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Part 2
Hi Sue,
I’m so sorry for breaking your alarm clock yesterday. I was looking at it and when I pick up the
alarm clock, this fell to the floor. I can buy a new alarm clock today when I finish of working.
Part 3
Dear friend,
Thank you for writing this letter to me. Answering your question about what I do when it is
sunny, I go to the beach and I practice snorkelling. It's very fun. I usually go with my friends,
although I sometimes go with my parents. My favourite place is the beach from Almeria, these
are wonderful, there you can see many fishes. About your second question, my favourite
weather is sunny because I can go outside and do anything that I like. Well, that's all, I'm
looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Best wishes,

Part 1
Hi Charlie,
I would like to invite you to a picnic that I am arranging. In this picnic we will be meeting new
friends and we will be eating the different food that we will carry to the picnic. You can bring
fruits for example.
Part 2
Dear friend,
It was great to hear from you. I hope you are well in your new town. Answering your question,
I think that meeting people is easy. For meeting people, I recommend you joining in a sport
club that you like, there you will meet many people and you can have fun. Moreover, you can
go partying at night, it is the most popular option. I have met many people this way. Also, I
advise you not to be shy, speak with all the people and this way it will be easier to meet
people. Please write me soon.

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