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12052 Mayondon, Los Baños, Laguna

Second Quarter Quarterly Exam Grade 10 Chem/Biology
Name: ____________________________ Date: _______ SY 2019-2020
Tr. Ezekiel D. Lapitan No. of items: 80 Raw Score: _____ Trans Score: ____

A. Multiple Choice: Write your answers on the space provided and use capital letters. (NO ERASURE)
____1. The inability to produce offspring.
A. Menstruation B. Erection C. Sterility D. Fertility
____2. The process of shedding of the lining of the uterus.
A. Menstruation B. Erection C. Sterility D. Fertility
____3. When the sponge-like tissues of the penis fill with blood and the penis becomes enlarged and hard
A. Menstruation B. Erection C. Sterility D. Fertility
____4. Male gametes if formed in the testicles and female gametes are formed in __________.
A. Fossicle B. Follicle C. Freckles D. Graafian
____5. It is a hollow, muscular organ that lies between the urinary bladder and the rectum. It has a very soft
lining that holds the fertilized eggs and nurtures it until it becomes a fetus.
A. Uterus B. Urethra C. Vagina D. Clitoris
____6. It is a sensitive fold of tissue partially covered by hood.
A. Uterus B. Urethra C. Vagina D. Clitoris
____7. It is a 3 ½ inch long muscular tube that expands in length and width during sexual arousal.
A. Uterus B. Urethra C. Vagina D. Clitoris
____8. The following are functions of the uterus except for.
A. The endometrium sheds the lining of the uterus every 21 to 40 days by menstruation.
B. It provides a place for the protection and nourishment of the fetus during pregnancy.
C. It contracts during labor to expel the fetus.
D. None of the above.
____9. In this type of fertilization, the zygote is fertilized outside the female reproductive tract and is common
to animals inhabiting aquatic environment.
A. External B. Internal C. Hermaphrodite D. Menstruation
____10. It is triangular-shaped pad of fatty tissue over the pubis bone, covered with pubic hair.
A. Mon pubis B. Labia majora C. Labia minora D. Vestibule
____11. It is 2 large folds of adipose tissue on the sides of the vaginal opening.
A. Mon pubis B. Labia majora C. Labia minora D. Vestibule
____12. It is 2 smaller folds of adipose tissue on the inside of the labia majora
A. Mon pubis B. Labia majora C. Labia minora D. Vestibule
____13. It is the area between labia with openings for the vagina, urethra, and two excretory ducts for
Bartholin’s glands (provide lubricant)
A. Mon pubis B. Labia majora C. Labia minora D. Vestibule
____14. It is the area located between the vaginal opening and the anus. It is a muscular sheet that can be torn
during childbirth.
A. Perineum B. Fimbria C. Fundus D. Perimetrium
____15. The outer layer of the uterus is called.
A. Perineum B. Fimbria C. Fundus D. Perimetrium
____16. It is a pouch of skin suspended from the perineal area and divided into two sacs.
A. Scrotum B. Testicles C. Epididymis D. Penis
____17. The hormones produce by male is __________ and for female is __________ that is responsible for
development of sexual characteristics on male and female.
A. Testosterone and Estrogen B. Estrogen and Testosterone
C. Progesterone and Testosterone D. Testosterone and Progesterone
____18. It is the part of the sperm cell that contains the chromosomes.
A. Head B. Centriole C. Mitochondria D. Flagellum
____19. It refers to the production of mature sperm cell.
A. Spermatogenesis B. Gametogenesis C. Oogenesis D. Sporogenesis
____20. It is the union of egg and sperm occurs within the female reproductive tract this is common in most of
A. External B. Internal C. Hermaphrodite D. Menstruation
____21. What is the correct sequence for the development of the embryo?
A. Germinal > Embryo > Fetal B. Germinal > Fetal > Embryo
C. Fetal > Germinal > Embryo D. Embryo > Germinal > Fetal
____22. The following are animals that oviparous or animals that lay eggs except for.
A. Monotremes B. Platypus C. Viper D. Chicken
____23. The following affect the capability of females to reproduce except for.
A. Beginning of menstruation B. Abnormalities in the lining of the uterus
C. Enlargement of the breast D. None of the above
_____24. How is puberty in males similar with females?
A. Both males and females experience an increase in growth of hair in the pubic regions and armpit.
B. Both males and females experience enlargement of the breast.
C. Both males and females experience enlargement of the larynx and deepening of voice.
D. Both males and females experience their first menstruation.

____25. At the age of 15, Michaela has not yet experienced her first menstruation. Which of the following
explains her situation?
A. Her body hormones have not yet activated puberty in her body.
B. There is an abnormal increase of the female sex hormones in her body.
C. The brain sends signals to the gonads to hinder her menstruation.
D. Certain behavioral changes do not allow her to have her menstruation.
____26. If the pituitary gland does not function properly, what will happen to the function of hormones in the
A. Hormones will not be able to send signals for the growth of gonads.
B. Hormones will be able to prime up the body for reproduction.
C. Hormones will trigger certain behavioral and physical changes.
D. Hormones will not be able to produce sex cells.
____27. Which of the following is true when testosterone is produced by the testes?
A. Testosterone inhibits the hormones produced by the hypothalamus and pituitary gland.
B. Testosterone inhibits the hormones produced by the pituitary gland only.
C. Testosterone inhibits the hormones produced by the hypothalamus only.
D. Testosterone has no effect on the hypothalamus and pituitary gland.
____28. During the ovulation phase, what causes the endometrium to thicken?
A. High levels of estrogen from growing follicles
B. High levels of estrogen from the endometrium
C. High levels of progesterone from growing follicles
D. High levels of progesterone from the endometrium
____29. If a female has very low levels of estrogen, what will most likely to happen to her during the onset of
A. There will be no observed enlargement of the hips.
B. There will be development of the uterus and vagina.
C. There will be an increase in adipose tissues.
D. There will be no effect on the female body.
____30. Which of the following are indications of hormonal imbalance for males?
A. Irritability and mood swings B. Presence of belly fats
C. Broadening of shoulders D. Enlargement of the breast
____31. The following conditions are true about hormonal imbalance
A. Hormonal imbalance causes fertility.
B. Hormonal imbalance causes abnormal growth of some parts of the body.
C. Hormonal imbalance causes a person to be happy.
D. None of the above
____32. Which of the following is a sign of hormonal imbalance in females?
A. Premenstrual syndrome B. Excessive hair growth
B. Shrinkage of scrotum D. Weight gain
____33. Which is most likely the reason for precocious puberty?
A. High level of primary sex hormones at an early age
B. Low level of primary sex hormones at an early age
C. Decrease in the level of growth hormones
D. Too much stress and pollution
____34. A cannister of 2-L of helium is transferred to a bigger 6-L tank. Which of the following is correct?
A. There is 6 L helium with mass three times more than that of the original cannister.
B. There is 2 L helium with the same mass in the new cannister.
C. There is 2 L helium with mass three times more than that of the original cannister.
D. There is 6 L helium with the same mass in the new cannister.
____35. The relationship between pressure and volume of gas can be best described as ______.
A. Direct squared proportionality C. Constant proportionality
B. Inverse proportionality D. Direct proportionality
____36. The relationship between volume and temperature can be best described as _______.
A. Direct squared proportionality C. Constant proportionality
B. Inverse proportionality D. Direct proportionality
____37. Heating a gas causes its volume to double. What happens to the average kinetic energy of its
A. The average kinetic energy of the molecules is reduced to half.
B. The average kinetic energy of the molecules is doubled.
C. The average kinetic energy of the molecules remains constant.
D. The average kinetic energy of the molecules is tripled.
____38. Gas A is released into your palm and it feels cold. The same process is repeated with gas B but this
time, it feels warm. Which of the following is true?
A. The molecules of gas B can move in more directions than gas A.
B. The molecules of gas A on the average moves faster than that of gas B.
C. The molecules of gas B on the average moves faster than that of gas A.
D. The molecules of gas A can move in more directions than gas B.
____39. What happens to the average kinetic energy of a gas if its temperature is tripled?
A. The average kinetic energy is increased three times.
B. The average kinetic energy is decreased three times.
C. The average kinetic energy is increased six times.
D. The average kinetic energy is decreased six times.
____40. This law states that the volume of a fixed amount of gas maintained at constant pressure is directly
proportional to its absolute temperature.
A. Boyle’s Law B. Newton’s Law C. Gas Law D. Charles Law
____41. This law states that the temperature of a gas maintained at constant pressure decreases.
A. Boyle’s Law B. Newton’s Law C. Gas Law D. Charles Law
____42. It is caused by collisions between the gas molecules and objects with which they are in contact.
A. Contact B. Attraction C. Pressure D. Friction
____43. The following statements explains Gas Law except.
A. KE decreases
B. Fewer collisions between gas molecules and the environment (i.e. container)
C. Volume decreases in order to maintain constant pressure
D. None of the above
____44. This law states that the volume of a fixed quantity of gas maintained at constant temperature is
inversely proportional to the pressure.
A. Boyle’s Law B. Newton’s Law C. Gas Law D. Charles Law
____45. As of 2019, What is the latest number of the phases of matter?
A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6
____46. The following statements explains kinetic molecular theory except.
A. All matter is made of atoms or molecules that are in constant motion
B. These particles contain electrons and protons
C. The movement of these particles is random
D. None of the above
____47. Which type of gas obeys all assumptions of kinetic molecular theory all the time?
A. Ideal Ga B. Real Gas C. Natural Gas D. Fossilized Gas
____48. The following are properties of gas except.
A. Gases are highly compressible.
B. Gases form homogeneous mixtures
C. In air, gas molecules occupy only 0.1% of the total volume.
D. None of the above
____49. The air is consisting of what type of gases.
A. N2 and O2 B. CO2 and O2 C. N2O and N2 D. Oxygen only
____50. The following statements are true for the increase in amount of gas except.
A. The number of gas molecules increases
B. The number of collisions between gas molecules and the environment (container) increases
C. The volume must increase in order to maintain constant pressure
D. None of the above

B. Solve the problem completely. (5points each)

1. Hugo measures the pressure in his car's tire and finds that it is 890 Psi. What is the pressure if he converts this
measurement from Psi to Torr?

2. The atmospheric pressure in a mountainous location is measured to be 12872 mmHg. What is this pressure in
atm and in Pa?
3. A group of students had a field trip in Baguio, when they measured the pressure at the highest part, they
measured 756.8122 mmHG. A local citizen asks for them to convert it to atm and to inHG. What is the pressure
in atm and in inHG?

C. Essay: Answer in complete sentence. (15 points)

1. During puberty stage how can you differentiate the changes that is happening to male and female?

2. During your dissection performance task, did the gender of the frog observable or not?

3. Is external fertilization and internal development possible in mammals?

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