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Findings: The result of this research have shown that the factors of training have positive impact on employee

Future Recommendation: To motivate the employees, motivational training programs should be organized. Banks should a
Gap of Study
impact on employee performance of Banks of Karachi. It can conclude that the banks which provide training to their employees in a proper
uld be organized. Banks should also work on the capabilities of employees to improve them & deal techonological system. The limitations
ng to their employees in a proper way can gain substantial improvement in performance and productivity and can deal more number of cus
ological system. The limitations of this research includes: This study will cover only the banking sector of Karachi therefore will not be gene
nd can deal more number of customers with satisfaction. Training is compulsory for employees to enhance knowledge, skills and abilities th
arachi therefore will not be generalized. This study only deal with the banks of karachi hence it will not be applicable to any other financial
knowledge, skills and abilities that provide extensive support to increase the performance of banks of Karachi.
applicable to any other financial institution.
referernce purpose variables

Athar, R., & Shah, F. M. To determine the Impact In this article, Training
(2015). Impact of Training of Training on Employee is the Independent variable,
on Employee Performance Performance in the Employee's Performance
(Banking Sector Karachi). Banking Sector of Karachi is the Depandent variable
IOSR Journal of Business while Employee's Knowledge,
and Management. Employee's Motivation,
Employee's Satisfaction
and Employee's Skills
and Abilities are the
mediating variables.
Employee's Performance
is the phenomena and
Training is the Concept.
geographical location/industory Methods

This research is quantitative study which is descriptive in nature

and based on primary data collection methods. On the other hand,
secondary data is also gathered from research articles to justify
this research. The sample is taken from both male and female
managers and operational mangers working in banks of Karachi.
Questionnaire is developed for managers and operation managers
of banks of Karachi. In this study, the nonprobability method is
used as a sample technique. Regression and correlation analysis is
used to present the findings. The deductive approach is used in
In this article, geographical location this research.
is Karachi and the Industry is
Banking Sector. Population is the
category of mangers and operation
managers of banks of Karachi.

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