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C Programming Language Full Course Topics

Features of C
• My First C program
• Compile and Run C program
• C Syntax Rules
• Keywords and Identifier
• Operators in C Language
• Data Types in C
• Variables in C
• C Input / Output
• Decision Making
• Switch Statement
• Looping
• Arrays
• string and character array
• Storage classes
• Functions in C
• Introduction to Functions
Types of Functions and Recursion
• Types of Function calls
• Passing Array to function
• Structures in C
• All about Structures
• Typedef
• Unions
• Pointers in C
• Pointers concept
• Declaring and initializing pointer
• Pointer to Pointer
• Pointer to Array
• Pointer to Structure
• Pointer Arithmetic
• Pointer with Functions
• Advanced Topics in C
• File Input / Output
• Error Handling
• Dynamic memory allocation
• Command line argument

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