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7 Tools for Data Collection

“The most important part of statistical work is perhaps data collection”. Data was
collected using self-administered structured questionnaire. The data collection procedure was
assisted by only one data collectors and one supervisor after providing necessary training for the
data collectors and supervisor on confidentiality, data collection process, the objectives of the
study and its significance.

3.8 Data Analysis

Statistical Techniques for Data Analysis
After field work the data will be entered into the computer and will be analyzed by using
Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) 20 version. Both descriptive and inferential
statistics will be carried out.

Review of Literature
The significantly lower rate of participation among females may be related to a variety of
environmental and personal barriers, including architectural barriers, curriculum polices and
practices, discrimination, and social attitudes. These barriers effectively reduce personal choice
options, in habit participation in healthy and active life styles, and prevent people with stroke and
others from fully participating in their communities.
External barriers resulting in a lack of opportunity to participate in physical activity
among females have been widely discussed in the literature and incorporate a range of issues,
including: lack of information, lack of physical and emotional support, lack of appropriate
facilities, problems of religion, attitudes of others and lack of time. reported also several different
categories of environmental or facility barriers related to participation in physical activity among
females, these barriers, included the built environment, cost of service or programs, equipment,
policies, information, and education facility.

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