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My educational philosophy comes from my own experiences as a 3rd grade

student teacher. I believe that it is important that every student receives the best

education regardless of his or her background or disability. It is important for

students to learn life skills and communicate with other peers. Being placed in a

classroom environment can help individual gain those crucial skills. I believe that

learning life skills has a connection to students reaching their full potential in

academic success.

As a 3rd grade student teacher, I was able to translate my ideas and gain

deeper awareness of my educational philosophy. I had 4 students that needed

accommodations in my classroom. In an inclusive classroom, I wanted every student

to feel secure and accepted in the learning environment, where students could

interact with their peers and myself. I collaborated with my cooperating teacher to

find different ways to incorporate my philosophy in my lessons. Collaboration

among teachers is crucial in order to reach students’ needs and achieve goals. This

relates to my philosophy because classroom teachers need to collaboration with

their co-teacher, special education teacher, and specialists to effectively work

together. We decided that small groups, one on one, and open discussions are the

best way for students to learn the life skills. These techniques allowed students to

learn critical thinking, different perspectives, self-control and communicative skills.

In order for students with disabilities to engage in academic content I would make

accommodations to the lesson.

There are many different types of instructional approaches that I plan to

prioritize to promote learning and to facilitate a healthy learning space. Learning

strategies are to teach students how to learn and to designed to assist students to

become more actively engaged and involved in their own learning. I believe teaching

students learning strategies will also enhance their social skills. I effectively teach

strategies like highlighting students’ strengths, provide opportunities to succeed,

create a supportive atmosphere, and provide positive reinforcement. I saw students

grow within these skills throughout the school year, which made me continue my

passion in the education field. I hope to incorporate my philosophy in my future

classrooms by using these techniques and different learning strategies.

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