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Republic of the Philippines

Region 02
Division of Nueva Vizcaya
Nueva Vizcaya General Comprehensive High school
Don Domingo Maddela, Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya

Detailed Lesson Plan

in MUSIC 7
September 4, 2018

At the end of the lesson at least 85% of the students shall have:
a. Identify the musical characteristics of representative selections of Mindoro through
b. Analyze the vocal and instrumental music from Mindoro
c. Play instruments/improvised instrument from Mindoro alone or with the others
d. Appreciate the value of music of Mindoro


a. Topic: Music of Mindoro
b. Sub Topic: Vocal music and Instrumental music
c. References: Music and arts
d. Materials: Manila Paper
e. Strategies: Discussion and group Activity

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Preliminaries
1. Prayer
Let us all stand and feel the presence of The students will stand and ____ will
our Lord. lead the prayer.
_____, please lead the prayer.

2. Greetings
Good Morning, Class! Good Morning, Ma’am! Thank
You may have a seat. You, Ma’am!

3. Checking of Attendance
____ please check the attendance and _____ will check the attendance.
submit it to me.
4. Setting of Standards
Before you proceed to your
presentation, I will present to you
the standards to follow. The students will read the set of
Everybody read it. standards.
Set your mood
Do your Best
Take time and enjoy
I hope that you follow this during
your presentation. Understood? Yes, Ma’am!
5. Review of the Lesson
Ma’am our topic last meeting was all about
Let’s have a short review. What was our the music of cordilleras.
previous discussion all about?

Correct! Then, give me an examples of vocal Oppia
music? Dagdagay
Chag ay
That’s right! What are the different instrumental Gangsa toppaya
music of cordilleras?
Yes. That’s good, what else? Gandsa palook
Correct! What else? Tongali

That’s right! What else?

Okay, I’m glad that you learned a lot Tongatong, etc
from our last discussion. Now, let’s proceed to
our new lesson for today.

Presentation of the Lesson

Where do you find the Mindoro and in
what region

C. Lesson Proper

The word Mindoro comes from a word "Mina
de Oro" which means the place has lots of gold or
rich with gold deposits. Ma-I is the first name of

--- What do you call the tribe who lives in

Mangyan – is the generic name for all the
indigenous groups that lives in the island of
Hanunuo also are a nomadic. They have
Hanunuo - is used to describe the Mangyans
no permanent residence. They transfer to a place
who have remained faithful to their traditions
where there is plenty of food to eat.
and have kept their customs free from foreign
They also called Damuong or Dumuong
which means they arrived with banca.

--- now you already know where the

Mindoro name came from and their tribe. Let’s
go to their vocal music.
--- What are the types of Vocal Music of
Types of Vocal Music
the Mindoro?
1. Igway – it is their own word of song
--- kindly read!
2. Marayaw – is a genre of songs used
to communicate with spirits in rituals
for healing the sick and protecting the
3. Pamuybuyen – it is a legend which
means “fear of Water”
4. Ambahan – is a chanted poem of
seven lines, it came from a word amba
means “invocation of the spirits”.
The functions of their songs are for work,
leisure, workship, and ritual.
For the Mangyans, music is a part of their
ordinary and festive ocassions.
Of course, these vocal songs are
performed with musical instruments.

--- Where the ambahan engrave or write? --- Paper ma’am, bond paper.
The ambahan engrave in bamboo where ( various answer)
they call it the LUKA.
LUKA – is a portion of the bamboo pole
where the Mangyans engrave or carve their
That’s how the Mangyans performed
their vocal music with or without instruments.
--- Now let’s go to their Musical Instruments. Musical Instrument
1. Gitgit- it is a 3 stringed fiddled played
Kindly read! with a bow made from bamboo and
human hair.
2. Kudlung - is a zither made from a
bamboo that has parallel strings.
3. Kudyapi- is a six-stringed zither that
is carved out from softwood. It has six
nylon threads that can be plucked or
4. Cantuy – it is a nose flute.
5. Bangsi – is an external pipe flute.
6. Tangkap – is a bamboo whistle.
7. Agong – is a bossed bronze gong that
is struck with bamboo sticks.
8. Kalutang- is percussion sticks cut
from softwood. They are played by
striking each other.
9. Barimbaw- is a bamboo slit gong that
is played with a stick.

E. Generalization
Now, what have you learned today class? --- the vocal music and instrumental
music of Mindoro Ma’am
Okay! What are the types of vocal music? --- Igway
Give one instrument of Mindoro?
- Gitgit ma’am
Another? - Cantuy
- Tangkap
- Bangsi
What are the instruments that are struck or - Agong
shaken? Kalutang
Yes!!! Barimbaw

Very good class, it seems that you

understood our lesson for today.

F. Valuing
Now class, what values do you need to observe
during physical activities like playing badminton?

G. Evaluation

The activity will serve as the evaluation.

H. Assignment

Practice more the basic skills of


Prepared by: Noted by:


Student Teacher/ MAPEH Cooperating Teacher

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