Appeal Under Section 173 of Motor Vehicles Act, 1988-Drafting-Civil Template

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Appeal under Section 173 of Motor Vehicles Act, 1988

In the Hon'ble High Court of judicature at ………………….

First Appeal From Order No of ……..….
(Under Section 173 of M. V. Act, 1988)

District- ……………….

A B. ..Petitioner


C.D. …Respondents

Appeal against the award dated …….20……. passed by the Motor Vehicles Accident Tribunal
(IIIrd Additional District Judge), ………. in Motor Vehicles Accident Case No. ……..of


A. ...Appellant


B. … Respondents

The Appellant beg to state as follows:

I.The address of the Appellant………

II The address of the Respondent……
III The Appellant begs to prefer the above appeal against the judgment of the the Motor Vehicles
Accident Tribunal (IIIrd Additional District Judge), ………. in Motor Vehicles Accident Case
No. ……..of 20……:



(i) Because the Court below has erred in law and on facts in awarding the lesser amount of the

(ii) Because the Court below failed to consider that in view of the definite evidence of is longer
in the family of the deceased he would have easily lived upto the aged 90 years.
(iii) Because the Court below has failed to consider that with the passage of time the income of
the appellant would have considerably increased.

(iv) Because the Court below has failed to consider that appellants Nos. 2 to 4 were also deprived
of the company of the deceased and each of them was entitled to a compensation of Rs.
………../- on this Court.

(v) Because the Court below has failed to consider that in view of the evidence of longervity in
the family of the appellant No. 1, she would easily live upto the age of …… years and shall be
entitled to compensation for ………… years.

(vi) Because the Court below has erred in law in determining the reasonable compensation
payable to the appellants.

vii) Valuation.


The present appeal is that the Hon'ble Court may be pleased to allow the appeal and modify the
impugned award by enhancing the compensation awarded to the appellants to reasonable limits
with costs through out.

Advocate for the appellant



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