Arc The Lad 3

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Table of Contents


1 - Introduction

2 - The List

2.1 - Items

2.2 - Weapons

2.3 - Armor

2.4 - Accessories

2.5 - Synthesis Items

3 - Shops

4 - Synthesis Tricks

5 - Disclaimer

6 - Credits





I created this list because of the shear number of items and the small

number of FAQS written about it. I had a hell-of-a-time finding all the

combonations, so I thought I would make it easier for other people. Hope

you like it and have fun with synthesis!






Here it is. I have spent a lot of time creating this list. Hopefully

it helps.


--Some things to know...--------------

-Point 1 "( )" means that the item inside the marks can replace the item

before it. Here's an example:

Hybrid Magic Apple

Magic Apple

Tem's Root (Magic Apple)

This means that the Hybrid Magic Apple can be created by using

a Magic Apple and a Tem's Root, or 2 Magic Apples. Get it?

-Point 2 Another thing to remember, some items may be mentioned in

combinations more then twice. This just means that you can use

only two of them, but not the last one or two. Here is another


Antipersonnel Bomb

Big Bomb

Light Alloy (Tem's Root, Big Bomb)

Tem's Root (Light Alloy, Big Bomb)

As you can see, the Big Bomb is on here three times. Since it

can only be used twice, you have to use something else. Valid

combinations would be: Big Bomb, Light Alloy, Tem's Root

Big Bomb, Big Bomb, Light Alloy

Big Bomb, Big BOmb, Light Alloy

An invalid combination would be:

Big Bomb, Big Bomb, Big Bomb

-Point 3 "(Double it)" means that you can use that item twice in place

of any of the following items, but you can only use two of it.

-Point 4 If there is ever a mix-up with a synthesis, it will create a

useless item. That item is based on what you have in the first

slot. These outcomes are marked and tell how they are made.



Now that that is over, on to the LIST!


2.1 Items


Vigor Seed - Cure ally of Poison

Harmony Needle - Cure ally of Silence

Gravity Nut - Cure ally of Gravity

Mint - Cure ally of Sleep

Memory Plant - Cure ally of Confusion

Power Jelly - Cure ally of Hemo-ji condition

Rue's Medicine - Cure ally of Paralysis

Recovery Tonic - Resurrect fallen ally

General Tonic - Cure ally of most abnormal states

Vigor Seed (Double it)

Harmony Needle (Double it)

Gravity Nut (Double it)

Mint (Double it)

Memory Plant (Double it)

Rue's Medicine (Double it)

Super General Tonic - Cure all allies of most abnormal states

General Tonic (Rad's Reagent)

Rad's Reagent (General Tonic)

Dead Bud - Recover one frickin' HP

Created from mix-ups with items

Herb - Recovers 50 HP

Amazing Herb - Recovers 100 HP

Herb (Tem's Root)

Tem's Root (Herb)

Super Amazing Herb - Recovers 200 HP

Amazing Herb

Tem's Root (Amazing Herb)

Potent Herb - Recovers 150 HP of nearby allies

Amazing Herb

Rad's Reagent
Super Potent Herb - Fully recover nearby allies' HP

Potent Herb

Rad's Reagent (Potent Herb)

Apple Extract - Recover just one MP

Created from mix-ups with all items

Magic Apple - Recovers 50 MP

Hybrid Magic Apple - Recovers 100 MP

Magic Apple

Tem's Root (Magic Apple)

Red Apple - Recovers 200 MP

Hybrid Magic Apple

Tem's Root (Hybrid Magic Apple)

Super Potent Apple - Recovers 150 MP of nearby allies

Hybrid Magic Apple

Rad's Reagent
Hyper Apple - Fully recovers nearby allies' MP

Super Potent Apple

Rad's Reagent (Super Potent Apple)

Life Nut - Increases Maximum HP by 20 Points

Ambrosia - Increases Maximum HP by 50 Points

Life Nut

Tem's Root (Life Nut)

Magic Power Nut - Increases Maximum MP by 20 Points

Elixer Nut - Increases Maximum MP by 50 Points

Magic Power Nut

Tem's Root (Magic Power Nut)

Strength Nut - Increases ATK by 5 Points

Reco Pod - Increases DEF by 5 Points

Magic Sprig - Increases MAG by 5 Points

Palo Nut - Increases AGL by 5 Points

Violet Fruit - MOV up 1 point, Maximum is 7

Potent Violet Fruit - MOV up 2 points, Maximum is 7

Vitality Fruit - Level goes up 1

God's Nectar Fruit - Raises 4 stats 3 points each

Bomb - Explosion damages nearby enemies

Big Bomb - Bomb becomes able to reach far away

Rad's Reagent (Bomb)

Antipersonnel Bomb - Bomb inflicts damage within wide range

Big Bomb

Light Alloy (Tem's Root, Big Bomb)

Tem's Root (Light Alloy, Big Bomb)

Rocket Bomb - Bomb with the highest level of strength

Antipersonnel Bomb (Tough Alloy)

Tough Alloy (Inferno Powder)

Inferno Powder (Antipersonnel Bomb)

Life Fruit - Converts half of current HP into MP

Soul Herb - Converts half of current MP into HP


2.2 Weapons

Blunt Sword - Rusted old sword

Created from mix-ups with all Swords ATK +1

Bronze Sword - Sword made of bronze

ATK +2

Iron Sword - Sword made of iron

ATK +6

Steel Sword - Sword made of tempered steel

ATK +11

Silver Sword - Silver sword, made by synthesis

Steel Sword (Shimmer Stone) ATK +17

Shimmer Stone (Steel Sword)

Platinum Sword - Sword made of platinum

ATK +24

AGL +1
Crystal Sword - Sword made of crystal

ATK +32

AGL +3

Alloy Blade - Made with a new synthesis technique

Platinum Sword (Light Alloy) ATK +36

Light Alloy (Tough Alloy) AGL +5

Tough Alloy (Light Alloy)

Rune Sword - Mysterious sword that increases MAG

Platinum Sword (Mysterious Ore) ATK +40

Mysterious Ore (Platinum Sword) MAG +7

Firangi - Sword with Fire Attribute

Platinum Sword (Flame Fragment) ATK +28

Flame Fragment (Hybrid Magic Apple) MAG +3

Hybrid Magic Apple (Flame Fragment)

Ice Saber - Sword with Water Attribute

Platinum Sword (Water Fragment) ATK +28

Water Fragment (Hybrid Magic Apple) MAG +3

Hybrid Magic Apple (Water Fragment)

Earth Blade - Sword with Earth Attribute

Platinum Sword (Earth Fragment) ATK +25

Earth Fragment (Hybrid Magic Apple) DEF +3

Hybrid Magic Apple (Earth Fragment) MAG +3

Storm Sword - Sword with Wind Attribute

Platinum Sword (Wind Fragment) ATK +25

Wind Fragment (Hybrid Magic Apple) DEF +3

Hybrid Magic Apple (Wind Fragment) MAG +3

Ray Sword - Sword with Light Attribute

Platinum Sword (Light Fragment) ATK +22

Light Fragment (Hybrid Magic Apple) DEF +3

Hybrid Magic Apple (Light Fragment) AGL +3

MAG +3

Diablo Edge - Sword with Dark Attribute

Platinum Sword (Dark Fragment) ATK +22

Dark Fragment (Hybrid Magic Apple) DEF +3

Hybrid Magic Apple (Dark Fragment) AGL +3

MAG +3
Mystic Sword - Sword that greatly increases MAG

Alloy Blade (Magic Sprig) ATK +45

Magic Sprig (Alloy Blade) MAG +20

Gorgeous Ring - Anrietta's pride. Can't be removed

ATK +35

Flame Saber - Elc's main weapon. Can't be removed

ATK +30

Crimson Edge - Tosh's main weapon. Cannot be removed

ATK +35

Butcher Knife - An unwieldy, poorly balanced knife

Created from mix-ups with all Daggers ATK +1

AGL -1

Bronze Dagger - A handy blade of soft metal

ATK +2

AGL +1
Iron Knife - A knife made of Itio City iron

ATK +5

AGL +1

Steel Scalpel - A large blade make of steel

ATK +10

AGL +2

Silver Knife - Shiny and useful product to synthesis

Steel Scalpel ATK +15

Shimmer Stone (Steel Scalpel) AGL +2

Platinum Knife - Often used in assassinations

ATK +22

AGL +3

Crystal Knife - An razor-sharp blade of crystal

ATK +29

AGL +3
Super Alloy Knife - Synthesized from various materials

Platinum Knife ATK +33

Light Alloy (Tough Alloy) AGL +4

Tough Alloy (Light Alloy)

Rune Dagger - Knife that increases MAG

Platinum Knife ATK +35

Mysterious Ore (Platinum Knife) MAG +7

Assassin Knife - Poisons enemies with its blade

Vigor Seed ATK +17

Silver Knife AGL +5

Tough Alloy (Vigor Seed, Silver Knife)

Silent Dagger - Silences enemies it touches

Harmony Needle ATK +17

Silver Knife AGL +5

Tough Alloy (Harmony Needle, Silver Knife)

Gravity Dagger - Weighs down enemies that it touches

Gravity Nut ATK +24

Platinum Knife AGL +6

Tem's Root (Gravity Nut, Platinum Knife)

Slumber Blade - Causes enemies to go to sleep

Mint ATK +24

Crystal Knife AGL +6

Tem's Root (Mint, Crystal Knife)

Mind Smasher - Blade that confuses enemies

Memory Plant ATK +30

Crystal Knife AGL +7

Wisdom Tablet (Memory Plant, Crystal Knife)

Shadow Stitcher - Paralyzes enemies

Power Jelly ATK +30

Crystal Knife AGL +7

Wisdem Tablet (Power Jelly, Crystal Knife)

Palo's Knife - Slighty increases AGL

Rune Dagger (Palo Nut) ATK +36

Palo Nut (Rune Dagger) AGL +30

Theives Dagger - Steals HP equal to 1/4 of damage

Crystal Knife (Shimmer Stone) ATK +36

Palo Nut (Crystal Knife) AGL +15

Shimmer Stone (Palo Nut)

Reciprocal Blade - Small knife that greatly increases AGL

Platinum Knife ATK +32

Palo Nut AGL +30

Light Alloy (Palo Nut)

Warped Spear - Spear with bent tip

Created from mix-ups with all Spears ATK +1

DEF -1

AGL -1

Iron Spear - Short spear made of iron

ATK +4

DEF +1

Steel Spear - Steel spear crafted of imported steel

ATK +9
DEF +2

Silver Sarissa - Silver spear made by synthesis

Steel Spear ATK +14

Shimmer Stone (Steel Spear) DEF +2

Platinum Sarissa - Light, this spear made of platinum

ATK +21

DEF +3

Crystal Spear - Tough spear with a crystal tip

ATK +28

DEF +3

AGL +3

Super Alloy Spear - Synthesized numerous alloys

Crystal Spear ATK +32

Light Alloy (Tough Alloy) DEF +8

Tough Alloy (Light Alloy)

Rune Spear - Increases numerous abilities

Platinum Sarissa ATK +33

Mysterious Ore (Platinum Sarissa) DEF +2

MAG +7

Muse Lance - Spear that greatly increases AGL

Platinum Sarissa ATK +35

Palo Nut AGL +20

Card Trident - Turns monsters into cards more often

Harmony Needle (Rue's Medicine, Platinum Sarissa) ATK +18

Rue's Medicine (Harmony Needle, Platinum Sarissa) MAG +4

Platinum Sarissa (Rue's Medicine, Harmony Needle)

Sol Spear - Turns monsters into cards very often

Gods Nectar Fruit (Card Trident) ATK +30

Card Trident MAG +8

Magma Spear - Greatly reduces Water Attribute damage

Crystal Spear ATK +31

Water Fragment (Hybrid Magic Apple) DEF +2

Hybrid Magic Apple (Water Fragment) AGL +2

MAG +2
Blizzard Spear - Greatly reduces Fire Attribute damage

Crystal Spear ATK +31

Flame Fragment DEF +2

Hybrid Magic Apple (Flame Fragment) AGL +2

MAG +2

Gaia Spear - Greatly reduces Wind Attribute damage

Crystal Spear ATK +31

Wind Fragment DEF +2

Hybrid Magic Apple (Wind Fragment) AGL +2

MAG +2

Hurricane Spear - Greatly reduces Earth Attribute damage

Crystal Spear ATK +31

Earth Fragment DEF +2

Hybrid Magic Apple (Earth Fragment) AGL +2

MAG +2

Holy Spear - Greatly reduces Dark Attribute damage

Crystal Spear ATK +31

Dark Fragment DEF +2

Hybrid Magic Apple (Dark Fragment) AGL +2

MAG +2

Dark Spear - Greatly reduces Light Attribute damage

Crystal Spear ATK +31

Light Fragment DEF +2

Hybrid Magic Apple (Light Fragment) AGL +2

MAG +2

Phalanx - Heavy, with maximum destructive power

ATK +38

AGL -5

Scrap Gun - Gun with a misshapen barrel

Created from mix-ups with all Guns ATK +1

AGL -1

Revolver - Compact six-shooter

ATK +9

Sub-Machine Gun - Wide and destructive attack

ATK +14

Assault Gun - Light synthesized submachine gun

Sub-Machine Gun (Light Alloy) ATK +21

Light Alloy (Sub-Machine Gun)

Heavy Machine Gun - Strong attack power

ATK +28

Grenade Launcher - Launches grenades great distances

ATK +32

Gatling Gun - Powerful Machine Gun

Heavy Machine Gun ATK +34

Light Alloy (Tough Alloy)

Tough Alloy (Light Alloy)

Rocket Launcher - Capable of firing large explosives

Grenade Launcher (Tough Alloy) ATK +35

Tough Alloy (Grenade Launcher)

Peacemaker - Expert's hand gun

Revolver ATK +39

Light Alloy (Inferno Powder) AGL +10

Inferno Powder (Light Alloy)

Genocider - Multi-projectile launcher

Rocket Launcher ATK +38

Big Bomb (Light Alloy)

Light Alloy (Big Bomb)

Shotgun - Made of assault gun materials

Assault Gun ATK +30

Light Alloy (Inferno Powder, Assault Gun)

Inferno Powder (Light Alloy, Assault Gun)

Nightmare - Professional Shotgun

Assault Gun ATK +32

Inferno Powder (Assault Gun)

Hunter Rifle - A new style of gun

Peacemaker (Shotgun) ATK +34

Shotgun (Peacemaker) AGL +5

Sniper Rifle - Can paralyze enemies with 1 shot

Hunter Rifle ATK +38

Inferno Powder (Hunter Rifle) AGL +10

Hyper Shotgun - A redesigned shotgun

Nightmare (Water or Earth Fragment) ATK +36

Water Fragment (Earth Fragment)

Earth Fragment (Water Fragment)

The guild network is speedy but is sometimes inaccurate

Lunar Blaster - Appears like the Crescent Moon

Sniper Rifle ATK +42

Mysterious Ore (Inferno Powder) AGL +15

Inferno Powder (Mysterious Ore)

Stone Gun - Launcher that can harden lava

Rocket Bomb ATK +50

Grenade Launcher (Rocket Bomb)

Calm Nut (Ice Saber)

Ice Saber
Dimension Gun - Shu's equipment, can't be removed

ATK +28

Uncanny Pole - Pole with bizarre markings

Created from mix-ups with all Rods ATK +1

MAG -3

Silver Rod - Long, light pole made of silver

ATK +10

Platinum Rod - Amaidar monks use these in training

ATK +14

MAG +3

Crystal Rod - Used by Paltos City defense troops

ATK +18

AGL +1

MAG +3

Hyper-Alloy Rod - Rod that can get longer when fighting

Platinum Rod ATK +22

Light Alloy (Tough Alloy) AGL +1

Tough Alloy (Light Alloy) MAG +4

Rune Wand - Wand blessed by a Guardian

Platinum Rod ATK +26

Shimmer Stone (Tem's Root, Platinum Rod) MAG +5

Tem's Root (Shimmer Stone, Platinum Rod)

Mirage Rod - Rod that increases MAG and AGL

Magic Sprig (Palo Nut) ATK +15

Palo Nut (Magic Sprig) AGL +20

Platinum Rod (Palo Nut) MAG +8

Force Rod - Greatly increases the owner's MAG

Magic Power Nut ATK +15

Magic Sprig (Magic Power Nut) MAG +16

Platinum Rod (Magic Sprig, Magic Power Nut)

Vlad Wand - Recover HP equal to 1/4 damage taken

ATK +17

MAG +5
Renewal Wand - Recover HP equal to 1/2 damage taken

Super Amazing Herb (Red Apple) ATK +20

Red Apple (Super Amazing Herb) MAG +7

Crystal Rod (Red Apple)

Magic Stick - Increases MAG and lowers MP cost

Magic Power Nut (Rune Wand) ATK +19

Rune Wand MAG +10

Tohroo Stick - MAG increases, MP cost cut in half

Magic Power Nut (Magic Stick) ATK +21

Magic Stick MAG +12

Mystic Rod - Recovers 10 MP per turn

Magic Apple (Wisdom Tablet) ATK +16

Hyper-Alloy Rod (Magic Apple) MAG +16

Wisdom Tablet (Hyper-Alloy Rod)

Sacred Rod - Recovers 20 MP per turn

Magic Apple (Wisdom Tablet) ATK +18

Rune Wand (Magic Apple) MAG +20

Wisdom Tablet (Rune Wand)

Astral Rod - ?????

ATK +28

INT +10

Strongest Cane - Greatly increases user's MAG

Platinum Rod ATK +23

Tohroo Stick MAG +30

Wisdom Tablet (Platinum Rod)

Cursed Blade - Large and not in charge

Created from mix-ups with all Blades ATK +2

AGL -2

Silver Blade - A large, attractive blade

ATK +20

Platinum Blade - Finely crafted of tough platinum

ATK +30

MAG +1
Crystal Blade - Large and made of tough, light crystal

ATK +40

Titanium Blade - Synthesized from many alloys

Platinum Blade ATK +45

Light Alloy (Tough Alloy)

Tough Alloy (Light Alloy)

Rune Blade - Big sword that increases MAG

Platinum Blade ATK +50

Mysterious Ore (Platinum Blade) DEF +5

AGL +5

MAG +10

Avenger - Big sword that increases AGL

Silver Blade ATK +55

Palo Nut (Silver Blade) AGL +18

Guardian - Big sword that increases DEF

Silver Blade (Reco Pod) ATK +55

Reco Pod DEF +12

Blaze Guard - Cuts Fire Attribute damage in half

Crystal Blade (Flame Fragment) ATK +55

Flame Fragment DEF +5

Glacier Guard - Cuts Water Attribute damage in half

Crystal Blade (Water Fragment) ATK +55

Water Fragment DEF +5

Earth Keeper - Cuts Earth Attribute damage in half

Crystal Blade (Earth Fragment) ATK +55

Earth Fragment DEF +5

Storm Keeper - Cuts Wind Attribute damage in half

Crystal Blade (Wind Fragment) ATK +55

Wind Fragment DEF +5

Light Protector - Cuts Light Attribute damage in half

Crystal Blade (Light Fragment) ATK +55

Light Fragment DEF +5

Dark Protector - Cuts Dark Attribute damage in half

Crystal Blade (Dark Fragment) ATK +55

Dark Fragment DEF +5

Life Stealer - Sword steals HP equal to damage

Blaze Guard (Double it) ATK +60

Glacier Guard (Double it)

Earth Keeper (Double it)

Storm Keeper (Double it)

Light Protector (Double it)

Dark Protector (Double it)

Light Saber - This sword recovers 20 HP per turn

ATK +60

MAG +3


2.3 Armor


Warped Armor - Slightly deformed armor, hard to use

Created from mix-ups with all Armors DEF +1

ATK -1

AGL -1

Leather Armor - Made of leather hardened with wax

DEF +4

Steel Armor - Stout armor crafted of steel

DEF +8

Silver Armor - Expensive armor made of pure silver

Steel Mail DEF +13

Shimmer Stone (Steel Armor) MAG +3

Platinum Mail - Armor made of Paltos platinum

DEF +19

Rune Armor - Armor made of a mysterious substance

Platinum Mail DEF +26

Mysterious Ore (Platinum Mail) AGL +2

MAG +2
Fire Armor - Increases both MAG and AGL

Steel Armor DEF +30

Flame Fragment AGL +5

Wisdom Tablet (Flame Fragment) MAG +5

Water Armor - Increases both MAG and AGL

Steel Armor DEF +30

Water Fragment AGL +5

Wisdom Tablet (Water Fragment) MAG +5

Earth Armor - Increases both MAG and AGL

Steel Armor DEF +30

Earth Fragment AGL +5

Wisdom Tablet (Earth Fragment) MAG +5

Wind Armor - Increases both MAG and AGL

Steel Armor DEF +30

Wind Fragment AGL +5

Wisdom Tablet (Wind Fragment) MAG +5

Light Armor - Increases both MAG and AGL

Steel Armor DEF +30

Light Fragment AGL +5

Wisdom Tablet (Light Fragment) MAG +5

Dark Armor - Increases both MAG and AGL

Steel Armor DEF +30

Dark Fragment AGL +5

Wisdom Tablet (Dark Fragment) MAG +5

Mystery Armor - Recovers 20 HP each turn

Wisdom Tablet (Rune Armor) DEF +32

Rune Armor (Super Amazing Herb)

Super Amazing Herb (Rune Armor)

Hero Armor - Fixes abnormal status

Rune Armor DEF +34

Wisdom Tablet (Rune Armor, Mysterious Ore)

Mysterious Ore (Rune Armor, Wisdom Tablet)

Shining Armor - Very expensive-looking armor

Platinum Armor DEF +10

Shimmer Stone

Traveler Robe - Basic adventurer protection

DEF +2

Fur Robe - Warm cape made of animal hides

DEF +6

Hunter Cape - A Hunter's favorite

Fur Cape DEF +10

Shimmer Stone (Fur Cape)

Platinum Robe - Woven of platinum threads

DEF +16

MAG +2

Rune Robe - A wrap of mystarious cloth

Platinum Robe DEF +22

Mysterious Ore (Platinum Robe) MAG +5

Fire Robe - Increases MAG of the wearer

Platinum Robe DEF +26

Flame Fragment (Tem's Root) MAG +15

Tem's Root (Flame Fragment)

Water Robe - Increases MAG of the wearer

Platinum Robe DEF +26

Water Fragment MAG +15

Tem's Root (Water Fragment)

Earth Robe - Increases MAG of the wearer

Platinum Robe DEF +26

Earth Fragment MAG +15

Tem's Root (Earth Fragment)

Wind Robe - Increases MAG of the wearer

Platinum Robe DEF +26

Wind Fragment MAG +15

Tem's Root (Wind Fragment)

Light Robe - Increases MAG of the wearer

Platinum Robe DEF +26

Light Fragment MAG +15

Tem's Root (Light Fragment)

Dark Robe - Increases MAG of the wearer

Platinum Robe DEF +26

Dark Fragment MAG +15

Tem's Root (Dark Fragment)

Wise Man Robe - Greatly decreases attribute damage

Flame Fragment (Double it) DEF +22

Water Fragment (Double it) MAG +12

Earth Fragment (Double it)

Wind Fragment (Double it)

Light Fragment (Double it)

Dark Fragment (Double it)

Miracle Robe - Recovers 10 MP per turn

Super Amazing Herb (Tem's Root) DEF +24

Platinum Robe (Super Amazing Herb) MAG +18

Tem's Root (Platinum Robe)

Dimension Robe - Cuts attribute damage in half

Platinum Robe (Wisdom Tablet) DEF +26

Rad's Reagent (Platinum Robe) MAG +6

Wisdom Tablet (Rad's Reagent)

Decorator - Foofy dress that increases MAG

DEF +27

MAG +9

Parade Coat - Low DEF, but attractive

DEF +10

Jeweled Dress - Anrietta is fond of this

DEF +20

Light Suit - Elc's main clothes. Can't be removed

DEF +30

Cloth Suit - Tosh's main clothes. Can't be removed

DEF +20
Adventurer Vest - Popular small breastplate

DEF +3

Chain Vest - Leather, overlaid with decorative chains

DEF +7

Silver Breastplate - Sturdy and attractive

Chain Vest DEF +11

Shimmer Stone (Chain Vest) MAG +3

Pltnum Breastplate - Light, tough armor of platinum

DEF +17

Rune Vest - Vest covered with strange markings

Pltnum Breastplate DEF +23

Mysterious Ore (Platinum Vest) AGL +5

Fire Vest - Increase wearer's AGL

Pltnum Breastplate (Flame Fragment) DEF +26

Flame Fragment (Light Alloy) AGL +15

Light Alloy (Pltnum Breastplate)

Ice Vest - Increase wearer's AGL

Pltnum Breastplate DEF +26

Water Fragment AGL +15

Light Alloy (Water Fragment, Pltnum Breastplate)

Earth Vest - Increase wearer's AGL

Pltnum Breastplate DEF +26

Earth Fragment AGL +15

Light Alloy (Earth Fragment, Pltnum Breastplate)

Wind Vest - Increase wearer's AGL

Pltnum Breastplate DEF +26

Wind Fragment AGL +15

Light Alloy (Wind Fragment, Pltnum Breastplate)

Light Vest - Increase wearer's AGL

Pltnum Breastplate DEF +26

Light Fragment AGL +15

Light Alloy (Light Fragment, Pltnum Breastplate)

Dark Vest - Increase wearer's AGL

Pltnum Breastplate DEF +26

Dark Fragment AGL +15

Light Alloy (Dark Fragment, Pltnum Breastplate)

Battle Suit - Armor that increases ATK and AGL

DEF +28

ATK +2

AGL +24

Treasure Vest - Increases EXP won by 25%

Pltnum Breastplate (Mysterious Ore) DEF +28

Palo Nut (Platinum Breastpleate)

Mysterious Ore (Palo Nut)

Lucky Vest - Increases EXP won by 50%

Silver Breastplate (Wisdom Tablet) DEF +28

Vitality Fruit (Silver Breastplate)

Wisdom Tablet (Vitality Fruit)

Metal Arm - Shu's special armor. Can't be removed

DEF +25

2.4 Accessories


Warped Amulet - Charm warped into a strange shape

Created from mix-ups with all Accessories DEF+1

Red Talisman - Cuts Fire Attribute damage in half

Blue Talisman - Cuts Water Attribute damage in half

Yellow Talisman - Cuts Earth Attribute damage in half

Green Talisman - Cuts Wind Attribute damage in half

White Talisman - Cuts Light Attribute damage in half

Black Talisman - Cuts Dark Attribute damage in half

Flame Amulet - Greatly reduces Fire Attribute damage

Red Talisman

Flame Fragment (Red Talisman)

Water Amulet - Greatly reduces Water Attribute damage

Blue Talisman

Water Fragment (Blue Talisman)

Earth Amulet - Greatly reduces Earth Attribute damage

Yellow Talisman

Earth Fragment (Yellow Talisman)

Wind Amulet - Greatly reduces Wind Attribute damage

Green Talisman

Wind Fragment (Green Talisman)

Light Amulet - Greatly reduces Light Attribute damage

White Talisman

Light Fragment (White Talisman)

Dark Amulet - Greatly reduces Dark Attribute damage

Black Talisman

Dark Fragment (Black Talisman)

Flame Medallion - Absorbs Fire Attribute damage

Flame Amulet (Wisdom Tablet)

Wisdom Tablet (Flame Amulet)

Hydro Medallion - Absorbs Water Attribute damage

Water Amulet
Wisdom Tablet (Water Amulet)

Earth Medallion - Absorbs Earth Attribute damage

Earth Amulet

Wisdom Tablet (Earth Amulet)

Wind Medallion - Absorbs Wind Attribute damage

Wind Amulet

Wisdom Tablet (Wind Amulet)

Holy Medallion - Absorbs Light Attribute damage

Light Amulet

Wisdom Tablet (Light Amulet)

Abyssar Medallion - Absorbs Dark Attribute damage

Dark Amulet

Wisdom Tablet (Dark Amulet)

Force Amulet - Greatly decrease attribute damage

Flame Amulet (Double it)

Water Amulet (Double it)

Earth Amulet (Double it)

Wind Amulet (Double it)

Light Amulet (Double it)

Dark Amulet (Double it)

Soothing Ring - Completely prevents Poison status

Vigor Seed

Shimmer Stone (Vigor Seed)

Falcon Statue - Completely prevents Silence status

Harmony Needle

Shimmer Stone (Harmony Needle)

Magnetic Belt - Completely prevents Gravity status

Gravity Nut

Shimmer Stone (Gravity Nut)

Insomnia Card - Completely prevents Sleep status


Shimmer Stone (Mint)

Tanzanite - Completely prevents Confusion status

Memory Plant

Shimmer Stone (Memory Plant)

Anti Hemo-ji - Completely prevents Hemo-ji status

Power Jelly

Shimmer Stone (Power Jelly)

Emblem of Lark - Completely prevents Paralyzed status

Rue's Medicine
Shimmer Stone (Rue's Medicine)

Book of Cravis - Prevent most abnormal statuses

General Tonic

Mysterious Ore (Wisdom Tablet, General Tonic)

Wisdom Tablet (Mysterious Ore, General Tonic)

Litch Ring - Each turn +50 MP, -50 HP

Life Fruit (Magic Armlet)

Magic Armlet (Life Fruit, Mysterious Ore, Wisdom Tablet)

Mysterious Ore (Life Fruit, Magic Armlet, wisdom Tablet)

Wisdom Tablet (Life Fruit, Magic Armlet, Mysterious Ore)

Strength Armlet - Arm ring that increases ATK

ATK +5

Protection Armlet - Arm ring that increases DEF

DEF +5

Magic Armlet - Arm ring that increases MAG

MAG +5

Swift Armlet - Arm ring that increases AGL

AGL +5

Muscle Ring - Ring that greatly increases ATK

Strength Nut (Tem's Root) ATK +10

Strength Armlet (Strenghth Nut)

Tem's Root (Strength Armlet)

Armor Ring - Ring that greatly increases DEF

Reco Pod (Tem's Root) DEF +10

Protection Armlet (Reco Pod)

Tem's Root (Protection Armlet)

Spirit Ring - Ring that greatly increases MAG

Magic Sprig (Tem's Root) MAG +10

Magic Armlet (Magic Sprig)

Tem's Root (Magic Armlet)

Speed Ring - Ring that greatly increases AGL

Palo Nut (Tem's Root) AGL +10

Swift Armlet (Palo Nut)

Tem's Root (Swift Armlet)

Super Ring - Arm ring that increases most stats

Strength Armlet (Double it) ATK +5

Protection Armlet (Double it) DEF +5

Magic Armlet (Double it) MAG +5

Swift Armlet (Double it) AGL +5

Mysterious Ore (Double it)

Soldier's Armlet - Greatly increases ATK and DEF

Muscle Ring (Armor Ring, Wisdom Tablet) ATK +10

Armor Ring (Muscle Ring, Wisdom Tablet) DEF +10

Wisdom Tablet (Muscle Ring, Armor Ring)

Heretic Armlet - Greatly increases MAG and AGL

Spirit Ring (Speed Ring, Wisdom Tablet) ATK +10

Speed Ring (Spirit Ring, Wisdom tablet) MAG +10

Wisdom Tablet (Spirit Ring, Speed Ring)

Romancing Stone - Makes MP consumption zero

Flay's Crest - Cut attribute damage in half

Raila's Mirror - Prevent three statuses

Delight Heel - Recovers 10 HP and MP each turn

King's Image - Increases EXP earning by 25%


2.5 Synthesis Items

Flame Fragment - Fire Attribute, used in synthesis

Water Fragment - Water Attribute, used in synthesis

Earth Fragment - Earth Attribute, used in synthesis

Wind Fragment - Wind Attribute, used in synthesis

Light Fragment - Light Attribute, used in synthesis

Dark Fragment - Dark Attribute, used in synthesis

Shimmer Stone - Unusual synthesis item

Created from mix-ups with all Synthesis Items

Light Alloy - Unusual synthesis item

Tough Alloy - Unusual synthesis item

Mysterious Ore - Mysterious synthesis item

Rad's Reagent - Widens range of synthesis

Tem's Root - Beneficial in synthesis

Wisdom Tablet - Ancient knowledge is written on it

Inferno Powder - Explosive gunpowder used in synthesis

Vine Rope - Tough, sinewy plant shoot

Calm Nut - Nut from a strange plant


There are many more combinations for some of the items, but they are

either obvious or are just not really worth it.



3 - Shops



Want to know where you can buy some stuff? Well, here's a list.

Itio, Eteru Isle



Vigor Seed 50 G

Harmony Needle 50 G

Gravity Nut 50 G

Mint 50 G

Memory Plant 50 G

Power Jelly 50 G

Rue's Medicine 50 G

Herb 20 G


Bronze Sword 40 G

Iron Sword 100 G

Bronze Dagger 50 G

Iron Knife 120 G

Iron Spear 110 G


Leather Armor 120 G

Traveler Armor 50 G

Adventurer Vest 70 G



Synthesis Items:


Renn, Forestamore



Vigor Seed 50 G

Harmony Needle 50 G

Gravity Nut 50 G

Mint 50 G

Memory Plant 50 G

Power Jelly 50 G

Rue's Medicine 50 G

Herb 20 G

Iron Sword 100 G

Steel Sword 240 G

Iron Knife 120 G

Steel Scalpel 280 G

Iron Spear 110 G

Steal Spear 260 G


Leather Armor 120 G

Steel Armor 360 G

Traveler Armor 50 G

Adventurer Vest 70 G

Chain Vest 240 G



Synthesis Items:


Gislem, North Sularto



Vigor Seed 50 G

Harmony Needle 50 G

Gravity Nut 50 G

Mint 50 G
Memory Plant 50 G

Power Jelly 50 G

Rue's Medicine 50 G

Herb 20 G

Bomb 100 G


Iron Sword 100 G

Steel Sword 240 G

Iron Knife 120 G

Steel Scalpel 280 G

Iron Spear 110 G

Steal Spear 260 G

Revolver 150 G


Leather Armor 120 G

Steel Armor 360 G

Traveler Armor 50 G

Fur Cape 180 G

Adventurer Vest 70 G

Chain Vest 240 G



Synthesis Items:

Dark Fragment 2500 G - After Job 43: Gislem Gift Courier

Testa, South Sularto



Vigor Seed 50 G

Harmony Needle 50 G

Gravity Nut 50 G

Mint 50 G

Memory Plant 50 G

Power Jelly 50 G

Rue's Medicine 50 G

Herb 20 G

Bomb 100 G


Steel Sword 240 G

Silver Sword 500 G

Steel Scalpel 280 G

Silver Knife 600 G

Steal Spear 260 G

Silver Sarissa 540 G

Revolver 150 G

Sub-Machine Gun 360 G

Silver Rod 460 G


Steel Armor 360 G

Silver Mail 920 G

Fur Cape 180 G

Hunter Cape 500 G

Chain Vest 240 G

Silver Breatplate 600 G



Synthesis Items:

Light Fragment 2500 G - After Job 43: Gislem Gift Courier

Paysus, Jiharta



Vigor Seed 50 G

Harmony Needle 50 G

Gravity Nut 50 G

Mint 50 G

Memory Plant 50 G

Power Jelly 50 G

Rue's Medicine 50 G

Herb 20 G

Bomb 100 G


Steel Sword 240 G

Silver Sword 500 G

Steel Scalpel 280 G

Silver Knife 600 G

Steal Spear 260 G

Silver Sarissa 540 G

Revolver 150 G

Sub-Machine Gun 360 G

Silver Rod 460 G


Steel Armor 360 G

Silver Mail 920 G

Fur Cape 180 G

Hunter Cape 500 G

Chain Vest 240 G

Silver Breatplate 600 G



Synthesis Items:


Rusalt, Jiharta



Vigor Seed 50 G

Harmony Needle 50 G
Gravity Nut 50 G

Mint 50 G

Memory Plant 50 G

Power Jelly 50 G

Rue's Medicine 50 G

Herb 20 G

Amazing Herb 60 G

Bomb 100 G


Silver Sword 500 G

Platinum Sword 900 G

Silver Knife 600 G

Platinum Knife 1080 G

Silver Sarissa 540 G

Platinum Sarissa 980 G

Sub-Machine Gun 360 G

Assault Gun 750 G

Silver Rod 460 G

Platinum Rod 850 G


Steel Armor 360 G

Silver Mail 920 G

Fur Cape 180 G

Hunter Cape 500 G

Chain Vest 240 G

Silver Breatplate 600 G



Synthesis Items:


Paltos, Parute



Vigor Seed 50 G

Harmony Needle 50 G

Gravity Nut 50 G

Mint 50 G

Memory Plant 50 G

Power Jelly 50 G

Rue's Medicine 50 G

Herb 20 G

Amazing Herb 60 G

Bomb 100 G


Silver Sword 500 G

Platinum Sword 900 G

Silver Knife 600 G

Platinum Knife 1080 G

Silver Sarissa 540 G

Platinum Sarissa 980 G

Sub-Machine Gun 360 G

Assault Gun 750 G

Silver Rod 460 G

Platinum Rod 850 G

Silver Blade 620 G

Platinum Blade 1060 G


Silver Mail 920 G

Platinum Mail 2250 G

Hunter Cape 500 G

Platinum Robe 1080 G

Silver Breastplate 600 G

Pltnum Breastplate 1850 G



Synthesis Items:


Felator, Ragnark



Vigor Seed 50 G

Harmony Needle 50 G
Gravity Nut 50 G

Mint 50 G

Memory Plant 50 G

Power Jelly 50 G

Rue's Medicine 50 G

Herb 20 G

Amazing Herb 60 G

Bomb 100 G

Big Bomb 300 G


Platinum Sword 900 G

Crystal Sword 1500 G

Platinum Knife 1080 G

Crystal Knife 1800 G

Platinum Sarissa 980 G

Crystal Spear 1660 G

Assault Gun 750 G

Heavy Machine Gun 1350 G

Platinum Rod 850 G

Crystal Rod 1440 G

Platinum Blade 1060 G

Crystal Blade 1820 G


Silver Mail 920 G

Platinum Mail 2250 G

Hunter Cape 500 G

Platinum Robe 1080 G

Silver Breastplate 600 G

Pltnum Breastplate 1850 G



Synthesis Items:


Sky Castle (Dorvin and Co.)




Vigor Seed 50 G

Harmony Needle 50 G

Gravity Nut 50 G

Mint 50 G

Memory Plant 50 G

Power Jelly 50 G

Rue's Medicine 50 G

General Tonic 400 G

Amazing Herb 60 G

Hybrid Magic Apple 600 G

Big Bomb 300 G


Crystal Sword 1500 G

Alloy Blade 2400 G

Crystal Knife 1800 G

Super Alloy Knife 2880 G

Crystal Spear 1660 G

Super Alloy Spear 2720 G

Heavy Machine Gun 1350 G

Grenade Launcher 2250 G

Crystal Rod 1440 G

Hyper-Alloy Rod 2330 G

Crystal Blade 1820 G

Titanium Blade 3040 G


Platinum Mail 2250 G

Platinum Robe 1080 G

Pltnum Breastplate 1850 G


Soothing Ring 2000 G

Falcon Statue 4000 G

Magnetic Belt 6000 G

Insomnia Card 8000 G

Tanzanite 10000G

Anti Hemo-ji 12000G

Emblem of Lark 14000G

Synthesis Items:

Pandira Casino, South Sularto


You pay for things with Chips instead of Goz. Here's the amounts:

10,000 Recovery Tonic

20,000 Shimmer Stone

30,000 Super General Tonic

40,000 Potent Herb

50,000 Antipersonnel Bomb

60,000 Light Alloy

80,000 Super Potent Apple

120,000 Rad's Reagent

150,000 Life Nut

150,000 Magic Power Nut

150,000 Alloy Blade

150,000 Peacemaker

200,000 Reciprocal Blade

200,000 Vlad Wand

200,000 Avenger

200,000 Magma Spear

270,000 Rune Robe

270,000 Rune Vest

300,000 Rune Armor

999,000 Book of Cravis



4 - Synthesis Tricks



Because of the many different ways to create just one item, there are

loop-holes. The list below will help you create some items earlier then

you really should have them.


--Some things to know...--------------

The Danger Dome comes in handy at this part in the game. Since you

can't but platinum stuff yet, you can go there and wager your lower class

armor for a better class one. Just keep doing that until you get what

you need.

Weapons: Bronze -> Iron -> Steel -> Silver -> Platinum -> Crystal

Armor : Lvl 1 -> Lvl 2 -> Lvl 3 -> Platinum

Need some extra cash for your experiments? Well, mixing a Platinum

Armor with a Shimmer Stone makes a Shining Armor, which can be sold for

30000G!! That will fill up your wallet real fast. If you run low on

Shimmer Stones, they can be purchased at the casino for some chips, or

wager a Rocket Bomb at the Danger Dome. Rocket Bombs can be gained by

wagering a Bomb for a Big Bomb, a Big Bomb for a Antipersonnel Bomb, and

that for the Rocket Bomb. Phew!

All of the following items are listed by whether you can get it in

"North Sularto" in Disc One or "Later in the Game"

Later in the Game technically means when you are able to get items

previously unfound. They are seperated because people like to get all

the high power stuff as fast as possible, and North Sularto just

happens to be that place.




Sol Spear


Harmony Needle - x4

Rue's Medicine - x2

Synthesis Chain:

(Harmony Needle x2 + Rue's Medicine = Card Trident) x 2

Card Trident x2 = Sol Spear

Miracle Robe



Herb - x8

Platinum Robe - x1

Synthesis Chain:

(Herb x2 = Amazing Herb) x 4

(Amazing Herb x2 = Super Amazing Herb) x 2

Super Amazing Herb x2 + Platinum Robe = Miracle Robe

Mystery Armor



Platinum Armor - x2

Super Amazing Herb x2

Synthesis Chain:

Platinum Armor x2 = Rune Armor

Rune Armor + Super Amazing Herb x2 = Mystery Armor

Palo's Knife



Platinum Knife - x4

Synthesis Chain:

(Platinum Knife x2 = Rune Dagger) x 2

Rune Dagger x2 = Palo's Knife

Strongest Cane



Platinum Rod - x6

Shimmer Stone - x8

Synthesis Chain:

(Platinum Rod + Shimmer Stone x2 = Rune Wand) x 4

(Rune Wand x2 = Magic Stick) x 2

Magic Stick x2 = Tohroo Stick

Tohroo Stick + Platinum Rod x2 = Strongest Cane

Life Stealer



Flame Fragment - x2

Water Fragment - x2

Earth Fragment - x2

Wind Fragment - x2

Light Fragment - x2

Dark Fragment - x2

Synthesis Chain:

(Elemental Fragment x2 = Elemental Blade) x 6 //with all fragments

All Elemental Blades x6 = Life Stealer

Sniper Rifle



Light Alloy - x8

Revolver - x4

Synthesis Chain:
(Revolver + Light Alloy x2 = Peacemaker) x 4

(Peacemaker x2 = Hunter Rifle) x2

Hunter Rifle x2 = Sniper Rifle




Tough Alloy - x2

Big Bomb - x2

Synthesis Chain

Tough Alloy x2 = Rocket Launcher

Rocket Launcer + Big Bomb x2 = Genocider

Mystic Sword



Light Alloy - x4

Tough Alloy - x2

Synthesis Chain:

(Light Alloy x2 + Tough Alloy = Alloy Blade) x 2

Alloy Blade x2 = Mystic Sword

Shadow Stitcher



Power Jelly - x2

Crystal Knife - x2

Synthesis Chain:

Power Jelly x2 + Crystal Knife = Shadow Stitcher

Super Potent Herb



Herb - x4

Rad's Reagent - x2

Synthesis Chain:

(Herb x2 = Amazing Herb) x 2

(Amazing Herb + Rad's Reagent = Potent Herb) x 2

Potent Herb x2 = Super Potent Herb

Hyper Apple


Magic Apple - x4

Rad's Reagent - x2

Synthesis Chain:

(Magic Apple x2 = Hybrid Magic Apple) x 2

(Hybrid Magic Apple + Rad's Reagent = Super Potent Apple) x 2

Super Potent Apple x2 = Hyper Apple

Firangi (and other elemental Swords)



Magic Apple - x2

Elemental Fragment x2 (must be alike attribute)

Synthesis Chain:

Magic Apple x2 = Hybrid Magic Apple

Elemental Fragment x2 = Hybrid Magic Apple = Elemental Sword

Treasure Vest



Pltnum Breastplate x2

Palo Nut - x1
Synthesis Chain:

Pltnum Breastplate x2 + Palo Nut = Treasure Vest

Lucky Vest



Silver Breastplate x2

Vitality Fruit - x1

Synthesis Chain:

Silver Breastplate x2 + Vitality Fruit = Lucky Vest

Any Anti-Status Accessory


Status Recovery Item x2 = Anti-Status Accessory


Lunar Blaster


Sniper Rifle - x2 (shown above)

Mysterious Ore - x1

Synthesis Chain:

Sniper Rifle x2 + Mysterious Ore = Lunar Blaster






This FAQ (C)2002 Andrew Nelson. This FAQ is not to be distributed unless

my permission is given. My e-mail and AIM names are mentioned above.

Arc the Lad collection and Arc the Lad are (C)1995-2001 Sony Computer

Entertainment Inc.





I would like to thank these people for helping me with this...

Jason - A good friend and a gamer like me.

Todo - For getting the Astral Rod Information

Benjamin Goh and Other Contributors - There were alot of people that sent

info for the Astral Rod, but I was lazy and didn't get to it in for

a while. Sorry!

My Computer - For not restarting when I haven't saved for a few hours.

GameFAQS Message Boards - I would not have some of this list if it were

not for a lot of the people on there.

GameFAQS - For posting this.

Working Designs - For bringing this game to the US!

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Códigos y Trucos: Durante el juego pulsa ENTER para que aparezcan los
cuadros de mensajes entre jugadores. Teclea los códigos o claves y
después pulsa ENTER para obtener el efecto deseado:

riseandshine: Día automático.

lightsout: Noche automática.

itvexesme: No puedes ganar.

iocainepowder: Morir rápido.

synergy: Desactivar árbol de tecnologías.

WhoIsJohnGalt: Activar I+D.

keysersoze X Conseguir X cantidad de oro donde la x debemos cambiar por

el numero de oro que queramos.

leafittome X Conseguir X cantidad de madera, debemos cambiar la x por el

numero de madera que queramos.

motherland [RACE] [LEVEL] Seleccionar nivel. = Vuelve a introducir el

código o clave DaylightSavings
[hour] Poner la hora.

warpten Construcción ultra rápida.

PointBreak Quita el límite de comida.

StrengthandHonor No puedes perder.

TheDudeAbides No esperar para los hechizos. Buena trampa

greedisgood Recibes 500 de oro y 500 de madera.

allyourbasearebelongtous Victoria instantánea.

thereisnospoon Maná ilimitado.

somebodysetupusthebomb Derrota instantánea.

whosyourdaddy Las unidades son invencibles.

Iseedeadpeople Desvelar mapa.

sharpandshiny Subir todo un nivel --., lb

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