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Vol. 3, No. 1, March 2009, 129

Probabilistic seismic hazard analysis for rock sites in the cities of Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Ra’s Al
Khaymah, United Arab Emirates
G. Aldama-Bustos, J. J. Bommer*, C. H. Fenton and P. J. Stafford

Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Imperial College London, South Kensington campus, London, UK
(Received 18 December 2007; final version received 8 July 2008)

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is undergoing very rapid development with one of the highest construction
rates in the world. A number of studies of the seismic hazard in the UAE have been published in recent years,
presenting diverse interpretations of the earthquake threat in this country of relatively low local seismicity,
creating confusion regarding appropriate seismic design levels. Although there is inevitably considerable
uncertainty associated with the assessment of seismic hazard in such a region, those studies indicating rather high
levels of ground motion associated with a 475-year return period are found to be the result of inappropriate
seismic source zonations that spread seismicity from the Zagros region of Iran into the Arabian Peninsula. A new
probabilistic seismic hazard analysis is performed within a logic-tree framework, and the results displayed as
uniform hazard spectra for rock sites in the cities of Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Ra’s Al Khaymah in the UAE. The
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results support the UBC 1997 classification of the two former cities in Zone 0 (no seismic design required)
whereas in Ra’s Al Khaymah Zone 1 would be appropriate.
Keywords: United Arab Emirates; seismic hazard; earthquakes; uniform hazard spectra; Abu Dhabi;
Dubai; Ra’s Al Khaymah

Introduction for Zone 2A of the 1997 edition of the Uniform

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has been under- Building Code, UBC97 (ICBO, 1997). Interestingly,
UBC97 itself specifies Zone 0  which implies that
going accelerated development in recent years, and
no seismic design is required  for both Dubai and
the UAE currently has one of the highest rates of
Abu Dhabi; Ra’s Al Khaymah is not classified in the
construction in the world. During the period from
code. For rock sites, Zone 0 in UBC97 corresponds
2000 to 2004, the construction sector GDP in the
to a horizontal peak ground acceleration (PGA)
UAE increased by 166%, with an annual growth rate
significantly lower than 0.075g, which is the value
of 27.7% (DCCI 2006). The main focus of construc-
assigned to Zone 1.
tion activity is Dubai, where almost half of the
There are at least seven studies, two published in
construction in the UAE is centred. Together with the 1990s and covering most of the Arabian
Abu Dhabi, Dubai accounts for more than 60% of Peninsula and five specifically for the UAE pub-
the real estate market of the Gulf Cooperation lished in recent years, which have presented seismic
Council. One of the clearest indications of the hazard estimates for the Emirates. These studies
remarkable level of construction activity in Dubai is have drawn very different conclusions regarding the
the fact that of the estimated 125,000 travelling level of seismic hazard in the UAE, with estimates of
cranes in operation worldwide, between 15 and the 475-year peak ground acceleration (PGA) in
25% are working in Dubai (Landais 2006, Nicolson Dubai ranging from less than 0.05g to 0.16g.
2007). Although even the larger value is not particularly
Clearly, if there is an appreciable level of seismic severe, the cost implications of the consequent
hazard in the UAE, it would be important for seismic design requirements, especially for high-rise
seismic actions to be considered in the design of construction that is prevalent in the UAE, are
structures built in this country, but the available significant.
information on this issue is contradictory. The The purpose of this study is to obtain a reliable
clearest example of this is the fact that for buildings estimate of the seismic hazard in the Emirates,
of 5 storeys or more in height, the Dubai Munici- expressed as uniform hazard spectra (UHS) on rock
pality requires design to the seismic loads specified sites in three key cities in the country: Abu Dhabi,

*Corresponding author. T: 44-20-7594-5984, F: 44-20-7594-5934, Email:

ISSN 1749-9518 print/ISSN 1749-9526 online

# 2009 Taylor & Francis
DOI: 10.1080/17499510802331363
2 G. Aldama-Bustos et al.

Dubai and Ra’s Al Khaymah. The paper starts with remainder of the north-eastern margin of the Arabian
an overview of the tectonic setting of the UAE, plate is defined by the Makran subduction zone
including major active structures in the region where the Arabian plate subducts beneath the Eur-
producing earthquakes that could affect the Emi- asian plate (Farhoudi and Karig 1977, Bayer et al.
rates. The local and regional seismicity is also 2006). The final boundary defining the Arabian plate
reviewed within the context of compiling an earth- is the Owen fracture zone that is a transform
quake catalogue to form the basis of the probabilistic boundary separating the Indian and Arabian plates
seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) performed within in the east (Johnson 1998, Vita-Finzi 2001, Fournier
this study. This review includes discussion of some et al. 2007). Aside from these major boundaries the
minor earthquakes reported in the UAE during the Arabian plate is a stable landmass that does not
last few years. In the light of the tectonic setting and exhibit any discernable trace of interior deformation
regional seismicity, published hazard studies for the during the late Tertiary (Al Kadhi and Hancock
UAE are then reviewed in the third section of the 1980, Vita-Finzi 2001). The interior of the Arabian
paper, with particular focus on the source zonations plate is also not known to have experienced any
that have been used and also the ground-motion significant seismic events over the past 2000 years or
prediction equations (GMPE) that they employed. so (Reches and Schubert 1987, Vita-Finzi 2001) and
The fourth section of the paper then describes the may be regarded as a stable cratonic region (Johnson
new PSHA performed for the three selected sites in et al. 1994, Fenton et al. 2006).
the UAE, including disaggregation to identify the At longitudes near the UAE, the Arabian plate is
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source zones contributing most significantly to the currently moving northwards (on a bearing of N889
hazard. The fifth section then discusses the results in 58E) at a rate of approximately 2292 mm/year with
terms of PGA values and UHS, and how these respect to the Eurasian plate (Vernant et al. 2004).
compare to previous hazard estimates and to the This convergence is accommodated by a combination
elastic design spectra from UBC97. The paper closes of intra-continental shortening throughout Iran (over
with brief conclusions regarding recommendations the Zagros fold and thrust belt) and by the subduc-
for seismic design in the UAE and for additional tion of the Arabian plate beneath the Eurasian plate
studies regarding potential earthquake hazard in the eastwards of about 588E (the Makran subduction
Emirates. zone in the north of the Gulf of Oman) (Farhoudi
and Karig 1977, Bayer et al. 2006).
Although the boundaries outlined above define
Regional tectonics and seismicity the regional tectonic setting for the Arabian plate, the
Given the divergent stances that previous researchers majority of the mentioned margins are too distant to
have adopted when developing seismic source models be significant contributors to the seismic hazard at
for hazard analyses within the UAE it is important to sites within the UAE. However, Figure 1 also
begin by independently outlining the findings of the indicates the presence of some active tectonic struc-
published literature on the regional tectonics and tures in the Oman Mountains close to the UAE
seismicity of the UAE and surrounding areas. (Johnson 1998). The deformation associated with this
mountain range in addition to the boundaries of the
Zagros fold and thrust belt and the Makran subduc-
Tectonic setting of the UAE tion zone constitute the major seismic sources that are
The UAE is situated in the northeast of the Arabian likely to influence the seismic hazard for sites within
plate which is bounded by a series of well defined the UAE.
tectonic margins. The regional tectonic setting is Understanding the regional tectonic setting allows
portrayed in Figure 1. In the southeast, the African one to identify zones within which certain modes of
and Arabian plates diverge across the Gulf of Aden deformation are to be expected. However, for the
while the Red Sea spreading boundary defines the purposes of compiling a seismic source model for use
interface between these two plates in the southwest within a PSHA it is necessary to consider a higher
(Johnson 1998, Vita-Finzi 2001). In the northwest, level of resolution and to identify individual faulting
the Dead Sea transform faults skirt the Mediterra- structures that have the potential to generate earth-
nean Sea and run through to the Taurus Mountains quakes that may affect sites within the UAE.
at the east of the Turkish plate (Vita-Finzi 2001). The Unfortunately, the published literature on the geolo-
northern margin of the Arabian plate is defined gical features of the UAE and the north-eastern
principally by the Zagros thrust and fold belt that Arabian Peninsula are relatively scarce. This scarcity
terminates to the north of the eastern limit of the of information makes it difficult to constrain the
Persian Gulf (Jackson and McKenzie 1984). The nature of structural features in the Oman Mountains
Georisk 3
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Figure 1. Cenozoic tectonic setting of the Arabian plate; from Johnson (1998). Inset, from Lippard et al. (1982), shows the
location of the Dibba Zone in Oman.

and within the Arabian plate at locations close to the Owing to the presence of several ductile sedimen-
sites of interest for this study. In contrast, there are tary layers in the Zagros, decoupling of the Phaner-
numerous publications related to the specific struc- ozoic cover from the Precambrian metamorphic
tural features of southern Iran; in particular the basement has occurred along the Lower Cambrian
Zagros and Makran regions (e.g., Berberian 1995, Hormoz Salt and above the Eocene-Oligocene
Hessami et al. 2003, Farhoudi and Karig 1977). The Asmari Limestone along the Miocene Gachsaran
seismotectonic characteristics of each of these three Evaporites (Berberian 1995). Consequently, large-
key regions is briefly described in the following. magnitude earthquakes tend not to rupture the
near-surface deposits in the Zagros. Rather, the 6
15 km thick Phanerozoic sedimentary cover is folded,
The Zagros fold and thrust belt producing active anticlinal uplift and synclinal sub-
The NW-SE trending Zagros fold and thrust belt sidence (Berberian 1995). This surface deformation
extends for a distance of more that 1500 km from may be used to infer the locations of the dominant
eastern Turkey to the Zendan-Minab fault system of blind thrust faults underlying the sedimentary cover
southern Iran (Jackson and McKenzie 1984, Berber- but there will necessarily be a large degree of
ian 1995, Hessami et al. 2003). Deformation com- uncertainty associated with any such inferences.
menced during the Pliocene and the region is The Zagros region has been responsible for the
currently undergoing approximately 10 mm/year generation of large Ms 7 earthquakes in the past.
shortening in the southeast and 5 mm/year in the However, events of this magnitude are likely to be
northwest as a result of the continental collision approaching the maximum seismogenic potential of
between the Arabian and Eurasian plates (Jackson the blind faults that characterise this region. Most of
and McKenzie 1984, Berberian 1995, Allen et al. the seismicity in the folded belt occurs on reverse
2004, Vernant et al. 2004). faults in the basement (dipping 408508 and with NW
4 G. Aldama-Bustos et al.

to WNW trending strikes) and with slip vectors lies between approximately 70 and 100 Ma along the
typically oriented with azimuths of 308408 (Jackson entire arc (Quittmeyer 1979, Byrne and Sykes 1992).
and McKenzie 1984, Hessami et al. 2003). Teleseismic The largest earthquake to have been recorded in
body-wave modelling demonstrates that most of the this region was an event in 1945 with a surface-wave
larger earthquakes to have occurred in this region magnitude, Ms, of 8.0 (Quittmeyer and Jacob 1979).
nucleated at depths of 1020 km, below the sedimen- The distribution of intensities and the long-term
tary layers (Jackson and Fitch 1981, Jackson and aftershock activity suggest that the length of the
McKenzie 1984). There is no evidence for subcrustal rupture zone was between 100 and 200 km, and that
(focal depths greater than 30 km) seismicity in the the rupture propagated to the east of the epicentre
Zagros (Jackson and McKenzie 1984). (Byrne and Sykes 1992, Quittmeyer 1979). Using
Berberian (1995) discusses the Zagros fold and teleseismic recordings, Quittmeyer (1979) and Jacob
thrust belt in detail and should be consulted for and Quittmeyer (1979) define a shallow dipping
further details regarding this seismotectonic domain. seismic zone  at about 68 according to Byrne
However, for the purposes of the present study it and Sykes (1992)  that extends to depths of about
suffices to state that this domain consists of a series of 80 km just south of the volcanic arc of the over-riding
major blind thrust faults with significant seismogenic blocks and locate the trench about 150 km south of
potential interspersed with regions of distributed the Iranian coastline (at a latitude of 248N). The
seismicity associated with numerous blind thrusts dip increases to approximately 198 beyond a latitude
and associated folding. As the precise locations of of 26.58N. Byrne and Sykes (1992) suggest an
Downloaded By: [Bommer, Julian J.] At: 13:39 7 February 2009

the blind faults are unknown it is prudent to regard aseismic zone at the toe of the subducting plate that
the various subdomains of the Zagros as areal is also corroborated through plotting the EHB
sources. seismicity catalogue (Engdahl et al. 1998) updated
to include events to 2004 (Engdahl, personal com-
munication 2006). The down-dip extent of the
The Makran subduction zone primary seismogenic portion of the Makran subduc-
The Makran region, bounding southern Pakistan and tion zone is uncertain. The seismicity distribution
south-eastern Iran, is a 1000 km section of the suggests that the majority of activity occurs over the
Eurasia-Arabian plate boundary where northward uppermost half of the shallow-dipping portion of the
subduction of the oceanic Arabian crust has occurred subducting plate. However, the presence of at least
continuously since the Early Cretaceous (Byrne two events beyond this zone in addition to seismo-
and Sykes 1992). There is some uncertainty regarding genic depths observed in other subduction zones
the rate of subduction in the Makran with Vernant throughout the world (Tichelaar and Ruff 1993)
et al. (2004) estimating a value in the range of 19.592 suggest that this interface may extend down farther
to 2792 mm/year; the latter value being the relative to where the dip of the subducting plate steepens,
velocity of the Arabian margin of the Gulf of Oman thus increasing the seismogenic potential of this
with respect to Eurasia. The Makran subduction zone source.
is unusual in that the zone has no recognized Although great earthquakes have not been ob-
bathymetric trench and the eastern and western served in the western Makran, evidence of coseismic
halves of the zone exhibit very different patterns of deformation in this region exists in the form of a
seismicity. These patterns of seismicity, with the east sequence of uplifted coastal terraces (Page et al. 1978,
and west having historical records with and without Quittmeyer 1979). It is therefore possible that the
great events respectively, suggest a possible segmen- observed segmentation of the Makran is simply a
tation of the subduction zone. Such segmentation is result of a limited period of observation and that
further suggested by the offsets in the volcanic arc future large events may occur in this region. Whether
and by the large-scale two-block structure of the or not the Makran subduction zone is segmented
overriding plate (the Lut and Helmand blocks clearly has a significant influence upon the seismo-
discussed by Byrne and Sykes 1992). The boundary genic potential of the zone.
between the segments appears to occur near 618E, Complex faulting occurs in the region where the
coincident with the Sistan suture zone (Byrne and Zagros fold and thrust belt and the Makran subduc-
Sykes 1992). On the other hand, many geologic and tion zone meet. The faults in this region that
tectonic features show no segmentation along the accommodate this significant change in tectonic
Makran: the margin remains nearly straight for its regime are known as the Zendan-Minab fault system.
entire 1000 km length; present marine geophysical This system of north to northwest trending faults
data show no significant offsets anywhere offshore plays two major roles: (1) to accommodate the
along the margin; and the age of the subducting plate oblique plate convergence, and (2) to transform
Georisk 5

Zagros collision processes into the Makran subduc- fault system with a NE-SW strike and dextral strike-
tion (Regard et al. 2004, 2005). This deformation is slip motion (Lippard et al. 1982, Kusky et al. 2005,
not solely accommodated through the Zendan-Minab Rodgers et al. 2006, Styles et al. 2006). Observed
system as a contribution is also made by the more patterns of uplift over this region led Kusky et al.
easterly located Sabzevaran-Jiroft Fault system (Re- (2005) to suggest that the transform boundary con-
gard et al. 2005). Being sympathetic fault systems, the sisting of both the Zendan-Minab fault system and
seismogenic potentials of these faults are not as great contuining down to the Dibba line may penetrate
as those comprising the major margins of the Zagros both the over-riding and subducting plates.
and the Makran. However, their proximity to sites The proximity of the Oman Mountains and the
within the UAE (particularly the northern UAE) associated fault structures within this range dictate
means that these fault systems will inevitably con- that a seismic source should be assigned to this region
tribute to estimates of seismic hazard and must when conducting a PSHA for sites in the UAE.
therefore be included within any seismic source model Characterisation of this source is complicated by
developed for the region. Moderate-to-large events the fact that very little seismicity information is
are known to have occurred within these fault available to constrain activity rates. The activity of
systems in the past and are inevitable given the this source must, therefore, be based primarily upon
different modes of deformation that exist to the east geological considerations of rates of uplift and
and west of the region. average regional deformation.
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Regional seismicity
Oman Mountains and the Dibba Line
For the purposes of characterising the activity rates
The Oman Mountains, also known as the Hajar
of the identified seismic sources a seismicity catalogue
Mountains, are located along the north-eastern
was compiled using information from several sources:
margin of the Arabian plate, in northern Oman (see
Figure 1). They reach over 3 km in height and exhibit . the on-line bulletin of the United States Geo-
many features consistent with active tectonics (Kusky logical Survey (USGS 2003), which includes
et al. 2005). The present height and ruggedness of the information from the National Ocean and
Oman Mountains is a product of Cretaceous ophio- Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and
lite obduction, Tertiary extension, and rejuvenated the Preliminary Determination of Epicenters
uplift and erosion, which began at the end of the (PDE) provided by the National Earthquake
Oligocene and continues today (Kusky et al. 2005). Information Center (NEIC);
In addition to field evidence of active faulting . the International Seismological Centre on-line
there is also historical evidence of earthquake activity bulletin (ISC 2003);
in the region (Kusky et al. 2005). Furthermore, on 11 . two regional catalogues compiled by Ambra-
March 2002, an earthquake of Mw 5 occurred seys and Melville (1982) and Ambraseys et al.
within the Oman Mountains and was felt over (1994);
much of northern UAE and Oman. It had a normal . the EHB catalogue (Engdahl et al. 1998)
mechanism with a slight right-lateral strike-slip updated to consider events up to 2004 (En-
component, which is consistent with the large-scale gdahl, personal communication 2006);
tectonics of the region. The normal component . the Earthquake Data Bank of the International
suggests relaxation of obducted crust of the Semail Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Seis-
ophiolite, while the right-lateral strike-slip compo- mology (IIEES 2003); and,
nent is consistent with shear across the Oman Line . the first earthquake catalogue of Iran by
(Rodgers et al. 2006). Berberian (1994).
Little research has been conducted on the neotec-
tonics of northern Oman. The British Geological The initial catalogue was compiled for a spatial
Survey recently carried out a detailed geological region spanning 478 to 668E and 218 to 318N and
survey of the northern part of the UAE that goes included all events having an assigned magnitude of 4
some way to improving this situation (Ellison and and above on any magnitude scale. For events prior
Sykes 2006). As a result of this project, previously to 1900, even those events without reported magni-
known structures were better identified; among these tude values were considered with the aim of compar-
structures are the Dibba Line, the Wadi Shimal and ing locations and dates provided by the different
the Wadi Ham faults that lie within the Dibba- agencies. The catalogue covers the time period from
Masafi-Fujairah area of the northern UAE. The 3000 BC up to 1 October 2003. This latter date was
Dibba Line is almost parallel to the Zendan-Minab chosen as only events reported prior to this date were
6 G. Aldama-Bustos et al.

regarded as being definitive by the International monly in excess of 30 km. Depths over this period
Seismological Centre (ISC 2003) at the date the are also very poorly constrained.
catalogue was compiled. During the compilation of The most common scale upon which magnitudes
the dataset a thorough check was conducted to ensure have been reported for the region is surface-wave
that any duplicated events were removed. A particu- magnitude, Ms. This is especially the case for the
lar effort was made to gather additional information events assigned magnitudes in the historical and early
regarding events with magnitude of 6.5 and greater instrumental parts of the catalogue with alternative
(on any reported scale) from more detailed studies scales becoming more common during the modern
that can be found in the literature, either for instrumental period. In order to ensure that the
particular events or regions (e.g., Berberian 1973, seismicity catalogue was compiled in terms of a
1979, Melville 1978, Quittmeyer 1979, Jackson and homogeneous magnitude scale, all events for which
Fitch 1981, Jackson and McKenzie 1984, Baker et al. surface-wave magnitudes were not reported were
1993, Berberian 1995, Berberian and Yeats 1999, converted to this scale from Mb and Mw using the
Berberian et al. 2001, Maggi et al. 2000, 2002, relationships of Ambraseys and Bommer (1990) and
Ambraseys and Bilham 2003a,b, Talebian and Jack- Ambraseys and Free (1997) respectively. The spatial
son 2004, Walker et al. 2005). distribution of the compiled seismicity catalogue,
The compiled seismicity catalogue may be re- using a consistent Ms magnitude scale, is plotted in
Figure 2.
garded as spanning three time periods of distinctly
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In addition to the checks that were made to

different quality: (1) historical seismicity, prior to
identify any duplicate events and the conversions that
1900, and consisting almost exclusively of macro-
were made in order to achieve homogeneous magni-
seismic information; (2) the early instrumental per-
tude assignments, the catalogue was further processed
iod, from 1900-1963 inclusive, consisting of a
to remove dependent events and to identify relevant
combination of macroseismic information and rela-
completeness levels. A hybrid approach consisting of
tively low-quality instrumental data; and (3) the
the temporal window from Reasenberg’s (1985)
modern instrumental period, from 1964 onwards algorithm and the spatial window from Knopoff’s
and consisting of good quality instrumental data. (2000) algorithm was adopted for obtaining the
Many of the studies cited previously relate to declustered catalogue.
significant events that have occurred during the Although any event having an assigned magni-
modern instrumental period and enhance the quality tude greater than 4.0 was initially included into the
of this portion of the catalogue. The uncertainties in base catalogue, for most of the period spanned by the
location improve over these three time periods with catalogue the level of completeness will be signifi-
events reported prior to the modern instrumental cantly greater than this level. The procedure used to
period having lateral position uncertainties com- identify the completeness levels of the catalogue are

Figure 2. Homogenous seismicity catalogue in Ms for the UAE including all foreshocks and aftershocks. Diamonds indicate
the locations of the sites considered in this study: AD Abu Dhabi, D Dubai, and RAKRa’s Al Khaymah. All events of
Ms ]4.0 known to have occurred since 658 A.D. are plotted. The completeness levels vary with magnitude as discussed in the
Georisk 7

based on that originally proposed by Stepp (1972) increased; (2) many of the reported events (16/18)
and implemented into the software Wizmap II currently have preliminary locations and later quality
(Musson 2001). On the basis of this approach the checks will reveal these events to be mislocated; or (3)
declustered catalogue may be regarded as being many events that have legitimately occurred in the
complete above Ms4.0 from 1967 onwards, Ms5.0 past have not been detected or reported. Even though
from 1925 onwards, Ms6.0 from 1910 and Ms7.0 from the reported events all have small magnitudes, the
1800. Various other levels of completeness were implications of each of these explanations are sig-
adopted for other magnitudes and periods on the nificant and the numbered events in the right-hand
basis of the chosen algorithm. side of Figure 3 were therefore scrutinised on an
As previously stated, the compiled seismicity individual basis.
catalogue includes events occurring prior to October In order to corroborate the locations currently
2003. According to the online bulletin of the ISC reported by the ISC (2006), alternative online agen-
(2006), a series of events have occurred within or near cies were queried and literature searches of local and
to the UAE and the sites of interest in this study since regional newspapers were conducted. These agencies
that time. In fact, when conducting a search for included the USGS online bulletin (USGS 2006), the
events to have occurred within a 150 km radius of earthquake databank of the International Institute of
Dubai the ISC catalogue returns 49 events over the Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (IIEES
period 19241999 (0.65 events per year) 17 of which 2006), and the earthquake databank of the Eur-
do not have reported magnitudes and only three of opean-Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC
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which are located inland within the Arabian Penin- 2006). A broadened search area was selected in order
sula. However, when considering the time span from to allow identification of possible mislocations, i.e.,
2000-2006 the same search returns 18 events (3 events events occurring with the same, or very similar, times
per year), six of which are inland and two just but reported at different locations.
offshore (Figure 3). On the basis of the comparisons of the event
Given the current construction rates in the UAE, locations of the various agencies it was possible to
assessing the reliability of this apparent increase in confirm the magnitudes and locations of events 51
the rate of seismicity is very important and influences and 52 (Figure 3) using the location from the USGS
the manner in which activity parameters are derived in addition to news reports of these events being felt
for seismic sources when conducting PSHA. The in Dubai (Kazmi 2002, Shaghouri 2002) and recently
observed increase may be explained in three obvious published literature regarding the focal mechanism
ways: (1) the regional seismicity has genuinely and depth of the events (Rodgers et al. 2006). Events

Figure 3. Queries of the ISC online bulletin for events within 150 km of Dubai. Left: events occurring between 19241999;
right: events occurring between 20002006. N/M no magnitude. The events were listed chronologically and the numbers
assigned consecutively for simple identification.
8 G. Aldama-Bustos et al.

53 and 57 are only reported by the IIEES (2006) and the Peninsula, as well as in southwest and southern
the information provided in the ISC on-line bulletin Iran, incorporating the Zagros and Makran regions.
(2006) has not yet been reviewed by that agency. No source zones were defined in the vicinity of the
Owing to the low magnitudes of these events, the UAE, the closest source of events  apart from
absence of felt reports does not preclude the possibi- background activity  being a source zone that
lity that these events genuinely occurred within the combines the southernmost part of the Zagros and
Arabian Peninsula. Additionally, their location close the western edge of the Makran subduction zone
to the Hajar Mountains in Oman supports the (Figure 4). A single ground-motion prediction equa-
possibility that these events have genuinely occurred tion, reportedly adapted from a western North
within the Arabian Peninsula but that they have been American equation for application in western Saudi
mislocated and may well have occurred closer to- Arabia, was employed to map PGA for a 475-year
wards, or within, the mountains. return period; the assumed site classification for the
For event 64, a similar event was located by the mapping is not stated but is probably rock or stiff
EMSC (2006) but with a slightly different origin time. soil. The highest acceleration contour in the UAE, at
On the basis of such limited data it is difficult to the very northernmost limit of the country, is 0.10g,
assert that both events are the same. For event 65, no but within the cities of Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Ra’s
report of a similar event from any other agency was Al Khaymah the PGA values are below 0.05g.
found that could confirm whether or not the ISC The hazard estimates for UAE in the Al-Haddad
location is accurate. However, the agency reporting et al. (1994) study are consistent with the classifica-
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this event is responsible for other mislocations and tion of seismic hazard in Abu Dhabi and Dubai
the absence of any felt reports for this event, which presented in UBC97, which as noted previously
apparently occurred just 32 km from Abu Dhabi, classifies both cities as Zone 0 whence seismic design
casts suspicion on the legitimacy of the reported is not required. This contrasts starkly with the hazard
location for this event. For events 66 and 67, reports mapped in UAE as part of the Global Seismic
of the same event but with different locations to those Hazard Assessment Project (GSHAP), which pro-
reported by the ISC (2006) were found in the USGS duced a map of PGA with a return period of 475
(2006), IIEES (2006) and EMSC (2006) catalogues, years in Europe, Africa and the Middle East
implying errors of up to 400 km in the ISC’s (Grünthal et al. 1999). The values of PGA mapped
preliminary location. This evidence would suggest in the UAE were significantly higher than those
that these events occurred in southern Iran (within implied by UBC97 and mapped by Al-Haddad
the Zagros fold belt), rather than within the Arabian et al. (1994), with peak accelerations in Ra’s Al
Peninsula. Khaymah, Dubai and Abu Dhabi being 0.40g, 0.32g
Therefore, while recent events such as events 51 and 0.24g, respectively, which would correspond to
and 52 have occurred inland within the Arabian UBC97 classifications of Zones 4, 3 and 2B. How-
Peninsula in recent years, other events that are ever, these estimates can be disregarded because they
currently reported to have occurred within the area are not the result of actual hazard calculations, as the
are most likely to be mislocated events that will be northeast corner of the Arabian Peninsula was not
removed upon revision. The apparent recent increase covered by any of the regional sub-projects in
in seismicity is therefore most likely to be a combina- GSHAP and as a result, in order not to leave blank
tion of natural variation in seismicity rates and areas within the global map, ‘‘the hazard was mapped
mislocated events. The seismicity catalogue that has by simulating the attenuated effect of the seismic
been compiled for the purpose of conducting the activity in the Dead Sea fault area (Near East) and
PSHA for this study may therefore be used with in the Zagros province of Iran’’ (Grünthal et al. 1999).
confidence when deriving activity parameters for the In other words, the hazard estimates in the UAE were
identified seismic sources. simply inferred from the hazard in surrounding
regions without any consideration of local seismicity.
Abdalla and Al-Homoud (2004) presented the
Review of previous hazard studies
first PSHA specifically for the United Arab Emirates.
The earliest published hazard study covering the Their study begins by dismissing the GSHAP hazard
UAE of which the authors are aware is that carried estimates for the UAE  citing, ad verbatim but
out by Al-Haddad et al. (1994), which focused on without reference, a report prepared by the second
deriving seismic design criteria for the Kingdom of author of this paper for an engineering consultancy
Saudi Arabia but mapped hazard over the entire making a case for reduced seismic design loads to the
Arabian Peninsula. The study defined seismic source Dubai Municipality  and they go on to produce a
zones along the western and southern boundaries of new hazard map. Abdalla and Al-Homoud (2004)
Georisk 9
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Figure 4. Seismic source zones defined for the PSHA studies of the regions by (a) Al-Haddad et al. (1994), (b) Abdalla and
Al-Homoud (2004), (c) Peiris et al. (2006), and (d) Musson et al. (2006).

defined seismic source zones not dissimilar to those of area.’’ There is little doubt that the geometry of
Al-Haddad et al. (1994) within Iran, but also defined Region III, in which it is assumed that the earth-
two smaller zones (Regions III and VII) that effec- quakes, which are clearly clustered along its northern
tively link the stable UAE with the active areas of the boundary, have equal probability of occurring any-
Zagros and Makran regions (Figure 4). In particular, where within the source zone, will have appreciably
Region III  for which a maximum magnitude of 6 inflated the hazard along its southern boundary
was specified  smoothes the seismicity from the within the UAE. Similarly, Region VII  for which
southern limit of the Zagros across the Gulf and a maximum magnitude of 7.5 is assigned  combines
assumes that these earthquakes could equally occur parts of the Arabian stable craton, the Zagros
along the coast of the Emirates. No clear rationale is compression zone and the Zagros-Makran transition
given for the configuration of this source zone, indeed zone (Minab-Zendan fault system); this source zone
the authors state that, with regard to the absence of a will also have contributed to inflating the seismic
seismic source zone in the northeast of the Arabian hazard estimates within the UAE.
Peninsula within the Al-Haddad et al. (1994) study, An additional factor that is likely to have
‘‘ . . . there is no clearly defined tectonic structure in contributed to the rather high estimates of hazard
that area and no significant earthquake activity. It in the Abdalla and Al-Homoud (2004) study is the
would be very difficult to define a seismic source to use of the ground-motion prediction equation derived
capture the very limited earthquake [data] in that from Iranian strong-motion data by Zaré (2002). The
10 G. Aldama-Bustos et al.

standard deviation of the residuals of log10(PGA) for those of Al-Haddad et al. (1994) for the Arabian
this equation is 0.334, which is very high when Peninsula and of Tavakoli and Ghafory-Ashtiany
compared to other predictive equations for PGA (1999) for Iran, and also with the regional tectonics.
(c.f., Douglas 2003) and this large aleatory variability However, the recurrence parameters, for example for
will have contributed to high hazard estimates (e.g., the Zagros region, differ from those given by
Bommer and Abrahamson 2006). The resulting Tavakoli and Ghafory-Ashtiany (1999), with much
hazard map for the UAE for PGA with a 475-year higher b-values in the Peiris et al. (2006) study. The
return period indicates values of 0.16g, 0.15g and paper does not explain how the recurrence para-
0.10g for Ra’s Al Khaymah, Dubai and Abu Dhabi meters for the Arabian stable craton are obtained 
respectively, which would lead to all three cities being which according to their own disaggregation is the
classified as UBC97 Zone 2A. dominant seismic source for hazard in Dubai  which
More recently, Sigbjörnsson and Elnashai (2006) is an important issue given the very sparse earthquake
presented a new hazard study focused only on Dubai. data in this area.
The results were presented in terms of uniform hazard Peiris et al. (2006) used the ground-motion pre-
spectra for return periods of 974 and 2475 years, as diction equations of Ambraseys et al. (1996) and
well as synthetic accelerograms for use in dynamic Sadigh et al. (1997) for active crustal regions as well
analyses. The paper presents neither a map of the as for earthquakes in the Makran subduction zone.
seismic source zones considered nor tabulates the For areas of tectonic extension in the Red Sea and the
recurrence parameters used in the hazard calcula- Indian Ocean they employed the equations of Spu-
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tions, but indicates that the zonation was based on dich et al. (1999) and for the stable craton of the
the work of Tavakoli and Ghafory-Ashtiany (1999) Arabian Peninsula the equations of Atkinson and
for Iran but also included the Dibba fault and a fault Boore (1997) and Dahle et al. (1990), even though the
along the western coast of the UAE. The latter source latter are now generally considered to be obsolete.
was also considered by Wyss and Al-Homoud (2004) For Dubai and Abu Dhabi, Peiris et al. (2006)
and is present in the tectonic map of Saudi Arabia estimate the 475-year PGA values as 0.06g and 0.05g
and adjacent areas by Johnson (1998). The inclusion respectively, which would correspond to Zone 1
of this fault is a controversial issue that is discussed UBC97 classification for both cities. The uniform
later in Section 5. Sigbjörnsson and Elnashai (2006) hazard spectrum for rock sites in Dubai for a return
use the ground-motion prediction equations of Am- period of 2475 years is a factor of 5 or more lower
braseys et al. (1996) and Simpson (1996), extending than that of Sigbjörnsson and Elnashai (2006) in the
the coefficients from a maximum period of 2 s up to 4 short-period range.
s. These equations, derived from recordings of A more recent study of the seismic hazard of the
shallow crustal earthquakes in Europe, North Africa UAE is that presented by Musson et al. (2006), which
and the Middle East, are applied to all source zones, was performed by the British Geological Survey on
including the subduction earthquakes in the Makran. behalf of the government of the UAE. The study
The results are presented in the form of a hazard produced maps of PGA in rock for return periods of
curve for PGA and UHS for Dubai for the two return 475, 1000 and 10 000 years, as well as UHS for the
periods considered. capital cities of the seven Emirates up to response
The hazard levels indicated by the Sigbjörnsson periods of 2 s for the same three return periods.
and Elnashai (2006) study are actually higher than The seismic source zonation defined by Musson
those found by Abdalla and Al-Homoud (2004), et al. (2006)  reproduced in Figure 4  is generally
which themselves are considered to be conservative. consistent with the tectonics and seismicity of the
In contrast with the relatively high hazard esti- region. One interesting observation, however, is that
mates presented by Abdalla and Al-Homoud (2004) they effectively conclude that the western portion of
and by Sigbjörnsson and Elnashai (2006), two other the Makran zone is almost aseismic, relocating the
recent studies have indicated much lower levels of 1483 Hormuz earthquake to a position 250 km
seismic hazard in the UAE. However, whereas the northeast of where it was located by Ambraseys
two previous studies have appeared in a peer- and Melville (1982). Musson et al. (2006) support this
reviewed journal, these other studies have been decision by performing sensitivity analyses to show
published in conference proceedings and as an inter- the influence of the seismic activity in the western
nal report respectively, so their impact has been Makran region is very small for response periods up
reduced. The first of these is by Peiris et al. (2006) to 1.0 s and a return period of 475 years.
who present UHS for rock sites in Dubai and Abu In terms of ground-motion prediction equations,
Dhabi for return periods of 475 and 2475 years. Their Musson et al. (2006) employ the Ambraseys et al.
seismic source zonation (Figure 4) is consistent with (1996) equations for spectral ordinates and the
Georisk 11
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Figure 5. Hazard zonation of the UAE in terms of UBC97 zones by Musson et al. (2006).

Ambraseys (1995) equation for PGA, for all seismic Abdalla and Al-Homoud (2004) and Sigbjörnsson
source zones including the stable craton of the and Elnashai (2006) as being suspect, the studies of
Arabian Peninsula and the Makran subduction Peiris et al. (2006) and Musson et al. (2006) cannot be
zone. The PGA map at 475 years is used to assign considered definitive in terms of their treatment of the
an equivalent UBC97 zonation to the country (Figure regional seismic sources and the selection of appro-
5); the peak accelerations in Ra’s Al Khaymah, priate ground-motion prediction equations. There-
Dubai and Abu Dhabi are respectively 0.08g, 0.05g fore, there is scope and justification for a new PSHA
and 0.035g, leading to classification of Ra’s Al for the Emirates, accounting for uncertainty in the
Khaymah as Zone 1 and the other two cities as seismicity and ground-motion models, and making
Zone 0. use of the latest available data.
The most recent study is that by Husein Malkawi
et al. (2007), which presents hazard curves for 15
Seismic hazard analysis
major cities in the Emirates. The study treats all
earthquakes in the Makran, Zagros and stable This section describes the calculations performed to
regions as a single source, and applies a single estimate the seismic hazard in the cities of Abu
ground-motion prediction equation for all events, Dhabi, Dubai and Ra’s Al Khaymah in terms of
the eastern North American equation of Atkinson PGA and spectral ordinates on rock sites.
and Boore (1997) for PGA on very hard rock sites.
Response spectra are then constructed by finding
magnitude-distance pairs consistent with the PGA Source zones
values  corresponding to different return periods  On the basis of the literature review of the seismo-
and applying the western North American equations tectonic setting briefly summarised in section 2, 20
of Joyner and Boore (1988). The hazard results are distinct seismic sources were identified and included
not reported herein because there are sufficient within the seismic source model. These sources
shortcomings in the study to make its findings highly principally relate to the Zagros fold and thrust belts,
questionable. with the work of Berberian (1995) heavily used to
In summary, the existing published studies of partition this overall region into various sub-sources:
seismic hazard in the UAE present an incomplete and the Makran subduction zone, with alternative rupture
contradictory image. Although there are clear reasons hypotheses regarding the segmentation of this struc-
to treat the higher hazard estimates from GSHAP, ture; the Minab-Zendan transform region forming
12 G. Aldama-Bustos et al.

Table 1. Seismic sources identified for the PSHA of this study.

Source number Source name Source number Source name

1 High Zagros thrust belt 11 Makran Intraplate

2 Simple Fold belt 12 Makran background
3 Dezful Embayment 13 Sabzevaran-Jorift fault
4 Zagros Foredeep 14 Minab-Zendan fault
5 Persian Gulf (I, II & III) 15 Stable craton (I, II & III)
6 Kazerurn fault 16 Owen fracture zone
7 Borazjan fault 17 Oman mountains
8 Aliabad zone I8 Makran interplate
9 Nek south fault 19 Makran Inter east
10 Gowk fault zone 20 Makran Inter west

the interface of the two previous regions; and the far south the seismicity of the southern Zagros is
Oman Mountains. In addition to these key seismo- presumed to occur, with obvious implications for
tectonic structures, the stable craton that constitutes hazard in the UAE.
most of the Arabian Peninsula was treated as a In Figure 6 the preferred seismic source model (I)
background source. The full list of identified seismic
Downloaded By: [Bommer, Julian J.] At: 13:39 7 February 2009

is shown together with the alternative locations of the

sources is given in Table 1. In this table sources 5 and boundaries between sources 5 and 15, with the
15 have three alternative designations (I, II & III) declustered seismicity catalogue used for the deriva-
representing alternative source zonations that have tion of the activity parameters, as discussed in the
been considered for these sources. These alternatives next section. The preferred source model shown in
are considered in order to account for the epistemic Figure 6 includes a distinct source 4 corresponding to
uncertainty associated with the location of the the Zagros Foredeep, a zonation that is consistent
boundary between sources 5 and 15. Of course, there with the cross section of Berberian (1995). However,
is also uncertainty associated with the boundary the plot of the seismicity shown in Figure 6 indicates
locations of all sources. However, the boundary that events occur either side of this boundary between
between these particular sources is offshore and is sources 4 and 5. Although we are confident about the
relatively poorly constrained as a consequence. existence of the blind Zagros Foredeep fault that
Furthermore, the location of this boundary is critical defines the boundary between sources 4 and 5, it is
from a source zonation perspective as it dictates how possible that this boundary may be located farther

Figure 6. Seismic source models employed for the PSHA presented in this study. The numbers relate to the sources listed in
Table 1. The dashed lines indicate alternative source boundaries for the southern Zagros and the declustered seismicity
catalogue used to derive activity parameters for the seismic sources. WCF West Coast Fault. Within sources 6, 7, 13 and 14
dotted-dashed lines indicate the traces of the faults.
Georisk 13

south than shown in Figure 6 or that the seismicity subduction interface is allowed to rupture in a single
that is observed to the south of this boundary is event while sources 19 and 20 correspond to the
driven by a similar mechanism to that within the situation where the zone is segmented and the east
Zagros Foredeep itself. For this reason we hypothe- and west sections of the interface rupture indepen-
size two additional source zonations: Zone II com- dently.
bines the seismicity of sources 4 and 5 into a single
source and shifts the preferred boundary between
sources 5 and 15 slightly northwards; Zone III also Recurrence parameters
combines sources 4 and 5 but retains the preferred With the exception of the Makran subduction zone
southern position of the boundary between sources (sources 18, 19 and 20) all seismic sources were
5 and 15. assumed to generate earthquakes according to a
The implications of these alternatives is that in the doubly bounded exponential distribution (Cornell
preferred model, using Zone I, the seismicity of the and Vanmarcke 1969). Sources 18 to 20 were
Zagros Foredeep is constrained to occur within or modelled using the characteristic earthquake distri-
close to the southern coast of Iran while the seismicity bution of Youngs and Coppersmith (1985). Often,
of the Persian Gulf is encompassed within a separate fault sources are assumed to act in a characteristic
seismic source. For the second model, corresponding manner and this may suggest that sources 6, 7, 9, 13
to Zone II in Figure 6, most of the seismicity that has and 14 may be more appropriately modelled using the
been observed within the Persian Gulf is combined characteristic distribution. However, for these sources
Downloaded By: [Bommer, Julian J.] At: 13:39 7 February 2009

with the seismicity of the Zagros Foredeep and the there was insufficient geological data to adequately
more northerly boundary between sources 5 and 15 constrain the recurrence rates of the largest events.
means that more earthquakes are located within the Furthermore, the seismicity data that was available
stable craton (source 15). The final model ensures did not indicate any significant departures from the
that no seismicity is inadvertently pushed into the predictions of the doubly bounded exponential dis-
stable craton, but the seismicity of the Zagros tribution and for this reason this latter model was
Foredeep will govern the activity rates for the adopted owing to its simplicity.
combined sources 4 and 5 under this zonation. In The seismicity catalogue has varying levels of
this case the southern boundary of the combined completeness and these must be accounted for when
source passes relatively close to the cities of Ra’s Al deriving activity parameters for the seismic sources.
Kaymah and Dubai with the implication that rela- For this reason the parameters of the doubly
tively high rates of earthquake activity are modelled bounded exponential distribution were obtained
to occur within the Persian Gulf at distances that may using the maximum likelihood estimation procedure
affect the hazard of the cities just mentioned. of Weichert (1980). This procedure allows the activity
In Figure 6 one may observe that sources 6, 7, 13 parameters b and nmin to be determined where these
and 14 are shown as dotted-dashed lines that indicate parameters are related to the a- and b-values of
fault sources. This is also implied by the naming the original Gutenberg-Richter (1944) distribution
convention used in Table 1. In these cases, the lines (see Weichert 1980). For the sources whose magni-
that surround the dashed lines indicate regions for tude-frequency distributions were modelled with the
which the observed seismicity is assumed to be characteristic earthquake distribution, seismic-mo-
associated with the fault sources. In these locations ment release rates were determined from estimates
it is known that dominant fault sources exist but that of fault-slip rates and the assumed fault geometries.
there is also distributed seismicity around these fault These moment release rates were then used in
sources. By modelling these sources as fault sources, conjunction with the model of Youngs and Copper-
but assigning seismicity to these faults within an area smith (1985) in order to quantify the magnitude-
around the faults, we are assuming that this seismicity frequency characteristics of the sources. The activity
is directly related to the deformation accommodated parameters for the Oman Mountains (source 17) were
by the fault sources. derived in a similar manner but using the doubly
The remaining clarification that must be made bounded exponential distribution instead of the
regarding the adopted source model relates to the characteristic model. Rates of uplift were used to
partitioning of the Makran subduction zone into infer slip rates, and moment release rates, that then
Makran interplate, inter east and inter west sources enabled activity parameters to be determined.
(Table 1). These alternatives have been selected so as For the Arabian stable craton, different values of
to entertain the possibility that the interface of the b were used on the basis of two publications. The first
Makran subduction zone may be segmented as of these is Fenton et al. (2006) who propose a b value
mentioned in section 2. For source 18, the entire of 1.84 as a world average for seismicity in stable
14 G. Aldama-Bustos et al.

cratonic cores and an annual long-term rate of 0.004 was used in conjunction with the equations for the
events per 106 km2 for events of Mw ] 6. The second active shallow crustal sources. The largest weight
study is that of Johnson et al. (1994) who report a b (0.55) is assigned to the model for stable regions, but
value of 2.26 as an average over all stable continental it is acknowledged that the definition of the Arabian
regions and an annual occurrence rate for events of Peninsula as a stable craton is not unambiguously
Mw ] 6, essentially the same as that of Fenton et al. confirmed and given the proximity of the Emirates to
(2006). For this source the nmin values were calculated actively deforming regions, branches are included in
by fixing the b values within Weichert’s (1980) the logic-tree that allow for the fact ground motions
procedure and fitting the curves to the observed may be more similar to those from active crustal
Arabian stable craton seismicity. Sensitivity analyses regions. For the active regions such as the Zagros,
were conducted assigning a weight of 1 to each of the two of the equations are derived from datasets of
two b values is turn (and zero to the other one), and European and Middle Eastern strong-motion data
the influence on the resulting hazard curves was that include records from Iran, and there is increasing
found to be low. evidence that motions in western North America are
For estimation of the maximum magnitude for broadly similar to those from this region (e.g.,
each source, the relations proposed by Wells and Stafford et al. 2008).
Coppersmith (1994) were used when consistent data All of these models were incorporated within a
regarding fault type and total length of the faults logic tree framework (described in detail in section
were able to be retrieved. When this was not possible,
Downloaded By: [Bommer, Julian J.] At: 13:39 7 February 2009

4.4). The various models that are used require the

the maximum magnitude was estimated using the specification of different input parameters, adopt
statistical procedure proposed by Kijko (2004), different site classification schemes and estimate the
specifically by making use of equations (4) and (6) distribution of ground motions in terms of different
of that study. In any remaining case the maximum horizontal component definitions. A summary of the
magnitude was obtained by adding 0.5 units to the properties of the suite of selected ground-motion
maximum observed magnitude. While this practice is models is given in Table 3.
not ideal, the paucity of data related to these sources In order to implement these models within a logic
dictated that it was difficult to justify the use of more
tree these alternative inputs and outputs must be
elaborate approaches. The seismicity parameters
transformed into common metrics (Bommer et al.
assumed for each seismic source are given in Table 2.
2005). As may be appreciated from Table 3, all of the
models use the same magnitude scale (Mw) and this
Ground-motion prediction equations scale is different to that used to characterise the
Just as alternative seismic source models were seismic sources. For this reason, the Ambraseys and
adopted in section 4.1 to account for the epistemic Free (1997) relationship was used to transform the
uncertainty associated with not knowing the true ground-motion models into the surface-wave magni-
locations of seismic source boundaries, alternative tude scale. Fortunately, the software used to perform
ground-motion models were selected for use within the hazard calculations, Crisis 2007 (Ordaz et al.
the various tectonic provinces considered in this 2007), uses tabulated ground-motion values to define
study. In total, seven different ground-motion models the level of ground-motion corresponding to a
were considered, selected following the guidelines particular magnitude-distance scenario. This frame-
proposed by Cotton et al. (2006). All of these models work enables this magnitude conversion to be im-
are either recent updates of previous, well regarded plemented very easily. Likewise, the conversions
and commonly implemented models, or are older among distance metrics are handled in a straightfor-
models that have been used extensively in hazard ward manner using this software package (in actual
analyses throughout the world. fact, conversions are not required). Although the
The models of Youngs et al. (1997) and Atkinson model of Abrahamson and Silva (1997) adopts a
and Boore (2003) were used to model the ground slightly different site classification scheme, the differ-
motions from subduction zone earthquakes occurring ence is not considered great enough to warrant
within the Makran sources. For earthquakes occur- making any adjustments for this aspect of this model.
ring within the active shallow crustal sources the The only significant adjustment that was required in
ground-motion models of Abrahamson and Silva order to implement the models in a consistent manner
(1997), Ambraseys et al. (2005), Boore and Atkinson was to adjust the predictions of the Ambraseys et al.
(2007), and Akkar and Bommer (2007) were used. (2005) from the larger horizontal component to the
For earthquakes occurring within the stable craton geometric mean using the relationships of Beyer and
(source 15) the model of Atkinson and Boore (2006) Bommer (2006).
Georisk 15
Table 2. Seismicity parameters for all of the seismic sources listed in Table 1. Where alternative models of the source
boundaries are relevant the seismicity parameters corresponding to each of the alternatives are provided.

Doubly-bounded Exponential Seismicity

N of
Zone/Region Mmax s(Mmax) Mmax(Obs) Mmin events b s(b) b s(b) vmin s(vmin) a

All Catalogue 8.0 4.0 1290 1.66 0.037 0.72 0.016 24.10 0.019 4.26
Zagros 7.2 0.12 7.1 4.0 840 1.86 0.055 0.81 0.024 17.24 0.021 4.47
High Zagros 6.8 0.20 6.6 4.0 55 1.52 0.203 0.66 0.088 1.07 0.019 2.67
Simple Fold 7.3 0.17 7.1 4.0 456 1.91 0.075 0.83 0.033 9.56 0.021 4.31
Dezful Embayment 5.8 0.14 5.7 4.0 122 1.77 0.186 0.77 0.081 2.56 0.021 3.51
Zagros Foredeep 6.9 0.14 6.8 4.0 83 1.40 0.157 0.61 0.068 1.56 0.019 2.63
Persian Gulf I 6.1 0.23 5.9 4.0 52 1.78 0.261 0.77 0.113 1.08 0.021 3.14
Persian Gulf II 6.9 0.12 6.8 4.0 129 1.57 0.133 0.68 0.058 2.52 0.020 3.14
Persian Gulf III 6.9 0.12 6.8 4.0 135 1.59 0.130 0.69 0.057 2.65 0.020 3.18
Kaserum Fault 6.8* 0.23* 6.0 4.0 24 1.45 0.301 0.63 0.131 0.45 0.019 2.18
Borazjan Fault 6.9* 0.23* 5.5 4.0 27 2.10 0.348 0.91 0.151 0.58 0.021 3.41
Makran 8.2 0.24 8.0 4.0 401 1.76 0.070 0.76 0.031 8.02 0.070 3.96
Aliabad zone 6.5 0.16 6.4 4.0 90 1 95 0.187 0.85 0.081 1.89 0.021 3.66
Nek south fault 8.0*; 0.28* 7.0 4.0 7 0 99 0.363 0.43 0.158 0.11 0.016 0.77
Gowk fault zone 8.1*; 0.28* 7.0 4.0 62 1 76 0.179 0.77 0.078 1.24 0.000 3.16
Makran Interplate LT 0.00 8.0 4.0 85 1 83 0.162 0.79 0.070 1.64 0.020 3.40
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Makran Interplate East LT 0.00 8.0 4.0 62 1 74 0.182 0.76 0.079 1.18 0.020 3.10
Makran Interplate West LT 0.00 7.7 4.0 22 2 06 0.358 0.89 0.155 0.44 0.021 3.22
Makran Intraplate 6.8 0.24 6.6 4.0 54 1 63 0.212 0.71 0.092 1.07 0.020 2.87
Makran Background 7.5 0.50 7.0 4.0 87 1 66 0.149 0.72 0.065 1.71 0.020 3.11
Jorift-Sabzevaran fault 6.7* 0.28* 5.7 4.0 21 2 42 0.448 1.05 0.195 0.47 0.022 3.87
Minab-Zendan fault 6.5* 0.28* 5.8 4.0 11 1 25 0.455 0.54 0.198 0.20 0.018 1.49
Stable craton I & III 7.0** 0.50 6.5 4.0 13 LT LT LT LT LT LT LT
Stable craton II 7.0** 0.50 6.5 4.0 19 LT LT LT LT LT LT LT
Owen fracture zone 6.0 0.20 5.8 4.0 26 1.57 0.364 0.68 0.158 0.52 0.020 2.47
Oman Mountains LT LT 5.1 4.0 5 1.00 LT 0.43 LT LT LT LT

Characteristic seismicity

Zone/Region Option Mmax Mmin Mch s(Mch) (yr)

Makran Interplate WSZ1 8.5* 7.8 8.2 0.25* 203

WSZ2 8.6* 7.9 8.3 0.25* 428
Makran Interplate East WSZ1 8.3* 7.5 8.0 0.25* 139
WSZ2 8.5* 7.8 8.2 0.25* 422
Makran Interplate West WSZ1 8.2* 7.4 7.8 0.25* 121
WSZ2 8.4* 7.6 8.0 0.25* 356

 Proposed by Berberian & Yeats (1999).
* Calculated using Wells & Coppersmith’s (1994) relationships.
** Maximum magnitude observed plus 0.5.
LT-See logic tree.
WSZ 1 and WSZ 2 are the two likely widths considered for the seismogenic zone in Makran Interplate.
All magnitudes are in Ms scale. When not specified, maximum magnitude was calculated using the procedure proposed by
Kijko (2004).
Bold numbers are the regional earthquake recurrence parameters for the whole catalogue, Zagros and Makran regions.

Hazard calculations mum magnitude but was selected so as to be

All of the hazard calculations were performed using conservative. Events as small as Ms 4.0 are very
the Crisis 2007 software (Ordaz et al. 2007). The unlikely to cause damage to engineered structures
software is essentially an implementation of the (Bommer et al. 2001).
Cornell (1968) PSHA framework, with the aleatory The alternative seismic source zonations, activity
variability in the ground-motion explicitly included rates and ground-motion models that have previously
(Bommer and Abrahamson 2006). All sources were been discussed are all incorporated into the hazard
assumed to behave in a Poissonian manner and only calculations through the use of the logic tree for-
earthquakes of Ms ]4.0 were deemed to be of mulation shown in Figure 7. In this figure, all of the
engineering significance. This is a rather low mini- parameter values and the weights assigned to each of
Downloaded By: [Bommer, Julian J.] At: 13:39 7 February 2009

Table 3. Summary of the characteristics of the ground-motion models used in this study.

Magnitude Distance Dmax** component
Equation scale Mmin*** Mmax*** Site conditions* defintion (km) definition Faulting mechanism Tectonic enviroment

Abrahamson & Silva Mw 4.4 7.4 Rock [Vs 600 m/s] Rrup 220 Geometric mean Reverse/ Reverse- Active regions,
[1997] Oblique/Others shallow earthquakes

G. Aldama-Bustos et al.
Akkar & Bommer Mw 5.0 7.6 Rock [Vs 750 m/s] RJB 100 Geometric mean Normal/Reverse Active regions,
[2007] shallow earthquakes
Ambraseys et al Mw 5.0 7.6 Rock [Vs 750 m/s] RJB 100 Larger horizontal Normal/Thrust/ Active regions,
[2005] component Odd shallow earthquakes
Atkinson & Boore Mw 5.0 8.3 Rock [Vs 760 m/s] Rrup 550 Random Interface/ In-Slab Active regions,
[2003] horizontal subduction zones
Atkinson & Boore Mw 3.5 8.0 Rock [Vs 760 m/s] Rrup 1000 Unspecified Unspecified Stable continental
[2006] regions
Boore & Atkinson Mw 4.2 7.9 Rock [Vs 760 m/s] RJB 300 GMRotD50; Unspecified/ Strike- Active regions,
[2007] GMRotI50 slip/Normal/Reverse shallow earthquakes
Youngs et al. [1997] Mw 5.0 8.2 Rock [Vs 750 m/s] Rrup 500 Geometric mean Interface/ In-Slab Active regions,
subduction zones

*-Site condition considered for this study. Other site conditions are reported by the modelers.
**-Maximum distance source-to-site distance m data set.
***-Maximum and minimum magnitudes in data set.
Georisk 17
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Figure 7. Components of the logic tree used for the hazard calculations showing all of the alternative branches and their
associated weights.
18 G. Aldama-Bustos et al.
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Figure 8. Disaggregation results for Abu Dhabi for a return period of 500 years and for PGA and spectral accelerations of
0.2, 1.0 and 3.0 s.

the various alternatives are shown. There are four The activity rates of the stable craton from the
components of the tree that relate to source zonations studies of Johnson et al. (1994) and Fenton et al.
and activity rates and one component that relates to (2006) have been allocated similar weights, with
the ground-motion models. For the uncertainty slightly higher weight assigned to the latter study
associated with the location of the boundaries reflecting the more recent nature of this work. The
between sources 4, 5 and 15 in the southern Zagros activity rates for the Oman Mountains involve a
and the Persian Gulf weights of 0.6, 0.25, and 0.15 series of branches that reflect the large degree of
were allocated to options I, II and III respectively. In uncertainty associated with the rate of coseismic
all cases, the weights that have been assigned to deformation in this region. The complexity of this
branches have been done so on a subjective basis component of the logic tree is justified given the
through discussion among the authors. In most cases relatively close proximity of this source to the sites of
the extent of the uncertainty is such that we saw little interest in this study. The scenario involving segmen-
option other than to allocate equal, or very similar, ted rupture of the Makran is strongly favoured,
weighting to the various options. In other cases primarily on the basis of recorded earthquake activ-
however, such as for the source boundaries just ity. Additional uncertainty is also incorporated into
mentioned, or for the segmentation of the Makran, this component of the logic tree to account for the
we have greater confidence in a particular model and unknown extent to which the subduction interface
have allocated a weight that reflects this. However, extends down-dip. For this component the shorter
where possible we have sought to acknowledge rupture width is preferred on the basis of the
alternative legitimate viewpoints and to include these observed seismicity, but only slightly so, and is given
as alternatives into our formulation. a weighting of 0.6.
Georisk 19
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Figure 9. Disaggregation results for Dubai for a return period of 500 years and for PGA and spectral accelerations of 0.2, 1.0
and 3.0 s.

For the ground-motion models in the stable rates of occurrence corresponding to each considered
craton the model of Atkinson and Boore (2006) is level of ground motion.
strongly favoured with a weight of 0.55 being
allocated to this model and 0.45 spread among the Disaggregation of the hazard
remaining four crustal models. The active shallow
For every hazard curve that was generated during the
crustal models are all given equal weight when used
hazard calculations the level of ground-motion cor-
for modelling ground-motions from earthquakes
responding to return periods of 500, 1000, 2500, 5000,
occurring in the shallow crustal sources. Finally, the
and 10 000 years was determined and the associated
more recent subduction zone model of Atkinson and rate of occurrence disaggregated in order to identify
Boore (2003) is favoured quite strongly over the older the magnitude-distance scenarios contributing most
Youngs et al. (1997) model. significantly to the hazard (Bazzurro and Cornell
The net result of accounting for the various model 1999). As we adopt the weighted mean of the hazard
alternatives was to require 5184 hazard curves, and curves in order to summarise the hazard results we
corresponding hazard disaggregations, to be gener- may also determine the weighted mean of the
ated. Annual rates of exceedance were determined for disaggregation results in order to summarise the
spectral accelerations (including peak ground accel- relative contributions made by the various magni-
eration, PGA) ranging from 0.001g to 1.0g. To enable tude-distance scenarios. The disaggregated results for
comparison with previous studies, the suite of hazard the 500-year return period for the three sites and for
curves were summarised by taking the mean of the 5%-damped spectral accelerations at periods of 0
20 G. Aldama-Bustos et al.
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Figure 10. Disaggregation results for Ra’s Al Khaymah for a return period of 500 years and for PGA and spectral
accelerations of 0.2, 1.0 and 3.0 s.

(PGA), 0.2, 1.0 and 3.0 s are shown in Figures 8 anticipated. For short-period ground-motion mea-
to 10. sures such as PGA and spectral acceleration at 0.2 s,
From Figure 8 to 10 one may readily appreciate the rate of attenuation with distance is relatively high.
that as one moves to spectral accelerations at longer This attenuation rate precludes the possibility of Abu
response periods the main contribution to the hazard Dhabi being strongly affected by seismicity associated
increasingly comes from larger magnitude events with the Zagros and the hazard is consequently
located at greater distances. Such a result is to be dominated by events occurring within the stable
expected as the seismic sources that are very close to craton. As one moves to Ra’s Al Khaymah the
the sites in question tend to have relatively low distance to the Zagros becomes small enough that
activity rates and one is therefore rather unlikely to the hazard begins to become affected by seismicity
observe large magnitude events at short distances. As from this source. This effect is clearly demonstrated
larger magnitude earthquakes are far more likely to through contrasting the top panels of Figures 8
generate strong long-period components of ground and 10.
motion than their small-to-moderate counterparts the One should also note that, particularly for spec-
contribution to the hazard expectedly moves to larger tral accelerations of 1.0 and 3.0 s, the magnitude
magnitude events as the response period increases. distance scenarios contributing most significantly to
One may also appreciate from Figure 8 to 10 that the hazard correspond to scenarios that are well
as we move from Abu Dhabi in the south to Ra’s Al beyond the ranges of applicability of the ground-
Khaymah in the north the relative contributions of motion models used for the analysis (at Abu Dhabi,
the Zagros and Makran regions to the hazard at short the dominant scenario at 1.0 and 3.0 s is at about
periods increases. Again, this is a result that may be 400 km). For these scenarios the hazard values must
Georisk 21
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Figure 11. Seismic hazard curves for PGA and 1-s spectral acceleration at rock sites in the three cities.

be interpreted with a considerable degree of caution, s spectral acceleration. The values are very similar at
but as few, if any, current empirical equations are the three sites although as expected there is an
valid for such large magnitudes and such long increase in the hazard level from south to north
distances, this is a common, and almost unavoidable, owing to the increasing proximity of the Zagros zone.
problem. However, at long return periods, for which the local
For all sites the largest contribution to the seismic seismic activity becomes dominant, particularly for
hazard for short-period ground-motion measures the short-period motions, the hazard curves converge.
comes from the stable craton. Modifying the activity Figure 12 shows the uniform hazard spectra on rock
rates for this source will therefore have a significant for the three cities at return periods ranging from 500
impact upon the calculated hazard. The activity rates to 10 000 years.
for the stable craton were determined on the basis of Direct comparisons between the results of this
published studies that consider large composite new study and those of previous hazard estimates for
catalogues of stable continental regions and stable the UAE are limited by the incomplete information
cratonic cores; they were not derived specifically for regarding definitions of site conditions and horizontal
the Arabian Peninsula itself. This point is worth component definitions provided in the earlier studies.
emphasising as there is significant uncertainty asso- All of the studies state that the hazard estimates are
ciated with the rates of events within such stable for rock sites, with the exception of Sigbjörnsson and
regions (Fenton et al., 2006) and one must be aware Elnashai (2006) who do not specify the assumed site
of the sensitivity of the results to the assumptions classification; for the purpose of the comparisons
made regarding the activity of this background made herein, it is simply assumed that the site
source. However, it is also clear that these sources conditions are uniformly rock and therefore no
only contribute significantly to the seismic hazard as adjustments are needed. In terms of the definition
a result of the relatively low seismic activity of the of the horizontal component of motion, different
region. The fact that the hazard is dominated by very measures can give appreciably different results (Beyer
small earthquakes close to the sites of interest, and and Bommer 2006), but none of the studies explicitly
that these events correspond to a seismic source of state the definition used. The current study has used
low activity, reinforces the view that the seismic the geometric mean horizontal component, whereas
hazard for sites within the UAE is low. by virtue of the ground motion equations employed
the studies of both Sigbjörnsson and Elnashai (2006)
and Musson et al. (2006) are based on the larger
Discussion of results horizontal component. Abdalla and Al-Homoud
Figure 11 shows seismic hazard curves for rock sites (2004) use a ground motion equation based on both
in the three cities in terms of PGA and in terms of 1.0- horizontal components of each accelerogram, which
22 G. Aldama-Bustos et al.
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Figure 12. Uniform hazard spectra for rock sites in the three cities.

can broadly be considered equivalent to the geometric study with those from Peiris et al. (2006) and
mean component (Beyer and Bommer 2006). Peiris Sigbjörnsson and Elnashai (2006).
et al. (2006), however, use a number of different These figures show generally good agreement
ground-motion prediction equations that use differ- amongst the results of this study and those from
ent component definitions, and state neither whether Peiris et al. (2006) and Musson et al. (2006), and as no
adjustments were made for compatibility nor which major flaws were identified in either of those studies
component is used for the output. For comparative this could be favourably interpreted as corroboration
purposes, it is assumed that their results represent the of the new results. Comparisons with the results of
geometric mean component as this is the definition Musson et al. (2006) for all three sites and longer
employed in most of the ground-motion prediction return periods show consistently close agreement,
equations used in their study. although the spectral ordinates from Musson et al.
Figure 13 compares the 475-year UHS for Dubai (2006) are generally slighter higher. However, this
from the current study with those from Peiris et al. could largely be the result of the use of different
(2006) and Musson et al. (2006), whereas Figure 14 component definitions: Beyer and Bommer (2006)
compares the 2,475-year UHS for Dubai from this found ratios of the larger component to the geometric
Georisk 23

other studies, resulting in spectral accelerations as

much as 6 times higher at some response periods.
Even accounting for the use of equations based on the
larger horizontal component, this study is still pre-
senting a fundamentally different picture of the
seismic hazard in the UAE. The information pro-
vided in the paper by Sigbjörnsson and Elnashai
(2006) is not sufficient to be able to determine exactly
why the calculated hazard is so much higher, but the
definition the fault along the western coast of the
UAE as an active seismic source seems to be one of
the key contributing factors (see discussion below).
Given the absence of any convincing evidence for the
activity of this source, the spectral ordinates of
Sigbjörnsson and Elnashai (2006) shown in Figure
14 could be considered extremely conservative.
Figure 15 compares the 475-year uniform hazard
spectra for the three cities with the spectrum for rock
(class B, which corresponds to shear-wave velocities
Downloaded By: [Bommer, Julian J.] At: 13:39 7 February 2009

Figure 13. Uniform hazard spectra for rock sites in Dubai

between 760 and 1,500 m/s consistent with the site
for a 475-year return period from this study and those of
classification assumed in the hazard calculations)
Peiris et al. (2006) and Musson et al. (2006).
sites in Zone 1 from UBC97.
Figure 15 indicates that all three cities could
mean component increasing with period from about conceivably be classified as UBC97 Zone 0, although
1.1 to 1.2 at periods of 1.0 second and greater. These cogent arguments could be made for considering Ra’s
correction factors cannot be applied directly to the Al Khaymah, and possibly even Dubai if one wishes
UHS but do allow one to suppose that much of the to err on the conservative side, as Zone 1. To raise
observed disagreement would be removed had these seismic design actions to Zone 1 in Abu Dhabi would
studies used the same horizontal component defini- be difficult to justify given how far below the spectral
tion. ordinates the UHS is across the entire period range.
The spectrum from Sigbjörnsson and Elnashai These results are very much in line with the zonation
(2006), however, is clearly very different from the map of Musson et al. (2006) presented in Figure 5.
The possible existence of a major active geological
fault running along the west coast of the UAE is
clearly an issue of concern, and a definitive assess-
ment of the seismic hazard in the Emirates will need
to resolve this matter. The seismic hazard studies that
have included this fault, which we have called the
West Coast Fault (WCF), as an active seismic source,
are based on the Tectonic Map of Saudi Arabia and
Adjacent Areas by Johnson (1998). That study drew
heavily on an earlier work by Brown (1972) which
presented ‘‘selected tectonic elements of Saudi Arabia
and, in lesser details, elements in adjacent parts of the
Arabian Peninsula’’ (Johnson 1998), whence it is not
clear how reliable the information is for the UAE.
Amongst the publications on the geology of this
region that were reviewed, including Al-Hinai et al.
(1997), Glennie (2001) and Lippard et al. (1982), only
Hancock et al. (1984) refer to a fault near the west
coast of the Emirates, but the mapped trace is
annotated with a question mark and no details are
Figure 14. Uniform hazard spectra for rock sites in Dubai presented in the text.
for a 2475-year return period from this study and those of Notwithstanding the weak evidence for the
Peiris et al. (2006) and Sigbjörnsson and Elnashai (2006). existence of this fault, for the purposes of this
24 G. Aldama-Bustos et al.

Figure 15. 475-year UHS for rock sites in the three cities compared with the spectrum from UBC97 for class B sites in Zone 1.

sensitivity analysis we assume that it is a 322-km the available information. The data used for this
vertically dipping strike-slip fault running from purpose are contours of the base of the Tertiary and
Downloaded By: [Bommer, Julian J.] At: 13:39 7 February 2009

23.878N, 53.598E to 25.768N, 56.038E (Figure 6), the approximate base of the Mesozoic rocks that are
based on the map of Johnson (1998). This trace overlain by sediments known as sabkhas, which are
crosses the cities of Dubai and Abu Dhabi, and composed of sand, silt or clay covered by a crust of
passes very close to Ra’s Al Khaymah, whence if it halite (salt). These deposits were formed by post-
were an active source the risk implications would be glacial flooding between 10 and 15 Ma ago, so it is
very serious. Assigning activity to the fault is more conservatively assumed that they are 10 Ma old. The
difficult because there is no instrumental seismicity map of Brown (1972) is at a scale of 1:4 000 000 and
that appears to be directly associated with this it was assumed that any offset in the contours
structure, and the historical record for the Emirates resulting from accumulated slip on the fault would
is almost null because of sparse population and the be discernible if at least 1 mm in length on the map,
absence of important towns and cities where seismic implying a total slip of 4 km and a slip rate of
damage could have been recorded. Instead, the fault 0.4 mm/year. Additional constraint on the slip rate
is assumed to behave as a characteristic earthquake could be inferred from the GPS measurements from
source and the slip rate is estimated indirectly from two stations in Oman presented by Vernant et al.
the maximum rate that could pass undetected from (2004); if one makes the very conservative

Figure 16. Hazard curves for Dubai, in terms of PGA and 1-second spectral acceleration, with the seismic sources considered
in this study (thick black line) and including the West Coast Fault as an active source (thin grey line) with a slip rate of
0.4 mm/year.
Georisk 25

Figure 17. Uniform hazard spectra for rock sites in Dubai at three different return periods as produced by this study (thick
black line) and as modified by the inclusion of the West Coast Fault as an active fault with a slip rate of 0.4 mm/year (thin

assumption that all of the relative displacement is Conclusions

Downloaded By: [Bommer, Julian J.] At: 13:39 7 February 2009

taken up by the WCF, this would yield a slip rate of This paper presents a new probabilistic assessment of
2.06 mm/year, but most of this displacement is seismic hazard, in terms of ground motions in rock,
actually owing to the rotational behaviour of the for three cities in the United Arab Emirates. The
Arabian plate and any remaining displacements are study has been performed within a logic-tree frame-
probably accommodated by the Dibba Line. For the work to account for uncertainties in the models for
maximum magnitude, the empirical relationship of seismic sources and ground-motion prediction. The
Wells and Coppersmith (1994) for strike-slip faults results support the conclusions of several previous
would suggest a value of Mw 8, but such an event studies that the hazard levels in the UAE are low and
seems very unlikely in view of the lack of discernible that for structures of normal occupancy seismic
offset. Therefore, a value of 7.090.5 was assumed; design should not be required, except perhaps in
as the same moment rate is assumed, this may be more northerly areas such as Ra’s Al Khaymah. The
considered a conservative assumption as the char- three published studies that suggest much higher
acteristic event therefore has a much shorter recur- hazard levels in the Emirates can be discounted: the
rence interval. GSHAP map has no technical basis in the UAE;
Adopting the slip rate of 0.4 mm/year, the Abdalla and Al-Homoud (2004) use an inappropriate
hazard calculations were re-run, and the mean and unjustifiable source zonation that spreads seis-
hazard curves for Dubai, in terms of two ground- micity associated with the Zagros to the UAE; and
motion parameters, are shown in Figure 16. The Sigbjörnsson and Elnashai (2006) obtain higher
inclusion of the WCF increases the hazard for hazard estimates largely as a result of including as a
annual exceedance frequencies below 10 3 but seismic source a major active fault running along the
even at 10 6 the increase in the ground-motion western coast of the UAE. The seismic potential of
amplitude is less than a factor of two. This is this source is not supported by instrumental, histor-
confirmed in Figure 17, which compares the UHS ical or paleoseismic evidence, and its inclusion in
for Dubai at three return periods with and without PSHA calculations is difficult to justify. However, a
the contribution from this source. At the return definitive seismic hazard study for the UAE should
periods that would normally govern the engineering include a thorough examination of this inferred
design of non-critical structures (i.e., 500 and 2500 structure, using at least geomorphic indicators and,
years), the increase in the spectral ordinates is if necessary, paleoseismological investigations as well.
modest. To obtain UHS at all three sites that If this inferred geological fault were shown to exist
matched the UBC97 zone 1 spectrum would require and a degree of activity were proven, the implications
a slip rate on the fault of 2.5 mm/year, and to would be serious and seismic design considerations
produce a 475-year PGA for Dubai that would could then become warranted. However, to include it
match that obtained by Sigbjörnsson and Elnashai as a seismic source in PSHA calculations on the basis
(2006), a slip rate on the fault of 6.0 mm/year would of existing evidence is excessively conservative
be required. although Sigbjörnsson and Elnashai (2006) actually
26 G. Aldama-Bustos et al.

state that ‘‘as limited information is currently available Al-Hinai, K. G., et al., 1997. Shuttle imaging radar views of
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The hazard calculations and disaggregations pre-
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considered the effect of surface soil deposits, which ground acceleration in Europe. Earthquake Engineer-
could significantly amplify long-period motions gen- ing and Structural Dynamics, 24, 467490.
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seismic design considerations are required in Dubai, 123.

in particular, site response studies considering local Ambraseys, N.N. and Bommer, J.J., 1990. Uniform mag-
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Acknowledgements quakes using data from Europe and the Middle East:
Our thanks to Dr Dirk Hollnack of Munich Re for bringing Horizontal peak ground acceleration and spectral
to our attention reports of recent seismic activity in and acceleration. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 3
around the UAE, and also for encouragement in producing (1), 153.
this study. We are also grateful to Dr Matthew Free of Ambraseys, N.N. and Free, M.W., 1997. Surface-wave
Arup Geotechnics for providing a copy of the recent magnitude calibration for European region earth-
University of Sharjah seismic hazard study for the Emi- quakes. Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 1 (1), 122.
rates. The paper was significantly improved by two Ambraseys, N.N. and Melville, C.P., 1982. A History of
insightful and constructive reviews and we express our Persian Earthquakes. Cambridge: Cambridge Univer-
gratitude to the anonymous referees for their very helpful sity Press.
comments on the manuscript. Peter Stafford is a Fellow of Ambraseys, N.N., et al., 1994. The Seismicity of Egypt,
the Willis Research Network and that support is gratefully Arabia and the Red Sea: a Historical Review. Cam-
acknowledged. bridge: Cambridge University Press.
Ambraseys, N.N., et al., 1996. Prediction of horizontal
response spectra in Europe. Earthquake Engineering
and Structural Dynamics, 25 (4), 371400.
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