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No. AAI/CUQ/NS/GM(CNS)M eet/zoryf 0 -po Date: og.o1.2o2o

To, ,

BIAL/ S MU, Hyderaba d / HIALI GAGAN, Bengaluru/ Kolkata/ Delhi/ Mumbai/CATC,

Prayagraj/Chennai ' '

General Mairager(CNS)- Region

Airports Authority of India

Sir, \
May please find attached herei,vith the Minutes of GM(CNS) Meet'zorg held on r8th
& r9tlp.""mber, zorg at New Delhi foryour kind perusal.
with the approval o{ Competent Authority

t Singh)
Copy to:
1. PS to Mdmber(ANS)
' B. ED(CNS-P)-I & II
' 4. PSto ED(CNS-O&M)
5. GM(CNS), FII & Automation/N&S/COM/HRM

rrdfq rridl Tqc qqffiirr 5+{ srYsr {{'frd - 110003 (frrc ,24632950

I Safdarjung Airport, New Delhi-l10003 Phone:2S2950

Raiiv Gandhi Bhawan
CNS - OM Directorate, AAI CHQ, New Delhi
Minutes of GM(CNS) Meet 2019

Datei 27.t2.2079

GM CNS Meet 2019 was Held at CHO" New Delhi on 18th & 19th December 2019. The
meeting was inaugurated by Sh. Vineet Gulati, Member (ANS) and attended by Shri N.R.
Das, ED (CNS- RCDU/FIU), Shri A.K. Banerjee, ED (CNS-P-|), Shri Mansoor Ahmed, ED (CNS-

P-ll) and Shri Pan Singh ED (CNS-OM) along with General Managers (CNS) from CHQ and all

over lndia. List of attendees is attached for reference.

Member (ANS) in his keynote address appreciated CNS executives for their efforts to swiftly

restore the CNS/ATM facilities during Fanny cyclone. He also emphasized that CNS

professionals have to keep pace with lndia's double digit aviation growth in terms of highest

level of maintenance of ANS infrastructure, induction of new technology, its know-how

through robust training plan and enhancing quality and work culture at the work place.

He highlighted some major achievements of CNS department such as implementation of

Automation System at lcl, Airport, New Delhi and the professional approach adopted for
timely completion of provision of various CNS/ATM facilities for second runway
commissioning at BIAL.

While expressing concerns over various CNS projects getting delayed, Member (ANS)

emphasized that there is need for effective project implementation by adopting

appropriate measures such as preparation of schedule as large numbers of new CNS

facilities which are lined up for installation as well as Monitoring the progress of installation

work on weekly basis. He also touched upon that AAI presently enjoys monopoly in

operations and maintenance of CNS/ATM facilities and the same need to be delivered in

most efficient and effective manner while maintaining highest standards, otherwise, may
invite competition for operations and maintenance of CNS/ATM facilities.

GM(CNS) Meet 2019 Poqe 7 of 12

The Executive Directors through their initial addresses, made all GMs aware of the future

development plans and policy frameworks for handling of procurements, implementation

of projects, installation works and Maintenance philosophy etc.

Through the presentations CNS-OM directorate, Planning directorate, CATC and SMU
submitted the viewpoints for deliberations:

Directorate of CNS-Planning (l & ll):

i) GM(CNS-P)-| informed that "Manual for Procurement of Goods and Services 2018"
was recently introduced which is applicable for all the procurement in AAl. For some

reasons, some of the important clauses applicable to ANS directorate could not be

covered in the referred manual. In this context, field Stations must go through this
procurement manual and suggest the points which can be incorporated and their
suggestions must reach to CNS-P directorate by 31't December, 2Ol9 for further
scrutiny and approval.

[Action by all GM(CNS], Field Stationsl

ii) GM (CNS-P)-l suggested that procurement of CNS/ATM systems by CNS-P

Darectorate may be exempted from 'Make in lndia'Scheme since these facilities are

safety critical and used for controlling of Air Traffic Services needing highest level of


lAction by Dte. of CNS-p t/il1

iii) Through a discussion point it was brought out that at times, gaps have been observed

through the planning process in terms of "ANS list of works" especially for
development of new airports/tech nical buildings. lt was suggested that discrete list
of CNS/ATM facilities in consultation with the user department i.e. ATM (based on
the type of operations and scale of airport) should be indicated right at the inception
of project and the same should be communicated by the project initiators to all
concerned, so as to minimize gaps during implementation of project. Draft policy
Paper on project initiation and management indicating responsibility areas/matrix

will be prepared and submitted by Directorate of CNS-OM.

lAction by Dte. of CNS-P t/il, Dte. of CNS-OM]

GM(CNS) Meet 2019 Page 2 of 72

iv) Space Requirement for CNS Equipment in new ATS block/building may be given due

consideration and one GM level officer in CNS-P directorate should be designated to

look after the requirement of the same.

lAction by EO(CNS-P-lll
Directorate of CNS - OM

i) Considering the sensitivity of lnformation Security in the Aviation sector and focus

on Cyber Resilience, it was emphasized that concerted approach is required for this
functionary for protecting ANS infrastructure. While the CNS/ATM systems will soon

be declared Critical lnformation lnfrastructure, need was felt for creation of

dedicated GM level post in CNS-OM for effective monitoring and implementation of

policy framework for various CNS/ATM facilities to ensure Cyber security. For time

being a Cyber Cell will be created with suitable member for overseeing the aspects

of cyber security. Extensive Awareness programs on Cyber Security of Automation

systems, FTI and other systems may be planned through workshops at CHQ and

lAction by GM(CNS-HRMI/ GM(CNS-Ffl & Autoll

ii) Life cycle of the automation system remains to be 12 years for replacement plan,
however, through the deliberations, it was suggested that midlife upgradation for
hardware as well as software should be included in the policy to guard against
obsolescence as well as frequent changes in HMI based CNS/ATM systems.

lAction by GM(CNS-P)-llcM(cNs-FTt & Autoll

iii) While migrating from existing legacy links to FTI infrastructure, withdrawal schedule

for the same needs to be decided as appropriate (preferably six months) so that
actions can be initiated for withdrawal of existing legacy links. ln this regard,
appropriate coordination is required between GM (FTl & Auto) and GM(COM) may

be required.

lAction by GM(CNS-FTl & Auto)/GM(COM)l

GM(CNS) Meet 2019 Poge 3 of 12

iv) As implementation of FTI Project has started, it was emphasized that all station

should ensure preparedness for migration from current media to FTI provisioned
media. ln this regard, CHQ instructions are already issued.

lAction by all GM(CNS), field stationl


i) lt was decided that there should be effective implementation of Earthing, Lightning

and Surge Protection policy. Wherever these protection measures are provided by

the vendors, the same must be thoroughly reviewed for their effectiveness. ln case

of any operational requirement for proper safety of CNS equipment against

lightning and surge protection, suitable augmentation should be implemented
irrespective of what has been provided by the vendor, considering that safety of

equipment is paramount. ln addition, all existing earthing, lightning and surge

protection installations must be reviewed for their effectiveness. All future tenders

must include the guidelines as per CNS Manual Volume-V. Matter regarding
common earthing for CNS and electrical systems will be taken up with the
Engineering department for implementation at field stations.

lAction by GM(cNs-N&s)/GM(cNs-HRM)/GM(cNs-pl-t&ilI
ii) lt was brought to the attention of all concerned that at times, the concerned station
in-charges are not current on the various incident reports which are reaching

directly to CHQ, thereby causing a lag in initiating appropriate corrective action at

the respective station(s). Matter was deliberated at length and decided that
information flow in such cases should be strengthened at field station level through
active synergy with the concerned users/stakeholders. This will also help in early
resolution of various station level issues. At the same time, reporting of issues and

their resolution needs to be communicated swiftly to RHe/cHe for apprising to the

higher authority in time. CNS Circular in this respect will be issued shortly

[Action by aI GM(CNS), Field Stations]

GM(CNS) Meet 2019 Poge 4 of 72


i) With respect to the recently procured VCCS systems, which will soon be installed,

all concerned stations have been requested to report to CHQ, whether existing
consoles will suffice for the purpose or new Consoles are required for CWPs of new

upcoming VCCS system.

[Actlon by all GM(CNS), field stations]

ii) Location of SMU for Test Zig (ICRF) of VCCS SITTI and VHF Radio sets will soon be

decided by CHQ.

lAction by GM(coM)I
iii) GM(COM) advised that all concerned station need to firm up locations for VHF

antenna installation wherever new towers/building are coming up and the same

should be conveyed by to CHO, so that meeting with CNS-P and Planning Directorate

can be arranged accordingly. GMs(CNS-Regions) were also requested to expedite

flow of this information.

lAction by all GM(CNS), Field Stationsl

iv) lt was deliberated that Mobile Towers are required to be shifted to some regular

stations for keeping these systems operationally ready after commissioning. They

are required to be used frequently for up keeping their functions.

[Action by all GMs(CNS-Retionl]

v) Mechanical maintenance of Mobile Towers is required to be taken up with Technical

Directorate by concerned GM(CNS-Region), for regular maintenance.

[Action by all GMs(CNS-Region]l
vi) Compliance for SACFA clearance are to be expedited for fulfilling the regulatory
requirements and to avoid audit observations.

lAction by all GM(CNSI, Field Stationsl

vii) ln house lP AMSS is an MOU project and designated under'Make in lndia'program.
Respective regions need to take appropriate action for speedy and timely
implementation of this project, so that commissioning could be completed by
January 2020.

lAction bY GM(CNSI, all Regionl

GM(CNS) Meet 2019 Page 5 of 72

viii) ASOS are required to be retained for at least five years at HFRT stations till sufficient
number of ASOs are trained. New JETs should be nominated for ASO training for
retaining them at these stations.

lAction by GM(coMl, GM(cNs-HRM)l

i) Airport Systems: Airport system has contract based maintenance for its equipment,
but presently the contracts are being awarded by CHQ without involving
stations/regions which is creating communication gap everywhere. lt was

deliberated that maintenance contracts should be duly coordinated with regional

GM(CNS), before issue of purchase order. As far as possible, senior executive under

GM (CNS-Region)/station should be designated in the purchase order for execution

of the maintenance contracts. To sort out any anomalies in present maintenance

contract and to align the terms and conditions of new maintenance contracts for
effective implementation, a meeting may be called at CHQ in near future, involving

GMs(CNS-Region), GM (Airport System) and GM (Airport System - O&M).

lAction by GM (Airport Systeml/GM (Airport System-O&Mll

ii) All GMs(CNS-Region) were requested to arrange sending performance report of

various airport systems under CAMC without fail to CHQ, so that pending bills could

be settled.

lAction by GMs(CNS-RegionlI
iii) CNS-HRM: Brief of new Proficiency/Training/Transfer policies: GM(CNS), HRM
elaborated the new proficiency policy. The training policy has been framed on basis

of lcAo Doc 9868 and Doc 10057 Training Manual for ATSEp. For new recruited the
stream would be allotted on the basis of assessment of 20 weeks initial training at
CATC and 12 months on Job Training (oJT) at the station of posting. All executives
have to complete first communication Maintenance training to achieve competency

in it and then he/she shall be allowed to proceed further in the allotted streams.

a) The policy's main highlights are: The new Rating/Competency policy is aimed to

create competent CNS prof ional in various streams. CNS executives would

GM(CNS) Meet 2079 Poge 6 of 72

be allotted two streams from four optional streams i.e. NAV-AIDS,

SURVEILLANCE, ATS Automation Data Processing (ADP), and COMMUNICATION


executive has to be competent in it. Executives would be divided into four

streams and would have three levels of competencies in each streams.

b) Transfer policy has also been framed as per competencies acquired. lnitially,

combined seniority will be followed for transfer to tenure stations without

distu rbing the present scenario.

c) Manpower optimization within existin8 sanctioned manpower through the

following Maintenance initiatives
r centralized Monitoring and control system at all major stations for effective

monitoring of CNS/ATM sYstems.

r Proposal for Central Maintenance Team (CMT) at SMU level for major
breakdown restoration of the facilities in the event of cyclone/flood/other

unforeseen situation.

a Regional Maintenance Team (RMT) shall be formed for all make of

equipment by identifying hub stations in the region'
a station Maintenance coordination Team needs to be constituted at station
level which should be a combination of experts from various major units'

The purpose of such team is to effectively address breakdown calls while

maintaining synergy amongst all units' Besides, such team should also
function a Problem Solver for the station.
a Blueprint for the above will be prepared at CHQ under consultation of


Station in-charges should empower the shift duty executives to carry

various maintenance schedules, preparation of fault reports and
action taken reports.
lAction by all GM(CNS), Field Stationsl

Poqe 7 of 72
GM(CNS) Meet 2079
iv) OJTI performance report must be sent to CHe with immediate effect. GM(CNS),

Chennai took the initiative to prepare general guidance for effective feedback on

OJTI performance.

lAction by a[ 6M(cNs), GM(CNS-Chennai)/GM(cNs-Region)]

v) During the deliberations it was decided that appropriate duty hour frame work will

be prepared. lnputs in this regard may be provided by all field stations to GM(CNS-

HRM). [Action by all cM(CNsl field stationsl

vi) Some reserve executives and non-executives shall be given to RHefor RCS plus
normal airport operations. The list of likely operationalization of RCS stations in
the near future in region may be provided to CHe.

[Action by GM(CNS-Region)/GM{cNS-HRM)]
vii) Agreement for Durgapur airport may be initiated by GM(CNS), ER so that CHe can
get it approved.

[Action by GM(cNS-ER)]
viii) Kargil and Pithoragarh may be run by tour till transfer of executives in ensuing
transfer session. Matter will be taken up for declaring these stations as one-year
tenure stations.

[Action by GM(cNs-NR)/ GM(cNs-HRM)]

ix) To start with, once every two months, there will be interaction of GM(CNS) with
CHQ through Video conference for issues rerated to maintenance and
by cHqI
x) GM(cNs), lGr Airport raised an issue regarding delays involved inlAction
calling officiali
from residence in case of contingency or very frequent wrp movements,
as there is
no airport corony nearby. rt was suggested that the matter pertaining
to residentiar
colony needs further deliberations.

lAction by cM(cNS-Dethi)/CHel
xi) Human Factor: shri senthirver gave presentation on human factor for ATSEp. He
briefed about study being carried out by him and his team at international
level. He
has requested to approve a team for forming a working group
to include two
executives from CNS-OM directorate for study of human factor
for ATSEP.

lAction by GM(CNs-HRM)I
GM(CNS) Meet 2019
Poge 8 of 72
CATC, Prayagraj:

i) Marketing of CNS trainings may be explored. ln this regard, ED(CNS-OM) directed

that a paper may be prepared by CATC after studying international market (through

internet) before approaching to Business Development Cell for the same.

lAction by GM(cNs-CATC)l
ii) To avoid dis-continuity of practical training on a functional equipment, it was
suggested that shifting of spare module of CNS Equipment available at CATC may be

considered as a last alternative. ln case the spares are shifted, the same may be

returned within minimum time period, to avoid any interruption in the training.

[Action by GM(cNs-N&s)/GM(cNs-coMll
iii) There was strong emphasis on separating training of VHF TX/RX and its ancillary

equipment, as, such combination leads to time consuming course due to lengthy
syllabus. So it was decided that the proposal as mentioned above shall be explored

while formulating in new proficiency scheme.

lAction by GM(cNS-HRMII
iv) With regard to provision of all new make of CNS equipment for practical training, it

was reiterated that earlier decision on the issue must be implemented. as per which,

if some CNS equipment is procured in quantity of 10 nos' or more, then one

additional equipment of the same make must be purchased for CATC to establish
practical training lab.

lAction by Dte. of CNS-OM/DIe. of CNS-PI

v) Train the Trainer program i.e. lnstructors at CATC may be given traininB by the field

sME for new make of equipment and their field familiarization once in a two years.

The same will be included in Training procedure manual.

lAction by GM(CNs-HRM)I

SMU Hyderabad

i) Through the deliberations, it was decided that executives may be identified for
posting to SMU and necessary training opportunities shall be created'

lAction by GM(CNs'HRM)/GM(cNs-sMUlI

GM(CNS) Meet 2079 Poge 9 of 72

ii) Posting of executives at calibration Lab at Hyderabad shall be reviewed and training
schedule may be coordinated by GM(CNS-SMU)

[Action by cM(CNs-sMUll

Marathon meeting of two days ended with conclusive address by Shri Pan Singh, Executive Director
(CNS-OM)who emphasized that deliberated points may be taken up with the team under all GMs

present in the meeting for effective implementations of maintenance and operations. He further

directed that all GMs must coordinate with each other for timely action and to achieve highest ,,\
level of availability and safety of CNS/ATM facilities.

Kuldip Singh


GM(CNS) Meet 2079

Page 70 of 72
List of Participants:

L. Shri N R Das, Executive Director, RCDU/FIU/CRSD

2. ShriA K Banerjee, Executive Director, CNS-P-I
3. Shri Mansoor Ahmad, Executive Director, CNS-P-Il
4. Shri Pan Singh, Executive Director, CNS-OM
5. ShriS K Swami, GM(CNS), BIAL
6. ShriGS Rao, GM(CNS), SMU, Hyderabad
7. Shri P K Srivastava, GM (CNS), FT|/Automation
8. Shri P Mondal, GM(CNS)-P-|
9. ShriG W Ghanmode, GM(CNS), WR
10. Shri Ravi Kant, GM(CNS), N&S

11. Shri G K Venugopal, GM(CNS), GAGAN, Bangalore

12. ShriHSBiswas,

13. ShriC Pattabhi, GM(CNS), HIAL

14. Shri M Suresh, GM(CNS), NR

15. Shrisisir Kumar De, GM(CNS), Kolkata

15. ShriS P Pandey, GM(CNS), lGlAirport

17. ShriAnurag Sharma, GM(CNS), HRM/AS-OM

18. ShriS Maiti, GM(CNS), ER

19. Shri RR Bassi, GM(CNS-P)-|

20. Shri L Vankateshwar, GM(CNS), SR

21. Shri B Madhusudan, GM(CNS), Mumbai

22. ShriAjay Kapur, GM(CNS), COM
23. Shri Sharnagat Srivastava, GM(CNS), CATC
24. Shri S E V R Naidu, GM(CNS-P)-II

25. Shri Kaushal Kumar, GM(CNS), NER

25. ShriV Muruganandam, GM(CNS), Chennai

27. Shri Kuldip Singh, Jt GM(CNS) HRM
28. ShriAS Yadav, Jt GM(CNS), COM
29. ShriJ K Shukla, Jt GM(CNS), COM

30. ShriAloke Gupta, DGM(CNS), COM

31. Shri Fardeen Alam, AGM(CNS), HRM
32. Shri Amit Kumar Yadav, Mgr(CNS), HRM

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