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41Refrigerant leak test using semiconductor method?

Answer:- Electronic leak detector is based on the principle

that when halogen vapour is heated, positive ion concentration
is increased and this increase is suitably magnified to an
audible or visual signal. Thus the leak detector consists of a
sampling tube through which air around the refrigeration
system is drawn by means of a small fan. The air sample is
passed over a heated platinum element. Under normal (clean
air) conditions positive ion current flows under a voltage of 240
V between the ion emitter and collector (anode and cathode),
However, when a sample containing halogens is drawn into the
probe, an immediate increase in positive ions results and this is
magnified by the electrical circuit so that an audible or visual
signal is produced. Exact location of the leak can be
determined as the strength of the signal increases as the probe
is moved towards the leak and decreases when it is moved
away from the leak. In some leak detectors a reference leak is
built for comparison and adjustment of sensitivity of the
detector. It is also possible to make compensation for
background contamination. Electronic leak detector is highly
sensitive and it can detect leaks as small as 0.25 to 0.50
oz. Per year. The operation is clean, quick and free from any
fire hazard. However, it is important to maintain the input
voltage for good sensitivity of the detector. They are designed
to detect refrigerant leaks but should not be immersed are kept
in refrigerant streams, for example from the refrigerant cylinder.

42Immediate checks and action taken when the vessel is floated

in drydock?

(1) Answer:- During flooding of the dock, the

flooding is stopped when the level of water
in the dock reaches just above the high
suction box. All the sea suction valves under
the floor plates should be checked for any
leaks. In this situation the ship is not floating
and is still sitting firmly on the blocks. This
verification is necessary to avoid any mistakes
made by shipyard staff whereby some valves
have not been fitted their cover joints and
gland packings. A second docking can be
avoided by this check.
(2) The Master and C/E should visit the dry
dock before flooding and verify the following
before giving orders for flooding :-

(a) The rudder fastening bolts are

tight and cemented, the pintle
cover plates are in place and
(b) The propeller cone fitted and all
bolts cemented.
(c) The rope guard in place and
properly welded
(d) The sea suction box grids fitted
and locked with locking wire.
(e) Bilge keel repairs are
(f) Both anchors hoisted and
housed in their respective
hawse pipes.
(g) F/W can be supplied in the dry
dock as required , but it should
be ensured that the soundings
of F/W tanks at the time of un-
docking is the same as
soundings when docking.

43Boiler water tests and their values

Answer:- The testing of boiler water is complementary to

treatment and must be done on a regular basis so that suitable
corrective action or changes in treatment are done to suit the
correction required. The various tests and their purpose is
given as under.
(1) TDS or density of total dissolved salts as the name suggests
is the density of the water with dissolved salts. The water may
contain un-dissolved salts such as phosphates of calcium and
magnesium which does not matter. The density is therefore
found by a hydrometer (salinometer) or a dipping type
electronic density meter. The density is measured as soon as
the water is collected in the sample jar and when the
temperature reaches 940C. The density should be converted to
ppm. The sample water is filtered and collected in a sample
bottle for further tests.

The purpose of measuring TDS is to ensure that the density of

boiler water is within the recommended level and if not to take
suitable corrective action.
(2) Hardness Test :- Take 100 ml of boiler water sample in a
bottle with a glass stopper. Add 0.2 ml of standard soap
solution (reagent) at a time shake vigorously after each
addition of soap until a lather persists for a least five minutes.
The bottle is laid horizontally so that a large area of surface is
obtained and the thickness of the persisting lather should be at
least 3mm.

The calculation in ml of soap solution used x X 10 = P.P.M. of

CaCO3 equivalent hardness.
Standard soap solution is a soap which is capable of reacting
with one milligram ofequivalent CaCO3 to form a persistent
lather for 5 minutes, 100 ml of boiler water sample used has x
mgs of CaCo3.
But x mgs of CaCo3 is contained in 100 ml of the boiler water
Hence the concentration is (x/105) i.e. [(x / 1000) / (1/100)]
or [(x X 10) / (1000 X 100X 10)]
or 10 x PPM
In all calculations, the result is given in P.P.M. of CaCO3
equivalent because the molecular weight of CaCo3 is 100 and it
simplifies the calculations.
The purpose of hardness test is to monitor the conversion of
hardness salts to equivalent salts of sodium, and ensures that
hardness does not exceed a predetermined maximum value.
(3) Alkalinity Test:-

Test for alkalinity to phenolphthalein: Take 100 ml of sample of

boiler water. Add 10 drops of phenolphthalein – result a pink
coloration. Titrate with (N/50) H2SO4 so as to clear the
Calculation ml. Of N/50 acid used X 10 = P.P.M. of CaCO3
Phenolphthalein is less alkaline than hydroxides or carbonates
and when it is added in a sample containing hydroxides and or
carbonates it will turn pink in colour. The acid used after this
coloration will first neutralise the hydroxides, forming salts. It
will then react with the carbonate molecules present forming
bicarbonate molecules. Bicarbonate molecular are less alkaline
than phenolphthalein. Hence, the pink coloration will disappear
once all the hydroxides and carbonates have been dealt with by
the acid one bicarbonate molecule is formed form two
carbonate molecules. Hence, in this test the quantity of acid
used is a measure of the alkalinity by the hydroxides present
and half the carbonates.
Total alkalinity:
Continue with the same sample used initially for alkalinity to
phenolphthalein add 10 drops of Methyl-orange -- result.
Yellow coloration. Titrate with N/50 Sulphuric acid until the
colour becomes pink.
Calculation: Ml. Of N/50 acid used for both tests x 10 =
equivalent for total alkalinity.
Methyl orange indicator is less alkaline than phenolphthalein
and Bicarbonates. It can be used initially in place of
phenolphthalein or as in more normal, as a continuation after
the alkalinity to phenolphthalein test. If no yellow coloration
results when the Methyl orange is added to the sample no
Bicarbonates are present. Hence, no carbonates must have
been present. Therefore the Alkalinity as determined in the
Alkalinity to phenolphthalein test has been due to Hydroxides
alone. Hydroxides and Carbonates can co-exist together in a
soluation but Hydroxides and Bicarbonates cannot.
For all practical purpose the Alkalinity to phenolphthalein can
be considered as caustic Alkalinity (The difference is not much)
and the residual Alkalinity, i.e. total Alkalinity minus. Alkalinity
to phenolphthalein as Alkalinity due to carbonates.
General Explanations for the Calculation:
For complete chemical reaction we have:
CaCo3 +H2SO4 = CaSo4 + CO2
i.e. 100 ml. Of CaCo3 will combine with 98 mol. Of H2SO4 for
complete chemical reaction. But both these substances are
dissolved in water and hence we must relate them to their
concentrations to obtain the correct mass.
One normal solution is defined as the Gram equivalent weight
of a chemical dissolved in water to form a litre of its solution.
Equivalent Wt. = Molecular wt. / valency.
The valency of H2SO4 is 2, hence equivalent wt. Of H2SO4 =
98/2 =49.
Therefore one normal solution of H2SO4 is made by dissolving
49 gms of H2SO4 in 1000 ml. of solution. If “a” ccs of H2SO4 is
used in the reaction, then the mass of H2SO4 used will be:
a x (1/50) x (49/1000) gms of H2SO4
Let the mass of CaCO3 in the sample be denoted by x.
Then x = a x [49/ (50 X1000) x (100/ 98)] = ( a /1000) gms
but x is
dissolved in 100 ml. of boiler water sample and hence in terms
of “a” it will be
(a/1000) X (1/100) which is [(a X 10) / 106] in P.P.M.
Hence the quantity of (N/50) H2SO4 used X 10 = P.P.M. OF
CaCo3 equivalent.
Continue with the same sample add 2ml. of Sulphuric Acid, add
20 drops of potassium chromate indicator. Titrate with N/35
Silver Nitrate solution until a brown coloration results.
Calculation Ml. of M/35 solution used x 10 = P.P.M. of Cl. Or
ml. of N/50 Silver Nitrate solution used x 10 = P.P.M. of CaCO3
equivalent for chlorides.
Purpose:- Chlorides may be present in the boiler water
sample. It is essential that they be measured as they would be
an indication of salt water leakage from a leaky condenser or
result of priming of fresh water generator. The Alkalinity to
phenolphthalein sample taken has had the hydroxides and
Carbonates dealt with and they will play no further part
therefore in the test conducted for Chlorides. The sample is
made definitely acidic by the addition of a further small
quantity of acid. This is to speed up the chemical reactions
which next take place. Silver Nitrate has affinity for potassium
chromate and chlorides. Its principal preference however is for
the chlorides. When it has reacted with the chlorides present in
the sample, it is then free to react with the potassium
chromate. In doing so, it produces a reddish brown coloration.
It is therefore apparent that the amount of silver nitrate
solution used is direct measure of the chloride content of the
boiler water sample.
This test is conducted for boiler to determine the phosphate
reserve in the boiler which is necessary to deal with the extra
feed being taken in.
Take 50m of hot boiler water sample, add 4 grains of
potassium nitrate crystals, put 25ml. of the above into a test
tube. Stand test tube in a water bath at 38 degree to 45
degrees C. Add 5ml, of ammonium molybdate reagent.
A sample of boiler water which contains sodium phosphates
and dissolved potassium nitrate will turn cloudy when
ammonium molybdate is added. This reaction to produce a
cloudiness in the sample is quicker the larger the quantity of
phosphates present. If the cloudiness does not result until after
five minutes have elapsed, the phosphate reserve in the boiler
water is too low (below 20 P.P.M.). If the cloudiness results
before two minutes have elapsed, the phosphate reserve is too
high (above 70 P.P.M.). It will be appreciated that the sample
of boiler water must be hot in order to dissolve effectively the

44What is hot corrosion and cold corrosion?

Answer:- High-temperature corrosion

Vanadium is the major fuel constituent influencing high-

temperature corrosion. It cannot be removed in the pre-
treatment process and it combines with sodium and sulphur
during the combustion process to form eutectic compounds with
melting points as low as 5300C. such molten compounds are very
corrosive and attack the protective oxide layers on steel, exposing
it to corrosion.

Exhaust valves and piston crowns are very susceptible to high-

temperature corrosion. One severe form is where mineral ash
deposits form on valve seats, which, with constant pounding,
cause dents leading to a small channel through which the hot
gases can pass. The compounds become heated and then attack
the metal of the valve seat.

Low-temperature corrosion

Sulphur is generally the cause of low-temperature corrosion. In

the combustion process the sulphur in the fuel combines with
oxygen to form sulphur dioxide (SO2). Some of the sulphur dioxide
further combines to form sulphur trioxide (SO3). The sulphur
trioxide formed during combustion reacts with moisture to form
sulphuric acid vapours, and where the metal temperatures are
below the acid dew point (1600C) the vapours condense as
sulphuric acid, resulting in corrosion.

The obvious method of reducing this problem is to maintain

temperature in the engine above the acid dew point through good
distribution and control of the cooling water. There is always the
danger that an increase in temperatures to avoid low temperature
corrosion may lead to increased high temperature corrosion.
Attack on cylinder liners and piston rings as a result of high
sulphur content fuels has been effectively reduced by controlled
temperature of the cylinder liner walls and alkaline cylinder
lubricating oil
45 Why TBN is important? TBN values of ME and AE lub- oil
Answer:- TBN is the total base number and it represents the
alkalinity of the oil which is necessary to neutralize the
acidic nature of the products of combustion caused by
sulphur di oxide.

For aux medium speed engines the TBN IS 12.

For slow speed main engines it applies to the

cylinder oil which has TBN 18

46 There is a crack on ME air line, how will you manage to

reach port?

Answer:- It depends where the crack is. If it is on a branch

line connection from the manifold to the cylinder start
valve, the branch can be suitably blanked and the pilot
air valve connection from air distributor also blanked. The
air start valve has been isolated and made inoperative. The
engine will start with some more revolutions on air. By
this process the leak is prevented and waste of air also

Welding on a cracked high pressure air pipe is difficult

since it needs professional expertise and the use of special
electrodes compatible with the pipe material.

If the crack is on the main manifold, a steel

circumferential band must be fabricated of plate thickness
about 2.5 mm with at least two bolts for tightening. The
pipe surface should be scraped of all paint and covered
with a copper strip at least 1 mm thick annealed so that
it will form into the curvature and fill the surface
completely like a joint when tightened by the clamp.

47 How to do air bottle survey? What all areas to check?

Answer:-The complete survey of the air bottle as per class
requirements consists of draining , opening the air bottle
man hole door , overhaul and inspection of all the
mountings on the bottle in dismantled condition, internal
examination inafter thorough cleaning and scrapping of
rust collected at wasted areas.

After survey the wasted areas around the drain pockets

which have been cleaned are coated with special polymer
primary and finished coat paint. The mountings are
reassembled with new packings and joints. The relief valve
is tested and set separately using a test rig and a
hydraulic pump , which will be witnessed by the surveyor.

48 Checks on AE after overhaul.

Answer:- After the A/E is overhauled, the sump is filled

with fresh lub oil after the sump is thoroughly cleaned . The
engine is started and made to run on idle speed for
about 19 minutes when some primary checks for leaks is
carried out after which the engine speed is raised to
normal running speed and run for about 3o minutes. The
engine is stopped , the crank case doors opened and the
bottom end bearings and main bearings felt for any signs
of over heating. If no over heating is observed the engine
may be started and put on half load by paralleling with
the running generator. The machine is kept running in this
condition for about an hour during which time pressure
card is taken for all the units with fuel on and off to
obtain the compression and peak pressures . The heights
of these bars should be checked for uniformity. During the
running, the cooling water outlet and inlet temperatures of
individual units, the exhaust temperature of all units, the
luboil pressure, the T/C RPM, air manifold pressure are
recorded and verified. If all is well the machine can now
be put on normal load.

49 How to check Main bearing, Crosshead bearing, bottom

end bearing clearances and their values

Answer:-The procedure is as follows:

This operation is done during crank case inspection.

 Obtain propeller clearance and engagwe turning gear .

 For top end bearings;
 Put crank on TDC.
 check the oil clearance between top half and
crosshead pin on both sides. Use long feeler gauge
since the leaves have to penetrate the full width of
the bearing.
 For bottom end bearing:
 Put crank on BDC.
 check oil clearance between bottom half and crank
pin. use long feeler gauge.
 For main bearing:
 Turn the crank to stbd side at half stroke . the
clearance is measured between journal and top half
 The standard values are:
 TOP END 0.2 -0.3mm
 Bottom end 0.4-0.5 mm
 Main bearing 0.45-0.5 mm
50Defects in connecting rod bolts

Answer:- Connecting rod bolts of medium speed engines

are prone for permanent set (elongation). They shoul be
checked for elongation using the standard gauge length
supplied by makers. Checked for surface serrations and
cuts. If these defects are found they should be discarded.

51How to do over speed trip test of AE

Answer:- The engine is run with the full load on. It is

best tested during shutting down the engine. The
procedure of releaving the electrical load from switch board
is followed and the reverse power trip is made to operate.
A person at the

engine panel should observe the fluctuation of rppm when

the load is pulled out. It is normally between 15 and 20
percent of full load RPM.


23 For large ships which type of windlass is preferred and

state the reasons for the preference
Answer:- The hydraulically operated windlass has larger torque
capacities because the hydraulic motor can operate at very low
speeds even at 5 to 10 rpm, there by building a very high torque.
The torque –speed characteristics of hydraulic system is much
better and flexible than electrical systems. Their comparison is
shown in the sketch given under(Fig10)

(Fig 10)
The Hydraulic machine is robust and can withstand a lot of
shock. The components are less since the double reduction gear
box and the slip clutch are eliminated thereby reducing the cost
of the machinery. For safety a spring loaded shock valve is
provided in the system which will connect the high pressure to
the low pressure side when overload occurs.

24 sketch a section of the windlass or mooring winch motor

and explain the major maintenance required.

Answer:- Maintenance.:- During lay ups at special surveys, the

end cover is opened up and vanes as well as springs which
are damaged are renewed. The oil seal and roller bearing
also renewed if they are worn out.

The sketch of the winch motor with detail of vane assembly

is shown under.(Fig 13b)
(Fig 13 b)

25 Sketch the stockless Bower anchor and explain how the

anchor assumes a position of the plough when dropped in
the sea.

Answer:- The anchor as sketched is in position to be dropped.

When it hits the sea floor , because of the curved bottom
of the anchor head the anchor will fall on any side . The
anchor head is hinged with a freedom of movement of
about 15 to 20 degrees on either side permitted by the
wedge shape cavity in the head int which the shank is
connected by the pin. This freedom allows the head to
assume the position as required for digging into the soil.
26 Why are the mooring rollers on the mooring winch
conical in shape.

Answer:- When a ship arrives at the berth or pier it is placed

parallel to the pier or jetty and engines stopped. The ship has
to be bodily hauled in by the mooring ropes forward and aft.
The mooring ropes ends formed into spliced nooses are slipped
on the pier bollards and the mooring ropes on the ship are
wound by two or three turns on the mooring winch cones both
at forward and aft. When the cones are rotated by the mooring
winch the tension created on both the forward and aft ropes
pulls the ship bodily towards the jetty . The ship moves inwards
and comes to rest when the ship makes contact with the jetty

The question usually asked is why is the

mooring rope drum conical in shape and how is the large
tension created in the rope capable of pulling the ship towards
the pier.

The answer is as follows:

The Able seaman or boat swain holding the slack end of the
rope puts his body weight on the rope and this body weight
produces a tension on the rope at the other end of a high
magnitude caused by friction between rope and cone surface.
This resultant high force is based on the rope or belt Drive
formula derived in Applied mechanics and is given by the

T1 /T2 = eμϴ

Where T1 is the tension on the tight side and

T2 is the tension on the slack side.

e is the natural number approximately 2.3

µ is the coefficient of friction between rope

and steel and is approximately 0.3

Ɵ is the angle of overlap which in this

case is 3 turns or approximately 19 radians. The body
weight of a normal person is about 70 Kgs. The tension
on the tight side therefore increases to 70 * 2.35.7 = 10080
kgs weight = 98.88 KNs which is the high tension.
The reason for having a conical shape is for
ease of slipping the rope out by one or two turns . This
high tension on the tight side is needed to create a
momentum to advance , if maintained it will break the rope
with fatal consequences . The broken rope can spring
back with a high rebound hitting the able seaman or
bosun holding the rope. There have been many instances
of persons loosing their lives on such occasions.
A competent seaman will instantly reduce the
turns when the ship starts moving so that the rope does
not break by the high tension created and the conical
shape provides for this convenience.
27 How is the power capacity of the windlass decided.

Answer:- 7.1.5 The windlass is to be capable of exerting, for a

period of 30 minutes, a continuous duty pull corresponding to the
grade of chain cable, as follows :-

36.8 dc N for grade CC1

41.7 dc N for grade CC2
46.6 dc N for grade CC3

Where dc is the chain diameter [mm]. The mean hoisting speed is

not to be less than 9 [m]/min.

The power is given by 36.8 dc* (9/60)/1000 KW FOR CC1

grade chain utilised windlass.

28 How is the capacity of the windlass brake and chain

stoppers decided.

Answer:- The capacity of the windlass brake is to be

sufficient for safe stopping of anchor and chain cable when
paying out.The windlass with brakes engaged and release
coupling isengaged is to be able to withstand static pull of
45 per cent of the tabular breaking strength of the chain
without any permanent deformation of the stressed parts
and without brake slip. If a chain stopper is not fitted, the
windlass is to be able to withstand a static pull of 80 per
cent of the tabular breaking strength of the chain without
any permanent deformation of the stressed parts and
without brake slip.
The chain stoppers and their attachments are to withstand
a pull of 80 per cent of the tabular breaking strength of the
chain without any permanent deformation of the stressed
parts. The chain stoppers are to be so designed that
additional bending of the individual link does not occur and
the links are evenly supported.

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