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Table Of Contents
Chapter 1

Setting up Retail POS

Use Retail POS in offline mode
Tutorial: Extending Point of Sale
Chapter 1
Setting up Retail POS [AX 2012]
Updated: September 7, 2012

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack

The topics in this section provide information about how to set up Microsoft Dynamics AX for Retail POS.

About setting up Retail POS

Set up registers

Setting up screen layouts

Set up receipt formats

Set up receipt profiles

Set up keyboard mapping groups

Set up hardware profiles

Set up visual profiles

Set up and assign functionality profiles

Announcements: To see known issues and recent fixes, use Issue search in Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services (LCS).
© 2014 Microsoft
About setting up Retail POS [AX 2012]
Updated: September 7, 2012

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack

Microsoft Dynamics AX for Retail POS is the point of sale (POS) program for Retail. You can use Retail POS to perform the following tasks:

Process sales.

Operate the cash drawer.

Scan bar codes.

Print customer receipts.

Calculate the sales total.

Calculate tax.

Calculate the change that is due back from the amount that was paid.

POS tasks are performed by using a POS register. Each POS register is uniquely identified by a register number. You can use a POS register to complete the following
store transactions:

Process product sales.

Issue product refunds.

Suspend transactions.

Process customer loyalty transactions.

Issue credit memos.

Issue gift cards.

Scan bar codes.

Receive payments.

Print receipts.

Track customer orders.

Process debit cards and credit cards.

Connect to other systems on the network.

Check inventory.

Retail POS is built on the Microsoft .NET Framework. The easy-to-use graphical user interface (GUI) can be set up to meet the needs of many industries, such as food
service, fashion, and grocery.

This section includes instructions for the following tasks:

Set up registers

Setting up screen layouts

Set up receipt formats

Set up receipt profiles

Set up keyboard mapping groups

Set up hardware profiles

Set up visual profiles

Set up a Real-time Service profile

Some changes that are made to the configuration of Retail POS do not take effect at a store until the registers in the store are restarted. In general, any change that affects
the setup or configuration of a POS register requires a register restart. These changes include modifications to the POS register's hardware profile.

The following tasks are also related to register setup:

Set up functionality profiles – Functionality profiles contain the functional setup of all registers in the store. For more information about how to set up a functionality
profile, see Set up and assign functionality profiles.

Set up reason codes – Reason codes display messages to cashiers and can be used to collect reasons for actions that the cashiers perform. For more information
about how to set up reason codes, see Set up info codes.
Set up Retail POS permissions and operations – Retail POS permissions and operations define the tasks that cashiers can perform at the register. For more
information about how to set up Retail POS permissions and operations, see Set up permissions and operations.

Announcements: To see known issues and recent fixes, use Issue search in Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services (LCS).

© 2014 Microsoft
Set up registers [AX 2012]
Updated: September 7, 2012

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack

When you set up a terminal in Microsoft Dynamics AX for Retail POS, you select a hardware profile and a visual profile for the terminal. A hardware profile determines the
physical configuration of a terminal and a visual profile determines its screen characteristics.

You can assign the profiles either to a specific terminal or to a group of terminals. You can also modify the profiles that are assigned to a terminal. Certain configuration
changes do not take effect at stores until the terminals in the store are restarted. In general, if you modify anything that affects the POS terminal setup or configuration of
one or more terminals, you must restart the affected terminal.

Before you set up terminals, complete the following prerequisites:

Create a store.

Create Retail POS functionality profiles and assign them to stores.

Create a hardware profile.

Create a visual profile.

Create a screen layout.

Use the following procedure to set up a terminal and assign profiles to it.

1. Click Retail > Setup > POS > POS registers.

2. In the POS registers list, on the Action Pane, in the New group, click Terminal to create a new terminal.

3. In the POS registers form, on the General FastTab, in the Register number field, enter a unique number for the terminal.

4. In the Reference field, select a store for the register.

5. In the Hardware profile field, select a profile for the register.

6. In the Visual profile field, select a profile for the register.

7. On the General FastTab, enter values in the remaining fields as appropriate.

8. In the POS registers form, enter values on the other FastTabs as appropriate. For more information, see POS registers (form).

See also
About setting up Retail POS

Announcements: To see known issues and recent fixes, use Issue search in Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services (LCS).
© 2014 Microsoft
Setting up screen layouts [AX 2012]
Updated: September 7, 2012

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack

The topics in this section provide information about how to set up till layouts for Microsoft Dynamics AX for Retail POS.

About setting up screen layouts

Set up images

Set up buttons

Set up a button grid

Set up a screen layout

Design a screen layout

Assign a screen layout

Announcements: To see known issues and recent fixes, use Issue search in Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services (LCS).
© 2014 Microsoft
About setting up screen layouts [AX 2012]
Updated: September 7, 2012

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack

The graphical design of the interface for Microsoft Dynamics AX for Retail POS is controlled by the till layout. A layout controls the position of various objects. Examples
include the total layout, item grid layout, customer layout, and payment layout, and the layout of various menu buttons. Layouts also include the overall appearance of the
sales interface for Retail POS that is presented to workers.

The till layout contains information that controls the visual appearance of objects on a register screen, such as the menus that appear and the position of those menus. The
till layout also defines the colors and bars that are displayed.

You can design several till layouts for a business, and then select the till layouts that are used for specific registers. The Screen layout ID field in the POS registers form
identifies the till layout that is used for the register.

You can also assign a specific till layout to a specific register, worker, or store. When Retail POS starts, it determines whether a specific layout is assigned to the worker
who logged on, the register, or the store, in that order.

After you set up a till layout, you must assign the layout to a store, register, or worker. You can also assign the layout to more than one of these entities.

A till layout can optionally contain pictures and custom button grids.


Often, the Retail POS screen layout is specified at the head office by using Microsoft Dynamics AX for Retail Headquarters, and then sent to the stores. In this case, any
local customizations that are done at the stores are lost.

See also
Set up a screen layout

Announcements: To see known issues and recent fixes, use Issue search in Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services (LCS).
© 2014 Microsoft
Set up images [AX 2012]
Updated: September 7, 2012

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack

You can store images, each of which is assigned a unique ID. These images can be used in button grids that are displayed in Microsoft Dynamics AX for Retail POS. After
button grids are set up, they can be added to a screen layout, and then displayed on a point of sale (POS) register at a store. Images can include logos, pictures of items,
and icons.

1. Click Retail > Setup > POS > Images.

2. In the Images form, click Select image to open a browser window where you can search for and select an image.

When you select an image, the image is assigned a unique ID, and a preview of the image is displayed in the form.

3. To delete an image from the list, select the image ID, and then click Remove image.

See also
About setting up screen layouts
Set up a button grid
Images (form)

Announcements: To see known issues and recent fixes, use Issue search in Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services (LCS).
© 2014 Microsoft
Set up buttons [AX 2012]
Updated: October 2, 2012

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack

You can customize various properties of individual buttons, such as the text, color, and operation. For information about how to customize groups of buttons that are
included in grids on the Microsoft Dynamics AX for Retail POS screen, see Set up a button grid.


You can only use the Designer for button grids if you have been granted special permissions to the database. For more information, see this TechNet article.

Add or change a button

1. Click Retail > Setup > POS > Button grids.

2. In the Button grid form, click Designer.

3. To add a button, click New button. Alternatively, right-click in the location where you want to add the button, and then click New button.

4. Right-click the button, and then click Button properties. Then, in the Text on button field, type the text that appears on the button.

5. In the Font size field, type the font size, and then, in the Font style field, select the font style.

6. In the Color field, select the color for the button.

7. In the Item field, select the operation that the button performs.

Assign a picture to a button

1. In the Button grid form, click Designer.

2. Right-click the button, and then click Button properties. Then, under Button preview, click Select image.

3. Select a picture in the list, and then click Select image.

4. Click OK, or click Clear image to remove the image from the button.

Change the size of a button

Right-click the button, and then click Button properties. Then, in the Size in columns and Size in rows fields, type the number of columns and rows that the
button spans.

Delete a button
Right-click the button to delete, and then click Delete button.

Change the operation of a button

1. Click Retail > Setup > POS > Button grids.

2. In the Button grid form, click Designer.

3. Right-click the button to change, and then click Button properties.

4. Under Action, in the Item field, select an operation for the button. For more information about operations in Retail POS, see Set up permissions and operations.

5. Click Confirm.

See also
About setting up screen layouts

Announcements: To see known issues and recent fixes, use Issue search in Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services (LCS).
© 2014 Microsoft
Set up a button grid [AX 2012]
Updated: October 2, 2012

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack

A button grid is a group of similar buttons, such as buttons for products, operations, or payments. Microsoft Dynamics AX for Retail POS can display up to five button
grids in a screen layout.

When you create a new button grid, buttons are created based on the number of columns and rows that you specify. For example, if you create a grid that has 4 columns
and 5 rows, 20 buttons are created. These buttons can then be configured for specific operations.

The button grid retains information about its appearance on the register, such as the color of buttons, and the features that are visible and hidden on the Retail POS
screen. The button grid also retains information about the functions that the buttons run.

1. Click Retail > Setup > POS > Button grids.

2. In the Button grid form, click New to create a new grid.

3. On the General FastTab, specify information about the grid.

4. Click Designer.


You can only use the Designer if you have been granted special permissions to the database. For more information, see this TechNet article.

5. On the Visual layout tab, click New design.

6. In the Rows and Columns fields, enter the number of rows and columns of buttons that the button grid contains.

7. Right-click each button, click Button properties, and then configure the button:

To delete a button, select the button, and then click Delete button.

To add a button, right-click in an empty part of the grid, and then click New button.

To add a row of buttons, right-click anywhere in the grid, and then click Add row. Retail adds a new row at the bottom of the grid.

To add a column of buttons, right-click anywhere in the grid, and then click Add column. Retail adds a new column on the right side of the grid.

To delete a row of buttons, right-click a button in the row, and then click Delete row.

To delete a column of buttons, right-click a button in the column, and then click Delete column.

See also
About setting up screen layouts

Announcements: To see known issues and recent fixes, use Issue search in Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services (LCS).
© 2014 Microsoft
Set up a screen layout [AX 2012]
Updated: September 7, 2012

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack

The screen layout specifies how the screen is displayed on the point of sale (POS) register. The screen layout specifies the position of various objects. For example, the
screen layout specifies the total layout, product grid layout, customer layout, and payment layout. The screen layout also specifies the position of various menu buttons and
the overall appearance of the sales interface for Microsoft Dynamics AX for Retail POS that is displayed to the worker. You can configure a screen layout after all the
button grids for the layout have been created.

1. Click Retail > Setup > POS > Screen layouts.

2. In the Screen layout form, click New to create a new layout, or select an existing screen layout to modify.

3. In the Screen layout ID field, enter a unique ID for the screen layout, and then enter a name for the layout.

4. In the Width and Height fields, enter a combination of a width and height to specify a screen resolution. This screen resolution is used in the Screen layout
designer form to provide a workspace that closely resembles the screen resolution of the POS register.

5. In the Button grid 1 through Button grid 5 fields, select the button grids to display on the POS register that uses this layout. A button grid is a group of similar
buttons, such as buttons for products, operations, or payments.

For example, you define one layout for a store and another layout for a manager who works in that store. The general store layout includes a standard set of button
grids that is always displayed. The store manager layout includes an additional button grid for operations that only the store manager performs. For example, this
layout includes buttons that are used for overrides or approval of large transaction amounts.

See also
About setting up screen layouts
Set up a button grid
Screen layouts (form)

Announcements: To see known issues and recent fixes, use Issue search in Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services (LCS).
© 2014 Microsoft
Design a screen layout [AX 2012]
Updated: October 2, 2012

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack

You can only use this feature if you have been granted special permissions to the database. For more information, see this TechNet article.

1. Click Retail > Setup > POS > Screen layouts.

2. To create a new layout, press CTRL+N, and then, in the Screen layout ID field, type an ID for the layout. To modify an existing layout, select a layout. Then click

3. Click Design mode, and then click Main layout. The following parts are available:

Empty Space Item – Insert space between button grids.

Label – Insert a text label.

Separator – Insert a separator between parts.

Splitter – Insert a separator that you use to resize the screen layout grid in Microsoft Dynamics AX for Retail POS.

Button grid 1 to Button grid 5 – The button grids that were created and selected to appear when Retail POS starts.

Cash changer – Insert a pane that displays information about a cash changer, if one is in use at the register.

Customer – Information about the customer.

Logo – An image box that displays the company’s logo.

Message – A pane that displays a message whenever a function is performed in Retail POS.

Receipt – A pane that displays sales information, such as the item number, product name, price, and sales tax.

Numpad – A pane that displays only numbers. This part can be used to enter item numbers, bar codes, and product quantities.

Totals – A pane that displays sales transactions. The information that is displayed includes discounts, taxes, line numbers, and balance amounts.

4. Select a part, and then drag the part onto the layout designer.


Click Receipt, and then drag this part onto the layout designer. Receipt no longer appears in the Customization form, because each layout can have only
one receipt part.

Select Label, and then drag this part onto the layout designer. Label still appears in the Customization form, because each layout can have several label


When you select a part, and then move the mouse pointer over the design window and to the edge of the part, a thick dashed black line appears. When you
release the mouse button while the mouse pointer is over this line, the button grid appears there. After the button grid appears in the layout designer window,
you can change the size of the button grid.

To remove a part from the layout, drag the part back into the Customization form.

5. After you have finished designing the Main layout section, you can design the Customer layout section. Click Design mode, and then click Customer layout.

The following parts are available:

Empty Space Item – Insert space between button grids.

Splitter – Insert a separator that you use to resize the screen layout grid in Retail POS.

Invoice Account – The customer account to which the invoice is addressed, if this account differs from the customer account number.


You can add these parts only to the Customer layout section of a screen layout. When you drag a part, the mouse pointer indicates when you are in the correct

6. Click Design mode, and then select Totals layout.

The following parts are available:

Empty space item – Insert space between button grids.

Splitter – Insert a separator that you use to resize the screen layout grid in Retail POS.

Gross amount – The gross amount of the transaction.

Gross amount with tax – The gross amount of the transaction, including tax.
Sum of discounts with tax – The total amount of discounts that are applied to the transaction, including tax.

Line discount – The amount of the discounts that are applied to line items.

Line discount with tax – The amount of the discounts that are applied to line items, including tax.

No. of items – The number of line items in the transaction.

Payment – The payment applied to the transaction.

Rounded – The amount of rounding that is applied to the total.

Net amount with tax – The net amount of the transaction's total, including tax.

Sum of discounts – The total amount of discounts that are applied to the transaction.

Total discount – The amount of the discount that is applied to the transaction's total.

Total discount with tax – The amount of the discount that is applied to the transaction's total, including tax.


You can add these parts to, or remove them from, only the Totals layout section of a screen layout.

7. Click Design mode, and then select Product grid layout.

The Customization form displays the columns that you can drag to and from the transaction's product grid (the pane that displays the line items that are added to
the transaction).


You can add these parts to, or remove them from, only the Product grid layout section of a screen layout.

See also
About setting up screen layouts

Announcements: To see known issues and recent fixes, use Issue search in Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services (LCS).
© 2014 Microsoft
Assign a screen layout [AX 2012]
Updated: September 7, 2012

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack

When you configure Retail for point of sale (POS), you can design the screen layouts that your workers use on the registers in your stores. You can define one or more
screen layouts for your business. Then, when you configure a POS register, you select the ID of the screen layout that the register uses. You can also assign screen layouts
to specific stores or specific workers.

When Microsoft Dynamics AX for Retail POS starts, it determines which screen layout to display. For example, you may assign one screen layout to a specific store, another
layout to a specific register, and another layout to a specific worker. The system uses the following order to determine the appropriate layout:

1. Worker

2. Register

3. Store

Assign a screen layout to a store

1. Click Retail > Common > Retail channels > Retail stores.

2. On the Retail stores list page, select the store to assign a screen layout to, or click Retail store on the Action Pane to create a new store.

3. In the Stores form, on the General FastTab, in the Screen layout ID field, select the appropriate screen layout.

Assign a screen layout to a register

1. Click Retail > Setup > POS > POS registers.

2. On the POS registers list page, select the terminal to assign a till layout to, or click Terminal on the Action Pane to create a new POS register.

3. On the Display FastTab, in the Screen layout ID field, select the appropriate till layout.

Assign a screen layout to a worker

1. Click Retail > Common > Retail channels > Retail stores.

2. On the Retail stores list page, select the store that includes the staff member to assign a screen layout to.

3. In the Stores form, on the Action Pane, on the Setup tab, in the Staff group, click Staff.

4. In the Staff form, select the staff member to modify.

5. Click the General tab, and then, in the Screen layout ID field, select the appropriate screen layout.

See also
About setting up screen layouts
Set up a screen layout
Design a screen layout

Announcements: To see known issues and recent fixes, use Issue search in Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services (LCS).
© 2014 Microsoft
Set up receipt formats [AX 2012]
Updated: September 7, 2012

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack

You can create and modify form layouts to control how receipts, invoices, and other documents are printed. Retail includes a form layout designer that you can use to
easily and graphically create and modify different kinds of form layouts.


You must set up form layouts and receipt profiles to print receipts and other documents from Microsoft Dynamics AX for Retail POS. You can include multiple form
layouts in a receipt profile, and then assign the receipt profile to a printer by modifying a hardware profile. For more information about how to set up receipt profiles,
see Set up receipt profiles.

Set up a receipt format

1. Click Retail > Setup > POS > Receipt formats.

2. In the Receipt format form, click New to create a new form layout, or select an existing form layout.

3. In the Receipt format field, enter an identifier for the form layout, and then select the type of receipt that this layout is used for. You can also enter a description
and short name for the receipt in the Title field.

4. On the General FastTab, set the following print options:

Print as slip – Select this check box to print a form as a slip.

Use Windows printer – Select this check box to indicate that a Windows printer is used to print receipts from Retail POS.

Windows printer name – Type the name of the network host of the Windows printer. The path must be in Universal Naming Convention ﴾UNC﴿ format:

Print behavior – Select when the receipt is printed from Retail POS. You can specify that a receipt is always printed or never printed, or that the cashier
chooses whether a receipt is printed.

Design a receipt format

Use the form layout designer to graphically create the layout of the form document. The Receipt format designer form has three sections: Header, Lines, and Footer.
Some types of form layout use elements from all three sections, whereas other types use elements from only one or two sections. To view the elements that are
available for each section, click the appropriate button in the navigation pane on the left side of the form.

1. Click Retail > Setup > POS > Receipt formats.

2. In the Receipt format form, select a form layout, and then click Designer.

3. To create the elements of the form, select the Header, Lines, or Footer section, and then drag an element from the section to the workspace. Most elements
contain variables, which are automatically populated with data from the database. Other elements, such as Text, let you print custom text on the receipt.


You can specify how many lines each of the three sections spans by adjusting the number in the lower-right corner of the section. To make it easier to modify
a section, increase the height of the section by dragging the sizing bar at the bottom of the section. The height of the section on the workspace does not
affect the number of lines on the actual receipt.

4. After you drag the element to the workspace, set the properties for the part in the Object information pane at the bottom of the form. Enter one or more of the
following settings:

Align – Set the alignment of the field to either Left or Right.

Fill char – Specify the white‐space character. By default, an empty space is used, but you can enter any character.

Prefix – Type the value that appears at the beginning of the field. This setting only applies Lines section of the layout.

Characters – Specify the maximum to the elements in the number of characters for the variable. If the text in the field is longer than the number of
character that you specify, the text is truncated to fit the field.

Variable –This checkbox is selected automatically if the element is a variable and cannot be customized.

Font type –Set the font style to either Normal or Bold. Bold letters use two times the space that normal letters use. Therefore, some characters may be

Delete – Click this button to remove the selected part from the form layout.

See also
About setting up Retail POS
Receipt formats (form)

Announcements: To see known issues and recent fixes, use Issue search in Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services (LCS).

© 2014 Microsoft
Set up receipt profiles [AX 2012]
Updated: September 7, 2012

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack

A receipt profile is a group of form layouts that can be assigned to point of sale (POS) printers via a hardware profile. A receipt profile provides a set of receipt templates
for the printers at your registers. You must set up form layouts and receipt profiles to print receipts and other documents from Microsoft Dynamics AX for Retail POS.

After you set up the receipt profiles, you must assign them to the hardware profile, so that the POS register can print the receipts.

Set up a receipt profile

1. Click Retail > Setup > POS > Profiles > Receipt profiles.

2. In the Receipt profile form, click New to create a new receipt profile, or select an existing receipt profile.

3. In the Receipt profile ID field, type a unique identifier for the profile.

4. In the Description field, type a name for the profile.

5. On the General FastTab, click Add to add a receipt format to the profile.

6. In the Receipt type field, select the type of receipt that you are creating a profile for. The type of receipt that you create a profile for is the type that is printed
from the POS register.

7. In the Receipt format field, select the receipt format to add. You can select only one receipt format for each receipt type. Only receipt formats that have the
selected receipt type are displayed in this field.

For more information about how to set up a receipt format, see Set up receipt formats.

8. Click Designer to view the selected receipt format.

Assign a receipt profile to a hardware profile

The receipt profile that you select in a hardware profile assigns a set of receipt formats to the printers on the registers that use that hardware profile.

1. Click Retail > Setup > POS > Profiles > Hardware profiles.

2. In the POS hardware profile form, select the hardware profile to add a receipt profile to.

3. Click the Printer FastTab, and then, in the Receipt profile ID field, select the appropriate receipt profile.

For more information about how to set up a hardware profile, see Set up hardware profiles.

See also
About setting up Retail POS
Receipt profile (form)
POS hardware profile (form)

Announcements: To see known issues and recent fixes, use Issue search in Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services (LCS).
© 2014 Microsoft
Set up keyboard mapping groups [AX 2012]
Updated: September 7, 2012

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack

Use the Keyboard mapping groups form to set up and view the keyboard mapping groups and keyboard mappings that are used by the point of sale (POS) registers in a
store. A keyboard mapping can include all the shortcut keys that have been created for operations in Microsoft Dynamics AX for Retail POS. Therefore, Retail POS can use
various kinds of POS keyboards by mapping the keys to the codes for regular PC keyboard. Additionally, you can disable specific keys on the PC keyboard, or map the
keys to other key combinations. When you configure the hardware profile for your POS system, you reference the keyboard mapping group in the POS hardware profile

Create keyboard mapping groups

1. Click Retail > Setup > POS > Keyboard mapping groups.

2. In the Keyboard mapping groups form, click New to create a new mapping group, or select an existing keyboard mapping group in the list.

3. Enter or view the name and description of the keyboard mapping group.

Create keyboard mappings

1. Click Retail > Setup > POS > Keyboard mapping groups.

2. In the Keyboard mapping groups form, select a keyboard mapping group, and then click Keyboard mapping.

3. In the Keyboard mapping form, click New to create a new keyboard mapping.

4. In the Key character field, enter the character to use as a shortcut key in Retail POS. The ASCII value field is automatically populated with the ASCII value for the

5. In the Operation ID field, select the operation that is performed by using the shortcut key. The Action property field is automatically populated with the
appropriate action for the operation.

See also
About setting up Retail POS
Keyboard mapping groups (form)
Keyboard mapping (form)

Announcements: To see known issues and recent fixes, use Issue search in Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services (LCS).
© 2014 Microsoft
Set up hardware profiles [AX 2012]
Updated: September 7, 2012

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack

Create hardware profiles to set preferences and properties for a register, and for the peripheral devices that are connected to the register. These devices include receipt
or document printers, customer displays, magnetic strip readers, cash drawers, bar code scanners, scales, keylocks, keyboards, electronic funds transfer (EFT) hardware,
and closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras.


Microsoft Dynamics AX for Retail Headquarters supports OPOS-compliant hardware. OPOS is a standard that the retail industry uses for point of sale (POS)
You must assign a hardware profile for each set of hardware that is used for your registers. If all the registers in a store use the same peripherals, you must
assign only one hardware profile for that store. If each register has a unique set of peripherals, you must assign a hardware profile for each register.

A hardware profile contains information about the hardware that is connected to registers. The hardware profile also contains setup information for the peripheral devices.
Microsoft Dynamics AX for Retail POS uses the OPOS standard configuration. The POS driver provides a standardized way for software to use register peripherals.

Set up hardware profiles

1. Click Retail > Setup > POS > Profiles > Hardware profiles.

2. Click New to enter a new profile, or select an existing profile.

3. On the following FastTabs, enter information about the appropriate hardware devices:

Printer – Specify the settings for the printer that is used to print receipts and other documents for customers.

Line display – You can set up an optional customer display. The customer can use this display to view transaction totals, payment amounts, and optional
customized messages. The customer display can also display advertising.

Dual display – If a second monitor is set up in a Windows‐based application, you can use the monitor as a line display. This monitor can also display

MSR – Specify the settings for a magnetic stripe reader ﴾MSR﴿. An MSR reads the information that is encoded in the magnetic stripe on the back of a
plastic card. The stripe is read through physical contact and when the stripe is swiped past a reading head. Magnetic stripes are typically used on credit
cards, identity cards, and transportation tickets.

Drawer – Specify the settings for the cash drawer. A valid signal from the computer or receipt printer opens the cash drawer.

Scanner – Specify the settings for a product scanner. Because of the constant flow of sales in retail stores, cashiers can scan items into a POS system more
accurately than they can enter items manually.

RFID – Specify the settings for radio frequency identification ﴾RFID﴿. RFID is used to track an item in inventory. The item is tagged with an RFID chip. This
chip is detected when you pass the item between two RFID bars. The item’s chip sends out a sound that enables the item to be tracked without being

Scale – Specify the settings for a scale. A scale is a weighing instrument that is connected to your POS hardware. If you sell items by a weighable unit of
measure, the weight of an item is calculated by a POS scale and recorded in the register.


You must set the base unit of measure for a product to a unit of weight. For more information about how to set up the base unit of measure for a
product, see Units (form).

Keylock – Specify the settings for your keylock. The keylock settings specify whether an OPOS keylock or a logon dialog box controls access to the

Keyboard – Specify the settings for keyboards. If you use a POS system that does not include a touch screen, the keyboard serves as the primary interface
for the POS system. The keyboards that are used for a POS system can vary in complexity and technology. Examples include a standard 101-key keyboard
and industry-specific POS keyboards. Grocery stores and restaurants might require special functions that only programmable keyboards can provide.
When you select a keyboard, consider the size and your business’s requirements for programmable keys.

EFT service – Specify the settings for your EFT hardware. Use EFT for electronic payments and collections. EFT is based on a deferred net settlement
(DNS), in which transactions are settled in batches at a specific time.

CCTV – Specify the settings for a security camera.

Cash – Specify the settings for a cash changer.

PIN pad – Specify the settings for the PIN pad.

Assign a hardware profile to a register

1. Click Retail > Setup > POS > POS registers.

2. On the POS registers list page, select the terminal to assign a hardware profile to.

3. On the Action Pane, in the Maintain group, click Edit.

4. In the POS registers form, on the General tab, in the Hardware profile field, select the appropriate hardware profile.

For more information about how to set up a POS terminal, see Set up registers.

See also
About setting up Retail POS
POS hardware profile (form)

Announcements: To see known issues and recent fixes, use Issue search in Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services (LCS).
© 2014 Microsoft
Set up visual profiles [AX 2012]
Updated: March 5, 2014

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack

A visual profile contains basic information that determines the appearance of Microsoft Dynamics AX for Retail POS registers. This topic explains how to use the POS
visual profiles form to select the POS application and the colors or pictures that are visible on the register.

You can create several visual profiles and assign specific profiles to run on specific registers.


This topic has been updated to include information about features that were added or changed for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3. For more information, see the
section later in this topic.

Set up visual profiles

1. Click Retail > Setup > POS > Profiles > Visual profiles.

2. In the POS visual profiles form, click New to create a new visual profile.

3. In the Profile number field, enter a unique identifier for the profile.

4. In the Description field, enter a brief description for the profile.

5. On the General FastTab, select the settings for the POS registers that use the selected profile.

Select the Full screen mode check box to display Retail POS in full screen mode rather than in a window.

The Screen width must be at least 1024 pixels. The Screen height must be at least 768 pixels.

Select the Design allowed on POS check box to allow a store to modify the profile design on a register.

Select the Hide cursor check box to hide the mouse cursor in Retail POS.

In the Theme field, select a visual theme for Retail POS. Each theme is a set of coordinated colors for the point-of-sale screen.

6. On the Login background FastTab, in the Image ID field, select a picture to be displayed as the background on the logon screen of Retail POS. If you select 0, no
image is displayed.

Set up visual profiles in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3

1. Click Retail > Setup > POS > Profiles > Visual profiles.

2. In the POS visual profiles form, click New to create a new visual profile.

3. In the Profile number field, enter a unique identifier for the profile.

4. In the Description field, enter a brief description for the profile.

5. On the General FastTab, in the Application type field, do one of the following:

Select a Retail POS application type, and then enter the following information:

a. On the General FastTab, select the Full screen mode check box to display Retail POS in full screen mode rather than in a window.

b. The Screen width must be at least 1024 pixels. The Screen height must be at least 768 pixels.

c. Select the Design allowed on POS check box to allow a store to modify the profile design on a register.

d. Select the Hide cursor check box to hide the mouse cursor in Retail POS.

e. In the Theme field, select a visual theme for Retail POS. Each theme is a set of coordinated colors for the point-of-sale screen.

f. In the Font scheme field, select a font scheme, either Standard or Large. This affects the size of the text on the Retail POS screen.

g. On the Login background FastTab, in the Image ID field, select a picture to be displayed as the background on the logon screen of Retail POS. If
you select 0, no image is displayed.

Select a Modern POS application type, and then enter the following information:

a. On the General FastTab, in the Theme field, select a visual theme for Retail POS. Each theme is a set of coordinated colors for the point-of-sale

b. In the Accent color field, select an accent color to use with the selected theme.

c. In the Font scheme field, select a font scheme, either Standard or Large. This affects the size of the text on the Retail POS screen.

d. On the Login background FastTab, in the Image ID field, select a picture to be displayed as the background on the logon screen of Retail POS. If
you select 0, no image is displayed.
e. On the Background FastTab, in the Image ID field, select a picture to be displayed as the background of Retail POS. If you select 0, no image is

Assign a visual profile to a POS register

1. Click Retail > Setup > POS > POS registers.

2. In the POS registers list, select the register that you want to assign a profile to.

3. On the General FastTab, in the Visual profile field, select the appropriate visual profile.

See also
About setting up Retail POS
POS visual profiles (form)

Announcements: To see known issues and recent fixes, use Issue search in Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services (LCS).

© 2014 Microsoft
Set up and assign functionality profiles [AX 2012]
Updated: March 7, 2014

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack

Use a functionality profile to configure the point of sale (POS) functionality for all registers in a store. The settings in a functionality profile put limits on staff logons, specify
information about secondary currencies, control the aggregation of products and payments, specify reason codes, enable X and Z reports, and so on.

After the functionality profile is set up, you can assign it to one or more stores.


This topic includes information about features that were added or changed for cumulative update 7 or later for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2. This information also
applies to AX 2012 R3.

Set up functionality profiles

1. Click Retail > Setup > POS > Profiles > Functionality profiles.

2. In the POS functionality profile form, click New to create a new profile. To modify an existing profile, select the profile.

3. In the Profile field, enter an identifier for the profile, and then enter a description.

4. On the General FastTab, in the ISO field, select the locale for the store. Be sure to select the correct locale. An incorrect locale can adversely affect posting and
tax calculation.

5. On the Functions FastTab, select how the workers use the POS system, how the registers function, and how POS transactions are saved. You also select the level
of event logging that is written to the POSIsLog table in the database for the store or register.

6. Depending on your version of the product, on the Amount FastTab, do one of the following:

In AX 2012 R3 and cumulative update 7 or later for AX 2012 R2: Select the Apply discounts to unit price check box to apply item discounts to each unit of
an item when multiple units are included in a single transaction line.

Otherwise: Enter the maximum amounts for transaction prices and quantities.

7. On the Info codes FastTab, select the info codes that cashiers see during specific tasks.

In AX 2012 R3 and cumulative update 7 or later for AX 2012 R2: You can select an info code to prompt the cashier to either enter a value or select a subcode
when they open the register till by using the open drawer operation.

8. On the Receipt numbering FastTab, enter the formats for receipt numbers in the store.


SSSS is the store number and TTTT is the register number.

Assign a functionality profile to a store

1. Click Retail > Common > Retail channels > Retail stores.

2. On the Retail stores list page, double-click a store in the list.

3. In the Stores form, on the General FastTab, in the POS terminal group, in the Functionality profile field, select a functionality profile.

See also
POS functionality profile (form)

Announcements: To see known issues and recent fixes, use Issue search in Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services (LCS).
© 2014 Microsoft
Use Retail POS in offline mode [AX 2012]
Updated: March 11, 2014

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack

A POS device will go offline if the system is temporarily down or if the channel database is unavailable. When the connection with the channel database is lost, Retail POS
automatically switches to the offline database.


If a transaction is in progress when the connection is lost, you must void the transaction, and then start a new transaction that uses the offline database.

This topic contains the following sections:

POS operations that can be completed when the channel database is offline

POS operations that can’t be completed when the channel database is offline

Reconnect to the channel database

POS operations that can be completed when the channel database is offline
If a POS device has an offline database, you can complete the following operations when the channel database is offline:

Generate a sales transaction

Recall an unfinished transaction, if the transaction was initiated during the current offline session

Void an item

Void a payment

Void a transaction, if the transaction was initiated during the current offline session

Blank operations

Complete a return transaction, under specific circumstances. The following table shows when an offline return transaction can be completed.

Mode of database when the original transaction was Current mode of

Return allowed
generated database

Offline Offline Yes, if the original transaction was completed during the current
offline session

Offline Online Yes

Online Offline No

Online Online Yes

POS operations that can’t be completed when the channel database is offline
You can’t complete the following operations when the channel database is offline:

Print an X report

Print a Z report

Close a shift

Blind-close a shift

View blind-closed shifts

Suspend a shift

Reconnect to the channel database

When the channel database becomes available again, you must use the Database connection status operation in Retail POS to reestablish the connection with the
channel database. Offline POS devices do not automatically reconnect to the channel database when it becomes available.
Announcements: To see known issues and recent fixes, use Issue search in Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services (LCS).

© 2014 Microsoft
Tutorial: Extending Point of Sale [AX 2012]
Updated: January 31, 2013

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2

This section contains tutorials about how to customize or extend Microsoft Dynamics AX for Retail POS.

Use BlankOperations to implement custom features

Modify a form

Create and implement a Retail POS skin

Modify a trigger

Apply a custom control to the POS register

Announcements: To see known issues and recent fixes, use Issue search in Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services (LCS).
© 2014 Microsoft
Use BlankOperations to implement custom features [AX 2012]
Updated: April 28, 2014

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2

Blank Operations enable you to extend Microsoft Dynamics AX for Retail POS by adding custom logic to the Retail POS register buttons. The Retail POS register includes at
least one blank button under each menu item that you can use to add new functionality. For example, if you launch Retail POS and click the Cashier Tasks button, you see a
blank button. You can use this button to add new functionality to the other options in cashier tasks.

Although the number of blank buttons is limited, there is no limit to the number of Blank Operations you can deploy because Blank Operations can be applied to any
button on the Retail POS register.

Setting up a Blank Operation on the Retail POS register

1. Launch Retail POS, right-click the Cashier Tasks button and select Button Properties. The Configure button form opens.

2. In the Action drop-down list box, select Blank Operation. The Operation number field is a string value that Retail POS uses to identify your Blank Operation.
Because you can send multiple blank operations to Retail POS simultaneously, you must give each one a unique identity for Retail POS to distinguish which ones to


Despite its name, the Operation number field accepts any string value. Ensure the value is unique because when more than one Blank Operation contains the
same Operation number, Retail POS executes only the first one it receives.

The Blank Operation param field enables you to send an optional string parameter. The Operation number and Blank Operation param values combine to form
the method signature of your Blank Operation. In this scenario, set the Operation number to MyTask and leave the Blank Operation param value to My Param.

3. You use the fields under the Appearance tab on the right side of the Configure button form to customize the look and feel of the button. For example, you can set
the text value that displays on the button when Retail POS is launched. Change the button name to MyOperation, as shown in the following image:


The preceding steps represent a temporary configuration of a Retail POS button. Any register updates received from Microsoft Dynamics AX for Retail
Headquarters eliminate this configuration. To configure this button in Retail Headquarters, see Setting up screen layouts.

Add your custom logic to the Blank Operation

1. Open Retail POS Plug-ins from the folder where you installed the Retail POS SDK. For more information about how to install Retail POS Plug-ins, see Install the Retail


When customizing Retail POS Plug-ins, we recommend that you back up your Retail SDK folder, so that you can revert to the original assemblies.

2. Open the Services folder and double-click the Services Visual Studio solution file.

3. Go to the Blank Operations project and expand it.

4. Open the BlankOperation.cs file and find the BlankOperation method, as shown in the following C# code example:

public void BlankOperation(IBlankOperationInfo operationInfo, IPosTransaction posTransaction)

Notice the BlankOperation method takes two parameters: an operationInfo object and a posTransaction object. The operationInfo object contains the
MyTask Operation number you set on the MyOperation button of the Retail POS register. Retail POS uses that Operation number to identify the Blank Operation
that is being passed.

The posTransaction object contains all the information about the current transaction. This includes line items, price, customer and payment information.
Several Blank Operations can be passed to Retail POS simultaneously. Use a C# Switch statement on the operationInfo.OperationId value to capture the specific
one you need. You can do this by adding the following code to the BlankOperation method.

public void BlankOperation(IBlankOperationInfo operationInfo, IPosTransaction posTransaction)

switch (operationInfo.OperationId)
case "MyTask":
//TODO: insert method call to your custom logic
                MessageBox.Show(“My new Blank Operation has executed.”);

5. Compile the BlankOperations project.

6. Copy your new assembly to the Pos\Services\Extension folder and launch Retail POS. Click the Cashier Tasks button and then click the MyOperation button. The
following message box is displayed:

For a complete example of using a Blank Operation to customize Retail POS, see Walkthrough: Adding an Image to Product Search Results.

Announcements: To see known issues and recent fixes, use Issue search in Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services (LCS).
© 2014 Microsoft
Modify a form [AX 2012]
Updated: April 28, 2014

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2

Microsoft Dynamics AX for Retail POS introduces a new way to customize forms by using the Interaction service. This enables multiple developers to customize one or
more forms in one service. If there are multiple customizations, the Interaction service loads only the first customization it finds for a form. The following list of forms use
this new pattern and their implementations are included in the InteractionDefaults service.

















How to customize a form

You customize a form by overriding the form and then changing its functionality and its look and feel. In the following example, you customize the LogOnForm form and
change the background color.

To customize an interaction form

1. In the folder where you installed the Retail POS SDK, open the Microsoft Dynamics AX for Retail POS Plug-ins folder. For more information on installing Retail
POS Plug-ins, see Install the Retail SDK.

2. Open the Services folder and double-click the Services Visual Studio solution file.

3. Right-click the InteractionDefaults Visual Studio project name and rename the assembly.


When customizing Retail POS Plug-ins, it is recommended that you give the modified assemblies new names, so that the original assemblies remain available if
you need to revert back to them.

4. In this step, you override the LogOnForm form, which has a dependency on the ManagerAccessForm. Remove the other forms from the InteractionDefaults project.
This enables other users to override the excluded forms. override

To exclude unrelated forms from the project

a. Expand the WinFormsTouch folder and select all the forms except for the LogOnForm and ManagerAccessForm forms.

b. Right-click and select Exclude From Project.

c. The following diagram illustrates the Solution Explorer window:

To change the background color

1. Right-click the LoOnForm.cs file and select View Code.

2. Add the following code to the OnLoad() method for the first line of the method.

((Form)this.BackColor = Color.DarkRed;

3. Compile the InteractionDefaults project.

4. Copy your new assembly to the Pos\Services\InteractionDefaults\Extension folder and launch Retail POS. Your LogOnForm should now look like this:

Announcements: To see known issues and recent fixes, use Issue search in Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services (LCS).
© 2014 Microsoft
Create and implement a Retail POS skin [AX 2012]
Updated: April 28, 2014

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack

You can change the look and feel of Microsoft Dynamics AX for Retail POS registers by creating new Retail POS skins. To create or modify existing Retail POS skins, you
must obtain a license from DevExpress. Retail POS uses DXExperience Winforms created by DevExpress. You can develop your own forms without using DevExpress, but it
is recommended you use these to maintain a consistent look and feel.

Creating a new skin

1. Go to the SkinEditor tool, which is typically found at <root>\Program Files (x86)\DevExpress 2011.2\Components\Tools\Windows Forms (where 2011.2 is the version
number of the product). Double-click the SkinEditor icon to launch the tool.


Click File->New to open the New Project window.

3. Set the Project Name: field to MyFirstCustomSkin.

4. Change the Template Skin: field from DevExpressStyle to Office 2010 Blue using the dropdown arrow.

5. Set the Skin Name: to MyFirstCustomSkin and click the OK button. Your new skin project is now loaded within the SkinEditor tool, which contains a list of UI elements
called Products. For the remainder of this topic, Products will be referred to as controls.

Setting color properties on your new skin

1. The UI elements that ship with Retail POS use only a subset of the controls and properties available in DevExpress SkinEditor. They are listed in the following table:

UI element Navigation path Property

TabPane background Tab > TabPane SolidImageCenterColor

TabPane font Tab > TabPane ForeColor

Form background Common > Group Panel SolidImageCenterColor

Label font Common > label ForeColor

Group panel font Common > GroupPanel > NoBorder ForeColor

Status bar center Bars > LinkBorderPainter SolidImageCenterColor

Status bar inner Bars > StatusBar SolidImageCenterColor

Status bar border Bars > StatusBar BackColor

Link border Bars > LinkBorderPainter <imagefile>

Form background Common > GroupPanel BackColor

Form header Common > GroupPanel ForeColor

Grid ColumnHeader Grid > Header SolidImageCenterColor

Grid ColumnHeader Left Grid > Header > Left SolidImageCenterColor

Grid ColumnHeader Right Grid > Header > Right SolidImageCenterColor

Grid ColumnHeader font Grid > Header ForeColor

Grid Grid Line Grid > GridLine BackColor

Grid Row Font Grid > GridRow ForeColor

Grid Row Background Grid > GridRow BackColor

Grid EmptyAreaBackground Grid > GridEmptyArea BackColor

Button font Common > Button ForeColor

Button DisabledFont Common > Button DisabledText

Button Background Common > Button SolidImageCenterColor

Grid Row Comment Grid > GridPreview ForeColor

2. Set the Common > Control color property to Blue.

3. Set the Common > ControlText color property to White.

4. Click File->Save .

5. You must now convert your project into an assembly that will be used by Retail POS. Click File->Create Assembly. You should see a confirmation dialog similar to
the following:
Typically, newly generated skin assemblies are placed in the <root>:\Users\<username>\Documents\My DXSkins\ directory. There will be a folder beneath that
directory with the same name as your skin, in this case MyFirstCustomSkin. Inside that folder, you will find a MyFirstCustomSkin.dll.

Launching Retail POS with your new skin

In order for Retail POS to load your new skin, you must place the skin assembly in the Retail POS runtime folder. Copy the MyFirstCustomSkin.dll to the Skins folder
underneath the Retail POS runtime directory.

You also need to make Retail POS aware of your new skin.

Using Commerce Data Exchange: Synch Service

1. Open Microsoft Dynamics AX for Retail Headquarters and go to Retail->Setup->POS->Profiles->Visual Profiles.

2. Right-click the Theme dropdown and click View Details.

3. Click the New button and set the POS skin name field to MyFirstCustomSkin.

4. Close the POS skins form and with the POS visual profiles form still open, set the Theme dropdown to MyFirstCustomSkin. Close the form.

5. Go to Retail->Periodic->Data Distribution->Distribution Schedule. Select the N-1090 job and then click the Run directly button. This will synch the new skin to
Retail POS. You can run the following query against the AXRetailPOS database to make sure this procedure worked:

SELECT POSSKINNAME, * from RetailVisualProfile

6. Launch Retail POS and your new skin’s visualization effects should display similar to the following image.

Announcements: To see known issues and recent fixes, use Issue search in Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services (LCS).

© 2014 Microsoft
Modify a trigger [AX 2012]
Updated: April 28, 2014

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack

You use triggers to capture events that fire before and after Microsoft Dynamics AX for Retail POS operations. You can insert custom logic before the operation runs or
after it has completed. The Retail POS IOperationTriggers interface introduces new generic triggers called the PreProcessOperation and PostProcessOperation. These
triggers run at the beginning and end of all POS operations. For more information about triggers, see Extend Point of Sale.

How to modify the OperationsTrigger project

1. Go to the folder where you installed the Retail POS SDK and open the Microsoft Dynamics AX for Retail POS Plug-ins folder. For information about how to install
Retail POS Plug-ins, see Install the Retail SDK. Open the Triggers folder and double-click the Triggers Visual Studio solution file.

2. Right-click the OperationsTrigger project name and click Rename. Change the assembly name to one of your choosing. When customizing Retail POS Plug-ins, we
recommend that you give the modified assemblies new names. The original assemblies will then remain available if you need to revert back to them.


For most customizations of Retail POS services or triggers, there can only be one instance of the implementation in the Retail POS runtime directory or Retail POS
will not start. The exceptions to this are customizations of the Blank Operation or InteractionsDefault services.

You have to add references to the following assemblies located in the Retail POS runtime folder:



You might also have to add a reference to the System.Windows.Forms.dll from the .NET Framework folder.

3. You will update the GiftCardBalance operation by asking the customer if they want to add to their balance after it has been verified. Open the
OperationTriggers.cs file and locate the PostProcessOperation method. Add the following C# code:

public void PostProcessOperation(IPosTransaction posTransaction, PosisOperations posisOperation)

if (posisOperation == PosisOperations.GiftCardBalance)
using (var form = new LSRetailPosis.POSProcesses.frmMessage("Would you like to add to your gift card amount?", MessageBoxButtons.O
if (form.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK)
//reference existing or new logic for adding money to customer gift cards

LSRetailPosis.ApplicationLog.Log("IOperationTriggersV1.PostProcessOperation", "After the operation has been processed this trigger

Announcements: To see known issues and recent fixes, use Issue search in Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services (LCS).
© 2014 Microsoft
Apply a custom control to the POS register [AX 2012]
Updated: April 28, 2014

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3

You can enhance or change the information displayed on the Microsoft Dynamics AX for Retail POS register by adding custom controls. You implement custom controls
using the Microsoft Dynamics AX for Retail POS Plug-ins. For more information about how to install Retail POS Plug-ins, see Install the Retail SDK.

In the following example, the name of the cashier logged into the Retail POS register is displayed at the top of the register form. In addition, the number of line items for
the current transaction is displayed below the cashier’s name.

Create a custom control in Microsoft Dynamics AX for Retail Headquarters

When you create a custom control on the Retail POS register, you must do the following:

Create a localized Caption text ID in the Retail Headquarters database.

Define the custom control in the Retail Headquarters Custom fields form.

Add the custom control to the Retail Headquarters Screen layouts form.

Implement the custom control in a plug-in assembly.

To create a localized Caption text ID

1. In Retail Headquarters, open a New Development Workspace.

2. Expand the Data Dictionary node.

3. Expand the Tables node.

4. Right-click and then click Open for the RetailLanguageText table.

5. Press Ctrl+N to create a new record.

6. Add the following values for the fields listed:

Field Value

languageId en-US

Text CustomControl1

TextId 1001

The value in the Text field is displayed on the custom control at design time. If the string is not localized, the value will not display correctly.

7. Close the table to save your changes.

8. Close the development workspace.

To define the custom control

1. In Retail Headquarters, click Retail > Setup > POS > Profiles > Custom fields.

2. Click New.

3. Set the Name field to CustomControl1 and the Caption text ID field to 1001.

4. Set the Type field to Custom control.

5. Close the form.

To add the custom control to the Screen layouts form

1. Click Retail > Setup > POS > Screen layouts.

2. Click Designer.

3. Click the Design mode dropdown list and then select Main layout.

4. From the Customization list, click CustomControl1 and drag it to the top of the Main layout section of the form.
5. Click OK to close the form.

6. Close the Screen layouts form.

7. Click Retail > Periodic > Data distribution > Distribution schedule .

8. From the Name list, select N-1090 and then click the Run directly button at the top of the form. This runs a job to synch your changes to the Retail POS register.

9. Close the form.

To implement the control in a plug-in assembly

1. Launch Visual Studio 2008 or 2010.

2. From the File menu, click New Project. Under Visual C# select Class Library. Name the project POSCustomControl. Ensure that the Create directory for
solution check box is selected and then click OK.

3. Add a reference to the Microsoft.Dynamics.Retail.Pos.Contracts.dll by right-clicking the References node, clicking Add Reference and browsing to the
location of the POS Plug-ins folder of the Retail SDK.


You must set the Embed Intertop Types property to True on the Microsoft.Dynamics.Retail.Pos.Contracts.dll in order to open a Retail POS register.

4. Add a reference to the Transaction.dll by right-clicking the References node, clicking Add Reference and browsing to the location of the Retail POS runtime,
which is typically located at <root>\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics AX\60\Retail POS.

5. Add a reference to the System.ComponentModel.Composition.dll by right-clicking the References node, clicking Add Reference and then selecting it from the
Framework > Assemblies list.

6. Right-click the POSCustomControl project node and then click Add > User Control from the context menu.

7. Name the user control CustomControl1.cs to match the name of the custom field you created in Retail Headquarters.

8. Using the Toolbox, drag three Labels to CustomControl1.cs.

9. Add the following values:

Label Property Value Property Value

Label 1 Name lblWorker Text Worker:

Label 2 Name lblWorkerName Text <blank>

Label 3 Name lblItemCount Text <blank>

The text fields for lblWorkerName and lblItemCount are filled in dynamically depending on the name of the logged-in cashier and the number of line items on the
current transaction.

10. Right-click the CustomControl1.cs file, click View Code and add the following using statements.

using LSRetailPosis.Transaction;
using Microsoft.Dynamics.Retail.Pos.Contracts.DataEntity;
using Microsoft.Dynamics.Retail.Pos.Contracts.UI;
using System.ComponentModel.Composition;

11. Add the following code to your CustomControl1 class.

namespace POSCustomControl
public partial class UserControl1 : UserControl, IPosCustomControl
public UserControl1()
/// <summary>
/// Method is called when transactions changes.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="transaction">The transaction.</param>
public void TransactionChanged(IPosTransaction transaction)
RetailTransaction retailTransaction = transaction as RetailTransaction;

// Display the item count of the transaction in the label

lblItemCount.Text = string.Format("Sale line(s) count : {0}", retailTransaction == null ? 0 : retailTransaction.SaleItems.Count);

if (retailTransaction != null)
// If the transaction item count is greater than 2 then make the label red
if (retailTransaction.SaleItems.Count > 2)
lblItemCount.ForeColor = Color.Red;
lblItemCount.ForeColor = Color.Black;

/// <summary>
/// Load layout.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>Called when new layout is being loaded. e.g. during operator log on.</remarks>
public void LoadLayout(string layoutId)
// Display the Cashier's name on the custom control
lblWorkerName.Text = LSRetailPosis.Settings.ApplicationSettings.Terminal.TerminalOperator.Name;

12. Right-click the POSCustomControl project node and then click Build.

13. Copy the POSCustomControl.dll to the Extensions folder of the Retail POS runtime, which is typically located under <root>\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft
Dynamics AX\60\Retail POS\Services.

14. Start Retail POS and add three line items to a sales transaction. You should see something similar to the following:
Announcements: To see known issues and recent fixes, use Issue search in Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services (LCS).

© 2014 Microsoft

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