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Mar Biotechnol (2010) 12:439–451

DOI 10.1007/s10126-009-9233-y


Antibacterial Activity of Marine Culturable Bacteria

Collected from a Global Sampling of Ocean Surface Waters
and Surface Swabs of Marine Organisms
Lone Gram & Jette Melchiorsen &
Jesper Bartholin Bruhn

Received: 11 June 2009 / Accepted: 20 September 2009 / Published online: 13 October 2009
# Springer Science + Business Media, LLC 2009

Abstract The purpose of the present study was to isolate nas spp. (128 strains), and the Roseobacter clade (29
marine culturable bacteria with antibacterial activity and strains). Of the latter, 25 strains were identified as Ruegeria
hence a potential biotechnological use. Seawater samples mobilis or pelagia. When re-testing against V. anguillarum,
(244) and 309 swab samples from biotic or abiotic surfaces only 409 (79%) retained some level of inhibitory activity.
were collected on a global Danish marine research Many strains, especially Pseudoalteromonas spp. and
expedition (Galathea 3). Total cell counts at the seawater Ruegeria spp., also inhibited Staphylococcus aureus. The
surface were 5×105 to 106 cells/ml, of which 0.1–0.2% most pronounced antibacterial strains were pigmented
were culturable on dilute marine agar (20°C). Three percent Pseudoalteromonas strains and Ruegeria spp. The inhibi-
of the colonies cultured from seawater inhibited Vibrio tory, pigmented Pseudoalteromonas were predominantly
anguillarum, whereas a significantly higher proportion isolated in warmer waters from swabs of live or inert
(13%) of colonies from inert or biotic surfaces was surfaces. Ruegeria strains were isolated from all ocean
inhibitory. It was not possible to relate a specific kind of areas except for Arctic and Antarctic waters and inhibitory
eukaryotic surface or a specific geographic location to a activity caused by production of tropodithietic acid.
general high occurrence of antagonistic bacteria. Five
hundred and nineteen strains representing all samples and Keywords Bacterial antagonism . Biotechnology .
geographic locations were identified on the basis of partial Pseudoalteromonas . Roseobacter clade . Vibrionaceae
16S rRNA gene sequence homology and belonged to three
major groups: Vibrionaceae (309 strains), Pseudoalteromo-

Work was done at National Institute of Aquatic Sciences and on board Marine microorganisms are essential for nutrient turnover
the vessel “Vædderen” during a global marine research cruise. in the oceans, and the growth and metabolism of marine
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article microorganisms has been studied to understand their
(doi:10.1007/s10126-009-9233-y) contains supplementary material, ecology and role in biochemical processes (Azam and
which is available to authorized users. Malfatti 2007; Falkowski et al. 1998; Field et al. 1998).
L. Gram (*) : J. Melchiorsen : J. B. Bruhn Marine microorganisms are also the focus of attention due
National Institute of Aquatic Resources, to their production of secondary metabolites that may have
Technical University of Denmark, a range of pharmaceutical and biotechnological applications
Søltofts Plads Building 221,
(Blunt et al. 2008; Bull and Stach 2007; Burgess et al.
2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
e-mail: 1999; Debnath et al. 2007; Egan et al. 2008; Fenical and
Jensen 2006; Jensen and Fenical 1996). Some marine
Present Address: bacteria are inhibitory to other bacteria (Barja et al. 1989;
J. B. Bruhn
Burkhold et al. 1966; Gauthier and Flatau 1976), suggest-
Chr. Hansen A/S,
Bøge Allé 10-12, ing that bacterial interactions could play an important role
2970 Hørsholm, Denmark in marine ecology (Long and Azam 2001; Strom 2008).
440 Mar Biotechnol (2010) 12:439–451

Control of unwanted microorganisms is essential in all antibacterials. The production of antibacterial compounds
aspects of life, and microbial diseases must be treated in such as tropodithietic acid (TDA) in several Roseobacter
humans, animals, and plants. We have, over the past clade strains seems associated with formation of a biofilm
decades, seen the rapid emergence of antibiotic-resistant at the air–liquid interface (Bruhn et al. 2005, 2007). Hence,
bacteria and there is an urgent need for discovering novel we in the present study sampled from both water and
antimicrobial compounds (Vicente et al. 2006; Wagner- surfaces of marine organisms or inert materials, addressing
Döbler and Biebl 2006). The marine environment including the hypothesis that the bioactive potential of surface-
marine microorganisms may, as indicated, serve as source associated bacteria would be higher. Whilst this phenom-
of such compounds. Only a minor fraction of the marine enon has been studied in more local environments in a few
microbiota is culturable (Bernard et al. 2000; Kogure et al. previous studies, our data represent the first attempt to
1980), and assessing the complete potential of bioactivity address the issue on a broader geographical scale.
of the entire marine microbial population would require
inclusion of both culturable and non-culturable organisms.
In principle, (meta) genomic data can be used to determine Materials and Methods
the presence of genes encoding possible antibiotic activity
(Baker et al. 2007); however, it requires that the mecha- Sample Collection and Preparation Samples for bacterial
nisms (and the genetic background) of antagonistic activity counts were taken from seawater and as swabs from
are known. Also, if genes encoding antagonistic activity are surfaces of marine animals, weeds, or material (wood, plastic,
only present in specific niches, they may not be detected in feathers) floating in the sea during the Danish marine
metagenomic data. For instance, luminous genes in Vibrio expedition, Galathea 3. The expedition left Denmark 11th
fisheri were not found in data from the GOS expedition August 2006 and returned 25th April 2007, having visited six
(Nealson and Venter 2007). Therefore, we in the present continents and sailed 52,000 nautical miles. Seawater
study focused on culturable bacteria to identify organisms samples were collected from 122 locations (Fig. 1) from
which could be further explored from a biotechnological either CTD casts (114 samples), the stern tube inlet (five
perspective. Further studies of physiology and assessment samples; inlet 5 m below sea surface), or from coastal
of potential biotechnological use (Donia and Hamann 2003; waters (five samples). The conductivity–temperature–depth
Fenical and Jensen 2006) are greatly facilitated by having (CTD) profiler was equipped with Sea-Bird sensors for
the organism in culture. salinity, temperature, and pressure and a SBE32 carousel for
Marine microorganisms occupy different niches in the 30 liter Niskin water sampler bottles. Seawater samples
oceanic environment. They are either planktonic, associated were taken at two depths: from the surface (5 or 10 m
with inert or biotic surfaces, or they inhabit the sediments. depending on latitude) and the deep chlorophyll maximum
Marine aggregates and surfaces of both live organisms and (DCM; Supplementary Table 1). At the South American
inert objects are characterized by high bacterial densities West coast, CTD casts included four water samples from
typically 1,000–10,000-fold higher than in the surrounding the oxygen minimum zone. Surface-attached bacteria
water (DeLong et al. 1993; Grossart et al. 2005). Also, were obtained by swabbing surfaces of marine animals
culturability of surface-associated bacteria may be signifi- (snakes, mussels, fish, etc.), plants (seaweed), fungi,
cantly higher than in the surrounding water (Jensen et al. stones from sediment samples, or material (wood, plastic)
1996). Long and Azam (2001) have suggested that bacteria floating in the ocean using sterile cotton swabs. When
from marine particles may be an underutilized source of analyzing material of small sizes, the complete animal or
novel antibiotics, and the high density and potential plant was placed in a sterile tube, covered with sterile
interaction with a eukaryotic host may facilitate or select seawater, and vortexed to remove surface-attached bacte-
for microorganisms with unique bioactivities (Egan et al. ria. A total of 217 swab samples from 54 different
2008). Indeed, both Nair and Simidu (1987) and Long et al. locations were analyzed (Fig. 1, Supplementary Table 2).
(2005) found that a higher percentage of attached bacteria A number of swab samples were taken from animals or
than planktonic bacteria were antagonistic against other plants caught in the sea chest filter, which was rinsed with
bacteria. 1–2-week intervals. A total of 92 samples from 18
Several species of within the Pseudoalteromonas genus locations were analyzed (Fig. 1, Supplementary Table 3).
produce antibacterial compounds (Bowman 2007), and the The majority of seawater samples were divided into
group is often associated with surfaces (Holmstrom and three sub-samples: one being the raw sample, one compris-
Kjelleberg 1999), supporting the notion that attached ing the assumed particle-associated bacteria (>5µm), and
bacteria have a higher production of antibacterials than one comprising the non-associated, planktonic bacteria (<5
their planktonic counterparts. The attachment and biofilm µm). Five milliliters of seawater was filtered through a 5-
formation may itself be an inducing factor for production of µm-pore-size polycarbonate filter (GE Water & Process
Mar Biotechnol (2010) 12:439–451 441

Fig. 1 Sampling locations for

seawater samples, surface swab
samples, and samples from the
sea chest filter. All seawater
samples were analyzed for total
cell numbers and the fraction of
culturable bacteria, whereas sur-
face swab samples were only
analyzed for culturable bacteria.
Subsequently, all samples were
analyzed for the ability of the
colonies to inhibit Vibrio

Technologies cat. no. K50BP02500) to collect particle- seawater was filtered onto a 5-µm polycarbonate (PC) filter
associated material. The filter was re-suspended in 5 ml of (GE Water & Process Technologies cat. no. K50BP02500)
sterile seawater and vortexed. The filtrate was analyzed as supported by an 8-µm mixed cellulose ester (MCE) filter
the non-associated material. (GE Water & Process Technologies cat. no. E80WP02500).
The filtrate was subsequently filtered through a 0.02-µm
Total Bacterial Cell Density Total bacterial densities were Anodisc filter (Whatman cat. no. 6809-6002) supported by
determined using epifluorescence counts with SYBR Gold a 1.0-µm MCE filter (Advantes MFS Inc., CA, USA; no.
as dye (Noble and Fuhrman 1998). Five milliliters of raw A100A025A). The filters were stained in a 0.35% SYBR
442 Mar Biotechnol (2010) 12:439–451

Gold solution for 15 min in the dark, washed twice in 0.02 11-287 and Staphylococcus aureus strain 8325 (Novick
µm filtered MilliQ water, mounted on a glass slide in 1967). Artificial seawater agar was prepared as described
mounting buffer (50% glycerol, 50% phosphate buffered above replacing ambient seawater with 3% Instant Ocean
saline; Oxoid BR0014) with 0.1% p-phenylenediamine (IO; Aquarium Systems Inc., Sarrebourg, France). In assays
(P6001, Sigma Aldrich) and stored at −20°C. Fluorescent with S. aureus as target organism, 1% of peptone (Difco
cells were counted using an Olympus BX51 fluorescence cat. no. 211677) was added to the medium. All marine
microscope with a 460–490-nm excitation filter and a strains were grown on MA at 20°C until visible growth. A
>510-nm barrier filter. Ten randomly chosen fields of vision colony of each strain was then spotted onto the agar cast
were counted from each filter. with either V. anguillarum or S. aureus, and plates were
incubated at 25°C for 24–48 h. Clearing zones in the turbid
Culturable Bacteria Aliquots of the raw seawater, the re- growth of either V. anguillarum or S. aureus were scored as
suspended assumed particle-associated material, and the antibacterial activity. Zones of clearing were graded in
filtrate were serially diluted 10-fold in sterile seawater and categories depending on size of the clearing zone (mea-
plated on dilute (50%) marine agar (MA; Difco 2216) plates. sured outside the well area). Also, 0.5-mm zones were
Dilute marine agar (50% MA) was prepared by mixing MA scored with one plus, 0.5–1.5 mm with two plusses, and
with an equal volume of local seawater before autoclaving. larger zones with three or four plusses.
The swabs from surfaces of eukaryotic organisms or wood or The marine strains were grown in MB (50%) using 3%
sediment stones were covered with 3–5 ml of sterile IO instead of seawater for 3 days at 25°C. Supernatants
seawater and vigorously vortexed. Samples were serially were sterile-filtered and tested for antibacterial compounds
diluted 10-fold and plated on MA (50%) plates. Plates were against V. anguillarum or S. aureus in a well diffusion assay
incubated at 20°C until visible colony growth (3–7 days) and (Hjelm et al. 2004). IO-based seawater agar with the two
colonies counted to determine culturable CFU/ml or CFU/ target bacteria was prepared as described above and 60µl of
sample. The areas swabbed or rinsed could not be accurately supernatant pipetted into 6-mm wells. Plates were incubat-
measured (e.g., a copepod) but it is estimated that they varied ed at 25°C for 24 h and observed for clearing zones around
between 1 and 10 cm2. the wells. No attempt was made to vary or optimize growth
conditions before testing antibacterial activity of the culture
Isolation of Antibacterial Culturable Marine Bacteria Mar- supernatant.
ine agar (50%) plates with visible colonies obtained from Strains identified as Ruegeria mobilis or pelagia were
both surfaces and water samples (see above) were replica- consistently inhibitory and a sub-set of six strains were
plated onto an agar containing 10 ml solidified seawater tested for production of tropodithietic acid using previously
agar (local seawater with 1% agar, 0.3% Bacto casamino described culturing, extraction, and liquid chromatography–
acids [BD, product number 223050] supplemented with mass spectroscopy procedures (Bruhn et al. 2005).
0.4% glucose). The melted agar was held at 45–46°C and
mixed with 5–10µl liquid culture of Vibrio anguillarum Phenotypic Grouping of Marine Bacteria A set of simple
strain 90-11-287 per 10 ml agar (Hjelm et al. 2004). V. phenotypic tests were used to group the culturable marine
anguilllarum strain 90-11-287 is a serotype O1 strain (Skov bacteria (Bagge-Ravn et al. 2003; Hjelm et al. 2004). Gram
et al. 1995) and was grown in marine broth (Difco 2216) at reaction was tested using Bactident® aminopeptidase
20°C for 1–3 days before being embedded in agar. The strips (Merck 1.13301) for detecting L-alanine aminopep-
replica plates were incubated at 25°C for 1–2 days and tidase in Gram-negative bacteria, oxidase reaction tested
inspected for clearing zones in the agar, in which turbidity on oxidase slides (BBLTM Dryslide™ Oxidase slides,
was caused by growth of V. anguillarum. Colonies causing Becton Dickinson and Company, Sparks, USA), and
inhibition of V. anguillarum were isolated from the original catalase reaction by exposure to 3% H2O2. Shape and
MA (50%) plate and pure cultured. Isolates were frozen at motility was observed at 1,000× magnification in a phase
−80°C in marine broth (50%; MB diluted 1:1 with sterile contrast microscope (Olympus BH2) after growth in MB
seawater) containing 30% glycerol. The initial replica (50%) for 2–4 days at 20°C. The ability to metabolize
plating was done on board the research vessel, Vædderen, glucose by oxidation and/or fermentation was tested in OF
and conditions did not allow screening against human basal medium (Merck 1.10282) supplemented with 1.5%
pathogenic bacteria. Instant Ocean salts. Presumed Vibrio strains were tested for
sensitivity to vibriostaticum O/129 (2,4-diamino 6,7 di-
Verification of Antibacterial Activity A total of 876 poten- isopropyl pteridine) 10 and 150 μg (Oxoid 129150) on
tial antibacterial strains were isolated from the seawater and marine agar. Also, the ability of the strains to grow on
surface samples. All strains were pure cultured and re-tested thiosulfate citrate bile salts sucrose (TCBS) medium
for antagonistic activity against V. anguillarum strain 90- (CM333, Oxoid) was tested at 20°C.
Mar Biotechnol (2010) 12:439–451 443

Sequencing of 16S rRNA Coding Gene and Genus or Samples with cell densities below average were taken close
Species Allocation Five hundred and nineteen strains were to Greenland, the Antarctic continent, and in the Sargasso
randomly selected from all samples containing antagonistic Sea. Samples with a cell density above average were mostly
bacteria. A maximum of three strains were selected from sampled in the upwelling zone along the South American
each sample with inhibitory bacteria. Partial sequencing of coast (Fig. 2).
the 16S rRNA gene was performed by Macrogen Co. Ltd.
(South Korea). The 16S rRNA coding gene was amplified Culturable Bacteria Culturable counts were in average
using the universal primers 27F (5′-AGAGTTTGATCMT 4.9×102 CFU/ml for ocean surface water samples and
GGCTCAG-3′) and 1492R (5′-TACGGYTACCTTGTTAC 4.3×102 CFU/ml for DCM samples, representing 0.13%
GACTT-3′). Sequencing was performed by Macrogen Co. and 0.15% of the total cell density, respectively (Table 1).
Ltd. using 518F (5′-CCAGCAGCCGCGGTAATACG-3′) The culturable counts in surface water and DCM samples
and 800R (5′-TACCAGGGTATCTAATCC-3′) as primers. were not significantly different. The culturable density
Identification to genus level was done using the BLAST- varied 2–3 log units between sampling sites. The lowest
based program leBIBI (Devulder et al. 2003). The number of culturable bacteria was less than 10 CFU/ml and
phylogeny of the Pseudoalteromonas strains is currently the highest was 6.6×103 CFU/ml. Samples taken from and
being analyzed in more depth at our laboratory. The around Greenland, the Antarctic, and the Sargasso Sea had
sequences have been deposited in GenBank under acces- culturable counts below average, and samples from along
sion numbers FJ457121–FJ457248 (Pseudoalteromonas the South American coast, the West coast of Africa (both
strains), FJ457249–FJ457301 (so-called other strains), having a upwelling zone), and close to the Solomon Islands
FJ457302–FJ457610 (Vibrionaceae), and FJ460022– were above average. A total of 630 individual water
FJ460050 (Roseobacter clade strains). samples were analyzed. Of these, 93 had culturable counts
of less than 10 CFU/ml, 128 (20%) between 10 and 102
Statistical Analysis To compare the level of culturable CFU/ml, 238 (38%) between 102 and 103 CFU/ml, and 90
bacteria between, e.g., raw and filtered water samples, the (14%) between 103 and 104 CFU/ml. One or several of the
difference in logarithm of the colony-forming units per marine agar plates of 81 samples could not be counted since
milliliter was calculated, and it was tested if the difference a contaminating colony (likely contaminating when pouring
was significantly different from 0 using Student's t test the plates) was spread during surface plating (Supplemen-
(Hald 1952). Comparison of the prevalences of inhibitory tary Table 1).
colonies in water samples and samples taken from surfaces The colony-forming units per milliliter of presumed
was done using Fisher exact test (Fischer 1958). particle-associated bacteria (>5 μm) and of non-associated
bacteria (<5 μm) in surface water and DCM samples were
not different (Table 1). There was a slight loss of bacteria
during filtration (0.1–0.2 log units) which, albeit low, was
Results statistically significant when compared to the culturable
counts of the raw water sample.
Total Bacterial Cell Density in Surface Marine Waters Sea- Some samples of live or inert surfaces were obtained by
water samples from 122 locations were analyzed during the vortexing a whole copepod or a small fish, whereas other
Galathea 3 expedition (Fig. 1). Samples from 98 of the 114 samples were cotton swabs of, e.g., fish gills. Also, the
CTD casts included both samples from surface waters (5– amount of biomass (biofilm) may have varied between
10 m depth, SUR) and from the DCM. The average samples. Hence, we have not been able to determine the
bacterial density was 6.9×105 cells/ml at the surface and precise surface areas of each swab sample but estimate that
7.4×105 cells/ml at the DCM (Table 1), and the bacterial the average sampling area was between 1 and 10 cm2.
densities at these depths did not differ significantly Culturable counts from surface samples varied from 102 to
(p<0.01). Maximum cell densities were 5×106 cells/ml 106 CFU/sample (Supplementary Tables 2 and 3). The
(Table 1). In the DCM samples, 65 samples (of which all counts do indicate that the level of culturable bacteria (per
but one were from the >5-μm sub-samples) contained less sample unit) was between one and three orders of
than 104 cells/ml. In contrast, 66 samples had counts above magnitude higher on living and abiotic surfaces than in
106 cells/ml and all 66 samples were non-particle-associated open waters.
sub-samples. A similar pattern was seen for total counts in
the ocean surface water samples where 70 samples had Isolation of Antibacterial Culturable Marine Bacteria Ap-
counts below 104 cells/ml and all were particle-associated proximately 77,000 bacterial colonies, of which 28,000
sub-samples. All of the 69 samples with counts above were from seawater samples and 49,000 from swab samples
106 cells/ml were non-particle-associated sub-samples. of live or inert surfaces, were replica-plated and tested for
444 Mar Biotechnol (2010) 12:439–451

Table 1 Total cell count and culturable bacteria in seawater samples collected during the Galathea 3 expedition

Water sample Fraction of water sample No. of individual samples Direct count Culturable counts
(log (cells/ml)) (log (CFU/ml))

Min Avg Max Min Avg Max

Surface water Raw water 122 nd nd nd <1.0 2.69 3.67

Particle associated (>5 μm) 112 <3.68b <3.68 4.53 <1.0 1.77 3.08
Non-associated (<5 μm) 112 4.63 5.84 6.83 <1.0 2.53 3.53
Deep chlorophyll maximum Raw water 94 nd nd nd <1.0 2.63 3.82
Particle associated (>5 μm) 92 <3.68 <3.68 4.53 <1.0 1.70 3.08
Non-associated (<5 μm) 92 <3.68 5.87 6.70 <1.0 2.51 3.64
Oxygen minimum zonea Raw water 4 – nd – – 3.67 –
Particle associated (>5 μm) 1 – 3.65 – – 1.85 –
Non-associated (<5 μm) 1 – 5.91 – – 3.48 –

Samples were taken from 114 CTD casts, of which 98 included samples from both surface waters and the deep chlorophyll maximum. At 16 CTD
casts, only one depth was sampled and these have been counted only as surface samples. At four casts, water from the oxygen minimum zone was
sampled. Five samples originated from the stern tube inlet (surface) and five samples from coastal water (surface). A total of 630 sub-samples
were analyzed
nd not done
Only data from one sample
Estimated limit of detection from fluorescence microscopy based on field of vision, magnification, and dilution

inhibitory activity against V. anguillarum. Of those, 900 varied. In some samples, only one or two inhibitory
(3%) from seawater and 6,200 (12.6%) from swabs of live colonies were present; in others, as much as half of the
or inert surfaces were inhibitory against V. anguillarum in colonies on the replica plates were inhibitory.
the primary replica plating. This difference between Inhibitory bacteria were present in 40–50% of the
prevalence of inhibitory organisms on water and swab water samples. In the seawater samples (CTD casts and
surface samples was highly significant in the Fischer’s stern tube), 40 of the surface water samples (38%) and
exact test (p<0.001). Colonies were isolated to represent as 45 (46%) of the DCM samples harbored culturable
many different inhibition zones (differing in size and bacteria that caused inhibition of V. anguillarum after
clarity) as possible from each sample and a total of replica plating. The level of inhibitory colonies was, on
approximately 900 strains were isolated and pure cultured. average, 5% of the culturable count (Supplementary
The number of antagonistic isolates from each sample Table 1). The DCM samples contained a higher percentage
of inhibitory culturable bacteria than did the surface water
samples (p<0.05) since 13% and 4% of the colonies from
Greenland W Australia Antarctic Sargasso
particle and non-particle samples were antagonistic,
SW Africa Solomon Is SW America N Atlantic whereas the numbers for surface water samples were 8%
and 2%, respectively.
Log (cells or CFU/ml)

A total of 217 swab samples from live or inert surfaces
from 54 different locations were tested for presence of
inhibitory colonies (Supplementary Tables 2 and 3).
Colonies capable of inhibiting V. anguillarum were found
in 132 (61%) of these samples with an average of 13% of
2 the culturable bacterial count. The percentage of inhibitory
colonies varied in positive samples from 92% to 0.1%. The
material sampled varied along the route depending on the
Sampling along the Galathea 3 route
collaborating research projects on board (e.g., Antarctic fish
or sediment organisms at the Solomon Islands), and it was
Fig. 2 Total cell counts (filled squares—surface water, open squares— not possible systematically to sample on the complete
deep chlorophyll maximum) and culturable counts of marine bacteria
cruise from particular fish or algal genera. Therefore, we
(filled triangles—surface water, open triangles—deep chlorophyll
maximum) along the 52,000 nautical sea mile route of the Galathea 3 have not sub-divided the samples into more detail and
expedition (see Fig. 1 for map) cannot, based on this material, determine if particular
Mar Biotechnol (2010) 12:439–451 445

surfaces or organisms, in particular geographic locations, presumed inhibitory strains within a sample were often very
harbor a higher level or prevalence of antagonistic bacteria. similar by phenotypic grouping (data not shown). There-
A total of 92 swab samples from live or inert surfaces fore, to provide a more representative assessment of the
samples from 18 sea chest filter rinsings were tested and collection, 519 of the 876 strains were selected from the
inhibitory colonies were found in 69 (75%) of the samples complete sample material. The strains were selected to
(Supplementary Table 3). The average percentage of ensure that each sample was represented (one to three
inhibitory colonies was 31% (of culturable bacteria) in strains) and to ensure that each sample containing strains
positive samples, which, however, varied from 92% to 0.3%. being inhibitory in the re-test were included.
This variation did not appear to depend systematically on More than 50% of these 519 strains (58%) were identified
sample type or geographic location (Supplementary Table 3) as Vibrionaceae (Vibrio or Photobacterium), and the
Repeatedly, several different samples were taken from the grouping based on partial 16S rRNA sequence homology
same sea chest rinsing containing different levels of matched the phenotypic grouping. Twenty five percent
culturable bacteria and different colony morphologies, were identified as Pseudoalteromonas and the remaining
indicating that the sampled microbiota remained alive and strains were members of the Roseobacter clade (6%) and
associated with their particular host despite being caught in Halomonas (4%) (Table 2). Four hundred and nine of the
the filter. strains selected for sequencing were inhibitory upon re-
testing. For 110 strains, however, inhibitory activity could
Phenotypic Grouping of Antagonistic Bacteria Of the 900 not be detected upon sub-culturing and re-testing. Strains
presumed antagonistic strains isolated, 876 were re- that did not retain antagonistic activity were mostly found
culturable after frozen storage and ocean cruising. The vast within specific groups, e.g., Halomonas (Table 2).
majority were Gram-negative motile rods with positive BLAST analyses using leBiBi gave, for several strains,
oxidase and catalase reaction. Only two strains were clearly an indication of the species identity (Supplementary
Gram-positive and four to five strains were Gram-variable. Table 4); however, a thorough phylogenetic analysis has
Five hundred and twenty seven strains fermented glucose, not been conducted as part of this study. Therefore, Table 2
whereas the remaining strains were either oxidative or presents genus identity. Twenty six of the 29 Roseobacter
negative in OF medium. All glucose-fermenting strains clade strains were identified as Ruegeria spp. and 25 strains
grew on TCBS and were sensitive to vibriostaticum, were most likely R. mobilis or R. pelagia, which cannot be
indicating that they could be identified as Vibrio spp. The distinguished on the basis of 16S rRNA gene homology.
non-fermentative strains were heterogeneous. Several Within the Pseudoalteromonas group, several strains were
strains were intensely pigmented and appeared with yellow, suggested to be P. luteoviolaceum, P. rubra, and P.
purple, red, or orange pigmentation. When a sub-set of piscicida, and this coincided with detection of colorful
these were identified using 16S rRNA gene sequence pigments in the groups (purple, red, or yellow pigments).
analysis, they clustered in the Pseudoalteromonas genus. The Vibrionaceae group was heterogeneous and several
Several strains produced a brownish water-soluble pigment different Vibrio species were likely to be present in our
and grew in a rosette-like manner. Subsequent 16S analyses collection, including potential fish and human pathogens.
of these indicated that they were part of the Roseobacter
clade (R. mobilis or pelagia). Origin and Activity of Strains Antagonistic members of
The 876 strains were re-tested for antibacterial activity Vibrio, Pseudoalteromonas, and the Roseobacter clade
against V. anguillarum, and 680 strains (78%) remained were widely distributed around the globe, and no single
inhibitory against V. anguillarum. The strains were also hot spots were found for these three major groups. The
tested for inhibition of S. aureus, and 554 strains (63%) degree of inhibitory activity as measured in a direct plating
were inhibitory against the Gram-positive organism. Eight against V. anguillarum varied. Large and clear zones of
strains were only inhibitory against S. aureus and 132 inhibition were repeatedly caused by Ruegeria species and
strains only inhibited V. anguillarum. The antibacterial several (pigmented) Pseudoalteromonas species. The in-
activity varied in intensity with some bacteria causing only hibitory activity of the Vibrio group was much less
a faint hazy zone of inhibition in the layer of target bacteria, pronounced and only approximately 40 Vibrio strains gave
whereas others (primarily Pseudoalteromonas and Rose- distinct zones of inhibition. Inhibitory strains were detected
obacter clade strains) caused large zones of inhibition. at all legs of the route.
Presumed inhibitory Vibrio strains were isolated on all
Identification of Marine Bacteria by 16S rRNA Gene legs of the voyage—in cold waters (south or north of 65°)
Sequencing Between one and five were isolated from each and also close to the equator—and the majority of
sample, except for a few cases where a larger number (up to inhibitory Vibrio strains were isolated from swab samples
30) were isolated (Supplementary Tables 1, 2, and 3). The of surfaces (Table 2).
446 Mar Biotechnol (2010) 12:439–451

Table 2 Identification of 519 culturable marine bacteria isolated from seawater samples, surface swab samples, and sea chest rinsing samples
during the Galathea 3 expedition

Identification based No. of Percent No. of No. of strains Percent No. of No. of strains Percent
on 16S rRNA gene strains of total strains retaining inhibitory strains retaining inhibitory
sequence for 16S from inhibitiona surface from inhibitiona seawater
sequencing surfaces strains seawater strains

Vibriob 301 58 207 199 96 94 81 86

Pseudoalteromonasc 128 25 92 69 75 36 12 33
Ruegeriad,e 26 5 6 5 96 20 20 100
Cobetia 17 3 13 1 8 4 0 0
Photobacterium 8 2 5 3 60 3 2 67
Alteromonas 7 1 4 0 0 3 1 33
Pseudomonas 3 1 0 0 – 3 3 100
Flexibacter 3 1 3 0 0 0 0
Acinetobacter 2 0 0 0 – 2 2 100
Micrococcus 3 1 2 0 0 1 0 0
Spongiobacter 3 1 3 3 100 0 0 –
Halomonas 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 –
Marinomonas 2 0 2 1 50 0 0 –
Paracoccus 2 0 2 2 100 0 0 –
Psychrobacter 2 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
Psychromonas 2 0 1 1 100 1 1 100
Flavobacterium 1 0 1 1 100 0 1 –
Idiomarina 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 –
Joostella 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 –
Leeuwenhoekiella 1 0 0 0 – 1 0 0
Loknatellad 1 0 1 0 – 0 0 –
Mesonia 1 0 0 0 – 1 0 0
Roseobacterd 1 0 1 0 – 0 0 –
Sulfitobacterd 1 0 0 0 – 1 0 –
Total 519 100 348 284 82 171 123 72

The strains were isolated from 249 samples. Strains were isolated as presumed inhibitory following replica plating on Vibrio anguillarum. Also,
409 of the 519 strains retained inhibitory activity against either V. anguillarum or S. aureus after freeze storage, re-culturing, and re-testing in an
agar-spot assay. Most Vibrio strains had only a faint inhibition zone in re-testing
Inhibitory in spot assay against either V. anguillarum, S. aureus, or both
Many Vibrio strains with very faint inhibition zone in re-testing
Includes one strain of Glaciecola mesophila (Ps. atlantica)
Belonging to the Roseobacter clade
Non-inhibitory strain R. atlantica

Also, the majority of presumed inhibitory Pseudoalter- harboring antagonistic Pseudoalteromonas. When several
omonas strains were isolated from swab samples from strains of inhibitory Pseudoalteromonas were isolated from
surfaces and a higher percentage of the surface-associated the same sample, they were mostly identified as the same
strains retained antibacterial activity when sub-cultured species. However, a few samples (e.g., a copepod and a sea
(Table 2). Thus, 92 of 128 Pseudoalteromonas originated weed) harbored different species (rubra and piscicida or
from swabs of surfaces, and 69 of these were repeatedly phenolica and rubra and luteoviolaceae). Most (54) of the
inhibitory. In contrast, only 36 Pseudoalteromonas strains 70 strains of Pseudoalteromonas that retained inhibitory
were from water samples and only 12 of these retained activity upon sub-culture were isolated in sub-tropical and
some degree of antibacterial activity. The inhibitory tropical waters (Supplementary Tables 1, 2, and 3). Ps.
Pseudoalteromonas appeared to be specifically surface- ruthenica constituted an exception, as 11 of the 15 strains
associated as they were not isolated from water sampled tentatively identified as Ps. ruthenica were isolated from
from the same areas as the surfaces (e.g., copepods) Antarctic areas.
Mar Biotechnol (2010) 12:439–451 447

In the smaller collection of Roseobacter clade strains, the two remaining strains were identified as Photobacterium
surface-antagonism pattern was reversed, and eight of 29 spp. Spent culture medium from the Ruegeria strains was
strains originated from swabs of surfaces and 21 from primarily inhibitory to V. anguillarum, whereas super-
ocean water samples. In the swab sample group, five strains natants from the other groups mostly were inhibitory to
retained inhibition, whereas 20 of 21 ocean water strains S. aureus.
repeatedly gave large clear zones of inhibition. The four
strains where inhibition was not reproduced were tentative-
ly identified as Roseobacter prionitis, Loktanella spp.
(swab of surfaces), Sulfitobacter pontiacus (water sample), Discussion
and Ruegeria atlantica (algae). Twenty five of the 26
Ruegeria strains were repeatedly inhibitory, and 16S Several marine microorganisms are capable of producing
homology identified these as R. mobilis or R. pelagia. antibacterial compounds, and we demonstrate here that it is
They all produced a brownish pigment which was most a trait found in marine bacteria on a global scale. In the
pronounced under static growth conditions. The Ruegeria present study, we found that, in the fraction of the
strains were isolated along the entire route; however, no microbiota culturable under the conditions chosen (dilute
isolates were found north of latitude 53.49° or south of MA, 20°C), this trait was most predominant in three groups
latitude −42.57° (Table 3, Fig. 3), indicating that their of marine bacteria: Vibrio, Pseudoalteromonas, and Rue-
prevalence in Arctic and Antarctic waters was limited. Six geria. In agreement with this, Long and Azam (2001) found
strains were randomly selected and all produced tropodi- that members of the Vibrionales and Alteromonadales were
thietic acid which is believed to be the antibacterial the most prominent producers of antibacterial substances,
compounds of several roseobacters (Brinkhoff et al. 2004; and antibacterial secondary metabolites have been detected
Bruhn et al. 2007; Porsby et al. 2008). in several Roseobacter clade strains (Buchan et al. 2005;
When cultured in liquid MB, only 79 of the 418 strains Wagner-Döbler and Biebl 2006), including very recently
produced inhibitory compound(s) that could be detected in also in Ruegeria species (Porsby et al. 2008). All three
the sterile-filtered culture supernatant. These 79 strains groups are readily culturable—or contain species that are
belonged to the Roseobacter clade (28 strains), to Pseu- readily culturable—and therefore likely members of our
doalteromonas (32 strains), to Vibrio (ten strains), and the strain collection. Pseudomonads which are easily culturable

Table 3 Origin and geographical location of 25 inhibitory Ruegeria mobilis/pelagia isolated on the Galathea 3 expedition

Arbitrary sample no. No. of strains Latitude (+=N) Longitude (+=E) Source TDA detected at
stagnant growtha

27 1 53.49 −23.3306 CTD +

28 3 1.61 1.64158 CTD +
29 1 −7.421 155.603 CTD nd
30 1 −9.4973 −79.6658 CTD nd
31 1 −10.179 157.594 CTD nd
32 2 −13.872 −76.8039 CTD nd
33 3 −16.023 119.323 CTD +
34 2 −17.004 120.779 Copepod +
14 1 −17.775 121.866 CTD nd
35 1 −20.052 115.812 Sediment nd
36 2 −26.304 −71.2624 CTD nd
37 2 −27.616 15.1324 CTD nd
38 1 −29.286 −71.883 CTD nd
39 1 −31.406 91.1776 CTD nd
40 1 −37.217 72.7091 Copepod +
41 2 −42.572 149.667 CTD +

Four strains isolated from surface swabs and 21 from water. Six strains were tested for production of tropodithietic acid. Samples ranked
according to latitude
nd not done
One strain from each sample
448 Mar Biotechnol (2010) 12:439–451

Fig. 3 Isolation sites (16) of 25

strains of Ruegeria mobilis/
pelagia on the Galathea 3 cruise.
All 25 strains were antagonistic
and produced brown pigment
when grown in marine broth
under stagnant conditions

and contain many antagonistic species were only repre- activity was not random but associated with sub-groups or
sented with two to three strains; however, this could be due species (Table 2, Supplementary Table 4). For instance, in
to salinity of the waters always being 30 ppm or above and the Roseobacter clade, all three non-Ruegeria strains no
the preference of pseudomonads for a lower salinity. longer inhibited Vibrio whilst all the R. mobilis/pelagia
The cell density in surface waters was remarkably strains retained inhibitory activity. In the Pseudoalteromonas
constant along the Earth’s circumnavigation, and the level group, it was predominantly the non-pigmented strains, e.g.,
of 105–106 cells/ml was in agreement with reports from P. marina, that did not retain inhibition. This indicated that
other studies (Bernard et al. 2000; DeLong et al. 1993; the inhibition by particular species may be lost upon sub-
Selje and Simon 2003). It is well known (Giovannoni and culturing, that they in the environmental sample are tightly
Rappé 2000), as also demonstrated in the present study, that associated with other, potentially inhibitory organisms that
only a fraction of the marine bacterioplankton is culturable. escaped isolation, or that this phenotype is influenced by
Some studies report culturability rates of approximately 1% environmental factors, e.g., from the local seawater used to
(Bernard et al. 2000), whereas we in the present study dilute the primary MA plates. Also, one can speculate that
found only 0.15%. Clearly, the choice of medium and some of the inhibitory zones in the initial screening were
incubation temperature influence the culturability rate, and caused by Vibrio bacteriophages undergoing lysis during
using a nutrient-rich agar (50% marine agar) may have bacterial growth (Wommack and Colwell 2000).
prevented growth of several sub-groups that require low We do not yet know by which mechanism(s) these
nutrient conditions to proliferate (Rappe et al. 2002). marine bacteria inhibit other bacteria; however, several
We found that bacteria associated with live or inert (Pseudoalteromonas and Ruegeria) produce extracellular
surfaces were more likely to display antibacterial activity. secondary metabolites (Bowman 2007; Wagner-Döbler and
Other studies (Long and Azam 2001; Nair and Simidu Biebl 2006), whereas others may interact by competing for
1987) have on more limited collections suggested a similar nutrients (Fredrickson and Stephanopoulos 1981). For
pattern. Surfaces are nutrient rich and hence are attractive instance, the Vibrio genus produces iron-sequestering side-
niches, and a microorganism with a competitive advantage rophores (Crosa and Walsh 2002), and differences in
is likely to be a successful colonizer. We also attempted to chelation efficiency may mediate interactions also with
separate aggregates from water by filtering through 5-µm other vibrios. Our assessment of antibacterial activity was
filters. However, counts in these samples were not two to done with very few growth conditions (surface growth on
three orders of magnitude higher as would be expected MA or planktonic growth in MB at 25°C), and as
(DeLong et al. 1993; Grossart et al. 2005) if we had indeed environmental conditions can have a dramatic impact on
retained the aggregates. The sampling and draining from secondary metabolite profile and antagonism, other culture
the CTD rosette may have disintegrated the aggregates or conditions may reveal other antagonistic strains and,
the pore size of 5µm may have been slightly too large likewise, altering the growth conditions may enhance or
causing disaggregation rather than retention. suppress antagonism. For instance, the addition of a single
Approximately 20% of the strains did not at all display any component (anthranilic acid) altered the secondary metab-
bioactivity upon sub-culturing and re-testing. Also, the olite spectra of a marine Halomonas (Bitzer et al. 2006),
antibacterial activity of many strains (particularly Vibrio and surface association appears to facilitate production of
species) was reduced causing only hazy, small zones of antibacterial compounds in several marine organisms
clearing in the V. anguillarum layer. The presumed “loss” of (Bruhn et al. 2005; Yan et al. 2002).
Mar Biotechnol (2010) 12:439–451 449

16S rRNA gene sequence homology was used to provide similar to the Roseobacter clade organisms (SCB32) which
a tentative identification, and on an overall scale, specific is a true cosmopolitan (Pommier et al. 2005); however,
groups appeared to be associated with antagonistic activity. SCB32 is likely a Silicibacter species (BLAST search), and
For example, all strains identified as Ps. luteoviolaceae or in the Roseobase ( it does not cluster
Ps. piscicida were consistently inhibitory. However, within with strains (such as Phaeobacter BS107) which produce
each of these groups, different secondary metabolites may TDA such as do our Ruegeria strains. Our finding of
cause the inhibition and an identification scheme including predominantly Ruegeria spp. is likely caused by our
homology of other genes (e.g., gyrase B) may reveal sub- combination of medium and temperature; however, it is
clusters that could have different inhibitory spectra (Grossart slightly surprising that other known antagonistic Rose-
et al. 2004). Also, combining a more detailed phylogeny obacter clade strains (such as Phaeobacter inhibens or
with the secondary metabolite profile of the strains may gallaciencis) that are easily cultured were not detected. We
reveal clusters (species or sub-species) with different had assumed that a larger number of surface-associated
antibacterial compounds (Jensen et al. 2007). inhibitory Roseobacter clade strains would be isolated in
Whilst Vibrio spp. have mostly attracted interest as our study; however, in agreement with our lack of finding
bacteria causing disease in aquatic organisms or humans, such strains, Long and Azam (2001) demonstrated that the
the Pseudoalteromonas genus and Roseobacter clade are surface-associated alpha-Proteobacteria were not inhibitory
known to harbor species that produce antibacterial com- to Vibrio. Twenty five Ruegeria strains were, based on 16S
pounds (Bowman 2007; Brinkhoff et al. 2004; Bruhn et al. rRNA partial sequences, similar to R. pelagia (Lee et al.
2007; Wagner-Döbler and Biebl 2006). A few reports have 2007) or R. mobilis (Muramatsu et al. 2007) which appear
demonstrated that antagonistic marine organisms also reside indistinguishable on the basis of 16S rRNA or gyraseB
in the Vibrionaceae family (Castro et al. 2002; Long and gene sequence homology (Porsby et al. 2008). They all
Azam 2001; Towse 2005) including species known to produced a brown pigment described in some Ruegeria and
harbor pathogens such as V. parahaemolyticus (Radjasa et Phaeobacter species (Bruhn et al. 2007; Jensen et al. 2007;
al. 2007), V. anguillarum (Hjelm et al. 2004), or V. Porsby et al. 2008), and all of a sub-set of six strains tested
alginolyticus (Austin et al. 1995). produced the antibacterial compound tropodithietic acid. A
We found that several Pseudoalteromonas strains were similar species-specific metabolite production has been
consistently producing antibacterial compounds. Despite found in marine actinomycetes Salinospora (Jensen et al.
sampling living surfaces extensively, we did not isolate P. 2007), and our finding of TDA being produced by R.
tunicata which is a well-described bioactive species mobilis/pelagia independent of or isolation site confirms
associated with surfaces (Holmstrom et al. 1996). The that “a consistent phenotype can be associated with a
majority of pseudoalteromonads retaining antagonistic globally distributed population” (Jensen et al. 2007) and
activity were isolated from swabs of live or inert surfaces likely essential for species survival.
and in several areas (e.g., Western Australia) the inhibitory The rapid increase and spread of antibiotic-resistant
pseudoalteromonads were never isolated from parallel bacteria has caused a revival of research aimed at
water samples, indicating a preference of these organisms identifying and developing novel antibacterial compounds.
for colonization of surfaces. Some strains produced This has led to a renewed interest in natural product
antibacterial compounds in liquid culture and some com- discovery, and the marine environment represents an
pounds were only detectable after extraction in ethylacetate. underexplored and exciting global niche of novel bioactive
This indicates that a variety of chemical bioactive com- compounds. While several studies have demonstrated that
pounds are present in our strain collection. marine bacteria are a promising source of bioactive
The Roseobacter clade is one of the most common compounds (Burgess et al. 1999; Debnath et al. 2007; Lee
marine bacterioplankton groups constituting as much as et al. 2007), our study represents the first study to elucidate
10–30% of prokaryotic DNA in some niches (Buchan et al. this potential on a global scale. We identified several groups
2005), and our study is the first to demonstrate that readily of highly bioactive bacteria and demonstrated that, while
culturable species are found globally. The clade is geo- antibacterial marine bacteria occur in all marine niches
graphically widely distributed; however, some species or investigated in this study, there appears to be a global
sub-groups appear to be restricted to, e.g., temperate or sectioning or niche specificity for particular species. Our
polar regions (Bruhn et al. 2005; Pommier et al. 2005; Selje strain collection represents a major resource for biopro-
et al. 2004; Yan et al. 2002). We almost exclusively isolated specting and development of marine biotechnology. Further
R. mobilis/pelagia within the Roseobacter clade, and except studies of the bioactivities of these organisms may give rise
for the Arctic and Antarctic waters, they were found at all to structurally novel antibacterial compounds or known
parts of the route indicating an almost cosmopolitan compounds with yet to be discovered biological effects.
distribution. We wondered if our Ruegeria strains were Also, the collection will allow us to address issues of
450 Mar Biotechnol (2010) 12:439–451

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Acknowledgments The Carlsberg Foundation and the Danish products research. J Biotechnol 70:27–32
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Food, Health and Welfare under the Danish Strategic Research Castro D, Pujalte MJ, Lopez-Cortes L, Garay E, Borrego JJ (2002)
Council is acknowledged. We express our thankfulness to Drs. Jørn Vibrios isolated from the cultured manila clam (Ruditapes
Smedsgaard and Kristian Fog Nielsen and technician Ellen Kirstine philippinarum): numerical taxonomy and antibacterial activities.
Lyhne for participation in and sampling done during the cruise. We J Appl Microbiol 93:438–447
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