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Exercise 1: Choose the most suitable words underlined.

1. Jim completely fell for my joke/ story.
2. The conversation/meeting didn’t break up until late.
3. It seems that we’ve come up against rather a trickly idea/ problem.
4. It must be getting on for six o’clock/ extremely well.
5. The witness’s evidence bore out what Peter had said/ as Peter said.
6. When David started speaking everyone fell about in laughter/ laughing.
7. I really should get down to my homework/ the weather.
8. Unfortunately my plan/ suggestion didn’t quite come off.
9. Mary’s new novel doesn’t come up to her usual expectation/standard.
10. Last night I dropped off at 11.30/ from 11.30 until 7.00 this morning.
Exercise 2: Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word in capitals, and so that the meaning stays the same.
Each should contain a phrasal verb.
1. I don’t think this record will ever be popular. CATCH
2. A police car has just stopped outside. UP
3. They didn’t punish Karen, only gave her a warning. GOT
4. What are you trying to say? AT
5. Graham stopped talking to deal with a customer. OFF
6. I have to leave early because something has happened. UP
7. John is a bit too ill to go out. UP
8. You can rely on Susan for help. COUNT
9. What sort of progress are you making in your new job? GETTING
10. Because it was late, I had to walk home in the end. UP
Exercise 3: Put one suitable word in each space.
1. When I give an order I expect it to be ....................... out.
2. Getting up so early really gets me .......................
3. It was a good idea, but I’m afraid it didn’t quite
4. I’m afraid that your story doesn’t really ....................... up.
5. I was so surprised when Harry got the job, I couldn’t ....................... over it.
6. Terry’s new book ....................... out next week.
7. Someone was ....................... after you in the club yesterday.
8. Just as I was ....................... off, there was a knock at the door.
9. Neil was too embarrassed to ....................... up the question of who would pay.
10. The police didn’t .......................up Bill’s complaint about his neighbors.
Exercise 4: Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same.
1. A rather nasty problem has appeared.
We’ve overcome ..............................................................................................
2. I’m doing more work than I bargained for.
I didn’t expect ..............................................................................................
3. The sooner the job is over, the better.
Let’s ..............................................................................................
4. Brenda doesn’t get on with her next neighbor any more.
Brenda has ..............................................................................................
5. I burst into tears when I heard the bad news.
I broke ..............................................................................................
6. Jean persuaded the others to agree with her point of view.
Jean brought ..............................................................................................
7. I’ll do the ironing in the end.
I’ll get ..............................................................................................
8. The arrangements for our holiday didn’t come to anything.
Our holiday ..............................................................................................
9. The best solution was thought of by Sally.
Sally came ..............................................................................................
10. It’s getting on for lunchtime.
Soon ..............................................................................................
Exercise 5: Choose the most suitable word or phrase.
1. The meeting didn’t ....................... until late.
a. end up b. break up c. come about d. fall through
2. In the end it all ....................... a question of trust.
a. gets round to b. adds up to c. feels up to d. comes down to
3. The hotel didn’t ....................... my expectations.
a. come up to b. get up to c. come down to d. get down to
4. At first Tim insisted he was right, but then began to .......................
a. back down b. follow up c. drop off d. break up
5. It’s no good pretending, you’ve got to ....................... reality.
a. bargain for b. come up against c. face up to d. get down to
6. What were you two ....................... just now in the garden?
a. bringing about b. getting up to c. coming up with d. getting round to
7. You should always have an alternative plan to .......................
a. bring about b. ask after c. feel up to d. fall back on
8. When they ......................., I had to report to the nearest barracks.
a. called me up b. asked after me c. asked me after d. called up me
9. The school examination for eleven-year-old was ....................... some years ago.
a. followed up b. drawn up c. carried out d. done away with
10. When I took over the business I got more than I .......................
a. asked after b. bargained for c. drew up d. came in for.
Exercise 6: Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word in capitals, and so that the meaning stays the same.
Each should contain a phrasal verb.
1. Ted’s illness was caused. ON
2. Carol has trouble communicating her ideas to others. ACROSS
3. Some men are coming to decorate our bedroom. DONE
4. How exactly did this situation happen in the first place? COME
5. What happened confirmed the truth of Jack’s prediction. BORNE
6. This could be a vital clue so you should investigate it. UP
7. Let’s give this business our serious attention. GET
8. It was a simple trick, but the teacher was taken in by it. FOR
9. They laid most of the blame on Margaret. FOR
10. Our lawyers are working on the agreement at the moment. UP

Exercise 1:
1. story 6. laughing
2. meeting 7. my homework
3. problem 8. plan
4. six o’clock 9. standard
5. what Peter had said 10. at 11.30
Exercise 2:
1. I don’t think this record will ever catch on.
2. A police car has just drawn up outside.
3. Karen got off with a warning.
4. What are you getting at?
5. Graham broke off to deal with a customer.
6. I have to leave early because something has come up/ cropped up.
7. John doesn’t feel up to going out.
8. You can count on Susan for help.
9. How are you getting on in your new job?
10. Because it was late, I ended up walking home.
Exercise 3:
1. carried 5. get 9. bring
2. down 6. comes 10. follow
3. come 7. asking
4. add 8. dropping
Exercise 4:
1. We’ve come up against a rather nasty problem.
2. I didn’t expect to be doing so much work.
3. Let’s get this job over with as soon as possible.
4. Brenda has fallen out with her next-door neighbor.
5. I broke down when I heard the bad news.
6. Jean bought the others round to her point of view.
7. I’ll get round to the ironing in the end.
8. Our holiday fell through.
9. Sally came up with the best solution.
10. Soon it will be lunch time.
Exercise 5:
1. B 3. A 5. C 7. D 9. D
2. D 4. A 6. B 8. A 10. B
Exercise 6:
1. Ted’s illness was brought on by overwork.
2. Carol has trouble getting her ideas across.
3. We are having the bedroom done up.
4. How exactly did this situation come about?
5. Jack’s prediction was borne out by what happened.
6. This could be a vital clue so you should follow it up.
7. Let’s get down to business.
8. It was a simple trick, but the teacher fell for it.
9. Margaret came in for most of the blame.
10. Our lawyers are drawing up the agreement at the moment.

Exercise 1: Choose the most suitable words underlined.

1. Richard and I have never really hit it/ ourselves off.
2. The manager promised to look into, my request/ the matter.
3. I am afraid I don’t hold with this kind of thing/ people like you.
4. Hang onto the tickets, they might fall/we’ll need them later.
5. The team couldn’t keep up the pressure/ the score in the second half.
6. This will go off unless you put it in the fridge/ close to the window.
7. I think the second paragraph/a great opportunity has been missed out.
8. Most of the meeting was given over in the end/ to Tom’s report.
9. Stephen eventually confessed/ owned up to sixteen murders.
10. Something odd is going on behind my back/ tomorrow afternoon.
Exercise 2: Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same.
1. Gerry has applied for the job of financial director.
Gerry has put ..............................................................................................
2. Our teacher used Sophia as an example of a good student.
Our teacher held ..............................................................................................
3. I’m not much interested in sports.
I don’t really go ..............................................................................................
4. Terry was rude but Anne got her revenge on him.
Anne paid ..............................................................................................
5. You can stay with us for a week
We can ..............................................................................................
6. The police only warned Sally because it was her first offence.
Sally was let ..............................................................................................
7. Sue drew attention to the flaw in the plan.
Sue pointed ..............................................................................................
8. The plain-clothes policeman’s boots showed he was a policeman.
The plain-clothes policeman was given ..............................................................................................
9. We can say that hard work was what caused Jill’s success.
Jill’s success can ..............................................................................................
10. Brenda never takes the trouble to help anyone.
Brenda never puts ..............................................................................................
Exercise 3: Put one suitable word in each space.
1. We can’t watch that program if the television is ........................ up again.
2. This novel is beginning to ........................ on me.
3. It is quite clearly ........................ down that only amateurs can take part.
4. Sales were slow to start with; but now they’re ........................ up.
5. I don’t want to off, but this type of plane has crashed quite often.
6. Two members of the gang eventually ........................ themselves up.
7. We ........................out that we had forgotten Jane’s birthday, though it wasn’t true.
8. There should be enough plates to ........................ round.
9. What does this notice say? I can’t ........................ it out.
10. Hilary told me to ........................ her up the next time I was in London.
Exercise 4: Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word in capitals, and so that the meaning stays the same.
Each should contain a phrasal verb.
1. You have broken your word. GONE
2. I can’t bear your constant complaining. WITH
3. The box smelled faintly of fish. GAVE
4. I couldn’t make Julie give a definite answer. PIN
5. I think that my boss is prejudiced against me. IT
6. The holiday wasn’t as good as we expected. LIVE
7. Martin promised to baby-sit but didn’t show up. LET
8. We don’t expect that the missing climbers have survived. HOLD
9. You get smoother shave with Razacream foam. MAKES
10. You’re kidding! ON
Exercise 5: Complete each sentences with a suitable word or phrase.
1. In the end we hit ............................. to the problem by chance.
2. Helen manages to put ............................. view very successful in meetings.
3. The Foreign Secretary was looked ............................. the Prime Minister’s successor.
4. Marry planned to murder her husband, but when the moment came she couldn’t go .............................
5. I hope that this holiday will ............................. all the weekends we have had to work.
6. Why don’t you ............................. in! You’re being really annoying!
7. Our in-laws didn’t really ............................. off when we invited them all round.
8. Don’t tell Dave about it. We shouldn’t ............................. on the plan.
9. Shirley never ............................. for anyone. She is totally selfish.
Exercise 6: Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word in capitals, and so that the meaning stays the same.
Each should contain a phrasal verb.
1. It was a risky robbery, but the thieves managed it. PULLED
2. In the end I just didn’t have any strength left. GAVE
3. Eventually I aired my grievances with my boss. OUT
4. Is there enough juice for everyone? GO
5. Have you decided to enter the poster competition? GO
6. Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone. ON
7. The smell of drains stopped me eating my breakfast. PUT
8. Alan is a stranger person. I can’t understand his character. MAKE
9. If I lose the race my reputation will suffer. LIVE
10. Pauline isn’t one of the people who knows the secret. ON

Exercise 1:
1. it 6. put it in the fridge
2. the matter 7. the second paragraph
3. this kind of thing 8. to Tom’s report
4. we’ll need them later 9. confessed
5. the pressure 10. behind my back
Exercise 2:
1. Gerry has put in for the job of financial director.
2. Our teacher held Sophia up as an example of a good student.
3. I don’t really go in for sports.
4. Anne paid Terry back for being rude to her.
5. We can put you up for a week.
6. Sally was let off with a warning because it was her first offence.
7. Sue pointed clothes out the flaw in the plan.
8. The plain clothes policeman was given away by his boots.
9. Jill’s success can be put down to hard work.
10. Brenda never puts herself out for anyone.
Exercise 3:
1. playing 3. laid 5. put 7. made 9. make
2. grow 4. picking 6. gave 8. go 10. look
Exercise 4:

Exercise 1: Choose the most suitable words underlined.

1. Tom managed to run up an account / a bill at the supermarket.
2. In the end/ Initially I set out to prove that such a voyage was possible.
3. If he treated me like that I wouldn’t stand for him/it.
4. The government should set up a committee/ a minister to sort the matter out.
5. Both teams stepped up the pace/ the rate in the second half.
6. The dog didn’t take to its new owner/ liking me.
7. The news/The prize hasn’t really sunk in yet.
8. I told her off/ told off her for leaving the office unlocked.
9. After a week on the ice the expedition ran into difficulties/ potholes.
10. They really rip the bill/ you off in this restaurant!
Exercise 2: Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word in capitals, and so that the meaning stays the same.
Each should contain a phrasal verb.
1. The Foreign Secretary has been forced to resign. DOWN
2. The treaty explains the terms of the agreement to reduce nuclear arms. OUT
3. I need someone to take my place at the ceremony. IN
4. In the end it was quite a sunny day after all. OUT
5. Don’t be deceived by his long words! IN
6. Members of the audience started making fun of the speaker. UP
7. We still haven’t managed to locate that missing file. DOWN
8. Janet persuaded me not to sell my house. OUT
9. It looks as if someone has made a mistake. UP
10. I can’t afford such expensive clothes on my salary. TO
Exercise 3: Put one suitable word in each space, so that the sentence contains a phrasal verb.
1. The exact total ............................... at just over £750.
2. What awful weather! It looks as if the rain has ............................... for the day.
3. Don’t be so passive! ...............................for yourself.
4. I don’t think be able to ............................... to the pressure of the job.
5. I can’t help you. You’ll have to ...............................the problem yourself.
6. Even if you are miserable, there’s no need to ............................... on me!
7. It seemed like a good plan, but when we ............................... out it didn’t work.
8. I’m going to the airport to ............................... some friends who are going to Japan.
9. What exactly do the letters BBC ............................... for?
10. Don’t worry about the missing dog. It will ............................... up when it gets hungry!
Exercise 4: Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same.
1. Brian takes off the French teacher really well.
Brian does ..............................................................................................
2. Tina saw through Peter’s plan at once.
Tina realized ..............................................................................................
3. The effect of these pills wears off after three hours.
The effect of these bills only ..............................................................................................
4. Her face had taken on a strange expression.
She had a ..............................................................................................
5. Harry swore he would stand by his promise.
Harry swore that he would not go ..............................................................................................
6. The terms of the agreement are set out in this document.
This document gives ..............................................................................................
7. The full truth is only just beginning to sink in.
I am only just beginning to ..............................................................................................
8. Sally turned down Philip’s marriage proposal.
Sally didn’t ..............................................................................................
9. Sue talked me into acting in this play.
Sue persuaded ..............................................................................................
10. Tony stood in for me at the meeting.
Tony took ..............................................................................................
Exercise 5: Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word in capitals, and so that the meaning stays the same.
Each should contain a phrasal verb.
1. Stop criticizing everybody! DOWN
2. Trey has just insured her life. OUT
3. In the end it was discovered that Joe was a thief. OUT
4. I need a calculator to arrive at the total. OUT
5. I met your friend David the other day. INTO
6. I think you’ve been overcharged, old son! OFF
7. I think we should increase the pressure on her to resign. UP
8. I won’t allow swearing in my classroom! FOR
9. The company was brought up by a large multinational. OVER
10. Your story is different from the facts. WITH
Exercise 6: Put one word in each space.
1. The government has allowed the coal industry to run ...........................
2. Robert was set two masked men and robbed.
3. Why didn’t you stick ........................... for me instead of saying nothing?
4. Lets’ run ........................... the details of the arrangements just once more.
5. Most of my time is taken ........................... with answering the phone.
6. I’ve run ........................... against a number of difficulties in this area.
7. The buffet was set ...........................on a number of low tables.
8. Hundreds of people turned ........................... in the rain to see the prince.
9. No one expected the government to stand ...........................the agreement.
10. On the following day, teams of local people set ...........................clearing up the damage.

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