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( 30 pts + bonus q. )

1. What is the first step in test construction?

A. Decide how many items to include

B. Look at the objectives instruction ✔ ✔

C. Make a table of specification

D. Decide on the type of the test

2. Asking students to define a term in their own words is a measure of :

A. Knowledge

B. Comprehension ✔ ✔

C. Application

D. Analysis

3. Why are multiple-choice items preferable to their test types?

A. They are effective in measuring Problem-solving skills.

B. They are easy to prepare

C. The are suitable for measuring a wide range of thinking skills ✔ ✔

D. They measure the writing skills of the student

4. What are the two highest of Bloom's Level of cognitive learning?

A. Application and evaluation

B. Synthesis and comprehension

C. Comprehension and analysis

D. Synthesis and evaluation ✔ ✔

5. What is the ideal number of options in a multiple-choice type of test?

A. 5
B. 4 ✔ ✔

C. 3

D. 2

6. Test items developed by using the exact words of the text:

A. Are necessary to tell whether the students read their lessons

B. Are desirable to students who can answer more easily

C. Cannot guarantee higher levels of understanding ✔ ✔

D. Cannot be used to measure cognitive learning outcomes

7. What is the lowest level of affective learning?

A. Responding

B. Organization

C. Receiving ✔ ✔

D. Characterization

E. Valuing

8. Application questions test the students ability to :

A. Interpret what was read

B. Break down the material into component parts

C. Summarize the material presented

D. Use what was learned in new situation ✔ ✔

9. In completion or filling the blank items, the answer should:

A. Usually be short

B. Be long enough for students to explain further

C. Usually be long

D. Be variable in length; sometimes long, sometimes short ✔ ✔

10. Ambiguous items

A. Can be interpreted in different ways

B. Require long answers ✔✔

C. Have high difficulty level

D. Measure higher levels of learning

11. What is the major advantage of the essay-type test?

A. Wider coverage of subject matter

B. Large number of questions

C. Its potential for evaluating writing skills ✔ ✔

D. Objectivity in scoring

12. To increase the clarity of multiple-choice item, the omitted part of the item should:

A. Be at the end ✔ ✔

B. Be carefully placed to increased difficulty

C. Be near the middle of the statement

D. Be at beginning of the statement

13. What test is used to identity areas of weakness or difficulty of the students?

A. Achievement test

B. Diagnostic test ✔ ✔

C. Prognostic test

D. Aptitude test

14. Which of the ff. Is false?

A. The completion test is a free-response type of test

B. The essay test is the most objective type of test ✔ ✔

C. The true or false test is a fixed-response type of test

D. The essay type of test prevents guessing and cheating

15. Which of the ff. Refers to the evaluation?

A. Scoring test items

B. Marking answers wrong

C. Judging the performance of students ✔✔

D. Assigning grades

16. An item having a discrimination level of .50 and a difficulty level of .49 is a

A. Poor item

B. Questionable item

C. Good item

D. Very good item ✔ ✔

17. An item having a discrimination level of . 15 and a difficulty level of .95 is a

A. Poor item ✔ ✔

B. Questionable item

C. Good item

D. Very good item

18. A distractor which attracts more students from the lower group than the upper group is

A. Good ✔ ✔

B. Poor

C. Ineffective

D. Unattractive

19. After scoring the test in chemistry, Dr. Bernardo found out that many of her students got extreme
scores. Which of the following should she use to compute the average performance of her class?

A. Standard deviation

B. Mode

C. Mean ✔ ✔

D. Median

20. What are measures of central tendency for?

A. To identify the highest score

B. To identify the lowest score

C. To identify how the data scattered or spread out

D. To identify the typical score representing a group of quantitative data ✔ ✔

21.Which measure tells the most frequent score?

A. Mean

B. Mode ✔ ✔

C. Range

D. Median

22. The Median of ungrouped data is 83. 5. What does this indicate?

A. 83. 5 is exactly the middle score of the distribution ✔ ✔

B. 83.5 is the arithmetic average of all the scores

C. 83. 5 is one of the scores in the distribution

D. 83.5 is the most frequent score in the distribution

23. A positively skewed distribution bof scores in a Math test implies that

A. Majority of the students got low scores ✔ ✔

B. Very few got low scores

C. Majority of the students are high performers

D. The test is very easy

24. A standard score of Maria in a test is zero. This means that her raw score bus

A. Below the mean

B. Above the mean

C. Equal to the mean ✔ ✔

D. Equal to zero

25. Wht measure of position is appropriate when the distribution is skewed?

A. Stanine

B. Percentile Rank

C. Mean ✔ ✔

D. Z-value

26. Median is to point as standard deviation is to

A. Volume

B. Distance ✔ ✔

C. Square

D. Area

27. The sum of all deviations from the arithmetic mean is always equal to

A. One

B. Zero ✔ ✔

C. Greater than zero

D. Less than zero

28. What is Mrs. Reyes doing if she is counting bthe scores obtained by her students in their summative

A. Testing

B. Assessing

C. Measuring ✔ ✔

D. Evaluating

29. In which one of the following are essay tests superior to objective tests?

A. Higher face validity ✔ ✔

B. Higher test reliability

C. Less influenced by test-wideness

D. Better samples the universe of content

30. The tendency for performance on essay question 1 to influence the grade of question 2.
A. Halo effect

B. Carryover effect ✔ ✔

C. Order effect

D. Language mechanics effect








Self assessment

e.g. to evaluate learners and teachers





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