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Panilao Pilar Bataan


S.Y. 2018 - 2019



Name: ___________________________________
Grade & Section: ___________________________ Score: __________________

I. Shade the letter of the correct answer.

1. It refers to the totality of what man has learned as a member of society.
a. Sociology b. Anthropology c. Culture d. Psychology

2. These consist of tangible things such as technological tools, architectural structures, fashion and
accessories and food.
a. Material Culture b. Basic Culture c. Nonmaterial Culture d. Commercial Culture

3. It is the perception of individuals to accepted reality.

a. Outlook b. Beliefs c. Knowledge d. Folkways

4. These are customary patterns of everyday life that specify what is socially correct and proper in everyday
a. Mores b. Norms c. Folkways d. Laws

5. The totality of social organization which includes the social structure and system.
a. Tribe b. Community c. Society d. Nation

6. It refers to the stable pattern of configuration of social relationships and social interactions in society.
a. Social structures b. Social reality c. Social system d. Social Organization

7. It is the scientific study of patterned, shared behavior.

a. Anthropology b. Psychology c. Sociology d. History

8. The branch of knowledge which deals with the scientific study of man, his works, his body his behavior
and values, in tie and space.
a. Psychology b. Science c. Anthropology d. Humanities

9. It is the scientific study of the state and politics which deals with the nature, principles and mechanics
of rule, authority, power and influence.
a. Political Science b. Social Science c. Law d. Humanities

10. It is considered as the main relationship between sociology and anthropology.

a. Emergence of community b. Culture shared by man c. Language use by people d. Fossils of early human

11. It is a large aggregate of people united by common descent, history, culture, language, and economic
life through inhabiting a particular country or territory.
a. Nation b. State c. Society d. Community

12. Culture establishes ____________ such as etiquette, protocols, good manners and right conduct roles
and duties as establish by folkways, mores and laws.
a. Human satisfaction c. Adaptation & Integration
b. Conveys & facilitates meanings d. Patterns of Acceptable Social Behavior

13. The following are example of material culture except

a. Tools b. weapons c. dwelling units d. customs

14. These are guides or models of behavior which tell us what is proper and which are appropriate or
inappropriate, right or wrong.
a. Folkways b. Norms c. Beliefs d. Laws
15. They embody the code of ethics and standards of morality in society.
a. Mores b. Norms c. Folkways d. Fads

16. They represent the standards we use to evaluate the desirability of things.
a. Fads b. Values c. Laws d. Norms

17. The following statements are characteristics of culture except

a. It is learned and acquired c. it is deliberated and enacted
b. it is shared and transmitted d. it gratifies human needs

18. It refers to any information received and perceived to be true.

a. Knowledge b. social norms c. beliefs d. values

19. Judging another culture solely by the values and standards of one’s own culture.
a. Cultural relativism b. Cultural variation c. Ethnocentrism d. None of the above

20. Refers to the differences in social behaviors that different cultures exhibit around the world.
a. Cultural relativism b. Cultural variation c. Ethnocentrism d. None of the above

21. The principle that an individual person’s beliefs and activities should be understood by others in terms
of that individual’s own culture.
a. Cultural relativism b. Cultural variation c. Ethnocentrism d. None of the above

22. These are established expectations of society as to how a person is supposed to act depending on the
requirements of the time, place or situations.
a. Social Norms b Beliefs c. Folkways d. Values

23. The set of ethical standards and moral obligations as dictates of reason that distinguishes human acts as
right or wrong or good from bad.
a. Values b. Folkways c. Mores d. Ethics

24. Every society has a culture of its own that differs from one another. Moreover, the culture of every
society is unique to itself.
a. Culture is diverse b. Culture is shared c. Culture is shared d. Culture is cumulative

25. Culture is able to be easily modified to respond to altered circumstances or conditions.

a. Culture is dynamic b. Culture is flexible c. Culture is adaptive d. All mentioned

26. Culture is stored and passed on from one generation to the next, and new knowledge is being added to
what is existing.
a. Culture is cumulative b. Culture is continuous c. Culture is shared d. All mentioned

27. What is the complex whole which encompasses beliefs, practices, values, norms, and everything that a
person learns and shares as a member of society?
a. Culture b. Society c. Traditions d. All mentioned

28. The natural process of biological change occurring in a population across successive generations.
a. Culture b. Evolution c. Biology d. Sociology

29. This specie is also known as the “Handy Man”.

a. Homo sapiens b. Homo habilis c. Homo erectus d. All mentioned

30. This specie is also known as the “Upright Man”.

a. Homo sapiens b. Homo habilis c. Homo erectus d. All mentioned

31. The earliest tools used by prehumen primates.

a. Spears b. broken pebbles c. Gatling gun d. arrows

32. It refers to the period of flaked and polished stone implements.

a. Mesolithic b. Paleolithic c. Neolithic d. All mentioned

33. It refers to a relatively high level of cultural and technological development of human beings.
a. Society b. Community c. Civilization d. Nation
34. The use of fire was developed during the Paleolithic Age
a. True b. False c. Maybe d. Not sure

35. Type of society that relied on herding and domestication of animal for food and clothing to satisfy the
needs of the group.
a. Agricultural Societies b. Pastoral Societies c. Industrial Societies d. Horticultural Societies

36. The earliest form of human society.

a. Agricultural Societies b. Pastoral Societies c. Hunting & Food Gathering Society d. Horticultural

37. Paleolithic Age : “Food-collecting cultures” Neolithic Age: ___________

a. “Food-producing cultures” b. recycle c. preserve d. Nomads

38. It is a continuing process whereby an individual acquires a personal identity and learns the norms,
values, behavior and social skills appropriate to his and her social position.
a. Assimilation b. Accommodation c. Socialization d. Mobilization

39. This is the human action by which one tends to duplicate more or less, or exactly, the behavior of
a. Imitation b. Motivation c. Socialization d. Modification

40. It is defined as an act that violates a social norm.

a. Deviance b. Cooperation c. Conflict d. Mobilization

41. Serves as the primary agency for socialization

a. School b. family c. Media d. Church

42. This occurs when people no longer set high success goals but continue to toil as conscientious, diligent
a. Conformity b. Innovation c. Ritualism d. Rebellion

43. This occurs when people reject and attempt to change both the goals and the means approved by
a. Conformity b. Innovation c. Ritualism d. Rebellion

44. The following are functions of socialization except

a. Values formation b. Social Control c. Skills development d. none

45. Refer to the position an individual occupies in society and implies an array of rights and duties.
a. Social status b. Dignity Sanctions c. Informal sanctions d. Formal sanctions

46. Refers to the efforts of the group or society to regulate the behavior of its members in conformity with
established norms.
a. Values formation b. Social Control c. Skills development d. none

47. These are rights inherent to man and given by God as human being.
a. Statutory Rights b. Natural Rights c. Civil Rights d. Economic Rights

48. Economic Rights : right to make a living Political Rights : ____________

a. rights to vote b. right to have a name c. right to practice profession d. right to

49. This are natural rights of all human beings whatever their nationality, religion, ethnicity, sex, language,
and color.
a. Statutory Rights b. Human Rights c. Civil Rights d. Economic Rights

50. All are positive informal sanctions involve reward for conformity or compliance except
a. Smile b. kiss c. words of approval d. form of arrest


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