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Republic of the Philippines

Region XI
Schools Division of Digos City
School ID: 316301

Narrative Report on Igpit National High School

Foundation Day Celebration 2019

On September 13, 2019, we celebrated our Foundation Day. This is a special

day when the entire school family has a chance to reflect not only the beginnings
of Igpit National High School and its founders, but also on the significant
development since School’s inception.

It is a day set aside to celebrate our history and revisit and reconnect with the
continuing journey of the school. We celebrate that we are blessed with such
beautiful surroundings and wonderful facilities. We celebrate the joy of learning as
we develop in mind, body and spirit, and we celebrate the bond that we share with
past and present members of the Igpit National High School Family.

We honour our Founding Fathers as we reflect on the commitment,

resilience and dedication they displayed to see their vision of providing access to
quality education to local community come to reality. It is astounding that 13 years
ago our, the leaders of this tiny new school had such blind focus on their goal.

The celebration started with a Holy Mass and followed right after with the
formal opening of the program.. The celebration was graced with the complete
presence of the Local Government of Igpit, Digos City.

In light of the increased tensions and disharmony around the globe, we

continue to embrace the beliefs that our educational system were founded upon and
understand how important and relevant they still are today – to both our school and
to the world we live in.

We rejoice in the love of Christ that bonds us together. That is why

Foundation Day is so important – it is a celebration of the fabric that makes us
Igpiteneous as one!

Prepared by:

Teacher III
orld Teachers' Day recognizes the contribution educators make to the world and reminds people
to show their gratitude for the teachers who impacted their own lives.

Celebrated annually on October 5, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Organization (UNESCO) established World Teachers' Day more than 20 years ago. This year's
theme is "Young Teachers: The Future of the Profession" and aims to highlight the unique
difficulties facing teachers face in the present-day.

"While teachers were once highly respected professionals, valued, trusted and accepted as
inspirational role models for young people, nowadays they too easily serve as scapegoats for the
failures of education systems," a concept note for the occasion on UNESCO's website explained.

The note also pointed out a number of problems facing teachers, including the fact that families
no longer automatically support the teacher's authority over the classroom and their students.
Another problem in the education sector, according to UNESCO, is the idea that technology,
artificial intelligence and automation will make human tasks redundant.

Now, there's a concern that not enough young people are pursuing education as a profession,
meaning there could be a teacher shortage as older educators retire in the coming decade. To
meet United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, UNESCO estimates that more than 69
million primary and secondary education teachers must be recruited by 2030.

"Without a new generation of motivated teachers, millions of learners will miss out, or continue
to miss out on their right to a quality education. With teachers being underpaid and undervalued,
attracting and retaining talent is a challenge," UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay and
the leaders of the International Labour Organization (ILO), UNICEF, the United Nations
Development Programme and Educational International wrote in a joint message.

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