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Real-time zoos are better than electronic

By Maha Intakhab Alam

Let us start by explaining what virtual zoos actually are. Virtual zoos are basically websites. These
websites are designed to give the user the experience of the zoo but in front of his/her screens. It works, of
course without practical stimulation, and one can only read about animals and see their pictures, as in an
exhibit. It already sounds so boring, does it not?
Virtual zoos encourage sitting behind a screen. This is something we do all day, every day. And
honestly, what is the point of zoos if you’re just going to sit at home, staring at the screen, like always?
On the other hand, real-time zoos are much more fun and engaging, providing physical as well as
mental stimuli, they are fun and give us a good pastime whilst letting us understand the wildlife in a better

Zoos are centers for wildlife experience, education, conservation and research. Although virtual zoos
provide us with education and to some extent research as well but they completely deny us the amazing
wildlife experience, neither do they help with conserving wildlife.

Animal extinction has been a major problem from some time. Climatic changes, pollution, loss of
habitat, disease and other factors have caused so many species to become deteriorate. It is because of zoos, zoo
biologists and wildlife preservation centers that many extinct species are again gaining number. For instance
Red Wolf, California Condor, Przewalski (pronounced as Shuh-val-ski) Horse, Karner Blue Butterfly, are
some of the many species, successfully saved from extinction by the zoos. Now can this be done sitting behind
a screen? I suppose not.

Furthermore, many people bring up the argument that zoos discourage the quality of life of the
animals, they are caged, not taken proper care of, the laws for protection are either lacking or there are none at
all. Anyhow what I’m saying, is that for many species, it is indeed possible to keep them in zoos or wildlife
sanctuaries, in a perfectly healthy way, and provide them with a quality of life equal to or better than that in the
wild. This ensures that they are living in a safe environment away from the predators, but in a habitat as natural
as their own. Their diseases are cured, and injuries treated. Their movement may or may not be restricted, but
only to a small extent. They get proper food as well. They are spared from being bullied by others of their
kind, or being killed or even eaten alive. Besides a lot of horrible things, which usually happen in the wildlife,
do not happen in good zoos. Many people make the mistake of considering ‘free’ and ‘good’ the same for the

In the end, virtual zoos may be great at saving money, time and space, and sparing us a lot of effort, but what
good it will do for those who cannot speak for themselves? What good it will do for those innocent beings that
are dying? After all, animals or human, we share the same planet, drink the same water and breathe the same
air, it is our duty to help them, and this definitely cannot be done by sitting behind a screen ‘reading’ about

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