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What is missing from descriptions of

treatment in trials and reviews?
Replicating non-pharmacological treatments in practice depends on how well they
have been described in research studies, say Paul Glasziou and colleagues

Have you ever read a trial or review and receiving numerous requests for additional Adequate description Initially Finally
wondered exactly how to carry out treat- details from doctors and patients, the author 100

Percentage (n=80)
ments such as a “behavioural intervention,” of a randomised trial on graded exercise for 90
“salt reduction,” or “exercise programme”? chronic fatigue syndrome6 subsequently pub-
Although CONSORT and related ini- lished a supplementary article with a more
tiatives have focused on the assessment of detailed “prescription.”7 Similarly, it is not
validity and presentation of results,1 2 less possible to set up a stroke unit, offer low fat
attention has been given to the adequacy of diets, or give smoking cessation advice with-
the description of the treatment used. For out sufficient details on the components that 20
pharmacological treatments the description were planned and delivered.8 10
would need to include the dose, titration, 0
route, timing, duration, and any monitoring Extent of the problem

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used. For complex treatments the problems To assess the extent of problems with descrip-

tre on



are even greater. tions of treatment we prospectively assessed
80 consecutive studies selected for abstrac- Fig 2 | Percentage of studies with sufficient
Why are full descriptions of treatment tion in the journal Evidence-Based Medicine description of treatment initially (based only on
­important? from October 2005 to October 2006. The the published paper) and after supplementary
information was obtained
The uptake of positive findings from trials is journal is aimed specifically at doctors work-
often slow and sometimes negligible.3 Rea- ing in primary care and general medicine,
sons for this slow uptake include clinicians and it provides summaries of research that is cialty) clinicians. A dozen or so clinicians,
not becoming aware of the results, perceiving highly relevant to clinical practice. To select from a pool of several thousand, score each
the results as either invalid or not relevant to studies, the staff of the journal hand search article. The articles that were scored as most
their patients, or simply not remembering 140 or so high impact clinical journals, select- relevant to practice are then abstracted (fig
to use the treatment.4 5 An additional bar- ing only articles of sufficient validity and 1). For each study two general practitioners
rier, which has received less attention, is relevance to warrant changes in clinical prac- (PG, CH) were independently asked whether
clinicians’ ability to carry out the treatment tice.9 The 5% of articles that pass the validity they could use this treatment with a patient
on the basis of the information provided in criteria are scored for clinical relevance by if they saw them tomorrow.
the published reports. For example, after active primary care (and appropriate spe- Of the 80 published reports of treatment,
55 were single randomised trials and 25 were
systematic reviews; they were published in
New England Journal of Medicine (10), Cochrane
60 000 articles (from 140 journals)
Database of Systematic Reviews (9), Lancet (7),
Validity checks by staff JAMA (7), Archives of Internal Medicine (6), BMJ
(For therapy: randomised trial (5), Annals of Internal Medicine (5), and several
with >80% follow-up; see journal
for others)
other journals (31). Most (65) were of treat-
3400 articles ments directly applicable in general prac-
pass validity checks Relevance and newsworthiness tice; the remainder were relevant to general
of articles assessed by 4-12 practice but were targeted at surgery (6),
clinicians (from a database of emergency medicine (5), internal medicine
4200 raters world wide)
(3), and dental medicine (1). More than half
2400 articles 1000 other (44/80) were of drug treatments. Non-drug
(systematic reviews, trials) (diagnosis, prognosis, treatments were education and training (15),
etiology, CPGs) devices or surgery (10), psychological treat-
Abstraction of highest rated
articles, based on ratings, ments (4), service delivery (3), and a mix of
comments, and second check of other interventions (4).
articles for validity Elements of the intervention were miss-
80 therapy 40 other ing in 41 of 80 of the published descrip-
tions. Information was better in reports of
individual trials than in systematic reviews,
Fig 1 | Selecting studies for inclusion in one year’s issues of Evidence-Based Medicine and for drug treatments than for non-drug

1472 BMJ | 28 june 2008 | Volume 336


treatments. Information was also better for Table 1 |  Some reasons for non-reproducibility for studies
control interventions, with 58 being suffi-
ciently well described (22 as drugs and 36 as Type of problem and examples Additional information obtained
non-drug controls); the remaining 22 were Description of method
simply described as placebos. Craniocervical training programme for tension-type headache: Authors provided details of the recommended regimen of
home schedule not provided in publication exercises at home
Comprehensive lifestyle modification on diet, weight, physical Author provided website with protocol which included details
What elements of treatment do authors fitness, and blood pressure control and handbooks used
miss? ACE inhibitor in coronary artery disease: review with several Author recommended two similar, acceptable regimens
The missing element was most often the combinations of drug and dose
description of the process, but several stud- Systematic review of probiotics for preventing antibiotic Author provided suggestions on appropriate types and doses
associated diarrhoea and treating Clostridium difficile disease of probiotic, plus websites
ies were missing handouts or booklets—for
Lifestyle measures effective in patients with gastro-oesophageal Review author suggested appropriate variants
example, the name or source for a self help reflux disease
booklet trialled for irritable bowel syndrome. Access to educational materials
Table 1 shows the missing elements encoun- Patient instructions for watchful waiting with hernia Patient handout provided by author
tered and their resolutions. Inadequate instructions for patient self-Epley procedure Website and instructions found in a paper referenced in main
Can authors supply the missing Name of IBS self help guidebook not given in paper or in Author did not reply (three attempts), but a colleague
references provided details of access to the guidebook via the
information? publisher’s website
When information on any aspect of treat- Description of equipment
ment needed for clinical use was missing BugBuster kit for eliminating head lice: needed details of Website found (via search engine) with treatment details and
we tried to find a solution. We first retrieved combs and combing methods confirmed by author
references from the paper relevant to the
treatment description, searched the inter-
net and other bibliographic databases as Table 2  Problems with reproducing the study’s treatment after attempts to obtain further information
required, and emailed study authors (up
Examples of problems Reason problem was not resolved
to three times). We gained some missing
Description of treatment regimen
information for most study reports; 52 of Telephone care over primary care for smoking cessation Obtained sufficient description from two referenced papers,
59 authors replied. By this simple measure but author did not make counselling protocol available
the completeness of treatment descriptions because of the training needed to use it correctly
improved from 49% to 76%, and improved Anticholinergics in acute asthma: review with multiple regimens Author unwilling to indicate which specific regimen(s) were
similarly across all categories (fig 2).
Behavioural treatments for insomnia: review with multiple Author suggested a book, but not clear if it is based on any
Some authors were extremely helpful in regimens of the trials
providing additional information. Some Cardiac rehabilitation programmes: review with multiple Author unwilling to indicate which specific regimen(s) were
volunteered manuals and videos that would regimens acceptable
form part of the treatment; they were often Low fat dietary pattern and weight change Treatment not well described in paper; but a referenced book
makes clear that the treatment involves 18 sessions with
willing to allow free access to such resources
clear structure
via the internet but had not included such a Insufficient description of cognitive behavioural treatment by Author helpfully supplied details of training and manuals
suggestion in the original paper. For exam- mental health nurses in schizophrenia used, but we felt we required more training to use these
ple, one study of “cognitive therapy” had Telephone counselling by a pharmacist for patients receiving Author promised details but never followed through
been specifically adapted and tailored for polypharmacy
schizophrenia; this required specialised Language barrier
Patients with chronic heart failure: educational booklet Educational booklet is in Spanish only (language not
training for which an author was willing to
unavailable mentioned in paper)
provide considerably more detail than had Pamphlets and field training materials for handwashing to Pamphlets and training materials are in Urdu (not mentioned
been published in the journal: “[I] would be prevent diarrhoea and acute respiratory infections in paper); and no translation available
delighted for you to include the manual and Equipment
information booklets in downloadable format Software for recording data from nurses’ consultations Software is proprietary (not mentioned in paper)
. . . it is really important that they are avail-
able in the public domain.” Others were less
able to help: for a software program to guide to obtain such training had been described ommendations can be extracted from the
nurses in telephone counselling, the authors in the paper. meta-analysis” and “The references for these
stated that it was available but not for public Despite our attempts to get further infor- studies are found in the article”—but they did
use—but this had not been indicated in the mation, elements of the treatment were still not say which treatment should be imple-
publication. Others had concerns about pro- missing in 19 studies. Some examples of mented. One author narrowed the range
viding sufficient details because of the skill these are detailed in table 2. later, saying “cognitive behavioral therapy
level needed to carry out the treatment. For For systematic reviews, several authors was found to have uniform benefits” but did
example, the responding author of a smok- were helpful in providing details and appro- not indicate the type and quantity needed.
ing cessation worksheet said: “[The authors priate choices, but many were reluctant to One author thought it was simply not pos-
of the worksheet] have asked that we do not suggest which version(s) of the treatment sible to specify a treatment: “No regimen can
post this online. The rationale is that people might be appropriate to use in practice. or should be based on a single trial, even a
really have to be thoroughly trained in terms Many believed that the review already had systematic review.” Authors understood the
of how to use the form.” No details on how sufficient information: “All details and rec- need for a specific regimen(s) to be selected

BMJ | 28 june 2008 | Volume 336 1473


but were reluctant to choose one. For exam- Funding: BMJ Publishing Group partially funded this
Summary points research.
ple, one suggested a regimen but did not want
it publicised: “My hospital’s regimen . . . is To use treatments tested in trials, clinicians need Competing interests: None declared.
sufficient details of the “how to” Provenance and peer review: Not commissioned;
definitely not something I would recommend
Many current trials and reviews often omit crucial externally peer reviewed.
in writing, as it is a local protocol.” Others 1 Plint AC, Moher D, Morrison A, Schulz K, Altman DG, Hill
details of treatments
believed selecting a regimen was not appropri- C, et al. Does the CONSORT checklist improve the quality
ate: one author stated: “It would not be valid Providing some additional treatment details of reports of randomised controlled trials? A systematic
could improve the uptake of trial results in clinical review. Med J Aust 2006;185:263-7.
to propose one type of planned management practice 2 Chan AW, Hrobjartsson A, Haahr MT, Gotzsche PC,
over another based solely on our review.” Altman DG. Empirical evidence for selective reporting of
outcomes in randomized trials: comparison of protocols
to published articles. JAMA 2004;291:2457-65.
Improving reporting informal options can be used to decide the 3 Dopson S, Locock L, Chambers D, Gabbay J.
While some of the missing detail is intrin- appropriate treatment in practice. For exam- Implementation of evidence-based medicine:
evaluation of the promoting action on clinical
sic to the complexity of certain treatments, ple, selecting the treatment with the largest effectiveness programme. J Health Serv Res Policy
providing some additional and readily avail- apparent benefit seems sensible but has 2006;6:23-31.
able information would allow a greater use several dangers. In particular, a small trial 4 Pathman DE, Konrad TR, Freed GL, Freeman VA, Koch
GG. The awareness-to-adherence model of the steps
of published research in clinical practice. may have a large effect by chance. The treat- to clinical guideline compliance. The case of pediatric
Many authors were willing to provide extra ment used in the largest trial is not necessar- vaccine recommendations. Med Care 1996;34:873-89.
details and materials so that their treatment ily the most effective one. The QUOROM 5 Glasziou P, Haynes B. The paths from research to
improved health outcomes. ACP J Club 2005;142:A8-10.
could be used, but clearly this had not been statement asks reviewers to report “details 6 Wallman KE, Morton AR, Goodman C, Grove R, Guilfoyle
required by most journals. of intervention” of trials,13 and the Cochrane AM. Randomised controlled trial of graded exercise in
chronic fatigue syndrome. Med J Aust 2004;180:444-8.
So how might reporting be improved? For Handbook provides more on how to describe 7 Mayo-Wilson E. Reporting implementation in
trials, the CONSORT statement asks for complex interventions (Section 7.3.4) and randomized trials: proposed additions to the
“Precise details of the treatments intended their fidelity,14 but neither currently gives consolidated standards of reporting trials statement.
Am J Public Health 2007;97:630-3.
for each group and how and when they were guidance on how to select and report the 8 Wallman KE, Morton AR, Goodman C, Grove R. Exercise
actually administered,”10 but further guidance appropriate versions of the treatments prescription for individuals with chronic fatigue
would be helpful. A more detailed checklist reviewed. syndrome. Med J Aust 2005;183:142-3.
9 McKibbon KA, Wilczynski NL, Haynes RB. What do
about the “who, what, when, and where” Access to such complete descriptions evidence-based secondary journals tell us about the
of the treatment is desirable but may need should not be restricted. Development publication of clinically important articles in primary
of a repository of treatment descriptions, healthcare journals? BMC Med 2004;2:33.
to be tailored to different types of interven- 10 Begg CB, Cho MK, Eastwood S, Horton R, Moher D, Olkin
tions. For non-pharmacological treatments ­particularly for non-drug treatments, would I, et al. Improving the quality of reporting of randomized
the details are often complex, and a recent help clinicians and be supported by many controlled trials: the CONSORT statement. JAMA
authors. An example of such a process is 1996;276:637-9.
extension to CONSORT (available at www. 11 Perera R, Heneghan C, Yudkin P. Graphical method for
consort-statement.org/index.aspx?o=1068) the Centers for Disease Control and Preven- depicting randomised trials of complex interventions.
requests extra details on the components, the tion’s Replicating Effective Programs (www. BMJ 2007;334:127-9.
cdc.gov/hiv/projects/rep), which aims to 12 Chalmers I, Altman DG. How can medical journals help
procedure, including tailoring to individuals, prevent poor medical research? Some opportunities
standardisation, and adherence. provide detailed packages and resources in presented by electronic publishing. Lancet
Full descriptions of treatment should HIV prevention. Without such descriptions 1999;353:490-3.
13 Moher D, Cook DJ, Eastwood S, Olkin I, Rennie D, Stroup
include any procedures used; the timing of and programmes, tens of millions of pounds DF. Improving the quality of reports of meta-analyses of
treatment, including duration and intervals of research effort could be wasted each year randomised controlled trials: the QUOROM statement.
of dosing or sessions; any materials needed because effective treatments can’t be imple- Quality of Reporting of Meta-analyses. Lancet
(such as patient handouts or devices); and mented or will lack fidelity when applied. 14 Higgins JPT, Green S, eds. Cochrane Handbook for
accessibility of any materials or instructions, Paul Glasziou professor of evidence based medicine Systematic Reviews of Interventions 5.0. February 2008.
including overcoming language barriers. This Emma Meats research assistant
may need to be supplemented with graphical Carl Heneghan senior clinical research fellow, Centre for
Evidence-Based Medicine, Department of Primary Health
methods for depicting the flow and timing of
sessions of treatment11 and copies of materi-
Care, University of Oxford, Oxford OX3 7LF
Sasha Shepperd NIHR research scientist in evidence
als or handouts used. Electronic publishing synthesis, Department of Public Health, University of Oxford
provides the ideal format for distributing Correspondence to: P Glasziou paul.glasziou@dphpc. Exact sciences
such extra material.12 For systematic reviews, ox.ac.uk
The human mind is only too inclined
Accepted: 21 March 2008
statistical and clinical approaches need to be to abandon the tedious path of scientific
We thank all the authors who responded so helpfully; and
integrated to help reviewers select the most Iain Chalmers, Sara Schroter, Muir Gray, Doug Altman,
reasoning and lose itself in reviverie.
appropriate treatment(s) from among those Brian Haynes, Mike Clarke, and Andy Oxman for helpful The position which we propose to adopt
included in the review. comments on the paper. CH and SS are funded by . . . is simply that of the exact sciences
In systematic reviews, the high level of Department of Health Research Development Award and . . . the precise and lucid development
Evidence Synthesis Award respectively. PG had full access of anatomical and clinical experiments
abstraction used in selecting “similar” treat- to all of the data in the study and takes responsibility for the will be our first and essential duty. These
ments causes a problem. Even when reviews integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis. experiments will lead us to the true theory
and trials include enough details of the treat- Contributors: PG conceived the study; EM was project of medicine, pathophysiology.
ment, the clinical reader may find it difficult manager; CH and PG assessed the target treatments and Rudolph Virchow
to select the version to adopt in practice, SS assessed the control treatments; EM with assistance
from SS coded, entered, and analysed the data; all authors Submitted by Amar Bhat, senior house officer,
especially if there is heterogeneity of effect contributed to the concepts and writing of the paper. PG is Queen Elizabeth Hospital, King’s Lynn
among the treatments. Several formal and guarantor.

1474 BMJ | 28 june 2008 | Volume 336

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