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Also by Blue Turtle Publishing: SOUL RECOVERY AND EXTRACTION, by Ai Gvhdi Waya/Eileen Nauman, $9.95, 85 pages, paper. Utilizing her Eastern Cherokee background, Eileen shares a powerful healing technique that was taught to her eight years ago. Soul Recovery and Extraction (SRVE) is about regaining control of your life by retriev- ing the “lost” pieces of your soul. The loss can occur when pieces of your soul are trapped, stolen by another person (family dysfunction, divorce, etc.), or split off because of a traumatic experience (accident, birth of a child, job loss, etc.). Co-dependence, obesity, and feel- ing lost or empty are among the fifteen warning signs of soul loss detailed in the book, Extraction, used it dividually or in conjunction with Soul Recovery, promotes healing by removing blocks from your physi- cal body and/or from the surrounding aura. COLORED STONES AND THEIR HEALING, by Eileen Nauman and Ruth Gent, $4.95, 28 pages, paper. Utilizing her Eastern Cherokee background and training, Eileen and her mother, Ruth Gent, have written a handy guide to not only crystals, but 39 colored stones, both precious and semi-precious. Each stone is discussed in relation to the type of health problems it will help, the spiritual use of the stone, a meditation that can be used with it, and a symbol that helps a person tune into the energy of a specific stone. Arranged in alphabetical order, the book explains how to clean a stone, how to program it and the categories for which a stone may be used, i.e., a money stone, a guard-dog stone, a psychic stone, etc. MEDICAL ASTROLOGY Acknowledgments a A book of this length and depth is never done by one person. Dr. Davidson's works, Mary Vorhezek’s work and Robert Jansky’s ering in the field of medical astrology have ail contributed to my understanding of this immense topic. I thank them for their invaluable assistance, knowledge and help in leading the way. Dedication To my mother, Ruth Gent-Cramer, who was responsible for my early introduction and training in the nutritional field — without her, this book would never have come into being To Karen David, my dearest friend, who is a metaphysical consultant, numerologist, spiritualist medium, psychologist, and shamanic facilitator, for her continued encouragement and support. To my husband David, who patiently and with understanding supported the thousands of hours it took to compile this monumen- tal project. To the “Woif Pack,” who made the third, enlarged edition pos- sible — for generously giving of their time to type up the three chapters: Ardella Hecht, astrologer and shamanic facilitator, Mar- lene Johnson, astrologer and psychic; and Bonnie Birnam, astrolo- ger. Thank you. Your generosity of spirit will be rewarded tenfold. wf All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced of used in any form or by any means ~ graphic, clectronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, mimeographing, recording, taping, or information storage and retrieval systems — without written permission from the publisher, A reviewer may quote brief passages. Copyright © 1982 by Eileen Nauman Printed in the United States of America First Printing, July 1982 (5,000 copies) # Second Printing, December 1983 (5,000 copies) Published by Blue Turtle Publishing P, O. Box 2513, Cottonwood, AZ 86326 Copyright © 1993 by Eileen Nauman ISBN 0-9634662-4 Revised Edition, April 1993 (2,000 copies) ISBN 0-9634662-4-0 oe _.. Thisd Revision, May 1996 v Contents . Preface ie i, Foreword itt Introduction 1 PART ONE: MEDICAL ASTROLOGY Chapter One: The Planets, Uranian Planets, Fixed Stars and Health 3 The Planets, 3 % The Uranian Planets, 11 Transpluto, 14 * The Fixed Stars, 14 %* The Planets and Operations, 16 Chapter Two: ‘The Signs, Crosses, Houses and Diagnosis 7 The Signs, 17 & The Crosses, 29 & The Houses, 31 Chapter Three: The Hard Aspects and Health 35 Hard Aspects of the Sun, 36 Hard Aspects of the Moon, 41 % Hard Aspects of Mercury, 45 ‘* Hard Aspects of Venus, 47 % Hard Aspects of Mars, 50 Hard Aspects of Jupiter, 54 * Hard Aspects of Saturn, 56 & Hard Aspects of Uranus, 57 Hard Aspects Of Neptune, 58% Hard Aspects of Pluto 58 Chapter Four: Midpoint Structures and Medical Diagnosis 6 The Sun as Midpoint between Bracketing Plan- ets, 61% The Moon as Midpoint between Bracketing Planets, 64% Mercury as Midpoint between Bracketing Planets, 67 %* Venus as Midpoint between Bracketing Planets, 69 Mars as Midpoint between Bracketing Planets, 0 % Jupiter as Midpoint between Bracketing Planets, 72 % Saturn as Midpoint between Bracketing Planets, 73 % Uranus as Midpoint between Bracketing Planets, 76 % Neptune as Midpoint between Bracketing Planets, 77 Pluto as Midpoint between Bracketing Planets, 80 Cupido as Midpoint between Bracketing Planets, 82 %& Hades as Midpoint between Bracketing Planets, 83 % Zeus as Midpoint between Bracketing Planets, 85 #* Kronos as Midpoint between Bracketing Planets, 87 Apollon as Midpoint between Bracketing Plan- ets, 88 %& Admetos as Midpoint between Bracketing Planets, 88 %* Vulcamus as Mi point between Bracketing Planets, 91 Posci- don as Midpoint between Bracketing Planets, 92 Chapter Five: The Med-Scan Technique 94 The Medical Questionnaire, 94 * The Natal and Progressed Charts, 101 Physicians’ Tests, 107 %& Nutritional Supplements, 110 * Homeopathic Remedies, 111 % Diet, 112 * Massotherapy, 116 Chapter Si Case Histories a7 Case History #1, 117 4 Case History #2, 123 Case History #3, 127 Case History #4, 132 & Case History #5, 136 & Case History 46, 141 # Case History #7, 145, PART TWO: GUIDE TO NUTRITION Chapter Seven: Vitamins 155 155 Vitamin A, 156 %& Vitamin D, 158 % Vita- min B Complex, 161 * Thiamine, 161 * Ribo- flavin, 163 > Niacin, 165 % Vitamin B-6, 167 ‘* Vitamin B-12, 170 * Biotin, 172 * Cholin, 173 & PABA, 175 x Folic Acid, 176 * Orotic Acid, 177 & Inositol, 179 * Pantothenic Acid, 180 % Pangamic Acid, 182 % Vitamin C, 183 Vitamin B, 186 & Vitamin K, 189 % Lae- tile, 190 & Bioflavonoids, 191 * Fatty Acids, 193 Chapter Eight: Minerals 195 Calcium, 195 * Chlorine, 198 * Chromium, 199 % Cobalt, 200 & Copper, 201 & Fluorine, 203 % Iodine, 204 x Iron, 206 * Magnesium, 209 % Manganese, 214 & Molybdenum, 215% Phosphorus, 216 % Potassium, 218 * Sele- nium, 221 % Sodium, 222 & Sulfur, 223 Zinc, 226 Chapter Nine: Bach Flower Remedies 229 Definition, 229 % Bach Flower Remedies and Astrology, 231 % Bach Flower Remedies and Their Use, 231 Chapter Ter Homeopathy and Astrology 239 Definition, 239 %& Homeopathy and Astrology, 239 % Homeopathic Remedies and Their Use, 241 Chapter Eleven: Endocrine System 2st Chapter Twelve: Medical Transits 260 Definition, 260 # Transits to Natal Planets and Their Health Implications, 260 * Transits to 6th House, 271 # Transits to 12th House, 272 Chapter Thirteen: Herbs Incompatibility, 279 % Forms of Medi Preparations, 281 % Nutritional Composition of Wild Food Plants, 282 % List of Descriptive Terms, 284 x Homegrown Herbs, 285 * Me- dicinal Herbs, 292 % Poisonous Herbs, 300 Chapter Fourteen: Natural Essences 302 Using Natural Essences, 302 % Using Color to Understand Natural Essences, 305 % Orchids and Bromeliads, 310 % Natural Essence Mate- ria Medica, 314 Chapter Fifteen: Celt Salts 320 Cell Salts and Astrology, 320 % Administering Cell Salts, 321 * The 12 Cell Salts, 321 Appendices 326 Glossary of Medical Terms 328 Bibliography 335 Index 339 Since this book deals with health and the wellbeing of people, extreme caution is required in applying any of the “rules” in a blind or dogmatic way. The information of Part I should be used, at best, as an edjunet to the information available through other, more proven sources, such as going to your physcian, utilizing laboratory tests, diagnosis by a trained health practitioner such as an MD, ND, DO or DC. The information presented in this book is NOT meant to replace competent medical advice, but to perpetuate further re- search into the realm of medical astrology. Recently, the rights to my book, Medical Astrology, have reverted back to me. I have been able to revamp the book and insert a chapter on Homeopathy and Bach Flower Remedies that was missing from the first two editions. Since the book was printed in July of 1982, ten thousand copies have sold world wide. Much has happened between then and now—all good and positive things for medical astrology and the Med-Scan Technique (“MST*)! First, in 1986 David Cochrane of Cosmic Patterns put the MST on a software program. It has been selling at a steady rate, especially since it has been translated into Portuguese, French, German, Spanish, Greek and Russian, Health practitioners from around the world utilize the method out- lined in my book as a diagnostic tool. It has been very humbling to watch this technique evolve and become a viable entity within the medical community. In November of 1990, I was invited down to Sao Paulo, Brazil by Dr. Dirceu M. Periera, M.D. to speak at the International Federation of Human Reproduction conference on medical astrol- ogy. It was a first for me to speak to doctors and researchers from around the world about the viable usage of medical astrology in their search to help identify sterility and help women become preg- nant, AS a result, Dr, Periera awarded a diploma to me from the Federation in acknowledgement of the work I have done with medi- cal astrology and for the MST. Neediess to say, I was humbled. Recently, Joyce Bowen of Chicago has been awarded a Ph.D. in Holistic Medicine with emphasis on Medical Astrology from The Union Institute—one of the most esteemed “universities. without walls” in Ametica, Joyce used Medical Astrology as the founds tion of her thesis, as well as the MST, for her research project. I am proud of her and proud to be associated with such an open-minded academic school as ‘The Union Institute. Medical astrology has nowhere to go but “up” as an undeniable diagnostic tool that will pinpoint areas to be tested. In doing so, it saves the patient pain and time—not to mention, money. In the hospitals of Leningrad, Russia, the MST software is being utilized by physicians to help in patient diagnosis—especial- ly in the areas of undiagnosible or hard-to-diagnose patients. My hope is that someday U.S. physicians might be so open minded as to utilize the software, for indeed, it does save the patient much discomfort, pain, as well as quickens the diagnostic process through invaluable information about where to test the body, utiliz~ ing medical astrology. To make way for the chapters on Homeopathy, Bach Flower Remedies and Medical Transits, I have taken out the chapter on herbs and cell salts. I know of no medicine, other than Homeopathy, that can CURE, and this was the reason for placing this chapter into my book. There are small changes throughout the - *y book from the Appendix information to new listings in the Glossary and additions to the Index. Tt is my hope that this updating of information will continue to help people who use this book around va the world. Al one astrological conference a woman caine up to me and grabbed my arm. “Your book saved my life,” she said with fervor. _ v'»_ Since this book has been in print, T have had more than fifty people fo. esa ont tell me in person or write to me those same words. I can think of no finer accolade or accomplishment a book can make than this th bose . wonderful statement. I hope you enjoy the new Homeopathic and ie . Bach Flower Remedies chapters, as well as astrological informa- tion that T have researched in relation to this curative system of medicine. Perhaps it, too, will save lives. a . I would like to thank the following women who made this third edition a reality: Ardella Hecht, Marlene Johnson and Bonnie Bir- "A os a nam. Without their enthusiasm, constant help, typing and input, : ‘agphh this work would no be available. . ws Ejleen Nauman Sola Author aes April, 1993, & . Cottonwood, Arizona Foreword AN ALTERNATIVE HEALING TECHNIQUE Bight years ago, I began an interior joumey into another form of healing that I’d like to lightly touch, upon here, within the purview of the medical astrol- ogy book. As an astrologer, I’m always open to new techniques in healing, usually alternative types, such, as polarity therapy, acupuncture, homeopathy, laying on of hands, gem therapy or others. Little did I know that I'd be embarking upon an adventure of a lifetime eight years ago. Ihave written a book entitled SOUL RECOVERY AND EXTRACTION, which will be found in the front of this book, Since I have Eastern Cherokee blood in me (a drop from my great-great grandmother on my father’s side of the family), 1 chose to use my Native American name, Ai Gvhdi Waya. ‘As a lay homeopath for the last ewenty-three years, { noticed that in about 1/3 of my cases, they never got cured. In Homeopathy, cure is the bottom line. I wrestled with WHY on this for many, many years, until I began to undergo a personal, inner transformation, which culminated with becoming a shamanic facilitator. T was taught by my inner spitit teachers a shamanic technique for healing that finally answered my question as to why 1/3 of the people I worked with homeopathically, could never achieve cure. Briefly, I want to say that what I was taught falls under the heading of shamanism. I believe this, “ability” or skill was genetically in place via not only my Eastern Cherokee gene, but via my Irish genes. I've discovered that certain genetic back- ground imbues people with this gift. It's my under- standing that shamanism is practiced all over the world by different cultures and kas many varied off- shoots. Shamanism, for me, is the ability to achieve an altered state with the beat of a drum (no drugs involved), and visually see into the other dimen- sions. There are certainly many more definitions of shamanism, but I want to be clear what it is for me. With this ability, I’m able to retrieve Lost or split off pieces of a person's soul and bring them back to them. This ability took five years in the making to Team. Everyone loses parts or pieces or energy of themselves due to trauma—be it mental, physical, emotional or spititual. We also give away pieces of ourselves to others—particularly family members. In a small percentage of cases, pieces of ourselves are deliberately and knowingly taken from us, and this falls under the realm of sorcery. When I began recovering “pieces” for a client, which usually took a nine-month to a year long process (I journeyed in my altered state for them once every three months because I found it took that Tong to reintegrate the soul pieces). After that, I would then take their homeopathic case, and I could achieve cure for that person. Another inceresting phenomena ocurred during the integration process for my client: when s/he integrated pieces back, fiity-percent of the time their illness went away or became markedly better. This makes sense to me now because if parts of ourselves, or energy, are gone, we aren’t whole. And if all of us isn’t there to receive whatever form of healing we choose, be it allopathic or alternative, it won't create cure, only partial healing, or the symptoms of the disease will come back over time. However, once Soul Recovery is done for the person, and the homeopathic case is taken, cure is very pos- sible, I might add that regardiess of what kind of healing therapy a person chooses and believes will get them well, it will work much better after Soul Recovery. ‘The other portion of shamanism that was taught to me is what Icall “extraction.” The easiest way to try and explain it, is to say that it closely parallels what the Philippine healers perform. All the healing takes place in the person’s aura, Because of my Na- tive American background, I don’t use surgical tools, per se, but items such as a feather, crystal, my hands or whatever is appropriate for that person. ‘When Sout Recovery and Extraction (I refer to it as SR/B) is performed on a person, the illness can no longer remain the same, and the person does get bet- ter on ail levels of themselves. The best thing I was taught was that J could perform SR/E long distances—that is to say, I didn’t have to see my client in person or bodily. I could go anywhere in the universe in my altered state, visit a client half-way around the world, and perform SR/E for them. That saves a person a lot of air fare, to say the least! So, over the years, I’ve seen fewer than 5% of my clients in person, but have communicated ‘with them via phone, letter and fax. iv After being given this particular tool for heal- ing, F set about choosing some very wonderful people who came from the heart, to teach them SR/E. Happily, my brother, Gary Gent, who is 3 years younger than me, and from the same genetic pool bloodline, also has developed this same ability—so there are now two of us in the family who perform SERVE. Tid like to put down the names and addresses of my associates whom I’ve trained over the years to perform SR/E. They are professionals at this, and if you're interested in this healing technique, we have some simple guidelines for you to follow. 1. If you want SR/E done, you must first pur- chase the book, Soul Recovery and Extraction from Blue Turtle Publishing, ‘The address is in the front of the book. Why? Because we believe a person should be fully informed on the healing technique they have chosen to utilize to heal themselves, The book is basic, informative, straight-forward and should answer 95% of any questions you might have regarding this technique. If you have questions that remain unanswered, write them down and your next order of business is to select a shamanic facilitator. Il. You should choose a facilitator (ail trained by me) that resonates with you. Healing happens when you have TRUST and CONFIDENCE in your healer. Actually, all healing comes from YOU, and the healer is only a physical reflection of that tool you've chosen to get well by! That aside, I normally suggest men go to men, and women go to women, This isn’t a prejudicial comment at all, but rather, honors each gender for their particular uniqueness. Women know women much better than they know a male, and vice-versa. However, if you want the op- posite gender, this doesn't pose a problem. Pick a name that resonates positively with you and mail off your leter to them. Be sure you tell them you've already read Soul Recovery and Extraction. Here are my associates names: 1. Roni Lee Bell, PO Box 23283, Santa Fe, NM 87052, is a metaphysician who has always been close to the heartbeat of Mother Earth. Performing medicine wheel ceremonies, a personal pipe carrier, she also utilizes SR/E among her healing talents on behalf of others. 2, Mary Buckner, PO Box 670, Kingston, OK 73439. She is a registered nurse for over thirty years, is a professional astrologer and has performed SIVE for her worldwide cliental, 3. Karen J. David, PO Box 39216, Cleveland, OH 44139, is a metaphysician, world lecturer and professional numerologist. She is close to getting her degree in Psychology. Also trained as a spiritualist medium, Karen’s wide reaching abilities to continue to help people around the world, and ‘include SR/E. 4, Gary Gent, PO Box 2575, Winston, OR 97496, is the brother of Ai Gvhdi Waya, comes by his Native American blood honestly, and lives in close touch with Mother Earth. He utilizes SR/E for his worldwide cliental, and gives workshops on the topi 5. Ardella Hecht, PO Box 31263, Phoenix, AZ 85046-1263, is a licensed massage therapist who has added SR/E to her broad metaphysical base. She is a lay homeopath for thirteen years, a Bach Flower remedy specialist and gives workshops on all the above topics. 6. Eileen Lunderman, PATHWAYS, PO Box 501, Mission, South Dakota 57555, is a Lakota shamanness who lives on the Rosebud (Sioux) Reservation. Highly spiritual, “Tunney,” as she likes to be called, walks the Red Road in service of others and practices SR/E for her worldwide cliental. 7. Glen Malec, PO Box 186, Wildwood, NJ 08260, is a professional astrologer and does a great deal of teaching and speaking on a broad base of metaphysical topics. He walks the Red Road and utilizes SR/E for those who come to him. Glen has an avid interest in UFO's and aliens. 8. Coletta Swalley, PATHWAYS, PO Box 501, Mission, South Dakota, 57555, is a Lakota shaman- ness who lives near Tunney on the Rosebud (Sioux) Reservation. Coletta works from her large, generous heart to help her people and those who come to her for SR/E healings. TIL. Once the shamanic facilitator has contacted you, usually by phone (be sure and put your phone number in your letter to them!), then s/he can answer your questions about SR/E. If you're com- fortable with your facilitator, a date will then be set and agreed upon by both of you, and an SR/E jour- ney will be taken in your behalf. However, if you aré uncomfortable with your facilitator, choose another one? Many times, only soul retrievat will be done on the first journey, and extraction may occur at a later date. This varies from client to client, and there is no set way to go about it. A facilitator cannot per- form SR/E for you unless s/he gets permission from their chief guide (or yours) to do so. They won't know if they have permission until they go into the shamanic state, If we aren’t given permission, we don’t perform SR/E. Why? Because it’s karma that you have chosen to work through without outside help. Our facilitators honor this directive and will NEVER perform SRVE on anyone without direct per- mission of their chief guide. Also, our facilitators will never perform SR/E Medical astrojogy is a science that demands a union of knowledge of both astrology and medicine. Ideally, it takes years of acquiring astrological exper- tise and then becoming totally familiar with physiology and anatomy to qualify as a medical astrologer who with the cooperation of a physician can accurately diagnose diseases and advise clients on the best procedures for regaining health, But in varying degrees the tools of medical astrology are available to all people interested in the seience, even those with only fundamental knowledge of astrology and/or medicine. After four years of looking for the best system with which to look at a natal chart and discern a practical approach to find- ing potential medica} problems, I discovered the Med- ‘Scan method, a plan that every layperson, student or professional astrologer can use. The Med-Scan technique is basically simple. In involves using astrology (o determine any individual's potential weak spots. In other words, by examining the planetary combinations and placements in a natal or progressed chart, a medical astrologer can ascertain likely psychological or physical weaknesses that may be causing disease. The medical astrologer then can advise the client on the appropriate tests necessary to verify the astrological speculations, After a physician’s tests have confirm- ed the diagnosis, together the medical astrologer and doctor can outline the best diet and program of nutri- tional supplements for the individual to regain good health, Since medical astrology is in its infancy, no medical astrologer can work alone, and nothing can be assumed without verification from a physician. A medical astrologer cannot simply throw out sugges- tions without having them confirmed by a doctor. It is very necessary, therefore, for the medical astrologer to develop a close, working retationship with the physician in charge of the case, Although in my years of experience I have worked. with any and all doctors willing to use astrology, I have found that usually the most sympathetic 10 medical astrology are homeopathic physicians and those who adhere to holistic health programs aimed at responding to each individual’s different needs. My approach in this book and in practice is also definitely homeopathic rather than the allopathic philosophy that most U.S. doctors espouse. ‘The word homeopathy comes from two Greek words meaning “similar affections.” Homeopaths believe that “like cures like,”” As @ result they pro- vide remedies that, when given to a healthy person, Introduction would create the same symptoms that the sick person has. In essence, it is a concept of “fighting fire with fire’ or fighting the disease with its own aggressive characteristics. In the end the ailment has nor been covered up, as is the case with allopathic medicine. Allopathic philosophy embraces the notion that the use of drugs 10 produce effects different from those of the disease will work. Thus allopathic doc- tors (and most American doctors are trained in allopathy) rely on high dosages of drugs to treat a person. Although this technique may be successful to @ point, with the damage incurred along the way by the chemicals given, the body is pressured to fight the adverse effects of the drugs, Furthermore, in allopathic medicine too frequently the root cause of a disease is not sought out, but instead measures are taken simply to provide a drug to give instant relief from the symproms of a disease, Homeopathic physicians, on the other hand, always seek out the root cause of an illness, and for the most part they use only natural remedies to treat it, administering the smallest dosage necessary to ef- fect a cure. Homeopathic remedies stimulate the body’s own defenses to throw out the offending ail- ment, creating no harmful side effects. No warnings ‘of cautions are required on homeopathic remedies. In fact, sometimes a cure can be effected simply by a change in diet: homeopathic doctors recognize that poor diets are the root causes of many diseases. Any road to health that uses natural remedies, though, will take a long time, especially in chronic ill- ness, Therefore, patience is a key word in medical astrology. The medical astrologer must cultivate this quality and instill it in his clients. Most of us are brainwashed into believing that medicine can give in- stant 30-minute cures to our discomfort or that there is a drug for every conditon. But there really are no miracle cures. Homeopathic treatment requires discipline and patience. Clients must be made to understand that they will have to maintain a program for at least three months and perhaps as long as a year before they will see signs of recovering health. Patience is especially necessary since medical astrologers usually don’t get the easy cases; instead, wwe get the dying of misdiagnosed—two of the hardest types to deal with. Furthermore, most of the time the client doesn’t have just one ailment but other overlapping complications. In the beginning there may only be one, but if the diet is not corrected or other holistic alternatives applied, health begins to fail like toppling dominoes—first one ailment and then another and another contribute to the initial i!l- ness, 2 The American Book of Nutrition and Medical Astrotogy Since so often medical astrologers are consulted as a kind of last resort, our work can be very frustrating; but for the very same reason it can be most rewarding when a diagnosis proves correct and a suggested regime for recovery brings results, And from seven years of using the Med-Scan method I can say unequivocally that it does work. The only time it fails in the diagnostic way is when there is not enough recorded data in the field (o make an accurate judg- ment. In other words, medical astrology has not yet caught up with the more established branches of astrological study. It is my hope that this book, the product of years of experience, will fill in some of the gaps in our knowledge, advancing medical astrology from myth into theory, eventually to become a fact. The book is divided into two parts—an astrolo- gical guide and a medical reference section. Part One explains what is known about medical astrology—the health conditions usually associated with the various planets and their aspects, the houses, signs and astrological crosses. The most innovative and com- prehensive chapter in Part One is that on the mid- point structures; the information in this chapter has not been idly lifted from some other sources; instead, the source statements have been checked against case histories and either elaborated upon or changed ac- cording to the different facts presented in my ex- perience. This chapter is followed by one on the Med- Scan technique itself, outlining the steps to follow in astrological diagnosis as well as describing some of the tests and diets helpful in diagnosis and remedy. Part One then concludes with a chapter on case histories, which prove out the old adage that “truth is stranger than fiction.” All are actual cases, elucidating the Med-Scan technique in action. Each contains a section entitled “What Astrology Missed” to show that we cannot always be 100 per cent correct in diagnosis. Part Two was written to save the reader a lot of time and effort in consulting five or six different references to find answers about nutrition. A year of research alone was spent on the section on vitamins and mincrals, and I believe these two chapters are the most detailed and complete description of the sources, history, characteristics and properties of the vitamins and minerals yer available. Chapters on herbs and cell salts are also included. Part Two then ends with a special chapter on the endocrine system, Study and experience have convinced me that the glands are often the root cause of poor health. 1 believe the glands should be checked out firs because the hormones keep the bodily metabolisms in order, and without proper hormonal release the body needs a basic tuneup to keep the engine running smoothly. Although a bibliography is supplied at the end of the book, I want to mention a few books that are indispensable to the neophyte medical astrologer: Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary, edited by Clayton L. Thomas; Materia Medica with Repertory by Dr. William Boericke; Dr. Schuessler’s Biochemistry by Dr. J.B. Chapman, and Eating Naturally Around the Zodiac: Diet and Quadruplici- ty by Rebecca Manring (RKM Publishing).

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