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Introduction and Industry Profile

What is the evolution/history/background of the sector/industry?

Time line/ evolution and progress/development of the sector/industry

Which are the companies/nations that are pioneers, global leaders in the sector?

Top 10 in size in the world

What is the quantum of trade across the world?

What is the contribution of the sector to the GDP of India?

Who are the top 10 key players in India?

Size of export/import (if applicable)

What is the future of the product/service?

Company Profile

History/Background of the organization, founder(s)





What is the size of the organization in terms of investment?

What is the market share of the company?

What is the growth potential?

What are the products/services?

Balance Score card

 What are the training and knowledge resources?

 What is the competitive advantage that the organization possess?
 How well are the products manufactured? Is there a system in place to analyze or track any gaps,
delays, bottlenecks, shortages, or waste?
 What is the mechanism to gauge customer perspectives or satisfaction with quality, price, and
availability of products or services and feedback about their satisfaction with current products?
 Is financial data, such as sales, expenditures, and income used to understand financial

McKinsey 7s model

 Is the strategy clearly articulated, long-term, helps to achieve competitive advantage and is
reinforced by strong vision, mission and values?
 Are the business divisions and units organized and includes the information of clear
 Are the systems, processes and procedures of the company, which reveal business’ daily activities
and decision making clear and structured?
 What are the skills capabilities and competences that firm’s employees are good at and perform
very well?
 Is the staff strength adequate, trained, motivated and rewarded satisfactorily? What is the
channel(s) of recruitment?
 What is the style of management and communication and actions taken usually by the upper
 What are the norms and standards that guide employee behavior and company actions?

SWOT Analysis

 Strengths - What does the organization excel at and what separates it from the competition?
 Weaknesses – What or where the business needs to improve to remain competitive?
 Opportunity – What is (are) the favorable external factor(s) that could give the organisation a
competitive advantage?
 Threats – What is (are) the factor(s) that has (have) the potential to harm an organisation?

PESTEL Analysis

 P - The Political aspect or areas in which government (national and international) policy and/or
changes in legislation affect the economy, the specific industry, and the organisation
 E - The Economic aspect or areas of interest and exchange rates, economic growth, supply and
demand, inflation and recession
 S - The Social factors such as demographics and age distribution, cultural attitudes, and
workplace and lifestyle trends
 T - The Technological component such as the trends and changes, specific role and development
of technologies within the sector and organization, government spending on research and
 E – The Environmental factors such as impact on environment, scarcity of raw materials,
pollution targets, doing business as an ethical and sustainable company, carbon footprint targets
and other regulations set by governments
 L – The Legal factors such as health and safety, equal opportunities, advertising standards,
consumer rights and laws, product labelling and product safety. National and international ( for
export) rules and regulations

Porter's Five Forces Analysis

 Competitive Rivalry - How many rivals does the organisation have? Who are they? How does
the quality of their products and services compare with the organisation’s?
 Supplier Power - How easy it is for the suppliers to increase their prices? How many potential
suppliers does the organisation have? How unique is the product or service that they provide?
How expensive would it be to switch from one supplier to another?
 Buyer Power - how easy it is for buyers to drive the prices down? How many buyers are there,
and how big are their orders? How much would it cost the buyer to switch from the organisation’s
products and services to those of a rival? Are the organisation’s buyers strong enough to dictate
terms to the organisation?
 Threat of Substitution – What is the likelihood of the customers finding a different product or
way of doing what the organisation does or a substitution that is easy and cheap to make can
weaken the organisation’s position and threaten profitability or existence?
 Threat of New Entry – How easy is it for a new competitor to enter the market? How easy is it to
get a foothold in the industry or market? How much would it cost, and how tightly is the sector

What is the growth strategy of the organization?

What could be the impediments to the growth strategy?

What could be the predictable disruptors?

Organizational Design

What are the functional aspects of work flow, procedures, structures and systems?

What are the process including both the technical and people side of the business?

What are the work specialization tasks in the organisation that are divided into separate jobs?

What are the different department in the organization? How are the categorized?

What is the association among the departments?

Is there geographical departmentalization?

What is the structure of hierarchy in the organization? Why is it structured in the particular form?

What is the chain of command? (Authority, responsibility, unity of command)

What is the Span of Control? - The number of levels and managers the organisation has. The number of
employees a manager efficiently and effectively manages.

What is the level of formalization - the degree to which jobs within the organisation are standardized and
the extent to which employee behavior is guided by rules and procedures

What is the Organizational designs ? Traditional or contemporary.

(Traditional includes simple structure, functional structure, and divisional structure.

Contemporary includes team structure, matrix structure, project structure, boundary- less organization,
and learning organization.)

What is the reason for the particular structure and design?

Business level functions /processes

What are the activities carried out by the organization?

What are the core functions and support functions.

(Core business functions are activities of an enterprise yielding income: the production of final
goods or services intended for the market or for third parties)
Describe the organizational functions available in the organisation

 Organisation Functions
o General Management.
o Administration
o Public relations.
o Human Resources
o Marketing
o Financial
o Operations
o Purchasing
o Logistics
o Supply Chain
o Production
o Quality

What are the unique initiatives or practices in the organization?

What is the channel of communication and reliance between departments?

Is there outsourcing of any function? Why?

* Please note – The above questions are suggestions that may be applied in case it is applicable to
the sector/industry/organization

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