Oral Communication GR11 Reviewer

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TYPE OF SPEECH STYLES -Teach the learners how to do

 Speech Style- refers to the speaker’s something

manner of speaking.  PERSUASIVE SPEECHES
-The context dictates and affects the way CONVINCING
people communicate, which results in -Let the listeners change their beliefs
various speech styles. or mindsets
 Martin Joos- classified speech styles ACTUATING
 INTIMATE -Move the listeners into action
- Words that generally signal intimacy.  ENTERTAINMENT
-Style is private, which occurs between or -Serve to amuse or entertain
among close family members or individuals. LITERARY
-The language used in this style may not be -Most literary speeches are frozen
shared in public. NON-LITERARY
-Used between a husband and a wife, -Primary function is to entertain
between lovers, among family members and -Written to evoke laughter or to poke
close friends. fun at someone
-Characterized by formulaic expression. -Speeches delivered in special
-Use of first name or nickname in addressing occasions
-Used between two interlocutors to conduct MANUSCRIPT
a business transaction. -Read speech.
-Formal enough that requires its words to be -Delivered by a speaker who reads
chosen with care. the manuscript (copy of the speech)
-While the speaker talks, the others give throughout the duration of the
short responses in the form of standard speech.
signals. MEMORIZED
-Delivered by a speaker who has fully
mastered the content of his speech.
-Characterized by a language used in
important or serious situation.
-Delivered by a speaker who is given
-Use of formal and technical words.
no opportunity to prepare for the
-Involves a single topic and speaker.
-Audience response is limited to non-verbal
-Delivered by a speaker who is given
little time for the preparation.
-Characterized by a language used in a text
which is read and reread and whose words
must remain intact. PRINCIPLES OF SPEECH
-Addressed to an audience of absolute DELIVERY 1
strangers who cannot ask for clarification.  PRINCIPLE # 1: PERCEPTION
-Literary text, prayers and religiously rituals, -Stop trying to be a great public speaker.
historical documents, and legal forms.  People want to listen to someone
who is interesting, relaxed, and
KINDS OF SPEECH comfortable.
 INFORMATIVE -Even the most accomplished public speaker
-Also called expository speeches will make mistakes.
–Serve to inform  Keep going. Do not stop. Never
DESCRIPTIVE apologize to the audience for a minor
-Delivered by a speaker who tries to slip.
let the audience experience  PRINCIPLE # 3: VISUALIZATION
something through his speech.  If you can see it, you can speak it.
-Speech delivered by reporters  Our goal is to be an effective speaker.
-5W’s and 1H •Who, What, When,  PRINCIPLE # 5: DESCRIPTION
Where, Why, and How  Make it personal. Whenever
EXPLANATORY possible, insert a personal-interest
-Serves to explain a process element in your public speaking.
DEMONSTRATIVE -Your role as a speaker becomes a role of
service to the needs of your audience.
 PRINCIPLE # 7: ANTICIPATION  POSTURE- An effective speaker must have
-Less is usually more. a good posture. He stands erect, sits straight
 Always leave your audience wanting and carries himself gracefully. He should
more. avoid the following sins of posture: slouching,
leaning, and being stiff as a ramrod.
PRINCIPLE OF SPEECH DELIVERY 2  Gestures- are the movements of the body
 LANGUAGE- To deliver an effective speech, parts such as the head and the hands. They
the speaker should bear in mind that spoken are classified into conventional and
words differ from written in two respects. The descriptive. Conventional gestures are those
first is oral language, it is more personal and that people accept as conventions or those
direct than the written one; the speaker whose meanings are known to almost all.
personally and directly communicates with a  STAGE MOVEMENTS- An effective speaker
live audience; the writer uses an impersonal does not stay in one place onstage. He has
medium. to move from one place to another, except at
 Eugene White (1982) offers several times when he has to stand in front of the
tips in using the language effectively. podium. Stage movements are necessary.
Language should be chosen for its Lower right, Upper right
oral qualities for it is primarily meant Lower left, Lower right
to be heard not read  DRESS AND APPEARANCE- The
Language should be clear. speaker’s clothes, accessories, hairstyle,
for its oral qualities for it is primarily and grooming also matter. The listeners are
meant to be heard not read. concerned not only with the speaker’s voice
Language should be adapted to the and words but also with his dress and
speaker’s personality, the audience appearance.
and the occasion  DECORUM- Decorum refers to the
Language should be sufficiently behaviors of the speaker on stage from the
objective. time he enters up to the time he exits. The
Language should be vivid and way he walks to and from the podium, the
impressive. manner he sits, the way he waves his hands,
Language should be arranged into the manner he shakes hands with other
clear and varied sentences. guests are indices of his personality,
Language should include an education, and culture.
abundant stock of connective and
transitional words and phrases
Language should be chosen from a
constantly increasing speaking
 VOICE- most important instrument in any
speaking activity.
Volume is the loudness or softness
of the voice; a good voice is audible
within the venue.
Pitch is the relative highness or
lowness; an effective speaker knows
the correct pitch to use in a given
Rate is the speed with which a
speaker talks; a good speaker talks
neither too fast nor too slowly or he
observes moderation in speech rate.
Timbre is the distinctive quality of a
speaker’s voice.
 FACIAL EXPRESSION- Akin to the eyes,
the other facial features such as the lips, the
nose and the forehead express ideas and
emotions. These are collectively called as
facial expressions.

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