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a. EN7RC-IV-e-2.10: Sequence/reorganize ideas or information

b. EN7LC-IV-e-2.7: Sequence a series of events mentioned in the text listened to
c. EN7VC-IV-e-15: Compare content of materials viewed to other sources of information (print and radio)
d. EN7V-IV-e-9: Give the various meanings of identified homonymous or polysemous words or expressions
e. EN7LT-IV-e-6: Discover through Philippine literature the need to work cooperatively and responsibly in today’s
global village
f. EN7LT-IV-e2.2.3: Determine tone, mood, technique, and purpose of the author
g. EN7WC-IV-e2.8.6.1: Compose a capsule biography of a person interviewed
h. EN7OL-IV-e-3.10: Use correct and appropriate multimedia resources when orally giving information,
instructions, making explanations and narrating events in personal or factual recounts
i. EN7G-IV-e-5: Use verbs when giving information and making explanations


a. Discover through Philippine literature the need to work cooperatively and responsibly in today’s global village.


a. EN7RC-IV-e-2.10: Sequence/reorganize ideas or information

b. EN7LC-IV-e-2.7: Sequence a series of events mentioned in the text listened to
c. EN7OL-IV-e-3.10: Use correct and appropriate multimedia resources when orally giving information,
instructions, making explanations and narrating events in personal or factual recounts
d. EN7G-IV-e-5: Use verbs when giving information and making explanations


a. Give the various meanings of identified homonymous or polysemous words or expressions

b. EN7VC-IV-e-15: Compare content of materials viewed to other sources of information (print and radio)
c. EN7V-IV-e-9: Give the various meanings of identified homonymous or polysemous words or expressions


Main text: A Shawl for Anita

Reference: LM 438-457

Materials: Worksheets, laptop, speaker


A. Pre- Reading (EN7V-IV-e-9)

1. Developing vocabulary and concepts

Directions- Guess the word that is being defined in each item. Match the morse code with the letters to form
the word.

A - H

B - I

C - - J ---

D - K - -

E L -

F - M--

G -- N–
O--- U -

P -- V

Q-- - W --

R - Y- --

S Z--

T –‘

1. The feeling of wanting to have what someone else has . -. ...- -.--
2. Having less than a normal amount of strength ..-. .-. .
3. Skilful and clever -.. . ..-. –
4. Any one of the thick, bony parts in the fingers -.- -. ..- -.-. -.- .-.. .
5. To make a piece of clothing from yarn or thread -.- -. ..-
6. To get with great difficulty . .-. .
7. To something as a special pleasure .. - . -.. ..- .-.. .
8. To bother or to annoy .. .-. .
9. To confine in a restricted area -.-. --- --- .--.
10. Not feeling or showing any concern about the problem of others -.-. .- .-.. .-.. --- ...

2. Activating prior knowledge/ Developing a purpose for reading

A. Motivation
 The teacher will use the concept map to sort the most common reason why siblings fight.

Why Siblings

B. During Reading
- The teacher will read aloud the story
C. Post Reading (EN7LT-IV-e2.2.3: Determine tone, mood, technique, and purpose of the author)
1. Engagement Activities I (Small Groups)
Divide the class into four groups and assign each group to do the following task:
a. Group 1: Tone
I. Directions: Identify the tone in the given passages below.
a. Mother had a soft heart – especially for Anita. Anita was the youngest and I, being the
middle child always envied her. She was sickly and Mother indulged her. My sister
whimpers never irked her. She was never so gentle with and I was so impatient and
b. Her lack of concern for our mother’s failing health was getting on my nerves.
c. My heart went out to her every time I saw her painfully knitting the needles into the yarn.
d. That was before Anita sweet talked her into knitting her shawl. I was beginning to hate
Anita for being so callous.
e. Anita touched my am and in a gentle voice she said, “I did it for Mother. That shawl is
giving her reason to live. She was wasting away, didn’t you notice? She felt so useless
because she had nothing to do, no matter small. Mother is one person who prefers to live
her life working, If she stops working, she will stop living.”

b. Group 2: Mood
II. Directions: Determine the mood in the following pictures. Then, write two words that
describe the mood in the pictures.

c. Group 3: Technique
Task 12: Text Type Application
On a graphic organizer, tell what kind of text is “A Shawl for Anita” and write its features.
Explain your claims.


What type of text?


d. Group 4: Purpose (Theme)

Task 9: Story Illustration
Examine the theme of the literary text. On a short bond paper, create an illustration of the story
“A Shawl for Anita” based on its theme. You may include all the characters in your illustration or
just focus on one central character. Think about the colors suitable for your work. Be creative and
resourceful. At the back of the paper, explain your work briefly.
2. Engagement Activities II: Discussion (Whole Class)
Activity 1: Digging Deeper into the text
With a partner, answer the following questions. Share your answers with the class.
a. Who narrates the story?
b. Who are the characters in the story?
c. Among the characters, who is frail but never stopped working?
d. What actions did the mother does?
e. Who is the child that the mother take care the most?
f. In what way that did the mother stay the same?
g. Why does Anita keep on requesting something from the mother despite her mother’s condition?
h. How did the events contribute to the development of the narrator?
i. What specific change happened to the narrator?
j. What kind of character is the narrator?

Activity 2: Task 13: Language Connections
(EN7G-IV-e-5: Use verbs when giving information and making explanations)

Topic: Verbs
Task 1: Close up
Read the following sentences lifted from the text “A Shawl for Anita”. Observe the italicized words.
1. Mother brought us up single-handedly.
2. She looked at her handwork.
3. Mother sacrificed much for us.
4. I envied Anita.
5. Anita touched my arm gently.

Pair up the students and allow them to take turns in answering questions:

 What do the italicized words have in common?

 What do you call those kinds of words?
 What do these words suggest?
 When do we use these words?

Task 2: Verbs in the Text

Re-read the text “A Shawl for Anita” and look for at least five (5) verbs. List them down in the table and use
them in your own sentences.

1. BROUGHT I brought with me my collection of fictional books when I
travelled to Morocco.

Activity 3: Introduction of the Author
(EN7WC-IV-e2.8.6.1: Compose a capsule biography of a person interviewed )
Topic: Capsule biography
The teacher will introduce the author of the story which is Lolita M. Andrada.

Dr. Lolita M. Andrada is a former Director IV of the Bureau of Secondary Education, Department
of Education. Concurrently she served as the Project Manager of the Secondary Education Development
and Improvement Project (SEDIP). She initiated the adoption of standards in the basic education
curriculum and the focus on teaching and assessing for understanding and transfer as key features of
the curriculum reform in secondary education. She chaired the modeling of the Senior High School
Task 1: of DepEd. She has published various articles in education journals and other publication. At
present, she is one of the Phoenix Publishing House Educational Foundation cnsultants.

Task 1: Inspire the next

GOAL Your task is to write a capsule biograpgy of a person who has been through several
changes and difficulties yet living a prosperous and happy life now.
ROLE Imagine that you work as a writer of an inspirational magazine.
AUIDENCE Your output will be read by people working abroad and who are experiencing
home sickness due to change of environment.
SITUATION You are in the place of the person you’ll be featuring. You will have an interview
with that influential being.
PRODUCT Your product is a capsule biography
STANDARDS Your work will be evaluated based on its content, point of view, development/
organization, language mechanic and word choice.
3. Enrichment/ Extending the literary experience

(EN7OL-IV-e-3.10: Use correct and appropriate multimedia resources when orally giving information,
instructions, making explanations and narrating events in personal or factual recounts)

Topic: Weblog

Group 1: Blog Writing

(EN7LT-IV-e-6: Discover through Philippine literature the need to work cooperatively and responsibly in today’s
global village)

Compose a write-up on how a person must be responsible and cooperative in today’s village. Your claims must
be based on facts ad must be briefly explained. Your blog must consist of an introduction, body and conclusion.
Observe correct subject-verb agreement. Post it online and see how it affect others’ people’s belief.

Group 2: Character Shirt

On a 1/4 illustration board, draw a character shirt. Use the narrator in the story “A Shawl for Aninta” as your
basis. Be creative in showing how change affects the narrator. Your work will be assessed based on its content,
graphics, neatness, and relevance to the topic.

Group 3: Call for Action

Think about the changes that are happening in our Filipino way of life. List down the traditional way of clothing,
eating, spending time with the family and a lot more whether the change is a positive or negative one. Briefly
explain whether the change is a positive or a negative one.


Group 4: Inspiring Person

Think of a person whom you have found interesting. On a visual aid, write the name of that person and give at
least five (5) reasons why you admire that person. Focus on how he or she reacts to changes in his or her life.
Express your ideas in complete sentences and highlight the action verbs. Read your composition to the class.

Group 5: Change Recipe

You have faced a number of activities regarding uncontrollable changes. As a student, how do you properly deal
with these changes? Are they helpful? Construct a five (5) step procedure on how to deal with these changes.
Observe proper subject-verb agreement and transitional devives.


4. Explicit Teaching of a Reading Comprehension Skill: Sequencing Events

Step 1: Introduction/Warm up (Integration) Science

Task 1: Present the picture of a life cycle of a fly

and let them identify the first stage of the cycle
until it became an adult fly.
Task 2: Getting to know the Sequence Events in Daily Routine
- Give students an example of a common classroom procedure, such as morning arrival or going out for
- Ask students to help you record the steps in the process.
- Record the steps on the board and explain to students that they just gave you a sequence of events of a
common daily procedure.

Step 2: Teaching/ Modelling

- Explain to students that today, they will be recounting a sequence of events from literature using a
graphic organizer. Sequence is the order in which things happen. Prompt students to think about the
importance of sequence of events in a story, and explain that, without it, a story would be very confusing
to the reader. It would feel disconnected, and the events would not make sense.
- Transitional words will be introduced as well.
- Have a recall of the story “A Shawl for Anita”. Use the Timeline Organizer worksheet to record

- Model identifying and recording the

sequence of events. Show how the text supports your answers in the graphic organizer by going back
to underline or highlight them in the story. Write numbers next to the events in the story to provide a
clear visual for students.

Step 3: Guided Practice

EN7VC-IV-e-15: Compare content of materials viewed to other sources of information (print and radio)

- Distribute a copy of the Timeline Organizer to each student. Explain to them that they will listen to a
short story entitled “The Parable of the Rainbow Color”. The students can jot notes down throughout
it if they choose.
- After the story, they will record the correct sequence of events on the graphic organizer.

Step 4: Independent Practice

EN7VC-IV-e-15: Compare content of materials viewed to other sources of information (print and radio)

- Provide a short a short story and a worksheet for each student.

- The story is entitled “The Tsunami Survivor”.
- Directions: Box the transitional words and number the events in sequence they occur.

Step 5: Application

(EN7RC-IV-e-2.10: Sequence/reorganize ideas or information)

(EN7LC-IV-e-2.7: Sequence a series of events mentioned in the text listened to)

Group the students again into four and assign each group to a certain task.

Group 1: Artist
Activity Title: Task 9: Events on a Shawl (Arts)
Draw the shawl on your notebook. On the cloth, list down the events that happened in the story. Make sure
that the sequence of events is properly arranged.

Group 2: Writer
Activity Title: Writing Coherent Essays (Integration within the Curriculum)
- Have the students write a coherent essay of the main events that happened in the story. This activity,
allows the students to use transition or signal words that indicate a sequence (first, second, last).

Group 3: Actors

Activity Title: Presenting a Skit

- Perform a short skit re-enacting the events in the story.

Group 4: Reporters

(Discover through Philippine literature the need to work cooperatively and responsibly in today’s global

- The students will discuss the events in the story and at the same time they why do we need to help
one another and be responsible in taking care of each other in a family.

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