Effects of Cocoa Pod Husk Amendment On Soil and Le

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Effects of Cocoa Pod Husk Amendment on Soil and Leaf Chemical

Composition and Growth of Cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) Seedlings in
the Nursery

Article · January 2008


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Agele Samuel
Federal University of Technology, Akure


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American-Eurasian Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, 2(3): 219-224, 2008
ISSN 1995-0748
© 2008, American Eurasian Network for Scientific Information
This is a refereed journal and all articles are professionally screened and reviewed

Effects of Cocoa Pod Husk Amendment on Soil and Leaf Chemical Composition and
Growth of Cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) Seedlings in the Nursery

Agele, S.O. & Agbona A.I.

Department of Crop, Soil & Pest Management, Federal University of Technology, PMB 704, Akure, NIGERIA.

Agele, S.O. & Agbona A.I.; Effects of Cocoa Pod Husk Amendment on Soil and Leaf Chemical
Composition and Growth of Cashew (Anacardium Occidentale L.) Seedlings in the Nursery, Am.-
Eurasian J. Sustain. Agric., 2(3): 219-224, 2008


Screen house and open nursery field experiments were conducted at the Teaching and Research Farm of
the Federal University of Technology, Akure Nigeria (year) to study the effect of cocoa pod husk [CPH]
amendment on soil and plant nutrient concentrations and seedling growth of cashew (Anacardium
occidentalis, L.). The treatments consisted of application of five levels of cocoa pod husk (0, 3, 6, 9 and
12%) that represents 100, 97, 94, 91 and 88% of pure soil respectively. Growth parameters such as seedling
emergence rate, number of leaves per plant, plant height, stem girth, biomass components (root, stem, leaf),
leaf area, total chlorophyll analysis, root volume, root length and plant dry weight. In both experiments, the
addition of CPH to soil increased soil pH, organic carbon, and organic matter, percent nitrogen, potassium,
sodium and calcium. CPH also influenced the increase in the value of % ash, nitrogen, potassium and sodium
in the cashew leaves. The effects of 3% level and 97% of pure top soil were significant on growth characters
and soil and leaf nutrient contents. It is therefore recommended that CPH amended soil substrates at 3% by
volume for cashew seedling production.

Key words: Cashew, Cocoa, Amendment


Cashew (Anacardium occidentale L) a member of the Anacardiaceae is a semi domesticated tropical nut
tree. It is a native of Brazil where it was introduced to other parts of the humid tropics by the Portuguese (The
Hindu, 2002). In the tropics, cashew is grown under wide range of ecological conditions (Opeke, 1982), and
the crop is especially grown in large areas in Mozambique, Tanzania and Nigeria (Akinwale and
Olorode, 1987). The nut is attached to the lower portion of the cashew apple which is conically shaped. The
nut is rich in Biotin (an energy booster) and Vitamin B. Biotin is required for the building up of acetyl-co-A
carbocylase which coordinates the building of starch in the body (Tzai et al., 2004). The apple contains vitamin
C, calcium and Iron more than any other fruits such as citrus, avocados and bananas (FAO, 2006). There are
more than 200 registered patents of different uses of cashew shell oil. One of the most important uses is in
the manufacturing of different brake oil and brake linings. The shell oil is used in manufacture of numerous
materials with heat resistant property, friction acids and caustic products. For example clutch, plates, special
isolators, varnish and plastic materials. The wood is insect repellent and used in making book cases and
packing crates. The gum Arabic and used as insect repellent in book bindings (ARC, 2004).
Nigeria is an important cashew producer; the crop is an important export commodity because of the high
foreign exchange earning derivable from the crop. Nigeria is one of the leading producers of cashew in Africa,
Nigeria produces 15,000 MT and other W est African countries produce 10,000 MT (EDB, 1999). In Nigeria,
cashew is of huge economic and Industrial importance, as a an important export commodity and a high foreign

Corresponding Author: Agele, S.O. & Agbona A.I, Department of Crop, Soil & Pest Management, Federal
University of Technology, PMB 704, Akure, NIGERIA.
Email : ohiagele@yahoo.com: S.O. Agele,
Am.-Eurasian J. Sustain. Agric., 2(3): 219-224, 2008 220

exchange earner, between 3 and 5.8 million US dollars per annum was realized from the annual report of
9,800 - 11, 200 tonnes of cashew thus contributes about 1.6 billion naira to the economy (Adeyemi, 1996).
However, this level of performance of cashew is reported to be still low (Adeyemi, 1996, Hug Vito
et al., 2001). In Nigeria, it is common practice to raise improved seedlings of tree crops in the nursery using
rich top soil obtained from virgin and fallow forest soils. In recent times, there has been scarcity of rich and
matured top soil to grow young cocoa seedlings on a large scale as a result of urbanization and deforestation
practices and the continued decline in fertility of field soils (MoyinJesu and Atoyosoye, 2002) Same condition
is applicable to cashew since a cocoa and cashew nursery practice follows the same trend. This trend has
prompted the use of soils of low fertility status (derived form marginal soils). The fertility of these soils are
often supplemented with the application of mineral fertilizer and consequently results in toxicity problems,
nutrient leaching and degradation of soil physical and chemical property (Nottidge et al, 2005). To arrest this
situation, resource poor farmers adopt the use of organic sources of plant nutrients such as wood ash, livestock
manure and composts (Northwood, 1996, MoyinJesu and Atoyosoye, 2002). There has also been increasing
interests in organic crop production involving the application of organic manures such as plant residues and
livestock wastes and composts (Hugo et al. 2001). Crop residues such as cocoa pod husk (CPH), oil palm
bunch refuse, tea waste, rice bran and other plant wastes and livestock droppings (farm yard manure) are
frequently used for crop production in Nigeria (MoyinJesu, 1999). Hugo et al. (2001) emphasized the combined
use of organic manure livestock waste and plant residues with a controlled level of chemical fertilizers to raise
cashew seedlings. Nottidge et al, (2005) suggested that further research work be conducted to study effect of
plant residues as organic fertilizers. The scientist at the Cashew Research Station (CRS) at Kerala agricultural
University, Madakkuthara, India, have developed package of organic technologies of tea waste origin for raising
cashew seedlings, an organic package may sustain cashew production for a long term and fetches a premium
price for this crop in the International market (The Hindu, 2002).
Cocoa pod husk (CPH) manure contains Ca, P, K, and also sizeable amount of useful organic constituents
(Obatolu and Agboola, 1991). Moyinjesu and Atoyosoye (2002) found out that cocoa pod husk (CPH) manure
is effective in raising cocoa seedlings in the nursery. Souza (2001) reported positive response of cashew to
the application of rice straw manure. About 60% (wet basis) of cocoa (Theobroma cacao) pod is made up
of husk. Gill and Duffus (1986) reported that about 220,000 metric tones of dry cocoa pod husk were produced
in Nigeria. Thus annually, an estimated 8,000,000 tons of cocoa pod husks are discarded during harvesting
from which 64,000 - 94000 tons of K, Ca and P are obtainable (Eegunjobi , 1975). Farmers are faced with
the problem of disposal of CPH after harvesting. CPH also constitute a barrier for easy movement and serves
as abode for pests and disease causing organisms on the farm. Information is abundant on the use of CPH as
a source of fertilizer for the production of other fruit tree crops (Eegunjobi and Larinde, 1975; Adv Dappah
et al., 1994); Moyinjesu and Atoyosoye, 2002). However, the use of CPH manure for growing cashew
seedlings in the nursery has scantly reported. This paper reports the effects of CPH amended soil on the
chemical composition of soil and leaves, and on the growth of cashew seedlings.

M aterials and methods

The effect of cocoa pod husk (CPH) amended soil substrates on the seedling growth of cashew
(Anacardium occidentale, L) examined in the screen house and field in M arch 2004 and March 2005
respectively. The experiment took place at the Federal University of Technology, Akure (Lat. 7 0 N; 5 0 10 0 E)
in the rain forest zone of Nigeria. Treatment consisted of application five levels of cocoa pod husk (0, 3, 6,
9 and 12%) that represents 100, 97, 94, 91 and 88% of top soil respectively. Cocoa pod husk was obtained
from the Teaching and Research Farm of the Federal University of Technology, Akure. The dried cocoa pod
husks were crushed (using hammer) and later milled into a fine powder using household milling machine. The
seeds of cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) (Jumbo Brazilian variety), used for this experiment was obtained
from the Tree Crops unit of the Oyo State Ministry of Agriculture.
Topsoil for the two experiments was collected under a fallow vegetation at Teaching and Research Farm
of the Federal University of Technology, Akure. The soil was air-dried, sieves to remove stones, pebbles,
plant roots and other debris and later treated using kaocide a fungicide. The treated soil was later mixed with
measured quantity of ground cocoa pod husk to obtain 0,3,6,9, and 12 percentages of the weight of soil. This
was done by measuring 50 cups (which is 25cm in height and 20cm in diameter). The 50 cups of soil and
represent this as %, 48 ½ cups of soil with 1 ½ cups of CPH, represents 3%, 47 cups of soil with 3 cups
of CPH represents also 6%, 451/2 cups of soil with 41/2 cups of CPH was measured for 9% and 44 cups of
top soil with 6 cups of CPH was recorded for 12% . All these mixtures were filled into black polythene bags
of size (15 x 24 cm). The substrates (top soil amended with different volumes of CPH were arranged in a
completely randomized design (CRD) with three replicated. The polybags were later watered thoroughly and
Am.-Eurasian J. Sustain. Agric., 2(3): 219-224, 2008 221

allowed to stand for one week before planting to give room for microbial activities. The polythene bags
containing top soil and CPH were watered to field capacity and cashew seeds that have been soaked for
48hours in order to break dormancy were planted. One seed was planted emergence commenced from one
week after planting (W AP). Other agronomic practices carried out include watering was done twice a week
throughout the period of the experiment. W eeds were controlled through hand picking.
Soil and CPH samples collected for the experiment were sieved with 2mm sieve range before being
subjected to laboratory analysis. The chemical composition of cocoa pod husk is presented in Table 1. Leaf
samples were collected form cashew seedlings under the different treatments for chemical analysis. Soil sample
were taken from each polybag treated with different levels of cocoa pod husk using hard trowel at 20 weeks
after sowing. The soils were air-dried, sieved with 2 mm sieve for routine analysis of organic matter, total N,
available P, exchangeable K, Ca, Mg and Na contents. Soil organic matter was analyzed by W alkley and Black
method (W alkley and Black, 1934). Nitrogen content in the soil was analyzed after Kjeldahl digestion, and
total N was determined after Kjeldahl digestion (NO 3-N reduction and digestion) (Grace et al., 1993). Nitrogen
was determined using mocr-Kjeldahl method using K2SO4 and CuSO4 mixture as digestion catalyst and
phosphorus was determined in a spectrohotometer (model Novaspect II). Mineral elements were determined
from the ash which was dissolved in 10 ml of 10% HCL filtered and diluted to 100 ml with 0.01% HCl.
Potassium was determined using flame photometer (Jenway model PFP7). Calcium and magnesium were
analyzed by pipetting 10 ml of sample into 250mls conical flask, 50 ml of deionized water, 5 ml of 20%
potassium hydroxide (20% KOH) to act as buffer, 5 drops of 2% potassium cyanide (KCN) and 10 drops of
hydroxylamine hydrochloride (OH.NH 2.Hcl) were added one after the other sequentially. Little quantity of a
mixture of 50 g of sodium chloride and 0.5 g of muroxide were added to serve as indicator. The solution was
titrated with 0.01M EDTA, and the titre value was recorded for Ca + + and Mg 2 + .
Leaf samples were taken from the middle and upper parts of the cashew seedlings at the 16 week after
sowing from each treatment replicates, parked into labeled envelopes, oven dried at about 70 0 C. The nutrients
in the leaves were extracted with water. Percent N was determined by micro Kjedahl method (Jackson 1964).
The percent P was determined by using Vanado-molybate yellow coloration and the content was read on
Spectronic 20 at 442 Um. The percent K and Ca were read on the flame photometre using appropriate element
filters while the percent Mg was determined on atomic absorption spectrophotometry (Jackson, 1958).

Table 1: Chem ical com position of cocoa pod husk.

pH (water) O rganic C (% ) % Ash O rganic M atter (% ) N (% ) C:N P (% ) M g (% ) K (% ) Ca (% )
5.85 3.60 26.00 75.00 1.80 0.23 0.19 1.68 3.78 1.38

Data were collected substrates and cashew seedling growth parameters during the course of the experiment
were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) while treatment means were separated using Duncan Multiple
Range Test at 5% (Steel and Torrie,1980).

Results and discussion

The results of the chemical compositions of the cocoa pod husk (CPH) amended soil before the experiment
are shown in Table 2a and b (screen house and open nursery). From these results (Table 2a), the values of
organic matter, total nitrogen and potassium in the soil amended with various fractions of cocoa pod husk
(CPH) were approximately ten times higher than in control (top soil alone) in both the screen house and open
nursery experiments. In the screen house experiment, the soils amended with various percentages of CPH have
considerable high amount of calcium and organic matter (Table 2a). In the open nursery, the CPH amended
substrates has lower organic matter compared to screen house (Table 2b). In Tables 3a and 3b are presented
the results of the chemical analysis of various top soil CPH mixtures at the end of the experiment of both
the screen house and open nursery. Increases soil pH, organic matter, total nitrogen for both experiments were
obtained. The physical analysis of the soil before planting shows that the soil used is sandy loam and the bulk
density is lower in screen house soil than in the open nursery. In the screen house, top soil alone (control) and
3 and 6% soil constitution by CPH enhanced seedling emergence of cashew, 12% CPH amended substrates
had lowest seedling emergence. The result of the chemical analysis of cashew leaves raised both in the screen
house and open nursery is shown in Table 3a and b for both screenhouse and open nursery experiments.
There were increases in the concentration of N, P and K with increases in the level of CPH added to the soil.
The effect of CPH amendment on leaf nutrient composition of cashew in the open nursery was similar to what
is obtained in the screen house (Table 3a). There were significant (P = 0.05) increases in leaf nutrient
composition between the control (no CPH added) and 12% levels of CPH amendment. In both experiments,
the concentration of calcium, magnesium and organic matter in the leaf samples with increase in proportion
of CPH added to the soil. In the open field, increases in the proportion of CPH in the soil did not significantly
Am.-Eurasian J. Sustain. Agric., 2(3): 219-224, 2008 222

affect final percent seedling emergence. In the screen house, differences obtained among the treatments on
the response of plant height to CPH amendment were not significant. In the screen house, 3% of CPH in the
substrates produced highest value of plant height. Increased proportion of CPH in the soil depressed plant
height beyond the control. In the open field, the control produced highest value of plant height. The effect
of CPH amendment varied on the number of leaves produced by cashew seedlings. In the screen house, 6%
CPH amendment produced the highest number of leaves followed by 3% amendment. Similarly, in the open
nursery, 3 and 6% amendment produced the highest number of leaves, while 12% amendment produced the
least number of leaves in cashew. The effect of soil amendment with various proportion of CPH was not
significant on cashew leaf area. In the screen house and in the open nursery. Non-significant differences were
however obtained among the treatments in the values of cashew seedling root length obtained for the two
experiments under the various substrates. In the screen house, CPH amendment influenced root development
of cashew seedlings. Cashew seedlings grown on soil amended with 12% CPH produced the least shoot yield
while 3% CPH amendment produced the highest root biomass. The result of effect of cocoa pod husk
amendment on shoot dry weight is presented on Table 4. Soil amended with 3% CPH produced the highest
shoot dry weight while cashew seedlings grown on soil amended with 12% CPH produced the least shoot yield
in the two experiments.

Table 2: Pre-planting soil chem ical com position (screen house and open field nursery )
Experim ental sites pH (water) C (% ) O rganic m atter (% ) N (% ) C:N P (% ) Ca 2 + (cm ol/kg) M g2+ (cm ol/kg)
K + (cm ol/kg) N a+ (cm ol/kg)
Screenhouse 6.67 1.83 3.15 0.12 15.25 0.05 4.00 1.10 0.66 0.99
O pen field 6.71 1.06 1.83 0.05 21.2 0.16 4.10 0.40 0.43 0.53

Table 3a: Chem ical com position of the soil substrates (screen house) after the experim ent (2004)
% Cocoa pod husk pH (water) C (% ) O rganic m atter (% ) N (% ) C:N P (% ) Ca 2 + (cm ol/kg) M g 2+ (cm ol/kg)
K+ (cm ol/kg)
N a+ (cm ol/kg)
am endm ent
0 6.00 2.05 3.53 0.13 15.76 0.06 3.30 1.40 0.47 0.56
3 6.21 2.33 4.02 0.14 16.64 0.06 3.40 2.10 0.74 0.63
6 6.32 2.32 3.98 0.15 15.40 0.04 3.90 2.20 0.87 0.67
9 6.59 2.41 4.15 0.16 15.06 0.03 4.00 2.20 1.17 0.83
12 6.92 2.51 4.22 0.17 14.76 0.04 4.10 2.30 1.44 0.92
SE 0.32 0.15 0.24 0.01 0.65 0.01 0.31 0.33 0.34 0.13

Table 3b: Chem ical com position of the soil substrates (O pen nursery) after the experim ent (2005)
% Cocoa pod husk pH (water) C(% ) O rganic M atter (% ) N (% ) C:N P(% ) Ca 2 + (cm ol/kg) M g 2+ (cm ol/kg) K + (cm ol/kg) N a + (cm ol/kg)
am endm ent (% )
0 7.63 1.20 1.90 0.06 20.00 0.10 3.30 0.50 0.35 0.65
3 7.34 1.45 2.00 0.07 20.71 0.12 3.40 0.60 0.48 0.96
6 8.05 1.85 2.70 0.09 20.55 0.12 3.90 0.60 0.78 1.04
9 8.35 2.00 3.40 0.10 20.00 0.14 4.00 0.70 1.13 1.23
12 7.89 2.30 3.75 0.12 19.17 0.15 4.10 0.70 1.13 1.24
SE 0.35 0.39 0.74 0.02 0.54 0.02 0.33 0.07 0.32 0.24

Table 4: Effect of pod husk am ended soil on growth attributes of cashew (Screen house and open field experim ents)
------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total Shoot N o. of Total Shoot N o. of
Percent root dry Percent leaves/ Plant Leaf root dry Percent leaves/ Plant Leaf
CPH length wt em ergence plant height area length wt em ergence plant height area
(cm ) (g) (% ) (cm ) (cm 2 ) (cm ) (g) (% ) (cm ) (cm 2 )
0 24.9 14.5 82 21 35 3.9 25.4 14.4 91 14 31 3.35
3 27.6 14.5 90 24 39 4.1 29.0 15.0 86 16 35 3.10
6 28.0 13.7 98 26 40 3.5 32.1 14.7 83 15 35 3.25
9 23.9 12.0 88 22 34 4.1 25.5 11.3 80 13 33 3.20
12 26.8 10.2 76 19 31 4.5 25.5 10.5 76 11 20 2.73
LSD (0.05) N S NS * * * * * * * NS


The soil used in raising cashew in the experiment the control is low in organic matter, nitrogen, organic
carbon, phosphorus and potassium (Table ) compared to nutrient status following amendments with 3% to
12% CPH. A critical level of 0.13% of soil N was recommended for cocoa seedlings by Moyinjesu and
Atoyosoye, (2002). This threshold was lower than what was obtained from control of both experiments, hence
the addition of different percentage of CPH as to soil improved soil N status and increased the performance
of cashew seedlings. Addition of CPH improves soil pH in both experiments, this was supported by Moyinjesu
and Atoyosoye, (2002) who also found that CPH improves the soil pH and performance of cocoa seedlings
Am.-Eurasian J. Sustain. Agric., 2(3): 219-224, 2008 223

in the nursery. Soil amendment with CPH also led to increases in organic carbon, potassium, sodium and
nitrogen. Obatolu (1995). reported similar findings about the effects of soil amendment with CPH on soil
fertility status and cocoa seedling performance. Hugo Vitor et al., (2001) reported similar result from their
study of the effects of other organic waste materials as sources of soil nutrients. In this study and in both
experiments, CPH increased the value of percent Ash, N, K and Na in the cashew leaves over that of the
control. In both screen house and open nursery field experiments, the effects of soil amendment with various
proportions ( 3 – 12% ) of cocoa pod husk on plant height, number of leaves, root and shoot dry weight
varied. Moyinjesu and Atoyosoye (2002) reported that cocoa pod husk sole and in amended with cattle
manure enhanced leaf nutrient status of oil palm bunch, cocoa, coffee and okra. The levels of basic cations
(K, Ca, Na and Mg) are high in the CPH amended substrates in this study. This could be the reason why
nitrogen and phosphorus are not available for the seedlings grown with 9% and 12% CPH amended soil. This
could explain the yellowness of the leaves in these treatments. Substrate derived from 3% amended soil
appears to provide the best medium in terms of adequacy of soil nutrients for cashew growth. Soil amendment
with different proportions of CPH influenced root length, shoot wet weight, and shoot dry weight of cashew.
Also, appreciable effect on plant height, number of leaves was also obtained, 3% level of CPH amendment
possibly offered stable medium in terms of soil pH and nutrient status and hence the positive response
throughout the stages of cashew in the two experiments. M oyinjesu and Atoyosoye (2002) recorded significant
response of cocoa seedlings to CPH in terms of growth characters. The high performance of cashew under 3%
level of amendment on growth characters may be due to its low C:N ratio which aids easy decomposition of
the CPH and for the fact that the high level of k in both experiment which could negatively influence the Ca
and Mg availability due to high K/Ca, P/Mg and K/Mg ratio. The high level of K in the two experiments may
lead to nutrients – imbalance and hidden toxicity for crops (Moyinjesu and Atoyosoye, 2002). This could be
the reason why substrates conforms high level of CPH recorded lower germination and subsequent lower
growth compared to lower levels on cashew seedlings in these experiments.


It is concluded that CPH at 3% by volume as substrate is effective for raising cashew seedling in the
nursery as it enhanced soil, leaf and growth of cashew seedlings. It is therefore recommended that CPH soil
substrates at 3% by volume for Jumbo Brazilian variety of cashew is desirable for improving soil nutrients
availability and for sustainable cashew seedling production. This research finding is a pointer to opening the
way for organic cashew production in a cheap manner as peasant farmers are poor thus sourcing for CPH will
not be a problem in lieu of inorganic fertilizers and this corroborates with the fact that we need to shift our
attention form chemical fertilizers for good health of cashew apple and cashew nut consumers.


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