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Connector/Linking Words

● The president has banned all non-plastic straws from the country. ​Clearly​, he is taking
money from large corporations.
● I really like hiking in Medellin, ​especially​ Cerro Volador.
● This is ​without a doubt​ one of the best pieces of cake I have ever tried.
● Do you want to go to Lico Express tonight? ​Definitely​, let’s do it.
● It should be noted​ that the price for the house is in Euros, not dollars.
● I think that we should go to Parque Explora instead of Parque Norte. There is a lot more
to do and it’s closer to my house. ​Also​, I really want to go to the botanical gardens.
● The apartment in Poblado is much nicer than the one in San Diego. It has a really nice
pool area for BBQing. ​In addition to​ the pool, there’s a sauna that is open 24 hours.
● I love teaching. ​Not only​ do I get to meet amazing people, ​but also​, it’s fun and lets me
explore the city.
● I can’t go to the cafe with you. ​Besides​, it’s raining out and the forecast says it’s going to
storm badly tonight.
● I’d like to order a coffee ​as well as​ a piece of that cake.
● The place looks fun, ​however​, I’m tired and don’t have the energy to go.
● Obama did a great job of uniting our country and passing progressive domestic policies
in Congress. ​On the other hand​, he ordered a lot of drone strikes in the Middle East.
● She is super nice, ​unlike​ her brother who is mean and unfriendly.
● While​ it’s fun to drive a scooter here in Medellin, it’s very dangerous and contributes to
the pollution.
● Eating lunch out every day is really costly, ​whereas​ meal-prepping at the beginning of
the week saves you time and money.
● First​, you have to soak the beans in a pot overnight.
● Then​, you can boil them (the beans) and mix in the onion, pork, and garlic.
● Finally​, drain the beans and add salt.
● Before​ the advent of phones, people had to knock on each other’s doors to see if they
were home.
● Last but not least, ​you have to make sure that the corn rotates every 2 minutes.

Story: “The drunk man”


Instructions: Use the above appropriate connector words to fill in the blanks of the story.
One night, I saw a man stumbling down the street. ____________,
clearly he was very drunk, but
there was something strange about him. __________
however I kept walking. ________,
Then he called out
to me. He called me names, ______ ________ _______
as well us flicked me off. ______________,
Nevertheless I
decided to approach him and ask him what his problem was. As I approached him, I realized
something. Drunk people usually have smelly breath, ___________
however this man’s breathe smelled
minty. ____
it ________
should ___
be _________
noted that he was actually dressed very well. I saw that the
man was choking! I did the Heimlich maneuver on him, _______
but , nothing was working. I
punched him in the stomach, and ________
finally he cried out in pain, suddenly, he could speak
again. He thanked me and went on his way, walking perfectly normal.

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