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Question 4 (65117) Sylabus (021010103) For tall safe designed structural compenonts 11 tnere is more than one toad carrying component load carrying component is sufficient for = given load, providadit is stong enough, 3 the componentis removed at ie end ofthe caleulated ife time or number of cycles. 4-the desion is based on tie principle of rodundancy of componorts, ‘The combination that rearoups ail otthe correct statements 15 [ 44 o 28 wo 24. L 43 Question 2 (64906) Sylabus (021 01 01 01) With regard to an aircrat structure, tal safe'is one [5 use¢ for emall aircraft only. [thats easily manufactured. [1 thatis only usedfor a imited time. a inwhich the load is carried by other components if a part of the structure fails. Question 4 63541) sylabus (021010101) ‘The principle of damage tolerance in structural design ofan aircraft is based on the (1) capability to winstand 2 certain amourt of weakening ofthe structure wihout catastrophic allure [5] factthatihere is no need to inspectine structure. [monitoring of critical parameters and the replacement of pats ita limt value is exceeded. bo replacement of parts after a given number of cycles orhours of use, Question 5 (63942) Sylatus (021 01.01.01) ‘The principle offal safe design of an aitcraftis based on the v C1 redundancy ef the structure or equiomert [replacement af parts after a given rumber of cycles orhours of use. [J montonng orertical parameters and tne replacement of pars if Iimitvalue Is exceeded. [1 capabitiy to withstand a certain amount of weakening of the structure without catastrophic failure. Question 6 (63843) Sylatus (021 01.0103) Which of these statements about structural design principles are correct or incorrect? |. The damage tolerance principle takes cracking of the structure into account. I The sate lite pnncple Is based on te replacement of parts after @ glven number of cyces or ight hours, [Hs eorect tis ncoreat [1 Ais correct, us correct [1 tis incorrect, is correct o lis incorrect, lis incorrect Question 7 63544) Sylabus (021010101) A safectfe circaft stuctural component [hes parallel load paths. [maybe used duringa deciared number of cjcles or fight hours. [1 issostrong that t never wil fail during a deciared tme period. [)__ should have enough strength during the whcle ifeime of an aircraft. Question 8 (63945) Syiabus (021010191) Which ofthese statements about structural design principles are correct or incorrect? |. In structural design, fail safe implies redundant load paths. 1. safe life stucture is based on a dectared number of cycles or time period. [J Hsincored, nis incorrect [J tis incoredt, tis correct [tis correct, lis correct [tis correct, lis incorrect ‘Question 10 (63947) Sylabus (021919101) Which of these statements about structural design princples are correct or incomect? |. in structural design, fal safe implies parallel structural parts. I. In structural design, cafe lifo implies the ctructure will never fail during a dectaredtime period ornumber of cycles. [D—Hisineored, is incorrect [2 His correct, tt is incorrect [D—Hisincorredt, tis correct [His correct. Nis correct Question 11 (63948) sylabus (021010101) Which ofthese statements about structural design principles are correct ar incorrect? |.In structural design, fall safe implies the structure will never fail ILA safe life structure is based on a declared time period or number cf cycles. [D Hiscoredt tis comect [2 Hisincorect lis correct [2 lisincorrect lis inconect [2 liscorreet, tis incorrect ‘Question 13 (63950) Sylebus (021 010101) Which ofthese statements about structural design principles are corrector incorrect? |. The demage tolerance principle assumes cracks in the structure will never occur I The safe life principle is based on the replacement of parts after a given number of cycles orflicht nours. [2 lisincomedt, tis correct [Tis incoed, lis incorrect [Ais correct, lis correct o {is correct, lis incorect Question 14 (62955) sylabus (021 010102) According JARICS 25 the worst effect of a catastrophic fallure on the fight crew could be [aston inerase wor [2 physical discomfort or a significant increase in workload [_vsialasress er excessive wotoud masks sity perormtasks dueston 3 SS IEABEET on According JARIOS 2 he wort fctofa Hazardous flue on th ig ow could bo 1 ittes orincapactaton [physical discomfort ora significant increase in workload. [ati neeasein wontons a physical distress or excessive workload, impairs abiltyto perform tasks. Question 16 (63957) Sylabus (021 0101 02) According JARICS 25 the worst effect of a major failure on the flight crew could be [ne ofecton ight row: [_aslightinerease in worttoad [2 btysical discomfort ora sianifcant increase in wortioad, o physical distress or excessive workload, impairs atiliy to perform tasks. Question 17 (63958) Sylebus (021 01 01 02) ‘According JARICS 25 the worst effect ota minor failure on the fight crew could De [Physical discomfort or signiicantincroase in worldoad. [— neefiecton ight crew. [1 __husical distress or excessive workload, impairs ability to perform tasks 5 a slight increase in workload. Question 18 (63959) sylzbus (021.01 01 02) According JARICS 25 the worst effect of a catastrophicfailure on the aeroplane could be [large reduction in functional capabiltis or safety margins. [ hulltess. [significant reduction in functional capabilites or safety margins estio et EsIetuaunelanal gapgpitles o safew marsin, ‘According JARICS 25 the worst effect ofa hazardous failure on the aeroplane could be ( hullioss. ‘signticant reduction in functional capabiliies or safety margins [J atge reduction intunctional capabitties or safety margins. slight reduction in functional capabiities or safetv marains. Question 20 (63961) Sylabus (021 01 01 02) According JARICS 25 the worst effect of a majorfaiure on the aereplane could be [ _slightreduetion in functonal capabiities or safety margins [5 _—_noefecton operational capabilites orsatey [__tatge reduction in functional capabittis or safey margins a sianificant reduction in functional capabiliies or safety marains. Question 21 (62362) sylabus (021 010102) ‘According JARICS 25 the worst effect of a minor fallure on the aeroplane could be [5 significant reduction in functional capabilties or safety margins. [5 targe reduction in functional capatiliias or safety margins [2 slightrecucton in tuncticnal capabilites or safety margins, [—noefecton operational capabiltis or safety Question 22 (63963) Syllabus (021010102) According JARICS 25 the worst effect of a catastrophic fallure on the occupants of an aeroplane excluding flight crew could be [physical distress, possibly including injuries, [2 physical discomfort [serious or fatal injury to a small number of passengers or cabin crew. 5 mutfiniafatatites Question 23 (63964) Sylabus (021010102) According JARICS 25 the worsteeffect of a hazrdous falure on the occupants of an aeroplane excluding fight crew cculd be [Physical discomfort [multiple fatatties [physical distress, possibiy including injuries. [serious orfatal injury to a small number of passengers or ccbin crew. ‘Question 24 (63965) Sylabus (021910102) According JARICS 25 the worst effect ofa major falure on the ocoupants of an aeroplane excluding Might crew could be (physical discomfort [serious or fatal injury to a small numberof passengers or cabin rev. [inconvenience a physical distress, possibly including injuries. Question 25 (63966) Sylabus (021919102) According JARICS 25 the worst effect of a minor falure on the occupants of an aeroplane excluding fight crew could be [serious or fatal injury toa small number of passengers or cabin crow. [inconvenience physical distress, possibly including injures. physical discomfort Question 26 (63951) sylabus (021 01 01 02) ‘According JARICS 25 the allowable quantitative average failure probabiliy pr fight hour fora catastiophicfallure should be on he order of [1 between 10° and 1077 remote). [1 between 10” and 10° extremely remate). [less than 19° (extremely improbable). G between 10 and 10° (probable). Question 27 (63252) Sylabus (021 9101.02) Accolding JARICS 25 the allowable quantitalve average fallure probabil per ight nour for @ hazardous failure should be on the order of Ga between 10° and 107 (remote). Ga Joss than 10°9 (extremely improbable). Ga between 10°7 and 10°° (extremely remote). G between 10° and 10°° (probable). Question 28 (63953) Sylabus (921010102) ‘According JARICS 25 the allowable average fallure probability per fight hour probability for major failure should be on he order of (1 between 10° and 10° (extremely remote). (1 between 10° and 107 (remote). [1 between 10° and 10° (probable). a less than 10° (extremelvimorobaole) Question 29 (63954) syiabus (021 0101 02) According JARICS 25 the allowable average failure probabilty per fight hour for 2 minor failure should be on the order of a less than 10° (extremely improbable). a between 10°7 and 10° (extremely remote), a between 10 and 107 (remote). eI between 10° and 10° (orobable). Question 30 (63967) sylabus (021 01 05 01) The principle of concition maintenance is based on the [J monitoring of entical parameters and the replacement of pars ita imtvalue is exceeded. [1 redundancy ofthe stucture or equipment. [capability to withstand 2 certain amount ofweaksning of he structure witout catastrophic failure [replacement of parts afer a given number of cycles or hours ofuse. Question 3.1 (65393) syllabus (021 02 01 00) Among the different types of aircraft structures, the shell structures efficiently transmitthe 4-normal bending stesses, 2.tangent tending stresses. 23.torsional moment. 4 shear stresses. ‘The combination regrouping all the correct statements is 23ena4 tenes. 1.2enaa, Oo 12ena4. Question 32 (63%8) Sylabus (0210201 00) ‘A sandwich type stucture is often used in aircraft because ofits [ease of doformation under lead. [2 lowmass and lowstifess [2 lowmass and high sti ness. b high temperature resistance. Question 33 (63962) Slabus (021 0201 09 Question 34 (6397) Sylabus 021020100) ‘The fuselage structure cf pressurised transport aeroplane is an example ofa“ Stveture in which he skin takes all ofthe load i [D_ semi-menocoque structure (1 asemioreced structure. [D— sanawien structure [D_—_ asemi-menocoque stucture [pure monocoque structure. _—_ amonocoque structure. a a truss type structure. ‘aor stucure. Question 35 (63971) Sylbus (021 02 01 00) Asandwich structural part [Isa so-called integral construction [consists oftwo thin shests separated by alight core material [_isunsuitable for fuel tanks. a alwais uses honevcomp as core material Question 36 (63972) Sylabus (0219201 00) Which of these statements concerring a sandwich stuctural part are correct or incorrect? |. The main function of he core material is sound insulaton. 1. sandwich structural partis well suited for absorbing concentrated loads. [Lis correct. tis correct [1 lisincorrect, is comect [Tis correct, tlis incorect [Tis incored, lis incorrect Question 37 (63373 Sylatus (02: 020100) A sandwich structural pat is unsuttatle for absortine [2 concentrated toads. [D_ shearloads [—torsionatioads 6 bending loads. Question 38 (62974) syllabus (021 02 01 09) \Which of these statements about sandwich structural parts are correct or incorrect? |. A sandwich structural part consists offibres anda resin ILA sandwich structural partis sutable for absorbing concentrated loads. [1 Hisincorect, lis correct [His correct, tie corract [J ls correct, nis incorrect a lis incorred, lis incorrect Question 39 (63375) Sylabus (021 020200) Which ofthese statements about sandwich stuctural parts are correct or incorrect? |. sandwich structural part consists oftwo thin sheets enclosing a light core material 11.4 sanawich structural part Is not sultaole for absorbing concentrated loads. [His corteat, wis incorrect [J tis correct, wis correct [_Tisincorect tis incorrect o {is incorrect, lis correct Question 40 (63278) Syabus (021 02 01 00) Which ofthese statements about sandwich structural parts are correct orincorrect’ |. Asandwich structural part consists offibres and aresin. | A sandwich structural partis net sultable for atsorbing concentrated loads. [— tisincorec, nis correct [1 tis correct, is correct [_Tisincoree, tis incorrect [1 tis correct, isincorrect Question 42 (63978) Sylabus (0210201 00) Which ofthese statements concerning a sandwich structural part are corrector incorrect? ‘Tho main tunction ofthe core material is to stabilise the covering sheets. A sandwich strucural partis unsuitable for absorbing concenirated loads, [2 Hiscored, tis conect [DHisincorrect lis incorect, [D Nisincorrect, is correct Is comedt is incorrect, ‘Question 43 (6:55) sylsbus 021 0201 02) Which of these statements conceming a sandwich structural part are correct orincorredt? |. The main function of the core material is scund insulation, ILA sandwich structural partis unsuttable for absorbing concentrated loads, [J Usineoreat, is incowect [His correct, lis correct [His correct, is incorrect a lis incorred, lis correct Question 44 (62980) sylabus (021 02.01 00) Which ofthese statements concerning a sandwich structural part are correct or incorrect? |. The main function of the core material isto stabilise the covering sheets, |. sandwich structural partis well suited or absorbing concentrated loads. [2 His correct, tis correct {is incorrecy lis correct {is correct, is incorrect Question 45 (64930) Sylabus (021 020200) bo [I Tisincorrec, lis incorrect bo A sandwich structural partis, [composed of wo thin sheets anda light core materia [Da so-calladintegral construction [composed of resin and fires. 5 well suited for absorbing point concentrated loads. Question 46 (63362) Sylatus (021020200) composite stuctural component consists of [2 aluminium alloy with 2 covenng layer of pure aluminium. [D— amatixandfibres [D__twometal sheeis tondedtosether. 5 {wo thin metal sheets and a light core material Question 47 (63962) sylabus (021 02.02 00) Which ofthese statements about composite and metal stuctures are correct or incorrect? |. Fora structural component with given dimensions composite materials enable a structural components strength to be tailored tothe dire |L Composite materials enable structures wit higher strengihiweightrato than metal structures, [Hs correct nis incorect [1 Ais correct, lis correct [Tis incoed, lis incorrect b {is incomed, llis comect Question 48 (63283) sylabus (0219292 00) Which ofthese statements about composite and metal structures are corrector incorrect? |. ra structural component with given dimensions constructed of composite materials, the strength is the same in al cirections I Composite materals enable structures wih lower strenctnrweight ratio than metal structures. [Hs correct, tis incoweet [1 Us correct, Nis correct [D— Usineoredt, is incorrect, a lis incorrect, lis correct Question 50 (63285) sylabus (021 02 02 00) Which ofthese statements about composite and metal structures are correct orincorrect? |. Ina structural componentwith civen dimensions constructed of composite materials, the strength is the same in all directions. IL Composite matorials enablo siructures with higher ctrongti\woicht ratio than metal structures. (—Aisinconee. is incorrect (2 Aisinconee. tis conect [Ais correct, isinconect o Question i (a3) Sahu: tons 0203 01) Inflight, a cantlever wing of an aisplane containing fuel undergoes vertical loads which produce @ bending moment [J lowest atthe wing root [highest atthe wing root [1 eaualtohatfthe weightof he aircrat muttipied by the semi span. o equal tothe zero fuel weight muttipied bythe span. Question 53 (63988) Sylabus (021 02 03 03) A cantilever wing is (J alowwing coniguration. [wing attached tothe fuselage atthe wing root only. [J abigh wing configuration. bo ‘wing planform other than rectangular. Question 5:4 (6399) sylebus (021 0203 01) ‘Anon-cantilever wing is (1 awing supported by braces or astut connectedto the fuselage [D— @high wing configuration [—_awing planform other than rectangular bo ‘a lowwing configuration Question 55 (64004) sylatus (021020302) ‘The purpose of stingers, usedin tuselage constuctin,is to [2 camry he loads due to pressurisation anc convert them into tansile stress [D__assistthe skin to absorb longtucinal compressive loads. [__absor sneer stresses [2 provide sound andthermal insolation Question 56 605) slabus 021020302) Loads on the cylindrical part of the fuselage during pressurisation are carried by thr [stingers tts skh ucstislf BF cscon sys @2:020309 Whalare the three elements ofthe fuselage structure of a large transport aeroplane? [1 Shin, ribs, formers [5] San, girders, wens: San. spars, nbs Skin, frames, stingers Question 58 (62925) sylebus (021 02.0302) \When the wing skin is notable te carryloads, the stucural elements ofthe wing, which cary the bending moment, are [ thewebs therivets. [thespars = the ribs. Question 59 (63931) Sylebus (021 0203 02) Which ofthese statements atout the wing structure is correct? [_—Atorsion boxis formed ay wing spas, bs and wing skin reinforced by stingors. [The sats area part ofthe torsion box [___Asemismonocoaue structure consists ofthe skin andrames. [2 Awing main sparconsists ofa web wit stringers Question 60 (63:92) sylabus (021020302) Question 61 (65985) Sylebus 021020392) The funcion of bs in awingis to wing spartypicaly consists of [) — Givethe wingthe desired aerodynamic shape [| aweband grders. [2 allowinstallation offuel celsin tne wing. [)_ frames and wets. (withstand allthe structural toads. [2 fibs andtrames. [2 withstand the torsional loads. [2 tibs and stiteners. Question 62 (62394) Sylabus (021 020302) (One function of a nb is [2 to be tho primary structural mombor to carry wings loads [ _ tocary tensile load ofthe fuselage pressure hull [2 to stabilise the fuselage skin against buckling. [to maintain the aerodynamic shape ofthe wing, Question 63 (65409 Ssius (02102930 The reason forthe foctnat an aeroslane desianeto long sstances cannot simpy be use fer shorthau tgs at higher tequencis i hat Inthe case sere uetants remain empty during the hl ight wtchstessesthe aeroplane’ stucur in an unacceptable way ‘no procoures anc cheoass rhs kind of sercpanes ako to0 much me ‘hase aeroplanes fen consume to much lon short haul ight fe ingle as ser ets ex been based on 2delmine oa specu, Question 64 (3338) Slur C21 530383} \Whilst stationary on the ground in ahangar the most importantloads on a cantilever wing are [tension in the upper surtaco, compression in tho lower surface. [2 tension in both the upper andthe lower surfaces [2 compression in both the upper andthe lower surfaces. [1 compression in the upper surface, tension in the lower surface. Question 65 (62999) Sylabus (021 020303) \Wnatis the load in the upper respectively lower girder of a spar of a cantilever wing during straight andlevel fight? [SD —_Tereton inthe lower-and upper girder [Tension in wer-and upper girder [Compression in the upper airder and tension in he lower airder [Tension in the upper girder and compression in the lower girder ‘Question 67 (63935) Sylzbus (021 0203 03) ‘The bending loads on a cantilever wing due to lift are carried by the 4. upper skn surface. 2.tower skin surface, Question 66 (64009) sylabus (021 0203 03) -wing root faring. ‘The pressurisation load on the skin of a fuselage is Ga Ga Ga o 4 spar or spars. ‘The combination that regroups all ofthe correct statements is, torsion OG 23 bending o a4 tension Oo 134 compression Mm 124 Question 68 (62297) sylabus (021020303) {In sttaight and level fight the mostimportant lnads on a cantilever wing are a a a ‘compression in the upger surface, tension in the lower surface. ‘compressicn in both the upper and the lower surfaces. tension in both the upper and the lower surtaces. tension inthe upper surface, compression in the lower surface. Question 69 (63996) Sylabus (0210293 03) Control surface fluter can be avoided by 4.ahightorsional stitness of the structure 2. alow torsional stiffness ofthe stucure. 3 locating a balancing mass in front ofthe control hinge. 4. locating a balancing mass behind the control ninge. ‘The combination that regroups all of the correct statements D4. Do BG 23 24 Question 70 (6:00) sylabus (021 02.0303) One design method o evod contol surtace fuer is [ensuring cerrect mase disributien within he contra suze [through the corect use of balance tabs [_thvouah the corect use oftimtabs. 6 providing the wing stucture wth suficient Nenbity. Question 71 (64902) Sylabus (0210203 03) To achieve control fluter damping the balance mass must bs located (2) direct below the contol surface hinge. [2 direct above the contol surface hinge. [behind the canto! surface hinge. 6 in font ofthe control surface hinge. Question 72 (64002) sylus (021020303) When awing bends downwards, aleron fut might occurit the alleron deflects [1 downwards, because the location of ie aileron centre of grawty les behind the hinge ine, [1 —_ upwards, tecause the location ofthe aileron centre of gravity lies behind the hinge line. [1 downwards, because the location of the aileron centte of gravity les infront ofthe hinge line o ‘upwards, because the location of the aileron centre of gravity les infront of the hinge line. Question 73 (64003) sylabus (021 0203 03) When a wing bends upwards, aileron futer might occurif the aileron deflects a G G Ga Question 74 (63367) sylabus (0219293 03) ‘downwards, because the location of the aileron centre of gravil lies Dehind the hinge ine. upwards, because the location of the aileron centre of gravity lies behind the hinge line. ‘upwards, because the location of the aileron centre of graviy lies in front ofthe hinge line. downwards, because the location fhe aileron centre of graviy lies in fort ofthe hinge line. Question 75 (63988) sylabus (021020303) ‘The two deformation modes that cause wing flutter are Ga Ga Ga o torsion and shearing. a torsion and bending. G bending and elongation. G o ‘shearing and elongation, Question 76 (63921) sylabus (021920400) Significant torsion effects in a wing during fight can be caused ty propwash, wingtip vortices. aileron deflection wing dihecral Question 77 (27807) sylabus (021020400) Asemi-monocoque aircrat fuselage structure usually consists ot Te highest!oad on the torsion linkin a bogie gear is Ga Ga Ga Ga ‘skin, frames, stringers. frames, fitings, stringers ribs, spars, skin ris, ront spar, rear spar. Question 78 (23428) sylabue (0210204 00) Evacuation side normal inftion ic achioved by a a a a the airceffs general pneumatic circu, ‘a manual pump, used when needed by the cabin crew. a pressurized gas canister pressurized airfrom the air conciioning system. a G G Ga when braking with an inoperstive anti-skid system. whilst turning on the ground with a small radius, ‘on touch down wih a strong crosswind when gearis selected down, Question 79 (64008) sylabus (021 02 040) Which ofthese statements regarding cockpitwindews are correct or incorrect? |. On some aeroplanes the cockpit windows have an additional speed restriction, related to bird impact, when window heating is inoperative I Cockpit side windows are always provided win 2 de-icing system. [D— Hsincomed, tis incorrect [Hs correct nis incorect (1 His correct is correct G {is incorrect, lis comect Question 81 (64011) sylabus (021 02 040) Which ofthese statements regarding cockitwindews are correct or incorrect? |. On some aeroplanes the cockeit windows have an addtional speed restriction, related to bird impact, when window heating is inoperative I, Cockpit side windows are usually defogged only. [J Hs incorrea, nis neorrect [Tis correct, itis incorect [_ lisinconedt, tis conect [lis correct lis correct ‘Question 82 (64012) Sylcbus (021026400) Which ofthese statements regarding cockpitwindows are correct rr incorrect? |. Cockpit windows never have an additional speed restriction, related to bird impact, when window heating is inoperative I Cockpit side windows are always provided with 2 de-icing systom, [His correct. Nis correct [Hs incored, tis incorrect, [2 Hisincorred, tis comect [Lis correct, lis incomect Question 83 (64073) sylabus (021 02 0400) \Windshiold heating of a transport aeroplane is [J onlyused when hotair demisting is insuficient, [1 notaftecina the strenath of cockpt windows. [essential toimprove the strensth ofthe cockpit windows. a used only at low altitudes where there is a risk ofice formation Question 85 (65403) sylzbus (021.03 01 00) ‘Maximum power outputand low mass of aeroplane hydraulic systems can be achieved with [D___loweystom prossure and high volume f [2 medium system pressure and high volume flow. [medium system pressure and low volume flow. [high system pressure andlow volume flow. Question 86 (65058) Sylatus (021030201) The viscosity ofa hydraulic fuld should be [J towtominimize power consumption andresistance to flow. [high to provide excellent iubricetion properties. [high to minimize power consumption and resistance to fow [2 lowto provige excellent lubrication properties. Question 87 (6413) sylatus (021030202) Hydraulic fluids should have the following characteristics: 1. thermal stabity 2. ani-corrosive 2. high flast-point 4.high comoressibiliy 5 high volatility Question 88 (20727) sylabus (021 03 0202) ‘The combination thatregroups all of he correct statements is ‘Hydraulic fluids: 234 [_—_ateintaingto eyes and skin and eause high fre isk D123 [—areinitaingto eyes and skin D148 [cause nian rerist DB 126 [2 donotrequice special care. Question 89 (20723) sylabus (021 03 0201) Hydraulic fluids used in systems of modem airiners are [phosphate ester base fuids. [water base fuids [mineral pase fuids. o vegetable base fluids Question 90 (20735) sylabus (021 03 0201) In hycraulic systems ofiarge modem transport category airplanes the fluids used are Ga Ga Ga Ga Question 91 (20736) Sylabus (9210302 01) Mineral oil Vegetable oil ‘Synthetic of Water and glycol Question 92 (20728) Sylabus (021 03 0202) ‘The type of hydraulic oil used in modern large aercplanes iS 44, qraulis powers afunction of B B B BG ‘misdure of mineral oil and alcohol a synthetic oil G mineral cil g vegetable ol a Question 93 (20730) syiabus (021030202) Pump RPM only. Pump size andvolume flow. system pressure and volume flow, system pressure and tank capaci. Large transport ceroplane hydraulic systems usually operate with a system pressure of approximately (1900 si (3000 psi 4000 psi 2000 psi Question 94 (27890) Sylabus (021030202) ‘The hydraulic oll in the reservoirs slightly pressurised to B B B BG prevent cavitation in the pump. prevent overheating ofthe pump. ensure suficient pum output. prevent vapour locking. Question 95 (26735) Sylabus (021 03 0202) ‘The Ram Air Turbine (RAT) provides emergency hydraulic power for (1) undecartage selection ang automatic brake system, [flap edension ont [nose whee! steering after the aeroplane has landed. [flight controis in the event of loss of engine driven hydraulic power. Question 96 (20722) sylabus (021.03 02 02) {na hydraulic brating system, an accumulator is precharged to 1,200 psi. An elecricaly driven hydraulic pump is started and provides a sys pressure gauge which is connected the gas secion of the accumulator, reads 1200 pst 4200 si 1800 pst . 3,000 psi Question 97 (20743) sylabus (921030202) Ina hydraulic system, the reservoirs pressurized in order te [_ sealthe sysiom. [2 keep the hydraulic Muid at optimum temperature B prevent pump cavitation. 5 ‘reduce fluid combustibiity Question 98 (20760) sylabus (921 030202) ‘Shutlo aves will automatically [reduce pump ods (— auerdsystems aganst overpressure. [switch nyérautclly operated units tothe mest appropriate pressure Supply a shut down systems which are overloaded. Question 99 (64014 sylabus (02103 0202) Purposes of an accumulator in an hydraulic system are damp pressure fluctuations, cool the hydraulic fluid serve as limited alternate source of prescure. 4 to serve as a main pressure source for normal operation ‘The combination that regroups all ofthe correct statementis G G G Ga 43, 23. 14, 24. Question 101 (64016) sylabus (02103 02.02) To protect against excessive system pressure, a hycraulic system usually incorporates: a G G o a standby hydraulic pump. ‘an accumulator. ‘a high pressure relief valve, auxiliary hydraulic motors. Question 102 (64017) sylabus (921030202) Which ofthese statements about an aeroplane’s hydraulic system is correct? a G G a ‘The fiters, the pressure relief valve(s), the by-pass valve(s), andthe fire shutoflvave are safety features installedin the system. ‘The hydraulic reservoir contains a membrane and is pressurised ky nitrogen on one side ofthis membrane. The pumps are always electrically diven because they needto deliver a high pressure of 3,000 pst. A nydraulic leak ina retumn line does not afect the functioning ofthe hydraulic system. Question 103 (64016) Sylabus (021030202) Question 104 (64020) syabus (021030202) ‘The purpose of an accumulator in ahydraulic system is An accumnulatorin a hydraulic sysiem will a a a G to bypass the pumpsin the hydraulic system.) to enablo the starting of hydraulic devices. {o eliminate tne fuid Now variations. to damp the fluid pressure variations. Ga a store fuid underpressure. increase pressure surges within the system. ‘reduce Mls temperature and pressure. reduce fluid temperature only. ‘Question 105 (25035) sylabus (021 03 0202) The function ofa hydraulic selectorvave is to [automatically actvate the nycraulicsystem. [discharge some hydraulic uid ifthe system pressure is too high. [1 selectthe system to which the hydrauifc pump should supply pressure b direct system pressure to either side of the piston of an actuator. Question 106 (25040) sylabus (021 03 02.02) ‘The component thattransforms the hydraulic pressure into a linear motions called [J anactuatororjack. ‘a pressure regulator. [0 anaccumulator. [— anyerauticpume. ‘Question 107 (25068) sylabus (02: 030202) ‘The tydraulic device, which functonaiityis comparable to an electronic doce is a [_ shutottvatve [distributor vane. [check valve flow contralvave. Question {08 57) SANSie 21030299) Assuming an accumulators pre-cnargea with sirtc 1,000 psi and ihe hydraulic system s pressurised tc 1,500 psi, the accurnulator gauge wil ead [1800p [a S001 2s0psi [a 1000p question 109529 ha 2199209, ‘epi stra aca reo vais 0 eaten Renesas pea pesu® 20005 Rode een Hn Question 110 63629 syns (025095200 Asinaleadion acuctor []__isaone shot acuatorusedfor emergency systems on J camoteusedtervanable postion operatons as tis designed leekin the exremites ct ave. | ts pawerodin one arseton en by hyersue pow, ne rtum movement cemngundor spring ore. [_—_tavels one direction under one applicton of nycraulic power and inthe opposite direction under a second application orhyaraulc power Question 111 (40728) Sylabus (021 030202) Question 1:12 (42562) Syllebus (021 03 02 02) ‘The resewors of ahycraulic system can be pressurzec When powering up a hydraulic system, the level inthe reservoir will [)— byan auaryoyetom. [increase ac amtiont temperature decrease. [—_bybleed ar romthe engine [always remain the same. [infin ony (inital increase wih system pressurisation [bythe airconditioning system. [decrease slight: Question 113 (42568) Sylabus (021 030202) ‘The purpose cf ahydraulictuse is to [allow by-passing ofthe hydraulic pump in the event of excessive pressure [protect against contamination [.___switen tothe secondary system in the event ofa lek in the primary brake system. [prevent total sistem oss in the event of a hycraulicleek. Question 116 (64015) sylabus (021030202) Question 117 (#2570) sylabus (02193 0202) Parameters to monitor hycraulie system in the cockpit can be In a hydraulic system overheat detectors are mostly stalled [pressure fuid temperature and quantity, [2 atthe coolers. pressure andfluid viscosity in the resenoirs. ‘he actuaiors. pressure and hydraulic pump output. a G [pressure ang RPM ortne nyarautte pump. o a G ‘he pumps. Question 118 (64022) sllabus (021 03 0202) A hydraulic low pressure alertis the frst indication of a G G Ga the pump cutput pressure being insufficient, aleakinthe reservoir return tine. the hydraulic system accumulator becoming deflated. the reservoir level being ata mirimum acceptable level Question 119 (65504) sylabus (9210401 02) Intransport aircraft equipped with retractable landing gear, an aural alert must be civen tothe pilot a G G o whenever the gear is erroneously selected to retract on the ground. during gearretaction whenever a landing is attempted and any gear is not locked down, whenever the lancing gear selector is notin the neutral position Question 135 (65524) Sylabus (9210401 02) For aircraft equipped with a landing gear anti etractlatch, which of these staiements is correct? a G G Ga ‘This system may never be overridden since an uncentred nose wheel can damage the wheel well structure This system blocks gear retraction at too high IAS. This system can be overridden under specified conditions. This system blocks gear retraction at too low IAS. Question 138 (6923) Sylabus (021 0401 02) ‘An ant-retrac atch blocks the landing gear lever when, a a eI a the IAS is too high for gearretraction, the IAS is too low for gear retraction. the gear is in an improper configuration for extension. ‘an aircraftis on the ground. Question 139 (56522) Sylabus (0210401 02) Intransportaircrat equipped with reractable landing gear, there mustbe a ear indication to the pilot Ga Ga Ga Ga whenever the gear is erroneously selectedto retracton the ground. whenaver the landing gear selector is notin the neuiral position when gear selection is performed atove the cear limit speed. ‘whenever the landing gear position is not consistent with landing gear selector lever position, Question 143 (20668) sylabus (021 040702) torsion link assemblyis installed on the landing gear to a G G Ga lock the landing gear. ‘avoid rotation of the piston rod relatve to the gear oleo strut ‘control the wheels. absorb the spring tension Question 144 (20672) syiabus (0210401 02) Ina commercial transport aircraftthe landing ger operating system is usually Ga Ga Ga Ga pneumatically driven, hydraulically driven electrically criven. ‘Mechanically driven, Question 145 (64027) sylatus (021 040302) ‘The function of a scissor (torsion link) ma landing gear is to Ga Ga Ga Ga prevent any rotation of the oleo strutin the landing gear shock absorber. transfer the rudder pedal deflaction into nose wheel steering commands make the body gears pvotwhen the nose wheel is tumed through more than 20° create the wheel pitch on bogie gears. Question 146 (23995) Sylabus (0210401 02) Landing gear torque links are used to a G G o ‘maintain the compass heading throughout taxiing and take-of. prevent he extension ofthe landing gear oleo strut od. prevent rotation ofthe landing gear piston in the oleo strut take up te lateral stresses to which the gearis subjected. Question 147 (25026) syllabus (021 04 01.02) ‘The damping element in @ landing gear shock absorber used on large aircrattis, Ga Ga Ga Ga ‘onygen. springs nitrogen. oil Question 148 (27755 Sylabus (021 040102) ‘The purposes of the oll and the nitrogen in an olec-pneumatic strut are Ga Ga Ga Ga the oll cupplies the spring function and the ritrogen cupplies the damping function, the oll supplies the damping function ané the ritrogen supplies the spring function the oil supplies the sealing and lubrication function, the nitrogen supplies the damping function. the oil supplies the damping and lubricaton function, the nitrogen supplies the heat-dissipation functon Question 149 (64023) sylabus (021 040102) Generally, on modem jet transport aeroplanes, ifthere is a complete hydraulic system failure, the landing gear can be extended by a G G a crawty extension, alternate pneumatic extension, alternate electrical extension hydraulic accumulators, Question 150 (64026) Sylabus (021 040102) Emergency extension of landing gear systems can be performed 4.witn compressed co. 2.with compressed nitrogen. ‘3.with compressed oxygen, 4. by mechanicalimenual means. 5. by reefall ‘The combination that reqroups all of the correct statements is G 234 G 13,4. 248 12,5. Question 152 (66958) Sylabus (021 0402.00) ‘Which of these statements avout rudder pedal nose whee! steenng ofa jet transport aeroplane is correct? [5 Rudderpedainese whoo! stooring offers a smallor maximum deflection of te nose whoo! astilar nose whcol stooring. [5 Rudderpedalnose wheel steering only functions during take-off rl [—_Rudderpedalnose whee! stzerin functons on the around as well asin the al bo ‘When perfonning a rudder check during taxiing there is no need for additional pilot action to avoid deflection of the nose wheel. Question 153 (56956) sjlabus (021 0402 00) Which ofthese statemants aooutrudder pecal nose whee! stoering cf jet transport aeroplane is contest? [When performing a rudéer check during taxing there is na need for aditcnal plot action to avoid deflection af the nase wheel [Manual rtiternose whee! steering ofers alargermaximum detedion ofthe nese wheel as rudder pedal nose wheel steering. [Rudder pedal nose whee! steering funcions on tne ground as wel as inthe at 5 Rudder pedal nese whee! steering oniyfunctions curing tske-of rll Question 154 (66958) sylabus (021 040200) Which of these statements about rudder pedal nose whee! steering is correct? [1 Rudder pedal nose wheel steering provides a smaller deflection of the nose wheel as hand wheel steering (tiller) [Rudder pedat nose wheel steering does not function during take-of. [J Rudaer pecai nose wneel steering provices a larger denection ofthe nose wheel as manual or tiler control. a Rudder pedal nose wheel steering functions on the ground as well as in the ait. Question 155 (6695s) Sylabus (021 040200) Which ofthese statements atout rudder pedal nose wheel steering cf ajettransport aeroplane is correct? [Ruder pedal nose whee! steering functions onthe ground only [Ruder pedal nase wheel steering does notfunction durng take-off [Rudder pedal nose wheel steering provides a larger deflection of he nose wheel as hand wheel steering (tilen, 5 Rudder pedal nose wheel steering provides the same deflection cf the nose wheel es hand wheel steering (iller) control Question 156 (26723) sylabus (02104 02.00) “Nose wheel shimmy" maybe described as [the oscilatory movement ofthe nose whee! when exended porto lancing. [D___@ possibly damaging vibration of e nose wheel when moving on the ground [1 aterat vibration caused by the nose wheel upon extension ofthe gear. bo the amount of free movement of the nose wheel before steering takes effect. Question 157 (20680) syllabus (021 04 03 01) The type of brake unitfound on mostiransport aeroplanes is @ (2 crum ype brake. [2 single disk brake. (2 tnuttipte isk brake. [belt brake, Question 158 (64024) Sylabus (021 0403 01) ‘During hyéroptanina. the fiction coefficient between tre and runway surface is approximately o 1 0 a os 028 Question 159 (63833) sylatus (021 040302) ‘The function of an accumulator in a hydraulic brake system is, (5) tostere the nydraulic energy recovered by he anti skic system fo prevent wneel blocking. [5 tosupply atimited amount of brake energy in the event ofloss ofall hydraulic systems supplying the brakes. [5] tofunction as a bufferto assist the hydraulic system during heavy oreking. bo to damp pressure fluctuations ofthe auto brake system. Question 160 (26719) sylabus (02: 040302] (On large aeroplanes, the main source of breaking poweris derived from [pressure tothe rudder pecals. [the hydraulic system, [the electrical system o bleed air pressure. ‘Question 161 (0860) slab (025049903) Which ofthese statements about anant-skid system are comet or incorect? 1 The"Yegulation stip ratio" funcion oan ant-skia system ensures optimum braking perfomance 2. Carell brake spotcaton by he plot case of anti alu can neve ahiave the same parformance a8 a propery unctoning an-skié syst. He ineomect 24 eomect ‘is ncorec. 2 ncorect Ais corey, 218 corect Ais corey Zisinconect Question 162 (66961) Sylabus (21 04303) Which ofthese statements about an ani-skid system are conect or incorrect? 1 incase offaure ofan ani-st systorn he aulo-brake system takes over the ragutaton ofthe sip rao, 2 Careful brake application by the plotn case of ant-skid faltue can achieve he same performance 2s a propery functioning ant-skid system. “is incorrect, 21s ncomect [D118 coma, 218 corte, +s comect 216 ncorrect 1s correct 216 correct Question 163 (65952 sylabus 021040303) Which of hase statements about an ant-skid system are carectorinconect? 4. Tho Tegulaton of sup rano"tuncton ofan ants eystom oncures optimum orsking performance 2 Careful brake application bythe platin case of antvskid failure can achieve the same performance as a propel functioning ant-skid system, 4 is incorrect. 28 incorrect Ais comect 2is conect 1s comect 2is incomect ‘is nceract. 218 comet Question 164 (6363 5ylabus (025040305) When ofthese statements about an anb-sid system are coed orincorec? “Lin case of ature ofan ant-sita system the aulo-rake system takes over Deregulation orte sip rato. 2 Corot brako apoucatan oy te plot incase of ant-skidtaluo can over achieve th came perfomance as a propenyunetoning ant-steasystom_ tseoneet 2is comect ]tisincorees, 21s incomect CE tseoroet 216 ncorroct I tisincorred,2is correct Question 165 (66964) syllabus (021 04 03 03) ‘The failure of an ant-stid system [—doos notincrease tho trating distance during a rejoctoc take-off, providedthe pilot applios maximum braking. [Increases the minimum braking distance on a slippery runway only. [__alwars increases the minimum oreking cistance irespective of runway condition. [increases the minimum braking distance on a éryrunwey only Question 166 (66965) Sylabus (921040303) The fallure of an ant-skid system (5) dees not increase the brakng distance during a rejected take-of, provided the pile applies maximum braking [increases the minimum braking distance on a sippery runway onl [atleast doubles the minimum braking distance on a dry runway. bo increases the minimum braking distance on a dry runway only. Question 167 (66910) Syllabus (021 04 03 04) Which statement about the auto-brake and ant-skid system is correct? o G G BG ‘The ant-skid system prevents yaw movements due to asymmetric braking. ‘The auto-brake system prevents yaw movements due to asymmetric braking. ‘The auto-brake system can not operate without a properiy operating anti-skid system. ‘The ant-skid system can not operate without a properly operating auto-brake system. Question 168 (65925) sylabus (02104 03 04) Which ofthese statements about an auto-brake system during RTO (Rejected Take Ot) is correct?” Ga Ga Ga o ‘Manual braking is always the best stopging technique for 2 rejected tako-off ‘An auto-brake system disarms automatically when the aeroplane has come to a standstill after a RTO. When the RTO medeis armed, the systemwill operate at any speed when the take-offis aborted. Inthe RTO mode maximum anti-skid braking is applied Question 170 (66927) sllabus (021 04 0304) Which ofthese statements about an auto-brake system durng RTO (Rejected Take Off) is correct? Ga Ga Ga o ‘Without pt intorforonco an auto-brako systom continues to operato unl standtil ‘Manual braking is always the best stopping technique for a rejected take-of. Inthe RTO mode the auto-brake system provides a fied evel of deceleration. When the RTO made is armed, the system will operate at any speedwhen the take-offis aborted. Question 171 (6933) sfae 021980800 ine thse sttamertesbout an auo-trak stern (ABS) iscomec? Foragiven touchdown spo0d (6S) an ads unwaywithouluse teers hth sopping sistance Eley depandonton he selected ABS esting and independent ot eight [5 Anautetae system automaticaly stops operating elon a extan ow (eg 18 Kt) found speed dung landing, [_—Notarmingtne auo-trate sister wil generate atake-of waming during tke [__Anamed auto-arako stom wil twas tytoactiow te seleed deceleration lvl direct ater maine turhaown, ‘Question 172.6855 syabs (21080509 ‘ii of teas saerans bout an out ake system (BS) is cmee? Forgan touchdown cpoed (63) on ay rumah us fears st he stopping tances Sle dependent oho selecod ABS etn and weigh ‘An at-rake esta avomatealyde-achate Blow a ceain lowe 15) arn speed dng landing, Notaringthe ato bako cyst wl generate ak warning dung ko of ‘A arm ato ako este tow songs wl stat operating with a caine dea llr min hes ouchéown ‘Question 173 (5) slabs (021040309 hich ofthese statements about an uo-brake system (ABS) comect? [__Foraciventouchow spss (G3) on a dy runway wihout use of eersethrutthe stopping distances sles dependent onthe selected ABS seting and weight [An armes auts-bake system wl slay te acheve he selec deceleration level rect str main wnesl touchdown, Nt srming he auo-orate sstam ull generate atake-otwering cng take-off [1 Wioutpotinteterence an autora system comtnues to operate unt stands ‘Question 174.6559 sins (2110509) nin otnese starts soe an a-ak ayer (29) 18 core? LL] Fave guentnuansnom apse (5) on aay ray wnt se freee mustne topping tne sell sependen onthe ales ABS sting endwslot 5] Araut-erae system auomstaly tps operating below a cenaitow ea. 15 ground speed cunnalanana [5] Avarmes aute-srate syst wi yet achieve te seated deceleration evel ect afer ran wheel uch down, [5] When ne picts team the alors stom, this il not ane 3take warning sung ako Question 175 (65935) Sylabus (021040304) ‘The cute-brake system stops operating during landing [5] whenthe piiot does not ower ine nose wheelto he ground. [bythe pilot pressing the brake pedals. [bythe pilot extending ground spoilers. 5 bythe pilot selecting idle reverse thrust. Question 176 (66936) syllabus (021 04 0304) Which ofthese statements about an auto-brake system are correct or incorrect? 4. During lending and rejected take-off auto-brakes keep operating until the pilot presses the brake pedals. 2-During lending auto-brakes keep operating when idle reverse thrust is selected. (1s incorrect, 2s income [1s comect 2is conect [1s comect 2s incerect 6 1's incorrect, 2is correct Question 178 (66936) Sylabus (021 0403 04) Which of these statements about an auto-brake system are correct or incorrect? 4. During landing and rejected take-off auto-brekes keep operating until the pilot presses the brake pedals. 2-During landing auto-brekes stop operating and disarm, when idle reverse thrustis selected. [Tis incorrect, 2is correct [tis incorrect, 2is incorrect [Tis correct 2is correct o is comect, 2is incorrect Question 179 (66938) sylabus (0210403 04) Which ofthese statements about an auto-brake system are correct or incorrect? 4. During landing and rejectedtake-off aute-brakes stop operating and disarm below certain low speed 2. During landing auto-brakes keep operating when idle reverse thrustis selected. Ga is incorrect, 2is incorrect Ga is incorrect, 2is comect G is correct, 2 is incomect bo 1 is correct, 2is correct ‘Question 180 (6241) yas (221030506 How wil he auto-rake system respond when a lansing is performed ith the system armedand the pit presses the take pedsle ster lancing? The system sutenes to etsar or OFF By automaticly selecting a lower dcelerabon evel, ‘This pit acon nas no toc, ‘The anes system mil isa, Question 181 (65944) sylabus (021 0403 04) Tho auto-brake systemis disarmed or switched off afer iouch-down by [selection offians and/or slals to retracted. [1 epplication of manual braking. [election ofthe thrust levers toile. a cisarming the spoilers. Question 182 (56942) Sylabus (02104 03 04) ‘The auto-brake systems switched of during or ster landing by [J selection otfiaps ancior sits to retracted [positioning the auto-brake selecterto ‘disarm’ or OFF. [fap andiorslatretacion [2 disarming the spcilers. Question 103 e549 5h 021010809) During ang beer tke te normal auobrake sistem secon Sloe takeos made Inmedialelatereards, bu sill belere commencement oltetaks-o Nea brakngis sSppiog Tia causes the auto ake system [a tereman armed ints mes wi se moose appl narmalaaengelew a crn ew Spee. (89.751) 1 oromaininme sacs mode [septate sce acne o {0 sen tome moe DISARI Question 184 (66644) Sylabus (02: 040304) When a landing is performed witn an auto-brake system selected to ahigh deceleration level [LJ the auto-brake system will stop operating belowa certain low speed. (e.0. 15 K) [the anti-skid system will net function. [1 whenthe system starts braking the deceleration wil build up gradually to avoida strong pitch down at touchdown. [5] this deceleration level may not be constant when the runvray has local slippery spots. Question 185 GH) sn 208094 Went ao uate tems inperaten gna ae ort stewed because maimum manual baking bes lacie e same dcraton a teat ake eatin [When slowauto-trte stings use ding ann use rv enatinvace he rae epee ‘on most erclanes ne uta stem prodes a cnsan clertoncunganang on 2 nwa. enon posse ann ees wren me sys Benn unto) Question 196 (65) sins (21040509) ‘nich fee sisters abou an auo-bake syste scare? EL Whan alow auto rae seting is used ang nang ue le twisters he tate emperors enna state see mp a gee o bt. otis nat alowed because maximum manual braking oes nat achieve same deletion asthe aut bake stain [Cl ommaststaplanas me su rate system proses capable selec fue landing sence, [51 Whan using manual raking arin taxing, the at-bat system wil cam, (question 187 909 sts 21060969 [nein tng rg ang he aust item ema are er ata ssn ncaa Rs numa aon dn ta eon te adele enin [a Onrestaeoptnes te adnate rtemproadestne copied felony dete Question 188 (66949) Silabus (021 0403 08) Which of these statements about an auto-brake systemis comet? [5] Onmost aeroptanes the auto-brake system provides the capabiltyto selec a firedtanding distance. [When alow auto-brake setting is used during landing use of reverse will natinfuence the brake temperature. [When using manual braking during taxing the auto-prake system will disarm. bo The achievable deceleration levels of full manual oraking andthe auto-brake RTO mode are the same. Question 189 (66949) sylabus (02104 03 04) Atthe end of a rejected take-of performed with an auto-orake system with the setting RTO. [brakes wil be rteased. [the brakes wick the wheels [brake application willbe reduced. 6 hydraulic pressure will be removed from the brake system. Question 190 (66950) sylabus (021 040304) When the auto-brake are armed before landing one condition for the system to start operatngis, LJ fanding tap setection [—-mainwhee!spinsp [—nosewnee! spinsp bo reverse selection Question 191 (56951) sylabus (021040304) Which ofthese statements about an auto-prake system are correct or incorrect? 4. Proper functoning of an auto-brake system requires proper funcioning ofthe anti-skid system. 2.IntNeRTO moge maximum antl-skid braking 's apple. (11s correct, 2is correct (A 1is correct, 2is incorect [i 1is incorrect, 2 is incorrect 5 1 is incorrect, 2 is correct Question 192 (66952) Sylabus (921040304) Which ofthese statements about an auto-prake system are correct or incorrect? 4.An auto-brake system can function properly, even when the anti-ski¢ system is inoperative. 2.In tne RTO mode a maximum constant deceleration is applied. (11s correct, 2is incorect Lis incorrest, 2isincomrect (i 1is correct, 2 is correct 5 _ tis incorrect 2 is correct Question 193 (68553) syiabus 021040304) Which ofthese statements about an auto-brake system are correct or incorrect? 4. Proper functioning of an auto-trake system requires proper functioning ofthe anti-skid system. 2.In he RTO mode a maximum constant deceleration is applied. Ga is incorrect, 2 is correct Ga is correct, 2 is correct G is correct, 2 is incorrect bo 1 is incorrect, 2is incorrect Question 194 (66954) sjlbus (21040304) Which of these statements about an auto-brake system are correct or incorrect? 4.An auto-brake system can function properiy, even when the ant-skid systemis inoperatve 2 Inthe RTO mode maximum ant-ski¢ brakno is applied [1 tisincorrect, 2s incorrect [— tiscorrect 2c comoct [] — 1iscorrect 21s incorrect a 1is incorrect, 2is correct Question 197 (20695) sylabus (921040401) ‘The reason for fitting thermal plugs to aeroplane wheels is that hey [prevent he brakes from overheating. [2 prevent hest transferfrom the brake disks to the bres. [release airtrom the te in the event of overpressure due to overinfation [prevent tre burstafter excessive brake application Question 198 (20702) sylabus (021 4030:) Thermal plugs are installedin [2 wheetrims [_cabinwindows [_fiewaming systems 6 cargo compartmerts. Question 199 (6425) Sylabus (021 040401) ‘To avoid the risk of tyre burstfrom overheating there is [5 athermal plug that dofates the tyre at a specific temperature [the “Emergency Burst” function of he ani-skid system that adapts braking tothe tyre temperature, [2 water injection tragered at a fixed temperature in orderto lower tyre temperature, o ‘a pressure reliefvave situated in te filler valva. Question 200 (28170) sylabus (021040401) ‘The ‘function of a fusiole plugis to [protect anainst excessive pressure in the pneumatic system, [5 protect the brake against brake diskfusion due to excessive tempersture, [protect tne tire against explosion due to excessive temperature [function as a special crcuit breaker in the elacticsystern. Question 202 (54029) sylabus (021 050100) The expression “primar fight control” applies tothe 4. etevator. 2 speed brake. 3:litaugmantation devices. 4 roll spoiler ‘The combination that regroups all ofthe correct statemen's is OG 24. 1.4, G OD 1234 5 2,3. Question 203 (64030) sylabus (0210501 00) Primary tight controls are [5 allerone, elevators and rudder. [5 ailerons, elevators, rudder ane flaps [2 control wheal or stick rudder pedals and speed brake. o control whee! or stick, rudder pedals, flep lever and thretle, Question 204 (64031) Sylabus (021 950100) The expression "primary fight conror applies tothe 41: stabilcor. 2rudder. B:opeed brake. aileron, The combination tat regroups all of he correctstetements is oo4a Oo 1234 oO 24 Oo 23 Question 205 (64034) Sylebus (021 050102] ‘An aeroplane equipped with iireversible fight controls [does notrequire an arttcial feel system. [1 maybe equippedwit simple spring type fee! units on all fight controls, [1 musthave a mechanical backup contral system. o neednot be equipped with a separate gust lack system. Question 205 (64034) sylabus (02: 050102) ‘An aeroplane equipped with iireversible fight controls [does notrequire an arttcial feel system. [1 maybe equippedwit simple spring type fee! units on all fight controls, [1 musthave a mechanical backup contral system. o neednot be equipped with a separate gust lock system. Question 206 (20708) sybus (021 95 0102) An atfical feel units necessery inthe pitch channel wnen [2 the elevators aro actuatod by ineversible seve contrl units. [theres a rimmable stabilizer [2 the elevators are fited wih seno-tabs ortrim tabs, [the elevators are actuated by reversible senvo-control unis. Question 207 (20710) sylatus (021 05 0:03 ‘An artificial feel system [tes necessary in arovercible fight contol actuator unit [Ds mounted in parallel with a spring [functions in series with an reversible hydraulic aductor bo functons in parallel with an imeversible hydraulic actuator. Question 208 (64032) syllabus (021 05 01 02) An aeroplane equipped with ireeversiole ficht controls o G G 5 ‘may be equipped with simple spring ype feel units on al fight contro. does notrequire an atiicial feel system. ‘requires an artificial feel system. must 9e equipped with control locks. Question 209 (64033) sylatus (021 05 0102) An aeroplane equipped with fully powered fight contrcls (irreversible typ) a G G o emains normally controllable in case of total loss of powerto the flight control system. does not require the use of an aitificialfeel system. must be equipped with control locks. requires the use of an attifcial feel system. Question 210 (64062) Syiabus (0210501 02) ‘Thmming of aileron and rudder in an irreversible flint control system Ga Ga Ga Ga is notpossible, is achieved by adjusting the "z2ro force point” of the feel system. is notnecessary, is achieved by adjusting the neutral point of the fight control actuator Question 211 (257 sys 9H916) Mote owen atplanes aera prodded wih alten an ude tena. It pesile tm ese curtl sues? ‘Yes. summing an soe when he auopts ngaged ‘Yost nming ison Fossils when sf the ight he respeive unary sueces are corey user crusing condo bythe maintenance dopant ‘es.rnmmng posse aaustng ne near ponte ancl el mecnansm b mean of tn swath Question 2:12 (64058) syllabus (021 05 0102) ‘The reason for a double switch on the elevator timis [1 tobeable t use two aiferenttim speeds, siow tim rate athigh speed and high im rate at low speed. [1 torecuce the probability ofa tim runaway [1 toprevent both pilots from performing oppostte trim inputs. [because there are two trim motors. Question 213 (64059) sylatus (021 05 0102) Ruddertim agustmentin an aeroplane with irreversible fight controls is [an agjustment ofthe rudder ratio changer. [1 anadjustment ofthe zero force rudder position. [— anadjustment ofthe rudder timtat. [unnecessary because this aeroplane does notneed rudder trim. Question 214 64063) Sylatus (021 05 0:03 Which ofthese statements about trimming in a irreversible fight contol system of a conventional aeroplane are correct or incorrect? |. The zero force position ofthe control column does nat change when using the elevator tim Il The zero force position cf the conirolwheel changes when using the aileron trim, [2 His correct, is incorect [2 Hsineored, tis incorrect, [2 Hisincored, tis comect [2 His correct, Nis correct Question 215 (64964 syllabus (021 05 01 02) Which ofthese statements about timing in a irreversible fight control system of a conventional aeroplane are corect or insorect? |. The zero force position ef the control colurmn changes when using the elevator trim. Il The zero force position of the control wheel does not change when using the aileron trim, [2 Hisineored, is incorrect [His correct, ttis correct [— Hisincorred, tis correct [His correct, ttis incorrect Question 216 (64055) sylabus (021050102) Which ofthese statements abouttrimming in a imeversible fight control system of a conventonal aeroplane are correct or incorrect? |. The zero force position ofthe central column does not change when using the elevator tim. Il The zero force position of the control wheel does nat change when using the aileron trim, [D—Hsincorec, tis incorrect [2 His correct, Wis correct [D— Hisincorrec, iis comect [Us correct, isincorrect Question 217 (64065) sylatus (021 05 0102) Which ofthese statements about trimming in a reversible fight control system of a corventicnal aeroplane are correct or incorrect? |. The zero force position ofthe control column changes when using the elevator tim Il The zero force position of ie conirolwneel changes wnen using the aileron tir, [Hs correct, is inconeat [J Hisincorred, tis comect [J His correct, Nis correct [2 Usincored, is incorrect, Question 218 6957 satus (021050102) CGyen = convantonltranspart aeroplane wahrverible igh cons an he ground wth engines running Wich othesesttementsaboutruccer nn actions eoract? [_—_Themder mores the uddor pedals movein he conespondng tsebon [c)—_ Te 2eroarce pone ete arena te system changes, the rusder does nt move [__Tremudderiim tad moves andthe udder pedals do notre [Ec _Trensoser moves, me maser pe038 donot move Question 219 (64035) sylabus (021 050103) ‘An aoroplane equipped with reversible fight controls [does not require an artical fee! system. [need not be equipped with a separate qustlock system. [does not have mechanical back-up. a is equipped with simple spring typ2 feel units, Question 220 (64036) sylabus (921050103) A tight control surface actuator is said to be “reversible” when. [the plotdoss notfeel any force when moving that fight control curface in light. [5 thereis ansedtohave an artiicial fel system. [the fight contra system has an atemate means of control in case of a conto jam [theres feedbackto the pilots controls ofthe aerodmmamic forces acting on the control surtzce. Question 222 (64036) Sylabus (021 05 0104) \Mosttransportaeroplanes are provided with protection against control jemming. This means that [LJ the aeroplanes protected against te adverse effects of strong electiomagnetc radiation, [the fight control system has provisions to disconnect the part of the contol system that becomes blocked. [seized brakes can be released fiom the cockpit. [incase of seizure, engine contro is taken over automatically by an alternate electric circuit. Question 223 (54039) sylabus (021050104) Which ofthese statements regarding most gustlock systems is correct? [1] When the gustlock is ON there is protection to prevent take-off [1 — Aaust lock can be usedin tight to reduce the effect of turbulence [1 Onreversibie fight controls there is no need or a gustlock o gust lock is only fitted on the elevator and the rudder Question 224 (64042) sylabus (021 05 0104) Which ofthese statements about a gust lock system are corrector incorrect? |. There is no need for a gustlock on reversible fight controls. | Manual fight contiols stould nave @ gust lock. [Ds incorrea, tis cowect {is correct, iis incorrect, a [is incorrect, tis inconect [Ais correct, tis correct Question 225 (64043) Sylabus (021.05 0104) Which ofthese statements abcut a gust lock system are correct orincorrect! | irreversible fight contrels should have a gustlock IL There Is no need fer a gust lock on manual fight contrls. [lis correct, lis corect [J tis incorect iis incorrect [J lisincorect is correct [Tis correct, tis incorrect Question 226 (64044) syllabus (021 05 0104) Which ofthese statements about a gust lock system are corrector incorrect? |. There 1s no nzedtfora gust lock on irreversible tight cortrots. I There is no need for a gust lock on manual fight contros. [D— Hisincortedt Nis correct [2 Uiscored is correct [2 Tiscorree, tis incerrect [2 lisincorrect, tis incorect Question 226 (64044) syllabus (021 05 01 04) Which ofthese statements abcut a gustock system are correct or incorrect? |. There Is ng nzed for a gust lock on ireversible night controls. I There is no need fer a gust lockon manual fight controls. [— Hisinearrect iis correct [Nis correct, tis comect [DMs correct, lis incorrect Question 228 (64046) Sylabus (023 050104) Which ofthese statements about a gust lock system are correct orincorrect? |. There shoula be suitaole design precautions to preventfight with the gustlock engaged. IL Reversible fight contols should have a gust lock [tis incomedt, is incorrect [2 lisincoredt, tis correct [Tis correct, tis incorect o {is correct, lis correct Question 229 (64047) Sylabus (021 050104) Which ofthese statements about a gust lock system are corrector incorrect” | Agustlock can be used in fight to recuce the effects of turbulence. IL There is no need for 2 gust iock on reversible fight contols. [is incorect, tis incorrect [tis correct, is incorrect [2 tisincorect, tis correct o {is correct, lis correct Question 230 (64048) Sylabus (0210501 04) Which ofthese statements about gust lock system are corrector incorrect? |. There shculs be suitable design precautons to prevent fight with the gustlock engaged. I There is no need for z gust lock on reversible fight controls. [2 tisincorect, tis incorrect [lis correct, isincorrect [lis correct, is correct o lis incorrec, lis correct Question 231 (64049) Sylabus (0210501 04) Which ofthese statements about gust lock system are corrector incorrect? | Agustlock can be used in fightto reduce the effects of turbulence. IL Reversible fight controls should have a gust lock. [_lisincorect, tis correct [lis correct, is correct [Tisincoree, tis incorrect o lis correct, lis incorrect Question 232 (64041) Sylabus (021 05 01 04) ‘The ‘function of the rudder limiter systemis [1 torestrictthe rudder deflecton durina fant with at Mach numbers. [to limit pedal movement in heavyturbulence. ¥v C) _ torestnct rudder denection during night at nigh iAs. [to reduce pilots workload during engine failure. Question 233 (64950) Sylatus (021 050104 Which ofthese staternents about rudder limiting are correct or incorrect? |. Arudder ratio changer system reduces the rudder deflection for a given rudder pedal deflection as the IAS increases Il Avariable stop system limits both rudder and rudder pedal deflection as the IAS increases. [D—Hisineorred, tis incorrect, [2 His correct, Nis incorect [2 His correct, Nis correct [_Hisincorred. tis comet Question 234 (64051) Sylabus (02105 0104) Which ofthese statements about rudder limiting are correct or incorrect? |. Arudder ratio changer system limits both rudder and rudder pedal deflection as the IAS increases. Il Avariable stop system reduces the rudder deflection for a clven rudder pedal deflection as the IAS increases. [D—Hisincorrec, is incorrect [— Hisincorrect, tis correct [His correct, tis correct [His correct, Wisincorrect Question 235 (64052] Sylabus (021950104) Which of these statements about rudder limiting are correct or incorrect? |. Arudderratio changer system reduces the rudder deflection for a given rudder pedal deflection as the IAS increases. Il.Avariable stop system limits both rudder and rudder pedal deflection as the IAS cecreases. [5 Uscomeet, is incorrect [—Hiscorrect, lis correct [His incorrect, is correct [J Hisincorec, is incorrect Question 236 (64053) Sylabus (021050194) Which ofthese statements aboutrudder limiting are correct or incomect? |. Arudder ratio changer system reduces the rudder detlection fora given rudder pedal deflection as the IAS decreases. Il Avariable stop system limits both rudder and rudder pedal deflection as the IAS increases. a ai a a Lis correct, is correct lis correct, is incorrect lis incoree, lis incorrect lis incorec, lis correct Question 237 (65424) Syllabus (021 050203) ‘The reason for the tm switch on a control column to consist oftwo separate switches is a G G Ga to be able to use two diferenttrim speeds, slow rim rate at high speed and high ‘rim rate at low speed because there are two tim motors. to prevent that bosth pilots perform opposite trim inputs. to reduce the probatiliy ofa tim-runaway. Question 238 (65425) Sylatus (021 05 0203) The timtab a G G Ga ‘reduces hinge moment and increases control surface eficiency. reduces hinge moment and control surface efficiency. increases hinge moment and reduces control surface efficiency. increases hinge moment and centrol surface efficiency. Question 240 (66203) syllabus (021 05 020.) ‘The task ofthe fap load reliet system is, Ga Ga Ga Ga to protoct against overload atcortain fap positions. toretract aps atthe correct operational speeds to extend flaps atthe correct operational speeds. toretract flaps automatically when the limit load factor is exceeded. Question 239 (65423) syabus (021 05 02 01) ‘The purpose ot a timtab (device) is to B B B BG trim the sereplane at low airspeed ower manosuwting control forces. reduce or to cancel control forces. trim the cereplane during normal fight Question 241 (64056) sylabus (021 05 0201) A Krueger flap is normally located at te B B B BG leading edge. trailing edge close to the wing root traling edge closeto the wing to trailing edge. Question 242 (64054) Syllabus (021 05 02 01) Question 243 (64055) Sylabus (02: 050201) ‘The expression "secondary fight control applies to the ‘The expression "secondary fight contre! applies tothe 1: elevator. 1:stapliser 2: speed brake, 2:rudder. ‘3: lif- augmentation dovicos, 3: speed brake. 4-roll spoiler aileron ‘The combination thatregroups all of he correct statements is The combination that regroups all ofthe correct statements is O34 14234 Dp 44 G 23 DO 1234 O43 BD 23 24. Question 245 (64061) sylatus (021 05 0201) ‘On alarge transport aeroplane, the auto-slatsystem [provides tor automatic slatreraction atertake-off, [extends (part of the stats automatically wnen a certain value of angle of attackis exczeded. [1 ensures that the (part of slats are always extended when the groundificht system is in the “ground” positon [1 assistthe ailerons Question 246 (55422) Silbus (021050400) The advantages of y-brawire control are 4 reduction of he electic and hydraulic power requiredto operate the control surfaces. 2 lesser sensitviy to lifting strike. 3 direct andindirect weiaht saving through simplification of systems. 4-immunity to cifferent interfering sionals. improvement of piloting quality tirouchut he fight envelope. The combinaticn regrouping allthe correct statements is tands, tanga, 2ana3, a ands. Question 247 (20887) sylabus (021 05 01 02) Engine bleed air used for air conditioning and pressurisation in turbo-jet aeroplanes is usually taken ‘rom the Li compressor secton [turbine sedion [bypass ducting = fan section. Question 248 (65436) Sylabus (021 06 03 01) “Conditioned iris ar that has ()_hadte angen content reduced, [D__ been controtedin respect of temperature and pressure. [2 __hadthe ongen content increased. o hhad any moisture removed from it. Question 249 (66885) Sylabus (021 060301] Assuming cabin differential pressure has attained the requiredvalue in normal fight conditons, tight alttuce is maintained [D__ tho prossurisation eystem coases to funcion until lsakago reduces the prossuro, [the outow valves will move to the fully open position, [2 there will be a constant air mess flow through the cabin, o the pressurisation system must oe controlled manually. Question 250 (66905) syllabus (021 06 03 01) Cabin pressure is contolied by [maintaining a constant outiow. [the outtowvawers). [2 _ the cabin air re-crculation system. bo the inflow valve(s). Question 251 (66885) syllabus (021 06 0303) ‘The term "bootstrap", when usec to identity a cabin air conditioning and pressurisation system, refers to the [5 airsupply ecress the inter-cooler heat exchanger. [1 aireycle machine. [means by which oressurisation is controlled o ‘source of the air supply. Question 252 (66887) Sylabus (021 05 03 01) Innormal operation the maximum catin altitude for transport aeroplanes is L Bo008 100008 150008 250008 Question 253 (63076) sybus (C21 96 0301) The pressurisation system ofan zeroplane (will maintain a ses level cabin attude atallalttudes. [Don pressurses the fight deck area, [2 will maintain a zero cabin afferent pressure at all altitudes. bo thas the capability to maintain a cabin pressure higher than ambient pressure. Question 254 (20737) Sylabus (021 06 03 01) Cabin pressure is controled by [1 dolivaring a substantially constant flow of air into the cabin and controlling the outlow. [the cabin air re-circutation system. [the cabin air mass flow contol inlet valve(s). a ‘controlling the flow of air into the cabin with a constant outlow. Question 255 (20801) sylabus (021 05 03 02) ‘During level fight ata constant cabin pressure altitude, the cabin outflow valves are [fully dosedunti he cabin descends to a selectedalttuce. (_ pattaly open. [fully dosedunti te cabin climbs te a selected attuae. [atthe pre-set position for take-off Question 256 (64931) Sylabus (021050302) Question 257 (20804) Sylabus (021 06 03 01) ‘Cabin pressurisation is regulated by the ‘The cabin pressure is reguiated by the [engines REM [2 cabinintt airflow valve. [cabin inietvatve(s). [2D aircycle machine. [1 enaines' bleed valves, [2 outtow vate. [cabin outflow vahe(s). [2 airconditioning pack. Question 258 (20813) sylabus (021 05 030) ‘On most modem airiiners the cabin pressure is controlled by regulating the sion entsring te cabin bled ava [2 RPtefneenane 5 airflow leaving the cabin ‘Question 259 (50:1 silaus 021950503 ‘nica ih 2 pressuraed cabin tes at FL 310 Folowing amaltncion othe pressure contol, the cto ave runs tthe open positon. ne: Ze Cabin ete of imo inicason Ze Carin pressure aude DDeLTap:Dmerenta pressure “is resting [1 eaecrease, zeaeerease, DELTA pincresse [Dee inewase, Zcinatease, DELTA incoase o \esneranee Zeincrease, DELTA p decrease [1 Wececease,Zeinstesse, DELTA decrease Question 260 (26712) sylabus (02: 06 0301) ‘cabin pressure contrller maintains a pre-set cabin altitude by regulating the [mass airflow inte tho cabin [5 __pesiton ofthe duct ratiet valve(s) [5 besition of ne outiow valvets). [position of he inward reli valve Question 261 (2672) Sylabus (0210503 01) ‘Under normal fight conditions, cabin pressure is controled by (inward rtiet valves). [D __pressurisaton duct rater valve(s), [engine rpm. [regulating the discharge of airthrough the outtow valve(s). Question 262 (28173) syletus (02106 0303) Ifthe pressure in the cabin tends to become lower than the outside ambient air pressure the [2 outiow valve open completely. [D_ aireyele machine wil stop. [D__negatve pressure reiefvahe will pen negatve pressure relief valve will ose aoseamepmatsiocst) ‘mister crus mart anarplane wa pressused cen expences a mauncton othe pressure conrle. he cennvrcal spear eats 200 mint ot escent he teen pressure wi ee ot asin vee, us causing say raevaest pen ine arratas clots arigermantevtn order recuce he cebn aso nal vas Question 264 (20792) syllabus (921 06 03 01) Assuming cabin differential pressure has attained the required value in normal fight conditions. ifficht alttude is maintained [—themass air ow throuch the cabin is constant. [5] the outawvalves will move tothe fully epen position. [5] ne pressursation system ceases torunction unt leakage reduces ine pressure. [5] the outow valves will move tothe fully closed postion. Question 266 (20875) sylabus (021 05 03 03) Ina turbo compressor air conditioning system (bootstrap system), the purpose of the heat exchangers is to [J allowa steady compressor outlet temperature, [cool he bleed airin front of and behind the compressor of he arcycle machine. [cool bleed air betore entering the complete pneumatic system. [allow anomogeneous temperature by mixing air ows from various air conditioning groups in operation Question 267 ss nc89809) Art campessrai-cantionng ese nus Wo heat sxchagash rina change Pane conn chang 8) The neon tase het cannes re = warms up erin eed reases he reeae fa aang Yoh crvessr the pack eco meangre teagan seares Metempetare oe ar une a-condning ef g9 compare amas) Question 268 (20882) sylatus (021 05 0302) ‘The term "bootstrap", when usec to identity a cabin air conditioning and pressurisation system, refers to the [charge air across tho inter-cooler heat oxchengar. [eld air unit (air eycle machine) arrangement. [2 means by which pressurisation is controled __ source of the charge ait Question 368 i885 BBE fons 0s 03 03) Ina bootstrap cooling system the supply airis first [1 passedacross an expansion turbine, then direct tothe heat exchanger. [1 compressed, then passed across an exansion turbine through a heat exchanger. [1 compressed, then goes through a heat exchanger, and across an expansion turbine. o passed across an expansion turbine, then compressed and passed through ¢ heat exchanger. Question 270 (20886) syabus (021 06 03 01) {na cabin air concitioning system. equipped with a bootstrap. the mass airflow is routed via the [turbine outlet ofthe cold air unitto the primary heat exchanger inlet [secondary heat exchanger cutlet io the turbine inlet ofthe cold sir uni. [5] compressor outet ot ne cold air unit to tne primary neat exchanger inet. a ‘secondary heat exchanger outlet o the compressor inlet ofthe cold air unt. Question 271 (20839) sylatus (021 06 0302) ‘The pack cooling fan provides a G G o ‘cooling arto the primary and secondary heat exchanger during slow fight and ground operation. ‘cooling air io the pre-cooler. cooling airto the primary and secondary heat exchanger during cruise. airtothe eyeball outlets atthe Passenger Service Unit (PSU). Question 273 (27852 Sylabus (021 05 03 01) ‘Assume that curing cruise fightwih circonditioning packs ON, the outlow valves close Ga Ga Ga o the prossure difforontial would go fo the maximum value. the air supply would automatically be stopped. the skin of the cabin would be overstressed the cabin pressure would become equal o the ambient outside air pressure. Question 274 (27836) sylabus (02106 03 01) ‘The function of an air cycle machine is to a G G Ga cool the bleed air. remove the water rom the bleed air. Pump the conditioned air into the cabin. decrease the pressure of the bleed air Question 275 (64058) sylabus (021 06 03 01) ‘The purpose of an air concitioning packinlet flow valve (pack valve)is to a a a a regulate cabin pressure atthe maximum catin pressure differential ‘ischarge cabin air o atmosphere ifcabin pressure ses above the selected alttude. ‘maintain a constant and sunicient alr mass flovr to ventlate the cabin regulate cabin pressure to the selected alitude Question 276 (64068) Sylabus (021060302) In an air cycle machine (bootstrap system), the main water separation units located a G G Ga atter te cooling turbine before the cooling turbine. Just after the heat exchangers. before the heat exchangers. Question 277 (64070) sylabus (021 06 03 03) Inanair cycle machine (bootstrap system), bleed air downstream of he frst heal exchanger is a G G o Passed acioss an expansion turbine, compressed and then passedthrough the second heat exchanger. ‘compressed, passed through the second heat exchanger andthen passed across an expansicn turbine. ‘compressed, then passed across an expansion turbine and finally passed across the second heat exchanger. passed actoss an expansion turbine, then directly passed to the the second heat exchanger. Question 278 (64071) Sylabus (021 060301) Inanair cycle machine (bootstrap system) the Ga Ga Ga Ga turbine incroasos the prossuro ofthe sir cupalyto the cabin turbine crivas the compressor, which makes the second heat exchanger more effective, turbine crives the compressor, which provides pressurisation, temperature drop across the turbine is the main contributor io the cooling effed ofthe air cycle machine. Question 280 (64073) Sylabus (021 06 0301) ‘An air cycle machine (air concitioning pack) Ga Ga Ga Ga ‘does not affect the blood air. decreases bleed airpressure whilst causing the temperature to rise in the heat exchanger increases outlet pressure whilst causing the temperature to drop in the heat exchanger. causes a pressure andtemperaure drop in the bleed air. Question 282 (20897) Sylatus (921 06 03 01) The cabin heating supply in aheay jettrensportaircraftis obtzined from (J hotar coming rom ine engine's turbines [TD — anelectical neater system. [__hetair coming from the engine's compressors. [— atuet heater system. Question 283 (2079) sylabus (021080303) ifthe cabin altitude rises (aircratt n level fight), the cifferertial pressure [may exceed the maximum permited diforential unless immediate proventative action is taken. [remains constant [D decreases. b increases. Question 284 (20806) sylabus (021.0603 01) Cabin diferental pressure means the pressure difference between [1 cockpit and passenger cabin [1 cabin pressure and ambient air pressure at MSL [1 cabin pressure and ambient air pressure, [1 actual cabin pressure and selected pressure. Question 285 (20806) Sylebus (021060303) Cabin altiude means the [fight level attude at maximum differential pressure. ‘atin pressure expressed as altitude. ‘imtrence in height between te cabin floor and celing. Dao fight level the aircratis fying at. Question 286 (20815) Sylabus (021 060301) The “cabin diferential pressure” a G G Ga approximately 5 psi at maxmum. the pressure differential between the alr entering and leaving the cabin. cabin pressure minus ambient pressure. approximately 15 psi at maximum. Question 287 (20318) syllabus (021 05 03 0:) ‘The cabin rate of descent is Ga Ga Ga Ga ‘a cabin pressure decreas. a cabin pressure increase, always the same as the airplane's rate of descent isnot possible at constant airplane alitudes. Question 288 (26731) sylatus (021 06 0302) Assuming cabin pressure decreases, the cabin rate cf climb indicator should indicate a G G Ga a rate of descent of approximately 300 fin. arate of climb. ‘a rate of descent dependent upon the cabin differential pressure. zer0. Question 289 (20782) sylabus (021 05 03 01) ‘During a normal pressurised climb after take-off a a a a cabin pressure decreases more slowly than atmespheric pressure, absolute cabin pressure increases to compensate forthe fall in pressure outside the aeroplane the cabin cifterentai pressure Is maintained constant. the pressurisation system is inoperative until an attude of 10,000 ftis reached. Question 291 (20828) Syllabus (021 06 0301) Inflight, the cabin air for large jettranspor aeroplanes is usually supplied by (J engine compressors. ( ramairintakes. [piston compressors. bo ‘single radial compressors. Question 292 (20831) syabus (021 06 03 01) Cabin air for large aeroplanes is usually taken from the [> second fan stage. [HP compressor. [2 LP compressor. [2 HP compressor and from the LP compressor itnecessay. Question 293 (20881) sylabus (021060302) ‘When air is compressed for pressurisation purposes, the percentage oxygen contents, [—dependenton the degree of pressurisation [unafectes (decreased. [ inereased. Question 294 (63526) Silbus (021960302) ‘The purpose ofthe cabin pressure contolerin the automatic mode is to 4.control cabin alitude 2 contol rate of change of cabin altitude limit aitferental pressure. 4.belancing aircraft alttude with cabin attude. 5. ventilate the cabin {keep a constant diferentil pressure throughout all the phases of fight. ‘The combination tat regroups all ofthe correct statements Is, 423 oO 345 Oo 186 a 2.4.6. Question 295 (20812) sylabus (02106 0301) {tthe maximum operating atttude of an airplane is Imited by the pressured cabin, this imation is due to the maximum [D__pesitive cabin ditferontil pressure at maximum catin altituds. [positive cabin differential pressure at maximum operatng ceiling [negative cabin diferential pressure at maximum operatina ceiling. o negative diferential pressure at mayimum cabin alttuce, Question 296 (20807) syllabus (021 06 03 01) ‘The cabin pressure alttude of a large aeroplane is not allowed to exceed [ 4000n. [100008 8000n 60008 Question 297 (20810) sylabus (021060301) ‘On a modem large pressurized transport aircraft the maximum catin differential pressure is approxmately pai 13-45 pst 3-Spst C7. 9psi Question 298 (20319) sjlabus (021 06 03 01) The manimum cebin diferenial pressure ofan aeroptane wit a maximum certfied alitude of 44 000 Ris approximately (38 psi 90 psi 8Spsi = 13.5psi Question 299 (20876) Syabus (021 06 0301) Question 300 (25286) syllabus (021 07 01 00) A.waming will be given ifthe cabin altitude exceeds During ight, the wing ani-ice eysiem has to protect, 1 89008, [1] Stats andthe leading edge fags only. 100008 [leasing edges only. 80008 [1] thewhole upper wing surface andthe flaps. 280008. [leading edges, slats andthe leading edge taps. Question 301 (65438) sylabus (0210701 00) wath regardto pneumatic mechanical devices that aford ice protection ihe oniy correct statement Is. [they can beused as both de-icing and anticing devices. [D_ they re used extensively on modem aitcra as they are inexpensive and easy to meintain [they can only be used as anti-icing devices Question 302 (65432) sylzbus (021.07 01 00) ‘During fight the wing ant-ice system has te protect, [J apartotte whole leasing edge. [2 thewhole leading edge and the whole upper wing suriace. [2 Slats andthe leading edge taps only. [2 thewhole upper wing surface and taps. Question 303 (65444) Sylabus (021.0701 00) ‘The wing antiice system has to protect, [J the whole upperwing surface andthe tlaps. [the leading edge orthe siats, ether or completely [the whole leading edge andthe whole under wing surface. a the whole leading edge exceptihe slats because they cannot be de-icedwhen extended. Question 305 (65442) Sylabus (021.07 01 00) In fight, the mast commonly used ant-icing method for the wings of modern commercial arcraft ted with turbo-jetunits is [__-mocharical (pneumatic source which acts by deforming the profiles ofthe leading edge). [thermal (use of hot ain) [D_— electical (electrical resistances) [ physical/chemical (glyco-based liquid. Question 306 (20825) syllabus (02107 01 00) Pneumatic ice protection systems are mainly used for (engine intakes wings. 1 _ propeters 6 Pitot tubes. Question 307 (20835) Syllabus (021 07 01 09) ‘On modern transportaircraf, cockoit windows are protected against icing by [vinyl coating [2 electricheating (2 aniicnonuid. [tain repettent system. Question 308 (20836) sylabus (021 0701 00) Conerall, for large aircraft elactichcating orice protocion i used on []__ Slatleading edges. [J tineading edoes. [ pitettubes. a elevator leading edges. Question 309 (25205) Sylabus (021070100) ‘The wing ice protection system currenty used for most large turboprop transport geroplanes is ain) Ga Ga Ga Ga loctiical de-icing systom. hot air system pneumatic system with inflatable boots. liquid de-icing system. Question 310 (25304 Sylabus (021 07 01 00) ‘The ice protection for propallers of modem turboprop aeroplanes works a G G Ga pneumatically electically, with ant-icing uid. with hot air Question 311 (20993) sylabus (021071 00) Electcally powered ice protection devices on aircraft are Ga Ga Ga Ga usedas doicing dovices for pitottubos, static ports ané windshield. used as ant-icing devices for pitot-tubes, static ports and windshield. used{forlarge surfaces only. used primarily because they are vary efficient. Question 312 (25297 Sylabus (021070100) ‘The wing ice protection system currently used on mestlarae jettransport aeroplanes is a(n) a a a a liquid de-icna sistem, electrical de-icing system, pneumatic system win expandable boots, hot air system, Question 313 (64977 Sylabus (021 07 01 00) ‘The ent-icing methed for te wings of large jet ransport aeroplanes most commonly used in fight is [2 thermal use of het air) [chemical (giyeot-pases ticuid) [2 mecharicel (eneumatic boots) bo electical (electrical resistance). Question 314 (64076) sylabus (921070100) Peumatic mechanical devices that provige ice protection [require large quantiios of blood air. [can only beusadas anticing devices [are usuallyused on aeroplanes equipped with turbo-fan encines. [are usuallyused as decing devices. Question 315 (25300) Sylabus (021070100) Injetaeroplanes the thermal ance system's primayy supplied by [1 bleedairtrom ine engines. [turbo compressors 1 theapu [ram air, neatee via aheat exchanger Question 316 (63929) Syllabus (021070100) ‘The sequential pneumatic impulses usedin certain leading edge de-icing devices 4. preventice formation 2 can be triggered from the fight deck after icing has become visible, 3.wil inflate each pneumatic Dootfor afew seconds, 4.will repeat more than ten times per second, ‘The combination that regroups all ofthe correct statements is oO 23 o o1a uo 24 om 44 Question 317 (64080) sylabus (021 07 0: 00) ‘The use of a hot air wing enticing system. a G G Ga reduces aerodynamic periormance ofthe wing and causes a feducton in maximum thrust. does net affect aerodynamic performance ofthe wing and causes a reduction in maximum thrust. reduces aerodynamic periormance ofthe wing and causes ne reduction in maximum thrust, does net affect aerodynamic performance ofthe wing and causes no reduction in maximum thrust. Question 319 (65446) Sylabus (02: 08 0102) Question 318 (65445) Sylabus (0210801 02) ‘The fuel tanks of aircrafts must be checked for water, Ga Ga Ga Ga botore each fight. before the first ight ofthe day or affer along turnaround time. immedistely ater refueling ‘during refuelling. Question 320 (65449) sylabus (021 08 0: 02) ‘The pressurisation of fuel tanks is maintained by a G G Ga the fuel dump system. the fuel tank drains. the fuel vent system. the fuel top offunit, ‘The capacitance type fuel gauging system indicates the ‘uel quantity by measuring the (density variation of the tet []— electical resistance change. [resistivity variation ofthe uel [5 dislectrc change between fuel end air. ‘Question 321 (25596) sylabus (02108 0102) Atuel strainer when ftted to © carburettor will be positioned. a a a a between the needle valve and the metering jet. upstream ofthe needle valve, between the metering jet and the discharge nozzle. cownstream of the discharge nozzle. Question 322 (27805) Sylabus (02108 91 02) Question 323 (64089) Sylabus (021080102) The function ofa feed box in the fuel tankis to Fuel tank air pressure is maintained at ambient by [LJ increase the fuel level atthe boost pump location. [the fuel dump system. trap fuel sediments or studge in the lower par ofthetank. [| _the fuel top off unit. G [1 _— istribute the fuelto the various tanks during refueling. []__the fuel vent system. bo ventilate the tank during refueling under high pressure. [-] the fuel tank drains. Question 324 (64081) sylatus (021 08 0201) Which statementis correct? |. The freezing point for JetA is at a lower temperature than thatfor Jet B. IL The flash pointfor Jet Ais at a higher temperature than that for Jet 8. [lis correct. tis correct [tis income, lis incorrect [Tis correct, tlis incorect [1 lisincorrect, tis comect Question 325 (64082) sylabus (021 08 0201) Which statement is correct? |. The freezing point for Jet Ais at a lowertemperature than thatfor Jet B. I The Nash point for Jet A ts at a lower temperature than that for Jet [Dtisincorect wis correct [2 liscoreet,tlis corec [2 tisincorect iis incorrect [2 Tiscorreet, tis incorrect Question 326 (64083) Sylabus (02108 0201) Which statement is correct? |. The freezing point for Jet is at z higher temperature than thatfor Jet B I The fash point or JetAis at a higher teriperature than that for Jet B. [1 Iisincorect tis correct [His comect, is correct [J Hs coment nis incorrect [Tisincontec, is incorrect Question 327 (54084) Sylabus (021080201) Which statementis correct? |. The freezing point for Jet Ais ata higher temperature than thatfor Jet. The fash pointror JetA ts at a lower temperature than thatfor Jet. [His correct wisinconect (1 lisincorea, tis conect [His correct tis correct bo lis incorect, lis incorrect Question 328 (64085) Sylabus (02: 080201) Which statementis correct? |. The freezing point for Jet is ataboutthe same temperature 2s thatfor Jet B. I The flash pointfor JetA is at a higher temperature than that for Jet B. lis conect isi worred [His correct is correct (1 lisincorea, tis conect a lis incorrect, lis incorrect Question 329 (64086) syllabus (021 08 0203) Which statementis correct? |. The freezing point for JetA is at a lower temperature than thatfor Jet. I The flash pointforJetA is at about the same temperature as that for Jet [J Ais correct, tis correct [Tis correct. tlis incorect [1 lisincorrect, tis comect [tis incored, is incorrect Question 330 (64037) sylabus (021 08 0201) ‘The correct order of decreasing freszing points cf the three mentioneduels is [deta Jet Jet [ deta-+, Jota Jet. [J] eta, seta vets. a Jet, JetA-t, Jet, Question 337 (26612) Sylabus (021 08 02 02) na gas turbine engine, the power changes are nermally made by contralling the amount of [2 airentoring he comprossor. [2 tust suppties [2 _ irenterina he compressor and fuel entering the combustion chambers [2 irleaving the compressor ty the opening or closing of bleed valves. Question 338 (20847) sylabus (923 080202) ‘The fuel supply system on a jet engine includes a fuel heating device, upstream ofthe main fuel fiter so as to [.__provent, at lowfuel temperature, the risk ofice formation from water contained inthe fuel [prevent fuel from ‘reezing in fuel pipes due to low temperatures at high aitude. [1 eeselow pressure pumps work by increasing fuel fuidity [1 maintain and improve fuel neating power. Question 339 (20843) sylabus (021080202) ‘On mosttransport jet aircratt, the low pressure pumps of the fuel system are supplied with electric power of the following type 46 vpe. [ 2avoe Oo tsvac. [ 2evac. Question 340 (20845) syllabus (021080202) ‘The operating pressure of a booster pum in the fuel supply system ofa gas turbine aircraftis within the following range [Sto 10 psi [ — 3,000t05,c00 psi [J 300to 500 psi a 20 0 100 psi. Question 341 (20850) Sylabus (02: 08 0202] Question 342 (20853) Sylabus (021.08 02 02) ‘The purpose ct baffles in an cereplane’s wing fuel tankisto On some large aeroplanes the fuel tanks may be vented through Ga Ga Ga o Question 343 (20856) Sylabus (021 08 0202) ‘The purpose cf baffles fited in aircraft fuel tanks is 10 a G G Ga provent midure ofthe fuol anéhydrcuicfuid,—() restrict fuel movement nthe tank a prevent he uel fomflowing in the ventlings, 5 prevent overpressure inthe tank. ‘a pressure regulator in the wing tp. airintakes on the underside ofthe wing. the return lines ofthe fuel pumos. bleedair from the engines. Question 344 (20962) Sylabus (021 08 02 02) (On a et aircrafttuel heaters are close the ventlines in case ofturoulence. [D notnecessary at al ‘damp out movement ofthe fuel in the tank. [located on the engines. prevent posite pressure build up inside etank > restrict undesirable fuel movement during sideslip. [~ Question 345 (20870) sylabus (021080202) ‘The eutomaticfuelling shut oftvave Ga Ga Ga o ‘stops fuslling ac socn 2s the fuel cpills into the venti. stops fuelling as socn as a certain pressure is reached, installedin each tank. installed only in the center tank ‘stops fuelling as socn 2s 2 certain fuel level is reached inside the tank. ‘cus off the fue! incase of engine fire. Question 346 (20978) Sylabus (021 08 02 02) ‘During re-fucling the automatic fusling shut of valves will switch off he fusl supply system whon a a a a the surge venttankis filed. there is fre, the fuel has reached a predetermined volume or mass. fuelling system has reached a certain pressure. Question 347 (25084) sylabus (021.98 0202) (One of the purposes of the tue! system booster pumps being submerged in fuel is to [2 improve their eficioncy [2 coatthe pumps. [to improve the accuracy ofthe fuel quantiy measurement. o shorten the fuel lines. so minimisinathe nressure losses. Question 348 (39552) Syllabus (021 08 0202) Fuel tlow information for gas turbine engines is [measured at the outlet of the high pressure fuel pump. [measured in the line between the fuel cortral unit andthe engine bumers [2 measured in the line between the booster pump and the engine D not used on helicopters. Question 349 (54088) Sylabus (021 080202) (On mostlarge aeroplanes, the type of low pressure fuel pumps is (entrust. gear. (piston [© diaphragm. Question 350 (64092) Sylabus (021080202) ‘The functions of an LP booster pump in a gas turbine fuel system are to [increase tho prossure during refuelling and prevent cavitation ofthe HP fuol pump. [__avolevapourtecking and increase the pressure during refueling [1 _pressurise the fuel dump system and increase the pressure during refueling. [avoid vapour locking and prevent cavitation ofthe HP fusl pump. Question 351 (6402) sylabus (921080202) ‘The ventlaton system in afuel tank Ga Ga Ga o pravents vapour lacking inthe fuel lines. ‘can be used to drain the tanks, for daily checks prevents low pressure or excessive overpressure in the tank prevents fuel freezing during fightin icing conditions Question 353 (20855) Sylabus (02: 080202) ‘The type of tue tank used on most large aeroplanes is a(n) [J combined tlacdermetal drum tank. [blader tank. [metal drumtank. [integral tank, Question 354 (20847) Syabus (021 98 0202) The fuel crossteed system [Die onlyusedto ‘ood an engine rom the tank ofthe opposite wing. B B 5 is only usedin light for fuel transfer from one tankto ancther. allows feeding of any engine from any fuel tank is only used on the ground for fuel transfer from one tank to another. Question 357 (24952) syllebus (021 09 01 01) ‘The purpose of static wick dischargers is to Ga Ga Ga o dissipate static chargo from the aireraft skin afor landing. provide a path to ground for state charges when refuelling be ableto fy higher because ofless electrical icon. dissipate static charge ofthe aircraft infightthus avoiding rado interference as a result of static electri Question 358 (64116) Sylabus (021 09 0102) Static dischargers, 1are usedto set altne parts ofthe ainrame to the same electrical potential 2. are placed on wing andtailtips to fecilate electrical discharge. 3. are usedto reset the electrostatic potential ofthe aircraftto a value approximating 0 V. 4. are located on wing andital tips to reduce interference wth the on-boaré radio communication systems to a minimum. 5 limit the risks of transfer of electrical charges between the aircraft and the electrified clouds, ‘The combination thet regroups all ofthe correct statements is 248 G 13,4. G 1,2,5. 348 Question 359 (64116) sylabus (021090101) Electical bonding of an aircraftis usedto 1 protect ie aircraft against lightning etects. 2 selthe electosiatic potential ofthe aircraft ta value approximating to OV. 2. prevent radia interference on radio communicetion systems. 4. setthe diferent aircrat parts to a single potential ‘The combination thatrearoups all ofthe correct statements is G 13,4 123 OB 234 m 1424 Question 360 (64117) sylabus (921090102) (One indication of inadequate bonding of aircraft components may be [D_ staticnoise onthe radia, [heavy corasion on the fuselage skin mountings [interference on the VOR receiver. 5 ‘a circuit breaker popping out. Question 361 (64119) slatus (021 09 0101) ‘The purpose cf bonding the metallic parts ofan aircraftis to 4.prevent electroitic corrosion between mating surtaces of similar metals 2 ensure zero voltage aifference between aircraft components. 3 Isolate all components electrically 4 provide 2 single earth for electrical devices. ‘The combination thal regroups all ofthe correct statements is, Ga a G Ga 44. 23. 43, 24 Question 362 (66126) Sylabus (021 09 01 02) ‘Ohms lawsstates that in an electric circutt [the curront passing through a resistor betwoon two points is proportional the voitage batwoon those two points [.__thevoltage passing through a resistor between two points is inversely proportional to the resistance between thase two points [the currentpassina through a resistor between two points is proportionalto the resistance between those two points, 2 voltage pessing through a resistor between two points is proportionalto the current between those two poin the volta th tor between two points alto the current between those two points Question 363 (66197) sylabus (021 09 01 02) Question 364 (66138) Sylzbus (021 09 0102) Whatuni of measurement is used to express electrical power: W/aturit cf measurement is usedto express elecrkal work? B B B Questioti $65 (66199) syabus (021 03 01 02) om (Ampere Ampere sou soute Mat a om \Whatunit of measurement is usedto express electrical resistance? a G G Ga Watt Ampere ‘ohm Joule Question 366 (66200) syllabus (021 09 01 02) \Whatunit of measurement s used to express frequency? Here OD Cwe Patios RPM Question 367 (66202) syllbus (021 09 01 02) ‘Ohms lawsstates that in an electric circutt [the voltage passing through a resistor botwoon two points is proportional tothe current botwosn those two points. [the voltage passing through a resistor between two points is inversely proportional tothe resistance between those two points [2 the currentpassina through a resistor between two points is proportional to the resistor between those two points. o the curentpassing through a resistor between two points is inversely proportional tothe resistance between those two points Question 368 (66920) syllabus (021 09 01 02) Whatunit of measurement s used to express electrical current? Watt vot 1 otm. Ampere Question 369 (64122) sylabus (021 09 01 02) Regarding Ohm's law [the currentin e crcutis inversely proportional to voltage. [5] thecurrentin circutis directly proportonalto voltace. [5] Mepower in the arcuttis versely progortonalto tne square ofthe current [5] thecurrentin ¢cicutis directly proporionalto the resistance ofthe circuit. Question 371 (64123) sylatus (021 09 0102) A capacitorin parallel with breaker points [J permits arcing across the oreaker point. [induces a very high current across the primary windings. [induces a very high current across the secondary windings. [prevents arcing across the breaker points. Question 372 (26550) Syllabus (021 09 01 03) ‘The measured output power components of a constant frequency AC system are (amperes and tlowats [volts and amperes. [1 iRandRvaR bo volts and Klowalts Question 373 (25053) Sylabus (021 09 0103) ‘The most widely used AC trequency in aircraft is oom som 00K 400K Question 374 (64:24) silzbus (021090104) When the AC voltage across a cazactor is kept conctant and the frequency is increased, the current thraugh the capacitor will _ tezer, 1 incease [remain the same. a decrease Question 377 (64125) Sylabus (021 08 0107) Assuming the initating cause is removed, which ofthese statements about reseting are corrector incorrect’ |. Afuseis notresettable 1A creutt breaker Is resetable. [Hs correct, tis incorrect {is correct, iis correct a [D_ lisinconect, tis conect [_Iisincomed, lis incorrect Question 378 (64126) sylatus (021 09 0:07) Assuming the initating cause is removed, which of these statements about resetting are core orincorrect? | Afuseis resettable IL Acircuit breaker is net resettable. [tis correct. tis incorrect [1 lisincorrect, tis comect [tis income, lis incorrect [Lis correct, tis correct Question 379 (64127) sylatus (021 09 0:07) Assuming the initating cause is removed, which of these statements about resetting are core orincorrect? | Afuseis notresettable 1. A creutt oreaker Is not resettable. [Ais correct, is correct [J tis incorrect, tis comect [Tis correct, tlis incorect o lis incorrect, lis incorrect Question 380 (64128) sjlabus (021 09 01 07) ‘Assuming the intiatng cause is removed, which of these statements about resettng are correct or incorrect’ | Afuseis resettable A circuit breaker is resettable. Ga o o o {is incorrect, is correct {is correct Ilis correct {is correct, is incorrect {is incorrect, is incorrect Question 381 (64121) sylabus (021 080107) Question 382 (23855) Sylabus (021090107) ‘The rating of electrical uses is expressedin A theimal circuit breaker B B B BG ohms, amperes, volts. Question 383 (23863) Sylabus (021 08 0107) A magnetic circuit-breakeris Ga Ga Ga Ga ica cystom with a slowrespense time, can be reset without any danger even when faut remains. permits an overcurrent imited in time. ‘a protecion system that has a quick tripping response. Question 385 (26707) Sylabus (021 03 01 08) Ga Ga Ga Ga ‘The function of a NOT logic gate within a circuttis 10 Ga Ga Ga Ga invortthe input signal cuch that the output is always of the opposite stato protocts the systom in the evont of any overheating. protects the system in the event of prolonged overcurrent. protects the system in the event of any overcurrent. protects the system in the event of prolonged overheating. Question 384 (64120) Syllabus (021 09 01 08) A’Zener diode is used for o ooo ensure the output signal is of the same stata as the input signal ensure the input sional is AC only. ensure the input signal is DC only. reverse currentprotection. voltage stabilisation digital displays. rectification. Question 387 (65159) sylatus (021 09 02.01) a a eI a The capacity ofa batteryis given in Amperes / volts. wats. onms. ‘Ampere hours. Question 388 (65456) Syllabus (021 09 02.01) Ione of he 12 calls of alead-acid battery is dead, the battery [2 Isunseniceable [D__ has 11121ess voltage and less capacity, butcan sill be used. [2 _ has 412Iess capacity, but can stil be used [has 4H12ess voltage, but can stillbeused. Question 389 (66821) sylabus (021030201) Iwo identical batteries are connected in series a the output voltage will double andthe capacity expressed in ampere hours will double also. [the output voltage will remain ihe same and the capacity expressed in ampere hours will double. (the output voltage will halve and the capacty expressed in ampere hours will double. bo the output voltage will doutle and the capacity exoressed in ampere hours will remain the same, Question 390 (66913) syllabus (021 09 0201) Ittwo identical batteries are connectedin parallel [the output voltage will halve andthe capacity oxorosced in ampore-hours will double. [the output vottage will cousle and the capacity expressed in ampere-hours will double also. [the output voltage will remain he same andthe capacity expressed in empere-hours will double. [5] the output voltage will double and the capacity expressed in armpere-hours will remain the same. Question 393 (64:30) sylabus (021 080203) The advantages of Nickel Cadmium comparedwit lead-acid batteries are 4. lowerrisk otthermal tunaway. 2 higher internal resistance, hence hicher power 2 rocucsd charging timo 4 constant oufput voltage ‘The combination that regroups all ofthe correct statements is G34 G 24 mb 43 mo 42 Question 399 (64131) sllabus (021 09 03 01) The conditions to be met activate a shunt generator are 4.presence of a permanent field 2. closed electrical circuit. 3. generator terminals short-circuited. 44. minimum rotaton speed. ‘The combination that regroups all ofthe correct statements is, Ga a G o 4,3, 42, 14, 23. Question 400 (25064 syllbus (021 09 03 01) ‘The essential diference between aircraft AC altemators and DC generators (dynamos) is thatthe Ga Ga Ga o ‘aternatars cuppl all fhe cutput curert through the commutators and truch assemblies induces (outpat windings ofthe aterators ar fied (stator) and the éynamos have a fied inductor (ed) ec induced windings ofthe ltemaiors are rotaing (rato), andthe amos have @ rotar inductor ceil ‘The alternators generate much less power than DC generators Question 401 (23956) Sylabus (021.09 03 01) Question 401 (25956) sylabus (021 09 03 01) ‘The voltage reculator of a DC generator is cannectedin o G G BG ‘The voltage regulator of a DC generatoris connected in [J series wth ihe armature sees wath ne armature ‘series with the shuntfield coll series wih the shunt feld coil a [parallel withthe shunt eld coit parallel withthe stunted coll 5 Parallel with the armature, parallel with the armature, Question 402 (24024) sylabus (02109 03 01) ‘The output of a generator is controlled by a G G Ga varying the fle strength the reverse curent relay circuit breaker. varying the speed of he engine. ‘varying the length of wire in the armature windings. Question 403 (26670) syllabus (02109 0303) ‘The purpose of a voltage regulator isto control the output voltage of he o G G 5 battenes at varying loads. generators at varying speeds andthe batteries at varying loads, generator atvarying loads and speeds. output ofthe TRU. Question 405 (31453) sylabus (021 03 03 02) ‘The function of the Generator Breaker is to close when the voltage ofthe [_atteryis greaterthan the alternator voltage and to open when the opposite is tue. [D_atteryis greatorthan the generator vltage and to open when the oppesit i tuo. [generators gresterthan batteryvottage andto open when the opposite is true. [alternators aresterthan the baer veltaae and to open when he apocsite is true. Question 406 (24022) sylabus (021 020302) Question 407 (54132) sylabus (02109 93 01) ‘The type of vinings commonly used in DC starter motors art Direct current generators are connected B B B 5 oties wound. a sefies shuntwoune a compound wound. a shunt wound a Question 408 (23957 Sylatus (021 09 03 02) {in parallel to provide maximum power. in series to provide maximum voltage. {in parallel to provide maximum voltage. in sefies to provide maximum power On starting, in a brushless AC generator with no commutator rings, the generators activated by a G G o the auxitary winding. the stabilizer winding jointy with the voltage regulator. a setof permanent magnets. the main field winding. Question 409 (26651) syabus (021 09 03 02) ‘The moving part in an AC generater is usualy referred to as the otpring. (tor stator. (2 oscitetor Question 4110 (25674) Sylabus (021090302) A3 phase AC generstorhas 3 separate stator windings spaced at 6 ota o 4 oo Question 411 (64134) slats (021 09 03 02) ‘The power required for feld excitation of tne main rotor in modern constantfrequengy altemators is directy controlled by [_ thevottage regulator. [an AC generator. 1 abaten. [an excitation altemator with a permanent magnet generator. Question 412 (64136) Sylabus (021 09 03 02) Ifthe oloctrical load of an AC genorator providing a constant output voltage incressos, tho veltage regulator will [__ Gecrease the excitation current [maintain the excitation current constant. [increase the excitation current. a change the direction of the exctaton current, Question 414 (26636) Sylabus (021 03 03 02) ‘The frequency of an AC generator is dependent on the a G G Ga ‘number of individual poles and the field strength number ofindividual poles only. ‘umber of pairs of poles and the speed of the moving part. field strength and the speed of the moving part Question 415 (31448) syllabus (021 09 03 02) ‘The frequency of the currant provided by an alternator depends on B B B 5 its phase batanco, its load. the strenath of te excitation current. its rotation speed. Question 416 (26681) sylabus (0210903 02) “Frequency wild’ in relation to a AC generation system means the generator a G G Ga output frequency is too low. output frequency is too high. ‘output frequency varies with engine speed. voltage regulator is out of adjustment, Question 417 (65458) sylabus (0210903 03) ACSD unit is normally provided with means of monitoring during fightthe a G G o oiltemperature and quantity only. oiltemperature and pressure. ‘output voltage anc oil pressure. oiltemperature and synchroncus speed. Question 418 (65466) Syllabus (021 09 03 03) ‘The function ofa constant speed drive (CSD) is to ensure B B B 5 that the CSD output remains ata constant RPW irrespecive of generator RPM. that the starter-motor maintains a constant RPU irespective of engin acceleration/deceleration that the cenerator produces a constant frequency. ‘an equal AC voltage cutput fom all generators. Question 419 (21952) Sylabus (021.09 03 03) ‘The main purpose of a Constant Speed Drve unttis to Ga Ga Ga o ‘maintain a constant frequency. take partin the voltage regulation mechanically protect he alternator drive shaft during coupling. take partin the balancing of reactive loads. Question 420 (26653) sylabus (021 09 03 03) ‘The function of a constant speed drive (C3D) in an AC generating system is to a G G Ga ‘vary the engine rpm (within limits) to compensate for vanous AC loads, ‘vary generstorrpm in order to compensate for various AC leads. directly maintzin a constant proporton between the rpm of an engine and a generator. dive the generator at a constant speed. Question 421 (26658) syllabus (02108 03 03) ACSD unit which has been disconnected in flight a a a a may be resetin fight using the reset mechanism. automatically resets at engine shut-down may be reset on the ground only, ater engine shut-down, automatically resets in fight providing engine rpm is below a given value. Question 422 (26676) syllabus (021 09 03 03) ANAG generator driven by a CSD unit [2 requires a voltage contreliorto maintain constant requency, [2 does notnesd a voltage controller since the CSD will ensure constant voltage. [2 requires a voltage contrllerto maintain constant voltage under load. [2 does notneeda voltage controller since an AC generator voltage cannot ater under load. Question 423 (26677) sylabus (021 080303) ‘Assuming a CSD faults indicated, the CSD shuld be disconnected [5 providedthe engine is running. [onthe ground only [2 whenthe AC generator vataae is outside limits, [_atfightite engine rom only. Question 424 (64135) sylabus (021 09 0503) In an AC power generation system, the constant speed drive (CSD) 41. can be disconnected from the chive shaft 2 can be disconnected from the generator. 2 isa hydro-mechanical system. 4 is an electronic system, 5. can notbe disconnected durina fight. 6. can be disconnected durina fant ‘The combination that regroups all of he correct statements is owas Oo 1428 Oo 1436 Oo 234 Question 425 (25057) sylabus (0210303 03) Inflight, the constant speed drive (CSD) temperature indicator is in the red arcthe (1 pilot must disconnect it, and the generatoris not avaiable forthe rest cf fight [pilot can disconnectittoallowit to cool and use itagain. [pilot hasto throttle back. bo pilot must disconnect it ané manually contiol the alternator. Question 426 (64137) Sylebus (021 090303) ‘The reasons for disconnediing a constant speed drive (CSD) of an AC generator in fight are 4 low oll pressure inthe CSD. 2. slightvariation about the normal operating frequency. ‘3 high oil tamporature in tho CSD. 4. excessive variation af voltage and KVAR, ‘The combination that regroups all ofthe correct statements is, G 24 oon G23 G43 Question 427 (66838) sylabus (0210903 04) In aircrat wth AC generators 2s primary source of electrical power DC powers obtained by [5 — tranctormerroctitior unit [portable batteries [D_reatifers and votaae reducing resistors. bo AC-DC regulators. Question 429 (26685) syllabus (021 08 0304) (On an aeroplane using AC as primary power supplies, the batteries are charged in fight from. [) — aDCtranstormer and rectfie [D__ aTransiormerReciierUnit. [the AC tus via curent imiters 5 a static inverter. Question 431 (25062) Sylabus (021 090304) Question 430 (21958) syletus (02109030) The reasonforusing inverters in an electrical system is Aninvereris ¢ [— tochange DC into ac. [1 static discharger [_ tochange the DCvottage. [D—_unitused te convert DC into AC. [D—tochange AC into De. [1 device forreversing the polarty ofthe static charge. > to aveida short circu. [iter against radio interference, Question 432 (26548) Sylabus (021 08 03 04) {nan aeroplane equippedwith « DC main power system, AC forinstrument operaton may be obtained from (1) aninvertr. areciter atru. [ acontacto. Question 433 (27694) Sylabus (02109 0304) Question 434 (64138) sylabus (021 09 03 04) Aunitthat converts electical DC into ACis alternating current can be derived from direct current by (2 sternistor [2 anaternaingcurent motor [2 stansfomerrecinerunt [2 asenes wound mata, [anAc generate te useofetas animerte, [2 aninerer Question 435 (6:59) syabus(oz1030304 __ Question 461 (66227 sytus 021 080402) ‘The input and output of a static inverter are respectively “ DUS Dar Is [D Aeandac. [Da device which may only bo usedin DC circuits ( beandne [D__adistibution means fo elactical power D Dcandac. [the stator ofa moving cnlinstument. ACandpe. [a device permiting operation of wo or mere swichies tether. Question 466 (64135) sylabus (021 090403) Generators, when conneciedto the same bus bar, are usually connected [_ inseries mode. [5 Gependent on the type of generator. [J] cepenaent on te type or engine. a in parallel mode. Question 467 (25056) syiabus (023030403) The so-called ‘hot buses” or “direct buses” are [J providing an aternatve current, [1 ditecty connectedto the battery [1 attornatcally connected tothe battery if generators have failed. [___keptin operating condittons by an electrical resistance in the case of energy failure. Question 468 (26655) sylabus (021 09 040:) ‘To ensure correct load sharing between AC generators operating in parallel [2 the matching oflozds is unimportant. [D_ onyreal loads need to be matches. [bot real an reactive loads must be matched, [2 onlyreacive loads need to be matched. Question 470 (2666) sylabus (02: 03 0402) Inorderthat DC generators will achieve equal Icad sharing when operatng in parallel, tis necessary to ensure thet [1 equal toads are connectedto each generator busbar before paralleling. [__ theirvottages are almost equal [adequate voltage diferences exist. o the smchrenising bus-baris disconnected fram the bustar system. Question 471 (64142 Sylabus (021 08 6403) ‘Because of the connection in parallel of electrical systems on an AC bus bay, isolation cf individual equipments [decreases tho bus bar curent consumption [decreases the bus barveltage. [increases the bus bar current consumpiion [increases he bus barvotage. Question 472 (64143) Syllabus (021 09 04 03) ‘The phase relationship between two unparalleled AC generators [) muste 90° out of synchronisation [2 _ mustoein oppostion. [2 mustoe synchronous. bo is unimportant. Question 473 (64141) sylatus (021 09 0403) Inthe event of an AC generator fault on a twin engine aeroplane, the prctection device will open [Lhe generator oreaker endine bus te breaker. [the excitr control relay the generator breaker andthe bus te tresker [the bustie breaker. (2) the exciter control relay andthe generator breaker Question 474 (21940) syllabus (021 080403) When the AC generators are connected in parallel, he reactve loads are balanced by means of the (J excitation current. [— votage controter [frequency er lead controler. engine RPM Question 475 (23806) Sylabus (021980403) In an aircraft electical system where AC generators are net paralleled, the bus te breaker (relay) may allow [connection of he AC generator toits distribution busber. [connection of he Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) to its main busbar. [J] power supply to me rauity AC generators ousbar. a connection of the ground power truck to its ¢istribution busbar. Question 476 (26654) sylabus (02109 0403) Ittwo constanttrequency AC generators are operating independentiy, then the phase relationship ot each generator [—mustee 120° eutofphace [D— tsunimportant [—mustbe 240° cutof chase [_mustbe synchronised. Question 478 (22808) syllabus (021 09 04.04) Pulling the fire shutoff handle causes a number of devices to disconnect In respect of he AC generator it can be said that the (J) exciter control relay andthe generator breaker open [generator breaker opens [1 exciter control relay, the generator breaker and the te breaker open [exciter control relay opens Question 479 2201 sii 25090809 on seen of pees onae imbalance belveen an AC generator coneted Me men bus bars and oer AC genes, he otecton dees Mat en [Dae genera we skr and neve bests. [Die goat vakar [Dao meat contol iran me genes esto. (amet vats Question 480 (63934) sylabes (02109 0404) On-board electical systems are protected against faults ofthe folowing type 1. AG generator overvotage. 2. AG generator under-vltage. 2. over-current 4. over-speed. 5 undertrequency. 6. undue vitration of AC generators. ‘The combination tratregroups all ofthe correct statements is 23486 Dm 1356 DB 12348 bo 1,246, Question 481 (65170) sylabus (0210905 02) When a conductor cuts the fed lines ofa magnetic eld [the curent wi top. ( thetield wil collapse [J anLerentztores is inducedin the conductr. [3 therewil be no efec on the conductor. Question 483 (64:40) sylabus (023090502) To reverse the direction of rotation of a shunt-type (parallel field) DC electric motor, it is necessary to [J tererse the potanty of ether tne stator o the rotor [J connecta phase-shift capeciorto the fed circuit [__tererse the potarty ofthe motor connections bo ‘change the connections from shuntto series. Question 484 (56852) Sylabus (021 10 91 01) Question 485 65839) Syl 021 100101) ‘A manifeld pressure gauge of piston engine measures ‘The compression rato of piston engine is @ rato of [absolute pressure inintake system neartheiletvale. arya fuel pressure leaving the carburetor. area and velume. G [1 absolute airpressure entering the carburettor. [vacuum in the carburettor. Ga [2 pressures, (volumes. Question 486 (66820) Sylabus (021 19 0101) ‘Compression rato is ratio of [degrees of crankshaft rotation of compression stroke to power stoke. the fuelvair misture in the combustion chamber. Ga [2 biston travel during the compression stroke to travel durnathe intake stroke. o the cylinder volume wit the piston at BDC to cylinder volume at TDC. Question 487 (23070) Sylabus (021 1001 01) ‘The correct formula to calculate the total displacement of ¢ multi-cylinder piston engine is the [J piston area* pisten stroke. [piston area* piston stroke * number of cylinders. [_ opfinger tength cylinder diameter. [5 offinder volume * nurnber of cinders. Question 488 (25349) Syllabus (021 10 01 01) ‘The power output of a piston engine is directly proportional to [2 exhaust back proseurs and RPL. [2 work andvelociy (2 torque and RPW. [2 force and distance. Question 489 (25350) Syllabus (021 10 01 01) ‘The power of a piston engine which will be measured by using a tricton brake is, [_— Heatlose power. [_ Frition norse power: [Indicated horse power. [Brake horse power. Question 491 (25541) Sylabus (021 100191) (On four-stoko piston ongines, the theoretical valve and ignition sottings are readjusted in ordor to incroase tho [ overaleticiency (compression rato [piston displacement a engine RPN. Question 492 (26591) sylabus (021 10 01 01) Apiston engine compression ratio isthe ratio of he [J total volume tothe clearance volume, [1 sweptvolume to the cleerance volume, [total volume tothe swept volume, [1 learance volume to the sweptvolurme. Question 494 (26620) sylabus (021 10 0:02) ‘The compression ratio ofa piston engineis the ratio ofthe [weight of the air induced to its weight after compression. area of he piston to the cylinder volume. G [1 diameter ofthe bore to the piston stroke. o ‘volume of te cylinder with the piston at bottom dead centreto that with the piston attop dead centre. Question 495 (65486) Sylabus (021 10 01 02) Given te fellowingstaterenis about diesel engines 1. Powe is regulates by tne rte vane 2.Thereis no thot valve 2 Power ie et bs tho fuel Now 14 Thermal effcieny fs lowertnan trator a pstol engine 5 Diesel fuel fs less infammadie than pete ‘The combination tht regroups all the corect statements is 123 G 1,3,5. G 235. 248 Question 497 (65497) Sylabus (021 19 01 02) Question 496 (65487) Sylabus (021 10 0102) Given the following statements about diesel engines: 1. Powers reguiates by me mnture conto 2.Thereis no miture contol 3. The amountot powers determined by nefuelfow oniy 14. Thermal efcieneyis higher than tat fora petrol engine 5 Diese! fusl is more flammable than patol ‘The combination that regrcups all the cored’ statements is oO 138 Oo 123 245 a 2.3.4 ‘The power output of diesel engine without a turbo chargers regulated by [2 tottow ard stow mane 2 aitow ens 5 fus! fow only Question 498 (65510) sylabus (02: 100102) ‘Apartfrom fight ito known icing conditions, the intake system of diesel engine [needs to be heated at lower power setings, due to vaponsation heat [1 __Isneverheated because cesel engines operate atvery high temperatures, [1 Isneverheated because a diesel engine is an injection engine. [needs to be heated to prevent ce on the air fiter. Question 499 (65515) sylabus (021 1001 92) ‘The thermal eficiency ofa diesel engine is higher than that ofa petrol engine because [the compression ratio is much higher. [the EGTis higher. [the air mass flow through the engine is higher o the calorificvalue of the tuel is higher. Question 500 (65517) sylabus (021 100192) ‘Question 501 (65518) Sylabus (021 1091 02) Diesel engines always produce @ certain amount of soot, because Diesel engines, comparedto petrol engines have [J the intake airis too cold. [5D abigher compression ratio, the mixture is always too rich. the same compression ratio, a lower compression ratio. a a [the fuel droplets coming rom the atomiser do not burn completely. [the fuel croplets are too small a ‘variable compression ratio. Question 503 (65784) Sylabus (021 100102) ‘The camshaft of ¢ piston engine rotates at [5 halfthe eposd of he crankehat. [D— twicethe speed ofthe crankshaft [—fourtimes the speed of he crankshaft. bo the same speed as the crankshaft Question 504 (65785) sllabus (021 10 0:02 ‘During the compression stroke of a piston engine during the praciical cycle [Lhe intake valve is open in ast part of the stroke, the exhaust valve is open in the frst part of the stroke [both valves are open inthe last part ofthe stroke. [the intake valve is openin the frst part of the stroke, then beth vahes are closed. [both valves are closed during the complete stroke. Question 505 (65785) sylabus (021 10 0102) ‘The crankshaft of 2 piston engine rotates at o G G 5 ha the speed of the camshat the same speed as the camshat. twice the speed ofthe camshaft. fourtimes the speed ofthe camshat. Question 506 (26748) syllabus (021 10 01 02 ‘The partot piston engine that tansforms reciprocating movement into rotary mation is termedthe Ga Ga Ga Ga piston. camshaft reduction gear. crankshaft. Question 507 (64144) Sylabus (021 10 01 02) ‘The crank assembly of 2 piston engine comprises the o G G 5 Question 508 (6287 sylanus (021 190102) ‘crankshaft, connecting rods and pistons. ‘The working cj of four-stoke engines ‘crankcase, crankshaf, conneciing rods and pistons. auton comarsesion. power, smnaust crankshaft, camshaft valves, valve springs and push rods. "austen. power. compression, exaust compression, nducion, power, exhaust propeller, crankshaft, pistons and connecting rods. Inducton, compression expansion, power Question 509 (25542) Sylabus (021 100102) Ina reciprocating four-stroke engine, the only “driving” stroke is the (J emauststroke [compression stroke. (power stoke. [__induion stoke. Question 510 (2¢420) sylabus (021 10 01 02) Inorderto getthe optimum efciency a piston engine, the positions of he intake and exhaust vahe just after the power stoke sre [exhaust valve closed andintake valve open. [intake vatve cosed and exhaust valve open [1 bothvales closed [J bothvalves open, question 511 61s) G fens oa 20358) ‘ert fe cmeusan sore carat ore tired income soca incor ] sea ms weare 1 tinction Question 512464159 sins 0219919 fh 3 iting and piston engines use ae made up inaion, compression, combuston anc avtaustphases, iin ofthe llores bot ison engine carac or freon? 1 The pcessin aio engines cotruous. I Theerbeay he comouston czar at eoncar preesue 1 isincaet is caact, [ys conec. ais conect [einer ni conest dueston 513 ei esas cosa ‘but cas tone ant istun engines use acct ade wo eaucon compression combust and etal hase, Wich fase lames buen en acres I Tnereeay ne comouston cer conan, Question 514 (15 spins (021190303 ‘om ga tune an piston engines use 2 de made wot isuson,compressincombustan ana eaus phases. Which these setemens boule psn engine ae corecor ‘ncaa | Te poe in apiston engine tier IL Theeretaly he combuston ecu at consant pressure sinconee ts eorec, Question 515 (65482) Sylabus (021 10 0201) ‘Spark timing is retated to engine speed in the way thatthe [) _ fasterthe engine functions, the more retarded the spark is, [1 fasterthe engine functions, the more the spark is advanced. [1 fasterthe engine functions, the further past TDC the spar occurs, [2 slowerthe engine functons, the more the sparkis advanced. Question 516 (65494) Silatus (021 10 0201) Which one of the following factors would be most likely to increase the possibilty of detonation occurring within a piston engine? LJ Using atoo lean utc mitre [J These ofa tuelwit ahigh octane rating as comparedio te use ofone witha low octane rating [Slightly eterding the ignition iming = Using an engine with alow compression rato Question 517 (65480) sylabus (021 10 02 01) ‘On design purpose, the relationship between the fuel octane rating and the maxirmum compression rato of apiston engine is, [the higherthe octane rating is, he lower the maximum compression ratio is [the lower the octane rating is, the higher the maximum compression ratio is. [the higherthe octane rating is, the higher the maximum compression ratio is. o the maximum compression ratio is independent of the octane rating. Question 518 (55891) Sylabus (021 10 9202) The use of fo low an octane fuel may cause [1 acooling efecton cytinaers. [2 detonation [higher manifold pressure [vapour tacking. Question 520 (31461) Sylabus (02: 100201) Question 519 (24837) Sylzbus (021 10 0201) ‘The octane rating of a fuel characterises the [J tue! electncal conduct. [2 resistance to detonation [2 quantity of heat generated by ts combustion 5 fuel volatity. Apiston engine may use afuel ofa different grade than the recommended (1) providea that itis an aeronautcal petro. [5 provideothat the grade is higher. (never [5 provideothat the grade is tower. Question 521 (64158) Sylbus (021 10 02 01) ‘The relationship between compression ratio of apiston engine and the required fuel octane rating is that the [_Righer he compressicn rato, the lower the octane rating required. [D_Aigherhe compressien rato, the higher the octane rating required [lower the compression rato. the higher he octane rating required. [required octane ratingis indepencent ofthe compression rato. Question 522 (64160) sylabus (021 10 02.01) ‘The cylinder head and oll temperatures may exceedtheir normal operating ranges if [lower octane rating than spocified for the engino is usod. the engineis operated ata higherthan normal ol pressure, a [the engines operated ata too rich miure. a ‘higher octane rating than specifiedfor the engine is used. Question 523 (64159) Sylabus (021 100201) ‘The use of too low an octane fuel may cause B B B BG vapour locking. higher manifold pressure. detonation, a cooling affect en cylinders, Question 525 (26439) syllabus (021 10 020:) ‘Vapour lockingis caused by Question 524 (64157) sylabus (021 10 0201) Aircraft fuel tanks should be checked for water B B B BG [2 the inability of ful to vaporize in the nozzles, [vaporizing offuel priorto the engine. [vaporizing offuel inthe nozzles, [2 the formation of water vapour in a fuel system. Question 526 (3150 Syisbus 21 100200 Vapour loecis the phenomenon by which a a 1 a ‘vapour buobies plock ne nue ina Question 527 (64021) Sylabus (021 100201) ‘during rotuotting. betore the frst fight ofthe day. immediately after every refuelling. betore each fight. ‘bumt gas plugs forming and remaining inthe exhaust manifold folowing an overneat and hereby disturbing the exhaust water vapour plugs ae formed in the intake fuel ine follwing the condensation of waterinfuel tanks which have not been dined or sometime. _sbrupt and abnormal enschment of he tut migure following zn inapproptate use of carburettor neat Vapour lock is Ga Ga Ga Ga the effect of water vapour bubbles in the induction manifold caused by condaneation. a blockage in a fuel feed line caused by a fuel vapour bubble. the ethaust as obstruction caused by an engine overheating. the abnormal miure enrichment caused by a greater gasoline vaporisation in the carburetor Question 528 (20841) sylabus (021 10 03 c0) (On mosttransport aircraft, te low pressure pumes of the fuel system are [2 mochanicaly driven by tho engino's accessory goarbox. [2 electrically driven centrifugal pumps. [2 electro-mechanical swash plate pumos, wit selfreculeted pressure. [removable only after he associated tankhas been emptied, Question 529 (311) Syiabus (021 10 0300) Fuel pumps submergedin the fuel tanks of a large eeroplane are [high pressure variable swash plate pumps. [1 towpressure varizble swash plate pumps. [centrifugal high pressure pumps [1 centritugal ow pressuretype pumps Question 530 (65788) sylatus (021 10 0401) I te manifold pressure gauge of a piston engine shows an increase shorly after carburettor heater is turned on, indicates [excessive hectic being used overheating of cylinder walls. Ga [Ds minture was too lean, [fee was forming in carburettor. Question 531 (65787) Sylabus (021 10040) Carburetor heating is generally notused wth take-off and cimb-pawer settings, because ofthe LJ tss of ower and possible detonation [increased drag. [fre hazard invoved. bo impossibiliy of engine supplying enough heat. Question 532 (65733) Sylabus (021 109401) To enable proper functioning ofapiston engine curing throttle advance a carburettrfited with [5 anacsetoratorpump. [a dituser (compensating jet. [2 amidure contro apowerjet Question 533 (65739) sylabes (021 10 0403) The safest method of priming a piston engine for starting is () _byturning the propelter several times win the thratle wide open. [2 njection of fuel in he cylinder intake ports. [2 pumpingthe throtte. [2 injection of uel through spark plug holes. Question 534 (65724) sylabus (021 10 0401) The funciion ofan accelerator purnp in the carburettor of a piston engine isto [2 enable engine iating. [2 enable proper functioning of a piston engine during throte advance, [2 enable engine starting. bo ‘maintain a constant mixture in a piston engine at low and high power settings Question 535 (65803) sylabus (021 190402) When applying precautionary carburettor heating on a reciprocating engine with a fixed pitch propeller [J therPMincreases. [5 themature does net change. [J themature becomes richer. a the mature becomes leaner. Question 536 (65802) Sylabus (021 100401) When applying precautionary carburettor heatng on a reciprocating engine with a fixed pitch propeller [) the RPmincreases. [the miture does not change. [the moture becomes leaner. [the RPM decreases. Question 539 (65735) sylabus (C21 10 0401) ‘The function ofa cifser (compensating je) is to (2) enable proper unctioning ota piston engine during throte advance. [2 enable engine idting. [2 maintain constant midure in a piston engine at bw and high power settings. bo enable engine starting. Question 540 (65805) sylatus (021 10 0401) When applsing precautionary carburettor heating on a reciprocating engine wih a constant speed propeller [the minturo becomes riche. [tha minture becomes leaner [the RPM decreases. 6 the RPM increases. Question 541 (23107) sylatus (021 10 04 02) Variations in mitre ratios for carburettors are achieved by he adjustment of 1 tuettow. [fuel fow, airflow and temperature. I arnow. a fuel low and air flow. Question 542 (26623) Sylabus (021 10 0401) ‘The purpose ofthe venturi in a caroursttor is to B B B BG ‘create the doprossion necessary to cause fuol to flow through the carburstter jets. prevent enrichment ofthe mature due to high air velocity rough the carburettor ensure complete atomisation ofthe fuel before entering the inducton system. create a ise in pressure at he throat before the midure enters the induciion system. Question 543 (26430) Syllabus (021 10 04 01) ‘The main purpose ofthe miture control is to [2 adustthe tus! fowto obtain the proper fuelar rato. [2 decrease owygen supplied tothe engine [decrease the air supplied tothe engine. [increase the oxygen supplied tothe engine. Question 544 (26598) Sylous (021 10 0401) Ina piston engine, the purpose of an alttude mixture contol is to eI a a a Prevent weak cut when the throtte 1s opened rapidly at altitude, enrich the mbture strength cue to decreased air density t alttude. weaken the mixture strength because of reduced exaust back pressure ataltiude. ‘correct or variations in the fuel/airratio due to decreased air density t alitude. Question 545 (25625) sllabus (021 10 0403) ‘The midure control for a carburettor achieves its control by a G G Ga altering the depression onthe main discharge tube, ‘moving the buttery valve through a separate linkage to the main tattle contol varying the air supply to the main discharge tube. varying the fuel supply to the main discharge tube. Question 546 (64153) sylabus (021 19 0402) ‘To maintain a constant midure atlow and high power settings ina giston engine, a carburettor is fited with [J anaczeleraior pump. [a diffuser (compensating jb. [a mbdure contro 7 a powerjet Question 547 (25102) Sylbus (021 10 04 01) When applying carburettor heating [RPM increases immedictely [2 __ the mature becomes richer. [D__ the minture becomes leaner. 5 ‘no change eccurs in the miture. Question 548 (26436) Sylabus (021 10 040) Which statementis true concerring the effect of the aoplication of carburetorheat? LJ ttreduces te density ot ai entering the carturetr, thus leaning the ueVar mocure [1 ttreduces the density tir entering the carturetr, thus enriching the fuel/air mixture [_ttreduces thevolume of ir entering the carburetor, thus enriching the ueVar minture [__ttreduces thevolume of ir entering the carburetor, thus leaning the fuer mire Question 549 (64161) Sylabus (021 100401) ‘The function of the primer pump in areciprocating engines to [serve as main supply pumpin afuel injection system, [Inject aditional tue during enaine acceleration. [Provide adsitional fue for engine start [1] serve as an atemate pump incase of engine driven purnp faire Question 550 (64162) silabus (021 10 0401) Excessive priming of a piston engine should be avided because 1.iLaralns ihe carburettor foat chamber. 2 the risk of engine fire. 3 the risk ef loocing tho engine. 4 itfouls the spark plugs. The combination thet regrours all cf the correct statements is G 1,2,3. G 234 124. 434 Question 551 (20962) sylabus (021 19 0401) ‘The purpose cf he barometric correction in a fuel controller (carburetor isto [5] maintain the corractweight fue to air ratio whon tho cllitude increases. [reduce the fue-te-air ratiowhen alttude increases [Increase the fuelto-airratio when altitude increases, bo ‘maintain a constantfuel metering whatever the alttude, Question 552 (26132) Sylsbus (021200402) ‘The opersting principle officat ype carburetors is based on the ‘automatic metering of ar at the venturi as the sirctat cans alitude, measurement of the fue flow ino the induction ayetem. ‘ncraace in airvelocty in the throat ofa ventun caueing en increase in air procsure. ‘amerence In air pressure atthe vertun throat anc tne air inlet Question 553 (65508) syllabus (021 10 04 03) With which instrument(s) do you montorthe power cutputof an aeroplane fited witha fied pitch propeller? [D—_RPMand MAP insicator [Cinder head tempersture indicator [D—_-RPMindicator = Fuel low indicator Question 554 (65731) sylabus (021 100403) Which ofthese statements is correct regarding piston engine induction system icing? [tee accretion afects both fuoleystoms and enginos equippedwih carburetors [Fuel ite is normaly formedin the incucion system offuel injection systems [Ice onthe throtte ae is usually formed inthe induction system of fuel iniecton systems [1 Inducion system icing afects only engines equipped with carburetors Question 555 (26431) Sylabus (921 190403) Inwhich sections of he carburettor would icing most likely occur? [Venturi andthe throtte valve ‘Accelerator pump and main metering jet Ga [2 Main airdleed and main discharge nozzle [D_ Floatchamberand {uel inlet fiter Question 556 (25433) silabus (021 190403) Inan engine ecuipped with 2 loattype carburetor the low temperature that causes carburettor ice is normally the result of [freezing temperature of the airentering the carouretir. [J seporization offuel and expansion cf the airin the carburetter. [J ewvolasiry ot awaton tue a compression of air at the carburettor venturi. Question 557 (26744) sylabus (021 10 0403) With respectto a piston engined aircraf, ce in te carourettor [5 maytorm at OAT’ highar than +10°C. [will onlyform at OATS below +10° C. [will ontyform at OATs below the freezing oint of fue [will only form at outside air temperetures (OAT's) below the freezing point of water Question 558 64154 sylabus (0221 190403) ‘The firstincication of carburetior icing, in aeroplanes equipped with constant speed propellers, during cruise would mostikely be a [decrease inRPM. [rough running engine felowed by an increase in manifold pressure [rough running engine felowed by oss in RPM = ‘decrease in manifold pressure. Question 559 (65505) Syllabus (021 10 05 01) Cooling air fora reciprocating engine can be obtained by means of [2 apnoumatic system. [D— aturbocharger Damar [2 asupercharger. Question 560 (#0825) Sylabus (021 10 05 03) Question 561 (23139) Sylabus (021 100601) ‘The main reason for opening te cow flaps isto cortolthe Fra given ype of oll, the oil viscosity depends on the [CHT (Cyincor Heat Temperature). [__ olltomperature. iltemperature ollpressure, Ga Ga [2 cabintemperature. [outside pressure. Ga Ga EGT (Exhaust Gas Temperature). ‘quantity of cl Question 562 (42564) Sylatus (021 10 0602) Question 563 (26417) sylabus (021 1006 02) Viscosity is For internal cooling, reciprocating engines are especially dependent on [)_—thatemperature dependence of anil. [5] propery functioning thermostat. [D_thetendancy cf aliquid orgastoresistfiow [ arich fuel/air minture [the pressure resistance ofan oil [D__ the circuiation of ubricating oi [the flow velocty inside the oil ines. [1 aleantuetair micure, Question 564 (26628) Sylabus (021 10 06 02) ‘The reading on the ol pressure gauge is the a G G o Question 565 (42320) sylabus (021 190602) ‘The lubricating system of zn air cooled piston engine 1s used to Ga Ga Ga G pressure inthe oiltank reservoir. pressure ofthe oll on the inlet side ofthe pressure pump. difference between the pressure pump pressure and the scavenge pump pressure. pressure ofthe oll onthe outlet side of the pressure pump. keep the engine warm. a reduce intemal friction and provide cooling. a to operate the fuel control unit o a operate constant speed propellers. Question 567 (64155) sylabus (021 1006 02) ‘A magneticplug in an engine oil system can be used to a G G Ga prevent metallic particles from entering he oil system. collect carbon found in the ol. collect ferrous particles. colled static electicity Question 566 (63930) Sylabus (021 1006.02) ‘The fuel-oil heat exchanger ‘cools the oil and heats the fuel ‘cools both the oil and the fuel heats the fue! only cools the oil only. Question 568 (65514) Sylabus (021 100701) ‘An impulse couplings installed on a magneto of a piston engine to [abso staring loads [1 factitate quick removal and instalation [advance the ignition iming [provide a stonger spark ontop dead centre for engine starting. Question 569 (65792) Syllabus (02: 100701) Whatis the best method to stop a running engine ifthe magneto switch ground wire becomes disconnected? (J Lean out mature unt! engine backtes and stops [Feather tne propeller ( Shutofrue! [TD __Nospecial method is require, ifthe wire becomes disconnected the engine will stop Question 570 (65796) Sylabus (021 100701) Prolonged running stow RPM can have an adverse efectonthefunctoning ofthe ottpume. (carburetor searkplugs. tustfiter Question 571 (66508) Syllabus (021 100701) \Whon the engine is ehut down aftr ight hi ie accomplished ty [switching of the megnetos. [plating the miture contre in idle cutof. [losing the throttle lever. a feathering the propeller. Question 572 (65737) Syllabus (021 10 07 01) (On a four stoke reciprocating engine, the ignition in one cylinder will occur [twice each crankshaft revolution [once each crankshaftrevolition [D__ once every two crankshaf revolutions, 5 four times each crankshaft evelution. Question 573 (26601) syllabus (021 10 07 01) Under normal unning conditions a magneto craws primary current [J fromthe booster coil [froma self-contained electro-magnetic induction system. [fromthe aircraft pateries via an inverter. a directly trom the aircrat batteries, Question 575 (26627) Sylabus (021 100701) ‘The very rapid magneticfield changes (flux changes) in the primary coll ofa magneto are accomplished by the [1 contact breaker points opening. [distributor erm aligning with one of the high tension segments, [rotor turning pestthe position of mavimum fluc in the armature, [contact breaker points cosing Question 576 (64166) sylabus (021 100793) Once the engine has started, ignition systems ofpiston engines are [1 dependent on tne D¢-Generator. [dependent on ne AC-Generator. [independent ofthe electrical system ofthe airrat. bo dependent on the batter. Question 577 64:67) Sylabus (02: 100702) The purpose of he contactbreaker isto [—connectine secondary collto the aistibutor. [1 connectthe contact breaker and condenser in series withthe primary col [control the primary circuit ofthe magneto. [—connectthe battery tothe macneto, Question 578 (64168) Sylatus (021 100701) Wah an aircrat ftedwith fixed pit propeller, during fightatnormel cuising speed, one magneto fais completely. This il first cause [tose of approximatoly 100 RPM. [excessive vibration [an additonal load on the other magneto [ the engineto overheat Question 579 (64168) Sylabus (021 100702) Dualigrition provides 2 factor ofretiatity and [J improves combustion efficiency. [improves staring. [provides more voltage. [saves wear caused by using one magneto constantly. Question 580 64:70) Sylebus (02: 100701) ‘An altcrat magneto is switched cff by 4. grounding the primary cut. 2 opening he primary arcu. 3 opening ihe secondary arcu. 4 grounaing me seconaary crcut. ‘The combination that regrcups al ofthe correct statements is Oo 4a Oo 24 G43 Oo 23 Question 581 (64171) sylabus (021 19 070.) The ignition system of a tunning piston engine receives electrical energy from (2 batteries (2 capactors. [generators [2 ‘rotating permanent magnets. ‘Question 582 (6172 $ylsbus (021 19070) ‘The operating principle of magnetae ina piston enging ignition system consists of ‘accumulating in capacitor lon votege curentfrom the batery and inducing tes high otage curentathe momentthe sparkis generated ‘creating a bihigh intensty megnstic eld thet wl te sent hrcugh the cistibutor atte approprict me. ‘obtaining a high amperage, low voktage current in ercerto generate the sparc ‘opening ine primary arcutinorderto induce a low amperage, nigh votage CUITent, which i clsmutec tothe sparc plugs. Question 583 (27222) Sylabus (021 109701) ‘An impuise magneto coupling [2 gives an automatis spark increase during high speed operation. [Doves a retarded spark at starting [2 awvances ionition timing and cives ahoter sparkat stating. [1 reduces magneto speed during engine warm-up. Question 584 (25415) sous (021 190701) Ifthe aroundwire between the magnetes and the ignition switch becomes disconnected the mestnoticeable result will be that [the power develeped by the enaine will be stronaly reduced. [the engine cannot be shut dovin by turning the ignition switch to the “OFF” position. [J 4 sill operating engine wut run down. a the engine cannot be started with the igntion switch in the “ON” position. Question 585 (27223) Sylabus (021 :0 07 01) {fan engine falls to stop with the magneto switch in OFF position, the cause may be [J fouled spark plugs [1 excessive caroon formation in cylinder head. [switch wire grounded o defective condenser Question 586 (27225) Sylabus (021 100701) Ifthe ground wire between the magneto and the ignition switch becomes disconnected, the most notceable result will be that the engine [will not oparato at tho right magneto. [will not operate at the left magneto, [cannot be shut down by turning the switch to the OFF position. a cannot be started with the switch in the ON position. Question 587 (1685) ylabus (02110070) \Whenthe magneto selecorswich is setto OFF poston, the piston engine centnues io run normally The mostprobable cause of is fale shat [D— cnamageto, 2 sounding wie is broken [theres acarbon depositon ne sparkpugs electodes [5] there are local not points inthe engine (probably due to oveneating ofthe onder heads), [ca wreromme magneo\s in conact wha metalic par ote engine. Question 588 (25347) Syllabus (021 10 0703) ‘The igntion occurs in each cylinder of an four-stoke engine (TDC = Top Dead Center) [5] betore ToC ateacn second crankshantrevolution [before TC ateach crankshatt revolution. [behind 1D¢ at each crankshaft revolution. [behind TDC at ezch second crankshaft revolution, Question 595 (66906) Sylabus (021 10 08 01) ‘The complete combustion within a detonating cylinder ofa piston engine [isthe recuttof pro-ignition, [5 does notaifer rom the combustion without detonation, [2 takes less time than combustion without detonation 5 takes more time than combustion without detonation, Question 596 (66507) Sylabus (021 100801) Prorto stating a reciprocating engine at sea level the manifold pressure gauge usually indicates approximately 29 inch Hg. This is beccus [pressure inthe mantold is the same as atmospheric pressure [2 thiotte is closed, trapping nigh pressure in the manifold. [1 throtte is inthe ful-open position. o Pointer on the gauge is stuck at the full power indication. Question 600 (23:26) sylabes (021 1008 03) For areciproceting engine tuellairratio or miture is the rato between the [mass offuel and mase of air entering the ovlinder. [volume effuel andvolume of air entering the cinder [mass offuel and volume ofair entering the carburetor. 5 ‘volume of fuel and volume of air entering the carburettor Question 601 (23110) Sylebus (021 1008 02) When the pilot moves the muture lever ofa piston engine towards a lean position the [1 Nolume of air entering the carburettor increased. [volume of air entering the carburettor is reduced [J amount o tuel entering tie compustien chamber is increased. a ‘amount of ue! entering the combustion chamber is reduced. Question 602 (25452) syabus (021 10 0801) An excessively rich mbture can be detected by [J white smoke rom exhaust [2 high oviinderhead temperatures [2 along purpleftame from exhaust 5 black smoke from exhaust. Question 604 (64174) Sylabus (021 100802) AtconstantRPM with a normally aspirated engine anda fxed pitch propeller, as alitude increases, ithe mixtureis notleaned LJ both he densty ofa entenng the carburetor and he fuel flow decresse [the density of air entering the carourettor decreases and the fuel flow remains constant. [the minture remains constantand the fuel flow decreases. 5 the volume of air entering the carburettor remains constant endthe fuel flow increases, Question 606 (64186) Sylabus (021 10 08 01) What may happen during a continuous climb with a midure setting fully rich? (The engine wil overheat [2 Increase ofthe power avaible [2 _— Fouling of spar plugs bo ‘The engine will operate smoother even though fuel consumption is increased Question 607 (73114) Sylabus (021 10 08 01) ‘Max. Exhaust Gas Temperature is theoretically associated with [Mase ratio 4116. [D Fuleich seting (2 Cruising miure setting. 5 Mbture ratiovery close to idle cut-out Question 608 (26750) Sylabus (021 1008 01) Ina piston encine if he ratio of air to fuel (by weight) is approximately &:1,the mature is saidto be a G G Ga rich, normal weak, too weak to support combustion Question 610 (63935) Sylabus (021 10 08 01) When starting an engine orwhen the engine runs atan idle REM on ground, the misture is, a G G Ga lean, to prevent hat the engine consumes too much fuel. rich, because the choke valve is closed. rich, because carburettor heats switched on. ‘ich, to make starting possible and to cool the engine sufficiently when idling. Question 611 (64:89) sylabus (92: 100802) ‘Spark plug fouling is more likely to happen if, a G G Ga the aircraft cruises atlow speed with the correct moture. ower is increased too abruptly. the engine runs at maximum continuous power for oolong. the aircraft descends for a prolonged time at idle power. Question 612 (25354) sylabus (021 10 08 01) ‘An ECT (Exhaust Cas Tomporature) indicatorfora piston ongine is usodto a a a a control the fuel temperature. control the cylinder head temperature. ssistthe pilotto settle correct misture. ‘control the carburator inlet air flow. Question 613 (23112) syllabus (021 10 08 01) Arich mature seting has to be used during climb segments. This results in a a G G Ga higher efficency. higher torque. lower cyinderhead temperature ‘light loss of power. Question 614 (26582) Sylabus (021 10 08 02) Presigniion refers tothe conaition that may arise when a G G Ga the mixture is ignited by abnormal conditions within the cylinder before the spark occurs at the plug the mixture is ignited before the piston hes reached top dead centre. the sparking plug ignites the misture too early. ‘rich misture is ignited bythe sparking plugs. Question 615 (6179 sins (02 19080) ‘en exesshely leaning the mise for a ete el conor, ut ion e He ie of e peak ECT, he long engine paramete(s) may exceed neal petting anges oitomperatne Engino Rew anole pressure ‘inde has and exhaust ga lenpertre Question 616 (64185) Sylabus (021 10 08 01) Which one of the following factors would be most ikely to increase the possibility of detonation occuring wahin a piston engine? a G G Ga High cylinder nead temperature Slightly retarding the ignition timing ‘The use of fuel with 2 high actane rating as comparedto the use cf one with alow octane rating Using an engine with low compression ratio Question 617 (64187) Sylabus (021 100802) Itan engine detonates curing climb-out, the normal corrective action would be to [retard the throtie. [2 apply carburettor hest [2 lean the miture. [increase the rate of imo. Question 618 (64188) sylatus (021 10 08 03) When detonation recagnised in 2 piston engine, the correct procedure is to [increase mantold pressure and lean the miure. [1 increase manifold pressure and {fully enrich the mixture, [1 reduce manifeld pressure and lean the mixture. [2 reduce manifeld pressure and fully enrich the mixture, Question 619 (66886) syllabus (021 10 09 00) ‘The ‘slipstream effect ofa propeller is most prominent at [high sirspocds wit high power setting. [D__ high sirspeeds wit low power seting [2 lowairspeeds with high powerseting. 5 lov airspeeds with low power setting. Question 62:1 (66526) Sylabus (021 10 08 01) When increasing true airspeed with a constant engine RPM, the angle of attack of a fxed pitch propeller (reduces. (Stays constant. [increases [stays constant because ft only varies wih engine RPM Question 622 (65485) Sylatus (021 10 0802) When TAS increases, the blade angle of ¢ constant speed propeller will (RPM and throtle levers are not moved [remain constant. increase. [first cecrease and atera shot time increase toits previous value. (decrease, Question 623 (65484) Syllabus (021 10 0802) ‘The blace angle of a constantspeed propeller [increases with increasing true air speed. [_—isindependent ofthe tue air speed [2 decreases with increasin true cir speed. [2 onlyyaries with engine RPM. Question 624 (65597) Sylabus (021 10 09 02) ‘The main advantage of a constant speed propeller as comparedto a fled pitch propeller is that t [)—— doos notroquite propolor blade twist [has ahigher maximum propeller afficiency over a wider range of airspeads [maintains its maximum propeller efficiency over 2 wider range of airspeeds. [has alowerpropelier blade stress, Question 625 (65750) Sylatus (21 190802) ‘During cuting rion wren th mote i stghty pulled pack onan aeroplane aquippec win a constant spo0c propor, to prope! ton automatcaty [decreases and he RPM decreases. [J cecreases anae RPM remains tne same. increases andthe RPM temains the same ergs ame en mae Question 836 OAD His EE 159 02) ‘During cruising flan, when te throes slight advanced on an aeroplane equioped wits a constant speec-cronellr.the propeller pitch automatically ‘dscreases andihe RPM decreases Increases ane the RPM femalns tne same. ‘apcreaces angine RPM remains tne sama, increases ane ne RPM Increases. Question 627 (64176) Syltus (021 10 0802) ‘The mechanism to change the propeller blade angle of a small piston engine aeroplane in fightis operated (J hydraulically by engine oi [D__ byaeroeynamic forces. [—hydreuticaty by hydraulic uid bo ‘manually bythe pilot Question 628 (64177) Sylabus (02: 100902) ie manifold pressure is increased, the blade angle of a constant speed propeller [wil reduce so thatthe engine RPM can incroase [wil increase and after 2 shorttime will ecucs [J wilremainthe seme [— wilinerease. Question 629 (64173) sylabus (021 10 09 02) Excessive pressure in the cylinders of an engine equipped with a constant speed propeller, can be caused by the combination of (high menifoldpressure and low RPUL [high menifoldpressure and high RPM (low manifold pressure and high RPM. [low manifeid pressure and iow RPUL Question 630 (64178) Sylbus (021 100902) ‘Conceming a constant speed propeller ofa twin engine aeroolane controlled by a single-acting pitch control unit [1 seradmamic force tums the propeller blades towards a higher pitch anale. ‘spring force turns the propeller blades towards a smaller pich angle. a [J] allpressure tums me propeller biaces towards anigher pitcn ani a cil pressure tums the propeller blades towards a smaller pitch angle. Question 632 (65495) Sylabus (02: 100904) For take-off the correct combination of propeller pitch (1), and propeller lever positon (2) at brake release is Ga Ga Ga Ga (A) high (2) forward. (A) low 2) aft (1) high (2) aft (1) low 2) forward. Question 633 (23089) syllabus (021 10 08 04) \Wnen changing power on engines equipped with constant-speed propeller, engine overloadis avoided by Ga Ga Ga Ga ‘reducing tho RP before the manifold pressure. adjusting RPN before the manifold pressure increasing the RPM before the manifold pressure. increasing the manifold pressure before the RPM. Question 634 (23109 Sus (0210 0304) Inthe eventofan engine falure during fiat the biades ofa constant soeed crocellerin a single eine aeropianenotfited wit a feathenng system tend to move a a a a tw. btago angle dopendent on winaming RPM. towards the righest blade angle by ol pressure created ay the wining propeller towards to smatioe lace anate by tha contrtal totes analor ne spring orc, towards the ighest blade angle by centitugal force Question 635 (31449 Sylabus (022 10 09 04) ‘When in fight, a piston engine is stepped and the propeller blade pitch angle is near 90°, the propeller is said to be a a a a ‘ransparent feathered, ‘winaring, atzero drag. Question 636 (65501) sylabus (021 :0 19 01) ‘The main purpose ofa turbocharger is to B B B 5 reduce the fuel flow. provide alleaner misture at sea level maintain power with increasing altitude. provide a richter moure at high alttudes. Question 637 (65523) Sylabus (921 10 10 01) (On anormally aspirated aero-engine fted with a fixed pitch propeller a G G Ga in evel fight, manifold pressure will rervain constant when the rpmis incieased by opening he throtte. manifold pressure decreases as the aitcraft climbs at a fuedthratte satting. the propaller setting is constant at all indicated airspeeds. ina descent ata fed throtle setting manifold pressure will always remain constant. Question 638 (65300) syllzbus (021 10 10 01) An intercooleris sometimes fitted between supercharger andinlet manifoldto, Ga Ga Ga Ga minimise the risk of detonation reduce the mass flow through the engine. increase the combustion temperature. reduce pre-ignition Question 639 (66884) Syllabus (021 10 10 01) ‘The thermal effciency of piston engine is about B B B 5 20%. 20%, 70%. Question 640 (23111) sylabus (021 19 19 01) ‘When attitude increases, in 2 normally aspirated piston engine, mofure must be adjusted because there is, [—amincrease of ar dansityresultingin too rch « mitre. [—amincrease of ar density resultnginioo lean a midure [D—adecrease in air density resultngin to rich amidure. [D— adecrease ofair density resulting in oo lean ¢ moure. Question 641 (25353) Syiabus (021 10 1901) ‘The power of ¢ normally aspirated piston engine decreases during a climb with a constant power lever setting because of the decreasing [—tomparature airdensty humic [engine temperature Question 642 (25354) sylabus 021 10 1001) ‘The conuitions under which you obtain the highest engine power are [warm and ary ar at high pressure, t warm and humid air at low pressure. [ald anc numia ai at nigh pressure [cold ang diy air thigh pressure Question 643 (25556 s/abus (02110 1001) DDutng cimo wth constant Wanfold Ar Pressure (MAP) and RPM incicaton and constant micure sein, the cower ovtout ofa piston enoine I cecieases. only stays constantithe speed contol lever is pushed forward a stars constant increases, Question 644 (80 slau (021192003) ‘Te powor output ofa pctonencine winoutrbochstaing inereasos wim incrossing atts in standata amosahore at conctan MAP ana RU because Orme lower costngiosses crease ofthe air densi behing heaves. lower metonal esses. leaner misure athigher attudes. Question 645 (31444) syllabus (021 10 10 01) (On a normally aspirated engine (ron turdo-charged), the manifold pressure gauge always incicates [2 2 greatorvalue then ctmasphoric prossuro whan tho engine is running. [2 avalue equal to the CFE when the engine is atfull power on the ground, [2 a lower value than atmospheric pressure when the engine is running. [2 ze10 on the ground whenthe engine is stopped. Question 646 (#803 Situs 02119200) Question 647 (6182 Sylabus (021 0 102) ‘The thermal tficency ofa piston engine is about One ofthe advantages ofa turbochargers 30m, LJ anincreased propuisive eticency. G1 [J tomakethe power avalatle less afected by alitue. 70%, [3 thatthere is no danger of detonation 50%, [_thatthere is no trsion at he crenkshat. Question 648 (25352) Sylebus (021 10 1001) Question 649 (26451) slabus (021 10 190) ‘The kind of compressor normally used as a superchargers ‘The primary purpose ota supercharger is to [D— apisten compressor. [provide a richer mixture athigh attitudss. [D aradial compressor [provide leaner mixtures at alitudes below 5,000 [2 anaxial comoresser. [maintain power at attitude. [2 ahybrid compressor. [increase quantity offuel at metering jet Question 650 (26504) Sylabus (021 10 10 01) ‘The airin a piston engine turoo-supercharger certritugal compressor [enters atthe perishoryand leaves viathe oye af the impollor. [enters at atangentto the rotor and leaves va the stator. [enters via the difuser andis fe tothe impeller atthe optimum ancie of atack. 5 enters the eye ofthe impeller and leaves at a tangentto the periphery. Question 651 (25605) syllabus (021 10 1003) Ina piston engine, turbocharger boost pressure may be monitored by [J aoylinder nead temperature gauge (CHT), a manifold pressure gauge, and engine mm readings. [a manifold pressure gauge only. [2 both engine rem readings and a manifold pressure gauge. o both a CHT geuge and manifold pressure gauge. Question 652 (26630) syllabus (021 10 10 01) Aturbochargerin a reciprocating engine consists of a [2 compressor and turbine on individual shafts [2 compressor driving aturbine via areduction gear [2 compressor and turbine mounted on a commen shaft [turbine ceiving a compresser via areduction gear. Question 653 (64181) Sylabus (021 10 10 91) Assume anintial condition at high cruise altitude with a constant speed propeller. ‘Whatwill happen i the altitude is decreased while the throttle remains full open and the waste gate is seized in the cruise position? [The manifoid absolute pressure (MAP) value may exceed ine maximum allowed value [The blace engle may each the ful fine imt [The manifold absolute pressure (MAP) value will stay constant = ‘The power of the engine will decrease Question 654 (64133) Sylabus (021 10 10 01) Aturbocharaer system in 2 recierocatino engine is normally driven by [the exhaust system. ‘an electrically activated hydraulically powered clutch. a [J annyorautie moter. [D anelectric motor. Question 655 (25366) syllabus (021 10 19 02) ‘The conditions which can cause detonation are [low manifole prascure and high revolutions per minuto. [2 high manifold pressure and low revolutions per minut, [2 lowmanifole pressure and high fuel flow. [5 high manifold pressure and high revolutions per minute. Question 656 (64212 syllabus (021 110102) Assuming he jetpipe is not choked, the equation to calculate jet angine thrust T (wth mass low m, airspeed V, andjetveloctyV, )is T=mqv,+vp T=my, G T=mqv,-¥p. T=mqy,-v). Question 942 (+00) sylabus 021 110603) On the ground, the Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) of a large jet transport aeroplane directly provides 4. eect, 2.airformain engine starting. 2. hyeraulieprecsure 4 airfor airconditoring, ‘The combination that regroups all ofthe correct statements is Go 4234 GO 124 G 2,34 o 14 Question 943 (25308) Syllabus (021 120101) Question 944 (22513) syllabus (021 120101) ‘Smoke dstector systems are installedin the ‘Smoke detectors fited on transport aircrat are [engine nacots. [2 optical orionization. fuel tanks, magnetic o B (2 wheetwels. GB electrical oD [2 chemical upper cargo compartments (class E). Question 946 (66956) sylabus (021 1202.01) Which ofthese statements aboutfire-extinguishing agents are correct or incorrect? 4.The fie extinguishing effect of Halon is based on suppressing the chemical reaction ofa fire. 2. Compared with other extinguishing agents Halonis very effective in suppressing fires. [tis incorredt, 2is incorrect [is correct, 2s correct [1 tis incoredt, 2is comedt [11 correct,2s incorect Question 947 (55967) sylabus (021 120203) Which ofthese statements abautfire-extinguishing agents are correct or incorrect? 4. The fie extinguishing effect of Halon is mainly based on cooling when the agentexhauts via a venturi discharge. 2-Halon should be used with caution because Itls highly corrosive particulary for aluminium alloys. [1s correct, 2s correct [118 incorrect, 2 is incorrect [11 correct, 2s incorect o is incorrect, 2is coect Question 948 (66368) Sylabus (02: 120201) Which ofthese statements about fire-extinguishing agents are correct orincorrect? 4. The fite extinguishing effect of Halonis mainly besed on cooling when the agent exhauts via a venturi discharge. 2. Compared with other exinguishing agents Helon is very effective in suppressing fires, [tis incorrect, 2 is incorect [tis incorrect, 2s correct [tis correct, 2s correct o 1 is correct, 2is incorrect Question 949 (66369) sylabus (02: 120201) Which ofthese statements about fire-ertinguishing agents are correct orincorrect? 4.The fire extinguishing effect of Halon is based on suppressing the chemical reaction of afire. 2. Halon should be used with caution because itis highly corrosive particularly for aluminium alloys. [Ais correct, 2s correct [tis incorrect, 2s correct [tis incorrect, 2 is incorect o 1 is correct, 2is incorrect Question 950 (39572) sylatus (021 12020) Inthe event of an engine fire [the fuel installation is protected by an cutomaticfire extinguishing system. [__amautomatec shut of valve is moved othe closed position contrated bythe fire sensing system [the fuel supply is disconnected by 2 uickrelease coupling. 5 the fuel supply is isolated trom the encine by pilot controlled tuel shut off vale. Question 951 (64095) syllabus (021 120201) Generally, when the fire hendle of the engine fire-extinguishing system on an aeroplane is pulled, the effects are 1 opening of ne bleed airvalves and HP valves on the engine concerned. 2. arming ofthe extinguishing system. 2 immodiato discharge of exinguishing agent. 4 deactvaton ofthe electic generators The combination thet regrours all cf the correct statements is OG 24. G 23 44 mb 43. Question 952 (6408) Sylabus (021 12.0201) Helon is used as a fire extinguishing agent because t [acts as avery effective tame inhibtor. [uses the cooling effect created by the venturi during discharge, [2 ishighty votatte. 5 is an electrical conductor. Question 953 (64097) Sylabus (02: 120203) Power plant fire extinguishers are operated by [J anelectrically red cartndge rupturing a sealin the head of the Dotle. [1D __ anelecticlly neated capsule rupturing a seal inthe pipeline atthe engine, [1 manual remote control opening a discharge vane. [a mechanical ink withdrawing a safety pin and allowing a spring operated plunger to rupture the bottle seal Question 954 (26746) Sylabus (021 12.02 02) Continuous loop fire detector systems operate on the prinicple that an increase in temperature produces [) anincreasein resistance. [D _ adectease in the reference current. [> adectease in pressure. [2 adectease in resistance. Question 955 (22260) sylabus (021 120202) Question 956 (54924) Sylabus (021 129202) A continuous loop detector is usedin a Regarding fre detecton, ion dstectors are used to dstect, [2 cargon dioxide warning system. [—_overteporature andre. [smoke detection system. [)— overtemperature. [overheat detection system. te, [2 frefighting system. (smoke, Question 957 (64038) Sylabus (021 120202) When a par of contnuous loop fre detection system is heated 1.ils resistance decreases 2 its resistance increases. 3. the current increases. 4. ne current decreases, ‘The combination thatregroups all of he correct statements is D4. BD 23 OG 24 44 Question 958 (22364) syllabus (021 120202) Ina fire detection system with single-loop continucus components (with no fault protection), ithe inner core contacts the outer casing [1 _ the engine fire extinguisher striker is eutomatically activeted. [J the fre alarmis tiggered. [there wil be no effect on the system a the power supply is cut off automaticaly. Question 959 (51418) sylatus (021 120202) When a bimetallic stipis used 2s a switch in afire detection loop. a fre alarm is triggered after a delay. The ourpose ofthis delayis to [J watttorme tggerng oftne seconaiire detection Icop in order to contr the tre. delay the triggering of the fre extnguinshers and increase their efficiency. G [2] allowtemperatures to equalise. [avoid false alarms in case of vibrations. Question 960 (22565) Sylabus (021 120202) When a continuous loop wire ype fire detection system is tested a G G Ga ‘a par ofthe wire is totally heated. Only the warning function is tested. the wires totaly heated the wiring and the warning are tested. Question 961 (25307) sylabus (021 120202) ‘A gaseous fre loop (sensorrresponder) systems tested by B B B BG ‘checking the wiring hamess for faults butnotthe sensor. heating up the sensor checking the sensor with pressurized gas. checking the continuity ofthe system with a test switch, Question 962 (26733) sylabus (021 120202) ‘On a muiti-engined aircrafta fre detection system includes a G G o both a warning light and an alarm bell unique to each engine. ‘a waming lightfor each engine and a single alarm bell commonto all engines. ‘a waming common to all engines but a separate alarm bell for each engine. ‘one warning and one aurel alert common to all engines. Question 963 (64039) Sylabus (021 120202) ‘An engine fire in a large transport zeroplane is indicated by a a a a ‘visual waming and an aural alert abel ‘en aural alert only, ‘visual waming only. Question 964 (6554) syllabus (021 12.03 60) The correc statement aboutrain protection for cockpit windshields is that (rain repetiant should never be sprayed ont the windshield unless the rainfalls very hea [the electric de-icing system for cockpit windows is also suitable for rain protecion. [wipers are sufficient under heavy rain conditions to provide atlequcte view through the cockpit windows a the alechol de-icing system for cockpit windows is also suitable for rain protection Question 965 (65552) Sylabus (021 13 00 00) Appassenger oxygen maskis, [amon demand type maskand must bo used ifthore is emoke inthe cabin. [continuous tow mask and must be used fthere is smoke in the cabin [continuous fow mask andin principle should not be used ithere is smoke inthe cabin [amon demand type meskand in principle should not be usedit tere is smoke inthe cabin Question 966 (65553) syllabus (021 13 00.00] ‘The contents of an oxygen bottle can be ensured bythe 4. weight 2 pressure. 2 level 4-volume, ‘The combination containing all ofthe correct statementis [> tand3 only. [2 tand4 only. [> tand2 only. [2 2and3 onl. Question 967 (66828) sylabus (021 130000) Concerning passenger oxygen mask presentation, the oxigen flow starts [1 immeciatetr [_—onlyater automat activation af he system. [D—onlybove FL.200 bo after pulling the oxygen mask towards the face. Question 968 (66211) syllabus (021 13 09 00) Which of these statements concerning oxygen on board of passenger transport aeroplanes is corect? [1 Since tavatories are not ited with an oxygen system, they should be evacuated quickiy in case of decompressiot Acchemical ox/gen generators able to provide oxygen for atleast one hour. G [Portable oxygen otles are primariy intended for use in case the chemical orygen generators fail o ‘Chemical oxygen generators are provided with a so-called heat shield. Question 969 (65554 Syllabus C21 1500 00) ‘A pressurised aeroplane is fying at FL 370 and experiences a rapid decompression. Which ofthe following statements i corec about the oxygen system? [Je atomate mask presentation nas been acta, he agen Fow wil stat immediate, [J The oygen masks for cabin caw members and passengers wil be presented orl ae the mask presentation Is Selecta on fe ight deck. J Imgenerat manual venti ofthe automate prsentaton of passenger oxgen masks isnot possible [J Alghterew members must put on air eaygen masts memseles. Question 970 (66914) sylatus (021 13 00 00) ‘The DILUTE postion of an cockpit oxygen mask should note used when, [the angen bottois almost empl. [chemical oggan generators are used [—owaenis usedin the cabin. [ — whenthere is smoke inthe cockpit. ‘Question 971 (8883) sabs (02 130009) -Apressunsed seroplane isting atFL_370 ana experiences arapie decompression whic eine tolownng statements Is corectaboutine oxygen system? a o a itis autamaiemaseprezentaton nas bean acs ne oxen wl stat atemataly the aulomatcmask presentation has been activated, he oygentorthe passengers ull sats fow immecistly, sthne aulomatcpresentaton of passenger axjgen masks doesnot uncton, sopping he passenger oxygen masks canbe manually activated tom the fight ec. Tre oan masks ae automatically presertedto fight raw members Question 972 (6691s) Sylabus (021 13 09 00) Which of these statements is correct about a fight crew oxygen mask? a G G Ga Inthe position DILUTE oxjgen supplyis fom a special botle containing diluted oxgen. Below a certain altitude the oxygen mask switches automatically to ‘constant ow. When selected to the postion EMERGENCY ovygen is supplied with some overpressure atove a certain altitude Above a certain altitude oxygen is always delivered ata slicht overpressure independent of selected mask position. Question 974 (66916) sylabus (021 130000) Which ofthese statements is comect about a fight crew oxygen mask? Ga Ga Ga o Inthe pesition DILUTE oxygen cupply ic from a special battle contsining diluted oxygen, When selectes to the positon ENERGENCY oxygen is always supplied with some overpressure. Below a certain atitude the oxygen mask switches automatically toconstant flow Inthe position 100% oxygen is always supplied with some overpressure. Question 975 (66501) sylabus (923 130000) Which ofthese statements about oxygen in transport aeroplanes is correct? a G G Ga {tis not possible to vsually verify when the oxygen flows to a passenger mask A chemical oxygen generator can be switched of. Ifthe automatic passenger oxygen mask presentation fails, itis possible to retrieve an individual mask by opening the mask storag ‘Chemical oxygen generators are used in the cockpit to supply the fight crew because ofthe low weight ofthis system. Question 976 (66917) Sylabus (021 13 00 00) Which ofthese statements is corect about a fight crew oxygen mask? Ga Ga Ga o When selected to the position EMERGENCY ox/gen is supplied with some overpressure above a certain alttude. Most oxjgen masks can be selected into three positions: NORMAL andlor DILUTE, 100% and EMERGENCY. Inthe pesiton DILUTE oxigen supply is from a special bottle containing diluted oxygen. When switched to the postion 100% axygenis always supplied with some overpressure. Question 977 (6585) syle (021 156000) A pressurised aeroplane i thing st L370 and experences s rapid decompression. Wich ofthe folowing statements is corect about the cxygen system’ “The o«gen masks are automaticaly presented ignt crew members. Inthe automatic mas kpresantation has been acivated the angen fow wil statimmediatly In gonoral manual ovemce of ro automate presentation of paseanger oxigen masks 16 not possi Ate anatomic mask presentation for cabin crew and passengers, oxgen stats to fow only als the maskhas been nl pul Question 978 (66218) Sylatus (021 13.00.00) Which ofthese statements is corect about afight crew oxygen mask? [1 When selected tothe position EMERGENCY ongen is supplied with some overpressure cbove a certain alttude [When switened tthe postion 100% oxygenis always supplied wth some overpressure [Inthe positon DILUTE ongen is mixed with air rom outside the mask. = Below acetain altitude the oygen mask switches automaticaly to ‘constant flow. Question 979 (56322) Sylabus (021 1390 00) Which ofthese statements about oxgen in transport aeroplanes is correct? [LJ tis not possibie to visually enty when the oxygen flows toa passenger mask [1 Achemical oxygen generator cannotbe switched of [Chemical oxygen generators are used in the cockpitto supply the fight crew because of the lowweight ofthis system G Ifthe automatic passenger oxgen mask presentation fails, there is no manual backup. Question 980 (6620%) sylabus (021 13 09 02) Which of these statements about oxygen in transport aeroplanes is correct? [1 Apassenger oxygen mask contains device to check ita fow of ox'gen is present [Chemical oxygen generators are used in the coctpitto supply the fight crew because ofthe low weight ofthis system. [1 Ihe automate passenger oggen mask presentation fils, there is ne manual backup. o chemical oxygen generator can be switched off Question 981 (66215) Sylabus (02: 130000) Inan oxygen mask selected to the DILUTE DEMAND position 4onygen is delivered when inning, 2 ongenis always delivered with a continuous tow. 2. air outside the maskis addedto the oxygen flow. 4.a special ongen reservoirs used containing diluted oxygen ‘The combination that regroups all of the correct statements is, B12 G13 G24. OG 34. Question 983 (66528) sylabus (021 130000) ‘Which ofthese statements concerning orygen on board of passenger transport aeroplanes is correct? [5 Pertasle oxygen botioc in the cabin are primerilyintonéodforfirs aid purposes. [Since lavatories are not fitted with an oxygen system, thay should be evacuated quickly in case of decompression [D—Achemical oxvaen generators ableto provide oryaen for atleast one hour. [After being activated a chemical ex'gen generator does nt produce any heat Question 984 (56930) sylabus (021 130000) Which ofthese statements concerning angen on board of passengertranspor aeroplanes is comect? [D —_Levatorias also have an oxygen crop out eystomto protect passongers in case of docomprossion. [chemical oxygen generataris able to provide oxygen for at least ene hour. [2 Affer being activated a chemical oxygen generator does not procuce any heat, [1 Portable oxygen bottles are primarily infendec for use in case the chemical oxygen generators fal Question 986 (22961) syllabus (021 13 00 09) When quick donning masks are in use, the pilot is. [able to radictolephons a [ony ableto rarsmit a [—onyableto receive. a [notable to do any ado communication. (>) Question 987 (23223) sylabus (021 13 0000) Adiluter demand oxygen regulator selected to 100% is only recommended foruse with smoke inthe cockpit, ‘delivers oxygen flow when inhaling. mixes alt and oxygen in ¢ passenger oxygen mask. ‘delivers oxygen flow only above FL 100. Question 988 (29264) Sylabus (021 150000) ‘The demand valve of a diluter-demend type oxygen regulator in normal mode, operates when the TD —userrequirss 100% ongon [D__pressure inthe oxygen resenoiris more than 500 psi [—iluter controls in normal positon bo user breathes in. Question 989 (30023) sylatus (021 13 0000) ‘Modern pressurized transport aiplenes are equipped with (5) twoindependent oxygen systems, one suoplyng the cockpit the other the cabin [only one oxygen system supplying the whole aircraft [only porabie oxygen bates, [two oxigen systems both supplyingthe cockpit andthe cabin Question 990 (30024 sylabus (021 13 09 00) When selected to normal, the oxygen proportion of the air/oxygen mixture supplied by the cockpit oxygen system regulator [decreases when the atitude increases, [D__inereases when the alitude increases [—isconstantwhatever the atitude is 100% Question 991 (30234) Sylabus (021 13 90 90) ‘Owvaen for the passengers should autometically be presented andready for use before exceeding a cabin altitude of 60008 250008 LJ) 80001, a 10,0001 Question 992 (64100) sylabus (921 130000) ‘The purpose of the regulator of alight deck oxygen system is to 1. decrease ongen pressure trom 1,800 psi (in ne Dotles) down to avout 60-76 psi ((ow pressure system) 2. supply 100% ongen. 3. supply dituted agen 4. supply oxygen on domand. 5 supply oxygen at positive pressure. 6 trigger the continuous cabin alitude waming at 10,000 f cabin atitude. ‘The combination that regroups all ofthe correct statements is Oo 1346 2348 OD 1234 3486 Question 993 (64101) sylatus (021 13 00 00) Injettransport aeroplanes, oxygen forthe light deck oxygen system is stored as 2 Ga ‘gas. [chemical compound or gas. [2 chemical comaound, o liquid. Question 994 (64104) sylabus (021 13 0000) Fixed oxigen systems in pressurised aeroplanes are used to provide owgen 1. in the event of depressurisation. he eventof any passenger indisposttion 2 during anormal fight 4 in the event of smoke ortosicfumes in the cockpit The combination that regroups all ofthe correct statements is Oo 144. G3 G23 o 4,24 Question 995 (64110) sylabus (921 130000) ‘When the orygan system of a large /JAR 25 aeroplane is used Ga Ga Ga Ga with the setting on NORMAL, the cockpit crewis cuppliod with a misture of oxygen and cabin air with the setting on NORMAL, the passengers are supplied wth a mixture of oxygen and cabin air. the same source of supplvis used by the coccoit crew and cabin crew. the same source of supplyis used by the cockpit crew and passengers. Question 996 (64111) sylabus (021 13.60 00) A pilot can determine the amount of organ in 2 bottle by observing its, B B B BG volume. temperature. level. pressure, Question 997 (42750) sylabus (021 13 00 00) ‘A smoke noodis a device covering Ga Ga Ga Ga the wnolo hoad and with an oxygen flow oniy on damand. the whole head and with a continuous oxygen flow. only the nose endthe mouth and with an oxvaen/air mix. Is a one shot actuator used for emergency systems only. Question 999 (25323) sylabus (021 130000) {the maximum operating pressure of the angen system is exceeded, the a a a a ‘oxygen botties will explode. ‘oxygen is discharged overboard viaa safety plug. Passenger oxigen masks will drop down. ‘oxygen becomes unusatle for the passengers. Question 998 (22976) syllabus (021 13 09 00) Whatis breathed in when using a passenger oxygen mask? B B B BG ‘A mixture of oxygen and freon gas Cabin air and organ or 100% oxygen Cabin air and onan 100% ongen Question 1000 (25325) syllabus (021 13 00 09) ‘The passenger oxygen mask will Supply [100% onygen. [Da midure of compressed air and oxygen or 100% oxygen, [1 @misure of oxigen endtreon aas. o ‘a miture of cabin airand oxygen Question 1001 (22258) syllabus (021 13 00 00) ‘The tpe of aircrattoxgen system intendedfor use by passengers, is mostly [5 portable equiement onl [a continuous flow system. [1 apressure demandsystem. [1 anairrecyde system. Question 1002 (0025) sylabus (021 13 00 00) Inthe cabin, when the cxygen maskis pulled downwards, the passenger breathes (a miture ot oygen and cabin ait [pure ongen atthe ambient pressure. [J eebin airunder pressure bo Pure oxygen under pressure, Question 1003 (32028) sylabus (021 13 00 co) ‘The chemical oxygen generator supplies oxygen for about 2h 30 min. Ga Sin, 18min. Question 1005 (64112) Sylabus (021 13 09 06) Which ofthese statements about chemical oxygen generators are correct ar incorrect? |. Chemical ongen generators are often usedto supply passenger oxygen, IL The oxygen supply of chemical oxygen generators, once acvated, cannot be switched ct. [ tiscorrect, wis coneat [His correct, is incorrect [D tisincoree, nis correct [I Tisincorect tis incorrect Question 1006 (64113) sylabus (02: 130000) Which of these statements about chemical angen generators are correct orincorrect? |. Chemical onygen generators are usedto supply the cockpit oxygen system. IL The oxygen supply of chemical oxygen generators, once activated, can be switched off [tis incorrect, wis correct [Tis incorrect, tis inconect [tis correct, tis incorrect o {is correct Ilis correct Question 1007 (64114 svlabus (021 13 00 00) Which of these statements about chemical orygen generators are correct or incorrect? |. Chemical oxygen generators are used to supply the coctott oxygen system. IL The oxygen supply of chemical oxygen generators, once activated, cannot be switched off [1 Hisincorect, lis incomect [His correct, is incorrect [J Usincoreet, 11s correct a lis correct, lis correct Question 1008 (64115) Sylbus (021 13 09 00) Which ofthese statements about chemical oxygen generators are correct or incorrect? |. Chemical ongen generators are often usedto supply pessenger ongen, IL The oxygen supply of chemical oxygen generators, once activated, can be switched of. [_lisincorect, tis correct [Tisincoree, tis incorrect [lis correct, is correct [lis correct, isincorrect Question 1009 (6102) satus 025130000) ‘Apressurised sstoplane ising at FL 370 and experiences api decompression, Which oe fllewing statements is comet about the ongen system? [Manual ovenise ofthe automatic presentation of passenger angen masks is, generally speaking, not possible. [1 Theongenmasks ae aufomsticll presentesto cabin crew members and passengers. tthe automatic maskpresentton nas been achat ne ong wl foe win the st 2 min [The oxgenmasks ae automaticaly preserteste right cren members. Question 1010 (64105) syllabus (021 1300 00) Chemical ongen generaters are used te furnish on gen the 4. cockpit. 2 cabin 3.toes. + smote hood. ‘The combination thatregroups all ofthe correct statements ow 234 43 a oo a Question 1011 (64106) syllabus (021 1300 00) ‘The advantages of a chemical oxygen source comoaredwith @ gaseous one forthe passenger cabin are 1. easier maintenance, 2. greater capaci 3. reduced risk of explosion, ‘The combination thet reqroups all ofthe correct statements is, a 2a oo. a 4 123 Question 101.2 (64107) Sylabus (021 13 09 00) ‘The disedvantages of a chemical oxgen source compared with a gaseous one forthe passenger cabin are 1. a flow which cannot be modurated 2 less capacity 3.risks of explosion ‘The combination thatrearoups all ofthe correct statements is ao 2 a 1 ao. a3 Question 1013 (64108) sylabus (021 13 09 09) The advantages of a gaseous oxygen source compared with a chemical scurce forthe passenger cabin are riek of explosion. 2 possibiltyto regulate flow. 2.more capacity ‘The combination that regroups all ofthe correct statements op 1 42 a Bp 2a a Question 1014 (64108) syllabus (021 13 60 00) ‘The opening ofthe doors giving access tothe oxygen masks forthe passengers is 4. pneumatc for the gaseous oxgen system. 2. electrical forthe chemical oxygen system. 3. pneumatic for the chemical oxgen system. 4 electrical forthe gaseous oxygen system, ‘The combination that regroups all ofthe correct statements is, oo. G 23 12 24 Question 1015 (30076) Sylabus (021 13 09 co) Which of these statements about chemical orygen generators are correct or incorrect? 4.Chemical oxgen generators are often used to supply passenger oxygen. 2.The oxygen supply of chemical oxygen generators, once activated, cannct be switched off [J tis correct, 2is incorrect [1 ‘tiscorrect,2is corect [D_ tisincowect, 2is correct a ‘is incorrect, 2s incorrect Question 1015 (52075) syllabus (021 13 60 00) Which ofthese statements about chemical oxygen generators are correct orincorrect? 4. Chemical oxygen generators are offen used to supply passenger oxygen. 2.The oxygen supply of chemical ox/gen generators, once activated, cannot be switched off [tis correct, 2s incorrect [tis correct, 2s correct [tis incorrect, 2s correct o 1 is incorrect, 2is incorrect Question 1015 (32075) syzbus (021 13 00 02) Which ofthese statements about chemical oxygen generators are correct orincorrect? 4.Chemical oxygen generators are often used to supply passenger oxygen, 2. The oxygen Supply of chemical oxygen generators, cnice activated, cannot be switched of. [18 eared 218 ncoreat [1s correct, 218 correct [tis incorrect, 2s correct o 1 is incorrect, 2is incorrect

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