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‘te ADVERTISERS for att your SHOP LOCAL ‘STAY LOCAL! Eve lel) a ois Pe eed eee Peed PAHS Senior zen Christmas fiat Kaylee Holland, a Sussex and Hunterdon Counties Serving the Slate Belt in Pennsylvania and Warren, in New Jersey No Jab Teo Big Or Too Small « Free Estimates « Let Us Do The Heavy Lifting! North Warren boys and girls both took on Kittatinny in the Finals during the Belvideres Basketball Holiday Tournament on December 28th. Photos by Dale Young/The Free Weekly Press PA State Rep. Marcia Hahn Announces Retirement from State House State Rep. MarciaHahn ton _comty with the (@-Northampion Coun- representation they de- ‘p) amounced todzy that cave” “P prould ike to thank eal not sock oi femin the Pemneyivania all the resident of the House of Repreenta: 138th Distct for sup fives in 2020. Rep. Hahn porting me and for al- Jas represented Peansyl- Towing me to serve. The sanins 136th Legis fond memories I have tive District since 2010, fom my tenure in of "ha been the privi- Bee wil Teman ‘with lege of 2 lifetime to rep- me always, and 1 will sent the people of the bbe forever” grateful for 138d Distt for these the opportunity to rep- ast nine years,” Han zesent fhe area tat Teall, home.” Bid “For nely a de- ‘The final dav of Rep. cade, T have advocated {bx smaller government, Hala’: curent legis: five tem is November {etter education and for 31, 2020, Ssianee 0 our sates Bangor Womens Club GFWC Announces 2020 HOBY Winner ccitical agriculture in- dustry. Iam proud that fn maay cases, I have ‘micceeded in dalivering the people of Nortamp- Tome Jones, Educa- ton Chair of Bangor Womens Club GFWC, is proud to. announce been an active member of Banger's Student Govemment. Amember of the Bangor choir and chamber choir, she was also 2 cast member in Bee school’s 2019 mmo ‘saphomore at Bangor ‘res High School, bz fen selected to rep- cal production of Mam Resent Bangor a the ma Man! 13020 HOBY Leadership Kaylee’s older broth- Training Program thus er Colton attends East Spring. Kaylee is the daugh- ter of Bron aad Kerry Stroudsburg University, har older brother Ben a= tends Bloomsburg Ua Holand hel othe member ofthe moming, versiy, ad ber omnes ‘arity softball and Sel fe team, sister Brynn i 2 freak Iockey teams. She is a and fortwo yours ao man at Bangor ‘Warren County Local Advisory Committee on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse (LACADA) Seeks New Member ‘wide matter related to ubstance use The LACADA meets regularly at 5:15 pm. fon the second Tuesday, monthly, in the War fen County Library Headquarters Ioeated at 2 Shotwell Drive, Second Floor Meeting Room, Belvidere, NF 07882. Meetings are open to the public Tndivideale interested The Warren County Local Advisory Com- ‘mittee on Alcohol fom and ‘Drug Abuse CAC cure rently seeking new ‘members, Committee ‘members are appointed ‘by the Warren County ‘Board of Chosen Free holders, sad are des ignated to advise the ‘Department of Human Servicer on County. involuntarily serv ing oa the Committee should call the Warren County Department of Human Services, Di- vision of Administra. ton, Monday-Friday, ‘between the Lous of 8:30 am. to 430 p.m, at (908) 475-5331 oF Gmail jreyereo.war Fen.nj.us and an appli cation for membership ‘will be mailed Pen Argyl took on Belvidere on December 28th, during Belvidere's Boys Basketball Holiday Tournament. Photo by Dele Young! The Free Weekly Press ‘On December 20th a surprise 95th birthday celebration for Sylvia Moimar of Easton, PA Was held at the Slate Belt Senior Center. ‘Sylvia also enjoyed celebrating the center's Christmas dinner, dancing to the music of Jim Hummel and’ many other fun activities ‘Sylvia has a real zest for ife having survived tuberculosis at the age of sixteen. She was employed in various offices and worked on the family farm. She has many interests, like basketball, game shows, cats, history, orseracing, just toname a few. Sylvia has {wo daughters, Joanne Feretti and Michelle Moimar, four grandchildren and three great ‘grandchildren. {or stopping by the state Belt Br Greater Valley YMCA today wit (of $1,500 to the Y's financial assis ‘gram. This program ensures no child or fam- ily is tured away ftom the ¥ for an inability to pay. John Hartzell, Vice President of the Bangor Jacksonian Club's Board. states “ We are happy to do our part to help our com- munity." We are grateful for the support of ‘our community partners. cam be mailed to St Sohn's Cemetery, C/O Carol Hummel, 136 Messenger Stree, Ban- gor, PAT8013, ‘Reformed Cemetery of Stone Church. i Accepting — Memori ‘Sutini, 10200 Richtnond Road, Bangor, PA. 18013, The Free Weekly Press January 2, 2020 SelfSufficiency iz seeking volunteers to 2ssist with planting, and haitting scarves and hats for United States Vets ho are in local Nursing Homes. The gifts will be dis tributed fo tie Vets by the Americim Legion Givens Belet 258 of Blaustown. Any Hard- wick residerts over the age of 99 are most wel- ‘come to attend aad join Af they wish Call their President, Tawra Ran dazzo at 905 362 8920 {for more information. muintenance ind ha vesting of fuits and vegenbles ffom the ‘community gardens at the agency's) Newten campus. Volunteers aust be at least I7 ‘years of age. No expe- Hence is required. ‘The Hardwick Se iors in Hardwick, have been. busy this year crocheting pmmaium Thee ae fro divisions, ge aad and the age reps vad Par bd 12 and 13. Age ib termined 25 of Apal 1, 2020. It i open to Sudents fom the fol- lowing schools-Bangor, Pen Augyi, Faith Chris- tian, NOGP, Easton, and Vion Tis contest aal Len start | PM wath res ‘Station at Nooo. Asy test: annery 4th, noon. questions please contact Wastington Elenientary Glenn “Miler at 610- Pennsylvania Leaders Come Together to Bangor Elks Lodge #1106 Annual “Hoop ‘Shoot free throw con- aad honorably die charged Marines wel- come. FMI, jimmine- SomeeGrencomn, we Borcomel org or on face- ‘pices are slashed in half The Book Nook is lo- cated on fhe secand foor of the bray. 216 S, Robinson, book, ‘Avenue, Pen Argyl. Semi-Annual Book 703-0070. Nook Sale: Thursday, No New Events January 9, 10:00 Amn Neon 6:00-8:00 Pray Corps LGR Northamptoa County Detachment 298 Meeting: Jan 8th, ‘pm. 1621 Lehigh St” Eston. All seve daty Strengthen Juvenile Justice System and Improve Outcomes Gov. Tom Wolf, justices fom across Pennsylvania and charged with delivering protecting public safety; Gataedriven policy ensuring accountability, yecommendations achieving taxpayer Beonsvivania savings and sustained Tenders ia a zepot by System “reinvestment, Nov. 30, 2020. The andimproving outcomes recommendations will for youth, families and Bra the basis for communities statutory, budgetary, and “The parmership we're ‘administrative clangee creating today is am Guring the 2021-29 importast step toward legislative session Task protecting "vulnerable ustice Tack Force is force goals include young Pennsylvanians,” Gov. Wolf said. "With CSET Sevougliy sion. cor THE FREE WEEKLY PRESS Ce aa Agila SH Tegislative leaders from the House and. Senate Tnsing) change that ensures every young Pennsylvanian is geting the support needed to grow imo a successful Sault” feansylvania has long ‘been committed =f Cama ‘Serving the Slate Belt & Surounding Areas InP, "Wand Warren, Sussex & Hunterdon Co. in NJ ‘Mail:106 Kline St, Bar PAO Fax: 610-599- Dens reasons noon oe ‘Thursdays prior to publication dato, ‘Advertising inquires can be sent to ‘thepressads@gm 106 Kiine St, Bangor, PA 610.599.1952 ‘Mon: Sam-2pm; Tues-Fri: Sam-4pm, ‘www thepressnewsonline.com Like us on Facebook! ‘The PRESS News Online Pease take het to suppor the businesses who advertise in tis newspaper. Shop Local Visit ou: website for alist of dropoff locations! 6104529170 136 S Ist St, Bangor, PA Schedule your F Hearing evaluation. Miracle Ear Miracle Ear Center |) Geter Se Otel ein) Sr Coen ne dn “Ein Valley Deve 619 N Ninth Sree, Bangor, PASOIS "Stroudsburg, PATE360 110-838-6637 ‘704769949 New Houre: Hids 10 8&2 Eat FREE e104 Ui Et Fao Sey wn compe A ‘who come in contact ‘withthe criminal justice System and ultimately fo improve the lives of achieving better juvenile Justice outcomes, 2cr0s5 the three branche: of government thr enuties such 32 Suvenile Cout Tudges Commission and he Penasylvania Commission on Crime and "Delinquency. Yet Ghallenges remain, and ‘the Commonwealth bas one of the highest rates of juvenile conmitment fm the nation. The task force. snnounced today represents 2 bipartisan Sn to we data Snd research to. build ‘upon past successes ind. evaluate coment cour youngest offenders not only helps create a positive path for them, Sat also” strengthens families," protects communities and ‘promote: long-term Benefits foal of us” “Better ostcomes in Penneylvanin’s juvenile justice system will pay ‘dividends for decades 0 come,” Howe Minority Leader Fraak Dermody (D-Allegheny/ Westmoreland)" said “Tes hard work but the flettswall worth it” “Juvenile justice is am important isue to get Hight,” Senate President Bro Tempore Joe Seamati (R25) said "Tam honored to stand Pennyivania yout aid families,” Pennsylvania Supreme Court Chief Justice Thomas Saylor sid ST look forward to recommendations from this ask force thatrikt size our juvenile justice system and use the best evidence available fo. suse taxpayer investments are yielding i pabie sty teat ‘communities dese” Speaker of the Hlonse Mike Turzai said ‘Themembers ofthe tack force, to be appointed by the three branches of State government, wll representa widerange of Stakeholder groups that ‘opportunity > asse55 ‘he treatment of Youth with Pennsylvania's leaders to make swe we are putting our include legislators, law resources foward what enforcement, judges, we Know works best istrict attomeys aud to keep famalies strong public defenders. Over and put you back on 3 fhe next year, the group law-abiding path” ‘will asse:s the state's "Went work together Dysten, and review across party Hines and data from court ged across the ‘branches of gather Columbia, NJ Exit 4, Rt 80 908-496-8126 ext 2121 government to make sure Pennsylvania is dome all hat it oon for our young people,” Senate Minority Leader Jay Costa (D-43) said. “This task force will pusue a comsensus- Sased, State agencies, input “fom” divene Siakatoldars, aad examine how cueat Practices can Deter Shiga with research bout “what "works best to improve youth "Tha owe touches every comer of our Commonwealth," Howe Majority Leader Bryan Cutler (R-Lancasie) added" “Ensure our juvenile juste Spates rehabilitate: data-driven process to achieve out Sesistince fiom The Pew Charitble ‘Trusts andthe Crime and Taste Inctiute HYDRAULICS ‘Authorized Weatherhead Hydraulic Hose & Fitting Distributor aancofast@hotmail.com 68 Maple Lane, Blairstown, NJ 07825| CEE Me SR Pach ne and Cue eae accu sa) 610-599-1605 vJamuary 2, 2020 The Free Weekly Press Page 3 Photos by Dale Young/The Free Weekly Press Christmas Kettle Gala Raises Over $80,000 In Memory of Sam Newman The 6h Anum med in Monroe County, PA We cannot thak all ‘Bose involved enough fb thei ard wrk in raking the event one of Be Soy a or Comps.” “Aware the greatneeds of the East Stoudcbarg Sim's memory raised an ‘upprecedented $80,430 ‘which wil goto feeding 3nd shelteing those in ‘of long time Salvation Army supporter "and ‘Advisory Board Member Semel W. Newman. In Ibi houcr and memory. the “Trpasco Family bcked tht we recognize Sam at the 6th Red Kettle Gala for his He ‘progam: such 25 food Sacks, hot meals, nights of shel, ‘rental the umiveral Chistian chuch estblished PA Department of Aging Warns Seniors of Genetic Testing Scam by Rep. Joa Emrick The Pencylvania Departmen: of Aging is ‘waming seniors, their Euulies and caregivers about anew scam ‘ageing older adults ‘Scammers ate offering “Bee” genetic testing, claming it is covered ‘through Medicare, 25 3 ‘means for the senior to void disse of to find faclnding ihe right medications This is Simply an fort to gain access {a seniors pasonal Medicare -inforastion, ‘which can lead to accest to financial information Tom Ahearn Electric & Home improvement Residential/Commercial Electric Electric Generator Installation SS aes 610-588-6790 %_ Because There’s “Our Services fete Pied peti pathology.” TF you or 2 loved one ave abeady received 2 genetic testing cheek Gwab or screening fat’ was not ordered by 2 trusted provider, co have any concems about possible fraud, find and. cont your Teal Senior Medicare Patrol by calling 1-877- 808-2468, or going fnline to. bttsiewnt Supresource.otg Wa 610-588-6715 it Stirs Gs yl ‘Bas Le i Salvation Amy's local in 1865, ‘been Decent of every dollzr spentis used cay out those services in 5,000 ‘communitesaationwide, Fer informaton, go. to www.ralvationarmy ena eee ae ee eee a ees yest som glais Ce See ee ers Seid Wheel Algnment Pann ASE Master Technician January 2, 2020 Legislation | Making New Jersey A National Leader In Forfeiture Transparency Goes To Governor det ice Sten ee mile eS Se ey See See Soe meee SUG amo: Ghar eaten Sens eee ee es es | aeaiuen Sela orcement purpose for seized every yeu, thee 2018 by 2 37-0 vote ‘Thursday & Friday: 10am-5pm Sarurday & Monday: 10am-Zpm nslatebangor.org View & Purchase Photos Online at EE woo se www.thepressphotos.fototime.com ‘ srw riverviewkenael.com oP 220009 200, EAGLE = |O Tha GHePs TREE SERVICE, nc Sumter ear etraee S amwv umm oom S So 3 eateeree ince | s Tie Aate Shop Ch Tse Et) LTT ter aa) CC :1 CE) ah PET TC) 52Broadway phones Poa | oor ‘bee’s play 4300 MANOR Drive stnoUDsEURC. PA 13360) 570-992-7500 WWW. POCONOHD. vJamuary 2, 2020 The Free Weekly Press PEN ARGYL VS CATASAUGUA GIRLS BASKETBALL 12-17-19 Page 5 Washington NJ’s Van Deursen Named to National Accreditation Board Dr Maine Yan Deusen, Vice President of Academics at War rea County Community College sed a Toastsoe resident of Washington, twas recently elected to he. ‘tional | Medical Assisting Education Re- view Board (MAERB), ‘which works to accredit medical sessing educe- tion across the county's postecondary school Sistem. "She joizs the Board in Saary 2020 fora wo. *Ffsing Veen recruited 88 Dante St., 1 2 possible candidate ‘waz an honor in aoelf” Bid Dr Van Dew 2x who has been with WOCC” fe 23 yee, “but being elected from pool of national cmdi- (ter was mu even great er suprise. ‘Dr. Van Deurzen began at WCCC ac an adjunct smctor a 1998" and worked her way up fo Medical Assisting “Com czdinator, then Acsitant Dean, Desn of Aade- iss, and, now, Viee resi Gent of Academies She sated tht serving Roseto, PA | asamenber ofthis pres figious national board wil afd her an op- poremigy to lion er Readership and currica- 610-588-2681 Wit. Bethel Abstract, Ine. ‘979-097-9047 - Fax: 670-897-0048 ‘Toll Free Local 888-405-2488 - wwwimountbethelabstract.com ‘Searees Closings ‘Tite Insurance ax Serve Notary Poli ‘Real Es Sottements ‘NO HIDDEN FEES ‘On Location: Your House or ‘our office Jom development skillz to develop new standards 4 nesded. Additionally, the Board provides =uj- port t educators through ‘wodkchops and informe ‘Gon dispersal As pat of CAAHEP, the Board Slzo makes accreditatin recommendations fer progams applying fir Fecomaition. in ber time at WCC, Dr Van Denson hae worked closely with is ‘own Madical Assisting Program, an accredited program that continues fo rellize 2 90 pereest veage passing rte ca the AMA's CMA cert fication examination and I equally high job place- iment rater It is only fone of four CAAHEP Secreted program: New lesey. (OF te program and its success rates, De Vin Deusen said, “this is a shortenm investment for Imgerm employ- ‘ent with job security ‘va Sold that continues to gow. We have an ou "standing staf of well t cedentiled and dedi Students wishing to interview for a Tamuary 2020 entry should con tact Dr. Van Deurcon at 908-835-2430, Famoncal assistance may be avall- ble for either credit oF contiming education ‘credentials ia this pro- gam Degee seeking Students may be eligt= ble via the 2019/2020 FAFSA. application for Spring that neludes 2c- esr fo the New Jeney Community College Opportunity Grant for households with an ia come of $0-$63,000; noncredit career tack catifiate Seeking st ents who my be mem ployed, underemployed, ‘working parttime or r= atving pubis 3 Should call today for ‘more information ‘Waren ‘Comty Com- munity. Collge is lo- fated in scene Waren County, New Jersey, ‘with fro campuses oF fering degree certificate, contiming education, ‘workforce development ‘and community enrich iment progams. For more about he College ‘st www amen edt Henry Yeska & Son Ine. yar ol aC CL Tes 610-759-3290 » www.yeskasepticservice.com ETS alm NaN Lee 3013 N. Delaware Drive, Mt. Bethel Industrial, Commercial, & Residential Cleaning + eee Repairs « Installations J o@eseaads ofan oSoENRTES oSSrea Tein oR ome | RECEIVE} Bx ig pro Cea Page 6 The Free Weekly Press January 2, 2020 NORTH WARREN BOYS € GIRLS VS KITTATINNY - BELVIDERE HOLIDAY BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT FINALS 12-28-19 = > men 6 ees TO SEND US YOUR NEWS! Email: thepresemailgmailcam. Fax: 610'599-1952 Mail: 106 Kline Street Bangor, PA 18013 DON'T MISSOUT, ON -THE/MEMORIES Photos * Shirts * Mugs * Calendars * Hats Magnets * Coasters * Buttons * Keepsakes lone, Whentheyhaventbeen are also highly’ lethal direction if + a i Yo yA EKCR ENCE hoto.fototimeycom vJamuary 2, 2020 The Free Weekly Press Page 7 - i remaksbly adaptable. Garden Dilemmas? Ask Mary! yorkly | sipble, teefiom being browsed. of soil, salt, polliton ‘Tae two to. fourinch Sad other wan sesses pikes meofienchstered as well as, moderate along ‘the tunk and Hooding ind ‘drousi read out along the Ife del for. sloped Winches They at sts in need of cron ‘Dh ad, green before contol. Growing thny faey harden to reddish fo seventy foot high snd Trove then shit fo grey. wide in. Zones 3-9. it aud ike the porcopne, prefers sc hours of direct Honeylocast is hamles: Sunlight a day. They ean wales: you tamper with live fo be 120 year old Bence tine ash shoved MaryE. Stone Other times fue yeas Stone Associates Pi he cpadeide ele oes Absoelat locust caches my aren't showy: they 76 Landscape Design Se tes, Especaly Pageant sof sapmee or ‘& Consulting, fe fll when it tums 2 pollinatns. An sccocate lairstown® —foldenyellow liscbasey huserymm, Ben sen Blairs hstes of lees leek Sys Growers can Hello fellow readers, almost fizzy, becoming crest twoinches of petal "A few of you that Ike Big Bird im the debs vhen they drop, follow me on Facebook landscape. Then, when a nuisance fo some. He Elsctapromaskedsbout fhe lesves drop.” the deserbed Hloneylocist the long beanlooking tvisled seedpods ang a opportmistc, but not We vomamente WE aggre, wilt eller ; fie sweet pulp of the rootspatnie hat go wel é ‘eedpods tt ives beyond their canopy if Eoin Cate wat Be ees praca ‘Skyline: s beni a itis, 'Shademaste:’ and The Slate Bel Heritage Center will hold their monthly historic pre- fie mative Honeslocust ‘Suburt’ |” (Goldes) entation on Sunday, January 19th at 2:00 PM. Speaker forthe af= ‘b not typically available thornless varieties ternoon will be Mr. John Reinhart, President of St. David's Weish ja the ‘tades because Despite the thors, “Society and former Superintendent of the Bangor and Easton Area of the pikes, faough Tl pla'the seeds come School District, M. Reinhart will conduc a program on “Slate Folk you can buy ihemales= ying and “see whst Art of the Area”. -A founding member of he Heritage Center, and aneties, And you maces take place. Tt gn educator ior over forty-eight years, he and his wife Judy have a: fhanles occur fo me smEEiE Been collecting decorated slate for over fifty years. Both are lifelong ia tiscmtios var he “erd pods ahd Fouidente of fe Slate Belt and Doth have had family members who emis growing in the bragngthen elewhere Were engaged in the sate infusty. An important part of ther collec. They ware once is ach ke how i {ion of afacs includes items that were created and given away a Comsidaad a wn mate othe gifts and tokes of affection. The Slates used the skills they acquired Se need ar. ae kena = while working in the local slate quarries. These items were made 2B tis goo Manual re ie By people wihout formal aft traning and instruction. Some items ag Plants. oe Nee ey of sharing Teflect ethnic and cultural interests. While much of the slate pro- Be, Bstzowme, two. gi aad growing test Guced by local quarries was or arcitectural parposed, the quarries fit yeni and provide Fonvad May we all do_ Sigg provid ths by-product which was sed to produce decorated Gpplet clade, which the sam Flamy New mantels, game boards, bookends, and household articles, including lows. grass io gow Yeu ., lamps. Mr. Reinhar's book, From the Slate: O'r Lechen, the Welsh {low it Howeve, thei; Garden Dilemmas? and the Folk Ar of PennayWvania's Slate Bet, published through the om vsmned AckManStonecom(and Heritage Center and funded by Merchant's Bank provided readers popularity, ,, RoW on, your favorite with the first documentation of examples of the slate folk art created foneylocust is Podcast App.) in the reg The Heritage Center has its own extensive collection of The presentation will include both of the beautiful items the Reinhart’ have calected. The event is free ‘and open tothe public. The Heritage Centeris located at 30 North tt Street, Banger, PA. For additonal information contact Karen Brewer ‘at 484'594-5551. MISSING FROM = Silver Lake/Kerrs Podiatric Medicine & Surge! Corner, Blairstown : “Put Your Feet In Good Hands” Male, Microchipped | | 4 ip 2 Reel Come: + Poor Circulation Fractures & Neuromas * Sprains 908 797-1909] egy see Tien “CBtcien gene YES (CHERALYN PERKINS, .PM DAVID SCALZO, DP KATHLEEN HOPE, DPM. arr wie 10-588 610-360-6621 5325 Be Vay, ag, PA 18013 Stay Warm This Winter BRAND NEW - NEVER USED hd laced FOR SALE rm oa DOCU BTEC Up t7 610-863-6670 | 510 E, Main St., Pen Argyl Dine-In + Take-Out hog Deliver Ses lo Cd BTU or Propane $5 OFF $30.9 sze=: 2 Large Plain Pizzas....$ 18.95 : oer se oe rT.) Pi-Upor Devry ONLY. Fpping Ext , ster) nae VALOR Pre: a0 Ue a ey Vent Natural Ga Ee IL Cone Eye Exams Lab on Premises Many Frames to Choose From coe ee ngs botany ea Se AN tore Beara, ie eam ee

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