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Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University

Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University (CSVTU) was

established by an act (No. 25 of 2004) of legislature passed by the Chhattisgarh State Govt.
Assembly vide notification no. 639/21-A/Praroopan/04 dt 21st January 2005 to incorporate a
University and Technology for the purpose of ensuring systematic, efficient and quality
education in engineering and technological subjects including Architecture and Pharmacy at
Research, Post graduate, Degree and Diploma level.

The University since its inception in the year 2005 is striving hard to emerge as one of the
nations prominent Universities to fulfill its commitment to the service of state and nation. It was
inaugurated on 30th April 2005 by the Hon‟blePrime-Minister of India Dr. Manmohan Singh.
The University without waiting for full fledged infrastructure development started identifying the
frontier area of research and development and outreach programmers‟ for the benefit of the
society. With this approach several academic programmers‟, seminars, workshops and
conferences have been conducted by the University during past 5 years.

In order to improve the standards of the education and enable the students to acquire the
knowledge and skills required in the professional world the scheme of teaching, learning and
syllabus was designed and implemented by way of brainstorming session, taskforce, group
working and workshops on Redefining the Technical Education. The efforts have been widely
appreciated and the University has earned distinction of introducing soft skills as a part of the
curriculum. The courses include communication skills, group discussion, human values
education, health hygiene and yoga, personality development, entrepreneurship and project based

The permanent campus of the University encircles 250 acres of land in the vicinity of Bhilai
township considered to be one of the most eminent education hubs in India. The formalities of
acquisition of land have been completed and construction of the University building and related
facilities are in progress. The construction of University Administrative building is complete.

Presently there are 44 Engineering Colleges, 1 Architecture Institution, 40 Polytechnics

and 11 Pharmacy colleges affiliated to the University.

University has introduced digitalized evaluation system over the last few years that have brought
in a sea-change in the publication of result precisely ahead of the schedule, thereby increasing
substantially the available time for teaching and interaction with the students.

Owing to the different reformative measures adopted by the university, WORLD

MANAGEMENT CONGRESS, Higher Education and Development Summit,
AWARD" on 30th Dec 2011 during the global meet held at world Management Congress New
Delhi. The Chief Minister, Chhattisgarh has expressed his happiness – which in fact has added
another new dimension to the enhancement of visibility of the University in the current
challenging scenario of upgrading educational standards.
While nothing could be more satiable than joining hands in the development and of one‟s
country; CSVTU has launched “Swami Vivekanand Yuva Kaushal Setu” through which
students gets an opportunity to identify their learning, have it assessed and formally
acknowledged in the form of a qualification.







A large section of youth in the state of Chhattisgarh acquire skill through the informal system,
they do not have a certificate recognized by the government due to the attainment of skill from
the ( informal system). By marking such a class and directly linking it to the evaluation and
certification system and evaluating their skill to successful youth, the Technical University of
Chhattisgarh state has issued instruction in the NSQF notification published on 27 Dec 2013 in

the notification published in the Gazette of india. Accredited certificate according to the
(recognized certificate) certificate is provided.

For this, “Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekananda Technical University(CSVTU)” while

discharging its social responsibility, launched “ Swami Vivekananda Yuva Kaushal Setu
(SVYKS)” under the National Skill inside village framework, taking the „ first initiative in the
country‟ under formal education system as well as informal system.


An initiative Under Chhattisgarh swami vivekanand technical university, Bhilai for recognition
of prior learning(RPL) in informal education launched by hon‟ble chief minister of Chhattisgarh
state SHRI BHUPESH BAGHEL JI on 12 Jan 2019 at csvtu campus, bhilai

The main priority of our proposed project “Swami Vivekanand Yuva Kaushal Setu” is to
bridging the gaps between essential needs of an individual to earn livelihood with dignity and to
fill demand of appropriate workforce in the country. It is also intended to increase access to ways
for recognition of prior learning. Many times an individual is forced to go through an
organization or system in order to avail recognition of their skill; on the other hand Chhattisgarh
is the first state which gives right to skill to the youth, extensively RPL is an inseparable part of
skill development chain. Skill Certification will enable a large number of Chhattisgarh youth to
take up industry-relevant skill certification that will help them in securing a better livelihood.
Individuals with prior learning experience or skills will be assessed and certified under the
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Scheme.

RPL mainly focuses on the individuals engaged in unregulated sectors. Thus the desired
approach in recognition of prior learning will be flexible, easy accessible and scalable, while
continuing to be precise and effective.

Swami Vivekanand Yuva Kaushal Setu an initiative of CSVTU, launched for Recognition
of Prior Learning (RPL).

Recognition of prior learning (RPL) is the recognition of a person‟s current skills and
knowledge through informal education; no matter how, when or where the learning occurred.

RPL focuses on enhancing the career/employability opportunities of an individual as well as

provide alternative routes to higher education. It also envisages providing opportunities for
reducing inequalities based on privileging certain forms of knowledge over others. It is a process
of assessment of an individual‟s prior learning to give due importance to learning as an outcome
rather than learning as a process.

The Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is an assessment of the skills acquired by the
individual through experience, observation and self-learning. The assessment, which is followed
by a certification, gives an edge to an otherwise informal worker. It provides the employee with
the confidence, social recognition and empowerment that are necessary to negotiate his future
employment. Following successful assessment, a candidate is given certification.

RPL is a very simple and straightforward process of assessing someone‟s skills or knowledge,
regardless of where and how these were learned.

Unlike other forms of assessment, it doesn‟t judge someone‟s evidence of competence solely by
the credentials or qualifications they have achieved, although this can form part of their claim.
What RPL actually does is allow people to demonstrate that they are capable of undertaking
specific tasks or working in certain industries based on evidence of skills and knowledge gained
throughout their life.


The main priority of our proposed project “Swami Vivekanand Yuva Kaushal Setu” is to
bridging the gaps between essential needs of an individual to earn livelihood with dignity and to
fill demand of appropriate workforce in the country. It is also intended to increase access to ways
for recognition of prior learning. Many times an individual is forced to go through an
organization or system in order to avail recognition of their skill; on the other hand Chhattisgarh
is the first state which gives right to skill to the youth, extensively RPL is an inseparable part of
skill development chain. Skill Certification will enable a large number of Chhattisgarh youth to
take up industry-relevant skill certification that will help them in securing a better livelihood.
Individuals with prior learning experience or skills will be assessed and certified under the
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Scheme.

RPL mainly focuses on the individuals engaged in unregulated sectors. Thus the desired
approach in recognition of prior learning will be flexible, easy accessible and scalable, while
continuing to be precise and effective.

Objectives of “Swami Vivekanand Yuva Kaushal Setu” - Recognition of prior learning (RPL) of
workforce in informal education system are:-

 To build up a self-sustained model to give individuals an option to progress through

education and training and gain recognition of their prior learning and experiences.
 To align the competencies of the un-regulated workforce of the country to the
standardized National Skills Qualification Framework (NSQF),
 To enhance the career/employability opportunities of an individual as well as provide
alternative routes to higher education.
 To provide opportunities for reducing inequalities based on privileging certain forms of
knowledge over others.
 Make efforts to raise funds for project through other sources like donations, CSR fund
 RPL shall be undertaken by Training Agency (TAs) and Training & Testing Centers
(TTCs) through any of the three project types specified in this guidelines document.
Assessment of Skills acquired by candidate will be carried by Assessment agency
through Assessors.

 Any revisions made to these Guidelines will be uploaded on the official website of
SVYKS, All stakeholders are advised to regularly check for update/
amendments / changes, if any.


Today, India is the most dynamic and youngest economy across the world. It is currently the
most attractive destination for foreign investments and to cater the same we will need trained and
educated, and niche workforce in diverse sectors. The lack of vocational training of the educated
youth aspiring for a global career is a most widely debated present day subject in most of the
developing nations.

The world is experiencing an ever widening gap between the demand and supply of skilled
workers in all the different levels of employment and the global shortage of skilled manpower is
expected to stand at 56.5 million by 2020.


1. Candidate Registration:
2. Assessment Agency (AA)
3. Training Agency (TA)
4. Direct Single Training cum Testing (DTTC)
5. Affiliation Fees for Government Institutes / Agencies to become TA/DTTC.
6. Training of Trainer‟s (ToT)
7. ToT/ToA Centre Affiliation Fees:Training of Assessor‟s (ToA)
8. Master Trainer Orientation

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