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1. Open your browser and go to


2. Login with your IBM ID.

3. Launch IBM Cloud and go to Catalog
4. Click on AI on the left menu and then click on Watson Studio
5. Scroll down to pricing Plans and select Lite plan. Then click on Signup to Create. If you already have an IBM account, then you can simply login.
6. On Watson Studio welcome page click on Get Started.
7. On Watson Studio welcome page, click on Create a project
8. Choose Data Science and Auto AI from the project tiles and click on Create a Project

9. Select a region and click on Select. It will take a while to provision the project. Please be patient.
10. Give the project a name and click on Create
11. Project gets created and the project UI opens up. Click on Assets to view current project assets. You should have none.
12. Download csv file from the link below into your laptop
13. Upload the file into Watson Studio using the ribbon on the top right and Load link. You can use the browse link to browse for the file you have
downloaded and upload the same.

14. Once upload is completed you should be able to view the file under Data assets
15. Click on the New Auto AI Experiment
16. Give the experiment a name and click on Create
17. Add training data by Selecting from the project
18. Select the data set that you had uploaded in step 14 above and click on Select asset

19. The system will display the list of fields in the data set. You can review the data set. Scroll down all the way to the bottom to select Attrition as our
target label.
20. The system shall automatically identify this as a binary data type and choose Binary Classification for prediction type. Click on Run Experiment. You
would observe that the system has automatically planned out the steps that it would go through as part of running the experiment as shown below.
21. As the system executes the different stages of the pipeline, it displays the status on the user interface.
22. As it finishes building the base model, you would be able to view the model from the pipeline leader board below
23. As it goes through the subsequent steps of hyper parameter optimization & feature engineering, additional pipelines would appear with
corresponding model and their accuracy scores
24. Once the experiment completes you should be able to view all the pipelines tested
25. Check each of the pipelines to view details of Model Evaluation, Feature Engineering & Feature Importance.
26. You can see Confusion matrix, Precision Recall Curve and other Model Information
27. Choose the model that best meets your requirement by clicking on Save as model. Give the model a suitable name and click on Save. This will
create a model and save to your project. This step will take a while.
28. The system shall confirm once the model is saved
29. Go back to your project by clicking on the project name on top left menu
30. Scroll down to the models section. You should be able to see your model
31. Click on your model to open the model dashboard. Click on Deployments and then on Add Deployment
32. Give it a name and click on save
33. Click on your deployment to access it by clicking on its name after its status shown ready
34. Click on Implementation to view code snippets that can be used by downstream to access the web service deployed. You can also view the API
35. Click on Test. Submit the below json and click on predict

anager":1,"DistanceFromHQ":500,"StreetAddress":"45TH ST","City":"New York","State":"NY","Zipcode":"11377","Longitude":-
73.921166,"Latitude":40.736936,"AgeWhenHired":45,"MaritalStatus":"Married","Over18":"Y","PercentSalaryHike":4,"StockOptionLevel":"No Option


"input_data": [

"fields": [















































"values": [



"Some College",


"United States",

"Human Resources",











"Very High",








"45TH ST",

"New York",









"Full Option Plan",









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