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Benefits and Risks of Artificial Intelligence

By Mahesh Krishnasamy

What is A.I.?

According to computer science, artificial intelligence is the intelligence demonstrated by

machines in contrast to the natural intelligence displaced by human beings. From self-driving
cars to digital voice assistants, AI is progressing rapidly. While Hollywood tends to portray AI in
the form of humanoid robots set to take over the world, AI actually encompasses a variety of
different types of technologies from Google’s search algorithms to IBM’s Watson to Apple’s Siri.

The artificial intelligence popularly used today is known as narrow AI as it is designed to perform
a narrow task such as facial recognition, internet searches or driving a car. A long term goal for
many AI researchers is to create a general artificial intelligence that would outperform humans
at nearly every cognitive task. There are grounded concerns for such a concept to exist in our
world, and many researchers are pushing for AI policy.

What are the Risks of Artificial Intelligence

The goal of keeping AI’s impact on society beneficial is the core objective for all researchers.
When AI systems manage your power, security and military defense, then the stakes are much
higher. It’s a relatively minor nuisance if your smartphone hangs or gets hacked as compared to
an entire AI defense system getting hacked. In the near future, AI will control our cars and
maybe even fly our airplanes. We wouldn’t want to be in a situation where we lose control of an
AI system.

The creation of a superintelligent AI is a long term goal for many researchers. If such an entity
exists it may be able to synthesize medicines, prevent famines, and even eradicate poverty and
war. But there are fears that such an AI may do more harm than good to humanity if it’s goals
and intentions aren’t aligned with ours.

Autonomous AI weapon systems are also a growing concern for many. In the hands of the
wrong people, these weapons could cause mass casualties. If an AI arms race is set off, we
could be in big trouble especially if these weapon systems are difficult to “switch off”. Losing
control of such a situation is plausible and has been expressed by many.

Elon Musk very famously said, “I think we should be very careful about artificial intelligence. If I
were to guess like what our biggest existential threat is, it’s probably that. So we need to be very
careful with artificial intelligence. Increasingly scientists think there should be some regulatory
oversight maybe at the national and international level, just to make sure that we don’t do
something very foolish. With artificial intelligence, we are summoning the demon. In all those
stories where there’s the guy with the pentagram and the holy water, it’s like yeah he’s sure he
can control the demon. Didn’t work out.”
So what are the benefits then?
There are many benefits to AI, and you may already be aware of the most common uses. As
mentioned before, a lot of our smartphone applications are using AI to perform different tasks
and have improved our lives. But since AI is a cocktail of computer science, mathematics, and
other sciences, there are multiple benefits or uses for AI.

1. Artificial Intelligence helps reduce mistakes

Ever heard of NASA? Space travel isn’t easy and a small mistake could potentially
wreak havoc in space. Since the precision in calculation needs to be so accurate, it’s
best not to leave it to human beings. AI can help reduce error in the calculations related
to space exploration. Intelligent robots are used to assess space debris and
environments based on advanced AI algorithms.

2. In the field of medicine

Probably the most immediate benefit of AI is its use in the field of medicine. Medical
professionals can assess their patients with the help of AI. Surgery can also be guided
with artificial surgery simulators and neurological disorders can be tracked using AI

3. Any task that requires repetition and no breaks

A lot of production tasks may require a repetition, the likes of which most human beings
will not be able to perform. In the field of industrial manufacturing, complex AI algorithms
are used to ensure that no errors are made during production and that the factory
continues to create a massive amount of products without any breaks. It’s not physically
possible for human beings to take on tasks such as these.

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