb- — but I’m not a
surers, NT Worksafe and the jaws of life to cut Cameron The crash happened at the NT News the police wagon ulances and a fire truck rush-
EPA all had to be consulted Decampi, 25, from his wreck- junction of Amy Johnson spun 180 degrees, slamming ed to the scene. doctor
before they could move in. ed blue utility after it alleg- Ave and Stuart Highway, against a traffic light with its Traffic was redirected
‘‘It is going to be a . . . edly slammed into the paddy Coonawarra, about 1.30pm. lights still flashing. while investigators were as-
drawn-out process,’’ he said. wagon at speed. Police said the paddy They said the paddy wagon sessing the scene.

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4 NT NEWS. Tuesday, August 9, 2011. www.ntnews.com.au

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Darwin community
Inquiry Tragic crash kills
into fatal eminent architects
fire truck By SARAH CRAWFORD
Police Reporter HIGH ACHIEVERS

crash THE Top End was shocked

yesterday by the tragedy
which struck a husband and
POLICE are trying to deter- wife team who championed
mine which vehicle ran a red the Territory’s unique
light in a crash between a fire Troppo-style architecture.
truck and a ute that killed Troppo Architects direc-
two people. tors Lena Yali , 43, and Greg
Yesterday officers from the McNamara , 44, (pictured
Major Crash Investigation right) were in a ute which
unit were liaising with the was crushed by a fire truck
Department of Planning and at a Darwin intersection at
Infrastructure on the traffic the weekend.
light co-ordination at the ma- Ms Yali died later at hos-
jor Darwin intersection. pital after being cut from
Police are calling for wit- the wreckage.
nesses to the crash at the in- Mr McNamara, who was The company is behind
tersection of Tiger Brennan driving, is in a critical some of Darwin’s best
Drive and Berrimah Rd on condition at Royal architecture including:
Sunday at 8.30am. Darwin Hospital.
Darwin architect Lena The second person killed ■ Facelift of Smith St Mall.
Yali, 43, and award-winning in the crash was leading ■ Award-winning St Mary’s
landscaper Kevin Taylor, 57, Australian landscape archi- Primary School Hall
were killed when the ute in tect Kevin Taylor, 57, of Ade- ■ Darwin Entertainment
which they were passengers laide. Centre renovation
was crushed under the Air- A fourth person, Troppo
services Australia fire truck. Architects Adelaide director
Ms Yali’s husband, Greg Phil Harris walked away shock’’ for the parish where
McNamara, 44, is in a critical from the crash unharmed. the couple and their two sons
condition in Royal Darwin The devastating news was attended mass.
Hospital. broken to the couple’s ‘‘It is tragic,’’ he said.
The fire truck was on its two school-aged sons on ‘‘I think it has hit particul-
way to an industrial blaze Sunday afternoon. arly hard for the parents at
when the accident happened. The Darwin couple are the the school.’’
Airservices Australia said architects behind the latest Award-winning landsca-
the fire truck had its lights Smith St Mall facelift. per Mr Taylor is highly re-
and sirens on. They are also responsible spected in Australia and New
Superintendent John for the renovation of the Dar- Zealand for his work at mu-
Emeny said emergency ve- win Entertainment Centre. seums, botanic gardens and
hicles were allowed to exceed The couple won six NT public parks.
the speed limit and go architecture awards for their The principal of Taylor
through red lights when troppo-style hall at St Mary’s Cullity Lethlean landscape
responding to an urgent Primary School. architects, who had more
incident. The school celebrated the than 25 years experience in
‘‘(But) the road rules state feast day of St Mary McKillop the industry, won the con-
reasonable care must be in- in the Troppo Architects tract for the $100 million ma-
corporated,’’ he said. hall yesterday. keover of Adelaide’s Victoria
Airservices Australia During the liturgy prayers Square last year. And he was
spokesman Matt Wardell were said for Ms Yali, Mr a driving force behind bring-
said their ‘‘thoughts and McNamara and their sons. ing the city’s forgotten west-
sympathies are with the fam- St Mary’s Star of the Sea ern parklands back to life
ilies of those killed and our Cathedral administrator with plans to turn Bonython
own firefighters affected by Father John Kelliher said the Park from a vast field into a
the incident’’. hall would stand as a ‘‘living landscaped activity hub.
Anyone in the area at the memory’’ to Ms Yali’s work Mr McNamara’s six broth-
time of the crash should call with her husband. ers and sisters and his moth-
police on 131 444 or Crime Award winning landscape architect Kevin Taylor from Adelaide was killed instantly in Father Kelliher said the er flew to Darwin from Syd-
Stoppers on 1800 333 000. Sunday’s crash tragedy was ‘‘an enormous ney on Sunday night.



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www.ntnews.com.au Tuesday, August 9, 2011. NT NEWS. 5

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Festival ticket theft

A MAN was caught trying to
smuggle cannabis concealed
in talcum powder bottles
into a remote community.
The 40-year-old Maningrida
resident was charged on

forces major reprint

Sunday with trafficking and
supplying cannabis and
bringing liquor into a pre-
scribed area.
Detector dog Leo sniffed
out the cannabis in the
man’s luggage after he dis-
embarked at Maningrida Air-
port from a Darwin flight.
By NADJA FLEET Edwina Lunn, said she was dev- identify the stolen tickets. provide identification, evi- It is alleged the man had 112
astated to discover the theft. ‘‘We’re taking immediate ac- dence of legitimate purchase grams of cannabis in four
THIEVES are on the run with ‘‘The scale of this theft is a tion to prevent anyone from be- and details of how the tickets talcum powder bottles.
$41,000 worth of festival major loss for Darwin Festi- ing able to use the stolen tick- were obtained. The estimated street value
tickets after breaking into the val,’’ she said. ets,’’ she said. ‘‘It’s important that people of the cannabis is $10,000.
Darwin entertainment centre It is believed the offenders ‘‘We have changed the look of who bought tickets legitimately
early yesterday. broke into the festival offices our printed tickets as a result of — and there are thousands of ALCOHOL DRAINED
The tickets were for some of at Frog Hollow Centre for the theft. them — they have nothing to MORE than 400 litres of al-
the main festival gigs, includ- the Art, Darwin city, before ‘‘Our staff and security will worry about,’’ Ms Lunn said. cohol was tipped out by pol-
ing singer Jessica Mauboy, taking off with the large num- be able to easily identify the Official festival outlets are: ice during a drink-driving
comedian Arj Barker and Syd- ber of tickets. stolen tickets if they are pres- Darwin Festival box office at blitz of Alice Springs town
ney Dance Company. Ms Lunn said they were ented at any festival venue.’’ Raintree Park, Smith St Mall, camps at the weekend.
Territorians were urged to working closely with police to The annual Darwin Festival Darwin city; Two people were arrested
stay away from free or dis- find the culprits. will go from August 11-28. Phone sales on 08 8943 4222; for drink-driving and one
counted tickets. She said the design for new Anyone with a suspected or online sales on www.dar- person was charged with
Festival general manager, tickets will be changed to easily stolen ticket will be asked to winfestival.org.au. A festival ticket drug offences.

Croc man hopes census has teeth to deliver


THE census confuses Alice

Springs reptile handler Rex
The Alice Springs Reptile
Centre director is not sure if
he should include house-
mates Terry and Frank on
the form tonight.
So he’s rightfully going to
leave them off — because the
questions don’t apply to salt-
water crocodiles and goan-
nas. Tonight is when every-
one in Australia has to fill
out the census.
It happens once every five
years and the information is
used by the Government to
allocate spending and learn
about people in Australia
and their needs.
Mr Neindorf’s daughter
Hannah also celebrates her
six-month birthday today
and will be officially counted

for the first time.

He hopes that there will be
plenty of questions on the
census about the need for
more childcare facilities in
Alice Springs – which is a
bugbear of his.
The census form can also
be filled in online.
This year is the 16th cen-
sus in Australia and the
100th anniversary since it
was started.
Forms will be collected
Rex Neindorf is not sure if his crocodile ‘‘Terry’’ has to fill out tonight’s census Picture: CHLOE GERARTY from August 10.

H O M E ฀ ฀฀A U
G U S T 2 0 11








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a difference AND

6 NT NEWS. Tuesday, August 9, 2011. www.ntnews.com.au

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Tiwis in full swing

on the Tiwi Islands

THERE was a photographer

lying at long-on. And film
crews filling other holes in
the brown field.
On a dusty oval bulldozed
out of the bush, in front of a
crowd of several hundred,
Allan Border was batting.
Opposing captain Matthew
Hayden was at a Tiwi inter-
pretation of mid-wicket get-
ting on to mid-on.
Men of clout, they brought
attention to the second
Twenty20 Tiwi Ashes at Tiwi
College at Pickertaramoor on
Melville Island yesterday.
More importantly, they
brought attention to a school.
With them they brought
men of financial clout, some
of Australia’s powerful busi-
nessman, include mining
magnate Andrew Forrest,
who watched on from a
purpose-built pavilion. They
had been on a fishing tour,
ended their stay with the
match and helped to raise
$250,000 for the new school.
Still being built, it was es-
tablished in 2008 and is run
by the non-government Tiwi
Education Board and has up
to 70 students. The kids are
collected from across Mel-
ville and Bathurst islands on
Monday, board at the school Ian Austral does his best David Warner impersonation during the ‘‘Tiwi Ashes’’ at Tiwi College yesterday Pictures: REGI VARGHESE
and return to their commu-
nities on Friday. other students that are from lives, so why don’t you give Lanka in 2004, said they were
After the match Board overseas to come here. We us an opportunity to control humbled by coming to Tiwi
chair Pirrawayingi (Marius) need to do that to bring peo- our destinies so we can do country. ‘‘It’s got to do with
Puruntatameri told the ple together. We need to do something better?’ having a chance to make a
crowd they wanted the that more often. ‘‘There are a lot of things difference in the Tiwi
school to open to all students, ‘‘I think it is time the Tiwi we have to learn . . . there is Islands,’’ he said. ‘‘I’m not
even international, within 10 people took control of their always room for improve- trying to change Aboriginal
to 15 years. ‘‘It doesn’t matter education system. ment on education. The big people’s lives as such, I’m
where they come from, I ‘‘I know the NT Govern- plus for us is to be optimistic. just trying to add to some-
want them to come here,’’ he ment and perhaps the Cath- To be positive and say, yes, thing Tiwi people created.’’
said. olic education don’t like the we can turn the education Serious education issues
‘‘Not only to learn about world control but I say to around for our people.’’ aside, a highlight was seeing
our Tiwi culture but for our them this, ‘You’ve been Hayden, who first visited Border raise an Ashes tro-
students here who are per- controlling us for the last 100 the Tiwi Islands fishing phy. He joked it might be a
haps unable to leave their years and our education sys- when in the Top End for a while before another Aust-
community to mingle with tem, and other areas of our cricket series against Sri ralian side lifted one. Matthew Hayden and Allan Border

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www.ntnews.com.au Tuesday, August 9, 2011. NT NEWS. 7

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A DARWIN tobacco shop ow-
ner has complained that he
hasn’t been officially told
anything about the looming
ban on synthetic cannabis —
such as Kronic.
Smokes and Things pro-

prietor Colin Thompson said
he had been sending letters
to politicians to resist the
ban but they had failed to
keep him up to speed.
Mr Thompson has previously
claimed smoking cigarettes
is not addictive.

off for
The ban in the NT starts on

DEFENCE will be talking to
schoolkids and teachers at a
conference in Darwin today.
Defence 2020: Youth Chal-

lenge Forum is at the Win-
nellie RAAF base all day.
Politicians, sailors, soldiers
and air force staff will be
answering questions about
defence issues.


CASH for containers has
By MEGAN PALIN come early for a bunch of
FINALISTS seafarers who have won a

TERRITORY musicians Song of the Year grant to build a beer can

have dominated the list of 1. Diamonds on the Water, boat.
finalists of a prestigious nat- Stiff Gins The Humpty Doo Venturers
ional music award. 2. September Song, Leah are going to take the chal-
Jessica Mauboy, Dan Sul- Flanagan lenge seriously with a
tan and Gurrumul Yunu- 3. Beggars, The Medics $1250 Telstra kids fund
pingu will go head-to-head 4. Calling Your Name, Frank grant.
for the best act in the inaug- Yamma The Darwin Lions Beer Can
ural national indigenous 5. Gathu Mawala, Gurrumul Regatta on Mindil Beach is
music awards this year. Yunupingu on July 15, 2012.
Darwin talent Leah Flan- 6. Mala Rrakala, Gurrumul
agan will also battle it out in Yunupingu SCHOOL VISIT
the best album category for STUDENTS at a Top End
Nirvana Nights, along with New Talent of the Year - school will learn a bit more
Saltwater Band for Malk, G.R. Bururrawanga about their Indonesian
Gurrumul Yunupingu for Memorial Award neighbours as two girls join
Rrakala, Jessica Mauboy 1. Iwantja them in class later this
for Get Em’ Girls and Frank 2. Young Brother month.
Yamma for Country Man. 3. Rrawun Maymuru Neny Mathilda Uniplaita and
Music NT general man- Sally Neilvinda Poermara,
ager Mark Smith said the Film Clip Award both 16, are from Ambon is-
announcement was an im- 1. Rain Dancer, Tableland land and were chosen to
portant moment in indigen- Drifters, produced by Street come to Darwin through the
ous music history. TV/Josh Thomason sister cities’ program.
‘‘By representing the 2. Gopuru, Gurrumul Catherine McAlpine (front), Bill Fryar, Angelina Klyne and Kylie Carey are concerned about Ambon is one of Darwin’s six
breadth of the growing mu- Yunupingu, produced by plans for an extension to the Botanic Gardens Apartments Picture: FIONA MORRISON sister cities.
sic scene, the NIMAs recog- Carlo Santone/ The pair said they were ex-

Bid to foil grand motel plans

nise traditional and emerg- Michael Hohnen cited to spend three weeks
ing musicians,’’ he said. in Darwin and take a break

3. Gathu Mawula, Gurrumul

Darwin’s Botanic Gar- and Blue King Brown, from the Wet season at
dens will be transformed produced by Carlo Santone home.
into a musical hub on Aug- 4. Local Knowledge, By NIGEL ADLAM Protest leader Catherine The residents are sup- Their Christian school Sma S
ust 19 for the event, which Rrawun Maymuru, produced McAlpine, 42, said the motel ported by Fannie Bay MLA Ambon has 850 students.
will showcase, celebrate and by The Mulka Project RESIDENTS are campaign- was hidden behind trees. Michael Gunner.
award Australia’s best indi- 5. September Song, ing to stop a motel in a Dar- ‘‘It’s not too bad at the mo- Owners Bo Wharton and McLEOD EXHIBITION
genous artists. Leah Flanagan, produced by win suburb doubling in size. ment — it’s quite in keeping Dennis Wells did not return A NEW exhibition by Anna
The short-listed nominees Tim Parish They said that adding 90 with the area,’’ she said. calls yesterday. McLeod opens in Darwin’s
were selected by a panel of motel units to the 51-room ‘‘We don’t mind it as it is. A public consultation northern suburbs this week.
industry judges. Botanic Gardens Apart- ‘‘But putting another period ended on Friday and Titled ‘‘Ngaruwanajirri: help-
NT star Dan Sultan will Warumpi Band and No Fix- ments is ‘‘excessive’’. four storeys on top would the Development Consent ing one another’’, it will be
headline the event. He will ed Address. The expansion would en- change the whole profile of Authority will hold a hear- open at the Chancellery, Or-
be joined on the night by Music NT expanded the tail raising the four-storey the neighbourhood. We ing on September 9. ange Building, Charles Dar-
seminal indigenous rock awards this year to include complex in Geranium St to don’t want the place getting The project would need win University from Wed-
bands Coloured Stone, artists across the country. eight storeys. any bigger.’’ setback rules to be waived. nesday, August 10.

Get your
Only in Friday’s

8 NT NEWS. Tuesday, August 9, 2011. www.ntnews.com.au

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Finally, parents fined for not sending kids to school

By ALYSSA BETTS into effect two There have also been 66 mote schools,’’ he told Parlia- mained stubbornly woeful. year, and included the fines.
months ago. compulsory conference no- ment yesterday. Education Department fig- Mr Burns sold the new in-
THE first ever fines have The Govern- tices since the June 1 re- ‘‘That why we imple- ures show that attendance fringements as an easier way
been handed out to negligent ment has always forms. Education Minister mented our Every Child has barely moved, despite of to whack naughty parents
parents who haven’t been had the power to Chris Burns said they had Every Day policy.’’ a raft of measures. with fines should they fail
sending their kids to school. prosecute par- resulted in 32 students being But Opposition indigenous One in three remote indi- to co-operate.
Two infringement notices, Chris Burns ents for not returned to school. policy spokesman Adam genous students are not at- But he said the plan was to
worth $200 each, have now sending kids to school, but it ‘‘Every way you cut it, at- Giles yesterday blasted the tending school. use them as a last resort if
been issued since reforms is believed neither Labor nor tendance is unsatisfactory, Government over the fact The attendance reforms counselling and mediation
to the Education Act came the CLP have gone that far. particularly in our more re- that attendance numbers re- were first mooted late last did not work.

Tales from The Wedding Cake

A TOTAL of nine lonely people
were spotted in the public
gallery at the beginning of
question time. It included one
elderly couple. They weren’t
to stay
as CLP
there about halfway through
proceedings, after much yell-
ing and posturing from the
pollies below. It’s not entirely
certain the pair didn’t just
pass away from boredom and
slip off their seats.


partmental failings was laun-
ched in an unorthodox way

Lands and Planning Minister
Gerry McCarthy was asked
what his department was
doing to investigate its own
mistakes after a number of
new residential blocks in rural


Herbert were flooded. By NIGEL ADLAM HE SAID IT
Mr McCarthy confidently told PAUL Henderson
Parliament the Ombudsman CLP leader Terry Mills re- NT
was doing a review. The prob- sisted pressure to sack his Chief
lem is, the Ombudsman was deputy in his latest reshuffle.
NOT reviewing the matter. Kezia Purick was demoted
Carolyn Richards told the — but allowed to remain as Dave Tollner was
Wedding Cake last night this second in command despite calling the shots
was because she agreed with being a member of the Gang
the Planning Department of Four, which wants a from the backbench
back in June to wait to and see change at the top. and he’ll be calling
what solutions it would come Opposition spokesman
up with. ‘‘In light of Question Cam Smith said there was the shots from the
Time . . . the Ombudsman will ‘‘no evidence’’ the Goyder front bench
be proceeding to an investi- MLA was disloyal.
gation,’’ she said last night. ‘‘She is a good performer, a
team member of the Country hoped to become treasurer if
BULLY FOR HIM Libs,’’ he said. the CLP won the election
PARLIAMENT briefly became But the NT News has been next August, has been ac-
the ‘‘life and times’’ of CLP told many times by CLP cused of cheating a business-
MLA John Elferink. members that Ms Purick has man in a car deal.
Independent Gerry Wood lost David Graham is in Darwin to fix the headstone of his great-grandmother Mary Solomon, the joined CLP rebel Dave Mr Tollner was given the
his usual patience after ex- wife of pioneering Territory politician Vaiben Solomon Picture: KATRINA BRIDGEFORD Tollner, Alice Springs MLA business portfolio after lang-
tended debate on national Adam Gyles and Sanderson uishing on the backbench for
legislation, and accused the
Politician’s wife to come clean
MLA Peter Styles in wanting a year following his unsuc-
Elf of getting hairy-chested. a new leader. cessful bid to oust Mr Mills.
‘‘You seem to think you run Mr Mills was upbeat yes- Chief Minister Paul
this show,’’ he said. terday after the reshuffle. Henderson said the reshuffle
‘‘I don’t have to agree with By DAMIEN McCARTNEY Darwin-based federal elec- ally visit the grave site of my ‘‘The Country Liberals will showed Mr Mills’ leadership
you all the time. You like to torate is named after. great-grandmother,’’ he said. continue to hold Labor was crumbling.
bully me — that’s your tactic, THE wife of an early Mr Graham said he plan- Solomon was the South accountable for its failure to ‘‘Dave Tollner was calling
that’s your game, that’s the Territory politician will ned to remove wild grass Australian parliamentary address rising crime, econ- the shots from the back-
way you play it.’’ be remembered after her which had over-run her member for the Northern omic mismanagement and bench,’’ Mr Henderson said.
great-grandson fixes up her grave and install a concrete Territory twice, and was broken promises,’’ he said. ‘‘And he’ll be calling the
NAME & SHAME grave site. strip around it, to help keep given the nickname ‘‘Black Another surprise in the re- shots from the frontbench.
SPEAKER Jane Aagaard David Graham is in Dar- the weeds at bay. Solomon’’ after, like a true shuffle was the dumping of ‘‘They’re divided on lead-
threatened to ‘‘name and win to repair his great grand- He also wishes to decorate Territorian, running Katherine MLA Willem ership, they’re divided on
shame’’ the more bolshy el- mother Mary Solomon’s it with stones. through Smith St naked to Westra van Holthe as finance policy and Terry Mills has
ements of Parliament. ‘‘The grave, which has fallen Mr Graham said it was win a bet. spokesman. He took the top been forced to bring his arch
people listening to this broad- into disrepair. something he had wanted to He was covered in role from John Elferink only rival in from the cold to
cast repeatedly tell me how Mary is the first wife of do for many years. charcoal and carrying spears a year ago — and now has transition him to the leader-
appalling some members be- early Territory politician, ‘‘I have wanted to come to and a nulla-nulla to had to hand it back. ship prior to the next North-
have in here,’’ she said. Vaiben Solomon, whom the the Territory . . . to specific- disguise himself. Mr van Holthe, who had ern Territory election.’’

Cattle producers get rent reprieve in goodwill gesture

By ALYSSA BETTS apply to proper- Opposition said it should ‘‘every step of the way’’. ‘‘The math of Cyclone Yasi. NT out of the crisis in no worse a
ties that have a have been done weeks ago. bills are piling up on desks Cattlemen’s Association position than before it began.
ABOUT 100 properties will turnover of less Chief Minister Paul right across the Northern executive director Luke Deputy Opposition Leader
have their pastoral lease than $10 million Henderson said it would cost Territory . . . this will mean Bowen called the rent freeze Kezia Purick said she called
rents wiped this year in rec- a year. the Budget about $2 million. one less bill,’’ he said. a ‘‘significant gesture’’. for rents to be frozen in late
ognition of the hurt still be- It will reas- He admitted the money Mr Henderson also plan- He said it would send a June. ‘‘It’s been nine weeks
ing felt from the live export Luke Bowen sess next year if would be more of a ‘‘sym- ned to lobby the Federal Gov- ‘‘very strong signal’’ to the since federal Labor an-
ban to Indonesia. the freeze needs to continue. bolic’’ gesture — to prove the ernment to set up an indus- Federal Government to cre- nounced the ban — why has
The NT Government an- Industry welcomed the Government was out there try rescue package similar to ate a recovery package that it taken so long for the Gov-
nounced the freeze would move — but the Territory fighting for pastoralists the one set up in the after- would see the industry come ernment to act?’’ she said.

www.ntnews.com.au Tuesday, August 9, 2011. NT NEWS. 9

NATION l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l ntnews.com.au

Industry will be
slow to recover
THE imminent despatch of a said there was limited capac- Mr Truss said that was an
cattle shipment to Indonesia ity to send large numbers of important step forward.
is encouraging to the be- cattle to Indonesia in the ‘‘This is an encouragement
leaguered northern Austral- weeks and months ahead. to the northern Australian
ian industry, but it will Elders is on track to export cattle trade but it is not the
take much longer to fully 3000 head of cattle to Indon- solution,’’ he said.
restore the trade, the Federal esia this month — the first ‘‘It’s going to take quite
Opposition says. consignment since the Gov- some time to restore the
Nationals leader Warren ernment suspended live ex- trade, and it’s going to take
Truss, Acting Opposition ports to Indonesia in June in quite some time to restore
Leader until Tony Abbott re- response to a public backlash the confidence and the econ-
turns to work later this week, over animal cruelty. omies of northern Australia.’’ Australian cattle are again on the moo-ve to Indonesia Picture: JUSTIN BRIERTY

Trailer ploughs
through home
MELBOURNE: A semi- Paramedic Danny

trailer loaded with cat- Slattery said the truck

tle carcasses ‘‘totally blasted through the
annihilated’’ a home weatherboard house
when its driver and out the back, de-
swerved to avoid crash- molishing a concrete
ing into a petrol station water tank.
in a small Victorian ‘‘The truck has gone
town. right through the
A pregnant woman house, so much so that
and her partner were on our arrival all we
miraculously safe in could see was the tail-
the only room left lights down the other
standing after the truck end of the house with a
charged through their quite substantial hole
Loch home early yes- right through the mid-
terday. dle of the house,’’ Mr
The pair managed Slattery said.
to escape unharmed ‘‘So he probably
through a window. made the right decision
The driver lost con- to extricate at the time
trol down a wet hill and and had he been in the
was headed straight for cabin it might have
the petrol station at the been a totally different
end of the story.’’
T-intersection in the He said fortunately
small South Gippsland the man and woman,
town. seven months into her
He is thought to have pregnancy, were in the
wrenched the wheel of only room that was not

the truck to the right to ‘‘totally annihilated’’.

avoid hitting the petrol The truck driver,
station before jumping aged about 50, was air-

Shed some light out of the cabin. lifted to hospital.

Stolen iPad solves case

tonight. ADELAIDE: Two
thieves have been nab-
side Grange before tak-
ing off again to elude
bed by police who used police. It was tracked to
software to track them another suburb, where
Don’t forget to fill out your Census form. after they allegedly
stole an iPad.
police raided a home,
arrested two men and
Electrical items, in- recovered all the stolen
cluding an iPad2, were property.
stolen from Middleton, Two men were
south of Adelaide, on charged with breaking
Saturday. But the pol- into the house, theft
ice had a way of finding and illegal use of a
those responsible, an stolen car.
app that tracked the One man was to ap-
Ipad’s location. pear in Port Adelaide
They watched the Magistrates Court this
iPad moving to Ade- week, and the other at a
laide and stop at beach- later date.
Tonight is Census night.
What is Census? Think of it as a snapshot of Australia at one given moment,
used by government and industry to determine where improvements should Man badly burnt in fire
be made and plan for the future in Australian communities. What you say
is private and confidential and lights the way forward for health, A MAN with severe started in a bedroom
education, transport, industry and the environment, making a burns is in an induced and may have been cau-
brighter future for us all. coma after trying to sed by a faulty electric
fight a fire that de- blanket.
So how will you shed some light tonight? stroyed his Gold Coast ‘‘When police arrived
home. the occupant was hos-
You can either fill out the form delivered to your home, The 47-year-old was ing down the fire and
or complete the eCensus online. the only casualty in the trying to put it out as
Coombabah fire, which best he could but obvi-
For more information visit abs.gov.au/census was raging when ously to
or call 1300 338 776. emergency crews ar- no avail and that’s
rived about 3.35am when he sustained his
(AEST) yesterday, pol- injuries,’’ Detective
ice say. Senior Sergeant Chris
Police believe the fire Toohey told reporters.

10 NT NEWS. Tuesday, August 9, 2011. www.ntnews.com.au


Cruel cut smashes shire

By ALYSSA BETTS program funding and the cent years,’’ he said. bib’s spokeswoman Alison weight — as a way of turning
shire wasn’t successful this ‘‘Kids climbing power poles Hill said it appeared the shi- things around.
SPORTS funding cuts in a re- time around. and grabbing hold of power re’s application included Mr Hudson said the Federal
mote Territory outpost once Shire chief executive Alan lines. That’s the sort of stuff items the funding didn’t Government itself shelled out
known as the ‘‘suicide capital Hudson slammed the decision we’re facing. We need to pro- cover, but that the depart- $3.5 million to build a pool The Federal
of Australia’’ is making a as ‘‘stupid’’. vide a decent diversion ... for ment would let them know of and oval at Bathurst’s Nguiu.
mockery of the Intervention, ‘‘The Federal Government these kids.’’ other funding options. But it left both assets to the Government is
a shire boss says. is running around saying we He said the shire asked for ‘‘The Government under- cash-strapped shire to run. running around
An application to increase must continue the Inter- an increase from $171,000 to stands how important sport Mr Hudson said the shire
the federal funding for the vention for the kids and then $365,000 because they had 50 and physical activity are in wasn’t able to both pay the saying we must
Tiwi Islands Shire’s Sports they’re doing this sort of kids for every supervising the Tiwi Islands which is why running bills and run the pro-
for Life program hasn’t just crap,’’ he said. adult — which was an ‘‘un- we’re funding five part-time gram, so it made the choice to continue the
been rejected. It’s been wiped ‘‘Tiwi was the suicide capi- safe’’ ratio. indigenous sport and recreat- close the pool and oval. Intervention ... and
altogether. tal of Australia at one stage. The council has now closed ion officers with the council.’’ Mr Hudson said the pro-
The Federal Government Those problems haven’t gone a pool and oval to divert funds Plenty within the commun- gram focussed on improving then they’re doing
defended the move, saying away,’’ he said. to keep a portion of the pro- ity as well as outside organis- participants’ self esteem.
competition was high for indi- ‘‘We’ve had nine suicides in gram alive. ations have used sport — ‘‘It gets them thinking this sort of crap
genous sport and recreation Bathurst Island alone in re- Sports Minister Mark Ar- where Tiwis kick above their there’s a future.’’


Asbestos Belles
Outback off to
RESIDENTS of a remote des-
ert spot fear for their health
over asbestos-contaminated
the ball
dirt and rubbish in their HAIR, check. Fine white ball
community. gown and gloves, check. Dap-
The Federal Government per dancing partner com-
says it removed all the asbes- plete with blue tie, check.
tos assessed as being in ‘‘poor The Katherine community
condition’’ last year. came together on Saturday
But the Central Desert Shi- night to celebrate in olden-
re’s Yuendumu local board style the coming-of-age of 18
says concerns remain. sublime couples at its 2011
‘‘It would appear that not Debutante Ball.
all the asbestos- In among the couples was a
contaminated dirt and rub- Katherine Deb first —
bish was removed,’’ board 16-year-old triplets Rachel,
chairman Robert Robertson Jessie and Becky Robins.
said. ‘‘There are no signs Mum Ally shelled out $1500
warning of asbestos at these for dresses, shoes and gloves
locations.’’ times three. ‘‘That doesn’t in-
Material containing asbes- clude the hair,’’ she said.
tos is present in many re- Ally was also with them
mote Territory communities. every step of the way for
The matter suddenly be- months of dance practice.
came a Federal Government She drove them to lessons
problem when it took over 73 every Tuesday for 15 weeks,
communities as part of the and stuck around for the two
NT Emergency Response in hours while the couples
2007. learnt their waltzes from
Federal Indigenous De- their rumbas.
partment (FaHCSIA) spokes- She said there was no
man James Hook said spec- chance any of the three
ialist surveyors visited each would have missed the night.
of the communities to ident- ‘‘It’s either all or nothing
ify asbestos-containing ma- — they’re very close.’’
terial and then compiled an The event was held at
asbestos register. Katherine Museum, on a
‘‘The Commonwealth Gov- ballroom dancing floor un-
ernment made a commit- der the stars and fairy lights.
ment to remove from these The couples were formally

communities all asbestos- presented to guest of honour

containing material that had Katherine MLA Willem We-
been identified as being in a stra van Holthe and his wife.
poor condition,’’ he said. Mr van Holthe said the Deb WS-
‘‘Such material was re- Ball was a tradition not now
moved from Yuendumu in widely practised here.
December 2010.’’ ‘‘The world is changing —
He said material that was a lot of traditional stuff is be-
stable and in good condition ing overlooked and forgot-
did not have to be removed, ten,’’ he said. ‘‘It’s really a
and that long-term manage- beautiful night — the girls
ment of it was the responsib- and boys spend a long time
ility of property owners. preparing for this.’’ Triplets Rachel, Jessie and Becky Robins in their finest for the Katherine Debutante Ball 2011

www.ntnews.com.au Tuesday, August 9, 2011. NT NEWS. 11

Email: ntnmail@ntnews.com.au Text: 0428 NTNEWS Fax: 08 8981 6045 Letters: PO Box 1300, Darwin NT 0801


Should crocodiles Should full

Your Say
be culled in the strength alcohol
Northern Territory? be banned from
To cast your vote go to
www.ntnews.com.au Yes 59% No 41%


Time to learn
road lessons
THE carnage on Northern Territory roads seems
Despite a massive road safety campaign, the
number of people killed on NT roads remains as high
as Third World countries.

Experts argue that the new safety measures —

everything from red-light cameras to highway speed
limits — will have an effect.
Similar initiatives in Victoria took at least two years
to start making a significant difference in the
accident statistics.
The Territory, being the Territory, will no doubt
take longer to learn the lesson. *Wicking is on holiday
The terrible accident in Darwin on Sunday — when a
woman and her relative died, and the woman’s
husband was seriously injured — was not caused by
bad driving by the victims.
It seems that an airport fire tender went through a
red light after being called to a major warehouse fire PROPERTY SLUMPS AS A DARK WARNING TO
as back-up. BUREAUCRACY GROWS Trading humans does not protect our ASYLUM SEEKERS
NT Emergency Services vehicles slow down at THE environmental lunatics borders, but it sure makes us look IT seems Australians’ in-
lights, have their sirens blaring and lights turning, are at it again. Gina Rein- herent goodness is not help-
hardt got it right when she ugly.— SEE LETTER BELOW ing the present Government
before crossing an intersection relatively slowly.
Police will no doubt investigate how the federal fire wrote that the biggest growth in sending a dark message to
tender crossed the intersection of Berrimah Rd and industry in Australia intending asylum seekers
Tiger Brennan Drv and ploughed into a family out for was bureaucracy. to stop any kind of ter nonsense. In the last 10 not to come here.
the day. They should also look at emergency The Council of Australian problem behaviours. years 156 refugee children Do-gooders complain
preparedness among fire crews at the airport. Governments, supposedly on I would hate to think what have drowned on their way about sending children to
behalf of the Australian, St- would happen if someone to Australia. Five hundred Malaysia and keeping boat
The result of the police investigation will be
ate and Territory Govern- saw my dog killing native Australian children have people in mandatory deten-
undoubtedly made public, if not by the police, then
ments, are looking at ways to wildlife, something I see cats drowned in Australia, but we tion. This does not discour-
by the coroner. force home owners to dis- do on a regular basis, and have not stopped or banned a age them trying to get into
close information on energy, many cat owners don’t seem single boat or water sport. our country.

... and another thing

water use and greenhouse to care that their animals are In the same 10 years 1250 I call on all patriots to get

emissions of their properties wandering the streets any children have died of star- serious about this issue by
before sale. time of the day or night. vation and preventable dis- sending clear and unequivo-
We will now need ac- I’m not asking for special ease every hour – that is a cal messages abroad that
THE live cattle export industry is considering taking credited assessors and offic- rules. As a council ratepayer staggering 90 million chil- we are a rotten and
legal action against the Federal Government for its ial rankings (more bureau- I’m just asking for a level dren, yet we have scarcely in- vicious people.
ill-considered trade suspension. This is not surpris- cracy). What bearing will playing field. creased our foreign aid to Don’t even think of coming
ing. After all, a well-managed Australian industry this further impost have on Sarah, Casuarina help prevent many millions here! We murder, bite, hang
was punished for sins committed by someone else. the sale of a property or, of those deaths. up on the phone, smell, hate
That’s hardly just. should I ask, ‘‘How long is a FIRE TRUCK TRAGEDY When he took the job on, coloured folk, are filled with
piece of string’’?. COULD BE AVOIDED Bowen said he would treat evil philosophies and line up
Tony Hardwick, THE fire truck accident was refugee children the way he on our shores every evening
Humpty Doo a tragedy. Not sure of the ex- expected his children to be ready to brown-eye anyone
act cause yet, but the tech- treated. DOCS in NSW better foolish enough to approach


I HAVE been reading the let-
ters in the past weeks regard-
nology is there to stop it.
Stop wasting money on
stupid speed cameras.
What about a traffic light
rescue his kids before he
trades them as well.
In a nation where 500,000
kids have been brutalised in
by boat, barge or life-raft.
Give yourself a break: stay
away from us!
And give us a break, so
WHAT: A pothole ing barking dogs. management system for institutions, where Britain that we can get back to being
on the apex of VRD I sympathise and agree emergency vehicles? and Australia conspired to the fair-go blokes and sheilas
Drive and Leanyer with those who want dog ow- It’s not that hard. Plot your send child slaves in the thou- we – once – were.
ners to control nuisance destination and make sure sands, where thousands of Jan Hubrechsen, Brinkin
Rd has been
barking; I have a dog myself the lights are green. I’ve wor- Aboriginal kids were stolen
threatening to rip who I am working very ked with systems a lot and their lives destroyed and GETTING KIDS HOOKED
the wheels off cars. hard with to prevent any more complex. where Aboriginal kids still ON THE WRONG SPORT
WHO’S unnecessary barking. C’mon those that we sort of live in abject destitution, it is YES, we certainly need to get
RESPONSIBLE: However, why aren’t cat elected, think about it! unconscionable that we are the kids interested in hook-
Darwin City Council General Manager of owners subject to the same Carl, Driver again deporting and jailing ing fish early – and make it
scrutiny and outcry with kids in breach of the law. seem like fun (‘‘To get young
Infrastructure, Luccio Cercarelli.
their nuisance animals? CHILD TRADING MAKES Bowen is the guardian of anglers started, it has to be
CONTACT: (08) 8930 0581. We have cats roaming the AUSTRALIA LOOK UGLY those children. It seems he fun’’, Aug 2, p39) because un-
DO YOU know of something in the Territory that streets at all hours fighting, AGAIN we see an Australian would prefer their abuse and less we brainwash them in
needs fixing? Give The Fixer a call on 8944 9724 or defecating, peeing on Government using and abus- death in Malaysia than to ex- their tender years they may
email thefixer@ntnews.com.au windscreens and setting ing innocent children for the ercise his obligations of care start to think for themselves
dogs barking. sake of politics. and protection. and recognise that impaling
I have spent a lot of money They tell us they have to Trading humans does not sensitive and innocent
Letters to the editor should be kept to 175 words or less. Send your registering and training my trade children away like rub- protect our borders, but it animals on hooks for fun
letters to GPO Box 1300, Darwin, 0801, or email ntnmail@ntnews.com.au
You must include your name, home address or PO Box number and dogs over the years. bish to stop other children sure makes us look ugly. is, in fact, indefensible
daytime phone number. Name and address will be withheld on request. I clean up after them, keep from drowning, but DIAC’s Marilyn Shepherd, animal torture.
The NT News reserves the right to edit letters. Responsibility is taken by them confined and try hard own figures show this is ut- Angaston Mike O’Shaughnessy, ACT
the Editor, NT News, GPO Box 1300, Darwin, NT, 0801

10 YEARS AGO: The Australian 20 YEARS AGO: Many Darwin families 25 YEARS AGO: The NT needs a
Bureau of Statistics has revealed the
June quarter Average Retail Prices
show Darwin is still the most
are being forced to seek financial aid
from welfare organisations. The
Salvation Army said families were
larger number of smaller
enterprises instead of major
developments, said Chief Minister
expensive capital city in Australia. finding it hard to cope. Steve Hatton yesterday.

12 NT NEWS. Tuesday, August 9, 2011. www.ntnews.com.au

Speak Up: Do you think there are too few women in the Territory?
YES I would say there DON’T KNOW YES But isn’t that the YES But I think it has YES I suppose there
is. I have not found I have no idea, I don’t case with every place definitely improved is. It seemed for a while
anyone yet. think it is that bad. in Australia? since I came up here in it got worse, but lately I
the late ’90s have been lucky.




Olympic level
abuse on show
I ATTENDED the football These ‘‘men’’ were swear-
stadium at Mararra on Satur- ing and shouting abusive ob-
day to watch the Darwin scenities at people who give
Olympic vs Casuarina prem- up their time to ensure a
ier league game. game of football goes ahead.
I am neutral so do not have Second half I relocated to
an allegiance for either side. the other end of the stadium
I enjoyed the game and did to get away, but I still could
not think it got out of hand. hear it — every time a decis-

Match officials kept control ion went against Olympic.
in times which were difficult. On that showing I will not
The reason for writing is be attending the stadium
what I heard from the stands. again, and I will not be tak-
I was sitting in what ap- ing my children down there
peared to be a pro-Olympic either. Somebody needs to

section. What I heard from ban these thugs.
three or four (mature middle- This is supposed to be the
aged men) was constant abu- beautiful game — all I saw
se for the linesman, referee was the ugly side of football.
and 4th official. I am sure any football team
The language was rude and could do without this ill-


offensive. mannered support. This min-
These men are probably ority need to be elsewhere,
family men. What sort of ex- not at a family venue.
ample are you setting your
family and young footballers Disappointed and dis- The catch of the day awaits its fate at Darwin’s Nightcliff market, where tourists and locals alike can sample any number
who were nearby? gusted of delicious delicacies Picture: KATE FREESTONE

ON FIRE TRUCK CRASH ■ Shocking all round. I’m Ranger’s a major hazard to the world heritage water from one pond into the your living. Go Uranium Min-
■ R.I.P Lena, my thoughts are sparing a thought for the fi- next, then into the pit and out ing and Nuclear Power. Way
wetlands of Kakadu
with your family at this ter- ries. God bless all involved. again, then using the same to go. David of Darwin
rible time. Thoughts and Luka, DWN — SEE BELOW contaminated water in the
prayers also with Greg in your wash-down bay and on the ■ ‘‘Minor scares’’? Twelve
recovery. Alex, Darwin ON LADY DROUGHT tracks? Top of the range fa- staff drank and showered in
■ My daughter reckons that ■ The NT Govt should be al- ■ Perhaps they should re- cility with high regard for the contaminated water; radioac-
■ I don’t know these people. when you take away the dole lowing work visa’s to Asian name it Cocky Bay and at least environment? I beg to differ! tive machinery allowed off-
But it is so sad to see lives bludgers, the Mitchell Street woman to come work here, to be contemporary, and per- Greenie of Jabiru site; regulator reports the
tragicaly lost. My heart goes Brawlers, the leadfoot hoons, balance the figures up. Eski- haps truthful, which would be tailings dam is leaking
out to their families. Rest In the married guys out for a mo Joe of Pomgolia a pleasant change. The ■ Of course a left-wing or- 100,000 litres a day; CSIRO
Peace xxx Jordy, Darwin one- night stand and the gays Stump of Alice Springs ganisation like the so-called estimates up to 1 billion litres
there’s not many left! An- ■ There is quantity but not NT Environment Centre has been lost from the dam;
■ R.I.P Kevin — doing what he other Mick of Karama quality. I’ve been here 18 ON RANGER WOES would oppose the Ranger mine shut down after all ef-
loved best. Our thoughts are months and met no one nice. I ■ Electricity from renewable mine. It would oppose any forts to patch the project’s
with Kate, Danae, Emily and ■ There is someone for am ‘‘older’’ though, but my resources is the future. Would mine as they employ people strained waste management
TCL team — and other families everyone. Sometimes fe- room mate of 22 complains love to see green electricity in and finance the NT. This is infrastructure prove impotent
effected by this tragedy. A males are too picky and want about the same thing. Men Jabiru, given its location. I what happens if you have in the face of a big wet. Ran-
true loss to our architecture five-figure salary, BMW or may be big on numbers in don’t like what’s going on out never worked in a real job. ger’s a major hazard to the
and design fraternity. Ally luxury car and males want the Darwin but short on quality. there at Ranger. Heightening You are scared that one day world heritage wetlands of
and Jim, Cairns perfect 10. Cher Chrissy of Rapid Creek the dam walls again, pumping you might have to work for Kakadu. Larry of Darwin

txt the editor 0428 NTNEWS (686 397)

ON EVERYTHING for a drink or party? grow To the idiot who keeps putting sticks on the ripping their face off AFTER RDH to me. On the way to a
■ Re: Dean Osborne 8/8. some balls and just say gday they jump. Which would you speedy recovery
east point walk way, thanks for the skun nose
Beautifully written on cattle when you see em, weirdos. prefer they do? No one will
ban. The pollies AND pub and elbows ! — Frustrated Unicyclist ever steal our stuff or ■ Every night i go to
servants who made this ■ Always check your eft on threaten me when i’m home woodroffe shop there are a
dysfunctional decision need 2 screen when making a pur- alone! And I wouldn’t have it dozen loud drunks gathered
B held RESPONSIBLE. Doc, chase. A fuel station added ■ Police Minister Henderson or ur woman not 2 dob u in. any other way. Good Sport around 1 unit across the rd.
Darwin $1.20 today. I knew what the heads up a police force that Just buy a $3OO gun safe. Mum, Farrar What does NT Housing do
pump said. Ripped off. My believe in walking rocks, Dave, Nakara with the neighbours? Do they
■ Hey Darwin dude. charter fault . I wont b back and i will earning the contempt of car- ■ R.D.H. Ta all at the hospital, pay them to stay there? Or is
operaters do release small tell all my friends. Christina ing citizens. Personal apolo- ■ What is that disgusting especially staff ward 2a, big- it true what I’ve heard, that
fish and promote capture and gies to the ONeil family,from smell on freshwater rd jingili gest, sincere thanks. what- they evict them if they make
release too but as always it ■ So the Commonwealth a down to earth realist. Steve early morning and evening? ever you read or hear in the complaints? Terry, Gray
only takes one bad operator spends 3.5 billion a year on Kilinko It’s not my bins! Lizzie negative regards service care
to give all a bad name. Bad- the Aboriginal Programs HOW & compassion at RDH, those ■ I Guess Darwin’s Lolly Pop
ger, Gunn MUCH A WEEK do they spend ■ If u do get caught with no ■ Our large pit bull growls/ people are just whingers. Kev Girls will Sue their Employers
on these asylum seekers gun safe, its 2 years disquali- barks at ppl outside our fence. h and paddy (my roomates) when Mr & Mrs MELANOMA
■ Why do blokes txt the ed Thats everything every dollar. fication & then up b4 th His job is to DETER ppl from were well pleased. ps get well sack em all for tha sake of a
asking woman they’ve seen Pete, Pine Creek Courts. U cant trust ur mates jumping it! Better that than soon fellas. Don’t knock the hat OH&S. Daz, Palmy

www.ntnews.com.au Tuesday, August 9, 2011. NT NEWS. 13

NATION l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l ntnews.com.au
High Court halts Malaysia deal More class for Coast Habit stripped bare
THE Federal Government was prevented from THE Queensland government hopes AUSTRALIAN travellers love to
sending 16 asylum seekers to Kuala Lumpur new business-class flights into the watch porn in their hotel rooms,
yesterday after High Court judge Kenneth Hayne Gold Coast will help the struggling a rather revealing survey has
issued a temporary injunction late on Sunday. Justice tourist town. Virgin Australia found. Forty per cent of Aussies
Hayne yesterday extended the injunction until the announced yesterday it would be the admitted to splashing out on
Full Bench could consider the lawfulness of the only airline to offer business-class services to the adult programs during their most
Government’s policy. Justice Hayne said it was likely Gold Coast and would also open a 140-seat luxury recent stay in a hotel, according to the Hotel
the full court could hear the matter in a special sitting lounge at the airport. The airline handles nearly a Confessional survey of 5000 people conducted by
in the week beginning August 22. million passengers through the Gold Coast annually. the travel website Zuji.

Living loans for the elderly

CANBERRA: Older Austral- ing home beds. In Caring for munity,’’ the report states. A The money would be exem- pick up the rest of the tab.
ians would contribute up to Older Australians, released safety net would protect pt from any income or assets ‘‘On this basis the com-
$60,000 for the cost of their yesterday, the commission those who couldn’t pay, with test ‘‘but could be drawn on mission estimates that two-
aged care and face ‘‘uncap- says accommodation bonds providers obliged to provide flexibly to fund living ex- thirds of community care re-
ped’’ charges for nursing should be allowed for all a set number of government- penses and care costs’’. cipients and three-quarters Older people would
home accommodation under residential care — but they’d supported places. While people might be of residential care recipients
a proposal being considered be optional. To ensure people won’t forking out more for accom- would pay a co-contribution be able to choose
by the Federal Government. People could instead have to sell their homes to modation costs, there’d be a of 15 per cent or less in 2013.’’ the standard of
The Productivity Com- choose to pay daily or weekly fund aged care, the commiss- limit on how much they But there would be a life-
mission has recommended a ‘‘rent’’. However they paid, ion wants the government to could be asked to pay for time limit for everyone. accommodation that
complete overhaul of the charges would be uncapped offer loans against their prin- care, whether it was pro- The commission suggests
sector that would clearly ‘‘to reflect differing stan- cipal residence. vided in the community or a $60,000 might be appropriate they want
separate charges for care dards of accommodation’’. ‘‘Dependents living in the residential facility. but notes the government

and accommodation. ‘‘Older people would residence will be protected,’’ Older Australians would could choose another limit.
It proposes ‘‘progress- be able to choose the the report states. make a ‘‘co-contribution’’ to Opening up supply in the people will be able to stay in
ively’’ deregulating the num- standard of accommodation For those who do opt to their care, according to their sector will increase compe- their own homes longer, safe
ber of care packages pro- that they want and could sell, they’d be able to invest means, worth up to 25 per tition and lead to improved in the knowledge that when
vided in the community and afford, just as they have the proceeds in a govern- cent of the total cost. quality of care, the report they need a high-care bed
the supply of hostel and nurs- done when living in the com- ment savings account. The government would states. It should also mean there’ll be one available.

Jail for Baby release — now real rescue starts

‘thrill’ A BABY humpback whale

was back in deep water after
having beached itself on the
Gold Coast and then becom-
ing entangled in a shark net.
MELBOURNE: A man The 1500kg baby was res-
who raped and bashed a cued after it had stranded it-
frail 85-year-old woman at self at Surfers Paradise on
a Melbourne train station the Gold Coast, only to be-
‘‘for a bit of a thrill’’ has come tangled in the net off-
been jailed for 11 years. shore as it tried to swim out
Victorian County Court to sea.
Judge Duncan Allen told But the snag didn’t stop its
Allan Richard Hodson, 65, efforts to get back to the deep
his day-time attack on the and find its mother.
woman was horrific. Trevor Long, director of

‘‘This has had a devas- Marine Sciences at Sea

tating impact on her in World, says his team cut the
her old age,’’ the judge net away and the calf swam
told Hodson, eligible for off unharmed.
parole in eight years. ‘‘It probably took half an
Hodson loitered around hour to cut it free but it’s
Southern Cross Station on back in deep water and about
January 27 before follow- 500m on the other side of the
ing his victim into a pub- shark net now,’’ he said.
lic toilet and violently at- The week-old calf was re-
tacking her. turned to the ocean in a
The father of four in- marathon rescue operation
itially denied the assault after it became stranded on
to police. But he later the beach about 1am (AEST)
made admissions, saying yesterday. ‘‘The hope of this
he had thought she was an exercise is that he will now
easy target. ‘‘I thought be able to communicate with
here’s an opportunity, I his mother — but we don’t
suppose, to get a bit of a know where his mother is,’’
thrill,’’ he told police. Mr Long said.
Judge Allen said Hod- ‘‘But they can communi-
son callously left his eld- cate for many tens of kilo-
erly, frail, victim naked metres, so if his mother is 20
and bleeding with her or 30km away she might be
clothes strewn on the able to pick him up. We’ve
toilet floor. She was found done everything we can at
by a passer-by and spent a this stage but at some point,
week in hospital. we must leave him and let
His victim was terrified nature take its course.’’ The baby humpback whale beached itself, then got caught in a shark net on its release
Hodson would return. ‘‘I
feel inadequate and asha-
med, thinking I’ve been
branded in other people’s Police under fire over asbestos in stations Suspicious spill from parcel
eyes,’’ the woman said in
her victim statement. SYDNEY: WorkCover NSW dences, police stations and known about it since 2008,’’ AUTHORITIES are investig- ordered the immediate
That morning, Hodson should investigate claims other buildings. Mr Weber said yesterday. ating a suspicious powder evacuation of the building.
had travelled to Mel- the state’s police service did PANSW president Scott Mr Weber called on Work- which spilled from a parcel, ‘‘Hazmat officers are today
bourne for a psychiatric nothing when officers com- Weber says an officer Cover to launch an investi- sparking the evacuation of a examining a parcel at a post
appointment, drinking plained about asbestos in stationed at Wetherill Park, gation into the incident and post office in the NSW office in the Hunter Valley af-
several bottles of beer. some police properties, the in Sydney’s southwest, in consider laying charges Hunter Valley and the hospi- ter powder spilled from a par-
He was being treated for Police Association of New May reported broken asbes- against the NSW Police talisation of three workers. cel during mail sorting,’’ a
alcohol abuse, a depress- South Wales says. tos sheeting inside one of Force, alleging it breached Police, paramedics and police spokeswoman said.
ive illness and post- Police have found about the buildings at the local the Occupational Health specialist hazardous mater- Police were unable to say
traumatic stress. 460 properties that contain area command. and Safety Act. ial fire crews were all sent to what the powder was.
The court heard Hod- at least some asbestos or ‘‘This was brought to the NSW Police said they the premises in Bridge A 44-year-old woman was
son’s mental illness was lead paint, or both. attention of management would identify, prioritise Street, Branxton, around taken to hospital, suffering
not linked to his crime. They include police resi- who admitted they had and remediate the sites. 6am (AEST) yesterday and from shock and anxiety.

14 NT NEWS. Tuesday, August 9, 2011. www.ntnews.com.au

ntnews.com.aul l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l WORLD
Lifeguards spot smugglers Bomb belt used in robbery Man shoots himself in penis
HUNTINGTON BEACH, California: Three Mexicans PARIS: Four men strapped an explosives belt to CHANDLER, Arizona: Authorities have warned people
suspected of drug smuggling attempted to land their a cash transport driver on Sunday and forced him to use holsters — and not waistbands — to hold their
boat on California’s Huntington Beach on Sunday to empty a string of cash machines, a French handguns after a man accidentally shot himself in the
1.6km from where crowds were forming to watch a newspaper reported. The incident was the third penis last week. Joshua Seto, 27, accidentally fired
surfing contest. Lifeguards spotted the small boat of its kind in the Paris region in recent months, his girlfriend’s pink handgun — which had been
about 8.30am, but the men realised they had been Le Parisien du Dimanche said. The perpetrators tucked in the waistband of his pants — as he walked
seen, turned back to sea and threw a package rammed the cash delivery vehicle with their car into a food store last Tuesday, The Arizona Republic
overboard. All three were arrested on suspicion of and when the driver emerged, forced an explosive reported. The bullet struck his penis, before
smuggling and attempting to enter the US illegally. belt on to him. The men remain on the run. continuing through his left thigh.

Harry in
race to
Riots rage in London
LONDON: More than 100 peo- mob of about 50 youths dam- 61 arrests made on Saturday degenerated into a Saturday Some protesters filled bott-
ple have been arrested after aged property in Oxford Cir- night and Sunday morning. night rampage, with rioters les with petrol to throw at
IT seems that bouts of rioting and looting cus, at the heart of the city’s ‘‘So far there have been 16 torching a double-decker police lines, others con-
Prince Harry broke out across London. tourist area. charges, 11 awaiting CPS ad- bus, destroying patrol cars fronted officers with make-
wants to boldly Thousands looted a giant Metropolitan Police Com- vice, 17 bailed, one caution, and trashing a shopping mall shift weapons, including
go where no electrical retail store in the mander Christine Jones said one sectioned under the Men- in the nearby Wood Green baseball bats and bars, and
royal has gone southern area of Brixton officers were ‘‘shocked’’ at tal Health Act and there are district. The protest, against tried to storm the station.
before and ven- early yesterday and gangs of the level of violence directed 15 ongoing inquiries.’’ the shooting of Mark Dug- Within hours, police in riot
ture into space. Prince Harry youths pelted police with towards them. Television footage showed gan, a 29-year-old father of gear and on horseback were
Friends say the 26-year- missiles. Disturbances erupt- ‘‘Officers responding to riot and mounted police pa- four who was gunned down clashing with hundreds of ri-
old British prince is a clo- ed in several boroughs in sporadic disorder in a num- trolling the streets, images of by police in disputed circum- oters, fires raged and looters
set Star Trek fan. north, south and east Lon- ber of boroughs made more smashed shop windows and stances on Thursday, was in- combed the area well into the
He approached Sir don, with reports of trouble than 100 arrests throughout police with dogs detaining at itially peaceful. next day. Prime Minister
Richard Branson’s son in Brixton, Enfield, Walth- last night and early this least one man. But it got ugly as 300 to 500 David Cameron’s office de-
Sam about the possibility amstow and Islington. morning,’’ she said. The fresh violence comes people gathered around Tot- scribed the violence as
of snaring a seat on one of And Scotland Yard said a ‘‘This is in addition to the after a protest in Tottenham tenham’s police station. ‘‘utterly unacceptable’’.
the first Virgin Galactic
sub-orbital flights.
The prince wants to join SNOWBOARDER DIES
the NASA space program AUCKLAND: A Sydney snow-
when he returns from Af- boarder has died after sliding
ghanistan next year and down a ravine on to rocks in
needs 1000 hours of ad- New Zealand on Friday. The
vanced jet engine flight 29-year-old technician, who
time to be considered. was holidaying in the South
A royal source told The Island, was attempting to
Sun: ‘‘Harry has already climb the side of Tarn Basin,
completed his studies of near Christchurch, when he
Land and Sea Surveil- slipped. ‘‘As a result of slip-
lance and Oceanology — ping on the ice he couldn’t
part of Astro training — stop and just slid down into
and can’t wait to get into rocks, causing a massive head
one of NASA’s T38 injury,’’ Senior Constable Dave
training jets. Watkins said yesterday.
‘‘It’s his dream to be the
first royal in space.’’ NEW TIBETAN LEADER
The source said the DHARAMSHALA: A 43-year-
prince’s service so far old Harvard scholar has be-
with the Army Air Corps come head of the Tibetan
had been exemplary. government in exile, vowing
‘‘He wants to train with to free his homeland from
NASA – and is deter- Chinese ‘‘colonialism’’. After
mined to get on a Virgin being sworn in at a colourful
Galactic flight.’’ A palace ceremony, Lobsang Sangay
spokesman said they were warned China that the Tibet
unaware of the claims. movement was ‘‘here to
stay’’ and would only grow
stronger in the waning years

Kiwi killed of the Dalai Lama.

after sucked GUNMAN MURDERS 7


into engine Authorities say a family argu-

ment in Ohio ended in the
shooting deaths of at least
BLENHEIM, New Zea- eight people, including an
land: An engineer died af- 11-year-old. Two more people
ter being sucked into a were hurt. Copley Township
plane engine yesterday. Police Chief Michael Mier said
The incident happened one person shot five people
about 8.15am (6.15am dead in one location on Sun-
AEST) while the engine, day, then two more were kil-
from a C-130 Hercules mil- led nearby before police killed
itary transport, was being Magnificent men . . . Russian competitors plunge into the water during the Red Bull ‘Flugtag’ event in Moscow on August 7, the gunman.
tested at Woodbourne Air- 2011. Thirty-eight teams took part at the Flugtag - which means ‘flying day’ — a competition in which teams in fancy dress
port, near Blenheim, on attempt to pilot human-powered, home-made flying machines off a six-metre-high platform into water INSULIN FLIGHT ‘RISK’
the South Island. The air- DENVER: A pregnant woman
port is a base for New Zea- said US Transportation Secur-

Heroic World War II spy dies at age 98

land’s air force and also ity Administration agents re-
acts as the local civil air fused to allow her past a se-
transport hub curity checkpoint at Denver
The local aircraft engin- International Airport because
eer, 51, died after he ap- NANCY ‘‘the White Mouse’’ French recog- termined to see out her days Wake the White Mouse be- she was carrying insulin for
parently entered the test- Wake, whose bravery and nised her. She in the country that trained cause of her ability to re- her diabetes and ice packs
ing enclosure where the cunning saved thousands of was resourceful her as a spy and in the com- peatedly evade capture. while boarding a plane. The
engine, which had been Allied lives in World War II, and cunning, pany of old comrades. Born in New Zealand in woman, a frequent flyer, did

removed from the plane, has died aged 98. feisty, and She was the Allies’ most 1912, she moved to Sydney not want to be identified for
was running. She played a crucial role tough, once decorated World War II when she was one. She left fear of retaliation, but re-
Police and the Depart- in D-Day, topped the Ges- Nancy Wake even killing a servicewoman and is re- Australia in her 20s and counted Thursday’s incident
ment of Labour were in- tapo’s wanted list and German sentry with her vered in France, which worked as a journalist in to TheDenverChannel.com. WS-
vestigating the incident. received France’s highest bare hands. awarded her its highest Europe in the 1930s, where ‘‘He’s like, ‘Well, you’re a risk.’
Police Inspector Steve military honour. The White Mouse died in a honour, the Legion d’Hon- she vowed to fight the Nazis. I’m like, ’Excuse me?’ And he’s
Caldwell said how the ‘‘Nobody can beat you London hospital on Sunday neur, as well as three Croix After the war she re- like, ‘This is a risk . . . I can’t tell
man died was ‘‘all as- Nancy, nobody,’’ Sonya after a chest infection. de Guerre and a French turned to Australia, unsuc- you why again. But this is at
sumption at this stage,’’ d’Artois told her old Resist- After decades of confront- Resistance Medal. cessfully standing as a fed- risk for explosives,’’ the wom-
although stuff.co.nz re- ance comrade when Wake ations with the RSL and the Ms Wake also received eral Liberal candidate in an told the Fox News channel,
ported three sources had was awarded Australia’s Australian government, Ms Britain’s George Medal and 1949 and 1951. In 2004 she adding she eventually man-
said the man was sucked highest civilian honour in Wake moved back to Eng- the US Medal of Freedom. was made a Companion of aged to sneak a small amount
into the engine. 2004, six decades after the land in 2001, aged 88 and de- The Gestapo labelled Ms the Order of Australia. of insulin past security.

www.ntnews.com.au Tuesday, August 9, 2011. NT NEWS. 15

ENTERTAINMENT l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l ntnews.com.au
Elin keeps US boyfriend Madonna’s school dream over Primate prequel cashes in
Tiger Woods’ ex-wife Elin Nordegren is still going BLEAK, levelled terraces of sand near Malawi’s capital Apes have climbed to the top rung of the weekend
strong with her American investor boyfriend Jamie are the only evidence of Madonna’s planned $US15 box office in the US. The 20th Century Fox action
Dingman, despite reports he was once linked to her million ($A14.4 million) academy that was ditched in thriller Rise of the Planet of the Apes took in $51.82
nemesis Rachel Uchitel, the New York Post reported a cloud over misused funds. The pop superstar — who million to open as the number-one movie, according
yesterday. Sources said Nordegren and Dingman adopted two children from the African country — laid to studio estimates yesterday. The figure is about
‘‘continue to quietly date and are trying to stay out of a foundation stone engraved ‘‘dare to dream’’ in April $14.4 million to $19.19 million more than analysts
the spotlight’’. While it was claimed Dingman once 2010. But a year later, the school has been called off, expected for the Apes prequel, although it is well
was ‘‘an item’’ with Woods’ mistress Uchitel, sources the star is being sued by employees who were fired below the $65.74 million opening of Tim Burton’s
confirmed the two never, in fact, dated. and Malawi is probing how the land was paid for. Planet of the Apes remake 10 years ago.

Chefs’ feast goes cold

Ramsay to
sue in-laws
for millions
CELEBRITY chef Gordon
THEY poured more big Ramsay has reportedly
bucks and names into this launched legal action
year’s MasterChef series against his wife’s family,
than you could poke a stick who he plans to sue for
blender at. millions of dollars.
But it wasn’t enough to Ramsay is understood
stop the show recording its to have filed a writ in the
worst finale ratings result in High Court that includes
three years. a series of claims against
Confetti wasn’t the only his wife Tana’s father
thing falling last night, with Chris Hutcheson, mother,
viewer numbers plunging to sister, sister-in-law and
2.568 million — down a whop- the father’s alleged

ping 35.2 per cent from last mistress, Britain’s Sun-

year’s final show. day Telegraph newspaper
Winner Kate Bracks’s has reported.
showdown with Michael The former chief execu-
Weldon was expected to top tive of Gordon Ramsay
the 3.96 million who watched Holdings, Mr Hutcheson
Adam Liaw take the crown is accused of withdrawing
last year and the 3.72 million $2.2 million from the firm
who saw Julie Goodwin win to fund a double life with a
in 2009. secret second ‘‘wife’’, and
But the result fell well paying $7800 a month to a
short of the mark, with the separate mistress.
evening’s contest Ma- The claim further al-
sterChef Australia: Finale leges that Mr Hutcheson
Night averaging just hacked into the company
2.334 million. files thousands of times
Then Channel 10 asked vi- and put his real wife on
ewers to sit through an en- the company payroll and
tire episode of new reality wrote five-figure cheques
show The Renovators before for himself.
announcing the winner. Ramsay once looked to
The DIY reality show re- his father-in-law as a men-
corded its biggest audience tor, describing the two of
to date (1.269 million), but Fewer tuned in for the final verdict of MasterChef judges Gary Mehigan, Matt Preston and George Calombaris them ‘‘as alike as two
many viewers who were up- wings on a plane’’, the
set at the scheduling tactic mat — including the finale — Last week’s Australia’s 2.855 million viewers. Add- aged to crack 2 million vi- newspaper said, adding
switched to Nine to watch has taken some of the gloss Got Talent: The Winner An- ing salt to the ratings wound, ewers in its 14-week prime- that in more recent times
The Block, which sat in third off the contest, which will nounced remains the most last night’s three-hour Ma- time tenure. Last year a he has described the older
place at 1.82 million. test viewer loyalty when the watched program of the year. sterChef marathon event was whole 19 episodes of the show man as a ‘‘dictator’’ lead-

Criticism of this year’s for- program returns next year. The show attracted the first time the show man- passed that mark. ing a ‘‘very complex life’’.

Angry album
tracks well Daddy time for baby Becks
The official soundtrack to BABY Harper Seven Beckham Brooklyn,
comedian Chris Lilley’s edgy may only be a month old but 12, Romeo,
series Angry Boys has made a the little girl is already enjoy- eight and
surprise debut on the Aus- ing life in the spotlight. Cruz, six.
tralian albums chart. Proud mum, designer Vic- The LA
The record, released the toria Beckham, took this Galaxy
day after the final episode picture of her newborn daugh- player strip-
aired on ABC1, entered this ter cuddled up with her soccer- ped off his
week’s chart at No. 36. It fea- star dad, David, and has shared shirt after
tures tracks by the fictional the intimate moment with the scoring a
US teen rapper S.mouse, in- rest of the world. key goal in
cluding the hits Slap My She wrote on Twitter: ‘‘I took the club’s
*Offer available every Tuesday excluding Public Holidays. $1.10 booking fee per ticket applies for
Elbow and Poo On You. this beautiful picture and want- win over FC
tickets purchased online. Offer excludes 3D films. But the debut did little to ed to share it with you, baby David Beckham and his new baby, Harper Dallas. The
BRIDESMAIDS (MA15) TUE 4:15 PM rock Adele and Lady Gaga’s Harper cuddling Daddy! x VB’’, former
AVENGER (M) ● TUE 10:10, 4:00, 6:45 PM stronghold on the upper It is the second picture the ter’s name in cursive font, just Manchester United star’s
3D* HANNA (M) reaches of the ARIA albums former Spice Girl has tweeted below his neck. friend celebrity chef Gordon
3D CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE FIRST TUE 10:10, 12:30, 4:20, 9:15PM
chart. UK soulstress Adele’s of the father-daughter duo The tribute sits just above Ramsay was pictured cheering
10:10, 12:50, 3:30 , 3:50, 6:40PM
four-time platinum record 21 since her birth on July 11. his tattoo of Jesus being car- him on from the stands with
DEATHLY HALLOWS PART 2 (M) ● TUEBABES IN ARMS - CHILDREN UNDER 5 FREE kept its No. 1 spot, followed The picture comes after her ried by three cherubs, which his own children and Beck-
TUE 10:00, 6:30PM WEDNESDAY ONLY 10:00AM
3D KYLIE: APHRODITE LES RED DOG (PG) by Gaga’s Born This Way, in proud dad displayed his latest are meant to symbolise the ham’s three boys Brooklyn, Ro-
FOLIES (G) ● ➤ TUE 9:00 PM TUE 10:20, 12:15, 2:15, 7:00, 9:10PM
a fairly static chart week. inking — a tattoo of his daugh- Beckhams’ three sons meo and Cruz.
THE MOON (M) ● TUE 12:40, 9:10 PM APES (M) ●
TUE 9:50, 12:10, 2:30, 4:50, 7:10, 9:30PM

Bieber’s buddies lead to break-up

TUE 10:15, 12:15, 2:20, 6:50, 9:20PM MOON (M) TUE 3:00, 6:00 PM
CITY TUE 12:40, 2:40, 5:00, 7:00 PM
3D* AVENGER (M) ● TUE 10:40, 9:20 PM
3D CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE FIRST HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY MUSIC’S hottest couple, Selena yesterday’s Teen won the choice single trophy for
AVENGER (M) ● TUE 1:20, 4:00, 6:40 PM HALLOWS PART 2 (M) TUE 1:00, 6:45 PM
Gomez and Justin Bieber have Choice Awards, Who Says and Love You Like a
DEATHLY HALLOWS PART 2 (M) ● split, it was reported yesterday. where Gomez, 19, Love Song, which the actress-
TUE 10:20, 9:25PM
TUE 10:45, 12:50, 2:50, 4:50, 6:50, 8:50PM
UK newspaper The Sun reports conjured five wins, singer performed at the show.
THE MOON (M) ● TUE 3:40 PM the teens are on the rocks be- one more than ‘‘This is for all of you guys,’’
SNOWTOWN (MA15) TUE 9:10 PM TUE 11:00, 1:30, 4:00, 6:30, 9:00 PM
cause Gomez disapproves of Bieber. The star of Gomez told the screeching crowd
● NO FREE TICKETS * 3D CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE FIRST AVENGER, 3D KYLIE: Bieber’s new friends, including Justin Bieber Wizards of Waverly as she held aloft an award.


DEATHLY HALLOWS PART 2 and 3D TRANSFORMERS: rapper Lil Wayne and singer Place was selected as choice TV Bieber won four trophies as
DARK OF THE MOON are special event screenings.
➤ SPECIAL EVENT Screensavers and Gift Vouchers can be used with Chris Brown. actress, female hottie and music choice male music artist, male
payment of applicable surcharges. Complimentary and
other discounts cannot be redeemed. This applies for 3D screenings in traditiona auditoriums. Session Times The pair are reportedly ‘‘taking group with her band The Scene. hottie, twit and TV villain for his
Copyright © 2011 - Birch Carroll & Coyle Cinemas.
time out’’ but both stars attended Gomez and her ensemble also CSI guest starring role.

16 NT NEWS. Tuesday, August 9, 2011. www.ntnews.com.au

a hit
GIRLS from a remote Top
End community have set
up a website to sell the
artwork of their elders.
The artists produce
high-quality baskets,
dilly bags, mats, neck-
laces, clapping sticks,
carvings, didgeridoos
and paintings.
Students from Numbul-
war, about 700km east of
Darwin, have put pictures
and descriptions of the
artworks, as well as short
biographies of the artists,
on to the website.
The arts and crafts are a
part of the cultural heri-
tage of the region and now
form the basis for the es-
tablishment of the com-
munity’s first arts centre.
Until the website was
established, there was no
organised sales outlets for
the hand-made pieces,
which are sought after by
tourists and collectors.
Since it was opened, the
website has proved to be a Holly Engelhardt, Year 10, and Samantha Pini, Year 9, will be tackling O’Loughlin College’s 135km annual Big Bike Ride from Karama to Mandorah
constant selling outlet for

Long ride to fund

merchandise and is help-
ing to promote the crafts
of the Numbulwar com-
munity. The website is
also contributing towards
the students’ Northern
Territory Certificate of
Education and Training

school in Tanzania
(NTCET) and their Stage
One Personal Learning
Plan (PLP) class.
The Territory Govern-
ment presented the girls
with a $3800 grant to es-
tablish the website.
The students, who are
pupils at the NT Open Ed-
ucation Centre, also pro- A LARGE group of school The event, which is now in of parents and teachers who 50km practice rides — from
moted their work with a students has got a long road its fourth year, was origin- are also out to challenge the school to Howard Springs
trip to Darwin and a visit ahead of them — literally. ally a challenge for a Year 9 themselves.’’ and back — every Thursday
to the Mindil Beach Sun- The O’Loughlin Catholic applied learning class as a Year 9 student Holly Engel- since May.
set Markets, where mar- College students will take way of the students ‘‘doing I was on a crappy hardt was looking forward to Holly said she and a group
ketgoers were treated to part in an annual Big Bike something different’’. tackling the ride again this of friends would try to stick
colourful and well woven Ride Expedition, a 135km Nineteen students took the bike and then I got year after succumbing to together and that the tough-
dilly bags and mats. journey from the school in ride on — but only three rode two punctures mechanical problems in 2010. est thing about conquering
To find out more about Karama all the way to the the whole way. ‘‘I was on a crappy bike the ride would be the heat.
the traditional arts and Mandorah ferry terminal. Mr Bowden said he was ex- and then I got two punctures, The ride will raise money
crafts available from The group, which is led by pecting about 90 per cent of Year 8s and a good group of so I had to have a stint in the for a Catholic school in
Numbulwar and the artisans Year 9 teacher Michael the students to be successful Year 9s, but we also have a cars,’’ she said. Tanzania, with a target fig-
who produce the works, visit Bowden, will set off at 6.30am this year. great group of Year 12s who ‘‘This year I’ve got a better ure of $3000.
the Numburindi Arts website on Thursday. ‘‘We have a strong group of are doing it for the last time. road bike and I’ve been train- Look out for a feature on the
at www.numburindiarts.ai The ride is expected to take riders this year,’’ he said. ‘‘And they will be sup- ing a lot.’’ Big Bike Ride Expedition in next
remote.com.au about 11 hours. ‘‘We have a strong group of ported and joined by a lot The group has been on Saturday’s NT News.

Chatterbox with Karama Primary School: What is your favourite sport?


Rugby league. I’ve Bike riding. I like Gymnastics. I do Tennis. I haven’t been Cricket. Because I like WS-
played it since I was going for rides around about 15 hours a week playing for long. My batting. I want to start
five and my dad played the block and to my of training. I am always backhand is my playing for a club. I can
when he was younger. friends’ places. I’ve interested in what favourite shot to play. bowl a little bit — I bowl
My favourite position is been doing it for most other people can do on I would love to make spin like Shane Warne.
the lock (scrum). of this year. It’s a lot of other apparatus. My it to Wimbledon
fun. favourite is the floor. some day.

www.ntnews.com.au Tuesday, August 9, 2011. NT NEWS. 17

School Matters
COLOR: C (18) M (18) Y (18) K (18)

18 NT NEWS. Tuesday, August 9, 2011 www.ntnews.com.au www.ntnews.com.au NT NEWS. Tuesday, August 9, 2011. 39
2 2 Streets of Seattle

J Mallyon

4 4 Cat Magic

S Altieri

6 6 Tokamak

C O’Brien


www.ntnews.com.au Tuesday, August 9, 2011. NT NEWS. 19


20 NT NEWS. Tuesday, August 9, 2011. www.ntnews.com.au



www.ntnews.com.au Tuesday, August 9, 2011. NT NEWS. 21

THE Darwin Cup brought out Simply SMS the number of your ‘best

dressed’ selection and your name to

the best in frocks, fascinators

197 197 66
and footwear.
Packed with style, fun and fashion, the Top
End's social event of the year was a chance
(SMS cost 55cents inc GST).
for people from across the NT to dress to
Competition opens at 4am Tuesday August 9, 2011 and closes 11.59pm Sunday
impress in their finest threads. August 14, 2011. For SMS help please call 1300 131 276. Multiple entries are accepted.
And the NT News was there to do the sticky-
beaking for you – to capture the fashionable PRIZES
and the fabulous for our 200 Best Dressed
Once voting lines are closed, the 3 people with the most votes will
Racegoers photo special. be selected for 1st, 2nd & 3rd prizes. Two voting prizes will also be
Now it's up to you to select our most rakish randomly selected.
racegoer. You, our readers, will decide the 1st Prize - $750 voucher for Casuarina Square
overall winner by voting for your favourite 2nd Prize - $500 voucher for Casuarina Square
outfit by SMS. 3rd Prize - $250 voucher for Casuarina Square
Random voting prizes:

$100 towards dinner at il Piatto

Prizes courtesy
Sandbar VIP Booth including of GPT Group,
Casuarina Square
$150 for food and beverage and SKYCITY

Winners will be announced in the NT News Public Notices on Thursday August 18, 2011. Winners will be contacted by phone.

Tarnisha Gilmour 1 Shannan Dent 2 Ruth Modoh 3 Rachael Walker 4 Molly Bliss 5
22 NT NEWS. Tuesday, August 9, 2011. www.ntnews.com.au
Locky Malone 6 Liz Featherstonhaugh 7 Larissa Mills 8 Kerstin Schmoeller 9 Kelley Westoff 10

Kaitlyn Ther 11 Jordan Long 12 Jane Power 13 Emma-Jean Turner 14 Emily Beresford 15



Elle Gray 16 Dhewi Fotinakis 17 Danielle Amiet 18 Christy Davies 19 Carlie Power 20
www.ntnews.com.au Tuesday, August 9, 2011. NT NEWS. 23

Vicki Davies 21 Sarah Coburn 22 Rachel Howells 23 Kaila Nichols 24 Michelle O'Loughlan 25

Maurieen Shoko 26 Lucy Saunders 27 Lourdes Johnstone 28 Ki Flett 29 Jennifer Payne 30

Grace Niblock 31 Gareth Roberts 32 Elshonner Jonson 33 Dayu Anggraeni 34 Dave Spry 35
24 NT NEWS. Tuesday, August 9, 2011. www.ntnews.com.au
Daniella Da Silva 36 Daniel McBride 37 Chris Cornell 38 Chris Binney 39 Billie Rosenburg 40

Tannille Gentle 41 Talmai Skewes 42 Simone Detourbet 43 Shelly Kenning 44 Shabnam Shabir 45



Sasha Sullivan 46 Samantha Reid 47 Merete Gorry 48 Kelly Richardson 49 Josie O'Campo 50
www.ntnews.com.au Tuesday, August 9, 2011. NT NEWS. 25

Jess Byrnes 51 Jaimee McIntosh 52 Greg Stehle 53 Fiona Schooens 54 Desi Giri 55

Cassie Valastro 56 Brienna Logie 57 Bianca Stylis 58 Beatrice Smith 59 Allicia Cann 60

Yasmin Groves 61 Rebecca Bauer 62 Pascoe Lawler 63 Mia Koponen 64 Marichu King 65
26 NT NEWS. Tuesday, August 9, 2011. www.ntnews.com.au
Liz Weller 66 Lila Yulila 67 Kevin Cowsill 68 Jess Castle 69 Jarrod Dempster 70

Jamilah Allen 71 Jack McEwin 72 Georgie Hill 73 Ella Cavallaro 74 Daina Dickinson 75



Christopher Gorry 76 Cathy Rice 77 Benyarkan Buayan 78 Amy McEvoy 79 Amy Howard 80
www.ntnews.com.au Tuesday, August 9, 2011. NT NEWS. 27

Vanesha Knights 81 Tika Jenner 82 Tahlia Langley 83 Sheila McAndrew 84 Ben Akers 85

Sammi Hunter 86 Ryan Bulluss 87 Ross Daly 88 Rachel Ward 89 Alicia Sherwood 90

Primrose Sapo 91 Kristina Gorry 92 Kerri Carpenter 93 Karlee Truscott 94 Gary Curran 95
28 NT NEWS. Tuesday, August 9, 2011. www.ntnews.com.au
Clem Weller 96 Claudine de Clovett 97 Brody Jenner 98 Aleasha Chatterton 99 Aisling Maloney 100

Tamika Tiedeman 101 Stephen Brennan 102 Siobhan Row 103 Sean Malone 104 Padraic McGeever 105



Nicola Kingsford 106 Nakisha Wren 107 Lisa Chin 108 Lily Kelly 109 Lilli Moran 110
www.ntnews.com.au Tuesday, August 9, 2011. NT NEWS. 29

Keira Murphy 111 Karine Harrison 112 Josh Major 113 Jim Spalding 114 Jaylee Waideman 115

Helen Makrylos 116 Denise Crowther 117 Chloe Morrell 118 Becky Miras 119 Alexa Morris-Lovell 120

Zoe Winter 121 Tara Afford 122 Sean Davies 123 Sarah Rudd 124 Sarah McQueen 125
30 NT NEWS. Tuesday, August 9, 2011. www.ntnews.com.au
Sandie Hintz 126 Ness Clough 127 Levonne Chin 128 Kyra-Lee Foreman 129 Kirsty Watteau 130

Kelly Simmons 131 Katelyn Cull 132 Jackson Fearon 133 Ebony Hill 134 David Solien 135



Coby Weetra 136 Chris Turner 137 Caz Miller 138 Catherine Crowley 139 Annaliese Reid 140
www.ntnews.com.au Tuesday, August 9, 2011. NT NEWS. 31

Zoe Simmons 141 Stewy Condon 142 Stevie Marcon 143 Sara Simmons 144 Samantha Ping-Nam 145

Rosanna Crain 146 Michaela Pickering147 Maria Loppas 148 Lauren Dwyer 149 Kate Newman 150

Julia Hoyne 151 Joseph Shanahan 152 Felicity Payne 153 Emma Wooldridge 154 Emma Jones 155
32 NT NEWS. Tuesday, August 9, 2011. www.ntnews.com.au
Christine Miller 156 Brooke Miller 157 Brianna Grazioli 158 Brandon Santos 159 Brandon Chuah 160

Stella Smith 161 Rose Hewitt 162 Rex Jackson 163 Nicole Sammut 164 Nathan Wilson 165



Michael Paull 166 Melissa White 167 Melissa Cranwell 168 Liz Saunders 169 Layla Wilson 170
www.ntnews.com.au Tuesday, August 9, 2011. NT NEWS. 33

Jess Newall 171 Jemma Redding 172 Jason Irvine 173 Helen Bull 174 Georgia Hawkins 175

Fe Fehey 176 Emily Bix 177 Elaine Walton 178 Darryl Spurr 179 Christine Tait 180

Thompson Gma 181 Shelly Fletcher 182 Shaun Steer 183 Shani Carson 184 Sam Stockwell 185
34 NT NEWS. Tuesday, August 9, 2011. www.ntnews.com.au
Nick Hockey 186 Nat Dunbar 187 Moses Jackson 188 Maughen Langer 189 Luke Morris 190

Keeta Welch 191 Josie Tognolini 192 John Hebbink 193 Jackie Lee 194 Jade Chin 195



Hal Salter 196 Gemma Warwn 197 Gavin Tait 198 Brittany Vitkus 199 Aleisha O'Conner 200
www.ntnews.com.au Tuesday, August 9, 2011. NT NEWS. 35

Ross Mallard 201 Rosie Ashburner 202 Ngaire Smith 203 Mieke Kremer 204 Melissa Tewkesbury 205

Melanie Cowell 206 Max Nicholson 207 Matt O'Mullane 208 Lucy Murphy 209 Leanne Dowling 210

Kayla Robinson 211 Jo Moo 212 Jess Blakey 213 Heather Gray 214 Hanna Beere 215
36 NT NEWS. Tuesday, August 9, 2011. www.ntnews.com.au


www.ntnews.com.au Tuesday, August 9, 2011. NT NEWS. 37


38 NT NEWS. Tuesday, August 9, 2011. www.ntnews.com.au

SCHOOL MATTERS l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l ntnews.com.au

Touching the Cup

dreams are made of
How long did it take for
the Oxford English Dic-
tionary to be written?


IT IS often said that

English is one of the
hardest languages to
learn, largely because
of its tricky rules and hy-
brid language roots.
English has been a
work-in-progress for hun-
dreds of years and
today bares little or no
resemblance to the Eng-
lish spoken just a few hun-
dred years ago.
All answers to this
week’s quiz can be found
within the project page.
1. In how many countries
is English the main lang-
uage spoken?
2. Roughly how many peo-
ple is English spoken by?
3. Roughly how many
words make up the Eng-
lish language?
4. How often is a new
word created?
Danielle Ponter, a Year 6 student at Karama Primary School, was privileged to hold the prestigious Melbourne Cup during a stop-over in the Top End 5. How many words
did William Shakespeare

ONE of Australia’s most principal Marg Fenbury said thing like the thrill of the invent?
iconic sporting trophies has it was ‘‘gobsmacking’’ to Melbourne or Darwin cups. CUP FACTS 6. How long did it take for
stopped at a Darwin school as have the cup at the school. ‘‘They don’t know a whole ■ The Cup lives at the the Oxford English Dic-
part of an international tour. ‘‘It’s great for the kids,’’ lot about it — they have Flemington Heritage Centre tionary to be written?
The Melbourne Cup stop- When they’re oldies, she said. ‘‘Even though a lot all probably heard about ■ A new Cup is made in 7. How many pages did
ped off at Karama and Night- of them probably don’t know it, but I don’t know how Brisbane every year by the it cover?
cliff primary schools last they’ll laugh about it a lot about the Melbourne many really realise the size Hardy Brothers jewellers 8. What was the original
week under the annual Emi- and say, ‘Yeah, I’ve Cup, I think it’s great to get it of it,’’ she said. ■ It weighs just under 4kg definition of ‘‘silly’’?
rates Melbourne Cup tour. to the school. Joining the tour was the ■ 1.65kg of that weight is 9. In what year did
The tour will see the cup seen that, I’ve stood ‘‘When they’re oldies, only female trainer to win 18-carat gold William the Conqueror
travel across Australia and they’ll laugh about it and say, the Melbourne Cup, Sheila ■ The base is made of black invade and take
over to New Zealand. beside it ‘Yeah, I’ve seen that, I’ve Laxon, who won the cup with wattle over England?
While in Darwin, the cup stood beside it,’ and some Ethereal, a New Zealand ■ The three handles 10. What was the result of
appeared at Fannie Bay Turf have also held it.’’ mare, in 2001. represent a handle for the this downfall?
Club during the running of It also visited Royal Dar- Ms Fenbury said it was un- This year’s cup is worth a owner, the jockey, and the To see the answers, log
its smaller cousin, the Dar- win Hospital and community likely any of the students record $175,000 and is made trainer on to www.ntnews.com.au/
win Cup. groups. Karama Primary would have experienced any- of 18-carat gold. schoolmatters

NT’s brainiest in battle

A DARWIN High School Questions were taken from Nina described the experi-
student will battle it out information presented in ence as ‘‘nerve-racking’’.
against seven of the smartest Brain Facts, a booklet pro- ‘‘I wasn’t sure how things
youngsters in the country af- duced by the American Soci- would turn out,’’ she said.
ter winning the Territory ety for Neuroscience, which ‘‘They would ask me the I need to be
final of the Australian Brain also prepares university- question and for a moment I
Bee Challenge. grade textbooks for students wouldn’t be sure about the somewhere around
Nina Ruzsicska, 15, de- studying neuroscience. answer, but then it would 99 – and that seems
feated hundreds of students Nina, a Year 10 student, come to me – then I would be
to make it to the NT finals. said she had always been in- worried if it was wrong.’’ very high
She then beat Ashail Silva terested in the functions of Nina and the three other
from Casuarina Senior Col- the brain. students were selected to go
lege, Tara Guempel-Crothers ‘‘Anything to do with to the NT finals based on re- ‘‘I need to be somewhere
from Katherine High School neuroscience, like how dif- sults of an online quiz. around 99 – and that seems
and Callum Le Lay from Ta- ferent areas of the brain func- She said she wanted to very high.
minmin High School in the tion, different diseases and study medicine after school ‘‘I just hope I can achieve
joint Queensland and Territ- other stuff like that,’’ and become a doctor. it,’’ she said.
ory finals in Brisbane. she said. ‘‘But I need to work hard The national winner will
Nina will now go to the nat- The questions were posed for that and get a really high represent Australia at the
ional final on the Gold Coast to the students in front of a Australian Tertiary En- International Brain Bee NT Brain Bee champion Nina Ruzsicska with Queensland
in January. live audience. trance Rank to be accepted.’’ Championships. Brain Institute director Professor Perry Bartlett

40 NT NEWS. Tuesday, August 9, 2011. www.ntnews.com.au

ntnews.com.aul l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l BUSINESS
your advertising options
Roll-out starts on 4G Investors flock to gold
TELSTRA will start selling its new
fourth generation (4G) wireless
mobile internet technology to
The price of gold struck a record high of more than
$US1700 an ounce, with dealers flocking to the safe-
haven metal as Asian stocks tumbled after Standard
businesses in Melbourne, Sydney
and Brisbane this month.
The telco switched on the next generation wireless
& Poor’s downgrade of US debt. The price of gold
yesterday reached $US1708 an ounce in Hong Kong
trade. ‘‘People are just taking their money out (of
broadband technology — known as 4G or long term other markets), especially from the dollar and euro,
evolution technology (LTE) — in May and began and investing in gold and the Japanese yen,’’ a Tokyo-
sending data over the network in trials soon after. based trader said.

CBA’s cash splash

BIG profits are expected from be updating the market with ‘‘At this stage, lending quarter performance today,
Experts in Concrete
Publication Date: Wednesday, August 24, 2011
major banks this week, but in- third-quarter results. growth looks pretty weak and expectations are cash
If concrete is putty in your hands, then here is a great opportunity
vestors are more focused on But the large profits, which right across the sector, and so earnings of $1.3 billion, up to advertise your concreting business!
how lenders plan to grow rev- have grown mainly because what the bank is going to do to from $1.1 billion in the June
On August 24, The NT News is publishing a special feature
enue when consumers and bad debts have declined after try and drive earnings in a quarter last year. Westpac re- called ‘Experts in Concreting’. Appearing in the same edition of
businesses are borrowing less. surging during the global fin- weak credit growth environ- ports its June quarter earn- the paper as the NT Trade, Product and Service Directory, this
Analysts forecast a cash pro- ancial crisis, may well be a ment will be keenly watched,’’ ings on August 16, while ANZ feature is a great opportunity to advertise your concreting
fit of around $6.9 billion for peak for the time being. Morningstar Equities analyst rounds out the banking report- services to thousands of readers this Dry season.
Commonwealth Bank of Aust- Weakness in consumer- David Ellis said. ing season on August 19. If you would like to contribute to this special feature you are
ralia (CBA) when it posts its exposed sectors of the econ- Cost reductions, higher fees, The events of the past week invited to purchase an advert space to help further promote
full year results tomorrow. omy, plus the impact of nat- and a focus on wealth manage- in world financial markets your business or service.
That would be an improve- ural disasters, may see bad ment were possible strategies will also receive attention Deadline: Wednesday, August 10, 2011
ment of 13 per cent on CBA’s debts increase again. for banks looking to improve from the chief executives,
$6.101 billion cash profit in the Additionally, with con- revenue in the weak economic but Mr Ellis said Australia’s Hejira Convery
previous financial year. sumers spending less and sav- conditions, he said. major banks were well placed t 8944 9876 f 8941 7559
Rivals National Australia ing more, the banks may find National Australia Bank up- to deal with the present vola- Email: converyh@ntnews.com.au
Bank, Westpac and ANZ will it difficult to increase lending. dates the market on its third tility in debt markets.

Industry snorts over red tape

THE case of a farmer forced to
put illuminated ‘‘exit’’ signs
over the doors of his pig shed
shows red tape is strangling
Queensland firms, a state busi-
ness group says.
The Queensland Chamber of Landcare Week 2011
Commerce and Industry says Publication Date: Sunday, September 4, 2011
Queensland has become a Published in The Sunday Territorian, the special feature for
nanny state, with regulations Landcare Week will focus on the environment,land management
inhibiting industry growth. and sustainability. This is an opportunity to advertise as
In its latest poll, 94 per cent progressive and eco-friendly, whilst demonstrating your
of business owners said red services to a broad range of Territorians.
tape impacted on their oper- We want to inspire people to care for the environment, and
ations, and three-quarters said promote organisations making a difference.
they would not employ extra If you would like to contribute to this special feature you are
staff because of the cost and invited to purchase an advert space to help further promote
time involved in compliance. your business or service.
One survey respondent re- Deadline: Friday, August 19, 2011
called how his new shed, built
to house 60 pigs, required a fire
Oliver Vickers-Price
hose, an illuminated ‘‘exit’’ t 8944 9819 f 8941 7559
sign above its two doors and Email: vickerspriceo@ntnews.com.au
an evacuation procedure dis-
played prominently.
‘‘The biggest difficulties
were teaching the pigs to read
the signs and . . . training the
four most intelligent pigs as
fire fighters,’’ he joked.
But the chamber’s president
David Goodwin said there was
a serious problem underlying
the farmer’s good humour.
With more than 80,000 pages
of regulations in force,
Queensland had more than
any other state in Australia. How to be a Master
‘‘While red tape generally
starts through good intent-
in your Kitchen!
ions, ultimately it ends up Publication Date: Friday, August 26, 2011
A farmer was amazed when told he needed ‘‘exit’’ signs in his pig shed — the pigs weren’t too making doing business With our lives influenced by reality TV shows like MasterChef,
impressed either harder,’’ he said. My Kitchen Rules and other cooking shows available, the home
cooking scene is becoming increasingly popular. This feature
will promote the home cooking experience, from cooking
classes to the latest products that make cooking a breeze.
Job ads edge down in July Rare dip in profit for JB Hi-Fi If you would like to contribute to this special feature you are
invited to purchase an advert space to help further promote
SYDNEY: Job advertise- In the year to July, job ads CONSUMER electronics chain and electronic games, which your business or service.
ments declined in July, sug- were up 8.3 per cent. JB Hi-Fi expects solid earnings offset stronger sales volumes. Deadline: Thursday, August 11, 2011
gesting employment growth ANZ head of Australian ec- growth and sales for the year Sales revenue in July ‘‘re- Joelle Appleby
will moderate in months to onomics and property re- ahead even though the chal- mained challenging’’ but the
t 8944 9804 f 8941 7559

come, a survey released yes- search Ivan Colhoun said the lenging market for retailers company expected 2011/12 to
terday shows. survey showed the labour led to its first fall in profit in be another solid year of sales Email: applebyj@ntnews.com.au
The ANZ job advertise- market was not as tight as in more than 10 years. and earnings growth. For more advertising information please call
ments index found total job 2008, when unemployment JB Hi-Fi reported a 7.55 per Revenue rose 8.35 per cent to WS-
advertisements on the was at 4.2 per cent. cent fall in net profit yesterday $2.96 billion for the year to Hejira Convery 8944 9876
internet and in major ‘‘The current unemploy- to $109.7 million for the year to June 30 but was down minus Email: converyh@ntnews.com.au
metropolitan newspapers fell ment rate is 0.7 percentage June 30 compared with the 3.3 per cent in July. Joelle Appleby 8944 9804
0.7 per cent in July. points higher at 4.9 per cent, previous 12 months. JB Hi-Fi forecast sales this Email: applebyj@ntnews.com.au
Job ads partly recovered in which along with the signal The result was dragged financial year would be ‘‘circa Oliver Vickers-Price 8944 9819

June, after falls in May and from job advertising, sug- down by price deflation on the $3.2 billion, an eight per cent Email: vickerspriceo@ntnews.com.au
April. They had begun slow- gests the labour market is company’s consumer goods increase on the prior year’’,
ing in January and the trend not as tight as in 2008,’’ Mr range, including televisions, based on conditions remaining
turned negative from April. Colhoun said. audio equipment, computers similar to those of 2011.

www.ntnews.com.au Tuesday, August 9, 2011. NT NEWS. 41

BUSINESS l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l ntnews.com.au

Panic selling shaves $32b off stocks

By REBECCA LE MAY based, with materials stocks surged $25.20, or 27.69 per saw jobs data (in the US) that had flipped around wildly
faring the worst. cent, to $116.20. directly contradicted that. all day.
PERTH: Panicked investors BHP Billiton was down Mr McCarthy said investor ‘‘So overall, the numbers Preliminary national turn-
shaved another $32 billion off
the Australian share market,
Market $1.52, or 3.99 per cent,
at $36.60 while fellow
confidence had been battered
by a stream of negative news
are not suggesting that there
is a recession coming . . . and
over was 3.15 billion shares,
worth $7.8 billion, with 196
sending it to a two-year low mark S&P/ASX200 index clo- mining giant Rio Tinto was but the sell-off had been over- we’re seeing corporate earn- shares up, 1039 down and 313
on fears of a volatile Wall sed down 119.3 points, or 2.91 down $3.37, or 4.68 per cent, done. ‘‘Investors are moving ings coming through around steady. The gold price hit an
Street after the first per cent, to below the psycho- at $68.63. from crisis resolution to the the globe that are not consist- all-time high of $US1708 an
downgrading of US sovereign logically significant 4000- Coal and Allied shares next disaster without paus- ent with the idea that the ounce in Hong Kong trade, as
debt by Standard & Poor’s. point mark at 3986.1 points. soared after its largest ing for breath,’’ he said. market is going backwards.’’ Asian stocks tumbled.
Yesterday was the fifth The broader All Ordinar- shareholders, Rio Tinto ‘‘Last week, the market Mr McCarthy said there Among gold producers,
consecutive trading session ies index slumped 113 and Japan’s Mitsubishi De- was taken by concerns about had been a big surge in trad- AngloGold Ashanti put on
that the domestic bourse clo- points, or 2.71 per cent, velopment, made a non- the US economic recovery, ing volumes yesterday, with 27c, or 3.4 per cent, to $8.21
sed in the red and added to to 4056.7 points. binding proposal for the the concern being that it was more than double the usual but Newcrest was 38c weaker
the $95 billion that was wiped CMC Markets chief market shares in the miner they did stalling and bringing the rest contracts traded on the fu- at $38.82.
from the value of the local strategist Michael McCarthy not already hold. of the world into a further re- tures exchange. Voyager shares finished
market last week. The bench- said the losses were broad Shares in Coal & Allied cession. On Friday night, we He said the futures market up 10.2 per cent, at 5.4c.


Company Last Chg Vol Buy Sell Company Last Chg Vol Buy Sell Company Last Chg Vol Buy Sell Company Last Chg Vol Buy Sell Company Last Chg Vol Buy Sell

A.P. Eagers 10.140 -0.060 47 10.000+10.140 AVJennings 0.410 0.010 492 0.410 0.435 Energy Res. 3.400 -0.130 11175 3.390 3.400 Infomedia 0.210 -0.005 4543 0.210 0.215 Planet Gas 0.040 0.000 418 0.037 0.040
Abm RES 0.040 0.001 299763 0.041 0.042 AWE 1.050 -0.035 49978 1.045 1.050 Energy World Corp. 0.580 -0.040 32906 0.575 0.585 ING Office Fund 0.565 -0.040 300115 0.560 0.565 Platinum Asset 3.630 -0.060 4663 3.600 3.630
Platinum AUST 0.215 -0.035 35301 0.215 0.225
Acclaim Explor. 0.003 0.001 114500 0.002 0.003 Bandanna Ener. 1.370 -0.150 23578 1.360 1.395 Envestra 0.620 -0.010 20833 0.615 0.620 Insurance Austra. 2.950 -0.120 72392 2.950 2.960
PMP 0.495 0.000 2200 0.490 0.550
Acrux 3.700 -0.030 8148 3.680 3.710 Bank of QLD. 6.850 -0.250 18466 6.840 6.850 ERM Power 1.400 -0.020 376 1.365 1.400 Intermin Res. 0.130 0.000 437 0.115 0.130 Premium Invest. 0.720 -0.035 3320 0.720 0.745
Adacel Tech. 0.360 0.000 0 0.285 0.330 Bannerman Res. 0.330 -0.020 16856 0.325 0.330 ERO Mining 0.023 0.000 0 0.024 0.028 InvoCare 6.750 -0.200 5645 6.740 6.750 Primary Health 2.890 -0.110 18870 2.870 2.890
Adelaide Brighton 2.410 -0.030 21629 2.400 2.410 Beach Energy 0.920 -0.030 63376 0.910 0.925 Eservglobal 0.630 -0.070 2177 0.625 0.630 IOOF Hings 5.550 -0.330 6368 5.550 5.560 Prime Media Grp 0.650 -0.005 440 0.650 0.670
Aditya Birla 1.135 -0.155 12741 1.135 1.140 Becton PROP. GRP 0.009 0.000 0 0.008 0.009 Excalibur Mining 0.001 -0.001 32764 0.001 0.002 IRESS Market Tech. 7.860 -0.260 2608 7.840 7.860 Primeag AUST 1.090 0.020 11768 1.090 1.100

Admiralty Res. 0.051 -0.002 76908 0.050 0.051 Bendigo & Adel. 7.950 -0.120 12001 7.950 7.960 Fairfax Media 0.780 -0.045 198871 0.775 0.780 Iron Ore Hings 1.150 0.000 1357 1.100 1.150 Programmed 1.850 -0.050 2875 1.845 1.860
AdultShop.com 0.016 0.001 2182 0.014 0.015 BHP Billiton 36.600 -1.520 238384 36.590+36.600 Falcon MIN 0.077 0.000 2766 0.077 0.079 Ironbark Capital 0.450 0.000 50 0.445 0.465 Prosperity Res. 0.043 0.000 880 0.043 0.050
Proto Res. & Inv 0.030 -0.005 7600 0.029 0.030
AED Oil 0.145 0.000 0 0.000 0.000 Billabong 5.060 -0.220 21311 5.060 5.070 Fantastic Hings 1.850 -0.055 98 1.810 1.850 Isoft GRP 0.170 0.000 0 0.000 0.000
Qantas Airways 1.595 -0.095 188377 1.595 1.600
AGL Energy 13.080 -0.270 20893 13.070+13.080 Biota Hings 0.890 0.000 7723 0.890 0.895 Firestone Energy 0.014 -0.001 14039 0.014 0.015 James Hardie Ind. 5.100 -0.170 27073 5.100 5.110 QBE Insurance 14.230 -0.430 68764 14.230+14.240
Ainsworth Game 0.380 -0.010 2582 0.375 0.390 Blackmores 26.380 -0.260 133 25.540+26.400 Fisher & Paykel 0.450 -0.005 1692 0.450 0.480 JB Hi-Fi 14.000 -0.350 18921 13.980+14.030 QR National 3.180 -0.100 190950 3.180 3.190
AJ Lucas GRP 1.350 0.000 0 0.000 0.000 Blackwood Corp 0.180 -0.020 621 0.180 0.210 FKP PROPerty Grp 0.500 -0.035 56108 0.495 0.500 Jupiter Mines 0.390 -0.025 6140 0.390 0.395 Quantum Energy. 0.033 0.000 0 0.025 0.034
Alchemia 0.505 -0.115 16097 0.500 0.520 Blina Diamonds 0.009 -0.001 83856 0.009 0.010 Fleetwood Corp 10.530 -0.500 2581 10.520+10.530 Kagara 0.535 -0.005 51373 0.530 0.535 Ramsay Health 16.460 -0.590 10236 16.460+16.470
ALE PROPerty Grp 1.840 0.010 1179 1.820 1.840 BlueScope Steel 0.930 -0.035 223552 0.925 0.930 Fletcher Building 5.960 -0.210 18519 5.950 5.960 Karoon Gas Aust. 3.350 -0.340 21061 3.350 3.360 Rawson Res. 0.076 0.000 690 0.076 0.077
Reckon 2.330 0.010 1958 2.330 2.490
Alesco Corp. 2.600 -0.100 11017 2.600 2.610 Bluglass 0.100 0.000 198 0.100 0.120 Flight Centre 19.400 -0.550 5620 19.390+19.400 Kentor Gold 0.093 -0.007 39191 0.093 0.095
Red 5 0.155 0.010 70870 0.150 0.160
Alkane Res. 1.420 -0.270 42279 1.420 1.430 Boart Longyear 3.320 -0.330 65995 3.320 3.330 Flinders Mines 0.115 -0.005 110689 0.110 0.115 Kingsgate Consolid. 7.670 -0.200 13105 7.670 7.680 Red Metal 0.160 0.000 200 0.160 0.210
Alliance Res. 0.150 -0.015 12520 0.145 0.155 Bondi Mining 0.065 -0.010 500 0.065 0.075 Focus MIN 0.058 -0.003 426020 0.058 0.059 Korab RES 0.160 0.000 1690 0.155 0.160 Redbank Copper 0.009 -0.001 21617 0.009 0.010
Altura Mining 0.150 -0.005 5192 0.150 0.160 Boom Logistics 0.235 0.005 5980 0.235 0.240 Fortescue Metals 5.590 -0.150 226060 5.580 5.600 Lakes Oil NL 0.004 0.000 48360 0.004 0.005 Redflex Hings 1.740 0.020 87 1.740 1.780
Alumina 1.775 -0.050 337170 1.775 1.780 Boral 3.550 -0.150 46341 3.530 3.550 Foster’s GRP 4.660 -0.130 251469 4.660 4.670 Leighton Hings 18.220 -1.050 17761 18.210+18.250 Redflow 1.030 -0.080 210 1.030 1.090
Amadeus Energy 0.220 -0.005 5646 0.220 0.225 Bougainville Cop. 0.800 -0.140 1198 0.800 0.820 Freshtel Hings 0.004 0.000 0 0.003 0.004 Lend Lease GRP 8.000 -0.370 37593 8.000 8.010 Reef Casino 1.700 0.000 0 1.650 1.700
Renaissance Uran 0.065 0.000 0 0.061 0.075
Amalgamated Hldg 5.700 -0.150 1987 5.700 5.820 Bow Energy 0.930 -0.030 40435 0.930 0.935 Fritzroy Res 0.210 0.000 0 0.195 0.210 Linc Energy 2.000 -0.100 54382 1.990 2.000
ResMed Inc. 2.660 -0.020 78860 2.650 2.660
Amcom Telecomm. 0.310 -0.020 7734 0.310 0.315 Bradken 7.690 -0.190 11478 7.670 7.700 Funtastic 0.061 -0.004 264 0.061 0.070 Lonrho Mining 0.026 -0.001 27134 0.026 0.030 Resolute Mining 1.235 0.005 118587 1.230 1.240
Amcor 6.250 -0.230 55733 6.250 6.260 Brambles 6.170 -0.070 93737 6.170 6.180 G.U.D. Hings 7.830 -0.250 4922 7.780 7.830 Lynas CORP 1.800 -0.060 600887 1.800 1.805 Reverse Corp 0.034 0.001 1709 0.034 0.050
AMP 3.880 -0.110 161859 3.880 3.890 Brickworks 9.470 0.070 1161 9.460 9.560 Genetic Techno. 0.180 0.000 17781 0.175 0.180 MacArthur Coal 15.000 -0.210 68299 15.000+15.030 Reward MIN 0.970 0.000 1794 0.960 0.970
Anglo AUST 0.013 0.000 3360 0.013 0.014 Brockman Res. 2.860 -0.020 944 2.800 2.860 Geodynamics 0.250 -0.020 6153 0.245 0.250 Macmahon Hldgs 0.495 0.000 57084 0.490 0.495 Rio Tinto 68.630 -3.370 61429 68.620+68.630
AngloGold Ash. 8.210 0.270 67 7.600 8.250 Brumby Res. 0.100 -0.020 696 0.100 0.120 Macquarie Grp 22.860 -0.390 44432 22.850+22.870 Rivercity Motorway 0.007 0.000 0 0.000 0.000
Ansell 12.850 -0.420 6815 12.850+12.880 Bunnings Wareh. 1.640 -0.045 15429 1.635 1.640 Mantle Mining Corp. 0.090 -0.003 5144 0.090 0.095 ROC Oil CO 0.295 -0.025 14110 0.295 0.300
Rox RES 0.029 -0.003 22640 0.029 0.030
Antares Energy 0.380 -0.090 98695 0.375 0.380 Cabcharge Aust. 4.630 -0.150 3370 4.610 4.640 MAp GRP 3.020 -0.130 66200 3.020 3.030
RUM Jungle Res 0.215 -0.005 5762 0.215 0.220
ANZ Banking Grp 18.500 -0.600 165933 18.500+18.520 Caltex AUST 9.450 -0.120 10836 9.450 9.460 Marathon Res. 0.145 0.000 0 0.135 0.145 SAI Global 4.330 -0.180 4384 4.330 4.340
APA GRP 3.730 -0.210 26001 3.720 3.730 Campbell Bros. 43.290 -0.390 3862 43.230+43.300 Marion Energy 0.010 -0.002 154675 0.009 0.011 Salmat 3.300 -0.090 1211 3.280 3.300
APN News&Med. 0.975 0.000 34419 0.970 0.975 Carabella Res 1.845 -0.010 2840 1.845 1.850 Matilda Zircon 0.020 -0.001 15457 0.019 0.020 Sandfire Res 7.270 0.070 11831 7.250 7.270
Aquila Res. 5.350 -0.520 8450 5.320 5.350 Cardno 4.800 -0.170 3023 4.800 4.830 MaxiTRANS IND 0.250 0.000 468 0.240 0.250 Santos 11.300 -0.220 62572 11.300+11.320
Arafura Res. 0.545 -0.050 27724 0.545 0.550 Carnarvon Petro. 0.155 -0.010 65169 0.150 0.155 McPherson’s 2.980 -0.070 461 2.970 3.100 Seek 5.630 -0.350 19743 5.600 5.630
Cash Converters 0.620 -0.055 4357 0.620 0.625 Mec RES 0.130 0.000 2608 0.125 0.130 Segue Res. 0.030 -0.003 2568 0.030 0.039
Argo Invest. 5.040 -0.100 5941 5.040 5.070
Sherwin Iron 0.075 0.006 2985 0.075 0.080
Ariadne Aust.
Aristocrat Leis.
0.310 0.340
2.300 2.310
Cauldron Energy
0.110 0.125
3.770 3.780
‡ Stockbroking Melbourne IT
1.620 1.635
0.150 0.160
Silex SYS 2.700 -0.050 1150 2.650 2.700
Sims Metal Mgmt 14.810 -0.340 8967 14.810+14.880
Asciano GRP 1.470 -0.070 389701 1.460 1.470 Cellnet GRP 0.350
Centaurus Metals 0.082
0.300 0.350
0.082 0.084
‡ Financial Planning Mermaid Marine
Metal Storm
2.880 2.910
0.004 0.005
Singapore Teleco. 2.350
Sipa RES 0.060
-0.070 42010
0.000 2330
2.350 2.360
0.060 0.063
Aspen GRP 0.420 0.000 13214 0.405 0.425
Astron 2.800 0.030 700 2.670 2.800 Central PET 0.062
Centro Retail GRP 0.340
0.062 0.064
0.320 0.315
‡ Corporate Finance Metals X
0.210 0.215
3.850 3.860
Sirtex Medical
Skilled GRP
-0.170 373
-0.070 4881
5.030 5.200
1.880 1.930
ASX 27.150 -1.140 12278 27.150+27.160
Sky City Entertain. 2.660 -0.120 4393 2.650 2.670
Atlas Iron 3.580 -0.170 183670 3.580 3.590 Century Aust. 0.590 -0.020 1164 0.580 0.605 Meteoric Res. 0.060 0.000 0 0.060 0.070
Sonic Healthcare 11.280 -0.260 11500 11.230+11.280
Ausamerican Min 0.027 -0.003 8000 0.027 0.030 CFS Retail PROP. 1.515 -0.080 226124 1.515 1.520
Phone Milton CORP 14.650 -0.250 395 14.600+14.650 Soul Pattinson 11.980 0.260 1068 11.980+12.040

Ausdrill 2.870 -0.120 23138 2.860 2.870 Cga Mining 2.520 0.000 80 2.340 2.490 Minara RES 0.630 0.000 23903 0.620 0.630 Southern Uranium 0.059 -0.006 2515 0.060 0.065
Ausenco 2.120 -0.050 6351 2.110 2.130 Challenger F.S.G. 4.510 -0.140 58536 4.500 4.530 Mincor RES 0.730 -0.020 15426 0.730 0.740 SP AusNet 0.860 -0.025 47914 0.855 0.860
Aust. Agricult.
Aust. Education
1.300 1.330
0.810 0.815
Challenger Infrast. 0.935
Charter Hall GRP 1.815
0.935 0.940
1.815 1.820
(08) 8981 9555 Minemakers
Mirabela Nickel
0.335 0.340
1.735 1.740
Spark Infrast.
Spotless GRP
-0.045 65789
-0.015 9678
1.210 1.220
1.960 1.975
Clarius Grp 0.550 -0.020 26202 0.550 0.555 Mirrabooka Invest. 1.655 -0.095 3406 1.600 1.655 St Barbara 1.800 0.015 21704 1.800 1.805
Aust. Foundat. 4.090 -0.140 6810 4.090 4.110
Stockland 2.730 -0.100 163812 2.730 2.750
Aust. Infrastr. 1.745 -0.040 22811 1.740 1.745 Clean Seas Tuna 0.098 -0.002 15532 0.096 0.099 Mirvac GRP 1.030 -0.025 210015 1.030 1.035
Summit Res. 1.750 0.000 15 1.750 0.000
Aust. Pharm. 0.255 -0.015 1609 0.255 0.260 Clinuvel Pharma. 1.475 -0.025 770 1.475 1.600 RBS Morgans Darwin Mithril RES 0.074 -0.006 7363 0.065 0.074 Sun RES 0.017 -0.001 3500 0.017 0.020
Austal 2.730 -0.060 1548 2.720 2.740 Clough 0.665 0.000 0 0.610 0.640 Molopo Energy 0.620 -0.010 7990 0.610 0.620 Suncorp-Metway. 6.440 -0.310 50129 6.440 6.460
Austar United 0.940 -0.025 62746 0.935 0.940 Clover Corp. 0.295 0.005 1236 0.275 0.295
Level 2, 36 Mitchell Street Monadelphous GRP17.280 -0.710 7405 17.280+17.290 Sundance Res. 0.455 -0.005 541293 0.455 0.460
Avexa 0.036 -0.003 5940 0.036 0.039 CMI 0.960 0.000 0 0.870 1.060 Darwin NT 0800 Mortgage Choice 1.180 -0.060 1735 1.180 1.185 Sunland GRP 0.590 0.015 12458 0.585 0.590
Coal & Allied 116.200 25.200 603 116.000116.750 Mount Gibson Iron 1.430 -0.070 127417 1.430 1.435 Super Cheap Auto 6.180 -0.170 1924 6.150 6.200
Coca-Cola Amatil 10.520 -0.330 36617 10.510+10.530 Murchison Metals 0.580 -0.040 65241 0.575 0.585 Symex Hings 0.400 -0.010 500 0.390 0.400
TABCORP Hings 3.020 -0.020 71092 3.010 3.020
Cochlear 66.030 -0.830 3073 65.870+66.030 Namoi Cotton Co. 0.360 -0.035 506 0.360 0.380
Tanami Gold NL 0.900 -0.060 5774 0.890 0.900
Coffey Internat. 0.590 -0.030 1608 0.570 0.595 National Aust. Bank20.900 -0.870 143090 20.890+20.900
SNAPSHOT Collection House 0.720 0.000 189 0.720 0.735
www.rbsmorgans.com/darwin National Hire GRP 1.450 0.000 0 1.465 1.530
Tap Oil
Tassal GRP
-0.035 10376
-0.015 3197
0.735 0.740
1.270 1.300
Common. Bank. 45.620 -0.640 87951 45.610+45.630 darwin@rbsmorgans.com New Hope Corp. 4.950 0.030 11177 4.940 4.950 Tatts GRP 2.210 -0.030 83113 2.210 2.220
CURRENCY Common. PROP 0.890 -0.025 234345 0.890 0.895 Newcrest Mining 38.820 -0.380 62500 38.820+38.930 Technology One
Telstra CORP.
-0.070 2463
1.030 1.050
2.800 2.810
Compumedics 0.090 0.002 3165 0.090 0.105 Newera Uranium 0.058 -0.008 7105 0.058 0.060
What your Aussie Dollar was RBS Morgans Limited Templeton Global 0.700 0.000 2545 0.700 0.725
Computershare 7.320 -0.020 41165 7.320 7.330 Newland Res 0.064 -0.001 26736 0.064 0.067
worth yesterday: ConnectEast GRP 0.510 0.000 410800 0.510 0.515
ABN 49 010 669 726 AFSL 235410
News Corp 13.950 -0.120 90183 13.940+13.970
Ten Network Hldg. 0.920 -0.050 77758 0.915 0.925
A Participant of ASX Group Territory Res. 0.465 -0.020 438 0.450 0.465
Consolidated Med. 2.240 -0.060 7003 2.240 2.260 Nextdc 1.650 -0.050 5400 1.640 1.705
BUY SELL Territory Uranium 0.160 0.005 1290 0.140 0.155
Continental Coal 0.030 -0.001 651909 0.029 0.030 Nexus Energy 0.225 -0.030 58560 0.225 0.230 Texon PET 0.450 -0.070 11430 0.450 0.460
US dollar 1.0769 1.0009 Corp Travel 1.720 -0.130 1390 1.720 1.780 North AUST 0.220 -0.010 517 0.220 0.275 Thor Mining PLC 0.023 0.002 4080 0.022 0.026
Gindalbie Metals 0.680 -0.025 52997 0.675 0.680
UK Sterling 0.6571 0.6046 Count Financial 0.890 -0.080 3809 0.890 0.900 Northern Mining 0.043 0.000 0 0.038 0.041 Thundelarra Explor. 0.275 -0.015 2710 0.275 0.310
Gloucester Coal 8.530 0.030 14174 8.530 8.540 Tissue Therapies 0.435 -0.005 3952 0.435 0.440
Euro 0.7593 0.6837 Coventry GRP 2.150 -0.180 215 2.150 2.300 Northern Uranium 0.540 -0.075 16791 0.540 0.565
Goldsearch 0.031 0.000 1462 0.031 0.034 TNG 0.085 -0.006 3106 0.085 0.089
Credit Corp GRP 3.900 0.000 3909 3.890 3.900 Norwest Energy 0.039 -0.001 22794 0.039 0.041
NZ Dollar 1.2808 1.1734 Crescent Gold 0.066 0.000 101993 0.066 0.067 Goodman Fielder. 0.810 -0.050 108027 0.810 0.815 Nt RES 0.140 -0.015 4521 0.130 0.140
Toll Hings 4.000 -0.160 37993 4.000 4.010
Top End Uranium 0.068 -0.002 230 0.068 0.076
HK Dollar 8.4717 7.7234 Crossland Uran. 0.105 0.000 1270 0.080 0.105 Goodman GRP 0.600 -0.030 690312 0.595 0.600 Nucoal Res 0.300 -0.030 7504 0.285 0.350 Toro Energy 0.071 -0.004 30072 0.071 0.072
GPT GRP 2.770 -0.060 134050 2.770 2.780
Singapore 1.3250 1.1776 Crown 8.120 -0.200 26734 8.110 8.120
GrainCorp 7.190 -0.050 12296 7.170 7.200
Nufarm 3.830 -0.160 10150 3.820 3.830 Trafalgar Corp. 0.760 -0.040 117 0.740 0.790
CSG 0.930 -0.030 6074 0.920 0.960 Nupower Res. 0.031 -0.001 9033 0.029 0.031 Transfield Services 3.050 -0.060 31158 3.030 3.060
Yen 87.23 76.52 CSL 27.720 -0.670 36077 27.720+27.740 Grandbridge 0.080 0.000 0 0.077 0.099 Oakton 1.850 -0.025 26815 1.850 1.950 Transpacific IND 0.810 -0.010 17832 0.805 0.810
PNG Kina 2.6981 1.9300 CSR 2.370 -0.080 61596 2.370 2.380 Green Rock Ener. 0.015 -0.001 24321 0.014 0.015 Objective Corp 0.195 0.000 0 0.195 0.320 Transurban GRP 4.820 -0.150 106027 4.820 4.830
Guinness Peat GRP 0.515 0.000 9823 0.515 0.520 Trinity GRP 0.195 0.000 6140 0.195 0.200
SA Rand 7.5356 6.5987 Cudeco 3.060 0.000 8757 3.050 3.060 Oil Search 6.080 -0.180 62780 6.070 6.100
Troy RES 3.920 -0.040 3971 3.890 3.920
CUE Energy Res. 0.215 -0.025 14485 0.215 0.225 Gunns 0.205 0.000 0 0.210 0.150 Oklo Uranium 0.034 -0.001 200 0.027 0.034
Indon Rph On app 8056.46 GWA INT 2.410 -0.050 12761 2.390 2.410
Truscott Mining 0.195 -0.015 100 0.195 0.220
CVC 0.870 0.020 101 0.870 0.900 OM Hings 0.785 -0.045 9423 0.780 0.785 U308 0.091 0.000 190 0.072 0.091
Swiss Fr 0.8489 0.7390 Data#3 12.010 -0.640 420 12.050+12.200 Hannans Reward 0.150 -0.015 3138 0.150 0.160 OneSteel 1.415 -0.085 136330 1.410 1.415 UGL 12.230 -0.150 12220 12.180+12.230
Fijian 1.9026 1.6841 David Jones 2.670 -0.120 40005 2.660 2.670 Haranga Res 0.200 -0.015 6589 0.200 0.210 ORD River Res. 0.059 0.000 104287 0.058 0.062 United Uranium 0.090 0.000 188 0.062 0.090
Deep Yellow 0.145 -0.005 10069 0.140 0.145 Harvey Norman 1.860 -0.100 82634 1.855 1.865 Orica 23.430 -0.490 18494 23.430+23.490 Unity Mining 0.110 0.005 9240 0.110 0.115
Philippine On app 39.33 Hastie GRP 0.130 -0.015 78892 0.130 0.135 Uranex NL 0.365 -0.010 8014 0.355 0.365
Devine 0.215 -0.010 13287 0.215 0.220 Origin Energy 13.310 -0.350 39060 13.300+13.310
Malaysian On app 2.8081 Diversified Unit. 2.400 -0.120 331 2.380 2.400 Hastings Diversif. 1.490 -0.010 16646 1.480 1.490 OrotonGroup 6.570 -0.300 1559 6.570 6.690
Uranium Equities 0.065 -0.005 1503 0.065 0.070
Uranium Explor. 0.017 -0.001 45149 0.016 0.018
Thai Baht 32.45 26.99 Djerriwarrh 3.370 -0.020 2605 3.320 3.370 Highlands Pacific 0.245 -0.040 14348 0.240 0.245 Outback Metals 0.016 0.000 0 0.016 0.018 Valad PROPerty GRP 1.780 0.000 21377 1.775 1.780
Domino Pizza 5.900 0.350 434 5.310 5.900 Hills Industries 1.050 -0.070 13971 1.045 1.055 OZ MIN 11.380 -0.700 26222 11.380+11.400 Virax Hings 0.019 0.000 7612 0.017 0.019
Rates are for travellers cheques only. Supplied by the
Commonwealth Bank as a community service. Rates Downer EDI 3.590 -0.110 27266 3.590 3.600 Horizon Oil 0.265 -0.015 8940 0.265 0.280 Pacific Brands 0.620 -0.010 63079 0.615 0.620 Virgin Blue Hldgs 0.250 -0.005 118269 0.245 0.250
are subject to change. Hunnu Coal 1.170 -0.040 3878 1.170 1.190 Wentworth Hldgs 0.050 0.000 0 0.050 0.099
Dragon Mining 1.110 -0.090 1173 1.105 1.175 Padbury Mining 0.016 -0.002 44571 0.016 0.017
Drillsearch Energy 0.470 -0.010 12186 0.470 0.480 Hunter Hall Inter. 4.700 -0.050 193 4.650 4.750 Paladin Energy 2.180 -0.040 94986 2.170 2.180 Wesfarmers 27.750 -0.250 57227 27.750+27.760
INTEREST RATES Duet GRP 1.545 -0.055 116872 1.535 1.545 Hutchison 0.059 -0.004 2026 0.060 0.063 PanAust 3.570 -0.040 72900 3.570 3.580
West Aust. News
WEST Areas
-0.120 18830
-0.270 20569
3.000 3.010
5.150 5.170
Dyesol 0.420 -0.030 1332 0.420 0.430 iiNet 2.260 -0.040 2875 2.260 2.290 Panoramic Res. 1.350 -0.145 26559 1.345 1.355
30-Day bank bills 4.88% Dynasty Metals 0.165 -0.005 737 0.165 0.170 Iluka RES 14.610 -1.030 49782 14.530+14.610 PaperlinX 0.110 -0.015 25553 0.105 0.115
WEST Desert 0.230 0.000 6169 0.230 0.240
Westfield GRP 7.720 -0.150 186113 7.720 7.740
60-Day bank bills 4.87% Eastern Star Gas 0.735 -0.005 83967 0.735 0.745 Imdex 1.755 -0.115 12389 1.750 1.780 Penrice Soda 0.155 -0.020 2962 0.155 0.170 Westgold Res. 0.205 -0.030 2357 0.205 0.210
90-Day bank bills 4.88% Ellex Medical Las. 0.140 0.005 1052 0.135 0.160 IMF (AUST) 1.430 -0.065 566 1.430 1.440 Perilya 0.580 -0.040 16012 0.580 0.590 Westpac Banking 18.840 -0.430 154899 18.840+18.870
Emeco Hings 0.980 -0.040 26841 0.975 0.980 Incitec Pivot 3.340 -0.160 196639 3.340 3.350 Perpetual 21.210 -0.830 3125 21.210+21.310 Woodside Petrol. 33.810 -0.740 51157 33.810+33.820
180-Day bank bills 4.54% Woolworths 24.910 -0.580 53755 24.910+24.930
Emmerson Res. 0.095 -0.010 5221 0.095 0.105 Independence GRP 5.170 -0.430 13799 5.170 5.180 Pharmaxis 1.000 -0.085 5903 1.000 1.010
Unofficial cash rates: WorleyParsons 23.280 -0.930 18146 23.270+23.300
Empire Oil & Gas 0.025 -0.002 479441 0.025 0.026 Indo Mines 0.510 -0.040 8920 0.480 0.555 Phosphagenics 0.110 -0.010 7729 0.110 0.115 Wotif.com Hldgs. 4.370 -0.090 4802 4.360 4.380
(11am) 4.75% Energy Developm. 2.600 0.000 891 2.600 2.630 Indophil Res. 0.305 -0.025 49024 0.305 0.310 Phosphate Aus 0.086 -0.005 2443 0.087 0.090 Yellow Rock 0.020 0.000 2000 0.020 0.021
Energy Metals 0.380 0.000 0 0.205 0.360 Industrea 1.120 -0.030 23357 1.120 1.135 Photon GRP 0.030 -0.002 51300 0.029 0.030 Zimplats Hing 12.500 0.000 37 12.500+13.000

GUIDE — Last: last sale price of stock. Chg. change in value from previous day. Vol (100s): volume of shares traded. buy: the highest bidding price. Sell: the lowest asking price. Prices quoted in dollars

42 NT NEWS. Tuesday, August 9, 2011. www.ntnews.com.au

ntnews.com.aul l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l DIVERSIONS


ARIES Mar21-Apr20 LEO Jul24-Aug23 SAGITTARIUS Nov23-Dec22
THERE are lucky THERE are tricky THERE will be a
stars for you. I stars around for you message from far
would like to say today. If it were away — letter,
these stars will April the first I phone or SMS. You
make you rich but I can’t. would tell you to look out for will be impressed with the
There might be a small win but April fools jokes. However, this content of this message
it will be quite small. A chance is how your horoscope reads because it is something you
to win a heart though. so watch for silly pranks. said would happen.

TAURUS Apr21-May20 VIRGO Aug24-Sep23 CAPRICORN Dec23-Jan20

YOU are considering YOU are keen to FINANCES will
bringing something delve into work and dominate your
to an end. This is health matters. thoughts. This is
probably a good Maybe you check up where you have to
idea but because of the planet on people who have been off rethink your finances and how
orientation, you need to be on sick leave or maybe to distribute them or use your
very sure before you act. checking out your own leave money to get the maximum
Significant factors elude you. entitlements. return from your outlay.
In order to crack open the safe solve the six-digit code.
GEMINI May21-Jun21 LIBRA Sep24-Oct23 AQUARIUS Jan21-Feb19 You are given six clues. The letters can represent any
MANY Geminis will YOU will receive YOUR mind is on
find themselves good news from a marriage,
number between 0 and 6
with the phone to friend. Very often partnerships or
their ears for so the stars you have intimate liaisons.
long today you will feel it is bring news of a friend or Take care here; you could be MISSING LINKS WORD WARP
attached to your head. Don’t someone getting hitched or fooling yourself about
worry, you will eventually get involved with someone. You someone and their Calculate the missing results or
what you want. probably know bothparties. relationship with you. action information to fill in the
missing links from the top
CANCER Jun22-Jul23 SCORPIO Oct24-Nov22 PISCES Feb20-Mar20
ONCE again YOU feel a need to YOU will need to Find the word held in common by the three words in each puzzle.
finances are a show people you work in some quiet The three solution words will form a fourth puzzle. The numbers
indicate each answer’s length, and the + tells you its position.
problem. You will can handle the most corner because
decide to do difficult technical there seems to be Example: The solution to +flower, Wailing+ and Berlin+ is Wa ll.

something a little daring. Don’t situations. The good news is: lots going on around you and
do it today. Sleep on it. normally you can. The bad you are stuck with things

Tomorrow you might have a news is: you won’t do it today that need intense
different outlook. without goofing. concentration.


THERE are tricky stars THIS one has a fertile

for you this year. You imagination, is sensitive and
need to protect yourself versatile. The memory will
from people who would tend to be poor and he or
trick you and lead you in she will tend to
the wrong direction. vacillate, but will be
Treat everyone as a honest and true. Will


rogue until they prove to get there by hard work
be honest. and persistence.

Combo Crossword 20 Former Italian money 5 Annoy 21 Body parts for felons
No. 3899 21
Type of meat
22 Cured meat in champion
ACROSS 23 Worth noting 11 Ridge in hills 23 Message highflier follows
5 Place of origin becomes almost famous
7 Lug D OWN
Ardour DOWN
8 Ointment 1 Shows heat 1 Overheats and causes
16 An island
10 An angle 2 A number body sores
17 Tag
12 Most heartfelt 3 Caper around 2 Single and even number
14 Fight back 4 Sight 18 Player on stage
3 Move to the music - it
1 2 3 4 19 Gladden
could be a ball
4 Panorama for use in stage
5 6 Cryptic Crossword
7 No. 3899 5 Harass nuisance with
8 9 10 11 ACROSS 6 Takes a seat out and has a
5 Skip around cooker’s place meal
9 State with one right for a
12 13 where art originated . . .
7 . . . right after each listener churchman
8 Soothing application in 11 A tree moved in divide
between valleys
treatment for slave
14 15 16 17 18 19 10 Oblique face of nasty
13 Can be depended on
starting to round up some
statements . . .
20 21 12 . . . from the time
tall yarns Sudoku Very Easy Tuesday August 9 2011
15 Lean out to dash . . .
relaxation became most C ombo Solution No. 3898 HOW TO PLAY
22 16 . . . young man or island
honest state
23 14 Later reversal with one 17 Use a bell for a name tag R U O L H To solve this puzzle each 3x3
consumed to act in answer 18 One putting on a player E I P L E A S E S box, each row and each column
must contain all the numbers
20 Rail about some money in 19 Some yodel at evenings to C A N C E L D A F T from 1 to 9.
European state make others happy I R S F A Solution, tips and computer
1 2 3 4 5 N O U R I S HM E N T program at www.sudoku.com
QUICK CROSSWORD NO. 10118 C L L E E Solution published tomorrow
1 Corded fabric 1 Sovereign
3 Woodwind instrument 2 Self
7 8 9 T A L B N
6 Self-satisfied 4 Prejudice
7 Fate 10 11 12 Yesterday’s Sudoku
5 Tree Solution No. 10117
Solution Medium
9 Injure
10 Be indebted
6 Disdain 13 14 15 T E NO R C OMA
11 Love god
8 Dogma
16 17
13 Of the kidneys
9 Cavity
16 Even
Dash 18 19 S I N E P T G
18 Destiny
15 Comical
19 Ashes container
17 Old stringed
20 21 22 S T E P OR E
20 Golf club
21 Fish trap instruments 23
23 Extremely 18 Golfer’s warning H I S S O V E R T
24 Excuse 20 Little devil 24 25 R E T I R E L
25 Acceptance 22 Day before F E T E T R I T E
www.ntnews.com.au Tuesday, August 9, 2011. NT NEWS. 43
ntnews.com.aul l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l COMICS AND TV

Zits Insanity Streak

Snake Tales Swamp

Start the day

with a laugh
WHAT do you get when
you cross a dinosaur with
fireworks? Dinomite.

A LOCAL policeman had

just finished his shift and
was at home with his wife,
recounting his day.
‘‘You won’t believe what
happened this evening. In
all my years on the force
I’ve never seen anything
like it,’’ he said.
‘‘Oh, yes dear, what
happened?’’ she asked,
all agog.
‘‘I came across two guys
down by the canal. One
of them was drinking
battery acid and the other
was eating fireworks,’’
said the policeman.
‘‘Drinking battery acid and

eating fireworks! What did

you do with them?’’ asked
his wife.
‘‘Oh that was easy. I
charged one and let the
other off,’’ he replied.

YOU always hear that a

camel can go for 500 miles
without water.
How come nobody’s ever
bothered to see how far
they can go with water?

Today’s quiz
1. What hi-tech
manufacturing corporation
agreed to buy the security
software company McAfee
for $7.7b in summer 2010?

2. What is the fruit of the

blackthorn tree?

3. The UK Independent
Scientific Committee on
Drugs reported in November
2010 on the most dangerous
drug (based on a complex
study across nine categories
of harmful effects). What was

4. Which European airport

has the code name LHR?

5. The laxative Gregory’s

Powder was made from which
leafy plant?

ANSWERS: 1. Intel; 2. Sloe; 3. Alcohol;

4. London Heathrow; 5. Rhubarb.

44 NT NEWS. Tuesday, August 9, 2011. www.ntnews.com.au


Community Diary
■ AT CASUARINA and City libraries’ ■ Menzies Open Day, celebrating Next class in August. Bookings are Point: Tuesday-Friday 9.30am- ■ NORTHERN Territory Library ■ PAWS Darwin Animal Rescue
live music Fridays, at Casuarina National Science Week and Menzies essential. Call 8948 3943 or email 4.30pm; weekends 10am-4pm. Parliament House Events: visit Centre is holding a Mutt Strut to
Library, Darwin-based singer/song- research, on Friday. Contact info@ceadarwin.asn.au website libraryevents@nt.gov.au or help raise money to save
■ TERRITORY Craft Gallery —
writer Danny Ammon will perform an 8944 8031 or send an email to call 1800 019 155. Darwin’s Homeless Animals, on
■ TERRITORY Craft Gallery exhibition Workshop Wax casting silver August 27, at Jingili Water
eclectic blend of folk, roots and communications@menzies.edu.au
storytelling, noon-1pm. And at City — Gunga Pandanus Weavers — the jewellery, tomorrow, 7-10pm. Cost: ■ PORTRAIT of a Senior Territorian Gardens, Between 10am to 2pm.
Library, Ben Boekema and Glenn ■ Come on a Milkwood Steiner first exhibition by these amazing in- $330, including materials. Call Art Award 2011— entries now open. All money raised will help save
Bellis have teamed up to form folk School Tour on Saturday, 9.30am. Call digenous women weavers from the 8981 6616 for more information. More than $10,000 in prizes. Entries Darwin’s Homeless Animals.
duo Bowanme to entertain you 8947 0608 or visit our website at: Top End. Great display of baskets, ■ U3A Darwin Inc — Dave Wallace: close, September 1. Call 8901 4159. Entry forms can be found at
between 12.30-1.30pm. milkwood.nt.edu.au mats and sculptures. Some demon- Generic Medicines, today at 10am. ■ TAX Help free at Taminmin Library, PAWS Darwin or call 8932 9496.
■ PICTURE book author/illustrator ■ CHILDBIRTH Education Association strations and all works for sale. Luke Bowen Executive Director NT Monday and Friday afternoons, ■ THE Darwin Press Club is
Alison Lester will present storytime Darwin, Mum’s Morning Tea at Jingili Opening times, at Territory Craft Cattlemen’s Association, Thursday, Challoner Circuit, Humpty Doo. restarting. The NT Media Awards
tomorrow at 10am, at the City Water Gardens. Baby massage class. Gallery Museum grounds, Bullocky at 10am. Call Judith 8927 1636. To book phone 8988 1200. are planned for October with
Library, followed by Babes’n’Books categories for photography, TV,
at 1pm at Casuarina Library. At print and radio. Working media
6.30pm, she will give an author talk, or anyone with an interest in
also at Casuarina Library. Bookings media in the NT is invited.
are only required for the author talk; Contact darwinpressclub@
to book phone 8930 0200. gmail.com.
■ THE Historical Society’s talk on
■ ALISON Lester visits Humpty Doo. August 24 will be held at the
Visiting Antarctica for the general Museum and Art Gallery
public and senior students, Theatrette, Conacher Street,
Thursday, 9-10.30am. Storytime with Fannie Bay, at 7.30pm. CDU
Alison for small children (about 3-7 student Kathy de la Rue will
years), 1-1.45pm, at Taminmin speak about Administrator
Library, Challoner Circuit, Humpty Gilruth, who was run out of
Doo. Call 8988 1200. Darwin by militants.
■ HOT LAPS for Variety, the ■ MILNE Volunteer Bushfire
Children’s Charity, on Monday, Brigade, general meeting,
August 15, Hidden Valley Raceway, August 21, 9am, brigade

Darwin. Laps will be in the Laser headquarters, Bynoe Haven Rd.
Racing Team’s Porsche GT3 race car, Call 8985 1187.
piloted by race legend Steve ■ POETRY FESTIVAL Saturday,
Richards. Cost $950. Proceeds to August 20, noon start, Seniors
Variety - NT chapter. Call 8981 2544. Poetry Lunch. Local poets recite
■ HOWARD Springs Primary School or read their original poetry,
— mega plant and car boot sale, 295 lunch is provided. Hosted by
Whitewood Rd, on Saturday, 8am- Gerry Wood. A Seniors Week

2pm. To book a site call 8983 0000. Event. A Friends of the Taminmin
Library event. To assist with
■ WAGAMAN School car boot sale catering, call Taminmin Library.
and barbecue, Saturday, 8am-noon. To register 8988 1200.
■ PESONA Indonesia – Darwin ■ CHILDREN’S book week, August
Festival, Botanical Gardens 20-26, Taminmin Library.
Amphitheatre, on Sunday from 4pm ■ NT Rugby Union presentation
until late. Indonesian Food Bazaar is and junior fundraising evening


available. Free admission. on August 20, Convention Centre,
Call Arafat on 0478 321 982 and at 7pm. Cost $125, formal dress.
Arvinanto on 0422 077 660. Call Helen 8945 1444, or
email helen.thompson
■ SUNSET music, musicians and @ntrugby.com.au.
singers of all ages and levels are ■ THE Leukaemia Foundation
welcome to share their music along Sausage Sizzle fundraiser to
the Nightcliff foreshore on Sunday, raise funds for Light the Night.
from 5pm. Call Kevin on 0411 135 418 Saturday, August 20, Bunnings on
■ JABIRU golf fundraising this Bagot and Osgood Rd, Darwin,
weekend, Jabiru Golf Club. Proceeds 8am-4pm. Call 1800 500 088. Visit
to Guide Dogs NT. Call 8995 2222. Do a lap in a Porsche GT3 race car, like the one pictured here, and raise cash for Variety, the children’s charity www.lightthenight.org.au

■ MINDIL Beach Sunset Market, ■ NURSERYTIME for babies under 12 looking for volunteers to provide email sshutt@sexparty.org.au for invites volunteers to work with ■ BREASTSCREEN NT is seeking
Thursday 5pm-10pm and Sunday months at Taminmin Library. Learn friendship to socially isolated more information. children in the kitchen and in the women aged 50 to 69 years for free
4pm-9pm. www.mindil.com.au. songs, finger plays, stories, enjoy residents of aged care Homes ■ ENGLISH Chinese Language garden as part of their Stephanie breast cancer screenings. Call
■ PARAP Markets, Saturday from morning tea and meet other mums around the Territory. Call Colleen on Exchange Program. Alexander Kitchen Garden Program. 13 20 50.
8am-2pm. Phone 0438 882 373. and dads. Taminmin Library, 8985 0000 or email Contact: 0432 832 931. Call 8927 9122. ■ COMMUNITY Playgroup for
■ NIGHTCLIFF Markets, Sunday, Challoner Circuit, Humpty Doo. Call charbinson@anglicare-nt.org.au ■ PALMERSTON Drop-in Centre children 0-5 years. Friday 9.30-11am,
■ INTERACTIVE English Chinese
8am-2pm. 8988 1200 for details. Mondays to Thursdays, 2.30pm-5pm, during school, at Living Water
■ CHILDBIRTH Education Association learning. Call 0468 831 197.
■ RAPID Creek fresh food markets, ■ Zonta Club of Darwin meets on the Fridays 2.30pm-9pm and Saturdays Community Centre. Call Kathy
holds antenatal classes, pregnancy ■ ORTHODOX Chinese Teaching Mei
Sunday, 7am-1pm. fourth Monday of each month, 6pm, noon-4pm, in the Satapac building. 0419 848 916.
stretch classes, baby massage 0468 718 289.
■ FANTASIA Emporium Indoor at Happy Gardens restaurant, Parap.
classes and much more. Call ■ BARBARA James House, ■ A NT Support Line is available for ■ LOAN fire extinguishers are
Market, weekends, 8am-2pm. Call 0412 629 792.
8948 3043. accommodation for rural people people living with Chronic Fatigue available from Milne Volunteer
■ COOLALINGA Markets, ■ FREE internet and email lessons
■ ARE you an amputee or do you accessing cancer treatment in Syndrome. Call Anne 8941 2365. Bushfire Brigade. Call 8978 2091.
Saturdays, 8am-1pm. Call Trish available for people over 55 years at
Spillett House, Smith St. Call 894 1004. know of someone who is an Darwin, needs donations of DVDs. ■ GREENING Australia Nursery, Tues- ■ PARKINSON’s Support Group meets
0410 836 880. amputee? Integrated disAbility
■ SAHAJA Free meditation, every Can be dropped off at 9 Mirambeena Sat 10am-4pm. Call 8947 2176. the first and third Tuesdays of the
■ BATCHELOR Monthly Markets, Action is looking to set up a support St, The Gardens or phone 8980 6100.
Monday 7.30pm, at the Casuarina ■ THE Multicultural Council of the NT month, at Quest building, behind
second Sunday of each month, group for interested people.
Library. Monthly Saturday seminars, ■ CSIRO staff and students are needs volunteers for its Homework Palmerston Library. Call 8932 9566.
8am-1pm. Call Freida 8976 0510.
and guest speakers. Call 8948 1183. Call Sandie 8948 5400. welcome to join the CSIRO Alumni. Club, Wednesdays and Thursdays 4-6 ■ ARE you pregnant or planning on
■ BERRY Springs Community Visit: www.csiroalumni.org.au.
■ HATHA Yoga, Mondays 6.30-8pm, at ■ AUSTRALIA’S newest political pm. Call Melanie 8945 9122. becoming pregnant? Would you like
Markets, 8am-noon, last Sunday
Whitewood Hall, Howard Springs. party, the Australian Sex Party, is ■ NT Merc Owners group forming. ■ DARWIN and districts pipes and $50 for answering a brief 15 minute
of month. Call 8988 6674.
Cost: $12. Call 0414 809 675. seeking input from the community in See mercownersnt.yolasite.com drums practice on Tuesday nights. telephone survey? Call Jessica at AFS
■ KATHERINE Community Market
■ ANGLICARE NT, through the launching our NT branch. Call ■ TROPICAL Cooks/Tropical All welcome. Call Gary on on 1800 037 173 for more details.
Ryan Park. Saturday, 8am-noon.
Community Visitors Scheme, is Seranna 0406 748 691 or Gardeners Alawa Primary School 0415 650 659. Spots are limited.

SPORT Weds 5.50pm, Thurs 6pm, Sun 10am. ■ DARWIN Line Dancers: Mon, ART AND CRAFT Palmerston Health Precinct. Casuarina Library. Call 8948 1274.
■ LITCHFIELD Bears Rugby League, Call 0434 071 755. beginners, 7pm, Lyons Community ■ CWA Palmerston meetings and Call 8948 3043. ■ DARWIN Bridge Club, Mon 9.15am,
senior training, 5.30pm Tues, Thurs, ■ DARWIN Bowls Club, Weds 6.30pm. Hall. Tues, 10am, Thurs, 7pm, craft days, first and fourth Tues, ■ NT Library, Parliament House, free Tues beginners 7.15pm, Wed 7.15pm,
Freds Pass Reserve. Call 0412 035 969. Social bowls Tues 9.30am. Nightcliff Sports Club. Sat, 1.30pm, 10.30-1.30pm, Farrar Medical Centre. computer training for seniors, Fri 7.15pm. 45 Parkside Cr. 8945 4134.
■ SWAMPDOGS Rugby Union B-grade Call 8981 3221. and beginners, Sun, 5pm at Coconut ■ CWA Darwin third Tues. Craft 8.30-9.30am Tues, Thurs, Fri ■ DARWIN National Serviceman’s
training, 6.30pm Tues, Thurs, Freds ■ HUMPTY Doo Bowls Club Challoner Grove Seniors Hall. Call 0417 088 477. meetings second and fourth mornings. Call 8999 7177. Association Darwin North RSL Club,
Pass Reserve. Circuit, social bowls, Wed, Fri, 7pm. ■ DARWIN City Brass Band, Weds Monday. Call Wendy White 8928 0196, ■ ROTARY Club of Nightcliff, second Saturday, 1.30pm, 8981 5516.
■ PALMERSTON Football Club Inc Cost: $5 Social membership. 7.30pm. Learners Saturday am, Abala Judy 8927 0604. Wednesdays, 6.45pm, Casuarina
(soccer) training: Under 6-11, Tues, ■ BINGO third Sunday, Coconut
Call 8988 9860. Road, Marrara. Call 0418 857 744. ■ NT Lacemakers first and third Club. Phone 0400 715 060.
Driver Oval. Women and Youths, Grove Seniors Hall, Musgrave Cres.
■ SOCIAL Bowls, Palmerston Golf and ■ BATCHELOR Community Dance Saturday, Gray Primary School, ■ QUOTA Darwin first and third
Mon, Weds, 5.30pm, Bakewell Oval. Country Club, Tues and Fri 6.30pm. Night, 3rd Saturday, 7.30pm till late, 1-4pm. Call 8932 2318 a/h. Tuesday 7.30pm, Airport Call Terry 8981 5516.
Under 19 and Men’s Premier League, Junior bowls Thurs 5pm. 0407 199 408. at RJT. Call 8976 0510 ■ HUMPTY Doo Fibrecrafts Guild, Management Centre. 0409 281 787. ■ NAMELESS Nomads Car Club club
Marrara Christian School, Tues, ■ WEEKLY Heart Foundation Walks ■ PALMERSTON Senior Scooters, Weds 10am-1pm, opposite Taminmin ■ PROBUS Club first Wednesday, run, second Sunday. 8983 2041.
Thurs 5.30pm-7.30pm, Sun 4-6pm. Palmerston. Mon 5.30pm, TEMCHO seniors line dancing Mon 10am at High School. Call Jan 8988 5440. 10.30am, Casuarina Club, 8976 0339. ■ MY Sister’s Kitchen, Mondays,
■ DARWIN Gymnastic Club, ages 5 Office Rolyat St; Tues 8.30am, Malak, Weds 2.30pm to 4pm at Gray COMMUNITY GROUPS ■ DARWIN Tripe Club. Phone Chambers Cres Theatre, Malak,
and over. Adults Tues, Weds, 7pm. Hungry Hearts Cafe; Weds 6pm, Community Hall, Palmerston. Call ■ CROQUET for seniors, Wednesday, 0408 947 890. 3.30-5.30pm. Call 8945 7347.
www.darwingymnastic.org.au The Square; Thurs 4.30pm, Dottie 8927 7635. Gray Community Hall, 9am. ■ ROTARY Club of Darwin North 6pm, ■ ROTARY Club of Litchfield/
■ SURFBOAT rowing at Lake Southern Districts Cricket Club. ■ ROCK ’n’ Roll social dancing, Tues Call Ann Brown 8931 1405. Mondays, Holiday Inn Esplanade. Palmerston, Weds, 7pm, the
Alexander. Call Taj 0424 529 003. Call 8981 7035. 7.30-10pm, Darwin Golf Club, Link Rd, ■ ENGLISH for Every Day Life at Call Paul on 0427 015 494. Palmerston Sports Club. 8983 1541.
■ PETANQUE, Darwin Ski Club, Thurs ■ YMCA Palmerston Seniors carpet Marrara. Call 8985 2822, 8948 2170. Casuarina Public Library, Mon, Wed, ■ LIONS Club of Litchfield Freds Pass
■ BINGO at Bees Creek, Fridays 8pm,
7.30pm. 18 or supervised. 8981 6630. bowls Thurs 9-11.30am, YMCA Drop ■ LINE Dancing Top End Mustangs 9am-noon. Call 8927 3108. 7.30pm second Monday 8983 3655.
ring Andrea 8988 9841.
■ SOCIAL tennis at Gardens Tennis In Centre. Call 8932 1096. beginners to intermediate class, Mon ■ GIRL Guides, Humpty Doo, ■ TOP End Gem & Mineral Club, Tues
Club, Sundays, 4.30pm. 8985 1942. ■ SELF-DEFENCE for beginners, Tues, 6.30pm. intermediate Wed 7pm. Palmerston, Darwin, Casuarina. 9am, Weds 6pm, Knuckey Lagoons, ■ ROTARY Club of Darwin Sunrise
■ ARAFURA Outrigger Canoe Club. Thurs 6.30pm, Sat 5pm, Nakara beginners, Thurs 10am. beginners to 8981 3628. 3326 Brandt Rd. Call 8927 1964. meets 7am, Friday, Holiday Inn
Saturdays 7.30am, Ski Club, Fannie Primary School. 0426 971 889. intermediate, Sat 10am, Seniors Hall, ■ MENTAL Health Carers NT support ■ INTERNET Club, Casuarina and City Esplanade. Call Frank on 8981 0493.
Bay. Call Rosa 0438 228 559. MUSIC AND DANCE Musgrave Cres, Coconut Grove. groups Wednesday 2-4pm, Goyder Libraries. Call 8930 0200. ■ ROSTRUM Public Speaking Club
■ THE Darwin Golf Club Thursday ■ CemeNTjam – free adult drama Call 0428 784 951. Electorate Office, Coolalinga. Friday ■ TOP End Native Plant Society third 12.10pm, second and fourth Tuesday,
Business Ladies Club nine-hole workshops at Chambers Cresc ■ RINCE Nah’Eireanne Darwin Irish 1-3pm, Nightcliff. Call 8948 1051. Thursday, 7.30pm, Marrara Christian Paspalis Centrepoint. 8981 2776,
competition. Tee off 4pm. 8927 3592. Theatre, Malak Shopping Centre, Dance school, Sat 9am-2pm, at ■ PREGNANCY stretch classes Wed College, Call 8983 2131. 8985 4787.
■ WOMEN’S cricket. Phone 8981 1677. Thursday nights 6.30pm. Masonic hall Parap. Call Romola on 5.30-7pm Nightcliff Community ■ DARWIN Seniors Computer meets ■ DARWIN Toastmasters Club meets
■ NIGHTCLIFF Social Bowls Tues 6pm, Call 8945 7347. 0412 288 424 or 8945 3636. Centre. Thurs 6pm-7.30pm first Saturday of month, 2pm, first and third Tuesday 8981 8689.

COMMUNITY Diary is a free weekly service provided by the Northern Territory News. Send contributions to Aunchalee Boonmanee and Melanie Yovich at ntnmail@ntnews.com.au or fax 8981 6045 Deadline is noon on Friday

www.ntnews.com.au Tuesday, August 9, 2011. NT NEWS. 45

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Adult Adult Adult Adult Adult
Public notices phone services entertainment entertainment entertainment entertainment

General Work/employment CHEAP Wicked Ladies, AKOKO, 100% new to CBD. AYOYO. Young spirited, HEIDI. I’m the good gal who
FIRST AID Certificate 24hrs / 7 days. Live chat. Gorgeous, young spirited, new to CBD, gorgeous, truly loves to tease and please, NEW gal, just arrived. Pro-
courses run by Red Cross. vacancies wanted 1902 255 500 $1.97m mobx. attractive uni gal, sweet, uni student gal, sweet erotic massage & so much fessional service, all for you
Phone 8924 3943. 1042131v3
classy, enjoy real GF exp. dream body, knockout, more. Lunch time special tonight. Secret erotic mass-
ASIA, Canada, UK, working FOR all your Carpentry FETISH! From 99c. mobx In/Out 0415 967 772. friendly. In/out. 0437 252 165. quickies! 0449 937 677. age. Call 0405 024 012.
hols. Jobs offer guaranteed Call 1300
Roofing Extensions, deck- 1902 226 323 $5.45pm 700 904 or 1004272v3 1004641v3 1054202v3 1079075v3

FOR SALE Three hundred - TESOL. Ph (07) 3371 3199. ing, gutters, down pipes, re- 1090712v9 ALEXIA! Nude erotic mass- BARBIE, 100% new. Model IF you seek Amy call
tonnes Sulphuric Acid. Call 1116327v2
roofing and renovations. age, toys and fantasies. looks and figure. Sassy, 0423 708 390. Your place or
OVERSEAS new gal.
David, at L.M.P.A. 8984 4011. BLASTER/PAINTER re- Call a professional builder Adult Play today. 0401 337 146. classy, beyond expectation. mine.
1061454v1 Private gal. In/out calls. Ph 1057582V1 Cheeky, delicate, excellent
quired. Must be experi- with 20 years experience. entertainment 1112953v3
INGA from overseas. I’m erotic massage, full service.
LOST your pet? Phone enced and hardworking. Phone 0419 837 260. ALICE, last week in town. 0487 389 666.
RSPCA on 8984 3795 to Yard work in Darwin. 1054871v3 feminine, sensual and just In/out calls, 24hours. Phone
register your loss. He/she 0418 850 154.
A barely legal escort. Man Your favourite pleasures, love Aussie guys! Erotic 0416 495 296.
GYPROCK PLASTERER, or try something new... BARELY Legal, model es-
ornate cornices and roses, for men, very attractive, massage and lingerie. CBD, 1080394v3
can turn up months later. 1036392v1
Private, 0449 793 595 corts. Phone 0402 624 665. PHOENIX. Cougar playful
Keep Looking. BLOCKIES labourer walls and ceilings, all work name Max. Ph 0448 833 457. Defence disc. 0449 937 677.
Website on request. GFE, fantasies, toys &
guaranteed. Free quote. Discreet, in calls and out
1077527V1 1054042v3
wanted, experienced must 1035089v4 JADE. I’m attractive and I more. 0449 851 237 cc avail.
MASSAGE. A deep tissue, have own transport & white Phone Sean on 0410 541 439. calls. 1047163v2 AN international erotic kiss. Your place or mine. Ph 1115568v3
sports, destress, $60. John card, long run of work. Ph 1020254v7

at N’cliff 0439 570 997. Peter 0417 608 295. PAINTER - Immediate start. A Kitty kat. New, 1st timer. massage with a happy end- 0431 466 602.
Free quotes. No job too big Rm avail. Warm, fun. Early ing! Attractive. Great rates. BE Pampered! You owe it to
bird specials. 0467 345 547. JENNA. Quality body, works
MASSAGE. Unwind. Call CLEANERS. Domestic flex- or small. Ph 0402 116 191. 1114705v3
World class service! CBD yourself, treat yourself to not meant to be this much
Andrea 0400 322 869. Palmer- ible/school hrs choose your 1037484v4 room. Phone 0449 937 677. me! Lingerie, experienced fun! 0451 171 507. PINKY, gorgeous sweetie,
ston. Strictly non sexual. PLUMBER & Gasfitter hot & 1054195v3
in the art of pleasure. No 1056703v2 attentive, naughty fun. CBD
hours, earn between $23 -
$40 pr hr. Teams welcome,
cold supplies emergency
repairs gas install and serv- DIAMOND pests or private nos. All wk.
0488 078 801.
in/out 0432 364 636.

MIMI - Chinese relax full transport essential. Phone

body massage for stress, Kirsty: 0448 171 024. 1047430v9
ice, no job too small. No call
out fee 0427 900 278.
ESCORTS 1071780v3
JUST arrived. Real young
ANGEL bombshell friendly BEE. Local lady. Outcalls to spirited gal, sweet body,
POSSIBLY the best you’ll
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tired, forget all your worries.
f/body nude erotic mass- Palmerston and rural areas. silky skin, amazing CBD. In/ affair. Call 0423 781 410.
age, excellent qualified No private no. 0448 883 928. out. 1071239v4
CBD. Phone 0424 030 786. EXPERIENCED Carpenter Flats, units & 1058421v4 Overseas. Phone SAITONG. Exquisite sooth-
townhouses for sale therapist, stress relief with BRODEEN - Mature and 0410 962 173.
NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS. required for part time work. magic hands 0406 973 802. 1066545v3
ing deep tissue therapeutic
If drugs have become a Please call 0438 882 111. 1097310v5
down to earth lady! Phone KASSIDY. Playful lil’ miss, erotic massage with experi-
problem (any drugs, not BEACHFRONT Cas Dve unit. 0405390313. kisses & cuddles, mutual & enced friendly practitioner.
necessarily narcotics) there GENERAL HANDS required
2brm, g/l, (rented $450). ASTERIX - Definitely won’t 1053745v3
M/r avail. Ph 0417 874 980.
is help. Darwin meetings to help on a commercial Phone/sms 0447 231 566. When only the best will do! be any disappointments. BROOKE. Cheap rates. Top toys. Phone 0432 581 943. 1115486v3 1106664v3
1001556v4 EFTPOS / CC Phone 0447 415 398. service. Attractive, friendly SAPPHIRE XXX GFE. Toys,
held every Tuesday 7:30pm, vessel refit. Local resident 1108494v2 lady. Phone 0424 687 239. Couples, fantasy, costumes
Banyan House, 16 Beaton preferred. 24/7 - 8981 1825
Please call Rural properties 1117001v3
CELESTE XXX no limits. KIRSTEN. New, awaiting
& more. in/out. 0432 234 861.
Road, Berrimah.
1005028v6 0438 882 111.
ALALA More the merrier! Fantasies your call. Ph 0424 258 152.

NEED clean injecting equip- SCAFFOLDERS required. First time in Town fetishes, toys. 0487 599 895. SENSUAL Rorita. Exotic
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ment? Then visit the Needle Must be advanced. C/S, rooms, coded, aircond,
LET your desires be true! lady, special and private.
Syringe Program (NSP) at WAH advantage. Mine site Top service 0423 732 056.
the NT AIDS Council, 46 work, 8days on 6days off.
$400 000. For info 8988 4382.
Great CHIYOKO, 100% first time. Sensual, affectionate,
Real film star, love having relaxing. We’ll enjoy every
Woods Street, Darwin. Phone 0418 850 154 Erotic Massage minute together. Phone
Business 5 days only fun. Try me! Phone TRANSEXUAL Princess, silk
NT Multiple Birth Club pro-
0457 389 928. 0402 642 500. smooth. Nurse uniform, fan-
opportunities In/out calls 1082599v8
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tasy bondage, naughty,
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parents blessed with twins EXPERIENCED FOR SALE: Mother Ship MV 0400 122 459 CLAUDIA, being bad has LINDA. A deep tissue relax- 100% Active, passionate.
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CATHY mine. Phone 0438 855 384. M/R available. 0400 696 499. UNI student, different serv-

RESUMES, technical writ- FOR SALE: Wendy’s at

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LONELY housewife, while ice, waiting for your call.
1300 364 934 or 8985 4573. David, at L.M.P.A. 8984 4011. husband is away, how ’bout 0424 179 386.
1003164v4 Must have ABN 1061684V1 1065788v2 Real firm body, silky skin, ited. Attractive, pretty, good we play. Credit card and
ST VINCENT de PAUL’S and HR Licence natural sassy figure. time with you & more. Un- cash always welcome. The XXX MART, Mens lounge, 1058560v3

Palmerston Centre is open Flea market Attractive forgettable experience. In/ real Wildcat. 0403 066 750.
from 9 am - 4 pm Monday till Immediate start out, CBD. Ph 0426 081 691. 1010778v4 non stop Bi / hetro movies.
Last Week Count Down, 1067085v3
MAGICAL morning play- Private, plus unrestricted
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0438 647 233 ful & passionate. Toys & delights. Phone 0423 780 395. Palmerston. From 10am 7
beige colour two each 316W 0422 071 723 fantasies. Ph 0413 046 518. days 8932 6669.
1 in 5 people in Australia will 1058736v5 x 230D x 1754Hmm in very 1016750v5 1115536v3
experience depression. De- good condition for $20. Con- EVA. New, young spirited
pression is treatable. Find MALE - male. Surfer.
tact 0421 747 137. uni student. Dream body, Speedo super smooth. Ath- YUMMY MUMMY. A1 Es-
out what to do by calling 1062858v1
friendly, playful, attractive
beyondblue (03) 9810 6100.
1046562v7 TRAMPOLINE: Mat size
Trans Harlow gal. Class A, real GFE.CBD
letic. Handsome, friendly. corts, private, discreet,
Phone 0487 343 334. loves to play. Motel room.
In/out call 0449 978 100. 1083986v11
0424 352 009.
WARNING 258cm x 141cm. Good con- 1st time
dition $80. Ph 0418 858 157 Monday - Wednesday only MALE to MALE
FIRST time in Darwin! Your MALE to male escorts. Call

Some employment from 1pm-4pm. place or mine. 10 out of 10. Adonis. Phone 0423 502 484. 100% natural sweet gal. For
1060095v1 0403 065 319 ESCORTS 0421 690 036.
advertising for jobs may 1058038v8
you, a fantastic moment.
BEHIND on your debt 1056831V1

repayments? Phone Debt

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For sale In calls/out calls available GLAMOUR & sophistication 0424 096 942.
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1069441v6 Some tactics used by 0449 793 595. MIMI just first time to Dar- 24HRS I am a naughty gal
BOAT CANOPIES, 4WD can- 1019991v4 1049094v9
the fraudsters include
opies, Ute covers. Call win from overseas, very with magic hands. See me
general meetings
the following: Hoody’s Phone 8931 4284. BLONDIES stunning, good erotic mass- you will be surprised. Short
● Corresponding via 1001320v8 age, full service, in/out 24 time here. In/out calls.
COOLANDRY SHADES. TRUE GENUINE GORGEOUS new, sweet, hour. Phone 0449 125 402. Phone 0405 586 755.
email only New, remakes, repair, 1041861v2 1044760v4

ANNUAL waterproof. Ph 8931 4284. DESCRIPTIONS overseas gal. Great assets,

● Offers that involve you
being paid a 1007448v6
FOLD UP shades, suit mar-
No Extra Charges For happy to please you with MISTRESS EDEN
full service erotic massage. BDSM, Fetish, Domination.
GENERAL commission for very
little work
ket stalls, sporting clubs
Kissing And Mutual Pleasures
Summer and Yana are Back!!! In/out. Phone 0406 496 518. Only until Wed 10th Aug.
1080413v3 Classifieds
etc. Many sizes. 8932 8888. Website available.
MEETING ● Promise of 1041310V1 Brittany, Porché, Mekah, Ivy Private 0415 766 707.
Aviation Historical employment simply by
using your bank
Roof Upholstery,
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Charlotte, Lexi & Loads More
Credit cards and
MIYUKI, 100% first time to
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Society NT INC mobile EFTPOS available
to be held
Tuesday 6th Sept 2011
account, perhaps as
an account manager
or transfer manager
ICE BOXES. Moulded plas-

tic, many sizes from $50.00. 8981 0818

ent, silky skin, quality serv- student. Sweet, friendly, en-
ice, loves having lots of fun. joy new experience. In/out 8944 9999
Phone: 8932 8888. CBD In/Out. 0403 357 202. calls. Ph 0457 312 468.

6pm at the Aviation Exercise caution when 1053086v4

1078698v31 1098616v4 1053894v3 1014136v37

Heritage Centre responding to such SHADE SAILS. New or re-

Stuart Highway Winnellie advertisement. pairs, free quotes. Shade
1066013v1 and play. 8932 8888.
If the offer seems too 1036428v2

good to be true, it SHIPPING CONTAINERS all

Removalist probably is. sizes. Sale / hire. Accom-
modation, site offices, and
For further storage units. Best Prices in
AT Nanango Removals we information refer to Darwin! Basil 0400 445 044 or

provide a weekly service www.scamwatch.gov.au Toll free 1300 555 388.

from the NT to anywhere on 1061580V1
the East Coast. Phone 1008416v6 TRUCK TARPS. PVC, can-
0427 632 599 or (07) 3865 6342. vas, shade, side tipper, end
tipper. Ph Hoody’s 8931 4284

HANNAN Whitegoods
REMOVALS Work/employment
wanted ASSORTED washing ma-
Backloading daily chines from $150, fridges 1084401v16
Darwin to and from A&A Excavating & E/mov- from $270. Ph 0404 509 032.
Perth, Sydney, Melbourne ing. 10T tipper, 4t excavator, 1019628v3
Adelaide & Brisbane 420 b/cat & att. 0427 533 080.
Pets & livestock
aspects small & big jobs,
Ph: 1800 671 134 free quotes. Ph 0429 085 730. QUARAB, Arabian Pony, or
Welsh B 1-3yo. Palomino,
www.hannanremovals.com BLOCK LAYERS/ S&D. chestnut, grey. 0447 231 566.
1053133v4 Quality work. Free quotes. 1113980v3
MB: 0417 130 224.
Legal notices
Lost & found

NOTICE of lost title deed. LOST. Long haired fluffy

Would anyone holding or CONCRETE are you looking white male adult cat with
knowing the whereabouts for a prompt reliable job, grey markings, Bundy
of the duplicate Certificate look no further, driveways, Road, Humpty Doo. Much
as to the Title Volume: 430, shed slabs, pool, surrounds loved pet. Reward offered.
Folio: 181 for Lot: 3638. Town etc etc. Ph Joe 0417 793 244. Phone 0439 913 802.
of Landsdowne, Katherine 1062544v3
LOST Shitzu named Marley,
in the name of Natureland CONCRETORS. CAL white and black with red
Parks P/L. Please contact accredited. All driveways, collar. Harriet Pl 3,7,111.
J.Pitman on 0419 816 331. carports, verandahs, sheds, Little girls pet. Please call
1029540v5 pool surrounds, footpaths 0409 651 158.
etc. Quality work, prompt 1003129v3
service. Free quotes, 7
days. Nick 0407 391 444
Fax 8945 5162.
Up to $999

DARRLY’S LAWNMOWING AHA, can remove complete

and Garden maintenace. cars free. Wanted to buy
Fully insured. Free quotes. cars. 8932 1503, 0418 845 841.
Ring Darryl 0432 676 862 or 1019728v5

Sue 0422 246 920.


ELECTRICIAN - Fans, lights,

power points, extensions,
new houses, etc. Phone DUNDEE BEACH Fishing
Grahame on 0409 626 522. Charters. Reef and sports
fishing. Phone 0419 849 548.
1042840v5 1056909V1 1042483v3 1054283v4 1061845v4

48 NT NEWS. Tuesday, August 9, 2011. CLASSIFIEDS 8944 9999 www.ntnews.com.au


Sports Extra with Ian Butterworth


fire up in
LAST weekend saw the first
junior rugby union played in
Jabiru for children aged
under-10 years when Casuar-
ina and the local junior Bush-
ratz did battle.
Casuarina Cougars junior
rugby union coach Brian
Anderson took charge of a
team of under-7s and under-
9s that laid on a challenge for
the rugby-starved young-
sters in Jabiru.
‘‘With the exception of
Auskick, this is the only or-
ganised sport that has been
offered to kids in Jabiru for
many, many years,’’ said
Bushratz club coach Drew
‘‘And it was done on the in-
itiative of Cougars because a
few our kids travel to Darwin
every Friday to turn out for
the Casuarina juniors in the
NTRU competition.’’
The Jabiru under-7 team
was made up of five boys and
two girls with the standout
player being Bradman Bat-
kin, while his little sister
Dawn also shone, scoring a
great winger’s try.
The under-9s were fast and
furious with Bushratz
players Eddie Weaver, Caylis Dennis Bree, 60, still finds it invigorating playing rugby union against players a third of his age Picture: REGI VARGHESE
Pierik and Jake Gould play-

That’s the spirit:

ing against their Cougar
‘‘The under-7 game took a
bit of time to get under-
way. . . but once it began, we
couldn’t stop them,’’ Weaver
said. ‘‘Both games were de-
clared a draw after Cougars

still in the game

tried every trick in the book
to win.’’
A rematch has already
been planned for February
next year at Austar Rugby
Park in Darwin.
It will be a curtain-raiser to
the Super Rugby trial match
between the ACT Brumbies
and one of two NZ Super RUGBY UNION and about 100 of them were something you are thor- was knuckles, and it was well the game and indeed society
Rugby teams – the Crusaders in A-Grade. oughly enjoying?’’ earned,’’ he said. has passed them by.
from Christchurch or the WHEN Top End Rugby ‘‘I actually ran on in an Bree has only missed a Notwithstanding the odd ‘‘My oldest grandson is
Auckland Blues. Union began in 1976, Dennis A-Grade game this year, but handful of games through in- character, Bree thinks that three, and he will start play-
Bree packed down in the much of my career has been jury, but considers himself the game of rugby in the Top ing next year in the modified
front row of the Palmerston in B-Grade, where I still lucky as he has packed down End and elsewhere is played format as a four-year-old.’’
scrum — and at the age of 60, find it invigorating playing against some of the best, in- in the right spirit, and that it Connolly was his toughest
he is still following the same with and against players cluding former Wallabies offers a healthy environment opponent, says Bree; current
routine with the same club. who are a third of my coach John Connolly. for youngsters, including club stalwart Craig Leach is
once it began, we Club records at Palmer- age,’’ he said. ‘‘I packed down against his grandsons. the best Palmerston player,
ston are incomplete, but Bree ‘‘Why am I still playing? John Connolly many times ‘‘It’s rare these days in any while the NT beating Scot-
couldn’t stop them estimates that he has played I’ve never known how to when he was playing with sport to have idiots that just land 17-16 at Rugby Park in
between 700 and 800 games, stop, and why stop doing Casuarina — his nickname go out to have a bit of biff — 1992 remains a highlight.

Top riders accept the Challenge as race returns to the Valley


THE much-anticipated Steel- first endurance race – the in- times rather than capacity of 1:19 and 1:27 and TTC more the time allocated. The Hid- qualifying for Sunday morn-
mans Tools Top End Road augural Asset Management the bike. than 1:27. den Valley track is open until ing’s three-hour event. WS-
Racing Association Territ- Systems 3-Hour event. This ensures the classes A superbike style Top 10 the end of racing on Sunday. Spectator entry is free,
ory Challenge returns to Hid- The Challenge tradition- are matched more evenly ‘‘Superpole’’ shootout for Thursday is official prac- with access to some spectacu-
den Valley this week. ally attracts the fastest bike and the track racing is more grid positioning has been tice day before qualifying lar viewing points around
The last Challenge was riders from around the coun- competitive and exciting. introduced in the TTC1 class. runs on Friday morning and the track.
held in 2009 before upgrades try, with lap times matching Three main classes – TTC The three-hour race will the first race. Local riders to watch in-
to the Hidden Valley drag- those set in the Australian 1, 2 and 3 – will race over the have 600cc and 1000cc classes The remainder of Friday clude A-grade points leader
strip forced last year’s race to Superbike round. weekend. The TTC 1 class re- in an event where riders are and Saturday morning in- Che Diggens, national
be cancelled. The classes in the Chal- cords lap times quicker than required to complete the volves TTC racing, with Sat- superbike rider Sam Lam-
The 2011 event includes the lenge are determined by lap 1min 19sec, TTC 2 is between maximum number of laps in urday afternoon assigned to bert and Rob Roy McGregor.

www.ntnews.com.au Tuesday, August 9, 2011. NT NEWS. 49

SPORT l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l ntnews.com.au
Piercy wins Reno-Tahoe Open Senior is junior to Haas’s birdie Gerrans adds to Tour titles
AMERICAN Scott Piercy dropped a three-shot lead AUSTRALIAN Peter Senior’s hopes for a maiden AUSTRALIAN cyclist Simon Gerrans’ triumph in the
before holding on to make a tough par putt on the victory on golf’s Champions Tour were dashed by Jay Tour of Denmark had added significance as it
final hole to secure a tense one-stroke win in the Haas in Minnesota. Haas birdied the final hole to emulated a feat of his early mentor, Phil Anderson,
Reno-Tahoe Open. Needing only a two-putt at the claim the 3M Championship by one shot from who won in 1988. The 31-year-old claimed his first
par-five to win, he rolled his first attempt nearly 2m overnight co-leader Senior and fellow Americans stage race title in Europe on Sunday when he and his
past — but made it coming back to seal the victory. Tom Lehman and Kenny Perry. Haas started the day Sky teammates saw off every challenge from Italian
‘‘Having to two-putt is not easy,’’ Piercy said. Along one shot behind Senior and John Huston and shot Daniele Bennati (Leopard Trek) and converted a slim
with a $US540,000 ($519,000) prize, Piercy claimed four-under 68 to finish at 15 under 201, the highest eight-second lead into a nine-second victory. Gerrans
a place in the PGA Championship. winning score at the tournament since 2006. and Anderson both hail from Jamieson in Victoria.

A battle of initiation Juniors

will host the Northern
Territory junior sedan tit-
I’m happy with les on Saturday night.
Darwin junior speed-
where we are, we way president Ollie Den-
have blooded some nis is bringing eight inter-
state drivers to the Top
youngsters, and we End to test their skills
against the Territory’s
can now focus on top dozen.

the top four A 20-lap feature will de-

cide the 2011 champion af-
ter a series of heat races to
decide the starting grid in
By IAN BUTTERWORTH two pools of 10 drivers.
The NT Government
CASUARINA did what was and several private firms
needed by beating Darwin have backed the cham-
Olympic in the NorZone pionships and the road
Habitat Men’s Premier safety message the
League battle for top spot on drivers are carrying.
the weekend. Junior sedan racing is a
With four rounds of the national class that is seen
season remaining, and Olym- as an entrance level and
pic having two games in training ground for young
hand, Casuarina’s 4-0 win drivers to develop many
over its arch-rival gives it a skills in life.
four point buffer at the top of Young people aged 10
the ladder. and above are encouraged
Imam Mukhlis got the to obtain a racetrack li-
Rowdies on the board with a cence that allows them to
12th minute goal and Gordon compete in the bracket
Periera shot in another on until 17 years of age.
the half-time whistle to give Safety is paramount,
his team a 2-0 advantage. with all of the drivers pro-
An absolute cracker from tected by a roll cage and
recruit Matthew Pratt after full racing seatbelts.
the restart set up the win. The junior titles are
‘‘We were impressive and part of a packed program

fully committed to the task,’’ of racing at Northline.

said Rowdies coach Scott Pi- The popular sprintcars,
per. ‘‘I’m happy with where AMCAs and go-karts will
we are. We have blooded all be on show.
some youngsters, and we can Dennis and his commit-
now focus on the top four.’’ tee have reduced the en-
Hellenic secured its sev- try fee on the night in a
enth win of the season and bid to encourage families
shored up a top four place af- to watch the racing.
ter a high-spirited 3-0 win at ‘‘We reckon $30 for a
the expense of Palmerston. family is great value, part-
The Blues led 1-0 at half- icularly with the amount
time following a 44th minute Olympic’s Paddy McGuire, left, and Casuarina’s David McRoberts do battle at the weekend Picture: FIONA MORRISON of on and off-track enter-
Dylan Dale special, and two tainment that is planned
more in the last 10-minutes of The young Mindil outfit starting to be rewarded with on the night,’’ he said.
the game secured the result. showed more desperation in consistency and momentum. SCORES
University Azzurri beat the second half, only letting Scores: Casuarina 4 (I Mukhlis, D
McRoberts, G Periera, M Pratt)
Casuarina 4 (I Mukhlis, D McRoberts, G Periera, M Pratt) d
bye team Port Darwin into one goal in.
d Olympic 0. Olympic 0.
the top four for the first time Azzurri began its rise into Hellenic 3 (D Dale, M Touw, L Rod- Hellenic 3 (D Dale, M Touw, L Rodrigues d Palmerston 0.
in the season after rolling finals contention a month rigues d Palmerston 0.
Azzurri 6 (P Lloyd 2, T Bradley, D Car-
Azzurri 6 (P Lloyd 2, T Bradley, D Cartelini, B Edwards, S Collan)
Mindil Aces 6-0 on Sunday at ago, and the patience shown
pick of
telini, B Edwards, S Collan) d Mindil Aces 0.
the Football Stadium. by coach Steve Billias is d Mindil Aces 0.

NT trio
Rowdies’ rousing win bags second spot THREE local go-kart
drivers contested the
By IAN BUTTERWORTH 36th minute, the trick of goals and Jodeen Kerry Heness after she deftly City to Adelaide titles at
game began get- Chisolm bagged a brace in put the ball into the net with SCORES the weekend.
A FAITH Abio double and an ting hot. their 6-0 mid-week demo- three minutes remaining on Women’s Premier League: Brodie Green led the
Olympic own goal shored up Casuarina’s lition of Mindil. the clock. Casuarina 5 (F Abio 2, T Buchan, R Northern Territory
Guesnon, OG) d Olympic 1 (N Cotis.)
Casuarina’s tilt at the double skipper, Tanya In other women’s premier A Billy Kathopoulis hat- Olympic 6 (N Cotis 3, J Chisolm 2, P charge and finished third
chance as finals approach Buchan, and league action, Hellenic trav- trick led NTIS to a 8-1 win Koulakis) d Mindil 0. in the Junior National
in the NorZone Women’s Nicky Cotis Abio each took elled to Fred’s Pass, and over Port Darwin in the Hellenic 2 (A Billeter 2) d Litchfield Light class with Bryce
Premier League. a late first-half goal, reducing thanks to a double from Alex Powerade youth league. Fullwood coming in a
Women’s Championship:
The Rowdies jumped into a the tension, and they went Billeter, the blue team tri- Three goals in as many Palmerston 1 (K Heness) drew credible sixth.
share of second spot with to the break with a match- umphed 2-0. minutes midway through the Hellenic 1 (A Lazarou). Green held the lead on
Olympic following a rousing winning 3-1 lead. In women’s championship first half was the recipe for Powerade Youth League: lap 13 of 15 but was over-
NTIS 8 (B Kathopoulis 3, M
5-1 win over the Reds at the Olympic fell away in the action, Palmerston shut the Mindil’s 3-1 half-time lead Ruparanganda 2, C Mitchell, A Hodor, G
taken again by two
weekend. An own goal by second half, which was not gate on Hellenic’s ambition and 6-2 full-time win over Az- Lino) d Port Darwin 1 (R Cull). hometown drivers. Tho-
Olympic in the sixth minute surprising as the same team to have a clean sheet of wins zurri in their youth clash. Hellenic 9 (A Paradisis 5, L Ogden 2, P mas Maxwell was well
got the scoring under way had played a catch-up game for the season, when they And a handful of goals Silva, A Tsirbis) d Palmerston 3 (J placed in a strong Rookie
Cameirao, J Yolemal, A Magal).
but when Nicky Cotis slam- three days earlier against held the highly fancied wom- from Hellenic striker Athan Mindil 6 (T Tsikouris, A Jensen, H Ally,
field in fourth until a tap
med in the equaliser for Mindil Tigers. en in blue to a 1-1 draw. Paradisis led his team to a J Meehan-Lee, T Loungan, OG) d from behind caused him
the women in red at the Cotis whacked in a hat- Hero for Palmerston was 9-3 rout of Palmerston. Azzurri 2 (J Di Lembo, C Andreou). to eventually finish sixth.

50 NT NEWS. Tuesday, August 9, 2011. www.ntnews.com.au

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Radwanska ends title drought Czech’s win for the ages Stars back to bolster Sri Lanka
AGNIESZKA Radwanska dominated top seed Vera RADEK Stepanek became the oldest winner of the AUSTRALIA’S task in the looming five-match one-day
Zvonareva 6-3 6-4 yesterday to claim her first title in ATP Washington Classic since Jimmy Connors in 1988 international series against Sri Lanka has become
three years with victory at the WTA San Diego Open. when the 32-year-old Czech upset French top seed tougher with news that two key players are set to
Radwanska, the third seed from Poland, played all Gael Monfils 6-4 6-4 in yesterday’s championship return for the island nation. Paceman Lasith Malinga
week with a nerve problem in her heavily-taped right match. Stepanek’s first ATP title in over two years — who missed the two Twenty20 internationals in
shoulder. But she improved on her runner-up finish in saw him claim the $253,000 top prize at the US Open Kandy due to a back injury — completed training on
last year’s tournament to Svetlana Kuznetsova. ‘‘I hardcourt tune-up. Stepanek is now the ATP’s oldest Saturday while star opening batsman Upul Tharanga
was playing better and better every match. The champion since France’s Fabrice Santoro won at will be available for selection after serving a three-
conditions were working for me,’’ Radwanska said. Newport aged 35 in 2008. month ban for failing a drugs test.

Tutty’s NT
whistle stop
RUGBY UNION the NTFL two decades ago, Championship-A and Aviva
By IAN BUTTERWORTH but the union call was strong, Premiership competitions,
so he transferred his Acme Tutty remains hopeful of
MICHAEL Tutty has ref- Thunderer AFL whistle for blowing his whistle at the
ereed rugby in the NT, Eng- the rugby version. highest level.
land and many places in be- Tutty was refereeing in the ‘‘It’s pretty full-on — last
tween — and he just couldn’t Brisbane Grade competition year I travelled about
resist blowing the whistle in six years ago when he ans- 16,000km on refereeing dut-
the NTRU while back home wered an advertisement to ies,’’ he said.
in Darwin visiting family. teach in England. ‘‘I’ve officiated in the Six
‘‘I knew Andrew Crozier ‘‘I went to Brisbane in 1998 Nations Under-18 compe-
(NTRU chief executive) from and got to the top grade but tition and still have am-
his days working with the in 2005, I was offered a pos- bitions to referee at Premier-
ACT Brumbies, so I just ition as a school teacher in ship level in England, so I’m
emailed him and asked if I England and I’ve been there not going anywhere in the
could help out,’’ Tutty said. ever since,’’ he said. foreseeable future.
‘‘Fortunately, Andrew and He is the head of the physi- ‘‘Anyway, I have a terrific
the others agreed, and I cal education department at job; I referee for six months,
really enjoyed the experience Hasmonean High School in go skiing three times a year
Michael Tutty started refereeing in Darwin and is now among the top-class rugby union once again.’’ Hendon, near London. and I’m only about 45 min-
whistle-blowers in England Picture: JUSTIN SANSON Tutty started umpiring in Also a referee in the utes from the continent.’’

Baseball T TAIBU c R Islam b SH Islam ................ 59

C ERVINE not out ..................................... 35
72 69, Woody Austin (USA) 73 72 71 69,
Michael Thompson (USA) 70 68 74 73,
Felicity Johnson (ENG) 72 74 78, Tandi
Cuningham (RSA) 75 70 79
Race 3: 5 Transcending $5.70 $2.00 3 Dol-
phi’s Boy $1.70 2 Budgee Boy $2.10. Q:
Extras: 2lb 4nb 4w ................................... 10 Stephen Ames (CAN) 71 72 69 73, Will 226: Henrietta Zuel (ENG) 72 71 83
MLB $14.20. E: $32.00. T: $127.90. A2: 3-5 $6.30,
American League (home team in CAPS):
BOSTON RED SOX 3 New York Yankees 2
Five wickets (dec) for .......................... 291
Fall: 69, 79, 83, 92, 205.
MacKenzie (USA) 67 69 74 75, Kirk Tri-
plett (USA) 70 72 68 75, Briny Baird (USA) Tennis 2-5 $8.70, 2-3 $2.30. Scr: 11.
Race 4: 6 Carnegie Hall $3.80 $1.60 7
Bowling: SH Islam 11-3-29-1, R Islam 67 74 68 76 286: Notah Begay III (USA) 71
F10; TEXAS RANGERS 5 Cleveland In-
67 79 69, John Mallinger (USA) 71 71 73
San Diego Open Citigal $1.60 11 Captain Sensible $1.60.
13-1-48-1 (1w 1nb), A Razzak 20-5-49-1, R
dians 3; Oakland Athletics 5 TAMPA BAY Final, Women (prefix denotes seeding): Q: $6.40. E: $9.30. T: $31.40. A2: 6-7 $1.80,
Hossain 17-2-75-1 (1w 3nb), M Mah- 71, David Mathis (USA) 76 68 71 71, Bob
RAYS 4 F10; Toronto Blue Jays 7 BALTI- 3-Agnieszka Radwanska (POL) d 1-Vera 6-11 $4.20, 7-11 $3.90. FIRST 4: (6 7 11 13):
mudullah 12-3-27-0, S al Hasan May (USA) 70 69 73 74 287: Carl Paulson
MORE ORIOLES 2; KANSAS CITY ROYALS Zvonareva (RUS) 6-3 6-4. $214.20. Scr: 1L,2,12.
18-4-60-1, I Kayes 1-0-1-0. (ESP) 73 74 67 70, Charl Schwartzel (USA) 69 74 75 69, Will Strickler (USA) 72
4 Detroit Tigers 3; Chicago White Sox 7
Overs: 92 (RSA) 74 71 68 71, Y.E. Yang (KOR) 72 71 70 76 69 288: Daniel Summerhays (USA) Washington Classic Race 5: 8 Mrs Menzies $7.00 $2.40 5 Lay
MINNESOTA TWINS 0; LOS ANGELES AN- Final, Men (prefix denotes seeding): Ra-
Bangladesh 2nd innings 69 72, Alexander Noren (SWE) 69 73 70 73 71 73 71, Mark Hensby (AUS) 71 71 73 Down Sally $3.10 7 Umalass $2.20. Q:
GELS 2 Seattle Mariners 1. dek Stepanek (CZE) d 1-Gael Monfils
T IQBAL b Mpofu ...................................... 43 72, Sergio Garcia (ESP) 68 72 72 72 285: 73, Jose Maria Olazabal (ESP) 72 73 68
Eastern Division $28.40. E: $79.30. T: $325.60. A2: 5-8
I KAYES c Taibu b Jarvis ......................... 31 Heath Slocum (USA) 71 65 75 74 286: K.J. 75, Robert Gamez (USA) 73 69 70 76 289: (FRA) 6-4 6-4.
Team W L PCT GB $10.70, 7-8 $11.40, 5-7 $9.10. FIRST 4: (8 5 7
Boston Red Sox
New York Yankees
43 .619
44 .611 1.0

S NAFEES b Jarvis ...................................... 9
M ASHRAFUL not out .............................. 19
Choi (KOR) 74 71 70 71, Jonathan Byrd
(USA) 67 74 75 70, Padraig Harrington
Tim Herron (USA) 72 72 73 72, Alex Prugh
(USA) 73 67 74 75, Dean Wilson (USA) 69 Horse Racing 3): $2,117.20. All Started.
M RAHIM not out ....................................... 4 72 72 76 290: Michael Connell (USA) 73 68 Race 6: 7 Spirit Soul $6.00 $2.40 1 Head
Tampa Bay Rays 59 54 .522 11.0
(IRL) 71 70 73 72, Sean O’Hair (USA) 72 72 Yesterday’s TattsBet
Extras: 4b 1lb 1nb ...................................... 6 69 73 288: Bill Haas (USA) 72 72 70 74, 70 79 291: Fabian Gomez (ARG) 71 70 77 Over $2.30 8 Heart Of Honneur $1.60. Q:
Toronto Blue Jays 58 56 .509 12.5 Three wickets for .................................. 112 Arjun Atwal (IND) 68 73 71 76 289: 73, Martin Trainer (USA) 72 72 74 73, Tim Dividends $15.00. E: $27.20. T: $131.70. A2: 1-7 $5.70,
Baltimore Orioles 44 67 .396 25.0 Fall: 65, 87, 102. Graeme McDowell (NIR) 71 72 75 71 291: Petrovic (USA) 69 72 72 78 293: Boo SWAN HILL (VR) 7-8 $9.00, 1-8 $4.20. FIRST 4: (7 1 8 4):
Central Division Bowling: B Vitori 7-1-33-0, K Jarvis Weekley (USA) 70 75 71 77 295: Alex
Harrison Frazar (USA) 72 72 77 70, Race 1: 8 Epona Fire $23.50 $4.20 1 Cos- $285.80. Scr: 2L.
Team W L PCT GB 10-1-40-2, E Chigumbura 8-3-16-0, C Aragon (USA) 72 73 71 79
Jhonattan Vegas (VEN) 73 70 74 74 292: mic Demon $1.20 2 Handle On A Star
Detroit Tigers 61 53 .535 — Race 7: 2 Old Mystique $9.30 $3.00 1 Cen-
Mpofu 4-0-17-1 (1nb), R Price 1-0-1-0. Darren Clarke (NIR) 77 74 69 72, Jeff Ladies Irish Open $3.90. Q: $23.70. E: $171.20. T: $719.70. A2:
Cleveland Indians 56 56 .500 4.0 Overs: 30 tral Act $1.50 8 Greyland $3.50. Q: $9.50.
Overton (USA) 72 73 73 74, Ian Poulter Final round par-72 — 198: Suzann Pet- 1-8 $7.00, 2-8 $36.30, 1-2 $4.40. Scr: 9,13.
Chicago White Sox 55 58 .487 5.5 Stumps, Day 4. E: $15.10. T: $172.10. A2: 1-2 $3.40, 2-8
(ENG) 71 69 80 72, Thomas Bjorn (DEN) tersen (NOR) 71 63 64 204: Azahara Race 2: 2 Bay Flash $3.60 $1.70 6 Metallic
Minnesota Twins 51 63 .447 10.0 $16.40, 1-8 $8.50. Qd: (6 8 7 2): $1,928.50.
Kan City Royals
Western Division
49 65 .430 12.0 Golf 66 72 75 79 293: Miguel Angel Jimenez
(ESP) 73 73 74 73 294: Park Jae-Bum
Munoz (ESP) 67 68 69 205: Melissa Reid
(ENG) 70 66 69, Alison Walshe (USA) 66
Grey $1.60 16 Ready On Time $1.50. Q:
$7.40. E: $17.00. T: $54.20. A2: 2-6 $4.90, FIRST 4: (2 1 8 9): $765.00. All Started.
(KOR) 73 72 77 72 295: Pablo Larrazabal 2-16 $3.40, 6-16 $4.20. Scr: Extra Double: 1 Bimbadgen Lad 5 Tran-
Team W L PCT GB WGC Bridgestone 70 69 207: Giulia Sergas (ITA) 70 68 69
(ESP) 66 76 74 79 297: Yuta Ikeda (JPN) 74 208: Ashleigh Simon (RSA) 68 72 68, Ca- 1,4,8,10,12,13,15. scending $25.60. Double: 7 Spirit Soul 2
Texas Rangers 64 51 .557 — Invitational 72 77 74 299: Stuart Appleby (AUS) 73 76 Race 3: 9 Candy Dance $3.00 $1.30 13 Old Mystique $59.90. Treble: 8 Mrs
LA Angels 63 52 .548 1.0 triona Matthew (SCO) 71 68 69, Karen
Final round, par-70 — 263: Adam Scott 78 72 Lunn (AUS) 68 69 71, Julieta Granada Katlen Ruby $7.40 3 Faineant $5.10. Q: Menzies 7 Spirit Soul 2 Old Mystique
Oakland Athletics 51 63 .447 12.5
(AUS) 62 70 66 65 267: Rickie Fowler (PAR) 70 66 72, Maria Hjorth (SWE) 67 69 $66.20. E: $75.40. T: $1,383.80. A2: 9-13
Seattle Mariners 49 64 .434 14.0 Reno-Tahoe Open $579.30.
(USA) 68 64 69 66, Luke Donald (ENG) 68 72 209: Anna Nordqvist (SWE) 74 67 68, $32.60, 3-9 $13.20, 3-13 $149.40. Scr:
National League (home team in CAPS): San
Diego Padres 7 PITTSBURGH PIRATES 3; Cincin- 69 64 66 268: Jason Day (AUS) 63 70 66 69, Final round par-72 — 273: Scott Piercy Laura Davies (ENG) 69 68 72 210: Sophie 2,6,7,18. TAREE (NR)
Ryo Ishikawa (JPN) 67 68 64 69 270: Kim (USA) 72 70 61 70 274: Pat Perez (USA) 73 Gustafson (SWE) 69 74 67, Karen Stup- Race 4: 8 Filipo Secondo $11.40 $4.20 3
nati Reds 8 CHICAGO CUBS 7; St. Louis Cardinals Race 1: 10 Tenmoregrand $3.30 $1.30 5
Kyung-Tae (KOR) 66 72 66 66, Zach John- 68 65 68 275: Steve Flesch (USA) 68 69 70 ples (ENG) 69 72 69, Lee-Anne Pace Schabacle $1.00 2 Our Fabian $3.00. Q:
8 FLORIDA MARLINS 4; Atlanta Braves 6 NEW Mud Wrestler $1.70 9 Five Of Hearts
son (USA) 70 68 64 68, Rory McIlroy (NIR) 68, Blake Adams (USA) 67 72 67 69 276: (RSA) 67 69 74 211: Becky Brewerton $31.30. E: $71.90. T: $605.50. A2: 3-8
YORK METS 5; ARIZONA DIAMONDBACKS 4 Los $9.20. Q: $4.00. E: $9.70. T: $156.70. A2:
68 68 67 67 271: Lee Westwood (ENG) 67 Jim Renner (USA) 74 69 65 68 277: Matt (WAL) 72 67 72, Caroline Hedwall (SWE) $15.90, 2-8 $10.00, 2-3 $2.70. Scr: 4,5L,9.
Angeles Dodgers 3; Washington Nationals 3
71 68 65, David Toms (USA) 68 68 68 67 Race 5: 2 Arch Pegasus $2.30 $1.40 3 5-10 $1.60, 9-10 $14.40, 5-9 $28.80. Scr: 2.
COLORADO ROCKIES 2; Milwaukee Brewers 7 McQuillan (CAN) 71 69 71 66, Ben Martin 68 70 73, Dewi Claire Schreefel (NED) 68
272: Aaron Baddeley (AUS) 68 70 69 65, (USA) 68 72 68 69, Steve Elkington (AUS) 66 77 212: Stacy Lewis (USA) 72 69 71, Innocent Cash $2.50 1 Sept Rouge NTD. Race 2: 2 La Hdood $5.40 $1.90 4 French
Fredrik Jacobson (SWE) 68 66 67 71, Mar- 73 65 68 71, Nick O’Hern (AUS) 65 72 69 71 Tania Elosegui (ESP) 72 69 71 213: Sand- Q: $3.80. E: $4.10. T: $28.80. FIRST 4: (2 3 1 Poppy $1.80 8 Even If $4.70. Q: $11.70. E:
Philadelphia Phillies 1.
tin Laird (SCO) 66 67 67 72 273: Steve 278: Billy Horschel (USA) 71 70 70 67, ra Gal (GER) 73 72 68, Lynnette Brooky 4): $173.80. Scr: 7,9. $24.50. T: $368.60. A2: 2-4 $4.50, 2-8
Eastern Division
Stricker (USA) 71 65 67 70 274: Francesco Bryce Molder (USA) 72 71 68 67, Hunter (NZL) 70 71 72, Lisa Sorensen (DEN) 75 66 Race 6: 2 Escargot $18.20 $5.40 3 Adricat
Team W L PCT GB $17.50, 4-8 $17.90. Scr: 1.
Molinari (ITA) 73 64 68 69, Keegan Brad- Haas (USA) 70 67 72 69, Michael Letzig 72 214: Christel Boeljon (NED) 69 77 68, $1.00 10 Top Tier $3.90. Q: $19.40. E:
Phil Phillies 74 40 .649 — Race 3: 4 El Win $6.20 $2.40 11 The
ley (USA) 67 65 68 74 275: Mark Wilson (USA) 70 69 70 69, Josh Teater (USA) 72 Belen Mozo (ESP) 73 71 70, Alexis Thom- $63.30. T: $762.20. A2: 2-3 $12.50, 2-10
Atlanta Braves 66 49 .574 8.5
(USA) 69 69 71 66, Robert Karlsson (SWE) $26.70, 3-10 $8.30. FIRST 4: (2 3 10 9): Not Mighty Gem $4.80 7 Nicodemus $1.60. Q:
New York Mets 56 57 .496 17.5 67 66 73 279: Billy Mayfair (USA) 73 70 69 pson (USA) 70 71 73, Mollie Fankhauser
68 65 72 70 276: D.A. Points (USA) 66 70 72 67, Kang Sung-Hoon (KOR) 69 72 70 68, (USA) 68 73 73 215: Beatriz Recari (ESP) won pool jackpots. Scr: 4,14L. $85.20. E: $128.30. T: $711.90. A2: 4-11
Florida Marlins 55 59 .482 19.0
68, Matt Kuchar (USA) 71 69 65 71 277: Chris Riley (USA) 66 72 68 73 280: Rod 69 74 72 216: Caroline Masson (GER) 71 Race 7: 11 Let’s Be Happy $13.20 $3.50 17 $16.60, 4-7 $6.80, 7-11 $8.40. Scr: 13.
Wash Nationals 55 59 .482 19.0
Peter Hanson (SWE) 70 67 70 70, Bubba Pampling (AUS) 68 70 72 70, Shane 75 70, Sophie Giquel-Bettan (FRA) 71 72 Testya Patience $7.50 15 Strike Any- Race 4: 3 Petticoat General $2.70 $1.10 9
Central Division
Watson (USA) 69 70 68 70 278: Jim Furyk Bertsch (USA) 71 69 69 71, Mathias 73, Nikki Garrett (AUS) 74 68 74, Floren- where $5.00. Q: $147.40. E: $347.10. T:
Team W L PCT GB Eishin Rock $2.10 6 Hydrophilic $4.70. Q:
(USA) 73 69 67 69, Bo Van Pelt (USA) 68 Gronberg (SWE) 73 69 66 72 281: Tom tyna Parker (ENG) 70 71 75 $3,336.70. A2: 11-17 $44.40, 11-15 $22.50,
Mil Brewers 65 50 .565 — $10.30. E: $15.80. T: $124.00. A2: 3-9 $4.30,
70 71 69, Lucas Glover (USA) 68 68 72 70, Pernice Jr. (USA) 73 69 70 69, Garrett Wil- 217: Ursula Wikstrom (FIN) 72 73 72, 15-17 $48.30. FIRST 4: (11 17 15 1): Not
St. Louis Cardinals 62 53 .539 3.0 3-6 $3.80, 6-9 $15.80. FIRST 4: (3 9 6 1):
Retief Goosen (RSA) 72 68 68 70, Ryan lis (USA) 73 66 72 70, Chris DiMarco Leona Maguire (IRL) 73 72 72, Beth Allen won pool jackpots. Scr: 2,4L,5,12,13.
Cincinnati Reds 55 59 .482 9.5 $545.40. Scr: 7.
Moore (USA) 66 66 74 72, Nick Watney (USA) 72 72 67 70, Brian Davis (ENG) 73 (USA) 74 71 72, Minea Blomqvist (FIN) 72 Race 8: 3 Lord Of Brazil $1.80 $1.20 11
Pittsburgh Pirates 54 59 .478 10.0
(USA) 65 70 70 73 279: Martin Kaymer 67 67 74 282: Roland Thatcher (USA) 71 73 72, Sara Brown (USA) 78 67 72, Charlie Rosetown $12.50 4 Cos In Court $1.00 Race 5: 6 Midgy Gharrat $4.30 $1.70 2
Chicago Cubs 49 66 .426 16.0
(GER) 69 70 73 67, Hennie Otto (RSA) 69 67 76 68, Aron Price (AUS) 71 72 71 68, Jay Douglass (ENG) 71 73 73, Anne-Lise Cau- and 14 Turn Him Loose $2.30 dh 3. Q: Solid Effort $2.20 10 Galliano Bay $5.20.
Houston Astros 37 77 .325 27.5
66 75 69, Scott Stallings (USA) 69 68 72 Williamson (USA) 68 70 74 70, Jim Her- dal (FRA) 66 75 76 218: Marianne $56.40. E: $56.40. T: (3 11 4): $199.80 (3 11 Q: $14.10. E: $29.00. T: $303.70. A2: 2-6
Western Division
70, Anders Hansen (DEN) 72 70 67 70 man (USA) 71 69 72 70, Craig Barlow Skarpnord (NOR) 74 71 73, Anja Monke 14): $439.70. A2: 3-11 $31.00, 3-4 $1.10, $5.90, 6-10 $23.80, 2-10 $23.10. FIRST 4: (6
280: Justin Rose (ENG) 71 70 72 67, Simon (USA) 72 68 72 70, Todd Hamilton (USA) (GER) 72 72 74, Margherita Rigon (ITA) 3-14 $4.80, 4-11 $59.10, 11-14 $75.30. 2 10 3): Not won pool jackpots. Scr: 1,5.
SF Giants 63 52 .548 —
FIRST 4: (3 11 4 14) $982.40 (3 11 14 4)

A Diamondbacks 62 52 .544 0.5 Dyson (ENG) 77 66 69 68, Brandt Snede- 73 68 71 70, Joe Durant (USA) 75 69 68 70, 68 75 75, Joanna Klatten (FRA) 73 69 76,
$1,139.80. Scr: 1L,9L,15. Race 6: 2 Floral Insight $3.30 $1.60 5
Colorado Rockies 53 62 .461 10.0 ker (USA) 66 68 74 72, Edoardo Molinari Kevin Na (USA) 75 70 67 70, Troy Mat- Virginie Lagoutte Clement (FRA) 69 73
Extra Double: 9 Candy Dance 8 Filipo Lions Den $2.10 4 Aberdoi $1.60. Q:
LA Dodgers 52 61 .460 10.0 (ITA) 72 66 70 72 teson (USA) 70 69 72 71, Matt Jones 76, Christina Kim (USA) 73 68 77, Lisa
Secondo $84.50. Double: 11 Let’s Be $14.20. E: $14.20. T: $68.30. A2: 2-5 $5.40,
San Diego Padres 51 64 .443 12.0 281: Geoff Ogilvy (AUS) 68 70 76 67, Ernie (AUS) 68 73 70 71, Joseph Bramlett (USA) Maguire (IRL) 71 68 79 219: Pernilla
Els (RSA) 71 71 71 68, Louis Oosthuizen 72 69 69 72, J.P. Hayes (USA) 73 71 66 72, Lindberg (SWE) 79 67 73, Elizabeth Ben- Happy 3 Lord Of Brazil $24.60. Treble: 2 2-4 $3.10, 4-5 $13.10. FIRST 4: (2 5 4 7):
Cricket (RSA) 71 71 70 69, Hunter Mahan (USA) John Merrick (USA) 71 69 66 76 283: Todd nett (ENG) 73 73 73, Veronica Zorzi (ITA) Escargot 11 Let’s Be Happy 3 Lord Of
Brazil $365.90.
$825.60. Scr: 1,8,13.
71 69 72 69, Richard Green (AUS) 69 68 74 Fischer (USA) 71 69 71 72, Peter To- 74 71 74 220: Georgina Simpson (ENG) 74 Race 7: 11 Laramie $8.00 $2.00 5 Make
Zimbabwe v Bangladesh 70, Tiger Woods (USA) 68 71 72 70, Mat- masulo (USA) 73 66 71 73, Robert Gar- 72 74, Line Vedel (DEN) 75 71 74, Danah COWRA (CR) Magic $4.00 7 Flying Attitude $8.00. Q:
1st Test at Harare teo Manassero (ITA) 70 72 67 72, Charley rigus (USA) 68 70 71 74, James Driscoll Bordner (USA) 72 73 75, Linda Wessberg Race 1: 2 Flashing Zorro $11.20 $3.20 15 $59.90. E: $127.80. T: $4,255.50. A2: 5-11
Zimbabwe 1st innings 370 Hoffman (USA) 68 69 70 74 282: Paul (USA) 70 73 66 74, Vaughn Taylor (USA) (SWE) 69 76 75 221: Lynn Kenny (SCO) 70 Spin The Globe $8.00 6 Maasai Man $27.40, 7-11 $46.50, 5-7 $36.20. Qd: (3 6 2
Bangladesh 1st innings 287 Casey (ENG) 73 71 71 67, Gary Woodland 69 66 72 76 284: Tag Ridings (USA) 71 69 76 75, Titiya Plucksataporn (THA) 70 76 $1.80. Q: $188.70. E: $268.80. T: $1,379.00. 11): $267.70. FIRST 4: (11 5 7 12):
Zimbabwe 2nd innings (USA) 70 66 73 73, Stewart Cink (USA) 66 76 68, Shaun Micheel (USA) 68 74 73 69, 75, Diana D’Alessio (USA) 73 72 76, Kylie A2: 2-15 $25.20, 2-6 $7.40, 6-15 $26.20. Scr:
$2,215.40. Scr: 10,16.
T MAWOYO b R Islam ............................. 35 70 71 75 283: Brendan Steele (USA) 69 74 Scott Gutschewski (USA) 71 74 68 71, Walker (SCO) 73 70 78 222: Becky 9.
V SIBANDA c sub b Hossain .................. 38 74 66, Rory Sabbatini (RSA) 66 77 71 69, Paul Stankowski (USA) 71 69 72 72, Ju- Morgan (WAL) 76 70 76, Trish Johnson Race 2: 1 Bimbadgen Lad $3.60 $1.70 2 Extra Double: 2 La Hdood 4 El Win
H MASAKADZA c and b al Hasan ........... 5 Robert Allenby (AUS) 70 73 70 70, Dustin stin Leonard (USA) 71 69 71 73, Bob Es- (ENG) 74 71 77, Danielle Bowers (ENG) 71 Peekay $2.20 8 Cathy’s Boy $2.40. Q: $81.50. Double: 2 Floral Insight 11 Lara-
B TAYLOR not out .................................. 105 Johnson (USA) 73 69 70 71, Phil Mickel- tes (USA) 75 67 69 73, Dicky Pride (USA) 74 77, Jaclyn Sweeney (USA) 72 73 77 $8.30. E: $14.00. T: $83.00. A2: 1-2 $3.50, mie $28.70. Treble: 6 Midgy Gharrat 2
R PRICE lbw Razzak .................................. 4 son (USA) 67 73 71 72 284: Alvaro Quiros 71 69 70 74 285: Chez Reavie (USA) 74 70 223: Kaisa Ruuttila (FIN) 72 72 79 224: 1-8 $5.00, 2-8 $10.10. Scr: 5. Floral Insight 11 Laramie $91.00.

www.ntnews.com.au Tuesday, August 9, 2011. NT NEWS. 51

SPORT l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l ntnews.com.au
Season over for Dogs defender AFL to fund struggling clubs Blake’s Cats career over?
WESTERN Bulldogs defender Tom Williams will miss THE AFL is stepping in to save up to seven clubs from MARK Blake’s Geelong career appears destined to
the rest of the season with a foot fracture. Williams is falling behind in footy’s arms race, with an audit on end on 99 games. Blake is believed to have made it
almost certain to require surgery as soon as next the health of all clubs. The move will see the AFL known to the Cats he will seek a new club next
week to repair his right foot and will also undergo a pour money into the football departments and season, after having failed to play a senior match this
shoulder reconstruction once his foot settles down. administrations of struggling sides. ‘‘We are looking year. He had surgery in May for ligament damage in a
The injuries are a massive blow to the Dogs’ hopes of at — as part of the next five-year distribution finger and has not played since. That means the Cats
making a miracle run for the finals, with Williams strategy — looking after the clubs who really need it will miss out by one game on being able to father/son
playing a key role in the absence of injured two-time most,’’ AFL football operations manager Adrian a third Blake, should the ruckman ever produce a son
All-Australian full-back Brian Lake. Anderson said last night. of similar talent to himself and his father Rod.

Kevin looks set Mt Gravatt’s might

rolls over Redland
A CLINICAL Mt Gravatt con- als hopes with a 14.14 (98) to

to stick around
tinued to produce cham- 12.11 (83) triumph.
pagne football with a 51-point Southport’s late-season
win over Redland on Satur- surge continued with a com-
day to set up a huge show- fortable 15.18 (108) to 5.11 (41)
down for the minor premier- win over Queanbeyan in a
ship against NT Thunder cross-conference battle, mov-
this weekend. ing the Sharks to a game shy
The Vultures are equal on of the top five with two left.
points at the top of the ladder A draw between the Bris-
with the Territorians after bane Lions Reserves and
the 19.15 (129) to 9.24 (78) win. Morningside did little to help
While Redland butchered either side, consigning the
some chances in the first Lions to the wooden spoon
half, when the scoreline read while the Panthers missed

3.12 to 8.4, they were as cum- out on a spot in the top five.
bersome moving forward as Redland, Aspley and
Mt Gravatt were precise. Broadbeach are equal fourth
The rest of the round pro- while Southport and Mornin-
duced upsets with Broad- gside remain a chance to play
beach 14.12 (96) to 12.8 (80) finals. It sets up a bumper
winners over the Gold Coast Round 20 with all results to
Suns Reserves and Labrador prove a virtual elimination
putting a dent in Aspley’s fin- for the losers.

GWS GIANTS 4.6 8.9 13.13 18.19 (127)
NT THUNDER 4.1 8.5 11.7 18.7 (115)
GOALS — GWS Giants: C Hampton 4 A Phillips 3 J Cameron 2 J Giles A.
Miles D Shiel R Cooyou T Golds J Bruce B Casley N Wilson I Folau. NT
Thunder: D Ewing 5 J Anderson 5 R Tungatalum 3 J Dignan 2 S Tapp R
Smith P Cox.
BEST — GWS Giants: J Cameron C Hampton D Shiel N Wilson J
Townsend A Treloar. NT Thunder: J Dignan B Palipuaminni K
Vearncombe J Ilett J Anderson A Motlop.
SOUTHPORT 5.1 6.5 10.9 15.18 (108)
QUEANBEYAN 2.3 2.3 4.10 5.11 (41)
GOALS — Southport: C Hughes 3 D James 3 M Quigley 2 E Mallan D
Grant G Screech A Devine J Baxter D Putt B Davis. Queanbeyan: D
Campbell 2 J Kavanagh T Dickinson T Conroy.
BEST — Southport: B Merrett D James D Lynch D Putt A Devine E
Mallan. Queanbeyan: R Jaques S Jolliffe W Griggs A Overs S Mackie T
MT GRAVATT 5.3 13.4 18.9 19.15 (129)
REDLAND 3.7 6.12 8.17 9.24 (78)

GOALS — Mt Gravatt: D Steven 5 A Proud 3 C Cameron 3 J Furfaro 2 J

James 2 R Estall 2 D Mowat 2. Redland: J Charlesworth 3 B Weightman
2 J Pullman B Rees T Salter D Dzufer.
BEST — Mt Gravatt: N Reid A Proud C Cameron G Grose D Steven L
Scott. Redland: S Michael M Thomson T Salter B Passfield J Hackett R
Kevin Vearncombe tries to break a tackle from Joshua Bruce of GWS on Saturday Picture: BRAD FLEET Page.
BROADBEACH 5.5 7.9 8.11 14.12 (96)
By JESS WEBSTER ‘‘But it has opened up my GOLD COAST 2.2 7.4 10.5 12.8 (80)
eyes,’’ he said. GOALS — Broadbeach: J Eagle 6 D Zorko 3 D Stewart 2 G Underwood K
THEY say that what does
not kill you will only make
NEAFL ROUND 19 ‘‘As long as the opportunit-
ies are provided to me, I’ll be
Emery N Scott. Gold Coast: C Dixon 4 L Moss 2 B Matera L Patrick N
Ablett T Alderson R Liddy J Daye.
BEST — Broadbeach: D Zorko J Eagle G Underwood R Walton K Emery K
you stronger. keen to play for Thunder.’’ Geary. Gold Coast: N Ablett J Tippett C Dixon T Hine J Crawford L
If that’s the case, NT Thun-
der’s Nhulunbuy sensation
NT THUNDER V GWS GIANTS Vearncombe’s hard work
has paid off with five
LABRADOR 5.5 10.9 13.11 14.14 (98)
ASPLEY 2.2 5.3 8.7 12.11 (83)
Kevin Vearncombe is sure to THUNDER Q1 4.1 Q2 8.5 Q3 11.7 Q4 18.7 (115) consecutive games, backing GOALS — Labrador: N Stockdale 2 M Vigus 2 M Jones 2 F Sleeth 2 A
stick around. GIANTS Q1 4.6 Q2 8.9 Q3 13.3 Q4 18.19 (127) up the rucking duties in the Clarke T Knobel J Shattock R Davey T Featherstone S Paterson. Aspley:
S Stavenuiter 3 A Hughes 3 J Brain 3 B Evans M Buchanan R Toye.
The Papua New Guinea- absence of team leader Ken- BEST — Labrador: S Wrigley T Grayson A Clarke T Featherstone M
born utility could not have # Player Name DSP HO SM TKL SHP SPL G rick Tyrrell. McGill M Jones. Aspley: J Teale T Falconer M Hutchinson M Buchanan J
asked for a tougher initiation But after being given a James B Colch.
47 Anderson, J 13 - - 6 - - 5
since debuting as Thunder’s 13 Argus, L 13 - - 1 1 1 - taste of Territory football BRISBANE LIONS 4.2 8.4 10.6 13.10 (88)
23rd man in their Round played at the highest level, MORNINGSIDE 3.4 4.8 10.12 12.16 (88)
22 Bergman, D 17 - - 1 2 2 - GOALS — Brisbane Lions: A Kitching 3 B Retzlaff 2 M Austin J
14 win over GWS Giants at the small-town carpenter Drummond M Golby C Bartlett R Newell M Dillon J Polec D Barry.
22 Burarrwanga, C 4 - - - - - -
TIO Stadium. says that he wants more. Morningside: S Mugavin 3 K Abey J Thomlinson J Allen R Holman J
If travelling the 800km
46 Cox, P 19 - - 1 1 1 1 ‘‘In Gove you are used to Gough D Lillico A Spackman A Potter T Bell.
from Gove to Darwin seems a
17 Dignan, J 30 - 7 - - - 2 getting a lot of ball and being
BEST — Brisbane Lions: T Collier M Golby A Kitching R Newell C Bartlett
R Harwood. Morningside: P Shelton T Bell A Spackman P Yagmoor J
stretch, Vearncombe kept his 52 Egger, L 12 1 - 7 3 - - a good player, and when you Price J Starcevich.
spot in the side and added 2 Ewing, D 16 - - - 1 - 5 come over to a higher league
6 Ilett, J 13 - - 4 1 - - LADDER
trips to Brisbane, Cairns, Al- it’s harder to get the ball,’’ TEAM P W L D F A % Pts
ice Springs and Sydney in 25 Kossack, W 5 - - 1 - 3 - Vearncombe said. NT THUNDER 16 12 4 0 1804 1299 138.9 48
the past five weeks. 50 McLean, B 12 - 1 - - - - ‘‘I expected it to be a lot MT GRAVATT 16 12 4 0 1647 1413 116.6 48
GOLD COAST 16 10 6 0 1524 1326 114.9 40
But simply keeping his 1 Motlop, A 16 - - 4 1 - - more physical and fast REDLAND 16 8 8 0 1617 1532 105.6 32
spot in the team — favourites 31 Palipuaminni, B 14 - - 9 2 - - and structured. ASPLEY 16 8 8 0 1507 1452 103.8 32
49 Rioli, S 11 - - 2 - - - BROADBEACH 16 8 8 0 1425 1468 97.07 32
for the NEAFL premiership ‘‘So far it has pretty much MORNINGSIDE 16 7 8 1 1440 1569 91.78 30
— is motivation enough for 7 Rusca, S 15 - - 3 - 1 - been what I have expected. SOUTHPORT 16 7 9 0 1355 1542 87.87 28
the 24-year-old, who says re- 45 Smith, R 7 11 - 3 4 1 1 ‘‘It makes me want to get LABRADOR 16 5 11 0 1257 1538 81.73 20
BRISBANE LIONS 16 3 12 1 1428 1606 88.92 14
presenting the Northern 5 Staunton, D 11 - - 4 - 1 - fitter, try harder and get bet-
Territory has changed his ap- 11 Tapp, S 15 2 - - - 6 1 ter. I want to have more in- Eastern Conference: Sydney Swans Reserves 17.15 (117) d
proach to football. 14 Tungatalum, R 17 - - 2 - - 3 volvement in the game. Belconnen 1.11 (17); Eastlake 29.18 (192) d Tuggeramong 10.12
‘‘I wasn’t really planning 8 Tyrell, K 7 4 - - - - - ‘‘But it’s a hard process.
on playing for Thunder and 36 Vearncombe, K 9 12 - 4 - 1 - ‘‘You have got to work NEXT WEEK — Round 20
my name got thrown out your way in there.’’ Northern Conference — Saturday, August 13: Brisbane Lions
41 Williams, K 16 - - - 1 3 - Reserves v Gold Coast Suns Reserves at Coorparoo, 2pm; Aspley
there for being one of the bet- 21 Wray, J 7 - - 1 - - - Vearncombe’s meteoric v Southport at Graham Rd, 2pm; Mt Gravatt v NT Thunder at TIO
ter players in Gove (for the rise up the ranks could very Stadium, 7pm. Sunday, August 14: Morningside v Redland at
Nhulunbuy Saints),’’ he said. Northern Terriory F.C 335 32 3 56 14 18 10 well reach its highest point Esplen Oval, 2pm; Broadbeach v Labrador at H&A Oval, 2pm.
Eastern Conference — Saturday, August 13: GWS Giants v
‘‘I thought it would be a big when the Thunder takes on Belconnen at Wagga, 12 noon; Eastlake v Ainslie at Manuka Oval,
step up from where I was. Mt Gravatt to determine 2pm. Sunday, August 14: Queanbeyan v Sydney Swans Reserves
at Dairy Farmers Oval, 2pm.
‘‘I wanted to see what it the minor premiership
was like to play in a bigger just to give me confidence to got back home if further op- on Saturday night at
competition, even if it was play better football when I portunities didn’t come. TIO Stadium.

52 NT NEWS. Tuesday, August 9, 2011. www.ntnews.com.au

ntnews.com.aul l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l SPORT
Sharks to appeal charge Challenge for weary Wallabies Sea Eagle out for the season
CRONULLA looks almost certain to appeal the NRL THE battered and bleary-eyed Wallabies have arrived MANLY co-captain Jason King has vowed to stick
match review committee’s decision to hit skipper in Durban hoping to get their Tri Nations campaign with his teammates for ‘‘every minute’’ of their
Paul Gallen with a grade one dangerous contact back on track with victory over the Springboks on finals charge after scans confirmed he would miss
charge. Sharks management is privately seething at Saturday. The Wallabies had plenty of time to digest the rest of the NRL season. The Sea Eagles on
the sanctioning of Gallen for lashing out at Gold their disappointing 30-14 loss to the All Blacks last Monday confirmed King suffered a torn pectoral
Coast’s Beau Henry with his boot in Saturday’s 20-16 Saturday with an exhausting 26-hour journey across muscle during the first half of Sunday’s 36-8
defeat by the Titans, after Canberra’s Josh Dugan the southern hemisphere. The tourists are expecting demolition of the Sydney Roosters at Brookvale Oval.
escaped a similar charge. Gallen will miss one week no let-up from the home side after Boks coach Peter King is expected to undergo an operation this week.
with an early guilty plea or an unsuccessful defence. de Villiers recalled most of his big guns for the clash. ‘‘But I am part of the team and will remain so,’’ he said.

Rabbitohs run rampant

FIVE tries from Nathan Mer- RABBITOHS 56 David Taylor, back from a berra full of confidence after contest in the 28th minute as couragement for 2012, with a
ritt helped a rampant South five-game suspension, and following up last week’s the Queensland centre and 40m burst, sidestepping Burt
Sydney humiliate a woeful EELS 6 Greg Inglis, who scored comeback victory over St Taylor continued to destroy to score, before kicking his
Parramatta 56-6 in a one- SOUTH SYDNEY 56 (N Merritt twice, as the Rabbitohs out- George Illawarra with a blis- the Eels’ left side. fifth goal of the half to open
sided NRL contest at ANZ 5 G Inglis 2 D Farrell C scored the sorry Eels by 10 tering display. Merritt completed his hat- up a 34-0 interval lead.
McQueen C Sandow tries C
Stadium last night. Sandow 8 goals) d tries to one. Inglis opened the scoring trick on the half-hour mark Second-bottom Parramatta
Merritt became the first PARRAMATTA 6 (L Burt try L Souths are now just four after three minutes, brush- following some terrible de- is now just a single point in
Souths player to score five Burt goal) at ANZ Stadium. points off a top-eight spot, but ing aside feeble challenges fending from the Eels, and front of Gold Coast and its
tries as the Rabbitohs chal- Referee: Chris James, Adam must play high-flying North from Casey McGuire and matters got worse for Ste- clash with the Titans in
ked up their biggest win over Devcich. Crowd: 13,908. Queensland in addition to Luke Burt to breeze his way phen Kearney’s side just be- round 26 is shaping up as a
a Parramatta team in grave visiting Brisbane and New- to the line. Merritt then ran fore the break when Sandow battle to avoid finishing last.
danger of claiming the castle in three of their last in two tries in three minutes, added a sixth try. The Eels finally scored in
wooden spoon for the first boosted by barnstorming four matches. before Inglis hauled in a Sandow, who will join the the 56th minute when Burt
time in 39 years. performances from Queens- But they will head into Chris Sandow chip-kick to ef- Eels next season, gave their dived on a Hayne kick that
John Lang’s men were also land State of Origin pair Sunday’s clash with Can- fectively end the game as a long-suffering fans some en- clipped the crossbar.

there is

no rift



BROTHERS president
John Adams has hit back
at claims that there is a
rift within the club
after premiership coach
Moses Wigness resigned
last week.
A source told the NT
News speculation within
NTRL circles suggested
Wigness was upset at hav-
ing been asked to re-apply
for the job this season.
But Adams said there
was no such conversation
and Wigness would be
welcomed back to the club
if work commitments no
longer impacted his abil-
ity to coach.
‘‘The point regarding
Moses having to re-apply
to his position is totally
untrue,’’ Adams said. ‘‘I
interviewed Moses at the
start of the year for the
position, he didn’t have to
re-apply due to the fact he
had coached us for three NT Stingers co-captain Joel Carroll in action at the weekend Picture: KANGAROO IMAGES
years running
and won two
‘‘There is no
rift. We were a
Coach believes there’s still some sting left in NT
bit flabber- By JESS WEBSTER Gun striker Travis Carroll play off in the grand final on ‘‘Now we’ve gone and Canberra Lakers showed it
Moses Wigness gasted by it and Jonathan Peris were res- Saturday night. changed that and our struc- isn’t unbeatable.
all, it was a pretty bold TERRITORY Stingers coach ted against Victoria in a 3-1 ‘‘I can’t wait to play Vic- tures at training (yesterday), The Territorians face WA
statement from whoever Joe Kelly has a few tricks up loss on Sunday. Kookaburra toria again (after 3-1 loss) so hopefully we can be a little at 6pm followed by Victoria
it is. his sleeve ahead of their first Joel Carroll worked himself knowing we had two of our bit of a surprise package.’’ on Wednesday and Tasmania
‘‘Last week when we Australian Hockey League back into form after return- key players out,’’ he said. Competition leaders on Friday.
played Nightcliff, Moses finals match against Western ing from an overseas tour ‘‘For me WA are the team Queensland, NSW, ACT and Draw — Tuesday: NSW v ACT; Vic v
Tas; Qld V SA; WA v NT (6pm).
got there at half-time and Australia tonight in Sydney. and will be a key figure in to beat. But in saying that, we South Australia make up Wednesday: NSW v SA; Vic v NT (2pm);
had a few comments to The Northern Territorians finals week. are quietly confident. Pool A. WA v Tas; Qld v SA.
pass on. finished seventh after the Kelly says the Territory ‘‘We would like to think we Queensland enters the fin- Friday: Tas v NT (10am); ACT v SA; Qld v
NSW; WA v Vic.
‘‘If he is keen and every- round matches and join WA, still has plenty to give in the have been predictable so far als as favourite and hasn’t Saturday: 4th Pool B v 4th Pool A; 3rd
thing is fine we will look Tasmania and Victoria in tournament, where the top and that’s been a set-up lost a match so far, although Pool B v 3rd Pool A; 2nd Pool B v 2nd Pool
at him for next year, Pool B. teams from each pool will position. a last round draw against A; 1st Pool B v 1st Pool A.
that’s never out of the
question. He has made
that hard decision (to re- Plain sailing for Aussies at regatta Matt McKay to roar with Rangers
sign) and I feel for him, be-
cause he has earned every STRENGTHENING winds helped Laser class star Tom Slingsby grab- MATT McKay is set to bid A-League their official club website late Sun-
accolade he gets.’’ Australia’s sailors dominate day six bed the lead in their respective fleets champions Brisbane Roar farewell day night, and McKay could be re-
Club stalwart Wayne of the Olympic test regatta in south- at the regatta. with Scottish giants Rangers hop- leased as early as today.
Thompson has taken over west England, with several crews Slingsby in particular revelled in ing to sign the Socceroos midfielder Brisbane’s policy is not to stop
as coach of the Brethren, now looking like red-hot medal 25-knot winds to secure a win and a this week. players taking up big offers over-
who smashed Souths 74-10 favourites. The 49er pair of Nathan second place. Outteridge and Jensen Rangers broke news they were in- seas and McKay, at 28, is unsurpr-
on Saturday night. Outteridge and Iain Jensen and were fifth, seventh and first. terested in the Roar captain on isingly keen to take up the offer.

www.ntnews.com.au Tuesday, August 9, 2011. NT NEWS. 53

SPORT l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l ntnews.com.au

Darwin Dragons are out of firing line for Palmerston forfeit

RUGBY UNION before his board met last it a finals place, to removing situations before, and while venience opponents, but the club decided a forfeit was
By IAN BUTTERWORTH night that there were no match points for all club forfeits are inevitable from match officials, supporters the only option.
rules stipulating sanctions teams, including juniors. time to time, it is annoying to and ground managers are Westrupp was happy to
DARWIN Dragons are off the against teams who forfeit. But Crozier said since be notified so late,’’ he said. among those also affected.’’ wear any consequences of
hook for forfeiting their final Speculation regarding pen- there was nothing in the ‘‘There is nothing in our Darwin Dragons coach the club’s action.
minor round NTRU A-Grade alties for Dragons’ late notifi- rules of competition covering current rules of competition Puru Westrupp had called for He said his club was in sur-
game against Palmerston on cation of their round 20 for- such circumstances, Darwin regarding penalties for for- more commitment from his vival mode and that the de-
the weekend. feit ranged from docking the Dragons would not be facing feits or late notification, but senior players last week, but cision was made in the best
Andrew Crozier, NTRU A-Grade team’s match any punishment. that will change. when only five turned up for interests of other players and
chief executive, confirmed points, which could have cost ‘‘I’ve come across similar ‘‘Forfeits not only incon- training on Thursday night, the club’s future.

Buddy Mr Nice
Guy has
bite at
clear of critics
ADAM Scott has this week’s
major in his sights after

channelling Rafael Nadal
and some inner bulldog to
secure a maiden World Golf
Championships victory.
The 31-year-old Queens-

lander’s newfound aggress-

ive approach paid big divi-
dends as he rolled to a four-

stroke victory in the WGC-
Bridgestone Invitational
and back into the top 10 in
the world rankings.
A major is now the only
glaring gap in his resume of
18 victories, including eight
on the US tour.
FOOTBALL Kangaroos And with the US PGA
By BRUCE MATTHEWS forward Drew Championship starting at
Petrie has no Atlanta Athletic Club on
A GOAL umpire was ques- case to answer Thursday, his run into form
tioned by the AFL match re- for high contact couldn’t be more timely.
view panel before dismissing to Hawk Rick Scott shot a sublime
his striking charge against Lance Franklin Ladson at a ball- bogey-free five-under-par 65
Hawthorn’s champion goal- up in the second quarter af- to slam the door on his chal-
kicker Lance Franklin. ter the MRP viewed the ac- lengers as he cruised to vic-
Down-the-ground video- tion as a realistic attempt to tory at 17-under 263 ahead of
tape from the other end of contest the ball. world No. 1 Luke Donald
Launceston’s Aurora Fremantle defender Adam and American Rickie Fow-
Stadium showed Franklin McPhee was the only player ler, with countryman Jason
and North Melbourne op- suspended. He will miss Sat- Day a further shot back tied
ponent Scott Thompson urday’s crucial home game in fourth place.
briefly scuffle behind play in against Carlton unless he can Despite reaching No. 3 in
the first quarter. overturn a one-match pen- the world in 2008, Scott
The incident happened on alty for striking St Kilda’s knows he’s often been con-

the edge of the goal square Sam Gilbert in the first quar- sidered a ‘‘nice guy’’, lack-
and the pair were side on, ter last Friday night. ing the killer instinct to
only 15m away from umpire Swans skipper Adam make the most of his talent.
Chris Appleton when he Goodes is in the clear for his But now with the help of
booked the Hawks ace. front-on contact to Essen- new caddie Steve Williams,
The panel decided the force don’s Angus Monfries in who stole plenty of head-
used by Franklin was below the second quarter on Satur- lines with a dig at his for-
that required to be a repor- day night. A Bombers medi- mer employer Tiger Woods
table offence after speaking cal report said there was no after the round, Scott has
with Appleton, examining high contact and no treat- shown a new swagger at
the inconclusive video foot- ment was needed from the Firestone Country Club.
age and receiving a North collision after Monfries fum- Scott admitted feeling he
Melbourne doctor’s report bled a loose ball. had to prove to caddie
that said Thompson didn’t re- Monfries and teammate Williams that he could
quire any medical attention. Leroy Jetta came under no- compete as well as Woods
Franklin, who has been tice before the MRP decided when in contention.
outed for five matches from they didn’t make forceful ‘‘It’s almost like I need to
four offences in the past two high contract to Swans Ryan show him I’ve got it in me,
seasons, flirted with certain O’Keefe and Martin Mattner. because a lot of people
suspension — he would’ve Collingwood midfielder question it,’’ he said.
been hit with a 50 per cent Ben Johnson will have a dan- ‘‘I feel like you’ve got to
loading to any demerit gerous 93.75 points hanging play like a bulldog to win
points total and 31.25 are still over him unless he can chal- these days.
active from a one-match ban lenge a reprimand for rough ‘‘I like watching tennis, so
for striking Gold Coast’s conduct against Port Ade- I watch Rafa (Rafael Nadal)
Maverick Weller in round 13 laide’s Robbie Gray in the Adam Scott celebrates a birdie during the final round of the World Golf Championships- play, and that’s what you’ve
this season. third quarter. Bridgestone Invitational. Scott won by four strokes Picture: ANDY LYONS, Getty Images/AFP got to play like.’’


Caddie’s swipe at Tiger
CADDIE Steve Williams didn’t miss with a hefty
verbal swipe at former boss Tiger Woods after
new employer Adam Scott won the WGC-
Bridgestone Invitational.
Now on Scott’s bag after being fired by Woods,
Williams used the Australian’s four-shot victory
against the world’s best in Ohio yesterday to vent
emotion after a parting that cut deep.
‘‘It’s the greatest week of my life caddying and I
sincerely mean that,’’ said New Zealander Williams,
despite having been the closest witness to 13 of
Woods’ 14 major titles amid 72 victories together.
Scott made no bones about Williams’ value to his
win: ‘‘He really guided me around the course nicely.
When he needed to step in and just make a point of
where we need to be, he did that.’’

54 NT NEWS. Tuesday, August 9, 2011. www.ntnews.com.au

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Humpbacks on holiday have a whale of a time

THERE was mutual interest
as playful humpbacks frol-
icked before onlookers near
Hervey Bay recently.
The curious pod surprised We anticipate a
whale watchers with slick
manoeuvres that included bumper season
tail slaps, blows, dives, head
lunges and spy hops (poking
their head above water to holiday and when they’ve
‘‘spy’’ on people) as they had enough, they’ll head
played about six nautical around the top of Fraser Is-
miles off the western coast of land and back down to Ant-
Fraser Island. arctica to feeding grounds.’’
The teenaged humpbacks, Mrs Perry said the first
almost as big as the boat and sighting was on July 9.
estimated to weigh about 40 ‘‘We saw four pods of
tonnes, delighted in the calm whales on Wednesday,’’ she
waters of Platypus Bay mar- said. ‘‘We anticipate a bum-
ine park. per season.’’
Jill Perry, a whale watch Swiss school teacher Nu-
operator for 25 years, said hzio Ballato, 35, said bring-
about a third of the 15,000 ing his girlfriend Michele
humpbacks expected to mi- Neuenschwande to experi-
grate south along the east ence the wildlife spectacle
coast between July and Nov- had definitely been worth it.
ember would stop in the Bay. ‘‘I didn’t think we would
‘‘They can stay here any- see them so close,’’ Ms
thing from a couple of days to Neuenschwande, 30, said. ‘‘It
a few weeks,’’ she said. was impressive . . . like a
‘‘This is where the whales synchronised dance.’’ A humpback performs admirably for whale watchers in Hervey Bay Picture: MEGAN SLADE

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is still

AT 60 years of age, most Top End blokes spend their weekends fishing,
gardening or having a few quiet ones watching a game of footy on the TV.
Not Dennis Bree. He’s out on a rugby union field packing down in scrums

as he has done for the past 35 years. Report page 49


Judd is no cert
Medal count
based on player
ruckman Dean Cox. Judd
yesterday side-stepped pre-
sistent year (for me). I have
been happy with my form
its model, which now factors
in a player’s polling history.
build in by looking at
players’ polling history.’’
rankings and dictions of a record-equalling this year. It’s been good.’’ ‘‘Champion Data Rankings Sportsbet.com.au opened
ONE betting agency has paid Carlton captain third win by tipping team- Champion Data has proved are the best single indicator Judd at $14.
in advance on bets that Chris Judd (24 votes) mate Marc Murphy, but ad- an accurate Brownlow indi- of a player’s impact, but they There was a bet of $2500 at
Judd will win his third was only one mitted he was happy with his cator, predicting Jimmy Bar- don’t take into account $11 in February.
Brownlow Medal — but the Chris Judd vote ahead of form. tel to win in 2007, Adam whether a player catches the Sportsbet.com.au hasn’t al-
AFL’s official statistician be- Collingwood’s Pendlebury. ‘‘I think Murphy would be Cooney as a top-three con- eye or has been playing un- ways got it right.
lieves Scott Pendlebury can It was then daylight until leading the Brownlow at the tender in 2008 and Gary Ab- der the umpires’ nose all It paid out on Richmond to
rob him of the prize. until last year’s beaten moment — he’s had a huge lett in 2009. day,’’ statistician Karl Jack- win last season’s wooden
Champion Data yester- favourite, Dane Swan of year,’’ Judd said. But Judd’s unexpected win son said yesterday. spoon after only four rounds.
day released its Brownlow Collingwood, and West Coast ‘‘I reckon it’s been a con- last year forced it to reassess ‘‘That’s what we’ve tried to West Coast finished last.

52 53 54
56 NT NEWS. Tuesday, August 9, 2011. www.ntnews.com.au

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