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SQL Server Reporting Services 2016/2014 Student Guide Version 5.01 presented by Hands On Technology Transfer, Inc. Chelmsford, Massachusetts (USA) Copyright © 2007-2016 Hands On Technology Transfer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This student guide is copyrighted. This document may not, in whole or in part, be copied, duplicated, reproduced, translated, electronically stored, or reduced to machine readable form without prior written consent from Hands On Technology Transfer, Inc. Training programs are available through Hands On Technology Transfer, Inc. For information, contact HOTT in Chelmsford, Massachusetts at (800) 413-0939. All trademarks, product names and company names are the property of their respective owners. Although the material contained herein has been carefully reviewed, HOTT does not warrant it to be free of errors or omissions. HOTT reserves the right to make corrections, updates, revisions or changes to the information contained herein. HOTT does not warrant the material described herein to be free of patent infringement. Copyright © 2007-2016 Hands On Technology Transfer, Inc. Al Rights Reserved Table of Contents ‘SQL Server Reporting Services Course Introduction ‘Course Goals and Objectives. oe Module 1 Business Intelligence Services Overview and Installation wn... Module Goals and Objectives - Section 1-1 SQL Server Business Intelligent SQI. Server Business Intelligence... BIDS and SST Integration Services Analysis Services, Reporting Services. Installing the BI Services What’s New in SSRS 2016, . Section 1-2 Reporting Services Architecture Reporting Services Types of Reports. Types of Reports contd BI Semantic Model... Reporting Services Architecture Report Manager Web Site.. Report Server Web Service Reporting Services Databases Report Lifecycle .. Section 1-3 Install and Configuration Prerequisites for Installing BI F Service ACCOUMS. rn Installing BI Services. Reporting Services Configuration Manager. SQLServer Configuration Manager z Section 1-4 Using the BI Development Environment 00 seen FET BIDS/SSD1 oe Opening the BI Development Environment New Project Dialog Project Templates. Projects vs. Solutions. Report Server Project Interface . Auto-Hide Feature. Module Summary. Module 2 Creating Table-Based Reports Module Goals and Objectives. Section 2-1 Creating Reports Report Wizard... Report Designer Adding New Reports. ‘Adding Report Templates. Importing Reports. Saving Reports. Report Definition Language. Sample RDL wn Section 2-2 Data Sources. Data Sources Data Source Types Shared Data Sources Fmbedded Data Sources. Copyright © 2007-2016 Hands On Technology Transfer, Ine. Al Rights Reserved Data Source Naming Conflicts, Data Source Properties Data Source Properties Dialog Connection Properties Dialog... SQL Server Connection Properties. Credentials Tal . Creating, Data Section 2-3 Datasets Datasets nn " Shared Datasets... Dataset Properties Dialog. Other Dataset Properties: Setting the Query. Query Designer, Adding Tables. ourees Non-SQL Query Designs Editing Datasets. Section 2-4 Tables. Understanding Tables Adding Tables to Reports ‘Table Handles . Assigning Field: ‘Adding and Removing Columns. Resizing Columns. Merging Cells Tablix Properties. ‘Tablix Grouping Pane ~ Advanced Mode.. Section 2-5 Grouping Data ‘Tabl ix Grouping Pane ‘Adding Groups... Tablix Group Dialog... Row-Handle Grouping Lines. Inserting, ROWS we oo Inserting Rows with Row Handles Inserting Rows with Table Cells Editing Groups. 2 Delails Group. Section 2-6 Formatting... Formatting Textboxes ‘Textbox Properties Dialog... Textbox Properties cont'd Properties Window. Textbox Property Categ Using the Properties Window. Formatting Codes nn Standard Format Codes. Explicit Formatting Codes, Behavioral Properties Body Formatting... Creating Columns, Report Properties Dialog... Properties for Reports. Module Summary Module 3 Using Expressions. “Module Goals and Objective iv Copyright © 2007-2016 Hands On Technology Transfer, Ine ‘Al Rights Reserved Section 3-1 Expressions Overview Why Use Expressions. Expression Builder. Category and Item Panes Description and Example Panes Values Pan Operators and Functions. Arithmetic Operators. ‘Comparison Operators.. Other Operators orn ‘Common Functions Folder. 1 Funetions.. Switch Funetio Understanding ! Notation . Common ! Categories Understanding Report Tens Using Report 1tems keport items Example. Using Expression Builder Hints. Section 3-2 Using Expressions. Calculated Fields Overview Adding Calculated Fields. Conditional Formatting Example... Atgregating Grouped Dat, Page Numbering, PageName Properties Section 3-3 Writing Custom Functions Custom NET Functions. Code Tab Using Custom Functions. Referencing NET Libra Steps to Reference Libraries Module Summary Module 4 Enhancing Reports. Module Goals and Objectives. Section 4-1 Lines, Rectangles, Images, and Textboxes Toolbox Components Adding Lines to Reports Line Properties. 2 Index Property... Rectangle Overview. Using Rectangles... Rectangle Configurations. Page Break Settings. Image Control Image Properties Dialog Image Size Options.. Textbox Overview. Adding, Textboxes to Reports Textbox Proper os Copyright © 2007-2016 Hands On Technology Transfer, Inc Al Rights Reserved Section 4-2 Lists and Matrices. Lists. . List Properties Adding Fields to Li Grouping with Lists Adding Groups Inserting Cokimns and ROWS. Matrices . ‘Adding Matrix Controls. Row and Column Groups Adding Row Groups Adding, Column Groups Group Propertie Enabling, Drill Down. ‘Matrix Properties. Add Total Options. Displaying Multiple Aggregates. Adding Rows Section 4-3 Page Headers and Footer Page Headers and Footers... Using Page Headers and Footers. Module Summary Module 5 Interactive Report Features and Subreports Module Goals and Objectives . Section 5-1 Report Parameters Why Use Parameters? Adding Parameters to Queries. Parameters Folder: Report Parameter Properties. Data Type Options. - Visibility Options. ‘Allowing Multiple Values. Available Values Tab. Specifying Values. Using Datasets. Default Values Tab ‘Advanced Properties. Cascading Parameters Section 5-2 Toggling Visibility Toggle Behavior Explained .. Visibility Tab Toggleltemand Initialtogglestate.. Drill-Down Tables, 5 Toggling with Textboxes. Column Visibility, Section 5-3 Document Maps, Interactive Sorting and Go” To Actions Document Maps Overview a Configuring Document Maps... Interactive Sorting... Interactive Sorting, Go to Actions. Action Tab... Bookmark Property. Section 5-4 Using Stored Procedures. Stored Procedures. ss Query Type Property... Passing Parameters to Stored Procedures vi Copyright © 2007-2016 Hands On Technology Transfer. Ine All Rights Reserved Section 5-5 Subreports, Subreport Overview Adding Subreports ‘Subreport Properties. Module Summary Module 6 Data Visualization Controls . Module Goals and Objectives Section 6-1 Charts and Gauge: Using Charts, Chart Types. Setting the Data, Category and Series Chart Data Menu Category Grouping vs. Adding a Seri Category Grouping, Adding a Series. Chart Components... Gauge Overview. Adding Gauges. Gauge Data. . Configuring Gauges ‘Tree Map Chart ‘Sunburst Chatt.. a as = Section 6-2 Sparkles, Data Bars, and Indicators - ae 618 Defining Sparklines and Data Bars... . Using Sparklines.. Adding Sparklines.. Using Data Bars, Adding Data Bars . Defining Indicators. Adding Indicators. Module Summary. Module 7 Using BI Semantic Models in Reports. Module Goals and Objectives Section 7-1 Introducing the BI Semantic Model. Defining the BI Semantic Model... Defining the BI Semantic Model contd. Dimensional Models. . fabular Models... Section 7-2 Semantic Models in Reports Using Semantic Models in Reports.. Create a New Data Source. MDX Datasets MDX Query Designer Building a Query. Building aQuery contd. Building a Query cont'd ‘Adding a Parameter in the Dataset Finalizing the Dataset Report Building with SSAS Datasets Aggregation Override Example. Aggregation Override Example cont'd. Aggregation Override Example cont'd. Create a New Data Source. Module Summary. Module 8 Deploying, Accessing, and Managing, Report ‘Module Goals and Objectives Copyright © 2007-2016 Hands On Technology Transfer, Ine. All Rights Reserved Section 8-1 Deploying Reports. Deploying Reports Deploying Reports cont‘d. Deploying Reports cont‘. Section 8-2 Accessing Reports Introduction to the Report Manager and Web Portal. Web Portal Navigation (S5RS 2016) Web Portal Navigation cont“... Report Manager Navigation (SSRS 2014). Report Manager Navigation cont‘d. Section 8-3 Managing Report Objects Managing Folders. Shared Data Sources. Shared Data Sources cont‘. Reports. Reports cont’ Report Management Page Report Management Page cont'd. Section 8-4 Cached Instances Rendering Cached Instance. Rendering Cached Instance cont'd. Expired Reports, Schedules. Shared Schedules Creating Cached Instances. Section 8-5 Snapshots and Histories Snapshots Defined Snapshots vs. Cached Instances. Creating Snapshot Reports - Report Manager Snapshot Histories. Report Manager Accessing Snapshot Section 8-6 Report Subscriptions. ‘Subscriptions Defined. Emailing Subscriptions. Delivering Subscriptions to File Shares Subscription Processing Options. Report Paramet Adding Subscriptions Section 8-7 Report Builder.. Introduction to Report Builder .. Report Builder Lin Report Builder Overview Report Builder Interface Report Data Window... Insert Tab, View Tab. Run/Design Button Module Summary Module 9 SSRS Administration ‘Module Goals and Objectives... Section 9-1 Security... 'SSRS Security Overview. Tasks... Built-in System Roles System-Role Tasks .. Built-in Item Roles... vit Copyright © 2007-2016 Hands On Technology Transfer, Ine All Rights Reserved Htem-Role Tasks. Creating Custom Roles. Implementing Security. Assigning Users to Roles. Using Folders... : Section 9-2 Service Administration... SSRS Configuration FileS...onn SSRS Configuration Files cont‘d. ‘SSRS Configuration Files cont’d. sreportserver..confis File... rsconfig Utility, Using rscontig. Trace Logs Trace Log Files. Configuring Tracing. Execution Logs Overview Configuring Execution Logs Applying Report Timeouts Hiding Reports Section 9-3 Database Backups 'SSRS Backup Overview Backup Database Dialog. Restore Steps Encryption Key: Module Summary Appendix A Using Report Wizard Launching the Wizard. Data Source Seren Connections and Credentials. Design the Query Screen Report Type Screen Design the Table Screen hing the Wizard Appendix B NET Integration Accessing, SSRS from .NET Applications Referencing the Web Service. Adding the Namespace. Report ingService Class Retrieving Report Items . Listing Report Metadata.. TtenTypeenum ss Render () Method ReportViewer Overview. Using the ReportViewe ReportViewer Properties. Copyright © 2007-2016 Hands On Technology Transfer, Inc Al Rights Reserved SQL Server Reporting Services Course Introduction Copyright © 2007-2016 Hands On Technology Transfer, Inc All Rights Reserved Course Goals and Objectives Be able to deploy and manage Reporting Services Create and customize all types of reports including: Table, Matrix, Parameterized and Linked reports Specific Objectives On completion of this course, students will be able to: Install and configure SQL Server Reporting Services Create multidimensional, two-dimensional, and tabular data sources and data sets Create and deploy reports Use the Tablix object to display information in Tables, Matrix (pivot tables), and free form Lists Use visualization objects to create Charts, Spark Lines, Data Bars, and Tree Maps ‘Add mages, page headers and footers, and report metadata to reports Include report parameterization enabling dynamic filtering by users Configure report interactivity, including drill-downs, report maps, and book marks Link parameterized child reports via hyperlinks and sub-reports Create calculated fields and custom report formatting Deploy reports to the new Reporting Services Web Portal Configure report Snapshots, Caches and Subscriptions Secure reports and data sources xii Copyright © 2007-2016 Hands On Technology Transfer. Ine. ‘All Rights Reserved Module 1 Business Intelligence Services Overview and Installation Copyright © 2007-2016 Hands On Technology Trans, Inc Vl Al Riahts Reserved Module Goals and Objectives Major Goals Understand the purpose of SQL Server's three add-on services (Reporting Servi Services and Integration Services) and how to install them s, Analysis Identify the new features introduced in SQL Server Reporting Services 2016 Become familiar with the business intelligence (Bl) development environment Specific Objectives ‘On completion of this module, students will be able to: Understand the purpose of each BI service Understand the architecture of Reporting Services Understand the Report Server and ReportServerTemp3 databases Understand the lifecycle of reports Be introduced to the BI development environment Use the Reporting Services Configuration Manager utility 12 Copyright © 2007-2016 Hands On Technology Transfer, Ine All Rights Reserved Section 1-1 SQL Server Business Intelligence Copyright © 2007-2016 Hands On Technology Transfer, Ine. Al Rights Reserved SQL Server Business Intelligence ¢ Since SOL Server 2005, three business intelligence (BI) services have been bundled with the Database Engine — SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) + Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) utility — SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) * OLAP utility to create data cubes and use data mining algorithms — SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) + Enterprise-level reporting utility 4 Copyright © 2007-2016 Hands On Technology Transfer, Inc. All Rights Reserved BIDS and SSDT ¢ SSDT provides the development templates for SQL Server BI projects — SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) is the name of the Visual Studio BI development environment for SQL Server 2012 and beyond ¢ SSDT shortcut launches Visual Studio — This is the development environment for C#.NET and VB.NET applications and ASP.NET web sites e When installing SSDT, Visual Studio shell is installed — On computers that already have Visual Studio installed, SSDT templates are added — If Visual Studio is not on the server * For 2014, Visual Studio 2013 shell is installed * For 2016, Visual Studio 2015 shell is installed ~ SQL Server 2016 or 2014 installation media does not include SSDT and currently requires a separate installation Copyright © 2007-2016 Hands On Technology Transfer, Ine. 1s Al Rights Reserved Integration Services SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) is a data migration utility — Often called Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) * Tt connects to data sources, then manipulates the data, and finally loads it into a destination — Can move data between various systems as well as various formats * For example, connecting to an . xm1 file and loading the data into a database table Integration Services supports very complex data migration routines Can identify multiple data sources and destinations — Merge, sort and filter data in a number of ways Perform lookups, row sampling and pivot data Can copy/move files, run scripts or send emails — Parallel process steps Notify administrators of success and /or failure of routines — Define runtime responses to errors Routines can be launched by .NET code, manually or on a schedule with SQL Server Agent jobs Copyright © 2007-2016 Hands On Technology Transfer, Inc All Rights Reserved Analysis Services ¢ SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) supports Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) needs — OLAP is deep/complex analysis of an organization’s data, often involving large volumes of data — Data cubes are created using Analysis Services to support this complex data analysis * Cubes perform much faster than standard relational databases when executing OLAP queries + Also support dynamic analysis by allowing users to make on-the-fly changes to how the data is being broken down ~ Data cubes do not support day-to-day operations * That is the role of standard relational databases typical of accounting, CRM and ERP systems ~ Data mining algorithms are also supported by Analysis Services ~ Can perform predictive, market basket and linear regression analysis — Support for Tabular data models was added in SQL Server 2012 ¢ OLAP typically involves creating a data warehouse in addition to data cubes — Both of these formats structure the data around facts and measures * Facts are numbers that impact business decision * Dimensions define how to break down the numbers Copyright © 2007-2016 Hands On Technology Transfer, In. 7 Al Rights Reserved Reporting Services SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) is an enterprise- level reporting utility — End users connect to reports through a built-in web site using a web browser — Reports can be exported in several formats including: Excel, Word, PDF and HTML Reporting Services features include: — Multiple types of reports * Table-based reports + Parameterized reports + Linked reports and sub-reports * Reports with charts and gauges — Automated report generation and delivery — Report caching — Retaining historical copies of reports — Built-in web portal for users to access reports + No special client application is needed because end-users connect via web browsers * Web portal is also used by administrators to manage the Report Server — Security that integrates with Windows user accounts and groups Copyright © 2007-2016 Hands On Technology Transfer Inc All Rights Reserved Installing the BI Services e Each service can be installed on separate servers or they can all be installed on one server along with the Database Engine — Allows scaling to support large enterprises — Which BI service(s) to install is determined during the Setup routine ~ Reporting Service needs access to a database engine to access ReportServer and ReportServerTemp databases e All BI services require the INET Framework — .NET Frameworks are free downloads from the Microsoft website — Windows Updates delivers the most recent NET Framework — SQL Server Setup routines will detect the existing .NET Framework + Will download a more recent version if needed Copyright © 2007-2016 Hands On Technology Transfer, Inc. 19 All Rights Reserved What’s New in SSRS 2016 Reporting Services Web Portal replaced Report Manager — Updated with modern HTML 5.0 compliance for cross-browser support for enhanced report rendering — Enables custom portal design (branding) — Allows creation of Key Performance Indicators (KPI) directly within the portal, based on Shared Data Sets — Supports Paginated report design — Build Mobile Reports creation with Mobile Report Builder and Publishing — Power Bland Excel integration — Improvements in Subscriptions Report Improvements — Paginated reports with upgraded styles, gauges and maps — Added Tree map and Sunburst report objects — Ability to pin reports to Power BI dashboards — Addition of PowerPoint rendering and Export — Customize parameter locations — Improvements in Subscriptions, including enabling/ disabling, change subscription owner, add subscription descriptions Enhanced support for SharePoint 1-10 Copyright © 2007-2016 Hands On Technology Transfer, Inc Al Rights Reserved Section 1-2 Reporting Services Architecture Copyright © 2007-2016 Hands On Technology Transfer, Ine All Rihts Reserved Reporting Services Editions Le SQL Server 2014 & 2016 Editions include: — Standard » Supports single server configuration only * Does not support all BI features — Business Intelligence (2014 only - removed from 2016 line) + Supports most BI features + Does not support advanced high-availability tools nor does it support advanced data migration (such as fuzzy look-ups) — Enterprise * Supports all features » Highest level of hardware supported — Express with Advanced Tools * Free version of SQL Server + Limited hardware support and database size + Includes Reporting Services only (no SSAS nor SSIS) — Other versions include Web, Express with Tools and Express Complete breakdown of the features supported by each 2016 edition is at the Microsoft web site - http: // cloud/products/sql-server-editions/ Copyright © 2007-2016 Hands On Technology Transfer, Inc. Al Rights Reserved Types of Reports e Tabular reports — column and row table structure — Similar to spreadsheets — Support multiple levels of grouping — Can add group headers and footers to display subtotals and totals ¢ Drill-through reports — to hide/show master-detail information — Expanding a master level displays its details — Details can also be collapsed to hide them — Multiple levels of details can be defined * Each level has its own expand collapse toggle button ¢ Parameterized reports — allow end-users to enter data filtering criteria at runtime — Can supply a list of predefined filter options or let the end-user enter a custom value — Supports cascading input parameters, where the value of the first parameter impacts the available options for the second parameter Copyright © 2007-2016 Hands On Technology Transfer, Inc. 13 ‘AIL Riohts Reserved Types of Reports cont'd Linked reports — reports that link to other reports — End users click on an item in the first report, and this acts like a hyperlink to launch a second report — Value of what was clicked on in the first report can be passed to the second report as an input parameter Matrix reports — present aggregated data similar to pivot tables — Default aggregation function is SUM * Can modify this to a custom aggregation function — Can group along columns as well as rows + Tables only group by rows » For example, the Matrix’s columns could be grouped by year and then by month, while the rows are grouped by product category and then by product name ¢ Charts and Gauges — visual representations of data that can be added to reports — Can be used in conjunction with Tables or Matrix controls — Can also be stand-alone reports Lu Copyright © 2007-2016 Hands On Technology Transfer. Ine. All Rights Reserved BI Semantic Model ¢ Unifies and simplifies enterprise data for easier reporting — Used asa report data source e Report Models define "available fields" that end-users can add to their reports — Deployed in SSRS, designed in BIDS * No SQL programming skills are needed — Only available in versions prior to SQL Server 2012 SSRS — 2012 can still host existing report models, but cannot create new ones ¢ Dimensional Model — Deployed in SSAS, designed in BIDS/SSDT — Also known as Cubes or Unified Dimensional Models (UDM) ~ Accessed using Multidimensional Expressions (MDX) language e Tabular Model ~ Deployed in SSAS or PowerPivot, designed in SSDT or PowerPivot ~ Replaces and extends the functionality of Report Models ~ Available only in SQL Server 2012 and higher ~ Accessed using MDX or Data Analysis Expressions (DAX) ‘Copyright © 2007-2016 Hands On Technology Transfer, Inc Ls Al Rights Reserved Reporting Services Architecture Reporting Services is made up of multiple components that work together to manage and deliver reports — Two databases store report definitions and generated reports — Report Manager web site gives end users access to deployed reports — Web service can be used by NET applications to access Report Servers Report Manager Web Site Web Browser Report || Report a é (IE, Netscape, hitpiiServerName/Report = Firefox, ete...) ip Sverre Fepot || Report é ° _, NET Report Server Instance —— picatons | eiseverNane Teniein | [ baa focsa vee sonics Web Sites RepotSener (checks end-user (retrieves data for erosions). ‘epons) BIDS report Rendering Service ‘Scheduling and oe deployment famaerGercite | | Delvery service —_seployment__, Grea werd POF. | | autogonertes and ‘SSDT http://ServerName etc...) ‘emails reports) ReportServer ReportServer database -_-ReportServerTempDB (stores deployed report (stores generated definitions) reports ~ those being viewed) 146 Copyright © 2007-2016 Hands On Technology Transfer, In. ts Reserved Report Manager Web Site ° Web site created by the Setup routine that acts a delivery mechanism for reports ¢ End users connect to this web site to see available reports as links — Selecting a report opens it in the browser window — End users can then export the report asa file * PDF, Excel, Word and other file formats are supported ~ End users only see links to reports they have permissions to view (others are hidden) ¢ Administrators also use this web site to manage the Report Server and reports ¢ URL to the web site on default instances: — http: //ServerName/Reports ¢ URL to the web site on named instances: — SSRS 2008 and higher: http://ServerName/Reports_InstanceName Copyright © 2007-2016 Hands On Technology Transfer, Ine. 17 Al Rights Reserved Report Server Web Service ¢ The web service provides programmatic access to the Report Server — Used by NET applications (including ASP.NET web sites) to connect to Report Servers — NET applications can manage the Report Server with code via the web service * Can configure the Report Server and modify report settings + Can also render reports © URL of the web service is also used by BIDS/SSDT when deploying reports — BIDS/SSDT are only development environments — For end users to access reports, they must be deployed from BIDS/SSDT to a Report Server instance ¢ URL to the web service on default instances: - http: //ServerName/ReportServer ¢ URL to the web service on named instances: — SSRS 2008 and higher: http: //ServerName/Reports_InstanceName 1s Copyright © 2007-2016 Hands On Technology Transfer, Ine All Rights Reserved Reporting Services Databases ° SSRS uses two databases to store report definitions and generated reports — ReportServer database * Store report definitions of deployed reports * Backing up this database backs up the report definitions of all deployed reports — ReportServerTempDB database * Stores reports that end users are currently viewing * Also stores historic versions of reports that are configured for auto- generation (snapshots) * Backing up this database only backs up the reports end users are currently looking at and report histories Both databases are created by the Setup routine when installing Reporting Services — Must be housed on SQL Server 2005 or higher — Can install the Database Engine to host the databases at the same time as Reporting Services ¢ For Web Farm configurations, must be created prior to install — Only available using Enterprise Edition — See documentation on Microsoft website for the exact steps Copyright © 2007-2016 Hands On Technology ‘Transfer, Inc 119 Al Rights Reserved Report Lifecycle 1. End user opens a web browser and enters the Report Manager’s URL — http: //ServerName/Reports 2. Windows user/group identity of the end user is checked — Only reports that the user has permissions to view are displayed 3. End user clicks on a report to open it — Report definition is retrieved from the Report Server database — Data required by the report is retrieved, and then this data is combined with the report’s layout — The generated report is stored in the ReportServerTempDB and is also sent to the user 4. End user views the report in the browser window (in an HTML format) 5. If the end user would like to save a copy of the report, then it can be "exported" — Need to indicate the format of the exported report (PDF, Excel, Word, HTML, ete...) — Also need to indicate where to save the report 120 Copyright © 2007-2016 Hands On Technology Transfer, Inc. Al Rights Reserved Section 1-3 Install and Configuration Copyright © 2007-2016 Hands On Technology Transfer, Inc. All Rights Reserved 121 Prerequisites for Installing BI Features 12 SQL Server must be installed on a server Operating System for production use — SOL Server 2016 requires Microsoft Windows Server 2012 or higher SQL Server 2012/2014 requires Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 or higher — SQL Server 2008 R2 requires Windows Server 2003 SP2 or higher ! Can be installed on a client operating system for development only (Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8.x) — 64 bit SOL versions only run on 64 bit OS versions, but 32 bit SQL version can run on 32 or 64 bit OS versions Software requirements: — .NET 4.0 Framework is needed * Can install ahead of installation + Can also install through the installation wizard SQL Server instance is needed to host the Reporting Services databases — SQL Server 2005 engine or higher — If installing a Database Engine with Reporting Services, then this can host the databases Copyright © 2007-2016 Hands On Technology Transfer, Inc. Al Rights Reserved Service Accounts SQL Server features require service accounts to be assigned to each installed service — This includes the Database Engine’s services (SQL Server and the SOL Server Agent) — Each BI feature also has its own service account Can use a built-in account or domain user accounts — Built-in accounts include the Local System account and Network Service account + Using the Local System is considered the least secure — Microsoft considers using either built-in account less secure compared to domain accounts * Built-in accounts have higher privileges than the services require * Dangerous if the service account is compromised Services can be assigned the same account or each service can use a separate account Best practice according to Microsoft is to use domain user accounts and to use separate accounts for each BI feature — See Microsoft web site for steps to create the domain user accounts Copyright © 2007-2016 Hands On Technology Transfer, Ine 1-23 All Rights Reserved Installing BI Services ¢ Setup wizard is launched from the SQL Server disk — Same setup wizard used to install the database engine is also used to install the BI services e Key steps include: — Accepting the End-User License Agreement — Installing Prerequisites (such as the appropriate .NET Framework) — Default or named instance * Default instance (takes on the server's name) » Named instance (administrator supplies a name) Feature selection + Database engine and/or BI features + Client Tools installs BIDS/SSDT as well as the SQL Server Management Studio Service account selection (choose to use built-in accounts or assign domain user accounts) » Can change this setting after install (in case the appropriate accounts are not set up in advance) © Once the install wizard completes, a success screen is displayed detailing the install process 124 Copyright © 2007-2016 Hands On Technology Transfer, Ine All Rights Reserved Reporting Services Configuration Manager Used to manage some of the settings of Reporting Services instances — Launched from: * Start > All Programs > Microsoft SQL Server 2014 (or 2008 R2 or 2012) > Configuration Tools > Reporting Services Configuration Manager — Report Server Status at top node shows the name of Reporting Services instance that is connected, the instance ID, edition, version and mode — Service Account node assigns SSRS service accounts — Web Service node exposes settings including SSL (Secure Socket Layer) Certificate and Port — Report Server Databases node assigns SSRS Db’s and credentials — Email Server node allows SMTP server identification ~ Execution Account node contains settings to enable anonymous data source connections ~ Encryption Keys node manages the keys used to protect sensitive information in the main configuration file — Scale-out node allows additions to other servers that will use the same Report Server databases Can set configurations for local or remote instances of Reporting Services ~ Connect to Server dialog is displayed when launching the configuration Manager Copyright © 2007-2016 Hands On Technology Transfer, Inc 12s ‘All Rights Reserved SQL Server Configuration Manager ¢ Used to manage some of the settings of Reporting Services instances — Launched from: + Start > All Programs > Microsoft SQL Server 2014 (or 2008 R2 or 2012) > Configuration Tools > SQL Server Configuration Manager ¢ SQL Server Services window (2"™ node in left window) lists the names of connected-to SOL Services instances — Right Click to access the SQL Server Reporting Service and select Properties — Instances can be stopped or started from the Log On tab — Start Mode can be changed from the Service tab * Automatic starts the service after a server reboot * Manua 1 setting, will not start the server after a reboot * Disable deactivates the service until it is reactivated 1.26 Copyright © 2007-2016 Hands On Technology Transfer, Inc. All Rights Reserved Section 14 Using the BI Development Environment Copyright © 2007-2016 Hands On Technology Transfer, Inc All Rights Reserved 127 BIDS/SSDT Business Intelligence Development Studio (BIDS) is used in SQL Server 2008 R2 and prior — Uses Visual Studio 2008 shell © SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) is used in SQL Server 2012 through 2016 — SQL Server 2012 installs Visual Studio 2010 shell — Visual Studio 2012 supports SSDT — Visual Studio 2013 has SSDT pre-embedded without installing SSDT © Visual Studio is the underlying development environment for BI projects — Visual Studio is also the development environment for ASP.NET web sites and VB.NET/C#.NET applications — If Visual Studio is already installed on the server, then BIDS/SSDT and Visual Studio open the same program — By itself, BIDS/SSDT can only be used to create and edit BI projects « Full Visual Studio is needed for project templates to create ASP.NET web sites and/or C#.NET/VB.NET applications — SQL client tools installs templates to develop BI projects, including SSRS reports 1-28 Copyright © 2007-2016 Hands On Technology Transfer, Ine. Al Rights Reserved Opening the BI Development Environment e BIDS/SSDT are launched from the Microsoft SQL Server menu — As noted, Visual Studio will be the actual program opened ° To create a new BI project: — File menu > New > Project * Opens the New Project dialog displaying the Business Intelligence project templates ¢ Reporting Services project templates include: — Report Server Project Wizard * Opens a blank report and takes you straight to the Report Wizard welcome screen — Report Server Project * Opens a blank project with no reports ~ reports must be manually added to the project * Better option if not a fan of the Report Wizard ¢ SQL Server 2008 R2 has a Report Model project template — As noted, SQL Server 2012 dropped Report Models Copyright © 2007-2016 Hands On Technology Transfer, Ine. 1-29 Al Rights Reserved New Project Dialog e New BI projects require the following: — Template + Must choose a project template (such as Report Server Project or Integration Services Project) — Project name — Storage path * Default path is provided but this can be changed using the Browse button — Solution name + Defaults to the project's name etFinenoads =| senay[Oeoat =] Seueiaaes Temoates ce I] reorsensronaoes anesvcee Be Bananas est Bi tomes eccatyen ONE me sans Report Project » entre Templates icine to ong anti teas 130 Copyright © 2007-2016 Hands On Technology Transfer, Ine Al Rights Reserved Project Templates e Projects are based on templates, which determine the kinds of BI components that can be created — For example, projects based on the Report Server template can be used to create multiple reports * But, this project could not also contain an Integration Services ETL routine * Only reports and components related to reports — Likewise, an Integration Services project can be used to create multiple ETL routines (but only these — reports cannot be added to this project) — Analysis Services projects only create data cubes and their related components * The selected project template determines the layout of Visual Studio (a.k.a. BIDS/SSDT) — Reporting Services projects have a Report Data window, Design tab and Preview tab — Integration Services projects, however, have Control Flow, Data Flow and Event Handler tabs (and no Report Data window) ~— Analysis Services projects have Cube Structure, KPI, Perspective and Browser tabs (among others) Copyright © 2007-2016 Hands On Technology Transfer, Inc. 131 All Rights Reserved Projects vs. Solutions ¢ New Project dialog defaults to putting new projects in Solution directories — The Create Directory for Solution checkbox is checked by default + This will create a directory (folder) to house the contents of the project — By default, the Solution directory will have the same name as the Project * When the name of the project is changed, the Solution name is changed to the same name by default Projects do not have to go in separate Solution directories — Solutions can contain multiple projects — But the default in BIDS/SSDT is a one-to-one relationship, with each project going into its own Solution directory Solutions also create a shortcut file with a . s1n extension — Double clicking the file will launch Visual Studio and load the project’s contents If two solutions must be opened at the same time, then two instances of Visual Studio must be launched (one for each Solution) 132 Copyright © 2007-2016 Hands On Technology Transfer, Inc All Rights Reserved Report Server Project Interface ° Key windows include: — Solution Explorer — lists project components in folders (eg. Shared Data Sources and Reports) — Report Data/Toolbox * Report Data window provides access to data sources, data sets, built-in values and input parameters * Toolbox houses controls that can be added to reports * Tabs at the bottom toggle between these two windows Report Designer — main report authoring surface + Has tabs for Design mode and Preview mode Properties Window — used to set visual and behavioral properties of report components Report Designer Surface (Design and Preview tabs) Toolbox and Report Data (tabs at the bottom) Copyright © 2007-2016 Hands On Technology Transfer, Inc. 133 Al Rights Reserved Auto-Hide Feature There are times when a window is only needed for a short period of time — For example, the Toolbox must be open to add controls to reports, but once they are added, the Toolbox is no longer needed — The screen space used to display the Toolbox is taking away from the main report designer area ¢ Rather than closing the window entirely, all windows have an auto-hide feature — This converts the window to a small tab on the side of the screen * Leaving more screen space for the report designer area 'P! pe + Hovering the mouse over the tab will re-open the window for temporary use * When done, moving the mouse away from the window "slides" it shut and it is just a tab again Clicking the thumbtack button on a window’s title bar enables/ disables auto-hide + Disabling auto-hide leaves the window always open 4 Report Items h Pointer ‘Thumbtack button to BB] Tet Box enabledisable Auto Hide Line re | PM Table Copyright © 2007-2016 Hands On Technology Transfer Ine. Al Rights Reserved Module Summary SSIS, SSAS and SSRS are business intelligence (BI) add- on services that have been available since SQL Server 2005 BI services and the Database Engine can be installed on separate servers or all on the same server Integration Services is an ETL development platform, Analysis Services provides OLAP support, and Reporting Services is an enterprise-scale reporting utility Service Accounts must be assigned to each BI service which can be either built-in accounts or domain user accounts (best practice) Report Manager is a web site that is automatically created to deliver reports New BI projects require a template and project name, and by default are stored in a Solution directory with the same name Visual Studio is the underlying application used to create BI projects Auto-hide temporarily opens/closes windows Copyright © 2007-2016 Hands On Technology Transfer, Inc. 135 All Rights Reserved Module 2 Creating Table-Based Reports Copyright © 2007-2016 Hands On Technology Transfer, In. Al Rights Reserved Module Goals and Objectives Major Goals Be able to define Data Sources and create Datasets Introduce the Table object (a Tablix) to reports and use the Tablix Grouping pane to configure grouping levels Specific Object On completion of this module, students will be able to: Create new projects in BIDS/SSDT Create Shared Data Sources that can be used by multiple reports Define Data Sources that are specific to a particular report Create Datasets to define the data a report will display Define Shared Datasets that can be used by multiple reports Add Tables to reports to display data in a column-row format Format numbers and dates/times Work with the visual formatting features of the Report Designer Use the Properties Window and Textbox Properties Dialog 22 Copyright © 2007-2016 Hands On Technology Transfer, Inc. ‘All Rights Reserved Section 2-1 Creating Reports Copyright © 2007-2016 Hands On Technology Transfer, Ine All Rights Reserved Report Wizard Report Wizard is available to create very simple reports One of the benefits of the Report Wizard is that it quickly generates a report definition — Changes can be made after the Wizard creates the initial report — Wizard does the majority of the work to get the report mostly finished, and then a report author can tweak it as needed Report Wizard is very limited in its abilities — Can only create Table or Matrix reports — Only one dataset defined — Fixed choices for layout, fonts and colors Report Wizard is not a good choice for anything other than the simplest reports — Reports created in this course will not use the Report Wizard due to its limitations — Appendix A has further information on this utility Copyright © 2007-2016 Hands On Technology Transfer, Inc. Al Rights Reserved

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