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(Detailed Answers)

Class 12th
1. 1.1 (i) (b) tree blindness (ii) (a) spiritual exercise
(iii) (a) both arms in tandem (iv) (c) guerilla gardening
(v) (c) Find a comfortable resting place with a good back rest.
(vi) (b) Local varieties such as neem, babul and jamun
1.2 (i) The term ‘Tree blindness’ means the habit of people to not look at trees.
(ii) Education on tree climbing in a unique way is being imparted to Delhiites by V Khanna.
(iii) According to Anuj Wadhwa’s spending time with nature and climbing trees is nothing short of a spiritual exercise.
(iv) When you are in a tree, you become part of its ecosystem, which includes birds, insects, fruits and flowers.
(v) Anyone can join NDNS. They teach people how to climb trees.
1.3 (i) ecosystem (ii) jaunts

2. 2.1 Title The Chihuahua — World’s Most Popular Variety of Dogs

Notes. Chihuahua characteristics
(i) length 6”, wt 1 – 2; world’s smallest (ii) increasing pplrty but costly to buy
(iii) good guard dogs
strong vocal cords

(iv) possess strength of chtr, curiosity, sharpness & alertness

(v) intelligent and good learners
(vi) two types – long coated and smooth coated
(vii) can be exrsd within the house
II. Physical appearance
(i) dome shaped head (ii) short nose (iii) ear at 45 degree angle
(iv) compact body (v) long tail
III. Their requirements
(i) choosy with their diet (ii) long tail requires grooming (iii) nails need clipping
IV. Behaviour
(i) good with children (ii) loyal & devoted

Key to Abbreviations
Abbreviations Words
wt weight
pplrty popularity
chtrsl character
& and
exrsd exercised
2.2 Summary
The world’s smallest variety of dogs, the Chihuahua, is most popular today. The adult is 6” long, weighs 1-2 kg but
costly to buy. They possess strength of character, curiosity, sharpness and alertness. They are good guard dogs
due to their strong vocal cords. They are very active inside the house, intelligent and good learners. They can
exercise themselves within the house. Their physical appearance is a dome shaped head, short nose, ears at a
45 degree angle, a compact body and a long tail which requires grooming. They are loyal and devoted besides
being good with children.

3. Meerut Public School, Meerut

20th March, 20XX
Guest Lecture on Conservation of Water
Students of Class XII are hereby informed that Mr Mike Pandey, a noted environmentalist, will be
conducting a guest lecture in our school on the topic ‘Conservation of Water’ as per the details
given below. All interested students should attend this lecture, as there will be a question-answer
session at the end.

Programme Details
Date & Time : Thursday 25th August at 3 PM
Venue : School Auditorium
(Head Boy)

Feel Great with My Plate!

When we eat healthy foods we grow stronger, smarter,
and we feel better. Where do these foods fit
on My Plate? Do you know their
Fruits names? Which of these Grains
foods do you eat?


Vegetables Proteins


4. B-2 / 321,
Janakpuri, New Delhi - 110058
10th June, 20XX
Chief Executive Officer
Delhi Transport Corporation
IP Estate, Delhi - 110002
Subject Irregular Service on Route no 721 (B-Block, Janakpuri - Shivaji Stadium)
Respected Sir,
I regret to inform you that the service of route no 721 is highly erratic and irregular. Sometimes there is no bus for
one hour and then 3 buses arrive at intervals of 2 minutes each. We, the regular commuters going to work, get late
for our offices due to this unregulated service. Time is wasted waiting for a bus to come. When it comes, it is so
crowded that we find it difficult to get inside.
I have two suggestions for improving the service. One is to increase the number of buses on this route so that their
timings can be spaced out more evenly. The next is for the supervisory staff of your corporation to regularly check
on the timely arrival and departure of the buses.
I hope the suggestions will be taken seriously so that we have a better experience on this route in future.
Yours faithfully
Sharad Sinha
(A commuter)
2, Ballygunge Phari
Kolkata - 700019
12th May, 20XX
The HR Manager
MSL India Limited
Subject Application for the Post of Management Trainee
Respected Sir,
In response to your advertisement for Management Trainees in ‘The Indian Express’ dated 9th May, 20XX, I wish
to be considered for the same in your organisation. I have completed my MBA from Utkal University with
specialisation in Marketing. I have also completed B.Sc. with Physics, Mathematics and Electronics from
University of Kolkata. I have throughout been a first-class student and in excellent health. I am confident that I can
prove to be an asset to your company.
I am enclosing my bio-data in support of my application. I am available for interview at your convenience. I hope to
receive a positive response from your side.
Yours sincerely
(Neeraj Mukherjee)
Enclosed : Bio-data
Name Neeraj Mukherjee
Father’s Name Subroto Mukherjee
Address 2, Ballygunge Phari, Kolkata - 700019
Contact no 98940XXXXX
E-Mail neerajm1989@ gmail.com
Date of Birth 2nd October, 19XX
Health Status Medically fit
Marital Status Unmarried
Work Experience Working part-time as a salesman in an electronics shop in Chandani Market, Kolkata
for last one year.
Languages Known English, Hindi, Bengali
Strengths Good time management skill and fluency in English speaking
1. Dr Sandeep Mohapatra (Mobile no 98976XXXXX)
HOD (Marketing Dept)
Utkal University, Bhubaneswar
2. Mr RN Siddiqui (Mobile no 94438XXXXX)
General Manager (Sales)
Savitri Foods Ltd, Kolkata
Educational Qualifications

Name of Exam College/Board/University Year Percentage

High School CBSE 2005 75%
Intermediate West Bengal Board 2007 72%
B Sc University of Kolkata, Kolkata 20XY 67%
MBA Utkal University, Bhubaneswar 20XX 68%

5. Traffic Woes - Solutions

by Ritika Gupta
Inspite of the government starting the Metro train service on so many routes, the condition of traffic on Delhi
roads is still bad. It is disturbing that the number of vehicles on the roads is increasing steadily. This causes all
kinds of problems especially during the rush hours. All citizens should contribute their time and brains to give
suggestions for tackling this problem.
I am giving my own suggestions for reducing and streamlining the traffic on roads. First of all, there should be
very heavy taxes on purchase of new vehicles. This will deter people from buying vehicles and they will start
utilising public transport for their travel. Further, regular commuters can use car pooling to reduce traffic on the
roads, besides cutting down on their own expenses. On their part, the government can ensure more efficient
running of the local buses, similar to the metro train services, so that people do not go back to using their own
cars again. Other measures can be suggested by the people to reduce Delhi’s traffic woes.
Ship Collision Causes Oil Spill
by Mohit Gaba, Staff Reporter
Mumbai, 3rd July. Last night two ships collided in the Arabian Sea off Mumbai harbour, causing an oil spill that is
threatening the ecology of the region. Nobody has been injured in the collision, but one crude oil tank of the ship
MV Sarojini the oil tanker started leaking soon after. Experts have temporarily stopped the leakage, but the ship
has been diverted to Mumbai harbour for repairs. The ship had taken a full load of crude oil from Saudi Arabia and
was destined for the Bharat Petroleum refinery at Trombay, near Mumbai. The other ship, MV Krishna, was
carrying cargo from Mumbai to Durban in South Africa. It was not damaged seriously. However, its bow has been
dented and it is being returned to Mumbai harbour for repairs.
The cause of the accident is unknown at present, but the oil spill has spread over an area of over 10 square
kilometres and is threatening all the marine life in this region of the sea. The Coast Guard has organised efforts to
contain the oil spill and had alerted all the related agencies about the urgency of controlling the pollution in the
sea by the oil. The Shipping Ministry has also been alerted.
6. Respected Principal Sir, teachers and dear friends. I am Shikha of Class XII. I will speak on the topic ‘Importance
of Time Management’.
First of all, let us define time management. It is the act or process of planning and exercising conscious control
over the amount of time spent on specific activities, especially to increase effectiveness, efficiency or productivity.
It is an essential component in our daily lives. It helps us to keep track of the time we spend on every activity.
It helps to prioritise and give importance to various kinds of tasks. Tracking our activities is important to categorise
24 hours of our day. Time is very precious. We must remember that we have got limited time and time lost is
definitely not retrieved. Hence we should make sure that we use our time effectively.
There are various methods by which we can manage our time. A common method used is making a check list or a
time table. The ‘To Do’ list helps us to complete our tasks within the allotted time and move on to the next one. The
time table stresses finishing an activity within the given time.
Time management has become important for students as well as professionals in today’s fast-paced life. Let us
manage our time better.
Thank you.
Worthy Chairperson, Members of the Jury and Dear Students. Today, I, Rajat, will speak against the motion
‘Allowing All Students to Pass upto Class VIII Irrespective of Performance is Detrimental to the Future of Weak
Initially I would like to mention that the Right to Education Act, 2009 was formulated after much deliberation by our
Parliament and they would definitely not have enacted it if it was detrimental to the future of weak children. In fact,
before this measure was enacted children were detained in lower classes for very frivolous reasons. The act
stopped this practice.
Next, we should answer the question ‘Why are children weak?’ Usually it has been observed that many teachers
do not take enough pains to explain properly the material being taught. Consequently, the pupils’ understanding
is poor and they do not pass in the tests. Why should students be held responsible for the teachers’ errors of
omission and commission? It is better that the teachers be made to improve their teaching so that the number of
‘weak’ students is negligible.
Finally, I wish to mention that the results of implementing this act have been positive. The schools are reporting
that the students are more motivated to study and attend school regularly because they do not have the fear of
failing and consequently being scolded by their parents. This practice boosts their morale and encourage them
to perform much better academically in the forth coming board examinations.
Thank you!

7. A. (i) The poet wishes that these children should be properly educated.
(ii) It means that the poet wants these children to be allowed to run freely on the golden sands under a clear sky,
meaning that he wants them to make progress.
(iii) The slum children can create history if they have a good quality education.
(iv) It symbolises allowing them to have a good quality education by giving them books to read.
B. (i) The author here refers to the story department in Gemini Studios which was located in Chennai.
(ii) The lawyer or legal advisor wore pants and a shirt and tie whereas others wore khadi dhoti and a khadi shirt.
(iii) The man was opposite to others as rest of the people were dreamers, poets, story writers who made use of
imagination whereas this lawyer used logic in all instance which was far away from emotions.
(iv) One day story department was closed and as this lawyer was member of this department, he lost his job.

8. (i) The Maharaja, in frustration and anger, wanted to double the land tax on the village where the hundredth tiger
had been seen because the tiger could not be found there for many days.
(ii) The ‘endless fountain’ is the beauty of nature. It is a boon from heaven. Its effect is to give us infinite delight
from the beautiful things in nature, which motivates us to continue our life’s journey despite the miseries we
(iii) The efforts undertaken by Douglas to find this moment of release started when Douglas hired an instructor to
teach him swimming in a pool. After six months of training by various methods, he practised on his own by
swimming across some lakes, finally overcoming his fear.
(iv) When Franz heard M Hamel’s announcement that it was his last lesson in French, he was shocked. His
thinking about studies changed and he regretted not learning his lessons. His books became his ‘friends’
whom he did not want to leave.
(v) Antarctica is described by the author is the coldest, driest and the windiest continent in the world. About 90%
of the total ice of the world is found here. A little change in the environment here can have a big effect. At
present due to extreme weather in Antarctica, there are no traces of human actions, no trees, no building. All
over the continent a white sheet of ice can be seen.
(vi) When the peddler did not go to the ironmaster’s house, the ironmaster assumed that the peddler felt
embarrassed because of his miserable clothing. But his daughter, after she saw the peddler, understood that
he was either a thief or an escaped prisoner and would be exposed if he went.
(vii) The poet, Adrienne Rich subtly brings out the contrast between the wonderful freedom of the work of art
created by Aunt Jennifer and the constraints of her married personal life. Aunt has been subjected to
suppression at the hands of her dominating husband and it is only in the work of art (here embroidery) that
she is free and give expression to her creativity.

9. Dreams are the fictions while reality is the fact of life that one has to deal with. Dreams are far away from harsh
realities of list. In lesson ‘Lost Spring’ the author wants the children to become free from the vicious cycle of
poverty into which they have fallen due to the middlemen, sahukars (moneylenders) and law enforcement
officials. She wants them to take up other occupations, just like Mukesh, who dreams to become a
motor-mechanic. This dream is far removed from his reality, that of being a bangle maker, which is his family
profession for many generations.
The author wants the children to become free from their traditional occupation so that they can realise their life’s
ambitions. She sees the spark of such a quality in Mukesh, who is willing to go to any lengths to become a
motor-mechanic. She wants some people to help them develop these qualities so that they can take up other
respectable and better paying jobs which will improve their financial condition as well as their status in society.
The poet Pablo Neruda in his poem ‘Keeping Quiet’ envisions two different kinds of world that comes out to be
two extreme opposities. The first world presents the real world in which we live. In this world there is suffering,
contradictions and wars. Fisherman kill the whales and men toil to earn something for their livelihood. People here
fight each other and run blindly in a rat race.
In complete contrast, he proposes an ideal and imaginary world which is devoid of all forms of violence. He longs
for a calm, quiet and a peaceful world. In this world people are united. there is a ‘togetherness’ of the people. He
visualise the moments of silence and peace which will allow self-introspection, moments to meditate and cleanse
their bad thoughts. The poet hopes that it will be an ideal world where man will be able to come out of his self
centered attitude to gain moral peace. Two contrasting world also can refer to a world full of mundane and
reckless activities which are harmful to human beings. In contrast to this there is a state of total inactivity or
meditation where there is silence and peace.

10. The conversation between Mr Lamb and Derry reveals their different attitudes towards life. Derry is a fourteen
year old boy with one side of his face disfigured due to acid falling on it. This half burnt face has made him
miserable and withdrawn from society. He thinks that he is ugly and that is why people are afraid of him. He gets
angry at people who sympathise with his condition. His experiences with people have made him cynical and he
has developed a pessimistic attitude towards life.
However, Mr Lamb is a complete contrast to Derry. He does not let his disability of a tin leg destroy his life. He is an
optimist, finding beauty and peace in everything. When children tease him by calling him names, he is not
offended, as he feels that the names suit him. He has a positive attitude to life and is full of hope. He keeps his
house door open so that people can come inside whenever they want Mr Lamb also encourage Derry to look at
the world around him, be busy in some interesting things like sitting in the sun or hearing buzzing of bees. He also
encourages Derry to look at the world around him and enjoy life as it comes.
The sentiment displayed by Dr Sadao and his wife is humanity. That is why, when Dr Sadao came across the
American the first time, he did his duty by saving the American’s life, as Dr Sadao was a trained surgeon. Thus, he
fulfilled his moral obligation. Next, he proved his patriotism by informing the General about the American’s
presence in his house. When the General assured that he would send his private assassins to kill the American,
Dr Sadao was restless, as he felt that he had betrayed the same person whose life he had saved. Thus, over three
days and nights, as the assassins never came, he developed a plan to let the American escape, thus displaying
his humanity. Sadao’s wife also cooperated with him in this plan, although they were in danger of being caught
and prosecuted for treason in helping the enemy escape. Dr Sadao is a real doctor and a good human being who
knows how to balance his duty as a doctor and keep his patriotism intact.

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