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YEAR : 4
DURATION : 60 minutes
THEME : World of Self, Family and Friends
TOPIC : Module 1: Where Are You From?
FOCUS SKILL: : Speaking
LANGUAGE FOCUS : Where are you from? // I’m from (Mexico). // I’m (Mexican).

Main skill:
2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly
Complimentary skill:
2.2 Use appropriate communication strategies
2.1.5 Describe people, and objects using suitable statements

Complimentary skill:
2.2.1 Keep interaction going in short exchanges by:
using suitable words
(i) to show understanding
(ii) to ask for clarification
LEARNING OBJECTIVES : By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
1. describe themselves by introducing their country and
nationality to their peers orally.
2. keep interaction going in short exchanges by
conducting a guided conversation with their partners to
show understanding and ask for clarification.
*ACTIVITIES: i. PRE-LESSON : 1. Pupils observe the flags shown by the teacher attentively.
2. Each pupil writes the name of the country represented by
the flag shown by the teacher.
3. Pupils raise their mini whiteboard and peer check their
friends’ answers.
ii. LESSON : Activity 1
DEVELOPMENT 4. Pupils are given two minutes to silently read the textbook
page 6.
5. Four volunteers are chosen to role play the scene.
6. Pupils identify the common sentence structures appeared
in the text.
7. Two volunteers attempt to model acting by changing the
name of country and nationality with teacher’s guidance.
Activity 2
8. Each group is given a set of picture cards.
9. Each group member pastes the picture cards on the
10. Each pupil takes turn to introduce themselves by orally
describing their country and nationality to their group
11. The group members listen and jot down their utterances in
the worksheet provided. They are allowed to interrupt their
friends whenever necessary for correction or further
clarification in polite manner.
Activity 3
12. Pupils are divided into pairs.
13. Pupils are given the same picture cards.
14. A pupil randomly picks a picture cards to conduct a
simple conversation to ask for clarification and show
15. Teacher demonstrates the sample conversation below:
A: Good morning. What is your name?
B: My name is Teo.
A: Where are you from?  to ask for clarification
B: I’m from Malaysia.
A: Oh, you’re Malaysian.  to show understanding
B: You are right! Nice to meet you.
A: Nice to meet you too.
16. Pupils are provided guidance whenever necessary.
17. A simple post-mortem activity is conducted to solve the
pupils’ doubts or questions if there is any.
iii. POST-LESSON : 1. Pupils close their textbook and keep it aside.
2. Pupils listen to the statements read by the teacher and
show their thumb up or down to indicate correct or false
statements respectively.
3. Pupils recapitulate the lesson.
TEACHER’S REFLECTION  _____ out of ______ pupils are able to describe themselves
by introducing their country and nationality to their peers
 _____ out of ______ pupils are able to keep interaction going
in short exchanges by conducting a guided conversation
with their partners to show understanding and ask for

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